THE OMAHA DATTiY BBS , MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1885WT3LVE PAGES. CHEERED BY YAMIIEE DOODLE " 1.3 lt i Exploit of llio Wohrasia Firji ia the \7r.r far the Union. lnIO oil Tiilciriilonoci ] 3Iq | ourl I'Nutr Cotulpimyd I'rlo- oiiscd Ncbrnnlcn's Hlinrc In ti ) AVnr. Written for tliu Hi : * : * In 1803 tlio census rlimvcd - of ' in ix poiutl-xtirtti only 'J8.030 i omul number * , In NclnMoictx , llion u lor- 1 1 lory A prctly HIM nil pojml'xUon out of Whliili tirKiU'jvu-iriniuutof a thousand ' mc < nlA tljh'tmrini ; of ID'il , for tlio xxir tliul inn ! tlicn In-Kim. When llio tu-xva uni-lii'd N'obni'.ka Unit tlio Amoi'Iuiui en- t yu luul KOHU ilowii bi-foro : i tlomustic fou al Siiinptcr , lliu lionrU of its lu'oplo were * timid uttli n < < lunch Indignation and \/illi : i-i strong : i ili'lormiii'itlon to \lmlii-iitu lh < honor of llio Ihijj mid ivo the Union , 11 = 1 X\-IIH fell hy the iiooplu of : my | > oiOpii of lliunotUiornsliit1" * . Thuru : i If-iro thiit Ncl'nilii ! uliould bo in Iho giviit strng lu , though it was IriU1 , : IH .stated by Of. Milltsr , in his rrcimt "lloiiioiwii , " that. most of tliiw , wlio imhnvil the First Nulnnska of Infantry , joined it with ( ho Hint tliu rc'jimpiit would liosta- Ljyj tiio froiilici * of tliu territory , > ' : irrter.iiu - tliu tfiilitury posU , Fort Kearney , Fort Kmulull , : md other point- * , Iroin xvhluli United Status troops \vero bolnvillnlnijWii for serviee in Iliu tumUi iind aaHiirimcus xxt-ro undoubtedly px'cn by t-oiuo to Unit oll'i'fl , tlioit"h not -by the \vrilol * ; no.ouu hud nny mimority lo give MidiimSuraiico , or jiled es. uo wore unler'uig the scrvico of the United States , and would bo obliged to go wherever ordered. As troopn would bo needed to guard Ihu bonier ] of Nebraska a .vinst llio at- larks of hostile Indians who might tuko advanta o of tiu defcnituleas conditiyn of'oiitiur , it was natural to'mijiposu that a vegiine.nt raised lioro would bo nssifftiril to that Hervieu. liitslnuss con- sidiM'-lliiiHs . puiptrd , n strong doMroto liavvhu ( ? Ktiiont ! detained in a kind of homo guard service. Furnishing Mip- lilies for a regimunt of men and trains , it .Was foreseen , would bring a largo amount of business to Omaha and I he other impoverished towns of Nebraska for all had tulr more or less severely the uflcotH of the dina.sUouH panic of ' 57 , and hone , had ivcoVored from it. The writer , whH\vaM.s' _ < tleuted as the eolonel of the i-egimonl"JjOie\ | all the lime that it iridyred boiUh ultimately , oven if it.shotilil at be btationcd on Ihu frontier. Tl will bo remembered that the pres ident first called for T.l.OUJ men. When it wai rumored that ho would roou call for uOJ.OGi ) tlirue years men , or for the war , the writer addressed a luttur to Simon Catr.eum , thevn .secretary of war , requesting that niid.iegiiucnt bo allotted to Nebraska , and it was so included iu the call. In e.isd"ito troojis had been raised in liti.s txirrHuj-y , he hud filly de termined to go" to Sfc > Lon3s and enlist for Rurx'ico in onto fldmmiuul that would reach the tront. AftLr a great hard work thu orgitmzntiou of the reg iment was c'omplo&d. CJov. Saundcr.s was instrumental inTsceuriiig two com panies from Iowa to join it , one of them commanded by C.ipt. Boxvon , now Sen ator Bowen , of Colorado ; and Lr. Millar rendered valuable" assistance to the ro- cruiliujjjvyonts who hud been sent to St. Jo"e torrsiu < volunteers. yiiH-iTglmentliavinfj been mustered in , the coloneljli > le < * raiicd ! Uen. Fremont , then In command of the western depart ment , headquarters at St. Louis , asking for authority to take live companies to Fort Lcavenworth , to obtain arms for the regiment. ( Jen. F. responding favorably , he , xx'Jlh ilvo companies , prooeedeil by steamer to that point , and procured the arm < < , ammunition add uqniiimonts. While there , thnycommandur of the [ test informed the Writer that ho had re ceived reliable intdrmalion that four union men had been arrested as union .spies by the rebels , uouliued in thu jail at Imlependonee , Missouri , sonio distance /South of Kansas City ; , and \yero to be , hun" the iiexj. Salimlay. We