I BEE--001tijNOtt BLUFFS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1885. THE DAILY BEE . 300H0SL BLUFFS r Friday Morning , September ffloaNo. ' < Delivered by carrier to any part ot 0 dty cr twenty cents a week. , vr. Talon. Mrd LOIBCO. HB. . 'li MINOB MENTION. Halter , merchant tailor , for fine goods. Free lunch at the "Phoonlx every morn , ing from 9 to 11 o'jlook. . Protracted meetings are b lng hold now la Harmony minion chapel. Dr. Barstov Is the father ol a woo little - tlo malden , who promises to make home oven happVcr than over. The A.nolont Ocdor of Hibernians ara arranging for a grand b ll ak Masonic hall on the evening ol < , ho first of Oc tober. Now la ycrar tlmo for getting prepared for winter. Coal stoves nnd other noed- fnls can bo aaonrei at A. J. Mandol's , No. 325 Broadway , at remarkably low prices. The OBSO of the Western Cottage Organ company against J. 'Munller was post poned In the euporlor court yestordaj afternoon until this ; morning at 1C o'clock , Permits tc mar ry were yostordaj granted to'Potor ' Soionsonond Anna S. Frodorlckion , both , of this olty ; Will- lam Bovlns and Ml onto Rlnohart , both ol Macedonia. Complaint la mrrlo of the way boys use their "nlgflor shooters. " Several windows dews have been broken by those shooters of the atoro windows ers , tho'latest ' be ling ono dews of Mrs. ( J. L. Glllott , on Main street. Sovorel impr ovomonta have been made In the telephone central office , among whloh lo an additional awitoh board and t power 'wire. An additional oporatoi has been put on , Increasing the force to seven. The Congregational social to bo glvor this o7onlng at the roaldonco of the pas torjfcRjv. Or. W. Crofts , promises to bo E very enjoyable affair. An Interesting programmo has been prepared , and al are Invited to bo present and enjoy It. The CMOS brought aglnst Jamo ! O'Brien ' and Mrs. Obllnger , charging them with adnUory , have boon dismissed , the prosecuting witness not appearing i j * Mr. O'Brien Is a well known railwaj f H ? man who bears an excellent reputation and It will bo gratifying to his man ] friends to learn that there is nothing t < the charge made against him. Basidea loosing the ushers who workoc gratuitous for Mr. Dohany In the open home all the hands employed on th < stage have loft him except ono. Ho'ba Ing the only ono receiving pay , the otheri heretofore taking tholr pay oat b ] "taking In" the show. This accounts fo : the bad breaks that have so often beet ms.de in the shifting of the scenery. The county board met yesterday am allowed a few bills. The petition of Mr. Clayton , of Oakland , for permit to BO ! liquors , against whloh a protest-had beer filed , was allowed. There waa no action taken In regard to the reduction of tazei on the stock yards and the elevator , be yond the agreement that .the board wonlc coincide hi any action taken In the mat' tor by the olty council. Soma other mat ters whloh have baon referred to.th < connty attorney were laid over , the at torney being out of tha city , and tunabli to report. The Y. M. 0. A. has taken the rospon Blblllty of giving the people of Oonncl BlnflCs a rare musical treat and havi secured the celebrated MoGlbeny'family ' who will appear at the opera house 01 Thursday evening , October L Heaeivec Boats , 75 cents ; general admission , 51 cents ; children , 25 cento. Tnls entertainment tainmont will surely be appreciated bj the people of our city who attend. A Boiton , Now York Olty , Philadelphia Washington , BafLtlo , Cleveland , and i acoro of other cities In the coot , they car rled things by storm and were give : some of the best press notices to b found A crowded house should gr o thorn , at this point. Ilymunuikl Yectsrday morning there was a gulo little .wedding party at tha residence o Mr. and Mrs. P. Q. Warren , at the mar rlago of their daughter , Miss Eflie Wai ion , toJtlr. J. S.SUndeford. The. ceremony mony was performed at 8:30 o'clock b ; Rev. A. ( K. Bites , pastor of the Presbj torUn church , aud the happy couple lef on the mornlug- twin for Kansas .City Mr. Staodafordl'a old hone , but wll return shortly to make tholr permanen