Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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DAli-y BEE ,
, , OKfirnNo. OH A\n 010 FAICJAM Rx.
VOIIK OrncK , Hafts. C5 TIUDONK Uuau
- > ii 1-TiM rv insrr R , except Sun Jiy.
n'l , JlOT .y morning * 01y ruhluhed Intho state.
m n r.r MAIL.
, .T.r . fw.01 1 Tlirea Months . 8210
jftll"th . D.OOIOno Jlonth. . . . . . . 1.00
i * \Vcckly \ Bw.FublwliMl every WcdncsJny
fi with f rfmlnm . . . . . . . . . . ? 5 CO
tpr.'mltmi . l 2S
nut | itoniium . v. . . J"
. 10
ill Coirni nlcatlotn r&la
dJroia l to tlio EDITOR or Tim
< n nuMr.css Tjcttorg nml IttmltUficcs ihonM be
flfto Tim Hun runuimxn COMPACT , OMAIU.
Ohnk * Mid I'-st olllcoor cr to bo nude ply.
ttio ord' r c' ' the company.
A. IT. 1'itcli , Manager Daily Circulation ,
Dtmhft , Ni'biaska. _ _
The early edition o ! the morning
BEG , which la oent oat on the Union
Pacific freight train at 2 o'clock ' , will ho
dlicintlnnod after to-day , nnd hereafter
Ao lubscrlberi Trill ba supplied with the 4
a , m , edition by the regular msll train.
Thoeatly edition wns necessarily an imper
fect paper , nnd did not give nutisfactlon.
The complete paper , publlahod at ! a.
D. , will contain all the nowa up to the
boar of going to press , and wo are euro
onr patrons will bo batter satisfied with
It than with the frolght train edition.
BY the way , what has become of that
other bridge company ?
As between Davtnpott and Hill the
tow York mugwumps will vote for the
KEEP It before tha country that Omaha
will have a population of 100,000 bo-
fora 18QO. _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ .
Tun nomination of ilill meana the olec-
, tlon of Davenport for governor of
i No IT York.
MK. HounAOH ahonld not bo dlscour-
lagcd. There Is room for h's brldgo and
f several others.
ROSWELL P. FLOWEK. haa blossomed
I out in the aooond place on Iho Now York
fslatis deinr critic ticket.
WK hope cut looil contemporaries will
I cease quarrallng aboat tholr circulations.
j They are not worth talking about.
, SAM TILDEN gets up at 7 o. m. , and
t aomo people call him an oirly bird. Wo
' notice , however , that the worm la ntill at
THE republican nominee for governor
of Now York may h vo up-HIll work ,
but aa ha la a good cllmbor ho ia liable to
get on top.
IT la generally conceded that the re
' publicans of Now York have nominated a
very strong ticket , and that the proapecta
[ for victory are very bright.
DAVIB B. HILL'S nomination 'for gover
nor of Now York by the domoarata w
not by any means unexoactod. Ho had
the machlno In his hands aid he knew now
to work It.
"FonPHtchottand Harmony" is the
1 heading of an article In the Herald.
i The democrats of Nebraska hava hoard
of Prltohott , but they don't know any
thing about Harmony.
THE proof of the pudding Is In the
i oatlng. When the the work on that
new Union Pacific brldgo la actually Jbc-
; gun people will then believe that the
\ company moans business.
A BTitAidUT-ODT prohibition ticket
haa been put In the field in Iowa. It
Is not very strong , but then wo ought
not to oxpeot ranoh from .people whenever
never take anything but water.
Emiv limo Sam Oux retires from the
presence of the sultan he walks 'b ' cK-
I ward and males three reverential bows
V or rather tomortanlU. Thia.ia . Turkish ,
1 yon know. When Sonnet returns to his
I native Hand ho will be known aa Bomor-
li tault Ocx. t >
THE democratic ticket of Now VYork.ia .
yomamontod with A big eun 'Flower ,
( whoaa firat n mo ii Koawell P. Thla ex-
ioandidato for the presidential nomination ,
f like a crab , goosbaokwird , and ia eatisQod
i with the nomlaation for llontonant gov-
jornor. Ho is known to pasioaa a large
ml , but whether Ita dimentiona are
? tqnal to hla boundless Itchlog for ofilto
Iremalns to bo eoon. Ono thing Is car-
Italn.and that la that Hill aud Rlovror
pake a pair which the average mug-
Jrnmp will not o ro to draw to In the gtmo
TO politick poker. They are ranked
Winply Jua a p lr of deucos.
tdmlnlatratloa h evidently ran-
fnlng a mUfit concern. StUl another ob-
[ jecttonabU nppointeo ( s foand In the per-
on of Karens Elsnlon , ocitor of the
Mmcrfcan J'roicctlonistt who has boon
: j given a place in Now York as apodal
pgent wlthaaiUry of 6(5,00 ( a day. In
Ltho days'of the high t i on whiakey he
a dlaiillery which vne In vary bad
repute with tbe revenue cfllcert , with
| whom ho had eovral nnpleuanteneoont-
During Tocd'u momortblo rnlo ha
| ai one of tbo OUJIMU euppo.'tAta of tha
| ) rrapt bus and'ufor ( Tweod' jnothodi
re expoasd ho w 8 A ni'mbof f tbe
iramUteo whloh called on T eod tn Ra '
; ; ro him of tholr continued oinGdooof.
Ill thh would ooaut for nothing , but
e chtrgo th t h-j la an oiftuslro p rt | .
i in that he aselstad BUI no by editing
broteotlon plper , Is Jlublo to upiot Wo
There have been several rings In Omaha
whlth have conspired to build up Iho city
altogether too f tt to suit iho mtssbjcks.
