Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    v M M Si Hi Ntav H M Ml Ml 1
This medicine , combining Iron Illi
Vegetable Ionics , quickly and compl
Cum lTR1 > PI > * lfli InrtlRrntlnn , \ \ T.ltlt
Impure lllnndiJInlnrlutCbllla mid V vcra >
nnil Nriirnlirln.
Hl an tinwlllnp remedy for Discuses of the
Itlilnr ; * nnil l.lvrr.
It In Inrnliialilo for fll c es pcrullnr to
HVororn , and nil who lend fwlclibiry llvc .
Itdocf not Inliiro the teethrim c licnilnchc.or
produce constipation nlhT iron mnllrminla.
Hcnrlcne nnd pnrlflp the MoodtlrmiTates
thenpnetHo.nldJ the nwlmllntlnn of food , re-
UCTM Heartburn and lit Iclilnp. mid strength
en" thi mn clM and nrrvcu.
For Intcrmltlctit rover * . Ut'ltudc , Lack of
Energy. so. , it ha no cqtml
ffi- The ncmiliio lir nlmvo tr do mark nnd
Crossed red lines on wrapper. Tnlto no other.
ii.UKmlyiiT nnni * nirrtrt'.m . ! - ,
iWnJlEjntel la P. : BROAD CLAIM of telngtti
Kvcr oflVm'1 * r > i
017 St.CliarlGASt.S < .Xonl8SIo.
Arff 1 rt"ilu l of two Ucillul Cellrt'i. b i l tn loiter
ogkSeilu theifceiat lre tm otof , NKKVOCS , Hit *
and BLOOD DI BA U tbAnaor olbcrrhTilclftnlaBl.Lout
M ellp ren show fciJ ill old re.Mf nt KDO .
Nervous Prostration , Debility. Menial and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ot Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning.
old Sores and Ulcers , * r tmuanttb mipir ii icj
occ Minl leit tpnttBerrlDclrl | .3atclT. Prliilrl/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence , vhicb proJneo iom. or tbo
foUowlut cffecti : ntrtouiocii , dtbllilj. dlnneii or i ! < !
and der ctlro nemorj , plmplei on tb race. pbTiletldee Tt
ttTcrilon tolbo eleljor female * , eoormloa or Ideal. ! . ,
rendering IarrlAo improper or unhappy , no
permtnenllj ured. tatapblet(36piceson ( ) theabore , teot
iaietledeoTfTnpe , rrretoany ftddren. Cni > ullatlonalof.
fieeort/mall free. Inrlted andatrletljr ctnflileQtlal.
--A Positive Written Guarantee tiTen in erfrrra.
Fable cue * Uedlcloaaenlererjrwbertbj taallorexprau *
SOO PAQE3. PINE PLATES , eleiint etolh and tilt
blBitlnc , ealedfnr 6Oo. In [ ' ( t g oreurr Qey. Ottr Dftj
wonder rut | ) &jt1ctur i , true lallfot rtlcloo itie follow log
nhjeetit who r ra rx.whoDot. why jntohood , WOBUD.
kosd , phrtle t drear , ff eti o tetintvj \ and eiceit , tba pbji.
lolocTorrrprttdticlion.aail mftDj more , CTboie mirrlcd or
re > d It. * edltloa
eonr , Uflo. Addrcai.ii.xba * *
DR. RICE : ,
J. IA t T. * . -
" ' "
A Case Resembling Tiiat of Gen. Grant.
rSomo ien j curs UKO I hud n scrofulous eoro on
my right hand which KIIVO mo great trouble ,
mid under tint old time treutmonUiealPd up. but
it Imd only been driven Into the system by the
ui-oof potuslLiind moicnry , nnd In Jlnrch , 18SJ ,
it broke out It broke out In my tliroiit.nnd con-
contruted in what souio of the doctors culled
cancer , outing through my cheek , destroying
roof of my mouth nifd upper lip , then attacking
my tongue , palate and lower lip , destroying the
pnlnto and under Up entirely und half my
, lon'ruo , eating out to the top or my loltcliccch
bono und up to the lult oyo. I could not eat uny
leolid food , but subslrKxl on liquids , mid niy
tongue WUSPO fnrgnno I fconld not talk. Bueli
] Vfua _ my wretched , helpless condition the flint of
last October , ( IhM ) , when my IrlendH commenced
, eivlng me Swift's Specllle. In less than n month
tlio oatlng places stopped und healing com
menced , and thn fearful uportuio In mychecck
b as been closed nnd firmly knitted together. A
ujiocoss of u now under lip Is gnurc slng llnoly ,
nnd the tongno whlcli was almost destroyed Is
i vt > ulng recovered , und it nroms that nature is
Mipplytny u now tnngo. I can talk co that my
friend * can readily understand mo , und cun nlpo
> , 'nt solid food amiln. If uny ono doubt tlu-o
fucts. I would refer thorn to Hun , John II. Iruy-
lor , t-luto sonntor of this district , and to Dr. T. S.
Urudllold , of LuOrungo , ( in.
, . MltS. MAHV L. COMER.
tAOrnngo. Ra. , May Ji , 1T .
TfiK Hwirr Kriicini ; Co. , Druwor 8 , Atlanta ,
Go. N. Y. , 15J WSd.St. ! . .
tas Keflioal Institute
inoikfur theexpreupjrposc
Pofclvmg immediate renelln
all cnronic , urinary and pri
nvate diseases. Gonorrhoea
complicated forms , alto at !
diseases of the Skin ana
Blood promptly relieved and
permantnllycured by reme-
. dievtritedinaforii/lViir *
_ Ajirr ill'rtirlr . Seminal
I LOSM-S by DreAma , Pimples on
. . . . , _ . . , r , tMsnhoi dJ /j/ciirp/Tlirrr /
' < fi f-rjx-rlmrin ( ; . The appropriate remedy
aiaton.ce used In euch case. Constdutljns. per.
aonal or by letter , sacredly conndential. Med.
Icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
r package to lodlcuUcontenU or sender. Address
Oflanfiolff Restored
KxMeDrrltKK. Aricilmol jroutbfuliinnrud * nca
. stntCUecaf , IV.ffous Urballr , Loat
anbooi .liarlnr uird In ram etf known
K * * uiad/bssiluco ril * > iiuiltin | arise | U r--
wntoti lia trill trml VHKH 10 bit ( llo - > iilf r
' t dais a poalllis mutJ f l r in * aba ? . ill . tit in
| ltK > u > au < la f cu'iiil Iks urit iliiJmdrf fotj
* laln rac cr. i"il t iV > uii * 'o Horri.t.a /
tMjtBr r.f , Oh * < nn > a iiill' O .l < li - -
' H T A bl ' r . > . > -T- *
( i-oi ;
r- A Clear Skin
i'Only a part of beauty ;
lUtt \ is $ part. Every hidy
may'have it ; at least , what
looks like it. Magnolia
. Halm luufy fr sh : ns and
. , Beautifies.
The New Union Pactfio Bridge and a Sketcli
of tlio Old Ono.
A. Magnificent nnil Cotiunotllnna
Striiutnro Tor I ho Kntttrc lluw
"I wish you would sny lltnt T s.iy , " ob-
scrvctl Air. Cnllnwny , "Hint tlio comintny
lfoioscs to bnlltl tv now bridge whothur.
lltti ] iop.o ( ! of Omaha .bolluvu it or not.
