Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Browns Iron
Th aniwtlon h * t cbaW- n mkod Uioniandf
tt tlmlHow win Brown't Iron BittM * ear *
RlSjT"wll. It doom -t. Hot It d s cars n > dl M
Rtwhleharfipn table pbrtlolan would prwwnb inu
PhillcUni rsoosnlz. Iron a lh } > t rjwtoratlT *
iirnl known to tha prnfmi-lon , and Inaulrr of an/
K3ln chemical Hm will snb-Untlnta lb MrUon
( bit there * rnora rep-rations of imnlhanol an/
Mhr imb-Ul Tliiiahows eon ;
.rro . - .
IVi tl lMUir7 Iron os ( Qbloatlon b d ever b n foand.
t i chor pnxlnre contiptlrm nil ntlirr Iron
rnrr IndlHC-tlonIllllon nn - , WrnUne- * ,
Ir-p P"ln , Dlnlnrln , Clillln nnd Forrr *
Tired rcellOK.Ornrrnl DcMlltnl'aln lnlh
6ld t Dnck or Ilmb-HrncnoliB ind Ncnrnl-
U-fnr ill then * ailment * Iron In rrfscrlb-d d Hr.
nntc # Itll ( other thnronph mMlclnet. It et
uoivlr. wlun taken \ > t m"i the flpit irmplom of
n-nt nn-nM an Tfj. Thamn cl-sth nb n
jjrnur , the dlirrmtlnn Imprnriho howiu r .
In uemm the ( Ioct In n-nallr rnnre rapid nrt mirkto ,
ne eb > gtnatnnr ( to brlghtim ! the -kin elnn
n ( b-JUth color cornp * loth * ch okni n rronn M
Auippaani fcnetloii.l dnrADirnnianti bee nn * rQ *
Ur. uid If > nnr-lne mnthar , abandant nfft aiiM
li topllld fur ttm c ) lid. luimsmb-r rlronn'l Iron
hrtUriUtlinONI.V Iron madlclne that U not uv
raiiottl , / Ayrle nton'f Jtruffffi'lt rtcommtruHt.
TtM Oenalne hx § Trnd * Mark and etmH ] nd UHC *
nwnppu. TAKttP OTHIEIU
! ' " * ? nifvrt-d to f ho miblis
ItEMr.pYl'rxn. Avictim of youthful Imrnidcnco
causing 1'rcmnturo Decay , Norrous Debility , Lost
Manhood , Ac. , bavins tried In vain every known
rcmody.lian discovered - . .nlmplomeinsofolfcure. .
which ho nil ! -end h'HKl ! to his fallow-sufferers.
AUdrcfiS. J.II.HEKVUS. 43 Chatham SU.Kow York.
o , Indigestion Cured ,
I Buffered fnr more than five years with Indiges
tion , scarcely able lo retain the tttnplat foad on
rnyf stomich. Thobur nlng eeneatlon was almost
Incolerablc , and my wbolo rystem was deranged I
was wakeful and could not tlcep , and consequently
more or less ncrvois all the time. I decline In fiish
and Buffered all the usual depression attendant upon
this terrible disease In a word , I was nJccrablo. At
lint , falling to find relict In anything the. I com
menced the uco of Swllt'fl SpcciUo. I began to Im
prove at once. Tbom < dlrlno tcned up the s'.om-
ach , Btrengthened the dl i-otlro orgars , nd soon all
that burnlntr ceased , and I could retain food without
difficulty. Now my health is good , and can eat any
thing m the thaj e of food , end digest It without
the BltgbeBt difficulty. I most cheerfully boar this
tcitlmony because there are hundreds suHertng as I
was , and lam fine can bo as readily healed. Take
the prescribed dose after citing instead of before.
JAMKR MANN , No. 14 Ivy street
Atlanta , Ga. , May 13,1835.
f I oTreatls * ou Mood and ekln dlscioof mailed frca. or
rThoSwlftSpecldoCo. , Drawer S , Atlanta , Ga
\T 16723dS ,
r , .
fiostralion Oolilillf
l V.skne > Aluiuurla
iun n | ( hrnal. Sklnofflnno * ,
) Soios and UlCi'fS , ic . . .
> t0. . „ , .u i h . , ! . u : ! .i fn-.tll.'l. r'iiyV\rtM\f \ \ ,
tlibfjios trlslnu ( run ; Mtflticretlnii , 'xccss ,
ftiposu'h or Indulgence vo'-h ' i roduro 'vr ettti
\ % - rt/fcubll&.te. toJlUTluM. Write tat utitlouj.
A Positive WriiTen Guarantes
tta ftlieat bl it ; ff
lth or .Jermun
i.CK iata&'tvc
-un , Oi pUt I'lni UJ t
* , tt mj rp.-ii. . < l i.u 1 , SH.
UUl l til tit ; rl"Ui.
1 a'l utKU.
James llolioallnstitulo
Chartered by thsStateofllil.
nois for theexpresApurpose
ofglvlnglmmedlate rcliclln
all chronicunnnrynnd pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet andSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of tha Skin and
I31ood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme-
: ty $ i&Si > cri < tll'rurttce. Seminal
Weakness , NiBht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Hie FaceLost Manhood , iioaUtrtti/ctirttlXlicrt
i3noejci > ertuiFiittn < ii The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per-
Konal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks an
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
OlUAMES.No. 204WashIngton 8t.Clilcagolll.
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty ; .
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at least , what
Jooks like it. Magnolia >
Balm both freshens aw ?
.jae ss = . ir * e
1 Never Shall
I Imrled my firit wonisn
In the Bpting , and la the fall
I vrn mnrrled to rny fooond
And nfu't settled yet o'a ,
3.'or . I'mftllus thlnkin'-thlnWn1
Of ths first ODO'B penciful nara ,
A liilin'tonpand-inglrt'
Ol the Lord' * nm wn'graco.
And I'm thlnKin' of her constant
Dioln' carpet chain end Bluff ,
And ainakln'uprsg carpeta ,
When the floor wa good enough.
And I mind her help n feodm' ,
And I rrcullcct her now
A drnppin' corn nnd keopln'
C.ost behind mo nnd the plow.
And I'm nllus a thlnkln1 of her
Ueddin' up round the house ,
TT cookln' for the farm hando ,
Er ft tlnvln' tip the cowe :
And there she lays out yonder
By the lower mcddnr fence ,
Where the cows WM barely grniln
An J they're usln' ever eenco.
And when I look ncrost there
Bny it's whatt the clover's rlpo
And I'm eettm' In the evetiiii'
On the porch here with my plpo ,
Aid Uio othar'n hollers "lleDtyl"-
Why , thay nln't uo mdder thing
Than to think of my first woman
An d her funeral lastepring.
[ JamuB Whitoomb lllloy.
Corduroy jackets will bo worn by young
llmboEsed velvets nnd velveteens nro In
favor ,
haco will continue in fashion for trimming
Pendant or drop buttons fasten mauy
Old-fashioned poatl plcot edges for ribbons
are revived ,
Children's frocks nro trimmed with many
rows of braid.
Black and white toilets were never moro
fashionable than now ,
Large pearl buttons , are seen on many o
the homespun costumes ,
Ptppcr-pod red la the latest shade of thn' '
extremely popular color.
1'lastron waistcoats of beads are shown
fancy fall novelties.
Tight fitting Norfolk jackets of homoepun
are worn with any costume.
A new style of drees goods has a guipure
pittern over a contrasting color ,
Beaded nets , with gold , jet or silver orna
ments are made up with silk.
Silks for evening wear have pluih stripes
alternating with brocaded ones.
Children's dresses of red and blue com'
bined are favorites for autumn wear.
There are no decided departures this season
from the loading styles of last autumn.
Velvet dog collars with crocheted lace hall
their width are woru with different dresses.
