EE , FIFTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28 , 1885. NO. S5 , KOSWELl MISES A RUMPUS , The Flower of # ew York Democracy Dc- clinss to Play Second Fiddle. HE DECEIVES THE BOURBONS. llarrflful of Wealth Lost to tlio Impending OaiiipalKn Notcs Krom the Ohio Ntriiugle--Si > mo Coiirctinondcnce. 5Tr.w Youu , Sept. 27. ( Special to the HBK. ] The announcement tkit lUiswcll 1 * . Flonrr had rcfusvil to bo u. candidate for I'e.utfltuint 'governor was with great nnrprli-c by thu democracy in this city. They relumed from Saratoga In the firm belief they had done a very shrewd thing in giving Fhiwer second placu on ( ho state ticket after his nctlvoworlf nnd his liberal expenditures In nn honorable effort to get the nomination for thu presidency , and they thought he would again opi'n his piwkutbook for Iho sight of cold victu.ds for the .second table. His per sonal friends thought hu would run nnd they were really to help him , under thu impression Unit he wanted icc-ognltlon at. Iho hands of thu party to which hu has given so much and from which ho has received M little , lie felt being nmije a willing tool of , and if hu ac cepted the nomination hu would be made fur nish tlio moiiev. Huluis lived long enough to know hotter. His lefusal at this tlmu looks very much as If Im Intended to pay his parly back In its own coin , and show them liu did not propose to buy a valueless nomina tion. tion.The t-fl'ccl has boon disastrous , for It has Riven a cold chill to tins Wall htreet party , who would have been willing to support one ot their own men , anil tlio leaders have nothing to sav. They do not know who to Jook to , and they are afraid that neither Slo- I'um nor Smith will accept , anil are afraid to Jail back on Jacobs. I lower himself talks about a majority of10,000 for the republican ticket , and he neyi'r once wavered In his re- Insal , even after ho hud been offered large contributions from personal friends , who thought hi- desired to make a light. Whether or no Ids'declination was intended forty-eight hours' ago is not. certain , but It looks very much ; is it In ; bad taken this step with maiicu aforc.lhought. A significant , In dication of the. way in which popular feeling has turned ami the coolness with which thu nominations of thu parly are regaided Is bhown bv this teailng up of a check to-day which was signcd'a lorlnlglitago by a gentle man now out of the country. It was for § 10.000 , drawn as a contribution to the demo cratic campaign fund , to bu sent in case Hill was not nominated. WATiirow.v : : , X. Y. , Sept. 20. 11. P. Flower has addressed ft letter to ( Jeorgo Jallies ! ; cluiirinnn o ( the slatodcmocraliccon vention , positively declining the nomination lor lieutenant governor. . AIUIAKV , Sept.20. Ills rumored here to night that ex.rii * tur Jacobs wilt replace Flower in the V Vv Ililacy for lieutenant gov ernor on'the democratic ticket. $ Bit of Ohio Political Correspon dence. , COLUMIUIS O. , Sept. . 20. The following correspondonro look place between the re publican antidemocratic state executive com mittee to-day , and explains ttficlf : ' _ Coi.UMjUis , Sept. JW. To Hon. THOMAS E. POWKM. , Chairman , etc. DKAIS Sn : : As Governor Hoadly.'through ' certain allies of volir party culling themselves prohibitionists , lias seen lit to propound questions to our can didate for governor at long range , I am - authorized thorized to challenge him to a discussion of tboissueaof thn campaign with Judge Fora- ker at such tlmqnnd place as may bo agreed wiwji by iw. Yours very truly , A. S. liUHiiNKi , ! , , Chairman. CoLUMnirs , Kept. 20. To Hon. A. S. UUKH- NKI.T. , Chairman , clc. : Your letter has just been received in which you claim that tliu .prohibitionists , as allies of our party , have propounded certain questions to your candi date for governor. Tliu prohibition parly is not ilu ally of the democrat iu party.Ve are ngal'pst them and the prohibition party. .They , on Iho other hand , an ! against us , and for prohibilioif. If Judge For.iker will declare - clare whe.lhur \ is in favor of prohibition or against , we will bo pleased to meet with you and tlio chairman of thu prohibition state ex- eciltlve committee and arrange for a disciiN- Binn by all three candidates upon this and all other questions Involved in the present can vass. Yours truly , T. A. POWKI.L , Chairman. COMTMIIUS , .Sept. 20. To Hon. THOS. E. Powr.i.i'i CliaiVman , Etc. DKAII Sin : Uy vour favor of this afternoon 1 am pleased to see ibi t'yon do not deny that Governor Hoatl- 'ly , 'through hta prohllntlon allies , luus been engaged in ( ho smiill work of propounding mtcsiions lo our candidate for governor. ' From your well-known truthfulness 1 did not suppose you would have the hardihood to do , this , after the oci'.urrenees nt Paulding on yes terday , when tlm nndlgnUled scheme was ex posed. Under all Urn circumstance * , I tlo not rwnnder that' you even condescend to crawfish fur'thuplirpos'tv of keeping Governor Jload- ly from meeting a ni'jnly ' antagonist , iu u manly nutiiiier. Yours very truly , ' A. S. U - S pt.'JO. Tollon. A. 8. Humi- UiiAi : Sii ) : Vour last favor has just . reciivtd. : Gov. lloadlyhas not been engageil In the \\'mK of proposing ( iiicntlons 1oiiidK ) < ! l'oniler ; through the prohibitionists , ] of other | ieivons , uor has flio tlemocralle partv done so. Our candidate has the cour age lo answer all questions put to him on thu minim orlhiimgh Iho public press. If your candidate has not the o < iuid courage , II H not our limit , but your misfortune. If you can indiicu Judge Fonikor lt > answer flio queti- tlons plainly put to liim In our- last letter , or if your committw ) will answer them for him , wu will IK * pleased to meet you and arrange l ( > i' a joint debate , as indicated In onrai wer. ' ' . T. E. PO\VII.I : , , Chairman. Polygamy In SIo.vlco. PASO liii : NOIITU , Mexico , Sept. 'J7. fijpcclal to the ] Jii ; : . ] Polygamy will not bo .tolerated In MoxKv. In addition to thu de mand made upon President Diaz to rescind " "tho grant of ono hundred sections of laud In northern Chihuahua to the mormons , the CalhoJl" prie.stH are demanding that thu terms nf tlijttreoment , which statt- that thu laws f must n'te'illy compiled with , shall he enforced as In Amnrlca. TJds ojienites against the plural wife keepers now In the republic , and they will have to reform or go. The church is backed by a strong public sentiment , espec ially In the northern states , and should iho mormons succeed In locating another colony they will liavo not only afiigld luwlnitthr social and ieliglou-i element to combat. The newspapers and politicians liavo taken tliu subject In nand. aPAso ni'ir , Nour | > , Soiit. 