U'ltoro fiouins to be nn inclination on tlio
purl of several piirtics to oust doubt upon
tilts project nnd denounce our procla
mation of ( lie fttct : is n ntsc foreoino
liurnostj best known to'lvcs. "
"Pcrliiips , Mr. Callaway , you mistake
llio jittrposo of tlio doubters , replied tlio
reporter , "news so good is Imru to bti-
lieve in llio first Hash of tlio excitement it
creates. It would bo a bitter joke on tlio
public's Itopeful credulity if tlio grunt
hultemu should not nmturo after cnlitUint ;
our conlitlont expcctanoy. Tito pi'oplb
of Omaha tire earnestly anxious to know
tlio truth. "
"It is probably i l for us to discuss tlio
grounds for the uxisteneo of the slightest
doubts of tlio company's sincerity , but I
will advise you that if you live a few
months longer you will see llio en tire
plan consummated just us we have an
nounced it. "
There seems to bo no question of tlio
mail's Intention , to carry out t ho details
of its announcement in regard to a new
bridge. Mr. I'arkhurst , tlio assistant to
Mr. Morrison , the engineer who super
vises the construction , is at present in
tlio city , ready to move to immediate
work. Construction will bo begun on
tlio Iowa side and a force of men will bo
put to work Monday morning laying a
spur of track leading to tlio river bank ,
for the transportation of material. Ono
of the caissons will bo hero in u
few days and sunk in tlio proper
place for the erection of ono
of the piers. The masonry work
will bo continued till winter and the
great tnsk will bo well under way by
curly spring.
A general idea of the new structure
can be given but it would be impossible
to present tlio full details , nor are they
known to the projecting engineers. A
general outline ana basis of operation is
in hand , but it is relied upon the progress
of the' Work to develop new requirements.
A grunt deal of energy has been expended
during the year in the work of de
vising plans. Not less than n half do/.on
projects have been thrown out by the
directory. It remained for Mr. George
S. Morrison to devise the satisfactory
method of attaining the end so much de
sired , and a few days ago the directory
passed favorably upon his plans. Mr.
Morrison is a resident of New York and
one of the most eminent cngjncors of the
country , lie built the bridge of the
liurlington & Missouri at Plnttimoulh ,
tlio Chicago & Northwestern briilg6 at
Ujair and the Northern 1'auilio bridge : it
JJibmarck. He has tints had liberal ex
perience in bridge-building across the
Missouri. Ho has throughout the enst
and west many monuments of engineer
ing to his credit , and it is safe to hay that
tlio great work hero could not be entrust
ed to better bands.
As stated in tlio announcement of the
company which was lirst and exclusively
printed in these columns , the new struc
ture will be constructed with a double
railway track and general thoroughfare
space. This end will be attained by con
ducting the streetcar tracks , roadway
and pedestrian walk upon trusses thrown
out from the center of support
and upheld by oblique trestle work. It
W 11 thus be that the railway will pass
over the center of the bridge while the
street cars and wagons will lind accom
modations on either side. The spanswill
be lengthened go that instead of the nine
cylindrical piers now in use there will be
three heavy masonry abuttments. The
superstructure will bo' built of steel which
was unknown as a bridge material when
the old bridge was built and the short
spans and many piers deemed requisite.
For tlio accommodation of wagon trallio
the company will grade a road from a
point on Ninth street 'leading up to the
approach at an easy angle upon a shelf
whiehwill be added to the jircfent embank
ment. Street car Iniilic is assured as the
Union Paeilic company will construct a
branch of the Council Blurt's line whiih it
o\yns , across the bridge to a connection
with the companies ot both sides ,
Mr. Callaway was asked yesterday as
to the puipose of the Union Paeitic company -
pany in building a throroughfaro bridge.
lie replied that it was necessitated both
for the interests of the company and the
public ; that the dummy train system
which was a constant draft of expense
would then bo done away with and com
munication between Omaha and Council
HI nil's conducted over the bridge
through the different mean that it would
hi its announcement , the company
stated that theLuihling of the bridge will
probably m-cessiUito the rearrangement
of the terminal facilities at Omaha and
that plans looking to this are under con
sideration. It may be that the construc
tion of a new bridge is a step toward cre
ating a union center' here lor all roads
converging in this locality on both sides
of the river , but Mr. Callaway is not pre
pared to suy that such i.s the case , stating
merely that- whatever may rcbiilt in the
future , the new departure isimperatively
demanded by the individual trulliu of his
The old bridge which for fifteen j-cnrs
has carried the trailie of the Union Pa-
cilie , has a history identified witli the
Mornest htruggles of Omaha's youth.
The future ol the young town lay in the
decision for or against the undertaking
of the bridge onturpnsc and the linal FO-
lection ot its bite. Tlio project , surpris
ing us it may seism to-Uuy , xvas actually
opposed up large numbers as impractic
able. The following from the history of
Nebraska upon this point will prove of
interest to the readers of to-day :
"Whi'ti work on tlo | Union Pacific
railroad was organized In ItiOri , there
wore many who opposed the Inaugiira-
t on ot the undertaking on the ground
that it was a chimura whioh could not bo
practically carrh'd into biittcosrful opera
tion and become a paying institution.
'I tiov brought other objections
thu tHtiietmy of securing t'listern eonnoc-
lions to this gjgnntip highway by reason
of the presuinoiUmpofesiibilily of bridging
the Missouri river , It was , insisted
that the bottom of the > Hlg Muddy1 wan
ot a character so soft and yielding as to
prccludu tie | possibility of sinking stu-
t'onarv ' piers and electing a solid
structure of masonry indispensable to
c instruction of this all-important work.
iUuiiy engiiuuirK of cionco mid nbility
j-lmivd in link vlow oftbosubject , and
thn objections thus canvassed occasioned
a nous double in thu minds of persona of
intelligence. notf6 > v In number , who
we're ' ollienvhie'Iii , faY0r. P * Uiu magnili-
ci-nt t > elijL. iuo. . < jf uniting two oceans with
iron bonds. 'V\ ; ,
After thtiMiuvnltion of narrow-mind
edness Imd'bcen overcome , and the con-
covers of.thqlirst. transcontinental rail
way were dote'rui'ined upon spamiing.the
Missouri , tljOvMrugglu of ambitus
Omalnv resolved jUoJf to the task of
fitfi-iiring thelbcrttlou ? of theTjridge. The
Mory ot tha'iJigut. jiguinst formidable
and ttou opposing use of lavish
| oo li u U > y WF imwupnpur | re
Mtion , and the- interested public is
r. fcrred ( p thu H t6ry of Nebraska for
! " till ) account. A cb'mwlK * * pi citlseiia
ni of Alvin Suundaw , Fraaeia
" 'it tin Kount/.o , Ksra SHllurd ,
I O P. Hurford were Ucs-
Vnrk nnil nn Mnrc.h
18(53 ( , jvircil ( Ito following clad tidings ,
"Tho bridge Is located nt 'rain Table
lllto Mrchonl. silo of Uro bridge approach
ou this side ] . OiMuhfv pledges the depot
grounds nnu $350,000 , ami OonacU IHull's
pledgr * $309,000. lo ba p.oid ; ground nnd
right of > 7ajr will bo comlomnod. "
Upon the nnnounoomMit of UiU into- !
gcnco In Omnlm , " says tins above quoted
uulltorily , "tlio utmost joy nud enthnsi-
nsm was manifested throughout tlio oily.
Bonflres wcrolighled. houses illuminated ,
church bells rung nnil citizens innnlfostoil
unalloyed pleasure in nil nvnilablo ways. "
Tlio work sulFurcd some delays nnd wna
not completed until March llth. 1872 ,
eighteen months Inter than the unto of
contract and Ihrco years to n day from
tlio tlato of its commencement. The
work had been laborious in tlio extreme ,
the soft bed of the river having lo bo
penetrated to n depth of cightyfcet be
low the level to reach bed rock upon
which to ground the piera. The lirst
train passed over on March 12th , 1872 ,
and ten daya later , the first passenger
train made the passage. The bridge is
7,000 foot'in length niul originally cost a
total of $1,450,000.
There are few eventful incidents lo
cltroniolo in the history of lite old bridge.
However , several fatalities of u most re
markable character1 occurred during its
construction. Some half dozen laborers
working in the caissons wcro seized upon
coming out to the nir with a disorder
which proved fatal within n very few
moments. Tlio miiroror would bo seized
with terrible crumps in the bowels nnd
falling into convulsions which doubled
up the body , would bo dead before nny
remedy could bo applied. It was a pe
culiar malady nnd bullied the wits of the
best physicians. From the peculiar form
which the body would assume in tlio
throes which attended death , the mys
terious discnso was called the Grecian
Uond and is only so remembered by old
About 3 o'clock ono August morning.