were a kind of roving , fndependent eompauy , . without. ' ortlfiM to report to any one. Jtere was an opportunity to rosenti four : union men from a cruel , inunerited fate , and also a chance to try the regiment with a little service in tlie Held ; M > thu i undersigned determined to make tito . movement. Capt. Sully , afterxvardsCJen. Sully , who commanded an expedition against the Indian * , in which the Second iNobraska iwrved , aeeompanied Uin expe dition. "J'akrftg tlui stoamur , and moving ; dowiV ) / > 'Independeneo Landing , some ninew. m'des ; or j.o. from Fort Leaven- 1 worth ; 'wo disefiibarlfcd , and inarched to the town , eight miles distant. Wo had one pleeo of artillery along , and the men ( were furnlseil | ; with new arms. Wo did i ) t JJiUow whether there were ny , jv'L , ' . f ° lval there or not. , \a wjapi r aehedl the band was directed Ui play llio Star bpangled H.inder , and ' then , as wo entered the city , to strike up . Yankee Dooodlevlilch was done , and _ with a vim was played till thu column bulled In the publiu square. It V.-IH , learned , that , lieariug the ixites of thu Slnr Spangled ltiiijur : : was the llrst inti- malion the pcoptr4iad of the approach of tlm federal tvotfp.s. tt'lui morel aotivn . lecessloybits wevo. " greatly alarmcMl , and witJiortUWhithi Jo learn more , nislled to the livery stable , sei/.ed horses without asking , with or without saddles , and vushod furJeusly out of thu oitv in an op- Uosltud'nitMiou.inakiiig for hiding places fa the limner. Planting the llolu pleuu in llui v\-.v/3 \ and throwing out pickets , after ascetfMnlng thu renorl of the con- linument uT'lhe union pn.souer and their iiitjiiKlcd'eSX'ciition was true , taking ono company ttnd pressing a citl/.en into tliu service to Mad us to the j.til , wu proceed ed Ihllher. Halting tlio eonipany in front , the wjjter , aeeouip.inied by Capt. Sully , asVetidod thn tep.s and gave a heavy knock npoiii the door. It Was soon opened by the jailor , , u hen he said lo him , "Von Imve four union men hold a * spies in your jail ; auditing execution , havoyou not ; " Upon his replying in the alllrmatlye.Jio was told lo bring them immediately , an order which he < p.iitklv ) obeyed. Taking llio prisoners with tu wo retraced our march to the and returned to tint fort , having ac > 'om ] > li hed. the purpose of thu expedition , Tin ) peo- wlo of Independence were thoroughly frightened by thu .sudden appaiillon of invicn Irnojis In llieir miiNt , and they \Vt-fe notltied 1'ial if any morn union men \ \ iu molcMcd there , w wouhl return and r.uii their tou'ji.- 'hero ara timivhen it is pleas ant to be inthe possession of power. It was a"n agreeable thing t ( > do , to t. Mnaiul I lie instant release of the > o Union men hiving then ; in a pun- JJPOII under the .shadow of the g.illowVal- ready creeled , uitli no hope of leleane. : xnd to poaMiis the | ) wer to enforce I liar dom.uid , to open tvu ! prison doui-s , uiid set the c.iptlvejj fu-ti. Vs xvo marohed uw.i.\ . the men told mo the ) xvcnt hitting in their celN , brooding liver tliu fate that awaited them when , suddenly tluv notes of Yankee Doodle , from a bi-.iss Ir.unl , C.IIIM lloaiiug in through tlui gr-ited , narrow xvindows. j At licit thu cu'.iM notacco'iiit for it and i were amiixed , but lliesotuid > ap , oieliud i nearer and neiin-r , and givxv more and ' inonj dihtinet they then felt lint their deliverers xycre at nand They said thu Midden iransillnn from black despair to the bright ivality i > f their deHxcrauru cans.'d feolinsi xvhioli no languaro could deseriho. , Tliroo years aft.'rwards , ivliilo f.itllng in front of iny ( out onoevciilngdoun on the borders of Lou'siana , an ollleer in the. uniform of a captain of eaalr.came . tip , and K.ikls ' ( ! ' , do jou remein- ber lo ha\o ever s on mo Ivtoro I joined your command r" Replying ( Jiat I did nut , lu * then said : "lo you remiimbpr ri'leasing four union i prisoners from ludnpelidenee jiil : in July , VJt ? " ' 'Very wt-ll , " was my reply. "Woli/'saidlm , "T am one of them. 1 am Captain riiaptnaii , of - Kansas cavalry , " a regiment xvlilch had reeenlly joined me. 