Many overtkirta are slashed only on one
side , but the slash extends all the way to the
Bonnets nro moro eccentric and capricious
than over in shape , BIZD , materials , anil trimmings -
mings ,
a Carvodwooded _ _ beads of every size and color
ird used for tiimming drupes , , mantles and
bonnets ,
Spita of many innovations in the colffu.e ,
the close Eugheh style of hair-dreesiiig still
Single breasted jereey jacketshavo tbo front
Iged with satin Crop buttons , set as closely
together as possible.
The fronts of basques have ono or two
lints ; tha back frequently has tha sash dm
, iery attached to it.
The bulk of winter stuffs , bath wool and
silk , are striped horizontally m a rule , but
Ertquently vertically.
Stripes of various colors , side by side , are
Frequently teen iu velvet or plush on aobor-
toaud woolen grounds.
Striped skirts will bo worn with cloth , vel
vet , velveteen , aud plaiu woolen stud over
dresses and bicques ,
Kough boucle woolens are combined with
velvet , velveteen and piuah iu frocks that
boar the maik of French larte.
Seal-skin borders are much used upon the
new tailor suits of dark green and golden
brown cheviots for winter wear.
New cloak , jacket , newmarket , and ulster
: lauus coma in novel figure , flower , leaf and
forms in metals and carved woods.
Woolen stuffs are moro In favor than silk or
velvet ones for bonnets and hats , as well as
for the frocks with which they are worn.
The bieque ia still the bodice most favored
jy dressmakers , bnt it is made very short and
simple , with or without a waistcoat at pleas
Polonaises of velvet or velveteen will be
worn over skirts of rough woolen stuffs with
Dourrette , boucle , Astrakhan , friza and other
Small furs , collars , collarettes , muffs , etc. ,
vill bo wi > rn universally , the shapes uppoar-
og about the same in tizo and designs as la-t
Nearly a million of beautiful birds from
[ ndla and Brazil wera sold at one dealer's iu
London in six months , that women might be
bedecked with feathers.
Straight , graduated , raised , sunken , bouolo ,
lourrolta , broche , zigzag , waved and mixed
combination stripea ara M scon on both wool
and bilk fabrics this fall.
Some of the richest millinery stuff i are used
) y dressmakers to form the narrow waistcoat ? ,
the cuffs and the high collars of dresses of
various binds of material ,
Silk and woollen jersey stockinet hats ore
novelties. Tney are made over a felt shape
rat being much dearer than felt and not
dressy , they will probably not be very popu-
Mrs , Quitter : "You may cut mo off a sara-
) le and I'll sea rny dressmaker aud eend for
what I need. " "
Infant terror : "Why. mamma ,
vhy tha. is jut : what you said In all the other
itores , "
As 'n drug clerk the female is not a brilliant
.uccess. . When you wink at her across a soda
fountain she doesn't know whether to put a
It tin "Balm of Gilead" in your soda or hang
.or head and blush.
Fur garniture has been very favorably re
ceived for two seasons not for wrapj onlybut
'or cloth and velvet suit trimmings , and it is
bought it will ba stilt moro extensively uted
the cuming season.
Gladstone jackets have plain , short backs ,
Theyare double breasted and have no trim ,
mings , save the largo buttons that extend di
agonally from the tihoulders to the waist line ,
widening from thence to the lower edge.
' Alligator leather hats , with plush brims in
ol'ivt , brown and plumb , trimmed with a birder
or moniture of fancy feathers , are displayed
> y aleadinghouse , They have been largely
sold , and ore to ba bad in all the now tbupea.
Seal garments are liable to be law in price el
liis season , TUB Alaska Commercial com
pany regulates the prices , and this year their
record shows that they have taken ono hun
dred thousand skins , where last year they
took but seventy-live tho'iuand ,
A young wife lately lost her husband , who
vai about seventy years old. "But how did
you happen to marry a mm ol that egbf
asked onu of her frlenus. "Why , " said tbo
roung widow , "you sea I only hud the choice
> ptwern two old men , aud of courie I took
the oldest.1'
Some time last summer quite a stir In the
world of fashion was occasioned by tba for-
nation in Germany of a tociety composed en *
tlrely of gentian til whose sola object , was to a
ular with
1m women of tint country , of cutting off the >
iair and wearing It ehort , in maeculiuo styld.
Tha seal'sklos of tits
' pretent RCOBUU are
rarely beautiful. The London ijycd Alaska
kins are BClcuowledire beyuud doubt to b * the
> eet ; the Flench dypd oums next .in value ,
ind the New York dyed skins ara
Ikely to be behind iu value through all time ,
Same of the new autumn costumes ara
.rlmioDd with bjndi of Aitrakhauj others
with deep burdorioRB of quilted ratlii or uruh
n deep rich thude * . A viut of either of thtse
ather bulky trimmings Is invurably added ,
ut proves a success only upon wumtu tf
lender build ,
lady ( in aa angry and shrill voice ) : "Oon-
uctor , why don't you stop the car whwu I
fl ) you ? " Ir.n'cilila baclielur ; "Conductor ,
be ' l dy wants to know why tba d I ynn
- '
"I didn't say 10 , sir. " Irwciblo bachelor
"No , madam , but that's what you meant "
The lady Acting A ) sheriff of Qrerno count
hn-yostodths following notice ! "No admit
tance to eo prisoners. There Is too much re
BDonflblllty attached to their iafo keeping t
permit inrliecrimmato visiting. I , have m ;
house work to do and have no time to stnnc
giUrd when parties coma ti ceo prleoners
And they do not cars to ho teen. 1'ltnRO d
not Intrude. Aurllla 0. Quillon , [ Bloom
field ( Ind ) News.
The fnbrici for autumn wcnr nro very beau
ttful the soft brocaded offsets In woolen
Roods being especially noticeable. Docicu
mid coloring are rich nnd harmonious , Th
various similes uf slat * , green and brown ar
the favorite colors. Velvetctm nnd n llgli
make of corduroy will bo woru in combine
tion with woolen materials. Borgot will
deep self-colorod borders of drawn worl
edged with frlnRO are novelties. When th
serge is black this drawn , fringed border hn
two white threads alternating with the blaclr
J ngllsh homespun , so popular abroad , i
thov , n in gray nnd brown noather mizluren
which are admirable for autumn wear. Thi
material is wear-resisting and is well ndnptc
for outings on cool days. *
"Tho ' the
play's thing ,
Wherein I'll reach the conscience of th
king. "
Aud equally true ta It that Dr. Plorco'
"Plo Bant Purgative Pellota" ( the orig
inal LUtlo Llvor Pills ) era the mostol
fuotaal means that csn bo used to ruao
the goat of dlsoaap , clonnelng the bowel
and system and naalstlng nature iu ho
racupernllvo work. By drngg'atB. '
"IIow dooi the new pastor impress you
Miss Spinster ! " "Law cakes , how did yo
know ha impressed mo at all ? I did'at n'pos
anybody saw m , "
Tbo Kev. 'am Jones , eccentric revivalist
pots S20 a week aud expenses for his labors ii
the Lord's vineyard , and his contempt fo
0f rofessloual base ball player * , the boat o
whom only earn § 3GOO or $4,000 a year , i
hcrefore perfectly natural.
