; o TJ-OIS OMAHA DAILY BEE , MONIMYrSBPTIDMRER 28 , 18fi5-TWELYE PAG-ES. DAILY BEE. GOUHCILBLDFFB. ONDAY MOUMNfi , SEPTUM BUR 28. OrriCZt Mo. 12 I'carl Street. lUHvereil liy carrier In uny iwrt or the city flt wonty opnt i or ucek , J. W. TH.TO.V , - - - Manager. MINOR MENTION , New Jerseys nt tltc Peoples' Store. Keller , ntprdinnl tailor , for line goods. Sco the new cloaks l the Peoples' store. nunen e bargains in cloaks .it Kiae- man , Itodda & CoV. Kiseman , Uoddii & Co's Peoples' Store la tin' only coiniilctostori ) in the west. Cnll nL the Peoples' ' Store iintl f-cp the ' ( special bargains dlVorod for tliU week , AlU'iui Hi" gceat cloak , ale atEiseman , Koddaitl'o's Peoples' Store this \vcok. Tim Acme club of young Indies arc to Rive a social in Demi's hall noM Friday evening. Additional lines of droMffoodsreceived every day at great bargains nt the Peo- jilcs1 Store. Sam. Ford has % old out Ids business lioro and expects to start soon on n visit to his old homo in Maine. There wore in the police station yester day throe plain drunks , who will be dis posed of in court this morning. Jliln. is to appear at the opera hoii < ; c to-morrow evening in Uidielieti , and on Wednesday evening in Macbeth , The Athletics have returned from Fremont , rather crest fallen , having been defeated in three games by a total of 74 to 21 , The pity council is to meet at ! > o'clock this afternoon to consider the Vincent contract , and the now sewer ditch ini- | provcment. The new special delivery stamps will be put on sale at the postofliuc here to day , so that the service may bo in full ell net on the first. John Reno & Co. have received from the cast the counters for their new stores , and jiH > t as soon a.s tli eyean get tixcd up will open lip iin'andg shape. Services of special interest were held In the Uaptist church yesterday , Iliey be ing of it "harvest home" nature. The church was handsomely decorated. The breaking down of a freight car near Villisca was the cause of the Chica go , Burlington & Quincy incoming pas senger tram being late yesterday morn ing. Snyder & Lcamnn , of the commission house , next door neighbors to the Ijnc , were on the jump Saturday , liesides other businiiss they received seven car loads of Hour. Now is your time for getting prepared for winter. Coul stoves and oilier need fuls can be secured at A. ,1. Mamlel's , No. 323 Broadway , at remarkably low prices. * William Lewis , the hack and baggage man , has just lost one of his best horses , in fa6t one of the best hack horses in the west. Inflammation of the lungs is the supposed cause of death. The animal was valued at $200 ; The Union 1'iioifio lias bought of Mrs. Ballard eighty-throe acres of land just north of the present "dump , " wlucli gives confirmation to the statement that tlio bridge plan is not merely one on paper , but \yill be put through to practi cal completion. Dr. Palmer , belter known as "Lone Wolf , " has been away for some time attending to- business out on the road , but will remain in the city to-day and to-morrow , and can be found by the suf fering ones at the medical institute which bears his name , A team attached to a farm wagon , and owned by Mr. Johnson , who lives near the . institution for the deaf and dumb , took a lively run up Main street yesler- , day morning and colliding with a tree at Bayliss park became divorced from the wngon , making something of a wreck of the vehicle. The mayor raises a great howl about patronizing homo institutions , but when it comes to patronizing-a bug-pipe until an early hour Sunday morning tliat ficems as if he really thought a good deal , after nil , of foreign institutions. Perhaps it is because it is a wind instru ment. The mayor is great on wind. Postmaster Armour has appointed as special delivery carriers , Ben Webber , John Jleider and Fred Hongland. In milking the selections it appears that be sides considering the qualilicalions of the applicants , their personal needs have been also taken into account , and the employment given to boys who are so situated that they really need the help. J. H. Davidson has settled up with his creditor * ) , one hundred cents on the dollar , and is still able to hold intact his real estate'interests here. The closing out of his business and his settling squarely and fully has been a great sac- rilico , but he is able to look the world squarely in the face , and is now watch ing anil waiting for some good oppor tunity to engage in some other line of business hero , intending to make Council Bluffs his home. Io You Smoke ? 