THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1SS5-TWELVE PAGES. ABOUT THE CUT ON SUNDAY A Han Laws His Ear in a Brntal Tight J thoBettoms. PASTORS PREACHING TO PEOPLE Interesting Exorcises and Excellent Sermon nt Trinity and Other Sanctuaries. OMAHA CHAMPIONS VICTORIOUS The SI. "Too Clnli Percntcil by A Olosi Score Sports nt HnHonU'H I'nrk -Other City Noivfl. OFIKWKI > HIS MAtt OFF. Ono of the most brutal fights whlcl over occurred In this city took placoyos turd ay afternoon on Seventh street , ii front of the Datimark Ijouso. The par llclpants were John Kelly , alias Downs n well-known bully in that part of town and Chris Heed , a German. It floonv that Ih6 two men have lOtig harbored ; grudge ngainst each other , and whci they met yesterday hot words ensued Kelly nindo a pass at Rood , when tin latter gave him a shove knocking hin into a ( loop ditoh half filled with watei which runs in front of the Danmarl house. Uecd then jumped down on tot of his antagonist , and both fell into tin water , which completely covered thorn While down the iium clinched and strug gird until they were both obliged to risi to keep from being drowned. Once 01 their feist , tlio light was renewed , tin men standing up to their knees in watei nnd mud. IJy this time a largi crowd had gathered " to witnes ! the contest. Wicked blows were inter changed for a few minutes , when Kellj suddenly closed on Heed , throw his arm ; about his neck , and inserted his teeth ii his opponent's ear. Holh men struggle ! fiercely-ill each others embrace , but Hoot managed to break Kelly's hold , althougl in doing so ho lost bis car. on which Kwlh kept , a lirm hold with his li-oth. Wher bo saw bis ear was gone , Heed becami furious and swore bo would lay Kollj put. The men squared themselves and i knock-down light occurred. As they tin both of muscular build the blows they delivered livered wore not. light ones , both being knocked oil' their feet several times After the fight had continued" for nearlj : m hour , Heed hit Kelly a frightful blow in the neck , fairly paraly/.ing him. Hi foil into the water and with great dilli- culty succeeded in regaining his feet When ho arose Hood asked him if ho had bad enough , but ho was almost too weal ; to reply and simply nodded his head. The moil wore then assisted out of the ditch by bystanders. They were botli severely punished and presented a pit ! able appearance. Tlioir faces wore bruised and bleeding , their clothing torn , and their whole bodies covcnfd witli mud and slime. With the help of friends thoj were taken to Iho river bank nnd thor oughly washed and their wounds dressed after a fashion. Reed will bo disligureil for life , as the greater part of his ear waf lost in tlio water and Idth at tlio bottom of tlio ditch where the fight occurred. Both men were arrested later in the day and taken to police headquarters , Seed was released after a short confine , moht on his own rccognixanco , but Kollj was hold. It is said that the men have become reconciled and shook hands on the termination of the fight. SUNDAY SERVICES. Trinity cathedral was well filled last night , oh-liio occasion of the first appoar- tvnco lioro of the Rev. Mr. liootli , the rec tor-elect of the new All Saints church , to bo erected in West Omaha. His sermon was a powerful , eloquent exposition of the fourth verso of the twenty-eighth chapter of Mark : "For the earth bringetli forth fruit of herself : lirst the blade , then the ear , after that the full corn in the oar. " "This verso , "said the speaker , "illus trates thu growth of tlio Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is not an invisible thing , but a living , visible society , and we can witness its growth ami development. All through the gospels , Christ compares it to real substantial things , as in the parable of the tree , tlio corn , the mustard Seed. etc. "Iho Savior , when ho formed the church on earth , formed not a mere ab straction , but a real living society , not , of course , fully developed in all its parts , but ready for growth. Ho drew th'e great liucs-of tlio church , and what bo lett un done , he commissioned the apostles to do. Thus we are to believe two things that what Christ ordained is right and un changeable , and that Ids Kingdom the church on earth is of visible , tangible existence. "Tins'growth of the church is natural. It Is like the growth of seed , slow but Steady in development. " The speaker then went on to compare the growth of the small' , ' feeble oak with that of the church. " And finally the church mili tant develops into the church triumph- tint the church victorious becomes the church nt rest. " "It is to bo remembered that these re marks concerning the Kingdom of God apply particularly to the growth ot the Christian church , in early days. " The reverend gentleman then portrayed thogrowthof the early church , the martyrdom of the disciples , the warfare - faro against the apostles and their teachings. " "Tho period of the infancy of the church was the period of her martyrdom. What wonderful life there must have boon in the organization that it diil not iliol What strength that it did not fall ! Hut finally , like the sun comes from behind the clouds , so thu church emerged from the night of its martyrdom to shed glory over alt the earth , f'Tio | growth , of the church means the 'growth of the knowledge of Christ In the minds of men the development of the souls of the disciples. As tlio early church grpy\.nhd thrived under tribula tion , so-tho'soul ' every n-rows to an < > x- rrnndod life under trn h and sorrows. The soul must bo strengdumed with spir itual food. As you feed your bodies , so must you minister to your spiritual life. If you do not this , the result is moral hiii- . . eloquent exhortation to hta hearers , "How beauti ful Is this verse , thu text of my sermon , in itaVimplicwitipa to the spiritual life. The blade , that is our mortal earthly llfo , Iho car , that Is the spiritual llfo , and the full I-orii linhtreiir signifies the complete- inuijfcpftojif uiritui rboiiig. This Is the limo , wten liiiKOvor , we find the glori ous crown of oifr reward when , hand in handrwo ccp i ho hills to that homo ' 'thli thlrtl of Ms series of sermons on "Common Sense in Holigion" to a lurro nnd interested audience. The Gospel muutiug yesterday tiftor- noon in the Y. M. O. A. rooms was cent - ducted by ( it'tirga A. Joplln. The Chri&tiWcliUreh society H. . aolugatofl yontordny to ropriM < nt tht-in in t I cpiivgntion at-Hoah-i'-e this ' * * I i _ K. 