The Douglns slrcet ring has succeeded in
improving that thoroughfare with numer
ous largo buildicgi , amonp ; them the
Mlllard hotel , the Arcade , Oroighton
' Bad others.
sleek , Falconer's building ,
There Is alas the Thirteenth street ring
which erected the Omaha National bank ,
the Cunningham , Lorenzon , and Man
ning blocks , the H&lnos five- tory buildIng -
Ing , and others , This tame ring has
paved the street nnd extended the street
railway tc Hascall's park. Then wo have
the Fifteenth street ring , with Paxton at
the head , and Wlthnoll nnd the Barkers ,
and others , bringing up the procession.
The Hrrney s.reot ring is also very active
this season. But the most dangerous
ring Is the Fnrnntn strcot ring , whloh ex.
pandcd n quarter of a million on the
Paxton hotel , $125,000 on Boyd's opsra
house , tqnandorod 9200,000 on the court
homo , and threatens to throw nway
$300,000 moro on a clly hall and n cham
ber of commerce. No wonder that the
mossbaoks nnd the growlers fool very
sad nnd dejected over the prospect. It
Is diabolical , wo oonfois , for thc&o rlngn
to keep on conspiring against the peace
and comfoit of the dog-ln-tho-tnangor
element. These rings must go right on
with thotr work.
The Cleveland strike lus terminated
In favor of the worklngmou after ono of
the most dcaporato lockouts over known
In this country. About 1,200 workingmen -
mon have stood out jigalnst a reduction
of wages for noor'y the entire uurnmor
Bcaion. The rolling-mill managers re-
fosod from the outaot to make any con.
cessions , preferring to have their mills re
main Idle rather than pay living wages. In
the bitter strife that followed thcro have
boon deeds of violence and bloodshed ,
and destitution and auffflrlnR. It was a
terrlblo ordeal for the men engaged in
the strike , and the damage Inflicted upon
the rolling-mill proprietors cannot bo ct-
tlmatod. During the last month
largo numbers of worklngmcn were
brought to Cleveland to take the
phco of the strikers , but In nearly every
ciao thesa mon refused to remain In the
mills moro than a day.
At last the mill owners h vo yielded
and reinstated the worklngmen at their
old wagea. This la rt great victory for
labor , but Ii was won at great coat. Had
the mill ownera submitted to arbitration ,
they would have saved themselves from
a harrasalng and cosily war with their
omployea. Tiny would have raved the
city of Cleveland from turbulonca and
business depression , and the worklngmcn
would hava been muoh moro likely to
feel an Interoit in the welfare and pros
perity of their employers. These labor
troubles have been mainly responsible
for the depression end stagnation of busi
ness in northern Ohio. It is n fo to eay
that the sum of 825,000 a day , or about
$600,000 a month , hss bsen withdrawn
fromcirculatlon la Cleveland alone duting
all this tlmo. The loss that has baon in
flicted upon the worklngmon , upon the
mill owners and upon the city will run
Into the millions.
THE American bell telephone company
makes the charge that Attorney-General
Garland , Senator Harris , of Tennessee ,
and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston , commis
sioner of rallroadsar8 largo stockholders
In rival telephone companies , at whose
instance the suit to test the validity of
the Bell patent haa been instituted. In
asmuch as the permission to bring the
suit in the name of the United States
was granted by the department of jat-
tlca , it certainly does not look very well
for the attorney-general to ba Interested
In telephone stock jnat at this tlmo.
Nevertheless the people wonld like to
BOO the telephone monopoly smashed.
THE now chamber of commerce In
Denver , which waa formally opened on
last Tuesday , haa a membership of over
400 , which Includes ' not only .jobbers
and manufacturers , but profenalonals.
Omaha has not only a larger population
than Denver to-day , but she his many
moro merchants and manufacturers. Yet
the Omaha board of trade has a member-
ohlp of lea ) than 150. If the member
ship was doubled , the board of trade
could raise very nearly $20,000 from
membership Boats , and the new clumber
of commerce could bo built without anymore
moro dolay.
GAIT. FAUNOITOKTII , who has been
promoted to bo assistant Inepjctor-Ron-
eral of the army , Is the son of Adjutant.
General Farnawortb , of Now York , but
bo did not owe his appointment to this
fact alone , although it no doubt bore con
siderable weight with'tha president. Ho
Ja known as a fighting man who fa always
with bla mon and bb record Is a brilliant
one. Ha la now nlUi hls-troqpa hunting
Apaches ou the Arizona border. Wo are
glad to see fighting men got to the
CLOU-B'H manifesto that "warrior
won't work , that only equa vs sliotilt
work , and that the whtto man ahoulc
rslsj crops and hogs for the Indians , '
leads the Boston llcoord to remark thai
tha old loafer shcu'.d bo furnlihed with a
plainly ombrolderod perforated boird ,
bearing the appropriate words : "Root ,
bog or ' c
THE B ( Tatars and Vuitlo wera overdue of
t Washington yeiterday. They hive „
lot : bfen heard from since they "tailed >
'ran Key Wcs . As they have on bo id 01
In diver It ba ' '
$10,400,000 nuy autpeoted
bit they have fallen Into the hand * of
tt ;
oEsjolatlon of Salem
TUB anti-bribery re
aunty , N. iF.i h.u deciiei tooil'dr a lurcp rem
reward of $300 , Inatead of dividing It Into
small amounts , for evidence that will eo-
cure a conviction for bribery In the com
ing election.
