Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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Agricullin-af Implements ,
UN1N K & MI-'X'ALl' tX ) . ,
Dealers in Agricultural Implements ,
WholoMile Deido w In
Agricultural Iinplemonts , Wagons
ninl Ilugploe , Omalia , Nob.
Bools and Shoes.
i * . v. MOUSI : & co. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1111 I'm/mm Slrwt , Oinnlm , Neb. Jtnnurnctoiy ,
1 "licet , llo'tun.
8. A. O CtIAHl ) ,
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
llnltlnjrs , Cuitnln ( U > oil . ito. : 1lil rnnmm
t-lri'ot , UniiilMi Noli. _ _
Ccal , Lime , Etc. _ _ _
.uii'V wTiiilwoitn ,
Coal , CoKe , Lime and Stone.
Omco , S1U B. Ulli 81. , Oinntin , Noli.
ami naMMipoitSticots.
COt'TAN'&SQUIltr. ! ' ,
Dsslers In Hard anil Soft Coal.
Hcstvniic\le " . H. IBthSU Telephone
> o. 1 1'tt ' , Onmlm. NL ! ) . _ _ _
NTw7iAsi\A rum. co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
U14S. inth St. , Otnnlm , Kelt. , , .
( .1:0. : 0. Towi.n , 1'rcsldont.
Or.o. I'ATKitsosSec. . nml Tieas.
jTll. Hut.mniTT I'.A.intcn ,
I'topiletor. .Mtimijjcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
OMAHA , NiilltASICA. :
Ofllco , 217 S. lllth btieet. Telephone .
Uco.l' . tUi\UIl'roi > . C. 1' . ( looiiMWf , V. Pros.
J. A. 8lMt.HI.\M ) > , SOU 1111(1 ( TlVttS.
Omaha Coal , GoKe and Lime Company ,
Jobbers or hill il and soft ml , SO ! ) S. l.lth 1st. ,
' OimilniNo1i.
Hard and Soft Coal.
T\cliifl\o : ( Icnlci.s In Moulder , Colorado Coal ,
' . ' 17 .South lull : , U cot.
ColTec and Spices.
ciiAiiki : iiiios. & "co. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills.
Tons , ColUnv , Splcoj. llakliiK rowilcr riuvorliitf
llxlnicls , l.iuiMiny llluu , Ink , etc. I11MIJ Htir-
Hey Slicct , Oniiiliu , Neb.
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
llSl'Kiirnum St. , Oiimim. Apples Our own piick-
IIIK 1'l.itt A : CO.'H Tljjt'r Hiiinil Ojstcis , Hotter ,
I&XS ( Junto , I'oulti j , I'otutopi.
General Commission Merchant ,
I'roclnco , Provisions , I'liillH , rioiifiinil 1'ecil. ] ( T >
S. 1 Ith St. , Oinalin , Nob. Consignments solicited.
Hctnrns iiitulo promptly.
Louis iiii.i.iit : : ,
Jobber and Commission Merchant.
Oliccfo , Huiiri ! ! > ! oKinlts , Itutclins Tool * niul
Supplies. 1215 Junes St.Onmlm , Noli.
.v uiminr , : , , t
General Commission Merchants.
Sl'KCiAt.Tirs llnttcr. Kifir * , rorciirn and Do-
mnxtluriults liy S. lltli. , Onutlia , Nub. Tele-
paono No. nu. > .
1) . A. IIUUI.KV ,
. , . Commission and Jobbing ,
liiittor , KKKH and 1'roducn. A lull line of fitonc-
mo. L'on lgn incuts solicited. Hit Jtodtfu St. ,
13. MOHONV ,
General Commission Merchant ,
nutter , lljrfi * . riiee-o and ( 'onntiy 1'iodncoKcn-
Vially , Iluy S. 14th St. , Uimilm , Nub.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcfrljrm-ator mid I'nckliur Iloiiso.Hlli & Lciwon-
n-oitb St. , on U. I" . It. H. Tniclt , Oiiialm , Neb.
l 1S70.
General Commission ,
-Ml G. lltli St. , Oinnhil , Nob. Spruhiltles lluttur
ij.rl : , Poultry and flume.
vuvnci : nitos. ,
Commission Merchants , Fruits ,
Viodiieo and I'roIs > loii9 , Omaha , Nob.
A 1' . SCIIACK ,
Wholesale Commission Merchant ,
l ults , Hocils and Pioiliico. No. SCI S. 1-thSticct ,
Ouuilia NolmibUn.
TltOXnt.r , AT\V ILL IAJIS ,
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
lYnltn , I'loiir. AppliH.StoiiowaiP. Cider , Vlncsiir ,
Urns * Seed * . llntioi- and iw ; s.iii : ; and : it. " > South
Illtli btici't , Omaha , Nubraska.
Produce Commission Merchants.
roulliy , liutlor , Gmno , Ftnlls. Uic.JSOS. . llth
St. , Omaha ,
.Agent for the Miuuifiit'lia-ors and Tmpoitcis
Crockery , Glassware ,
Chimneys , Ktc. Olllco , 1U7 South 13th
Hliecl , Omalia , Neb.
Drugs , Etc ,
1 | . T. CLAuioflHiUH COMPANY ,
Wi sale Drdggists ,
Colibcrs iJ-'TalntH. Olio , Window Olai-s Ktc. , 1111
lliu-iii'y Slieet , Oimilm , Nob.
0. V. ( iOOlMAN ,
Wholesale Druggist ,
And Denier In I'lilutf. Oils and Window Glns.i ,
Uniiuia.Neti. ,
Dry Goods.
j. j. IIHOWN .v co. ,
Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions ,
, Nub ,
u oiNsnr.un & co. ,
Wliolottalo Doiilentln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
r.tncno , Utoev , Kmbnildcry nnil Wliltu ( iooils ,
l.tiODoiiBlusBtroct , Omiilui , Neb.
Engines ,
> The Baker Antomatic Engines ,
Etntloiuiry and porlublo engines , l > ollur nnd
tlicot lion work , viw > n § . nuilcnlturiil Implu-
uiuiits , puini'e.cto. )3U-K15 U'avenvtoitliSt. , , ,
_ .
lCRN ,
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Jtnportrrs of I'orelun Msh.Nos. 01UU1 Jones
fiirrcl nnd U , 1' . Truck , Oinnlin , Neb. _
Flour , Etc ,
Wil. I'UMTON. fi 0. UlCII.UIOSO.S.
WM. VJU TON i ( X ) .
Wholesale Flour ,
60R , niO nnd 512 I'Jurco StreetOinnlm , Neb.
i * A. pTEWAirr& co , ,
Wholesale Flour Dealers ,
AnH mnnufactuicoi or Illiimlimtliur uudl.ulirl-
As-cut for J. C. HotTnuo r & Co. ,
Uttrers of Highest Grades of Flour
Itollv-ra and llmumruiul'ioeeMi. Wau-liouio ,
UU Jones blrvvt , Omiihn , Nub ,
. J. WKI > iHAN ? & C0.7
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
> fnnnr ctnirior W. .1. WrIMtnnr & Co.'o Quick
llnl1tiir llnpknliPiit flour nnd proprletnr Omnhn
niyMIII , wr. li nnd Knrnnin Stieet * , Omn\m. \
) | { WK V *
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
_ I'nuinm Slroot , Onmhii , Nob. _
Groceries ,
Wholesale Grocers , -
1110 nnd 11U Donplas Street , Oinahn.Nob.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco nnd Simitars' Attlelp , U17 llowaid Pf.
