Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1885, Image 1

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    i * "
With Not a Pall On Which to Gatlitr i
Single Political Hose ,
Now York Domooratn Nomination
for Governor ,
The Present Incumbent Secures
It on the Pirst Ballot ,
TlioKcit of tlio No'-tilnatloiis Go Ovo
Until To-day Tlio Proceedings
ol tlio Convention.
Now York Democratic Convention
SABATOOA , Sept. 21 Tin morning opens
with every till OK apparently tending in Hill's '
favor. Tammany mon claim that there la no
longer any doubt that Hill will be , nominate ! .
on the first ballot anl the county demosracy ,
though they will not admit thlsconfess thai
llill'o position Is touch stronger to-day than
it appeared last oveninar. Theslato roads so
far as marked out , Hill for governor , ant
Senator Jacobs of Brooklyn , for lieutotianl
governor ,
Kaines , on taking the chair addressed the
convention at some length. All references to
President Cleveland were greeted with cheers
Kepreaontativea of tbo anti-monopoly league
and statti trades aacombly then addressed the
convention biidly.
_ Burke Oocbran then offered strong roeolu
lions against the civil service laws , which were
greeted with tremendous applause. These
resolutions are similar to Uio o adopted by
Tammany hall some days ago. The five hours
elapsing between the close of _ the afternoon
and opening of the evening seseion were occu
pied by loading delegates in looking
after the interests of their respective
candidates. The hall was densely crowded
vvhon the hour for the nvemng tossioa ar
rived. Fully ono half of the spectators were
ladiea. The delegutes were all in their tents
at 7:30 , half an hour alter the appointed
time. *
Temporary Chairman Kaines called the con
vention to order. Tito committee on cnntoitud
seata reported , recommending that contesting
and regular delegations from Westcheator b ;
both admitted with half a vote for each ; olao
that the contesting delegation from Chautau-
qua ba admitted nn the rightful delegation.
The ainteit iu Livingston county was reported
OB having been tottled nnd withdrawn , The
report was adopted ,
> The committee on permanent organization
reported , recommending that the temporary
chairman. Hon. Mr , K.unea , be made per
manent chairman , Thia was agreed to with
upplamu. A list of vice chairmen , ono from
each congressional district , waa also reported
aud vgreed to , Jatnea Morrison was
chosen reading secretary. 'Ihernias F. Gilroy ,
S W. J. Krelscher , V. 0. Schraub , Philo
' Backus , Win. S. Andrews , James M. Cook ,
\ j recording secretaries , aud a Hit of honorary
Bucioturlts , one from each district ,
Other permanent officers being agreed upon ,
Hon. D , Cady lloriick , from the committee
on resolutions , stated that the committee bad
been unable to complete its report , and 10-
quested to bo allowed until ten o'clock to
morrow morning. There were murmura f
disappointment from all ovnr the houso.
Senator Kccleaiue , of New York , moved
that the convention proceed at onca to the
nomination of candidates for governor and
lieutenant governor. A sharp discussion fol
f A motion to adjourn was lost ayes 148 } ,
1 naja i3U. This vote was considered nignlfi-
cant as the test of Governor Hill'a strength
in the convention.
Action then recurred on the motion to pro
ceed to the nomination of candidates for gov
ernor and lieutenant governor. The mover
accepted an amendment striking out lieuten
ant governor , A motion was then made to
still further amend to the effect that the con
vention proceed to nominate a oindldate for
governor , and that tbo ballot thereon be post
poned until to-morrow morning at
10 o'clock. There was general dissent im
mediately , and there _ were cries of "No.1
"no , " Considerable discussion followed , it
being claimed on ono hand that haste at this
time might cause dlssontion m making up the
remainder of the ticket after the governor ,
and on the other hand that it was only In
tended to nominate a candidate for
governor to-night , thus giving ell to-
luorrowtoagroeou the remainderof the ticket.
Gen Spinolathen moved the previous question
on the motion to ballot for governor. There
was n demand far the ayes nnd naya on this
motion , and roll call was'ogaln gone through
with. It resulted , yeas 240 , nays 139. Un
the main question n demand for the ayes and
nays was again made and again the call
of the roll began It waa interrupted
this time by several impatient delegates ,
tome moving to adjourn and others to us- )
pond the call and proceed to ballot. The
chair ruled everything out ot order except
finishing the call. Trie main question was
ordered by a vote of 270J ayes , 109i naya ,
J. IS. O'Connor , ot Uhemung , arose to
nominate Governor Hill , and aa soon as ho
mentioned his name , the convention burst
orth in wild yells , and cries of "Ho's our next
governor. "
Mr , O'Connor epoko briefly in naming his
candidate for Brat place on the ticket. The
nomination waa seconded by Daniel Lock-
wood , of Buffalo , Senator IScclcslne and
Burke Cochrano , of New York , and several
Ool. J. R. Fellows , of the county democracy
o ! New York , nominated Abram S. Hewitt ,
layinir , however , In the course of his remarks
that ho knew there waa no chance for hia >
nomination by the contention.
A billet was then taken. The county
] democracy voted for Mr , Hewitt , who also
got a few other scattering votes. The result ing
waa announced aa follows : Total vote ca t ,
880 ; necessary for choice , 191. Hill , 838 ,
Hewitt 33 , Slocura 8 , Flower I. The result
was received with great demonstration of ap
plause , ami shortly after midnight the con
vention adjourned till 11 o'clock to-morrow
. inorulug.
„ Tlie Career ot ilio Candidate , $
, , SAHATOOA , N. Y. , Sept. 21-David B.
Hill , of Klmira , democratic candidate for
governor of New York , waa born in Havana ,
Bchuyler ( then Chemunp ) county , on August
29 , 1614 , and waa educated at the academy iu
that town. Iu 1870 bo was elected to
the state assembly , and in 1871 bo n
waa reelectcd. Hill served one >
term aa alderman In the Klmira common
council , and at the expiration of his term In
1832 he was elected mayor of tha city. In
September , 1882 , he was nominated for Lieu
tenant governor on the democratic state
ticket , and WAS elected at the election In No the
vember , Governor Cleveland' * election to
the prea deuo ? in 1884 raiiea Hill to the gov-
cruor.hlp. For a number of years Mr. Hill
was proprietor of the l linira Gazette. The
governor la a bachelor. *
Jtvesa Comment un the Nomination.