In 1877 , n cyclone struck the bridge and
carried away two spans on the Iowa end.
The heavy iron superstructure thus swept
away saiilc in the qung-miro of the riv
er's bottom and was never recovered.
Ono of the spans was rebuilt while the
other , immediately adjoining the eastern
approach , was substituled by the trestle
work now standing.
"I do not. like tliue , Dr. Fell ,
The leiibon why , 1 cannot tell. "
It has often been wondered at , the bad
odor thifl oft quoted doctor was in. 'Twas
probably because ho , being one of the
old-school doctors , made up pills as largo
as bullets , which nothing but an ostrich
could bolt or swallow without nausea.
Hence the dislike. Dr. it. V. Pieree's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets" are sugarcoated -
coated and no larger than bird shot , and
are quick to do their work. For all de
rangements of the liver , bowels and
fatoniuch they arc specific.
Those who arc awarded medals at the
New Orleans exhibition are kindly in
formed that they can get them by remitt
ing 30 for a gold one and y for a silver
one to the manufacturer at Philadelphia.
Clara Morris uses Pozzoni's Powder.
Clara Louisa Kellogg does likewise.
A colored man in Richmond has in
vented a razor-proof suit , which is to bo
worn at balls and parties.
Man wants but little hero below. Wo
man wants Pozzoni's Complexion Pow
The Miami university tit Oxford , O. ,
was reopened Thurbday after having
been closed for twelve years.
Spain has 20,000,000 less inhabitants
than Germany , but she has lifty-threo
more gunboats.
The warm weather has a depressing
and debilitating oH'ect. Hood's fc > arsupi- ;
rilla overcomes all languor and lassitude.
A Petrified Woman's Jniv Next.
New York Graphic : A petrified mule
hoof has been found in Pennsylvania.
This surprises us. Wo had no idea a
mule could keep its hoof still long
enough for that.
Badly Htm Down.
Ho was going along so slowly that his
shadow seemed to bo pasted fast to the
sidewalk. Somebody f-aid ho was lazy ;
but ho sadly said ho was doing the best
lie could , and his trouble was debility
caused by long dyspepsia. "Then why
don't you take lirown's Iron .Hitters , "
said a spry neighbor who was pushing.
"I was run down badly , but this Hitters
did wonders for me. " Mr. Thos. Jones ,
Newark , Ohio , says. "I was so dcbiliatcd
I could not walk. Brown's Iron Bikers
cured mo. "
And HC'H Apt toTiIIss the Car , Too.
Detroit Free Press : The statotman
who so far forgets himself as to run att T
a street car sutlers a fall in public inti
mation which twenty-tivo years of pen-
mice will not repair.
TVlien Htby was * lck , we pare lirr C tnrla ,
AVlicii she WM a Child , the cried for t aitoria ,
VTlien Rhe liccamo illm , lie clung In CaAtnria ,
\fheu etio bed Children , oho gare them Caslorb ,
A Boston woman lias a "poet's rug"
made of patchwork cut from the old
clothes of well-known poets.
- , . - / -
Free from Oplutta , JZinelCet niul 1'olsont.
l' r CouU > , Her * TLro.t , ltenr int , Jitflutnia , IlreneliUU , Croup , \ B CoiijjU ,
AUhmu , qulmj , 1'clni la C'liwt ,
iMIonicrilitTlirokt ' ' I.MiO > -
Prlf BO renU n bottle. Bold l > r Druprliti fcnrt Prsl-
en mrliu wallt ta induce IM ? denier 16 promptly
get II for MOM iclll rtctlrt lioatioUltttEiprtHclutraet
, tu lending ant Hollar to
. , ,
Salt Uwau n Ullll.Br. < l UMUbcluwt , IUrfi. < ) , r. . i.
Itoatlornf DUoMeaof Muuuiul Women , Kcleclln.
Miiifiiftio anil Ilcrliiillet Hh > blcnn ) , IUIIT lucnivti
t IUJU Itouftlng ptrppl.Oinnhu , ISob. , niiBtulru.
A correct. Ulajfiiow * ( riven without expluniuloii
from tlie Itutlenj , Cpnsultittlnii free n ( ilieo. |
Cutftrrb of HIM Ilea l , DlkOiucg pf the Eye wml
Kur , Heart IIfeuH > . Llvtr Coinplnliitnitlnuy
aJufuiilatnt , rfcn'pun ioiljiy. | | MenliU lepriloni
l its of Wiintiood. Platifles , Jlrltftit's Ulbunje. St.
VltiiH DIIIICO. UliDunmtliin. purtilyHi * , Wlillo
8irelllnt ( , $ orofultt. KovbrBurust Ctiiio rii ( mil
Tuinom rumovod Kltliout tbektilfu.ortlioilrHW
IIIH of n dropof lUouUi Wonian ; wltU bor dellcato
" , rMtorod { Alii'tilth ; Dropsy CUMX ! wltht
out twpplnjf. 8p bl U munition ulvon
tmil Voiiwil PM ftne of nil klndn. 1'Hi'U worm *
roinorad ( tir or tU i * wuk or uo i > * y. Hem-
joorrhol4 * rl'U8j ( cured or no oljarM made ,
TliMa whoajrettailciul will v Ufo gndhun-
f t t 4oUr fcctUlnitr on w u luir
OH. "VT" . 0 ? U2.gfl > 's
ClBbrat * < J Herbal ihuuedloi. Corr poudeuco
MONKV Tolonn In pinnsor SWOimfl plTnT < '
on rcid osfcilo , l > f IJjUiou Itro * . "H7 8. ISIli
$ sn,000 Ta loan br nn rtutcrn jnirly ou first-
clRi cltrpropn-tyln FUIIIS tonulU Inmilro
of 8. Lotimim , ll l Vui'imm. ail-tX
MOSHV Tolonti. The Omnlm KlnnndM Ux-
clmnco , 1W > ; Knniam * trfotiip-lnlr ! ( nnkos
lonns nn nil diiKRos ot xururltf troni n910olint <
tel loan to Jia.lHXIon rt'iilnstatii. Wo niiiKoloiui"
to unit nil mipllemit.i on IOIIK or Abort Unto on
Initmniil ronl ostnlo , lunil contrncw ,
ldliiKS on limjt'd Iniul , Hooui-od nut ( , colliitor-
nl. , cliiittt'ls , or KO < K ! scout Ity ol any kind. IKJW
mtM' ! ciwy tcrniB. Oninlin Klnnnulnl Exrlinnjro (
loOl Farm m street , up-stalra. 84tf
rpt ) I.OAX Money In nny nmount on rw\l P1 * '
-t Into security. 0. H. Mivyno , loth nnd Vnr-
imiti. | iKoir ! >
MONKV TO T.iAN-tt V. Unvl * * Co ! Hclii
Kstutu nnd Lonti ngiuits , UXA Furnnni St.
ON1JV TO l.O.VN Oti olmttch. Wooloy ft
IlnrilMin , room SO , Oinuliu Nutlonnl liiinh
building. fil9-tf
MO CAOHi' iiitOTHMtis invostntont Hunk
era , omtoHlto Test olllco , Omiilm , ncpotliiK
morlKiiKO loiint on lli-Ht'dnHS soourlly tit rulltiH
nitos of Inluifwt , I'nrlld.cUxlilntr to iKiirow
on linpiovud city or country rpiil Minto.ror ftoni
ntio to Ihujonrs , can lie nccoinniodiittxi ) ) r int | ) <
ly. Mcdigtio llrolhorH , bnnkur8opp. IVnt olllco ,
fr Mt
MONliV TO r.OAJf-On real oslnlo nnd olnit'
tel * . D. I , . Thoniiis. Kltf
TlfONJJY t.OANKon clinttoN , cut into , U.