IT Is estimated in San Francisco that
of the 0,800 Chinamen who h&vo landed
there this year 0,850 remain , in spite of
the fact that nine-tenths o ! them are la
borers , excluded by the restriction act ,
OMAHA Is juat twho the slzo of Des
Molnoa , the largest city In Iowa. Ac *
cording to an enumeration jnat taken ,
the population ot Dos Atolnos IB 32,469 ,
an Increase of 10.C01 eluco 1880.
The political campaign In England haa
norr reached n stigo of Intense excite
ment and activity. Mr. Gladstone's
manifesto hat cryatall'zad ' the istuoi on
which the campaign Is to to fought out ,
and unified the watrlng factloni of hi *
own party. Aa nearly every liberal pol
itician on the stump hai boon tolling a
different ntcry there was danger of complete -
ploto anarchy among the liberals , Glad-
stono'd position on tha leading ques
tions hai reassured the timid who fear
Ohamborlalu'd radicalism , and at the
same tlmo satisfied tbo radicals that the
ex-premlo : doca noi moan t ) take a
si op backward ,
Hia admissions that the disestablish
ment of the church h In the air , and
that'tho house of lords mustba reformed ,
are malnl/ Important as showing the
ripld advances which radicalism haa
made within the last five years , for it is
not prolablo tint either of thaso
questions will bo taken up dur
ing tbo coming parliament , It
will most likely take tin whole of Its
existence to find out whit the norr voters
think about those and other great changes ,
and until then both mlnlstorj and private
members will bo chary of touching them
with a firm hand. The proposal that
there should , in reforming the house of
lords , be some recognition of "tho prin
ciple of birth" is probibly a tort ot form -
m , llty put In for the benefit of the mon
archy , which la based on this principle ,
and which can hardly oxltt In its present
form after the principle haa lost nil hold
on the minds of Englishmen. That It
still haa great strength In the English
counties there Is no denying. Among
the f aimer a tbo fact that a man la hla
father's son still constitutes a powerful
and sometimes overwhelming claim to
public oflico , but that it will long survive
tbo pressure of the democratlo tide flow
ing out from the great towns , it la usolo's
to expect.
To the ElmpllGcitlon of the transfer of
land , and to a compulsory registration of
titles , such aa exists here , the liberal
party haa long been pledged. Ths aame
thing may bo said of the abolition of en-
tall , oven in its pros'cnt modified form ,
and of primogeniture , which In the ab
sence of the power of entail wonld have
llttlo Importance. The low rate of taxa
tion on land Is a real grievance which will
probably now disappear. What Mr.
G adstono refers to in the pbraso "taxa
tion after the death of tha holder , " which
mry possibly ba our correspondent's ren
dering of his meaning , Is the exemption
of the land from the succession duty.
There Is In England a heavy direct tax ,
running from 10 per cent nown , according
to the relationship of a legatee to a tes t&tor ,
on all personal property transmitted by
will or inheritance. From this land Is
totally exempt. So that cases occur
every day in which the recipient of a
$100,000 legacy in consols or cash is
compelled to pay $10,000 into the treas
ury , whi'o ' hla next door neighbor , com
ing In the aamo way Into possession of a
lauded estate worth say $200,000 , does
not p y ono cent. This Inequality ia
sure now to bo promptly redreeaod.
The address , which undoubtedly fur
nishes "the keynote of the campaign" to
all the liberal constituencies , is probably
moro valuable as a means of healing dis
sension and restoring order in the ranks ,
than as a political programme. It will
put an end at once to the notion that
there la anything to bo feared from the
"Whig wlug. "
The political campaign in England
turns almoat wholly on the Irlah ques
tion. Afghaulatan.tho Soudan.Ejypt and
nearly all other subjects of political con
troversy are overshadowed by tbe ono
leano of the unity of the British empire.
The liberals have got the decided start of
tholr opponents In their vigorous opposi
tion to the Par neil programmo , and the
indications are abundant that they will
maintain the advantage to the end of the
campaign. While Parnoll honats that ho
will have not less than eighty homo rul
ers In the next house the liberals make
use of tholr boast to consolidate the op
position to him In England and Scotland.
Tne torlcs are at the same tlmo handi
capped and distressed in the contest by
their position of half-neutrality toward
the Irlah party. By the frankness with
which Parnoll haa defined his programme
ho has succeeded In developing the feet
that there ) s an overwhelming sentiment
of hostility hi England to any measuio
for relaxing thu bonds of political
union with Jreland. Mr. Par
nell appears to bo wierr than most of the
other Irlah leaden ! of the present or pist
generations. The claim that the Irish
destitution Is due to mlaeovornment by
England haa nowhere mora solid founda
tion to rest upon than In respect to the
( uflaauco of British legislation upon Irlah
manufacturers. It la easy to allow that
tbo English policy Las been ono of free
trade for Grout Britain , but'of protection
against Ireland , and that protection hat
bjeu BO effective that it has in fact dos-
truyod many branches of Irlah Industry.
Inconaeqnenco oftho destruction of
manufactures , the Irish people have been .
compelled to devote an excessive prouor-
tlon of their labor and enterprise to agri
culture , have become unduly dependent
upon the auoceia of cropc and tbe condi
tion of foreign markets for agricultural
products , and thui their Industrial and
economic condition has bwm steadily ren
dered moro unwholesome for o long
time. la ihort , free trade ( or Great
Britain hu meant ruin fur trelaud.
