Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    * * V ffijSlS
r "Oil AH * Omt'E , No. fill AND Oir. I'AiiNUt ST.
NKW TOIIK Omc r , Itoo.-t C5 , '
'nlilinlicd fvcry inornliiK.oxcciit Siimlny. Tlio
only Monday morning | ifli > nr imblUtieil in tlio
' .sta lo.
TKIIMS nv MVtr.j
Ono Year . 9IO.fJ > ) , Tliien Months . J2.M
Six Months . r.UOno ( Minilli . 1 .00
TUB WCRKfA' IIKi : , I'nMlritcd Every Wcdn&tlnjr.
Ono Year , irllli premium . . . . . . . .fu.oo
Ono Year , tt It limit i > i oinluiu . , . . . , . l.-'i
JSIv Months , without ( ironiluin . ' ' >
OiiuMiiititii ( ! ) Irlnl. . . . . . 10
coniin. roNii'.Mi : :
All ( lumnnintcnlloniifintliiK to nrninnd o < ll-
tnrlnl innllcr ! " MiOUld lie uduiojcod to the KM-
troll Of TIIK Itci : .
ttupisras .nTrr.iis :
All lin lnrM Influrs nnd icnilttiincua phniilil lie
4iillrM ! < 8c < l to Tur. UKK I'CHMSIIIMI COMPAMV ,
OK.MIA , Dnifu. cbccks ntul postotncu
to lie tnnclo Jin ) ultlo to the order of tlio iximt
IHE m mmm mm
1 { . KOSI'.WATUK , Kutron.
A. H. I'lti-Hi Mnimfor Daily Clreulatlon , Oma-
1m , Notniiskii. _ _
TUB business cud of the Ur.i ; has beun
sharpened lately.
IK the language of the pool , the linn
to-day is a daisy , and don't you forgot it.
.Tuix'.i : CitA.\\TOiti > says that ho is not a
candidate for collector of internal rove-
HUo. Tills may be a case of sour grapes.
IN the stereotyped language of every
man who starts a newspaper , wo have
now "lilted u long-felt want" , " and ,
whulj ? inoro to the point , the lir.K "has
como lo stay. "
'S senators are cpniing to the
front. Yan Wyok is now called "tho
Sam Jones of Nebraska politics , " und
Mnutloiwm hat * become known as "the
tourist. "
KOSWKI.L 1' . I'I.OWEI : does not want the
opporlunity to iilmter Now York state
from ono end lo the other with his litho
graphs which ho had left over from the
Chicago convention of last year.
Ati. the public schools in tlio city
'of New York have been connected
with the fire alarm signal system. This
'should bo done in every city where there
is.a iiro alarm , telegraph and telephone
GOVEKKQU IIu.Lof New York.does not
bollovo in civil service reform , and ho is
frank und courageous enough to say so.
This | K doubtless thu reason ho was Tarn-
4 mnny'a ' favorite , lie represents the ele
ment of the democracy that believes that
'reform begins with turntng al ! the repub
licans out of offioo.
i , JEvKivr man in Dakota has the ability
to make a constitution. Next to capital
* removals and county seat relocations ,
, 'tho principal occupation of the Dakotans
t ia constitution-making. Up to the pros-
* eht time Dakota has about as much use
v ior a state Constitution as Dahomey. The
. /pliajuco.8'iiro ' ! that Dakota will frame a
- dozieii constitutions Jjcfore she is admit-
" "tod into'tho Union.
IT is confidentially given out by Sea-
fretary of State Roggon that the supreme
court will declare the bill creating the
office of register of deeds void dn account
"of clerical errors. It is very remarkable
. that the supreme court of this state
should deliver opinions upon questions
which have not Leon brought before it ,
nnd it is decidedly singular that those
opinions should percolate through the
office of the secretary of state.
Wit-have hoard a great deal from time
to time about the discovery of great tin
mines in the Hlack Hills , Wyoming and
Utuh , but si far no mine lias been discov
ered that will produce tin enough to
make a dish pan. The assays that have
IJGOII made of the specimens from the so-
called tin mines in the Black Hills and
ttolsowhoro do not , justify tlio claims of the
Speculators , who want to dispose of their
{ "finds" fabulous . A
alleged at sums. gen
uine tin mine would bo more valuable
I'tht'.n a gold minu. All the tin used in
'America is impartial from Europe , prln-
ifcipully from England.
official organ of the Nebraska rail-
Vf oul ; commission ! cully attention to the
! faqtthut'ho ( publio Is awaiting with a
fgood deal of interest the action of the
< Union Pacific railroad upon the rocom-
Vmondutlon of the railroad commission
* that it put a regular passenger train upon
-tho.Stromsburg brunch. " The public is
iftlso anxiously awaiting the action of the
"railroad companies in regard to the
( recommendations of the commission that
certain pump handles , wind-mills , plat-
fforwfl , outhouses , &o , , on their lines
Hphould bo put in repair. As n
. matter of fuct the managers of
itho Union I'acltlo have decided to pul
In paesengor train on the Stormsburg
Jlirnnuh and they want the junketing
4commissioner * lo huvo the credit so us to
'enable them to go before the people with
tho'claim that they have brought about
Borne very important changes in the rail-
y trausortation ] service.
