Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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„ „ Ornrrjtfo. 0 AND niG FAIWAJIST.
Khv Yomt Orncz , lloow C5 TniDtNB Bcitu
PiiTi'hhM crery mirnlrijr , except Sunday. Tiie
ijnly Monday looming dilly published In the state
trttM BT MAtli
Ot > o Te r tluOl ITlutioMonths SfC
BUM on thi 6.00 I One Month l.CO
She Weekly Bco , Published every Wo < lnead y
One Tear , wllh premium .9 2 CO
One Tear , without pr nilitm . 1
Bit Months , without premium 75
end Month , en trial
All Commuilcfttloo reUtlng to KowaamlEdltorla' '
tnattors ihould bo addressed to the EoiroK or Tin
mratxius UTTnti.
All nnslnon I-cllers and Ilemltl nce fhonld be
vdrett 4 to TUB linn runusnito COMI-ANT , OMAHA
QriftiChecks anil IM t office enters tj be made pay
Able to the ordir of the company ,
A. II. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
KBILEY It still a candidate for offics
"Will ho never got titod 1
'Tire dark hotao Is watching his oppor
( anlty In the Now York republican slat
Is ix not about tlmo for Chairman
Hascall to call a mooting of the republi
can county commlttoo ?
THB corn crop la now considered eafo
It In the Urgent crop over raised , the ea
tlmnto bolng 1,990,000,000 buaholn.
Tnn govcrnowhlp of Virginia Is being
contested by two cx-scnfedcrates. When
Greek moota Greek then coinos the tu& o
g ; 8BKATOR MAHONE la concentrating his
T70 k upon the fifteen Virginia counties
which gave Cleveland a majority of Icao
than 100 laat year.
[ I Fmnraii LEE is condnollag hla Vir
glnla campaign on horstback. Perhaps
on election day ho will not know whether
lie { a on horseback or on foot.
TIIE New York Grant monument fund
hno notyot reached $80,000. It la now
.proposed to ralto the other $992,000 by
a fair In Ma'Jlaon Square garden
A TEIIY pretty little fight la brewing
bobifcon the two dotnoornlio factions In
ihlu city. It will bo fought out at the
.primaries. After this eot-to wo ahill bo
able to too who is on top.
DRCNKBN policeman should bo dls-
znUsod from the force. There la altogether
too much drinking among the policemen.
To officer should bo allowed to enter a
.fldoon for the purpose of taking a drink.
EVEKY public man of the present day Is
thinks it a duty to wrlto a book. P/g /
Iron Kelley now joins the prccesseion
with a Tolamo to bo Iseuad under the
title of "Lincoln and Stanton. " N tl
TUB Eotllcra on the Grow Ore ok reser
vation h va been notlGed to Icnvo before
Ojtobar 7 , bat they don't eoom to pay
attantlon to the order. The military
will probably htvvo to ba oillod on to fire
thorn out.
BETTER prices are being paid for feeders -
ors at the Omaha Union stockyards than
In Chicago , Oattlo ralaora should not
overlook thla fact , and they should also
remember that Omaha la bound to build
.up a bigcattlo market.
TUB Immeneo eahool district frauds In
Indiana , by which nearly $1,000,000 , he a
been realized by the aconndrols engaged
in the swindle , were originated and put
Into execution by an oz-lfghtnlng rod
agont. Wo oaapected as much from the It
"Inn scheme to appoint the delegates to "
the republican state convention by the
county central commlttoo meets with
general disapproval omong ropnbli bo
cann. The only proper representation
.must bo by selection through the oatab
llshed ch&nnola of primary elections and
. .conventions.
THERE are altogether too msny thlovos
and crooks In Omaha at present , and the
police ought to mnko a general round-up
and run thorn out of town. It la not a
very difficult matter to do , as they tro
nearly all known to the police , who seem
io bo very tender about taking action
sgtluat thceo light-fingered gentry.