-L'l. H. tlokoln boilKilt and Mild. A. ttmimtl , 1,1
8. Kith St. li.4-lt
MONKV TO I.OAN'-In sums oCRJOOund up-
wnrdH on tlitit-flnss retil ostuto suuiuliy ,
1'ottor.V ; Cobti , l lu I'nrninn bt. foil
ONI5V I.OANUI ) utO. F. llond & Co's.
olllco , on timiltmc , plunns , lior.-i > s , WIIMOIIM
personal propui t yol nil kliut.xnnd nil otlior 111-
tlclos of viiltiovltliout roinoviit , l > vor 1st Nut I
llnnlc. cortior luth and Fiirniuii. All I
MI lolly i-onilduiiliil. . f
T\roxivi : aioNKVti MONKYIII Money to
-i'l. loan on chattel M-curlly by W. U. L'liili.iooni
4 , Wltlmcll linlldliiK , N. M. cornur I.MIi nndlliir-
ncy. Atturyourit or uvpurlonco nnU ncuiolul
t-tndy ot tlio IniMnuxHol loaninir nionnvon pui-
loinu | iroicily | , I lunont liust , juji'lVcU'd u H.VSIUIII
vhuioliy rho puhllclty iisnnlln sucli ciu-cs H
donununy with , and 1 am now In a position to
meet tbn demands of all who lic-ooino tmnpor-
nnly oinliiirrii.ssinl mid ilc > lro to I-UMJ | inonny
wllliout delay nnd In u quiet tminnui. llouto-
la'cjiow , piulUi&ioiml ciiUcinoii , iiirehunii'S und
others In Uinulm niul L'oiini'll lilillls , win olilnin
iiilviincus li-oin Slil to Jl.WiU on Mifli M-uuiliy
as bou uhold tnnillino , ] iliino , nuicliliuiry , lior-
RO3 , wn oiH , wnriiliouso it'celpl.s , n'ciirf-il no'fs '
ol' tmncl , utu. , M iiliout icniov 1 1 IK Minin I coin ou n-
orn ro lilunuoor plncoot' liu.-lnc r' Al-o online
Watches and Diamonds into ol tliumlviinmf.'t'S I
offer U that any part ol nny IOHII can lie pind ar
nny tlino which \vl'l ' mhiro HID InlLM-n" ! piii nun
nnd all Innim tonoui'd altlio orUiliutl iniOKor in-
toiL'.st. 1 Intvo no biokersln connucUon unli lav
olllff , but poixniallj Mipi'nniuiul all my luitni , 1
have prlvato oll'.ucs connect id with my j.'inrnil ;
oilico KI that cut-toinui's < lo 1101 toinu in tiili *
tinutivlth I'tich other , confiiiiciitl | ) nink.n till
tinnsnctloiiM > ltloily piivtuo. W. H. ( . ioit ,
loom 4 , Wltlinoll building , N. I" , cornur l..lli and
Ihunoy , Uinulm , nnd.TJlVarl St. , Louncil llluUa.
WANTMIJ Good glil for jrontmil lioifrwoik
in small family. y > l'J led ) > , o MCCOI. uvt . p
"ITTAN Sor.1 Kir's ' loiniiko paii
"ITTANW. .1. Wclslnms A : Co. , City .M ills. 4 U
WANTUD Mhldle-iivcit Gurninil Mill tltnt
understands ecuin and lieu unor.i.
Steady pliiL'O and' tinr AVII US to nxl't ' piuiy. F.
Itlukur , Su Mnl'jr'b iivunnu ) - - ! . ' . p
WANTtJD A youiiK ludy i-iijililc'r coinpoK'iit
to tuko obarfiot of n MII 01 Mii lu uuuy
books. A ildi ! > ) \\lng \ ( UkitnuiiLO and ic'iur-
ciiccs , A. 4 , Dee UHlcu. M ?
"ITTANTHD Q < iod Kills for all Muds of work ,
TI Hiieh us cooks. Kiillor yeneinl IIOIIM-
work , second K'li'H , vliuiiiborinnlcN , liuinilicM-t ,
hotel and Kllclica n < uk im o iic-n ini ; : JDI |
places will call ill IliV ) ollico iioin tl to ii o ilof.c.
l ho lnlrnl- > lied ) to .ilrls lice of i-lmrjio.
Cull at tlio now oflKii , .Notu-u ka uinplojiiicnt
AKCiicy , II : ) Iroi'liifO lilnck. cii.\ieciiln Micutand
Capitol avonno , Houiu . Miy. 12. hiniili , Miinil-
WAJfTCO linmediatoly , u good plrl for Ben-
oral liouso noia. Lull ut. once at f l
South --nli bt. Host vrugo ? paid to good girl-
, t Slid
_ _
W IANTKi ) rtnr-'o tfifi , d.v. . corner l.-lh unil
St. iliiry's.iveiiuij. t > 5
WANTHO Ltitly nnoiits for "Jmif.y" bkht
un < l Stocking .SupportoiH , Miouhlur IJr.lco- ,
Dosoin KnruiH , I/roKS f < hiijlis , Jtubliur ( Jiiigiiiiiu
llibs , Apions , Slcovc1 * , Inlun.s' Diapers , Ac. Our
ltXJO llHL'llt tire iiuiliiifiiioiioy IUM ; so can jou.
Aililru with Ktanip , K. 11. Campbell ALi.U (
South Jluy Mi-cot , Cliictiffo I-'sVip
Men nnd tcrtnis to \ > cn-k on c.xc.i-
WANTKIl Dirt lurbiilo. Jnqulioiil .nlbu
Mary's uvcnuo. y.'j a
WANTIIU TQ jfooil men for ruili-oiul work :
track laying ut Ctuuron\oli. iiooil wjuui
nnd Iree lriii | ioiiutioli. Call at ll-u I'iiirmm '
sucot. i--o
WAXTUIJ An active , oxperlo.icodury
hiik'Sliiun. Al'lily Mill ) !
O'Uonuhoo &lien > , l./ili biieet.noAt JHIM
> i r t el.i n < : tloainii : wliotcu-o. ' 0
HcdiiiNoith I' > oLn.s..ii ir iiiwu iijjn inn li ,
to tarry u iuwi ty 01 iilu ) , IUXHC'UOA ui. c
lin iou. . .Vuuiosim ie.oioii.u5 : , r. o . .n\
, ; . Selling
AtJi.Trt inunuy.
tuicr , &U I-ouis , * > iO.
A fcolior nnd ito.uly nniu mid
WANTKU cook ; liiinU uu us | . .i.ii to tlio ri ; uc
num. Apply nc lal i > ou'o ei ro r. I > > > < >
W N'i'Ki ) SlOIIOfe'ruplior. box Iw. ; , IJiinllill.
WANTJJO 'M j oun men 'o Ii > urn i vlt' rniiliy
and rnilioud MUIIOII hew. 1-1 1,5. Au
di CBU "It , l > . D. " Oinuliu Jiu
: ) Ajrents. Addro-is Electric l
and Stuvo Co. , St. I.UIHX , ln. , tor c. re i..r ,
cm and lurumof oUc-.indloiOwerMai-Bli ] hl
ANTKU munition aa uurctry nui'i ' , fow-
W man or Undncupo uiirtiunor in or near
Oniuba , liy a man pi' family ) vlio him had innjile
cAiH'rldiicd Ixnli In lUiropu and llio L * . H. I mier-
Miuuls nil ulxmt tlowpm , liullit. ,
talilos. AddresM Chris G. Vaiiifr tf , .Mainloii ,
Dakota. . & ) & p
Situation liy a pnici.i.t ) uur-
WANT12D llorirt ; KCIH ) fnnrcr , i lo. At
luffionco. AddiunAtiuidoner , Uudt/i < K
. . . p
> 'Tin Pijsliloii by Oxpuiienccd niirco.
WA 3 VJ J'lv o ireot. Itwunii'ic . 1,11.
' M ) t < m criip Iron. iovo iiltuo.
iiml machinery cnn. Omaha Iron Woiljs
Co. , U. I' . H. H , JTIb and IHtli btrOels. as-ill :
ANTHi > Ijp { nVWi nnd 'wlio , two op " '
looms lo > hoUH'koi'j.liijf. Addic-t.M.