M ! : vTm A
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spec ! , ClHiirs and Tobacco1317 and Ml ! ) Doug-
Ins htrcct , Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Coiner 10th and 1'unmin Strcot ? , Omalin , Ncl ) .
i"AXTON , ( AI jivut ii : & co. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No ? . 70. , , 707 , 7l nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Oiiiiibn , Neb.
_ _ _ _
wT.i. iiHOA'rcit
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Pprlnpo , Waron Stock , Haiiluond I.nmbor , otc.
IJUU and 1211 Hiuney htiout , Omaha , Nob.
KDNTA'A , 0111I10N ,
Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy llimlwmp ,
iic. : 1217andl21U l.emenwortbstieet , Omaha ,
& TAYI.01I ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Jlcchnnlcs' Tools and llnlTalo Sc.xles. 1405 Doug
las Street , Omaha , Nub.
i.r.u , ritui ) & . ro. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shoot Iron , Ktc. Ajrcnts torlltmii Feales nnd
-MIuiul Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb.
ini/roN itocir.its .v SONS ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantled , Ciatf : ? , lha s frooila. iri : ; and IK J Vm-
nam Street.
& wn.imi.MY io. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Kails ,
KIIIOI. OII Stool Nfill'or. . Illth and llaniey
htirots , Omaha. Neb.
Harness , Etc.
wni/rv x
Manur.iotin ur > mid Jobburi oT
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Tin f Goods , llliinkc'lB and K < > lic .
Mioi'l , Oiniihii , Nob.
WM. Dir.itiN \ co. ,
Mmniractnicrol the
Deeriiig Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Ijfirlmor , ( icncial
Omaha. Tclcphoinviiio.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Hydraulic and Mechanical Engineers ,
Jobbei- Iron Pipe , lion lilting- * , lion and
Ilrii" ! ( ! oed . Knjflni'ei < ' Supplies. Hth utid
Dodfro Stirets , Omaha , Neb.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Steam. Water , Hallway and Jlilllntr Supplier , Kte. , Itti and U.'l rurunin St. , Omaha , Nob.
ciiuitcii iLr.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Supplies. HuadimrteiB | for
Jlust 1'oost Co. ' 8 ( ioodti. 1111 1'tuimm Street ,
Omaha , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wholesale Jewelers.
, lpnlow In SHvorwnrc , Diamonds. AVatehe ? ,
Clocks , .Teweleib" Tools and JihUcrlnM , Klo. , 101
and lit ) , 1Mb Street , Cor. Dodgu , Oinalm , Nob.
Leather. Hides. Etc.
" rTcTTi UNrTiNc7TOjTl"soNr"
Dealers in Hides , Wool and Tallow ,
1111 Jackson Street , Omaha , Nob.
Leather Hardware
, Saddlery ,
Pnddlory and Shoo rmdlntrs , Hides , Wool , I'm ? ,
Polls , UioUhO , Tallow , I .If. , Oimih.i , Tx'cb.
Live Stock.
_ _
Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha.
No Yanlnjfo CbarKOd.
Clo = o to tj. P. llrldw. Special accommodation
and u jrood market lor liotru. 1J. C. Cooper , .Man-
Olllco , ma South fith Sticet.
Live Stock. Commission
And rorwardhijr Affcnts , Union Stock Yards ,
South Omaliii , Neb. Ti'lephotiu VC' .
\ \ ' . 1' . IIUOWN it CO. ,
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ollleo Uvvlinnini llnlldlnir. Union Slock Yards ,
South Omaha , Neb. Telephone No. IWI.
Live Stock Commission ,
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111 , , iindOmnlm.
Neb. Krank Chlttmidon.MamiKcrOmalm llrancb.
Telepbono No. „ ! . KBtubllsbed IKK.
w. u vA'fuicic & cdii
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Address allcommnnlciitloiis to imnt Union Stock
Yard ! ) , South Omaha. Adxanccs nmdu on ttouk.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John ! > ' , lloyd , Hiiiorlntcndent. |
Lumber , Etc ,
IX3UIH IlItADrOltl ) ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bash , Doow , Kto. Yards Cor. 7th und Douglas ,
Cor. Uth and DouKlus.
1J011N MANUKAC'i'UItlNO CO , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work und Inli-ilnv Haul Wowl
Viiilnh. Juflt opcncil. N. K. cor. Bill and U > u\en-
\ ioth enacts , Oinnbn , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S. UUi StreetOmnlm , Nub. F. Colpctzcr ,
Manager ,
Lumber ,
llth und California Street , OniauB , Nob.
Lime Cement Etc Etc.
Lumber , , , , , .
Cor. Uth nnd Douglas Btrects , Omnbn , Nob.
" GEO. A. HOAGLANp , , T"
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Qmalm , Nebraska.
0. K , I/VMAN ,
Dealer In Sash. Doors , Blinds , Mouldings.
llulldluy l'ai > cr , Eta. Boutb Uth Street , Oiiuilia.
1 Nebraska ,
Nebraska Lumber Co. ,
Sll South Ninth BtieelOmnliaNcbrtuka.
Dcalcra in All Klixils of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
16th Street und U. V. It. It. H.Trua.Oimihn.NcV.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
20th nnd IrordStrpots , Omahn , Ncbrn kn.
J. A. WAKEflKM ) ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
IliilldluaPupors. . Sash , Doors , llllnds , Jlonld-
luffs , l'lc ) Tt , 1'osls , Lime , I'lnstrr , Hair ,
Ccmont. Nlnth nnd Jonep , Omahn , Neb.
' * MliiTncTy"
I. Unnuri-il.DKII ,
linpoi ( era nnd Jobbers o t
Millinery and Notions ,
1213and 1211 llnrnpy Ptteel.Oinulm , Neb.
Musical Instruments ,
: nnof.MVuiucK&o : .
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
PtelnnyrionnVeticr , Decker. Unities mid
llrlp-jfs I'lnno * . I'neknrd Oiwim , Cluiso Organs.
101 mid 103 Kith meet.
Notions , Etc ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry Good" , Notions dents' rtirnMilnjr ( looK
Good * from NPW York. Tiadu sales dally. 600
and MXS South 1'itli St. , Omnhn.
C. S. ( iOOUlUClF& CO. ,
French and German Fancy Goods ,
DrngKlsta' nnd Stationers' Sundries. 1115 Tnr-
immOinalm , Nub.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4M and 40i S. lUtli St.Oinaba , Xob.
Wholcsido Dealert In Nollons and ( ientb * Vur-
( iooils.
ATr.'ANK LIN'12 CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Gasoline , Mien A\lo flroaso , Kto. A. II. Bishop ,
Manager , Oniaba , Nob.
Pork Packing.
.TAMI'.S U. 1IOV1) ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omaha ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onieo I'lilon Market , 111" loil > ri' Street. I'.xcWnjr
boii'-e , II. 1 * . It. H. Tiaek , Oniaha , Neb. U'elu-
pbono No. 157.
Safes nnd Locks.
" i > . noviiu tc ( o.r
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s
J'iioitnil IturKlarl'ioot'Piiles.Tlino J.ocksVanlls
nnd Jail is oil ; , rj-'d i'.irnain street , Omaha , Noli.
Seeds ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
. \irilunlturnl Vwutiible. Klc. Odd Kullons' Hall ,
N. \ \ . ( or. Hill and Hodjro St. , Omaha , Neb.
A. v. HBTIIOI : ,
Wholesale Foreign and Domestic Fruits ,
Jleuts , Ijml , .Tellies. Hnttci. Itatf. C'hccsu , IHe.
No. .TO. " . S. K'tb St. , Omaha , Neb.