'it. ' litgram , pa trn Christian church , ivturni'n Ci\ioi ) \ | Sitinil i IK-- pit yesterday , preaching to ? v Inrgo con jjrcgfillon. llof. Mr. Williams , of St. Karnnbns went Jo Lincoln ycstx-rday , nml then nrcncliMl the "Ilnrvost Homo" snrvicofl In hin b cnco Uishop Worlhlncton ofll oi.-U.orl In Uio morning at St. I5irnnlm , mill llor. Mr. Hoolh ] > rcnohcil. In tin afternoon Hev. Mr. Hrowstcr , of Haiti moro , Md. , preached tit St. llarnnbns and at Urn cathedral in Iho morning. ST. dOHKlMI VS. OMAHA. The game between the Union Paclfii and St. Joseph nines yesterday a AthleUo park was an Intensely Interest ing ono. The U. U.'s gained a long loai in the first two Innings , making five tnl lies against ono for tlio Tisltors. Aftoi that tlio game was moro exoltlng , thoSt Josupli.s allo\ring their opponents to scon hut ono moro run-in the third Inning In the Pnino Inning the visitors mndu tw ( tallies , and again in the sixth nnotlici run. The seventh and eighth iiiuinp yjehled nothing for either Hido. In tin ninth the apostles mailo tl heroio cflbrt t ( forgo nhcad. but succeeded in innklnj only ono tally , giving the game to tin Union I'acifics by a scorn of 0. The playing oii both sides was loosn am full of orrors. Walsh , for the visitors covered himself with glory by liiakiiif several beautiful assists at short. Tin score : UNION PACiriCS. 83 5 4 27 20 ' BV INNINOS. 133450788 Union r.-iclfics . : i 2 o i 0 o o o o- < St. Josephs . 102001001 , ' 8A.TUUDAY'3 OAMK. The game of Saturday afternoon re sulti'd in a score of 10 to 11 in favor ol the St. Joseph team. The defeat is tit. tributcd to the fact that Salisbury lacked his stonewall support Handle. A DAY'S Sl'OHT. The benefit given Dan J. Ross , the noted sprinter , at llascall's park yester day afternoon wis : very successful , about 1,000 people being present to witness tin ; excellent programme of sports which hail boon arranged. The day was a beautiful one , and the races were exciting and great interest was manifested in tlio re sults of the various contests. Tlio lirst thing on the programme was putting the shot , which resulted in a victory for.John Turnbull , llomor Kirk second. The KM- yard race , open to all , best three in live heats , was won by W. A. Gregg , the Iowa champion. It was a splendid raeo , the best time made being 10J seconds. J. McClary won two heats , but Gregg cap tured the other three. The special mutch race , 100 yards , was won by Homer Kirk , Charles Bloom second ; time , 11 seconds. The standing broad jump re sulted in favor of A. J. MoFarland , col ored , the distance covered being U feet , 71 inches , beating V. Gasnior by one inch. The live-mile handicap race tor a of $30 was the event of the day. Jan. J. Koss conceded a quarter-mile start to Charles Johnson , ot Kansas , and W. A. Gregg , of Iowa. Considerable money was wagered on the result , Hess being the favorite. From tliostart _ ho gradu ally closed up tho" instance between him- s"lf and his two competitors , and afti r running- three miles passed Johnson , and at throe and a half miles forged ahead of Gregg. The Iowa man made a desperate ell'ort to win , but was to much for him , winning the race in 20 minutes and 4'J seconds. Koss' backers were jubilant over his success , and everybody voted the race a fair and square contest. BADLY B11UISUD. Will Bibbs , a colored barber , was as saulted and severely pounded by a gang of toughs at the foot of Douglas street about 12:30 : The whole party had been drinking beer and having a general carousal , when for seine reason they became infuriated at Bibbs. There were eight or ton in the party and they succeeded in pretty thoroughly using up tlio colored man. JIo , however , made a break and ran up the street , the others following him until they mot the watch man at the lumber yards. ! > ibbs called for help and the watchman drew his re volver and ordered the men back. They didn't wait for further commands , but scattered quickly and ran in different di rections. One of the gang was caught by a policeman and taken to headquarters. The rest of them are known and war rants will probably bo issued for their ar rest. _ _ J1K WANTS TO GO HACK. A small boy , his , ' face one mosaic of dirt and freckles , stood behind the bars m the 'city jail yesterday morning , sniv eling piteously. lie was Timothy Lin- iiano , jr. He ran uway from his home in Dos Molnes some wenks ago , and was captured in tliis city by Olliour I'etor Mat/.it. "J left my mother because she wanted mo to work all tlio timo. J don't like to work night and day , and so J thought I would-run away froip " "Lots' fun in running away ? " "No , and i am .sorry 1 ever did it. I want to go back "homo , " and Timothy comniuncud to snivel again. His folks in Dos Moines have been noti fied of his capture , and ho will bo returned - turned jmmudiatoly to fiis fond and anx ious Another. _ MOW TJANK IKJIMHNOS. A roporter'for tlio Uuij mot President Milliard of ho Coniincroliif National bunk on Saturday and questioned him , among other tiling , 1 about his pliuis relative tea a now bank building , "Wo ape luidnoided. what to do , " ho replied. "Wo Miaircortafuly not use the new UarkiT building at the corner of Fifteenth and Farnam. Wo are uego- ' tiatlng'for a' lot ftir bov.eral of them in fact but hiiVti'ttbt as. yet been able to secure oho to unit us. As soon as wo Miceeed in gutting a location , you may rcht uHMtrcd that.wo shall put a splondiil bank building' But for the present can't full von anything dpllnlto. " The First' ' Wntiomirtiarik" people are ' preparing to jmt up ft IiiVh'dsomo htrtio- turo ndtt spring wfilcli.'Uls rumored. Is to coat something kllko" $150,000. The MurchuiiLs N.iitlantihvillirartiiuxts rlng to erect u now building nn tie : nortiioiwt corner of Thirteenth ami I'Vrnam ' , It U also said. that thb-UnittHl buites National folks are preparing to east of their pros- cut unsightly hallF * " . . . 