"Do you know whora you would co if yoi
told i lit ? " was asked of n little girl , wltnos
in a C3so tried before Mr. Jmtico Maulo
iit No , sir. " "Nor do I , " was tha comment o
the judge ; and ho ordered the child's test !
many to bo admitted , to the great scandal o
orthodox London ,
A misiionary out west , bragging how we !
be instructed some Indians In religion
called up one of them , end after some ques
Clous , ntked him If he had _ not found grea
camfort last Sunday after receiving tha sacra
ment. "Yea , " replied the redskin , "but I
wish it had been brandy. "
A prohibition psper published at Dubuqu
by a committee of clergymen , refers to an t > d
vorsary aa a "most contemptible , bare-faced
bare-headed , bald-headed , outrageous , whis
key-soaked falsifier , " an expression showi
plainly enough that the editors are amateurs
A professionul who fait that way would la ;
down bis pen and finish the round with bare
A collection waa taken up in a Kansas
church recently , and when the bat reached the
seat occupied by a Udy , her daughter , and
little son , the two ladies found themselves
without a cent of money , but young America
reached over and deposited a cent in the hai
and . then whimpered to his sister : "Taarel I
just savfd this family from being white
washed. "
Moeea Morgonstein happened ono day to
visit a c.tmp meeting of the Christian persua
sion ; , and tha sermon was on the beauty , rich
ness | and freedom of salvation. After tha
Bormon Moses called on thn preacher ,
"You will egskuso me , I hope. " he said , by
way of Introduction , "but I voult like apg tc
you a fdw kevestions apoud dot sermon. '
"Certainly , sir ; I shall only be too glad to
tfill you all I can about It. "
"Yell , sir , you salt dot saltation vos richer
dan any kolt mine in der goundry.1
"Most certainly It Is , " "Und dot id vas
voro fuluable dan Unitet Shtates ponds ad a
brpmium ! ' ' "It id , sir , much more valuable.1
"Und laaht , you sail dot id vos fret ? " "Yes ,
Free to all who ask.1' "Veil , is dere any blaco
In der vnrlt vera day dent know au'thlng
apoud it ? " "Yes , sir , I am sorry to say there
ire many such places. " "You say I ooult
bnf id ns veil a ] auypody and voncl cosht a
shent. " "Not a cant , sir. " "Veil , den ,
yoost do up all der stock vich yon haf on bant
und I will take it to Chicago unt put it on der
market ad vonce , I ton'd know dor goota
ftry veil , but id's a poor businesh man vet
san'd cell stuff ad soma broGd von ho kits id
for nudding. Yoost vaH , I bo pack broa-
ently. [ Merchant-Traveler.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia. Sciatica , y
Lumbago , Backache , Headache. Toothache , Mo.
liront.Snrlllnc-.Sprains.llrill ,
IturiiH , SL-a.iIi , lYe < .l.ilt > , , , e
* L > - OTHPrt HOnitV I AI.\9 AMI ACHES. >
muliUanil It ] tr e-rrtrli-re. nny CtuU Uittlo
I > lr-ctou ! ! In 11 Lnncu.-M ,
mri U 4. TOOELin * CO J Ualllmort , Bd. , f. 3. A.
mm HOU .5
Direct Line for England , Prance
and Germany.
The Eitanuhlps ol this well known line re drcsi
Iron , In w tcr-tlgbt compartments , and re
ilahed with every roqulelto to mike the passatg
lothsate * nd agresable , They carry the Unite
lUtes and European nulls , and lenvo New Yor
Ttmidays nd Saturdays lor Plymouth ( LONDON
Cherbous.d'AItIS aud I.AMBU.IF )
lUtes , First CablnSflO-fioO. Steerage "to
rom ( Hamburg J10. 0.11 KIOflAHUA CO. , en-
oral I' se. Agent , fll 6ro dway , New York and
ntshinKtun and La Loile streets , Chicago or IXeury
undt , Mark Uaason , F. K. Moorei , ilarry I' . Deul
Qhironew / ' ( tunit'ir ' . / ,
Notice ! Notice ! Notice
To ill who are dUetaed or fflctod ( , no nutter hotr
eng the standing ; ooine and be healed , Feiraulo dis ue
eases where meuicines have fallud to give rellcl ,
spaolalty ; come one , ooiae all and be healed by the
Uagnetlo healer , the only sura escape from anydli-
asa. For exatulnatlon , our chaiges are 81. lor taob
ireitm-ot. or vlaltttlorn | . ; terms strictly cash.
P. BOYER & CO. ,
Hall's Safes , Vault ? , Time
Locks and Jail Work. rice
1020 Parnam St , Omnha , Neb- 117
V ,
Tlio Orl lnnl "ml Only ( .cnuiiic. i
Hah n iU.ji UrlUMc. Ilewareof irarthlr lulutlut.
JuJUKD ! ! U LADIES A.I HrtiegUt M
* * * * * * jour
-flilcUMUr'"n"li . , wuilicr .rfiitioMl. .
i . > . u . , , . u * „ . tur , . - ) . > fcMlcultri , . .v. in . Ittter . . . . by . . ri'lun - " ' , wall. T iX7 i
.v.'j JJ
? 6 fOO ti URJ hy an ex-tern party on flr t-o1a
$ cliv propertv In turn ) to suit , Inquire ol S , Len
nun , 110S F m m. 28 * tf
A/TONEY / TO LOAN- The Om h FIn nUl K *
tVl tli nte , 1603 F rnam * tr'ct. up-slMr * , m kf
loam on ill clwsjs rf security from 10 chattel lo
to flO.lOO ou real estate We make lo M 11 suit 1
prIlc t.Ui on lonit or th tt Ittno on Improved or un
lmt > .oteil rc l estnto.Und . nontr cts , le c , bulldln
onltfitrtl Und , ftcurort notes , colUtrrnls , luttels ,
teed sccmlt ) ol ny Mml. Low rates : oisj tcrm
irtn b FuuncUl Rxch ogc , 1503 F rD m t . , up
stairs. 84S '
rpo toAX-Mjney In any amount on o l cst t so
JL emrlty. C. F. IJnyne , ICth nil F rn m. 990 o-I
OSBTTOIOAD.-O. F. D vl & Co. lUalKsut
M ml Loan agcntft , 1605'FMnnM 8e. * '
* * ONKV To lean on chattels , Woolley * Harrison
VI nooro JO. Orathft National bank building
\f s CAOUI nROTimnsInvestment D.nkcrs , pppo-lt
iVl past uflloe , Omiti , negotiate mortK'lte loans on
arst-cl--8 security at rulllng rates oflntcrost. Par
ties desiring to borrow money en lmpro\ea city o
Dimtry real caUlo , for ( rumone to HTB years , canfc
ootnmodatod promptly. MoCaguo Brothers , bank
r , opposite port office. 6-2-tf
ONKY TO LOAN ( In real oettle and chattel !
VI \ 1) . U Thomas. BJStf.
i , ONET Loaned on Phatlcls , cut take , R. 1
> J tloketaDOUffhtand sold. A. Forman,21SHlStb 8
Vf OMBT to loan In suing of $200 and upwards en
< > J flnt'Olan teal mtato security. Totter & Oobb
"ISVarnamnt. B15-lf
\TONEY LOANED at 0. r , need A Go's. Loan office
Jl on furniture , pianos , horscg , wagons , persona
.roperty of nil kinds and nil otho rirtlolos of valna
rtthont rompTal. Ovnr 1st National Binkcorner UJ
tad Ftrntm. All builDOKB elilclly confidential
62(1-11 (
MONRTl iioxiTll woNJirlll Money to Loan 0
chattel security by W. 11 Croft , room 4 , With
irll building , N. R. corner 16th and Harnoy. Aftc
> care of experience and a careful study of the bus
ness of loaning money on personal property , I tiav
it Inat perfected n Bjitem whereby the publlclt
usual In euchcasca is done away nlthand ( am not
n a position to meet the demands of all who booom
temporarily embarrassed and desire to ralso mnne ,
without dclaj and In a quiet manner. IJousckccp
eis , profefBlonal gent leincn , mecbanlcs and othorg In
Omaha and Councl BluHs. can obtain advance
l.-om $10 to $1,000 on such security as bo IBCUO !
furniture , pt.incB , machinery , horses , wagons
warehouse receipts , seemed ntcs of hand , etc.
without removing Bamo from o ncra rn-Idence o
place of buslnoes. Also en One \Vatchei an
Diamonds , Ono of the adtanUgog I offer Is tha
ny part ot any loin cnn bo paid at any Urn
nhlch nlll roduro the Interest pro rat * and a !
oans ronovcd at the original rates of Interest
[ have no brokers In connection with my clflco
but personally superintend nl my loans , I hav
private otMce connected with my genera
oflloo BO thtt customers do not oimo In contact with
aich other , consequently making all transaction
Jtrlctly private. W. It. Croft , room * , Wlthncl
building , N. E cor. 16th and Ilarnoy , Omaha and 3
Pearl St. , Council BluHa. SJO-tl
XTAHTeD-A jounglady cnshlercomro'.ontto tak
f chatga of a < ct of slntls entry liDuks. Ai'drop '
giving cxcorlooco and refcreuc ? ? , "A. 4 , line ( (11 ( o
W ANIKD-A girl In small family , 701 S. 18th.
