Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1885, Image 12

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[ . 'endcrfoot Sings the Praises of Omaha
and Contiguous Territory.
Growth of City nml
plate An KMllRlHcncil Hail-
road lollcy Bomo lie-
innrlcnble Statistics.
: brfts.1ca , . "tho wide-spreading river , "
ifcorj-fi/ipondentof the Springfield ,
iss. ) Jlopitblicati , is a broad , vast ,
my tflopogently declining eastward
" n the liTgh lands of Colorado and
Ihcrn Wyoming to the Missouri river ,
en I first crossed it , M years since , its
Utiire was uncertain. The surface of Ihe
was compact ami hard to plow.
I'hb raln fnllwii.s slight and winds high ,
ho cofn in the central and western parUs
if the stale liable lo blast from Iho hot
ezes that occasionally blow. It was
mm than iv famous gnr/.ing country.
That il would ever produce much corn ,
lial lame grass would flourish , that fruit
'onld ' bo raised , few people believed.
| ) maha , not lo put lee line a point on it ,
as iv sifild hole , a nondos-eript array of
sjhiilf of which appeared lo bo
alOonA. J Ti Rs , save in the ii\er bet
ems , ( hero wore none. Lincoln , the
'state capital , was a bantling three years
"old , untlcdgcd , and much interested to
know why it had ever been called into
Be not incredulous , reader , as I unfold
tbp tale qfvhat my experience has been
past week in taking another view of
broad stale. After traversing the
; $ iMissouri valley fiom Siotix City south-
"Sward to Council liluffs , wo descended
vilot a muddy bank to bo ferried across Iho
ihallow river but proudly a ink swiftly
srossed to Omaha on the Unjpi Pacific
iron bridge. Hroad , well-jiijpd streets ,
( brilliantly lighted , substajJHU lows of
brick aim stone businessjjpeks. spacious
hotels.iymally siirrisiu ] ) * < iid pleased us.
View'ed | ne\'t mornii pliy daylight the
surprise jnvreascd. 'J no city , like Homo ,
lies on a series of hills , not too sleep ,
however , for continuous lines of slrect
railway. The expense of grading has
been heavy , but the chance for pictur
esque homesteads constant , and wo
noted many and many a comfortable
mansion , surrounded by trees , pleasant
'l lawns , woll-cared-for llower beds , com
manding , by its eminence , a pretty and
quite extensive view. Omaha is now a
city of some CO"DOO people , wilh real
estate of a most substantial character ,
very largely owned at homo. It has ex
cellent banks , several of which arc soon
to add now blocks of the best quality to
the city's handsome rows of buildings.
Half a dozen of the finest railway systems
of the west converge here. The popula
tion has doubled within live years , and
the number of churches has more than
doubled ill that time , . , To find the occa-
of this brilliant development we mu-t
push inward into Nebraska and into the
progress that has been made there.
And hero I pause tftVmg Iho praises of
n certain organization known as the I5ur-
linglon and Missouri railroad company.
Eastern travelers have long been famil
iar with the admirable management of
the Chicago , Burlington and Quiiicy. The
Burlington and Missouri is managed and
controlled , by the some men. Wficn oth
ers \vcre in doubt as to Nebraska , these
far-sighted men by the way , they live at
the Hub said to themsoUes : "Nebraska
will bo what we choose to make it. Thc'o
prairies if cultivated will yield bountiful
harvests. This grand slope needs only
tillage to enrich every dwelling on its
face. Go to ! Send ahead your engineers ,
grade , lay the sleepers , down with the
rails' ; this land shall have inhabitants
und these inhabitants shall have markets
for their'wheat and their corn , their eat-
tlo and their pork. " Ahead they went
Into Saline , Filmore , Clay , Admi , i coun
ties. They advoitteed their rich lands.
They gave every laeility to inspectors
and would-be purchasers. They gave
free passes to men inionton the moral
needs of the stalct lo teachers and
preachers. "Tho Burlington and
Missouri is the best temperance
society wo have had or over
shall have , " said an old citi/en to me.
"Xotonly arc their employes not al
lowed to drink , but ono i.s liable to
discharge if ho is seen lo enter a saloon. "
( Fact. ) They ran their trains with the
banic promptness and in the same accom
modating spirit that has so long distill--
uishcd the Chicago , Hurlinglon&Quiiioy
in llliilo'is anil fowa. They constantly
appealed to tlio pride and ambition of
their employes by a system of promotions
in other \yordK \ by lotormed "ehil ser
vice" prineilc.s. ] In a word , they gave
tliis eritdu young state , uncertain as to
its own destiny , the benefit of a broad ,
cmtorprMng , lur-seolncj railroad policy
in all it.s length and breadth.
Thoii : faith was not. misplaced. The
ino.stsurprising icsults ha\c followed.
Tho'state may now claim an honored
place in thu grout quadrilateral , Iowa ,
Missouri. Kansas , Nebraska. She i.s last ,
possibly not-liiirst. Lincoln , her capital ,
u city ot fiomu 20,000 inhabitants , has : i
Jinu hiiiiftllou on landMillieiently elevated
to command n beautiful distant view. U
is laid out , -liko almost all the now west
ern towns , In broad , straight avenues ,
lined with shtulo tree > , that would seem
to bu Iwicii llieir real tigo. As
ono looks' down them the glimpses
of blue prairie beyond frequently
aeem like \ww.s of thn sea. The state
oapitijfc'bniltt'Of white , conglomerate
limeSTone frohi quarries on tlio 1'latto
river , hits its two wings linished and tlm
central portion is well under headway.
3t lsHinvp'IojuT > lau , handsome , substan
tial , lO'fuMt'lvLotil $000,000. In thu sub
urbs of tlm city are a largo and ' olid
I Hlato prison and a hospital for thu insane.
