OMAHA n f FIFTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 29 , 1885. NO. SO- ME NAVY OF THE NATION , Dicrctary Whitney's Instrnctions to the Naval Appraisement BowJ , JAPAN SCARED BY THE POWERS. ti3Cho Frco Delivery Service Dlvlillng the Hi)11.4 in Missouri Ycstcr- ilny'w Appoltilmcntfl Notes From Tlio Country's Crulficrs. UN , Sept , 23. A letter has been rent by the sceietary of the navy for" the In- lormatlon nnd guidance of Iho naxal board recently appointed to appraise the xxork and material of the uncompleted cruisers Bos ton , Atlanta and Chicago. The secretary In structs the board that''The conti act Is your only rek'ience for jcmr authority and duty. " The validity of the contiact , ho declares , Is iinu ° FaiIod and sajH unlike tlio case of tlio Dolphin there Is lieie no spccilic requirement as to speed. No suggestion or Intimation , sajs thu fcccrvlary , has ever been made by tlio dcpaitmcnl that tlio work upon tlie'o Unco ships has not been properly performed. The letter ROCS on to Bayou : are not assisting in ihocairying out of any secret compromise or arrangement between tlie parlies , the terms ofxxhfchyou are not adviu'd. " The MICIC- lary incidentally rcmaiks tlio goveinment xxlu doubtless Itnd It xvlsc locomplctulhe xes- scls xvhcre they lie , but that tills calls for no consideration from you. The duty xxhlch the contract Imposes upon tlio board is defined as being to examine the xxork and material In tlio tinco fchips and ascertain and dw line Iho fair maikctalue thereof. Including n icaMHi- nblonnd customary pintle upon so much of the xxoilc us shall liaxe been batiblactorily pei- lonncd. io far as the government is concerned Uio secretary sajs the board cantreat tlio xvoik performed and the matciial nt hand as the parts of a completul bhip , and determine tlio value , pie latlng the xxork satisfactorily com pleted xvitli the xx'ork required and a-sccrlain tliercby the 1110 rate proportion of the con- tracl ] irico thai tlio xvork reptcsenls , This mipgesllon is stated to have been concurred in by the assignees , and by the counsel for the contractor. Tlio method to be actually adopted , hoxxevcr , leinains for the boautto determine. Japan Bulldozed by tlio Poxvcrs. DWASIIINOTON , Sept. 23. Tlio Post to-day prints an intervlcxv xvith lion. John Blng- hatn , ex-United States minister , who is quot ed us saying , "I tried to aiangc a treaty of commerce betxYcen the United States and Japan seven jears ago. The trcaly was draxvn up and II was the only decent com mercial tieaty that had ever been offered to Japan. But befe-p it xyaa signed the Euro pean powers heard ot It , Germany and Eng land hcut their agents and Ihclr gunboats to Japan. The agcnta called upon the foreign minister thcio and pointing doxvn Iho haibor tlioy icmarked : "Do jou see those gunboats lying there ? Well , by all iho powers those gunboats rcinesont , wo forbid you to conclude aiiyticaly xvilh the United States ot America until treaties haxo hrst been arranged xvilh our gox-eiu- jncnt Thereafter the foreign minister called upon mo xvitli a draft of the treaty I bad pro posed , but xviUi another clause added , 'pro viding that Uiis shall not take ellect until similar treaties have been enleied into with 2urocan ] poxvers. ' I asked xx hat the mean ing pt that xv.ri and ( Jio minUitcr pointing to the Irpndads In the harbor , said hq xvas afraid to offend the Emopean powers. I steadfastly refused to join iEuiopean poxxers In their outrageous tieat- jnenl of Japan. I believed it xvoiild not be In accord xxith the policy of Washington , "Fplendship xvith all nations , entangling al liances with none , " I told to the president tlio other day tlio story I noxv tell > ou , onlv not so fully. He appioved of my conduct oil , tinough , ami Is going to continue the policy * of Ocorgo Washington. Free Delivery Service. WASHINGTON , Sept. 23. Tlio postmaster- general is about to issue an additional circu lar of Instructions to postmasters xvhero the special dollvory scivice has been established. Among other things the circular will advlso postmasters to Impress upon tlio senders of letters beat ing a special delivery stamp tlio necessity of an nccimito address , giving tlio name ot streets and number ot houses xxhcrc- tncr practicable , or failing in that icspect , an indication of the business of the pei- Hon addicbscd. This lost piecauflon .is deemed necessary In small towns whcio no system ot numbering hoiibcs jiroxTxIls , and xxheio Uierc may bo txx'o or moio individuals bearlugslinllar names. The pub lic xvill also bo icmhidcd of Iho adx'antage to ho deiix'cd irom writing requests for returns of non-dcllx'cicd matter. Presidential Po'itmnsters. WASHINGTON , Sept. 28. The president to day appointed tlio following pohtmaslcrs : Edward Van Do Ca.steelo , Dcpcre , Wis. : Mil ton 11. Wcstbrook , Lyons , loxxa , vice T. H. Beers , suspended ; E. 1C. Wagner , Shelby Vllle , vice 11. S. Webster fauspendcd. " A Pair ol' AppointincntH. WARIIINOION , Sept. 2a.-J. J. Albright , of Albany , xvho was appoint oil us a skilled la borer In tbo treasury department a few dnys ugo , at a salary of bl.OOU per annum , xxas to- aay apiiolntrd a chief of division of the sixth auditor's olllce. V. P. Snyder , chief clerk of the United States trcasuiei'H olllce , tieasury depaitment , his : been upiiolnted chief of the dlvlbion of records , mulls and lilcn , In tlie olllco of tlio eecretaiy of tlio trcasniy , and will assume his noxv duties October 1. Dividing the Spoils. WASHINGTON , Sept. 28. Senators Cock roll and Vest , and ncaily all tlio icprescnta- tlvea from Missouri , RI-O In this city. Tlio ob ject is to endeavor to secure the displacement of the Incumbents of the vailoua federal of- flvsln tlmt ftnto by democrats , Oxxing to iho failure of the members of congie.s.s liom Missouri to agree upon any one of the nu- nun n us Applicants for the Utlcralolllccs there , no chnngu have yet been nmdo In that state. The presence heioof almost the entliu dele gation In congress Is xmden > teed to bo lor tlio pmpose of coming to an agreement upon Uie alato. Tlio ollleo over xvhlch the greatest dlo- nircenieiit has exiitcd Is that of