TBB DAILY BEE--SATURDAYs SEPTEMBER 26 , 1885. ETHT COSTS yard IVELVETEEN - 7ELV5T. ' . . VRIiVBTSj brochca and VELVETEENS fontlnno In demand both for itrcct and reception costume , and JadtfnRfrmfToiir foreign fashion notes nrcTilkelV to etmliimtlhfMmiotiirmiieitoni. ifMw'ilafy'iJiaof. "MilTtKn . 'nutaL > fnfa ta } \ neAemaiuej \ \ H * * * " 'y'A-kfautp.ajii ' artlitle ' * ' < > of lirfo - . TclTCtiah'rt vplrVVrfh'ere apprctUtcd 6fVlidrfi rnaii-ri liVlic > eiirB"tfemo tlic6mltiB" "iintar. , l.yBTKB\H.-Therel nnoldMjlnBth. _ ; f Uitlilon U fickle ) " but the Incrcatcd demand lor Velrcti nd VelrVtcraa'niui't Cothn'rjcfptlon.for'tlto'r Ee for ihrie poods'comnicficcJ about"thfto ye n tgo , anci'his > CCnonthBlnr.rpi\ Trrifnttlmc , rfinililnBCTcnnprrnltrtntri'iictticcomlnBifaaon. I'tttrian'i May , . . . , lt.'Ml'IH. A , untrftnmcd . ll conildcrcd T I.IJT I. I f'.IVl \ > lFn J.fl ' ullor-madr enlt.cf rcluteca BOW UiO tUlnj , Mir It molt boot tbebcitqnal liyof | tclTCteen , Artttir'tMMon Mayatlnt , Sold THE OHEA.PEST PLAGE IN OMAHA TO BUY One of ho Borland Largest d3tocl B in tJio ITiuted Sfcatot To Solftut rom. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGAFT PASSEN&ER ELEVATOE RUEMP1NG & BOLTE , Manufacturers o'0rnamentn FOULS Dcrmor Windows , \Vit dot ; Cape , Kotalic Bity Lights , &c. Tin , Iron and Slate roofers. 010 S. 12th St. Omnhi , Nob. Wor ono in nny part of the country. Park Place , Omaha , Nebraska , for younf ; ladies under the direction of the Lndifls of the Sacred Heart The course of atudlea embraces nil the branches of a useful nnd retmcd education , Sim Rchnlnslio year commences on the first Wednesday in September. TERMS -1'aynblo In ndvanco , Including board , washing tuition in Enplish and French , nstrumantal mu'ic. use of books , per sension of 5 months , S150. EXTRAS Paintinjr. Drawing , German. Vocal Muiic , Hnrp , Guitar , Violin. Tor iurthor < nformation npply to the Kizht Rov. Jas. O'Connor , or to tha Ldy Superior. For full particulars about free and cheap lands in Western Nebraska Address T. C , PATTERSON , JicaE'stateAgent ' , North Plvtte , Neb CHAS. JSHIVE3BUCGE \ OPtaOLBTBEY AND DUArBElEB , PasBenger Eleralor to nil" ficozi , 1306 , 120S and 1110 tfntncm St. OMAHA INRHUAHKA THE A. I , . STRAHG GOMFAMY , OoublB and Singfd tiding Power ar.o hand Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hois , Brass and Iron FittJnp.i at clasalo 01 rotai ! . HALLADAY WIN2-MILL3 , OHDROJB AND SCHOOL BELLS. Oorner IOth and Farnara St. , Omaha Neb. SPEOIAL NOTIO CO of Live Stock and WE OALL YOUR ATTENTION Tt a fl It la ( be beat and cheapest food foe stock of any kind. 'One poaid Ia oqnal t \ 6hroo ponnda o corn. Stock fed with Gronnd OU Qalto In the x'nll and Wintc nntoad of running down , will Incroaaa in weight snd bo In good marketable eoudi Ion In the spring. Dalryiaon , an well KB olhers , who nee It , can testify to It3 mor flts. Try It and jadgd for yourselves. Prlco 824.00 per ton. No charge for BMk Address WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omahn , Neb. GREEN & BURKE , LIVESTOCK COMMISSION EERCHT'S VNJON STQCHSARDS. . niSFEUENOES : iT > U Ml * - Omaha , Neb. Oolumbui State Bank , Columbus , Neb. McDoDald'a Bank. North Platte , Neb. Omaha National 13ank , Umaba , Neb. G. B. GUEKN. O. BUBK Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds taluo of clock. ff CK , Bavil ; DIAMOND , Aa Missouri Valley Bridge anil Iron Works OFFICE AND WORKS LEAVHKWORTII , KANSAS. ft Manu'aetnrers and Builders of WwngbtlioD , Steel , Howe TIUM and Combination BRIDGES For Ilallroada and llljhwijg. Turn Tablet , Draw Spang. Roe TiUjt , I'lera and Sub- ctiuctiuea. , Sbiro Tuloek , Agent Heaio iimd ua word cf all bridge work to let. Coriogpondenco lollj'tei from cnziaeera and brldga ommlralooera. W. P. A.YLSWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAiS Brich bulldlcpB of any kind ralerd or tnored anr ! aatlslaction guaranteed. Frame brvi ored oa JJttle Glact tjrwk , tha b < Ht in the world , p ' AYLSWORTH 1010 Mfltb'street , Oooocil BIoQi GERMINAL , Or , the Story of a Great Miners' ' Strike. BY EMItiH Tmmlattd from the Frtntb. sinittART of riucimxa Anton Lantier , a young mechaulo out ol work , roaches the coal mines of Monston , Franco , cold , hungry and penniless , The death of a miner makes n vacancy and ho PO- curcs employment in tbo Vulture mine , Ma- bon , one cf the miner ! ' , and his daughter Catherine , explain tha work to hint and as sist him tha first day , lie hears the mutterings - ings of the miners ogninst the company an d throats of a alrlka. The exactions o the an- iperintondont and the email wages received Road the workmen to the verge * ol despera tion and juvod