2rt. Tlm Mexicans have begun \vauare against polygamy , and well-gioumletl rumors are ullmit lierothatii Mlemand hiis been made pt Pivsitlent Diaz that lie rescind thu until I of land lu northern Chihuahua to thu Mormons. The Catholic diurch Is at the head of the movement , and demands that thu laws against polygamy bu untinced. Thu church j supported by u h Iron g sentiment , especially In the northern Ntnti' * nt tin' republic. Tlio entire population liavo talen. ; a Ktruni ; ground the colo- .nlzatton of Mormons -Mexican Hill , Hint AinotiH AVorl'men. Wiiir.i.iNa , W. Vu. , Kept. ? . This mow ing at a serious riot oecuncd at Lumj | . lln's nUll , above * Martln'ti Ferry , Oh't ) , In \vhlch at least two hundred shots "wero ex- Cluingcd. The rjot was precipitated by an at tack upon workmen In thu mill by a number of armed men. Thownihiwn had sentinels PJI Kunvd or" the re-suit might liavo lAxm more b'crlDiu , 1'iom thirty to fifty men aimedlth Mint guns nnd revolvers eaint > up the i ailroad truck frum the diiectioii of MaiiiVs F.ity. nnd approached preached to v/ithin tlti.M pnc K ul' the mill , The hentlucl.s cl at. , iu.4 i\t ! tir ! lines , utpuii it.o 'i.- V'i. ' | -.1 v inn . , --t | me , i tlie men t.n ; . ml i-ui-mii : i-t Iho flTtngTvaK kept iipfornbontlintr nil hour , when thu attacking party retreated , going towards the river. An examination of tlie force nt the mill showed that several had been shot , only two , however , seriously. As far as can be learned , four or five of the at tacking paity were injured , one seriously. The liot was occasioned by the Introduc tion of non-union men In the Lottghlln nail mill. The non-union men have been boaid- ing and sleeping In thu mill. . Circus Highway lloblicrs. LoUMTii.i.i' , Sept. 20. It Is reriorted here ( o-ntght that much ex lieiuci > t exists at Frankfovt nnd Dacdatl , niul probably there will hu u lynching bofavo umruiivg of several alt.ic.hex of Doris eluiifl , who vcro arreslcd here and lakrit to Fraiikfoil ttxlay , charged with highwav robbery. Al Seliotleld , A. Miles , J. U. Wclier aud J. U. Turner , four young men of HaKiluU , Kv. , boarded tlie clr- cm train to to to Fraukfwt lo eo the show. They lind warttdy liald tbclr fare wlieji at thu poinU of Fcvoral pistols levelled ut their faces they weio made to f.ui render nil thalr valuables , jewelrv , etc. , and u small iimouut uf mono * * . The- robbers then made them Jump from tluj train wnlch was runuini * at n rapid rate. All were Jnfured by ( lie jump. Wcbor and Stlio- and the former will not bu able \\orkagain. . Miles hndu leg broken and Turner escaped with painful hndsra. The men arrested wo Klchard White , Win. Cunoll , Paul MrQunde , George Miller , John Html and John Martin. It was .stated on the street hero that all six of the men had been hanged but the rumor proved false. ' A Ben wily Inhibition. CiAnr.isTo.v : . Ya. , Sejit. 20. To-dpy at the fair grounds Tom Montgomery's wildcat , "West Ylrglnla , was pitted In n cage eight by ten feet with three vicious dogsone at a time. The cat whipped all three In from one to three rounds each. Finally a thirty-pound bulldog , owned by Policeman Foley , of this el ty , was put In the cage with the eat. Sev eral passes were made bv the cat , hut the dog avoided the strokes until such tlmo as be could make a spring. As soon as he had a chance thu bull-dog sprang upon thu eat , caught , him by the throat , threw his body in such u Fibaiiu its to prevent the cat from ri | > - plughim with his fionl feet , and then killed tlm cat in four minutes , thus ending the career of a wildcat which has whipped not less than ton dogs in the past year. When. . dead the cat weighed twenty-eight pounds. * Another Yacht llace Started. SAMIV HOOK , X. Y. , Sept. 2fi. The com mittee boat Luc.kenbach started the yachts in the race for the Cape May cup off the point of Sandy Hook this afternoon. At':50tlie ! : preparatory signal was given. The Genesta and Dauntless were ( he only contestants. The. racers stood off and on under plain lower sails and gall topsails ready for the order to stait , winch was given at 4 o'clock. Thirty seconds later the Genesta had crossed the line , followed in " . minutes and 15 seconds by the Dauntless. The wind was blowing from tlm south at the rate of fifteen miles an hour. Weather fair and tlicru was a light sea. - A Candidate for TJope. ST. Louis , Sept. 20. King , a big burly ncgto and ex-convict , most brutally assaulted and outraged tlie young daughter of E. Jef fries , living near New London , yesterday morning. King then went to the house of J. 1J. Harris , about four miles away , and finding no onu at homo except 5fr. . Harris drew a pistol on her , robbed the of all the money ho could find , beat Mrs. Harris near ius ° nsibK- , and then violated her jMjrson. Thi"e two affairs soon became known and the whole of that section of country turned out in pursuit but had not captured the brute. If he Is found lie will certainly bo lynched. Condemned IntliaiiH. WiN.vit-nrj , sVpt. 2J. ( At liattlcford to-day Wandering Spirit was sentenced to hang for the murder of Agent Qnlnn at Frog Lake. Some dozen other Indians were sent down from four to fourteen jcars for arson anil boi > e stealing at the time of tlie rebellion. Dressyman , Charebois , and Gouicon Mon- graml were sentenced to hang for the murder of usquuw. Constable Bright Eyes was given twentv years for manslaughter. Uig Hear and eight "f hip band were .sentenced to three years In the Manitoba penitentiary. Left. Hand , Poor Crow and two other Sioux got two ycaif > . _ _ Killed Cor His Crime. PORTLAM ) , Ore , , Sept. 20. Xcws was re- co' veil here to-day that A. C. Mayfjcld was fhft ) and killed and his son dangerously wounded at Ferndale , Washington tc.rritorv , by John Gulldv , who had had a difficulty with young Mayiield last fall over thu election. A pat tyMarted in pursuit and finiml GulI.Iy In the woods two miles from Ferndale. Kefv.