the nustcr at St. LoulH. It is said to-night , on good authority , tlmt an agicement has been readied nnd the name of William Hyde , foimcrly of tlio St. Louis JtcpubUcau , In to bo pie > ciited to the president to-morrow ns the unanimous choice or the delegation. The agieemeiit between the members ot the delegation , reached to night , Is said to bo that the city of St. Louis shall 1m given the collector , postmaster , bU.rve.yornml United State.s marshal , and Iho appraiser nnd district ottoiney blind couio 10111 outside the city. Increase In Silver Circulation. WASHINGTON , Sept. at * . Statement * prepared - pared nt the treasury depaitment shoxv that Into circula tion directly from the mints during the past txxo months Is ncaily double thoniuoimtsiml- larly Issued during a corresponding period last year. Tha Issues fiom tlio mints during the ixo k ended September 2d xxas JO,577 , us against $4&5 , & > 5 Issued dm lug a confepoiid- ing period Jast year , A Comul'a KejKirt on Cholern. WASHIKUTON , Sept 2S. A from the United States coniiil at > Ini filles ttutea Uiat whlloUic muiibcu of dcilh , friiu cholei-a has ixtmuh detreaMil at Mur--ll1 s iHidj'lVuloii sluee Augut.t i-M , Ith'i * ! ' L.I > iu " . i g in tlio diMilvt iuniiitlth' ' o I-1 * . " ' -texci ) thf i.i t nuiii-.aU 01 i . tiie o tic ! < b t icctl t o > o act ot im pnidoiico on tlio twrt of these attncked. Xt st often t .u Infection ho * hcon convojca in ciolhlnR or textile material. Tliclr eupldily leads persons to wear or sell the ganncnts of those xxho have died of the cholera , nnd they or the = e xx ho buy them sutler In consequence. It lias been made evident .that defective drainage Is tlie main cause of tlio spread of cholera and typhoid fever , nnd tlmt n diminution of tlio quantity of o/ono In the air Is followed by a greal In crease In the number of deaths from the cholera. A Batch of Indian Agents. WASHINGTON , Sept. 28. The pic ; ldcnt to day made the folloxvltifi appointments : To bo ngenls for Indians , W. L. Poxxcll , Vhgln- la , at Nenh Hay agency , Washington terri tory ; John Y. Summer ) , Missouri , at Qua- paxv agency , Indian tcrrltoiy ; M. W. Stevens Michigan , at Macklnaxv ngcncy , Michigan ; Charles lllll , Nebraska , nl Santco ngoncy In Nebraska , Vice W. II. Spaldlm : declined ; Moses Knoll , Kansas , al Sac and Fox ngency Indian territory ; 11. H. Williams , Mi-oibslppl Croxv agency In Montana ; Fletcher I. Coxv- art , Alabama , Mescalero agency In Now Mexico. Fourth Knto Postmasters. AVASHINOTOSSept. . 2s. Tlio postmastcr- Gcneral appointed thofolloxvlng postmasters : Illinols-Al Uoblnson , Peter Walker ; Me- Inia , K 1) . Simpson ; Assumption , It. W. Ciiitwoll ; Nexv Athens , Ilcmj lJuje ; Latham , . . x rnlvln. nWis onsln AtColemanNellieE.Mar hall ; M1UV jkichnrilV. , , . , UUI/KC ; Valley aursuroxo. August Hoiumcier ; rsoxv rros- pect , Ellen Michaels ; ICnapp , P. L. Decker ; Scott. (1. ( A. I-eyk-r ; Pulelter , Itasmus John son ; Thornsvilk ! , Adolph Xlmmurmanijtttle ; Chute , .losoph hcn c. Iowa AtTs'ashville , J. It. Halley : Olln , W. A. Miller : ( iiand Mound , Win. ritzgenxld ; Ely , F. J. WnitCbbeck. The Political Ao Came Doxvn. WASHINGTON , Sept. JW. CapLtln Sherman A. Johnson , chief ot the dlxbion of rccoids , tiles and mail , ticasury depaitment , has , at the iiHiusstuf Secretary Winning , tendcicd his resignation to tal e elleet Senlember ! W. It xxas accept'it to-dnx' . Captain Johnson xvasappo nteil = fr m Ohio in UC9 anil has been eoiiitantly m sol-vice ever since. Thcie mo no charges against him. Ills successor h .s been selected and will bo appointed in a low dnys. the Coin. WASHINGTON , Sept. US. Tlio xvork ot un- loidlng the silver coin off the United States steamcrs-Yantic nnd , began thib morning. Tlio sllx-cr is delivered at tlio xvharves to agents of the Adam's expie.- company , xvho liax'o charge of all arrange ments tor its removal to the United States tieasury , whcio It is stored in a laigo silver xauil receully constructed. It Is ctpectul thai it xvill take about ten days lo remove the cargo of both vessels. Tlio Settlers Obeying the Order. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2.3. Agent Gossman , telegraphed Commissioner AUcins that ho hasuotllied cvcrj' settler on the Croxv creek rcserx-ation to quit in accordance with the terms of Uie piesidcnt's ptoclamatiou , and oxprofiaos the belief that they xvill obey the notice. The commissioner declares that Iho ecltJers nnibt leax'o Uio icservalion ex'eti it it requires the whole force ot the military to accomplish the removal. Waifs From Washington. WASHINGTON. Sept 23. The postmaster general tendered a decision that .salaries of postal employes cannot ho attached for debt. The pobtinastcr geiioml to-day rcnioxedT. 15. Croncio and E. T. Spo'oiicr , employes at tbo postal card agency , CasileUm , N. Y. , und ajinolnled J. W7 McICnight nnd James Pur- cc.fl to 1111 Uio vacancies. ( icn. Ha7en , chiet tilgnal ofticcr , has sailed from Liverpool for home , and is expected ill tlie signal oftlco before the end of the picsent week. _ Milton Snyler. Now York World : A tall , ciegnificd looking man xvalked into tlie lobby of the St. James last evening and stopped a mo ment at the noxx's-slixnd. Halt n dozen gentlemen stood near by conversing. Said ono : "I xvill buy cigara for the par ty if any one. will toll mo xvho that man is. " The offer was not taken up. The gonlloman in question was "Milt" Saylor of Ohio , xvho a foxv years ago xvas speak er of llie house of ropresenlatix-es , bolding - ing tlio position next to the president in point of poxvor. Such is fame ! Mr. Say lor has short-cropped grayxvliiskors , thin face , high forehead , gray eyes and a very gracious manner. Ho still adheres to tins congressional black , but said ihut he xvas altogether out of politics. Fixed Up a Ticket. AnnnnnnN , Dak. , Sept. 23. About forty represcntatix'o republicans from all sections of the territory held a meeting at Mitchell , Dak. , Saturday. Full congiessloiml and state tickets for south Dakota weio agreed upon , and the members pledged lo sccuio their nomination at u convention to bo called by tlic icpublican tcriitorial committee , xxhica meets ut Huron to-morroxx' . Among tlie nom inations agieed upon xvero tlio lolloxvlug : United States senators , J. A.Plckler.of Faulk county and W. W. Urooklngs , of Mlnnchaha ; members of congress , John BInckcmoro , of Hyde , and V. P. Kennedy , of Hnnxn : lor govoinor , J. H. Klnc , of Chamberlain ; lieu tenant governor , John P. ( Jieunan , of Yank- ton. _ _ Convention Preparations. , BOSTON , Sept. 2t ) . A delegation from the icpubllcau stale hcailquaitors left hero this morning for Springfield to arrange the local preliminaries lor the blnto convention Wed nesday. Tlio ticket of last year xvill doubt less bo accepted , xvith the exception of A. W. Heard , In place of State Treasurer Qlcason. It is not expected that any attack xxlll bo madaupon the mugxx-unips , xxho xvill bo rop- mscnlcd by Hichard If. Dana and Kogcr Wolcott. llallroads. CHICAGO , Sept. 28. At a meeting to-day of the Chicago committee on eastbound trafllc rntis on grain and provisions , rates to Ncxv York xveio advanced to 20. and 2.r cents , re spectively. This advanuo lud been virtually decided upon 1or some time and xvill go Into effect Orlobcr 1. BAI.TIMOIIH , Sept , 23 , Humois of nn nr- ruimcimmt iMilxxeeu the Pennsylx'anlu and lialilmorn A Ohio lailroads. by which the lat ter will stop ils now mad M Philadelphia , nro dlHcicdltvd by Uio lialtimoie & Ohio oniclals. Sr. Louis , Sept 2S , It Is understood limt Ceo. Olds , goneial tialllc manngcrof the Mis- bouri Pncuio railxx'ay , xvill January 1 accept a position on the Canudlan Pacific. 12 , P. lllpley , general trelghl agent of thn Chicago , liurllngtonAQiiIiiey , is mentioned as likely to nil thu vacancy thus created. lloasou Tor Congratulation. Santa I'o Leader : Santa Fo is getting on nicely. Every man has. his oxvn xyifo , and Uio season of elopement is virtually over , Old ttugs tire holding doxvn tlieir cud of tlio lo * ; , und the gny and buxom mo atloat. Picnic parties up the canyon uro all the rage. Tha heated term U nearly over , ( lardcn sass is plenty , nnd thousands bask in the sunlight of pros perity. We ought lo bo as happy as kit tens , Wo return thanks. * Their Annual Ilunil Shako. Huioiu.NOTON , 111. , Sept. 28.-NA formal an nouncement xvas made to-day of the annual reunion of cx-inlaonersof xvar to bo held In Dlooinlngiou October 21 and 23. Every ex- prisoner xvho cpmea xvill b the guest of Uio people ot lilaomlugton , and bo provided with lodging and board and entertained during his slay. All communications relative to the 10- nni * h > l be addrosed to Ivory 11. Pike or Lexrid . ijai i . Ijloviulngtoii. A CROWD OF CRAZY CANUCKS Eowling Anti-Vaccination Mob Let Loose in the Oity of Montreal. THE POLICE WERE POWERLESS. Smnshliig WlndoxvB In Public Ifcnlth IiiRt lint Ions niul City llulldliiKs The Opponents > P Vacclnntloit linn Thln a Their Oxvn AVay. A Iliot In jMotitrcnl. MONTH KAI. , Sept , ! J8. In cousocnicnco of the inauguration of compulsory vaccination to-day , n hoxxllni ; mob this ovcnliifr surround ed tlie cast end branch health ofllce and com pletely xvrceked the building. The police on duty xveropoxxerless and the mob gnthcilng strength from this marched upon the central oDIco In the city hall. By this tltrie , however , .11 lot alarm had been sounded and a stiong foico of constables weie gathered together Inside , but hnving no ono to command them \xeiedilxenoutottlioxxay llkohhcep by tlio mob. After the poimlace smoslied the ecu- tral otlleo they turned their attention to the pollco station. Kex'olx'er shots xx ei o ficely lired at the police to scare ? tiKin. The police tiled over their he.uls only to bo leeched xsith jceis nnd laughter. Things now looked so had the pollco xveie aimed \\illi rille-s and fixed bayonets. The constables quickly clmtgcd the mob , dubbin ; ; theenn\d n lit and luiinnd succeeded In dis- perslng them , but not before they mid xrrceked the greater pitillon of the court house xxlndoxxshieh are ojiposite tlie city hall. Thu mob buiku iiji into dif- tcivnt bodies mid proceeded to xvrwk the xvindowH of tlio Herald olliee and the xvln- dow.s of the lu'.ilth olilcer , chaliman of the finance eommittet ) and public v\fcina- tois. A number ot an eats wore made. Tlio city is in grtat excitement. Jt is thought the liotxt'ill bo continued to-morrow nL'hU The police xx ill patrol around public buildings all night , xxhilo themllitaiy xxill to-morrow bo held In icadincbs to quickly attend any tu- niolt. _ _ A ' AIH.VRTOK , Ara. , Sept. 2S. Judge Ceo. W. AViud , editor of tlio Eiaminer and Comniou- wx'alth , attorney for Washington county , while about to enter the Colorado hotel yes terday afternoon , xvas firpd upon by Dr. W. Jr. WliUe , Independent candidate for state senator , who bad been concealed in a store loom nearly opposite the hotel. White stepped out of tlio door and discharged one ban-el of his .shotgun loaded xvilli buclcsJiot at Ward , Avho fell face foremost , but recovered to his knees , drexv a ic- volver and iircd three fchoh at a young leUtixe ol White's , xvho xvas acios.s tlie stieet and xx horn Ward thought had tiled the shot at him. White had stepped Inside the stole , but hearing the filing came out ag.iin and tired a second barrel at Waul , xxho fell a wxiond time. While hoxras lying on the ground , txvo ot Wlnte'fc mlatives xvulkedupaud lired hPX'on -shots at Waid , all of winch took effect. Ward is in a xcry critical condition and It Is thought he cannot live. Dr. White and his t\xo iclatives h.ivo been arrested and xvero bailed out In Die sum ot Sr.OOO each. Great excitement prevails , but no tear of further violence is entertained. A Voice From the Tombs. Nr.xv YORK , Sept 23. The Tribune this moming prinU an intenicxv xvilh Ferdinand Ward in xvhicli he sUlw tlut the position ho occupies is not known. He says tlio facts ot which the public has ncx-cr l > een informed , AX ould clear him of all suspicion of fraud in connection with the business of Grant iVs Waid. He stales it Is not his f.udt that the statement lias never been made and intimates that It had bOen withheld by those xxhohave nnlaxviul and usurious claims against the nrm. In conclusion he says : ' -lien. Grant kncxv