THE DAILY BEE-THUUSDAY S PIEM HER 24. 1885 ; \ THE CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO BUY DEWEY One of he Bostjand L&rgost Stocks in tha United Statoi To Select Fronu NO STAIBS TO OLIMB , ELEQAFT PAS3ENQEB ELEVATOf A. J. TuLtocK , Eng. and Snpt. 1)KCM ) ) ) , Ai O , F. N. BADLTO , Au't. Eng. Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Worlts OFFIOK AND WORKS LEAVENWORTH , KANSAS. Uuiufooturcri and Builders ol Wrought IIOD , Steel , Howi Ttusa and Combination BRIDGES For Railroads und Highways. Turn Tablet , Draw Brans. Boo Tiuuce , Fieri and Sub * structures. Tinsley , Shire Tulocli \ . HoLoath , Agent ricaso Bond ua word ol all brldgo work to lot. Correspondence eolis'.tod ( ram engineers and bridge otcmleelonore. SPECIAL NOTIO SO towers of Live Stock and WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Bl It Is Iho boot and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono poand la equal to three ponnda o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gnko In the rail and mntei natoad of running down , will Incroaao In weight and bo In good marketable condl- Ion In the spring. Dairymen , aa veil an othora , who uao It , can testify to Its mor lie. Try It and jndga for yonraolvca. Prloo $24.00 per ton. No charge for Backs , Addrqsa WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WOEKS , Omaha , Nob. GREEN & BURKI = LIVESTOCK COMMISSIONUEBGET'S Z7NJOW STOCK Merchants' & Farmer's REFERENCES Bank David : City , Nob. Omaha , Neb. Kearney Nationnl Bank. Kearney. Nob. Golumbui State BanV , Oolumbua , Neb. MoDonnld'a Bank. North PJatte , Neb. Omaha National Bank , Omaha. Neb , G. B. GREEN. O. BURK Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two > thirdsnluo of stock. Home Heekers , Attention Forfullparticulars aloittfree and cheap lands in Western Nebraska Address T. C. PATTERSON , ReaEstateAgent , North Pintle , Neb. THE A. L. STRANG COMPANY , Double and Single Acting Pawee ana hana Engine Trlmmlngn , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Brans and Iron Flttlngi at wholesale or retail. HALLMJAY WIHD-MILLB , OHUROB AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Farnam St. . Omaha Neb. CHAS. SHUTERICB : TJRW UP jy& * Ail UPjaOLBTEEY AND DEAPERIE8 , Pasaenges Elevator to all ] floorz , 1206,1208 and 1310 OMAHA { NEBRASKA RUEMPING & BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornnmenta Dormer Windows , Wit dow Cap ? , Metalic Bky Lights , &o. Tin , Iron and Slate roofora , DIGS. 12th St. Omaha , Neb. Wet one in any part o ( the country. MY of the Park Place , Omaha , Nebraska , for yonnrf ladies undortho direction of tha Ladles of the Sacred Heart The course of studies embraces all the branches of a useful and refined education. Sim scholastic year commences on tbo first Wednesday in September. TERMS -Payable In advance , Including board , washing tuition in English and French , DBtnimental munc. USD of books , per session of 5 months , $150. EXTRAS Painting. Drawing , German , Vocal Muuo , Harp , Guitar , Violin , For lurthor ttforination apply to the Right Rev. Jas. O'Connor , or to the Lady Superior. Edliolm & Erickson WHOLESALE MD RETAIL JEWELERS -AND- MUSIC DEALERS , Steinway , Weber and Hainea * ? E > I 1ST OS Packard Orchestral Organs. IN JLAJIO-E Edliolm & Frickson 15th and Dodge , Opp. Poatoffice. GERMINAL , Or , the Story of a Great Minen Strike , BY EHirjH 7OLA. Trantlaltd from the French. SUMMARY of riuciDiKa Anton Lnnticr , n young mechanics out i work , renchoi the coM mines ot Monstoi France , cold , hungry and penmleis. Tt death of n miner makes a vacancy and ho ee cures employment in the VnHuromlno. Ma hon , one of the miner * , and hit d&ughte Catherine , explain the work to him and at sist him the first clay. He hears themuttei ings of the miners agaimt the company an throats of a strike. The exactions of the BI potinteodent and the small wages receive goad the workmen to the verge 'of des pera tion'and paved the way to the coming a true gle. Mnhon again befriends Anton , and BO cores lodgings for him at Risaanour's , a tip pling homo near the mine. Anton's doterml nation to leave Is