1NTKUESTING COMI'AUISOXS. The lUirfiimo'ntffftBho X. M. C.A. ii in this city la booming. In jptties of .Onuifia'p ) slzo , of or ? n iinarr , line buildings for the local Lir.-inchc's" the Y , Bl. C. A , tire going up Td T surely the young men of this city 11 o nrto \ eriict/.i } auUtnntial strticturo In this oily for Iho prosecution ot assocl ntion work. Atlanta , Ga. , foHnslance , hns a popn Intion of about 00,000,11,000 young men no extraordinary wealthy citisiens , am yH In low * than i > month $7CG78 wortl of pledged wrroscctiml for n now biilltl ing. Noshvillo , nnollior flotitliom cifv despite the fact Hint ib MilTcrcd SOT ore 1. during Iho war , has since-seen the nowf sity of Y , M. C. A. work , nnd the rosul is that $35,001) has been subscribed tc ward a now building for the association Newburg , N. Y. , is a city of but 20,00i population , and yet the association then lias its homo In a $30,000 building. Meriden idon , Conn. , 20,000 population , has i ifitO.OOO Y. M. C. A. building , whllo St lolnwbitry , Vt. , n liltlo place with bu a.fiOO inhabilants.botvsts a10,000 lion building. Surely Omaha , with he prosperity and wonderful growth , oai allbrd n good building for the locn branch of that noble organisation , tin Young Men's Christian Association. DEMOCRATS IN COUNOIIj. The Douglas county democratic con trnl committee held a meeting Saturda ; afternoon to make arrangements for tin fall elections. Charles Brown noted n chairman of the mooting and Jacol Jlouok secretary. It was resolved to hoh the primaries for electing delegates to tin state convention on October 1'J , and tha the convention bo held on the day fol lowing. It was also decided to hold tin primaries for the election of delegates t < ( lie county convention October aJ , am I hat thu convention bo held October ! il Places for holding the primaries wen decided on , and the conventions will bi hold In the council chamber of the cit ; hall at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. A pleasant social party was held Sat tirdtiy evening at No. 4 engine house corner of Dorcas and Eleventh streets under the auspices of thu South Side So cial club. There were about thirty cou pics in attendance , and music and danc ing was ( ho order of the evening. Tin social club is of recent organization am is composed of a number of young men most , of them being members ot No. company. They have made arrange moms for a series of parties to bo heli this season , and the one Saturday even ing was the inaugural. Judging by tin success of their lirst effort the series wil bo most enjoyable. Hcv. C. II. Savidgo , the father of Ucv C. W. Savldge , of tiiis city , has just beei appointed by Bishop Andrews to bo tin pastor of tlio M. K. church ntSpringlield Sarpy comity. Mr. Savidgo is a man ol ripol'xporiuhco. Ho was chaplin of tin Fourth Minnesota Volunteers during tin war and had ( tie honor of marching tc tlio hoa with Sherman. In the battle ol Altooua Pass ho had a testament in hit broiibt pocket that saved his life. Mr , Savidgo is in the best of health and spir its for liis work. C. W. Page , the Illinois detective whc caused the arrest of Charles Bailey , : i colored man , us a fugitive from justice , arrived in the city yesterday to taki charge of his prisoner. Bailey is wanted lor u crime committed at Lincoln , Ills. , three years ago , when ho was arrested for robberyami _ murderous assault , but succeeded in breaking jail. Detective Page leaves for Lincoln tins morning to secure the necessary papers to take his prisoner to Illinois. Marshal Cummings has received a let ter without a signature from \ Liber ty , Iowa , askiiig after the whereabouts of Lmma Graves , who came to this city n week or so ago to work in the Caniiold house. It has been ascertained that thu girl only worked one day in the hotel , and then entered a hoiino ot ill-fame , whore she now is. Her mother in U'ost Liberty has been informud of the matter. At tlio meeting of the county commis sioners Saturday , a petition was received from the voters at Mijlard station asking that their village bo incorporated. 1'ho board granted the petition , and Christian Kalbur , John LempUo , Charles Stettsnor , Henry Lemons and Julius Schroeder were appointed trustees of , the nuw'y ' in corporated village , which will bo known as milliard. About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon , a box ear in a loaded freight train standing in the Union Pacific yards was discovered to bo _ on lire. ' 1 lie bluxe , however , had but hligiit.start , and was promptly extin guished by yardmen. It Mippust d that tlio lire originated tliroii n vandal trumps or mischievous boys. Second Lieut. Charles M. Truitt , Twenty-first infantry , lias boon ordered to proceed from Fort Brulger , \ \ yo. , to Uintali , Utah , on business connected with tlio subsistence department. The busiest proadior iii town is the one | n a wull-kuown cigar store , who stands in front of his church door and bituso ; ! ' the ends of the weeds for the smoUo lov ing cutomors. Second Lieut. Lewis D. Grooiie , Seventh infantry , has been orli-red to Kvai ston and Hook Springs , Wyo. , on duty connected with the quartermaster's ' department. J ho Turner society held a vi-ry MIC- cc.liil nml pleasant dance at Gcrinaiua hall I , voning. There was'a large at- tendiihou and a most enjoyable time was had. George A. Iloagland , the wcll-kuo.wn lumber dealer , has on-cted additional of fices for the accommodation of his busi ness at the foot of Douglas street. A successful raid was made on the money drawer at