THE DAILY BEE-OUUJNOIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1885 THE DAILY BEE. dODHGIL BLUFFS < WodnoBdayMorningSoptem'bor2 , fflea No. 12 Pearl St. Delivered by carrier to any part oljtho city or twenty cent ) a week. II , W. TILTOS. Editor and Lo see MINOR MENTION , Relter , merchant tailor , for fine goods Free lunch at the Phoonlx every morn 5ng from 0 ko 11 o'clock. Substantial abstracts of title and rea citato loans , J. W. and E. L. Sqolre , 102 Poatl atroot. | I The Congregational accl&blo la to b hold Friday evening o ( this week at th residence of the pastor. Permit to marry was yesterday given to D. E. Wllloford and Mary Qrosham fcoth of Washington township. The motion for a now trial In th Stewart case and in the case of Stem against the city has boon overrated. J. W. Porogoy has been rooleotod ai treasurer of the school board for th ensuing year , and 0. M. Harl secretary f TholLadles1 Aid society of the Epl copal church Is to moot this afternoon a 2:30 : o'clock at the residence of Mrs. J B. Atkins. Hard coal Is mm selling at $8.00 po ton , and all kinds of hard coal atovos ar selling at correspondingly low prices a A. J , Mandol's , No. 325 Broadway. The dog and pony show of Prof. Morrl drew big houses at the matlnoo and the evening performance yesterday , Al who wont , old and young , seemed do- lighted. There were seven applicants before th supreme court yesterday for admission t the bar. Two only were from thl county , Hiram E. Booth , of Oarson , and A. 8. Hazloton , of this city. A largo dog , acting queerly , either mad about something or poisoned , creator some excitement and drew a crowd noa the Methodist church yesterday forenoon and was shot by Deputy Marshal Baton Pat Hopkins , who was arrested on th charge of mjllolous mischief , for having damaged a tenant's furniture In throwing it out of his house , hits waived exatnlna tlon , and bonds have been fixed at $300 for his appearance at the next term of thi district court. The Sioux City train at on early hon yesterday morning knocked a man off the trestle work near LoMars. The man was taken back to LoMars , where ho aoon died. His name was not ascertained by the BEE'S Informant , who was a passenger sengor on the train. DIED At the home of her aon-In-law. Hobjrt ETantlngton , Ellen By water , aged 79. The funeral will take place from Rob art Hnntlngton'a residence , 148 Graham avenue , at 2 p m. to-day. All friends of the family are Invited to attend without farther notice. The great and popular attraction for all , the Woman's Exchange Exposition , opens Monday , October 5th. Every evening will bo varied with a aeries of entertainments now perfected by those having the matter In charge. Remember the great opening day. The circuit court mot In Avoca Mon day , and a loir defaults wore taken , there not being time for the hearing of cases. Adjournment was had until No- Tombor 10 , at which time It la expected there will bo trials by jury and other regular business , which has now been crowded out. George Heaton has been given the n L contract for supplying the schools with coal for the ensuing year. Mr. J. K. Cooper , who Is ono of the members of the board , Is the wolghmastor and book keeper for Mr. Heaton , ao that the board seems to have a double guaranty that the contract will be carried out In good faith , and to the best interests of the public. last . Harry Flnloy , whoso homo Is in Leon , ing Iowa , baa been lodged in the county jail bore to await the action of the grand jury. It Is claimed that Flnloy , while stopping at a hotel in Oarson , sneaked of into the next room , occupied by a man named Etrelckson , and stole a salt of clothes and some trinkets. Ho had an examination , the result of which was his being bound over. Daputy Sheriff Kinney noy brought him to this city. by leUerday afternoon a railway man named Fred Rudacampf picked np a law poolcetknlfe in Bityllss park , and gave It Ho to the park policeman , Billy Dean. Soon after , Fred Nowmoyor claimed the A kulfo of Rudacampf , and was quite in dignant because It was not promptly pn banded over to him , the park policeman each Insisting on his describing It In every do- Ho