* Stock. $145.00 Sealskin Saoqiie. lcndor our price $ ls5 175.00 Sealskin Sacque. , This quality in always hold by fur houses for O'uO a clear laving of $75 ; at our 195.00 Sealskin Sacciue. , < -7 Vf " f A garment , that is worth about $275. 250.00 . Sealskin saccine. - - ' i * j f\ i Pull -15 iuo'ics long and a supcrqualily Sealskin. Wo know that this garment sells iast and west for § UUO to § 1)30 ) ; our price $250 , 1 -275.00 Sealskin Sacqne. u 40 inches long and an elegant quality Sealskin. No sealskin manufacturer would jell this for less thau § 330. " " . v > 300.00 Sealskin Sacqtie. This is one of the best Sitcqitci to be had ; certainly could not bo bought in citlr * trom Furriers for less than tfiUO.OO to SISO.OO. 375.00 Sealskin Newmarket. C3 inches long and made of the best and finest skins ; Garment ? not as good as ave been sold in Omaha for $300.00 and no furrier would sell it for less. 400.00 Sealskin Newmarket.- Gi inches long ; a perfect bean ty , rich and lustrious , this garment is sold for $600 loy cjty fur houses , Dress G-oods. L-A very choice lot of Plaids , Brocades , JJBciges , Drap d' Alma Cordeletlcs and igilk and wool mixtures , 30-inch Cash- jmeres nearly all goods that wtfrb worth | 8Co to dOc'in Smith's stock all offered at f 25c. Combination Suits j Silk and wool mixtures cither striped and plain or plain and figured , a very desir able suit worth $3.00 to $30,00 each , our I ijrico is $5,00 for the btiit. $5.00. i I English Armivies ; V t Full 43 inches wide , all staple colors , tfrom Smith's stock ; he sold for C3c ; our v price is 83c. 35c. Sicilian Cords -AND- Cut Casnmeres. , 4 inches , pure Australian Wool , all , good colors , Gurnets , Brown , Bron/o , Navy , and delicate blues and white Smith sold them for § 1.255 our price is CQo. 69c , ' Bison Camelettes 'Latest novelties 43 inches wide , goods Umt Smith just bought to soil for $1.25 ; our price will bo 75o. 75o.75o 75o - Underwear Bargains. Ladies * . Vests * * fcnd Pnnts , Heavy Merino , Silk Cat- I' ttliohrd neck , bilk bound , belling eke. Whorens "a bargain" for Me ; our price * BOn , 39c Merino Vests. And Rants. A regular 75c undorvost. Ladies will fintTitrivnrm and' heavy , besides - sides being handsomely embroidered all , round ; our price - 50cts. Merino Vests and pants at 62-o that ladies will find equal to any $1.00 vests shown at otluv stores. Our price , , ( J2Je , is a rcntaolu slaughter. 62 l-2c. Ladies scarlet vests And pants ; pure wool , cochineal dye , that cannot bq bought in America at lew than $1.00 to $1.25. Our price - 75c.v . Lambs' "Wool Scarlet vests , Very soft and very fme , made by the WINSTED HOSIERY CO. , to our"ordor. They are as soft as can bo made , are finely finished ; and hnvo al ways sold for $1.00 each. Our price $2.50. $450.00 , Sealskin Ulster , the finest gnrment that can bo produced and never sold less than $050.00 ; tills is a quality rarely mrulo ex cept to order. ft ? ' Ohild's Hayelock Gloats. With heavy capo , fttninjlUyitbat cannot bo bought cl&owhcro JxBp th'on " , § 3,50 to ? 1.00 ; nice school garment , 4-yoav fl-yonr si/o , 2.00 8-j-ear fii..e , 3.25 10-year ss/.e , 3 W. iv , 273. ' .I a as&ssisiS * „ - > , , - OiF1 THE FIRST EVER HELD IN. THE WEST. - : ' . N /MONDAY. r SEET-gs.'r : And conlimie all tlie tveeJc. Early-last-spKwi ( ; iuc selected a large quan tity of t QuLalit37- , And bad them manufactured in the hrct manner. Any attempt to describe thorn in detail bore would not convey an adequate idea of the guruicnu we offer , and both on this account and the lact ot its being the - ! Of Sealskin garments over Miouii llio ladles of Nebraska , from which they can make personal selections. Wo asl < a call if only of inspection. Kvery