The inmates of the former are trusted to
xji rumurkabjtl ( ) Velju ) > if they show by good
behavior they ai'6 Iriistworthy.vo saw
a number of thmn driving team- , loaded
' with fatono for the oapitol. When wo
stopped ill frontMof the prison , ono of'
them politely took charge ot our team
while wo were inside ; annlhnr seemed to
have in chargo-a lilllo ohilil playing in
front of thu door. The day wa dear
nnd loVely and uno eohlii but rejoleo in
his inmost .soul that so hnmano and enlightened -
lightened a system of treatment i.s fol
lowed. They seem to understand out
linro that ono of nature' * profoundi-st
Riifoguards is the instinct .she plants of
response to trust. The state hospital for
Iho iiihaun , to whioh wo drove ,
linn in front a very broad ov-
, } ) ot lawn and blossoming
llower beds and it.s windows com-
mnnd cheerful tlNtiuil \ iowd. One of the
inmates \\lio was at a Iront window iii-
u-rrupteil t ooug ho WIIH singing to pleas-
tintly .shoilb out to UK , "Kino nlnce wu
imvo here , isn't it ! " In a Hold just behind -
hind the building .somu two scorn of the
inmates \um > bimniog themselves or
Htrolling tibo'it ' , nnd they looked with
nsldi-rablo Interest at their visitor , ono
of them asking If any of ns had any
"Moody and Sankoy salvo ! " llut I niiisl
- . for other intere-sling
-pat-u by. now many -
H'aturos of the city , her slate uiiivwaity ,
Jier artesian well , sucking up and di.s-
cliavging salt water Irom u depth of 1,000
lect- mini attention. 1 will only add
that a visitor in strongly impressed by
what he BOM. with the conviction that
good judgment , good taste and good
jlniuit'fering has characterized the public
( iNpemUtm'S hero' , that there has been
JJttlo cxtrttTagancoi and that thl.1 small
capital , in the matter of its own re. l
cfll.vtu and buildings , is remarkably
H-'tytUliy for to yotmi ; n.t . ° wn-
= * ' " ' " " - '
jforwictai. Auureaw
the country , n hundred miles to the west.
"Farms , I sing , and men who first came
hither from the coasts of Illinois' . " The
Mil ) It bursting with fertility , and the
very railroad tracks are so infested with
weeds a locomotive "weed scorcher" has
been found necessary. 1 can best de
scribe it by saying that it is like a loco
motive with smoke-stack slanting earth
ward that it ma3f puff and cough its hot
breath directly upon ( lie audacious weeds
which its thundering passage nlono will
not kill. Long , long rows of wild sun-
llowon gayly bow to us as wo pass. One ,
two , three , four counties wo cross. Mag
nificent fields of corn often a hundred
acres in extent nro on e\cry side the
whole distance.Vnpo through a dozen
towns and vlllagerrVatigJng 'in numbers
from COO to 2.000 Inhabitants1. T.vory ono
of them has for its most conspicuous ob
ject a large , two-slory brick school house.
A nearer view < li < elpso.s neat churches
and by Iho track" greitl grfiin elevator ? ' .
A gentleman on my right , wliio has for
seven years made n constant and
thorough study of Nebraska lands ,
says enthusiastically to me , "For
eighty miles w'o Imvo not passed a single
quarter-section (1GO ( acius ) of laud that
is not e/cellent . ' We paw many wheat
as well as corn field- " , but they are not so
numerous as in latitudes faither north.
We pass fields where the farmeis are
curing the prairie grass , getting a ton
and n half to the acre , ami nl o ee fre
quently monster stacks of t'mothy liny
clustering about omo farm hnncn.
( irovcx are not as numerous as in Iowa ,
but they aio surprisingly abundant. 1
note one admirable practice concerning
trees here as well as in lov.'a , namely ,
mulching. The M'thlo refuse , straw and
manure , not being u ed on the land , are ,
by many people , u ed to mulch their
joiiug and mueh-pri/od tree" , and the
result is a fabulously vapid growth , t
have repeatedly soon trees that were
only ten or eleven jears old that were a
fool in diameter six tVut al > > ve ground
Our journey ends at Il'isting- town ot
? , i)00 ) people , although .some of its rhals
in the state , as ( ir.ind' Island and Hea-
ti ice , loudly protest this number is too
high at all events the low n has as hand
some and air a- , oinmaj any
where find. It hnsii .scoreof neat , sub
stantial brick blocks ; a decidedly stylish
hotel in progress , hcYula two ehiri ou ; ' ;
a comfortable book store , good banks ,
and in its suburbs a hundred eomfoi table
homesteads with neat lawn" , gardens
and windmills. These List aie necessary
lor the wells hero aio 100 feel deep , but
the water is of the best. 1'ivo ' railroads
converge here , and the surrounding
country is o productive many people
think the town destined to a veiy rapid
further growth.
Statistics are wearisome , and their sig
nificance not easily comprehended , but 1
will venture to quote the estimated yield
of the Nebraska corn crop last year. It
was Iho stupendous total of 1 , 10,000,000
btu.hcla. Anj- poison in the habit of food-
i ig hordes , cattle , or ovr-i poultry , l'jo : s
how much solid nutriment there is in ono
bushel of coin. It will supply a milch
cow with grain for a week , a working
hor-e for half that time. ( ! round into
meal it will supply a family of aTage
si/o , supposing it t o take the place of
Hour , something like r. fortnight. The
population of Nebraska by the' pre o.nt
census is very nearly three-quarters of a
million. Calling the total yield , of corn
last year 150,000,000 bushels , it .will be
seen that. the crop represents a"p5-Jducing )
power of 200 bushels to eu-tjy man ,
woman and child in the statement the
cstimulo down a full half eaUll' 75,000-
000 and the result is still something inur-
volor.s. If corn is not here a casji crop at
anything but a lo\y \ figure , it lias a
value ior stock-feeding purposes of the
greatest importance. A Nebraska pig
is not mqro A ioious than a Massachusetts
| iig ; nor Is a steer. When \yc consider
that this marvelous power of the soil to
produce corn is equaled by its power to
produce grass ; that oats do well , that
and vegetables flourish in a soil guiltless
of Mapcs or Stookbridgc , or Bradley.that
[ he railroads have come , that the climate
is salubrious and bracing ( ( Colorado
si ghlly modified ) , that the social atmos-
pii'ere is instinct with fruitful l ew Kng-
t.i id principles and iitirnoses ; that , in a
word , Anglo-Saxon civil liberty 13. . here ,
land in hand wilh morality , firing ! ! ! " :
order and law with it considering all
this , I say wo can understand tlfeg.'oat
\aluo these people , and strangers as
well , attach to tlior homesteads and
lands. A man , like many of these eiti-
/ens of Hastings , can have his homo
surrounded by lawn and garden , with
berries , A cgotables , melons , the second
year after ho takes possession. In ten
years ho can have fine grove of cottonwoods -
woods , or box-elders , aim a little later of
ash and maple. And I am not surprised
Ihat at : i town like this although we are
110 miles west of the Missouri farms
near at hand bring $50 per acio. Eight
or ten miles away from railroads they
ire hold at $ ! )0 ) and $25 the aero , and well
Ihoy may be.