VS7AXTKD A cold girl to do general housm-cr )
TT fcr asm ' 1 family ; gxidwjgee. Inquire at 20
3. 51f.H. nr.t Irtih Rhtm t. li- V- _ "Mr.Ort
fANTBD-Grl forgcneral hiuso work. Imulr
419 north 15th bt. 330-25
TT [ TANTKD-Oood girl lor gcnornl bkiisi work.
V > Young Qcrjiau girlprelerr d , OliS. 18th Bt.
TXT'AM'SD * good cook at Comm-r.'ial hotelBrad
T r sbaw , Neb. Inquire ot Jixmcs Chiistlc , at tha
place 31J-25
WAMTRD G od ulrls for all Mid of work , such is
co > ts , girls for frcner l housework , sic > nii
flrla. chonbcrnialds , lauadresi , hotel nd Mtcbcn
work. Those dei.irrig | gcoil pUcss wl'l call at the
3flice from 0 to C o'clock. 1'hcc ) vl I be fnrnlshec
to girls free of charge. Call at thu rc olllco. No-
brisks Finp'oyment agency , 119 Cronnro Blojk
51xti.cnth sire'.t and Caiitol avenue , Hoom 4. Mrs.
E. SmithM/najer. Slltf
W 1ANT D-L dvcaovaisers , 1'ght nice work and
gord pay , 1903 Farnam. 316 2p !
W 'ANTBD A wermnti doefneiol houss work ;
goodcjokpro'orred , ISISWobator. 225-tf
WANTED loiaediately , a good girl for general
bousti work. Call at once at tiil south 24th St.
boat wages paid to good girl. 218-18
WANTED Two or threj entcrprhing young men
to travel for a'flnt-cUss house. Best of refer :
ences riqulnd. AddresiP. O. Box 4 8 , o'ty. ' 2J2tf
WANTED-First-chsi drcts-mater ; ouo who can
como wull rrcommcnded ; good wngea will bo
nil to the rijht ono Call and Inquire at cnco at
120 Farnam ttrett , up stalls. 190-tf
f f KS e'rl ' S W corner 15th and St Mary's aye.
S5 tf
WANTKD-Ladyagents lor "Dil9y" klrtand ° tock
Ini ; supporter * , Shoulder hraoea , B 'Bora forms ,
Drcsi ehiJdsKubber ( gingham , Dibs , Aprsne.SIearos.
Inlints' Diapers , Stc. Our 1,000 agents ara making
raonet fast ; so can jou. Address with stamp , E. II.
CA1IPCELI , &CO. , 0 South May St. , Chicago.
" 3ip
T\7ANir.D 60 men for rail road work. Free tr ns-
TT pnrtation , gond wacef ; ship Saturdiy , Hoct
I6that7M5 morciag Call 1120 Farnam bt. 371-tt
WANTED All active exrorlrnccd dry goods salcs-
nnn. Apply with rcforencis ta O'Donahoe k
Sherfy , 16th street , next Pot t ofllco. 80S tf
WANTED. Irmnodi.tclr , a treed B.\iher. Steady
job , god wigca ' , \ \ . II. Mortin , Sohuyler , F
Neb. 357-26
WANrBDFiiBt rlas4 Bileareea whose routollea In
North , NcbrMta or luwa acd north , to car- F
a factory lice of ring tobaccos on commission-
Address , with rofcreutea , P. 0. Box 2,1i , tit. Jofopli ,
. 855-26p F
TT7"ANijD-ixpcrlcno3d ! teilal book rolloltora to
T travel in Nebrmka. Addrcjs P. O. nox OHO , F
23-28 ?
AOK.NTS Selling Misjourl steam wasbcr , make big
money. J. Worth , Scla Mfg. St. Louis , Mo. F
OOP-dec 14p
WANTKD-A sober and steady meat and pat try F
cookiro d w.nges paid to the rl ht man. Ap- (
I'y at 1618 Dodge s' . 137-27
WANTED Stenographer. Box 625 , Omaha reF
* 401-R. 28 F
WANTXD 20 young men to lairn telegraphy
rail road st.tlon bouk ke ping. Addres-i "R.
D , " Omaha IluslncBS Collcfo. 424 SOp
'ANTID Agents. Address Electric Lamp and
Stove Co. , Bt. LouU , Mo. , for circular , rut and
terms of CO candle power Uarsb Electrlo Lamp F
rjlTUATloN WAN1ED By a young rcau , 28 yearn oM , F [
who BpoalB hoth English and German snd has JP
icon In In a CKneial s ore for tbo laet six years. Ail-
reas John Meier , 810 wett d etrodt. Duenport la. J Tj ?
WANHC A tailor for bujh-lllng ; ojnittnt work F
ifor good workm n , Apply at Brode'lok'n ,
south 10th. 3fU-25p at
W ANTED-Fy a gentleman 32 years of age , a pos-
. Itbn In rnofllce , applicant Is thorough and [
iperlenced asoutant , ind for two je-rs past a F
nembor of the St Louis Merilunti Eichanga , Ad.
A. L. H.wkln" , IKltt Doc'go St. . cltv. 355-26 [
WANTED lly an eipoiloncrd gaidener ( Swede ) , a
poiltlon as kuh or tt > Uku care of hor'ts or of
geatUman's pUco. Addiess A. ti. , Bee oiUce. F
WANTEB I'ojlllon at house keeper by a rxiur * TJ
tenrcdpusoa. Inqulro 712 south ISlhfit. * "
p Toiltlon by an experienced uurto. Ad-
r ilr < 8i2.231'lsico strett. Heforeuccs , L. II.
_ _
[ ,
-Ttt o or 3 furnithed room Irr light houeo P
keeping U private redilvuce or furn'Shed cot-
, food nel bborhooo ; referencesexctaukreil. Ad ,
tea U. II , D. , 1'ee office. 37e-25p
WAMiEU-ilattrou maker at Dewey & itono'd. - > .
WANTED -IMcl clerk O-riran inefcricJ ; aim
clumburma'd , City Hotel , comer lOtii aud
llarcey etiett. 837-.S | >
Teams. T , Murray , POR '
- pp
WANTED A good welt m'de liiKlo portUnd cut ppF
ter or any make. Addrecs w.lh | jiul raih F :
, Winter , Ueoollloa , 2J229 '
ANTED lly Oot lit. , furnhhed room for ivan
und wile. Add'oo ( tiling location and p'loe ' , Fan
P , 11 , , 1119 farnain tt. Kcli.reuonexcha.'g < d. Dcd
FAMID Oot ber ltta 1Q r iom houie one on F [
or naar St. Mary's avo. pnfortil'all ( r a ) -
J , u Bunt tit k rion , fO ) and JOS south ISthet. ence
2 fltf
> NiBD Houia In reflucd ( iiclly byajeurp T T'OR
Udy , blzo-it references given nd rej'dr u J
WAKTKD K. Iiill tot neir ths tlly tt rcwumbl
pili'o Stts trice , terms ndlocation , Addrcs
"J. N. 0."Bc o.1oe ! , 108 tt
TI AMK * Informnlon ; U toon-mi Fchtnllj , wh
V Hve.-l on Dmltra et Omih , V t llth knd St' '
In 1S83 , will -ond hU tddross lo Olto P. T. H.Urftnt
Ixiirl city , l ) k. , hs lll learn something of Intorcs
to hloi. 077-23p
WiNTEB To tr ao K ( to d second hnnd plino.o
a horse nd buggy. Inquire U Edholmft Erlck
son. B-tf
IITANTED Every kdy In tieod oowing ink
T T Chine , to BOO tha now Improved Am jrlcm No
. R. FJaliutn k 0 > . RCDts 220M 18th. 83011
"ipon BKXT A cottage of four roams with city an
I1 cl'tcrn ' ator , 813 South 19th at , ho two i
Loavcnworthand ll ithloqulrcSlO 8. Uth , 417
A 8 room brick hoiwf nilh l ( acre l n
_ In HfdloVg second add. , EJ li'jckj froji strce
cirj piles f3,3 jO. This It ( umclhloi ; worth siting
Cunningham ft Brcnntn , 1011 Duilgo.