3f you want to see the finest showing of genuine meerschaum goods ever brought into this city , -drop in at T ! ) / King & j ivv * * tj - * * j * ( i - ' * " "n Co's opening to-day , No. Mil Uroadway. ( ' " I A great variety of line pipes , cigar hold ers tind smokers' articles , rfcw goods , and licaulies. Fall niul winter clothing to order. Norciio & Landbtrom , s05 ! Main slrcct. Grand Hat Carnival. Tim Woman's exchange .will hold a hut carnival , Wednesday night , October 7 , at the skating rink , during tlio exposi tion. To Uie lady wearing tlio most origInal - Inal hat ( or bonnet ) , Eisenian , Kodda & Co. kindly offer a line Kussian leather traveling bag. To the successful gentle man MeteallUros. olFer u present of an elegant silk hat. These linns will dis play thciriH-cscutsintheirshow windows , It will be loft to live judges ( three ladles and two gentlemen ) , to occltlo who are deserving of tho'prizes. . Let everyone put on his "thinking cup" immediately , and plan to wear tv comie or novel hat on this occasion. The Judges will be an nounced later. There is but little more than a week to design your hats , so do not delay. Exerciin your Ingenuity , and do not bo particular about the beauty of your head-dress , but let it bo novel. Substantial abstracts of title nnd real eatatu loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , 103 "Tcnr ! strcol. " If you wish to make legitimately from Ton to Fifty dollars per day write to Judd ! x Smith , No. U4 Fourth street , Council IMnlls , The Coining Trent. illU UUWIIUW * M ! ! - ' * * ! * " V H ward.-Cainden [ ( N. J. ) Daily Post. Without question the McGibony fami y Is the best troupe thatevcr favored Wash , ington with a visit , From the tirst piece lo the last , whether by parents or chil dren , the wholii audience was entranced -.JWashitifiton Daily Keimblican. - T.lln 4VlSIBUl4Uil9Utl' Ul \ " CU THE DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES Ehe I'nJk ' Abotit Who Will U What on the 0 ain | Ctonniy Ticket , AM Outlook n ( tlie 1'roapceHvp Xoinl- ncp Tliosc ol * t'lio Uiitei'Htloil ' Who nrcVtiiiiiK to Kill County The democrats held their' ' caucuses Sntmdny evening to select delegates to the county convention which meets here to-morrow. The following is the result : rtitST wAiiD. O. II. Jackson , chairman , and 11. N. Whittlcscy , secretary. Delegates 0. A. Holmes , ( Jeorge. II. Jackson. John Under , Hobert HainVil \ - liam Nobles , II , C. Oliver , Conrad Gclsc , Nick O'BrieM. Committeeinan F. M. Hunter. William Groncweg , chairman , and Ira Hendricks , secretary. Delegates Win. ( Jroneweg , J. L. Tern- pleton , Wm. Lie.y : , J. F. llendricks-- . F. Kohror , E. H. Mates. Win. Malotiey , J. y. Mikesell , W. I ) . Hat-din , ( Jco. Graves , N. Schur/ . Commiltecman M. F. Iiohrcr. Tlllltl ) WAItl ) . John Dohnny , chairman. Delegates John ( ircen , D. F. Kieher , A , C. Graham , Ed Hrilton , John Dohany , II. Eiscmau , John Ilnntington. Commiltcoman A. C. Graham. rontrii w.\m > . John Sehontgcn , chairman ; J. J. Frai- ney , secretiiry Deli-gales W. II. M. Piwy , James From teleplioiiie specials to tin ; Uin : it i.s li'urncil thutlhorc was quilo ; i stnigs'o ' in tlio caucus til Ni'ohi , butAhiyor Lovt-ll , who wants llionpmlnnlioii , lor shcrilV , came oil' victorious , ami was given the privilege lo nnino his o\vn \ ilclcgalos , the lollowiiig beim ; .seii-ctiKl : II. Fcmli'l , .1. \\titkius , UA. . Foley ami Albert Hose. At Norwall ; , J. Amy , A. Kloppiug aiul John Downs were chosen as doh'mtles. .Alimlcn has chosi'ii Dr. J. M. Wylitnil , AVillinm Spear's ' , , J4 A. Dresser ami Charles Sntlivrland. 'I'hi ) air is lull of Hying rumors as to what will be Ihe outcome of Hie conven tion. The democrats realize that Iho re publicans have put up due of the strong est tickels ever framed in Ihis county , ami yet on accomiL of lhe prohibitory queblion , Iliey feel that this is a good year in which to siiati-h a victory , es pecially on the legislative ticket. For representatives it is generally thought they will nominate Col. Keatloy ami Mayor Dietrich , of Avoca. It is umlcr- slooil that W. II. Ware has some ambi tion in that direction , but probably more ambition than strength. Some ot G. A. llolmeV friends are urging hisnamc with much enthusiasm. Two names are prominent for county treasurer , . John I'lummt'i' and M. F. Kohrcr. For county auditor the name of Mr. Gallagher , a young man who was defeated by Street In : v nice for county cleric , has been mentioned , but there seems litllo lalk about lliis place on the ticket , it being considered a forlorn hope lo defeat Kirklaml. Tin : nomination for sheriff worries thn dimioeratio niind greatly. The republi cans having nominated Phil. Armour , it behooves the democracy to put iU bc-st man forward , if they expect to make any sort of a allowing in the race. There seems to bo a general di' < ire to have Perry Heel run , but it U said to be doubt ful whi'thcr he will do .so , unless faoine .such unanimous and urgent demand i.s made upon him as was made in Ihe re publican convention on Col. Sapp. His personal pret'erri'iiocs tire agaiiti-t it , but many in the parly feel that ho. mn-st ac- eept. lli.'niy , of Avoca , is .said lo be anx ious to make the race and has.sonic Mromr support. Mayor Lovell , of Neola , will conie. into tlio convention with M vi-ral tructed delegations from that vk-it.ity. C. Wesley of thi.s city , is by no means oitt of Ihe Hold either , and lia.s been working zealously. t7. A. Churchill is looked on as a ilaru liorse , and potiiiblu winner. The nominations for Mipcrvi.iors have not been talked over much in the city. Tlio name of Sam Underwood lias been given many favorable comments among Ihe cily democrats , as lie han always shown much interest in Council KIiills , mill his : not fought the city as .MHHC others have. For