residence Lore. ' .Cho worthy youog lad ] thus worthily wedded haa many frlondi hero , and Is oua of the mot uccumpllshec musicians in the dty. Mr. Stindeforc Is the agvntjfor Jo ra aud Nebraska foi the K.w Valley Paint and Oil company of Kansas City , and Is a batinesa man ol much energy and ability. The Biu joins with > tbo many In congratula tions and the .boit of wishes. I'KHSONAIJ. lira I C Bonham has returned from a rial , to Mfclvern , Mr and &fra limy Oowduruy left last even itgou their wadding tour , to GbloiRO , Da trolt , etc. , after whl h they go to Plattaville WU. , to reside. Mrs L 0 Dunn hai returned .front a ? erj ploAiant viut to her ftlcnds in W. Y , &T vr a Tick it , Yesterday cfttrnoan , tfter the dose of tbo county convention , the republicans of Kanu townsbip held a convention and unanimously nnulnattd Jillhu Myers foriruiO' . Wall M F ddan for consta ble , ud B A Bonhiao M aiieioor fur PUtildu property , THE TICKET. The Republicans Nominate Their Strong est MOD , Hho County Convention Hanno- nions and Happy. Details ot Its Doing B. The republican county convention walled llod to orctor at 11:30 : o'clock by Jacob Sims , the chalrjian of the committee , who named a * temporary chairman 0. R. So > lt. On taking the chair ho Bald thai during n tcfidonoo of cloven years ho had never seen the republican party 0) har monious , ' * nd standing shoulder to nhonl- dor , marching on to victory. The dem ocrat lo ) / rty was divided Into factions , oaoh fftc.vlon saying the pot of the other was not fit for office , and the robubl leans thou g'at that both were right. Mr. Walter Smith was chosen as sec retary. FBELIMIKAKY WORK. On motion of Mr. B. F. 01 y ton , the chairman named a commlttoo of five on credentials D. F. Olayton , Thomas J. Evans , E. A. Oonslgnoy , Dr.V. . F. Plerca and O. F. Kelaoy. On motion of John Llndt , the chair appointed a committee on permanent or ganization John Llndt , of Kane ; F. Benjamin , of Avoca ; M. Blxby , of Wal nut ; W. J. Trotter , of Avooa ; 0. L. Field , of Hancock ; 0. F. Adams , of Kane ; EH Clayton , of Wright ; W. H. MoGtnnlss , of Hazel Doll ; Peter Ehloro , of Minden ; Mr. Remington , of Nooia. The convention then adjourned until 1:30 : o'clock to allow the commlttooo time to make up their reports , AFTERNOON SESSION. On reconvening the commlttoo on cre dentials reported through their secretary , Dr. Pierce , The only contest 'Wan in Orescent township. The commlttoo re ported In favor of admitting both Beta of delegates , and giving to. each delegate a naif > voto. Mr. Mullock , ono of the contestants , protested against the adoption of the report. The report was adopted. Boomer , Washington and Lincoln town ships were 'not ' represented. The committee on permanent organiza tion reported in favor of termini ; the permanent chairman "president , and selecting a vice-president from oaoh town ship. For "president , " 0. R. Scott was recommended , and for secretary , Walter Smith. Tha report was adopted. Ool. Suott said ho supposed ho was ex pected to make a speech , but ho hardly thought ho could do so , as the title of "president" bad nearly taken away his breath , and besides there was no opposi tion and no one treading on his toas. Ho succeeded , however , In speaking and calling out considerable enthusiasm. He warned prohibitionists that they were alone safe Insldo the republican ranks , and that outside the lines they wore liable to bo beguiled and deceived , as In the past. Ho predicted that Blalno would yet bo president and Lcgan vlco-preaideul and nrgod the waving of the oloody shlrl again , and swiping tbo democracy across the month with It , and If there were not enough bloody shirts to do this , thou bloody some more. 'FOR SHE LEGISLATURE. Mr. Jacob Simms moved to proceed to the nomination of two candidates for the legislature from this county. Carried. B. F. Olayton named Hon. W. F. Sipp , of Council Bluffs , and Austin Hake , of Avoca , and moved that they be nominated by acclamation. Colonel Sapp Insisted that his name should not be used. The chairman called him to order , but Colonel Sapp Insisted on declining. Ho nominated In his stead John Llndt. F. Benjamin seconded the nomination of Mr. Lludt. Mr. Hake expressed thanks for the mention of his name , but declined to have It mentioned further. Mr.