nothiiig about tlie busidcos of ( irant & Wanl. If I could liax-o gone nnd seen him aflcr the failure and explained to him from the books tlio nature ot many transactions , ho would , 1 think , have been satisfied , and would not have leeouled nn unfavorable opinion ot me that lo | did. But he , likeoveiy 0119 e-Lve , has blamed me for things that I never did. Light xvill , hoxxcvrr , ho tlnoxvn unon my traiibactions sooner or latci , and strange things xxlll bo clejiicd up. " Arrested on a Serious Oluiro. OSIIKOSII , Wis. , Sept. 28. John Kenvln , deputy city clerk of Neenah , Wis. , xvas to-day committed hero lortrial upon serious charges. Miss ChrislliioLaGrange , residing at Nccnah , suicided bypolbon. Before death she stated that Kei win nad outraged her coming from n dance. Kcrxxln xvas lonnd Saturday night and brought here for sate keeping. To-day a Nucnnh justice nrilxcd in Oshk-osh to hold an e\amlnatlon , n.s it xxas feared to take Kerwin to Ncennli. the brothera of the cirl having re- .solxed to shoot him on sight. Kcrxvin xvnivcd examination and xvas held in default of SOtWO bull. A Heavy Defalcation. BOSTON , Sept. 28. It is stated the bank examiner , xxho has been investigating the aflalis of tlie Frnminghnm sax ings bank , xxhose cashier , C. T. Adams , committed suicide last August , has di coveicd that Adums xvas a dctaulter to the amount of Sv.k.S,000. ! Adams' deatli xvas Midden and un explained at the time nmnhough there were. suspicions of Irregularities , no sueh extensive defalcation was looked for. The hank ox- iiiulner applied for an Injunction lestiatnlng thu liom doing buMncbS until 1U nllali.s can be btralghtcncd out. Church Dcdtcntlon Old Settlers' Tlo- iiiilon , ICr.oKinc , loxx-a , Sept 88. Tlio ncxv St. Petci's Catholic chinch , oneot tholaigestand liuest In the state , xvas dedicated xvllh 1m- prcsslxo ceremonies jcslciday. The chinch xvas eiecii d al a cost of 250,000 , and xvas com menced In 1KS1. The trl-htato old settlers' reunion occurs In this rlty Wednesday , ( ioveuior.i Sheniian. Oglesby , Jluorlioad and oilier nol.Uilcs will bupiOMinton the occasion and deliver ad ; lllCbSC.4. Ilnllxvuy Troubles in Crrv or MKXICO , ( via Galveston ) , Sept. 28. It Is noxv six days since there has been mull and passenger communication by rail xx lib tlie United Slated. Attain that pulled out from hero Saturday nip-lit could get no further than Sail Juan del lllo , and a train xvhicli should him * readied hero last Tuesday only KOI as far as Silas , whcio it xvas com pelled to stem on account of teiiowed xvash- outs at Uhlnlepcc , tibox-a Qacrla. It Is hojied to get the liack In condition and bring tlie train In hero to monoxv xxith all dclajed p.n- bengers and imilN. DlncI of Qmall POT. NIU.IGII , Neb. , Sept. 1W. [ Special to the DKIC. ] Txvo deaths fjom small pox occuned yesterday on The Wllloxv , eight miles north of. Ncligli. ilrs. AVnalibuin Katon died Sun day moriilng at 2 o'clock , und if rs. William Potter nt 10 p. in. tlie same day. Mrs. Potter Is u sister of .Mrs. W. A. Simmon : ) , of Ncllxh. There Is one case nol expected lo llvoHt tins xvrlting. The ieJt are all doing well , and seven cases tire now on hand. Dr , J/c.-u/v' . of NcJIgh , is attending them. An Outrn e on the Sr. Loi'18 , Sept , us. The colored Dajitist general association , vrhldih a been in be.s- slon licro nearly a week pn&t , closed Its work to-day and adjourned. Among other pro ceedings Unlay they adopted le-iolutlous charcing Urat in some jwistoAlc * In thex the Wcfilcru Baptist lleralil , pub'lshetl Kcokuk , Is throxvn Jnlo Uio wosto basket p d Is not delivered to Mib ciiirn * . A comnilltcO WAS ftppmhtcd to lux'csii- gate the matter and tf nccc.s nry communl- cato xvltli the jiosuhaster general on the subject , _ TJio Itoiuncllnn AlTnlr. LONDON , Sept. 2i Hlsmarck being op posed to a formal conference ot the poxvers on the lloumellan ciucstlon , Loril Salisbury has agreed that the kcopo of the proposed meeting of ambassadors nt Constantinople be limited lo nn exchange of vlexvs on the question at Issue , xvllhout any formal voting and xvlthoul thedraxvlmr out ot any protocols. Salisbury has Instructed the llritNli ministers at Bel grade , Uuchanisl nnd Athens to urge the gox-- tirnments to xvhicli they nro accredited to re frain from action in connection xuth tlie Itotimcllan levolutlon. Wadding ton , in an Intcrxicw xxlth SalUbiuy tinday , said the French foreign minister xxould co-operate In limiting tliaiuvolutiiin to Koiunell.i. Piiii.iiri'oi' Sept , 1W. Prlnco Alex ander ordeied the clx il aud military million * lies on the lionllcr of ISuluaii.i and Macedo nia to maintain order In tlieir rcspcctlx'ti dis tricts. The populace on both sides of the Ilalknns are verv cnthu lastlc over tlic nnion belxxien Hulgnrlnnnd Itotunclla. A num ber of men It.ixeoCleied to enter Iho volunteer sei x Ice In suppoi lot Ihc union. The ladles are Conning a red cioss society and me mak ing preparations for tlie care of the sick and \xnunded In cxviil of xvar. IhU.ciKADi : , Sept. 8A The military author ities hnx'o taken possession of the rniixv.iys thioughoul Sen In , und ordinary travel has bren slopped. In addition to the rewrx'cs , 00,000 l.indxvehr have been called for actlxe fctrviec. The Km-opcni ! llnpiio. ; KOMI : , Sept. 2 > ' , The icpoitd received to day indlcato that the eholer.v is tuorea ! > lng In this city. King Humbert pioposes to visit the Infeetiil districts thcic. MADUIU , Sept. ! * . There xxeio MO ncxv ca cu of cholera aud 203 deaths fiom the dis ease repoiU'd yesterday throughout Spain. The cholera Is spreading throughout the Alp1' mountains in s-outlicastcrn departincnLs ol France. Tins municipal njithnrillea ot Madrid ex- tendrd tin- tight of wilTrajre to xx-omcn. lloxB ( , SepLas. Km # Humbert has aban doned his intention ( iff visiting tlio cholera infected city ot P.iIenuA. and lias int > t id do nated SJS.OOO toxxaul riilicving the Mitteicia there. ' AHattle Itu-.nliiciit. CAIUO , Sept. S3. The , Abysninian cxpwli- tion under Aloula , adx'Sneini ; to the relief of ' the garrison at Kassalais , meeting xvitJi opposition from the Arnbs , xvho hnx-o boon messed in sufllcient nfmibcrs