IT strikes us that It ia about tlino that of
-tho high nhool clock fund should be expended
ponded for the purpose for which it w s It
-raised. If there Is not money enough to
purchase a olosk for the high school tower
or , the board of education can affjrd to by
m&ko up the doOoloncy. There is now
on deposit to the credit of this func
about $500. A good tower clock can be
purchased for about $800. the
ACCORDING so the Herald the Mor >
tick county democrats promiio to oleol
the democratic candidates to the next
legislature , In view of the fact that to
there are two republicans to ono dtino
rat in Morrlck county they have under
taken a big contract , which they will be
enable to cirry out unless the republicans
put up disreputable candidates or noml
nato notorious monopolists.
DCIUNO the last fire years tbo board of
education has paid out about $5,000 for
tombing vocal music In the public
eohools. If there his bean any benefit clent
derived from this outlay It Is not known of
to the pitrons of the school ) . It h&s cen
been a waste of money , as Superintend * ) o
nt James admits. If the bond has any rent
aurplua for epeclslUta lot It bo Invested suds
in tha toachlcgof branches that are mote and
aioful than ornaaionUl. The resolution
of Mr. Oouuoyor , to abjllihicuilo toech- Then
ing In the hijh tehool la timely , ni ler
hoald bo adopttd at the next meeting of n
iho board.
The government land tyalera , so far as
it appllca to grizlng lands that are not
adapted to agriculture , Is dlacumd nt
considerable length and in an Intolllgett
manner ia the Now York Evening Post
of a recent date by " Oolortdo ranch-
Eli attitude la against the
monopoly that h s botn croaked by Iho
"cattle bironi , " who have frozen out the
small cattle ralaeri. This remit ia duo to
the ovilj of the present land aystom. The
aottler , who proposes to jngago In cattle
raising on a moderato ccale , ia under the
preaent law deprived of all hta rights , or
tathor ho Is prohibited from acquiring
any rights worth maintaining , or which ,
If maintained , would bo of any help to
him in earning a llvllhood or suppoitlng
a family. A aottlor npon the western
grazing lands la absolutely debarred b/
flzod conditions of soil and climate from
engaging In any other Industry than tha
of stock-growing. Neither by homestead
stead , pre-emption , purchoio nor loaao
cm ho acquire from the government a
right to sufficient paatnrogo for the sup
port of enough cattle , sheep , or horaca
to furnlah him subsistence. Ho can no
longer fence In cnoncjh "froo coass. " for
his livestock to protect It , and prevent 1
from drifting npon the territory 'of oomo
monopoly cittlc-kfog , or to keep other
cattle from.treapncalng upon his limltoc
patch of grass. Ho haa no remedy whatever
over against imposition , end being do
fensolesa ho becomes the victim of the
monopolists. Ilo hca no legal rights out
BQO ! of hla 1GO aero tract. Outiidooftbattho
monopolist baa the tame rights that ho
lias , but being the , moro powcrfu
the cattlo-baron dictates to him whatever
terms ho plcasoa , The numerous cowboy
troopew of the cattle-king make Itco un
iloaeant for him that ho soon boocmos
dlegusted , aud soils out his little herd ,
together with his pro-omptcd land or
lomesload nnd the Improvements , at the
first opportunity and at a ssctiflco. Tao
'heavy" cattle owner , whoso herds have
done the mlachlef , Is the only avallablo
purchaser , for the cottier's cattle are
mixed with his and scattered over the
plains for twenty to fifty mllon around ,
and ho alone can gather thorn with any
economy ; and the sottlor'a pre-empted
laud wonld bo as worthless to any one
but the owner of the largo herds as it waste
to the saltier himself. Those are some
of the ovlls that have crushed out the
small stock-raisers , and caused the trana
for of thalr herds to the "cottlo-kirg. ' , "
who now have a monopoly of the cattle-
raising Industry upon the government
lands In the graz'ng regions of the
west. These monopolists have made it
impossible for a poor man
any moro to attempt to embark
this industry. This profitable business
now only open tc mon of wealth. A
capital of $100,000 Is considered only a
fair starter , whllo half a million ia not
regarded any too much for a cattle rain
ing enterprise.