General Commission Merchants ,
110(5 ( Dodge Street , Omaha , Neb. Consignments
Wines and Liquors.
Dealers in Liquors and Cigars ,
Kt ( ! and 13H loii las bt. , Oniaba , Nob.
Fnutoiles Nos. I and WJ-i , 'M Ist. | N. V.
Suteessor to AlcNAMUii \ IK > CAX , linpotlcrs
and Wholesale. Dealer * In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
Sll and Ulll S. lltli SU Omalia , Neb.
It. It. C.llOTTi : ,
Wines and Liquors.
Western Aucnt.los.PclilItllruwlng Co. 710 S.
Mh Street , Oniaha.
IIKNKV IIoTtNltnilfiiU : ,
Wholesale Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
1K1 Donslai Htiect , Omaha , Nob.
11,1:11 : & co7
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Miiors. ] Solonianiilactnreisor Kennedy's
Ka t India lllttei-s. 11U llainej Hticet , Oianha ,
L. 1 > . 1.AIISON CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Whiskies
And Cljrais , and Cleneral ARentfl lor thol'blllp
lle.sts' Colelnated JMIlwiuiKco llecr , Omaha , Noli.
TN w York , Sept. " 0. Moxiv : E.isy ut
1 ( < UJ4 percent.
1'iiiMi : I'AiT.i : 1(5. ( . " .
KNCIIANOI : Hu.i.s Dull and unchmired. {
STOCKS St. I'.iul occupied tlio center of
inteiost on the stock eM'hiingo today. Stim
ulating oideis in o.irly dealings losulled In mi
advancoliom 7S'je ' tn'iO.fjJc. hater thoio was \
n rapid decltnt to 7b o , thii stock linully elos-
iii ( ? tit 7b,1 o. Thu lest id the IKtiis veiy
dull oxtojit a stieiiL'lli do\olo ] > od in I'acllio
jl , which piined 1 iicr cent , mid a loss ot
1 per cent in Noithoin I'aelllu pictcired.
Otiiorchmifiesme lor small linction.s.
: tT ) cenl liondH. . . W.U. \ . A-N. W 07 ?
u.s.JVs natf ; prefeued. . . I'i7
News 1S5L N.Y.O
r.icilic O'h of ' ! . 127 Oiotion,4
Oentnil 1'aclllu. . SKij'd 1 Mel flu Mall 4S ) < f
C. A : A lill.ij i' . , i ) . jti : n5 ;
piofoiied. . . . IfiO IM'.C Wb.'J
0. , H. .tC ) 12iK ! Kock Island . . . 11 ! )
] ) . , L. t\cW \ 101ft ; fcS. F. . . . 17
] ) . till. O lajjl iiretened. . . HI
. iojf . . u. , yi. . ttst. i' . . . . 7SJ
ut erred. . . . ! M picfoiicd. . . min
Illinois r'entral. . inijjfSt.l' ' . i\sO
I. , li. it W ii : prelened. . .
tVTexsvs. IMJJ'I'cxas P.icilio. . .
Union I'.icllio. . .
\V. , St. \ , . ,
Mich. Centra ! , . . . 01 prelonvd. . . 121.
Mo. 1'acllic 2 Woslornllniiin. r > 7
Koithoin I'uu. . . 21 O. Il. t X to
jird'eiicd. . . . 4"i 4x
Now York , SeptTSw , Wheat Ifocdpts ,
12tHX ) ; oxpoitM , Kii.OOO ; spol hl her , buUoiy
( inlet ; options opened higher , later wealtenod ,
and clo. < cd Item : ungraded ml , b2c ( < $ l 01 ; icd , Ulc ; Xo , 'J led , 074 ( < ( Wc ; Govern'
borclosni'at | "U''o '
Corn-Unict but linn ; recdpU. ibT.OOO ; ex-
pints , 10i , ooo ; uiiL'radwl , 4t < @ 4li > c ; No. : t ,
47J'o ; Xo. 2 , 48MS-l8.lf in elevator , 4J # @
4'.y'e. alloat ; Novcmbcrdo.slim nt 4"c.
Outs HlKhcr and actlro. dosJiiK linn ; ro-
relpts. in.iwo ; ( ' .xjiortb , lliooo ; mixed
orn , HOgtttavostern ; , J)0(3-40c. ) (
IVlKHoum Firm ; united doted at SI OOVC.
EBBS Finn , lair Inquliy ; locelpts 4,2 < X )
Porfc Dull and declliilnur ; mess siiut , SU75
( glOOO ,
-Moderatoly active ; we-slern Ktoain
spot , SO m4 ( fi20 ; NoveaibtT , SOJMtSflia.
liuttcr liiill and lienvy.
ClieiKo Finn , but rather quiet ; western
flat , 4Jf@S c.
Chicago , Sept. CO. Flour Firm and un
changed : wheat Hour. 8JCO@f < 25 ; tiouthorn ,
S4.rXXL 00 ; Wlsoonsfn mid Michigan soft
sprint : wheat , 83 f > ; Minnesota hakera'
5f5l60 M ; patent , 375@-ino ; low grades ,
} > 'J ttXav 00.
Wheat .Active and higher ; oiwnedc bet-
tnr. cased oil' jl @i4c , ieco\eie.d , nilud M > aily ,
advanced KUDio , declined uijaln l , o Mom
top liguie\ ruled Irregular , and closed 's'c
lo > ver t linn jcstorday ; 85WwNk > cash ; STi o
Sontomber ; Sflc October ; b73iJi ( ! > Sc Nd\rinbcr ;
! > , ic Novembei.
K > e Flunnt
llarlcr Quiet at 'Do.
Tlmo'hjWeak and2 ( lower ; mime , 5170
< < J171 ,
Kl.ixs.codWeak nnd ) j' @ > u lower ; Js'o. 1 ,
cl }
* ' $ *
H PiilfjfJlllllV. JU.UtV.Ht (
rdod wwik , doolllipd
jWfiOcftKlimidfeptom'.icr ; ? S 0@s60' < Oclo-
bor.I < nnl-5rodpmloly n ltra mid 3U "K5 lower ;
§ flpji4rf ( < l01 isli , S ( | > lnber | nn'd Octolicr
95 ! > ; > < ( < } oo November ; .sr.ooDocomlier.
JlalK 'Monls Shnuideroi W7."ia3b3 ( ; fchort
clonr. S.-JK\"iO . ) ; shmt rllw , ? 54ft.
IJiitler-iiInt mid wonk ; teed to fntic
ciemnoiy , Ju@ilc ! ; gobd tb choleo dairy ,
It'O. '
Cheese R. . . . .
full cio.uu ehedil
Y'j'tng A'Hei
Hides Unchantred ; heavy croon Failed ,
fully cured , So ; lltrlft , 4c ; damaged , tic ;
liull , Cc ; ihy failed , ll@ll'Jc ; calf skins , Ska )
Tallow Unchanged ; Uo. 1 , country , Ce.
lioeelpK Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 0,000
Wheat , bu 25,000 r > 7,000
Corn , bu 2.1-1,000 * 212,000
Onts , bu 172 , < xn ' , . ' 10,000
Ityo.btt v 7.000 8,000
llailey , bn fi'J.OOO 18.000
Mil wuulcop , Sept. 2d. Wheat Unsettled ;
cash , 80J4'e ; October , MlU'e ; November , b 'jc. '
No.He. .
Corn-Steady : , -He.
Onts Vltni ; No. V ' 0e.
ll > e Firm ; No. 1. f/.ik'o.
.irley Illghoi ; No. s , Me.