0 , lloo .OIIIc'C. IQ . . In _ 4. ' ' - \ <
ANTKIl 3.1'liliiy ' Ixnirdors nt the North
wcblqr" lI.t ) ' Ml t < < > u per '
11 rat elass tionnL , . m
W ANTKU ' MntlJ83 | junior ut Jjowoy
T. Murniy.
- Aitfoad well inudealn lo Vdrlluiid
WANTI5U-W r1nyiWrll > u AUmx a witn lowubt prlco , Wtrpur. lit'u ijlTluo. _ 'MAA\ \ ,
! l > t-pttoMurJ ! ti4 1U room IIOUMI ono '
on orilcai'Ht.'jriiry'iJuvo.jirolorro.l. ' Cnll
or address J.'bffJrdMlfis to Bon fdd ufid Dud fouth
> A-filil lot near the city at n rcu-
WANTKJ priflo.hluto ; prlco , Im-iaa and lo-
catlon. AOiliWiJ. fN. U. " tieo oHu-u. S.JH |
_ _
If Leonaril Solnnll *
i whollvtHl on IMl/ii 61. , Umuliu , LWL
llth and I-'lU stroot. In } Uil , will ncnd ilia uddro
. T. Il.UranU , Ji'udCity , IJuk. , IMI w
of Intununt to lim | , I'i7i ' > | ,
tr ] iliii | < > , era hoc |
Edhohn i : Krlckfon.
-veryuyn nco niiu
inachino to .qo tlio now JmpitncU
iouu 0. li. Hodman .V Co , Agent * --0 norlU
iiiunin , n
"THOU nKNT Hcnrso wllh nlno rooms A-a , In
JJ Rtiod ortlcr. InrrirtrO of J 3. llonnor. ISIti
UHNT-VnniWiofl. . rcsliltniPoon 2tsl
J- * street , none St. Jfnrys arc. , contohilnir II
rooms ) tnoddt-H imiirorononts. Wuu IVcston.
itirrr ; TimiKo n room * , ,
JL1 TironnocottnjroviBooa locution , cnoh W .
n > IMKO n rooini 'I'hlrllcth nil I'tirnsin $12.
Unlloti Ihx * ,3ITS.TIilrtcontli trc t.
FOIt IlKrfT A cotlnRo of four i-ooins wllli
City nnd clstoru uator ; MS South tilth SI. ItuU
IxMivonwortli nnd Mnrtlnv. Inquire : i0 S. inth ,
HUNT A cotlaRO In Rood location , $1
per montli. A. Snnmlers & Co.t 1401 Km >
niiiii street , opp. I'nxton , ; > TU-tC
IilOU Itt'NT A cottnso on Sid utteot between
Cli iiKo d Cuss stK. , T rootni , eityvitet
nnd sou-or eonnectloni , $ Wn mouth , Apply tu
Mrs .1. W. SiivnxP11J north S&l street uVu-Mp
TjlOH I.ICASi : Qi-oiindoii S3dMvcctotltli ol
X St. Mury * nvo. Imiulro nt TOO south luili Bt ,
ITltUt nr.NT-l'ivontorleson SL Mary's nvo.
Ji'i per month , cadi , UinulOi < lrnblu tor meiil
For rout Tire tioir IIOUFC ? I2 nml $ H pni
tnonlh , H'siicctlvely , locations dcslrutilo. .1. I' .
Hllpy iV Co. , 15 Miutli Uth St. ! MJ
371OU KKNT House 11 roomR $ l | > nr montli !
. will rent part. O. U. Thompson , S. W. cor.
llth nnd llarnny. KM
TriO itKNT Good now 4 room IIOIIM : $ lt
X1 p onnonth. Near stioot car. J , li. ItllcyA
" | 7 < 'OU IliNV Now liouso , east front , porch ,
JL' cistern , uoll mid out Imnso-i : dslrnlilo I < IMI <
lion ; $11 per montli. J. 1 ! . Ulloy .V Co. , U10 K. l.itli
atrcct. llM
" 1711)11 HUNT The liouso nnd barn on cornet
X1 aotli nnd I'lorco St Imtulro at ItoMon Ury
UoodH Btoi-e , 8. luth St. IH > i
" | Til > lt ltiNT 5 room cottaRo corner I'oppto-
J.1 ton and Sliorldnn HU , Sl.'i. C. K. Mnyno. ti.
W. corner l.'ith und Karnani. Tl I
"TTlOlt KliNT Coltnffc n roomp.liouso 10 rooms.
X' J , 1'lilppa itue , Sowurd and Cnmplicll.
Foil Ili\T I > len ant furnished und nnfur-
nbhoil room ; GCii Xorlh IHli St. ! )7-iOp ) ;
Foil ItKNT For smnll family I'our mifiir-
nlslicd rooms , two cluacts and bath room ,
ail.'t llnrnoy.
TTIDIl HUNT Itarnlsluxl room , 1IWI I'ariiiun.
JJ Il9.-i."jp
Trum HUNT Nice furnished room , S.WJ
X1 Dodgo. 70o 'p
Foil ItUNT Lar o fiont room ; modern lin-
piovomenlB. WU N. 17th street. Kelurenees
U | lllH I. U.It
TTIDlt KKNT-XIcoly furnl hcd room , S. W.
X' cor. Uth anil St. Mary suvo. 417
UHNT KunilsliPd front room with
lioiml , buy window , brlcK IIUUKV , luiil Norm
i ; i : UNT Tin co very dcslrnblo rooms with
prlwIoHO ot baxh i-ouiu , at No. ' , M I'jth
s-ueot , nearS oLbler. llltolp
"IjlOK HUNT Two nlco furnlslicd rooms nnd
X1 oiru lur o iniluriilnlied alcove room 1th
linylmlow and unites ; bath room on sumo
I oor ; y tii sti-LOt , near St. .Mnry's uvunuo. In-
iiuiro S. W. cor. 10th and Dod c. 351
"IjIDK JtKNT One or two dcslrablo furnlahcd
X1 looms , one block liom red car line ami d
inliiiiiosulk 1'ioiu P. U. Inquired. U. corner
ulli and Chicago street. "Jj-Jilip
" [ 71 OU HUNT in ininite family , pleasant room
X1 ilh boftnlhU d street. BUKWp
HUNT To gentlemen , Inrgo furnNied
X' trout room nltli closet , rU Lnlilorni.i
IriiU IlliNT rurnished rooms , choicest loca
tion in the city ; two Unuk * 11-0111 ttieot cars.
\ OUUK luvn ] ii uierrcd. AdcUc&s J' . 0. lio.'c".i. .
T7IOH IIHXT Pleasant furnished room. 1707
X1 cuss Hiruot. Itaxyj
P OH ItKNT Nicely furnNhod Iront room to
ventlemiiii only , nt S. B. corner -dtli and
171011 JtiNT Koom with board , IOVJ Capitol
X1 nvoniio. itl-UU ! ] >
"TTIOIt KKNT Knrnlflicd room. Inquire N. E.
X' corner &th and lodto Stb. IHH
3 011 HUNT Ekvantly furnl'lied rooms ,
biiiKlo mid en s-nlte , at 171S Ca Su ir > j
171OK ItKXT Two nicely fiirni hed rooms on
X1 MI ct car lino. ImjuIio.SW llodBO. Itli- ] )
Poll HINT A suite of nicely furni hed front
rooms lor two ( rcntleiiien , 1711 Jnekson
ureet , near comer of llih stieot. HcJcrences
Pint HUNT Funil'licil rooms for lljflit
hoiif-okeopliiij , in Uecmcr'o block , eor. etli
und Ilo ai-d. bTl
"J71OH HUNT riirnif lied orunfurnlslici ! loom ,
X1 ini'.l rartiam moot. nj
" | 71OH HUNT llnndt-oincly turnlshcd rooms ,
X' bhifc'lo or double , Ivlth board , lUo
"inui ; ItivT Tlnce nno oiliccs In Nebratku
X1 National Hank iuildlii . IiKjulrc at bank.