The polbe of London have nude an
other of their customary blunders In
broiHog up a qnletlf-condnotud meeting
socialists 4u the .EM End. There
was no excuse for their action ; the peo- <
ilo wera assembled qulstly , vrlthouc arma
if Any kind , to dlacuu social problems
and , perhaps , to prepare * n address for
bo coming eloclJonr. Thorn waa no
Janger to the peace threatened , no eog-
estlons of unUtrf nl Intention , Ytit , at
ba bahestofaomestupidofliolal , tha police ,
aided them , using disgraceful violence as a
eply to peaoaful protest. That pattloalar >
uoottng was broken up , bat tbo cu.r.'ge ,
aa such ontnges always will do among
froa people , haa aroused a spirit of anger
that will strengthen the hands of the antl-
ftrlstocrnts beyond anything which haa
occmred In recent years , A similar at
tack on a peaceful meeting with a regi
ment of yeomanry cavalry at Manchester
sixty years ago , whloh wont Into history
under the name of "tho massacre of Pe-
tcrloo , " did moro to CDtnpel the pissagi
of the Catholic emancipation aat and the
first reform bill than all the arguments of
the friends of the two measures , and this
later outrage is likely to have a similar
effect on the existence of the hereditary
legislative chamber of the country. Ita
Immediate effect , however , will bo to
opau the eyes of the norrly enfranchised
voters to the hollownusi of the protonae
of the present tory government to pol
itical liberalism. This was coon , when
it was sncgoatcd to him , by the homo
secretary , and ho at once proceeded
anxiously to disavoir any responsibility
for tbo police raid , a blunder al
most as great aa the raid itself ,
for no ono will bollovo him.
But auch folly has always bean chano-
torls'io of the torlon , as a wholf , whoso
party consists of email headed men ,
with eomotlmos a big and unscrupulous
brain , such as Disraeli's , to govern them.
It reminds one of the alory of the Lon
don hatter who kept the principal eizos
of hood covering In stock , the smallest
for footmen , the next In stzi for tory
aUtr.amon , and the out s'zea for liberals.
Sillsbury'a homa secretary would proba
bly bo well fitted with the footman's
It la reported from London that the
mtealon of Sir Henry Wolff to Oouatantl-
joplo has failed. This waj evident from
the outsat. The sultan la tired of hear
ing the cant phrasing about English
assistance In governing Egypt. Ho
knows the length and breadth aud true
Inwardness of that talk. Ho would llkii
tbo old tuzsralnty over Egypt , but Wolff ,
of course , dared not promlau anything cf
tbat kind. Eoghnd has no notion of
scuttling out of E ypt proper , and she
will not do to , oven to gain a Turkish
allianca which wonld plug Russia up in
tbo Black sea in case of war. Besides ,
Ulcmtrck might oppose tuch an alliance.
The talk of Turkish occupation of Egypt
la absurd. The Ottoman Turks are thor
oughly detested in Egypt.
The first reports of the Roumollan
revolution.w6ro to the effect that throu
of the great continental European potrera
at least tacitly acquiesced in it. Liter
reports , however , ludlcatothat it la doubt
ful whether it will meet with the approba
tion of any of them , except posiibly Rua
sia. S.ill , oven this may bo a matter of
doubt. It ia a mistake to euppoco th&t
Ratoia dyelrcd the creation of a strong
state north and south of and including thu
Bjlknn mountains. On the contrary , the
idea of Rnjala was the creation of a group
of small at ties , not sufficiently powerful to
stand In the way of any f uturo military
movements aho might propose to take
In the direction of the control of the en
tire Balkan penlnenlar , Including Con
stantinople. For this reason , at Berlin
Russia stoutly opposed the proposition to
glvo Rouaitnla the virtual control of But-
gatla , and so permanently alienated her
late ally who had done such excellent
aarvlce at Plevna and other atragotic
points during the war.
Already Germany begins to exhibit her
disapproval of the revolution , while Eng
land , Austria and Franco are yet to bo
heard from. Should England and Goi-
maoy declare against Prlnca Alexander's
coup d'etat , the whole affair may bo con
sidered "off. "
While It , Is true that the treaty of
Berlin , signed July 13 , 1878 , has been
violated by the unification of Bulgaria
and Etatern Roumslii , there is a very
significant hesitancy on the part of the
signatories of that instrument to main
tain its integrity ; while the sultan him
self , whoso rights have been distinctly
ignored , is In a quandary. The fact ia ,
none of the powers desires to reopen
the eastern question in this quarter , and
the sultan knows very well from past
experience that if ho orders out hia
troopi against the Bulgarians , ho will
have not only Bulgarians to fight , but
Servians , Bosnians , Hcrzegovluese ,
Albanians , and a large admixture of
Russians also , with tha prospect of lot-
Ing the forr remaining provinces ho has
on the Balkan peninsula.
Ono of Bismarck's organs hss been per
mitted to say that the story about Ger
many having a covetous eye on Cuba i * a
fable , aud to ridicule tha idea of the
permanent annexation of Cuba to Ger
many. The absurdity of the suggestion
struck many people on this aide of the
Atlantic when first made. And it may
aa well be understood that the utmost
power of this nation will bo exerted to
prevent cither the temporary or perma
nent occupation of Cuba by Germany or
any other power. In peace or war. We
are not superlatively strong in ironclads
and things of that sort jaat now , but in
case of danger meana would bo found to
put Americans enough on guard in Cuba
to make any thought of the Island's occu
pation by forces from Enropo aa ridicu
lous as the idea of permanent annexation.
lion. John A , ICaiaon will onpaRo in liter
ary work ia Washington this winter.