'l-liabxvtxsiinolhercompetisa- tion for having ftiadn the move on Inde- lieiidoneo jail The Fiisl Nebniska did nol nil tint lethe the territory till its tenure ot service ex pired , and tlu/ii / it reprg.xniKed as a vet eran cavalry' regimunt. and iU lirst coloiiol did not return llll the war had closed. It is nol believed now llial any ( . 'iti/i'ii regrelteil that tile regiment xvent into tlm xv.xr in lltusoulJi , for it made u splendid record , and it is a . alisfaetion noxv Ui knoxv thai Nebraska did her whole duly in the work of .saving llio union. Sim chn claim her full .sharo of lite glory of iUi consummation. M.'L'ii.vvr.i : . ( itt.\.MM Idl.ASD , Sept. id. Amuriean Architect : . Aleviiudor Hum- boldt , anUhaUMit' , ! of "globe trot ters , " is often tpjOlell Us having called Prague llio modi beautiful , inland eity ho had ever .seen. If thn quotation U not authentic it ,1tcertainly' ben trovalo. Without rivalling Huihbohlt , I liavo been many cities In many limds. vet but very texv whether iijlan'd'or .seagirtwiic.n ( are worthy even : to bo compared with Prague for beauty. Us charm is half natural , half ; and the two factors harmonise and 'enhance one sm other so admirably Oint it .seems as though nature , hiid Worked wilh a pro phetic i\e upon the artLst , and the arlist alxvays xvlth a grateful cilro for her. Tlm city lies on both sides of I lie Moldau - dau a wide 7X1X11 Vigorous stream dotted wilh wooded islets whom it makes a right-angled turn , aid ) Hews cast for auliilo iitte.r having llowttd duo north. On the. right bank , in an amphitheatre of lulls , lie. tito Alt-Stiult and the Ncu-Sladr , onee separalo quarters divided by a wall , but noxv blending , together and appe-ix-- ing'of quite anuquitv. At the extremity - tremity of thu Nen-6ttdt that is , at tlic up-stream extremity of the town rises t lie-hill cidlcd Wysenerad , xvlicru the tirst lounder.s of the town established tlu-ni- selves at least as early as the ninth cen tury. Hero in 87lxviu built Pr.tguo'slirst Christian church , thu second iu all Bohemia. The historic interest of Prague is as , and also nsA-aricd and aj > pietnr- o.sqmo. u.s ita-aichitceUinxllntcre-st. It is a serious story en6ugh if * understandingly - ingly pondered. 15ut to'tlio aVerage ignorance - noranco of the casual tourist it does not seem serious so much as brilliant , and ag.iin , entertaining in quality. It is very dim and misty in its earlier portions , and the barbaric Bohemian names xvhich mark Ihu chronicle sound as fantastic and unreal as the nomenclature of some remote mythology. Even when we get doxvn to tinner foundations , and think of the great religious xvars xvhich hero had their center tor hundreds of yeans , even t'.xen , I fear , our knoxvled e is likely to be but superficial. Who /iiska xvas , and Huss , and Jerome of Prague aim \\allen- stein xvo knoxv , and xvhat weroj Protest ants and Catholics. But this is by no means enough of a clue to make plain thu nia/.y tales of local leaders and of endless warring sects and quarrelling congregations and brotherhoods ( ironic term ) xvhich form the staple of Prague's wdd record. IN THE.CHAIR. The Coint'ortH Americans Mnjoy in a Uurbcr's Shop' , To-Day. Baltimore American ; The men who patronize barber shops in the United States arc not aware , perhaps , tfoat they enjoy a boon denied to their In'clhron iu other countries. The truth of this state ment was learned from tltft'-liltrbur on Korth Calvort street xvho declared that of all places on earth the United Status was the bust place to get a clean , comfortable shave. This compliment to the b.trber shops of the land of the free xxras paid oa the strength of the. vast improvements made in barbers' chair boars the same. relation to a harbor shop that a xvell- draxving steve does to tlm Kitchen. The pride ot a barber shop is the chairs. The. lurber may bo skillful and sxvift , the soap pure and fragrant , the brush eisy : and gentle , the toxvels clean and xvhite , but these all togc Jjer could uot atone for the absence bf au ytxsy-ehair. To the United States bolprigsituo credit of get ting up barber-chairs that are as easy as a feather bod. Among the .liiteatst losi of chairs are many