ttto way to tha comingstrug gle. Mahon again bafriendi Anton , and 10- curoa lodgings for him at Rwaneur'd , n tip- plintr. house near the miuo , Anton's doterml- nUion to leave Is overcome by the klndnest of the atruggling minors , nnd ha doddoj to battle with them. The owners of the mines revel in luxury , and turn a deaf ear to tha appgata of the starving families of tha workman , who , in debt for food obtained during a atriko throe years provioua , are btrely able to secure sufficient food to sustain Hfo , CUATTEK. X , \Vhon Mahon entered the hoaso , after having loft Anton at Riraanonr'n , ho found Catharine , \chario and Johnnie at the table , finishing their soup. On returning from the mine , they were al ways BO hungry that they sat down to oat in tholr dump clothing without even washing tbolr faces ; the table remained eot frcm morning till night , nud there was constantly some one there swallow ing lib portion , at the risk of the exigen ciesof , labor. From the door Mahon perceived the provisions. Ho fi ld nothing , bat his anxious face cleared up. All the mam- Ing , the empty cupboard , the hoaso without - out ccffdo , or bread , had worried him. A sad thought came to hint oa ho worked the vein In his drift ; how would the wife make out ? and what would become of them if oho roturncd homo with empty haudD ? Here ho found everything. She wonld explain it to him later , and , while waiting , ho smiled contentedly. Catherine and Johnnie had already risen , drinking their coffee ctandlrig , while-Zioharlo , hla hunger only half ap peased by his aoop , cut for himself a largo slice of bread , which ho covered with butter. Ho noticed the hogs-head cheese which Alziro had put upon a pl.ito , but ho did not tonch It , knowing that wbon there was only enough meat for one , it was intended for hla father. All washed down tholr soup with a glass of troah water , the good clear drink which they were foaced to fall back upon a few days before pay day. "Thoro Is no boon , " said Mra. Mahon , aa the father eat down to the table. "I wanted to keep a llttlo money. But If you want It , tha llttlo ono can run and got a pint " Ho looked at hsr in astonishment. How was that ? She bad money , too. "No , no , " auld ho. " 1'vo juit drunk a mug , that's enough. " And Mahon slowly swallowed a great bowlful of soup , made of bran , potatoes , leeks and Eorrol. Hla wife , with Estollo otlil lu her arms , assisted Alziro In waiting on him , handing the butter and meat and putting the coffee back on the fire to keep It warm. In the meantime , near the cupboard , the bathing had commenced in a tub made front the half of a caak. Catharine , nfter emptying the warm water into It , tranquilly undraacod sna with face to the wall and back ; to the fire , tubbed herself vigorously with the soft soap. No ono paid the slightest attention to her ; when : lenn , she jnmpod from the tub and ran up atalrs , leaving her wet clothing In B tieap on the floor. A quarrel broke out betrroen the two brothers. Johnny had inBtentd to got In the tub nndor tbo pre sence that Zasharlo was still oatlng ; and iho latter throvr him out head over heels , claiming his turn , saying , though ho was jollto enough to let Cithurlno wash firet , ho didn't want boyi' leavings , oven if the water was black chough to fill all the ink stands in the neighborhood. They ended by Rotting" into the tub together , washing each othcr'o backs ; then , llko tholr sis- tor.entirely nude , they diajppoared In the stairway. "What a slop they've madel" said Mrs. Mahon , taking the clothing from the ' floor and hanging it to dry. "Alzlrc , wlpo up a bit , will you I" But a voice on the other oldo of tbo wall out chert her words. Oaths were heard , mingled with the screams of a woman , whllo now and then heavy blows resounded , as though tome one was being struck with a tin pail. "Lovtqab'o beginning Hgatn , " said Ma hon quietly , as ho strammod on the bowl with his spoon. "That's strange ; Bout-lonp said the soap was ready. " "Ready , " eafd his wlfoj "I saw the vegetables on tbo table not even peeled. " The crloa grew louder ; there was a tor- rlbla push which shook the wall ; then all becimo silent. The minor , swallowing a last spoonful , con ; cluded with the calm air of justice : "Bbo deserved It , If the BQUp wasn't i ready. " After drinking a glass of water , ho cut n tquiro piece off of the hogs-head checeo , oatiug Ib with some broad. No ono tpoko while the father was eating. Ho was thinking that It did not taste llko the moat whtoh came from Malgrat'a ; It must have been bought somewhere olae ; but he did not question hla wlfo only to aak if the old man was still asleep up- italra. No , the grandfather had gnuo out for his accustomed walk , and then sllenco again fell. Henry and Lenoro , playing In the water which had been spilled on the floor , seeing the meat , went and stood at ( heir father's knee , watching each piece as it was lifted from the plate , tholr eyes at first full of hope , which was grid- ually succeeded by a look of consterna tion as It was lost to sight in his mouth. "Haven't the children had any ] " ho ln > quired : And when his wlfo hesitated be s-Jded : "You kndTr I don't llko this unfair ness It takes away my appatlto when they're around mo begging like this " "They've had some , " cried eho id bi anger , "If you'd listen to them you'd ftv jlvo them your put and the others ti o ; v they'd atnQ' themselves till they burnt in indi Alziro , didn't we all have aoma choeio ? " diii "Of courao , mamma , " replied tha lit le iih hunchback , who , uudor theto clrouin h < lied with the ojo'n ' IB of a ID ; rown woman. o : Luoro and Henry stood mot onlcsj , leh ihooVod at thrio lira which they doret h lot contradict. Their llttlo hearts , welled up , and they would have given mjthlng to h vo been blu to tell him hey bad not even tatted it , v "Go 'way , " mid their mother , driving them to the other side of the room. "You ought to bo ashamed to hang around your father , ns If ho wai the only ono who had It. At any rate , don't ho work whllo you others do nothing ? " But Mahon called them , and taking Uonry upon hla left knee and Leuore on hla right , ho thftred the remainder with them , cutting It in small pieces which the children greedily devoured. After finishing , ho said to his wife : "No , doa't give mo my coffee now. I'm ' going to wash first. You may hoi p mo throw out this dirty water , though. " They grasped the handles of the tab , snd were emptying the water into the gutter before the door , when Johnny cAme down , dressed lu dry clothes , an nld faded pair of pants nnd woolen blouse , much too largo for him , they having belonged to hla brother. As ho was noiselessly slipping through the open door his mother stopped him. "Whoro are you gotngr "Nowhoro. " "Nowhere ? Yon'ro going to tjather dandelions for a salad this evening. Now lUtin , do you hear me ? If you don't bring some homo , I'll eottlo wlta you , " "All right. " And ho went out , his hands la his pockets , with the g< of an old miner , in uplto of his ton years. Zwharlo , In a black woolea shirt with blue ( tripes , descended - scondod next. His father calkd after him not to came homo late , and ho went out , nodding his head , without replying , and with a plpo between his toctb. The tub wan again filled with water and , at a glance from the mother , Alclro , as was her habit , led the children out to play before the door. Tholr father did not waah himself before the family , although ho considered It proper for the children to paddle around together. "What are yon doing UD there ? " cried Mrs. Mahon from the bottom of the stairs , "I'm mending my dross. I toro It yesterday , " ropllodOUharlno. "Ail right. Don't ccmo down ; your father's washing. " Mra. Mahon placed Estcllo on a chair and for a wonder.findlng herself comfortable - able In front of a fire the child was quiet watching her parents with the bewildered eyes of a little croatuto without thought. After removing his clothes , he plunged his head into the water , rubbing It with that soft aoap which had discolored and bleached the hair of his face ; then lathering himself all over he stopped Into the tub while hla wlfo stood looking on. "Say now , " she began , "I naw your look when you came In. You've boon worrying. Just think the people at Plo- laine wouldn't give mo a BOU Ohl they were very kind ; they gave the little ones Bomo clothing , and I was ashamed to nsk for anything more. " She panted an inatuut to tie Estollo In her chair , foarlfg ahe would fall out. The father continued rubbing himself , without , by ono question , hastening this tale which interested him , patiently wetting to bo enlightened. ' 'Of COUMO Malgrat ref aaed. Ho drove me from his door llko a dog. " Ho lifted hla head , still watching her In bilenca. Nothing at Plolalno , noth ing from Malgrat , who waa It then ? But sbo began rolling up her sleeves pre paratory to rubbing tils back , and tiking up eomo soft eoap she lathered his shoul ders while he braced himself in order to stand the vigorous strokes. "Then I went bask to Malgrat's. I pleaded with him , saying It would'nt do him any harm to be juat. That bothered him ; Ho tried to got away from mo. Now aho waa making his bsok ahino llko her throe saucepans did on Saturday , using the back nnd forth movement of the arm until ehe