overcome by the klndne us o the struggling miners , and ho decidoi to battl with them. The owners of the mines tevol i : luxury , and turn a deaf ear to tha appsMa o the starving families of tha workman , who , i debt for food obtained during- utrika thre years previous , ara bircly able to Eccut sufficient food to sustain life. CIIAMER VII In a darkened room , through the closet blinds , llitlo by little , appeared the fain griy streaks of dawn , spreading them solved to the celling , but In a close atmosphere mosphoro all continued their alumbors Lonoro and Homy In each other's arms Alziro lying on her humpback , wlthheac thrown backward , whlU old Bnnnomort , with mouth open and miorlng loudly , oc ouplcd the bed belonging to Johnnie and Zichnrlo. Not n breath cimo from the little room where the mother had fallen asleep while tanning Eatollo. The wooden clock down stairs etruck six ; along the alley waa heard the Bound of closing doom , and the click clack of wooden shoes on the sidewalk. It was the screen eta going to the mlno. Until seven o'clock all was again silent. Then Bhuttora wore thrown back , and through the wall cumo the sounds of yawning and coughing. Now the grinding of coffee was heard ; yet no ono awoke in that room , But , suddenly , the nolso of slaps and barking aroused Alziro. Knowing what tlmo It was , she ran barefooted to shako her mother. "Mother ! mother ! gob np. it's late. you know you have to go out. Take care , you'll mash Estollo. " And she pulled the child from beneath its mother. "Sakes alive I" stammered the woman , rubbing her eyes. "I am BO tired , 1 uould sleep all day. Dress Lenoro and Eenry , I'll take them with me ; you : an mind Eatollo , I don't want to drag her along , she'll ' catch cold In this wreather. " She hastily washed herself and put on a old blaa sktr t , her best ono , and a > ray woolen jacket , on which she had sewn two patches the day before. "What shall I do ? ' murmured she. "Tbo little ones must have something o 3at. " As her mother descended the stain , Mzlro ro entered the room , taking with ber Eitello who was crying. But she was accustomed to tbe rage of the little DDO ; and though only eight years old she : almed and amuned her with the tender ir of a llttlo woman. Placing her in tier still warm bed aho coaxed her to sleep again. Now another uproar arose , ind she was obliged to make peace bo- bween Lsnoro and Henry who had at last i wakened. These children only agreed when asleep. Tbe girl of six years , on i wakening flow at the boy of two , who : onld not defend himself. Both had large heads covered with yellow hair. AJzire pulled her alster out of the bed. Then they stamped Trhlla she washed them and put on each article of clothing , They did not open the shutters for fear of arousing old Bonnomort , who con tinued to snore amid the confusion. "Oomo on down , if yon'ro toady , " cried the mother. Then aha opened the shutters , raked the fire and put on some coal. A glance Into the empty sauce pan dispelled the hope that the old man had loft a little aoup. She cooked a little handful of ver micelli which had been held in reserve for three days. The cupboard was emp ty ; not a crust , not oven a bone remained there. What would become of ttom if Malgrat stopped their credit and the rich people at Piolalno would not give her a hundred son ? When the men and girl returned fcotn the mine there must be something for thorn to eat. They could not live without food. "Oomo down , right away , " she cried igain , "I must be off " When Alziro and the two children wore there , she portioned the vermicelli out into throe llttlo plates , saying , she lid not with any. Although Catharine iad already used the coffee grounds , left from the day before , a second time , iho poured water over them and Irank two great bowls of coffee so weak that it looked like water with a little ron ruat. It waa good all the same. It irould strengthen her. "Listen , " said she to Alziro , "you nust let your grandfather sleep , and too ; hat Eatollo does not break her neck. If ibo wakes up and cries too much , here's a ump of sugar you can melt and