THE DAILY BEE-FJRIDAY S-P1EMBER 25. 1885 , OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY COUUISSIOM , ETC. BRANCH & CO. , Wholes'e Fruits.Produce.Ovsten 1121 Pamatn St. , Omaha. Applet Our own packing flail & Co'i Tlper Brand Oyrters. Butter , EKE ) , ( Jam * , Poultrj Potatoes. JOIIN F , FLACK , General Commission Merchant Produce , FroTlsloni , FrulU , Hour and Feed. 105 S Ilh 8k , < mahaNeb. OTConstgnmenti solicited , Returns made prompl'y LOuFaTlIELLEli , Jobber & Commission Mental Cheese , Sausages , FrulU , Butchers' Tooli and Sup | > llei U16 Jonei BL , Umaha , heb. IIORST & RIDDKLL , General Commission Merchants , SriciAvrixs Butter , Kggi , Forclpi and Donicntli Fruits. 112 8.14th StVilnahaNeb. Telephone No. 3D5 , D. A. HUllLEYi " = " " Commission and Jobbing , DutUr , 1'igii and Produce. A ( nil line ot Stoiowaio. Solicited. 1411 POJKO 3L , Omaha. E. MOUOXY , General Commission Merchant EuttcrKgK8 , Cliccso and Country Produce generally , SCO 8. 12th HU , Omai ) , Neb. M03I1ANE & SOIIROEDER , Buyers of Butter and Eggs , Refrigerator and Packing Housc.lUh & tcav "iiw orth HU.onU. P. 1L H. Track , Omaha , l\cb. KtUblUhcd 1870. ROBERT PURVIS , General Commission , 211 S. l Ui 8U , Omaha , Neb. Specialties Butter , 1-BK'i Poullry and Game. PEYOKE BROS. Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produce and PiovUlnn , Omaha , Neb. A. 1' . SOIlAOK , Wholesale Commission Merchant Fruit , Seeds and Produce. No. 213 S. lltth Street Omaha , Nebraska. TROXELL & WILLIAMS , Storage and Commission Mcht's , Fruits , Flonr , Apples , Stoneware , Cider , Vinegar , Qrasa Seeds , Butter , Kjrg213 and 316 douth IStb street , Orxaha , Nebraska. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants Poultry , Butter , Game , Fniltfl , Etc. 2023 S. 14th St. Omalia , Nebraska , CUAL , LIME , TC. JEFF W. BEDFORD , Coal , Coke. Lime and Stone , Office , 213 S. 14tli St. , Omaha , Neb , Yards , 9th and Da\cnport , St. COUTANr & SQUIRES , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coa Boat varieties. Office , 213 S 13th SL Telephone N 1492 , Qaiaha.Neb. OK ) . C. To\ns , Prcg. aHO.l'ATaiisos.SeciTrea NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Sliiouers of GOB ! and Coke , 214 a 13th St. Omaha , Neb. J. H. IIULBXHT , F. A. BALCII , Proprietor. Manager Nebraska Coal & Lime Comnany OMAHA , KEQHASKA. Office , 217 S. 13th St Telephone 40. 0 o. F. LiBAQir , Pros. o. F. OOOCSIAX , V-Pres J. A.SUXDERLAND , SCO. & TreOS. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co , Jobbers ol hard and soft coal , 209 S. ISth St.Omaha Nebraska. OMAHA COAL AND PRODUCE 00. Hard and Soft Coal. Kxcluilre dealers In Boulder , Colorado Coal , 2V South 14th Street gS and LIQUORS. Dealers in Liquors and Cigars 1201 and 1204 Douglas EL , Omaha , bob. actorlos Nos. 4 and SOJ , sd Uist. N. T. GEO W. DUNCAN , Buccassor to llcViMAIiA & UuxcjLf , Iraporleri and wholetalo Boolers In Wines. Liquors and Cigars 14 and S10 B. 14th St. , Omalia , Neb. R. R. GROTTB , Wines an Liquors Wcatorn Agent Jeg. Omaha.iuj Co. 719 8. 9th Street , Omaha. HENRY HORNBERGER , Wholesale Wines , Liquors , Cigars 1321 Dallas 8U , Omuha , Neb. ILEB & Co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Sole Manufacturers ol Kennedy's But India Hitters. 1112 Haruey St. , Omaha , Keb. L. P. LARSON & CO , , Wholesale Dealer in Whiskies , And Cigare , and Oeu'l Afent3 ( ( or the I'hlllp CclebratuJ Milwaukee Ueer , Omaha , Nub. IRON PIPE , ETO. COWING & 00. r Hydraulic &Mechan'l ' Engineers , jobber * In Iron Pipe , Iron Fittings , Iron and Brass roods. EiiKiuecri supplied , Hth and Uodgo SU. , Omako , Neb. A. L. STRAN3 COMPANY , Pumns , Pipe , and Engines. Bteaui , Water , Ralluar and liming SujijJIca , etc. 020 , 022 , 024 t'amani SL , < malm. eb. VA OnUROniLL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pine , Fittings , Bteam and Water Suppllos. Headquarters for Slut Foont Co' * , ( loud * , 1111 Famam at. , Omalia , ficb. HARDWARB. W. J. BROATOII , Heaw Hardware , Iron , Steel , BnrUipi , AVafon Stock , Hardwood Lumber , etc. 1200 aiid 1211 Haruey BU , Ouulio , Neb. EDNBY & GIBBON Wholesale Iron , Steel. Wagon And Carrl'io Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware. Eta , 1217 and HIS Leaveuwoith bt , Ouiaht , Neb. HIMEBAUGU i TAYLOR. Builders' Hardware , Mechanlot TeeN , aod Uullalo Soalcs. HIS Doug las St Omaha , Neb. LEE , FRIED & CO , , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tluvure , Shfet Iron , Eta Aguti for Howe Bolei and ilUml I'ovrder Co. Oouha , NcU. 'II ' J MILTON ROGERS & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , llantlu , Oraten , DrM * Qood . 18U and U2S far. n.ui Btrett. RECTOR & WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , enon BUel Kail * . ( Jor. ictu and llaruer SU t mid i , ti l ) , OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY XS , ETO. J. L. BUANDKIS &SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Goods , Notions , OtnU' Fnrnlihlnjr Oo d , Oc < I tram New Totk. Trade Sties Dally ) Wfl and COS South IJlh fit. , Omaha. 