diversities. TJierojs a , xvinter chair ahd a summer 'chair ; which possesses some of the features of both. For sum mer use the latest fashion is a c.'ino elmir. It is largo and roomy and affords the greatest ease , -A person can recline in it xvitli as much ( join fort jiis m a Iounge. For \viuter usu'-thero ijs-lh'o upholstered chair , which is a perfect gem for comfort. Tliu combination chair is reversible , and can be used in xyinftytfajid ! milhmer. Tlm more fashioiiaLlo'-baTbor.s ; hoxvever , do not advocate its use , but prufer a separate chair for xvintor and summer use. Many men just step into a barber shop ( o get a little rest and tint bathed. Then the casyehair a lsj lik i iv charm. Thu easy chair has dohii ifiupl f or the barber. In America theru-fjnorp shaving done at the barber shops , tlfnnft in all the bal ance of the xvotld , 'Iiv Franco the barber is engaged by tho"rii0.ntl ujid0all at the house of thq , cniton < bf | oply ; his craft. In England most of lliomnishiive. : ! : tlicm- selves. NoxvItoi-pjutIiuloiK ; > ftixn > you Iind an easy and comforfjibloy''llirbur shoii. Amerieans Iind a { jrfwtidcl ) ! oMroublo in getting a good shayikHfjniad ; " * * ' " " / ' * v * " ' * " Slinft \ St. Louis Whliir'TJiiiy xvoro young , had bepn jtjst > niarried and came to Saratoga ' < ) ( \ , tl > er bridal - dal lour , taking rooms ' M. tliJ > ' 'Ma- . sonlo Hotel " At 10 pi'ui. they retired and Hjveri thing' xva.s peneeful until .about- midnight , when thag 9ir # of the hoii n xvere aroused by liiuirjtigV ; < prrifio ! shriek from thu room oeeitnlrir l J" Iho uexvly married couple. Upon Colonel Allen going to inxe tigi\tu , ialHsr ht found the bride at Ihu top'ofIhu liilis in lur night robe , and upon k'ning Jiim .situ im plored him to MVI ! her froM ) .1 ni.iu xvlo ) was In her bod-romii Coloift'l Allen bonl thu night oho,1 ! ; xx'iior/oiid ! | | o'llv tint husband , and he xx'a ' * hitUffr rxcitcd. \Vhen asked the eailsn of , tie | 1'u-ket , ho said , "I just knoxxi , axyokei unil > eping Lily , my xvite , lcopiiuj.iu > ficifulU ; Ujmv hide , 1 placed my am Krijiinil'-hyi' , and. just going In Kiii her. ' * IJj could. get no finthoruHh bis , c\planiUion. for thu simple reason thai Llh liadretnnied , and tin owing hur elf on her Im b.ind's ) iccc.xild ! , "C'harley , jluar.Charluy , dear , forgixomo. I docltiro I forgot we xvoru maiviedl" Iluforo II o'clock ihu ne\t da > thu happy pair left for parts un known , IVw People Would ll.ivu Tlu > UUt ol * Thiit. St. P.iul Hei-ild L.ulr , in rog'stnry ' oIllcH"I'm afr.nd that tittle girl xx-on t dnYor a mrae. s'lhifttfsmill 1 .should hi'i.tato . ti tnist her xvn.i the b.tbr " Clerk -"Hur si/.u , xvo look upon as her greatest leeommi'inlatlon. You should remember that xvhun she drops a baby it doewn't have vnry far tea fall. * * ' * EFFECT OF A LAND TAX , It3 EoieGt3 : nnl EcautiKi Poinlod On. , ii Detail. Tlo Lnciitmlitlcs of 4.1m I'i-osont teni < irT ! \ atoThe ! Injustice of 1'rotecilvo I ) ul tea. "Tlnlw nuiiitt Is he who linth hh tiiuircl just. " It Is xvith Rival pleasur I nolo the di - cussion of the I ibor question at 51s very \ilals. 1 am pleased to see the Dm : , as it alxvays IUH In en , sl'indingoit the frido of the oppressed , unllinehiugly , amid Iho taunts and sneer j trom these xvho are the champions of those xvho live of the sxx-cat of other' ' hroxv. . Many good and noble souh are In s m- pathy xvith I hive xvho are Mruggllng for right and justice , hut null ! lalo they have cherished their hopes in the darkness of their oxvn bosoms. At last , however , they sir beginning to think aloud. Let the good work go on and a belter and brighter day xvlll dawn upon those sons of toil ; nay , all xvill bo benolittcd , for .it is only in pea e and brotherhood that x\-o can realize the fullest cnjojmcnt of this \vorldVrlohusr I like Mr. Maoearlhy's plan oft and lav. Of course , I means a lav upon land irrespeelivo 'of Iho im- provcmonls : Such a plan Is not only the most just , it is the most easy and feas ible. ible.A'j A'j C belong to the rising generation and take no interest in the dead issues of the past ; as I keenly feel the injustice denote to the producers