Instead of the public domain in the
grazing region being occupied by a few if
men aud syndicates with tholr immense
herds It ought to bo taken up by thou
sands npon thontands of small live stock' of
raisers , but so long as the proaent sys
tem is maintained In regard to
the pasture lands eo long will
Iho monopoly oontlnuo to gain In
wealth and power. Among the cattle
barons are a largo numbsr of foreigners ,
both individually end In syndicate , who
are receiving the benefits of free grass
without paying a dollar for It , This explains -
plains the great profits of the business ,
and shows why so much foreign capital ,
which vr 3 lying idla at homo , has been
Invested in this Industry in America.
But what is the rsmedy for this ovlll
certainly la a serious problem , and
should Invite the early attention of con
gress. In the opinion of tbo
"Colorado ranchman , " who bss
evidently given the subject wo
much careful study , the land laws must
amended In tholr application to
otricily grazing lands these that are
untlllablo 20 as to protect the settler ,
disaonrtgo monopoly , and best promote
development and prosperity of this con
gr.'at region. This Is probably the acn
tlmont of every man who has given the
matter any thought. It does not seem
reasonable to place these pasture lauds the
upon the simo level with lands that are D.
adapted in every troy to the raising ol
corn , wheat , cats , and other staple
crops. Where 1GO acres of the latter is
ample for a homestead , thosamo qiuntlly
gracing lands nould bo entirely lnado <
quato for the purpoio of stock-raiting la
Is suggested by the "Colorado ranch Mr
man" that It bo made possible for the ing
settler In the grizlng region to acquire , a
vlrtuo of bis homestead and pre
emption rights " soraowha1.
, "holdings ap
proximate in value to these acquired bother /
other sottlcrj , through the exercise ol
aimo rights elsewhere npon tllliblo
lands. " Thenceforth the settler , coonre
tbo poiaeulon of pasturage for at lenot
enough cattle to enable him with Industry tlou
support bis family , would , as the bean
Colorado writer correctly maintains , bo two
Independent of iho "cattle-barons , " and
undisturbed by their grout herds , for be had
could then fence his pasture and thereby
protect both hla cattle and the grats for tii
heir sustenance. It is further suggest
by this Ooloradnu "tbat the law on
should not only be eo amended as to co
enable the settler to acquire , by com- feet
pllanco with the homestead not , luQl- Bold
pistaro and laud for the support loll O
400 or 500 head of oittlo eay slx- the
icc'lons but provision thonld alio o c
made for leasing to htm , at a moderate balng SB >
, parable annually in advance , the (
to his homestead con
lying oantlguous out
contlnuo half vray to the next stream , entTI
priog or other permanent watering , and
bis bujluoia Incrjsted the eet-
, as , - ezar
would rent , und if noceaiary fenca certiTI
these additional lands , which , being ized Tbe
without water , arc naturally tributary to County
the iprlng or watering placet omb aced
wlihln his hcmeitead , and without access
to which iho ; could not bo utllizod , "
This may oem a practical and cqultablo
plan to some , but wa qnoitlon whether
the rental of government lands and the
fencing of the aimo under the authority
nf a lease , Is the proper solution of the
cattle-king monopoly of the public do-
mkln. It would hardly bo consistent
with the recent action In prohibiting
fences on the public domain , But wo do
think tbat the cottier in the grizlng
region should bo allowed to acqulro the
abiolnto ownership of much moro gov
ernment land by pre-emption or some
similar law than ho Is now permitted to
secure in nn agricultural section , Being
the owner of the land ho could then fence
It , or do what ho pleased with It.
If the setllara wore offered some such In-
ducamont , the vast region Instead ol
forever remaining thinly populated
wonld BOJU become comparatively well
pjoplod r.nd dotted with the homes ol
proiperocs herdsmen. It la to bo hoped
that thla great question will receive the
attention It deserves at the hands of tbo
national legislature , and that some prao
tlcal solution will ba worked out so that
the small cattlo-ralsor will bo given
chance to dorlvo some of the benoti ti
of the public domain ,
IT havlt g boon rumored that Ada 0.