0. B. GOODRIOU & CO , , French and German Fancy Good ! DrufgUU' and Statloneri' Sundries , litl Farnai BU , Omaha , t\tb. J , T. Robinson Notion Comoan ] 403 and 405 & 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Wholesale dealer * In Notions and G nU' Furnlihlai Good * . LUMBER , ETO , LOUI3 BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Baaht Doors , etc. Yards Cor. 7th and Douglas , Cor Otli and Douglas. B01IN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings. Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Finish. Just opened. N. H. Cor. 8th and Ltarenworth Sts. , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , tli B. 14th St. , Om ha , Neb. F. Colpetter , Ifanager. 0. N. DIETZ , Lumber. ISth and California Street , Omaha. Alb. FRED W , GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. 6th and Douglia St. , Omaha , Nek GEO. A. HOAGLAND , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber. Omaha , Nebraska. " G. F. LYMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors. Blinds , Uouldlngs , Building Paper , Etc. South 13th Street , Omalia , Neb. Nebraska Lumber Co. , 611 Buth Ninth Street , Omaha , Nebraska OMAHA LUMBER CO , , Detlers In all kinds of Building Material at Wholesale I8th street and U. P. R. K. Trunk , Omaha , Neb. GERMAN \7YATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOthandltardSt. , Omaha , Nebraska. J. A. WAKEFIELD , iVholesale Lumber > Lath.Shineles lldiDg Papers , Sisli , Doora , Blinds , STouMloft , HckeU , PosUi , Llnic , rioster. Hair , Cement. Ninth ami JUIICH. Omaha , Neb. GROCERIES , ALLEN BROS. Wholesale Grocers , 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb , E. B , CHAPMAN & CO. Wholesale FancyGrocers , Cigars , Tobacco and Smokers AitUIea , 1217 Howard St. MEYER & RAAPKE , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , If Ices , Clgara and Tobaccos , 1317 and 1810 Douglai St. , Omaha , Nebrtska. MoOORD , BRADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , ! ornrlOth and Faruom Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Vliolesaie Groceries & Pro visions Fo * . 70S , 707,709 and 711 8.10th St. , Omaha Neb. ' FLOUR , ETO , m. Prestcn. Geo. Itlchaidson. WM. PRESTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , (08 , E10 and BIS Pleroo St. , maha , Neb. L. A. STEWART & CO. , Wholesale Flour Dealers , nd manufacturen ol niumlnaUog and Lubricatloc Oils. BRUNO TZSOHUOK , Jr , Agent for J. C. Hodmajr &Co. , ilanf'rs Highest Grades of Flour j Boilers and Hungarian Process. Warehouse 1211 Jonei Street , Omaha , Neb. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. LININGER & METOALF CO , WI10LU1LK lealers in Agricul'l Implements Offlce Oor. Oth and Pacific 8t& , Omaha , Neb. PARLIN , ORENDORFF & MAETIN , Wholesale Dealeri In gricultural Implements , Wagons and Buggies , Omaha , Neb. DRYOOOD9. J. J. BROWN & CO. , Fholesale Dry Goods & Notions 1222 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nth. L. GINSBERG & CO , Who ! wale Dealers In Goods Hosiery Notions Dry , , , Unens , Laces , Kmbroldery nil Whltogoodi , 1020 mglai fitOmaha , Neb LEATHER , HIDES , ETC. L. 0. HUNTINGION & SON. lealers in Hides , Wool , Tallow , 1114 Jackson Street , Omaha , Neb. SLOMAN BROS , , eather Hardware , Saddlery , iddlery and Shoo Findings , Hides , Woo ) ITuil , Pelts , Grease , Tallow , ete. Omaha , Ifeb , HARNESS , ETO , WELTY & LANDROOK , kfanufacturers and Jobbers d arness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , Blanket * and Robe * . litt Famani Street Omaha , Nea. FURNITURE. DEWEY & 'liolesaie- ' Dealers in Furniture FarnamSt , Omaha , Neb , FISH , ETC. IOKEN , SIEMS3EN & CO. Wholesale Fish Dealers , porters of Foreign Fun , KM. BU an 1 tit Jonet street and U , I * . Track , Omaha , Neb. SAFES & LOCKS. P. BOYER & CO. , jents for HallsSate : & lock Go's f o and Burglar I'rcxit Safes , Time Locks , Vaults and Jail "urk. 1021 Fariiam St. , Dmalia , Neb Boots and Shoes. W , V. MORSE & CO. , inners of Boots and Shoes- 11 Faniam Street , OraabaNeb , Manufactory hiiimnerht Boston. JEWUtRY. EDHOLM & EIUOKSON , Wholesale Jewelers , Denlerlla Sllrcr areDUiion < l ( , Watches , Clockg , * r * ' nlTaeli andUaterUlf , tc. 101 and 103 , 16tb Cor. Pod ft , Oui bj , Nt b wan * * - - 1 OMIHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY ENGINES. BROWNELLi & CO , Djilert la The Baker Automatic Engines , Stationary and pcrinblt Engine * , Rollers and Bbeel Ironwork. WagonBoftde , ARricultuial Impli- mentd , Tump * , Kit , Hlt-1116 trfavenworth St. Omiha , Keb , Vf. 0 , TIHTLITOI , Maoaper. Drugs Etc H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Job era of Paints , Oils , \ \ InJow GiuM , etc.,1114 liar- npj St. , Omaha , Neb , O. 1' . GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist , An Dealer In Paints , Oils and Window Qlatt Omaka , Nfbraska. UILLINKHY , I. OBERFKLDER , ImporUri and Jobber * ef Millinery and Notions , 1 13 and 1216 Barney St. , Omaha , Nib , LIVE STOCK. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , Ha Yardigo Charged. Close to 17 , P. Brldite. Spools 1 accommodation and a seed market for llogi. E. C. COOFER , Manager. OfflooQC9rruth6thht. GREEN k BURKE , Live Stock Commission And Forwarding Agcnto , Union Stock Yards , South Om ha , Neb. Represented at Chicago br Kcenan t Hancock , and J. J. Hunter & Co. Telephone W , F. BROWN k CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock Olllcc Exchange Building , Union Stock Yanls.South Omaha , Neb , Orders for feeders and ( lock cattle promptly Oiled , at lowest market price. Telephone MALLORY , SON k CO. , Established , 1802. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yards , Chicago , 111. and Omaha , Xeb Fr < iiik Chlttcndcn , Manager Omaha Branch. Tele phone No. 283. W , L. PATRICK k CO. , Live Stock Commission Merch'ts VKlresi&ll communications to us at Union Stook Yards , Bautb Omaha. Advance ] made on Stock. Union Stock Yards Comnany , OF OMAHA , Limited. John F. llojd , Superintendent. Fork Packing. JAMES E. BOYD , Pork Packer and Shipper/ rt. i. . xr.i. _ . i. . . , Nebraska. HARRIS & FISHER. Ackers and Provision Dealers. mice Union Market , 1517 Dxlgo t P onln U. P. 11. It. Track , Onuhk , Nob. Telcph No. 167 Crocka'- ' ' W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer ] Crockery , Glassware ; tamps , Chhnnc } i , etc. OlDco 317 S. 13th St. ,0ma m Nebraska. Coffos and apices , CLARKE BROS. & CO. , Imaha Coffee and Spice Mills nporters and Jobbers of Teas , Coffee and Spices. Jlainifacturcrs of Haklii ) , ' Powder , Flavoring Ex * tracts , L undry Blue , Ink , Etc. 1414-10 Haruey St. , Umalm , Nebraska. CARPETS , S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , attings , Curtain Goods , etc. , 1423 Farnam Street , Omalia , f < cb. 1ICSIOAL IKSTIICMKNIS. EDHOLM & ERIOKSON , lrnOLE8ALB lealers in Musical Instruments Stitiiway Pianos , Weber , Doctor , Halnoj and rigea Plan a. Packard Orgais , Chase Organs. 101 id 10J , 16th M. , Ujr. Dodge , Omtha , Neb. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , OVERALLS. CANFIELD MF'G. CO. Manufacturers of Overalls ] \ , ; ans Fanta , Shirts , Etc. 1102 and 1104 Douglas St. Omaha , Neb. OILS , ETO CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , uollno Mica Axis Otoxse , etc. A. U. BlshopMana get Omkia' Neb RON AND NAILS. OMAHA NAIL M'FG CO. , Cut Nails and Soikes , Fire Nolle a Sped illy. Omaha , Nebroikv Omaha Iron Works Comoany , ilinulaciunrj and Dealers in Machinery and Castings , cam Engines , Bollera , Architectural Iron Work , Iron'UililjcB. Mining and Mill Machinery. Olfico and if orke , Unto 11'aciUo 11. R. 17th and 18th Sta. WEARNE&BRO. Foundry Works Corner Fourteen h ana J nekton Sts , Omthn , Neb , , spared to do all kinds of Iron ani Brass Castings. Draers by mall receive prompt attention. Alio , 0 , Binnlstor'a rtorklnj { Qrate Bjra , mauufaotureil by tame & lire. WHITE LEAD. MAHA WHITE LEAD COMl'AFY , Corroderi and Grinders of Perfectly Pure White Lead , niha.N.b. Lo l Carter , Prcst. ; C. W. Mead , Vice I'rtBt ; H , W. Yatci , fee. andTreas. = = = = = = = = = = = = = 21 SOAP. "P. J. QUEALEY , Soap Manufacturer , 3ce and factory , Nearl'o d < ir Madame , Omaha , Nebraska. BOOKBINDING , ETC. Cl RKES PRINTING CO. , Printers. Book Binders , d Blank lo ) > k ttanuf trturcrs. Nos. 100 and 108 South lUli St. , Omiht , Neb , GIG ABB and TOBACCO , OI * ' MAX MEYER t CO , , ibbers of Clears. Tobaccos ci . , A mi and Ammunition 216 to SJ3 S. llth St. 1020 to * " ; Farnara St. , Omaha , Neb. f3T imEO- OCEAN CIGAH PAOTORr WE.-JT & c-lUTSOUEU , anufacturers of Fine Cigars , J wholesale doilers In Loaf Tobtccoa. No. Tot and 110 N , Mt S' . , Omaha. Nb. Wagons ana damages , or IJTISLUUSO A. J. SIMPSON , Fie Leading Carriage Factory , 1403 and nil Podga St. Oinaha , Neh. GRATTON A ; DRUMMOND , anufacturers of Fine Carriages , 5 and HIT HuDOjr SI. , Omiba , Neb. Sole agciits S < n Neliajia lor Jonej' Celebrated Split tiha't Bui. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS. MATTRESS KS. E. M , HULSE. Mattress. Company , Manufacturing Mattres cs , Detldlng , I'eathcr Pillows Cott , etc. Uo3and IMS Douglas St. , iin liaNeb. PAPKU BOXES. J. L. WILKIB , Manufacturer of Paper Boxe ? . 106 8. 14th St , . Omaha , Nob. Orders by mill solicit , cil and will rcccheprompt attention. FUWR. W. , T. WELSH \NS & CO. Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. lUtiiit.tctutcnof . J. Welshan ) tc Co' QUICK Una- no SCCKWHKAT rwuii , and proprietor * Omaha City MUlvnrnor < ith nd FnmimSts. , Omaha , Neb. OOUMOE3. Eagle Cornice Works. JOHN EPENEFER , Proprietor. Maniifacturerot Galvanized Iron , Cornice , Window cap and Ski lights Wholesale Agents for Western Iowa and Ncbraakifortho I.ymin Vapor Stoic , ! H3 Dodge , and 101 and 103 North lOtli at , Omaha , N b. RUEMPING k BOLTE. Mtnufa-.turors o' Omatnen at Galvanized iron Cornices. Dormer Window , . , Finih , Window Capl.tfetilllO Sky-lights &C. , Tin , Iron and S'at > rtoottM , 810 south lth St. Work done In any part ot the Ojuntrr , Omaha , Neb DOOH8 , SASU.r.tO. A. ROSENBERY , Uanufactnrer and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair RaDt , Newels , Dtlnjters , Scroll Work , fto Estimates Oheerlully Furnished , SUIr Work A Spec ialty. Telephone N * . W. 16th and Marcy BU. , Om > . ha , HeU HAUVS8TER8. WM. DEERING & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the Deering Harvesting Goods. Binders , Recpors and Mowers Wrlto to Wm. IT. xjrlmcr , Ocn'l Agent , Omaha , for pilco and terma. ? olcrhono BIO 8APES. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDREEN , lanufacturorotFiro and Burglar Proof Sifcs , Vault leers , Jail Work , Shutters and WIre Work. Cor 14th nd Jackson Sts. , Onulia , Neb. Opening and rcpalr- ig safes and job work promptly done. BUTTER TUB 3. J. SEYMOUR , Manufacturing of Butter Tubs. 3 lb. , 3c ; 40 Ib. , 30. , Z5 lb. , 24c ; 20 lb.,22c ; 100 lb. , rklnj 90o. 18th and Plerco St , Omaha N < h. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Electrical Supplies , L. W. WOLFE & 00. , Elpctrions. Mi'onlo Bloc.T , Omaha llliistritcd catalogue and rice Hit free of Until and House Annunciators , urglar Alarms. BelU , Fire AbrmFlotrio Mat- ng , Speaking Tubs , Otlj , Silicrnnd Nickel Plit- ig , etc. BILLIAHD TABLES 'HE ' BRDN3WIOK-BALKE-COLLEN- DER & CO. , fl'frs of Billiard and Pool Tables And aloon , "lllco and Dank Fixtures. Market < nd Huron sta , Chicjgo , 111. Omaluoffice US. 10th St. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. P1NANOI j. NawYoBK , Sept. 21. MONKT Eaayatl llj per cent , FBIMB PAFKB 4@5per cent. EXCHANGE BILLS Quiet and unchanged at 1.831 ; demand , 54.85 ? . GOVKBNMKNTS Dull and steady. STOCKS Stocks were a little more active -day than on ono or two other dull days iring the past month , still businets was list- bB and uninteresting. Fluctuations to-day no case , except Lackawanna , amounted to i much aa 1 per cent. The general list nched highest figures either at the opening 1 before midday , In the afternoon business as extremely dull , with a sagging tendency , oweat prices were made late in the after- ion. Final quotations , however , are a shade gber than bottom figures. STOCKS OK WALL 8TBECT. Iccnthonds. 103 } ChL & Northwestern 07 ! S. 4l's ml preferred. ml jTVi's 1S8J New York Central. . . . [ )8i ) iclOo 6'i ot ' 95 127J Orckon Trenscontl. . 2l { intral I'aclflc SMfaclflolIalL 471 dcogo&Alton 1321 P. , D. & E 16 preferred , 160 | I > ullman Palace Car. . lt $ > ! . , Bur. & Qulncr , HO Ilock Island 119 : ! . , Lac. & Wes . . . . 1002 St. Louts & San F. . . 17 : Hirer Jill. Grande , 12 I preferred 20 le 1CJO. It &St Paul. . . 79 | preferred , 34 preferred 113 Inols Central 181 St. P. fcOmaha 32 B. liVf 181m preferred 9)4 ) Ltuifli Texas. , . . 24 } Texas Pacific lei , ke Shore 7lj Union 1'oclflo 40 ] iuls. & Nosh , 41J Wabash , st.L&P. . 7 } chlgan Central. . flt I preferred. 134 ssourl Pacific SBl Western Union B7J irthern Paclflc. . . 21 | 0. W.&N 78 preferred PHODUOE OHIOAQO. OBIOAOO , III , Sent. 21 , Flonr Firm d unchanged ; wheat flour , S4. > 0@5.25 ; ithern , $4.60@5.00 ; Wisconsin and Mich- Ft spring wheat , $3.50@4.25 ; Minnesota kors' , $3.50@4.60j patent $3.7G@4.60j low des , S2.OOW3.00. Wheat Fevoribh and uerroua ; opened eng and advnrrfd fie ; declined li-i ; ro- rered Jc ; eased cil Jo ; fluctuated and closed under yeatiray8-l@813o ! ; , casb84o ; , Sop- nber ; Sigc , October ) bOi@8C3c , November ; > . 2 rod. 88io. S Dorn Moderately active , weak , lower ; led i@8i ) lower ; closed $0 lower for Sep. nber ; steady for options , ex ept November , nch was Jo better ; 4 c , cosh and Septem- rj 4ia@lli8 , OotoDor ; S9i@39Jo , No- mber. 3its Quiet , and easier ; 25a cash and ntember ; 25Jo , October ; 2&jfo , Novembes ; Jo , December , Itye Pirm at 58a. Barley-Quiet at TOc. rimothy Quiet ; prime , 81 73@1 74. [ Tlaxseed Good demand ; No 1 , 1 20. ? ork-Unsettled and nervous ; fluctuated thin A range of 74' " It'cj closed outside ] $8 05 I 70 , cashtJIS C7J@8 70 , September.and Oa ierS8G2U8CO ; , November. Lard Weak and moderately active ; da- ned fi@74c ; closed iteady at a reduction ; 10(70124 ( , caeb , September and October ; 02i@005 ; November. bulk Meats Shoulder * , ? 8 7E@4 00 ; short ar , $0 00@0 15.hort rtbi , 95 60 , kVniiky Nominally at 8110. Uutter Qolet and seadyKood' to fancy . , amery , ! U@L''o ; good to choice dairy , lirm > ( . Dheese Fairly active and firm ; choioa lull iam cheddart , 7J&8ic ; flits , 81)0 ) ; young nerlcas , 0@10ic ; ekiin l@6c , Sggs-FIrm at 17@17io. tlidei Steady and unchanged ; heavy ion salted , fully cured , 8c ; light , 8to ; uaged , Ocj dry raited , IKgllJcj calf skins , l c. Callow Steady and unchanged ; No , 1 , 60. KeoelpU , ttblpti. rar , bbU. . . . . . . ,13,000 5,000 loat , buiheU . 31,001 1C 000 tn , btubeli . 225.000 233,000 ti.bnihelt . 147,000 127,000 8 , bnihols . 4,000 6,000 rley , bnaheli . 49,000 It ) , 000 HI. LODIB , ! l. Louis , M& . Sept. 24. Wheat ined jo higher ; advanced io more ; fell off , . „ below yesterday ; 0/l@92o , l > ; 0 Jo October ; 95o Novemh > r. Jorn Firm41i@41Jc ; , ca h ; S'Jo ' , October , at ) jts Firm bunlowj 2l24o caih24ic ; Pibo Uemb r ; 2lo , October. bo Iva-Qaietat64o. 1. ' VnUky-Lowcr , at 11.00. . , Butter Euy ; creamery , IC@22c ; dairy , 1 @ 18e. Afternoon board Wheat t@Jo higher , bu closed wpitV. Corn Firm and unchanged , Oats No saloj. NKW TOBK THODCOB , Niw YOBK , Sept. 24. Whnat Spot Jowc and dull ; options opened higher , afterward weakened , but closed steady ; re clpts , 103,000 bn ; nxporu , 40,000 bu ; ungraded rod , 78G$07c No. 3 red , 92c ; No. 2 rod , O&o in elevator November closing at 97Jo. Corn Opened heavy and i@Jc lower closed stead } ; roooiptc , 1S3.000 bn ; exports 14,000 bu : ungraded , 47i 49Jc ; No. 2 , 481o in elevator , 49j afl at , 49jc to artive ; Nu vehibor closed at 48Jc. Oftts-Stoady ; receipts , COCOO bn : exports 10,000 bu ; mixed western , 23 32c ; whlto western. 