Senator Dolph of Oregon has bpan Ia Alaska
all summer on a congressional investigation ,
of course.
Eugene Schuyler , the distinguished diplo
mat , la uiiifRKod to deliver o oouraa of lectures
before Cornell university this npring.
Sam Randall Walks on Chestnut stieot ,
Philadelphia , with one head carrloil under hs !
waistcoat , It Ia badly swollen with gout.
Cougreasmtn Warner cilia each day upon
the preiident , Secretary Manoin ? nnd Mr.
Jordan , nnd bores them to death about silver.
Sam W. Hraall , ( "Old Ex , " of tha Atlanta
Constitution ) , recently preached at Atlanta.
Ha was converted through Sam Jones' preach-
Senator Merrill ia in Washing ton. Ho
generally stays at homo , And his home ii In
tha capital city , though ka lepteaents Ver
lloscqa Conkllng was lU9 tnost conspicuous
figure ia tbe crowd of passoDcorH en the
.Utrurln'rf deck whoa aho got into Now York
luat Sunday , *
Tbe venerable ex-Senator Tlmrman has
consented to help Ifoidlj on the stump in
Ohio , nud ho will fpoalc nnd wave hia red
baudauua iu Toledo , October t.
Hon. 1m Davenport.
Tha gubernatorial nominee of the Now
York republican state convention , lion.
Ira Davenport , was born in Hornellsvllle ,
Juno 28 , 18-11. Bia father was Col. Ira .
Davenport , the founder aud endower of
the Davenport homo for orphan girls.
He wag educated at Hnverling acauemy
in Bath , and at Dr. Ruasel's collegiate
school iu Naw Havdn. In 1870 be waa
ctlvo in the prospect for a toldirra *
iiornn , tu which be contributed $5,000 ,
In 1877 he was elected atato senator ever
Georga B. Bradley by a plurality of
1,701 , Two years prnvioualy Mr. Brad.
Icy had received 2,570 plurality. In
1870 he waa ro elected by a plurality of
5,778 In 1881 the aUta convention
nominated him for controller. He led all
thur candidates on the republican
itato ticket , rooming 13,084 innjorl-
ly. Last year Mr. Davenport waa
elected to congress from the dla
ttlct composed of Stcnben , Ytra and
Dntarlo by a plurality cf 3,010 Blalnr ,
In tbo s\me oountifc , had 2,094. Mr.
Davenport la a bachelor , Hla father
intdo a fottuno In the settlement of
southern Now York , and founded one ot
thoio wealthy and It flaenllal families
wbich play so considerable a pirt Iu the
life of the athto , The money which the
older Davenport made ia eelllne grocer
lea andsbipplnu produce down the Tloga
and Sasqnchanna was Invested in Iowa
lands , on which a city named alter him
now alauds. The money lt > ft by the
father has been Increased by the cnnserv
atlve Investments of the eon , who haa
founded an orphan ngylnm , endowed a
soldier * ' home , nnd came to bo known aa
n liberal , clear-headed public citizen.
His education never wont beyond the
Goodrith grammar-school in Now Haven
Ois winters bvo been for aomo tlmo
spent In Now York city.
Iiullntt Summer.
She wavctli n royal tcepter
O'er vnilry nnd glndo nnd weld ;
Iler tread is the troaJ of a monarch ,
Her ralmontu purple nud gold ;
The pllnt of the aummor sunset
In medied iu her floating hair ,
And n tunic uf mlit-wronthod sliver
12michea her bosom f .ir.
A vetturo of scarlet splendor
She drops on the maploa high ,
And clothes the doizwood nud sumac
Iu fabric ot lihstorn dye ,
She auiilea on the woodlnnd niters
Till they burst Into purple bloom ,
And wnvp lilto n royal banner
The goldoa lod'a 3 ellow pluino ,
She reddens the clinging Ivy
And deepens the cornfield' gold ;
Bursts open the podded milkweed.
Bids thu trumpet blostom unfold.
Sim mellows thu nutunm vintage.
And purples tbo cluitotcd vine ,
Atul with lips like damask roses
Klio tastes of the ruddy wine.
But the languorous f pell of her beauty
Grows fainter nud fainter still ,
And the print of her eandulod footstep
le patting from \no to hill ;
Aud tha mist-wreath that floated arounc
her ,
KnBhroudlrR her bocom fair ,
linn faded away with tlui sunlight
That glinted her golden hair.
The innplea him lost their ccarlet
And tha dogwouda their ctlmson dye ,
And the poldou-rod'a yellow b.tnnors
All pallid and faded lie.
Tne glow of tha royal purple
Ifcu fled from the mist-wreathed dawn
And thn tropied Qaetn of the Forest ,
1'ho ludinn Summer , ia gone ,
[ Helen Whitney Clark in Domoroat's.
Lawrence Barrett u i uuon in Denver this
Tbe Boston Ideila beciu their soason'd worl
in Nuw Haven ou Oct. C.
Sydney Rosenfold is meeting with succor
In his second "Mikado" venture.
Maud Miller , ) oungest daughter of Joaquin
Miller , will play in McCormack'u " 40" com
Misa Ella llusaell , nyrung American , has
been singing with gieat nucc:3j at Kroll'
garden , Benin.
A eon of Wnchte ! Ia to bo in the Thalia
company this season , and a sou of Salvini ia in
the Fanny Davenport support.
Maurice Grju has contracted to pay Sara
Bdrntuirdt $403 a performauca during her
coming yoar'd tour of America.
A report cornea from PitUburg that the
"Silver King" combination was laid to reat in
thut city duting the past week.