- init to surrender , he was tired upon and killed , but sent two bullets at his captors before hu fell. , * - The Piro "Record. KANKAKKI : , III. , Sept. 20. The business poitlonof Buckingham , a village In Kanka- kco county , twenty miles from here , burned last night. The portion burned consisted of a row of frame buildings. The lire originated irom an unknown cause in J. U. Smith's drugstore. Smith anil bis family barely es caped with their lives from rooms above the store where they were living. The loss amounts lo about 52-1,000 , Insurance JrO.OOU. . . The Three Links. HALTJMOUE , Sept. 20. Thu Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows , after being In session slnco Monday" morning , adjourned tlils afternoon slue dlu to meet In Boston a year hence. The only business of Importance transacted was the election of Governor , ) . ( ! . Underwood , of Kentucky , to bo lieutenant general of the new degree just acouired , termed "Patriarchs Militant. " This Is really the high i' > t office , thu grand vlco being gen eral ex olllclo. A Dose 1'or the Mormong. PHOVO , Utah , Sept. 20. Fedund Judge Powers , In his charge to the district grand jury to-day , Instructed that n separate Indict ment can bo rendered for each day that a pnlygamlst bad lived with more titan onu wltuhlneu thu passage of Ihu Edmunds net. Thu penally for each Indictment Is six- months imprisonment ami V'M line. Four Mou J > rowncd , . Ponri.ANi ) , Ore. , Sept , 20. William E _ Holmes , a prominent stone contractor of tills city , vtho had a government contract for- re moving roclc from the channel ot thu Snake river , was drowned yesteiday afternoon at ( irunltu Point , on the. Snake 1'lver together with three or' his men. They were In a stiff , which btniuk a whirlpool and overturned. Among ; the lliiilrotidtj , Niw : YOIIK , Sept. 20. Atu meeting of the directors of thu Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway held here to-day a dividend of ax per csul on prcfcrrr1. ! * : " ' . ! a > ; percent on common stock was deelau'd. i"iV-i > millions of piol'eiTcd htock 1 $ sold lo Iho MOek- holders at par , The Constitution Maker * , Siorx FALLS , I ) . T. , Sept , 91. The htato coiiblltutlon has been t'omnjcli'd , adopted and Mtned , und thu deUVviles iiu K'llnt ' ; home. The u.\peiibO of ihu euiueniionlll exceed " * S1D.OOO. _ _ _ _ _ . Tim CimaiHan MOXTKII.U. , Snjit. ' ThliTy-hvo deatha from smnljpox hew yestndiy\fjvi : \ ; ! in St. Jean UaptNt vlllaee , fem in rolv St.-iLo andtliieeln Cuulgenwe. Hank Sliitonii'iit. Niw : Yoitu , Sept. 30. The bank Btatr < nunt Bhow a U'wrve tlecreivso of $2WOVjj ' rj,0 , bunks now hold $ IS.OOO.OOO in cxcr MO'I ifjnf.uei.iu. . awt TUB CENTER OF A WHIRLWIND Around Which Brisk Breezes Blow Which Tail to Disturb the Pivot. THE UPRISING IN ROUMELIA. A I'rospccit. of I'cncciiblo Soliitloii 'JL'ho IJukc of KiIlnbtifRli Scnruli- I'1 Antiquities Foi-elKii News. LO.VDOK , Sept. 27. [ Special to the IJee. ] Persistent runiors were in circulation * both yestwtlay und to-tlay , that Lord Salisbury was ill , and that the cabinet had been muu- mouad in conficiiuenei ! of the ceriousiiefts of the premier's indisposition. A telegram vras Bent Lord Salisbury nt Dieppe , who replied as follows : "I am not ill. I learu to-night for London. " Consul General Fnwwttand Hajor Trotter , 'military attache of the Urltlsh legation at Constantinople , In an Interview to-day talked quite freely of their ret-cnt tour of Itoumella and southern Dnlgaila. They say ItimmoIIa Is like the center of a whirlwind , It Is per fectly calm , while tempests are circling around It. There Is no excitement , among even the most enthusiastic. I'ulgnrlans and Turkish partisans , Jwho are hopelessly in the minority , are as quiet as mice. There Is no danger of lighting , nnd the leaders are de voted to maintaining thu order on both sides. The march of Imlgarlan troops through itoumolla Is so circumspectly ordered that no lumping is allowed , and quartomas- t irrt uru forbidden to. make forced req uisitions. Every effort is made to pre vent aggression on either side. Deposed officials , who would be supposed to be heartily devoted to Turkish rule , are now vieing with each other for positions under thenew re gime. Mill. Trotter sums up the situation by saying : "The only lighting in project is a neighborhood quarrel , that will result in si low stabs in the dark. No troops will go northward and no Turkish olllcer will get his promotion from tills affair. " Other dispatches irom Constantinople show that Turkish troop's , which weie to have been sent to Hul- garia , are now dcMlncd lor Salonlca to fore stall an expected rising in Macedonia. Sir Henry Drumniond Wolff has decided not to press Ills mission to tlio porte at pres ent and will soon start fo.i Egypt , but will re turn to Constantinople whenever the time up. pears favorable for renewing Anglo-Turkish negotiations. Tlie composition of the new Turkish cabinet indicates u pacific disposition , and Turkey's moderation in the present crisis has uifdoubt- cdly produced a good impression even-where. An official note issued from the Uerlin for- iegn olllue to-night approves and praises tiie dignity aud deliberation which lias been shown by the sultan. The cunent of opinion' in Informed circles In London inclines to peace. It is believed that the powers , either with or without a formal conference , will urge Turkey to swallow the leek and to accept Prince Alexander's oiler to recognize the. suzerainty of the sul tan. The only real danger arises from the rivalries of Servia , Greece , liouniclia , anil Montcnegio. AH of these states arc more or less Imbued with territorial greed , and they are all preparing to share in the expected scramble. It has just leaked out that the duke of Edinburgh recently visited incognito an antique furniture shop in Chester where his royal highness noticed a handsome arm chair and offered to buy it. The dealer invited the duke to sit in the chair for a few moments , and he complied with tlio request. His roval highness had no more than got fairly seated when the dealer released a number of con cealed springs which pinned tiie duke tightly to the clmiIn ; vain lie struggled to release himself. Becoming alarmed at his situation und fearing that it was a plot of Ihu in- vincibles to murder him he yelled lustily for help. The dealer only grinned at the labors and cries of ids customers , anil at length the duke proclaimed bis identity. The dealer thought lie was only trying to frighten him , but the police arrived in answer to the duke's \elis and continued the assertion of his royal highness. The dealer then released his vic tim and made most abject apologies. Tlie Marquis of Kipon is reported to be ut terly despondent over the scandal about his new daughter-in-law , formerly lady Lous- dale. He and his family did all they could to dissuade his son from marrying her. lie was deeply mortilled at his failure , but put on as gootl a face as possible. Thev expected no gootl would come , but'certainly were not pre pared for her debut as a mother throe months after her marriage. Thcie are rumors that Earl DcGray will apply for a divorce. ThcKuropcnii Plague. KOMI : , Sept. 20. King Humbert , accompa nied by tlie ministers of war and justice , pro ceeded to Palermo to-day ou a tour of Inspec tion of the cholera infected districts of that province. MAI > IID : , Sept. 20. Five hundred and ninety-two new cases of cholera and 207 deaths reported yesterday throughout Spain , Four now cases of cholera weie reported yes terday in San Uoquc , a province of Cadiz. Thu disease continues to spread. JfADitin , Sept. 27. Throughout