I TOR RH < T A cottage In good loc.tlon , $10 pe
1 mcntli. A. Blunders k Co. , HC4 Parnam.tree
opp. r-iitnn. 33211
F OR BUST A now hoas ) ol 6 rooms , go-d locitlo
_ Chicago ni 25th strtet , west Mite ; with till con
vrnlenns , water , etc For information loqulr
1201 Chicago ttreet , fS'-20i
' Two Imusei ot three rooms o oh n
_ kltchoa , Cth Rdd Hickory street. Iuqul'ot2JS
19th St U. M. Mnd Oitlee.
FOR RHVT Cottage , three roomp ntry , cellar
f 10 per month. No. 211 8. 27th street , nca
Fatnain. SlJ-lflp
{ / OR nBr Two small stores now ) , with llvln
; rooag Mn toooml tlnvt well adapted for anyA
tiulncss ; eltuatcd on 10th St. , near Dojga ; reti
moderate. 297-26p
PVR BUNT A oottago on J3d street between Cliln
JL1 go and Can Stp. 7 rooms , cltv water and SOHO
connections , $30 a tmnth. Apply to Jim. J W
SaraKO , 410 north Sfd st. 27S-3p
' nitsT 8 room houio corner Leatenworth nn
FT'OR BtrcoH $25 per month. Hamlln & Uro < vn
811 south llth sL 272-20
Livm-Oro'ind on Z3d street south of fil
Miiry'8 uvc. Inq'ilro at 700 south 10th tt. 28i-Z3p
- of thro * rpomi 231 and Clark
Inquire at eouth-caat corner 10h : and Jackson
IKASK A smell farm suitable for market gard
Jo :
mine and fiult raising , parity Improved J
practical niin only notdjppy. Adurcsi 0. F. Hey
noldj , Omahi , Neb. ZiStf
FOR EKTTno Btnros nn Ht. Miry'g ave. $2 pc
moirh , each. One dcxlrable for meat market.
For rcn T o nowbotnt8l2 aodSUper month
ro'pi.-ctHtly , locations desirable. J. K. IUl i & Co
215 youth 13th St. 240 tf
J7 < ORRR T-Cheap , one 5 room brick cottage with
modern Imdrovcinents , hrjo yard , 6thand III' k
ory st ? . Ii quire on picrnlses. 24l-20p
FOR RKNTThn first of Norombcr , the residence o
F. A. Sj nelder , o rnor of Sovonto 'nth and Cap
Itul TO. I'rhato saljot housshcld grods. 1955
JT on WIST Stora.o room for merchandise In ca
1 load or emal'cr lots , liken SIcnsacn k 0. , ' J1
andOlS J.-ncaBt. 162-.6
F I OR nitxT Houjo 11 rooms $26 per mmth ; wll
rent part. O. E. Thompson , a. W. comer lit !
and Iltrney. 120-tf
ENT Good new 4 room lioujoll ( per month
Near Birect car. J. E. Ill oy t. Co. , 216 S 13th St
F I OR HUNT New house , cist front , porob , cistern
uclland ut IKUSSK ; desirable locitlon ; $14 pe
ontb. J. E. Ulley k Co. , 216 S 16th St. lOOtf
FOR RENT The house and birn on comer 20th anc
PJcrco Si. Inquire at Boston Dry Ooo * store , S
10th St. fio4-ff (
FOR RKST B room cottaga corner Popploton one
Sceridan St. $1E. C. E. ilayue , H. W. come
16th and Farnam. 714-tf
F > OR RKNT Cottage d rooms , houoo 10 rooms. J
Phlppj Roe. Seward and Campbell. 857-tf
F I OR BBS ? Furnished fr 116 room with board , baj "
- , brick house , 61.8 nrth > 17th. 311-30p
Ion Rit\T Far snail family , four unturnlsbei
room ? , two closet ) tied bath rOam , 2012 llaruuv.
1on Msr Thrco very desirable roims with p Iv
17 Ilo e ol bath room , at ND. 700,19th strnet , nea ;
Webster. 340 olp
? OK IK.XT To nlcfuralsicd rooms and one larg
1 undirniahul aloove room with bay window am F
rats bath r 'om < n same floor : 20th St , near St
Jary B ao. . I nqulro a W o Jr. 10th and Dtdjo.
F 'OB ' EB.NT One or two dcslrible furnished room "
ono block from lied car line end S mlnutcH
from P.O. Inquire S. E. corner 20th and Gnlogo
street. 2)j-30p
POBIIKNT In private famllj ; plcasint room with
1 board , 812 22i street. MS-SCp
F OR RUST To gentlemen , largo furnished fron (
room with closet. 1712 California St. 321-29p at
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rcoai 1813 Dodge st.
F cRM-iiKDrooms for reur , choicest loca'lon In the
city ; two blocks Hoiu street cars. Young men
pretend. Address P. O. bcr 6fO. 278-Sp
FoRnEMr A nicely furniihcd front room for one or JP
twj gentlemen , 2319 fit. Mar-'a ave. 210-tf
FOB BUNT Pleasant lurnlthti room 1707 C ES'St.
220-oct-3p r
fjoa nt-VT Nice furnished room 22C9 Dodge.
FOR RENT NIcely furnished front room o gen I ,
inau only , at S E corner 20th and Dou.Iis St.
I OR RENT Room with board , 1613 Capitol are.
621-2Jp F
OR RENT Furnished room. Inquire N B corner c r
2Sth ard Dcdgo at. MMt
IORREVT ; Elegantly furnished rooms , single and
en euite , at 1718 Cass St. 050 tf
Fi'OR ' RENT -Two n'ccly ' furnished rcoms on St , J7
cars. i Inquire 2.27 Dodge , 91G-28p
CpOR RBST A suite of nicely furnlshol front
loom i for two gentlemen , 1711 JackBou F
rcct near corner of 17th St. llefeicncea required. lls
RUST Furnished for '
FOB rooms light hou'e-kccp
Ing , in liecuicr'u block , cor StU and Howard. Btn
871tf 13th
OR REM Furnished or unfurnished room , 1610 J1
Farn&rn street. 839tf
FOR BENT Handsomely furnlahed rooms , elng o or
double with board , 1718 Didge. 6)6-tf
FOR aiNT Throe flno olllccs Iu Nebraska Na'lonal
Bank Building Inquire at bank. 480-30
T'on HEM Handsome furulahod rooms 1810 Dodge , JT
403 BeptZ ? OES
OB BUST Two rooms adjoining with board : front mci
room south-east , 1914 Webster Ht K19-U 2ifi
FOB RUNT 1 wtll furnished room lor 2 gentlemen F
1DO Farnam btreet , opposite Oont Hotel. Applj L'
room i I , or at VTasserman & Burnett. 218 18th Ht.
745 tl Oct
708 HUNT 2 pleasant eouth front room ) S , W.
corner 1BIU and Davenport.
7'o Ia RENT Handsouucly furulelod rooms 1701 C p.