W. T. Carlton haa organized a auparb com
pany to play the "Tho mikado" and "
nou , " and will begin hid tour October Gib.
Mmo. Mod jet lea brought over sixty-five
pieces of bnncagu in thu Aurania , and had to
take oath to $2uOGO worth of wardrobe ,
The subject ot "Icona. " the play written
for Mies Mary Anderson , in said to ba an en
tirely original oue , not nitherto treated ou
thn fltago.
Miea Van Zindt baa baon engaged to ap
pear in opera at Moscow durln ? the coming
winter. She will leceiye 100 fur each per
formance ,
A count of 290 companies at work nmuaing
, ho American public , matlu laat week , shows
, ,01 dramatic , 2U variety , 34 musical , 14 rnln-
"tiel , uud 12 circus.
a M'BB Florence St. John , the great English
comic opera priina dona , hna signed u con
tract with Uudol ph Aronsoti to appear at the
Casino next season ,
Sir Salvini will loive Havro on the B to sin
ahlp Normandie Oat. 4 , It is reported by hia
agent Chizzoh , that he has completed his
studies of "Cotiolnnus , "
Joe Jefferson has extf H'lod bis season BO tha
it now covers sixteen weeks , ten of which wll
bo played before the winter holidays , and tht
other six in the early spring.
The new Grand opera housoSt. Louts , wlilcl
occupieD tha site of the old theatar destroyed
by hro ' a year ago , waa opoued latt Monday to
an i'mmenco audience , Kith Nat Gojdwin nu
the star.
Mile. Aimoa returned from Kuropo last
WeJnesday , nnd , after embraclni
her manngur , Mituiiua Grau , at tbo atuamer'
dock , "zttc only in za lugleesh Inngwltch vill'
play ngiiu. "
L Italy in a music hMl at Sin Jose , Gal. , nf-
tor the shore skirted b illat lady had warblec
"Would I weron Bird"great excltomout wn
craated by u stalwart miner In tliu audioLC
"Would I . "
eiugiug were a RIID.
W , J. Florunca has takan for rending i
three ajt co < nedy called "Mlstnkon IduuUty'
from ttio pen'of Alariui do Luzare , 'i'lio prin
cipal characters ro said to be admirably
suited tu tha acting of both himself nnd Mra ,
Florocco ,
Two American girlanro to maltn tlirlr dubu
DPxtaeaBnu under the care of Alllo Nevada
Nellie Everest , of Philcdelphia , nnd Mh
Johnson , of Waliiuctton. Both have been
studying for yearn in Italy , nud are said to b
gifted with good voicea.
Civil authorities ia Wefmer , the homo o
Liszt , have declared war ou pianoforte piny
ing by issuing the following notice : "First I
prohibited ot play thu plauo in a room will
the windows open ; eeujnd , any ono who wishe
to glvo a private concert muot fir it pay a tax
of tifty marks. "
The Mii-BBs Green , of Atlanta , ladles o
litarnry nod urthtiu culture , are making a col
lojticn of negro aonga and seltlcg them to
music. The musio ia composed an the songs
atiug by old-fashioned darkles , and will per-
petunto nccurntoly the strange nnd woln
melody of tbo old plnntatiou.
During the New York season Judlcwlll ap
pear In "Mlla. Nitouehe. " "Lib , " "La Kenimo
u Papa1 "Niulohe , " "L Hiosaotte , " "La
" "Le Chnrbouieri " "Uivoroons "
Cojaqiio , , ,
nud "Lo Grand Oaalmlr. " With the excep
tion of the last two plays , nil these pieces
hneo been written expressly for Mine Judlo ,
und liave never been performed In America ,
Thewo8torn penitentiary of Ptnniylvanl
hai tbe biggest orchestra in the world ana ia
said to bo the only inatltntionot the kiad thai
ullows convlsta to cultivate minio Erery
eveniug MtO o'clock after nil th inmatei Jiavo
been loclied In their cells , a signal ia givou
and the tooting beeini. There ure all sorts ol
insttumenta nnd playera of all degreoi nnd
orou'cienoy , No two of the playen can sac
ouch other. Sometimes 3 0 performers will
Mom to ba piny Ing m many different tune )
t once and ugain by common consent a
.imaller number uf good players will bt al
lowed t execute Boms pi ca without iate- :
rupllon from the reit. Tue opening of tha
concert ill Hair ) to resemble the howling of a
whole menagerie in a Uorm , yet tha oaavicta
lee V forward to it with eager anticipation all
day long ,
Nervoun Dulillltated Men ,
Vou fro allowed a tree trial jor thirty day ) of
theufiof Dr. D > er CeUbruUd Vululo Bolt
with L'lettrio Siupemory Appliance } , for the
speudy .ro'iof ' and periuauout cure uf Nervous
Debility , JCIKH ol Vitality end Manhood , nnd
all kiudrf d troublet. Also for mauy other dls-
eases. C uiIet < rettoration to health , vii or
nnd manhoiil. No rl k in Incurred , Illustra
ted pamphlet with full iuformntlon , term * ) , etc.
mailed trie . * iy ftddre Inr ( VoltaloBelt GJ , ,
MnrelialJ , ilici.- ,
< Tu t
We were tn line ; lone in the moonlight ,
Looking cut on the mlvpry aen ,
Artf I eloquent prer hi I urged her .
To give up her sweet silf to me.
