THE DAILY BEE--WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 1885. IIHQOLN. Dm Capital Cilj'i ' "Finest" Polios Force on the Wain AiixionsSfat A Limo Committee Appointetl , with a Bristling Brush , 'Sarcastic Comment on the IV cent Jail Delivery. A. Con Man' * Nnrratlvo of His Crooked C roor Clljr Items And Btato I'crnoufils , AT TUB OAPJTAI/ . AKOTHEn FARCE. Monday night saveral pullcomon and ether subalterns felt thai tholr ilmo had eomo , and many wore the walls which fchoy gave utUranca to. The city coun- oil mot and the matter was brought up by Mr. Ullllngsloy , who offered a resolution that the council appoint a committee to Investigate charges of corruption and fraud on the part of pollcomon. The committee was appointed by the mayor , and consisted of BilllngtUy , Dalley and Dean. The Investigation will doubtless provo o bigger farcu than the jail do > livery. Thin la putting it on protly thick to bo inre. It U ( seldom tlut the BEK indnlgco In poetic comparisons , bat a few llnca from Wudsworln atrlkca tha nltiutltm no well that they uro given : "Groat God , grant that every eceplred child of cloy , Who cries jjreaumptiouj , 'Hera the Hood shall stay , ' Hay In its prc&reji sea thy guiding hand , And ceaja his acknowledged imrposo to with- Btaud ; Or , Hwopt in nngor from the intuited shore , ( Salt Creek ) Sink with hU servile Lands to the no more. " Ills honor IB nuking a desperate fight against public opinion and putting on a bravado equal to that of 'Tho ncouturcd child of clay , " bat the true conduct of the poliso will oartaluly oomo out , not In tha "Investigation" nh'ch ' the mayor has In augurated , but from other sourcoa. Hla honor took occasion to compliment the police for it3 noble ouduoS during the atato fair week , nud tliq tafty thus admln- istored tall upon the police gathered iu the room like riin dropi on an arid soil. An csprceston of fillet sprtai over their countenances which was bcautlfal to cou- tompUlc. BlllingBlcy , tha clnlrmiu of the invos- tipfation cjtnmlttco jnat appointed , nmllcd benignly over his desk at the reassured coppers as it to say , "Boys. you have nothing to fear from mo , " and things assumed the aspost of a love feint. Mayor Burr suld that the police force of Lincoln was ono of the finest iu the Gauntry , and that cash moaibr'j individual conduct during fair wesk wsa beyond reproach. Ono gentleman who I/atoned / to tha pro- ceodlngi said from the nature of things aa represented by the mayor and ono or two councilman , each policjnun was justly entitled to a gold medal , which , bo would BUKgent , be struck oil Imme diately. "There Is no money In the city treasury to pay for them , " a aid another man , which assertion struck with such forao npon the advocate of medals that ho left the hall , and was seen no more. The jell delivery will also ba a subject which will como before the commit tee. It was pretty unanimously decided , however , Monday night tint any one , with a tooth-pick , could have got through the twenty -four Inch stone wall of the yacd in a very short time. "What ire want , " Bald one child of innocence , "Is a boiler-Iron cell to put those fellow a in. I bollevo this is the only thing that will hold them. " The rest of the gentlemen agreed with him , and doubtless as eoon ai the money is raised the cell will bo contracted on plans fur- nlshod by Pen Oonrvlllo and his associ ates. Ac a matter of fact there Is noth ing the matter with the call from which the men escaped , and with the slightest eire they would all bo In custo dy now , and some of them could have been clvcn terms In the penitentiary. "Yes , " eald Councilman Billiogil.'y , "wo ara going tp glvo this roarer a thorough overhauling and sift it to the /unormott dregs. The Investigation will no held Friday or Saturday and the com mittee will issue subpoenas and ether process in legal form and according to law. " The gentleman assumed a stern cait of features as ho utttrdd the 1 st words , and hU eyes fluhod something akin to fire. If the city jullor and hta associates had boon on the ground cer tainly tboy would have resigned their places Immediately through fear of the consequences. When King Francis the First was cap tured and confined In Midcld by Em peror Charles Fifth , of Spain , Frtncls became listless and wocry because ho loved the fresh frto r\ir cf nature , His high born nature could not stand the tramils of a prison lifo very well , but he h i tiinanago It some way , for he was Impiiconod several year , but though by the special ) of the authorities ho was grantid privileges out of the or dinary kind. . In mo lorn history nnaligouicisas have boon met with , for Instance Boss Tweed , was given all thU hla heart could desire and money purchase during hid incarcera tion in the Nan York tombs. Looking over the vast number of mirac ulous oacif.cs frjm the beginning ot his tory there Is no particular instance whore a crowbar wai found In the cell after the birds had flown. Lincoln is the first case on record whore BO many paoplo of the same crooked turn of mind wore kindly furnished by friends the moans of eeospo from an unoocgenlal place of tem porary rctidcuoo , and this will bo the cubjeot which Councilman Bllliogsloy and his tsioclates will hmetlgate. Snecesa t } the committee , and the BEK trusts that tholr Isbora will provo unlike former tffirtB of the tame character , From the amount of hand-shaking , however , between members of the com mittee and thtsa under its ban It ii con cluded that nothing but smoke will