tall. Some hot words were Indulged In , and Nowraeyor was arrested on a charge of disturbing the poaco. He gave bonds for his appearance this morning. will The ushers at the opera house deserve special praljo for the contlemanly and way 7:30 : efficient manner In which they have cared for the great crowds which have been drawn to the opera house by the enter tainment given by Prof.Morrla' dogs and ponies. The Dsboraseeni to have bo tome Tli ao thoroughly posted as to the location of every teat , taut even vhen there la such a tush the ; mike faw.lf any mistakes , and they rapidly atd quietly eu t the until- and ence. Iho Three only complaint hoard wat from a dead-head reporter , who insisted first on ploVlog oat hfs own seat , and wta then hot because he would not be allowed trlct to remain in the wrong one , He will get been over It , however. Only g vo him time tn Ella reflect how foolish and Incontinent he of waa. Wedding ptescn liwutrV , 23 Main city etreet. from r I FOUND , BUI DEAD. The Body of Frederick Bpctmnn He covered from the lltvor , For several daya the many friends o ; Frederick Spetman , a well-to-do farmer of Mills county , have been In anxiou suspense over his sudden and mystorloui disappearance. His description had bee n scattered over the country , and a reward offered for the recovery of the body , it being supposed that ho had either fallen Into the river by accident , or else fonll murdered. Yeatorday morning P. W. Spotman it Bro. , of this city , received telegram from Olaudo Watson , coroner of Otoo county , Nob. , and dated at Ne braska Olty , September 21 , saying "Man found in river hero to-night , an swcrlng description of Frederick Spotman. Oomo or telegraph at once. " On receipt of thli Mr. Hoist , of Hoist it Spotman , and Mr , F. W. Spetman , at once started for Ne braska Olty , accompanied by Mr. Oharlei Ktith , the general agent of the "Q. ' Later In the day other telegrams were ro < cotvcd stating that the body was surely that of Mr. Spotman , and that arrange ments had been made for bringing him homo on the evening train , the train to bo stopped between Hlnton and Island Park , at a spot about forty rods from the homo of the unfortunate man , whence ho conli easily bo taken. The telegrams received during the day were chiefly about the arrangements In regard to getting ting the body homo , and contained no in formation as to the details of his death The coroner's Inquest throw no llgh upon the myo'ery of the death. Then were no marks of violence on the body but the absence of the money which -the deceased had when ho left home , arouses suspicion of fonl play. Tlrod of Drunken Abuse. The BEE yesterday morning contained an account of the doings of a German , | named Rudolph Kuentzlo , who was ar- roited and put In jail for having a row with his wife , whom ho had followed here from the old country , Yesterday the wife , Emlllo Knontzlo , commenced proceeding ) In the district court to so- euro a dlvorco. She eota np In ber pot ! tlon that she was married to htm In 1875 in Bilschlne , Prussia. Ho Boon took to drink , and became a habitual drunkard and waa BO cruel and abusive that ahe feared for her life. Ho at ono time stabbed her with a knife In ono of hla frenzied spoils. She left him , and came to this country , but he followed her to this city , and ho has commenced his at tacks upon her again. In coming to land of freedom eho wants to secure freedom Indeed. John Forgot , brakeuian on the Kansas Olty , while trying to dislodge some i tramps In a box car on the train was shot' ' by them in the arm. This occurred Monday night wbilo the train was pass Ing through Nodaway county , Missouri , Two shots were fired by the tramps , one of which badly shattered tbo brakeman's arm. PERSONAL , 0. R. Bolter , of Logan , was in the city yesterday. Rlloy Clark , of Noolo , visited the Bluffi yesterday. Rev. Dr. Cleland , of Keoknt , Is greeting his old friends here. I Smith MoPherson , ox-attorney general of the state , is hero attending court. C. 8. Keenan , of Shenandoah , is among the attorneys in attendance at court. $ Frank Shinn , of Carson , waa in the city yesterday , showing hia speed on the type writer , Mr. Taylor , of Taylor & Calef , baa re turned from his visit to his old Vermont If home , h W , R , McColIouflh went out on the "Q" yesterday morning to visit the heavy hard ware trade , Mr. Perkins , of Perkins' windmill fame , is the city , the guest of H. 0 , Addis , general agent for the mills , Mr , Cranston , of the Methodist book con cern , Cincinnati , 0. , is in the city , looking after some property here. Mrs , George Thompson returned yesterday morning from Rockford , Ills , , where she has been Tinting for the past four weeks , A , W. Oourson stopped over in this city yesterday on his way from Lincoln , Neb , , and evening took the O. , B , & Q. east. Finley Burke , of Orange City , Is here , look after the interests of bis clients in tha su preme court and greeting bis many old friends . _ here. Charley Bray , who has been In the employ the Chicago lumber company in this city as bookkeeper , is now loca ed in the Pacific ex press oilico. Punishing \VlitaIcy. W. A. Wells , who has been prosecuted some of the citizens of Carson for selling Intoxicating llqucrs contrary to , seems to bo getting the worst of It , was tried recently before -Justice Stotdard , of Oarson , and the jury hung. change of VODUO waa taken to Mace donia , and there the case was tried the other day , and the jury found him guilty five cotmtf , and ho was fl ted $50 on , making the snug little sum of $250 bas taken an appeal to the district conrt , and hopes to got more consiUtlon there. Harmony Chapter No. 25 , 0. E. 8. , hold a ipeclul meeting at the res idence of Ore Johu Iv-ller , corner Broad. and Bancroft , Thursday evening at , on business of Importance. By order of tha W , M THE BUPKEMB OOURT , re o Decisions to nivrk the Opening Day of the Term , The supreme court mot here yesterday And will continue in session several days Andc decisions were rendered. The c was In the cats of the state vs Elijah Thnrman , from the Wayne county dli court , in which the defendant had MAX tried nnd convicted for abortion on Vaughn , who dkd from the effect * the drugs and lostromsnta used. The supreme court affirmed the Gnding. FIRST W. II Derapny and others against * hu of Barling on and o hera. Appnal the Dei Molnts circuit court. The ffo. plaintiffs brought this action In cqult for the purpose of having a certain ord ! nance of the city declared Invalid , It be Ing an ordinance vacating a portion of a ' alley. In the circuit court , on a hearlc , theto , the petition wtsdismissed , and thi plaintiffs appealed. The supreme conr affirmed the decision of the circuit court 0. E Adams & Co. , and others agalns Frank T. Piper and others , appellants From O'Brien district conrt. This nctloi FiW was to recover damages for libel. It wa claimed that the defendants had charge ) the plaintiff ; , who are dealers In grain with having formed a combination to re dnco the price of grain , ono of th plaintiffs , purchasing ono day , and th I roth or the next , and BO on , and that as l csult the price of grain was kept lower than In the neighboring towns. Th plaintiffs secured a judgment , and thi defendant appealed. The supreme cour do that the charges were not of sue' n nature i as to provoke the plaintiffs t wrath , or hold thorn up to public con tempt , as It was well known that grali men were In the habit of forming com blnatlons to control prices , and that such being a custom of thetrado , there was n damage , and the case was reversed. If yon with to maKe legitimately from Ton to Fifty Dollars per day , write tc Jndd & Smith , No. 34 Fourth street , Council Bluffs The exposition given under the auspice ; of the Woman's Exchange , Is now nnde way , and will open on Monday , Octobe 15. It is hoped it will excel In excellence lonco and success the same entorprle ono year ago. It is to bo held In th skating rink , the most suitable bulldlo in the city for such an affair , as thi rooms are all In ono floor and are easy of access. The diagrams for boothi are now ready , and all wishing to maki use of this excellent opportunity to exhlbi The various lines of goods in thi various trades can have a choice of loca tlon by applying at once to tbo president Mrs. George