Provisions Lower ; mess poilr , cash autl
October , SH K ) ; November , S3 65.
Tolcilo , Sept. 20. Wheat Aelivo ; No. a
icd , 0-Jc.
Coin Quiet ; cash nnd October , 44 } c.
Oats Dull bill steady ; cash , ! Xc. )
Cincinnati , Sept. 20. Finn ; No.
" " itll Ull CfllVn ;
Coin tiasier and lowerNo. ; 2mlxodGJ ] e.
Oata Lower ; No. 2mixed , ytijjftf'-'i'e.
Ityo Easier ; No. ' - ' , rexjfGlo.
llailcy Quiet ; c.xtiaNo. Usjirlng , OOc.
Lard Scarce mid nominal at " > 00.
Whisky-Quiet at 8104 ; finished goods
based on SI o.J.
St. Jjouls , Scpl. 20. Wheat Active and
shaiply higher until afternoon , when most ol
the advance was lost , closing } * ( S.u o\ei yos-
toiday : % ( lo cash ; KVjc October ; tWBe
November ; \toa December.
Coin A shade off mid slw41@4Ufccasli ( ) ; ;
lie September ; : Wo October. -
( ) .tts inactive ; iMitf ' 4c rash ; Sl e bid
September : 2-l e November.
live-Quiet at ftl&c bid. _ . . .
Whisky-Sto.tdi at SI 00. - „ - ' .
] Jutter U iich.inged.
Kansas City , Sept. CO. Wheat Higher ;
easli"cbid..sOc nskcd ; October , VJK ( < ttOo ;
No\ ember , MJf@b\'c.
Corn-Steady ; cash , 33c ; year , 2-i c bid ,
'MJfij asked.
O.s Nominal ; 2.1' cbld.
IMIiiiioapollM , Sept.0. . Wheat Kapler ;
No. 1 haul , cash and October , IHe : Novemboi ,
! HXo ; December.He : Njo. 1 noithein. msli ,
Ni'Jo ; October , fc c ; Kovvniber , b o ; Decem
ber , s'.iKc.
Flour Quiet but steady ; patents , fjrr.'D' " '
fi-10 ; bakeis , SM 20g4 ( 40.
Iteeelpts Wheat , 10,000.
Shipments Wheat , 15,000 ! : Hour. Si.OOO.
Mvci-iiool , Soiit. 20. Wheat Film ; new
No. 'J winter , 7s Id ; do ' pilinr , r11'jd. , ' .
Com Steady to linn ; -Is7d wpotHSr.d '
September ; . " > V.d October and Ntnembei.
Cliicaso , .Sept. 20. Thu Dtovers' .lomnal
iciiorls : Cattle Receipts. 2.000 ; steady ; slnp-
iiinij steoi-s , susKViOO1) ) ; stockers and teedeis ,
S'JI' > OC"-20 ' ; cows , bulls and mixed , SI Wlm
400 ; bulk , S' Oi.aliHO ; Il'if.xails , stlonger : it
StJ.VX'J'iHO ; uoMein iiijeis ( , linn : native
and linlfbieeilsj' : . > ( . ( iO ( ) ; Ncbr.isla : Jl'o.v
' " 7.1. i
City , Sept. . ' Cattle HftclpN ,
1.400 ; shipinoiits , nofio : steady : expoileis ,
i52.54 ( ) ; common tochojio sIMpjiini ? , ! ? 1.M )
( < 75 ! : stockeih and leodoi-ji , : t 2tii i.i 2.5 ; cows ,
fe'JOOft/.Ti' . , ' ,
Ilojjs Itoeolpts 0.000 ; < shhiiiionts , 2,2'X ' ) ;
asjoited Ifio lower ; otbois I0 < - lower ; jjood to
choice , SI ! b. " ' ; < ommoil lo medium , fctf 50
( : i70. ( '
Sheep Iteeelpts , : iOr i shipmontn. 120 ;
steady ; common to treed muttons , 51 M ( < ii : 00.
St. TiiiulH , Scit. ] 2i-atlo-icccipts200- : ( ( :
shipments , ( iOO ; hcmcu mid only local trade
done : native hntchci Ing Mock , in mixed lots ,
iaiiKClS22i&JW : ) .
bliecp Itecoipts , none ; hhipmoiit , ( iOO ; no
and iiomaikd.
Trade lleviow.
grSignsof Impui\emenl mulliplj lathei than
diminish , and thoio is gte.iter coiilidoiice that
trade has cntoied upon a piocosol'ioeooiy
from the dcpio ion that haso long weighed
down all interests ; that the giaduat lenowsil
of activity iti sometlilug more than the revival looked for nt Ibis time of
the year. The roro\oij Is app.uent in a
better demand for pioducts of ovoiy cluss ,
and In the beginning of agiaduul buto\I-
dently goiiulno adxmico in juices. 'J'lie
voluino of business tlmt Jobbers act con
tinues to ineiuasv. To such sin extent is tlds
tlio case thai in neail > all the gioat com
mercial conteis the foncs cmpl'i.icilhcictn-
foie mo no longer siilllclont to cope \\lli | tlio
demand. In agieat inin.laigo ; hoio-es oxtia
help Is being taken on , and the c.ipaclb of
the housii piesscd to ll.s full limit. The de
cline in piice-s on goods dining the past two
yuu.s icijulics thu handling of u much gioalci
umoiint of stock to aggicgato tlio MIMIC value.
I'lcsent indications me that tlio demand will
Increase the tonnage to such an extent as w ill
net a much belter business , though imiiglns
foi" profit lomain the same.
Dining thopu.t : week thoic has boon \u >
little to note m tills city oxioplingatoady
upwaid mid onward nmu < In all kinds
of buslnosa. liiisines.s inon do not ex
pect or hope for a boom , but they do expect
that , inasmuch as the decline has been legu-
lar and steady for the p.isl two or tlneo yeais ,
so there will bu ncoiicspundhig andgiadiial
rise in juices. When tliu meichmit balances
uji bin liookK at the end of each week it Is
gratifying to llnd that thoweek'H business Is
In of the jirovious week and looks for-
wmd to tliesmnu ineioasi ! tlio week to come.
Theio has wnor boon a tlmu when the limn
ers of Nebi.iska were better ahlu to jiay cash
lor what they buy than Urn piesent ,
and as n result loimlry meichanls
sue better tiblo to make colloctloiiM and meet
their obligations with Mm ulioU'Milris ,
Tlui jmst week wo luno seen sug.u.s which
ha\obeen going up sle.idll ) , on uccount ol
the canning se.i > on , ic.icli the limit and shut
back. Dc.spltu the nilsu In prices the demand
has been such as to render tbo maikot in this
city almo.4 bare of sugar. The lion maikct
is stronger and thu mijinly of nallK is becom
ing veiyshoit mid then ) are very lew teim
and twenties In thu market. ' Kates on nails
are advancing nnd miles. ) ' Indications aio
very deceptive they will iuhanco to $1.00.
'fhunallcr.s4iavc.a very strong I'omblna'tlon
and lii\is ; bo 'ii on a sti Ike siHco June , which
IKUS cut dlT thu supply , Thu Omaha
nail woiks aru ( 'tunning to full
capacity and help to siipnly ho local market.
The sales of lumber are fully up to last
season , which w.-w thu 'jpt ' i this locality for
yeai-s. Coal will mlvaiu'eitsutout thu lirst ot
thu month , but will not effect dealer * to any
extent , sp fur as purchi'ilii-7as | tlio majority
of them have already hiid M their stock , but
will enable them to sell at gieater advan
tage. The piodueo markets have been very
quiet the iiast week , but juices aio stronger.