1 must reserve for another time some
account of the undoubted change of me- conditions hero consequent
on the cultivation of land and planting
of trees. It is a most curious tact an
nstanco of a climate essentially modi-
lied by the busy , myriad industries of a
single generation of settlors.
IDrlvhif ? Nails With an Iron Hand.
San Francisco Chronicle : While pass
ing down Dupont street , near the Acade
my of Sciences , yesterday a Chronicle re
porter observed utnan founding away on
a nail with his hand. It was in a black
smith shop whioh ope.ns on the .street.
The naij seemed topcnetralo'fuither and
further into tl o wood , and the man did
not appear to leol as if the striking of his
liand against the hai | hurt him at all.
Appioaehing uonrer , the reporter saw
that the hand was made of iron. The
steel listed man said that while partioi-
luling in a Fourth of July celebration in
Marysvillo , in 1801 , ho lost his right arm
.it the elbow by the premature explosion
of a cannon , lining a blacksmith and
koylittor , Iho loss compiled him to aban
don his trade- . For live years ho wan
dered about Iho country doing ono thing
or another. Ono day while in a black
smith's .shop in Vallejo the Idea entered
iis heail to fabricate an artificial hand
mt of iron. Ho gave his directions
mil had the contrivance ho now
wears manufactured It consists of
i slcol cylinder about four or
ivo inches long. To this i.s nlllved a
cathor apparatus , which enables , him to
nljust the arlllioial hand on the slump of
li.s ami. The stump liUs into the appa
ratus and is oaroJnlly strapped. Jho
land may then be used as : i hammer , and
ho dents in the steel show how much it
ins been so applied , The dcllelonoy of
infers to grasp a lilo is supplied in tlio
lollow ing manner : A Jong hole projects
into Iho nasu of the cylinder , into wldoh
n file or knife may bo screwed. This is
properly tightened and Iho loss of fiuger.s
is not felt. If the Iron-hundtid man do-
hires to pick up anj thing , ho adjusts a
peculiar hook or an instrument resembling -
bling a ) , and ho can bring to bis
reach anything ho may require. Hesides
the heavy hand , \vliloli ho generally uses
[ or hard work , he has a moio delicate
apparatus of hnisi , manufactured for
liimsjolf , for easy work. Ho says that ho
has worn the steel hand fijr sixteen years
i ml ho has grown to regard it with great
affection. Ho scarcely feels the loss of
li.s natural. hand. AH ho hammers or
lies at saws behind his litllo glass win
dow on Dupont Hlrcol , the passers-by
a/.o cuiiously.
i'lio I'lcs Would 1)0 ) Just UN AVIiolc-
Norristown Herald " "
: "Housekeeper"
wants to know how to prevent the juice
of pies from soaking into the undor/
crust. Our culinary education is ex
trcmely limited , but w should think
that lilting the i ii.l < reru twitlnh rtu' < "
1 i. s > Je nJrv ps1n.n Jwfl 'j ho
Substantial Improvements Projected and
Under Way in all Directions.
A Street Hnlhrny IJy Oniulm Capital *
Istucv Additions nml JlcsN
< lcnc * s UuRlncss Changes
General A flairs.
NcnitAsKA CITV , Neb. , Sept. 25. [ Spc-
chtl Correspondence. ] "Retrogr.-ulo" is
no longer n word to bn found ! n Nebras
ka Cily's vocabulary , but its place is filled
by ( ho now word , "Onward , " and from
present nppouranccH otu1 city will Imvo
no further nso for the former quoted
word , but will kindly present it to Phitts-
ninutb , or .BODIP of the other towns that
to need U. As an evidoneo of Dm
S'S of this cily T will eitO the
fnot that the llrM addition to thr- city in
years platted yeMt'rday. It will bo
and is situated just south on tlu Dunbnr
road , and north of Hie now pat-kin"1
house. It i'i owned by the packing liottsn
company and it is intended to cilthc lotto - *
to employes of the company and asiht
tlicnnt putting up houses tltereon. 'I'ho
addition comprises 12 i lots With Mrects
and alloys of regulation width. Mr. .John
I\U'Ilrec\.v \ , ex-chief of police , has already
purchased two lots in the ntrv addition
and \\ill jiroceed at oncL- with the erec
tion of a hotel upon the same. Building
operationad.Ju'en ; lo t'lo new addition
arc booming along Ihcly. The new
packing I'oitie ' is up to the'lirst story , the
cooper --hops .ire nearly completed and
tin1 railrnixl company are le\'ling , the
jlioiiml for tin ! f.wilulit's to thejr now
.slock ynnln. The'-c .several liullding op-
( rations give soulliwc-t part of town
ii\i r.\ lively appearance. With the ad'
vent of our nc\v industries in tli1 suburbs
the talk of a
has assumed a t.uigihluhape , nnd wo
are promi-i'd a line befote the 1st of De
cember , il will bo built In Omaha , par
ties , and \\ill have thu following route :
( . 'ommonoing at the iinrlinglon it Mis
souri live-depot , running north up Sixth
to 1-Vrry , thence east to I'ir.-t , thence tin
Main street lo Seventeenth , theneeouth
( n the packing houses and .slock 3 .mis ,
circling them , thence north to Main , east
to Kighth , thonre south lo the depot.
The Morton hoii-o , the finest note ! in
tlic state , with tlir exception of the Paxton -
ton of your city , change' hands thi3
week. The new proprietors will be
Mc-r * . ( \ W. lined and H. I5inKall , of
AVinterset , Iowa , siid : lo be i .xperioneed
m"n in the hotel hiisine.-.s , vho will Keep
the Morton tit to its prudent high stand-
aril. .Foe O. JVlt , the present proprietor ,
will leave tor Oborlin , Kansas , where he
will take charge ot the leading hottl of
that place.
Mr. r. W. Hottmann , one of our lead
ing capitalists and land ownurii , is work
ing up : v
and has ncnrlv the requisite amount of
subscribed. This association will have
for its object the purchase of the various
" .soil sn.ips" in city property whioh are
laying around , nnd Hie improvement ot
the amc tor sale and renting purposes
by the erection of suitable dwellings and
business houses on the same. This asso 1
ciation will bo a valuable factor toward
the advancement of our citj , as the cry (
ing need now ts for more .small dwelling
houses , and the association will push
their ctlbrt.s in this direction at ojuu.