arlie from the afftlr , ana a white-wash report Tory Ilka the Nebraska railroad commti- slonora' reparton ratlrcad * will be adopted and pitied unanimously , thus plaoinp things in their for our smooth working condition , before the BEE came to iuvtdo the eanctlty of the ring. A NOTED CKOOK. The DEB reporter had the pi emu re Monday evening of a short conversation with ono of the seventeen goutlemei who escaped from the city jail and hlr ctncr , which ho teemed very proud pi and anxious to enfold. It will bs given as related to the reporter. Ho said th < for rojtons of hit own bo had given th * ginUemin at the city jiil the cuphonloai tttlo of John Doe , but that mob. wtir C % a blind thrown at confiding Llncolii " " intd he "IB policemen. "Aly name , , Illchird Preston and I was raised in Poihdolphia ot English parents , I have worked Lincoln easier than ny place I ever was In boforc , and would God no Ironblo to operate here for any length of time I might with to stay. " Giving the gist of Preston's story it wan about as follows : Daring hli early childhood In Philadelphia ho became ac quainted with Bovornl notorious crooks there who have alvrajs beou classed BS the finest workmen of their kind In the United States , Under the tuition of these export tutors Preston soon became proficient in the art of lightening pockets and did not confine his operations to Philadelphia , bnt traveled all over the country. In 1875 ha went to St. Louis , and for nearly a year was successful In his operations among lonnpora In theatres and ether public rororta. Ho was finally caught In that city , but no specific ovl- donoa being brought against him ho was released after a shott term in the work house for vagrancy. Sluca that tlmo Preston says ho has traveled through Now York , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Illinois , Iowa and the fairs ot Nebraska and the wear. In company with a confederate ho will go on board a train , sits down Inn car di rectly in front of the man ho wants to work , and juot before the train Is to leave will glva a sign to his partner , who will got up and walk out on the platform. During the time ho has seated himself beside his intended victim , ho has learned where that individual is going to. Ho vrhlspors the Information to his confede rate as lie walks through the car to the platform. The confederate suddenly ap pears at tbo door of the car and yolle , "All passengers change caw for Omaha , " or some ether place as ho feels disposed , and in accaidanco with the des tination of the person whom they Intend to vlotimlza. Of eourio , npon hearing that ho Is in the wrong cir , the victim grabs his gripsack and makes for the door. Mr. Preston b right after him , and when ho gets to the door tha confederate given the man a push back aticl DS thla is done Preston deftly gooa through the man's packets. A few years ago Preston say a that while in Ohtcngo the chief of police , who considered hlrn- oolf prct'y fly , Invited him out to ri.lo to Lincoln pirk. The chief know that ho was crooked , and Preston told him that bin TTOI k was sr > slick that no Chicago police could catch him. The chief denied this , and eald that ho could find any man at any time or place who naa crookod. Prestos , In a spirit of banter , told the chief that ho could take hla watch away from him before they got to North Olark street , and ho did it notwithstanding the chief had been notified. * Preston says his forte fa in working hotels with "ontsidars" and other devices to iet at the rooms of guests Holsnorr quite old , and ho told the reporter that ho would eoon have to give up the busincDB as ho found that ho could no longer gat around sufficiently to moat the requirements of his crooked trade , CITY ITEMS , Yesterday morning a farmer , whoso name could not be learned , had his leg broken by the team which he was driv ing running away on O street. The man mis tikon to the hospital. James Kclley , with his wife and nephew , loft yesterday for a three weeks visit to Iowa. Lite Monday night Oapt. Post , of the police force , with a special officer , went to the corner of Twenty-Grit and P streets upon n telephone call , They caught John Sharp and a woman called Alillio Leonard In ihgrantl dellctu , and arrested them. Sharp was fined yester day for disorderly conduct , while the Fair Millie was placed in the calaboose to work out her fine. Hon. O. P. Mason delivered a very effective and scholarly address on med ical jurisprudence laat Saturday before the medical class at the university. A number of gentlemen desire to know why work has baen stopped on the now city building on the nmkot square. STATE AKKIVAtS. J. D. LiOonrte , Omaha ; Miss E. Lan- : um , Crate ; L. H. Smith. Kearney ; G. W. Shldlor and wife , York ; D. Vand , Crete ; G. E Mars ton , York ; E Shel don , Nebraska City ; Judge S. McDowell , Beatrice ; Geo. E. Taylor , Olny Oentro ; Albert Johnson , Suttee ; A. Alloo , Omnhn ; Walt. M. Seely , Bennett ; W. Iv Beans and wife , Bea'rlcf ; J. W. Mo- Loud , Divid Olty : W. H. Vance , Weep. ng Water ; B . Gallagher , Champaign ; / . W. Stowait , Nebraska Oltj ; 0. M. Oar- tor , Ashland ; S , H. Stewart , Omaha ; A. 0. OroBsthwalto and wife , David Ctty ; P. M. Etteibrook , Auburn ; L J. Brltt , York ; G. S. Alexander and wife , Syra cuse ; E. A. Rassoll , Ord ; J. Gero Walker , Greenwood ; A. S. Msnsfalder , M. D. , Ashland. PILES I PILES 1 1 PILES ] I A euro cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itching md Ulcerated Files has Leon dlecoverod by Dr. Williams , ( an ludian remedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single ) ox has cared the worst chronic cases of 2r or 30 years standing. No ono need suffer five nlnutoa after applying Una wonderful sooth- ng medicine , Lotions and instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Indian L'llo Ointment absorbi the tumors , allaya tbo ntoneo itching , ( particularly at night alter getting worm in bed ) , acts as apoultioo , glvca netant relief , and is prepared only for 1'ilea , tchlng of private parts , and for nothing else. SHIN DISISABUH OUHEI > Dr. Frazler'a Magic Ointment. Our on ns by magic. Pimplea.Block Heads or Grubs the lotchea and Eruptions on tbo face , leaving SalUlrin clear and beautiful. Also curea Itch , old , Uhumo , Sore Nipple * , Bore Lips , and obstinate Ulcers. Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of ! cent ) . Retailed by Kuhn & Co , acd Schroeter & Becht At wholesale by 0 , 1C. Goodman , Jlobbart of $500. William Gardner , a physician , arrived n tbo city Monday , from Colorado , and proceeded to get on a mammoth drunk. About midnight he WAS brought to his lotol hopelessly intoxicated. On awaken- ng yesterday ho declared that $500 in cash , a gold watch , and a oheos for $500 more on an El Paso , Texas , bank , and been stolen from him. Do found solaaefor his loss in filling up with whisky ag ln. A. Alliisiiit ; JIclrcHR , If there Is any lady la Omaha whose name Is or over has been Mrs , Margaret Kelley let her oorno to the front. Post- ai aster Coulant received jojtorday D lolttr from Glona , I1U. , asking for the ( thereabouts of ono Mrs. Mtrgsrat Ivel- ley , who has just 'fallen bed 'o eomo large poaiessloni In Dunn county , Wisconsin. The letter lUted that the Udy h d formerlj Balded In Galena , but hud since moved ut west , and when last heard of va- .bout to marry , which , being a widow , ho had the privilege to do. Thus hei amo may be almcst anything to day , DOUGLAS DEMOCRATS , A ClroivliiR DP m and for Two i'llma- rie f Ilio Itniipant Factions A Veteran Talk * , As ( ho October days draw on apico and political war clouds gather on the horizons of both slate and county , the veterans begin to lend the weight of their judgment to the ( peculation which la atattlng into life. Already the corners have their evening rallies , the grocery stores and "taverns" tholr all-day cssom * Wages and oven the busy citizen halts a moment to drop a word or obtain on Item of advlco on the popular drift. Omaha is not allowed tbo exsltomont of being the scene of olthcr itito onvon- tlon. The capital this year will bo per mitted to enjoy the crowd and nolso. Lincoln is certainly in a fair way to have enough of it as the whole tur moil of both conventions is centered there within two days , Oatober 14th and 15th , republican and democratic. How ever , the county fight will bo warm enough in Douglas and the loaal popula tion ncod entertain no apprehensions of political stagnation while tno riot is on at Lincoln. The democracy enters the campaign with factional differences In Its ranks as of yoro. The standards of Bojd-Mlllor and Morton-Brown will bo Haunted on the flanks , weakening the center as ever , perhaps. A spirit Dgalastlntor-partystrlfa is growing among maoy members of the democratic party in Onuha. These gen tlemen , with a livelier Interest In the city and county than In the otate , are desir ous that the Issues of the quarreling fac tions bo excluded from the local cam paign. To that end , they suggest that two primaries ba hold hero , ono for the salootlon of county delegates and the other for representatives at tbo atato con vention. The county democracy , tboy maintain , hni no Interests common to the state patty and will bo only hampered lytho Introduction of the UtUr's din- Botittona. The 1 cul fight Is ono of can didates wHlo the ntruggle in the alnto convention Is upon the basis of personal joiluualco. "What Is the IEOUO batwoeu the two factions of the state democrats , " was naked cf a prominent old timer who Is as cnthuelaattcally for Morton and Brown ns ho la eUsporatoly opposed to Boyd and Miller. "Issue ? Yof , yes ; there must bo an Issue between dlffdrencoa. Wh } , I don't know , only that B jyd wanta to run thing ] and bo the next ecnitor , and Morton wants about the same thing. Dr. Miller la Bond's grand chancellor , and exorcises agioddcalcf Boy d'a power. Mr. Brown , on the ether band , h the Morton repre sentative in Douglas county. Yes , that doss pretty neatly renolvo the situation to a fight between rival champions , each bickod by hla retainers and henchmen. If you want to look at it In that li ht , it doeo seem strange that a crowd will subserve with blind devotion the ambitions of ono mm and that fac tions will bo created whoso on y platform is some big fellow's anxiety to "get there. It is hard to tell how matters will wjtk this yesr. Iu my jadgrncut our aldo hag hadtho best of it all along. If you take noticaof the federal appointments made alnco the change of administration , you will see that the South Platte chief has his collar on a great majority of them. You see Boyd made desperate efforts to secure on ofiica within the party which might be called the chairmanship cf the patronage com mittee. la that high station ho could have worked hla point by currying the Eivor of the ontlro democracy and put ting the whole lot at his back. But wo boat him at h'a own tsatloi , I rather believe. This war of factions is so bitter and so foreign to real pnblic Interest that I hope