to attempt to bar its further progrds. The lateht report fioiutho exiKxliUon W Uist U.OOOAmbs oc cupy a fortilied positionIrom xvhlch Uicy will linx e to be drixen bcford further aclx'.ineu cum bo made , and tlut u. bmle Is imminent , as the Abyssinian general te-determined io ai - complish tlieiehef ot'thcplrrison for which he id to ba paid a lai smn'ot ! money. AiTCSteil unil JilbcratcU. PAIUS , Sept. sa A despatch to Uie Tempo fiom Aden hays thrf Uiitish vice consul at i'eileh causctl the arrest ofAbu Baker Pasha on tlic charge of treachcuy in conniving at tlie French occupation of Awbabo. The commander of the Ifrench gunboat Meteor demanded Uie relcari > ofPdsha , on tlie ground that he xvas under FfViictrjQotceUon , and ho was accoidingly liberated : . A , British man- of-war ha.s IKOU orderedlo JJeilch. No Cabinet 5It5otl s Yesterday. Loxuoy , Sept. atW-Tho cabinet council xvhiuli was to havcficcc. l.idd to-d.iy lias"bcen poslponcd for a weejr , Tno Times , In a leading editorial , ; ic r * ts the iiostponcinont as it considers tiat ! the condition of Ireland loqnlnvi Immrdiivta'AtU'titKiu. 'Llm columns of the Timcrt UMay rAittiJn > aany letters on Iiisii matlcii-s , tn'eludinsrone. from a lieutenant ot an 1 1 ish county giving piUable dctatld of bo . ' ) cottlng. _ _ The Porto Alarmed. nCONSTANTI.VOI'LI ! , Sept. 28. TllO JJOltC llrt-j become alarmed at persistent reports to tlio efiect that nn Italian expedition was being fitted out for the purnofo of seizin c Tiipoli. and bos ordered reiniorfcmenls to be sent ut once. The btrengtli of the Tutkish lioops in Tilpoll is to bo raised to 15.WX ) , and great energy Is to bo dlspkixoa in nutting the iuita theie In belter condltloh lei deluiue. The Gonpstn-Vietorlotis. Nnxv Yoniv , Se ] > L W. The Capa May chal lenge cup xvill go to England as one of the Uencstn'f ? pr'ues , she ha' ' . Ing won her last and easiest victory hvbcatliU her foimor compet itor , tlie Dauntless , in ii race fiom Sandy Hook lightship urouml Cane Jlay lightship andielurii. The ( IcnLijLi had the lead nt tlio start and kept it throughout tlio race. Skipped Witlj the Fundu. DUIII.IN , Sept. 28. The financier reported Friday last to bo a defaulter and absconder is Thomas Strickland , manager In Ireland for the West of England Fire and Assurance company. Jluhas-yriltten to fi lends saying lie has been ruined i > y heavy losses on the stock exchange and tlmt ho xvill not return lo lieluud.'t Ho Spoico hy the Card. L6NDOX , Sept. 28. Lord llof-ebcrry , in n speech at Heigato thltf evening , said that in mid It ion-to tlie liberal programme xvas in- eluded uc < iuKHIon anij colonial federation. Ko--eberry thus , undoqhtedly with the sanc tion of ( Hailstone , recognizes and adopts the salient fcaUnes oD Clrmibcrlnln's piognuame. oi Crcntrla ( Illot. AitSTisnuAM , Sept. is. The confirmation of the hontcnco rcccntlj | passed upon Socialist Van Ommcren created n riot here lo-day , during xx hlcii a mnnbeij of persons xvere. moio or ICM seriously Injmvd. Only fourancita luixo been made io far. i i Driblets. ON , Sept , 2i The Uilrd and lastof tlio bciles of laces l > etxxcen Ocorgo and dim- mlngs xvas run to-day , i dimming ? won. Dis tance ten miles. it , Aiming to IJrjjuk Them Up. IlAniiisiiuiia , Pn.j Sept. 28. The nltonioy general to-day proceeded , against nearly a score of mutual Insuianco companies in this state to show cause xvh'y tliclr business should not be susjHinded. Theynera all proceeded against in lbii ! , but bail llui proceedings btop- pcd on account of a claim that they -veio complying xxlth the law. * It is now tlio inten tion ot the attorney general to break up all of them. A Petrlllod Woman's Jaw Xext , Nuxv York Graphic ; "A petrified mule hoof has boon found' in Pennsylvania , Thin surprises ns. Wj "had no idea a mule could keep HV hoof btill long enough for that , ' ' ' And JIo'H Apt ( O IJBK the Car , Too. Detroit Free Press ; The statesman wlio so far forgets himself as to run after n street ear .sullcrn a fall in public esti mation xvhicli twenty-five year * of pen- uuce xvill not repair , > Will l > o Ljrnolieil If GUAM ) 1'omcs , Dak. , Sept. 28. John HuUihiUhon , uuly Sunday moinltig , mur dered I < ockie ifcL.c.11) , in Ea-st Ciuiiid Forks. I'artleo are awircliiue for the murderer xvlth tlio Intention ot lynching him it caught. Cuban lufurgcuU. Shut. NBXV YOKK , Sept. 28 , Jliguel ynnirr. Ounncs , consul general cf Sp In , rec-eiveil n illiquid ! to-day , clatinp thut LMU IMUO and tient'iT.l ( ioiu-ilOH , txxo CiUiau kwli M I nrt i shot In auibiislt by (1PACUES ( ON THE WAR PATH , Additional Details of the Massacre of Americans at Sonora , A PLUCKY WOMAN'S FIGHT. The ncmnrknblo Escnuo of T\vo "Whites li'roni tlic Mnrniullnr Hnnit Attacked hy Sixty of iho Uostllcn They I'scnpe. The Imlltui Mnssncrc. To.MiisioNK , Arizona , Sept. i7. ! [ Ch'caso Tiiuos special. ] P. (1. Hatcher arrhcd liom Sononi at a lalo hour last night , The follow ing additional details of the mnssxcro of the Americans by hostile Indians ate given by him. Mr. Hatcher Is the owner of what is known an the American i audio , near Naeasori , Sonorn. On the 1Mb lust. Indians jumped the ranchc and ran off all the hor-es. Hatcher followed , and while In pursuit cn- counteied the suivlvois , with a detachment of Lieut , Davis. The stoiy as told by JIcDer- mott , who was not killed as picvioiibly re ported , Is as follows : A paity consisting of Messrs. JfcDcrmott , Hhiltlson , ( iandicw , a German named Trcd , and Mrs. Hello Ua\is left Naeasoii the 16th lust. They vereall mouitcd ] on ildlng ani mals , and wcixs well armed , mid the outfit , which was a good one , was packed on buiros. The country thiough which they had to pa s wan \ery lough , and they had made about twenty-lhe miles when , about a o'clock in the afternoon of the 17th , they were suddenly attacked by about thirty Indians In ambush. AB fcoou na the lirlng began Jfattibon and the rSennan turned and ran. A bullet from the Indians knocked the cartridge bolt clear off the Geiman , leaving him with but one cait- ridgo. Mrs. Ia\is xvas mounted on a horse nnd r.i'uicd with a double-barrelled hhot-gun. Quickly dliinountinghho lired the shut-gun at an IinliiUi who was near her. AltJie. rcjiort of lier gun her horse stalled to run liout her , but she was quick enough to vnatcii a sack of am munition from the saddle before thcanimal gel away. She lirui n couple of Miota , when she notk-cd McDcrmolt lighting from n cly ex- jKs ) > eil position. She orderctlhini back where ho liad some cover , and tlio light went on. AYhcn ( tandrcxv feu < > he wnttohlin and sc- cured his ritlc and belt of munition. 