A movement is on foot also to make a
grand driveway lending out of Nebraska
City , north , pti t the blind asylun , thence past M-veral of our finest suburban
lesidenccs , then returning via Arbor
Lodge , Hosfiobce , the cemetery and the
packinghouses. Proneuy ow-nors tilong
the proposed route oiler todonatecnougli
ground for the driveway and may aUooli'isr
lo .stand a pecuniary .share < > t the grading
expense , fills driveway , if established ,
will bo one of tin * tinc'.t'in the west , and
it is to be hoped that the movement will
be pushed lo a spt.icd.y culinimilion.
The "Mint Parlor , " without e\ci'ption
the most gorgeous saloon in the state ,
changed handn last ovening. Me rs. 15.
T. Shannon , of tin- , cit > , and Ucorgo
Duncan , of Omaha , are" the now pro
prietor ; ' . It is to be hoped that the now
management will keep at least a lespeeta-
bjo place , as of late ( no * aloun has fur
nished the police court with an item or
two almost every daj.
L. A. Jones , the clothier , removes to
Omaha the lattei j > art of lids week. lit !
c.xpccti to go into the wholesale business ,
and Nebraska , City's raihoad facilities
are hardly good enough to jnstii this
) > oint as a location for a w holesale clothing -
ing house.
Alessrh. Heed & Trazier , of Louisville ,
Ky. , are in the city anil are negotiating
for the purclr.iM ) of one of our largest.
general merchandise establishments.
bOCIAI.Nl > rKltXJXAI. .
Kev. Wilson Denny , accompanied by
his bride , arrived hero from Illinois last
week. They were given a reception I
Thursday evening iit the rc id < uco of
Mr. James Sweet , which was one < > l the
pleasantcst social a flairs of the year
Arbor Lodge was also the scene last
week ol a brilliant party given In honor
of Mr. and Mi < s Creasy , oi Detroit , Mich. ,
who were visiting J. Sterling Morton.
The recent M K. eonferenco oh tiiged
things eonsidnrably in Mhis city Uov.
Hritt , for the four years pr siding
elder of this district , being tran-fei ml to
the Yorkdistri.-t. . Jtuv. .7. W. Stewart
filling Hcv. Hi'it s place in this. city. Uev.
Stowait'.s late pi.sturate , that of the First
M. K. church ot this city , is to bo sup
plied by llov Peai'Mjii , of Ilumljoldl.
Kov. N.Vr. Faubian , of the South M. J-J.
ohuroh , has al-o been transferred to a.
Kansas charge , his place hero being tilled
by Kov. H H. Todd.
Sovnral hundred of our eitixons visited
tlio state fair lirst week and all are loud
in their praise of the "big pumpkin
.show. "
i.irri.i : oxr.s.
Our "as eoniany ] , with a generosity
iinparallitled in the history 01 gas comjia-
nio.s , lowered the jirlco Tflv cents or
thousand the past wi'ck. This lias ulso
proved an incentive toward many i-'W
con.siimor.s and the entire busiin-ss
] ) ortion of the city are now using the
cheap illuminator. .
The Hurllngton iV Missf.Mtri pile driver
arrivetl hero 'I'lmrsdaj ' , anil work wilt bo
commenced on the now pile hiidgnaoro-s
the Misnonri at once , it is understood
that this pile bridge is being built as an
experiment whlclf , should it prove as it
i.s expected to do , means an imp suspen
sion bridge for our city inside of two
Tlio gentlemen who have been working
up the granolithio pavement have suc
ceeded in inducing quite a numborof our
business men t > putoown the granolithic ,
and several Hooks already loom up in
metropolitan style with the new pave
ments , Mr. .1. IL NloholU , the asphalt
man , of Lincoln , will bo In the city this
week and figure with our morolmnts who
have not secured the gianolithio to put
down liis sidewalks , and it is fair to
say that if the present indlc.itioiH are re
alised Nebraska t'itj will ' -0011 JMVIJ the
llncst pa1 od btrct ts of anj city in the
'William Wagner , who has been con
fined in jail MIII o last spring on the
charge of obtaining money in a .fraudu
lent maun * i , was teloasod t > day.
W Illlnms , tin numb-it"1 or I'a&por , Inn
been released on ( JiOW ) qiil
Tlio 1'ounirMen'sunristiaii association
is filling up larger quarters in Uottman's
block and contemplate opening a free
reading room this winter.
The distillery has about completed its
improvements and will strtrt on full ca
pacity October 10. The Nebraska &
Jowa Packing company will resume op
erations November 1 , and it is cx-pcclcd
that the new packing house will be ready
for business by the 1st of December. The
now cooper shops are nearly completed ,
and part of tlio working force are here
ready to begin work at once , and so wo
Mexican nml American rctlioils .Tost-
IhiK for Suitrpiiincy In tlio
Quaint City or Bantu Fe.
Santa Fe , the capital of Now Mexico , is
on thu river of the Mima name , which , al
though this is the niiny reason , is now
quite dry. On all slde.s.of .the . city are
city tire mountains , either towering up
near at hand or in the distance , blue and
hasty. It i.s 7,000 feet above the sea , and
the air i.s so pure thut the very act of
breathing is a delight. On ilrst coming
hero people Kay , "what n lovely morn
ing ! " Unt this soon giows monotonous ,
for nearly nil the mornings are lovely.
There _ has been but ono real rainy
day this season , aniba great treat it was.
The sun shines with a biightncss that
those who have always lived here cannot
apprecato. Hut people coming lo Santa
Fe from much lower altitudes generally
have to become acclimated before they
feel very well. A litllo boy whose par
ents have moved here from Washington ,
and who had no doubt heard great deal
about this elevation of the place , .said tea
a neighbor the other dav that his mother
was "u'ryisick , "for she had "a bad at
tack of high altitude. " This illusrrates
the fact , that strangers here when they
do not feel as well as common , alwa.vs
attribute il lolhe altitude. It affects pen-
pie in various ways. Some cannot brcatho
at all here. Others , after a few weeks
of pulling get used to the air. and have
110 difllciilty ; while others still do not no
tice the change. Judge Flcmming , thu
newly appointed associate justice of the s
territory , says that he cannot appiociato ,
anv ditlerciice botwet n the air and that
in Kentucky. Some people oannotsloep in
this altitude : they s.i.the . air is too excit
ing. Chief Justice \ incciitsays that his
brother , a perfectly well and strongman ,
was ol.liged to leave .Santa Fe because ho
could not get any bleep here. Other- , ,
want to sleep all the twvntv-four hours ; }
it require * an absolute cllbr't for them to
keen awake.