M'AY , of the Union
Taolllo , says that the people have never
igivcn Iho Union Pacific credit for what
t docs , Ho probably means that some
people are inclined to bojlovo that the
'Union Paolllo dooa not really intend to
build that now bridge. Mr. Callaway
ehould remember that the Union Pacitia
management of the past lias made many
promises to the oity of Omaha which it
never curried out , and hence it should
not surprise him to learn that there are
'persons who are nowslowto bollovo any
thing that cornea from a Union Pnollio
'uoureo , Mr. Callaway never can rest
lussurcd that whatever ttio Union Pacific
dotw for the yubstnutliil wotfaro und pro-
igrcfis of Omuha will bo duly appreciated ,
nnd the manasoniont will receive proper
< crtnllt for ILi efforts. Ho assures tlio
( public-that the proposed bridge will bo
( built , uud that Uio work will bo begun
dmmodlaUtlj. Wo have reason to bollovo
) Uite fltaluHONt , uud wo are glad lo note
Itliilt the Uulou. 1'aioltio , under its now
fm Uiigijuient ; , is beginning to 300 the itu-
of giving Omaha und Council
The mOtropollfi of Nebraska' Jias at last
Uio right to boast that U tins u metropoli
tan newspaper , With Ih costly equip
ment of lightning presses , stereotyping
apparatus , new' dross , and widened col
umns , the HKB in now in every ro peel
entitled to be classed among leading
American journals. H is not morcly
metropolitan in Us mechanical make-up
and its ability to print 15,00 : ) complete
oiglit-pugo papers every hour , but also in
its facilities for collecting and publishing
the news of the day. Its editorial staff'
has recently been reorganized and in-
croaked , and every department will hence
forth be in tlio hands' of experienced
men. Those improvements and changes
have not been made for the mere pur
pose of creating a sensation , nor huvu
they been forced upon us by any com
petitor. They hud become an absolute
matter of neeos.stty to meet the rapid
growth of our circulation , which at the
rate' of Increase for the last si.xty days
will exceed 10,003 daily before ttie end of
the year. This increase is by no means
phenomenal. It has simply kept pace
with the growth of Omaha and Nebraska.
The large investmciU which wo wcro
compelled to make in now machinery
and printing material is an evidence of
our faith in the future of Omaha and the
country tributary to Ihis city. It goes
without saying that wo are gratified with
the fact , that the HIK : is thu first paper in
Nebraska which is printed on a web per
fecting presand from stereotype forms.
Our palronri have appreciated our enter
prise in thu past , and wo leel confident
that they will continue to do so.
'Tho Umpire Stale.
The presidential election of 1891 : was
decided by the vote of the state of Now
York. Although the state government ,
with its vast machinery , was in the hands
of the domocraqy , Sir. liluinc would have
carried Now York by a very handsome
majority had he received the undivided
republican support. This year , as in
1884 , ho independents wilt hold the bal
ance of power , and they will decide the
contest. The republicans have very'
wisely chosen candidates whom re
publicans of all shades and
factions will cheerfully support. All
classes of republicans , and a good many
who were once republicans and are so no
longer , speak of the ticket with approval
and with a good deal of enthusiasm.
The New York Tunes , which led the re
publican revolt against Mr. Blaine last
year , declares that Mr. Davenport is
generally acknowledged to be entirely
worthy of the governorship , that his pure
und upright character , his candor and
fairness , his fidelity to a high standard
of public ditty , , his ample experience and
trained intylligencjG.arp well known , and
that there is absolutely no reasonable
fault lo bo found with him , and the dem
ocrats are as free to own that fact as the
republicans are to claim it. Gen.
Carr , who "has been nominated for
the second place on the ticket ,
is the present secretary of state ,
which office he has tilled to the satisfac
tion of all. Ho is a. very popular man
and a shrewd politician. His name adds
strength to the ticket , and it is admitted
in all quarters that Davenport and Curr
are almost invincible , oven when matched
against the most popular men the demo
crats could name ,
In the face of such a strong nomina
tion , which oven Mr. Dorshcimer , in the
New York Star , pronounces unexcep
tionable , the democrats with their ten
dency to blunder have nominated a
ticket which the independents resent
with indignation. GovornorIIill forced
himself at the head of the ticket by tlio
maohino lubricated with state patronago.
Mr. Hill , who by the way Is an accidental
governor , is the representative of that
clement of the democracy which bitterly
opposes reform in the civil service and
believes in the spoils policy. Ilis
nomination is regarded almost us
a rebuke to the policy of
President Cleveland , although thu
democratic platform commends Cleve
land's administration. Mv. Hill's nomi
nation Is given out as a great victory for
Tammany , and that repels a largo ele
ment of the moro respectable democracy. .
Whore there were republican mugwumps
in 1884 , there will bo democratic mug-
wumps in 1885. To cap the climax of
blundering the democrats gave the second
end place on their ticket to Hoswoll P.
Flower , ' who was a candidate for the
presidential nomination last year.
Mr. Flower is very ambitious ,
but lie could hardly afi'ord
to accept the empty bauble of tv
lieutoiiant-guvcrnor , after ho had aimed
for the highest place In the gift of the
nation. The real objcet'of compliment
ing Mr. ITowor with this nomination was
not BO much a deslro lo do him honor us
it was to draw on him for thu campaign
fund , Now that Mr , Flower refuses to
play monkey for Mr. Hill and doolinos to
pull hot chestnuts out of the tire , the
democracy finds itself In an awkward di
lemma , It has entered the campaign
in an oil-year , when tha party jvoku
rests lightly on the neck of the masses ,
handicapped and demoralized. What
ever may bo done Jo fill Mr. Flower's
place wilt not materially help , matters.
TJio ropublicana uro united , and deter
mined to 1-cgaiti.theirlost prestige. They
have the assurance now that the prodi
gals of last year will return even if there
is no fatted calf to bo killed. The demo
crats uro distracted and cannot pos
sibly command their full strength.
The hurmony patched up between the
factions _ ut Saratoga is a mere inusquc-
rado. Tie | mgstTisspectablo elements of
( ho democracy will Bulk in their tents
undlettio-party go to defeat this fall ,
rather titan to help tlio tuolls-huutera
and oppmoiU.3 ( of thendiuinistratlou. .