Sweet , the Chicago ex-pension agent had
boon married several months ago to her
chltf clcr'ir , and that the marriage bad
been kcp1. a secret , the lady emphatically
tutes In a card that she Is not mariied ,
and never expects to bo. She admits she
ia engaged , but her ongagomout Is strictly
a buslncna ono.
the fact that
Due demonatratcd the fact that It cost
about five dollar. ! a pound io rnleo tea in
this country , Commissioner Ooloman
continues to cncoursgo tbi ) extravagant
Industry by filling ordcrc for tea plsutr.
The Eclcs of tea at the corner grocery
have not , however , been perceptibly
dlm'nishcd ' by the homo cultivation of
the plant.
voroly criticised by the democratic offis3'
sookera on account of his question In his
circular , "Havo you over been indicted ,
and if so for what ? " The number of ex-
convlots that have been discovered nmontz
the appointees to office shows that ho had
good reason for asking that question ,
The postmaster-general know what ho
w&a talking about.
TUB question is raised whether the
county shall elect a register of deeds this
fall. The office wa ) created by the laat
legislature in counties having over 15,000
population. By a clerical error the
statutes read 1,500 population , and some
lawyers contend that this error invali
dates the whole law. Wo do not believe
the Euprsma court will sustain that vlow ,
a test case la made , providing tbat the
county which olocto the register haa a
population of over 15,000 by the census
1885. In all cases the intent of the
lawmakers tjovernu. The error made in
figures could not effect the entire law.
Douglas county should cloot a register of a"
deeds oven if the commfsjlonera leave na
that office out of their proclamation. We
need a register of deeds , and since his
salary of $2,500 will be moro than bal uon
anced by the fees there will bo no addi
tional burden npon the tax-payers. At
proient the county clerk la register of
deeds and has moro than ho can properly
attend to.
JEFF DAVIS , In denying the story of
Lieut. Isgrigg regarding hla capture ,
says , incidentally , that ho was not dis-
guissd in a hoopgkirt , petticoat and other
forntlo appirol. This is the first tlm ? , in
bollovo , that Jeff Davis has over made
any denial regarding the hoopskirt and
cett'coat ' disguise. Whllo the story of
legtijzg may bo untrue in most pattlcuwni
lara , thu official report regardicg tbo capP'e '
turo of Jeff Davis , It muat bo admitted , -
bo rolled npon. This report , out
which Ia now re-appearing in print ,
owing to the controversy that has the
aiiseu regarding the costume of Davla at
ilmo of his capture , Ia signed by B.
. Prltchard , lieutenant-colonel of the 035
Fourth Michigan cavalry , which regi
ment took the confederate president
prisoner. In that report It Is stated that rai
Divis w&a disguised In a woman's water- four
proof cloak and a ahawl. This is all there
to the hoopaklrt and petticoat biulnoir. tbu
, Davis may well bo excused for wear am
his wife's cloak nnd shawl for It was COO JNe
very cold day for him , JNea
NKWB , mu
DAKOTA , mli
Alexandria la to have a 61,500 Epiicopal than
church ,
Tha constitutional convention now in BOB- inli
at Bioui Pall * coita $300 a year , $29
Ooe hundred and rixty acraa of lota have large
disposed of In Caatalia during tba past pluiT
months , . T
The execution of Miller , at Grand Falls , Pad
. SO , will be tha fust legal execution ever Km
In North Dakota. on
Fargo has paid the $2,000 bonni offered to of
pecura the encampment of tha Dakota Na-
no ] guarda at that placo. are on
lUpid Oity will hold an election in October wbc
tha proposition to lisue 55,000 In bonds to wbcX
complete a system of water works. N.