15y this time tlio Indians were pressing them so closely that the plucky twain were obligwl to rcticat. This they did in good order , nnally succeeding in gaining the brush. The Indians then juocceded to loot the pack-train , killed live burros and one horao , and took such of tlio provisions anil goods a-s they desired. From concealment McDcnnott had nt one time the drop on two Indians , but ilrs. Davis said they were out of tlio light , and 11 they could escape with their lives they had butter do bo than attempt to clean out a baUh of lifty or blxty hobtiles , so McDeimott did not iire. As soon cs night caiuc the two fought to escape. Being unfamiliar with the country they wandered aimlessly till morning and part of the lollowlnt * clay , when , foilunately. they met "Davis' detachment ot United States tioop.swho had ninety regulars and tifty-lwo Indian scouts. Ofllcers cared lor tlie fugi tives and procecdcd'to ( lie rccno of ambush , where the remains of Oandrcw were fountl. Afli r uurying the remains Lieut. Davis tcok the trail and pursued the murderous hostileu , while Mri . Davis and ifcJJerniott were sfairtcil backrfoward Nacnsori untter R small corf , " This paity had not tmrel d far wlien tlioy meta party ot citizens with u escort ol' llfly Ltcxican tioopson tlie way to the scone of the light to bury , as they supposed , the ic- tualna ol Sirs. Davis CJandrcw , and > IcDer- mott Mattison had made his way to Nacas- orjand n ported Uio Tight and the killing of the paitics above mentioned , which report lonuud the basis of yesleiday's Hatcher is a well-known I'aciliu coast cattle man , and the foregoing details may be relied upon implicity. Hcnvy Attachments. BOSTON , Sept. 28. On Saturday attach ments to tlie amount of 500,000 was granted by Judges IJarrctt anil Donahue , of New York , against Jordan , Mnr = h & Co. , of this cltv , in behall of cei tain cloak manufacturers , audit is said that other attachments ot the name sort are to bo placed. Mr. Jordan says In le'ation to this that the claims by tlicbo paitics amount to between S17..0i)0 ) nnd bCCO.OOO , and Hint they will contest them , und if the couit decides against the nrm the claims will bo paid. Sir. Jordan thinks tlie affair a conspiracy ngaiiut them , concocted through the niulium OL one of their employes. Opposing Sunday rtiiplcl Delivery. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 38. The Ministerial union , of Philadelphia , to-day passed a reso lution protesting against tlio action of the postmattcr general in ordcrlnc letters to bo delivered on Sunday , under the immediate delivery system , as an infraction of the Sab bath not contemplated In the act under which tlie system is being organized , and appoint ing a committee to call on the piesldenl nnd pobtma&teijgcutiral In relation to tlio matter. Twenty-four llour to Iieavc. SKATTLH , W. T. , Sept , 23. A wimp of Chinamen at Newcastle coal mines was vib- Ited last night by n masked mob , who , after Borne parley , agiccd to ( jlvo the Chinamen twenty-four hours to leave thn camp , threat ening to riddle with bullets all found at the end of that time. A special train has just started for Newcastle to orlng tlio Chinamen down to tills city. 7'fuat 8un cr for Ilia Crime. CLEVELAND , O. , Sept. 28. Lev/Is Webster , charged with killing Farmer Jiariingfon and maiming Jfrs. Hairlngton , was to-day , after a brconil trial lasting twenty days , ngalu convicted of murder in tlio llrst degict1. 'Hie case has attracted much attention thtoughuut Ohloand has been u bcnsation lor weeks. A Now Trial Granted. IxniANAi'OLiBi Sept , 23. In the case of Nccdham vs. John C. New and John C. Wright , n sull charging fraud lu tlio sale of stock of the old First National bank , nnd In xvhicli the Jury gave a special veidlct of fc54- 700 damages , Judge Wnlktr.of the supreme court , to-day granted the defendants a new trial , deolniliu ; the verdict t-iitliely uu- xvarranted. Providing Aniunt | Siuull-pox.Q DULUTH , Minn. , Sept. 2S. Tlio nicmbcra of the state board of hcallh are In ( ho city for the purpose of taking precautionary measures against the Introduction of small-pox by ves- Fl3 ) arriving fiom Canadian ports. All lum bermen intending to work in the plucrius tills winter must be vaccinated before going into the woods. The Woathcr. WASHINGTON , Sept.4. . Upper Mississippi x alloy : Occasional rain , variable winds be coming northerly In northern portion , lower temperature in northern portion , nnd higher temi > eraturc , Missouri valley : Fair weather , northerly winds , lower U'liiiieraturo with cool ave lu the noithern portion and Dakota. o Rnrmuii fines for Llhol. "HARiroitD , Conn. , Sept. 28. P. T. Uar- num has brought full for 350,000 damages against tha Globe for publishing a statement to tlie general c-lfoct that the elephant Jumbo w as fatally ill , aud that llarnum. for lulviu- tihliiK Jiurposcj , connived with having hiui kitlc/t by a rallioad engine. The Bunlrcre1 llnvhooiic. HiN.s'UArous , Sept. 83. The Ameilcan banku's association xvere Informally tntcr- taliitu hero to-day by lu lofaiKinVo 'rim * wore drlveh about tlio city , bnnquctted find paid a visit to Lake at i. . . ' 'l ' a lids afto- Jioon. This cvcnliiff most of the party went to Duluth , while others lumruep honuy. Inviting the President. RICHMOND , Vn. , Sept. -Mameeting of the common council tin evening n Joint rebi- lutlon was adopted luxItuig fioddontOlexc- land nnd his cabinet to xislt ItlrlimoUddnr- liig the state Inlr , wliieh beslns ll < o if.'d of Oe- tobcr. . O i. Uneasy Ahont the Dauntless. Nr.w Yoitif , Se ] > t. ! 