33@4o. retrolonm 1'irrn ; united closed nt 81 OOjj. Eggs Quiet and firm ; receipts , 2,000 pick- ages , Fork Dull ; meet , spot , 810 09. Lard Lower but moro active , doling steadier : western steam , spot , SO.2) ; Novem ber , 50.223620. Butter Quiet and weak. Choose Unchanged. MUWACKEI. MILWACKM , Wls. , Sept 24. Whpat Active and stronger ; cosh , 84Jc ; October , 8IJc ; Novnrnber , 80Ja. Corn Steftay ! No. 2 , 43lc. Oata-Bnll ; No. 2 , 23jc , Kyo Pirm ; No. 1 , 680. Barley Nominal ; No. 2 , Clc. Provisions Lower ; moss pork , cash nod Octobsr , 53 07 ; November , Sa67. OIHClNHAir. OINOINNATI , O. , Sept. 24. Wheat Active demand and firm ; No. 3 rod , 93&jc & ! ) , Corn-PIrm ; No , 2 mixed , 48o. Oats Good demand and firm ; No , 2 mixed , 28.\ 28.Kyo Strong and higbcr ; No. 2 , G2@G4o , Barley Fair demand ; No. 2 spring , 52 gCOo. Pork Nominal at S9.CO. Lard Easier nt$6.lO , Whisky Stronger at 31.CC ; finished goods jased on $1,03. MINNEAPOLIS. MINKKAPOUB. Minn. , Sept. 24 Wheat [ rrrgular ; No. 1 hard , cash and October , 90c ; tfuvcmber , Oljc : Uacoinber , 92Jc ; No. 1 north' irn , cash and October , 8Cc ; November , 87c ; December. 88c. Flonr Firm ; hold at S5.25@5.40 for pat- nts ; $1 20 4.40 for bakers. Kocoipta Wheat , 14b)00 ( ) bu ; flour , 35 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 17,000 , bu ; flour , 14,000 ibis. TOLEDO , TOLBDO , 0. , Sept. 24. Wheat Closed ctlva and easier ; No , 2 cash 90c , asked. Cord Easier and quiet ; cash. 44o. Outs Dull and firm ; October , 28c. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS Cur , Sept. 24. Wheat Lower ; us ! ) , 70io bid , TCJc asked ; October , 7Cgc ; November , 78i@78ic. Corn Weaker ; cosh , 32c ; year , 25o bid. Oats Nominal. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 24. Wheat Steady ; To. 2 winter , 7s jd ; No. 2 spring , Gs lOJd , Corn Pirm ; spot , 4s 7dJ ; 4s Cid , Sepwm- erit ; EJd , October and November. lilVE STOCK OIIIOAQO. ClHOAao , Sopt. .21. The Drovers' Journal sport < : Cattle Receipts , 0,400 ; slow and lOc lower ; lipping steers , U50 to 1,600 lb . , S3 90@C CO ; o kora ami fvoders , 82 50@S4 00 ; cows , bulls ad unxed.SL ( jj@3 75iXexanisteady nt2 ; 0 ; 3 50 ; western rangera , slow and lOc lower ; atlvea and half-breeds , $3 G5@5 00 ; cows , 3 00@4 00. Uogs Iteceipta , 18tOO ; slow ; 1016c iwer ; rough and mixed , $3 59@3 80 ; patk- ig and snipping , § 2 50aJ3 ( OJ akipa , & 40@ 40. Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; stronger ; natives , 2 00@4 CO ; westerns , $2 50@3 40 ; Texans , 2 00@3 20 ; lambs , $4 00@5 01) ) . KANSAS OUT. Cm , Mo , Sept. 21. Cattle eceipts , 2. COO ; shipments , 1,600 ; Rood aak ; common , lOo lower ; exports , S5.25 ® 40 ; common to choice shipping , $4.60@ 20 ; stockers and feeders , 53.0U@-1.20 ; cows , ! .00@3.20 ; Hogs Receipts 5,000 ; shipments , 1,800 ; toice , Go lower ; others , lOj lower ; good to loice ; ? 3.93@4 05 ; common to medium , $3.05 390. Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; Dady ; common to good xnuttona , $1.DO@3.00. ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , Mo , , Sept. 24. Cattle Re- ipfc , 2,400 ; shipments , 300 ; top grades , area and firm ; others , quiet ; poor stuff was aak ; native shipping steers , 94 C0@5 75 ; nave - vo butchera'ateora , § 3.5Ua4,60 ( ; ; mued stuff , ! .253.5D ; stockers and feeders , $2.50@3.40. Sheep Receipts , 3,500 shipments , 700 ; ipply liberal aud prices weak ; common to ncy , 2.00@3,60 ; lambs , 52 50@4.00. OMAHA. IOVB STOCK. UNION STORK YAHDB , S. OUABA , Thursday Evening , September 24. There was a strong demand to-day for [ tellers' stookaud very little offered for sale. 10 receipts of range cattle fair , but ihp mar- it slow at former prices. There la a fair do- and for feeders and a good many strangers e at the yards waiting for a chance to buy. 1 IB bottom has fallen out of the hog market r. d prices are from 5 to 10o lower , caused by 4 .favorable advices from eastern points. 9avy hogs will continue down until the d eking season opens : light hogs will hold up 1 tier ani the market will not go as lour. Uoneml Markets. di Jaos Market stiff .at 13x | Prospects favor H light advance. R iCTTXit The very warm weather of late has S iwn its bad effects and many shipments re arrived heated , Demand for choice , des of fresh butter Is quite heavy , but only ° mall portion of nil receipts can be graded > < lice , in fact , the greater part li below fair } in. Prices are unchanged at following quocl loni : Choice froeh , 14@10e ; fair to good , | 12o , inferior , 6@7o ; creamery 20@22o. ki JIUKSE Full cream Cheddars , 9fc ; full " ! am flats , two In hoop , lOJc ; full cream o' ' ung Americai , four in hoop. IHc ; Swiss , k < ilCc ; brick , ll@12c ; Llmbnrger , 9o. 0 JALIKOUNIA KBOIT Pears-Winter Nellis , 12 arre , Die ) , Lawrence , E. Beurre , Vicar , I other varieties , per box , ? 