Theiuaikct is very nearly cleaned out and
the piesent week will bilng foith a demand
that must lorcu juices up. Thu grain market
has been very steady In this city the past
week. Corn , which \tn \ remained at Uicfnr
pome time , went up to ! Hc , mid dropjieil again
loiWc in carload lots. Corn , by ( he wagon
load , sold for 85c to 40e.
Taken as n whole the done dining
the week has been very satisfactory , and tliu
volume of trade lor Ihujiie.'entcck will be
even gi eater. _
U.MON STOCK VAIIIN. .s. < un \ , I
S.itmda ) Evening. f-vi > .i-iu , i .1 j
UnyeiA were b.icKu.itd ldtb > nnd llw
inndo btiMiiPSg dull. There Is n good demand
for htitolmrfe alecK , wieb as good cows and
heifer * . The rerolirts of hops were fair , mid
whllo there \vn n twiing tlml the niMkct wan
n shade lower , sales wvre niwle at about yes
' ' -
Showing the number of cattle , hops nnd
sheep shipped tioni South Omaliii during the
jmsl twenty-lour boms , and their points ol
destination :
No. 1ft. Dost.
2i0 ! C. Q. Chicago
No. in. Dost.
210 N. W. Chicago
HO II. I. Chle.igo
Movr.jir.xis or T.ivn STOCK.
The lollowlni ; is : i statement of the inoxo-
inent of livestock ( or tlio jioi hid indicated-
witli oiniii.irallvo | llgmes :
I\MII : ; OK i'iiris : : ron IKH.S.
The oxtiome i.ingo of piicv.s lor
mixed , ji.icKIng mid sbijijiiii ) : and
weight hogs lot six d.iys is vilo\\ii helow :
I'liukhi' ' A-1
Dull' , Ml\o < l _ _ Shlppln _ _ Wi wlil _
Xloiidiiv > . ! liijfff , I I'l ' $ .1 fn fri , ' ! do
Tiii-Mlny : i iU.iJ IJ
Frliluy ; i tsr 4:1. : is
Saiiiidny i _ > < -t :
Xolo All s.ilcsol stuck in this niaikot are
made p.'rowt. live weight , unless nthurwisii
staled. Dead how sell at lo per Ib. for all
weights. "Sunor hogs welching loss Hum
1U < | His. , noaluo. . sows me doclad
40 UH. and
hiituiday Kvoning , Sept. * Ji ) .
K.OS Sales \seio made to-day at ISJ.jC ,
and stoolc N nomly all cioacd out.
Itr'i 1 1:11 : Demand for clinluu prudes of
ftcsh Imttorls qiilto heavy , but on.yu . .small
iioiliou ol .ill K'ooipt.san bo Kr.uleil chnico ,
intact the siv.ilor pmt is below t.dr , even.
J'licus aio unchanged at iolo\\ini ! , ' ( inota-
tiiins : Clioleoiiusli , llC'ijliie ; lair toKoo tl , lOdfi
I''c ; Inlorior , rK Tc ; cic.iineiy , 'JOOf-i-.V.
( Jnr.i si ; li'mi cu-aiu clieddars , HMc ; lull
cicain Hats , t\\o in hoop. l ) .c ; lull cieani
VIIIUIK Aniiiimis. tour in hoop , llj c ; bwibs ,
I-K.I H ; biick , llJl'-'c ( ; IJiuhiir cr , ' . 'o.
C.M.iroKNiA l-'nt 11 1'cm.sVlntcrNollU ,
IJciuio , Did , l.uuionco , 1 ] . , Vicar ,
and oilier \aiietic.s. jror li < , x..7."ifttX.OO.
IVaclio.-1'or box , fil..v ) ( . ! l.1i5. I'limis IVr
box , & 1.2.j ( ol.7r . Pi lines 1'er box , 'jl.2.j ( < 73
l.TO.OisANi.r.s Tliu inatlcot is bare. Lnulslntia
or.uitfos o\pfLtc.d to aiihu within tlm ne\t
tWO \VOOlvH.
] { \.VA.\AH Tlieie is bat a limited denimid
nl pieent mid inaiket itilc.s low. Choice hu-
Iccilon , Si.7J : i.50.
Wii.n PLUMS Very few wild plums me in
the niaikel al7. > c pcrji liiihh. basket.
< ! i\i'is ! Anivals mo iiuito liberal and
mailu't a little weaker ; 5@dc.
] , iMONh Now Jlc.s.simi and IMIcimo lem
ons uic in libcial Mipiilv mid of oed qii.dily.
Ouolable , Sii."A ) ( ; 7.0o ; Fancy liodl , per c.ibe.
fcMX ) .
CiiANiiiiuiKh : : Hell and Inijrlo , per bbl ,
ffO.r , ! ) ; boll and cheny , per bbl , * i.rr(5s.oo. ( ?
I'liui/rm Tin ) iiiaikct is almost haio of
spiiii eiiickons. U is li.ud to obtain o\ur
S'-V-'itoi fjood sr/cil spiins cliicUi-iis , and the
bulk ol llmm will not biin alo\o
eliickens aio onlj In Lilrioinie t af
MIIIII : li vo ilik'lcs aie coming in , hut aio s
< ! AMI : 1'iices mo low mid williemainso
until cool we.ilhcr sols in. 1'iaiiiu chickens
iinotiihlo S1.75 ( ' < % . ' . 'i5 : suipo , 7.VC ) ? 1.X ( ) ; inal-
Imd ducks. Sl.5irt.00leal ( ; ducks , . ji.f > o&)1.75 ) ;
Jack rabbits , S'U ' > 0 pel ( Uu ; small i.ibblts ,
i'o'rATOiih AND ONIONS The jirico ol both
potatoes and onions i.inguh liom : Wv , lJc jicr
bushel aceijiiliiig to ijiuilhy.
HIANThoio : Is slock olleiodJ , it
would biingabouttl.00 jierbushel , mid diity
ones mo di jgglng at riD&i'i.'c. '
hwir.r : I'OI'ATOKS In modonito sujijily
. and lair demand mid slightly higher jinccs.
Clioicelaigo miotable at o'u per IbHOO ; : j > er
I'uovisioNs Laid , 40 Ib. wins her Ib. , iye\ \
diiod licet hams ' -.he ; diied beef , icgiuar ,
] 0'o : coined hoof per bbl. , il.OO ; mess poll :
jicrbbl. . SliO ! ! ( ; ham , lojrttiie ; bicaktast
| iiii'oiiii > ju ; clear side baton , c ; dry sailed
sides , 7jcslioulileis ; , lie
biMinnH : Now Holland hciiings , ftto ;
domestic Holland Innings , KIJJS , 4.c ; Itus-
hinn s.ndinos , hciiings , 4.1 ; anchovies In
glass , Ole Hull brand , per do/ . , fti.5 : ( ) ; micho-
xios In W hogs , Ole Hull brand , per do/ . , W.OO
si ii ceil ilambuighoiiliigs , skins and heads oil ,
jior ji.ill , > 1.