Nu\v YOHK , Sept. 21. The World will say full
editorially to-inorrow : In state politic ) Gov
ernor Hill it a dltclplo of Pretldent Cleveland.
Ho trained nnd r Mr. Cleveland at hia lieu
tenant for two yeara while tbo latter was gov
ernor , and with a few exoeptloni he has car
ried out Mr , Clevelaud'd policy whiln acting
a hit tuccesior. In the election of 1882 , w hen
Hill was chtann lieutenant governor , hia urn-
( \ jorlty was 11)3,781 ) , beiug 4,030 lugcr thin
that of his chief ,
PCInnil J > A < I lit A I'luld.
MANBHILU , O , Sept. < ! 4 , A her < lbl
rourJur otiuo to light je.tarday inoru- o
iug. Tea uctiui wii Mill Our *
Hough , n respectable and good-lookln
lady about 23 years of age , who came to th :
city two years ago from Woostor with Joaep
Dougal and family , and has sines lived nil
them as a domestic. Saturday evening Mis
Hough went to the country to ipand Sunday
with friends , intending to return dunday eve
nlng. Monday and yesterday passed , and th
family became alarmed t he
absence. This morning A member o
Mr. Dougal's family visited Mia
Uough'a country friends , and learned that the
had been brodRht to the city Sunday evening
and had started to walk to her home on the
railroad track which patera near it. Search
was thereupon made , and at 10 o'clock thi
morning her dead body waa found In a fioh
a few rods from her home with a bulle
wound In the head , The body had evident ! ;
lain for eoveral days where It was found. Ni
other cauio can bo assigned for the murdci
other than Miss Hough was followed from the
railroad track by tramps who attempted to
ravish her and probably thot her while eho
was endeavoring to otcapo , The chafei
wristi , scratched face , and the disarranged
condition of the victim's clothing indicate
I'lTTsncRO , Pa , Sept. 24. Tha Dispatch
Mansfield , Ohio , special savs : Too mystery
surrounding the death of Clara Huff , whose
mutilated remains were found in nravinonoar
hero yesterday , was partially cleared to-day
by the arreit of two boys named James
WInans and John Cramer , neither of them
over sixteen years of ago. A thorough in
vestigation was Instituted to-day and tuoeui-
pictoua actions of the bars led tc
their arrest. They strongly assorted
their Innocence , but finally confessed that the
murderer wai a companion of about the tame
ago. They stated that ho made a criminal
assault on Miss Huff , but she resisted him so
that he waa compelled to ( boot her to get
away. The boys aay they were fully halt u
milo from the scene , but heard a pistol shot
and a girl ecream several times. The name
of the young man is withheld by the police ,
who have a number of clues which will likely
ead to his arrest. Excitement over the
murder hni not yet subsided ,
( Vn Outlaw's Fatu Alarquls Do Mores
BISMARCK , Dak , , Sept. 23. James Oiborne
and four of his " "
"pals" were sentenced to
throu years in the penitentiary in this city to
day. Osborne is a notorious horse-thief and
outlaw who was captured at Jamestown in
June and brought to thia city to await tiial.
Thn grand jury returned eight indictments
against him , to all of which he plead guilty.
Alt of the indictments but ono , which was for
attempting to break jail , were for home-steal
ing. Oaborne'a object In pleading guilty was
to be sentenced here and prevent his removal
to Montana , where he la wanted to answer
much graver charges , and where it is quite
certain he would be lynched if captured.
Sentence on all of the indictmsnts would
amount to forty years. The judge suspended
sentence on all but ono for tbu tlmo being.
On motion of the district attorney , E. G.
Paddock , indicted with Marquu do'Mores for
the murder of Kiley Luffeoy. w.i discharged
from custody to-day. Paddock is one of the
Marquis' stroug friends nnd was helping do-
feud bim at the time of the killing of Luff-
Bey. The district attoruey refused to have
the two tried together , ami oven after tha ac
quittal of tlia marquis , who was the acknowl
edged chief in the aff&ir , was inclined to hold
Paddock for trial. At the solicitation of
friends of both Bides he made the motion to
discharge Puddock this morning ,
A. Rail mail Smaiiimi ) ,
DAITON , Ohio , Sept. 13. [ Chicago Tribune
Special ] A disastrous wreck took place early
this forenoon , on the Dayton k Michigan 8
road , oear Johnstown Station , four miles 1
north of Dayton. Freight train No. 41 , duo
here at 8:40 : last eight , was four hours Into ,
and was ordered to side-track at Johnstown
aiD to wait for train No. 44 , leaving
Dayton , at 10 o'clock. Train No. 41 waa side
tracked as o'dared. and , having tome time to
wait , the engineer and trainmen all went to
sleep. Train No. 41 left Dayton
Ien hour and forty minutes late , with
orders to pass No. 41 at Johnstown. It
was running at a very rapid rate , making up
lost time , and when going around tbo long
curve four miles nirth of hero the engineer no
ticed train No. 41 coming Both engineers
saw that a collision was inevitable , and , after
whistling a warning blaat , jumped from their
The trains came together with a terrific
crash , and the engines reached high in the air.
The ' freight cara citne piling on to the en
gines , and in a minute a mass of ruins lay on
the : track. Twenty-five freight-cars were com
pletely 1 demoli-hed. The two locomotives of
were completely buried out of sight , and ens
freight and merchandise are promiscuously V
scattered along the track. Fortunately no
one was killed. The loss will amount to many eimi
thousands of dollars. miii
Panic In a Olrcup ,
MABTINSBCBQ , W. Va. Sept , 21. This is
lace narrowly escaped being the scene of a
errlble disaster this svenlng. A circus ir < M
xhiblting here , and during the evening per-
ormance a heavy rain storm came up , which
oaked the circus tent. In a short time the ed
aln cemed , but a heavy gale began to blow
bout fl o'clock. A strong gust snapped the Wi
epos and center-pole , and the tent fall with a Wih
rash upon ) the heads of the audience.