I poll Ui.VT Two rooms adjoldnxwith
1 board ; trout loom south-eilat , IHH Webticr
hllL'Ut. iuU
lp OH iivr-l well fiiriiUtiofroom for X frcn-
X' tlcmeii. I. > i l Kuril nni street , opposite ftoon
Jio'i'l Apply at loom -1 , or ut Wuh.-01'iniia i ;
. , _ Utli tttiect. ? { S
'jnot : ItKST j ) ilon itnt fouth front roonibS.
JW. . corner 1'Jth and Davenport. 7jo
Foit HINV HamSomoly turnlhed looms ,
r. > t c upltol uvcnuo. KJ
"I/lint UIST Two nicely fnrnblicft rooms , N.
. * ' W. cor'Iht and St. Mary's aveniiu. 4bU
TfJlOK U N'T Uootns with board , deMrnblo for
X1 bimimer. Apply ut St. Clmrlus Ilotcil. 1U
T7IOIC Hi\T iMiro liont room outlet floor
X'ithor without boiud. Ingulio ut l.ul Kar-
TTioic sv .i-rif ) itot on Cnminir fticct , nn
' t'leamit locution tor lesldt-nuo -
- ; jirn-u tlH J ,
very uiu > y tonuu , Ciiiininiiitiiu M Jlrimiinii , l.'ill
T71OH SAI.U 11 acres flnecst Knrdeii and fruit
X' html in ilio tiulo , and U lutjeo noui uimilni :
ii.ivonottlm timu to look ulicrlt. on tlmoor
} t/r ca i. i al. Martin , luo South Ijili M. ; rli
F U a. ii. K U itidin brick house and half ucio
uuHl ItcdicU'fildaUd , J'rico J-l.iAj. 'i Illb Id
oi Hi Meinif. ciiiialiigtuiui & Urenn.ui ,
J ii Imdfao ueut , ilio
oit ith.vr ou SAM-A iioiuo , iiarn
Mink , nml 4 Juts ju Wuliiut Jilll mid. JU iier
> ui , lniiiiio Jniiios tiirioiluiiM'ii , t ; .
. , xlit oltito.
I1" " NAI.K jiaxaiOoii 1'leiiniiit and Duven-
. * - port ureets , wrM Onniliu , nicoil loomcot-
iiihC , u bin- ; , till ) lor cubh or on puyiiiuiiu , till ,
MltnlD , lui.S. llthBt. 350
"I71U.H , Vl.i-4iVfrycliuiiii lots inhliui's tidd.
X' , A jiood plucu to build. CuniiliiHliam &
hiominn , loll Utilise btreut. 41V-i
"IJTOlf KAI.K One of Iho llnett rctldcncu prop.
X1 illi'fi In Onmliii , C , K. .NJuyne , liitli
and I'liinum , , . -j
TTIilU KAljK A now IIOUM und half Jot on
X > , . ? iiinUui | hticut , fl.rxx ) , CuDiilnvhum .V
lliciiliiiii , lull Uodfiq Htrcot ,
HAM : A nlciicottiiso In plbndl < l | nca-
| ion uitHypayments. . A , tiaunilcra if di .1401
, opp. I'iUton. lUi
"nv > U WAI.I.'r-An cloKiint new IIOUHO near Hun-
X' n'om pink und lot luixiw ; nil modern 1m-
provouHiiitH 'j tits fa it cliiince tor miy purson re-
qiiirmtf u tJrtt-clu s reeidvncu. Cuiiiiliitrtiaru te
lliciiliiiii. U t-t
K 4lot , to otlierfor 81Kciicliv )
tofiild ciu > y , A. HuuiiiluiH H C < i. < Hut
Kiirmun ttruot , opp , Puxton. Ut
Oil SAI K ) H HKNT-Ilrlck IIOIIM , ijx
i ooiun , cm nor lot . blilun's udd. Will ull ou
7lHiiithly.iO-inciits. C. K. Mnjno , 15th nnd Kur-
Hum , UT
* ' -
171 UK HAM' Ten cottiiKps anil flno house *
X1 IUIIHIII ) < lit prci | > I'M/HI tJ/iOo to Jl .ooo tuon.
uilL'ii | li on tome only ( iJiXl. All OU
U U. I'lUtcrKon , 15U kitl ( fnrnani.
K.\t.U Al > Hrvulii | bopsa nn4 Ovu rooms
' * | , | ( W. Wullw rtro * . ,
. . ,
H.\l-K-Tiraiono.TcottaBpii. ) Bvo room *
b , in WnwiUllll ! irooU collari ) . ci toi < t ,
H'l UJriiH ( v. ; iwoiot * wliUiMtolicuiuuro
huiiown MIR ) friJ per womb . ( J. Ji.
aynu , tstti tout Fflfninu. ' 3TJ
iriou SAT.I5 nomillfulncroproporiy 5 nillo <
JU from flly. nt $1 5 to $ . ) ( J per acre : efts/
terms. It. 0.1'ottcrson.TOriiOBjSlli and Knnmut
TTIOH HAll > -a lotl in north Oinnhn OxiaJ , one
X1 nt $100 nml onnnt $ T"Hl per acroj $ . " down ,
mid lialaiuio to full ( mroijiusrr. AUthos J. H. ( ) . ,
Ueu ollluo
T71O1S SAI.H Wflfllinwitt Il0ll 0fltll lot With
X' coinmodlniiA barn on UJlfornliv street neui
lbthMiiilh li-onu JU,1
I'or MUo Kiill lot Komi t\n > Mury ft room notiin
nn Cnlllornlu. lociiUon very di < Alr Ue , $ . ' > , (1WJ ( ,
1) . Ulloy A Co. , Slu.bouth l.uh MCI < U KJa
POirsAl. -17 lots on UcorKlivmid Vli-Rlnln
nvcs. , Keillck's mid. ? l.lj'j to ? 1W caeli ;
wwy terms.
( S l Nuvr cottiiffo full lot. IStli Mn-i'l , 2d liotwo
north of iltiumumi'a Ilioixuy. t ' .tXXi.uiLsy lorm * .
( UkS ) ThonciitosttKitluxo liiUnmhit , new , nil
modern conveniences , liioila uvo. , f.tM i.
( M ) llcinilltiil aoiolol unit lioiltolaelilrrtiro-
po.-oil lloiiluviirdcjit Omiilin , j.\iM \ , easy
( i7 > Cncroawllh uood liouso , stnbloeto. , u
miles from r , o. M.tmu oiuy torms.
( 4ni Nmr i-otuign n rooms , Kood Imrn , corner
Giand mid 1'icr Miit'ts , 'AIAJ , monthly piij1
( HI ) I ot fiielns lliuifcom park on 1'nrk nvo. ,
fl.inA ) , uii.-.y louns. C. K. .Miiyiiu , l lli und Tui--
num. : iTJ
ITIOU SAI.K Some. fllundlil ] ) lots near tlioSu-
X" eixil Heart Academy. Ixiw prlem. 1'jify
turniH. Seotliem lictoio tlu-y tire ; ol < l. Cnn <
iiliiKliuiu .V llrunmin , l.'ill Dodga 413-2.S
"I71OH HA 1. 1C At u Krent reduction , foumlry
X < machlno und bhieKsiiiiltli hhop llh oveiy
iiiiiveiilc'iiunfor canyln.if on u MrM-class lui l <
nes s ; uvurytlihiK In K ud riinnltiK order ; worli
lilenty ; no competition : population , n.imu ; pricu ,
< IUUU. Imiulio , ilo.x Vi , lleiitdio , Not ) . > i
T71OH SAI.U A peed liouso nnd lot on Callfoi-
X1 nln slmot : .price , JJ.uuO. CnnnliiKhnm It
llreiinan , lull Dodgo. 4.U-.S
171OHSAti : Nowhoiif-o , 7 rooms , cait front ,
X' lull lot , ncAt to nllev , on SmmdorM etirot ;
lotnluno woilh nearly all Unit H asked lor it ,
S-.CU ) . J. K. Ulloy .v uo. , UI5 S. 13th St. 15
TT1OHSAI.K lOncresof land near the city ; fi
X1 acres under trull Itees ; hou < * e. nnd barn ;
will ho bold very cheap It' iiurchiiMiil within n
\\eck. CiinnliiKliiiiii te llicnniin , lull Dodt-oHt.