the Pnxton news stand by n sneak thief Saturday evening , re sulting in the loss of $ . ' 5. Messrs. Woodman , Clark ami Rogers , took a trip on their bioylos yesterday to Calhoun und return. PKKSOVAIj PARAGRAPHS. W. C. Hulott , of Adrian. Mich. , father of C. C. Hulott , the well-Kiiown cashier of the Millard hotel , and W , L , Lament , of Niagara Falls , N. Y. , are in the city stopping at the Millard. W. D. Hammond , "tho great American traveler , " correspondent for a number of eastern journals , Is in the city on his way westward. Miss Jennie New , of Chicago , Is in tlio city visiting at the liomo of Mr. and Mrs. Ike New , No. 101 Soufh Fifteenth street. Kd F. t'hinn , of tlui lirm of Chinn & ' Now , is blessed in thb advent -of a now boy at his house Sunday morning. Edward Allen , of 'tho firm of Allen Bros. , returned ye-itorday from the cast with his bride , a Cincinnati lady. P. P. Shelby , general passenger agent of the Union Pacific , lolt for tlio Pacific coast Saturday night. A. B , Smith , assistant general freight ngont of the B. & M. , returned Saturday from a trip west , Mr. and Mrs. U. Coun- 3il Blutl's , were visiting in tho-city Sutur- lay.J. . J. M , Motcnlf nnd wlfo wont on a visit to friends in Hamburg , Iowa , yesterday , Messrs. Iloldrego and Kli Hs. of tliu B. & M. , left for Chicago yesterday. A corps of engineers pamo on to Fro- nont tliis , morning , under ohargo of Wm. tforrjs , of Oniahu , for the pnrposo of miking u. careful survey to ddtormlne the iiost fuusiblp roiito cross the 1'latte river , ) n tlje proposed road south from Fre mont. The survey is under the miwrvi * n.on of J. B. House , Esq. , a man of largo ixpurlence in preliminary surveys and ocating milroiid lilies in thu west. Thin inrvcy U in the Intercut of the Fremont A Jbntrul Nebraska Kuilroivd company , md is done fn contemplation of u line loath from Fremont to Lincoln probably. -Fremont Tribune. tHitt tie" ' loci1 tYiuTf ( hey"cTrinut' t WHAT IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN A Glorious Tnlo * Which Wns Told for a Goo Newspaper Item , A Iloportcr's Wcnrjr Search fbr i Graml Sensation Which Vollcil to Materialize. "Aro you ti rppprtorT" naked u gentle man who was seated m a justice's olllc when a representative of UioHnr.droppoi in on hia usual1 round for news. On receiving an nflirinativo aiiswei the gentleman continued ! "I wish yoi could have boon with mo yesterday , hud tlio biggest item the papers have hai in a long time. 1 said to myself at th tlmo , 'what a chance for a nowapapc reporter. ' " Upon being pressed lo tell his story the gentleman related , in substance , th following : _ _ . AS IT WAS TOM ) ME. ' I was riding on a street car , In th north part of town , yesterday , am in the same car was a gentleman win seemed rather nervous. Ho dually tool from his pocket a pencil and paper , am having written something on the sli | asked mo to pass it to the driver As I was about to give it to tin Jehu I noticed that it was simply a re quest that the gentleman bo noliliec when the car reached a certain street and as 1 was to stop at the same corner ] told him I would give him the desired In formation. As the car reached the corner nor wo both alighted , and I asked tin gentleman if I could render him any as sistaneo. Now comes the sensational part of 1113 story. AS THK MAN TOU ) IT. The man confidentially informed me that lie was in search of his runaway wife and did iiot know exactly whore she lived , but it was somewhere within foui blocks of the corner where ho had alight cd from the car. The story he told was : strange one. For years he bad livei happuy with his wife , and three child rot had becji born to them , But one day a handsomer man came along , his wife became - came infatuated with the stranger , am an elopement followed , tlio recreant wift taking tlio children with her. That was- - years ago , and from the time she disap peared until two weeks previous her bus band had hoard 'nothing ' from her. lit became despondent after his wife h'fi him , and soiling out. his business wont west and entered the mines. Fortune , however , favored him , and he suceoedui : in accumulating wealth. Hut ho longi't : for his wife and children , and made over ) endeavor to find them. ins ritir.Nu's STOUV. His first news from his truant wife was received from a former friend whom lit met in the western wilds. Ills friend in formed him that while passing through Omaha ho had met the lady. The cir cumstances of the meeting wore poculiai and sad. Ho said lie was walking along the streets of tile city when he sawn funeral procession. Jt was a lowly one , and only one carriage folio wed the hearse. Jn that carriage- caught a glimpse of a iady whom ' he thought was the woman who had deserted her husband his ' friend. Ho immedi ately niadu tip1 his mind to follow the carriage to its'destination and sec if lie could verify his surmises. Ho acted on the impulse , and at the grave positively identified the woman as the missing wife , lie made himself known to her , and from her lips 'learned the story of her life since leaving her husband. IIIS.WIVU'S STOUY. The man film had clopod with was a certain .John Smith. Together they came to Omaha and settled down as man and wife. At lirst everything was lovely , but finally misfortune- and poverty overtook them , and they led a precarious exist ence. Finally Mr. Smith died , and she was oven then attending his funeral. Slie seemed to regret her rash act which had separated her from her husband , and was willing to ask his forgiveness. I'OUGIVK AND FOUOKT. As soon as possible after hear ing of his wife s whereabouts , the h'usband concluded to go to her in her distress and oiler to take her back and provide for her. Ho had reached Omaha that day , and expected soon to again clasp his long lost wife to his bosom and forgive and forget the past. THE STOUY KNDS. The reporter had listened to the nbova story with considerable , and when the gontiuman stopped to take breath ho urged him