L tceno of the wildest confusion followed ,
amps were overthrown and extinguished. rle
Vo or three thousand people and a number
f anlmala were beneath the canvass. The
ir was filled with the trumpetings of the olo-
ihants , the thrleks of women and children ,
md the cries of mon , and it waj not until an
lour had pasted that the panic ceased and all
md been rescued. About twenty-fivo porous
ous wore wounded , many of them seriously ,
ut no lives were lost ,
Folntfi From ilio 1'aoiflo Coast.
POHTLAND , Ore. , Sept. 21 , Hibbs , dtfanlt-
postmaster , passed through here to day ,
enrouto to Lewlaton , in charge of Poet
Agent Murphy. of
The bearing of the great lawsuit of Ben the
Holliday , of overland mail fama' , against his I
brother , Joe Holliduy , to recover pruporty In and
thia city valued at $1,507,000 , was begau in the
state circuit court to-day. Jno loaned Ben
$200,000 about ton 3 ears ago and Ben deeded
property In trust to Joe as collateral , but Joe
claims to hold it by n warranty dood.
TiTupertuuo Talkorc ,
emperanco conference remaembled this morn-
ng in St. Georce'a hall , Francis K. Wlllard lar
the chair. 'Several short paper * were read ainl
y the delegate * present. The report of the nlej
rrter of Sons of Temperance snowed that ejn
250,000 persons bad beeu initiated into mem- n
that tha order had raised S8.4CO - 01
I for temperance purposes. Mrs. Helen J [
Foster , of lowii , addressed the conferenos on . :
question of ' 'OjiHtllutional Prohibition , " "r
Coloieil lUpilsia ,
ST. Louia , Sept. 21. The Baptist general n
association of the western states and territo- °
( colored ) is iu session here with a large at-
tendancs. llov. 8 P. Anderson , of SL
liouia. waa to-day elected moderator , and a
list of business committees were ap
Oarr Will Aocopr. od
NiwYOBK , Sept , 21 , An Albany special Gce
ya General C < ur , republican nominee for to
leutonaut governor , about whose accept- the
nco there waa acme doubts in view of hi/ the
lubllo declarations before the convention , bin
eclded ta accept.
A 8ucce xlui Strike ,
Cl.tYn.ANO , O , 8jt [ 21. The Cleveland th
lilliug Mill company ma < In a complete buck- coin
own ut norn to.lojand n'l ' ( hi mai will go
work t tow wjgw paid bjloj-j tbj iciuo- rh
iou , jard
Mo President Pats His Sienalnre to
Batch of Aplomb ,
A Orank Who Claim s Title t
Grover's ' Soft Heat.
The Government's ' Newly Oon-
struoted Cruisers ,
Orders AMI ! Circulars from Department
mont lie ins rostiniistera Ap-
polntol Capital Notes ,
A KSW AfroiNiMENrs.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21. The president ap-
> ointed the following commission to mark the
boundary line between a portion of tha In
dlan territory and the state of Texas , to act
in conjunction with a similar commission ap
pointed by the governor of Texas : Maj , W.
Llvermoro , Lieut , Thomaa L. Casey ,
Lieut. Lansing H. Bench , corps engineers
U. S. A.
The president appointed the following col
lectors of customs : C. 0. Sweeney , district
of Galveston , Texas ; Otto L. Threlkeld , for
the district of Saluria , Texas ; J. J. Cocke ,
for the district of Brazes do Santiago.
The naval board , presided over by Commo
dore Walker , which has been preparing gen
eral plans of tbo four now war ships to ba
built , calculates on a max imnm speed under
he most favorable conditions of eighteen knot )
an hour for the two chips of 4,000 tons and
ea spread of fifteen knots. Thla la a good
deal better than tbo Chicago , Boston and At-
anta , and compares very favorably with the
much-talked-about Chilian , Ejmoralda , and
ho beet British cruisers. They will carry coal
enough to cross the Atlantic at a
peed of fourteen knots. The
,703-ton ship is calculated to have n
maximum speed of sixteen knots and the 800-
; on ship a minimum speed of twelve to
hirteen knots. The armament of these VOH-
ols Is not decided on. Commodore Walker
s strongly opposed to putting larger puns
ban eight-inch rifles on cruisers. Too
] smeralda cirrles two ten-inch euns , but
runt of this size can be handled only by steam
nachincry , while efgbt-inch puna can be
worked by hand , and aie leas likely to ba dis-
bled in an engagement. The ammunition
or ton-inch guns also takea up a great deal of
Bather n curious letter has been received by
, ho president. It called upon him to resign
> y Octobnr 3. The writer elgas blrasHtf
'Henry N. Kerp. president-elect of the
Tnited States , phll , Dr. , M. D , professor
f mllilaty and civil jurisprudence ,
National Military Home , Virginia. "
I-i addre sei the president as
'Grover Cleveland , acting president , "
and aays : "Your functions are no longer ra-
uired. All acts made by you since Octobr
will be null and void. " He attaches to tlio
tier 01 dors numbered from 2,102 to 2,10 to
ach of the cabinet officials , addressing
lach one as "Acting Secretary. " To
lecrotary Bayard the writer tenders
lis thanks for the faithful performance of his
uty , but cautions him not to "pay too much
ttentlon to those scribbling newspaper
sritlcs , " and requests that the secretary will
lave no direct diplomatic intercourse with
ny British snbje.t nor their Spanish 01 Bus- &
slan allies. He"calls upon General Black to mf
resign September 1C , and closes "Dieu et mon
droit. "
It is understood the president has decided
not to make any change m the office of sur '
geon general of the marine hospital eervice ,
and accordingly will not accept Dr. Hamil
ton's resignation.
The commissioner of Indian affairs sent
the following telegram to the agent at
cogee l , Indian territory : "duspend execu
tion of the order of the 20th nit , for removal
f settlers on the line of the Missouri , Kan-
at & Texaa railroad until further orders.