Tun Canadian Pacifio railroad , wlitcli
Ims been n source of a great d wd of cor *
ruptiou and intrigue , isuguiu in trouble ,
Columbia 'section Upon the -standard of
tlio Union Pacifio. It i now stated that
the Uritisli Columbia sct-liou falls fur
thort of lids standard nnd tlu govern
ment will have to allow the company thi
n-mount neccKsary to bring th roadbed
lip to the standard required by I ho origi
nal agreement. Tito Canadians 'have
been In the habit of pointing to the
United States with dctiMoii and drawing
contrasts between the conduct of
their own a flairs and thn dishon
esty of American methodThe
Canadian Pacific ring 1ms deVdopoit
more scandal in tho. Dominion than the
Credit Mobillcr hits hUhe United States.
The Canadians , however , have to paUern
nftor tliu Union Pacific , and their road
fails to como up lo oven that standard.
The idea that the Canadian government
must now advance money to the mana
gers of Iho road to futlUl theli' obliga
tions would indicate that the road has
fallen into the hands ot some of the bank'
cashiers.who'have left this country and
located in Canada. .
VILAS has de
fined oll'ensivo purtlsanscip. with -refer-
cnck to democratic' editor * . Ho-Mtyg. Uinl
lo bo thf owner of a democratic nowa/
paper does not in itself constitute a cane
of otltmsUo partisanship. The postmas
ter or other federal official may , with
poifoct propriety , conduct a partisan
journal , only hu must not be too promi
nent. about it ; that is to say , he may
uhuso Iho republicans a little , but nol leO
much , or ho may , if ho keeps the matter
to himself and plays thojiypoorite , say
what ho pleases about politics , and then
palm oft' the oll'ensivo utterances on hit *
partners. The editors of Nebraska and
Iowa democratic papers will please take
notice and govern themselves according
ly. If they wish to bo really offensive
it would bo advisable , to transfer their
wives or some other relative.
P-u.VmiR fires have swept over a vast
extent of territory in Dakota , destroying
many farm houses and the season's
crops. In the grazing regions the grass is
destroyed and cattle will sull'or. It is
staled that the course of the fires could be
discerned all along 125 miles of railroad ,
and in some cases tho'liro is known to
havn extended twenty miles from Iho
track. The scene is described as being
of utter blackness as far as the eye could
reach. The loss by these fires will prob
ably run up into the millions.
TIIR Iowa campaign is progressing
very quietly. The heavy guns of both
parties wcro tired-oft' with a heavy charge
of powder and very little shot. The
noisu was deafening , but the cft'ect was
not perceptible. The republicans have
good reason to feel confident , and therefore -
fore they are not. making extraordinary
oxurtions. The democrats still profess
to bo hopeful , but their cheerfulness is
artificial. The indications are that Iowa
will go-republican by the usual majority.
WE are on the'ovoof a great revolution
in the matter of fast travel. An aeronaut1
made balloon trial trip's 'in ' Paris' ' last
wcok , und demonstrated that he could
steer an air-ship in any direction nt will.
The balloon ascended and descended ,
stopped in mid-air , and finally returned
to it starting point. The steering appa
ratus is said to bo very costly , but oven if
it cannot bo used for ordinary travel , it
must become a v.cry important factor i n
future military operations. _
ACCORDING to an exchange "ex-Lieut.
Gov. John B. Finch , of Iowa , lias just
made fourteen spccchea in Ohio for Leon
ard and prohibition , ivnd ho says Leon
ard will get anywhere from W,000 to
75,000 votes. " This must Ire our own
John IJ. , of Nebraska. How he got
the pump-hand lo to his name is some
thing wo cannot accout for. It is quite
natural , however , to have a pump-handlo
where there are ao many persons who
take nothiutj but wato'r.
LlKUTKNANT GttKKLKY is' to luiVO a
grand reception on his arrival in Scot
land. Geographical societies and scien
tists generally are vicing with each other
to do him honor. In his cuso the adage
that n prophet Is without honor in
his own country is again verified. Lieuten
ant Greolcy lias received about an cold a
recaption at homo as ho did in the Arctic
THE now revenue lill ) of Pennsylvania ,
which tuxes mortagos , bonds , accounts
bearing interest , notes , bank shares , etc. ,
will bring over Jpl,000,099 Into the treas
ury. A bill of this character in Kobnis-
lea would relieve Ihn honest lux-payers
and moro especially the owners of real
estate of a considerable burden ,
Tun bankers have hpld their conten
tion to devise ways and means to.muko
banking moro profitable , It will now bo
in order for their patrons to hold a con
vention to ndviso means to make deposits
safer and loans ohciipor , The interest of
the borrower ought to bo protected us well
as the interest of the banker.
IT is understood that President Cleveland -
land prevented Gen , lloseoraus from
taking the stump In Ohio. Ho advocates
federal neutrality in state contests , if. is
said , but some persons may think thht ho
has helped the Ohio democracy by keep-
i ing old liosy at Ids desk In Washington.
Tun forty days grace to the cattle men
nra past.and those vast herds , which the
owners protested could not bo moved in
less than oigldoon months , arc safely
pastured farTway from the territory
which they were occupying ip defiance of
the law.
Tina is the season of pralrio tires ,
With all that nmy bo mild by the press in
regard to thu burning prairie , tlioru is
vast amount of recklessness exhibited by
people who nr0 exposed to this danger.
IV , as is promised by th managers of
tl > Union Paoilio , Uio dirt will llyftttho
cast end of tliu no > v bridge within the
noxfc twenty four Jiourd. wo suggest that
Iho twin sister.s should oolebrntu the
oveut , _
WILLIAM Culms is v high
'l"ip juincc ofVn' \ ' > lslu Vipiinn Incojiiito.