of all wealth for agess | xvilh but .slip-lit amelioration , and as I am one xvho xviU not flinch front xvhat I deem the paths of truth and justice , I dcsiro to present a fexv facts apropos to the ques tion. tion.Noxv xx'ith your kind permission T xvill point out the effects of biioh a tax. But before going on , letns clear up some | facts , xx-hieh , simple though thov bo , are. persistently and dogmatically rtveV- looked or ignored. Iu discussing political economy ( the labor question ) xvii have three primary factors to consider , viLand , labor ' and capital. The moaniugof these three must bo distinctly understood , anil they must have a fixed meaning. Laud is the product of nature : the gift of Cod to man. It is a fixed factor. Nothing man can do'ca n increase or decrease it one io.ta. It is indispoilsiblu toman. Without land ho can hot live. and those xvho lio.ld Iho key to use , hold llio key to the life of his felloxv man. Wilhout it the laborer cannot exert his labor and produce xvealth. Labor is the poxvor of man , with or without the aid of machinery , to produce xveallh. This j he only do by hax'ing lecourse , dii ; rcctly or indirectly , lo land. Wealth is the product of labor , and that alone . It is the accumulation or saving of labor. , It is a factor xvhich is not fixed. Its increase - ' crease or decrease depends upon the cX" ' ertion or ix'ant of it by labor. Wealth isri . also checked bv taxation , and thoheavierii the lav the greater the check. A ' tax for example of fifty cents a piecu upon fruit trees xvould greatly tend to diminish the production of this staple. If a tax of $ i a piece bis levied the plant ing of fruit lives xvould eeaso , and everyj j body having them xvould bo quite liable j to chop them doxvn. ! By this .simple example it xvill be seen that no matter hoxv small , the tax upon production ( xvealth and capital ) the ten dency xvill hu to check : it. A tax upon xvealth is , in tact , a tax upon labor. Dr. Adam Smith has xx-ell defined cap ital as that part of xx-e.ilth xvhieh is used to produce morfl xvealth. Hy placing all tax upon land all other tax must bo re pealed. Let us see xvhat these are. I once read an editorial in ono of the Lincoln dailies. that taxation is in reality a very small item , so small that it is of no consequence in our social fabric . Let , that editor xvi pc the blur of ignorance , xvillful or real , out of his eyes and look around him. We have a protective tari.T of about 10 per cent. Some of it goes to tiic gox'crnment txnd a goodly share finds its xvay into the pocket ? of monopolies. The tendency is to make llio articles "protected" morju expensive by 40 per cent. Take a slate and pencil andtHguro out th'j amount of tax tlio consumer ( laborer ) xvho consumes $ .10 ! ) worth of xvealth , pays at that rate . Wo often hear of the interest of taxpayers ( moaning those oxvning property. ) It xvill be soon , hoxv ridiculous this sounds to ono xvho does not take- his mental food already masti cated and digested , ready for assimila tion. But the unthinking are blinded xvith lite delusion , jl having been con stantly dinned into their ears ; that the foreign manufacturer pays Uhis taiu'1 Splendid scheme to have Johnny Bull pax/onr taxes. Ioas not the importer advanou the amount , ho receiving it from the jobber , thu jobber from the merchant , ' and ho from the consumer , xvho finally pays'tho full amount plus Ihu interest ? Uescond , oh ye god.s , and deliver us from sluch folly ! Tlm plea is gix'en thaC ; it keeps foreign products out of the country , "proluotj" our laborers ( may bo oilo fourth ? ) and thereby makes ixvages high. Well , that is curious. That'H snroly burning the house ( o a pigr Suppose our manufacturers. could pay ? laday. If there aru txviec or thrlee times as many men to do the svorlcas lint needed , xvould they do it , ' Biuide.s , it makes Iho living of laborerMnueh higher. Does not the consumer ultimately pay this lax , together xvith thu interest ? Some xvill doubtless point to the fact that good xva esciim. ' xvith the advent of ilia pres ent tarih" . But did tlic.eomu because of it ? Let us 8.00. The present lariu" bill xx-as