give her n spoonfuls. I know you'ro too sensible , o oat It yourself. " "How about school , mamma ? " "That'll have to trait another day. I iced you now.1 ' "And the soup , don't yon want me to nabo it if you're late ? " "No , you'll have to wait 'till I Bet lorae1' ? Alzire , with the precocious Intelligence if an invalid , know how to make soup. 3ut she did not Insist , she understood rhy she must wait. Now the whole 'alley ' was astir ; troops of cblldrtn were ; olng off to eohool with loitering atop. Sight o'clock struck ; the sound of voices .rose . at the house of Levaque , on the eft. eft.Tho The wives' day had begun , which rould be spent In going from house to louse , their hands on their hips , their cogues running without a break. Ho smiled at the children and patsed > n , loaylrg her standing In iho middle of be road. She was not roligloui , but the bought had como to her that the priest night give her something. The journey through the black and tlciy mnd was resumed. There were till a mile to drag the now worn mt children. At each tide of the road rere the s me mosr-oovered fences , In- losing manufactories discolored with moke. Then came tbe open fields , large nd Hit , like an ocoin of brown tnr/ . Not i tree was visible , bnt a purpling line [ enoted tbe forest of Vandamo. "Carry me , mamma. " And tucking up her dreii , with a desire to arrive as neat i possible , ( ho carric thorn by turns. Twlca eho neatly fell I the soft road. When they hid at la reached the doorstop , three large doj jumped npon them , barking so loud thi the lltllo ones screamed with fear , as tl coachman whipped them off. ' Lave your shoos and como In , " sal Honorino. In the dining-room the mothc and children stood motionless , ovoi como by the sudden boat , and unoas under the glances of the old gcntlema and lady wno were stretched out In arm chairs. "You must attend tj them , my dauet tor , " said the latter. The Gregorys charged Oooll with thel alms-giving. That entered Into thel idea of a good education. It was nocoi sary to bo charitable , they said. Bu they fUttorod themselves that they deal out charity with Intelligence , having i continual fear of being mistaken and en couraglng vice. No , they never gav money , not ton sons , not oven two , for I was well known that ai s on as a bogga had two sons ho spent them for drink Therefore , their charity especially con slsted In the distribution of warm , winter tor clothing to the poor children. "Oh ! the poor darlings ! " said Oecll "they arn pale from the cold I Honorino go np stairs and got the bundle. " The maids were alsj eyeing those nils orablo people with the pity and foollu ( of girls never In want of a meal. Whili the chambermaid wont up stairs , the cook , forgetting her elf , sot the milk broad back upon the table and stood looking on with folded arms. "I still have tvo ( good woolen drossei and some llttlo capes , " said Mademoiselle , The poor llttlo things shall bo warm. ' Then Mahon's nife found her tongue , stammering : "Thank yon , Mist. You're very good. " Her eyes filled with tears ; she was sure of a hundred nous , she only occupied her self In studvlng how to ask for them , if they wore not offarod. The chamber maid not roturnlng , a moment of embar rassed sllonco followed. On each sldo of their mother , holding tight to her skirts , the little ones fixedly regarded the milk- bread. "Have you only these two ? " asked Mrs. Gregory , to break the sllonco. ' "Ohl Madame , I've seven. " Mr. Gregory , rrho had resumed his paper , gave on Indignant utart. 