Imdji , tincnnji > ll l. lii kniwinjt wiy
sttiitf ,
Kniory Slon-s hint ( in ln iiit nf front $ J.V
MO lo x ; ,00a , but laM > ful if nil.
I'rvllilio ti < ! bhniil , &iii < f > liis ivl-.irn fiiiin
tiiiiflrtlid uliixMi Jti ; Onfk. Mtbilmil tints , a
DIMIIJ lint , nml u yiMjJ fmii-ln-lmnit warf ,
VVDDniii tl. I'li'jhuiH. t-ttltif justl.-o . or Kow
It-vlit ) , liiiitMlKt : ) niiiivoiititof ] : hail luvtllh ,
HP tiHs bold tin' ojut'tatiilni revy months ,
't'ho "hroWU-lnWit , ? hiiuMJ-cvcit. frcsln-ol *
slnvutl louhMkaVlllMiu 01 luwrt" Is Ihrt
tatc'-t uo\M'piH'r.Uc' ( | ! < fil | > tlou of thul
nilin. .i * !
Hon. A.y. llcwnttnoiiglll IhoMctlif ill.i-
imnuls v\\\\ ( \ \ \ \ \ \ Itv tlic millnu nt Turkey ,
Into N'ow * ork wilhmtt Imjiiu ; nny .duty on
thuni , -v
I'li-rro l.oilll.inl , of NowVoik. . sold his
Iwuififjit c > .fntii kiidvvii IIH "Tim Hicnkory , "
nrar Ni-wpnrl , Id I. , to CoinolliM VniiiltM'-
bill ,
lohn irct'itlUniRh did not know bl owil
wtfnAvhoit she wont toncohliii ul the Itiooiii-
liurdnlt' ttsyliun recQully. Ilo silil to lu-ri
"My tloar inniliiiii , nhr-nlt I I hojw Join
Illlsbilllll | \\oJI.1' n
( looixo C. Mlln. thn tr.t odliiit. t-liokwl hi ?
ttviUnrcr , Mr. Uousrll , unit wlpptt the Hour
with him at Denver , Col. , on Tuo-TilaV. Mlln
chin-Res UoiiHollvltli stealing , < ? lfK ) mini Ihu
uiinipnny'.s funds. , '
SuniitorSnhtu nays It Is ctniee.dcd the nrcsl-
jli-lil hustho light to mmoltit Ills' punt leal
Hyiltiatliin'M | to olltro , niu ( lie \\llt vot" to
coiiiiriu llioni when tlioy uio shown to Itoilt
lor t liolr place" .
( tcnlat Dr. lltnnes can look ujiou the iih-iw-
nut.ylilo o Ufa oven nt tin ; ndvatiwd : urp
\vlilch lie hiHJL'iii'lied. Tlioothurilny he. ald :
" 1 sun ono of the revolutionary jintiiots now
I inn ono of the men of TO. "
Luwyei * lit Ihc building in I'lillmlelphlii
where Mr. .Sinn Kniuhill'.s onicu I.s coiuiilaln
bltteily of the tluuitlurous tmnip of ollltic
hoelcors and the constant Imuitrlcs as to the
locality ot Sir. Uamlall's loom.
.Tiilliin Hawthorne , ilm novelist , conhilmtes
Hiiartlclo to u Jfuw York inim-r , lelatliiK a
talk with thu duvll on politlc-i. Wu lunu
uuvor tatkc-d with tlio tluvll exactly , but wo
have Intervlnwod Hun Hutlor , which junonnts
to very ue.irly tlie sanio tliluj ; . < iloUB-l ) iuo-
urat. . i Ifiunlln has been t'roliukinv ; at an
Aroostooke.xttliishow , giiusslnj ; on the hor.s < i
IIICOH , clu'crin.n at tlio luiuliiiL ; nuitelias , and
milking n sieich | to the t'ai nicrs. lie Haw si
brlKlit iiituro tor the state of Malnu , and im--
dtetod thbt Aroostook would hitcoinu n great
inaniirauturiii county as well
agrluiilturat region.
Tlio annual mtelinK of the Lutheran
Synod is now bcfn < r held at Grand Island.
Saturday , nt 8HO : n. hi. , this devotional
( xcruUus , le < l . .bjHov. . C. Moessner , wore
of deo.p interest. At ! ) o'clock the synod
was called to order , the roll eall fallowing
a number of now clerical and lay dele
gates present. The roadhifj of parochial
report.s wore completed , nnd the report
of the committee on thajiresidenr.s ru *
port was received.
Prof. Ilnrlhloniow , president of Par-
tliage college , was received us un ad
visory member of the synod , us was alno
Kcv. 8. U. linrjiitz , western secretary of
the board of hdirfc missions.
QOn motion , the report of committee on
president's report was taken up , item by
item :
That all the official acts be verified ,
That all pastors b.e expected to report
nil items of interest to synod nt once to
the president.
That a Htatu.mlssiomiry bo appointed
and supported by the synod. This item
was roterred to Urn board of home mis
sions , nftor a lengthv and interesting
discussion on ways ana means.
On motion Secretary Barnitz was heard
on thu subjeclf Of home missions , which
was of deep .Interest. The Republican ,
Elkhorn , und liogiili valleys wore spoken
of as being df great importance , ' and
will-bo occupied soon.
1 Synod opoHea'rfttjniptry at 2 p. m. with'
prayer , reidiig' : ( ' > bf tlio minutes of the
morning session , which wore approved.
The hearing of Prof ; llartholemew , presi
dent of Carthage college , at Cartnage ,
111. , in the inturests'-of that institution ,
was now the order of the day. Mr. IJ.
spoke for thrcu-cmartors of an hour ,
throwing much light upon the work of
that institution , which is certainly doing
a good work. Its wants are students ,
money , and hearty co-operation. At the
conclusion of this address services pre
paratory to the Lord's supper was then
held by the president.