it can bo kept ont of the county. In a general primary the quarrel would be spread over all , and the glvo and take , buy and sell prccess might give us local candidates unfitted and not popularly de sired for the offices which they aropnt Into the field to attain. This would provo disastrous to the county democracy , which will need every atom of its avail- ab'o strength to make a showing , and I therefore hope that two primaries will be hold. " _ _ United States circuit Caurr. The following new cases were com menced yesterday In U. S. circuit court , ay Judge Hull : Now England Mort gage and Security company against Hen ry M. and Elizabeth Blair , to foreclose a mortgage on land in ET&11 county , $500 American Freehold Mortgage company , cf London , England , against Joseph W. Aglor and Emma Agler , foreclosure on farm in Wayne county , $000 , Dnndeo Mortgage and Trust Invest ment company , of Dundee , Scotland , vs. W. A. Shepherd ot ux , foreclosure on land in Antelope county , $500. Late Police Notre. F. Winters was arrested Tuesday after noon for stealing potatoen from a grocery store in South Omaha. Mrs. Dancin was j tiled for disorderly nnduot , having been engaged in a nolgh- jorhood quarrel , The cases of tbo saloonkeepers , charged with keeping open after midnight , have 3eon continued. Jewish Fcftkt of Sucootn or Bootup , Thli autumnal harvest feast obeomd by the Hebrew people commences , hls ( Wednesday ) evening at sun down and lasts olqht dayn. On the first tnd last day divine services are held in ; he Jewlth aynrgoguos. Divine services to-morrow evening at the Jewish Temple on Barney ftroet , will commence at 7:30 : o'clock and Thurs day morning 10 o'clock. _ niado Away Wltti elio Wfttob. Henry Page , a small colored boy , snatched a vest ( containing a watch ) bo' longing to a laborer on a South Tenth street building yesterday , The man gave pursuit at cnce. Theboy dropped tbo vest but hung on to the watch , and managed to make good his escape. The caio has been reported to the police , who are on tho-lookout for the young thief. The Sr. J , > U'H Gomlnjr , The management of the baseball park received a tolcgram Tuesday from the St. Joe toim , seeking Information BS tc whether $175 guarantee will be given them for two sanies to bt > played bore Saturday and Sunday next. A telegram tiaa been sent bick to tbo effect that the noaranteo will ho Given , and in all proba bility thp obamp'ona ' of western Mlsiour' ' tnd the Union Pacifies will meet ouc more this season on the ditmond. A Daylight Kobuery , The house of William Aldstidr , oc Sixteenth and Ljavonworth itreets , was entered by tnoak tblovos tomotlma be ttreen the hours of 4 nd G o'clock Mon day afternoon , Mr. Alstadt was down town , while ) his wlfo and daughter wor also temporarily absent. Thla affordo ; ( ho thieves a fine chance to get In tholr work , and they filled their pockets with p'undor. Mrs A'a watch and chain , am Miss A'a bracelets , together some jovolry belonging to Mr. Aldstadt , and n Urge quantity of silverware , were taken. Tbo entlro amount of valuables taken la oitl- mated at $100. No clue to the culprits. Police Court Docket , Judga Stonberg disposed of the follow ing cases In police court yesterday : Charles Hayes , dtunk and disorderly , $3 and coats. J. R. French , drunk and disorderly , $5 and costs. Peter Oonlon and James Lonland , dis turbance of the peace , $15 and costs , committed In default. Kate McNamara and John Keen Intox- cation , discharged. Fred Mahans , obstructing street , $1 and costs. Al Butt and Charles Spltng , drunk and disorderly , discharged. THE MISSODEI'S ' SHORT OUT Tlio Survey ot Proposed Itonto of tbo Missouri Pacific to the Oily- Other Ilallroael Mutters. The Missouri Pacific surveying corps ma just finished a two weeks'examlna- lon of routes from its present terminus at Pjpilllon to this ci'y. Two routes were selected and staked. The expodl- Ion waa kept very quiet and the result of its labors IB known to fow. The BEG , lowcvor. camped an its trill and Bocnrjd iold no > oa of the preferred ronto. The irat stakra wore sot a few miles beyond the old Union Pacific survey and grade on the couth eido of what is cnowu as the GtilY.-n farm. Slrik- ng the northeast corner of Dr. tlill'r'o farm , the ronto runs wcat by oath to the Molls s place , thenoa through he valley in Mock'd farm , thence south west to Peterson's place , where It will croas the Union Pacific and connect with .ho present line of the company , about broo miles boyund P pillion. This la ouo of the beet routes through Douglas county , and Is abiut four mllea shorter than tbo Union Pacific. The grade la not very heavy , though ono or two deep cuts and LIU must bo mado. Tbo line , 5 la eald , hvery cloBo to the proposed Auhland cut-off which the Burlington company surveyed laat year. East of the Miller farm the route fol- ows for some distance the lovely valley of the llttlo Paplo , until it striken the old route of the Union Pacific. The onto Into the city is nrt generally known > ut it is generally belinvod tha old sur vey referred to will bo ntillz'.d , as It will ; lve the road a connection with tbo Belt Jlno in the ravlno south of the county ) oor farm. The roan will doubtless como ute the city on the north sldo of the Jnlon Pacific from the Summit. P/epiratlona have been made to begin grading this week , and n largo force of nen and teams have been engaged. THE ROOK SPRINGS SITDATIOIT. All advices from Rock Springs yesterday are to the eft act that the situation IB un