The artesian well at Scotland Ii now 470 there
deep and there ia a steady flow of water for
amounting to about twelve gallon ) nn hour. reee
Orders have been received at fort Sally to of n
two coinpinua In readiness ti procerd to ing
Wlnnebago and Grow Croak reservatlona the
eject tbe eottleri who utlll remain there , . .
ESBetfcaUloonlheDlBck Hilh racchoa are
rouudxd up and driven to Ghadr n for
hlpment. Itange ca't'e ' wera never in batter p
cocdltion to make Rood beef than &t tha proa- .
time. neiCi
The tin ore at Hill City hai baen tetted , brick !
ylelils lar e returns , Tha experts who log
thu tetting devoted connder bla t'ma ' to his I
examination and say that tha Ulaok Hills la , ,
certainly a tin couniry. tha
farmeri n ( Madi-on county hwa organ- day
an association to ba known as the Lake body
Grain and Produce association , in J distant. )
order to tecme bett > r price i on fattt prodnco
Money hta been raiioa to build n ele\ator
TAO ioiuranco companr of Dakota In tnilJ
ing a fine structure t Sioux Fall * . It wil
be 44 by 72 feet , thrso stories hlh. ( ? wltl
roond tower on corner , nnd will aet back from
the itrnot to a ) to allow room ( or n fountain
ahudo treoi ani other ornaments between tha
bnl lint ; and the aidowalk.
Ytnktjn la happy in tha fact tbat the Mil
waukearoad begin * to show Boras sluns ot life
In tbatqtartor. i The machine thopa locatet
at tbat i plnoa are to ba enlarged , uew mschlu
ory is to bo added fttiil A larger force ol mo
chaniCD employed. Tail move , tba Yankton
I tea tblnk , eottlea for all time the location o
the shtpa at that place.
Tha 1 movement o ( stock to market ia in
creating every day.
A cttzy man jumped off B Union Pacifi
train east of Cbijonne , 'lie escaped unln
The Rock Springi raid on tha Ohlneso
cauies anovotflowof opinion , comment ant
fact in the territorial papers ,
There In a movement on loot In Lnramlo t
open tha Dutton coal mines nnd supply tb
markets In tbo vicinity. The ojnl h said t
tqntltbatat Book Spiing ? , but owing to blftb
railroad rates , It la impossible to put it on th
markets in composition with that ot th
Union Pacific ,
Vitrol throwing Is becoming a common
practice in Denver ,
On the lower Gunnison tha crops ralaod thl
aaaaon are pronounced a splendid quality.
The new chamber of commerce building (
Danvor waa formally opened for busluoa
. Fort ] Lewis , In La Plata county , ia aaid t
bo the highest military pott In ths world , be
Ing about 8,000 feet above aoa level.
Ono ( farmer on Tampos Creek haa ahippo
this ecnson over G.UOJ watermslona , lie na
ale about 151) ) bushoia of alfalfa aood to dis
pose of ,
The Iliff company have just bought from
thi rallroid company 5.0JO ncrea of landlyini
north of Little Grow Springs , between Crow
Creek and Little Cruw.
There ia considerable excitement In Bonanra
over : tbu discovery cf lead ojrbonntu nbuti
fiv miles east of that camp , Tli3 Burfaca on
gives aasay roturua of SbU m fcllver aud lem
to tha ton.
Gaorgo W. Smith , a Denver djiiirnttor
wa airoatodluat week in thuact ot pluc.ui
dynainlto under the track of the Dtiiver S
Itio . Grande. Tim detectives catnpsd on In
tra 1 for tbroo numbs.
A now ere vein ban been discovered in thi
famous Fryer bill nt Lendville. The ere car
rleaeavQuty-throo ouncea of allvor and 15 per
cent of lead , nnd thaltnmsnso body aiakea the
discovery ouo cf onoruiuuj value.
A few bison nro in the country yet , and or
found In tbo ttnall paika ueai tUo auinmtt o
the rango. They are very hard to hunt , n
they aio apt to emsll the huator from ufar
plunio into the doptba uf tha forest am
travel , It ia said , from twenty to forty mile
before halting.