2,76g3.00. { iches-Per box , 8l.50@1.76. Plums Per : , 8L25@1.76. Prunes-Per box , 81.26 ® la 5. tli 9 The market u bare , Louhlaua h ( orangis expected to arrive within the nei two weeks. BANANAS There is but n limited clfman ntpreieut and market rules low , Choic selection , $2 60@3 50. OBAFES In very light receipt * . Horn grown and choice Misiouti and Iowa Concord mtet with rcndy Hale nt 5 Cc. LESIONS New MCTsinn and Palermo lemon are tn liberal supply and of good quality Quotable 50.60 to S7.00. WILD PLUMS Very few wild plnms an in the market at 76o per 4 bush , basket. PKAcim-The market is bare of Californli and Utah peaches. Michigan stock in gooc demand , The bulk of receipts from the OM arrived soft to-day and shipping stock rulot high , Choice quotable per crate , $3 60@4 10 per peck basket , 81 00@125. APPLES Choice eating , (2 7C3 00 ; cook ing , $2 602 75. CnANBKRniKa Bell andbnslp , perbblS9.60 ; jell and cherry , per bbl , $7 75@8 60. PoCLinr Shlpmenls have not boon quite as heavy lor the last few days as they were for several weeks put , still tbo supply Is lib. oral and prices rule low , It Is hard to ob tain over $2 25 for good sized spring chickenr , and the bulk of them ( will not bring above ' 2 00 ; old chickens nro only In fIr request at 94 7i@300 ; s .me . live ducks are coming In hut are selling slow at (2 25@2 75 ; them Is no dn- nand yet for turkeys and won't bo until It s cold enough to ship thcmdroused. GAUIC Extremely dull on acount of the ate warm wrathor. A good many shipment * .rrivod . entirely ( polled , and all have moro or esa thriuicago. Prices are low and will re main so until n change of tcmpoiaturo takes plica. Wo qtioto only such gnino ns is in eaaon according to too laws of this state. The reason for deer , antolopa and qnitil openn October 1. Prairie chickens quotable $1.70 ® .25 ; snipe , 75e@S1.00 ; mallard ducks , $175 @ 2.00 ; to l ducks , ? 1.CO@1,75 ; jack rabbits , 3 50 per dor. ; small rabbits , 81.60 , POTATOES AND ONIONS The trade Is ns yet utly supplied from our immediate neighbor. mod , and shipments nro not desirable , ns car- oads can't bo bundled to advantage at protent nd It does not pay to ship In small lots. 'ho prlca of both potatoes and onions ranges mm 80@45o per bushel according to quality. BEANS-There is no clean stock offered ! It vould bring about $1 00 per bushel , and Irty onoa nro dragging at C0@70o , SWEET POTATOES In moderate supply nnd 'air demand and slightly higher prices Choice argo quotable at 3o per lb ; $4 CO per bbl. PBOVISIONS Lard , 40 lb cans per lb , 7jc ; iriod boot hams , 12Jcdried ; beef , reguliu.lOJc ; sorned bsef , per bbl , SO 00 ; moss pork , per bol U3 00 , ham , 101@11 ; breakfait bacon , ° Joar side bacon , Be ; dry salted sides , 7 4 boulders , Go. SDNDIUESNow Holland herrings , 05c ; nestio Ilolhnd herrings , kegs , 45c ; Russia ardines , herrings , 45c ; anchovies in glass , 0' 3ull brand , per doz. , $3 50 ; anchovlea in : cgs , Ole Bull brand , per doz. , $4.00 ; spice lamburg herrings , skins and heads oil , per tall , $1.25. OrsiEBS-Standards , 35c ; Bolocta , 40c ; extn elects , 45c. GBAiN-Corn , S4 : ; new oats , 225@23i rheat , No. 2 , ( we ; rye , ' S8@40o. SUOKIKO TOBACCO O , 8. , 22cj Meorsohaum , Oo ; Long Tom SOo. Blackwell's Durham , K z , , Clc ; S oz. , 55p ; 4 oz. , 67c : 3 or. . GOo. eal of North Carolina , 16 oz.wood , 42c ; 8 oz , rood , 45c ; 4 oz , . cloth 48c ; 2 oz. , COo , Nav Ilippings , 2Go , Kllllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. So. So.FINE FINE OUT Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of thi feat , GOc : Fountain , 70o ; Golden Thread 7c ; Tavorlte , GOc ; Buds , 60c ; Rocky Aloun tin , 60ci Fancy , 45o ; Daisy , 40c. HEAVT HAKDWABB-Iron , rates , 2 15 ; plow , eel , Bpuoml caet,4c : crucible eteel , Gc ; cas' > ols do , 12@18c ; wagon spokes , per Bel 175@3 00 ; hubs , per set , $1 25 : lloea sawed dry , $1 40 ; tongue11 , each 5o ; nxles , each , 7Cc ; square nuts pei ) ,7@llc ; collchain porlb , G@12o : malablelr , : ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow iflth 4c ; spring steel , 7@Sc ; Burden's horse ioen , $4 20 ; Burdens mule shoes , 85 20 , arbed Wire In car lots , $4 00 per 100 Ibs , on Nails Ratoa , 10 to GO ; $2 CD , hot Shut , $1 50 ; buckshot , § 1.86 ; orien- il powder , kegB , $3 60@4 00 ; do , half kega > . 00 ; do , Quarter kegs , $ L CO ; blasting , ; gs , $3 35 ; fuse , per 100 foot , 50c. Lead ar. $1 G5 , Dur PAINTS Whlto lead 80 ; French Zlno , ! c ; Purls whiting , 2Jcjwhiting gilders , lie ; biting oom'l , l c ; lampblack , Germantowo , ! c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOoj Frnsaian blue , > c ; untramarlno , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c mber burnt , < o ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , buml : ; sienna , raw , 4c : .Paris green , genuine. 25e aris preoncommon,20c : chromo green , N. YL ) c ; chromo green , K. , 13c ; vormllllon , Eng- i oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 tb \nit lOo ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; Vandyke own , 3 3o ; refined lampblack , 12ci coach acA uud ivory black , 16o ; drop black , 16c ; russian blno , 40o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; iromo green , L. M & D , . IGoi blind and intt U green , L. M. & D. , 16o ) Paria green , io ) Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tns- .n . red , 22c ; American vermillion , L. & D , lo ; yellow oohre , 9o ; L , M. , O. & I > . 