lo go on to a fmisli. But the gentleman informed him that so far as ho was concerned the story was told. Ho loft the gentleman on tlio cor ner , just starting in search of hia wife , and had not seen him since. TUB FAOTo lii : < JIN. The reporter , however , thought the story too good a one to end thus abruptly , and concluded to make still further in vestigations. The woman went by the name of Smith , she lived within four blocks of a certain corner , her husband had just died , she had throe childron. All those points the newspaperman made note of , and concluded it would be an easy matter to work up. It was still cany in the afternoon , nnd after wading through about five pages of Smiths in the directory , tlio reporter located a num ber of fain lies of that name who lived in the suspected vivinity. Then ho started out on nis tour of inquiry. VI3ITIKG THK SMITHS. Tie reached the designated corner and made a break for the nearest Smith. Children were playing on the veranda when the reporter boldly entered the front gatu. "Does Mr. Smith live hero ? " was the Inquiry addressed to the small specimens of humanity. The reply of "yes11 settled the matter. If Mr. Smith alive ho was not the one the reporter wanted to soe. At the next house the re porter visited his knock was answered by a lady who acknowledged that she was Mrs. Smith. But when the reporter asked if her husband had recently died she uttered a little shriek nnd exclaimed ; "Oh , nvy-iio ; ho just loft mo a few min utes ago , " Several other calls wore fhoii made on viu-ioo * families of Smiths , but not a Smith ! wus found who filled the reporter's billie IIy the time a half-do/.on calls had bci4i > made the afternoon was ended and duykmtss Intervened. After a short rest and rofjvshmont.s the reporter iigatn remiinHi ilhls task , More Mr. Smiths wore fimuif , but till of thorn were aliro nnd In tluYbosoms of their families. I.OOUIHIJ I'OU TUB ! > r.AI > . Tlio anxioumioftiJelior after the deceased Tohn Smith ibfgfvn to bo discouraged. But a happy thught struck him. Ho would visit thlldmKertaknrs and find out f any of thom'liiJdiburiod John Smith In .ho last monUleThis : plan proved moro successful thali ) the former one , as after visiting two Or. tliroo funeral directors mo was founil'ft ho hud conducted the jurial of Mr. SluUti. Thadeceased , how ever , lived in an entirely dillbrent part of own from that in which investigation mil already linen mado. But tlio re- uirtcr eoliuludcil lo follow up thn clue nnd see where it would lead to. He so- Hired from the undertaker Mr. Smith's Hto address and started for the phujo , JIHIH reaching the number indicated , vlint WIIH his surprise to find that thuro van no building there wlmtovor ( only H mlo in thif ground Tnoulrv was made it adjrtiniujc hails-s : > iu | ( fin Information , julnoil thiit Hi , < jin-i. ' > .r hud ) uton moved .wow. t. - ' I" . , .1 , , . yll jn. I''I 'I ' ) M' d J France and Spain , but ho hnd died a short tlmo before th house win moved. WAKOTO IIP nir. I.IVIKO. The romwtvr bccnn to bo enconmgci nnd inquired for ma widow. But thcr ho wns ncnm doomed to di npi ohrt iiwit Mrs. Smith won ROIKV but. whcro noin seemed to know. Th < man who niorci Iho houo would know nnd so tlio ra porter inquired for his nddrcfH. It wa given him nnd nwny he started on hi quest. By this time it. was potting Into but nothingdnuntcd the reporter tnulgci on in scareh of the moror of houses. A Inst the place was reached , mi alarn glvon and Iho man aroused from hi ; slumber. Ho was only half awake , bit he answered the inquiries propounded ti him. Ho know Mrs. Smith ; ho niorei the house she formerly lived In , but jus where she moved to ho could not toll llu knew a man who did know , however but ho lived throe or four miles out It tlio country. As near as ho could tell the woman now lived in a certain local ity , which he mentioned. TttlJSKAltClt At ANI > OXr.n. At the mention of the locality the re porter brightened up. It was in tin same neighborhood within four block : of the designated corner in which hi had conducted his search in the after noon. He resolved to make one last des nerato ell'ort to find the undiscoverot Mrs. Smith , A cab was called Into re quisition nnd the above locnllty win again vtalkul. Moro Smiths were ills covered , pulled out of their beds , cato chised , and then left to wonder what. I all mount. But the right Mrs. Join Smith failed to iiialnriall/.o. At last weary , disgusted , and heartsick , the r porter reluctantly abandoned the floarol and relumed to the olllco , nothing no complished and a big paper to fill will news. TIII : SKAUUII itKNKwnn. That there was a big sensation in tin matter the reporter never for nn instant doubted. Ho , therefore , arose early the next morning and renewed the search The man who know where Mrs. Smitl : had moved to was found , and told tin reporter all about it. Slio hud routed u hoitso just four blocks from the cornel which had been taken as a starling point in the search , and was living there with her children. With a joyous heart and n light step tlio reporter quickly reached the place , knocked at the door and was admitted. Mrs. Smith was there and st were the children. The visitor had hit questions all cut and dried , and pro ceeded to propound them. And this is what he found : HOW IT ENDED. Mrs. Smith's husband was dead. Sin had been married before. She had lefl her first husband. She had taken tin children. Jhitsho did not etopo. She had been divorced. Her lirst husband know where she was , all the time , and often visited the children. He resided only a few miles out Of the city. Ho was not rich. lie did not want her to come and live with him again. And the only foitiv dation for the story was that ho had been unable , just like the reporter , to find where she had moved to when her former place of residence was taken to anolliei part of the city. "To be or not to bo that is the ques tion. " This may bo so , but there should be no question as to whether or not