hanged. The Chinese and the white op-men are working'whila the miners are btlll out. The Chinese are yet foir- ul of tholr lives and rofneo to enter the nines except under military protcotlon. io demonstrations among the refractory whites have yet occurred and the rosnlt of affairs can not bo forenoon. Mr. Odllaway IB not pleased that any mpc rtanoe ehonld have been attashed to its receipt cf a number of threatening ottcrc. Newspaper sensationalism , he raids , ha no tendency to aislst In solv- ng the present problem and lerfectly restoring order and inlet. The letters which ho has received are of no Importance , and are In every ciso anonymous. They are similar to those which railway officials customarily receive in tlmos of trouble with employer , and indicate neither oon- cert of action between any considerable number nor the intention to carry ont ho thrcatb which they contain. ' Mr. Jallaway la llttlo cDiicernod In these iulster missives , and declares that they are a poor method of attempting to alter ils plans and intentions. HOW A COWBOY SAV I ) A THAIN. The Cheyenne Sun has the following with a cowboy hero : As a general thing f a conbiy does anything moan it is her alded through the length and broidth of he land , but If ho does anything com mendable cr horolo it Is scarcely spoken of. The pasiongflr train from Gtoelay hat ran to Fort Collins on Tuesday , on bosrd of which there were sev eral Choyeuno passengers was iut a abort dlatsrno behind n roavy freight , which , In speeding along , .ore . ont ono of the rails , bnt as the train , with the exception of the last car , had iisiod , tbo displacement did not throw my portion of the freight train from the rack. A dangerous gap was left , There was no ono near to discover it but a soil- ary cowboy. Knowing thtt danger hreatened any train that should ba along , he "camped on the trail' in earn est. The passenger train came whirling past in about ton minutes , and with the ; reatest difficulty , the cowboy aucceeded n stopping it , which ho did by swinging tis coat and standing his ground in front of the engine. NOTKS AND PEKSONALS. W. F. McMillan , csiistant general relght agent of tha Union Pacific , hisrc- umed from attendance upon the claesifi- cation meeting at St. Paul. Ah , alias George , Litttll , Chinese con sul at Hobcken , N. J , where ho IB known as the Celettld Rose , Is in tbo city , on bis way to Rook Spring ) . He ms a little crockery god In bis pookot acd will raise tbo hair of the white men f bo finds that hla countrymen have been abneod. Kobett Poland , allaj Windy Deb , was run in by Officer * Horrlgin and Matza last evening as a pimp and Fire broke out In tha Hamond pork pack og house In South Ounha last night , hut was extinguished before any damage was dsnu. 0. E Havne was quite severely Injured ait eventntt by belcg thrown to the pavement and dragged by his team of horses for tome ittle dlitance. He received a numSor of uruiies and one of Lla huuds was torn quite bully. It was a lacky eec pa from a serioui acident. - Tha Snunderi county fair will be held at Wfthoo on September SO cud SO and October 1 acd 'J , The principal feature of the fair will be the ratoi , for wMcb ? 2(00 is offered iu cash pilzra. Some very tine hortes have lieen teemed , among which are a number of 3aunderd county celebrities in the hone ilsth Hue. Altogether the fair promise * to be the mut successful evtr held in Saundrn county , THE MNCIL MEETIKD : The Plans of ArcWtscl Meyers far tt New City Hall Adopted , Throe HiiRpondcd Poltcomon Bl - ntissoil Prom the Porco Now oaicors Appointetl Other Dullness. The regular meeting of the city council was hold lait evening , President Beohol In the chair , and all the members present except Sohroder. There were a largo number of outsiders presant , consider able Interest being shown in the dispo sition of the oisos of the suspended [ loltcemen. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS. From the mayor , approving certain ordinancas passed at the last mooting of , ho council. , From the mayor , approving the ordin ance granting right of way to the Union ? aclGo ra'lroad ' across Tenth street , with certain suggestions in reference to future ; rautlng of such privilege ! . Placed on filn. filn.From From the mayor , opprovlnc the conTact - Tact between the city and El ward D. Mlahan to grade Eighteenth street , rom Outollar street to the alloy lurth of Martha street. Filed. From the mayor , appointing W. J. tnincdy , I. S. Hascall and A. 11. Sauer a appialscrs to assess damages "by tbo hango of gtado of Thirteenth street. Confirmed. From the mayor , nominating lion T. 7. Brunnei as a member of the board of public works for the unexplrrd term , ion Fred W. Gr y , resigned , lliforrod. From the , rnaratul , reporting the BUS- nntlon from duty of Officer Joseph iDwloa for Insnbjrdirm'iou ' and broach of laclpltno. Referred to the commlttco n polico. From the marshal , asking Instructions rom the council In regard to the removal f dead animals from the oticats causing n Intolerable nuisance , as the garbage man refused to remove thorn unless pay ment was guaranteed , Referred. From the city attorney , reporting dvcrsoly to the eale by the city to G o L. Hcngbndof certain property on Sixth treet , but recommending that the prop erty bo leased. The loaoo was ap- irovcd. From the city attorury , recommending hat the atsoasment on property belong- onglng to D. J. J aydou be reduced rom § 1,095 to 5445 , Adopted. From the city attorney , reporting that 10 had