pansjd iu IPtJl , xlmrtly after whichever over j.OQV.OOC ) able-bodied men wen * mobilised. These not only produced nothing , but consumed much tand dt- btroyeiT more. It dews not take a college | iroti > ssor to see that the Mipply of labor. ers xx-Uf. greatly ivduml. Wngo > since tin ; cliHD of ihu war lia\i ) hcn steadily declining , and , although they raise. HQW , and iliL'ii. ( he tendency is constantly down a tar'ul'.u-i high as the inooti could nol make wages a-goo.l as the ducndu of the xx.uv But here is another , and far more im-- , caiiso xx hy xvuges xxeio high fi'iiee our high tarn ! ' . Tins U pcr > iU'iiUy ignored. Iu Ihu x' anil month this taiilVbill bvtv.mii a l.ixv. ( here xxa > al so thu pre < jnt ImimMead ! , ixpa i'i ! , be ing thu same as free land. , fhuiig'i ' th > ) im' had to xvado , for" m'lcs throug'i thinly settled dlslrict.s , I Ice tip prnoi'b'ul bull th it xv\ded aeivs.s a stream 1 1 get a drink , he found lefugo on t'rt'i ; l.uid in tlui far xy st , and xvhih ) one army Mi'l f.tciii'j ' ; tw ! soiith , nnothur XXMS bearing toxvard ( lie kOUiii ! ' sun , s-'flving free homes , thereby still nmiM thinning the mippl' , of l.ibor. It is thu fi\iu goxcninvnit land xvhieh ha.s beou , is , itiul , : ; > him ; us il lasts , will bo .Ihu canst * of go > , l xvagus. But in a fexv .brie ) x'oat's all xvill hi > gone , and when it is IhuiSv gou.t ih gru il tide of emmigiM- lion \ \ il i-n'.l bu'k ; iiiion th i cr-nvd'Hl ' cities It ui n Iki x\-jll \ lo st. t i that frco ir ide 'x "I not m ik thing * ni'icli ' bettor , Thistixx'1 ! imir , vii nnlteri soniexvliat ! > 'ibx i ( u-i Tme , xx'.igis xvill not be bet l"r. urn I" ' not < ] 'iite > > ) high , ( hut this hits iu i" > . ( MJ t ) , , > n narrated ) all miei'ssancs ot I i > x 11 b che.ipitr , and f.\m \ li"s can I v for li'si. | e < m IHMJ xvill bit ueces < ary to carry cm tradu , thereby diminishing intcroat , in-1 'uaUmijt.iC' tloxx' of motley easier. Another sllglii lav { * Ilia . rent pixld , nol tit Ilil-jovermnon | fur Its ui.-iintJ'tKUKT , bill to imlixiduals , l.noxvn lit Ireland , as gracious liiidlorK This inlinilelx .small Ins Is nil ( lie xxa\ from onc-fonrlh lo Miroo-llfli ! < * of nil that Is pioduced ty labor on farming landsome times hi cash , ftoinrliinc-.s In shares. l cllip < - It Is muoli morf. It is we'll lo noU > thai as n country advances In popu lation and-flvilii'.ation , land becomes moro oxponslxo and consequently this n.ntlax ; tit the fatno limn wage * bceomo loxvor iind loxxer until II reaches the min imum of : i bare e\islcn'c. ( Now If llio protective- tariff bo wiped out as It should ho II xvould eheaiien all things "prolceted" yhich are mainly Iho necessaries of life , II xx-111 lessen dim cost of lix Ing Miinnxyhero near forty per cent. Consumption .xvill ho Mlmnlated nnd so xxill ooiiiequqntly production. That tiee tradci is tlm eauso of loxv WHIMS Is ns-ttiineii. IH\CIUSU ! thnv are luxxi r in Rutland lliiin in the llnltrd Slnlos ; but I ask , xv hy are wage's still lower in ( Sermany and oljiei * moro or Uspio - dmteil lountrlex ? The fact is thai neither free I rack * or ! proleetion ! the canst. ' of loxver orhijrl'i'r. wages , and the iihim ! 15 * cau.40 niU5lo ) sought oNexvlioio. There is no doubt. ll/il / ; Icftir.la1ion xxill haxe tomoofi'oct , lint not-very mueh. i Hy placing all tl-vi'kj'x upon land it xvlll knock the bottom oill Of land iiee-ula- tion. It xvill make IIOIKI' iiMit cheaper hy loxverinic "SCound renli , It would ulti mately ( onliM.Mtn.M'oiuul lent , that i * . jt xx'ould nationali/.ej-jnd. Il will mai.e land free to an.1ono"deMi-ing lo ii-u > il , thus removing one barrier to the free UM- of everyone's poxvors. TliUx'jO'ild breakup the compelition among laborer ? , the. nnc lliini tlio reverse of an auction sile , xx'hieii makes wages loxv and the. laborer's lite : i jniscry. If laborers could not iind re- "imincr.vtivo eiuploymcnt they could luixe reeonrso tolauil , tliegrtjai reservoir upon xvhieli all niitnt ultimatelydepend. . Ke- member thai all need not. yo. Some xvill bo required to supply IIIOM ; xvho do go with xvhal tlioy cannot themselves read ily produce. Tlio Knighls of