became eo winded that her words choked her. "At last , calling mo an old crank , ho oild wo could have bread until Saturday ; and the boat of it is that ho lent me a hundred sous. I bought some butter , coffee , chicory and oven a little hogs head of cheese of him. Then I paid eighteen Bonn for potatoes. So you uno my morning wasn't lost. " She waa wiping him dry , whllo ho , happy , not thinking of the dabt , caught her np In his arms and kissed her. "Louvo mo alone , goose ! you're not dry yet. I'm afraid , though , that Mai- Brat's thinking of eomothlng. " She was going to eposk of O&therino , but paused. What UBO to make him uneasy ? ' 'What of ? " "Oh ! of robbing no. Wo rnuat watch blm , that's all. " When ho was thoroughly dry , Mahon limply put on a pair of pints. Hla great- sat enjoyment , after hia bath , waa to nit 'or a tlmo with arms and chest bare. In lummor the men wonld all go outside tftor bathing , and , In aplto of the damp voather , ho went to the door for a mo- nont to call across the pardon to another nan , with uhouldera equally bsro. Then itherj appeared at tholr deere , all sinll- ng from the comfort of a good bawl of otip and a warm bath. Even the chll- Iren , lying upon the pavement , railed homselvca and laughed also at the hap- ilneas around thorn. 'While drinking his coffee , Mahon told ila wlfo of the engineer's auger about the imboring. Ho was calm now , and Ila enud with an approving nod to the wise onnaola of Mra. Mahoo , who showed are ro t amount of wisdom In tbcse affairs. the always repeated to him that they ; rculd gain nothing by opposing the com- uy. Finally , eho Informed him of the visit f MM , Honnobeau. . "Can I como down ? " aikod Catherine rom the head of the stairs. "Yo , your faUior IB dry. " The young girl had put on her Sunday Teas , a dark blue poplin , already faded nd worn. Oa h-jr head waa a very aim- IB | black tnllo bonnet. "Why , youVo drensnd yonraalf up. Vhera are you going1 ? "I'm ' going to Monalon to buy nome Ibbon for my bonnet. I've taken off the Id one ; It was too dirty. " "Then you'vo got omo money. " "No ; " Mcquotto promised to lend mo m sous. The mother let her go aa far as the ; oor , then called her back. "Llateu ; don't go to Malgrat to buy : our ribbons. He'll r < b yon and beUtvo : ie'ru rolling la gold. " The father , Bitting by the fire , added : "Don't stay out too long. " In the afternoon Mahon worked In his arden. He bad already planted eomu otatooii , beans and peas , and to-day ha itttndcd transplanting scrao onb- ' igo and lettuce. Thla garden irnlahed them with all tlulr Bgetabloi except potatoes , of which they Brer hid enough , Ho thoroughly un * brstood gudentug , and oven rabtdnfos- ilchokes , a thing which hla neighbors td never been able to do. A * ho went itotbo guden he saw Lartquu , who hud ime cut ti ainoko a p'po and look at lh > - Ituco which Bonteljnp had pUnti'd at morning ; if hla lodger had not lure d th courage to dig , nothing v.ould ivo gronn there but wetds , A conver- tlou was begun across ( he fouco. Lo- ( ] io , excited at having bit hU wife , vainly tried to drag Malton to Hwson- eur'a. A drink didn't frighten htm did it ? They would htvo a game of skittles , take a stroll with tholr comrades , and then return homo. That waa the only ploaturo after coming from the mlnu ; thcro could bo no hirm In It. But Mihon wished to transplant his cabbngo which ho s&ld would bo wilted next day. In reality ho refused because not wishing to ask his wlfo for a Hard of the hnrdrod BOUS. It WAS striking five whou Mrs , Peters came to nsk If her Lydlo had gone off with Johnnio. Lavaquo said It must bo so , for his Hubert had also disappeared , nnd thoao three children were always together. But when Mnhon told thorn they were gathering dandelions they were faUifiod. Now that the aohool was closed all the llttlo ones were In the alloy , pulling nud beating each other , whllo the fathers , who were not &t the saloons , equalled In the same position as In the mine , smoking tholr pipes. At last Lovaque decided to go off to Ilav Bonour'a nlono , but Mahou still wont on planting. Night had fallen ; Mrs. Mahon lit the lamp , provoked that nolther the girl nor boys had came in. She know not ono of them would ccmo to join the only meal which they could take together. More over , oho waited for the dandelions. What could they pick at that hour and In that darkness ? A salad was so nice with the alow which she bad put on the firo. aomo polntooH , loeka and aorrcl stowed together , and fried onion ? , of which the entire house smelt ; that good odor which aeon bocarao rank and penetrated the bricks of the alley with euch a smell that they could bo BO