Notify immediately all settlers and other In
terested parties. The time is short ; expedite
matters , " The order referred to required In
dian settlers within the lines of the right of r
right of way claimed by the railroad [
company to quit , and this suspensory order
01o made i with the object of affording an op
portunity ; for further investigation of the v
settler's right.
The'acting postmaster-general has appoint
the following fourth-class poatmastois :
Illinois Hlnckley , O Biie ; fomeruuk , LM
Wright ; Arlington , J M Wilson ; Buckley ,
riioa Quirk.
1e Wisconsin Wantoroo , G H Walker ; West
Bend , Jos Ott ; Onlby , S J Sahafer ; FarPrul- the
e , Ole Lake ! Waterloo , Emelie Jamecb ;
Cataract , J T Hcratloton ; Eaat Middluton ,
Maty Astell ; Manchester , Henry Yerke ;
Weanby , John Michael ; Cbaseburg , Thomas
Parker ; Lovelet , W W Kathburn.
Iowa-Wall 1 Like , R. Pattiion ; Wort
Branch , D , E. Mackty ; Scutch Grove , G , R.
Davis ; Arcadia , Charles Westbrook ; Moon
Haplda , F. 0 , Gones.
The secretary of the treasury to-day sect a
letter to District Attorney Doraheimer , at
New York , in regard to the examination of
passengers' baggage , lie says In part : "In
March last , and immediately on taking charge
the department , I directed tlw attention nf
collector at the port of New Yurk to what
had reason to think waa a very drfeo.ive
very scandalous condition ol alfairn re
specting examination of baggage of arriving
passengers and the criminal payment ut
money to inspectors of customs by tucli pat- ind
sengera , I bnvo reason to feel that this de
plorable condition , then and for a long time
existing , has not yet beeu thoroughly re'
formed , although them bus teen , I bopu ,
somewhat of an improvement. " lay
The treasury department has Issued a circu
tu collectors and other customs officers ,
informing them that nrticle 410 of general
regulations of 1884 has been so amended aa to
provide that household and personal ilfictc , :
tools of trade , libraries , etc. , vhich would be
' of duty If imported at the tlmo of tbo ar
rival . of the owner in the United States , ar
riving ono year ( instead of six months ) before
after the owner , will be reported to the
secretary ' for hla action. Thli change baa
been made in view of the fact that immi
grants frequently leave their tfleets abroad
until they have secured employment , which
unnally requires a period of greater than six if
months , :
The democrats ore much disturbed here
over a report that the postmaster general is
about to lisue an order forbidding all connect-
with the postal service from accenting of-
in any political organization. The party
workers seem to think it ie quite bed enough
be put off with the tmall number of offices er
p rtv Is receiving , without ordering that
tew who do got In shall wholly abandon
work for the pirty.
TbB treasury department la informed that ' 'ha '
Unitid atatet HtutmurH Hw4tura mid : a
Yuutic , bear ( UK hlnut $ ( > ,4COUOO In tllver 01
have enUied Cb ipe le Hay and wilt 01ei
probably arrive' in W * biotton ( to-murmw , eio
money will ba Ir-iuifdrrai from tbu navy ot
to the treasury department by Adaiut wife
Express company wagons , which will bo
guarded by United States marines ,
LAIIAR nirnoviNQ.
Secretary Lamar is improving * nd Is now
able to transact the inoro important business
of tha department at his home ,
Sinful Surah.
LANSING , Mich , , Sept , 23. Sarah McL in ,
n 15-year-old girl of Leroy , this county , was
brought to this countv by officers last ntght
on a charge of horse stealing , A week ago
she was allowed to oacapo through the kindness
ness of an officer who was taking her to the
Industrial Homo for Girls at Adrian. Mon
day morning she went to a livery
stable in Lansing in rnalo attlro and
hired a rig , but. falling to return it , was
traced to llowell , nnd there arrested In litr
b.iys' . clothing , together with her companion ,
oFowIervlllP man named Charles Mann , who
hiT a wife and eight children at that place ,
To the officers to-day she related a story of
orgies with a party of Willlamstown youth
during the week ene was missing. During
two days of the tlmo the party were at a
well known hotel In Lansing , She will be ex
amined to-morrow.
NB\V YORK , Sept. 21. Congressman War
ner was asked yesterday if hi thought the
Bland bill could bo rojonlod without a eubitl-
tuto being provided therefor. In response he
said :
"I do not believe it can , and will any moro ,
do not believe it ought to ba. Tbis is not a
mere question of coining a few millions of
dollar ! more or loss in a year , but It la a ques
tion between bi-metaltsm and gold mouo-
matallsm , The present coinage law is
only a thread by which silver is held
in our monetary system , Strike this
law down without any substitute and bi-me-
talism U overthrown. The silver menunder-
B and this perfactly well. To bi-metalltta a
change in the standard of both metata iu the
face of the vast indebtedness that now weighs
down inudern nations , would be nothing less a
than a stupendous crime. I will introduce
my bill , which is a substitute for the Bland
bill , at the assembling of congress. It will
be opposed by the extreme gold and extreme
silver men , but I believe there am enough
men who favor my proposition to carry it
through ' the house. I think all will
agree that such a bill will offer a more perma
nent settlement of the silver question than
would a change in tbo weight of coin , and no
doubt a permanent settlement of that Import
ant matter will lead to on Immediate and last
ing revival of business throughout the
CHICAGO , Sept , 24 , The bmkera' associa ?
tion began the second day's session at 10:30 :
o'clock this forenoou. The first work of the
convention was the disposition of the resolu-
tloniutrndueodye8tordayaailngth tthe silver
law of 1870 be suspended , and the tubjtituta
offered by Mr. Flanagan , of New York , ask
ing for unconditional repeal of the Bland law.