coroner , Henry Faul , who has held thai otliec before , is liable to be placed on the ticket. - C" A BLAOKJBURGLAR. Ills Fourth Attempt to Uol tlie I/uinl- laily of a lloiiriliiiAHouse. . The boarding house of Mrs. Anderfon , . No. 15 north Main street , was visited again by u burglar Saturday night , or rather early yesterday morning. She was awakened between 1 and ! i o'clock , and l > y the light of the moon discovered I u man at Ihe foot of her bed , ovidenlly hunting through her clothing for money. As she raised up in bed , he dropped down on the lloor , 'trying to get out of sight , but she gralibed him by the arm , and tried io hold him until she could get help , but lie broke from her grasp and hurried on' . Examination hiiowed ho had gained an entrance through a window , lirt > t cutting the wire .screen with his knife , which wa * found holding the window up. He took with him innis Might a clock , which Mrs. An derson had lately purchased of Hurliorn , thi ) jeweler. The man was colored , and lie was heard from tin early hour-yester day morning trying to will or pawn the clock. His pocket Kiiifo is in the posses sion of the officers , and with these clues , ithcems that the police should be able to boon get him in custody. Mrs. Anderson is quite certain that slut would bo able lo identify the man if she would sen him , for he has visited the place on three previous occasions , or at least there Imvo been four such burglarious at tempts within IheQp-.i.st three months , and ns this colored man has been seen oil two of the occjisious , he .is naturally thought to have been guilty of all. The tirst time , a poeketbookeonUiining Ihrco dollars was taken from the dress . pocket of Mrs. Anderson. The next time , nn ttttunipt was made to force open < the cigar case in the nubile dining-room. A short time ago a tlnrd risit was made , and on Ihis occsiaion the girl's room was visited , and she was awakened , nnd dis covered u colored man feeling under her nillow , doubtless expecting to llnti her money hidden there. She screamed , and he run out. Npw conies the fourth attempt , nnd by a mau answering , the same description. Mrs. Anderson is a widow Indy , living alone , and as she is supposed to take in more or less money from her boarders , especially Saturday will not be able to bother her.-raore . , for a time at least. CLOSING. THE TEEM , * Tlio Snprenlo.Court llcuders a Batch ofLiCKiil Decisions unil JtjU The supreme court of the rJjji iic i > op in KPSKlnnhnrn the ; ? ? ? Hffore adjourning , the following decisT ioni were rendered : ( loo. I. Hpdwell and A. K. Orconlco , niipollanlf , vs. John Grplmrtj from \Vnp- olio circuit court , Alllrtncd. W. II. Meadows vs. Iho Huwkoyo In- Fiiranep company , appellant ; from lthi - gold district coin t. Allirmed. Stnto of Iowa vs. Alex Wallace ot nl. , appellant ; from Hucliantui district court. llUVOHPll. Thomas Chrlstv , nppellnnt , vs. II. A. Whitmore ; from Van Htiren circuit court. An notion of mandamus to compel the defendant , who is n township trustee , to itce certain real estate as a public ceme tery. Tlie pelilion MI\S dismissed anil phnnliu"appealed. Affirmed. Martha U. Allison , vs. H. O. Oraham ct al. , appellants ; from Madison circuit court. Iteverscd. Frank L. Pease ct til. , appellants , vs. James II. Thompson ; from Jasper cir cuit court. Hovel-sod * J. S. llerriek vs. Abbio J. Musgrove , appellant ; from Powcshclk district court. Ailinncd. John McAndrew vs. the county of Madison : from Madison district court. Unversed. E. H. Clnpp vs. A. M. Forrester , nppol- ants ; from Polk ciircuit court. Ailirmcd. Agnes Lane vs. John Lane , appellant ; from Appaiioose circuit court. Hoversed. Ewing , Jewell , ft Chandler vs. J. G. Fohom ct al. , appellants ; from Polk circuit court. Reversed. P. P. Argcnsinger & Co. , appellant * , vs. John Clint1 & Sons ; from Gutlirie Circuit court. Allirmed. Lamps cheap at Homer's , S3 Main St. I'rlze for Farmers. A premium for the longest ear of corn from this year's crop. For particulars call on or address J. Y. Fuller , buyer ami shipper of wheat , corn ami oats , No , 30 Pearl street , Council UhilVs. Or Kvcti .Smaller. [ Untie Index. ) Oh , a ton of coal is a wonderful thing about like a woman's kiss ; when you luy ) it you think it very largo , icn you get it - it looks like this. y Time Table. couxciii iir.ri'Ks ? . The following mo tin' tlinos of tlin lu-rlvnl and ( Icpmturn ol ttiiins by contrul btntiiluid time , tit the locil : ilupots. Trains luiivo ttniiiloi'ilopot ten minutes eailiuriiul urrlvu ton minutes Inti'r : DKI'AUT. .MtHIVi : . CIIICAOO & TfOIITIIWKe-riaiN. OiLT , * . 51 . Mull mid i\pi : os . C : . ' ( ) f. M. 1 :41) : ) i . il . Aeuoiinnodiition . l : . " > tl I' . M. a-'M p. M . r.xpix-5,3 , . yo.ri : > \ . M. rincvoo & HOCK isr. VND. n:2"i : A. M . Mull and lUpt ess . ( ! : . " ' i' . M. 7:15 : A. M . Vecomiimdntlonil"i : I' , v. 5UO : i' . M . Kxprots . OMM. . cniuAco. snr.w.UKt.r. & ST. i'\t'i. . 0:20 A. M . Muiliuiil i\ire : | - . iiMl' : . M. 3 : " " ) p. M . IXpiosa . 0:03 : A. M. CHICAGO. IIC1II.I.VR1O.S & QCIJ > eV. OM A. M . Mull mid Uxpriss . 