Attention has been drawn for savornl yocr
toCa the oil fields of Fremont county , nca
Canon ; City , and capitalists are already inter
oatad in the oil wells in tint part of thu Btato
Machinery has been taken ia there for the \
purpoee 01 establishing oil refining works , ant
this venture will douttlesa meet with eucoec
and Rive encouragement to other investment' '
off lika character In the same locality. Oi .T
has been taken from tha Fremont county
wells ! for three years , und it Is no new thinf
to boar of the profits of the oil industry it
that pirt of Colorado ,
Hay ii worth 517 a ton at Miles City.
A ledge , 2)0 ) by 4,000 feet ot green van eg at
ed inarble-serpentine marble has been dis
covered in Beaverheai county.
The Northern PacIBc sold 77,912 aero ? of
land last month for $301,533 , more than
double the figurca for the sales of August ,
Tommy Cruse , the Drum Lummon million- ?
tire , has bought tha herds and ranches of tbo
Montana Shoap company , paying $80,000
( UioD Mining company , of Butte , paid
iti ( sixteenth dividend recdntly C.Jo per
share , oRffregallng $25,100. making the
amount paid this year to dut j $100,000.
Tnroo mambtra of tha United Statoa goo-
jraphlcal survey warn atruclc by lightning in
Yellowstone national park lait week. D , M , i
3iOtt , ono of thn party , wai instantly killed ,
and the others severely shocked.
About 10,000 will be tha number of Monta
bjevea shipped cast this year by the Cana 3
dian Pacific routo. This with thd 00,000 thu
orthern Pacific will carry cut , will make au
even 100.0JO for th ) territory during the aea- She
, as against 80,000 last year. Strc
The Crocker art school in San Frnnisco v Wai
will soon bo opened ,
There are 484 mon employed at the Mare
Island navy yard ,
The corner stone of tbo Nerata State Uni
versity was laid at Reno last week , with Ma-
aomc ceremonies
Nopnlti , A. T , , ha3 a saloon whom you >
enter fiom Jlcx'co and drink in the United quai
" " " ' " " " " " " " " " "
Tba banki of Salt Lake took in § 102,882 Gl Mnr
bnllton and era during tbo week ending
September 1C , witt
About a mile from Linkvillc , Or , , farmers of I
Ecald their slaughtered hoga at a Datura !
epiingof boiling iVater.
The hop growers of Yubn who are uslnt ;
while labor in the place of Chineuo are uiucb
pleaaed < with thu change.
Yuma county , Oal , produces and shipa the
$5,010 ( worth ot iold dust monthly , nnd ull got
by the dry wash process ,
The polypnmy oiaea so crowd the dockets of
courts nf Utah that au additional judge is awor
necessary to expedite civil caaoo ,
The California baid of equalization have
' tha railroads o ! tbu s'ato at $49 , .
, trO , The total mileaga is 2 , ( 2 , Ah
A railroad has been built aadoriaied to
business batweun LJJ Angeloi and Pasedana ,
tbrourjh tbe heart of tha orange orcb.trds.
Yintlnia City boastaof a cabbage that waa
ed in one of Ita gardens that measured
feet and eleven inches in diameter , or
about fifteen feet in clrcumferonco. way
During the first eight months of this year
apeio ahlnmunts from Sin Franomcu
amounted to 813,283,800 , of wbtob $8 33 f ,
GOOwntto IIocKkoog , and § 1,050,000 t )
New York.