Mr , Hannor , of Iowa , offered a substitute to
tha original resolution , making the silver dollar col
lar equal with the gold. This was lost , as was
also ! FJanagan'a amendment and the original his
resolution was carried by a large majority. Th
Lymau ] J , Gaqo was to-elected president of for [
the assc cia'ion and the remaining officers also
re-elect' d
Col , Nelapn , of Alabama , road a paper on
the prevention of risks In collections. An ad
dress by W. P. Drew on the same topic was poi [
also read. Prof. Albsrt S , Balles , of the cm
University of Pennsylvania , also submitted a are
" > g paper on the same subject , Aaf he read die
ing ot these papers bad consumed eo much
time ef thn session it was decided that other Bu
papers prepared should be printed i.1 the pro Al
ceeding < of the mooting. A resolution was the
adopted authorizing the exosutivo council to
taka steps toward amendment of tbo present
extradition ' laws to prevent harboring of sta
United States defaulters In Canada. The ecc
Association then adjourned slno die. To dej
morrow the members leave for a visit to the Prl
cities of St. Paul , Minneapolis , Duluth and Pri
cesi :
Wealth and Wagon. hot
BELLAIRE , Ohio , Sept. 21 , A meeting of mo
'ie flint glass workers and manufacturers was ma
teld to day , at which a compromise was ef- ina
ectod by which a ten months1 strike is posi-
ively evaded. Ifires will be lit to morrow.
CtBVEiAND , Ohio , Sept. 24 A special to Gr
tie Leader frum Bellaire says : A few min-
ites work this morning ended the conference kin '
ield during the last three days between the Th
rlass workers and manufacturers , and by mu-
ual conceeslons price-lists have been agreed
n in detail. The rejoicing is great , flags
re displayed and bells ringing , The
ecent agreement to accept Plttsburg terms St.
a 8 thought to be the end of the strike , but a nor
Iere agreement about what the Pittsburg terms of
ire has caused tblj delay , and more than once
ireatened to end by beginning the strike
ver. The factories have been idle since De- oln
ember 13 , Tbis agreement will start eight dea
urnacss ' , ono at Bridgeport and one at JMar- deaII
n's Ferry.
. . n . , . . dea
Mr. Honeyoutt'rt FJytng-Maoiiine , nd
LITTLB ROCK , Ark. , Sept. 24 , [ Globe- ono
Democrat Special ] -A large number of ma-
ihinists , merchants , and capitalists wltneseed
exhibition to-day of Honeycutt'a flying-
ihlp. The patentee , H. Honeycutt , resldea asci
uoar thla city , and la a railroad machinist trot eoni
While some doubt the success of the inven twe
tion , all united in pronouncing the method a Ma
success. Tha force of gravitation Is overcome shoi
with gas. The chip haa a large rudder , which filh
issIatB In the navigation. The propelling
power consists of adjustable wings , by use of
which the machine can ba made to fly up ,
lown , or in any other direction. new
NEW YORK , Sept. 24. The Post's Wash- prei
ngtun tpacial fays : There Is much Interest in him
ie probable successor to Mr , Eaton an civil for
erviceoomniiBsioaer , The names most promt , jew
pntlf nifiitliined bavn been those of Mr , B , o
Gruvue , superintendent of the bureau of ceit to.
. ; mid printing , and of Mr. Faircblld
Mr. Coou , assistant secretaries of the
treasury ,
FrnnkH of tlio Weather ,
DKDIIT LINE. Sept. 21. Snow fell yestor-
to a depth of three inches , Much dam- A
waa done to unharveatod crops. Ther
mometer 3 ) degreea above zero this morning no
LOUISVILLE , Ky , , Sept. 24 Considerable sup
local frost thla morning with some damage to poll
tarden truck , Dhpitchea from the state say
here was a luht frost and no damage. poli
TliouBandH Attending1 , Sta
ST. JOSEPH , Mo , , Sept. 24. Thla WAS a Sul
jreat day for tbo reunion of the soldiers of Sul
loutbweit Iowa. The crowd rea-hed forty att .
thousand , ten thousand being old veterans.
Stores were cloied anil the day nbierved aa a
bohday. The parade In the morning was ono gua
the grandest ecenea In the history of tba for
ity. reel
It Uing tlin IMcuot Wire , Sul
NEW YORK , Sept. 24. Atameetlngof wire An
manufacturers held here to-day , at which Ku.
eventeen of tbo leading mills of the country , be
ncluding those at Cleveland
, were tepre-
ented , prices of wire were advanced 10 to 16 to.1
cent. me
to ;
His WU.i Caused It. lea
BTBACUBB , N. Y. , Sept. 21. Henry bill
'hoiupion , huiband of Henrietta Varies * , the
eadlng l dy In the Tuoirta * K mn tbeatrio.l ivi
ompany , which pliyrd here lait night , at- ; hnt
empte'l to about himself iu Ihu V niie > bilt . ilf
louse hare to-day. Ha wa pitirtntcd an f uy.
otkoil up. Ha tuid that trouble with Ida elm
wu tha cause , apt
A Chance for a Continental FossOyer
the Bulgarian Gobble ,
Princa Alexander Preparing for
Armoi Besistancei
The Sultan's '
Intervening ,
Reports front Cliolora-Sconrccet Sec
tions Our Bansot's Presents
Pora'un Notes ,
LONDON , September 24 , The Bulgarians
nn angered at the action of the Russian offi
cers in resigning from the Bulgarian army ,
according to orders. The Hussions are jeered
at , and called traitors , and Prince Alexander
has been asked to expoll them.
The porto Is waiting for an answer from the
signatory powers to the treaty of Berlin to
hit circular of yoiterday , redacting the In-
turroction in Itoumellaf before taking action
for the purpose of reasserting tha rights of
the sultan in the province. M. Nolidoff , RUB-
Man ambassador , received his instructions
from the government but is waiting for the
envoys ( of. other powora to be Instructed , so
thief all may notify the potto simultaneously
of the desires of their respective governments
in the matter.