prepared an ordinance , in cmpll- nco with the request of the mayor and onncll , authorizing the marshal to make xpendlturea for the detection of crime. Filed. From tbo city treasurer , reporting bids 'or ' district paving bonds from the Omaha joan and Trust company at 102 , and I rom Blake Bros. & Co. , of Boston , at I 03 | . Bonds awarded to the highest Iddcr. From the board of public works , sub mitting the estimate of 0. H. Watson or building sidewalks up to September G. Approved. From the board of public works sub mitting the final estimate of J. E. Kiley or paving Howardstroetbetween Eighth nd Ninth streets , amounting to 4138.11 Approved From the board of publia works snb- nlttlcg final estimate of Ei. J. Brenuan or paving Farnam street , from Fifteenth ; o Eighteenth streets. Approved. F/orn the board of public works sub mitting the final estimate of W. J. Buck- sy for curbing Farnam street from Fif- centh to Twentieth streets , amounting o § 3,026.88. Approved. From the board of public works sub mitting the first estimate of the Barber jphalt company for paving St. Mary's vonuo. Approved. From tha board of public works sub mitting the contract for sidewalk con traction for the quarter ending January , 188G , In favor of Charles Gardener. Approved. From the board of public works sub mitting the contract for the brick work f No. 1 engine house. The contract nd bond was referred back to the board f pnbllo works. From George F. Mayer and Marion F > Tunkhouser , repretcnt'ng ' that property jolonglcg to thorn had been damaged by liu change of grade on Dodge street , and bat if no compromise was effected , they would carry the matter Into the courts , leforred. From J. B. Rowley , representing cpr- aln fire insurance companies , complain- ng that the assessment list , as made up , mpoots upon the companies three times lie amouut of tix that is assessed agilnst ndlviduals and other corporations , Ro- erred. From A. D. Jones , representing that ho nppralsemout on a lot belonging to ilm was unjust , and asking that an ad- ustment bo had to save lit gallon. Ro- errcd. From William II. Foitor , withdrawing ho tire plats of Foster's addition to the lly , and Baking for the return of said ) lat . Granted. From the city water works company , ubmlttlng a bill of 87,521.33. Re- erred , From Ballou Bros. , OB ngonls for Dr. Mercer , informing the conncil that the ont of the quarters occupied by the city n the city hall will be raised alter Oato- > er 1 , and asking for a conference in rc- atlnn to ir , lUfrrrod. From Charles Splltt , presenting a bill f $54.75 for the removal of dead ani mals from the streets daring July and August. Allowed. From E. J. Bronnan & .Co. , present- ng a bill for extra work done in paving rirnam street , amounting to $1,207.48 , deferred. From John Peterson , city acavflpgrr , again presenting his bill of $887.50 or woik dono. The full amount of the > ill was allowed , From reildents In Godfrey's addition , asking that the grade of Charles street bo established. Referred to the city engineer to prepare profits. From S. Ii. Q. Olark , Informing the council that the Omaha Belt railway di- rectora have accepted the right of way irdlnsnco. Referred. Fran property ewers on Bait street , ) etltlonbg for tbo establishment of the curb line and to bnvo the width of siden * alks regulated. Referred. nESOLDTIONH. By Goodrich Tout the city clerk bo instructed to comply with the request of he Insurance oompinles in regard to their ftisessments end the city treaiurer bo Initrnoted to collect tsxes upon that bials. Referred. By Lie That the gas inspector bo directed to have tbo names and numbers f streets printed in Urge plain letters ind figures on all gat limps located on itroet corners , Referred. By Leeder That the building known i engine home No. 1 ba i amoved to a point on Izird street just cait of Six teenth , and fitted op as n hose houss. Adopted. By DAllcy That flvo gis lamps bo nlaced on north Eighteenth street at the iute cction of ShetmMj , Clark , Grace ann Like streets , and one between Grace and LvVo strcots. Referred. By Fnray That Uio cl y engineer bo Instructed to survey and profile tbo strip of public ground between JefiVnon and Sanndera streets and report thosamo at the next meeting that the earno may bo dedicated for a street. Adopted' , REtOKTS OT COMMITTEES. Recommending the passigo of tbs or dlnanco establishing the grade of thi alley between Twenty-fifth and Tweaty slxtn and Farnim and Barney etrotts , Adopted. Reporting that the communication . the city treasurer in regard to thn taxc * duo on the lands presented by William M. Foster as Foster's addition was time * ly , and advising that the city attorney proaont an amendment to the "addition ordinance" to the effect that in future all plats of proposed additions shall bo aocomptnloa with n certificate of the city and county treasurers that all backer or delinquent taxes have been paid. Adopted. Roaommoudlng that the petition of property owners on Irene strett for re pairs bo granted , and the shoot commls- ulciier be Instructed to do the work as soon as possible. Adopted. Recommending that the officer ] BUS- louded by the marshal for drunkenness , 10 dicmlttod from the fnrco. Thn report rrns signed by Mcsirs. Leo snd Thrnno , of the police committee , Mr. Loeder , ho other uornbtr of the committee , tiled that he thought the suiponthn of .ho . bflicora was the result of splto work on the part of Oattiln Sullivan , and .hat two of the men , Fuller and Lowroy , wcro not guilty. Ho