Spain vcs- tcrdny thcioero fifty-two deaths from chol era and 20 ! ) now cases. HO.MK , Sept. 27. At Palermo to-day there wens 1W deaths fiom cholera and eighty-four new cases , at Ferrara nine deaths and two now casts , and at Parma six deaths and .six new cases. At the instance of his cabinet King Hum bert abandoned his intended visit to Sicily unless the cholera increases In se.veiitv. LONDON , Sept. 27. The cholera lias ap peared at Nice , Trance , nnd eight deaths from thu disease have already occurred there. The ollicials , however , assert positively that theie Is no cholera in thu city , fearing that an ni- Icnowlcdgcmont of thn presence of the scourge will have a ruinous effect on business In pa- venting the usual inliux of winter visitors , EiiRllsh Political Points. ' - LONDON , Sept. 20. The political cam paign begins to glow. The coming week promises to bo lively. Premier Sal isbury will on Tuesday issue a tory campaign manifesto. John Bright has determined to rcentcr politics and advocates restoration of the liberals to power. Ho pro poses in a fuw days to undertake stumping thu town. Lord Randolph Churchill goes to Birmingham In a week with the avowed In tention of attacking tlm weak misses of Glad stone nnd Blight. Thu Newcastle temperance conference bus insulted in thu formation of n district tmupeninco patty which \\ill support only those parliamentary candidates , whether tory or liberal , who will pledge them selves In favor of local option. Most of the temperance "orators upbraided the latu liberal government for its neglect ot temperance legislation anil criticised Gladstonu for thu meagru and indlll'orent reference which his manifesto makus concerning thu liquor tialllc. Thu Uev. Mr. Ganctt , president of thu Meth odist temperance unions , has Issued a fervent political appeal to the people of England , concluding with these words : "Let party landmarks alone. Vote straight for a sober country. " a The English BocjaUst Meeting ' LoKnoN , Sept. 27 , The great socialistic ) meeting , about which so much has been said , and which the police threatened to suppress , was held at Llmelioiiso to-day without inter ference on the part of the nHlJior'Mu3. Fully 40ooo persons tooVj.ariin tM3emonstratlon. Ihospeakeia Indulged il ) violent denuncia tions of present boclety but no undue excite ment was. displayed by thu Immeiibu audience , and tlioarulr passed oil" In a most jieaceful Inanner. The police kept caicfully out of sight ot the meeting. The policy of the au thorities of making no dismay or force hml , it is thought , much to do with the absence of disorder , LONUOK , Sept , M. ( iravo fears are gener ally entertained about the outcome of the nicotine to-morrow at Limeliouse , which the socialists liavo determined to hold there in Bplto of the prohibition of Hits police-authori ties. The pollen drove the noclallsU 1 rom the i Llmehouio meeting place on Siuida } hiitaud tlio soehtlWa say toot ihcy will hold n meet ing lo-niorww on forbidden pronnds just to prove their Rtrongt bo lutnttlm-d police. The tmUomo of tin : couh njpUivsl the lines In the city of IjQiuUm einfnVl.'flii swh. | i Another estimate of the number In attend ance nt tlio NiclnllHt demonstration to-day placf lluun at an oj rcgate ; of at least TO.OJU. Tliece was an IUUUMIKP representation from tlie exist wul Many uf those present came In wagons and other vehicles uborncd with red Inmiu're aud tutmomUud with liberty caps. i ! lluumclinu .Difficulty. ST. Pr.TKHmiwin , Bi'iit , at ) . The Jour nal , St. Petersburg , ' says , the pow ers luu c under cau.-tidcutitlon a. plan for united u-tUMi looking to ft * ttlw vnl ! of tbo .Uumnel- fcin < UfliiuUy ! , uiliieb. U 1 * belluvt'd , will lu- titiro a peaet'fnl coluuou of ihu problem. PAIU * . Bopt. SC. It Vs elated that Russia luxjpuk j ou ImuieilluU weotiugftt CiiuttinU- uutile. tif oiubu * aduM of Uiu iiuwtu > lo oottlo tlm ItoAttuoUnn dlOleiUty on aliusls ofacccpl- iiu ; tlic uuluuuf HiUjcuiiaandllouiuclla a an nueoanpUalwJ fuet. lA > sioK. S * ivl. U7. Advices from lluclnt- est retiurt that lighting occurred on Friday near AUrianoule and tliat dm lug the e.mra'go- nicul thirty nuiuuellaiis wcio killed and UCU wounded. * CtiNMM.XTixoi-J.ii , Sept. 27. A llulguHiin revolntlounrr vuinnilttcu has been discovered ut AdrlaiiBple. Four arrests UUVB been made. Editor fit.o.rul'H Lo.vuox , Sept. ttfl. lirH. .larrett ; Editor Ktexid , of tlu ! 1'uJl Hail a etU'aud < itlieiMl < - fendaiits In the Kllzn AruiMtrong abduction case , were committed to trial. During life. proceed in us , Stead , acting as his own couu- se.lread u document containing his line of de fense. lie claiuM'd that thu end ho bail In view In carrying out the scheme Instilled the means he resorted to. He admitted that he might have been misled by stiite.mcntsof Mrs. ilnrrctt , who , If she procured the girl by fuli-u pietenses , us testified toby Mrs. Armstrong , she bad obtained money from him iraudu- Icntly. The magistrate acquitted Mr. Uooth and Mrs. Coonibc of tliu charge of indecent as sault , but committed them as well as the rest of the prisoners on tliu other charges. Humored Swapping ot" I'osscsfiionu. VIKXXA , Sept. 20. The Tagblatt revives Ihe rumor to-day that England is about to code Heligoland to Germany. Diplomats state that friendship between England and Germany IK Impossible , .while England re tains possession of Heligoland. It is nut stated what price is to bd paid for the Island , but it is generally believed Germany will sur render her new colonial possessions In Xew Guinea in return for a cession of Heligoland. The Carol IncM Question. IloMH , Sept , 27. The pope has consented to act as mediator In the Ktmmollan ditliculty In the event that direct negotiations between the powers Interested should provu rcsultless. All documents relating to the Carolines dis pute between Spain hud Germany have been delivered to the pope. . Hesldes Cardinal .Ia- cobini , the pope will consult various experts in regard to the matter. The ISmpcror'q , Speech. VIENNA , Sept. 20. ; Thu , emperor's speech , read at the opening of tle | lJeichsrath to-day , states that the foreign relations of Austria are good , and that there is full con cord among the powers' to maintain the peace of Europe , a necessity which is univer sally felt. ' Immigrants from , Nebraska. Er , PASO , Tex. , Kept. 27. [ Special to the Bun. ] News from 1)19 ) interior of Mexico , particularly that portion ot tlie country Hank ing the Mexican Centra , ! ro'atl in the state of ' Chihuahua , is to the cffect'thal great swarms of grasshoppers have ' .Invaded the country from the UnitcdJStiitesmid are playing havoc with crops. The air Is full of them anil the sky is obscured by myrciids ; of the invaders , and the peoplc.know nAt what to tlo to xnvo their fields , orchard. * ttud vineyards. The' worst ravages appear , tot ue near XaccU.