38. At u late hour ia- night no tidings ol the yncht Dauntless liaxo reached thli city. There Is some nueaMness coming to be felt ns to her condition nnd xx hcreaboute , as Mio Is known to have lost her top mast. Flower's Plnco I-'ot Ptllcil. Niw : Yoitu , Sept. 'JS. The place mnilo X'acant hy the xxilhdiawal ot Kosxvcll 1 * . Flower , on tlio stale democratle ticket , was mil tilled by the state committee to-night. The matter is deferred until noon to-morrow. ( ! ov. Slocmii Is said to be the choice of Uov. Hill and a majoiity of the committee. A Plcdcc to Pnrncll. NnwYoiiK , Sept..vs. At n meeting last cscnlng of the Eighth waidUianehof the liUli National League , n cablegram was sent toChnile.sStewnH I'ainell , alDublln , pledg ing S1OJO for the parliamentary fund. A Kntnt Fall. LonAXsrour , Ind. , Sept , 28. John Uros- ler and Heniy Davis , biicklayci > , cmplojcil on the new Insane asylum , weio latally in- Itiied to-day by tallim ; thlity-llxo lecl and being bruised in the debris. Tlio AVhlsky Sinkers. I.OUISVII.M : , Ky. , Sept. ua. Tlio Kentucky DlttlHers' association met heixi to-night hut did untiling of importance except to leeom- imnd aconserx'ative policy to l > o pursued le- gaulini ; tlm production of xvhisky dining Uio coining j car. car.Base Base Hull VcMtcrdiiy. At New York Mctiopolltan 10 , St. Louis 4. Six innings ; darkness. At HrooKlyn Brooklyn S. ClnclnnatllO. At Baltimore UaltimoniS , Loulsvlllo . At Detroit Detroit 14 , Providence li. At 1'liil.utelphia Athletic 0 , Pittsburgh Tlio Cnnon'o First Lecture. lUyrpAi.o , N. Y. , Sept. 2a Canon Farrai- Icctuicd licro to-night on "Dante. " This is Farrar's first public appearance in tlio United Stat < s. lie was \\ell icceivcd by a large au dience. . Thn neat llicyclc Kccord. SPIHNOFIKIJ > , M ass. Sept. 27. Illchnrd Howell , champion bicyclist , made a half mlle in this citv tills afternoon in 1:13 : U-S , beating tlie world's iceoid for that distance by 1-585 second. SUCOKSSFUIj BUUGIiAHS. Sundiiy night , or early .yesterday niorniug , burglars cfl'cctcd an entrance into Fruchauf'c ncxvspapcr and book storcf on Farnam street Tenth nnd Klevcnth. They pried open the back oor , first hqr- inc in and breaking the lock on tlie in side. Several valuable pieces of jewelry , $10 in cash , and .about $200 worth of incoracham pipes belonging to J. P. L'ar- nsien , were stolen. Thu thieves evidently took their limo for things were ilrelly thoroughly ransacked. Tlicrc is no blue " THE tllCplAN. BAZAAlT COIIPANY. ' 1035 Farnnm St. OUR MOTTO : " "Strangers and citizens alike nro .safe with us. " OUR OllAND OPENING will take place ON THU1JSDAY , OCT. 1ST , to wliioh you are cordially invited. Wo have more millinery in our More than sill the other stores combined , and sell it at prices which cannot be met by any one. Wo cannot ihow ouc-tenlh. of our block on the first floor , so if you are not suited there ask the clerk to shoxv yon the up-stuirs stock. Wo have the only full line in tlio city of THE JERSEY HAT , so popular in tlio east , and at very loxv prices. Wo have secured the services of one of the Uest Trim mers of tlio East , to xvhom we pay tlio largo salary of ? f > per day , after hav ing puiil railroad and other expenses to this point. Ladies will bo sure to huvo Ihoir xvoi k done in tlie latest styles and satisfactory manner. Be sure you attend our GRAND OPENING ON THURSDAY NEXT. Our LOW 1'JUCE LIST is NOW READY to bo is- .sued f loin our WHOLESALE DEPART MENT. Milliners xvho are buyers xvill do well to send for the sumo , HO us to compare our prices with other houses , ' no matter xvlicro located. The Hickmnn Bazaar Company. O'Dounhoo & Sherfy Iloport Their Stock Complete. Noxv Silks in all colors. Now Velvets in all colors. NDXV Dress Goods , latest novelties. Nexv Shawls and Cloaks. Nexv Hos'mry and Underwear. Ncxv Notions and Yarns. Nnxv Linens and Domestics , Noxv ( Scuts' Furnishings , Now Household Goods. Wo do not keep any goods , the quality of which xvo cannot recommend , if you llie best value for your monoycomo and do your Irnding xvith us. O'DONAHOE & SHERFY , ICth , next to Postolliec. OPEN oar. IST. American Cafe for Ladies and Oentlo- men , 503 S. l.'lth , cornin1 Howard. Board per xx'cek 1.00 , 21 meal tickota $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. < . . . . . . Dr , Ilamilion Wurron , Eelectio Physi cian and Surgeon , 100 N , lUtli Mi cot , near Webster. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Latest novcitiua in men * goods trim mings and vclvcU ut Melunliivv 10th and Wobslor. On Uio Hut Question. Frederick , the leading hatter of Omaha and the wont for thu past llfU'on years , has this fall Mirpaascd all former nfluit togix-o hirt patrons a selcetion of all JIK- : vailing styles in the eu ; > l , from the hirg- csl stock of genU'yi > nth' $ ! nnd oiiihlren'H hats nt the very lowe-st prices. All goods made to order , Tlio clieapeit plueo in Omaha for gouts' furnishing goods is ut McInnJs As Hui- ! soy's , KJtn and Webster , M. Ilclliuan & Co , urn closing out llieir entire wholesale stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods nt Jew tlian iiuin- utnctiiier'ri Croft loans money on Diamonds and Flno xvatchos Room 4 , Withnojl block , Waniu < l To rent a hall fonv term o two year * for n beorot dooiety. 1C. , Lock Box 7U'3 , City , Union Ijiilior , Price , Shennan & Co , "a ce Pliiladelpliiu llat.s. all hand m nk < by union workmen Every hut w ? > , vntctl , Vnr Hula liv It , S S v IMOTOSY HARKS IDE SALES Natives anil Prime Qrassora the Only Grade * That Brought Good Prices , . . _ * _ TEXAS FEVER SCARE ADATED. NoClinugo toNotn In Hogs A Down- \varlc Tendency Developed lu Wheat The PrlccH all lluuml of Yesterday. Chicago Iilvo Stock Market. CHICAGO , Sept , BS. [ Special ( o the Untt.J The lecelpts of cattle to-day were 1 > ,600 , against 7,8-U last Monday. Natives Hint suited the shipping niul dressed beef tnulo x\ere ( pitckly sold out nt fully as high prices its ninny tltnu last xxeck , and In some Instances a shade higher. Low grade native steers had to compete with a big inn oC xxcstern.s nnil Texans , selling for what they would bring. . Among the lungers was a train or two of rattling good cattle , as prime grasscis as have been heio tills M-IKOH , averaging l. : 00 and Up- xxauls , und selling ulaboul as high pilecs orf for any tlnio tliH.seaMiii. To.