OYsrKiis Slmid.iids. ! ! 5e ; selects , 40e ; e.\-
tia selict1'ISe ; countH , Wo. )
( JitAiN-Coin , ; L'u ; now oats , 2y : < fi7' > : ! e ;
I : CUT Haul Io Uoat , 70o ; Cluumof the
West , iXJc ; Kounialn , 7Ui < ; ( iolden Thuad ,
07c ; . Favorite , ( Xlo : Jtudn. rxo ) ; Hncky Muiin-
lidn , f 0o ; Kniioy , irx' : DaKy , We ,
AiM'i.KS Tlio iiiailiL'tls ' iloiiewed. | Local
tnulo IH almost ontiioly supplied by Iowa
larmens , wbomobiinL'liiKOM'r Imgo ijumiti-
ties ot balk aiplc.s. ) hlnpiliir ] ( Htock U < | imta-
blotiMlayaHlollowH : Cliolco rntliiK , Aliehl-
'iin and illinolrt , W.f)0 ( < /i.OO : ; cooklii ) , ' , S2.00 ®
KH Airivnlh to-day aio limited and
thomaikcttirmat tfl.dO&ii.u.'i per basket lor
cholco Michlu-an block.
UIAVV : U.viimvAin : lion , nites , S' ;
plow Hteel , .special castle ; ciuclblo htcel , tin1 ;
cast . tools do , I2felt ; Wilson hpokt'sperhct ,
' " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' "
. , . , ,
iJV i u , uiiii.tuiv , i u , i'i. iLiju (
bars.o ; Imriuw teeth , 4a ; sprlnj ; 7ii'xj5 ( '
Jliirdcn'K hoiMi hhocs , H.20 ; Dmdt'ii'y iniilo
shoes , S.5.1W. limbed Who-Jn car lots , & 4.W ,
inn100 Ibs. lion Nnils-UnltM , 10 to 00 , § l.V > .
Shot-Sl.W ; buckHhot , Sl.bTi : oriental
e ea. cj lenc znc ,
12o : Paris whUlng.SKc ; whltliiKplldi-ni , lfc ;
whItlntcoin'll cliiinpbhickjL'riiuiutiiwn ,
I2u ; lanipbl.ick , oulimiry , 10c : Piutilan blue ,
65ttintraiuarlno , ISe ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ;
million , luiKiiHii.ii \ on nsM , i.r < c ; nw ami
burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , 10c ; raw nnd burnt
Klonim , 10u ; validk 'brawn , llo ! ; icllned
lampbliick , lite ; coach black ami ivory black ,
lite ; diop black , lite ; 1'nis.ihm blue , -iOc ; uN
tranmrlno blue , IHc ; rlnoiim Biecn , L. , il. vte
D. , Hiu ; blind anil wliulter k'lccn , I , . , M. t : D , ,
l e ; I'mlspivi'ii , Itic ; Indian jcd , I5o ; Vt'iie-
thin HHl , 'Jc ; Tii'ii-aii ivd , ' . 0 ; Amcilcaiio -
mllllon , L. iV D. , fflic ; jollow ocliiv. Oc ; I * , M ,
it 0.1) . , IKS golden oihio , Hio ; patontdijer ,
tx * ; graliiliii ; colore. , llglil onk , daik oak , wal
nut , du'.Htnutmidash , IV .
Un.llOraiiion.pci uullon , lie ; ir > 0c lic.ul-
ljlil. ! iiciH-alloii , 121715 bciulli ht , porKal-
lon , l-c , romer white , l-V ; > uMi'd. iuu ,
noridli'i 40 , IU M J. Jbfio ) | J ,
* '
$ l.fiONo. ; H. tl,4fl ; swcel , jWiniio'li , IM.OO ;
sperm , W. H. , JUT ( tnllnu , SUJO ; tHt , W. I ) . ,
on , ftV ; iioflt..foot extni , per "
SIMISITS Colostnu Spirits -ISs proof , Sl.
do , 101 proof , Sl.i'j ; splHK second quality ,
101 pioof , $1.11 : do , 18 > pioof , { fi.oii. Alcohol
1S3 1'ioof ' , § 3.10 per uliit ? nalloii.
ItcdlMlllod whtsklt" t ! , 51.iXfil.Mi ;
gilt blended , § 1 MVc.J.00 ; Keutuekj' bom buns ,
$2.00rti.00 ) ; Kontnda and lVnus\hnulu
, 52oofr.W ) . Coldon shpuf , bomlioii and
ijohlsUo l.50inl.oo. : Hiamllos
Iniroilod , ? . 'i.oO(9 ( . .105 douirxtlc , ? l.jiii ( U
Clus Impoitod , ? l.)0. . < o.cwdoniostio : , sl. " *
Ji.00. ltums 1 niiioi ted , | ( ( ; Now
Kntrlmid , § 'J.XV'H.OO ( ' ; domestic , .M.MXMix ) .
( 'limiiMjtiios | Impotlcd , vor cn o. . * . 'iM.OOC'3
ai.K ) ; Amoi lean , per ease , JlO.OOyfKi.OO.
VAIINIHIIKS Hal i oN , pel ( tallnn : rinnl
ttiro. extra , S1.10 ; tuinltiuo , No. 1 , SI.IM
coach , extra , ? 1.-IO ; eoacli , No. 1 , SI.20 ;
Danmr , extra. 5fl.7. . ' > ; Japan , ? ( ) ; as plmltmn ,
extra , S' c ; shellttc , ? ! i..0 ; hard oil linlsli ,
sfl.W. ToitArro Cllmn\-lloiorll ] > ; lloi o-
shoe , -ItV ; htur , * 5o ; Siio.uheadKic ; Our
Jlimo , taa ; Piper HeliHok , MV : I'aiich , 40c.
bAiMii.r.nv 1 1.itnw A in : XC combination
loop ljiimu.s. S.VJ. % ; XXI. O. T. hame.s , 4.75 ;
vnr I. O. T. hnmo * , § : i.r > 0 ; | wi footlon pads.
S1.75 ; 47 linj ; bils , Me : Ilmbours No. 10
tlncail , TOo ; lap hi east Mraii slide , : ! 0o ; X C
ireaststrapslidivlOo ; l'X ' Cloopehiituu ! ! T
nioklo.s , si.05 ; I1 ; jaji : i hiopohampTlmcklos ,
"K" 14 , X U : i loop champ T buckles , cM.0 ;
1 % jap louji chump buckles , { M .20 ; coji-
per ii\ets No. 0'Oo : lliistol snaps , 1'tf '
Sf-VfiO , 1'4 ' t'l.W , 1 fciUiO , 5jJ 8JJ.M' , 1'f '
SH.W ) : ( ioimati snaps , I1S".0t ) , I'j ' ? 2.f > 0 ,
1 fl.l.'i.Ji 61.40 , f 5,1.10. ,
COAL Anthmcllo egg , { W.oo : nuthraelto
nut , SS.25 ; anthracite imiw , Ss.2'i ; Iowa ,
S'l.25 ; Walnut block , si.7.- : > ; Illinois , S4.M ) ;
liullmin block , * i5.7r > ; Foil Scott , S4.25 ;
Rich Hill , St.75. :
lltui.iiixd M virniAi. Haul bilok. 50.00 ;
run of kiln. SS.OO ; llmo ( In hulk ) pur 1ml , 05o ;
llmo ( in bbi.s ) IMo ; Lonisvillu cement , S1.S5 ;
lTtie.i , Akion and Mllwiinkee cement , Sl.W ) ;
Poitlaud eomont , Kngll h , S4.IX ) ; stucco ,
Michigan , S2.00 ; hair in ji.iper sacks , per bu ,
Cil'OOCt'S' Idst.
SfnAiis Powdered , So ; out loaf , So ; gmii-
ulnted. 7'Vo ; confoclloiiois' A , 71ioStmidaid ;
oxtial1 , 7ve\tm ; ; C. O e ; medium \ellow ,
o/vc ; daik jellow.ti' ' re.