1'Seven children , good hoavon& ? " "It is imprudent , " nmraiured the olu lady.Tho The mother excused horeolf with an uneasy gesture. At tholr homo they never would have boon able to llvo if two of the boys and the eldest girl had not been old enough to go into the mine. For It was nocostary to food the children , though they earned nothing. "Have yon worked in the inlno for a long time ? " asked Mrs. Gregory. The woman smiled. "Ah ! yes , I worked there until I was married. Bnt my husband's people have been below for centuries. They struck the first blows of the pick at Rtqalllart. " Again Mr. Gregory dropped his paper and glanced at the woman and those children with waxen skins , faded hair and pinched features , slowly dying ( of hunger. Silence fell again. No sound was hoard save the cracking coal , which thraw out a jot of gas. The warm room had that air of comfort only found In the apartments of the rich. "What is the matter witn her , " cried Gecil Impatiently. "Melanle , go and tell her that the bundle is in the bottom of the armolre , on the left. " Meanwhile , Mr. Gregory finished alond the reflections with which those famished people had inspired him. "It Is very true , there is some bad in this world ; but , my good woman I can not help saying the workmen are not always wlso. Instead of putting a few sons aside , like the peasants , the miners drink , run Into debt and end by not hav ing enough to feed their children , " "Monsieur is right , " replied the wo man Bodately. "Tney are not always sensible. That's what I say to thorn when they complain. I'm much behind , though my husband drinks but llttlo. On wedding days he sometimes takes too much , bnt It always ends there. So that don't hold good with us , you ace , for be fore ho was married ho drank all the time. And yet there are days like to-day , when yon turn yonr pockets Inside out , without finding a son. " She was thinking of the hundred son pieces , and her voice at first low and timid , became loud and eager , as she ex plained that fatal debt. They had paid regularly for some months ; but ono day they got behind , then all was ended , for they could not catch up again. The hole grew larger , and the men were disheart ened with the work which did not pay thorn enough to keep straight. Tuey : onld not got out of this tcrape. But they must understand the whole affair. A. shoemaker in want of & drink to wash ] own the dust , had begun their trouble. Perhaps it was no fault of his. At any rate the workmen did not earn enough. "The company glvoa yon fuel and liousos , I believe , " said Mrs. Gregory. With n glance at the coal flaming in the fire-place she answered : "Yes. they give us eoal. It's not very ; oed bat it barns , The rent's only six francs ; that don't seem like much to you , bnt eomotlmoa Its pretty hard to pay it. Why , to-day , If they were to cut me too pleca I couldn't hand them a son , for ou csn't give what you haven't got. " ' The gentleman and lady were silent ind yawned a llttlo lanqaldly , depressed md uncomfortable by the exposure of ; hls misery. She fearing she had offend ed them , added with a wise and calm air > f a practical woman. "li'does no good to complain , Things ire so and we'll ' have to stand them , No natter how much we tried , we couldn't ihange anything. So it's best to be icnoit and work on with the strength .he good God has given us , Isn't it ? " Mr. Gregory nodded his head approv- ogly : At that moment a wan face , with large ips and a broken nose , was flattened igalnst the window pane , while a woman : rled : "Listen ! I've something new to tell 'OU. " "No , not now , " replied Mahon's wife. 'I'm In " a hnrryf" And , refusing the offer of a cup of varm coffee , sbo set oat , pashlog Lonoro md Henry before hrr. Prom the room , bovo , JLionucmort's regular snore filled he house. Outside , the mother wai eurpilsed to ind it was no longer blowing. The sky V B heavy , find a chilly thaw was damp- mlng the walls and filling the roads with he mud peculiar to coal regions , bUok s soot , thick and clinging. Boxing Snore's ears for heaping the mud on ho toes of bur shoos as upon the end of \ shove ) , cue left the alley , passed along bo canal-road , and then , to shorten the llstauca , cut through fields enclosed by nois-coverod fences Mauu'actories ucotded each other , with high chimneys lunotlug a country cf industry. Behind . ' group of poplars vat tbe old mlno leqnlllart , of which the carpenter-work if tbo tower alone remained standing. .Now , turning to the right , iho womn c mo ont upon the main road. "Stopl stopl dirty pig * , " ttlud shi "I'll make mud balls for yon , " This time , Henry had gathera.1 up handful of mud ind was rolling