to rub when you have rheumatism. Do it at pnco with St. Jacobs Oil. It conquers pain. FKIUAIjK VAXDAIjS. Startling Itovclatlons of Grave Yard Desecration by Women. Mrs. Rebecca Arnstrong , a woman liv ing in the neighborhood of Prospect Hill , was Saturday morning arrested on the complaint of C. A. Baldwin for violating property in the cemetery. She waived examination and was bound over to tlio district court in the sum of § 300 , which bail she furnished. The woman is tlio widow of George Armstrong who was bayoneted to deatli by a militiaman dur ing the riots of ' 83. This case develops some facts sensa tional to a startling degree. For tlio past few months Prospect Hill cemetery has been subjected to a course of vandalism which has well nigh robbed the premises of their beauty. Some liouds with a persistency worthy of bettor application have instituted a system of plunder and willful destruction worse than ghoulish in its conception and inex pressibly liondish in its execution. Flow ers have boon cut by the wholesale , rare blossoming plants and ornamental shrubbery uprooted and carried away or crushed and trampled under foot. Cu pidity , however , seemed the prominent impulse , as the amount of evidently wain- ton destruction did not compare with the total abstraction of plants which oc curred repeatedly. Sickened with the persistent desecra tion of the soil which the dead enshrines before all men of common sensibilities , a number of citi/ens conjoined to ferret out and punish the guilt.y parties , under the statute so providing. A detective was employed at liberal recompense to watch tlio lots of those gentlemen , and the results of his work are almost incredible. It hud been thought that the outrages were com mitted by parties necessarily of a low order of intellect , but the ofiaraeti-r of the culprits whom the detectives caught in the .act struck ama/.ement to the van dal hunters. How could a lady of notably high standing , wealth and in- iluence be arraigned on a charge of pravoynrd vandalism ? What court or iury would entertain against her so loinous an accusation t And yet in pushing the prosecution that is what the gentlemen were called upon to do. i'hn detective from his place of ambush saw upon repeated occa sions ladies alight from their carriage and help themselves to Ilowers from the graves and lots with n de liberation that was astounding. De tection and roprovnl produced varying results. Some wept in humiliation , while others unmoved by Hhamo ilc\y into nn/or and upbraided the detective in the roundest terms. Mean while there were clever fiends who ad vised themselves of the secret service at work and ehoho the night and favorable odcasions for their depredations In a Uiaiincr which defied defection. At last it was determined to arrest the party guilty of the first violation , whether' it bo man , woman or child , without m- gird to race , station , color or other char acteristic. Mrs , Armstrong placed herself - self in the fatal situation and will bo called into court tonnsworfor heroH'imsa. There can bo but little doubt that the ttulloH anoiipmouHly figuring in thoabovo relation of facts , have been guilty through lack of consideration and shcor giioranco of the nature of their perform ances. It is to bo hoped this publication will provo a warning against further re- Mirrences of this worst form of vandal- sm. * * * * Huptnro. pile tumors , flstu' m and udisemsos \ \ of. ilia lo.wor howolti except cancer ) , rapidly cured. Send 10 units in stamps for hook. Address , World 'a Dispensary Medical Association , BOH Main Street , Huftalo , N. Y. The Donavau Oaso. WASIIIXOTOS , Sept. 6. Postmaster Oen- 'nil Vtlas has been making personal Invtwtl- Ion Of the vlmrgo a < aliiht aiiit'rlntciuliint ) oimvan of tlio free dollyery division of the Jliicago jMHfcjfilcu. which Wils In ctTt'ct ' that 10 httil accopu-d the piesldency of a local Tolitlcal urgaulzatlon , A letVur , hail been ceeUvd fuiiii Mr. Uonavan Iji lyhleli lie nays hat ho had nu Intention of vlulatliiK tin ) sivll wrvicft law and would not haVp atcepuid he appointment If ho iitul kilolyii uf any t > l > ( Yliiui on the jinrt of the departihUt. | The > < > tmojt ) r jen : ral ha about satlstiexl hlni- . -U that Mr. Jlnimvan has Hot beoit Ktiilty of my olTcnMJ against the Jaw. A PRAISEWORTHY INDUSTRY A Description of Olarko Broa & Oo.'s Koi .j Building on Homey. Tliolr Immense ituplncss nurt ( ho Sys toinntlo Manner lit AThloli It IN Conducted. Clurko Uros.&Co. , the well-known 1m porters ti nil jobbers in teas , collVes , tun spiei's , are now pormunontly located ii thi'lr new building nt 1411 and 141(1 ( Hm noy street , and in order to the botto coinnuunornte tlio taking up of tlioi present quarters the Hr.r. has scon lit t < give u liriL-C sketch of their business tun surroundings , Tlio building which they occupy wa conslruoted by thorn for their own i-spcc ial business. They were compelled to di this as their former place on Dougla street , on account of the rapidly inoreas ing trndo which , by their excellent jrootl , and low prices , they have hold wns entirely too small. Aoordlngly tluv have built tlio handsome four-story brio ! on Hartley , and use every lloor as well a the largo basement. To the loft of tin front entrance is ono of the most , beaut ! fully arranged olllces ever constructed it this city. The east , half of the first Iloo nnd extending half the length of ( hi building is devoted to this purpose. Tin painters , decorators , gas litters ant plumbers all seem to have vied with oaul other in doing the most taseful work. 1 is a beauty , and thn desks , sample oases tables , olc. , built to match the ohcrr finish of tlio olllco , add not i little to its general handsome tip pearaneo. The largo vaults , lei let room , water oloset.s , etc. , an in the rear right hand corner of tin olllco and are so systematically arrange ! that instead of detracting from , they tnlil to , the beauty of the elegant olliees , The front part of the ollleos is devoted