_ _
" [ 710HSAI.K All elefrant TOttatfe und lot IWv
X ] iru ; ( rood barn , trnlt and shmlo tieub' will
bo cold lor ( UM ) . Cuiiuliighiuii iV llrtmtuiti ,
IfillUodBO street. 4ys
"TTIOIt HA MO Two lots on u comer , two Mockw
X' from Fni-uiiui , both for Jl iO. jioslthely
1)UOIU ) . J. K. Itiloyfc Co. , aiG South 1,1111 tit , JilT
" 171011 SA l.U A few lots near 1'ark avenue , $000
X1 easy liiriu.s. Wo direct special attention to
tlico banritlns. Cuiiiiluglinn : , V llrcnnnn , 1511
Uoduo street.
tHSAIi-a : lots on Vlrplnlu ave ; will bo
fcold lor ? lf > 00. Cunuluxlmm & Itronntui ,
Kill DodRo etroot.
Poll SAl.i : On Convent St. , lot 40\14l ) ; liouso
flroomt near htreet cur line , $ JSuJcusli. J.
W. .Miusliiill , 15wl I'uiniuu bt. 101
171 OH SA l.U- Full lot , fouth fiout : very de.-lr-
X1 ublo property , tm ted car linn. TliH is very
ci cap ut c > lluo. J. 13. Itiloy .V Co. , 'J15 South l.itli
blicou S.S3
171 OU SAI.U-I.ot on Fnrnam , r.O.xlS" , $1,400 ,
X1 very desirable lor roidcnco. ' 1 his 111 bo in
tiio market only u low Uiiy.siLS It ischciiii. .1.13.
Hllcy & Co. , si. South lllth btieot. > 1
Ijl OH SAM3 Kull corner lot three blocks from
bti let cars ; bcautilul uud slKlnly location ;
. , . . Unto. This is positively u
bargain , . .1. U. lllloy i : Co. , 215 S. Ulh tit. ! i J
TTlOi : .SAI.i-Choiin , n line lot la Hanscom
J- ? 1'laeo.AclmeKjN. . l'.F. , Ucoottico. 154
"T71OK .SAf.i : Houses lind lots on monthly pay-
JL1 mems. J ) . 1. Ilityilon , buunclcrs , Lietueun
J.ttko nnd Willis lives. Uil
FOUSAI.i : Wo liavo lots on Vlnton , Cum-
IIIKS , ( leorjriu uvo. , Leiivonuorth nnil other
Mi-eets. Knr- mini direct buslncts property. J.
i : . Hlley A : Co. , ISSouth IJth slreel.W \
T71OHSAI.K Chenp , fi room cottiipo nnd lot ,
-L ea.-y terms. ; r-ituated nt No. t > 17 N. lth St. ,
between Calnornla aim Webster ; thoroughly
lepnlrcd nnil liiijirovcd. lnUiro ( ( of owner oil
nv > USAM3 A two story. L"J.\60 , frame build-
X' lux , bUitnblo lor u store , near linh and 1'ur-
iiuin sis. Ajiplyut this ollicu. W7
Foil SAM : Vull lot with now house , 4 looms ,
pantry , cellar , cljiurn , porch in trout ,
LliiiUi ; less than thrcu blocks from icd car line ;
improvements north over fboO , all lor $1 .V ) .
l.aiy payments. This is al-o a bargain. J. U.
lliluy x Co. , iilj S. JJlli street. 2J1
POH SA M : At u bnrpnln , n lipusc of 0 rooms ,
every loom licnted by lunmcc ; hoi and cold
u liter , balh , lot oi.xliu ; near head SU ilury's
uveiiuo. HonsO cost 5 < l,000 ; lot is worth & / * * > .
Itold nt mice , will take $1UXJ for the place. U.
13.Mnyiic , lulh und l < ° armun. 777
FINIS improved InrinH.will triulo for improved
city property. W. II. Gieun , over Iht Na
tional Hank. ' ) ;
171 ) K sAl.u iluwtliurnu uuaitton , iui&iitu.u " . '
X1 ulli : ; , toth lots lor Sl.JOj ; i 'ioo down.
eiiinii s'lhiid Addition Lots 'J und 4 , blkX ,
Ixnli lota tor tl/iiW. liiimliii & Drown , oil S.
lltn M . .H"f ( <
"jj1k.lS.- > AiIAL.I Uai' l.tll , IOC Wltll . HOUfctS ,
X1 j ami 7 looms , well , cistern , barn , \a.
iolh aim llarney. Improved property taken us
pan puy. Win. L , . .Monroe , Ltli and Douyhu.
T7\H \ .SAMi KiiKlne nnd boilers liom 10 II. J' .
X1 106.1 11. 1' . Omaha Iron Works Co , , LJ. 1' . It.
1C. , lilh and Itth btiet'ts. SK > oi
"TTlOHisAl.K A fi-entlo , young family lior e ;
X1 ube iiheuton , MIIIP&OIIS nmku. suuiHlurs
bireet , ouu block above Lake. U'.W'J '
F OH SAM : Or trade , $ CO set of
ne lor > . Call ut Ulti Farniun ,
"HIOUnAMnuckwhciU bran , Z'u perlWJIHs.
X1 W. J. Weltlmiih A ; Co. , Ciiy .Mlllb. 41
T71OH ! AM' : One hundred to three bundled
X' ions of Ice ; uboonuO year old llaiuhlolou-
inn bay maro. Inquiiout Uinulm I'inancial 13s-
ciiUiijc , IMI I'urnum bticct , up-atalrb. ls.M
"TTIOIt SA LK Or rent , on 3 or ft years , u ehoko
X1 l HI in o JNi uci e-i , AU UC1U4 haul uooil tiiu-
bcr , uOacie.s na ture , and bulanco under culti-
vuuon ; liHilolioiu Slock Vuids and 4 miles
liom Uiiiiilui. ThlsinniiH erjillpped nltli
duos Improvcmeuts In uvery iccpcct. and ouu of
tiiu beat tarni ! ) In iJotiijhis county. 1'orlurihcr
particulaiit apply or address Christian Sautter ,
Umuliu , .SuU.
TTiOJl SAMS MJlk dairy , complete mute , cows ,
X lior.-c and u niton , cow bain , ono Jiouso und
ovcrjtliinyc oiujilcto. Cull U7th find Jinn sircctu.
TTi : Two lots In J'elhnin I'laco , ono
X1 block n om btitel cur truck ,
" [ 71 OH SA Mi Or would trade Jor n Rood liorro
X' Mini biiKny , NJucres hi liosper county , Ait-
ply to losouiu Mill btieet. f.AI
1710 SAMJ-IJiillor nnd
-U power liojler mid unjrlno , In Hood riiiiiilni , '
order ; \\u\\l \ \ to cell lor llin reut > on thut they aiu
nut luruu unoniih tor tie | nuir ningliliierylnuli
\ > o llliin ) into inn' now hiillilliiK on liiirnuy
tlieei. Uiirl > o Jlrus , , < ( . , H'jJ nonplus di. M
FOKSAM. Llienn , n roMiiurant with Inrnl-
and tutu i os , and ( tvcrj thing compieiu : nUo
> -lx hct niriiUlied loom * ; ttood location ami piy- ;
Ing buMiCht | ; - < > ( > d leafiin Jor helling out , In-
iiulio at NV'olurn Cornice iyoiJis , i > j and C1U
bouth IJlh bfreetClty. * _ : ilWO (
ROOM und board , fB per nuek ; very best lo
cution. liH iluypuport St. lii > eli < | >
HUSONAI' WU | llio hiily who
about t-ept. Ill lo board ono yr tuo child run
run Infant , please nildiuks .Mr . 13. Hush , lieu <
ono do/cn Itoger
X X llioxtilplO'iiliitcd tiililo luil VIM t
Jloody'a Clilnm tliojp.'curnurI'l ' and Uitvun-
port. _ 1
y. 0. Mt'UiibrStovuloiiilrl.'ii. ! ) . Ill Sonlli
4 < tlitit. , butwovn Podtfuaiiil Uou lai.