-eas and Soledad. Thu 'fanner and IM.-OII classes have organized and are trying to frighten and destroy the hoppers by shooting into them with shotguns an they fly In swarms through the air. Great losses have already bean sus tained by destruction ot crops. o- Shocking if True. MADISON , "Wis. , Sept. , 27. [ Special lo the BKI : . ] A report reached this city this even ing of a terribly shocking tragedy said to have been enacted near the village of liarnevcld , Iowa county , thirty-two miles west of Madi son. According to tlio report , which many discredit for the reason that full details , in cluding thu names of Iho parties , cannot be learned , a boy was uniting bands for a man who was feeding a threshing machine and acci dentally cut the man's Hand. This so en- r.iged the machine feeder that ho threw the boy into thu rapidly revolving cylinder , thus reducing him to an unrecogni7ablu mass. The report creates great excitement but no further information from ( he scene of the al leged tragedy Is obtainable. „ - Apache Murderers. TOMIISTO.NI : , Ariz. , Sept. 2C. In Sonorn , on tlio 12lh , near Nacosarl , Thomas Gandrew , James McDeriuottand Mrs. Hello Davis , of Tombstone , and a boy named Fred and .1. A. Matteson were ambushed by Apaches. Me- Dcrmott and Gandrew were killed. The boy Fred was wounded but escaped. Mi * . Davis was captured and Matte.son alone escaped un injured. The Apachen numbered thirty-live. TUCSON , Aiiz. , Sept. 2'i. Xews is Just re ceived that Captain Hatlield , stationed at the Cananea mountains. In Sonora. has over taken a band of about sixty hostllo Indians , and killed several and eipturcd forty-three. Jt is stated that the captives will be turned over to the civil authorities at Tucson . Ollt Ot' T , Conn. , Sept. 20. On petition of several of thu stockholders of thu Howe Sewing Machine company , iliidgo Andrews , of the sunurlor court , ntUanbiiry , to-day a ) > - polnted K. Parmeley , secretary and geneial manager of the company , as receiver thereof. The company has outstanding obligations of fCOO.OOO secured by bond and mortgage. There is an uiibcciircd floating tlcbt of Sirxi- 000. Nominal a cts mo $1,110,000 , and the company Is SUO.OUO In arrears to employes. The directors have voted to wind up us soon as possible. Killed Ilia I'm her. CIIIOAOO , 111. , Sept , ST.-Charlcs'McCarter , a north , side rough , got Into n quarrel n 1th bis brother James Unlay , in the coins ; } of which ho pulled a ivvot'ver and llretl. The bullet missed tlm Intended 'victim ' and almost instantly killed Iirc.m.iahMeCartcr.thoyonn ; ; men's lather , who wus Munding near. The patricide was immitllatoly anil A Itccrtvor A ketl for. FOitn ; Conn. , SniiL art. An applica tion has been niado-'for UJo tippolntmentof. a receiver for the Charter pair Llfu Insur.inco company. Thu application 1.4 at Iho instance of tlm insurancu-coiumituloncr , The com pany got Into a bail condition linnnulally about eight years "ago , WMIII after the erectjon Of the building for Its ofliew , cobting nearly one million dollars. The nniiUpw ntSt. I'txul. ST. PAUL , ScpU 20. The iiiiMulwrfi ot the American Hanknis1 iiKsociatlon arrived this afternoon , ono hundred and fifty In number , In charge of Pt ) sitliit. | Gago. Tliey. were driven aliont the city in tarnages under tlu < escort of thi ! bieul lmnlei ; > jiJHUntei : tallied at obamiuot by thu > umn this even InTh ! y go from'hi'to Nlnnrapolls , tlenc to lm- luth ond'Iiomo via Chicago , Nominated a Tkilu-l. Uiiiii.VOTttV , la. , Serl.Tht ciatlu county co.nycntt/u / ( P-d. ; ) ij'/mlii led foriilatn scnatftr WV , Define. ; rei | < viUt.'i- : ) tlvi-i , \\T. ii. Cullmlsuii and .Jolr.i . .S. Tinny ; auditor , l'iinl ( iu.-li'-ii : easurer , E. H. Huuls ; ff , < ! fi > . Ki'let'iJwti.ii ' Miprrlii'indfi'iof H'iliitils , \V I I'fie .ipc. .ls..r IJrnry Dtnne. 'i n > i r.t' i . > > n'io i .11 1 -nil , ; A CONQUERING COMMISSION , Hinckloy's Application for Quo Wnrrantc Proceedings Tlatly Denied. THE COURT RULES HIM OUT. The Civil Service Commissioners tlic First I/cgal Contest , that. Qucs- tionetl their Uljla to Kvlst as IV UovermneiitlJody. NKW Tonic , Sept. 20. The quo warrantn luotwdlngs of Jas. llluckley against Dor- uuui H. JC.iton , lx > Hey I ) . Tliiniuiu and J. It. llivgory , civil service commissioners , cauui up before Jiuigc Wallace In the United Stated circuit court tills morning. Hhicklej- asks leave to begin act inn to remove thu comm ! * Motiers alld nholllJl .Iho commission Oil UlO ground uf uneontUtiitionaHty. ' 1'lu1. court VMM was crowded \vllli friends and onmnlui of I'lvll fervid ! reform. United Staled District Attorney Dorsheimcr ami Dornian It. Kuloii appeared lov thu commlt-shiners while Morris b. Miller represented Ilinekley. In tlio opening Dorhheimer said that Urn case \YiiH mi important oui > , and us all parties \vrrc prvF-tillt. bethought ItKhould bo disposed of. Judge Will lace. tlcelded to hear tlmiuotlnu. All I lev , when Hluckley'H ca e. was called , de manded to liui\v who appeared for the de fendants. "I appear for nil thu defendants , " , sild 'dm district ultornej , "and by tlio Minctiiiii of tin ; pu-hidi'iit of this united States. Miller objected to the commissioners being ivprcM'.ntctl by n go\citiniciil oftlcinl , us tlm United States hail not any real status In thu can1. Dnrshcinier then moved tlio court to decide whether or not argument should IK * cnnnncd to tilt ; constilutlonal juiisdiction of tilt ! court. He said that ho was instructed to nay that ho and Iho attorney general \\ort > . liroi > ared to defend the constitutionality tif tlio act appointing the commissioners. Thn judge unstained 'the motion. In thu argu ment , Dnrsheimcr said : The rolalor is n c.ltl- y.envho socles to nholNi the otlico of ( lit ! com missioners of civil servlco reform , because thocoiinnissluners , by the. power conferred upon them , usurped the rights oC the president to the appointing power. 