At the close of this service Carthage
college was again token up and a lengthy
discussion followed by many of the
brethren of the synod. Pending this dis
cussion , the time having arrived , the
synod adjourned until Monday morning.
'ibis evening the subject of Homo mis
sions will bo discussed .by Uov. S. 1 $ .
Hurnlt ? ; and others. To-morrow ( Sun
day ) the several pulpits will bo Illicit by
members of the synod and at U p. m , ( he
corner stone of St. Paul's Lutheran
church will bo laid. The address will bo
dollvored by Uov. J. S. Dotwiler , of
Omaha. _ _
Tlio NoliraHku Tourist.
Springfield ( Mass. ) Republican : Sena
tor Mamlor.son of Nebraska may have
learned ninny new things while in Utah.
and may have a bettor sense of the difll-
cultios in the way of enforcing the .fed
eral law in Mormondom than most people
ple ; but when ho declares that the Kd-
iiitimln law is in any serious sunpo a fail
ure , nnd that now and radical legislation
is needed , ho expresses the impression of
u tourist and not tin Investigator. In all
Mormon history thu Edmunds bill la the
only measure tliiil. has caught polygamy
by the throat. Not only is plurality prov
ing to be a penitentiary offense outtliuro ,
but the intelligent Mormons are continu
ally pleading guilty und promising to
obey the law in future , thus receiving
only a nominal fine and osoapintr the
prison. Within a fortnight John Sharp ,
u bishop in the church and a man of
properly uud luflii'juco , has taken Ihis
very coursn , at tlio same time ovplalning
that his ofl'enrfu was previous to tliu po- >
lyguniy hill. After justice has slumbered
among lluf Utah mountains for yearn ,
and is now taking a brisk walk , it is very
unwlco for Mnndnmon or any ono to
grumble bccnuso it is not engaged iu a
( oot-racu with eiime. There is no oroa-
HOU ! to null up and begin again at Salt
Laku City , bill' ' to build upon the founda
tions wisely laid in the law otliceofa
Vermont lawyer.
Ambition ol' .WIIHam . Walter
New York ( JrajHiio : I hear that Wil
liam Walter I'hems. the impulsive friend
of Mr , IMaine * Will mi put forward by his
f ricmlK as tha republican cundidato for
governor of Now .lernoy. Ilo will have
thn railroad influence ! In consideration of
not opposing | iinisc.f | as a candidate for
thn UnitedHtntiM henuto ugtiiiiHt Mr.
Suwoll , whoKC'suucogMU- ' ! llbo elected
thlH winter > . I'
Tlio Bam JoifcHrNel > runku Politics.
Fremont Tribilltot 'J'ho Hustings Uu-
siuttu-Joiirnul Inadvertently paya Sunator
Van Wyok u tfumbllmunt by baying that
ho is the Key,1 Sam .Tones of Nebraska
politics. The Hov. Sam Jones toll * a
good many homely truths and plays
ainiiKli with hypocrisies of the
world ,
Inhuman Ohililron.
PjTTsnuuu , St'iit. SO. Uenjniiita Powers
ivgwl 70 , was ptcUinl up on thob.iiik.sof the
Allegheny river to-nllit ( mitiuascloiis anil
Uikeu to the polIce Htallou , wlicro ho died
twenty niliiute.s later. Yttslonlnjr ho eallwl
on tliu nmyoi'uml lopoiteil tlmHiU clilldroii
Imd taken Ids liiriu. fa IMao towntihli ) , and
then turned him oilcltt. He wiui glvun u letter -
tor to ( ha luimiuiu n vnt , and that \vun tha
luhtsecn of him niiUl lo-uliilit. I'lij'siciiins
altrlbute hbdwilh to btaivutiuu and cxpo-
Jfr. CVinklliiK in lioiiut ngiilu ami arrnugc-
tliu Kiiluiry may luxK-ced , not-
tlmiii'i'AUiUt ' hii'-iH-iitilou of tlm
A , Ecport Will Probably be Made Up ly
tlio Pollco Ooiiuaitteo To-day.
* " * *
1'wii of'tljeMlnl'iil t.'opjH'rs to .Suffer
, -J > lHoluiru < > Kom Lincoln llnll-
road Alntifi-M > N'ot < * $ i iVIioitl.
tlio Otiy.
The whitewash < "ouiniiltei } appointed
b.y tlio dity council met again Saturday.
The first wiliifv was II. W. llard.v , who
testified l < t seeing fccvunit gambling de
vices running during fair week , purlieu-
larly ono at tlio corner of I1 and Sou-nth
htrccls. Ho notified the police , anil they
promised to look into this miiUi-r , bui It
\\asiiot ! mmrdintidsitumled lo. .Mr.
Billiiigfclej , th chairman , : iskcil Mr.
Himly lo make 11 formal charge. Id the
Committee ! \iul It would be considered.
Tlio following charge \vsis then Hied :
LINCOLN' , Sept. 'M , IbStf. I hereby
charge tlio entire police I'oreo of thu city
of Lincoln , eaoli and every member of it ,
with nctfleel of duly in this , that they
allowed the saloons of tlio oily lo
run Inter than hnlf pa" ! 10 o'clock
at night during the week I'ndlnjrSeploiu-
Iwr 17 , IBS , ! . ( Signed ) 11.V. . HAKDV.
TluuioNl. witness was William Davis ,
who testified lo nol seeing any of Iho city
policemen drunk within I hi ; past I hive
months. IlMI.S not shown thai Iho wil *
lies' * was especially looking for drunken
policemen , but his evidence created an
immediuto sentiment of congratulation
among the we.ll wishers of the police ring
and Its friends.