A l.WAVH on hum ) at n burgulii , No , I pccond
XX liundcarriaKo plmelniiA and fililc-bar IIIIK-
tjlos , ut A. J. aimpoii , Hal and lilt Dud/u At.
LADII2.S In Hunt of HK ( | doniefcilu helpeiin
bo MUpj > lle4 by c-ullltij ou ( liiOiiuili.i l.'in-
iloymont Oibco , If N 'utn dt , nu-Mhli'M , .Mi.- , .
J , W , > ( urrl oii proprlulor. " K , I
HIVV villlUH and fif"yii > l.n ' ( .I'.u.en i.
l'U , < t\uAiIf ( , jt.'tii .tit * '
\rVroiierntloit or"
4-1 llooru. W NVu
atump-or clitftiiar 'ut
uvorv Uuilurx
Oillhrd Tables.
Tiu ? TmriNS\v70ic- i-cxitr < UNnKit & Co7
Hfumfoctnrers of Billiard A Pool Tables ,
And Saloon. 0I1K-0 nnd llnnlc I'lxtnrM. Mnrkot.
nml Huron Sf * . , Chicago , III. Oinalm oJIIro , 6U9
Book Binding , Etc ,
HElisriuNTINO CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Hlnnk Hook MHinifricliitef. N < > . IM niul
1W South HtH Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Butler Tubs ,
j. suv.Motnt ,
Manufacturing of Butter Tubs.
M m , .ttoi 4rt n > , BOO ; UA mJ.MO ; so n > , s.o ! lu ) it > firk-
IM ? , two. 15th nnd I'lerco HU , Omntm. Nob.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX Miimu : .v co" ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
flinti nnil Ammunition. JII5 to til Soul li llth
Struct , litMto lit. ! Furinim Kliuct , Uinnlin , Noli.
CUIAII RAcroitv.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dculora 111 Lout Tolmee < > .
KM aiut 110 N. Wh Street , Omnlm , Nob.
Eagle Cornice Works ,
John Rpunoinr , Proprietor. Manufacturer of
nnlrnnlMil Iron and Oornleo. IB ! Drulito , und 101
anil 1U1 North lUlh Blrcut , Oinuliu , Nob.
M\niifiicturoriiorOrnniiientnl :
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , I'lnnU , Kin. , illOS. 18th St. Workdono
_ InunyjMirt of the country.
Doors , Sasli. Etc.
A. HOSliNllKUY ,
Mnnufuctiiror ami Dealer In
Doors Sasli Blinds
, , , Mouldings ,
Htc. Stair Hull * it specialty. Telephone. No. IW.
Kith and Sliircy St. , Omnlm , Nob.
Electrical Supplies ,
Electrical Supplies ,
li. W. WOLFE & CO. , rjoctrlclnns ,
Mnsonlo Illoelt , Onialin. Inr ! lnr Alarms , TMK
Fire Alarmt , KlootrloMntilnir , SnoiiKliw Tulo .
C ) I SIJi\-oriiiid Nlekul I'latliDf , Htc.
Iron and Nails ,
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Piro N'niU a Specialty. Omaliii , Nell.
Omalia Iron Y/orRs / Company ,
Mnchinery , CiiHtlnirs. Steam ICimliici. 15nlrrs ! ,
Archlti-ctnral Iron Work. Inin lirltlKCR , Sllnlnir
ami Mill Machinery , Ollleo nnd works , Union
1'nclHo U. 11. , 17tli nnd Iftli StroeU ) .
W13AHNK & 11KO. ,
Foundry Works.
Cor. Uth nnd JackMin § ts. , iiroiiirod | to do nil
kinds of Iron nnd llni'-a Castings ; nl'o , O , O.
HannMcr's liockinjr Oruto liars miuiufilcturod
H. M.
Mattress Company ,
Mnnnrnctnrlnir Mnttre.-'ios , nnddliif , * , T'cnthor
1'lllon-s , Cots , Ktc. li-'OO uud 1203 UOU | IIR Struct ,
Oniuliii , Nub.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Je.ini Punts , Shirts , Ktc. , JKC nnd 1101 Doiichia
Street , Oiniilni , Neb.
Paper Bozes.
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
100 S. 14th St. , Oirmhn , Nelii" .Wi ri.v . nmll en-
Helled nnd will receive prompt atti-ntlou.
Safe .
Omaha Safe Works ,
MnnufnelJiror of VIro nnd llnrfrlar Proof Snffi * .
Vniilt Doors. .Tall Work. Slnmcrc nnd Wlrn
Worlc. Cor. Uth nnd .Titck on Rtv , Omnlm , Neb.
Soap Manufacturer ,
Onico nnd nxetory. ncnrt7'owdor > fnffn7lno ,
Omiihii ,
Wagons and Carrhges.
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages ,
13in nnd 1UJ7 llnrnoy Mroot , On'ialiii. Nob. Soln
At-'cntH In Nebrusliii lorJonea' Colobrntcd Split
jjlmlt Sulkies ,
E-tablislicil ] S.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
liUU and 1411 DoilKo Street , Omnlm , Kol ) .
V/hile / Lead.
Con-odors and ( Irlndcrs of
Perfectly Pure White Lead ,
Oinnhn , Ncti. J , tvl Cnrtcr , I'M-S. : C. W. Mend
Vice Prus.j HV.'Vut i fc'cu. and Trniis.
Chicago , Milwautee & St , Paul
The Short
and Best
From Omabato the East
Chlcnvo , MlnnniiimllN , Mllwiuikcrj ,
Ht. I'uiil , Coihir jtiipjdd ,
Clinton. ) | ) ' } | : , llockloid ,
Kock IflnuJ , I'Vceiiiirf ,
Kluln , iluOi-rtn ;
Ilololt , AV'lnoiin ,
And nil other liapurtiiiit points l.'iist.Northoiiat
mid iolith < ) iM.
t oilleo nl 1101 Kiinmni'itrfot , ( In 1'nvton
Jliiicli , nnil at Union JY.Hiijojii. ) ) ( | | . .
Piillinnii hloupur'iiuiu tlio TiiKHt. Dlnloif Carl
In ill u WiiM ( inn I.HII on llio iiiMln lines ot thn
tu ; iuuoMii\VAiKii\ftT ; : : ; , I'\i i , ttiWAV3 id )
c'veiy uilciitlon in piil'l tipiivoiif'uiH ( \ > y couito *
UUD ompl < iy < 'M ol tlio crimpim ) '
-Vlii.i.iai.fioiiciiU .MiiiniVor.
.1. K. TncKiiiiHi > | fJiuit.niiiiiil ( MniiUKor.
A V H O.UII1) STKII , Ocourul l'u& , ( < iijor and
Ticket Aifcnt.
o. K. llRkrroiin.Auilstaul Oonontl
Ticket Atfont.
is coNiJiruriHi ii y
Royal Havana Lottery
A dt'\t. . .tvMtfbTl fiftH' + 'ION. )
Dr wn at lav. | rid , Cuba , Eyfry )0 ) to 14 Days ,
' u . cl * . In Urths. Wolit ) ) ) . J motions pro
unit j I
S.uijc'ct to no DiiinlpnliUlmi , not controlled hy
t'.iu iMilio-iJii Inic'ion. Jt It tlid fuire.t tlilny in
tnu mituio ol eliiiuw InexIMc/ree.
Tor tlukulH ni'j.jy ' ij'5HIP8iy : ft Cf ) . , 1 1 }
llro.idWHy. N. V t'hyi M. OTTfiNf ) 4 ; . , Itt'jl la
* '
i4u < tiintty on hand ,
: s' . ' . 'U1 '
' - . HIM ,
i ' " /run nnil 'Iml-
' MIM ion f HI iii.-
. .iii.i , i ,