'J'hu petitioner has noi standing in tin ) court bo- cause. the right to a quo warrsnto writ only npiillcs to the usurpation of sovereign rights niul tho-Unitcd tit ales coiild nlono bring such an action In the courts and then only through its appointed ofllcer. Neither had the relater nor ins attorneys been dcputi/cd by thu at torney general to recommend such notion and flu1. Unlled .States alone hail the right to test the constitutionality of the act providing for the commission. Their rule , as ho stated It , ho Paid was fnllv demonstrated in the case of Wallace airatnst Anderson , the question in dispute being as to which of the two were out it fed to a public oflire. A writ of into wurninto. as applied for by the plaintiff , was denied by tint chief justice of the supreme court of the Tniled .States tin the ground that the United .Stales alone could sue for such a writ , and then only through its legally appointed officer. To bring action properly , be maintained , the relater should have applied to the executive and judicial au thority. In reply Counsellor Miller contended , on behalf of the relater , llinckloy , that , his client had a statutory right to apply for n writ for the citizen created bv thu constitution , and bis client , as a citizen , had a right to avail lihn- se.lf ot all After hearing the arguments Judge Wal lace denied the application. A Contract Decision. WA m"xo.TO.v , .Sept. 20. .Secretary Man ning to-day , .lii.n decision regarding repairs on tlie steamer Crawford , guve n general In terpretation "oMho law ou " 1L awarding of contracts. II is in the form of an opinion froln thei-oUc.Itor "of iho treasury , of wJlich tlio following is the gist : . The general rule , so. far ax e < mgifc.s.thu. * expressed itself , seems to' bo that thti lowest bid should beat-copied. The requirements in regard to adver tising , giving- notice to bidders of the unto nntl place of opening bids and permitting them to bo present , make it-appa rent , that I tv. IK the intention of congress to require , its a rule , the acceptance of tlio low- ' t-Kt bid. In any other view this legislation is uselessTJicro nro many circumstances , .however , which would Justify a departure. from this rule. Such circtmistaiu-ex should hi ; considered , and if shown lo bo material , and that by icaifJn of their existence it is for the. best interests of the I'lilti-d .Stalto to accept a bid which Is not tlio low est , eourso may bo taken. These circumstances should be such as to effect tin economy and best interests of the. service only , not that ol individuals. The proof of insolvency of the bidders , or other inability to curry out a contract , would be good ground to reject the lowest bid. but mere allocations of such inability without ) JVoof to sustain them could not warrant a departure from the general rule. Kor these reasons I advise the secretary lo adhere , to the rule evidently Intended to bo applied by con gress in sui'.h eases as furnishing the be t pre lection to tlio public interest : ) . > > Cleveland's Foot Cuino Down. WASHINGTON , .Sept. 27 , [ Special to the Uir. : ] Som time ago Gen. J'osecrans , regis trar of the treasuiy , called for tlio resigna tions of several of the chiefs of divisions in his ollice because they differed with him re garding the cfllcieney of FOIIIO so-called re- l.orms he was inliudiic.lng into the. oflice. They were all clerks of long experience and clUdency , and believing It was their duty to against 'somo of the Innovations which ( Jeneral KoseeiiniH , who knows nothing whatever of bookkeeping , saw lit to introduce , but it inipeais the picsi- dent overruled the general , and has given him to understand that In n bureau Ilko that of tliu registrar It is not fmfe to make radical changes from old FJ.loins. . During the past week ft Pennsylvania eongiess- inun , who had u candidate lor one of thn positions when u vacancy .should occur , called upon Secret. ' iv .Manning and asked to have bis cnndidak iven a position. The secretary Informed him that tlio pres ident had considered that tint resignations of the live chiefs had not been rctjup.-.ted upon .siilliclent grounds , mid thnt'Wr the jiresent they must not bu disturbed. IVnll'rt from Washington. AVA.siiiNOTo.v , Sept. ! 20. The president tn- dny appointed the following district attor neys : Daniel O. I'liieh , of Iowa , for the .soullieni district of Iowa ; I-'uiliiis ll.Jiusbec. of North Carolina , for the eastern district of XortU Carolina. The president , Ibron h iho secretary of the treasury , has asked J'rnf , A. Ag.'issii' to tao ! ; tliii otlice of Kiiperintundent of the coast and gcoluglo ttiirvcy , vlco J'rof. 1 1 liquid resigned. Killed Hin AVifii in n Ilrotlicl. UAI.TIMOIII : , Mil. , Sept. 2 * . Tlilsevenint , ' shortly uflei0 o'clock Cnptaln TlinmasJC. JIance , romnmnder of an oyster schooner , shot and killed his wife , Annlu 1C. Hatico , In u brothel on Spring street. AK soon as tho. shooting was done Hancu left the lionso and went to his vessel , where bu was arrested , Ho met his wife In the honso wlioro Mie was killed more than tw < j years qgo 'nnil Induced hero to leave It , after which ho married bur. They lived bajiplly together until last April when ho lett homo. ' 'to juosecutu his business. When bu leturned ho found his home deserted , and discovered that his wife had returned to tho. place where ho liM- met here. Ho tried to Induce her to go with him to ( heir homo but did not succeed. Tills evening , when them worq.pnly three persons In the be gained access and went im mediately to her room. Ho again begged her to go with him but she refused , and ho shot her , Sirs. Vance was 23 years of age. . Dak. , Sept. 2f. Thp most do- stnictivo prairie tire over wltncissjd In this community occuncd yesterday ? A man named Minder , living In hake township , ict tire to fcomo &tnw , A Urong south wind was blowing ut the rnte of nixty mllcH per liotny niul in an instant thu lluuiesero bCiyouJ lits control , traveling northward with a frluhtlnl stride. Tito llames consumeil everything within their i-each , Inrlinliiig houses , barns , liav , grain and fnnu inncblnery. It Isestlmnteii atlunisniul tons of bay wen1 dislroycd , The following aic thu principal and heaviest losers , with the loss of each : August Hrennlnu , house , barn , hay and live stacks of wheat. William Cr.uie , five stacks of wheat. Itobcrt Hancock , four stacks of wheat , dwelling house and contents. .John Uuckless , twelve clacks of wheat , barn , binder , plows and harrow * . A. L. Hanson , graiicry and 600 bushels of oats. oats.A. . 