Then alin rcsto'l her hand on my thouldor
Evety pulse of mine thrilled at her toncbl
3ut It nrnlo my hot hlootl run much coUer
Wben the promptly responded "Not muchl'1
The rnilroAda o ! the world MO said to carry
6,600,00) iii engots a day. It takes all tbli
vnst nfmy to down the railway eating houao
tixnawiclus ,
Two jockeys have boon killed at horto rncos
in Naw Yotk recently. ' A few mote cimul-
tlfa of this kind and the horio trot will tu-
porcede bi o ball s the "cutioual pntiio" in
i hi i country.N'orrlitown [ Ilornld.
Koreinans "SVe printed this cut ycstordAy
M thnt tf murderer , and to-dny it's n wife
boater. " KlitorBoth bi\d mtuj lot Itpo
in , " "llutil'g apnttralt of Ohrla M Ruirc ,
the well ktown politician. " "Ob , the uubllo
don't know thodiircrenco. " "Um Cris will. "
"Well , if ho kicks run the cut in next week
for An. Kminent Divlno. ' " ll'htlftdolphla
When a nun with two Imvy satclicli in
runulup to oatoli B atroot car. and a RmMl
boy turns the corner utt In tiino to got nil
tnnglod up with Ills legs , it is not perhnpi the
nio-t littniR moment to ehovo a tract Into hla
pocket , nddrceiod "To the profnno mnn"but
it la very npt to i trilto the market for which
it wna nianuraclurud.
Two mon weio illionsslDR malotinl utod for
bull -ioR purpoeo , tntl nmungthe rctt laths.
Oommontlnff on Iho fact that the prices of
laths were cinipnratlvply high , onn of thoiu
romarkodi "I don't ecu what In the world
keeps laths up , " whou n third purty , who
utvcr lots n chanoa Kn "lion ho scoi it , made
thueimplo reply : 'Nulls. "
Milkman : "Johnny , did ycu put water In
tlid milk this inoiiiliiK ! " Now nulgtanl :
"Ye , fir. " "Don't yon know that ii wlckod ,
Johnny1' "Hut yon told mo tn mix water
with the milk. " "Ya' . but told you to put
the water In first , anil pjur the milk into it.
Then , you too we tell paople wo never
put water in our milk. "
Joaloitvy In iho Uliolr ,
From the New Moon.
Sllvorr-uotnd ,
Starry eyed and golden-haired.
Clurmini ; Anna ,
The su rno ,
All the dingors hairts ensnared.
Long the tenor
Sought to win her ,
Sought t > win her for his bride )
Aud the bansu .
lovpl the l s so ,
Day and uight for her ho sighed.
The demeanor
Of the tennr
To the basso frigid grow ;
And the ba au
As he was so
Mashed , of course grew frlghtonod too ,
Anna emlled on
liotli , which piled on
To their mutual hatioj fuel ; ,
Ho , to win her ,
Baa and tenor
Swore they'd light a vocil duel ,
Shrieked the tenor
Like Vennor
Oyclona howling o'er the plain :
Sng ao high
To outvia
The biea , ' he split his hsad in twain ,
Growled the basso
Till he was so °
Low , to hosr him was a treat ;
Lower stilt he
Went until ho
Split the solos of both his feet.
Charming Anna ,
The soprano ,
Mourned a week for these poor fellowi
Then she wed the
Mau who fed the
Wind into the organ bellows.
Ancient .Roman Marriage Custom.
They annolnted the house with certain
unctuous perfumes to keep out infection
Ttity diaoucuanted It with various charms
to keep the T7llcho from the bride ,
Now wo simply give tha brldo a battle of
Brown's Iron Bitters telling her to take
that and bo happy and hearty. Keeps
out such witches a3 neuralgia , debility ,
dyspepsia and rheumatism and helps
make homo delightful.
Fall Vralt.
September mild has pleasant hours ,
And merrily they glide ,
Aa if they sped , like golden flowers ,
Upon a sliver tide ,
The lonves are lightly ; tinged with rod ,
And heavy lisngu ripe fruit )
While , faster than old Titno o'er aped ,
The thieving youngsters tcoot.
Oh , why do not those boys remain ,
And wherefore do they run ?
A farmor'd sneaking down the lauo
With bull-doe and a gun.
A Positive Cure for Every Form of
Skin and Blood Diseases , from
Pimples to Scrofula.
DisriOCBixo iiDUQRS , Hum Paltry KniptloniItch
liiif anU Duiuli g , Skin Torture * , Lotthsoma
Knee , ami every tpoolei of Itjtiag , Hralv , Pimply ,
Inhfrlt'il.Scio.'ii ' ens. nd Conta loiH nisoiS'M ' of tha
lilood , hklo , aod Soilp , wit Hi 08 ] o [ Hilr , ttorn in-
Itnoy to oM BEC , are noslttiral cured hy I'utluuri
It Bolveut , tbo no * niooJ I'urlOer , Itittrntllv , an I
Cutlcura , the Croitsklu Ourc , anil CutlourSo pan
cxriuUlto dkin beautlflcr , oiteruully ,
I wasftflllctcd with Ectem * on the HcitlpFJcoiar ,
and Keck , which the Iri' ' < l't , herd I KOt your ran-
cdlu > , pr nounctil one vl the want avcus that hid
come uudrr Mi notlco. He Jri fct a'e to try your
Uutlcuri Uomi dhp , acd liter fire dijs' uio , ray scilp
and pirt of my ( ao < wore entirely oiircd , and I hope
In aiio-hor wotU to bara my ei'8 , r cck.miil the other
part uf iny fco cured. IIKiUtAN HUADH ,
120 B. 4th St. , New York.
I have been afflicted floce list Jfaroh with a Skin
dl euethe doctors called Ktr.1 mi. ifv ( to was cor *
end with scabs anl ur.H , aud tne Ichln and buru-
Int ; wtroBliimt unbeartbla. HaelrK your Cutlcura
Hemedlel eo highly ruoominondrd , concluded to elro
tliem A trial , m ni ; tbo Cutl ; ur * nd Outlcura Soap
txternally , and llesilvont Intomally.t ir four months
I tall uiy elf cured.In gratitude lar which I make the
I > uMIc tatua.enl. MusCLAK.V i. KIIKDKIUCK ,
Drond Brook , Conn.