It Into ball , The two children , after frcin sltpped , returned to their mother' * side laughing at the imprint of tholr nandg I ; the middle of the road. They were nl ready covered with dirt , and oxhauotoi with tholr efforts to plod through th sticky mud. On one sldo of Marohonnei was twc leagues of straight road , whllo the othei aide wJund down Into Houston , bulll upon a slope of the plain. Those roadi of the north , laid out by rnlo and line , between mtnufasturlng villages , wore well made ; llttlo by little , building * wore going up , tending to make of this part oi the country only working towns. The tmall brick houses , to prevent sameness , * ere painted , some yellow , some blue , and others black , whllo n serpentine line of black ran across the villige from right to left as far as the end of the hill. There wore two low pavilions and houses be longing to manufacturing officials. The church , also of brick , resembled a now kind of furnace , with its aqaaro steeple , already dirty from the flying coal dust. And among tbo sugar mills , worohouseo and wheel shops , the dance halls , smok ing rooms and saloons were so numerous that , of the thousand houses , five hun dred sold liquor. As she approached the ware houoeo and shops belonging to the company the mother decided to take the hands of Henry and Lonoro. Before them was the honso of M. Honnobeau , an enor mous building which was separated from the road by a railing and garden In which a few trees were reluctantly growing. A carriage had stopped before the door from which a gentleman and lady were alight ing , visitors arriving from Paris , for Mrs , Henneboau , who appeared in the vostl- gnlo gave an exclamation of surprise and joy. joy."Oomo on now , " muttered the mother , pulling the children out of the mud. Very uneay , she arrived at Malgra house , which was next to the director's , a simple wall separating thorn. The store In front contained every saleable article , meat , fruit , broad , boor , crockery and actions. A former overauot of the Vul lure ho had started out In a small fray. then thanks to the protection of the chiefs , his business had enlarged little by llttlo , driving oat all other shops In Mansion. Having monopolized tradeho tvas able to soil cheaper and glvo credit. But ho still remained in the hands of the jompany , which had built for him his Ittlo honso and store. "Hero I am again , Mr. Malgrat , ' inmbly said the woman , finding him itandlng before the door. Ho eyed her without a word. Fat , ; old and polite , he prided himself on lover changing his mind , "You won't turn mo away like you lid yesterday , will you ? Wo mutt have Dread to o t until Monday. I know we lave owed yon sixty francs for the last ; wo years. " She spoke in short , faltering tones , [ t was an old debt , contracted during a itriko. Twenty times they had promised o pay up , bnt were nnablo to do so ; ast pay day they had given him forty IOUB ; then , a shoemaker , whom they iwed twenty franca , threatened to have hem arrested , and they were obliged to > &y him all the money they had left. Chat waa the reason they were now rlthout a son. At other tildes , like their iomrads , tholr money held ont nntll nore was received. Without opening his mouth , and with , rms crossed over his stomach , Mlagrat hook his head at each supplication. "Nothing , bnt two loaves of bread , klr. Malgrat. I'm reasonable , I don'c isk for ccffo. Only two three-pound eaves a day. " "No ! " he thundered at last. His wife came forward , a wretched reaturo , who passed her days over a cglater without even daring to ralso her toad ; but she moved away In fright on colng the unhappy woman turn her be- eochlng eyes toward her. They said he yielded her conjugal relations to the ; Irls of the town. It was a known foot hat when a miner wished a prolonga- ion of credit , by sending his wlfo or laughter , whether pretty or ugly. If they roro compliant , It was obtained. Sick at heart and followed by the cold ooks of Malgrat , the mother turned way , pushing her children before her , "This won't bring you luck , Mr. Mal- ; rat , remember that ! " Only