1) . Cnitrv. dwelling house and contents. WU.MOST , ' ! ) . T. Sept. St ) . Muc.h damage lires In Hobiutji county last night. I'lio KI-MS 1 * very dry ami burned with tearful rapidity. Many farmers lost all their luiy and others their i-utUv crup of wheat. Cllli Monn PrlVmtx Hurry AVtlke.s. Duntoiv , Krpt. CO. About u.a ptrf cot a day ai could l desired was ttMlay , und botvrefcn " ,000 anil 6,000 pcoplcrf rom this city ami out- fude tilled all available space about the De troit driving park track \titncfs the great match rare between Clingstone and Unity Wllkes , beit treu out of live. In the jHinls Wilkes was the decided favorite , 820 to sjis being offered , buioro many jiurehasers came torward. Alter scor ing twice , tliu drivers having * o re quested , nt 2)0 : ) the two rivals got the word a id both were going In splendid shape. When the horses papsed under the wire Clinistoiio was ahead by a throat-latch. Wllketf , who hud scored down the third path ou thn iRutk. quickly came In close to Cling stone's wheel , where he hung until entering the bank course , when he fell back a length. Meantime Clingstone , although going very fast , did not seem tube working ids utmost. Cllngtone touched the half at lUS-4' : , a2:17'i gall. Wilkes was on his wheel and ho niailo u superb burst around thu lower turn. The wheel was passed and Clingstone , apparently noticing Uii ! tact , let out a length. Wilkes still hung to the Clovcluud horse , and when hull' way around the horses were a span. Coming into tlie stretch Wilkes' nose was the llrsit to shuw around. His gait was sure and steady. A hundred yards farther on Wilkes was half a length ahead. The speed proved too for tliu Now York horse aud lie left his leet for live or six skins , enough to lose the heat. Nan Ness ) hauled him down und trailed home behind Clingstone , who went , under tlie wire at a 2 : ! ( ) gait. Ills time was2l.- : ' , ; . Wllkes followed in 2:10 : . in the .second heat the horses got. away head and bead. Clingstone had hall an open length behind him to the lower turn , when Wilkes slipped up to thu wheel. The Ohio horse shook him off and maintained his lirst lead , trotting under thu wire in 2:17 : > j , Wilkes com ing In nt":20X : > At 4:15 : the "horses came out for the third heat , getting away at once- with Clingstonu the leader by a nose. Wilkes started lor the beat with a magnificent gait , holding his place bevond the quarter. Then hu fell back a half h-ngth. These positions were held to the lower turn , when Wilkes spurted abreast of Clingstonu before tlie turn was done. The hews cjimu Into the stretch with a tcrrlliu speed , both trotting without a break. Wilkes was bead and head with Clinu'stone at the beginning of the stretch. Thu Uuckeyu horse increased his speed , dropping Wilkes to his hip. This advantage MHMII to discon cert the New York horseHe could tlo no better than he was doing , aud Clingstonu passed under tlio wire winner by half a neck , making a close and exciting linlsh. Cllng- Mone bad fairly won tlio tldid beat and race in 2:10. : ' - . Sl'MMAl-.V : Clingstone i i t Harry Wilkes 2 2 2 Istqr. | 2d qr. | "id qi\J linish. First heat. . . . 1:11 : r : lJ Second heat. * ThlnlhcaJ. . _ . 1-42'j I 2-10 " Uetween the first and second , heats of the Wilkes-Cliugstonerace , lien Stanley's pacing team , Jordan and Little Mack , tried to lower the record of'B:2 : * for the best team pacing record. They made the best til'iu ' ever made on this track , ilfaUnTg "thu circuit * without a skip in 2-ii-M. AJ ; 4 .p'ctoqk SiiJonq. trotted his team , .Wil'am ' H and Onward } ' against this lecord. Tho. team trotted evehly and came under thu wire in 2:21. The Strike Knded. Ci.ivniAM : ) , Sept. 27. The strike at the Cleveland rolling mills is at last ended. The men struck on July 1 against an indefinite reduction in wages whie.ll the managers had decided to make. Last. Thursday the com pany agieed to restore June priced and start ihu mills. Thu majority of the men were iu favor of accepting the proposition bnt the leaders sought to impose other con ditions on the company regarding the man- aucinent of the inllN. Several meetings were belli but no settlement was i cached until to night , when u largo meeting was held and tb" leaders declared the strike off. The an nouncement was received with vociferous cheers. The mills will bo stalled to-morrow morning at Juno prices. Dloil Together. ST. LOVIP , Sept. 27. Information comes hero that a most desperate tragedy occurred in the village of Cottonwood Point in this btatu Friday night. Two intoxicated strangers got into a dispute and then had a rough aud tumble tight over the weight of cotton , but they were separated by bystanders. Shortly alter , however , the men renewed tlm tight , and mutually agreed , in order that neither should havu any advantage over the other , that they .should elasii their' left hands t-.getlier . nnd right with their right hands. Tims arranged , each with a revolver in his ndit hand , they bezan their bloody work. Seven shots were exchanged and one of the men fell dead with four bullets In his bead and , while thu other sank to Hie wound bleeding and dying Irom two or three desperate wounds. - AVIll Heo If His Is Uln Son. ST. Lens , Sept. 27. Cablegrams bavu Iron received hero from London , England , stating that Samuel Y. Hrooks will soon start for SI. Louis to ascertain definitely whether thn innn now held In jnll here as thu murderer of C. Aithur Preiler , and known variously as Hugh M. Hrooks and Waller II. Lennov Maxwell , Is Ids son. It Is said if such .should bo Iho case , Mr. Hrooks will be prepared to prcei-nt some documentary evidence for thu defem-e. Chinamen OrtleriMl lo Leave. SIATTI.KV. : \ . T. , Sept. 27-Thn Chliu-su camp at Newcastle mines was visited hist night by a mob of masked men , \\lio com pelled the guaid to surrender. Alter conic talk the moli agreed to glvo tint Chinamen twentv-fourliour.s to leave. Tlioy Kihl ihcy woui.l rlddlu with bullets all Chinamen fuunil thire at thu expiration of that linn ! . A special train has just started for Newcastle to i-ing all tie : Chlnesudown. The Dolawnro I'lan. Wji.j xrrro.Del. , . , Kept. 2 , Two con victs weio whipped at Xcwcnstlu this morn- Ing-ln the pawnco of 2 < w spectulois. Suwall Btarkcy cojorcd' , an old olVonder , stood ono hour lif-the plllor'I'd ' took twenty itibhe.s for burglary. Jaiaes JCIrko. ( while ) , look ten lashes lor steallngv.rallwuy witch \wyn \ , .ShoillI Ford wielded thicat rather lightly on both convlcU the Crime , ST. Louis , Supt. 20. CiajKlmmf'ilaln ) | and Win. Power , fishermen , arri-sled to day. They acknowlrdgo emptylngttlm contents of n revolver and shotgun fntnUfutrlck I'nv and ttlchard Frcncli , nii3tabonUhleejiiii' ; , ' on thu Aver bank. Fox was kHlwrand Ficnch M-- vorcly wounded. Tlm rouSliibfiuu had stolen il boat belonging to tbo flsliei'iueii , Kartliquuko iiiJlonii8.v'vaiihi. I'lTrsntino , SepttiS' ' ' . At 'Js-WoViw-k this tfti-rnoonushoclMesciublln ; ; canlHiuaki' wa felt at varltmd j iints along tlm CliaiUeis Yalley railrfia'dlJClweeii MaUMi''iLntdii \ : Ingtoiii thishtate , a di-ui ' ! < ( i < > i il n 1-1 . This shook was arcump-iht 1 ; i ' j\\ . i. > ' liiiK sound. PROLIFIC FIELDS OF CflKN-J A Marked Increase in tlo Hold of This ] Year Over Last , TOTAL CROP IN TEN STATES Tlio Crltlcnl SI41RO II I'flSfOtlwltlM No DHIIKOIIVom Krosts Illinois anil Iowa If end the Iilst lu Production. L y i .1 ' i , 111. , Sept. 87.