CANMII tlooiis Ojsteis Standmd per
case. S'.Vi ; RI ! aw berries , 2-11 , . . poi ease S-J.IH ) ;
lasjiberiicM , u-lli. , jici case , ? ' . ' . : ; Caltl'oinia
jio.iis , per case , * 5.tX ) ; npiic < its , per ease ,
3 > 4. : ' < 0 ; peaches , jici o.iso , fel.75 ; wlillo ohor-
lics , jiorc.iso , Sn.OO ; jilnms. per O.IM' , Sl.tX ) ;
whoitlcheirloti. per case , $2.40 ; egg jilums.
2-ll > . , jior case , S-.iX ) ; gieen gages , 2-11) . . per
case , ; s2.tH ) : pine apiilesJMb. , jiei ea o , ? i0ft ) 1
' ( ' Oidinaiy giado.s , 0"'e ; fair , 10'j '
C'Cllc ; good , Ilitl2c ( ; jnlmo , 12yMoo ; choice"
H17c ! ; laiioygreen mid > ollo\v. HffMO'e ;
old goNoiiiment .Ia\a. -'OtfiV ; Mocha , 2ii ( )
2iic ; Aibiickle's lonstod. IM'.o ' ; Mcl.auuh-
lln'sXXXX.ioaslcd. lo-/o.lavaIfi',0(17'c ; ' , ' , :
DIlwoiHi's , lil'te ' ; lied Cioss. lll c : Mc-
Latmhlin's , Aihuoklo\ and M'cLatiuhlill's
XXXX aie sold .We per casa oil abo\e prices
inc.isi : ! ! lot.s.
CANDV Mixed , { i > , ( ? mVe ; stick , 0' ' . . @
" , ' re ; Iwist stick , ! , c.
SODA In Ib impcis , ? n.2o a case ; salsoda
ir per Hi , S2.20.
Vixi : AB CJDUU IBfWlSe ; white wine , 15
( S'iiJe.
Pinti.KS Jredinm in bauels , SO.W ) : do. in
halt bauds , Si. : J ; small in b.uiels , . .W ) ; do
in halt bauds , SH.75 ; ghoikins in banel.s ,
, ' -t'.5iJ ; do in half b.uiels , 4.25.
Uioi : ouisiiina , ] ) tlme to choice , fl.'i'
SOAPS KhkV Savon Impelial. S".00 ;
Kiik's satinet..15 : ! ; Kiik's st.uulaid , Sii.W ;
Kiik's White Russian , s'l.OO.
, ul , % inch and laigcr , S'Cc ; inch ,
i , L'e.
a v 1 1 if SlOl ( 1 n tjl ( ? Tf t. iir ( I.- * . jx 1 11 11 1 * i u r b
o Ib , SJ < rc : Kinj.sloid'.s pine , : ! Ib o. o ; Ki
lord'.s bull ; , 4 .
3YllrI Slandaid C , 2'Jo , Mils ; Slandaid
do , 4-pillon Kegs , t$1.40. $
S3i'ins : .Wholo Pojipor , 18o ; alspico lOo ;
cloves , ili@20o ; cassia , lee ; nutmegs , nOQiBe.
Si'tcis : ( iroiind Hlnek popper , boxes. 15
pile ; al.splco , l.'iCWOo ; cinnamon
doves , ISfe' c ; Kinsi'i'i l5Gl-"ie ; mustmd , I5i ( $
2Tc. )
Dnni : ) L'liriTS Xo. 1 rpiai tor apples , 4'4c ;
N. C. Rllcoil , boxes , do ; ovapmatod , boxes ,
bKc : bl.ickbouios , boxes , 10e ; poadies , boxes ,
iidnu in the nimkot ; jioaelies. evaporated , 15 ! . <
( 17c ; laspbenies , new , 2.jfc27c. (
CKACKIIKS ( i.irne.ui's .soihi , butler and
picnic.AS ; creams , be ; ginger simps , lie ; City
soda , 7 e.
Poi-Asit Ponnsvlvanin cmis , 4 cans in
caj-e. s..j.c : , : Uabbltt' ball , 2 doin case , fel..K ) ;
Anchor lull , 2 doin case , 81. M ) .
MA'iciiii-j 1'e.r caddie , ! ! ; imind , il. case ,
4iai Mjumurnse.s , 1.70 ; O.sbKosb uiso.s , KI : ,
C.v'xni.r.s Hoxcjt , 4011 , , 10s , 12Uxo : Ss , 12"To " ;
boxes , 4011) , 10 o/ , ( is , 12Kc ; halt box , ' 'Ulb ,
Dry Goods.
lii.i.vriir.i : > Coi IO.VH Parmurs' Cholro ,
O'fe ' ; Cabot , lfe ; IIopoJ 7o ; Mill 4-1 , 7'fo ;
HIIIJ iW Lonsdalo , S ; FiultbW ; Wmu-
hiilta ,
Consirr JIANS : Kcarsar o , 7e ; Armory ,
7e ; Poppcidl , 7 > < u ; Indian Oichaid , '
XaumUea } , ' , 7c.
Kixn Hnowv COTTONS Pcpiici oil It. O'/o ;
PoiipercllO , r.'fi ' ; , Atlas , ; 4'c ; Sliituu ot Lib-
em , do ; Smiunic If.
Pin N'l.s Stool HluT , fij c ; American , R ) . 'o ;
Ainold'h1 , do ; Jlaiichcslor , Co ; lAinan , fie ;
( ilimcc.iter. n u ; Dunndl .lacipiaid , Do : Dun-
ndl , K ) { ; Kama HI , 4c ; WliuUor , Co ; I'acllio ,
do ; Harmony , 4ic ; Anchor Shillings ,
and mown , 7 < o.
DUCK ( Unbleached ) 8 JfaKiioIla , 10o ;
10 Magnolia , lie : 8 o/ . West Point , lOke ;
10 oWe" t Pol ill. 12 } < e.
Drr-K ( coloicd ) lioston 0 m. brown and
diab , lii o : noiton O 11 blown and duib , He ;
Itoston XX blown and diab , 10c ; Hoslon
XXX biown and drab , lie ; Hoslon O P blue.
llh'c.1 Walton Tiioot , Lie.
HIIOWN COITON Lawienco LL , nc ; Khiiw-
nmt LL , no ; Heaver Dam LL , no ; Atlantic
lAi , t.cIndian \ Head , 7o ; Waaclni'-Sft ii u ;
Clown XXX , jo ; Clifton CCO.dife ; Ut c :
C ,
* * S'4\ iiiiiiifi > * \j * j > tlil
Slietuckct S , 8' ' < c ; Sliotiickd Sb ,
Kales , Maple , ; ; . , ; Itandolpli , stiiple , iUc : ;
e , 7c.
( JiiKVioTf , Amoskoag , cliecksy' . ; Amos-
keag , stiipes , o ; Sinter , stii s , { < c ; Kdin-
bing , 'J > ; c ; WlOttcndon , stiipes , 8c ; ( ! len-
rose , Oc ; Otis , checks , 9J < c ; Otis , stiiK's | , Do ,
Koyul , OJfc ; Amoskoag , napped , 10 > c ; lu-
ray , book folil12c ; Obeion , book fold , like ;
JJiitliirance , Ixjok fold , 12c.
MKI : HSII ( IHsS Cutcli. )
Il'lab'r ' ' '
Iff ll'lsjl''l Kls
No Klsli
> ,
y 1UO W \ W 41) ) IU 1U
No. 1 Wlillo ribli , . . . . . .