therefore moved an amendment thatthomarnhal bo Instruc'od o rein-tnto the two cflicers. Mr. Leo tatcd that ho could not defend auspondod men and still comply with hla oath of oflle. Mr. Dailey s condod Mr , Locder'a uicndment , but tbo m t on wns lest by a vote of 10 to 1. The report of the ommlttoa was then adopted. : Recommending that tuo plans of E. E. Meyers , of Detroit , for building the chy iall bo adopted , and that Mr. Meyers bo raploj-cd as nrchltoet of the building , ns .ho . propositions made by him nro very the city , and the work should not bo dohyed any longer. The agree- nont trill bo made by Mr. Meyers to imtt hla charge for all hla work to $5,000 ; no chnrgo to bo made for plans or cer vices ( n cnso the city fa'ls ' to secnra a bid rom n rcspcnslblo contractor for the recttoaof the building according to the tlans within the limit of $190,000 ; Mr. Ityera to become responsible for all amsges incurred by faulty plans or in- erlor material ; also sgrootui ; to deliver otaUod drawing * for the basement by bo 30th of September. The report was donted. Gen. O'Brien , reprosen'Ing Architect Brands Tunica , appeared before the council and asked that his client be hoard. Mr. Tunica stated that ho had drawn up outline plans but had not sub mitted them to the commtttoa in time. Ho now asked that they b 3 consideroi. During a diecnanlon which followed a number of letters -which had boon re ceived by the committee from local architects wcro read. Most of them re fused to bid on the bnlldinp , and others desired to bo paid for drawing the p'air , and to bo Informed about the material to bo used. Thooo who wished to bid asked for mora tlmo In which to consider tbo matter , and their lottoro were vagno and unsatisfactory. Communications were received from the mayor appointing John Brady , Mar- bin Shields , and H. P. Hnzt to fill vacancies on the police forco. Referred ) o committee on polico. After pasting a number of ordinances the conncil adjourned. AFTER THlP'SPARKS ' , ' ' A. Gambler aria a Doctor Arrested for Complicity In the Joniuon Diamond Itoobcry. I/ato / yesterday aftarnoon the police ar tested E , G. Hondorahotc , a gambler of this city , for complicity In the robbery of Jonason'a jewelry store aamo three or Four weeks ago , whoa about $1,100 , worth 3f diamonds and j owelry was etolon , Hcndershott , wh en qucotlonod by a re porter , B&ld that ho did not know why ho was arrested , and was porfootly innocent of the robbery. Ho does not boar nny too good a reputation , however , and was arrested about a year ego for a big jtw- alts robbery at thu Billiard. Liter In the evening Daputy Sheriff Orowell and Ofliccr Tom Oormtck went out to Fort Omaha , and tharo arrested Dr. J. J. Soloman , who , it Is ololmo'J , ia Ueudorohott'o pal. It is Bald by the do- tectlvea that Soloman hss baen In league with Hendcrthott ; that the latter , who Is believed to have stolen tha jowolryj disported of part of It to Dr. Soloman. "No , I can't ' tell you why they should want to arrest me for this thing , " Bald the doctor to D reporter. "I know nothing about the robbery of this man Jonoson. But I do know something of the msn who robbed him. On the day of the robbery a man came to mo and asked me what I would glvo him for a lot of diamond jownlry that ho bad to cell , 1 told him thai I had no money to dispose of In tlut way , bat , if Bttls'attiiy , wonld glvo him a horao , buggy and harness belonging to mo , in oxuuuEgo for the jevels If everything proved satisfactory. Neither of as wore prepared to make the bargain at the time , and we eepirated agreeing to moot again about 4 or 4:30 : o'clock in the after * noon. That same morning I went to a tocond-handdealeron South Tenth street , and asked him something about the valno of the diamonds , He asked tne if I knew of any one having any diamonds to sell. I told him yesand dotcribed tboto which had boon offered to me. Bo immediately told me that tbey must belong to Jonaaen , aud t gether wo went and o lied upon that gentleman. I told Mr , Jonasen that I would help him to find hla jewelry , and with his detootiVd Iioncooted a scheme by which be waa to watch the ( illoe until thodiarnondthief shouldreturn. Both * did not turn up that day , probably having been scared off. SInca that time I have szeti the fellow several times , bntnewr under auch clrcnmstacea that I could call anyone to arrest htm. I arasony m w that 1 over saw him or that I e\er men tioned the fact of having seen htm. " Both Solomon end Uenderahott art In tbo county jilt , the latter bavin ? bed rumanded tlihhor In default eif $2,000 ball , llondgrshott has not jet bun idemtlfied by Solomon as the -indn who cifdrcd to sill him the "aparki. " The jawolry , which wta atolun on the' morning of September 7 , oantUta of one- pair of dliruond ear drops , ? 000 ; eovei chlrt studs , $350 , ni five onset dU- raonde , $150. I'rof. W II Allman is at tl MillarJ , 1' D Sturtevant , of Geneva , ftat the J'ax- ton. 0 H Jewell and wife , cf Sidney , ara nt t > 1'flxton. W H Dicklnion , Weeping \Vntor , is at tho' Millnrd. 