-.The corn crop ol the United State * lwvli g patwed the critter I etage , and vfliataxor of danger that menaced ! the cereal from frosts bring now ended owlnd to the inability of the grain , the Farmers' ] lluvluw , of lids city , has calle.d lu report1 from Us fourteen hundred correspondents Riving thu area and probable yield in everyj county in tlie loading com producing states , anil has compiled from these a close estimate of thu approximate yield of the crop of 1S8 , " ! , These estimates have been bused on com-J parlson * with the yield of IbSt , taking tbnl liures of thu agrlcullural bureau at Wnshlng-1 ton for the yield of last year , Itcportsofl correspondents Include nut onlv the npproxl-l m.ito a'leagu bvt aim thof peivuntage of condition as compared to lost ] year , and thu pureentugo ot Increase orj decrease in acreage. 4 This was done to approximate as closely an 1 possible the actual output , thiv correctness oil which method was demonstrated very fnilyl in the estimate of the wheat crop Juno 1 by f this bureau , and to which llgnies all rccOR- i nlzcil statisticians , including thu goveinmentl bureau , have gradually approached. Hi Indiana - g ana , Illinois and Kansas thu ground ploitghcii-1 up owing to thu ruination of the winter wheat I crop , and devoted to corn. Is closely corn-1 puted. In comiKirison by states return * ) ! show that Indiana , Iowa , Minnesota and'l Missouri liavu a slight Increuso in aercago'J over 1SS1 , and Wisconsin is the only state ; showing a decrease , but both Wisconsin nmlj Minnesota show a decrease In condition , and ] Missouri also shows n slight decrease. Other states all reveal an improvement , and in' Ohio , Illinois nnd Indiana the improvement , Is marked. \ Tlds results In the following comparison by states of tliu probable -yield-in the few states named : 1S8-I. 1885. , , Slates. Bushels. HUshclJ. Ohio 83 , ! * ! ,000 lltJOOXX ! ( > Indiana 10l,7"i7,00 ( ) rri,7tf3,00t ) . Illinois 2HM4IKJO ! . . Iowa 2.v.vjooooo 2tihaiiooc ! ) , ; > .l M issouri i' > 7,8ooooo iKO.m-o.ootrI Kansas KiSMX,000 ) 188,720,000 J Nebraska 122,100,000 ii702,000 : ! ! I Minnesota'AOOO 21,148,000' Wisconsin 20.200,000 21,20a,000,1 Michigan 20,022,000 : JO,185,000 ; | Total i,2.-iM , ooo i The excess over last year 184,010,000 on tlio liasls that the states and territories outside of thu ten named will produce as much corn a 'i they did last year or r ij-loO,000 : bushels , and' tliis would seem to be assured from a study * ) f the reports. It will give a total crop of l , 7io0.000 ( : ! bushels from wldeli total itln < safe to to estimate that the yield will not vary in any appreciable degree either way. Chicago Cattle Market. CiucAno , Sept. 20. [ Special to the UKE.J CAITLI : The .imirket . opened wlow and weak witli another1 drop of , K @loc all "around. AVith fresh rcceipls there were about 20,000 on . sale. Plenty oC fair to good packing sorts Bold at { ? : i. ( @ ; ) .70 , nnd best ntSa.80M . Good-New F.ngland soits , selected and assorted , soltl fir S.80@.0" : ) ? > , with soniu lots a.s low as and rough as SWO. The T. & 15 , sort every animal. A' peed ono from 2Tfl down-to-lSO costSl.ic@ l.\Si \ , or about Gc lower tlinii yesterday. Ited- niotid bought "stricllv Yorkers , nveiiiglng ' iso , at Sl X a-rj. Pnckurs ; shippers anil' ' butchers bought about 10,000 out ot the 20,000 on sale. Shipping Steers , 1350 lo 1500 Ibs , 85.20(50.00 ( : 1200 to liJoO Ibs , S4.tXari.tiO ) ( ; UiO to 1200 Ibs. SK.OO @ -1.80 ; stoelcers and feeders , 82.00@4.20. Cows , bulls and mixed. S1..10@4.oo. Hulk , $ Si.50. : Through Texas ciittle stronger)50 ; ) to . . , , II tlf J.\J.\llln * VUvit tVJ Texas , I05i ( Ibs , stt.i. : I lees neccints i,000 : ! against 2.T900 last Saturday , making about : w,000 for tne week ending to-niglit against 41,000 last wool ; . There was not over thirty loads of natives among the fresh iwelpls and scarcely any' that would Milt tho'shtpplngand dressed HtniJ trade , and on the other Jiand there was littloi or no demand for shipping grades , so time * trading was limited and prices undcrwcnc little or no changes , thn week ending on a strong market for natives and lf ( * 20ojiiglior ; than last week. Texans and westerns were sell Ing the same as yesterday , and have atl- vanced lOtft-irie during the past week. Stocic- ers and feeders In light supply. But low buyeis were on thu market to-day , and no transactions of note. Itougli and mixed $ 'MO ' ( . { * . . I'acklngaiid sliipiiing , 2."jOtoiOO : life , s.rn : ) < < jf n. Light weights , l ! to. . 170 lb ? ; S4.0tKfM.K : ; IbU to 210 Ibs , S3.SOS:5.00 : ; skips SW > . The 1M-I7.0 Ei.P.vsn , Tex. , Sept. 20. A hard glove fight between John Cahill and Jojin Cowpcr , Mdr- qnls of ( Jnecnsbury rulws.toolc placohnro'last nlirht be.iore u largo crowd of spectator ? . Six louinls weie fought. Hotli men wero. . badly used up. In thu sixth round Cowper lnoelced Cahill down fivu times , and was do- clan d'lho winner. I'lTTSiuiito , Pa.Sept.20. A haiddovonght between John Joyce , of Letonlti. Ohloj and PalHcUIJurke , 01 MeKcesjoit ) , Pa. , this af- U-nionu at MciCcM' Uocks was forSlOOnslde , Marquis of ( jiicciisbnry nile.1 ! . Five ron'nds wen-fought , Unrku being knocked out In thu last round. Ilu was badly-punished In every round. A lo l < : atM n IJay. ! XIM\O. : , Sept. ' . ' ( i , At GOC.S station , f hreo miles from hero. Miv. Parsons missed luir l-year-old daughter last oviiulniriillcr having- .s-een her playing In the yard. Making w-arcti she found thn cbild's dead body beneath u. bull dog that , hail killed her and was eating its Ilcsh. Thu do had to hn killed beforu lint child's body could hu removed , The brutu belonged to a neighbor , llase Unll Saturday. ? At Chlcago-l'hlcago ( I. J'rovidencp 0 , / Al Uallimore Haliiinoinr. . ) 'ilthlnrg-l. At Detroit Detroit ID. PhilaileJpblaii. At Philadelphia Athletic " , Louisvlea | ! Al St. Louis- . Louis 2. JJobton r > . At New York Metro nolitan 7 , Cincinnati 2. At New yorlj-Hiiirnli i 1.ew YorH ) . , At 1'rooklyn St. Louis o , lioolclyn.\ ! / Ordered to SAN Kn.vNcisf.o , Sept. i ) . Col. J. C , Ko. ton , asil.ftunt adjutant genurallio has been on duty on this roast for th past -eighteen years ; Is relUived at the lniuJnimrlPiv of tlm division of the J'adlh : and nrueied to repoic for duly to thu adjutant general at WIMIIIZ | | < tun. ' Koutlinrn WnMnnits Itopairi-iL Niw ; Oiii.KAN6 , Sept. 27. The tnnii which i u ; trd hero yesterday has subsided. Tim \\asboulsontlii ) LoidHvillii.fc Ni.-.bvi' ; ) | rull- road near Chei-Mejitucr liavo IK en snlilitlpntly epajied to admit of Uiyvamagn of iranis .u i ual. ' 9 . ' ' , ' \ TlioVoather. . W.vsui.viivn , Supl.yj. Upjwr iifriifisijmj valley : ( ) i ! usiial | | nttl < rains , ( ioutheriy \vtiiils , holier rpmpf nUiire , lt\Ver ) banmictor. .Vivciirt > aU { . . - " wlwinl Jocnl i-.tln , v.aimt'r , yjutlwily wlntls , Jowt-r baromcler. AIoUsili-Slavery : ! } Ill > l > | .1 M ir-.i , Mej.t. . 20. 'lit ) K 'of i'i pulie l".ucd tin bill fur f ii ' * .11