0. , 18oj illow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 16o ; patent yer , 80 ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , ilnnt. chestnut and ash , IBa OILS 110 carbon , per pallon , lie ; 150 head- [ ht , per gallon , 12c : 175o headlight , per illon , 12c ; 150 ° water white , 15c ; linseed , w , per gallon , 40c ; linseed boiled , per gal- n , 43c ; lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 5Go ; 0. 1 , 53c ; No. 2 , 48c ; castor XXX , per gal- n , $1 50 ; No. 3 , $1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , . 00 ; sperm W. B. , per gallon. 81 GO ; fish ' . B. , per gallon , G5c ; noabfoot extra , per lion , TOc ; No. 1 , GSc ; lubricating , ztro , per Jlon , 30c ; summer , 15 : ; golden machine , a. 1 , per gallon , 30c ; No. 2 , 25o ; sperm , sigil - il , per gallon , 75c ; turpentine , per gallon , c ; naptha 74c , per gallon , 13c. SriBITfl-Cologne Spirits 188 proof , 110 ; , 101 proof , 112 ; spirits , second quality , 1 proof , 111 : do , 188 proof , 109 , [ cobal 188 proof alcohol , 2 10 per wmn lion. Whiskies Redistilled whiskies , 1 00 160 ; gin blended , 160300 ; Ken- cky bourbons 2000000) ) Kentucky and innsylvanla ryes , 2 00(96 ( 60. Golden thoaf , lurbon and Rye whiekies from 31.50@3.00 , 'andios ' Imported , 6 00@8 60 ; domentio , iOfe3 00. Gins Imported. 4 50 B 00 | do- istlo. 1 603 00. Rums Imported , 4 60 ® K ) ; New England , 2 004 00 ; domestic , 1 60 iOO. Champagnes Imported , per case , OU84 00 ; American , per cose , 10CO@1G 00. VABNWHEB Barrels , per galloni Jfurclttuo , tra , 81 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex 1 , SI 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20) ) Damar , extra , 75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltnm , extra , 85o , illao 83 60 ; hard oil finish $1 60. Dry Goods , BLKAJHED CorroNS-Farnsers1 Choice. Gh bet Cj ; Hope 7 ; Hill 4-4 , 71 ; Hill 2 , G | ; nsdale , 8 ; Fruit 8 } ; Wamsutta , 10J , GOBBET JKA s Kuarsargo , 7 ; Armory 7 ; pperell , 7J ; Indian Orchard , CJ : Naum- | fi 7 , ifiNB BBOWN COTTONS Pepperell R , 6J , pperell OL CJ ; Atlas , 6J ; Statute of Liberty ) Harunac R , OJ. [ 'HINTS-Steel River , 51 ; American , 5i | nold's , G ; Manchester , G ; Lyman , 6j ouceater , 6J ; DuunellJacquard , G : IJunnoll Ramapo , 4 ; Windsor , G ; Pacific , U , liar- 'ny ' , 4J ; Anchor Shiitiugs , 4j ; Merrimack irtlngi ) , 4i , DKNUIS Beaver Creek AA , 11 ; Beaver ook BB , 10 ; Beaver Creek CO , 0 ; Jeffrey C , 11 ; Jeffrey XXX , 12 ; Jnffrey D & T , ! i Columbian , 12 } ; York , 13 ; York , funoy. Everett , 13 ; Haymaker's blue and iwn , 71. SUCK ( Unbleached-8 ) oz Magnolia. 10 ; oz Magnolia , II ; . 8 oz West Point , 104 ; 10 West Point. 12J. ODCKH ( Colored ) -Boston 9 oz brown and ib , 131 ; Boston 0 U brown and drab , U ; ston XX brown and drab , 10 ; Boston XXX > wn and drab , 11 ; Boston O P blue , lilt men Tricot , 15. SHOWN COTTONS Lawrence LL , 6 ; Shaw- it LL , 6 ; Beaver D m LL , 6 ; Atlantic LL , Indian Head , 7 ; Wauchuaott , Gjj ; Crown * CX , GJ ; Clifton CCO , OJ ; Utica 0 , 4iAt- ; itlo P , CJ. [ 'ICKINGH-Amoakeag A 0 A , 12J ; Thoru > CB O 0 O , 7f ! Thorndike fancy , Oil York A. U'Yotk fancy ; 121) ) Millbury , 12i ; Pearl rer , 111 ; Hamilton , 12 ; Swift River , Of ; etucket S , 8i ; Sbetucket B S , 91 ; Montault 12 ; Montauk B , 101 ; Omega A 0 A , 134. 31NOHAU8 Renfrew , 9@10J ; Amoskeaz wi , 9 ; Amoakeag , staple , 71 ; Ivanhoe , 9i ; imsutta , 81 ; Nubian , 81 ; Warwick , Uj blttendon. 'JBates ; , dre s , ; Bates , staple , Randolph , staple , 61 ; Lantdowns , 7. JHEVWTS Amoskeag , checks , U4 ; Amoa- > g. stripes. 8J ; Slater , stripes , 8 ; Edlnburg , Whlttendon , stripev , ii ; Glenrose. 9 ; Otis , icks , 91) ) Otis , stripes , 0 , Royal , GAmes ; - ig , napped. 101 ; Luray , book fold , 12) ) oren , book fold , llljEadurance , book fold , QrocorV Iilet. IcaAEa-No material change is noted ( since t quotations , although the market Is a llt- eaiier In the east piloes will probably d up M long M the canning neaion la u. Powdered , 8c ! cnl lo f , Scj granulated , confectioners' A , 7c ; Standard extra O. 7icj PI tra 0 , 7 ; modlum yellow , CJo ; dark yellow Gc. CANNED Goons-Oyitors ( Stindrd per case , 3 85 ; strawberries , 2-lb , p r cA e. 2GO ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , 2 35 ; California pears , per case , 5 60 ; apricots , per casp , 4 30 ; poaohpR , per case , 4 76 ; whlta cheirle * , per case , GO ) ; plums , per c so , 4 00 : whortleber ries , per CMO , 2 40 ; fge plnmi , 2-Ib , pir ease , 2 90 ; green gages , 2-lb , per ciuo , 2 IK ) ; pine apples , 2-lb , per cup , 3 2 i@C 60. CorrEEs-Odlnary grade * , DJc ; fair , 1019 He ; good , ll@12c ; prime , 121S ; choloo , IG& 17c ; fancy green nnd yellow , lG@lGc ( ; old govornmant Java , 20@2t > c ; Mocha. 