\ans , t-o fnvan sales \\ould shoxv.xNcro elling about llio Mine an lat t week. Native cow stock and other low guides ol butchei.s' Mock was not over plenti ful , yet there all tlialhueiued to \\tuiltil. . Them Is no Imptoxemont in Iho outlook lor such and as long as tln'io la n plentiful supply ot Texau.s puces will rule low. Moat of the. dealers In stockcis and leedeis ate an ticipating a bettor this xxook. The Te\as tuver t-earo luu abated and si better feeling all mound is expected. Pi Ices at pre-sentaio veiy low. There wcio only txx fiesh lo.uis of daily cal\es at the opening anil loin or live loads In all on the A. laigo number Were shipped out on owners aiTotint on Satin day , owners pieferiing to take their chances olhoxvheie than accept of fers In tills mul > tt. to choice cows. $ 'J.WV ) .00 ; infeiior to niodiiiiii cows. jmoi to choice ) nortlicin range cattle , § 3.50@5.05 ; milch cows , per head , WKSKjO ; block culxes , per head , & < 3l& . Shipping steers , 1P.SO to 150O Ibs , W.'IOia.-i.SO ; I'ix ) to W.O Ibs , jn.OOCg5.60 : , ino to 1'JU ) Ibs , S-t.iiXtti.W ) . Sleeken * aniV fcedeis unchanged ut S'J.H3.80. ( Cows , bulls and mixed , S1.76@I.W ) . Hulk. S .OOC 4.0J. Through Texas cattle steady ; about 2W1 ( bead. averaging ( HO to 1000 Ibs. bold ut 83.00 * ffiJ. : ) lor the bulk , S2.GOa.U3 lor cows , and' ' $ .i.00@:5.7.1 : lei steers. WeMvin rangers steady ? natives and half breeds , sa.COfifia.OS ; coxvsr , $2. M@3. ; wintered Texans , SS/JS aTS. Hale.s 'iO. ) Montana , l.'B'J Ibs , 5f5.05 ; Ibs , ty.75. HOOH Uecelpts for the day , 18,000 , against 18.525 last Monday. This maikqt opeiied rather weak , xvith irregidor range of prices , and sales xvere made both higher and lower than Saturday , but In a general way them xvas little or no change. There xvero fexxer loxv priced sales , and a Icsa number sold at high prices than Sab- unlay , und most of the salesmen that had completed their puiclwscs reported their averages about the ( ,41110 as Saturday , llouirli and common. 55.BO@l.fi5 ! ; fair to good pacK- iug sorts , 53.fcO@tf.Du ; and tjie best selected , and elosoly assorted luuvy shipping sorts" , $ ! ! . ! H'J. ) < i.1) , the very best In the jarils nelllnE xvllhln Uiis i-ango. Llghtaorts sold at SiUKKfoe 4.K ! ; mixed , 5-J. . (3a ( . Packing and ship ping , aso to 'no .ibs , sJ.rAtf4.05. : Light x\eights , 130 to 170 fbs , S8.WX 'J.70 ; ISO to 310 Ibs , y > .00@1.30. Skips , j3.75t3'UO. Chicago Grain Market. CHICAOO , Sept. S3. [ Special to the BEE. ] There xvas a doxvuwaid tendency In wheat to-day , bul the market showed some stubborn- nesf > amllhcio xxras good buying on all tlio bicaks. The oulsido news xvas not of a thar.ictci to affect Uio course of values very much in cither direction , but the olfciingK xvere more liberal than usual , and with pos- bibly an inclination on the part of tlio boars lo hammer prices in llie expectation of an incrcaMi in the visible supply. Thu market dropped to a point lW@lc uudcr" the latest liguicsof Siumday , tallied and closed at about medium figures. Kecnlnts at northxx'estem points XYCTO rojiortcd to bo hugcrand tliero xx'eio predictions that offer ings fioui hands would bomouj liberal In , Iho , next lexv xxeeks. Cable advic/f.t quoted : ' him loiclgn maikcts , xvilh no i . .clul ad-j vance , howevci , in pi Ices. The latest trad ing mice of the day xvas one cent under Sat > tiiraay. COIN : Corn XV.OK veryslc-ady and attracted little attention. Fluctuations xvero conlincct to a nanow range and piicas at the close bhoxxcd little change fiom SaUndiiy. OAT.S Theio xxas veiy Jlllle trading In eaU bul prices inlcd stcaily and u shade lirmnr. PitovisioNfi lluled quite xxeak. I'rlces for pork dropped COfitfJ c , rallied lie , and clo&cd btcady. Lard closed a 2 > lmdo miner. H Grain Statement. CHICAGO , Sept. 28 , The following flgurcH , tnlccn from an ofllcial Htatemonl of. the board of trade , to bo ported on 'Change to-inotronl bliow the amount of grain in the Unlled States and Canada on Saturday , September 'M , and amount of increase or dcciea 'e over the preceding week : Wheat , UfMA \ , 'iOC.OOI. Coin , 4,5Klm\i \ incmise , 2Mmj. , Oats , l.aiB.WO : Inen-iiho. 01.1S ) . Itye , ! ! fi ! ,4W ) ; deeiease , 40,715. liuiluy , 'JOsnH , ; inci-eaho , a3tKI. Tim amount or grain in btoio in Clilca on the date named was : Wheat . , . 13,703 , 55 Coin . , . , . 4Sy,7ia Oats . 41,4111 Hyo . . . 14TU1K Uarloy . 17fn ! ) Knvlow oftlio ICiiKllHli Murker. IjONDON , Set. | ) U8. The Hark Lune Jc - picss , In its review of the gialu tnnle , my.t : Tlio wcitther has been chiuacteii e < l by eleo trlcal ralnstorniH , and In uonm loolitU's by snow , The work of gatheilng the liuruj > t in vlilually llnibhed In Kngland and Iielimd. In Ki'otuud a laigo pioportlon of the crop IH still uneiit. Tliohoason tax on autuuln nw- ing. hales of Kngllsh wheat during thoiyeek w ere f jns , ! ) fjuarters. at ! iOs. , 10(1 , agifli Ht.77- GUI ) , at 'Wd , during the coi rcsitondln ) ; week last y r. Si-llcra f foifign wheat are liiTncr in their views. Tie demand lm not JIM- juoxed. la the olf-i'oasl market sellerH iuo llrm. Kovcntctm cargoes uiiUed. > fluo'c < u'- K0w w ere hold , lour weio xvlthdmr'n , Li ht icmnliicd , Including two of Cnlit'oi/ija. To- ilu > 'ri murkft wa.s hlow to dituppolulnient of bellers. Hour wm < itik'l. Coin lirui. Dairy Market , bept. iii Intci'-Orean'fi J I/jlii / , 111. , t > } 'Cclul : On the boaid of tiadt : today butter dwl Incd 1K ° "ver last wtek'u juices. le/ul ! / r sales weioitlVidOpiMuidH atUlo JVo , chcobc olltrcd and no regular iak'4 noted. Piitiiru Jack Md. , Sept. 'J3.- The IHo pasnt'4 their t'xuiuhuUoiiu a.'j ' i-.uli'lt. ; ItobeilShiiniion and Thoinus Kliriiltl , of liiwa ; ( ieoigo PfiKiiim , VUgln.j ; IiniiH DrIfiKb , Dakota. DUsgs Ii the falidl- dale who wiu. li.u.i-il Iliocitditba \ i w days and for wlik'ti Cadet VVyllo was d fc- A I/ovoi''s Hulcldo. Br. 1.0013 , .Sppl. 'Js. Atun Inquest ternoon on thu lemalnu of Col. V Htone , champion bKj < ! M , whidl. LSnlwoa u1ilil , It wasdneUuj'd lhat lie < n-un ! * , , < nijind i > y jirsicnie t t in