ono hope remained ; the rich pee ilo at Plolalne. If they weald nst glvo ler a hundred sons , they must all He [ own and dio. Taming to tbo left she ook the Joisollo road , in an angle of rhloh was the director's house , a verlta ilo brick palace , to which a number of ho great men of Paris , princes and per- ons of authoiity , came each autumn to ojoy great dinners. Walking on , she ilannod how the would spend the hun- Irod sons ; fiist , some bread , tbon coffee , lotatoes , a quart of beer , and , perhaps , a Ittle hogshead of oheoso for the men cho needed moat. The Montson priest , the Abbo Jolre , lasaed her , picking his way through the aud like a well-kept oat who waa afraid if soiling Itself. Ho was a gocd man , rho lived as peace with all the world. "Good-morning , Monsieur lo Oaro. " "With auoh sentiments , my good roman , ono is above mltfortnno. " Honorino and Melanlo brought In the inndle. Cecil opened it and took out wo llttlo dresses and capes , also some lockings and mittens. Those would do ery well , and with the maid's assistance , be hastily tied up the bundle , for her ilano teacher had arrived at last , and she lushed the mother and children towards he door. "We are so short , " stammered the wc- : un. "If you've only a hundred-sou leco. " The words choked her , for the Mahons rero croud and would not beg. Occll ntaslly glanced at her father , but ho lowly refused with an air of duty , "No , it Is not our habit. Wo cannot , " Then the young girl turned to her lother , wishing to give something to the hlldren. They were still looking at the illk-broad , and cutting it In two shegave : to them. "Herol thl Is for yon. ' Then she took it back and asked for a old paper , "Walt , yon can share with your broth- ra and tlsters. " And , under the watchful glances of or parents , she ended by puehing them tide. The poor , bongry little things unt off holding the bread carefully , itlr llttlo bands benumbed with cold , Pulling her children along tbo road , 10 mother no longer noticed the barren olds , the black mud , or the livid eky , Then she arrived at Monaton , she reao- itoly entered Malgrat'n store , bogging so Iteously that she ended by carrying wsy two loaves of bread , other provlc me , and even a hundred-sou piece , hlch was lent her for a week When e told her to send ber daughter to got IB provisions she understood his kind- eas. Bat eho did not lear ; Catherine was a good girl , and for any intuit wonl elap his faro.TO [ TO BE CONTlNTJEn , ] Take all in all. Take all the Kidneys and Llrcr Medlcln Take all the Blood purifier * . Teko all iho Hhonmatlo remedies , Take all the Dy popala and Indlgoa * tfon cores. Take all the AgnoFovor , and billions specifics , Take all the Brain and Nerve force ( revives , Take all the Great health restorers. In short , take all the best qualities of all those aud tbo beat Qualities of all the boat modlolnoa In the world and you will find that Hop Bitters have the beat curative quail- tics and powers of all concentrated In them. them.And And that they will euro when any 01 all of these , single or combined. Fall 11 A thorough trial will glvo positive proof of this. Hardened Liver. Flvo years ago I broke down with kid- no ? and liver complain end rheumatism , Slnco then I have been unable to be ibout at all. My liver became hard like irood ; my llmba were puffed up and filled frith water. All the boat physlcUnn agreed tha lothlng could euro mo. I rcoolvod t : ry Hop Blttera : I have used eovon bet lea ; the hardnoaa has all gone from my Ivor , the Dwelling from my limbs and 1 ins worked a miracle In my case ; other vise I would have been now In my grave J. W. MOKBY. Buffalo , October 1,1881. Poverty and Suff "I wai ilraggod Oowi wl h debt , parorty mil sul- ertDK lor jeus , cnmcit by a alok ( amtlr uJ Urge illls lor doctoring. I tvai ct > tnp ] > ) t < 1 f Jhcouta 'oJ , until ono your ao , IT the alvtca ol my pastor , I common ocil tiling Hop litters , anil In oao month uowoia all * ell , and none f u < havosconaalnkchytlnca , and I nut tisay t ( II poor men , you cm koeo jour families well a yen : Itii Hop Itlttori ( or Icsuthin