S. Phelps , or the secretary Mrs. E. D. F. Fisher , Dr. Wiles , Eye , F and Throaf peclalist , Rr om 5 , Eve' ett bjick. SPECIAL NOTICES HOTIOE. SpooUl k veitlsomen luo 11 Loil foand , To I/o n , for Sab , To Ren Want ) , Board Inj , etc. , trill bo Inserted In Ihls column at lh iat < ol TEN GENTS PER LINE ( or the flrit InBertloi tnd FIVE CENTS PER LINE (01 each labsoqnenl In Bortlon. LcavcadvertloemdDti al oui offlo , No , Peal I etrost near Broadway WAHTB. J7 OU SALE Cheap , a No. 4 Westminster Burner , In perfect order. Inquire at 121 Bin street. < street.OH OH SALE-A. NO. 4 Westminster bise burner In perfect order. Itqulrent 124 Bluff street , RENT \ new sevoiMOom house , inquire al BEE Office. FOR BALK Houses lote and Iinil. A. J. Stephen , eon , COS First Avenue , Council B uDa . FOR RENT A six room houeo , ten mlnntcs walk I from business , city w tcr , well anil cistern. For | rent cheap. FOB RENT No. ISO Harrison etreet , three rooms , MclUuoN & Co. 4 Poatl stieot. FOB SALK , FOB BENT OR EXCHANGE. NO. 63 For sale or rent , on very Ibernl terms. Tbo Coun-ll Bluffs Paper If III , complete , will the largo boarding houao and lliiee acres of gruund No. 28 Albu'lnesa.proporty In Cherokee , Che * cnuntv , Iowa , will ttade ( or western bade. valu about SICOO. No. 88 A beiutltul home In the town of Haul Ings , Mills county , Iowa , for Nebraska land. Value , $3,600 , Ho. 41 A good business pirpetty and also a good residence property In the town ol Chenro , McLean county , 111. , low down for cash or will exchange foi woatern lands. Vo 178 A splendid farm , well Improved , ( UOacrei In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining ; the town of Eplri' ' Lake. Price , for a short time ; 835 per aero. No. 184 to 187 Are four Improved farms In Phillips county Hanson , eaca with a small Incumbrauce , The equltos will bo exchanged for unlncumbcrc wild land In Nebraska. No. 133 480 acioc In Holt county , Neb , , partly Improved , at a big bargain , fl ants to exchange fo merchandise. No. 61A fine two story brick rieUenoo , cnool tbo best locations In Council Bluffs , will trade foi jtood unlncumbered Kansas or Nebraska lands. Value $15(00. No 65 aud 11 Are two other beautiful homes In Council Bluffs , which cash payment Kill buy at a brraln. No. 68 A baautlful suburban location In IOWA City , Iowa , will exchange for western lands. Value 85,003. The above are only a few of our special bargains. you're gf > t anythlngjto trade or tell , or want to sell any real estate or merrhandlee , write in We v several good stocks of goods to trade for hinds , BWAN & WALKER , Council BluDs , Iowa. 34 Kiel Sale Stables. El Horses and Mulraoonstantly on hand , for Bale at re tall or In carload lJU. . All Stock Warranted as Represented , Wboletalo and retail dealers In K'alnand Baled Ilay. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. SCHLUTER * BOLEY GOT. 5th Av. and 4thSt. , Council Bluffs. Me Me . Bice M. D. Chi Ov O or other tumor remove ! without the lJj knlfa or drawing of blood. CHRONIC-DISEASES , Me Me JT. L. D BEVGI8B. Union Mel iieni Me l > Eqi At ETo. G07 Broidwwr Ooanoll Blaffs. Pat Lea B. SOHUBZ. Fat ? FatS Sen ornoB OTBB AMUJUOAH ixli nmrnTT. red torn ItoiE ONLY HOTEL 'all ' E In Council Bluffs having Fi all modern Improvementa , call bells , fire alarm bells , etc. , ia the FiG CRESTON : HOUSE G land Noa. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. if fl inHN , - PROPRIETOR MltS. A. B. JlOBEfiTS , ileM Form rly of New York CLASS DRESSMAKING Cutting and Fitting Bitkbllubmeat 42 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. GUM , GUM , GUM Rubber Boots , Shoes and Arties v AID v OIL IMMENSE STOCK. Eastern Prices .Duplicated , Seiid for Illustrated Catalogue. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , Warehouse aud salesroom , 41 N Main sfc , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Office 412 Broadway CarpetSjCarpets -o Our buyer writes from New York that lie lias purchased the Largest and Choicest Line of RUGS , AND Ever Shown in this citv. These goods are now arriving dailv and WE resnectfully invite everybody to call and see them. Oil Cloths , Linoleums , OF ALL KINDSj Window Shades , Cornice Poles , Etc , , Etc. AT > OPULAR PRICES. Council Bluffs Carpet Co1 405 Broadwav. 