Foroy Knsign and Charles Douglas
both leslilied that they hud policemen -
mon asleep on their heats. Several other
men testified that they had seen drunken
policemen in the city during the past
month. The committee then concluded
its labors for the day by adjourning until
to-day , when it. will make up its report.
Two of the policemen whom It is Mild arc
under the ban huvo left the city for a
time. They will doubtless lo dis
charged and have taken this menus
of leaving without tiny investigation of
their individual conduct. They .seem in
clined not to tustify to anything about
the jail delivery , and up to this lime the
committe.n seem ( Irmly convinced that
the escape of the men was a
sort , of providential delivery , possibly to
injure the "county and city immunity
from expense in prosecuting the. crooks.
Il was stated in yesterday's Journal that
the WEB reporter was wanted to testify
before the committe , but nosnbpoana has
ever been served on that individual , and
not the ( .lightest etl'orl made to have him
appear be torn thu committee.
Judge 0.1 * . Maon returned yesterday
from Aurora , the county scat of Hamilton
county , where he. appeared a ? attorney
for the railroad company in the case of
Win. C. VVcntu , administrator foi-Augiist
Goldman , deceased , vs. the. ISurlington
Ochlman some months ago. Ochlnian
was iti the employ of an elevator com
pany , and while lie was miguged shoving
a car on the track \ip to the elevator the
yard engine butted two cars against the
one Oehhnan was moving , thus killing
him almost instantly. The company's
defense was contributory negligence 'on
the part of tho.dcceased. After several
' ( lays' , 'trial ? the ; 'jury disagreed. Thcy
Mood on their Imnl ballot nine for the
plaintiff and throe for the defendants.
This is equivalent to u victory for the
defense. The judge is to bo congratu
lated on his successful management , as
public sentiment was vry mucii opposed
to the corporations , as is usual in such
Mr. Hall , superintendent of the Sioux
City & Pacific. railroad , u branch of the
Chicago & Northwestern , has been spending - '
ing several days in Lincoln , looking after
the matter of right of way and
depot location for that road in Lincoln.
II is safe to say that inside of six months
the Chicago & Northwestern railroad will
have a line in here. Its route will bo
over the line which was laid out ior the
Lincoln & Fremont railroad some years
ago. This will give the Llncolnites com
munication with ( he lumber and coal
regions of the north and northwest , the
very thing they have so much needed
these many years. Whether they will
ask aid remains to be seen , though the
general impression is that they will not.
The coining of the Northwestern U met
with more enthusiasm by the citix-cn taxPayer -
than is the advent of Iho Missouri
Payer railroad , while a largo number
favor both road" . Some fool that the
Missouri Paeilio has flighted Lincoln by
passing within twenty miles with her
main line for the past three years mid
now giving us only a stub ,
Work on the extension of the street
railway was resumed to-day. They are
building on O street. The terminus of
this division of the line for tlui present is
to bo O und Twenty-seventh streets ,
The citizens along the truck have subscribed -
scribed $ -JfiiK ) . The work on the tt
street division will bo resumed shortly.
The donations on that branch amount lo
$8.000. Itoun easily be seen that Lin
coln citizens give liberally to any and all
public enterprises of merit ,
Judge Reuse , of the supreme court , is
making arrangements to spend the winter
with his fanily in Lincoln. Thu judge i
compelled lo do this owing to the largq
increase jn tha number of cusod i pending
before the supreme court ,
The number of patient at llio Lincoln
Medical insHtuto is increasing" daily ,
coining from all purls of the state , Mis.
souri and Kansas. The management
are much gratified wltlr the confidence
t hu- people are bestowing' upon thulr In
Sales of real estate in this county and
oily uro somewhat quiet and slow at
present , The traiiKaolions in that de
partment for tlio onliro season , ui > to the
present , have bneu unprecedented.
The building boom still continues , and
thuro are no unemployed tradesmen , or
meuhanios in Iho oily. Good wagi'S tire
maintained , and huvo boon so the ontiru
season. No strikes have occurred.
The Knights of Labor have a large or
ganization in this city , Ono thing , how
ever , strikes us rather stiMiigu , and that
is that one person , u lawyer and a jtistico
of the pence , is a member of this branch
of the order , Wo had supposed that that
order was composed of men who obtained
a livelihood by manual labor , but who
ovurjioiird of a disoiplu of Hluckstoiio era
a justice of the puaco doing physical
The order known ua Iho Song of Mulla ,
which was exposed by frank Leslie somu
years ago , is about to bit established in
this city. Over ono hundred immus have
boon given In by porfloiis anxious to be
come members of that institution.
A great many Uix-payors uro complaint
ing of thu move about , to hu taken by the
mayor and city council , to expend n
largo Hum of money in grading Kast O
Btreet in the neighborhood of Sunny Sidu
addition. There Li a high hill to out
down which it is claimed will co l $ ) , OU'J '
or $ : i,00' > , and the buneliU will iicortio tea
a few wealthy giMitloiunn , and the ontiru
uity will Im tavpd , fewthoiMo of two or
thiv.o pciviou. * . An Injunction I.H
liolied an beiug proper-thing to Htop
this threatened favoritism in expending
thu oily ' 8 funds.
Tlxulrothurhood of Locomotlvo Jiugin *
cum ! u tii. | < > city is hi u pnijpuroiu condi
thntinlrorsily , hofori' thoolfi'ssolrnii'dloal
iurHprudonco , Mibjnot , "I'XitrfY. Tostr-
'mony"dcllvor6ilb\ Mason , was
weH'Homlcd ( b.V vKHort , lAif the -Mi'-
wcro sonu'wluil deivliet in thrlr
Tlio A\vunli 01 * Ktlilxm Unprolllrtlilo
ti ml n I { lol Hcsnlltft A I'l-oees *
ston oT Sombreros ami
lltivnti PI- * .