oao doctor's visit U1 ost. 1 know It. A. Woiklnfrnuui. Prosocnto the Swindlers III If when you call for Hop Bittora ( BOO luster of Hops on the white label ) too drug' ' iat hnnda out any stuff callo J O , D. Warner's rErmnn Hop ISittora or with other "Hop" nmo , refuse it and ehua that druggist as yon oulria viper ; and it ho has taken your money ar the stuff , Indict him for the fraud 'ft nd ane 1m for damages for the swindle , and we wil award you liberally for the ocnvhtion. Thla Invalunblo ppoolflo readily and pormioonU ires all kinds ot Asthma. The most obstinate an BR standing csc8ilohl promptly to Ita irondortu irlng properties. It Is keown throughout the world ir Ita unrlriled efficacy. J. L. OALDWEIiU city Lincoln , Nob. ; writw , Jan i,18Sl. h'lr oo using P : . Hair's Asthma cnrc , for iiro than ono year , < taj vita ho.8 been entirely well , id not oven a symptom ol the dlaoaso has appeared , WILLIAM BENNETT , Rtchland , Iowa , writes Nov. 1.1883. I have boon afflicted with Hay Fever and Bthmt since 1869. I followed your directions and n happy to cay that I never slept bttter In my life , am glad that I am amonir the many who can speak > favorably of your remedies. A , valuable C4 page treatise containing similar proof om every State In the U , S , Cant la and OreM rltaln ; will bo mailed npon application. ny druggist not having It hi Block will procured. Datf iVH nt-mm mum * AIMI < * Aanrrillenl t > Ml1clnf lonle of ei tjoIUU fl Tor , now TIM ! utrr tM Iu > U world , caret Dyipfpil * . JJUrfhtt * , f < Ttr od Acu * , and All wxdnoftatUtcHUri Orguii. A ftw ftropiloiput * dAJlclon * ( Urof , m glui tfch.mpifT ) . , oJ t * ) t knmsu drinVm. Try It , tut& 4 , yr. WCTPEHMANI ; , 6Z VUOjLDWAY A PERFECT SHOE TOR LADICB , MISSIS t. CHIIDRCN. OUR PRODUCTIONS REPRCSENTTHC PERFECTION OF SHOE-MAKING. IN THEM CVCRV OBJECTION FOUND IN READY-MADE SHOES IS REMOVED. THE SUCCESS AT once ATTAINED ov OUR GOODS WHEREVER INTRODUCED IS OWING TO THE FACTTHATTHEY ARC CLOVC'FITTING , ELEGANT IN STYLE AND PNISH , OF THE FINEST MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP , AND MODERATE IN PRICE. THE HORRORS or DREAKING.-IN ARC AVOIDED : THEY ARE COMFORTADLC FROM THE VERY FIRST. WE MAKE 15 SIZES I IN 14 WIDTHS i AND 0 SHAPES OF TOES AND HEELS. ur Kamt an tin Suits. J. & T. COUSINS , VOK.K. MERVOMS JJEBILITY Vremniiir" TJcclIno fromorronoreioewoa , /oBll'o ; Jiseaiea of the ICIdnprx. Iliad * er , and I'mntnlo ( Jliuiil OUItHII without itomucli Medicines by the Marstnn liolus. Va fpoceiBciirwlwlthoutsurgery. Trentlsonnatc- imonlalnlrim. All oorresponili-HPB connapntlaL L4H8TON REUEDY CO. , or DR. H. TREBKOW , tf "Uot'd H 4tr a CONSUMPTION , 1 have a poaltle remedy lor the aboTO dleen e I bir Ite tiio thooktDdiorcMeicltlia wont kind and of long it adlnKli rotietn < M > reU. Iude . 1,1.0 itnmiliiQTr H5 lulUem cncy.tlnU I will lendTWO I1UT11.13 P1IKI , together with a VAI.lUUI.IiniKATISK out till dlitMt * 9 nr luffttrer. UlvnvxpreiiKiidr Oaddnn. MK.T.Jl HUJlIUU.lllIVarlPt. . HeoT [ AIBURG4MERICAN PACKET COMPANY ; iroct Line for England , France and Germany. Che iieauuhlpB of this well known lint in lion , In water-tight compartment ! , and re ihed with every requisite to mike the pawaii ; Ih safe aud agreeable. They cany the Unite ites and European mails , and leave New Yoi usdaysam ) futurdtri foi 1'lymouth ( LONDON ciboug.ll'AHia andllAUBUHF ) Utes , rir t C bl eoi-8100 Steerage to m UamburK $10. 0.11 IlICUAHl ) b CO. , en. 1 Pass. Agent , 01 Broadway , Now York and ishlnjrton and La Lelle streeti , Chicago or Henry idt Mark Uanson , F. E. Uoore ) , lianry 1' , Ueul litron cwlf t S , H. Plattsraoutli , Neb. Breo'u o ! thoroughbred and high , grade hereto d and Jersey Oattle , And Duroo and Jersey lUd Swine , KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medici Work on Manhood KxMtisteJ VltAllty , Nerromaml riivntcal Debility rrcrnatro ' ccllno In JUn , Krtors of outh , tndtho nntoM mUorlca rtsultlnir from Indiscretion ncl ex- ce 9c . Alnokfore ory man , jrmnjf , middle afrod ml old. It contains If * prescriptions for MI acute ) ami chronic ( llooascs , ouch one of which Is