The clininta is .said to be a sure cure for
throat and lung troubles' , if the patient
comes in time , and man.\ advanced
haAohoon cured. People with diseases
common in lle : cast often reecho great
benefit here. I5ut there is rheumatism in
Santa Fe , and once in about seven years
the-.mall-pox rages , though the toiler is
chiclh. confined to the poorer Mexicans ,
who live in lillh anil rags.
Santa Fe has about 8,000 inhabitants
0,000 of whom are Mexicans , and the
majority of them arc most wretched-
people. They are dark and , warth. > , live
in one- tory adobe or mud h on < ( , and
sut-ak a dialect of the Spanish language
'they do very little cooking , but at this \
season live almost wholly on fruits. It i .
amusing to sec them returning from
market with a half of an animal at a , ,
time , for in this iitmate meat neve'i i
spoils , and they buy atone time enough i
t.'i last for weeks. The meat bold here , I
however , is this poorest over oaten. iny
pa-Jug through the Mexican quarter of' .
the town , which is on the other -ide of [
tlio river from the American ijuaitcr , the
visitor sees their tables alw aj s set. The '
dishes arc few in number. At each pliite'
is a goblet or tumbler filled with apricots , .
a fruit much like thu peach , but .smaller !
aud with Ios4 flavor. The tablets nro near
the lloor , because the Mexicans do not'
sit on chairs but UMI their ieet instead.
Ono peculiarity of 'ttiu ' Moxinan taste is i
their tondni"-n tor ehilL It is a national
dish with them , and the quantity whioh
they devour is simply .astounding. Jt is
madioi , -roon ] > i-pt ] > r.s.uhoppoii line , at i
a M.ienn will sit down and eat
afU-r plate of this Iml HtulV , not a.s a s.iuce
his meat , but simply : 's Americans"-1 "
eat. cold cnbhngo. They are the *
indies ! peoIo ] under iho MIH. They sit.
from morning till night on the ground , '
leaning up againd their and
smoking. Their oiily oecupation betides
this is attending cfciiuch , and they go to
church several timirtj each dav. anil some
days they only go home to"their meals ,
The oni tiling besides church whicli
rouses the-e pecplo is n funeral , f'.iicli
tunerals wore ne\ei soon before. First
marches the band. They sometime * play
"Marching Through IJeorgia , " "Th'e
( Jirl 1 Lei i Hohind Ale , " and'other oqunl-
ly inappropriate .selections. Afl"r the
band come two little boys dre sod in
po.irlot , one cari.\inga i ruciiix. Hchind
them walks a little fat priest dres-ed in
while , rending fiom a book. Next comes
tin express wagon in which if , the collin ,
the lid oil' , and thu hot MIII pouring ( low n
upon HID dead. Along on each side ol
the wagon sit iour youn < ' girls drcsd in
white , with long veils. Last ot all follow
tiiti relatives and friemU. Altogether it
is ti .strange s'rghl.
ft is often painful to see these Mexi
cans \\ork-for instance , the women
whitewashing the tidobo building- , with
their hands iiihtetid ot using a
Of cour-io it is a. . tedious and disagreeable
job , but they would scorn to use a brush
if one should be o lie red.
The Mexicans have some schools , but
thov lack the ambition to learn , and it is
Mtiil that the Mexican children are ex
tremely slow in comprehending the most ,
simple truths. The kindergarten system
would be a most excellent thing here.
'fliey hajt ! mi desire to amass wealth.
They require very little to live on and
give all they can possibly pnro lo the
church Tlieir condition is dualities- , the
rosull of a kind of serfdom long ago
established hero. Under the old Mexican
rule the land and money were in HID
hands of a few , and since this country
became a pai t of the United Statts this
stale of things has remained unchanged.
Had Now Mexico come , to tlie United
States freed from the incubus of her nu
merous and extensive Spanish ,
through which the soil him been niinou.-
! v monopoli/ed , so that the work of set
tlement under American pre-emption
and homu.stead tows could' ha\e pro
ceeded as in the. country ea t , Iho present
state of ignorance and nivtohcdnchs
would have boon rooted out. The Mexi
cans would then have been compelled lo
compote with the whites and to do thi- >
they would have been obliged to educate
them selves. Sohools would have been
established and this territory would
doubtless now be a state.
How-over , things might be worse. The
Mexican people , as a olnxi , are . -aid to bo
perfectly honest , notwithstanding Iho
evil iiilliumccs that have surrounded
tho.ui for so many j ears.
T Mure are i-oni. ) notable people either
sojourning or permanently located In the
territory. Among tluun U Dorsoy , the , who lives on his ranch noith ot
hero. Steve Klkins , famous throughout
the ( ountry as the chief of the Bliijne cir-
eu ln t vat' , i' now in Santa Fo. He
looUf. sletsk and fat , and judging from his
face ono would think him all "nwoolno s
and light. " Hut ho is not so llo has
vast tractot land in Ne > v Mexico. "Pap
Klkliis , " as bo I.s commonly called horn ,
is Move's father , and lives in Hintr * Fe.
Ho never tires ot dilating upon tin- many
virtues of his .son , and s.iyi. if Steve
had been the republican candidate , in-
Mead of Hlnino. success would June been
assured. Hut the older Klkins Is a regu
lar dyed-in-the-wool democrat ,
The hldo of J'imbo weighed l.fiOO
pounds , and vqulrc'l a ton of vtll and
180 notinds of elm bark to cure it.
Boy'a TJooful Pastimes : Pleasant nnd profitable !
fiiniifcomont for np ra hours , lly ritov. Ilonr.nT ilnmrit , A. Jf. Thu
volume comprise * chapter * on tbo u o nnd care of tool . uinl ileuillcil
v Instruction liy nipinsof which boys can inike , with thi'lruwn linndf ,
t * n Urse numlicr of toys , household orniunenH , scientific appliances ,
-t end innny pretty , nmustnv anil necessary articles for the play croand ,
the homo ana out ot door * . It Is bound In
1 Ilnndsomo Cloth Binding1 , trith 300 Illustrations ,
Knowing how to mnVo Ron' ' * , Stoat : Engine * . Eto mpr . ftob Slro > . lea- . ,
Jtn.itt\vinilinlllfl , Aiiimrltim"Hand C-artsTon | , Flops , rhotournphCn- * ? ; ,
, mora/Telephon1. TcleKmph , Microscope , Kaleidoscope , Steam Aero *
[ l U.Tr piIo iIou ( , IllrdCttROT. Cooni.l'OTcrotfF.StiulrrclCaKca.'V
Hummer Homes , Fence * . I'oimtiln , Furniturenymnntlum , Step . _
Judder" . Trunks. Nrt . Wire Workriay Mnlrllnr. Drnss Work. I'lcturo Prsmin , riectrle Dalterl 3 , ElW |
Xroplatlng , Klectrotj pltiff , nunnlnit Mlci. , Wlg-VTnija anil many otuer uicfill nrtlcl > .