Itolaro. I (82-tf
u BUT Two nicely tarnished rooms , NW cor. HA
21it and Bt. Mar > 's Ave. < 6Ctl
001 S With toard.dcktrablsloi snmmtr. Apply
Vat St Charlai Hotel. 010-11 [ T
foa BBNT Largo front room on flnt Moor with or
without board ; Inquire at 1801 farnam
IOK RK.vr oil BALK A lieu c , b.rnfor2Qoons ; ard
4 luts in Walnut Hill sd J. 310 per mouth. In. J
James Chiiet'ansen , U , P , Fi eight otlloe ,
377 o Zip FOR
BiLS-Ono of the finest rcfIdtnou j-roptitlcs
Iu Omaha , 810.0(0. C. E. Mayne , 15th ard ttrtut
rarnam , 37Ctf
1,10) will buy a new house andlotonSaundo > s st , FOR
Cunningham k lireunon , 1611 Ucd < c. 391 25
SAW i nlco cottage In splendid Incat'on ea-y 170R
jiasuients , A. fjauaocrs k\Jo \ , JIM Farra'nSt. J1
. Paxton 335..I
7oa SALS 4 lots , togethtr fcr 1160 eich ; > ory
cheap ; Icrun iaiy. A , Siundem k OA , HOI p
'arua'n ttrout , opp. 1'axton. 33 ( tf F
8iLi 3 toi acre lots neir the city , wll be
xld very ciieip. Cunningham k Ilrenn.n' 1511
{ . 3-2-2J
ilng (
SALS A Luiulllulooltifianil tvi lull lota ,
baru , ( ru t cd ulujj trim. An eIrK-c.t roil- T7OR
; will be sld cbo < p. Cunnlnglum k Hrennin , J1
o . 385 25
MILS OR RIXT yr'ck he use , H'X ' roots , cor-
uir * ot , Bblnn' ndd tl f. Wills Uu monthly
, l .U sd jfttrjata
17Oft Ati Ten oMtiieiunn fl in hvats raiding In
J prlco from * ' ,6"0 to I2 , OJ taci. Kouired |
ctsh en om" only t& o. All ou easy termi. It. C.
1'altir-on , 13ih and I'.rinrn. 312 f
J7OR8Atn * In e t Omaha , oxc'ttlonally Ono acre
lot with -HA I bin , ; pries i > 4'00. '
Ann * , HOr.llliani. . 3l03i
tpoRBit Three new ootdi 01 , fUo o > Mi ,
1 It.Vilr.ut Hill ! co.d collms , clmol , pantry * ,
cisterns , cct.j lwoi' | " with cti C'tV soi ; Sl.S'O
cch , Sllii tloivn and $2) jur raonfi. U. K , M > ) ne ,
Uth and Famiii. S'jlf
IT OK BAti TWJ most dfflt lil rosldfnccs In line
1 Iooalon-on" ! rllhtxlraU golol at ? 8OCO , nnlf
t..OUilwr , luliriceling time ; tDo otherrorncroait
frontne * and wtll built , )5.0 : . Atnei HO' I'-rn.ttr.
: W2-28
{ 7011 BALS-A tew vrry oholfw 1 U on morlhly pty
incut ? . Afaaunders A Co. , Hi > l Firnam tit. ,
opp PaxtJn. 0J3-tf
I\IR SALH 11 ROIC * fruit g'ulen and tiu't tind Iu
, the tate , and e milts roni O uaba , have lint the
106 tol'-oktflcrlt. On litre or f.-r cub. Oil. Mirlln
itnosoulli int. street. 379-tf
Ij'OR SILK -HSx.60 nn t'lrit'aht nnd Davenport its.
JP v r t uraaha , nice S room ait'ngo , barealn lur
cah or 03 payacuti. 0.1. Martm , 110 d. 1 ttli si.
330 tf
Tcm SALB-Birm'ltulacrc ' property g milts from
C cltj , at tlVfi to300 per ncro ; > y terms , 11. U.
Patterson , corner anil Kiraam. 311t (
t pen RAM-maws Ian t ncath' city , under all
kinds ot fruit trcot ; p'hii ' # 230 } for on week.
Cunningham & , Ireauau , 1511 lJod < o. .183-25
FOR i t.n 2 lots In nMlh Oicah , fiOxi.12 , ono at
S400 and ono at tdrpfftO dirii , nntl balanrn to
SjltpitrchiBcr. AdUicsiJ. 8 0.U < ; conco : 3'823i |
F ' s l , Maunlflrcnt houcea&d Ictvrlth comuio <
A dioiiH barn on L'all'ornU street near 13th , Bouth
front , $9,500.
'For sals Fu'l ' lot giod tvoeforyS room house n
C llfornla , Ito tloi v.ry il 9'Mbl4. $5100. J 1 ! .
Itl'ty ' & Co. , 2Goouth , 13th s ; oaS. 223-tl
JT'oRS.VI.K sj'Iooild ! cttl > n , lln netebliorhojd
JL' twnlouCOtl le st from , tn c'hor $3,0i , 0 ; scpa *
rate $ l(00 , vuj otsy term * . Amor , 15 7 Farnam.
FOR SALS-17 lots nn Onnrtfla and Virginia avcs ,
Ktd.cii'saJd , $1,350 toliOO ; oich may 'crma.
(247) ( ) New coltKU full lot Uth street , 21 l.oufeN. .
ot llauinann's llnwery , $ ,9CO , caiy term ! ' .
( (03) ( ) The nontext cottage In Omul n , new , all mod
ern convenience , UeorgUave , , $1,800.
(2C3) ( ) lletutiful aera lot a-M housi facing proposed
D ulnard , We ; ( imslu , $3/00 , o\sy term * .
C'67) ) 5 Bens w ti pool liouao , stable , cto , 6
miles from 1" . o. fl.OOa , city tirnn.
( 40) ) Now oott ga 6 rrom , good nain , comer
Orarui snd I'Ur B'reftc , 8',2 0 ; nonthiy pjymonts
(171) ( ) Lot f.i 1 igllinwnipirk on Pa Ic v"f 1,0 0
easy Inrirs. U. b. MAYNK , 15th atid f'aruam.
FOR BALK No 131 ri'Ui3 and lot on Seward
Direct , near /2il ; lotCOx3 ! > ; nv hcusi , 6
ell Improv. d , $3,00 .Ou ; icncd terms ,
Nt)18i ! llvll acre In Ulso addition , 3103.
No 131 221 > ts In Florence In ono body.
Nn 184 loasrca la city limits , I j Florence
Ilamllufc Drojin , 11 South llth ttreet. 23 ;
FOR BALB Splendid ro Idoao ) propity neir t-.c
Sacrud Iloiit AC-idemy. Low pile , oA"y term ) .
Cutnlnshiiu k llrcnnan. 2'G-J3
FOR KALE At a grot reduction , founlij , machine
ard blaekemltn chop with ever ; convenience for
cirrjtug on a ftrs'-ckm bu ! ne3 < , cvcrjthlng In good
Junuint ; order ; work | lenty , no compttltlon ; popu-
Ittl-in COCO , price $3,000. Inquire box s25 ! , Uoit'lce
Neb. 248 ! 8
Troll SALK-TU1 most cloiunt bulldlne lot In this
P city on U.HI. from post oifloi1,100 feet 'rom oxs.
Lot 874 feet wide , oist front ; ptla ? 3OJO Amos ,
1507 1'a'nan. . 304 25
P'OR SALE No * hon o7 " roims , cask front , full
lot , next to all or , on Maunder ) ftroot ; lot
alone wottli nrcrlv ell th > t la aebcd lor It , $2,000.
J. K. Ullry k Co. , 216 couth lEth street. M5tf
FOR BALK One 08 font lot lift on Talk ore. for
$2,00 < . Also one I t call front , one ehort block
rem l' rk ave. a5 $1,700. Ames , 1507 Firnauj.
F IORSALH , LoU In Arlington at $150. You _ cm
raaku any reasoniblt ) terun ot payment. Como
und see tliij uroparty , Now lit the tlrno to buy.
Amos , 1507 Farnam. 3C8-25
OR BAIK BOO acroj flne unimproved nHd neir
Sldnev , ? 3 75 per acre ; $1.05 per acre : > 9b , bal
ance B annual h'nt-1 , 0 per cant Interm-t ; a batgila.
\f F. Paine , Sid n-y , Neb. 2C5-SOp
"IT'OR ' BALM Lots In Cl vrend ) n oonvrnient t J snhoola
X1 cburchot , ttorcg , cirs. TnU popular cddltton
N fcllln ? very f st al $550 to SOW per lot ; there line propo'iyln mirkct ; sjo liand I'O con-
tlncod. Amcf , 15)7Paraam. 3J7-25
FOR BALK Two lotion a ciiner , tivo blocks from
Farntm , hoth for $1,250 , positively cheap. J. K.