PARIS , Sept. 24. Le Paris to-day published
dispatch from Ita London correspondent
stating that Salisbury obtained a promise
fiom the porte not to scud Turkish troops in
to Roumolta until the signatory powers to the
treaty of Berlin had been consulted as to the
advisability ' of the sultan adopting nuch a n
course Salisbury , the correspondent Bays ,
bus taken initiatory steps towards sounabg
the parties interested OB to their policy re-
rp ° ctmEr the Insurrection in Iloumella ,
PUILIPPOHOLIS , Sept. 24. Several squad i
rons of Bulgarian cavalry have arrived here , Is
SOFIA , Sept. 24. The Bulgarian parlia
ment voted 5,000.003 for the purpose of oar-
ryingout unity between Roumella nnd Bal-
fari , and adopted a resolution petitioning
the czir to allow Russian officers of the Bul
garian army to remain in the service ,
PniLLlFPOPOLia , Sept. 24. Prince Alex at
ander , accompanied by his staff , mst the Bul
garian cavalry on the outskirts of the city ,
md , placing himself at the head of the en
column , entered the town , amidst much en- be
thuiiism , the people cheering the prince and
soldiers along the whole line of march.
The prince immediately afterwards started
forhe the frontier to inspect the troops stationed
here. Large numbers of horses are con-
iuually arriving here tor the use of troops ,
a i result of recent requisitions or voluntary
jfferings from the inhabitants , Everything
loints to active preparations for a defensive
umpalgn. A number of committees of ladies
ro working hard making clothing for the sol-
SOKIA , Sept. 24. The national assembly of
Bulgaria baa unanimously approved of Princa
Alexander's < action and proclaimed a union of &
two Bulgariaa. noi
LONDON , Sept. 24. St. Petertbnrg advices lav
itate that Russia will demand that a confer-
icco of signatory powera to tha Berlin treaty pai
lepose Prince Alexander , and will suggest ins
Prince Karageor bievitch , son-in-law of cle
frinco Nicholas , of Montenegro , as hia eu >
essor Prince Karageorglevitch is desirous the
leading an armed force against Servla , and act
lopea to pain the support of Austria to euch a in
novement. The Servian army corps are of
narchlug from Nlscb , Kurschenl and Alex-
natz toward the Macedonian frontier ,
LONDON , Sept. 24. The prime minister of SUJ
jrreeca < has prepared a decree , ordering mobil-
zation of the army , but is waiting for the vill
ting'a arrival at Athena before Issuing it. the
L'he < Roumellana have formed an entrance to infi
camp at Hermanli to defend the route tra :
rom Adrionopoll. traV
PARIS , Sept. 21. The cholera appeared ha
. Quenserseine , A village four milts :
lorth of Paris , The disease ia not Thi
extremely < virulent type , it being fatal Shi
iinong children ,
MADRID , Sept , 21 Five hundred and itii
ilnety nlno now cosoi of cholera and 265 ;
leaths reported yesterday throughout Spain , Shi
ROME , Sept. 24. During the past twenty ,
hours eight new cased of cholera and five
leaths were reported in Parma , one now case
one death in Ferrara , three new casoa and
death in Mass * Carrara and two cases in Jac
tovigo , arri
STOCKHOLM , Sept. 24. It has now been the
scerUined that In addition to the seven per-
crushed to death by a jam of psople in and
rent of Madorno Nikson'a hotel yesterday wlf
nine others , She
wenty were seriously Injured
ladame Nileson wa ) so prostrated by the ma1
hock that she baa temporarily postponed ful- her
illmeut of her engagements.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Sept. 2t American wit
lewepapera have reached here containing a
eport to the effect that on August 27 last ,
hen Mr. Cox , United States minister , pro-
ented his credentials to thu sultan , the latter
irecentRd Mr. Cox with some jewelry for roci '
ilmeelf and a number of rare oriental books Ma
Mr. Abram S , Hewitt , This ia an error lay
rbich Mr , Cox wishes corrected. Bath tbo
ewe'ry ' and books mentioned were presented Bai
Mr. tl'ix for Mr , Hewitt , Mr , Cox re- to ;
oived nothing far himself. bin
the ;
NEW YORK , Sept , 24 , There appears to be
foundation for the report that Parnell'a
upporters In thla country are divided In Irish call Ar (
lolltlca because of differences in American dat
iolitlcs. This week's Boston Pilot , the lead * hen
Irish democratic paper In the United laya
lutes , publishes an interview withjAlexander
iullvan , ono of Blalne'a leading supporters ,
iulllvan formulates a plan for raising $225,000
the January convention of the National of
jeaguo of America to enable Parne'.l ta liere
juaranteo ninety rriombsrs 100 each annually Jay
five years. Constituencies will do the bra to
necessary to compensate the members , that
! much to be American contribution , ant
Sullivan augments that Rev , Dr. O'Reilly ,
American treasurer of the League , and
Eugene . Kelly , the New York banker ,
made trustees of thla fuad , val
it bo held in the United States , subject
Parnell'a order , eo that the Koglleh govein- net
nent can never levy on it , ThU plan pro ete
* that the Chicago convention apportion eteI
ooachntate i its share of this sum. Thus Wll
eague ; work will be divided and the reaponsi wii
ilny equalize in placa of be'ng a'l put on ture.
liio r ai at present ,
Jiitm Biylw OUidiy uditorlally aayi Sul-
ivuu's IT'jit ' in'iui ' will l H can d c > ut , and (
tlio iri-h AuirrioiD ) art ) oi.o in Irinh Pi.
. ra Tli r uppurd tu ba uu eitraon luary
ijtivit ? thrcu/tii'iit tin country iu rulal K I ° ? 1
Inctiim fund * fur Pdinu 1. 1 he oulllvdu pUn. Icnl
i by O'KeiJly , contemplatea thut , t.11 " "
funds raited before Januhry wilt bo needed to
defray thn expenses of the election o ( Patnell.
The nbovo sum is to bo raised subsequently ns
basis of membira salary.
LOUISVILLE , Ky , , Sept , 24. Track and at
tendance good.
Tirst race Mile Flvs furlongs : Athlono
won , Biddy Bjwling second , Vela third. Time
(1C. (
Second race one-eighth mile : McBowlIng
won , Annie Woodcock second , Moonlight
third. TlmolCS. Mutual * paid $24 90.
Third race mile ; Kirkmnn won , O'Fallon
saoond , Brooltful third. Time 1 45.