No. 3 " ,
I'uinlly " . . . . w : ui.s iui , KI i aa
Nt ) . 1 Trout . . . . i tt4 ' uiy/BS / 10
It'll. I I'lckorill It 003 BO'S odll IK )
. ( INvi riA-un. : )
Now 1'Jnh. llbls.M . llnlf Illils Qtr l\\ \ \ * „ ? ;
M ) luu tw i fxw ) , = " .
lllonicrMiiM. . . . . . . 115 00 IH ( X ) 1(1 ( Z5II tt',7 , WM
I' * , Ko. 1 8l'r | . XI W K M II IklfiUl.n 1(11 ( 41)
No. l.Slioru. . , , . . , . . ai ui 10 MI 0 u > 5 'in i a ) i „ ( )
Mcil. No. 1 t < hore. . . r , ( ul H nr.atw
Kumlly , , . . U ) Itil 5 fUU ) Nl''IlU 70
I'Mt fiwhl ; i tt'i a1 1 70 70M
Bnmll 27.ri 1 Bi 1 : 4' ,
, ' . .UV'U'tliltUiIIIUKI8
NKW Mhll
IWJ1W U ) ( li ) 41) ) , W
l Ko n.nii - lu u ; u i tioi
Ihs. . Idt3. |
a o ino w rai 40ao
w. o ao u
Now sun > ipr rt > n > a
vkinlccc | < lti < ! ; 'Jib I
l ( \SMORin \ : Visit llrtllbnt , now , 1 ° j1novv
iring" ' . - > o.
Dry Ijtiiuher.
niMissmxs AMI HMM is
f "
lit nil i r no n n ft "o ft - f 1 rf.l
s\i i "IMS i v '
s\a. . n.vsii.i flirSAin . I I .i HI 751
i.\8 I1.V7B I.V7u 1.1.76 HIV17 vfi IP 7r.l
s\in in 1,1 I : < M in..1 * lu.i" ) r , 7o 11n --I Tr > .
MS ! in 7 * > i.vr : > iMMinAi , , . ,111 , AS07i > J
4vt- S\l.L , , .1L.llll.SSllil.ffli IIU.11) ? 17-2. " ) 11 % II" " . " " ) ' .
No. tboalds , 12,14 and 10 ft , , . * M7. < y > |
No. 2houiN : , 12,11 nud 10ft. , . . 15,001
No. : i board * W " "Mil1I1 ' 1I-'i !
No. Ibo.uiK 12 , II mid 10 II 1UX > |
1st Com. , 1' ) , Hand 10 feet S1 ! . ?
2d Com. , 11 mid 1 foot l .7rf
: id Com. , 11 mid 10 foot 14.751
Fence , 14and' 10feel lO.Tii )
No. i , 4 A ; ( l Inch , VjY'iid'i I feel , iongh..SI7.W > |
No. 1 , I Aid Inch , 10led , rough. . . . . . . . . n.MH
Ko. 2 , 4 A0 Inch , 12 nud 11 foot , lough. . 14.WI |
No. 2 , I AiOincli , lOfoot , loiigl 15.60
No. 1 , Plain , 8 or io Inch. ,
No. 2 Plain , 10 lucl
No. 1,0.0 . . . 18.WI
1st Com. . ; V inch , Noiway 15.50
2d Com. , ; ' 8 Inch , Noiway 14.50
1st , 2d and M Clear , lif Inch. s.
1st. 2d and : td Clear , 1 > ? mid 2 Inch , H 2s. WUO
] J Si'lccl , IL. li l mill 'J Inch , H. a. ( .
1st. .M mid A I Clear. 1 Inch , s. 2 . ( >
A Soled , 1 Inch , s. ' - ' < . -10.50
Jl Select , 1 inch , H. 2.i . TO.OU
1st Com. ( I Inch , wlilli'i'liio ' . ? SS 00
.M Coin. U inch , \\liilo pine . SV 09
! M Com. il inch , \\liilo | iluo . . . . . ' - ! ! > 00
Sol. Funec , H Inch , \\hllc nine . 20 ( K
Chlcairo Sol. Kenco Klooiilii , ' . 18 00
1st mid ' 'II clenrollov . pl C,4Inch. ! . . . 0 M >
IIATIKNS 1,1 , 1 rui.NO , I'lrKirr.H.
O. ( ! . IJ.ils ninch . 1 CV )
O. ( ; . , 2ii inch . 75
illnch U.its , sis . 40
AVeil tulilnc , 1) . A : Jl. , nnd Hov . 22 00
IMckcls-l ) . iV II. llat , S'.TTK ) ; 1) . tc II.
Mliimo . 2200
SIII.Sll.iS : AMI I.A'lll.
HI Incli , clear.IS : ! ; KN. * A * . 2 1VJ
6 Incli , clear 1 40
Lath. 243
Hark Hiw. received M5 ho ; - ! lasst Sni-
unlay at the Omalm stotk yards ,
to them from .Shelby , Noli.
The following arc among the c litwinp ;
lioffs at the Omaha , slock yard on Satur
day : Slnler it P. , Wiiyjic , .Jl ; Hliss it
JJliss , Scliiiylor , OS ; II. Loinmcr , Hum-
lihrov , 71 ; O. Iurjie ? ; , Oll ; \ 1) . Trcckoll ,
( III ; Jl. k-Hrido , 8J.J. ! ; A. ilooro , Gibbbn ,
( M.
M.The Ogalalhi Cattle company had 23
CUM of cattle at tlio ( huiilia hlook yards
on Saturday. Inmonlioning thoOgiilnlla
oattlo. the Drovers1 .Jottnnil b.iyn : Tlio
Ogalillii'iittlicomi ! > ! in.'s . brands inclndo
thu Shiudloy , Hosier , and l'a\tou brands.
They an > mostly To\ans but include a
low liair-broojs. I\ ! the way , the Offti-
lallas aru oouiing to market this year in
much liutlor eoiulillon than they did luijt.
The Xorthwostc'i-n Live Stock Journal'
of ( JhovuiincJays that oatllo
Iroin tlnit locality arc light. Herd owmjrn
buliovo in awaiting an advani'Qiuuntin
thi > markol , especially _ while the food is
good and the. weather i . plea ant.
About , 11,001) ) bead , of oaltlo Inivo lioon
turned looiis upon Pumpkin creek , Jsob. ,
by Slovens & Lytlo.
The liny State C.ittlo oompniiy will
pliij ) thirty-two cars of cattle from IJron-
Min the llrht of thiM wook. _ i
The Swan Land and Cattle company
have made arrangements Jo hip thirty
cars of stock from Hock "Crook on the
illtli , and the name number of cars from
Huttons on the 2d.
The News ] ) nblished at OrandJ unction ,
Col. , says that if our ranchmen wore ] iro-
part'd to take advantage of it , there it
food for a Inrufo nnmbur of cattle throngu
the wint4 > r. The dropplng's'of ' the harvest
liclds and the luxurious afto.rgrowtha
would feed cattle abundantly.
Fourteen cars of cattle will bo shipped
from Bitter Crook on October Ibt by Hey
Railway Time Table.
, TUAINS Ix.'nvo Oniiiliu nt HtO ) , Kf :
n. in. ; I : .15,2'U : , 4 : * 0 , ilUund : 7OJi. : in. dully.
Airlvottt 11:15and : li15 ; ii.nn. : IfM , U.1J , 7t
nnd HIIJ ; p. m.
To ami fimn ChlcaKo vlaTrlpartld ( A
Tlmu talilo of pusneiiKor trains
Omaliu und Union Slock X'lirdt ; In clfe < ii V
nuMluy , AiiKUst Ultli , itM ;