nted afar off in the country. Mahon , after lowing the garden when night came on , dozed on a chair , hla head against the wall. As soon as ho seated himself ho slept. The obck struck sovon. Henry nnd Lonoro broke a plato la ob stinately trying to assist Alziro , who was setting the table. Bonnemort was the first to enter , and having hurriedly eaten his dinner , ho returned to the mine. ' Wo well eat. ' may as They're big enough to take euro of tbomtolvea. The only thing that I don't llko Is there's no s&lad. " [ TO BE CONTINUED MONDAY. ] How to Sovo Money , and wo might also say tlma and pain as well , in our advica to good housekeepers nnd ladies generally. The great1 necessi ty existing always to have a perfectly aafe remedy convenient for the relief and prompt cure of the ailments peculiar to woman functional Irregularity , con stant pains , and all the symptoms attend ant upon utcrlno disorders induces 113 to recommend strongly and unqualifiedly Dr. Plerco'B "Favorite Prescription" woman's bust friend. It will Bao money. CONN UUlAljI TIES. News cornea from Australia that Dion Boucicnult and Louise Tliornclyko have been married 'Ihoy will return shortly to the Uuitod States. Ilia Mnjoity MagFala , King of the Congo , is said to bavo received a proposal of mar riage from un English lady with a fortune of ยง 50,000 , which he dojlimd , having a largo number of native wives already. Mian Emma Nevada will bo married in Paris to Dr. Palmer Oct. 1. The civil cere mony will take place at the English embassy and the religious ceremony will be celebrased In the Church of the Peres Pasaionlstes. "Julia , I don't see why you are going to marry Harry Batcomb. He hasn't any money , and it is not likely that he'll ' over have any. " "Fanny , I'd acorn to marry for money. Harry Is handsome and a fine ath lete. He would bring to mo a sinso of pro tection " "O , that's all right , Jnlia. Every one to their mind. You marry for protec tion ; I Intend to marry for revenue. " [ Phila delphia Call. There was a sensation at the Comique , Butte City , Montana , lately. A hilarious party eat in one of the boxes as Supine Dun- CJii , of the Duncan Sisters , was posing by , Mies Duncan , who ia a faacinatlag blonde , was called in to bo married "juit for fun" to the young superintendent of the Montana Purrott mine , who is the uon of a Now York millionaire. The knot was tied by a justice of the peace , and is unquestionably valid. A runaway marriage is the latest sensation in , Webster , Jccktun county , N. 0. Oscar B. Coward eloped with Mina Emtna Long , ono of | the prettiest girla in the county. The mar riage license was ismod by tha young lady horsolf. Her fatherwho Is county register of deeds , bad left several blank licenses at the house with bis namp already signed to them , so that if anyom should coine for a license while ho was out of town some member of the family could fill out tha blanks over his sig nature , HU daughter secured oua of theiso blanks and filled it out herself. She is not yet fourteen years of age. [ Kichmcnd Dis patch. Angostura Bittern do not only dlstin- fruish themselves by their flavor and aromatic odor above all others generally used , but hey are also a sure preventive for all diseases em- liiating from the digestive organs. Beware of : ounterfolu. Ask your grocer or druggist for the genuine article , manufactured by Dr , J T. B , Soigort iSoua. TUB YOUTJIFUIj TERHOK. Boy of the period Interrupting whore Goliath Ic.fiantly dareu Divld to the fray Oh , ekip ill that ma ; lio'n only blowiu' ; I want to know ivhojlcked. fLifa. Teacher ! ' 'Yes , man cornea htghoit in the icale , What comes next to man ? Small hey : 'I kuow , eir. " Tarchor : Well , what is it ? " 3raaUboy : "HU shirt. gjoshun could successfully command the sun i stand etill , but he could never hava kept a ixearold ! son still while hia photograph was jcing taken [ South and West. An eight-year-old Brooklyn boy , the other lay , nfcerafew momenta spent In deep study , .utaod to hia mother antl aked : "Mu. don't . DOU think wo'd better send word that we lon't want auy moie children ? " Day old gentleman to bay on twelfth birth- lay : "I hope T&U will improve In wisdom , cnowledge and virtus. " Boy , politely return- ng compliment , tot illy uajounciom of Bar- lasm. "The tome to you , Bid" [ dt. Paul Elerold. "Say , " ald the editor' * smart llttlo son , aa 10 entered a store ) ' 'do you keep knives ? " 'Oh , yes , " responded tha storekeeper. 