lnvJu ( - Me. So found by the author when experience for I3jr rs l such as probably not er Vcforo felltotho 'ot ' of any physician S'Opifrcs , bomd In beautiful French muni in , cmbofwed c erg , full K\H \ , putnuj- ecd tobontlnrrnork In oxory * ons mechanical Herat/ami professional tnan any ottirr work In hl ( conntry for MM , or the monop win l refunded In every Instance. IMco only 81 by msfl , postptldL. nlustntftl mplt OOc. S nd now. Oolil modal awarded the author hy the National Ucdlcal Ano < rtatlon , tolho oflkrrs of which lie refer * . THe Science of Life rheuM be ro il by the yonnff lor Instruction and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all. Ix > ndon Lancet , There li no member of society to wliem Th Science of Lffeullt not l > o useful. whether youth , Instructor or clorg } man. Argo * Addresfttho Pcnuotly Medical Initltut , or Dr. W I. Parker , No. 4 Hullflnch street , Boston , Mann , who nay bo consulted on all ill cwc requiring skill unit ixjorlonc. Chronic ! and obstinate lUsoitostKal mo baffled the eklll rf 111 otli- 1f\n\V . jslclum , mwilalty. Cuch * * " roiledBuccenfalir without nn In- anco of ( allure. .Minting this patter The on to taie lor l > ca Motnos. Sf rsliMl urn , Ccd r Kaplds , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil nukco anil all points cast. To tbe neuplo of No raqka , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Llano , Nevada regon , Washington and California It odors Bupeilo * Irantagoa not possible by any other lino. Among a few of the numerous points of superior * y cnjoied by the patrons ol this reid botwocn maha and Chicago , are Its twotnlna a day of DA ? DAOflES whloh are the flnost that Imman art and gcnulty coil create ; Ita PAL\CE SLKKl'IHQ OARS hlch ro models of comfort nnd olegnnoc ; Ita FAR 311 DHAV/I.N'Q ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any id Us widely rolobratod FALATIAL DINING CARS , o equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council Bluffs the trains ot the Union FaclOa y. connect In Union Depot with tboso of the Chic * i & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ot this 10 make oloaa connection with those ot all eastern lej. For Detroit , Colnmbns , Indlanapollg , Cincinnati. Ucarft Fails , Buffalo , Ptltaburg , Toronto , Montreal iston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash. gtoa and all points In the East , ask the ticket ent for tickets via the -NORTH-WESTERN , ' vou wlsn the best accommodation ! ) , All tlol e ) enta soil tlckeia via tola line. Buonrrr. R.S.IIAIR , General Manager. Gen. tits. At nt. CHICAGOW.N. W.N. BIBCOCK , ( Jen. ARent , HIS FarnamSt . Omaha , Neb. Time Table All trains nrrfve at and depart from Omaha r Central Standard tlmo. Trains of the 0. , St. P. , 'M. ' & O. , arrive at id depart from their depot , corner of 14th id Webster streets ; trains on the B. &MO. , I , & Q , and K. O , St. J. & 0. B. from the wl , & M , depot ; all othora from the Union Fo il * ' . ( Bo depot , a , dally ; b , except Saturday ; c , except Sun ty ; d , except Monday. WESTWARD. BPAUT AllUIVK. . m OMAHA BRIDGE TRAINS. TBAISS tcavo Omaha at B 25 , 7 25 , 3 CD , 00 , It 15 a m , 12 50 , 2 0) , 8 00 , 4 00 , 4 CC , S Eli , aud I 10 1 > m. On Sundays tbo 7 2G and 10 CO a m , and Oaiid 4 00 p m trains do not run. < eave Council itluffXDroadmo' depot ) at 6 65,7 Eft 0 , 10 31 , 11 40 a ro , ; 1 3) , 2 80 , S BO , 4 29 , 5 26 , 8 11145pm. On 8und y the 7 E5 and 10 SO a m 1 2 35 and 1 23 p ra trains will not run. toaster Tralns-towe Omaha at 8 IE , 8 63 a m. j 35 , Z 20 , 4 20 , o 00 , and 7 00 p m dully. .rrho at 9 45 and 11 16 a m. , 120 , 343,735 ana 5pm , SUNDAY TRAINS and from Chlctjfo via Tripartite Alliance. STOOK YARDS TRAINS. 'Ime Table of I'lesenKer Trains between Omaha 1 Union Btook Yards , f u effect , Wednesday , Aug. h , 1885 'rain ' No. 49 , dally Exoopt Biinday. Other train P. BOYER & CO. , VEILKRH IX all's Safes , Vaults , Time Locks and Jail Work. )20 Farnniu St. Qmalia. Neb- ' 00' ' 18 S5tl , Ht. A boarding and day whosl fof . DcHebt'u ly rltuaud on aeoicctown Largo grounds ; euiorlor BciioluUa & 4 awges , Uui lfAEi.B