Labor hit llio nail squarely on the. bend xvlien they declared the primary cause of loxv wages the mo- nopoli/.ation of earth's bounty , and .Mr. Maccurthv , by being in. favor of a laud lax , .stands precisely on the same plal- form. The plea j iven that thK sslem has never been tried is veryw'cak. Why , wo xvould .still be scratching ( he ground xvith a. stick and grlmliug corn xvjth a mortjir bill ' . This by evperimcntiii'j. re- publio xx-liat is it out an ( ixpe-ritnunl , an evpeiimenl at xx-hieh European xviseaeres sneered before it t consummation ? If this : \itielo siiotild meet the eyes o ; ' some funnels xviio own a little pa'teii o. ground , it is very likely ( hat Iney xxill leel bliy. I would Migj esl to f-t'cn that they lo'so no sleep over thy ni.itter Jit .mother article I xx-ifl siioxv that inst nil of it beinj ; a burden' ' upon thtjin it xvill on the eonlrarx * be. : i great benctu What 'ort'ect it xx'ill have upon railroaiK mer- eliiint.s , eta. , I will poius out in tno same paper. Yours truly , A. U. ( ' 'ion. ' bb'TTON , Ncbi A SURPRISED COUNTESG. ' * An Austrian Liady's Stolen Ncclztacc ami its Itecovfcry- Vicuna is inuuh ti-j-Kituted over a scau-r dial thero. The cou.isess of L , a irreat- . /Jady moving in tine court * oirelcs tticnj , , .jis pas.slouately fond ot pejidt > n foe * , ) , jjs'uu ia the female eoiuite.rp.xrt < it" l.oi\vj ' . .U'opas * in "hotliair " A lew xvoen-i aui 'tho countess received a x'isit trom mi- ; vfoxx'clcr , who verystronglyrueom'naGc' < < her to become the purohusfir : 01 a mo . inugnijie.cntt "ropo of jiearls , " ' " mr are quite unique , mad.ime , J.Kssnreyou. ' said thu joxveler , "ami the prim * , to you is piily. , a IiinuJraJi i.J.'iou aml alorins. " t "Only H . " i di' d * thou sand flovins. , " ' repeated the. counl- oss , xvith a smiliitj "but n'impartc. Jet mo have a loolf - tjyour jcms. 1 feel slrorifj enough loi'jiftft the tiimpialioii to buy. " Thereiipoujj'llio jeweler opuneil the casket xvitieh contained In * tivosure. , , nipon the countess > - osooner , had rtum ht sight of y ! on tents than 1 dverxvhelnied the'li'.wijler xvith a heap pi questions. "Whorej when , hoxv did you ootni ) by thcrfc piirjf ( ? Ilvyr inuuh ii\d \ yon give .1 mean frplji xviom | did VDII buy them ? " "I dijn.pthuy ( , thcmaUiil , " replied thu asUmj/iea / jexvoler ; "uuithi.-i * do- they helene : to'lii ( : , . Theywerq memv intnisttMl to ntcs by'/i.'Wy / w sell on eom- mission. I should \tiivc \ ji itated a lou. ; . tinui before biiyin * ; s ucli ] > uarls : is thew > , for xvhieh one can not find a customer every day in the yuar , nindame : no , in deed , they might have been upon my hands for months years. " At the urgent request-of the countess a footman wafj at once dispatched lo bring the lady who had deposited tlm ie , rls xx'ith Mr. tp the puliicn of thu Coun ters of L . After a brief dehiv ilie/ latly arrived , young , handsome , unii cle- j gantly dres eil in the lieighth of the reigning-fashion. Khe listened xvith a subdued smile to the ( Series of questions xvhich the Countess of L addressed tohor. Nettled , but still retaining Hie command of her temper , tu | : countess the motto engraved'on 'tho side of the fastening , "however you canu Into po-- He ssion of these pearly you xvill hiinli.v' vontuio to ilisptito that they lnlonsto { ; me. Four yenM ago \lu\y \ \ Huddenly dit. ' uppearcU from my jexx-ol ease , uirl noxv , after all inquiry hail proved fruitless , | they are found xvith' you ! I am liniler i great obligations lady xvho has restored - I stored to nits thai xvjijeh Is mj-oxyji. " Tlui countcas aeeomprfnietljtlicsi ) xx'orlU with { a bow and a smile of profound irony. In ' an xver to thi.s tirade the lady uttered not u xx-ord , Jiut , opening a small reticuhi , xvhich she e.irned in Jier haild , proilueed a highly scenled bilji't'doux : iiui handed it to the eountesi , xvho ilarled a it a nor- pent had hlung her , and fixvooned * ipoii. the spot. On recovering oqiiiciou ncs-- ) Jluv xxenl straight to her writing table , xvrotu a check tor the amoimt demanded by the huh , and g.ivc it to her xvilhoul' uttering u'-ingle xvnrd. The billct-douv xvas in ihu