'we've them for , " "Well " kept yeara , re- urtied tha boy , atarting for tbo door , "you iught to udvertlsn aid then you wouldn't teep 'eui BO long. " [ Norrutowu HorolJ , Little Bflai : "My dolliewm awful blck Init light. " Little Evn : "What caused it1 'Well , we bud vi ul culverts for supper , an , ' I ueea eho overloaded her atnmach. " BOSB , ay dollla isn't well neither , I fed her cook s an' they might have baon poisoned , you " "Uoud ! I'a her nnw , gracious give eoine ! nd of anecdote at oucd , " A little fellow who waa at a neighbor's louse ubout noon the othf r day watche'l ' the reparations for dinner with gro t interest , ut wheu asked to stay and eat something lie romptly rofujed , "Why , yen , Johnnie , you i ad batter atay,1' Raid tha Judy : "why cau't ou ? " "Well , "ciuise " , " i ld the little fellow , 'ma said I mustn't uulens you ask me tliroa ' iiiiee. " They In * lied htm twice more right ( f- [ Texas Hitting * , Trt n Baby wu lick , TO 2 ve lier Cutoria , Wlien ( be nn * Child , eho cried fur CutorU , WJien slio became lllit , ib clunf to V ttorta , Vo ilit tu4 ClUldr a , aU * j th ; in THE EOONOMISTS , A New Polltlonl Party With IIOAtl- quartorB In I'lnttBtnoutli , Oorreipondenca of the BEE , riATFOHU OF TUB ECONOMIST FABTT , 3 Adopted At Plnttsmouth , Mfreb , 18ft5. Believing M wn do that n complete Incor poration of the following principles into our natlonil , state and municipal governments would increase the proipetlty of our country , and enhance the wt-lfato nud hupplncsi of our people , wo , the members of the economist party do promulgate them as our platform of principles. 1 , Wo hold that the strictest economy should ba maintained In the administration of na tional , state , county and municipal offices. 2 , Wo are in favor of a lover system of direct taxation , 3 , Wo hold that for the purpose of protect ing the labor of our couutiy , and for creating & government revenue , there should ba a ys- tern of duties levied upon import ! eulliclcntly high to bring up their prlco to such prices AS our manufacturers can afford to mannfactuio tha llko goods for , 4. Wo are in favor of the use of n bi- motallo coinage a * a ipoclo currency , nnd of U. S. notes , or greenbacks , na n paper cur rency. But wn denrnud the retirement of tha National bank notes , nnd that an equal amount of greenbacks be substituted In their stead. C , Wo demand that our national Indobtod- nois bo paid off as fast ni the tame folia dus with the surplus money In the United States trMiury , instead of petmitting the money U He Idle in the treasury vaults , In oxcosa of the amount required by law. 0. Wp hold that the United States should energetically euforco tha principles commonly Ituown ns the Mouroo doctrine , ngalnst nuy foreign power who mny attempt to interfere with nay of the republics belonging to the American continent. 7 Wo hold that the government , or each state respectively | , R9 the tight nud authority to control nnd regulate tha fictions nud opera tions of corporations within ita respective territorial limits. And wo demand that our state shall by proper leglslutivo enactments lesion the freight tariff to Ita minimum pay ing rates nn all railroad lines operated In the stnto of Nebraska. 8 , Wo demand that our state shall cnnot Mich n law ns will do mvoy with tha competi tion of convict labor. SINGULARITIES. In the ancient Rravea In Tennessee are found human skulls that nro f > omo inches brgor tlmu any modern human bead , Parrots that sing nrfl rare , but occasionally specimens nro found which sing eovernl tunes. The fanciers of phenomenal pots nro nlwaya willing to pay good prlcea for such birds. A mnn til Franklin county , Tenn , wenrn n board nix feet nine inches in length. Ho keeps about four-fifths of it wound nbsutn cardboard and carries it in his coat pocket. There nro four wonderful fur eonla now on exhibition In Paris. They nro trained by n Dane , taught to fire n gun , ha on their backs nnd smoke s pipe , playblin and tire n cannon , A Bwallow built upon a honso in Germnny. The occupier caught the bird nnd nttachod to ita wing a note asking where the bird win tered. It returned to Ita old nest ou the German'u bouse , and was found to bear a re ply stating that tha bird pnjeed the winter ia Florence. There la n bird in southwestern Terns known aa the aobblng wren. Ita note bagins lu a high silvery key , descending from ono sweet note to another , onch mrre delightfully clear than the other , until ic bursts into a sobbing cry. endinsr in n gasp like that of n suffering child. The effect of this strange song Is startling nud distrasftiuff , na it U borne on tha early morning nlr or at twilight. The bird U small , with pltiinpbrownbreast , speck led with ehro'Ja ot black. _ The bad ot the ocean , Bays n recent writer , is to an enormoui extent covered with lava and pumice atone Still moro remarkable. IB to find the floor of the ocean covered In many parts with the dust of meteorites. Between Honolulu nnd Tchiti nt a depth of 2,350 fathoms ems over two miles nnd n half -a vast layer of this material exists , Falling upon land this impalpable dust ia indistinguishable , but accumulating for centuries in tlio nan depths it forma n woudnma story of the continuous bombardment of the planet by comctary bodies. The Examiner , of San Francisco , tells of n peculiar fish , common in Geese Joke. They rise to the eurfaei , awell up by taking in air , when the wind blows thorn about the lake ; re flecting all the cobra of the rainbow. 