Sun Miguel county , Now Mexicowhich
is as largo as two or three New Hnghind
slates pul logetlu-r , writes * u correspond'
cnl , never had u fair until lust week , nnd
it is predicted lhat it will be > omc tlmo
before it him another. About six weeks
ago three or four Miloonkeupers con
celved the idea lhat an exposition would
ben good thing lo luuv , and thu.v imme
diately'effecti'd an organization and put
out their advertisements. The announce *
menls iHd not go into de.tnil , as that was
not onl.y impossible but unnecessary
They pimply stated that the lirst annual
fair and exposition of San Miguel county
would lie liold at Santa Kasa during the
week of September 7 , and ( hat pri/.es
would be yiven for the. bust agricultural ,
mineral , Mock , and domestic
well us for luces of various kind * .
When Iho momentous day arrived the
committed had unclosed a piece of ground
just ( -oiidi of town , on which a t w sheds
had been erected , and their s.iloons weio
well filled with good : ) , which it was ex
pected would find ready sale. On Sun
day a man arrived with an assortment of
centipedes , and demanded thu first prize.
He. was duly entered , and , after tome
p-.irleying , was per.iuaded to wait until
the cud ot ihu fair before taking the rib
bon. That evening half n do/.tm cow
boys reached town with a herd of cattle ,
which , they .said , had been run oft'from
their ranch for purposes of exhibition ,
and could not no kept here a week.
Other exhibitors ( aim ; in during the
night , and by Monday tluiro was moro
colinnotion in town than had been s-eon
here before in years. That day was a
busy one at. thn fair grounds. The com-
mittco found the exhibitor.- * unpleasant
customers and very dtllleult to please , > o
that when the sun went down the ex
hibits were not in much bolter order
than thuyworoi.i thu morning. Besides
thc- ) iiiiplGiisantnG.soc.1 , it began to bo
feared that a inNtnko had been made
somewhere. The committee had calcu
lated on a big attendance from the. Mexi
cans living in the counlry back of here ,
and it was thought thatthero might be a
good many of I lie boys from the minis
and ranches round about in town , but as
Tuesday udumccd it was found that ev
ery man who came to ( own hud an ex
hibit , and this shut oil * the revenue of the
fair association. In an evil hour the .man
who wrote the bill added a line to * this
effect : \r
: 'A ' , '
V/.AI.I. i\itniiioiia : Auuirruu rro run vV
-f\ anorxu.s Fitii : : . -
AH day Tuesday men poured into the
place with exhibits , until the fair groituus
looked like the barnyavd of a prosperous
farmer. Kvoryhody went in and out at
will , and the doorkeeper iw darkness
gather that evening without having yet
lelt of a dollar. Things were getting
pretty serioub in , town- for there were
prized to pay , and , though the saloons
wore doing a good busincs's , it had not
been contemplated for a moment that
their receipts should be used to reward
the enterprise of the exhibitors. Late
that night ti committee got together and
discussed tlio situation. It was nearly
daylight when the members adjourned ,
'but a deeSsioit'hsrtl Ueeii urriv'dd at. The
exhibitors wore to bo forced to leave their
goods on tins grounds or pay gate money.
it had been me practice'ot ' scores ol tuo
attendants to put their property on exhi
bition und then withdraw it in the eve
ning for their own use. Several men had
ordinary wagons and horses on exhibi
tion , and many of the Cowboys had eH-
tercel their revolvers , saddles , or ponies.
On Wednesday the tirSt man who pre
sented himself as an exhibitor had a span
of mules and an old wagon. lie was in
formed that unless lie was willing to
leave the outfit on the grounds until the
olid of the week , ho could not havu an ex
hibition ticket. This satisfactory to
side of Texas. " All accepted the condi
tions and went in. Evonmgfouud pretty
much everybody and everything on the
grounds and no money in the gatekeep
er's hands. Wheu the exhibitors came
lo leave , the great majority of them were
willing to trust tjio management with
their property , particularly those who
had live stock. Tlio committee found it
necessary that evening to invest in hay
and oats to the extent of a ten dollar bill ,
and after things wore fixed for the night
they met again to discuss the situation.
Thu time was rapidly approaching when
something had 'to be. done. . bevorul
prizes hail already been awarded , though
not yet paid , and a cowboy to whom had
loou given lirst prhio for ruling was cele
brating his victory by getting gloriously
In this extremity Hank Lane , who had
been at county fairs in thu east had an
inspiration , lie told his associates that
in many of the fairs in the states thu
prines consisted simply of ribbons. They
gave u certain color for first priy.o , an
other color for second priy.o , and another
for third. Ho had forgotten the colors
used but it would make no dillorunco ,
. "All that wo need , " hu said , "is lo put
on a little cheek uud we'll gut out of this
scrape in a very creditable way. Wo'll
give 'em all prizes and it won't cost us
| j. "
Thu others thought ( hero might bo a
chance of the thing working , but it was
clear that they had thulr misgivings , it
was agreed to try the thing on and Lane
was commissioned to do the job. Ho
purchased groeii , yellow und red ribbons
iliu thing in the morning , and when
I lie crowd UBMMiiblcd on the grounds hu
mounted a largo barrel and said :
" 1 have the honor , on behalf of the
( toiiimittco"of manager * to announce lhat
wo have duoidud to award tliu premiums
already won right away , without wait
ing tor thu lair Iq ulosu. Emulation is a
great thing , and. though 1 congratulate
llioguntlumiiii who huvo boon made Iho
recipients of the muniigomont'rf favors , I
would to them the possibility
th < it at anutlier time they may find thab
somebody else may take ihu caku , , Mod-
only Is a gfcat virtue , Jo-io will
stop forward and recolvu the first prem
ium for fiiatdrh ing. Heruandouuo / !
thn bucond , and aliihc oJier participants
tlio bright red ribbon rooorvcd for honorable -
able mention , "
Thu other members of the committee
stood I > y * with palu Incus and wet browri
while thin Rpeuch was in iirogruss , but
they said nothing , Jusu Cubano cilmn
upv 1 1 u tiwajfgor , and on mdviny ; a
green ribbon , sniil :
" ' the "
"Whuro'u money ?