-E. A. Conslgnny insisted that Mr. Hake was too good a republican to refuse to accept the position. He thought too , that < Colonel Sapp should como to the help of the party , now that It needed him. Ho renewed the motion that the the nominations of Colonel S pp and Mr. Hake be made by acclamation. B. F. Olayton moved to proceed by bal lot. lot.Before Before the ballot was annonncod Ool. Sipp moved to make the nominations ol Hake and Llndt unanimous by acclama tion. Ruled out of order. Ho Insisted , however , on the ground that ho could no ) sacrifice his largo law practice by serving the people , if elected. The ballot wae announced : Hake 96. Sapp .VIA and Llndt.47J. On motion of 0. F. Adams the nomi nations of Ool. W. F. Sapp and Mayor Hake , of Avooa , were made nnanlmoua amidst cheers. Ool. Sapp came out amid cheers and remarked that of all things in the world which ho admired It was a good horse , ant ho thoroughly despised a balky ono. Ho would not , In the face of snob a senti ment as shown In this convention , bo found 'balking. They had stood by him when ho wanted nominations , and ho could not further resist , now thai ihoy laid claims upon him. Mr. Hake eald Lo felt a good deal llko the balky hone that i was made to go , but go ho would , and hi * acceptance was re ceived with cheers. * Qjl. Llndt was called out ond-Iu an enthuaiastlc speech pledged his hearty support to the ticket. TIIB 03UNTY AUDITOR. iGol. Sapp moved that T. A. Klrklond , the present Incumbent , bo nominated -bj acclamation and unanimously for counfj auditor. Carried. T. J. Evans nominated J. B , Blake , > o Avoca , for county treasurer. Ool. Ltndt named for that position the patent ituumbent , John Bennett. The ballot stood : Blake Co , Bonnet' 42 , Col. Llndt withdrew the n'.tme o : Mr. Bennett , it being undentood tbat ho did not want to accept the office for another term , And on hit motion the nom ination of Mr. Blake was made uiutnl- mous. JPHE BTRnOOLH FOR aBEKirK. For Sheriff Ool. Sapp named Theodore Gulttar , the present incumbent Mr. Jacob Sim named A , F. Olattorbuok. Mr. A , T. Filcklnger seconded the lat ter name. Ool. Llndt named Phil Ar mour , the postmaster. The Or t ballot atood : Gnlttar , 4GJ , Arranur 33 5-0 , O'atterback ' 20 6-0. A second ballot wai tikon , raiotln ! : Gnlttar 43 , Armour 37 , Ohuterbuok 27 , No cboico Tbo third ballet resulted : Armour 49. Gnlttar 43 , Olatterbuck 15. Mr Simi then withdrew Mr. Clatter- mok'i namo. The fourth ballot resulted In the nom- nation of Mr. Armour , ha recolv/ng 61 votes and Mr. Qnltlar 46. On motion of Ool , S pp tbo Domination ot Mr. Armour was made unanimous. SUPERINTENDENT OP KCtlOOLS. 0. H. Converse , of Oakland , named For superintendent of coboola J. M. Matthews , the present Incumbent. Mr , T. J. Evans seconded It , and moved to oheoso him by acclamation. Nominated unanimously. IHE NEXT INQUEST. For coroner Mr. Oonslgnoy named Mr. H. H. Field. Mr. Sims named the present Incumbent , D. M. Cornell. The name of E. Rosecrans was also presented , The ballot resulted In the nomination ot H. H. Field by rn overwhelming ma- j > rlty , ho receiving 76 votes , Rjsecrans 17 , and Oonmlll4. The nomination of Field was made unanimous. Mr. Field In thanking the convention expressed the hopa that the first Inquest ho would bo called upon to hold would bo tbat of the democratic party. FOR MEMBERS OF TI1E OOUNTT BOARD. Mr. Sims moved that Mr. S. B. Prnm bo ronominatod for county enporvlsor. Mr. B. F. Olayton moved Ell Olayton bo nominated as the other supervisor. Mr. Matlock named Joseph McOord. The name of J. P. Boulder was also pre sented. Before the billet was announced Mr. Benjamin moved to nominate Ell Olayton for supervisor by acclamation. Carried unanimously. THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. Thomas Tostovln , the present incum bent , was nominated unanimously by ac clamation. The convention had been n sort of running love feast , and as a finish