luiiiil xx'rlUng of tlm countc.vi1 only -on. lloxv tlio Uuilcrtalrer ( Jot I've" . * Dc'troil L'ojt"Somo follw regard tlui uegro a ) ehildi-ih and siinple-niiuded , " . said tbe South C'.troljna itndertiiKer , tui ( h" borroxx-ed anotlii' , * match ( ( I light hN * ' but it ' - * do look cigar , doesn't nhx-ii3-i to Upon'em thnt xx.iy. It xvs | oiil- J.isl xx'itek otin of 'em beat tn.i out of 10 ( is tlick as grciaso I xv.a < ; .illrg in in1 ollifo sjroxx'llng'ilifiut hard times anil the diS- likn of people to t ill into my sjmpnthi-tle. eiuv , xvhc'ii in xx-alked a nejrro. He xx is the pietunt of lie.xlth and a jolly follow. ' ' 'Mow's limes ? ' snys he , " ' . "Tnor.'suvsil. " 'Iloxr ni'.ii1 ! lor'iiciilliiifor me ? ' .SX.VH he. - ' ' " 'Whenr' " ' ' ' . 'To-ilay.1 ' "I'll gix'oyou thatt'olllnovcrlheroand si'oyon put iindi'1 * llyl ground this after- lioiin for sj.1 ! ! ! , an.I IhKt'i 10 oil' the nigu- iirleo ' " " 'Dun,1 KIVS hxriinl hn put doxvn liH X.'amt I'll'bo kieked to deati ! if ho diilu't hang liim Julf' ' xritliln two hours , and before night I Inll U ) hnrv him. 1I pl.tnued -'IH'iili ) beforeio ! earn > In. I gut even , tli'iuyh " "Hoxx " ' "IIiirn'tf "I fi 'sf'Y ' , aiu | .sold it for ! ? l , and put t'l c i li i' in Mo. ' , . ll For nwij'i * it.Vo / 'loll-irs resnlehl of Dinh'Tx. C * ri. - < .iUo'veil a " live frog l.'it : ut.ii'i * duy Damaged our stock of clothing- about three thousand dollar , whij amount the insurance companies paid us. Therefore being paid for tl da-mage done by EIRE AND SMOKE We are enabled to make a great a scrifice without , ate to oxirselves. we have a line of suits that we sold at a $12. The insurance companies allowed us $4 on eacn sur aged by ! I3ut the damage is invisible and we will allow the purchaser ; fche $4 re ] auction and sell it for $8. We have another line of suits that itfe sold aj a bargain for $15 , which were also damaged b. , ' snv y 338 * ' . Ei r ' * 'iiT'T ' ' * * * ' * 'M M n T"N "m IT * . * VT * * * n FIRE AND SMOKE < - l And we will sell that same & 15 suit at a reduction of $5 allowed by th i insurance coinnanies , aiving the suit-to a purbhaser for $10. O.ur spao < 1 is too limited to say more than that'all goods foxind in our storey UP-W- - ageaby - _ . - v - > F' * "STI w o * - ? * . Will be sold at a reduction of two-thirds to one-rhalf. Bememoer we au , cpnstantly receiving new goods , and - -beyond- doubt the finestmerpnani . tailor -nacie clothing ever brougnt f.ot Omaha. Our new-clothing has noi been damaged by Fire and Smoke'but will be sold on the basis .on Whicl we , started , "Honest Goods at Honest .Prices. Don't forget our place * tuc ' \ 13JO ffiOUG-AAS STREET , Kir. ( r ' . " ' . * * ' pposite Wood's Museum. ' Open Evenings Until 9 OOioc CHARLES SHIVEBICZ , UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , X'.i qiiS-er clex-.itor Jo all lloors. JJK. Uiiurauuun SticcU OMAHA. floiice ! Nbtiee3 To.-U who anlircawd or uOll tcnl , nq mutter' liu\r' ' Iciiij ; the hUuitUiitf , coino nnd ifo hnulAtl. ' , Kdiimld illsuutu.i , M'ticro nicxljoiiuis have foiled to phu rollel , u hptcinlttrtnio ; one , ciino nlPUi ; lu-uliHl tiy Hio At.uciiutlo llciitni , Iho ouly nuro i'KL-M | . < > trotii imy cIlM'rtM' . I-oi'CMinilJ ' l : lor iinclutcttinentoi DOUOLA3 1511 3wf f Largest Merchant Tailoring ITousoTn the World. A ftill and complete line of PEECE GOODS for Noxv on hands at THICKS that w YOU , An exnminatlon of good * iiil pthica b all xvo ask to satisfy the L'ublta that for CHEAPNESS , ' " " * " ' AND STYLE ve. . WE HAVE..NO COMPETITORS"-1 -1 NOTE THESE PRICES : \ Business Suits to Orfler , $15 , $17 , $20 , $22.50/1 . 4 - ' $ S5 , $26. | I. ! | i Dress Suits to Order , $25 , $27.50 , $29 , $30 and M < * upwards. Overcoats , $17 and upwards. I A FIT GUARANTEED or TRADE. Also Ixclii6iv ! < ! ManuriU'tiiiers of tlio Cclchnilfil ( ( " I ! KeySton8"ancpojiqu8rer"OressShirfs ! i , , r \veoniynNknniNsrKrnoN ; of'.ifr ' . 1:1 : rGANT : IJNK OF IIKCIaouus ; nnd rJ9 * > : u ruiim.iriiHin of ntir lirifiM liflani vmi nrili'r elM-xxlieru. . ' car * HU MM' I-ont-HI' TIlK I'LACK. J3a ; l o 'TTrrn ic , ' 2 tailoring & Ageney > J. F. VAH 8ICKLE , n/lanagor. / 2L