4 < A hunter , " continues the Examiner , "aaw a crane awnllow ono of these full when in a normal condition , but before the crane had trot moro than fifty feet up above the Joke the fiili had taken m enough air to explode the crane , which , nt the Bound of n report like that of a gun , flew nil to ntoma , and the fish same lightly down on the water , no worse off for the short ride in the air , " An American "Wheelman. Mr. E. F. Powers , of the firm of Al- ivood & Powerfl , Manefiold , Maes. , U o famous bicyclist. The most expert , ! iowover , will Bomotlmos como to grief ; ind through an accident while riding recently , Mr. Powers sustained a serious njury to his right log. A few applloi- ilona of St. Jacobs Oil effected a euro. RELIGIOUS. There nro 750,000 moro Methodlsta than : Baptists in tha United States. The cost of repairing the Cologne cathedral , jegun in 1823 , waa 55OCOCOO. Mr , Moody will hold a aeries of meetings n Now London , Conn. , next month. The Jewish Miniitera' Goufernnoa will bo leld iu Baltimore October 12 and 13. Evangelist Barnes , of Kentucky lin * joined he Church of England , and has gone 10 India IB a mlselonary. The Congregational church of Qulncy liaa mrcaased a new organ , which weighs nine ons nnd coat $5,000. Twelve now wmdowa nnd other extensive inprovemeuta have just been completed in iraca Episcopal church , New York. On October < 1 , memorial service ; will ba held or the late Sir Mosea Montefiore In all llo- irew placaa of worship in Naw York Ulty , 3 The nnnual Unlversaliat i/eneral convention rill be hold in tha Church of Our Father , Irooklyn , opanmg on tha 21st of October , .ho Kiv. Dr. Tomllnton will preach the poumg sermon. JMr. Tnlmage has returned from Europe , nd has had n grand reception by the mem. iera of his congregation , a reception In which lenry Ward Bsecher took part and Bharod be nppUuso of the audience with thereturned ui tor , The Presbyterian church at Washington ourt homo , Ohio , Is the first to ask , through is pastor , tha K v , 8. U. Anderson , for aid mm sister churches to rebuild Its own edifice , 'he Method Ut church was the only one not ernohshed by tha cycluuo , and the roof of bat was damaged conilderably , A Buddhist temple which will cost J3.0CO , . DO is being built In Kioto , Japan , It Is eaitl nat moro than a ton of lar a ropes , made of iicir own hair , contributed by tha women of apan , will bo uiod to haul the timherg for le temple to their places. This temple h tea a n Mecca for tha faithful all oyor the oiuplre , The Methodlsta of Northern Ohio , in con- Teuco at Berea , tried to pane a reaolution to IB effect that no Methodlat preacher occupy ig the pattorsl relation shall become a oiu Idato fur political tUbe. The effort fulled f four votea. But the conference auoceeded putting itielf on record pulitloully. It is < ed a resolution drcUring itielf nut ro- lonnbla for the political viowd and nlliancsi any of its members. The conference light have spared Itself this effort , for it luld not In any way become roiiionmbla f > r lese thing * tuna it cauld dtctvtu where it * euibura thould buy tholr clothing or thuir ucerlet. Many a victim to Urlght'a U'icaao ' has > eu restored to aouad health by Hunv'a jmedy. Utmt'o Remedy Is not a new coin , mud ; It has been before the public irty years. Hani's Ilemedy purifies the blood by fisting the kidneys to cany oil au ipurltles , Take ail in all , Take all the Kidneys nnd Liver * " Modlcio * Take all the Blood purifiers. T ko all the Khoumtvtio romedtes , Take all the Dytpopala and Indigo * * ' tlon cures * Take all the Agno.Fover , andbllllooj BpOClllM , Take nil the Brain and Nerve foreft revive * , Take all the Great health restorers. In short , take all the beat qnnlltins ot all those nnd the best Qualities of all the boat moJtlelini in the world and you will find that Hop Bitten have the best cnratlvo quail * tlos and powers of all concontratoJ la thorn , And that they will euro when any o * all of these , alnglo or oomblnod. Fallll A thorough trial will glvo pojltlva proof of