Ill looMnjrfor a book to put Into the hnndn nf your boy which wHlllio of raal find iron ,
utnotreo. nndnt the sutno tiino R , eourco of healthful ontcrtaiuincmt. ' thla 13 tUo ona <
you Dhottla cbooso. *
. J'rlcc Kv nmll , SI w. which Includes a jcm'B subsciUtlou to THU NUDUASKA CULTIVAT01I
Knittluy nnii Croohot.-A culdo r-j. . /
to tlio im ot tba NLH tliu ami tlic Hook. tdltOCl /Jenny /
In nrntiRlnKthH work tlio editor hns t.ikcn ntosTstcnutlionnt
clarify ludiffcrent ilopartmcnti , clto the itc.iic t tx ,
'dtl ' etllclici , r.nil cjpljlu tbo tecUnlcnl Metnlla DO flVariv. thnVn . .
! .i lly follow tlm illn-ct OIIB. There ni o u laruo varloty i > r > tti ! > Ii auil ign
number of patterns fully lllustrotr > d and ilcwrlbtu.
i xrlilcli Iiava nil bo n tested liyan oti > crt
InscrllniiInth..colIectloM. Tlionlm ot thetdltnr
li iii-on to supply woinsn with nn ncotirati' nml
KatUf > ctory KUlOu tt > knlttliK " 'l croelict wo > i.
Tli s liook u printed on line pnpo , bouuil irltli u
no covtr , aud contain } over
' Tliolcn'ltlnj : stlti'lics Illustrated nud ile < crll > od
nro : To Cist on with Ono nnil Two Ixecdlcs To
Narrow To Widen To 1'url VoCast Off To Slip .
' n stltch-imnd KntttltiR n > Join Toscthcr KIROStitch. ! PAmnss. Peacock's Tftll Vandyke T/iopcd
Knitting-Can. ' Work-I af nud Trcllls-TrUngular KlIltil-Ootblo-Coral-KnOUcd Stltch-Dl.iti , .ml .
, \\nvo-C'abloTwl8t-H.rlr.e . etc.
! / 'lAcnAMSMiTciiKS. Solomon's Knot Simple. . Chain Spiral Cord Waved Dar Spherical Kuoilant -
lrjcllb-opcn ! Kuottlnf , ' PlcolHcudtuK-Cruin Kniit-Prlnse Ta soU , i-tc.
rt ( iuocnsTSnTCitE1 ! . Olialn Stitch-siuRlerrocliet-Doulilo Crochet Ilu IfTrclile Tri > hl < ' I > onbIoTr-lilo
Crow Treble Silo Stitch Trkot Muscovite Tricot Shell rattera Biakct Pattern Ilulacd 8potSiltcli
JllnitStltch-IIalr rin Crochet-Crochet I.are. cU' .
- - nit and
oin-cst aud raoit complete worioa Knlttlui Crochet im'j
I'rlcc by mall , COO. Inciudln ? Tilt : M'.llltASKA Ct'LTIVATOU ANJ ) HOrsGMMH'UU one
n.vcr , 7fc.
2Toedlc-Vork : A Mamml of Stitches nnd Statlleo in Em-
liroliU'ry and Drawn Work. KTyJI + n/J Ui l/-- . . \r li. n I
mamuniialls an attempt to tZQlteu DV JGtiny JUI16.
Bystetiintl/onnd arrange la nu order convculrnt for worker * , the Liodrni
mellla.H In r.mbrolilfry Urawn Work. Thn author has felt thodeMm
' .urij the rcaii-jnMblUty Involri-d In tiUin women to a t-iio and i.ractlcnl
Sildo to the bonutlful nrtof mcdlo work. When the.MineoC !
eicy lipRKed tail woman mliht not Lo orcnted lxcause she
> Tonidlionbuswl by man , nj tlic stronger , tlioIxird listenedbut V .
Ji1felt that ha could iiot gla up the v/lioluMiemonf creation , unhn -
rt ? W * It i thi ! Invlug Anml i > crml- lon tn bestow ntmn her any riaiK'n-
-Ssr > ttnBKlftBuocnoac , nnd the AiiRcl filtvIiiRly t > ndow l licrwlth- ,
tears and the lovoof nccdljo A > orlc. ThH tiook Isprluted onfluo '
paper , hns a htudsomo cover , uud contalt.3
The lint offtltchc.1 , with ntuitratlons , nro : nuttonliolp-ITpm
Etltch Brier atlteh Crow's Foot IIorrlnB Doac-t'txlitPratltch
ln or V
Mitch v
fcn , Fllllnsr , Coral. Itilloii , L vutliVU nnd Holbein StltcbKH i ;
, Appllqne Intprl.icrd flround Wravlnc btltch-Oold and blherStj
- = 'Thn.n-4iT-.8'no ( nibhon Work , etc. , . * > "jj
ia ITeedlo-"v7ork are Riven to deoorato My Lady'iT'Chamljor , Ky lady'n A ?
ttloba , the Dining Seem , Parlor nnd lilbrary , nnd for Linen and Cotton 3abricsOEJ
. eludlnc rm irold ry ? itKaH for MantPl Srnrfa Deft Spremli-Cnlld'n Onllt-Plllnw Rove Ciishton
Scarfs-Tnbln rorerd rhalr IHekK-JIoriilnff Sncques Artist .TackeM Walking Drpb
i -litern'wn Praia Evpiilne ; Dress Handkerchiefs Mufflers V'lchus Piazza Wrugs Sa.ihP3 Fans blua !
pcrJVnnnti KirasoM Anmna Wo.-Ii nogH Onoro PBRI fsiovo Case Saehets-a.uneh Cloths PinnerJ
I'othi-NjjkIn Polllea Tali'e 3Iatdim Vrtpklni Fi-tt N'siiklns TravlMxers Tea O'.oths Curtains xy
P. : ielfl liunnir * Sc-c os bom Cunhlou' Pluno Scjirfi , Chair Scarfs Sorit Kuas 1'hotosrat.h Cw V"
UooUCoveis , etc. , etc. TMsv-IU uufouud to be the onlj standard boot on toe subiiK't oui.tdle ivu- . . . ' I'
- ilro by mull , KL. Jncludinj.THK NEIlItASKA CULTIVATOR AND HOUSUPECPUU ona.