Mr. J. J. Stoadman was called for a speech , and made an enthusiastic ono , closing with an appeal for nnanlmous , enthus iastic support of the ticket which had been framed , and which was pronounced by him a strong ono. On motion of Mr. A. T. Filcklnger the convention closed with three cheers for the candidates. WORSE TEAJT A BKUTE , A Cttia County Father Charged "With Grimes Too Foul to Name , From the Oasa Oonnty Domoorat it IB learned that the grand jury at Its reoonb session found an Indictment against Cyrus Baughman , charging him with incest , The evidence an produced before that body , and npon which the indictment li baaed , la eald to bo of the most horrifying rifying and sickening kind , It was proven that for years ho has been more of a hyena than a father , moro a devil than a husband. His treatment of his family had been of the moat brutal or der , and so abjectly terrified had they become under hla treatment that they dared not glvo the notice to the public which would no doubt result in hanging by an indignant people years ago , Ono boy is a cripple for life , his hip having been kicked out of place , as wo are in formed by this Inhuman devil of a father. The daughter who now has a baby , the result of a forced cohabitation with her brutal parent , eaya that her own father seduced her when she was ecarce moro than 12 years of age , and that ho had kept np his hellish relations with her until a few weeks before her babe was born. Another daughter , abont ISyesrs of ago , says that he tried to force her to also submit to hla fiendish lust only a few days before the denouement came. The older daughter Bays she kept silent under fear of death with which the old devil threatened her in caae of her telling what was occurring , and from the manner of his treatment generally eho no doubt be lieved ho would fulfill his throat. Substantial abstracts of tltlo and real estate loans , J. W. and E. L. Squire , 102 Pearl street. Honghton-Beouo. Last evening another oonplo of Oonncll Bluffs favorite young folks were joyfully joined in matrimony , they being Dr. F. \V. Houghton and Miss Geneva M. Beebo , daughter of Mr. 0. A. Beebe , at whose residence the ceremony took place , In the presence of the relatives and a few Intimate friends. Rev. Mr. Mc Dowell officiated. The happy oouplo will start thta morning for Fort Calhonn , where the doctor Is established in prac tice. He is a young physician and sur geon of excellent education , and is rapIdly - Idly winning his way , while the com panion whom ho has thus choeen for life la an accomplished young lady , who will grace the best homo and the neat society. The well wishes of a largo circle of frlonds go with them to their new homes. If you wish to make legitimately from Ton to Fifty Dollars per day , write to Jndd & Smith , No. 34 Fourth street , Council Bluffs POLITIOAL PEiTPLE , The ; M yor Skid to l > o Working tlio 1 Wires forTrap. There has been a good deal of gneaalng to what the mayor means by calling a democratic convention of his own. Among the reports circulating In the democratic camp la that the mayor's play la to mis lead hta democratic opponents , and to giro them the Impression that ho and his confreres do not intend tp take any part in the regnlar"convontlon , but that they are going to hold a convention of their ova , and frame a ticket to anlt themselves , leaving the other faction of the democratic party to act In harmony , and to ba free from all annojanco from him. Thus thrown off their guard , the democrats will not watch the caucuses as closely as they otherwise would , and he and hla friends will Improve the chance 40 elyly capture the caucuses and tocnro delegates favorable to nominating the llttlo mayor for the legislature. If ho ctn thus steal a march on them , his con vention may not be henrd from again , but U It should fail , tlion ho can hold bis convention Hand nominate himself for the legislature. Such Is the outline of the scheme as plowed by the alarmed democrats of the other fictlou. If he OBI any auoh scheme onoot , he will now fi.'id it dlflioult to cipturo the regular caucuses , an they will be on tielr