Fourth r co mile nnd ono-slxtoonth : Kx-
pptt won , 0 > i\yrmto second , Lady of thn Lake
third. Time 1.62. Mutuuls p.\ld 8SJ 20.
Ql'lfth rocs five eighths tnllo : Knloolah won
Unban Quern second , Nell Swiftthlid. Time
1.01 ? . Mutua'H ' paid $33 CO.
At Chicago Chicago 3 , Providence G.
At Philadelphia-Athlutio 4 , Louisville 1 ,
At Baltimore -Baltlmoro i Pittsburg2.
At Detroit-Detroit 0 , Philadelphia 3.
At Now York Metropolitan 5Cincinnati3.
At New York-New York 11 , Buffalo 3 ,
Seven innings ; darknosr ,
At St. Louis-St. Louis 0 , Bston 1.
At Biooklyn-St. Louis 0 , Brooklyn 4.
" " * * * ' '
BOSTON , Sept. 21. It Is now stated that
thVt Puritan wa > purchased for Charles J ,
Paine , of Nakant , oxvner of the yacht llnl-
cyon , and ono of the syndicate that built tbo
South Amorlciui Itcbolllonr ,
LIMA , Peru , Sept. 24. General Cacorof , at
last advices , was quietly sojourning at Tarma.
His forces , now computed at 2,500 men with
ten field pieces , are scattered over the country
In that neighborhood , but maka no demon
stration toward Limn , where the government
ha n garrison nf 5OCO soldiers , Further
south , at Pisco , lea and Chluche , the Oacorests
art more activo. Those three places have
fallen Into their bands , and in consequence P
un order has been issued by the treasury
department closing Pitco to commerce.
Government forces bold Salverry , Trujillo nn-1
Oajamarcn , It is reported that Col. Bonero
Floret" , who commands the revolutionary
troops In the north , made an attack on Warcz
nf few dnya ago and was driven oil with con
siderable loss.
PANAMA , Sept. 24. Tha Eutdrian consul
in thin city yesterday received a dispatch
from Guagaguil saying that n complete victory
had been obtained at Mannbi over the Alfar-
t.-i3. This news of the defeat of the rebels
lai the first Intimation that has reached Panama 4
mo of a rising in Ecuador.
Crocfccr'a Uricnilo Having a Gnla
IOWA Cur , Iowa , Sept. 21. To-dqy has
been < a busy ono with the members of Crock-
orV brigade. They marched to the city hall 51
0 o'clock and concluded the business of the
association , reelecting the old officers and ap
pointing tbo next reunion at Dav OV
enport | iu 1ES7 , At n meeting
held ! In the city park this afternoon
Gen , Bolknap and others addressed the thous [
ands who could not get into the opera house
Isbt night. The b igado sat down to a ban shi
quet at Arcade rink at which over n thousand
covers ara laid , The weather was delightful Ibu
and the reunion the most successful and satis
factory ever held by the brigade. Guesta will
depart for their homea in the morning ,
A. Jewelry llurnt-np. Spi
NEW YORK , Sept 21. Schedules in the
ascignments of ICoseutb , Adolphus and Jacob :
Marx , comprising the firm of Kossuth , Marx
&l Co. , jewelers , show liabilities of $023,916 ,
nominal assets 5559,770 , nnd octual assets
3353,640. ! There is claimed by the sheriff , as
levied on , $71,094 , Schedules show notes
claimed ng assets , but in the hands of third af
parti t. 10 tbo amount of § 143.232. Deduct
ing thtte two latter amounts it will show a
clear value in tha "hands of the assignee of
8143,7'4 The assignors ray that the cause of
difference between the nominal and the
actual value of assets is due to depreciation
the market value of goods ; also on account
debtors failing to pay accounts due.
BLOOUINQION , HI , , Sept. 21. An old man , the
supposed to ba William O'Korford , of Hunts- red
vlllo , Ind , , was struck by a freight train of ohl the
Illinos Central this morning while walk
Into the city from n derailed and delayed anc
ram of the Indiana , Bloomington & , the ;
Western , Ho waa brought into this
lty : , his wounds were dressed and
was put in proper hands. Ho shortly es
aped and strayed away , beinor delerious glv
rtiis morning he waa found in a field near ten ;
Shirley , unconscious. Ho was brought to van
Qloomlngton and placed in the hospital and reci
Gradually sunk. He is now senseless and
is feared will not recover. It is thought ant
bat somewhere between Bloomington and
Shirley ho'was robbed of $700 , figiJ
Kovengln Her Honor , reoI
SAN FBANOISOO , Sept. 21. May and Lizzie
Tackeon , aged 18 and 22 respectively , were
irrcsted this ntternoon , charged with having
intorod the room of Martin Fuller , teller of
San Francisco savings bank , Monday last , ?
throwing vltrol la bia face , Fuller'a BAI
vife has been In tbo east tbo last two years. &
Shortly after her departure he became Intl-
nate with May Jackson , When ho deserted
ehe determined on revenga by disfiguring
for life. Ho will probably recover bis got
lyeeixht , but hla face is horribly burned. mo
3oth girls one as accomplice are charged
vlth felony , with ball fixed at $5,000.
An Inhuman Murderer , cia :
FORT SMITH , Ark. , Sept 21. News was net
'oceived hero to-day of the brutal murder of pro
tfatt Banton on a street of Caddo , I. T. , Fri-
, by Win , Jones , n notorious desperado , Fli
Sarton was with his wife aud children going
a i show when Jonea appaached and shot
down without provocation and then
lusted the dead man aside , kicked and cussed
body , mounting his stood and rode away.
Is still ut large.
Worlc of tlio Gulf Oyolono.
GALVEBTON , Texas , Sept , 24. A special to
News from Carpus Christi says : The
iteamer Araneaa arrived hero to-day. Her
aptain reports that lha government jetties in
Yransaa pass off thia point arn considerably
lamaged by the recent oyclono. A very
leavy sea beat against the jetty for several
, teaiiag up portions of the mattress work U
utrewlngtbe debris along Mustang Island ,
VUltini ; tlio VntcranH ,
ST. Louis , Sept , 24. The national board IT .
directors of the eoldiera' homo arrived j.
thia morning , and after spending a quiet u.