Talks with. Hoinolv Girlo. '
Talks -Kith. Hornoly
Girls : On licr.Hh and
Beauty , thnlr Preserva
tion niieX Cultivation. By
Frances Smith.
\ . rrnnual of nth Ice end Ir-
ntmctlon upon the gcnernl
ci'o ot tbo heollli , niercise ,
blhlnc , tli care < f tholu-sd.
hatr , tielh. hindK fict , ami
the complexion , with ehr.j.-
iera upon dreff , mannrm.
romortatlcn , nad nil tork'-i
IK'rt&iiiloKtoa > nun lad3
upp. > , irauoi nnd ilcpurtutnc. .
Too tiTuntv chuptiiR are rr-
" o * icnnii , Tlaihlnc Eip'plf p C are o"
. Jlalr. jrtc.'i..a1" . IljJ.iK. . Coirn exljii , Oa-- .
ri'ijriMiI Ibo TJiU , 1 > " " , ) > ii > r > iK-iit. CoiUPnu-tlou ,
and n. imr t < "jro tui"/I lih Aurv useful riouk
for ovciy lady. Knedscr cot' biudlu ,
Ttici'bj mail , r/'c lii'-liuli'i Till ! Xur.itAi'iCA i
( . 'I I.1IVA1OII AM ) IIOI'S ! KKM'Fllonilir , 7f ' .
yamou1 * People or All
Ases : "Who they ' Were ,
When they Lived , nnd
Why they nro Fara
By W. H. "v7tui Or den.
Avolnmoor cone > nned 1 > I „ . _
phles or tso most wetnble men
. .iud woman who tare lived , frt.m
thu Dexlnulntc of history to the
" ] iroi > piit tltr.ftiIncluding euldlcrs
Ktit9 niei iiuihorA urtistfl , BCPD-
tkia und iwtiple most vroinlncut
.urik . . rn rf.pnlcr iiK . Very convcji'eut and I
" in fur I'verynay reference , llaudsonioclot ! ; bind
-in p oi-llcnt handhool.slvlnsrInnconpact form
bo ! faphii > ut tbo persons In whom tbit btuili ut rud
wrliof vyimlil initurully taku most l&ii'um 'Xtx *
. or * : " "rlliwni
I'tin \ > \ in ill. TAIneluilliis1 Tif Nrm' K
( 'i J.TIVioit \M > HouM'KnupKH one jt'iu , 7" > c.
t ho lit
CaJu Vs ' v.13 ta
v.-it'iout "L"fyeYS , A Compendium of Eu3.r.27n and Uo 3fitio ivw , for popular
use. By Konry 3. Ooray , LL. 3. , maniboi- How Tor ] : Ba.Chls na\v beak contains
ron < lrii < .cil nni ! rouUkC ciii.ana-
lions of HIP cuiTiil lulls , and nith blaii forms , fur the ji
" thp lans of Ihc heioral States ,
ilrrotln- full rlmplcr to ciiJi jip"ieit ! Ih dalljr n.e , TIAt -
of tl.c follo-iln K'.ihjcr ! . . .iii.l . ? immci.ti' .ivceimmtfi Afil-
uliln In [ il.iln lnuiuavn tlia : io-s.ij"s
IHU nml jour legjl ilutr r > - - I untr cu "Jllf-T ) Contract
tiiirrtln A.-jonts Nt'X'itiabiit I.'iUt 11 ? : . ien ! - t. . uf
' iMpcr C iumon Carrk--n - . . - . - ' i i. .Mvvc-of At'nr
JIa ttr nrt Korean-II ! i
iunHJi oa I'.ircnt iiiul I. " ' Ill'ailh'l - u-iJ - < l . o.n
. 1" l > . ' ! i T . In * . . S ' I * J *
* .li - h L.'I . ' i m ,
Jill-nil Uuntnuti'-Dnbts a-i-1 tJt. . i ti.i Yr * o * c in1 *
Ilititr I'liyment-Statuti'of T.lm 4 C VP'lv r-2l'l"J ( I't 1 > I'U
'tillDUj SalPHOf I'orsolnl ! n > KIC.X. ' < r L . t -3. , : : : ; if
t'rty - 1'artiershio Co ' ! ) > 'VPJ - * onirnct-'ni tiri't fn"
lloniiInTjIu'i : ' and As ! * ali * if I ni d rjhiriapw < o *
iri'it A . < l'i'iin'iir nf frlfr )
Pftf HI Iff -I/JUHK-/- ! ! !
t l Jlsirtni'oi Ijjm'.l'ii.l cml - - : isc-cc1lc.ti ( it
Venant Wllla r.tfjiitori nun t Jon -ilnri
AdnilulstratoraiHwnt nnrt
l ) | trlbntlnn rf I'roportT Hf.rrrncc i.f 'Iru , ;
Hojne te.idR n-nl P/oporty r" - - VnlclfH of I'nrlii'-ui.ii
. Notloo nt Dl oi.iliKiiI'cr.ill
unpt from Kr.ei titon--Kic ! up -
t o.i from Jury Out' and .ill ' ' " ' " " ' J.lniltml I'artniT.h | -
ino'.ton'i : ! liSeij to orloln toi
iii'ctlc.u v.-lth thi' o subjects , il f tla'n-Wlllt ol.
c'ta , tlr. UP , ttu , . ' If ,
. - -j\t hat IMVII prepared with rp * > e. ' a ! n fTi.c ( * - „ . - , . - . but
okuim IhHr Ir ilililin and cut ! ralnii'lninnltlonaof human Uf. Slniiiirictnrcrs Mivlinnlcs ,
lie ? ) Ih'ii. Kirme und oihtr" , nlil nnd tliolnTl forms cd : Information uautulnrdlu th.n liookof errat
T.ilneund of dally tibo , HandKnmu cloll ) liladltti ; .