7:10 : i' . M. 5:13 : p. M . Kxpros . ! MB A. M. VVAII II , ST. l.OtliSS. IMfll-IC. 2:15 : f. M.I.oonl St. LonlMviiuis I.ocul . ' . .M.Tuiii. lii-.St. l.onls ICv.TriiiiblorJli-O 1' . M KANSAS cm" . M' . .ion 4 coL'.NCti. tit.ui-rs. 10:10 A. M . Mull ii ml E.\pivs . : > r. M. bUj : p. M . H.xpiosii . ii : " . " ) A. M. ' biiiux cnv s. I-ACIKIC. 7:10 : A. M . Miill for Plon.\ City . G-.0 : r. M. 7:5. " ) i' . M . Kxi-n s for t-'t. Pnttl . 0:25 : A. si. M cvrinc. 11:1.1 : A. M . lpn\L'r ) i\pioss : . 4:1. : i' . M. 1:20 i' . M. . . Lincoln 1'iir.i. , Dm. to It. V.-J.r : : ! i' . si. S-.a'i p. si . Ovothind l\p ! * < . 7:33 : \ . SI. DUSISir TIIV1NS1C ) OMAHA. I.c.ivo Council Illnils 7lK-S:0 : > Jsm-IOra- 11:4il u. in. I : : jUaiJtil:2l.1a5llS5 : : : : ! : ( 11:45 i ) . m. I.onvo Omitlm Cr : : > 7SI5 i.VJ : IDjua 11:15 n. in. 1S:5Uio : ; liW : 4:00 : 1:53 : 55 mid 11:10 : p. in. in.HAIR HAIR GOODS. Waves , Frizzes , Switches , Etc , HAIR GOODS. SIIAMPOOIXO , H.VIll Dltl SlXQ , AK CUTTING. HAIR GOODS. " Ilnnss cut I'ampudour , Lsmjrtry or OtliciSt > loa. HAIR GOODS. s. c. L. c.iM.im-n. \ K'J Miiin St. , Council Illillls. ONLY HOTEL In Council Ultiirslmvliitf Ami nil modern Imiirovcraent * , enll bolls , tire aln i in bclN. flu. , Hilic .CHESTON HOUSE ! MAX JIOHN , I'roprletnr. K. .1. SWASSON. C. 1' . SWANSON SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 020 Ilioiulwny , Council IJliiirp. Pianos and Organs Sold , on 3s/rcn.tU.y ! : All lilmls of repairing- nuibltiil InMruiiiunts JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJNOIU Thorough Instruction on the Piano and Organ VOICE COLTURE rersoni desirous of rcccirlni ; Instruction _ ln the nbovo will rloa&e call on or address Prof. C. B. Lipfert , No 630 First Avenue , Council muffs , Iowa. MRS. A. B. ROBERTS , Formerly pf Now York , FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING Cutting- and Fitting EttoblUbment. No. M F rl puct , Council Bluffs , Iowa. T1103. OWlCltn. M. W. IL rCSLT. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS EARLY DAYS OP'KEW ' YORK , The Wonderful Glridsi 'oP ' the Metropolis ia the Preset ( toatury. Tlio CIiniiRCfi Wrdiiftlit l y Vlxoroun Cnliroi'iiln - -Int cresting 1 tent In- licences. A centenarian died in a litlle Pennsyl vania cily last Monday , says the New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Record , who Was born on a farm In the limits ot this metropolis , a. little below Union Square , ami who had used in the war of 1812 the same musket that his father had earned in 177(1 ( as a soldier at the battles of Harlem Plains and Fort Washington. This isa brief record of 100 years of life , but it carries the salient periods of the .slory of our nation and city. When this man Was born the future metropolis had a population of but 23,000 , and was much smaller and much less important than Philadelphia. The in habited portion of the city reached only to t ; Chambers street on Broadway , and the latter thoroughfare was mainly occu pied | , with small tranio dwellings. DritNh troops t still occupied the barracks , wait ing for the order lo leave , ami it was not until the next 3car thai James Duaue , a native-born citizen , who had returned to his l ! farm at Gramerey Park , to liud his house burned and his properly destroyed , was appointed major , and began to restore order out of chaos. MPW York was but the rubbish of a luelropolis then. It was not until 17 ! > 0 that the first sidewalks of brick and stone were laid on Broadway , and were followed by the erection of lir.st-elas.s residences. " The public gallows , signs of il Christian community , stood on the present 1 , City Hall park , appropriately Hanked bv the. Bridewell and the alms- house. The Collect pond , deep , clear , and , sparkling , llfty acres in extent a miniature .sea in the .heart of the city occupied ro the ground now covered by the Tomws. with its neighborhood of crime and misery. Its waters furnished food for the angler , and were even said to be inhabited by a strange sea monster , which had carried oil : i Ilcssian soldier during the revolution. With the rejuve nation of the city a company proposed to buy tiii the lands about ( lie pond , and , preserving the waters in their primitive condition , to lay out a portion of the grounds as a public park , and realize a profit from adjacent property. Want of capital prevented the carrying out of a plan which would have preserved an inland - land sea in the heart of tfic city a naturI I al feature shared by no rival. The boy I who did his first lishing in these waters , I who played in country roads all the way i from that point to Jus ancestral farm at Union Square , \\lio iawi-Washington , the first president , a familiar figure on the stroels , lived to hoar that ( lie homes of . nearly three million people could be ccn ! from'the spire of "OJd ' 1 rinity , "and died but last week. It is.a picture of progress lh.it ought to be aa ins-piralion to every man who owes hip birth or claim-'his homo here. i i A slrikinc featuroiofhousekeeping in tlipncw metrojiolisis tlie growing mo nopoly of certain liue.s of bu.