0 0 Valentine , of Lincoln , is registered at N S llanllofr , of NobrAsVa City , is stopping at Vf" II Vanes , \Tccplnjr Water , is stoprJnp ; Mrs W II Ultkloson , of W4hoo , is a R t at the MilUrd , J A Bennett nnd wltr , ot Sherman , ar * registered at the Afillnrd. John P Williams nd A ( > Bo MOD , uf Lin - ooln , are at the Mllhrd , Mr. Joi ih Tj vy , bmlnws nftont for L w snco Barrett , ii in tha city. At the Metropolitan are J 11 Klcbard * , Co- rrmbni ! Ml D Knyr Cambrldfie ; Thotnrui DUmcu , Grand Island ; A Miller , .Norfolk * klr Urry Wlnterf , Sidney ; MtaMolllelluik md child , Grand Wand ; S W llnipcr , Kock Jprlrgs ; P II Sullivan , Springfield ; llonry Villoland. St Jnmos ; William McOoimlek , V Cannon , Blair ; At II White , Columbus ; nmoa ICalloy nnd wifu , Simon Kelley , Lin- loin ; James Clinsr , Plattsmouth ; J l > Crans Initinai ; G II Gl fiord and wife , Lincoln ) 1) Clapp. iimwOud : , Ntb ; DOWCB , Noolo , n ; S L Winters , Woodvlno , la ; J T Allor , It Joseph ; L > S Kinselln , 1'nnama , In ; J K ) aulcls , Arcadia , la ; J Jonoa , Hock Sprkgi , yo ; P O Wright , Mnrtlmburg , 0 ; Jacob Urst , Pcoria , lilt ; A L Hawkins , St Louli ; A Bent , Poarln , Ilia ; James King nnd wife , LOoVuk , In ; L McVtill , lown City ; G E * mltb , Chicago ; Mnrk M Johnaiu , Dlr on , I's , aud M.t Ullllng and i later , Uauvrr , U Joe Noodlmm , cm of the nniUcuri of the ly , madna romirknlilo run from the billiard arlorn at the Millnrd hotel Itet orecing , ecor- igGl'Jpciato in ouo hour and filty ininutsi. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL , roit TUB Ti-.ciiau.vr or ALL JKROHIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES. The largest Medical ; nntltiito Wont of Mlsolaslppl Rlvor. Ifty rooms for the nccotnodatlon or patltntj Tb * lirtlcian unrt Burgeon In chnreo of the Inetltutn h aa flxtoon years' or successful practice.and t > aklwt y assistants of rnro experience 03 .gpeclalUU In iclr Tarloufl tlcpattmfnti. WIUTK roil CiRCULiitcm Deformities and Traces , DIEAB ioMXOMKK , lMln , lumor , Cancers , Oturrh , If-ouchl. > , Inhalation , H'flrlcllT , raralyils , Epllo | y , Kldnof * o , Kur.Skln and Dlontl nlseaics W rite for PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN i PIUVATS , SrrciiL and Mmroua DlicancF , tk'tnlna. eaknesn , Snorraftlorrhcca. Syphilis , Olcet , Hirlcture , Varl- tcolo anUatl tl > eanes of the Urinary nnd Roinal nr a&J i808trofttoJb/cotreipondflncoorrcrnonaHy CnnQdcDtlU. eJlclnesBeoi by mail or express without nirvrkn io UJ1- ito content' * or neniler. Atlr niiaUIotttrK to OMAHA llEDirAl , iND BUHOIUAL INSTITUTE. mm THYSELF , , ft Cieat Medical Work on Manliood Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Phvelcal Belilllty 'remitro ' I ccllno In H < n , Krroreof Youth , md the ntold mlKcrica resulting from IndUcrctloti and ox- csaee. A b ick for every man , \oiuig , middle ogod nd old. H contains U5 prescriptions ( or all acute nd chronic diseases , each ono or which Is invalua- 'o. Bo found bj tha author nhoso experience for 3r > tB IBsuch as probably neror before fell to the Jt of any phyelclan 3'Opines , biund In beautiful 'rcnch muslin , embossed cavers , full fe'llt , piiaran- col tobc ailncr work In c\ery sense mechanical toiorynnj professional tnan oiiy oilier work In bit country lorSICO , or the monufill bo rclundctl i every Inatonco. rrlceonlySI by mall , postptld. llustr ted B mplo OOc. Send now , ( lold medal warded the author by the National Medical Asao- latlon , to the odlrcra of whlih ho refers. The Science of Life should bo re id by the jounir ir Instruction and In the aflllctcd for relict. It will cnollt all. London Lancet. Tliero Ii no member of soclctv tohom Tlia cloncoof Llfo will not bo useful , whether } outh , arcnteuirdlon , Instructor or ( Icr yman. Argo- lut. lut.Address Address the Tcabody Jledical Institute , or Dr. W I. I'arKcr , No. 4 UulIUnch street , lloston , Mass , who lay bo consulted on all diseased requiring skill anil s orlcnc. Chronlo and obstinate dlao iscs that aAo balllcd tha skill f 11 otli- If\'AlV r plijslclans , njio laity. > uch JViiWlt OitcdHUcccslully wlthuut an In- raiif VC17117 mco of failure , itlntlmi this paper * It SIjlJU THE AKO PftlLWAY. THE BEST IIOUTB ANU SBC03EZ.T Council Bluffs and Chicago. The on to Uku ( or De < ilolnm. UtratiaU iwn , Oodu Jlaplila , Clinton , DUlo , Ohloaga , Mil Mikeo na ill points oaat. To the pwilo of Ha tank * , Colorado , Wyomto ? , Utah , IWto , Wev U rc on , Wuhlngton aud Culllornla It ottori rapcrlot lv nt gee not possible by any otliet line , Among a taw ol the nutucroua points ol inperloi * y enjoi od by tbo patrons ol tlilo road botweoa malm aud Chicago , aie Ito two train ) a day oi DAY OACUKH which are the Bnost that human kit nd igenulty c&a create ; ltd 1'ALACK SLKUl'lNQ CA.I13 hloli ro modeliof comfort And elegance ; Its PAH Oil DRAWING HOOil < ! AHB , nnsurpaased by &DT id 111 widely oelebratod PALATIAL DINING OAU9 IB equal ot which cannot be found elaowhere. At Council Illutfn the trilni of the Union Paoltta y. connect In Union Depot with these ol tlia Chlca a &Korth nUrn Ky InCbloago the ttamn ot thli no make doeo oonnootlon with tboee of at ] e ait or a net , For Detroit , Colombo ! , Indlanapolle , Cincinnati , tijtura Failg , BuOMo , I'lltiburg , Toronto , Uontrcal oston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltlmott b. ifCton and all points In the Kait , uk the ticket jcnt foi Ucketa via tha -WORTJI-WKSTBRS , ' Ivoawltntbe b * t ocommodations AJ/ ticket j nt Mil tlckoti vl thli line. [ .nuauiTT. itanAiK. atneralUinaiter , Gea.r < M. Ajoit , CIIIOAOOW.N. W.N. a4BCOCIL Oer. Agent , 14H Farnanflt. Oinahi , Nea. IB CONDUOTXU Royal HuvantiXiOtfery ( A GOVKIINUKIIT I.NBT17UTIOJJ , ) Drawn at Havana , Cuba , Every 10 to H TioVtti In fifths , Wn > lot f S , Fraction ! pro tata. Bubjcct 1 1 no uaulpulathn , ut t c nlrolltd by tbo iattle < lulnto' < at. Itl tie ) falrctt thing In tb ua . to fUlPaK7&09. . , UK Ilroul r. N Y elty. -