Vrluibi intill , SI/J3 , which liuitttlcineopy of Till ! NKIill.lSKA 017WIVATOU AND HOL'si :
A veiy "tahlnw ; " lionK IIIIH licnn iirodureil by Mr. Uveon. I'.iatfl , ovporlo-iee. lifj lilno" ' . lii"ii '
Ullln iiuuinent mill ( 'Min"atHiiio | | < ti 1111 In | nve < Jio'ii ( ovnrtd covo" . ll"'ii ! i'
pi tlio li > t tliiuus tlmr hao ii | > pimil l In the Prill1' HIM , A or. t'liii wo rpjolc" MI-I Mii' - . < .
iontvrotlx liiishiiiolKiind nioro pt rninnfiit torin. Tbo ht'lnr-'ui'm ! i
iHiilhfiiirnllinota ulftul ) tictitcil. liudilluv nml j ; " > ! ltinli.ni1 lui ! i
liiilileiiu'iilM ' , mail in n iiiul utilliiio ui i < lull iiiMM-'uii. . 'i < iiiiinpi.inrii | f'l ' , ifiirt.iju / . -1
mi'l iiiit ! ; ullH iiio t'll int'iuiliiil. The I'liiipti'iM mi " Vlv'ci'n ' A Hi viliMij" " 'JM-.H ntu-kiU I
I 'iiltiite. "Kmi > onillii ! ! rrult , " "fii.ipo Ttill : , " "lion I Hcjrnu rntlt ( inr.ili , - , ' ( ; o. , ll ! bg Ill
Inpp 'Ciiitoil. ' LTUb Ainorlfiiii OnttU n
I'liif book , us Miitod nlii.M' htis Nt llluRtiiillon1 ! . THO of lhc > n 1(10 ( liainlsiind colored fruit
Jx'J incho , i-llhcr ol which Is ut.ll luitlli ) ol Annilni , ' .
Thlf. popitlnr fill m and liunlly Journtd cmit.ilns Hi | iw WHO Ci i-oluinii * nnd ' roiit *
on till snWfu ! * jol'itlns to thu f.iun , irardon mill lini.'Ohuld. tinil contilliis , M'li-ct uiltcoli
lnir.iiniUilr.i-c'3 nil vho iml It. Prlco , fKa j iw. hnhsoilbp uoiv. Acnt * nnlrd.
( Oil'n ) llllt.
HP.MITTANT1JS-- or tun 'iil ' bliunps laLcn In sums ol lets limn il , but nionc ;
poitul iioto iiluajv pieU'iifd. C'ull nn or aridities
Publisher , 10S & 103 S. 14th St. Omaha.
The Great
, , 1209 Farnain Street ,
I'.vcij cltyornny note lias at least one sri-
] ) ! > Gooili lloiisi1 , lioot and Shoo DKilt'r , Mni >
cliiuit TulIoiliiH ; i : = taijll.-hh'iit : , etc. , whom Ha
itizcnsdt'llijlit to fpc'ik of to hlrantriTM la Iho
highest tcrni * . Hut no city In tlio coanli } cna
b'jast of a Hiontcr or more CNlcutivo
Xlian tlic one located at
12O9 Street ,
This iimneii'Hj ' buznar ts contuillcd mid opoiS
ntpdby H. 1IAHDV & CO. , who
and liulusti ; iu
\iiJecrtatnv no superiors In Omaha , or nnyi
fitj In the \ \ 0 = 1. A few j curs uco the UJo. btoro ,
was cstabltslicd , nnd Roods pluccd on the count
'CTS and shelves which had fonnoily been illsw
* lio-edof l y incrchunts at fabulous juicesur-i
Mich In ? the bcllcr , but iinpo\orbhi e'-tliQcon- '
'Burner. Tliu pionnctors ol the We. Store , tu'.tiiB-i
in the Mtuutloii of tiffnlrs nud thn * ttitn of trnaoi
at tlmo cxhtlnsr , Inimcdlutcly issued Hide.
'proelnrnatl' nud declared a \ ]
Vigorous ISfar.on High Prices , '
They succeeded in a short tlmo in opening tlio
eytsof thu people , und convincing them that
theh'ul for years really been robbed of pont.d-l :
viable or their linid-onrned money. At first
t ! < ( ' uas u fuullnp ; that the ironus Iteptby
* > fp 5is. Hurdy A ; Co. weio not of thu tlrbt cltis ? ,
buttim'has , piovon to the satisfaction or their
numerous ciistnmnrs thnt they keep notlmu ?
but what Is llr-t clii's in every pnrtlcuUtr , inul
the We. Stoio lull pi oven itself n InMliu ;
lioiiclU to tliu jrenotid pnullc. To unumointo
whut Ultvl ol' ooU can bo lound at this iiiiua-
moth lituniir would 111 ! n nowspajipr usliitKoas
tliPlnijrv t lane } " "cnuo iiiit" ! to bo foiiml hi.
Om.ilui. Ik'iic'd "ill only inontlon Unit tit thl ?
iumoiis and popular t" > tillllslimenl may bo
lound silmo r rverjlliliif ; both ijsulnl iulornn-
iiifiitnl that ! B ki" , ) ' . in it Hell riui | > p'd Mute oC
tills l.lml. Conslantlj on thmlcrtto jik-iiio thn ,
public1 , tlic o mcrciiinnts htivo nridcd u
In MliU'li may lie found n Imtrq inil | u < x > ru1 ftouk
uj jwoiN that nio iiMinlly ii'hiilbd ill luiiand
lluvo ( lines tlio jirifus jihieod u ) > cin Iliiiin. Wo
\ > ere rcd'iilly slioun Ihroiigli thcli Inr/.i / HIH !
conmiPdloiia pluco ol liut-lnc s nml wnm < uoii- (
> Jc-d nt nvry 6 'ii ' wo took to Und Midi Int.
mt-ti'o ( juMiitHItsuC line and vnliiuliln jinxis ot
witrj iloscr/piiou ai iltoso KIIIIQIII | | < II I'liiry for
iov tli'o nccainiiiuit.itloii of the | iuoi > k- .
JlostM , Hniily A : Co. intiy Im Jnstlj | ylt-il ns
puMlu l o L'j"ni'lor.s ii they lint o 9iui < i > iliM In
dolii/M\lint / lliny Minted out to iiivomrlh. ' . to
toll ( o llit'Ir cii-toini'irt n tlilngliul Hi m cliiM
vooila in every i u pcot , nt
IVomlcmff oxpoi Iciiiso r.s Inijcis tint ] tirnlcrn
In their line of iniiic' , they run .uiijl , ni. ! | in.
di'O toiiipfltillon In juices iiiul ijuniii ui u , > . < *
tliat IIIH.V bo found ut nil lime * ut llicli 'i , r.
UrsMc. Ilnnly ( . Co. lilt llo Iho puUJit lo full nml
in j > nU tufiri'\f ! ivo nnd well tcK'Ucd ( ! < > < ic
dl uoods. Co mil KO Ihcui , M IK llicr j < niLMi
to jmrcliaso or i.ot. Vou i\ill bo - < l < "