this. Hardened. Liver. Five yo ra ago I broke down with kidney - noy and llvor compUln and thonnntlsm * Slnco then 1 have bcon unable to ba about at all. My llvor bcoiino hard Ilka wood ; my limbs were pnffcd up and filled with water. , All the best physicians agreed that nothing could euro mo. I resolved to try Hop Blttora : I have used seven bet * tics ; the harduocs has all gene from my llvur , the swelling from my limbs nnd It has worked a mlraclo in my caao ; other wleo I would have bconjiow in my ( jrave. . J. W. MOKEY. Buffalo , October 1,1881. Poverty and Suffering. "I waj drufuccl down wilh tlobt , poverty &adiut forlntrfor jcna , oauiodby n stole ( amllv nd Urge bills lordootorlnp. I wu oimplattly dl courapoil ; , until onoyoarwro , hr the ahlco of ni ) ) > i3tor , I cnrnmanocdujlne tlop lilttcre , anil In ona month wo were all troll , and none ol htv\o9teii nslckdiyBlnco , and I waul tos&y to all poor men , you cin keep your Uralllos well a yoai with nop Dlttorj for loss than ono dootor'a visit will coat. 1 know It. A. WorUlnpnan. Proeccuto the Swlnuloralll If when you cnll for Hop Bittcra ( BOO clnntor of Hops on the white litbol ) tno drn T gtet hands out any stuff called 0. D. Wnruor'o Gormnn Hop Bitten or with other "Hop" nnmo , refuse it nnd shun that dm glst as you would a viper ; and it ho bnntnken your m-jnoy for the Btuff , Indict him for tha fraud and tma him for damages fortho BwiuJIo , nh'd wa wil reward you libornllv for the aonviatlon. ' This In\alunb1e epcalfla rc-ullly and ormnncnbl cures til kinds of Asthma. Tbo moat orntlnata an loog standing cagog field promptly to Ita wondorfrt curing pioportlcs. It la koown throughout the vrorid for Ita unrivilcd cQlcooy. > , J U OALDWEIjTj , city Lincoln , Hob. ; writes. Jag 25,1831 Hirjo uslnRPt. HMr'a Aethina care , fO moro than ono year , vnj wlfo has been entirely well , and not oven n symptom ot the dlscaao has appeared. WILLIAM DKNNBrlT , IllchlaiiJ , Iowa , wrlt aNoV. d. 1SS3. I hare been affllotod with Uay Fovar and Aethma since 1859. I followed your directions and am happy to lay that I never elcpt hotter In lay life. I am glad that I am amone the many who canepeak eo favorably of your loinodlca. A valuable 84 page treatlaocontainingel from every State In the U. S , Canada andlQrMi Britain ; will bo mailed npon application. | tiv , ny JruRglBt not hiving It in stock will procured , ' czcrefltpptlngoocf'inte.rp , D wnitl tnrr WOTlH. turt IfJIprr-U. . X'l"fuiC" ' , 1 tTtt BQl Acu . .n n < tt I ] > lc tlTI Orchil. A < ew dnp , | inurt > irlle lumajcr tUtiln. Try U 'r cr Jrprcbl far . r. . n. R , SOLE AOKKT , y. r. What is t Caaforla la Dr. ( .amuel Pltchcr.a prescrlptl { lufanfa cnd Children. Its purpose Ia lo rffiula.lo'ttn stomaobaar.il bonclj. It docs tliULy thoroughly lEslmllatlri ; tlio fooj , preventing colic and oonitlpi. Lion , and keeping open tbo pcrpi cf the ekln. Thla a ccccsjary. Nearly one quarter of our children dlfl before they are flftecn. Nature did not a > Intend It Inif refer food and neglect of bulling make most aO hllJren tick at tlmca. They mutt have rtlttf from jymptonrs Indicated by lljlulonoy , romltlng purfilnjf * lovers nnd constipation. The formula of Caitorli la iiibllehed. Liberal phyalcUni overjwhere now agros b > t It 1'1 accomrllih thla ond. Castorla li harnv > O3lt ; dots not conUIn apirtlolo of morphine ot ither nircotlo subitinso. Paregoric , IHtemin'fl Jrops , soothing BJ nips nnd all ether mcjlelofirfoi lUIIaren , conUIn opium In eomo form. CiBtorlah * * lOtin in mo over thirty jearj and during that lmo 11 B carried liopainto moro homes , pro on ted more irotrocted slckncaiisand reduced thoapalllof death ate n tic UK Infanti and chlUrcn to a grettcr extent htn all oilier liaovin rumedloi. I'rrmiitnr' Tlrrllno fromprroriorexrcwa. iONt I'owri aiicaien of tlio Klilnrr" . Hind- cr. nirt 1-roHiiito ( jlnnil ( 'IJRIJII itlllmut Htoinnrh Mcdidnca by tlin MnrMon llolim. Vo > rlraculucuriilxMiliout9Urt ; ( > ry.'J'rcatlMnnd tlmonlnlKiri'i * . Allrorrotipondoiirncniiilil MAB8TOW EEMEDYOO. . or Bit. A PERFECT SHOE Oun pnooucTioHs RCpntecNTTHe PriirtCTioH or SHOE. MAKING. IN THEM EVERY ODJCCTION rouno IN READY-MADE OHOCO IB REMOVED , THE SUCCESS AT ONCE ATTAINED HY OUR GOODS WHEREVEH INTRODUCED r IB OWING TO THE TACT THATTHCY ARC CLOVE. riTTINO , ELEGANT It ) OTVLC ANDnNIBH.OrTHCriNESTMATCRIALa AND WORKMANSHIP , AND MODCRATC IN pfllCC. THE HORRORS or PREAKINO.IN ARC AVOIDED : THEY ARE COMFORTADLC fROMTHE VERY FIHOT. We MAKE is SUES I IN 14 WIDTHS ! AND G CHAPES Or TOCO AND HEEL8. Look for eur ffaute ant fit Solti. J. & T. COUBI2STS , YOitic. J , W. MARSHALL , fe " 1EAL ESTATE ICOb Farnsm SUoet , Omaha , Xeb. Office , 2nd Floor , r i 1