guard. Tha democrats who thought they had got rid of the troublesome mayor eeom to atlll find him a thorn in the flesh. J3o ojpenly declare * that he will fight any on ? uo.ailnated at tbo Dowman convention , but be would probably change hla mind [ f he ibould suooeed In stealing the nomi nation in that convention. Lamps cheap RV IJoninV , 23 Main itreet * GUM , GUM , GUM Rubber Boots , Shoes and Arties - : - OIL - : - , 0 IMMENSE STOCK. SBJ Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , Warehouse nnd salesroom , 4:1 N Main at , Council Bluffd-Iown. Office 412 Broadway PILES I PILES ! ! PILES ! ! A euro euro for Blind. Blooding , Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian File Ointment , A single boz has cured the wont chronic cases ol 2o or SO years standing , No ono need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do more harm than good , Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays tbo intense itching , ( particularly nt night alter getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives nstant relief , and is prepared only for files , tchlng of private parts , and for nothing else. 8U1N DISEASE * OUHEI ) Dr. Frnzlor'a Magio Ointment. Cures as by magic. l'imple9Black Heads or Grubs the lotchos and Eruptions on the face , leaving Saltskin clear and beautiful. Also cures Itch , old , Uhnme. Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , nnd obstinate Ulcers , Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of 5 cents , Retailed by Kuhn & Co. , and Schroeter & Bccht. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman , SPECIAL NOTICES KOTICE. Spoeltl Tettlscmcn ( SO Loit Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Uon Want ! , BoorJ. Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate ol TEN CENTS PEIt LINE for the Qrat Insertion ind FITS CENTS PER LINE foi each inbaeqnent In sertion. Leavc&drertlsementl ai onr offlee , He. 12 I'oail Btroot mar Hrotdwav SALE Furniture , Rood as now. Vied only FOR tow weeks. Will utll iUiro t sacrifice. No. 1028 Third avenue , Council Bluffi. I7OR * BUST Three romg for housckco > mgvo ; J. ' cistern , cclUt and barn. BIB Vuorhls. FOR ? AIE Cheap , a No. 4 Westminster Base Burner , I" period order. Inquire nt 121 BluQ street. 0 HKIiT 4 new teenroom hotuie. hnqulro at BEE Office. BALK Houses hta and Und. A. J. Stefbeu- FOR eon , 603 First Avenue , found ! D ufla . _ RKKT A Blx room house , ten minutes walk FOR business , cltj water , well and cittern. For rent cbcap. FOR REST No. 1DO Eanlson street , throe rooms. McMAUON A Co. 4 1'oarl street. FOR SALE , FOR RENT OR EXCHANGE. 0. 53 For sale or lent , onory Iberal terms. N The Coun-11 Elutti Paper Mill , complete , with the larpe boarding homo and thies acres of ground. No. 28 Afbu'lneBa.propmty In Cherokee , Ch * ' county , Iowa , will tiade ( or western land ; , value about J 1 , 000. t < o. 89 A betutlfcl homo In the town of Ilaallngs , Mills county , Iowa , f r Nebr nlta land. Value , 3,600. Ha. 41 A good builness propeity and ftleo a good residence property In the town of Chcnvo. UoLean county , III. , low dowa fir Ciah or will exchange for wortcrn lands. No. 178 A splendid farm , well Improved , 810 acres In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining the town ol Spirit Lake. Price , for a abort time ; $35 per acre. No. 184 to 137 Are lour Improved farms In Phillips county , Hanson , cacn with a small incumbranoo. Theequltasnlll be exchanged for unlncumberod wild land In Nebraska. > No. 193 480 acree In Holt county , Neb. , partly Improvtd , at a big bugaln. VI ants to exchange for mcrchtndise. No. 64-Aflne two etory brick residence , one of tbo beet locations In Council lllufls , will trade for jcood unlncumbered KtntaaorNcbraaka lands. Value ( IS 100. No 65 aud 11 Are two other beautiful hornet In Counoll Bluffs , which cub payment will buy at a brrzaln. No. 69 A boautlfu ] subnibsn location In Iowa City , Iowa , will exchaigo for western lands. Value (5,003. The above are only a few of our special bargains. If you'ic grt an ythlngito trade or sell , or want to Boll any real estate 01 merchandise , wilte us Wo h v 6er r l good stocks ot eoods to trade for lands , SWAN & WALKER , Council Bludf , Iowa. Kiel Sale Stables , Homatnd Jtul'sooiutartly on bond , lor eala at re- Ull or in citlo d 1 ite. All Stock Warranted OB Represented , Wholofilo and reta'l ' dealers la prelnand lialel lf y. 1'rlooB reasonable , tuttufactlon guiraotcud. SCHLUTEIt A BOLEy Cor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. 