ti the display of samples , whore is n largi glass case , containing samples of teas spices , llnvoring extracts , linking pow iler.s , etc. , us well as a full line of sam ples of green and roasted coH'uos , and al the necessary apparatus for drawing ant testing of teas whiuh the firm handle. Stepping from thii olllco one is con fronted with probably the largest pllo ol oofl'co over seen in ono place , sack tipoi : -suck of this popular beverage fill ovei half of the entire lirfct lloor , not. dovoteil to ollicos. The principal brands of collet " imported by Clarke" Hros. & Co. an Java , Aloe-tea , Maracaibo , Guatemala Mexican , Ponberry , Costa Hica , Caracas , Santos wid Hio. As for teas millieo it U bay < faat this house carries , lnv yond a ipteation of a doubt , tin largest line of every well-known brand in use. A reporter was shown a line lim of samples ot teas from Japan , their own importation , a carload of which will ar rive in a few days. Hugo piles of blueing , inksspices , etc. , belli to fill up the remaining space on tin. lir t floor not taken up by the machinery of which mention will bo made furthei on. Two large shipping doors aflbrd ar. easy exit to the alley , where wagons art constantly being loaded with goods foi all parts of the western country. Ever.y pound of { roods arriving or leaving tin shipping doors has to pass over largi scales , which insures accuracy in then weights. Tlio second floor is reached by eilhet the stairs or Iho large hydraulic freight elevator at the rear of the olliccs. Hero is the extract room , where the most skill ful chemist west of Now York and his assistants are over busy compounding and packing all kinds and grades of Ha- voring extracts. In the roar of this de partment comes the blueing room , where ibis article is manufactured. The outfit hi this room , like all other departments , is complete in every detail , having the necessary tanks , bottle fillers , troughs for washing bottles , etc. Next comes the packing room and order department , in which : m goods kept in stock are made ready for shipment. A large force of boys and girls are continu ally employed in tiiis room in putting up packages of "Clarke's Aurora" and ' 'Clarke'3Kod , Cross" brands ol coll'co. _ The third lloor is devoted almost en tirely to .spices and baking powders , and on lirst thought it looks as if there is onotigh of botli on tliis'one floor to supply the whole western country for years to come , but such is not the case , us the stock is being constantly replenished. The demand for Clarke Bros. & CD'S. goods of all kinds is indeed wonderful. All .lio boxes , cans and labels used by this company are stored on the fourth floor , which has the appearance of a small establishment in its own right. in the basement are stored hundreds of thousands of empty bottles which are destined to contain the blueing and flav oring extracts manufactured by this es * tablishment. Now comes the most important and probably the most interesting feature of this mammoth concern , that is , the ma chinery , which has its origin in the roar portion of the basement , where is seen the motive power , a sixty horse-power engine , which by the usual means , bull ing , operates the various pieces of ma chinery on the st'coiid and third floors , The roasting room on the second floor m the rear of the main building , is built on iron girders , is fire proof and en tirely indopondentof thorostof the build ing lor support. Horn is the largu roast ing and spieo department , which is in the hands of an eastern gentleman who has spent over thirty years in the business. The room contains , among other machinery , coolers , coflee grinders , sitters and roast ers , which have u capacity of turning out a half carload of collee daily , rousted to perfection , In the machinery depart ment , on the next lloor directly uuovo tnis , m another lire-proof room are tlio b iking powder mixers and sifters , also tie root mills , spice mills and sifters , which turn out daily about ! iM)0 ( ) pounds of spices. Without doubt this firm can boast , and no fear of contradiction , of the linost and iniul thoroughly equipped spice mill to bo found anywhere in the west. In fact they have built their own building in order -uoeoniodittu all their new and latest improved machinery , which was put up by Mr. K V. iMvis , the well-known machinist and proprietor of the Novelty works , who , with a num ber of his skilled mechanic , gave the work his own personal attention. All this and much more was shown ti DICK man , through the kindly indulgence of one of the lirm , Mr. Willis K. Clarke , who estimated that they had put In some thing oversow worth of IIKW umchli ory since moving to their new placL'l no linn make a specialty of the sale of their own goods , , consisting of the largest steely of teas and coll'eos anywhere in the west , spices , baking powders , flavoring extracts , laundry blue and last but not least , an eli'gantlinnof Key West invars , und their tr.-ido extends all ov r Nebras ka , Western Iowa , Northern Missouri and as far ai Salt Lake City , Utah. About eighteen men are constantly cm- ployed , besides the Loy.s and girls work ing on package goods. The linn consists of three of Omaha's most popular ami reliable IMIMUO-.S nmn , Messrs. Artemtis M , Clarke , William K. Clarke and Willis F. Olurko. who control DUD of thu-mostiixlcnsivtt jobbing tnults | In the west. 'tmnlia merchants , as well us otherti , haVu'loilg mnco rec gniml the Tact that thOre inu \ > earthly ir.-o iiryoiny ( urther uas't'tlriin Omaha for 10. s , co"ues , illicit , etc. , wlltuifciifh a-J * m i . -r < ( Min'ku. HrtH. & Co. Ajjffat , niid'inh p up il < u. Diivltibln naiiio they iili-- \ < i of ' * which there IH 'not HI < - " ' t Jmnba people will l.i- ' - - ' } f them nnd the coin ivor bo open to ; riiimphs. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S OPERA Houi ONB NKUIT ONLY. Monday , Sept. 28th * LAWRENCE BARRETT ) Supported l jnn Hwollont rompnnr Inllulwi < ] rent Vlny In Klvo A < jtfl , Mil. UAUUin'P m OAlllMNAI. U10ItIU.Ii : | EUTIBELY ITBVT COSTUMES ( lllslorlcnlly Onrrect.1 lliworvwl fonts Pnnumllo mid Olrcto , Ptl ttnlct > iiyl.M ( ; AilmliiHloii , $1.00nml7N > ! ( Inllil 60v 8i\loornoat * ii < msHnnir < liivim , > rnIiur I i tTNAT GOODWIN III "Tlio fafcntllifr lUti | BOYD'S OPERA. HOIK Tuesday nnd Wednesday Evenings , KEPT. HO AND 30. KiipnKcmont nC the Intmtliifilo Comedian I MR. NAT. C. GOODWll AudhHSolectCOMHm" OOMI'ANV inulrr i niniiHfiviiiotit nf Fit A NIC W. SANCll'.lt , In tlio liiiestiiliinnlliy two CCSSl Olltltlod THE SKATING RINK , Full to overflowing with Fun , Laughter rl MiiHlu. Secnro sonts nt llox Olllco. THYSEIF , , A GREAT MEDICAL WORK ON MANIfOOl KilmuMoil Vltnllt * , K rroi unit 1'hnlMl neblll I'rrmuinru IKvllnnln Mnn.KmininfVnnlh.nntl I tmtnltl mljrrlin ifuiUlnit from lnrtl rrolli > n nnrt i < ( > . A book fur PTcry num. yonni ? , n-Hrtlc-nt nml oh ! It ocuitnlni" I'iiiiroprrllitlotn for Hll nnitnii rhronlcll onnp .pnrlinnc f whlOi MInmtnnbln. rotimt lijr Inn nnllior wlm n pxprrionci ! for 23 frntt ] purh UK pmbnttly novr boforn foil tntlio lot of nj iilirriniimttlliinuri. Ixmml In lipiimifiil Itfnrli mil lln , pnilni "t'il cover * , full cllt , RntimntniM lo bon HIV work In cvory i ernn mnclinnlcnl. Illornry Hiirtproi'i Btonnltliniiuiijrntlii'r work In llil ronnlrf for El or the ntonijj- will bon-fuml Inovpry Innnnce. 1'rl , nnly tl by mall , pn lr > nlil. llliutrntprt ftimplc , It Srmlnnw. KnM inpdnl inmnlril tlio nnthorliy thnf ilnmtl Moiltrnl AMoClntlon , to Iho olllccri of which J rnfi'ru. ItioSrlPcunf tilfnnhoultl bo ri > m ! hr tlinTniinKf1 Instruction nmt liy tlionmit-tpil for relief. It will bci lit nil. linnilnn IJHICI-L Tiii'rol iionn > mbprnri oololv to whom thoSclcnl of Ijlfn will not l > omi'f l , wlH'ihrr youth , imrcnt , cui dlHii , Instructor or clcrevninn. Armimuit. Aihtrc" the I'pnlKMty Mrillcnl linlltiitp. orJr\V 1'arkt'r , No. I liillllliu-h utroot , Uonton. > l n , who m , lie consulted on all Ulncajtes rcqulrltiK skill ) mrt ex ] > u Apollinctris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " Its purity offers the best security ngainst the dangers w/itc/i are eoiiunonH to most of the ordinary drinking waters" London Medical Record. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. OJattGroctH , Druttits&Min. Wai. dcaftrt. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THE CHICAGO RAILWAY. THE I1HST ItOUTK AND Omaha , Council Bluffs And GMcago" Tlio only rend to tnkofor DCS Molncs , itntOi Flmlltown.Oiliirllnplils , Clinton , DKIo , t'liloiiuo 1 Mlluiuilcc mid all iiolntH ciiut To tlio iii-oploo ! J Notiriifku , roloniilo ; WyonUlijr , Ululi , JdiiluLO Nevada , OI-CKOM , WiixlilnifKm nnd < I'l'foi-nln ' odors Hupcr or udvuntncpd not loftltlo liyuii < * otliur lino. AmoiiKH few of the utuiicuMis polnttiof diipn' rlorltymijuvi'dliy ilio'jmtrons of ilih. roml i , > n INMH.MI Omiilni nnd I'lifcnml , uro its tuo miliis r.t cliiy of DAV COAt'llliri wuioh f mil ilxi nno-t IliH : Inniiiiii uri nml fnvviiiilty oun i-ronKi. lie PA . ACU 3l.nil'JN ! OA1IS , vhloh iiro models o ronilortiuid olcjfHUco. ItsJ'AIIUlU JJUAW1NC It 5OM CAHS , hiisni-jiiifiH'il tiy iiuv. and IIM wld < IV cololinunl I'Ar.ATJAI/DlNKNQ ( JAILS , 111 o iiiill of which cannot lx ) lound I-OH ; | lu > ri. At Council Illntls thu tr/ilim oniio rnlon Piwi lie Hv. t-oiiiiocl In Union Depot Hllli tlio uof IHi ClioiKOiV Koi-iliwoslom Uy. In ChluiKQ tin tniliiH or this line niiiko cloru roiuicctton u In tlioxoof nil i.-astorn llnnx. 1'or Doliolt. ( 'ohiinliiis , JjidluniipollH , Cincln ni" ' liufin-u Kails , lluirulo , t'jiubnrir , Toronio > < ntr if , lloMoii , No - Vorlc , riijluriclphiii. It.i ! t aore Viuhln ton nnd nil pulniH In tliotmot , ixol li.t ilu .ut nK"iit lor tivKoiH vlii Hio "NOHTJJ.WKSl'KUJf , " If you wish the ucuoiiiinoduiIonH. All tlckc iiK-oiits sell tlrKou via Oils lino. ji. iiiiHiirn' . u s IIAIH , aunurul Munutror. _ Oon. I'nsh. Axunt. UlIICAf'O. W. N. IJA1tCO''K' ' . Oon. Afe'ont , Hl'i ritrniini M , Oiimlm , .Vob. Kovonlcun VoniV livpuriufico , QHAJYKT ) propomilH will lie loculvod liy Iho O City of < li-iiiiil Joliiml. Nob. , nnlll Ii o'cliirk u. in. , Oot. Mil , JIM , for tlio tiiriilhlilinr , unxiiiiiK nml comjilotlnn of u njfctoniofiitur works liav- Inifii ciipiicltyol'ono inlllloiitfiUluus purdny lur tlioC'ltynfMnuiillHlAiid.Nou Hnld Kyhti.'in to hii lin-nWiccI Mini hilllt In i , cniiliuico with llio plnntfiuiU f ccidoitions In olllco of tlio City tJldik ol Onnin l lund , Nn ) , Kauli inoinHul | tnuti lie iniulu Hojdirulg on Uio I'lrst Kuiabliliiir itnd builillnjr oiiKlao und Ijollor 110110 and litf-o ol Inivw Sot-olid 1'iirulshliiK niul bmutlnir utiind i lvo. | Tlilril KiiinMiiiiifiuultK-ttliiir iii ] iiiicilliu | > ry , bolluriinil cniuu'filiw ' tip jfOlN , Koiii-il. I'linilHlilmriiiiil l.iyin c-i.Hf Ii'on p niuliiM , fjpoc-laK , liydniiilii , uMut , DID All 1 . , „ , lur luriilhlilii uiid laying plpo , hlnillNtiilo popi'r- ntoly IIIIIOIIUIB nitr IcatoC ciichjor ih < * dll ou-nt plM. 1'ifili JilnVHtilif-mid-MJttffcr | | ; down wells. The coalinot , , [ > Uiw , ! f Vi'U ) sytftnui i/r WHIP worivn coinplolo IKI ) 10 nx'w'l tlio HVUJI ol ? thirty. . - . Tjm city Council roMimM tlio Unlit t v > icoti nyoi-iilf tjit'S.-'illi/l-Sr'B of lulu All ( in * inaiKilnl In Ijc filfiiiNlu'd. , , ( l'inpo < uU nl.-o'tild ' ho ivulrt > - > iOil trt tltu i ty ( .li'ili of Oiund Ifliind , Noli. , unit. ) > ! lirl < udA itx ijyoiilijrot'tno.tiliv ' 'oim.-'l ' of flj uui f t nJ.l Noli , this I''lli dut'olifiriiiilK ( ( r , i T ) I A " ' ilOl/N / 1' , Mfilh. . Muyor. i II , K. C'r.irKrtitivny L'liirU - > Jf'ttriAoif'it ) | England , ' onion , fu wiuoc- Unit coin lurtu un H , .nuiu-j ! liniiioliod vtliti vVaiuiM ( 4i > uirtKij ) iU | iJiiceuLjit' ' iMitd n\\o und Usrfjirlio } ; 'Vhoymrfy ( lie Ur.iti I Sinn-simd II'HII'UII ; | iiiAUti.nml UI.-U NOW Vi.ik * 'f ' Innwltthund t uinnl'n-i lur tliiiiOuA'iI.'IN - , Ui- ! ' , ( nei-l oiitf , uiAUfci nnd HA 'inuil'i * Yoik , ' '