Cutlura Remedies are Hold eycr ) where. Frlce
Outlcura , COc ; Insolvent , 1.00 ; Soap , S6c.o Pre
pared by tie POTTS * Dana ADD CiUMiciLt'o , , Bos
ton , Uaea.
p-JI KMl'LI , lllockhetdi , Skin Clemlihea and
ii I Iw2 Babj Humors , usa Cutlcura Soap.
' CHICK IN THE BACK , " lltch In theildecrftmp > .
lioo-iiiK atd h ip i > ln , > h umatlo , nenraliilo. and
-ry eci ilo | > alnr , tnd o ery eitointl piln
VLA and ache laithcd acd eipiljtil with won.
y\lerfulcelerity by tr&lnow , crlglnal , tie-
pfijiniaid spueuy anlld'ttt to ptlu and
' H iiiflMrmallon , thti Cullcura 1'liater.
i W iVarranttd trie perfection ol eluaut ei-
tcrual rcuicdle tnd vastly up rlor to all othti plas ,
fen. At drugKiati , 25s. ; flf fjr ll.Oj , milled
Potler Dnur nnd Chemical Co. Hontoti
Did you Sup
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses ? It is for inflamum-
lion of all llcsh.
The Feoplbs * Marke
Geo.W Masson.Prop.
1C21 Howard Street , Near 17th St.
Th Clejnwt , Tte.LatRctt , The N aHit , The Dfrt
Jo . E , Slebmt , formnly lth Chai Itee'.hUs , hat
hatgo of tbe counter.
Ens proTCU to soil the best
In the City.
owardSfc.Bofc. , 16th and 17th.
Having no mit to pay I linvo great
ly reduced my price * .
Mrs. . A. . JLticas.
Formerly with lomn ot the Leading UOUEOS
l aat.
160 ! ) SI. Mary's Avc.
" 27ie dangerous qualities of con
taminated drinking -water are not
obviated by the addition of wines ot
spirits. "
Medical Officer of Privy Council ,
Ofall GtKtrs , Ontfgists , Gr > Min Wat. Dealers
OVJiR 400,000 aa * 'N ' USE.
.t niiliiiir.Vftilrlf innile. Hidon as etaf
withonu pcntuiuihliTo. Thu SprinuN | PIIII | MI nno
SnurSen accordiuKtothowoJahl tlieycttny. IC uallr
nr'1 ' nilajiii-il In rnuuli ouiintrv rurulH uii.l
, . . . . .
- (
U < 'ii r t - "
Mendelssohn & Fisher ,
Pnxton Bulldinp , Oor.lSth and Farnnm Street
SIS North > < ! th
A. .
erchant Tailor ,
310 South 13th Street.
F > ret class tailoring In all Us branches.
& Monvo < i Ma. , Chlrni ;
\\Hliend > ou Ihetf " " "
0flDitrumflnti.SulUC p . HelU.4 ,
I'omponi , Epaulet * , Cup-Ump *
SUnJi , Prutn Major Staff * and
I l li , Stirxtry Ian.I ) OuttiU Hrriirlnj ;
IMnlrrUli. Uo I nc I tide * Ittrui tlnn atj
wi for AinnUur Hindi ; * n-l - n Cnt
ofcholra b rt n o lc. mi'Vil ' fr- .
The " CANDEH " ItmiBErt Co. clvo a belter nnb.
her than can bo obtained clseivhero for tlio same
money , with their prcat Improvement of tlio
DOUIIM ! THICK IUI.Ii. Tlio extra tlilckmvs ol
rubbcrrlfihtunacrtho tread.fjlvcs jVDUBLU IVUAK.j
Ack to sco the "CAXDEE" Donblo Thick Ball
Dubbcrs In Uoots , Arctics , Uvcrshoca , AUekas , Ac.
A Common Sense
T W * Bray
i512 Douglas Street ,
Havana Cuba , ,
Every 10 to H
Tlckctl la Filths , Whelm W , VtKilavi pro r t .
Subject f ) no maulpulatlau , ni t oDDlrolle < l by tbt
ikrtleOii liitoutt , U U tlia falrett thln Iu tbeni-
ure of chance It eslit net' .
Kor tloViU Blip ly ta BIHMr.TACO. , 1215 Brond.
V. N Y oily. M. OTflSNJ 4 CO. , 10 ifftln Btroet ,
Kantw City , llo , _
Uf. llarkoroliho DrUli'ou , KnjjU'id ' ,
ays , "illdif fa d ictumlil tha uinllitr'n milk no
lobcly thut lu n'.sarure ntl , anil we : | r 9' l , ex-
'uilvo y njwn it. " Anoih * ' lihy li ; ! > n , at tlin nevl
I n utrh n imliini , Ha B : "Ilitvo IKO l uilng-till *
ircriarilloti f Jr Iho e i or m IU , TI l.atu tlio inotl
nihou il d Ititli l.i U it a dUt fur InUuta up to.niy ,
oji mint H ultl. "