-.ines.s. For some time jiust hirg * di\y \ goods houses have combined withi Uwir once dMine- tive lino.s < > f gondo nrnrly overyllilng thai is needed for the dloUiing or personal ISP of women and ( Hiildrcn , smd to such in c-vtcni thai retiiil dealnrs in fancy oods or special lines have fi-lt compelled .o close business , or to remove to remote ] sections and depend upon the trade of [ the pojr. Now the small groucrymen eouilain ] ) that the palatial grocery houses , which looks more like banks than gro ceries , are taking away their traffic and lef.v competition. From heavy meats to line liquors the range of edibles extends in quantities to suit all lasts and purges. If there is a hardship here it is dillicult to see how it is to be remedied. When Ihe clerk meets a lady at the door , shows her samples , receives her order , and then has the good packed and delivered without further trouble , buying becomes so easy that il is a pleasure for the house keeper to do her own marketing. The Washington Market dealers complain thai even their low prices cease to tempt people to come down town to lay in their weekly .store of provisions , as once was tin1 custom ; but even they must eonccde tiiat it is a pleasanter to make purchases at a large and handsome establishment One of those grocery palaces fronts con spicuously on Central Park and Filth avenue , and i.s felt to be an eye-sore by adjacent owner * of property , but it is we'll patroni/i'd by rich people , and. as William M. Toed remarked once : "What are you going to do about iiv" Innovation goes still further and in sists that the projected Fifth avenue horse railway is an inevitable neees.sity. Poo- ' pic wh'o live on the other avenues are tickled with the idea of giving the "nabobs' " a laste of. jingling bejls and iron acks , but the residents are in wild commotion over the proposition. To have the horse cars making sweet music in front of VandorbillV house would be the realization of poctio revenge to the Madison avenue dwc-ller.s , but for all that it is a serious matter to surrender the only street that remains lit for carriages , and which accommodates not merely the avenue folks but those who live on the side streets. . After the success which has crowned "Jake" Sharpe's seizure ot Uroadway for his horse cars it was natural thai speculators should cost envious eyes upon Fifth avenue , but after the former experience it will bo a crime to let the franchise go without heavy re muneration to the city. Uy the way. it is .somewhat curious to find that the New York Herald of February 10 , 1815 , said : "The necessity of n railroad on Broad way , to the exclusion of the vast miilti- liido of vehicles that now crowd it , was never more apparent. " It took forty years to bring Ihls nbout , and possibly it may take a.s long for the iron to enter into the souls of aribtpcnttio Fifth ave nue hi the shape ofmiilway tracks. HUSINKSSiHOMANCnS. Harry Hill writwt , in the Mercury : Iho first carpet of which there is any men tion in or around Newil'ork was in pos session of that hero ot deviltry and ro mance , the forever iiiotorious Captain Kidd. All sorts ofcotorics were told and rolold aliout this carpet , which was one of the wonders of.tin / ? pirate's treasure house. It was probably a Persian .rug which ho had tokcil if rrtm one of nspme.s. Some seventy years after Kidd had been executed this carp unrug turned up in a house on Queoti ulrcet , Now lorl ; , owned by a dashing \\lt\ovt of lory pro clivities. The widow w s almost as proud of her carpet , or rug , as she was of her "loyal" sentiments or her own beauty , and to doubt the authenticity of any of the steps by which she proved that her carpet , or rug , was originally the carpet , or rug , which Kidd had pirated , was to incur her hate. This carpet , or rug. was in those days nil the more uoticcaulo because rag car- pete were all tlmUpeonlo even rich peo- pie-could afford. True , Scotdi and other carpets were occasionally ollereil for sale , when brought over yi some- packet-sliij ) but there was no great de mand for thorn , and they were looked upon as rather lee luxurious. 'Iho tirst Now York house whose lloors Were com pletely covered with carpets , a-s almost ercry house is now , was the famous > \ alton - ton house , In Peuri street. The first car pet factory sUirtedMu this country was started . , by a man . named Sprague , ami . * - - - 1 K qyi. -'UtJ ' ' V ft 1 J -n * n < willed nil the earnts hn made Idmiclf "flrnuimi Turkey" rtml "AMniii'ter. " The manufacture of axes nud plows is one in which New New York hns had a prominent share1. Jethro Wood , of New York , was the pioneer plow manufaclur- cv of the United States , and , like a good ninny 1 other pioneers , has never had half 1t the t credit he deserved since lie died , just as he nexcr had halt the cash ho de served while he lived. Wood's plow was in its day , the most 1i popular 1 in existence , and did more than any other towardsdrivingouttheclunixy , old-fashioned plows , ami yet , so cheap did i Wood sell them , in ordcrtoinlroduco them t , and so many improvements did he put 1 Into them , that he hardly made a dollar. In fuel , it was said that ho even lost ] money , and yet all that the great sUto of Now York has ever done towards recognizing the philanthropic services of this really great and good man , whoso name ought