342 and 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. RETAIL DEPAETMENT Mens' ' Fall& Winter Wear CLOTHING Mens''and Roys' Business Suits Bt Wens'and Boys' Dress Suits , jhildrons' every day & Dress Suits. Bti 3vercoats dren. < for Men , Boys and Chil i Merchant Ta'lor ' Suits , Merchant Tailor Overcoats , I . . UNDERWEAR Merchant : Tailor Trowsers. Squtil to the best , to order , Ki half the pr c < * rnens' Suits and Overcoats Po , raens1 Suits and Overcoats.8tr raens' Trowsers. cal : Seamless Shins and Drawers in Scotch wools , medicated Scarlets , < * heavy Balbriggrans , faacy col- Wools and n ixed qualities 25o each to 81.50. Dunlan ud Stetsou's Hats for allot 1885. Furnishing Goods p GInvps , Neckwear , Suspender. ' , kerchief tf , Uollora and Cuffd , firt-t c ass qualities and reasonu- prices. All Metcalf Brothers , lenti Betail Department , and 314 : Broalway , Council Bluffs , la The New York PLUMBING CQ'Y. Broadwav ; Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERSPUB- LIC and PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEW ERAGE , WATER WORKS and YEN- TIIiATION Tdesign- ed and constructed. in all its branches. This comnanv have one of tliebest assort ed stocks oi plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish" ed. ed.Harry Harry Birkinbine * Manager NEW YORK , PLUMBING CO'Y 55 BRO AD WAY COUNCIL BLUFFS Telephone No , Hair Goods Waves , J ] Sivitchcs. Etc. HAIR GOOBS. ; . Shampooing , 41 Hair JP And Cutting.Ig ( HAIE GOODS , I Hand Bangs Cut Pamprdour , Langtry or other styles. Hair Goods D' MRS. 0. L. GILLETTE , 29 M ln "St. OnnncirBlutfg. Ge Ihorough Instruction on the oil Lace 131 Piano and Organ. Ifoice Culture and Tbrf Persons desirous of receiving in- Q itrucliou in the above will please on or address * PROF , C. B , LIPFEHT , fto 620 , First Ave. , Council Bluffo , 820 Broadway , Council Bluffs. anosMps1 O IlIAI Sold on Monthly Payments ! kinds of repairing on If us leal Inittu- mail ' a 8 | cialty" 1 HAD JTA.COH 8ZM8 , ifiorney at Law ! \ COUHCJI-BtD 0 I -AT- darkness Brothers , We shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , a large in voice o COTTON FLANNELS at 25 per cent below tha prices heretofore tsted , 10 dozen Blankets at 1,25 to $2 , worthirom $2 to $3. These goods wera bought at Auction Sales and will not bo duplicated. Parties -will do well to secure them while here. Our new stock of SILKS , TRICOTS , DRESS FLANNELS , PLAIDS , Etc. , Are unusually attractive and never so cheap as now of fered. New Carpets Are received ami our stochis well assortedJor the early fall trade. Rugs , Door Mats , Etc , , Etc , e 411 BRDADffiT , COUMIL BLUFFS , -r W. P. ATLSWORTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. W. P.AYLSWOnTH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council Bluflt j. m. PHILLIPS , WHOLESALE DEALER IN Boots < fe Shoes Employ DO traveling Agents , thus saving their expenses to customers. Agent for Para Itubber Company. Writs for prices. 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la ] Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each. Cheap Furniture. Uook Stoves and General Honse Furnishing Goods , including Now and Second Bv 008 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. Gentlemen's Clothing Clannod , Dyed and Repaired. Ladles' Dresses Ulaauerl and Dyed rltbout ripping , Flumes Cleaned , or . Colored any Shade , to Sample. Milks , Velvets and Bluffs Cleaned , opposite Dyed postolfioo and Retmiahod. , Laca Curtains neatly cleaned ; 20 Mala street , Coan- F. B. PATTON , Manager. Office & Pusev. 3ounoll Bluffs , Iowa. : ttab/isfief 1865 is OFFICER Jf.W. HPDHE AT- rrs. D. 4. Benedicts , Ko. 37 BroKlway , Council Illufls. Ill GOODS HAIR GOODS i/ all kinds Of every stt/le 'e to order , ready made. It GOODS. HAIR GOODS. HEMEU fs SEABIQIIT , No 31 N. Miiin St. , Council Bluffs OYUphone No , HI. All work first cloai. D , A , BENEDICT , N WRITER , AGENT FOR Damprt Lafidcr Co All ( tylei of Lvlders coiialantly In ( took made from spruce pint ) plank. Tke very beat , No 10 Pearl 8t , - - Council U ) Over Bununoll'd Book Store.