"Thoro'u no money , fullow-cItl eiiH , "
said Lane' with hid liuiv up. "Thl is
not a sordid contest for gold , but rather
a higher nnd moro nobto 3lni"gh > for
honor. ThU green ribbon will bu an
niiirlupm for jour family which they will
bt\ proud to pittidass , unit I congratulate
you wuriuli oa your triumph , ffo\v \ , lul
the next gentlemen stup forward , ' and [
will pin ili Iwlgc * o ( merit on them
with my ovrn hauda. "
TIIQ other ouiitustauU ctuuo forward
shui'pl.ihlyaud MiJuuittod to their decora-
lion , wlulo llm member * of thiicommtU
tee , fooling 'that the worst wu over ,
drovv long breaths and wip'jd their for <
„ t'.u/4'.d ( i pnfj r "said .Mil mini
Absolutely Pure.
Tills | M > wil-r Mover VHrffS. A mnnpl of
BtictiKtli mitl uhohiMit tin > ; s. Moro ix-tmnink-ul
tlinii ih < i ottllmny Mini * , und onnnot K'foM In
compelilicin \ \ mi the ninlllliitlo ot low Ir-M.Midrl
xx-lKlit "inI | > 1m < | > hiilu imuilcrs. KoM only In
fans. HoyNl ItuMiiK t'owtloi'di. , Ittl Wnll tilroot ,
2V. V.
of the managers , to his usso/nlcs , and
they all nodded their heads.
If thu committee thought they hail SP'-
tlod the : tfuilr they \\ani gh'iUly mis
taken. That uight'tho exhibitor * held a
meeting , unit they decided that if ribbons
were legal louder they would make them
so all around , Tliov laid in a Minsk , and
the next day when Lane got up agniu to
award n green ribbon to the tarantula
man , that individual said :
"Hold on , there ! "
Lane paused and his associates trem1
"As many as think that I his fair i.s a
fraud that ought to be cleaned out say
'Avo. ' "
The nyes had it in a minute , but by that
time Luliu : in 1 his companions 'wore ' on
thu run. The exhibitors lore down the
fence , piled up the fragments near Iho
sheds , and set lire to the outfit. Then
thov rode into town in proce-/on , firing
their guns and whooping for revvugc.
On arriving at the saloons they ordered
up the best in thu house and \\illi icvo'-
vors in hand offered ribbo is in payment.
Vor a time it looked as thmiv'i ' > bunla
Rosa was destined to iminoilhl j ban'-
ruptcy , b tt after' each m- : < had Had all
that was doomed necessary the .irocos'w n
reformed and made for tin- Country , leav
ing many bills unpaid and a vc y discc n-
solute community.
Lane and his friends talked the matter
over the no.xt day , and doei led taut Jtuy
would go out of the fair business.
"II will ttiko mo a year JM gel oven , "
ono of the .saloon keepers said.
"And me , lee , " said all tju others.
Lane leaned bnck in his chair'nnd ,
nftor keeping ilence for a few minutes ,
observed :
"Tim country is too IK w .aid fresh for
county fairs asyot. "
Peppered and
Tex. , Sept ;
wounded yesU'-iJuy whtle anestlnij a
\\nntwl tor a murder In NusnvlIUsTcnn. . ,
dUnl last night. A uiub ijiiiokly
marcluul to the j.ill , took the murderer out
: imi hanirod him after ( UschuiKintt the con
tents if their we.ipous.iuto tils body. ' *
Or. Piuree's 'iKiivorjtJ&.Prijs.cjipl.j'p.ii" ' is
no5 extolled as a "curd-all , * ' but * admira
bly fulfills a singleuois of purpose , lining
a 'most potent speiifi' ' ! in the = o el ronic
weaknesses peculiar to women. Paiini-
ulur.s in Dr. Pierce..s large treatise on
Dise.-ises Peculiar to Women , Kit ) pages ,
sent for 10 cei ti in stamps. Address
WOIIMI'S Disi'KNsAitv MittjA.nA.ssociA- ; (
, CO. . Main Street , ItuUalo , N V.
The pnpuliu Ity of southern Califoinia nsu
suiitiuimu Is such that theie aie ouvUW cot-
taies , worth from SWIG to $2.riOO apiece , in
course ot eon.Kiriii.'lInn in J.os Angeles and
Piirnstmid stronrast Nature ! I'f"/ ' ' " ' ! ' '
Vanilla , \xmon \ , OratiRO , Atmona. lUjsc , etc. ,
flavor as delicately nnd naturally us tlin fruit.
Two Years
The "CiNn B" IttranEnCo. give n beiur Itnh *
tier llian cm bo obuilnuj clflcnvlitro for tliu t > ium
money , "It1 * " 'fir rrcat Improvement , .of Ilia
noilllf.i : THICK I1A1.I ; , Tlio citm Uilrlnr at
rubbu rlflJt , uiulu tUo trcnJ , jlvc3 UOL'JU.i ; WJ.1U.
A U to nee the < CiSnKK" Dnablo Thick Ball
Rubbers In Jlyou , An-lltv , Overtimes , Alutkag , Ac.
A Common Sens ©
Did you Sup
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for liorsea ? It is .for Jntlamma
tion of all flesh.