to bo familiar to every New York . . schoolboy . . , and . who ought _ lo _ . have . . * 1 l A n monument in Central park , has been to \ appropriate \ the enormous ( ? ) sum of $ . ' , - 000 ' to his needy heirs. New Yorkers have got statues in their parks in honor of almost everybody else , but ( lie mem ory of gooil old Jelliro \ \ oed , the phlhuv tlirople plow manufacturer of old New York , has been forgotten. Wood'rt plow a great improvement upon the plow just before it , New-hold's plow , invented ; by a Jerscyman , which was in il.s time quite an improvement on the Jeirerson plow , which was the favorite invention of no less a man than Thomas Jefferson himself , who was quite proud of being the lir.st inventor of the plow in this country. Then in course of time came the Webster plow , the inven tion of Daniel Webster , which was a great improvement on previous plows and way ahead of Jefferson's. Hut , after all , the New York , orVood plows , have been the greatest American contribution ' ( o agricultural implements. New York eity de erves to be men tioned also as the place in which the in valuable idea of east iron buildings was lir.st practically realized. Ono would hardly believe h now , but the first cast iron building put up here was put up under protest , with great fear and trem bling , Jest it should "burst. " A learned local pundit , some "expert" in building * , wrote a long letter to the papers , warn ing thn authorities agahiit the hidden dangers of these iron structures , which in ease of tire , he stid : , would surely ex plode and kill I lie liremen. IVrhaps if it hadn't been for the ruh to California there wouldn't have been anv , east iron buildings in Now York city for .v ears timl years later. Hut the Cali fornia craze , the gold fever , led up to tlie east iron buildings in this fashion : You see , the gold diggers needed after awhile big storehoti'-es , and so on , but they didn't have time to put them up.down in California. They had to bo sent on from the more civilized and settled parts of the , world , all ready to put up aa soon as they [ go ! down thi'iv. So iron hojiscs , to bo nastily put together , got lo be in great demand. And then it wat > found by practical experience thai tlie ca t iron lieu e sent out from N iw York could be put up in two days , while the wrought iron house -hipped from Kngland re quired from two to three weeks. So a.s time t ; was overj thing to the gold diggers , the t east iron houses got tlie preference , and when it was found that they worked so well in California , then people began to have more confidence in them in New York. S > at lat t New York , indorsed by California , began lo lake stock in il.vlf. The gold fever also benefit led another line I of New York trade and manufac tures , which was called the "Alden pro cess" by which condensed milk is made and vegetables and meats arc dried and preserved. Charlorf Alden , the inventor of these processes , was a remarkable man , one of the few New York aldermen who have really been remarkable men and good for something outside of politic * . Alden was a Yankee by birth , and went to sea when a boy , roamed all over the world , saw flife , made a little money while seeing it , and then Bellied down to his proper line of invenling things. He made money hand over list ny his inven tions , came to Now York , went into the wholesale fchoo business and polities together. Succeeded in them both at mice , and finally did the big thing of his life invented condensed milk. Fortunes have been made in this condensed milk , but at lir t it didn't promise well. People ple didn't take to il kindly. There wasn't anything like the travelling and knocking round tlio world then that there i.s now , and MI there wasn't any special need for condensed milk till thn California fever broke out. Then this condensed milk loomed up a.s the one thing needful. Everybody v\ho went to Calitornia was a customer for this con- deiKssed milk , which enabled him to have Ills tea and coffee independent alike of sugar and the cow. The rush from New York and the north lo the gold diggings was like an "everlasting and almighty picnic , " as a M'Jer ' described il , not meaning any irreverence , and for Ihe mivisions of thi.s picnic the excursionists mil to depend upon New York , and sup- plies from it sent by sea around Cape Horn , as the Union Pacific railroad was then undreamed of. Consequenlly , Aldnn got any quantity of standing con front California firms to supply them with eonden.