IlllC ) & Ga , 215 3 ) Uth 13th street. 237-tf
Choice tracts s.M v cant In
Oheieime Counly. Fcr informillon , uddrojs W
Paine , Sidney , Neb. 20d-Jflp .
FOR PAIR -The tc-t lot of cic 1' ' ti en tha market ;
p.lci-S ta gi from $151 to $221. If you want a
fe , pio3 bloiave tmeat , cilluid tee this proper
ty. Amo > , 3507 Fa-ruto. 331.23
Fen BALK On Concot Sr. , 1 ) t 11x140 ; hnuio fl
rooinn near H. or lice (2.&CO cash. J. W. Mar
shall , 15C8 fariiam St. 192-t !
77011 SALB Kull laM touth fron'j very desirable
r * properly , on red ear line This Is ry cheap
$1HO. J. E. Utley k Co. , 215 south 13th strict ,
FOR BAtB tot on Fanura f > OxlS7 , ? l,403 , very da-
sirnblefor iesidecThis will bs In the mir-
iet onlf a few da)8 as It Is cbetp. J. K. lllloy k Co. ,
215BOuthlSth Btreet. 236 tt
FOR BALD Some Fjuclil bugalus In Plalnvlew
whuru fine lots can bo bought at 3400 to S'.CO ;
cany terms. Ames , 1597 Farnam. 300-25
F I OR SILK 25 qr , tea1 ion ! In Madison Co , moro or On
lees lmpro\ed , at prices ranging from $3 to $15
ier acre , auordiogto lociUoi BJ'S
3520 acres la Nance county , $1 to $ ' 6 poracro. lion
11.0 acres In Oreely county , $1por acre. NelS
611 tcr s In Morrlek couuty , $3 76 per acre.
liO'ldo * the &boic vto have lirgB tracts of land In
oth-r counties for sale. Hamlin k Biatvr , 311 South CIcB
llth street. 214-10
Ion BALK Full corner lol thrio blocks Irnm st'cet
cars ; botutltul and clgblly locitlMi ; ? 350 catli , hoi
$800 on time. Tills Is podltlrcly- bargain. J. K.
hlley &C0..216 sjuth 13thstr < e6" . " 2J3 tl
. "on BALK- Cheap , B line lot In Han scorn pUce. Ad-
drcasN. P. F. , Bio office. 15 tl
< ORBAM Tno of the fin ; ( * lots In llans.o'n Place ton
for $2,7(0. You can Und no bolter far a hand *
Borne homo. AmtB I5U7 Karimui. . 305-25
FOR BALE Houeoi and oti on monthly payicents.
D. I. Uojden , Haucd rtf.between Lokeand Wll
avcs. 854-tl
Wu rno f jr rale lots ou Vint-m , Cnmlngs , Georgia
avo. . leatcnrorlhind uihr Ftreits. Fitrnam
street butlatsi proiierty , J , K. lUley k Co , , 216 south G
street. 239-tf
I/cm UAI.B clKui > , 0 rTjom cottane and lot , eaiy
termp ; situated at No , B17 N. 17tbf ) ' . , but. Call I this
lornla and Webster ; thoroughly repaired and Im
proved , Inquire ol owner on piemleoa.
T710R 8ALH A two story 22x00 frame building sult-
able or a ttoro near I0th and Farnam street.
Apply at thin offlofi. 017-tf
D'on BAH Full lot with new home , * rooms ,
pantry , oollir , cistern , porch In front , blinds ;
than three blocks from red car line ; improve.
inoKtfl worth over JSOJ , all for 91,2(0. KoHy pay
ments Ibis Is also a liirfe-aln. J. K. Itlley &Co , ,
i683Uthltth ttrcct.
rpoit BALi-At bargain , A houio of 3 rooms , every
room heated b ) furnace Hot and cold water ,
all , lot 64tl40 mar head St. llary'd avenue. House
l 81 000 ; lot Is worth * 2,5CO. If Bold at onoe , will
,6X ( ) for the place , O. II Mayor , 16th and
"arnam. 777-tf
iiMB Improved farms , wll ] trade for" improved cite
property. W , II. Green , over lit National liank
IMOHNK ADdiTlOf Lflls 6 and 7 , Ilk 2 , bcth
lots for { 1,16D ; 300 down.
Hnlnu's rhlrd Addition LcUSand 4 , blk X , both
otsfortl.tOO , Ilamlln & Uicwn.Oll a lllhHi
_ 393-23
At a bargain , lot Ith V nouses , Sand ?
rnitu s , well , clotorn , barn , &c. , 6th and Ilirney , Tl
' ' erty taken as parl pay , Wm. L. town
UKIIU'M , dth and'Douglas. 090-tf wau
7oa BALK 9RTRAi > K-tfl ) r tof sliulo Lamcii ( or Ity
$ ,6. t llatl3IOFirnam. Omaha
mm Ono hundred it three hundred torn ol Inge
Iccjlooo6 : i oar oil Unujloti ilaiiluy umre. LOU which
Inquire at Omaha Fluauclal Exchange , 1513 t'.riiam
Ut-bt lrr.
, | - 31S-35
SALB Furniture at * bargain , B.O norUi I7tb "a ,
iticct. 83 > - 5p ; o It
SilK on BINT On 3 or 6 year ? , a choice fa'm llntiFc
of a acres , 60are hard oxl tticbur , OQ acres l
puturo and baltiuo under culllrltlvn ; one mile liom Uoatoo > t
Yaida utd 4 mlle * rrrm Omatu. TbU furai Is
iqulppcdwilh Ilnt-ola'S Improvement ! In eioiyr-i- ngtou
u'nl one nl the be tfriui In Douclis Ocunty , tgent
r further ptriliu'ars apply or addre < M flhr tlaq
, Uiuaba , Ken , -IIK-QI live f
Dilrv ( ouplcto Koute , COHI , hcrte il.II
and wairOu , cow blrn , inn Louse and ( ter Gc
c nii | Uto. ( all -J7th aid Hurt ttradti , l.5v2J
HiLK Tuo lotJ In Pclhtbi 1'Uw , 'Jiio block
fraiuBUiotc r trade. Inquire 218 S IStb St ,
Or wauld tralo rr a gotd borw and 'ounir
; to acrei In Oospor o junty. Apply 10 U i Mgkt
KW , . * iJ :
tfoller and engine , Whortspower bent
and engine , to good running order ; want to ijen
for th reason that they are not large enouc'i lor
the ccw nwchlnery which w will put Into our new
building on HarneySt Clarke Bro * . * Co. , 110S
Douglas Bi.
miciiAKaif h\v CIO acres of Inpratcd lanrf
well watered by lUlngweok througn ctnker vf
the f ectlonj prl $8,000 or will oxchan e for good
rafldeuce In city "t Omaha , H-Ion | .id . ftnck farm ,
Kltiultd In Lnun Valley , Sherman Ov , N b. J. W ,
M ranall , 11C8 FArnam it. 32526
17'OR BALK -Guaranteed ro l BVitemnttgKe note * ,
' betting cUbt per c nt Intoroii In amontts to
Milt , for stle atar ami teemed Intmttt C llfr add -
d Omaha Financial Exchange,1603 Fatnam ntroet
Ilia\o rtlltqulshm'nlson 8' ' veralchotcetrpedalmi
near Kidney , which nn 1 > < had at reasonable flj-
urcs. W , K. Kino , Sldnuy , N b.
ONtT EO lots to trale for Impravod proper y. will
assume mortgage * or ray il.ffsrcnM la ca h
I' rtli wishing 1 1 trido , better call at ono W , II.
utecn , over 1 t Nit'I iluik. 171-tt
Liar andilofcrlptlonof HeMK-Uto lo't nllh me ,
- will recaUe prompt tvltcntl-n aid advirtUtnc
frer. Firit-clan city property srllettcd. J. W. Mar
shall , real cn'nto ttOl Farnam. 872 tt
IpoR sun Very choice farms In moot ol the conn *
' tl-s ol cistern Nebraska ! 1 htve arrangement !