22 ( < 626c ; Arbuckle's roasted , XXXX , roasted , 13fc ; Java , 1G @ 1 } c ; Dil- worthV , 13Jc ; lied Urau , 131s. Mol twh- lin'f , Arbucklo's nnd McLnughlin's XXXX are sold 60o per case off above prices In 3-csao lots. lots.TEAS TEAS -Gunpowder , fair , 8545 ; good , 45 ® 65c ; choice , GCi ( 75c ; good Imperial , 40@l3c ; choice , 03@70r ; Young Hyson , good , 30)46c ) ; choice , 60@70c ; Oolong , good , 35@JOc ; Oolong. choice , 4U@GOc : English Urpaltftst , gnod.196 @ 40c ; choice , 60SG5o ; Souchong , go-nl , 80 lOo ; cholco , 86@15oj .Tspini. ; fair , 2o@Soo : ( rood , 35 ( 45c ; choice , 65@75c ; Tea LiutlfiM ) Tea Sit tiingt , 18c , OiNDT-Allxod , 91@lll ; stick Oi@10ic ; twist stick , yo. SODA In lb papers , 3 25 o case ; talrodaktft per Ib , $2 25. VINEQAB , Ciuin-13318c ; Whlto Wino , 15 20. PICKLES Medium in buroli > , G 60 ; do tn half barrels , 3 50 ; small in barrels , 7 60 ; do in half barrels , 3 76 ; ahcrklns in barrels , 850 ; do in half barrels , 4 25. KICK Louisiana , prime to choice , GlS)71c. ( ) BoAfs-Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 3 00 ; Jtirk' satinet , 3 15 ; Kirk's standard , 3 60 ; Klrk' Whlto Ruaslan , 4 CO. RorKSisal , 1 Inch nnd larger , Sic ; incb , 8 Jo ; 1 inch , 9JO. SALT Dray lends , per bbl , 1 65 ; Athlon , fa tacks , 335 ; 1 sacks Athton , 9J ; bbls dairy , 2GO@2 75. STAROH Nlngrn Gloss , 1 lb , GJc ; Ni- agra Gloss , 3 lb , Gc ; Niagra Gloss , o ib , 7c ; Nlagra Corn , 1 lb , 7c ; KuiRsforda Corn , 1 Ib. 8)c ) ; Kinirsfordi Gloas , 1 Ib , 8c ; Klngtford'k Gloss , G lb , 84c ; Kingsford'a Pure , 3 lb. Cc : Klngsford'a Bulk , 4c. STiior-- Standard 0 , 20c , bbls ; Standard do , 4-gallon kegs , 1 40. SpioES-Wholo-Peppor , 18c ; nlspico , lOo ; cloves , 15@23c ; caesln , loc ; nutmegs , 60 G5e. SriOKS Ground Black popper , boxes. 16 ra alspico , 1523c ( ; cinnamon , 18@30c ; cloves , 15@25c ; ginger , 15@25c ; mustard 16 @ 23o DBIED FBDITS No. 1 , quarter applet , ifo N O sliced , boxes , Gc ; uvaporatod ) , boxci , BJc ; blackberries , boxes , lOo ; peaches , boxen , none in the market ; ponchos , evaporated , 15J@ 17c ; rnspserrlin , new , 2527c. UBAOKEBS-Gnrneau's soda , butter and pic- ai o , 5c : creams , So ) ginger snaps , 80 ; City ioda , 7ic. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's ball , 2 doz lu case , 1 90 ; An- : her ball , 2 doz In case , 150. MATCHES Per caddie , 3.r c ; round , rL I.IBO , 45c ; square , cases , 170 ; Oshkosb , euros , jr , 1 20. Flili. (1885 ( Catch. ) HERRINGS. ICKLED SALMON IftlP'D HERRINO (1885 ( Catch. ) BLOOD BED OALITOBNIA 8ALUON. IB. Ibs. Ibs. Ibn. Ibs. kits. K ) 100 e. 90 CO 40 L4.00 $7.50 $080 $3.80 83.10 90 CODFISH New Englisb summer cured bole cod , Gs ; 2 lb bricks , guaranteed , C7c. ' SMOKED KIBH Halibut , new' , 121c ; new herrings , 25o , Dry Lumber. DIMBNBIONB AND IIUDEE3. lift. lift. 1 It. IS . SOU. 2211. 2411 1 100 ! ! 1000 18 00 17.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 0 1600 IB 60 15.60 10.60 17.83 20.00 20.00 8 10.00 10.00 10 Ot 17.00 18:00 : 10.00 20.00 10 18 00 10001000 17.00 1800 21.00 22.09 18001000 10 00 17.00 18.00 20.00 2LOO 4 8x8. . . . 18 W 1860 17.60 18.60 1B.CO 20.M BOABD3. o. 1 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 517 25 o.2 boards , 12 , 14 ana IG ft . 15 25 o. S boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 13 25 o , 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 11 25 ammo , tCom , , 12 , UandlB feat . (32 00 I Com. . 14 and 16 feet . 20 00 1 Com. , 14 and 16 feet . 15 00 > nco , 14 and 16 foot . 1100 VENOINO , " o. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. .018 00 o. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , IG feet , rough . 18 00 D. 2 , 4 &G Inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough , 15 00 o. 2 , 4 & 6 inch , 10 feat , rough . 10 00 BIIIP LAP. 0. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch. , . 518 00 t > , 2 , Plain , 10 inch . 1600 & .1 , O , a . 18 60 OUILINQ. t Com , 8 inch , Norway . 1560 Com , H inch , Norway . 1100 riNIBIUNO. t , 2d and 8d Clear , 1J Inch , s , 2s . f 50 60 t. 2d , and 3d Clear. 11 and 2 inch , s. 2 CO 60 Select , lj , 14 and 2 inch , nZ . SO CO t , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 . 45 60 Helect , 1 inch , s , 2s . 40 60 Select , 1 Inch , i. 2s . . . . SO POSTS. 'bite Cedar , 6 inch , halves . 13 'hltoOodar , Clinch , halves . U o hito Cedar , 8 inches , quarters . , . 1) ) a bite Cedar , 4 Inch , round . 14 a ri/OOBINd , t Com , Olnob , white pine . ( $8 00 Com. 0 inch , white plno . 3503 Com. 0 Inch , white pine . , . , . , 29 07 1. Fence G Inch , white pine . 20 0) t and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-0 inch. M DTOOK BOABDB , BATIJNB , WKLLTUBINO , PICKETS. .Q. Bats , 8 Inch . . . 9 Q. Bat ? , 2ilnch . 75 nchBats , B. IB . , . 40 nch well tubing , D. & M . 22 60 inch well tubing , Bov . 22 60 ckets : D , & U. Plat , 822 00 ; D & H. Square . 24 00 BIIINOLKB AND LATH. . ' L Standard . 2 nch , Clear . i y.l . kth . . . . . . . . . 2 Coal , Anthracite egg , $8,00 ; anthracite nut , $3.20 : thraclte range , $8 25 ; Iowa , $3.25 ; WaJ- t Block , $325 ; Illinois , $1,50 ; fndlaiut x-k , $5,76 ; Fort Scott , 51.26 ; Rich r , JOHNSON , r , J , BOHDILKlt , W , F. Johnson & Oo , , Jommisoion Merchants 318 La BaUe Street , Chicago , Receiver * of grain and seeds Fatarea ongbtand told , Hpocial ntUntlcn to tale ' Represented ly EDWARD BAItTOK , Linoolo , * r Th ,000 tbb md < U06 avf 5S5