-ed milk. On ' I lie strength of these he started a couriered milk factory near Plouglikcep.MO and Iroin tlio profit * of these California roll- tracts iie got the .start which made him rich , and which has made condensed milk known all the world over. California also laid the foundation * of success for the business of making bil- lliml tables here in Now York , ami the gold fever ne.nr "FriM-ogavo " Mike Phchm bin Mart as a Now York manufacturer. For many years the career of Mike Plielan was that of a man waiting for a olianco to carry it out , and gelling Iho chance at last , not in his own eity but outside of it. and by an accidental epifiode. Mike Pholan'rf father was a billiard sport and kepi .sove.ntl billiard Kuloons in New York. Mike drifted into tlio same linn of business as his father and became quite popular. From Iho first ho had an eye for mechanics , and ho saw that the great want of billiards at the start was lirst- clas.s billiard tables. Ho felt this more and mor < ) as ho progressed in ( ho sport , and finally it got to bo the great object of his life to become maker of the best bil liard tables. Hut to carry out this object required cash , so Jio not to work lo make all Iho eish : ho could keeping saloons. He opened a very nice place In Now York Cily and ran il on a very "high toned" principle. Ho shut down on poolin' and ganiblin" and billiard blmrpln'and "kept open only for gentle : inqj.1 ' as ho said. This pleased a number of iioonlo and Hie best people , but It of fended n lot more of the toughs and spot-Is , nnd bo Mike , though ho deserved tofiiccnid , didn't. ' Then ho Iried high lont'd saloon koeplii1 sotnowhnro elsn. with like results , tnen tried it for a third time , but with th Siimo result * . So he was almost In de spair wlusn ) ho gold fever of M'J broke out. Mike saw his chance and seized it. Ho went , to California with the rest of the rush and opened a splendid saloon In 'Frlwjo , the tincst on theP.icilie coast. Ho soon made a fortune and a popularity whicji would have made him ariyjhln1 ho wanted to bo in California. Hut he didn't , jvnnt to. bo nnytliln1 ill California , he wauled to start n billiard lable factory in New York City , and as soon as he had miule his pile in ' 1-risco , he brought it to New York and opened , a manufactory of billiard tables here , which made him quickly rich and fa 11)0118. . . ' . . , , , i So that wo see , that in makJn' billiard , hc man who is goltin' ready for It alid lookin out for it. ' Some ot our New York mfmnfaptiiriir industries dnto far prior to the discovery if California and rcsvinblp some l/ondnn houses in thpir antiquity , and in IP- seetidin1 from one set of proprietors to their legitimate Micees nr.s. The oldest candy house in New Yt rk or inthiseouu- ry , KidleV's , is an Illustration of this kind. Their establishment Is nearly a century old , and has been in the. same uiiids , or their regular descendants , for hrec generations. The original store In Hudson street is still one of Ihe curiosi ties of ( lie town. All the members of Iho present firm were apprentices to the inn before Vm , and cadi partner has learned every branch of the business in Iho good old-fashioned way. No wonder Ihc business has been a success. This house has got a really aristocratic patronage and a genuine royal indorse ment ( if thai amount * lo iinylhin1) ) , and . jot it. by an accident , and yet an accident which was bound to happen sooner or 1 later : , as the reward of merit. Some years ago the dueller of Souther- and , Harriet Beecher Stowc's friend , called one nmrnln' on her friend Mrs. Hales , wife of the celebrated banker be- longiii' to the Baring Brother's linn. Mrs. Bates was an American by birth , and had learned to UM ; Hldley s hoar- hound candy for a cold. She found this mornin' that the duehcsx had a bad cold , mil o gave her oine ot her lioarhotmtl candy to use. Tim duchess u < ed it , and cured her cold by it , and then she went round tellin'all nor friends the advant- i es of this hoiirhound candy. 1'his created qiiile a demand for it unong the "aristocracy , " and finally : } ueon Victoria , then a young wife , icard of it and tried it for herself. It icted on her majesty's system just its it would have acted on a liou-o girl's K.VS- em , and the queen was so delighted with t that she sent her own royal order to iJidlcv it Co. , New York , lo keep her steadily supplied with hoiirlKmnd candy. Dins a big thing was accomplished ; .so ) ig that many a linn would have spcnl a iiuall fortune to get at-it. and yet the \mericnn firm hadn't taken any steps .ownrd doing or getting anything except miking the very ocst huarhouml candy t could. But perhaps the most suggestive and .trangest episode in the early history of my business I have yet eomo across oo- in-red in tlio early history of that now very important and profitable industry , he ice business. Though ice is as old as the hills , 01' as valor , yet the storing and selling of it is i modern idea. They didn't get the good > f ice in lite "good old times" and the ir.sl man in lids country who tried to in- roduee the general use of ice got inlo rouble and provoked a riot yes , an ab solute riot , in which some lives were ost. . The first exporting of ice was done by i man named Francis Tudor , who sent , is an experiment , a cm-go of it to New Orleans. Now , if anywhere on tiieface of the earth ice ouglil to have been wel comed , it ought to linve been New Or- cans , but it wasn't. This first cargo of I'tidor'.s ice arrived at New Orleans in he height of the yellow fever season , mil tlie ereolc population , instead of hanking fiod for it , took a silly -.care at t , just as the ignorant Germans took at vaccination , and wouldn't allow it to be andcd. A riot look place , in the course of which the entire cargo of ice was hrown into the < ea and thus terrifically vaslod. The vessel was burned and two sailor * lost their lives. This sounds im- ) o.ssible , but as Napoleon remarked , 'the impossible always happens. " Tudor , however , was noudiscouraged. Us second cargo was well received , irejiniici's having by this time been over- . onio , end all was lovely. Milton Stiylcr. New York \VorId : A tali , degnilied .00 viu < ; man walked into Ihe lobby of Ihe St. James hint evening and stopped a mo- nent at llio-news-sland. Hall a do/.en renllcmen stood near by converging. Said "I will . for Ilia . one : buy eig.ifi [ i.ir- .y if any one will tell me who that man s. " Tlie oiler was not taken up. Tlie gentleman in question was "Milt" SayleT : > f Ohio , who a few years ago was speak er of the house of representatives , liold- ng the position ne.