Ith real e-Hlem-n by which I cm supply all oa -
tooicri with well IraproTcd faranat good rivn anil
ta y teimi ; Icanaln filinhh r r lands la li'irolotl
miitablofor stock racbe > . J , W. Marshall , W 0 Far *
nn-n street 97ltf
fTURSAl , * AgoodpMlng bu lnMi emt-lojlng bal
U llttlo oaptttl for CMh. For particulars address
P. O. U. . > x 867 , Omaha , Nob. MO-U
IjiOR HAM Fine stock and feeding farm ot (59 acres
tlxtccn inl.'of ' from Omaha titock yards ; well
equipped for graz ng and feeding cattle , well watered
and plenty ot geol hay land. r"or prlao and dnstrlp-
tion , address U. M HirrUoti , Sprligfleld , Noli
677 oct S
FOR san-C'ioip , a rcshurant with furnlturn and
fixtures ard everything cotnilcto | ; lo n'x ict fur-
nisrod roomi , cool 1 cUion and p ) li < g bu < lness ;
g o J n ason fnr selling out. Inquire at Wtstem Cor *
nlco WurVs , 603 and 510 South 12th street , city.
840-3 J
nit best located bakery In OmUia , will l o seld
JL cbeip Address 0 , , lie o ofllce. 210 Mp
> OOM and board 5 per week ; rery Mil location ,
L 18U Datonport Ht. 103-oct 18p
Will tliolniy who ntvorlUod about
in to bo rd ouo or t o oitldrcn cr an In *
fa jt please ad rcss Slie. K. Bu h , Hull olllco.
KBBIIAI , SSfOnll buy < njd < zen Roger ftltros.
trlppl" | l t-il table linlvigat Jtoodv'n China
store ; corner IGthartd Divonpoit 802 28
MADAM KUQRVU RiciURn.sov , fhrunr.1 gls ) and
CUInvovant , points ju > unsern onoxl it , ODlor
their oics ard Inlr. iboroad to mi'casJ. Levi and
hU'lncESaspoclaltg. She positively cnrK bl'ous '
lioadichns.l.lJiiujs , llwriuij nil dtr > ngcm"nin of the
stomach dUsolvos gill ston B , curei catarrh , the
wor'tca ciof iheuiuatlsn. Her metho 1 cf oiiilnK
ctkulua ls with Imbd , and most oompl < to. llexls
nor > t a roa In ono month. Iter treatment of corns ,
bunion'ttndn feet acts like a charm. Mrs Illdchard-
piu comm wltn rnviy rocnmmendill > nn Iromtlis
pn's ) mi'l private l > dUllunls , cilcbr leJ and popular
hott time only. 322 Noith 19th eticot , room 12.
DR. WARD , Wlthnell Block , 16th and llarncy.
/ 1XKTKALii03rirAt , . open for thoacommoJatlon o
\J the alck. Surgical operitl JDS of all kinds skil
fully performed Diseases of women R specialty ; la
dies In conlnomcnt can here have absolute prlvaay
ami the beat of attention Correspondence policltod.
AddroM Di. J M. Swetnam : corner 16th and Farnam
or Dr. J. B. llalph , corner 13th and Farnam. Tele
phone 636. 434-tf
iR v. o , MRrzNBR Stove 1'opilr ' Co. , Ill South
14th St , between DoJge and Douglas.
ALWAT3 ou band at a bargain , No 1 second hand
carriage phaeton and olde bar buggies ; at A. J.
Simpson , 1403 and 1411 T > edge St. 688-tl
LADIKS In win t of geol donestlo hole can bo sup
plied by cilllng on the Omitia Employment
oitl08,217N. iethdt.up-stalra. Mrs. J. W. Moirl-
son , proprletsr. 874-tf
PKITT vault ) , and ccaspool < cleaned In an odorless
way by P.O. Abel , P.O. box 378. SIB oct
No oporitlon , or useless trusses Dr. M. II. Uooro ,
243 Wab&ah ave. , Chicago , send stamp' or
circular at Cozzuns Houee , Oioaht , crery 00 days.
123 N. 12th Street , Cor. Capitol Ave.
Board and room , per weelr. J5 and up. Vctls
Sea'odprJpOBUlj will bo received by the city of
Grand lilmd , Neb. , until 0 o'clock a.m. , Oct 6th ,
188 , for the furnishing , erecting and o unplotlng of a
eysttmol water works luring a oai < uelty of one mil
vallons cor day for thoolty.of Orond Uiad ,
Neb. '
Bald tyatem to b > furnished and built In accordance
nit pUns and epoclrlo.itIons In tto ofllce of the City
Clerk of 0 ran J Island Nib.
Etch proposal must bemalosepcrate on the fol
lowing it > ms\lz : fl
Ibt Furnishing and bul'dlng ' engine and boiler
house and bj&o of towtr.
2nd. Furnishing and baildlng stand pipe.
3rd. Furnfehlrig and tcttlnj up machinery , boiler
cooncctlng up well * .
41h. FurnNnln ; and laying cut Iron pipe milns ,
Srai > ls , Hydrants , Uit i > eta. All bids fi > rfurul > hing
aadlaylnfiilpe , uiull btatif separatuly a'liounU per
for each ot the dldorent slziu of 4 , B , S and 10
5th. ? or furnlihlcgand putting down woK !
The cHitrict prloj of slid B > tem of watv works
complete not to exceed the euin of thirty-four thoug-
nnldolUrs(3I.W)0. ( )
TbelJIty Council roser cs the r'ght to reject any
all uld' , or any parts ot hldr. All bids will be ro-
qulioltobtateexilloltly , thaklud ol material to bo
I'rcpasUa should booddrtieed to the City Clerk of
rand Mand , Neb , and marked "proposal for water
works. "
Ity order of the City Concwlof Grand Ijla d.Ncb. ,
12th day ( , t ScpUrnber A. I > .
II. K. ULicroKD , Juuf I/ . MEANS ,
City Clerk. Mayor.
) i
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
The on to take foi lien ilotuort. Iftrshall
, Oedar Rapids , Ollntoa , Dlilo , Chicago , UU
nauket and all points east. To the people of No
, Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Nevada
Oregon , Washington and California It offers superior
livantugei not potulblo by any other line.
Among a low of the numerous points of laperlor-
enjojed by tbapatrauiof this road botweca
and Chicago , are Its twutralnt a day of DAT
COAOHFB which are thorium * that humin art and
Ingenuity can rreate ; Its 1'ALACK HLKK.l'INO OAlti ]
( art ) moileliuf ooufort and elegauoe ; lift PAH
UltAWINQ UOOSI CAHH , unaurpauaed by any
Its widely celebrated PALATIAL UININU CAUa
equal i of wlikh oauoot be found elsewhere.
Council BluCT. the trains of the Union Faolflg
conned In Union IJq-ot with tboic of tha Chlca
Northweituru lly In Chlmgo the trains of this
make clpxe ocxunrctloa irUli tbo of all ulofo
Detroit , Colambui , Indlanipolls , Olnetaaall.
Wliitkra Fails , Uudulo , I'lltaburg , Toronto , Uoutreai
, New York , PblladelphU , IJaUlmoro , Waih >
and all point * la the Ki , ttft the ticket
( or tlcitts via the
wlstt thutt \ acoommodatloiie All ticket
toll tlekoti via tbli Hut ,
itlU'OniTT HS.nAIR ,
Otneral Uanagei , Uta. I'm. Ajent.
Oor , Agent , 1(14 FarnamSt , Omaha , Neb.
DISTRICT or OoLVMlilA , Wwlilujton , 10KI K th ft.
CJ3UABH" A boarding and day tchool for
Udlrf. H | igbt uly Iiu i d on Guurgetowu
* . Lugo iirouadi , u > rl r
cs I