1. Rice M. D. n or. other tumors remove ! without the IJj knife or drawing ot blood. CHRONIC 'DISEASESof klni18 a > cuuy J. L. UaBEVOISX. Ufa. 607 Broadway Council Blnffa. Thorough Instruction on the Piano aud Organ. Voice Culture and Tb' ' Persona desirous of receiving in struction in the above will please call oil or address PROF. 0. B. LIPFI5RT , Mo. 620 , FJr t Are. , Council Bluff * . MRS A. B. ROBERTS , Form rljr of Ntw York FIRST US $ DRESSMAKING and t ° S Eitabl ! > bmen { Vo. 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs CarpetSiCarpets Our buyer writes from New York that he has nurchased the Largest and Choicest Line of AND- UPHOLSTERY GOODS Ever Shown in this citv. These goods are now arriving dailv and we lesnectfully invite everybody to call and see them. Oil Cloths , Linoleums , Mattings ? OF ALL KINDS. Window Shades , Cornice Poles , „ Etc. AT7POPULAR PRICES. Council Blufs Carpet Co 405 Broadwav. Hair Goods Waves , | Frtezss , Sivitches. Etc. HAIR GOODS. Hair Dressing And Cutting , HAIR GOODS. Bongs Cut Pnmprdour , Lnngtry or Bother styles. Hair Goods MRS. 0. L. GILLETTE , 29 Main St. Council Blutfj. 13. SQHUES. Insfi ornOK OTEA AUEIUOAa EXriCKBS IOWA. GEiLY HOTEL In Council Bluff ) baring And all modern Improvements , call bolls , Cre alarm bolls , etc , , is the CRESTON HOTTSE Nos. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. MAX 10HN , - PROPRIETOR N , J. SWANBON. O. E. SWANSON MUSIC 00 , , 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Planos.ft Organs Sold on Monthly Payments All Uindi Jof rep ! riog on Mnaical Inttrn- monti o Specialty 8JLM8 , at Law -AT- , - - darkness 'Brothers ' , We shall offer at GASH SALE , until sold , a large in voice o COTTON FLANNELS at 25 per cent below tha prices heretofore ssked , 10 dozen Blankets at 1,25 to $2. worth irom $2 to $3. These goods were bought at Auction Sales and will not , bo duplicated. Parties will do well to secure them while hero. Our new stock of SILKS , TRICOTS , DRESS FLANNELS , PLAIDS , Etc , Are unusually attractive and never so cheap as now of fered , Are received nnd our stocJ ; is well twsorfeiljor flic early jfall trnde. Rugs , Door Mats , Etc , , Etc , r 411 BRJiDIiY , COUNCIL BLPK , W. P. ATLSWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame boas oved on Little Giant trucks , the beet In the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bloffi J. M. PHILLIPS , WHOLESALE DEALER IN Boots & Shoes Employ no traveling ogente , thus enving their expeniea to customers , Agent tor Para Rubber Company. Write for prices , 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la 200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each. Cheap Cook Stoves and General Hones Furnishing Goods , including Now and Second Hand Furniture. Bv M. DROHLICH , ICOS BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. Gentlemen' . ) Clothing ClfnnoJ , Dyed and Repaired. Ladles' Drcates Claimed , and Drai without ripping Plumes Cleaned , or Colored any ShaJo , to Sample. flillcB , Velvets and Laces Cleaned , Dyrd and Uettnichod. Laoa Curtains neatly cleaned ; 29 Main street , Coun cil Bluffs , opposite poKtoffice. P. B. PATTON , Manager. Office & Pusev. BACKERS Counoll Bluffy Iowa. Established , 1865 . . U.W. IIPUHB Hair Goods AT- Mrs , D. A. Benedict's * K . 287 Broadway , Council lilufl * . HAIR GOODS HAIR GOODS Of all kinds Of every style made to order. ready made. HAIK r OODS , HAIR GOODS. | o,337 , Broad way , ' KEMEU & SKAJUGIIT , No 3t N. Mnin St , Council Bluffs Ttltpliono No. HI. All work firit clog * , D , A , BENEDICT , WRITER , AGENT FOR All styles of LiJdnra constantly In ttock uiado fem gpruce pW plank. The very bwt. No 19 Pcail St , - - Council BJuto Over BufllineU'i ) Book Store. - " ft.