pureluisor has our personal guarantee as to the merits ot the garments they may buy. SELECTIONS : Can bo made now and upon the payment of 20 par cent , thq price of the gatment nt ( lie time o * purchase wo will box thrm bceuiely , lay them aside and the balance can bo paid in iiihlallments on the delivery of the garment. . , * 'S f < ySH - i JERSEY WAIST ojl lot $1.25 pleated back quality that Smith oUI IK a bargain for $1.75 nnd $2 : our 4 JERSEY WAISJSr-1 lot frl-06 elegant quality coat back and woith 2.00 cai-h ; Smith bought tliL'w , \ \ u ; thorn for $1.08. , ' 'jJJF * ' 'Wfe ' JERSEY IWrS-l lot ? 9.63 each ; Siuit ! ' . bold these for .f3.CO to .f 1. They are the bcit Iwgain In the whole .lo | a.flg. STS ? 3QI'1 ; ' HnoA * mailoj Jerseys told with Smith at $5 , t ° ( nn l 7 l'ic ! ! ' m l'nvo litcraly el - - rttfy "a't $ UW , MATT , OIIDI'R DEPARTMENT-Through this department vt > elicit jour onU n > fur Koodb or snnipks. Rcmpmbc-r WP are1 the lafgclt Prj oods. C'loak niul rn-'tt | buwi' w. Rt oChic. . . ' ( , and entirpi.tr < -i - f fm-l'on ' , Thh enormous stock inventoried nt Smith's cost almost 0123,000.00 , , nil now dcsir- able goods , gathered together in a few months , our 50,000.00 DISCOUNT To thineing people , must be evidence of our ability to soil goous'al nmoh below tic oost of other inerciiaut. , and still leave us a handsome profit , of our willingness l < di\ide this discount , there will not be a doubt in your mind if you will only do u the favor to examine our prices then you will acknowledge that , wo have done O"o. some good nnd saved you perhaps one half your bill for this fall. Wo bavc some rare bargains in "T Frcvme Boil'ff J3)'usselSiJioxJ > ifr/ Ta'pes&rys , , - and 5 jPly Ingrains , Smyrna liuys , Ladies'Newmarket Cloaks. ' Full length good materials , black 01- ' , Mown , an excellent garment , sixes SM to , --I others will ask you § 7.00 to JflO.OO for this our price is $5.00. Silk Mattelesse New market. A magnificent garment , with ornament in the back , full box pleat. Wu niilicsi- t.xtingly pronounce it equal to anyHv.C garment in America. Our price is , . $16.00. Plush Cloaks. A quality that sold last season for $50 , but wo had this lot madeto our order in the summer , and aio making it OUR LEADER fOR $38.00. Cotton Fla-nnels. ' Two etu.es double N.ippotl Twilliul back Canton Flannel , a quality that is actually worth ICc , our price ivill bo lie. 'Bleached ' Muslin , * 3c. n Two cases yard wide Bleached Muslin , for the unheard of price of 3c. Black Silk 23 inches wiilo that was a bargain in Smith's > to < jk for $1.25 wo are bulling lor 98c \ % ' Black Silk 22 inches wide tlialSinith sold for $1.75 and it wab cheap ; wo oiler a small quan tity for Brocade Velvet All thd { JQgd colors miido , Niivj" , Brown , ( laviffit , ( So. They aio nulling 78lGO clwwhorc ; our price , Blankets. 33 trnirs 10-4 White - Wool Blnnkefsfm- tim .Smith Stockr. They arc worth § 5. a pair ; our price ' , , ' ' , , l $3.75 Per Pair. These are a bargain ; mail ordersfillc. ' G-ray Blankets ; 0x7 foot ( this is an unsually large si ? ' clean , nice wool. They wme a barga. i at Smith's ' for ? s.00j oui"rice ] is $ ! ! . ! & ' $3. < L8 Per Pair. Bed Flannels. 2.1 pieces California Lamb's'AVopl SC.T lot Flannel ? , as good as can be bojijri anywhere in the country for CO ots. ; ' ouk price - Bed Spreads 87c. SOO of Smith's il,25 White Iloneycom , . Ued Spreads ' 87c. Bed Spreads 1G012-1 Honeycomb Bed Spreads thnt nro worth and Smith sold them for $1.85 ; our price 98c. Kid Gloves. J'mbroidored Blacl KJd Gloves , elegant dark colors. Tlieeu aniTworth and S told them for J.'W ; our price . 75c. G-loyes l-btittuu- rogu.'nr M glove ba ( fl't-i wl for $1.40 Per Pair. HWSj