] In tlio city , lelt to-night for Laavenwoith r.
examine the work done on tbo western UE
Branch home , now in course of erection near
city. They will then go to Milwaukee , ] .
visit the home at that place ,
WABUINQTON , Sept. 21. Upper MiaiUitppl
calley : Fair weather ; couth to west winduj
nearly stationary temperature ; lower bare in -
Missouri valley : Fair weather ; southerly
winds in coutbern portion ; south to west
winds In northern ppitlcn ; stationary temperr- 51
fl ( i
n I'Vi.i Kir < > ,
CIDAK ItAnua , Iowa , Sept , 21
Fiibir . , i far/ llvloy neur Wuvbcek , this ( n
county , wiut lum (1 to ifejth wllh liii < thrco
children in hit rtMeace lant nlKht. liil wife L (
juuip'bg out of n w uduw ,
Tto Changes That Have Occnrrefl in
the UFO SlecK Met ,
Moat Grades Soiling for What
ever They Would Bring.
Texas Fever Soaring off Country
A Mighty Flop from tlioStroiiBOonrtl-
tloti ol Wheat Ycsiora y Mill
City Mon Yf orUtiiR tlio
Special Telegram to the BEE. .
CHICAGO , Sept. 21. The cattle trndo was
elow and prices rather easier on useful and
medium natives. In lomo instances saloa
were lOo lower tbnn offeicd yesterday. 1'rimo
fint-class nativoi wore scaroo and sold eqaally
as high ns yesterday. First-class native
butchoro stock made a shade more money.
Texan a were selling equally as well ai yostor-
day. Northwestern rangers , when they would
just exactly suit , sold fully as high as any
lime this week , but when below the standard
wanted for shop and refrigerator
trade they had to go Into the feeding class ,
and then sell for whatever they would bring.
Stacker and feeder trade remains in a bad
way , Receipt * are light , and there is no de
mand worth noting. Distillery feeders are
picking out such as will suit from north
western rangers , preferring that elms to na
tives , Country buyers are yet afraid of
Texas fever , hence they are not buying to any
; rcat < extent. Tha supply of stock calves
was about equal to the domat.d , Prices re
main steady at the advance noted yesterday.
Shipping : BtooiB , 1850 to 1EOO lb . . $0.20 ©
6.00 < ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs. , ? 1.90ffl5.40 ; 050 to
120 Iba. , S300@4.SO. Texas cattle
steady ; 950 bl. , S3.CO@3 00 ; 700 tcflNX ) Iba.
S29J@320 ; COO to 700 Iba , , § 2.50@3.10.
SVestern rangers slow and 103 lower ; natives
and half-breeds. $3 G5(5J5.CO ( ; cows , $3,00 ®
40 ; wintered Texans , § 3.20@4.00.
5M Sales 5 309 Western , 1,150 Iba. S4.00 ; 100
Montana ( , 1,103 Ibs , 81.00 ; 103 Montana , 1 , 30
Ibi.and 15 Montana , 1,280 Ibn , 64.80 ; 709
Montana ( , 1,203 Ibs , $4 01) ) ; 18'J ' Wyoming ,
1,163 Ibs , § 1 23. .
Trade was fairly active , with a decrease of
5(2)10o ( ) nn common and medium , At the
3lose , however , the market was steady , and
during the forenoon a greater number went
aver the scales thaa for any day thla wook.
TUB quality was barely up to the average ,
and best corn fed commanded a premium ,
lough and common sold at $3.GO@3,80 , and
best heavy at $4 20@4.30. Packing and
shipping , 250 to 800 lb , S3.8)4.25. Llriit
weights. 130 to 170 Ibj , $1 20@4 00 ; 180 to 210
, S3.60@4 20.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , Sept. 24 , A weaker feeling suc-
eeded In the wheat market to-day and daring
the session prices declined to a point 3o under
the highest price ] of yesterday. The feeling
woa strong at tba opening , owing to the show *
Ing of a decrease of 1,200,000 bn in the amount
wheat afloat destined for England and the
continent. Under the influence of this showIng -
Ing the November delivery advanced to 87 o ,
n advance of g 3 as compared to the closing
figures of yoiterday , but It was
Found that offerings were free ,
and under some pressure prices fell off to
BGJc. rallied to 871c , then dropped off to 8GJe ,
which was the inside trading price for the
day. There was an advance of &o , and the
market closed on the regular board fie under
peeterday , One of the causes assigned for
decline was that Minneapolis millers hod
reduced their prices 2a on the ground that
recent advance had brought out free
ihlpments from farmers' hands. At the after-
aoon session the feeling was a little firmer ,
ind the latest trading prices wore | a under
bo8Q of yesterday.
Corn was only moderately active , but was
jlven eomawhat more of support than was ex-
euded to wheat , and ranged strong at an ad
vance of g@ic. A few buying orders were
eceived while receipts were not very hsavy.
Clio near options eased off towards the close ,
closed lower.
Oats quiet and steady at about yesterday's
Meia pork fell off 12jc at the opening , but
ecovered and closed moderately firm.
Lard ruled somewhat easier.
Oo ( , ST. Josui'H , Mo.
If ] yon buy lumber anyvrhore , without
jotting Hoaglnnd'a prices you will loao
? rf _
I > r. Hamilton WarrL ( , Eolootlo Pbyal-
ian : and Snrgoon , 703 N. 10th struct ,
icar Wobstor. Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
< Croft loans money on Diamonds and
Flno watches. Room 4 , WI thn oil block.
Cor , 13th end Douglas Sip. ,
Capital Stock , - - -
Liability of Stockholders , SCOOUO
Fire Per CcutInterestPai on Dssosils
rME3 E. BOYD , , President
A. PAXTON Vice Vresiatnl
U. BENNETT , , . , , , , . Uanaglog Director
OHN , K. wojji/a / ; . . : : : „ . ewe ,
516 N , 16th St. , Omaha , Neb
poi cent Interest AHowecjon time
Investment tiocurttics , Mortgoge
Loans Negotiated on City Property
and Improved FurniH.