\t to the president in joint of power. Sueh i.s fame ! Mr. Say- or has short-cropjied gray whiskers , thin face , high forehead , gray eyes and a very gracious manner , lie still itdluires to the 'ongnwional black , but .said that he was iillogolhcr out of politics. neasou foe Contraiilntion. ! Santa Fo Leader ; Santa Fe is getting on nicely. Every man lias his own wife , and the season of elopement is virtually over. Old stags are holding down their end of tlio lo-j ; , ami the. gay and buxom are afloat. Picnic parties up the canyon .ire all the rage. The heated term la nearly over. Harden sass is plenty , and thousands bask in Ihn fcunliglit of pros perity. Wo ought to be as happy as kit- Lens. We return thanks. f "Turn IIic Unseats Out. " Philadelphia Record : The retirement of Mr. Dormaii 15. Katon will aflbrd _ lhu onportunity for a complutu rcorgani/.a- niKalion of tlio oivil-sisrvicc coiumih ion. Mr. ( Jregory i.s regarded as a rather of fensive partisan by Iho democrats , whilst1 the republicans Imvo no belter opinion of Mr. Tlioiniin. In the exectilion of a law which causes so much friction Ihe presi dent should have advisors of Ins own o'loicc. ' _ I'Yeiiiiont Klcctlous n Gooil New York Sun : Some political the- ori/.ers who look down upon the common people , arc plnnflc.il to lament the fre quency of elections in the United Stales. They i'car that among M ) man.y elections the electors will lose their intorodt in some , and , besides , the eternal din of politics is disagreeable 'to their ears. Popular government i.s lee popular for them , and frequent changes almost as undesirable in elective tus in non-olectivu ollicos. They would like to sen longer terms for the former as well sis a life term for the latter. Witli these gentlemen jt is unnecessary to argue , for their diffi culty is a profound di.slru.it of people ami much personal discomfort In dem ocratic ) government. Tlio CIcarlnR House Report. HOSTON , Scjit ST. Tlio leailin dealing hou&cs of the United Slates report the total clearniii .s for the week ending September ! 20 , went SO'Jl.SW.'UH , a ilecrea.su ot 1.0 per i-ent coitil'arwl ' with ttio correspondliiij week lost year. , n ItoMK , Sept. aJ.-Durins tlio past twenty- four hours 100 new coses of clmlent ( iiiil four deiitlis from Urn disciise wcio irpoitiil in Palermo , new eases unit nix deaths In I'.mim , tlireo new cases anil two cleatlis In * CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ItMMKlt k SliAItiailT , No. 34 N. Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Tolepliono No. HI. All \york warranted. N. SCH1TKZ , Justice of the Peace. ORlco Over American Kxprtw , COUNOII , IM.UKF8 , IOWA. J. L. DEVOISE ONION TICKET AGENT -fitnii u mtetn'Jiviitif ji4l'lljm J p ntsr- XuV .etcaii ws. 342 ana' 344 BROADWAY. RETAIL DEPARTMEN Hens Fall ft tVEnforWoa ? Men * ' nttil ttnj-V UnMnoss S Men * ' mill HnvV Jiif Suli * nilMiriis' Uvorv I.iv mill Drew Stills , ( hcivonlK lot- Men , lloya mid Clitlmx.l Merchant TnllorRiilM. . Mcrcliiuit Tailor Overcoats. Mcivlinnt 'fuller Tro\v cr . JlUiml to tlio best , to imlor , M luill tlio inku. I'm Mens' SnllH iiitil Overrents. l.i-nti .Mons' Stilts nnil OvomiiltS. 1'at .Mons'Trousers' . Foaniloo ) Slilrts utnl Trowwrs In Pcotch wool ? , Moil lent od Sail-lots , i\trn : Heavy Unllirlit/fiint / , I'tutc ) Colored Wools ami mixed quiiliUc.Irom 'uui-iicli to f 1.50. DUNLAP fi2D ? ST2TSON BATS roil Tim r.u.i , OK IEM loves , Neckwear , Suspenders , " Handkerchiefs , Collars And Guffs , Of llrst cJnr-s ( jitnllUos and vcusonulilo prices. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 2tJ ami flU lirondway , Council ItlufTa , Iiiwn. HAIR GOODS AT Ko. CG" llrotuhvfly , Council niufTo. Hair Goods of all Kinds - Made to Order. Hair Goods of all Styles Ready Made.t , * No. 337 JBroadway. * CARPETS ! CARPETS ! Ourluiyor writes from Now Yortc Hint lie tir.3 l uuil choJeost lluo or CARPETS , CURTAINS -AN2- UPHOLSTBBY GOODS liver diown In this city. U'heo.sooils nro now HIrlviiitfiliilly nnil wo rt" > peua ully Invllo p. yry- lioily to t-nll unit too tlii-iu. , OH Cloths , 3 Linoleums , s Mattings ' ' OK ALL KIK33. Window Shades , Cornice Poles , Etc , , Etc , I'HHKi. Council Bluffs Carpet Company & 05 Broad/way. . D. A. BENEDICT , ' i Sign Writei1 ! ACKfTT 1XU BAVENPORT UDDER COMPAH1 All ttylefi nf r tiMura constantly In stotU made rro in tjiruot ) | iln jilutilti Tlio very butt. No. W Pearl St. , - Council filufh