Tbe N-wajo Indians are getting along re. '
marka'jly well in Ndiv Mexico. They have s'uo
abnirlaat cropi , having planted this reason a
muoh larger area than eriir , i > nd it is their
bonit that they own 1,000,000 eheop , tOD.OCO Ilo
goats and 20,009 bead of horses , the
A niuch better feeling exhta amone tha
mlcers and butfusss m u ot Ji'ireks , Nev , . orator
for teveral jcara. A laiga number of
suall mines are being worked with good re- lldu'
, and , oatsida ot tbcaa , fn n SICO.OOO to
) 000 it being paid out u cntMf by the
companies , making moni yooyn.iaraiively eek
pluaty , mu
The liritlin ship Hiatna , now lylog at Ban ; pod
Pedro , laloaiit'g with yucot , to be taken to Pe
England and maaufaaured into paper where Vas
to I print the Tha L jndon LMly T le/rapb. not
yucca Ii thn well-known Hp nlrh bayonet , nxi
wh'oli time arflth jUJanilj of acren giowlng olai
tha t deserta. A largo force of CnlBamcn Ju
bu'jr iratheriui ; it liotr Havana , from o
whence it is shipped to Sin Pedro.
JviRhteon miles weat of old Fort Wiu ate , epu
M J , at tbe bate nf tba Continental divide Ivn
ia a tprlng which hai u I way a been notnd Co
its cold Huld , Recently s mo ictentt&o ' ami
researchers have run a tunnel in in thu vein irother
water for ft dtitance of fifty yarrlH , roiult- vlnai
In Urikinj a guild bed of lot. No wonder ttlvn
Mexicans have glvon thla ipiln ; tha very wee
appropriate nama of Aqui Frla , It come * by
ichonuttly. '
PIUBBUEO , Pa , , Sept , 22 , Joan Dealerr
, aged 11 , a rook feeder at Sanky Brothers , Iond
; yard , fell In tbe rock crusher this morn- , .
and before the eoginj could be stopped lecl
body waa literally ground to duit. la'loa '
LoniSTlLLK , Ky , Hept.'J'-The bnller In uturo.
Fabel ojp factory eiplodcd at noon to-
and tba engineer wai IniUntly killed , hia . Get i.
being throwa Into a creek fifty feet } work
. IW48
Appointments of the Oonfoionco lor
Beloir will ba iuund the assigmntnts
of mlnlatcri at the Mothodht conference
which bus boon inseaalou atSowardiloco
Thursday , September 17. The confer
ence cloBod its session on the ovonlng of
the 21it Inat. , with over 200 clergymen
" "
In attendance :
S D Itobotls , 1 > E . P. OBfatrico
PoUnce. . . . WK Boang
Blue Spring . JTMInfh t
Couttland and Adami . J 8 Orr
Oret < . , nv Lewis
Djrchojtcr . , . A It Folden
Allison . To be eupilled
Kxetor . Q W Southwell
Fatrbuty . T II Worley
1-ftltmont . JKM xwall
F'lloy ' . 1'J Ruckma
1'iiond ' . J AChapl
Genava . G M Ooulfe
15 JRanaa )
Odell . J LVinceo
Ohiowa . j . MOSmtt
Steel City . KJward Wllklnio
TobUs . J Gore Walke
Wllbor and Dowitt . To bo aupplio
John Gallagher , P E P O , Tlnatlng
Alexandria OB Lcnfea
Avr KMHnrtlma
Blue Hill John G Walke
Oarletou David 1'et
Chester To bo stinnlio
Clay Center "
Oowlca and Innvnlo "
Daveuport Andrew Kersba
Thoa S Groe
Olenvi le .IN XDO' '
Guide Hock L Morriso :
Harvard JE Kippeto
Hastlnga W II .lone
Ilobron \V K Pierc
Junlota W J B'usie '
Kena'aw To bo 8uppliedIuiac ( Now
Nolscn " ( ABWhltmer
UedOloud GeoSDaxI
Rd Cloud ( Je Goo W Uuinmil
Reynolds and llubboll F B Ashlcigl
St Joe G M Jcmo
Supoilor Francis Dea
Sutton N A Marliu
WG Miller. PE p O Utlca
Ashland T A Hul
Bennett E II llaud
I'ndar Bluff i A J Calver
Elmwood A Mndnli
Emerald J W Millet
Greenwood H Pro'son
Ithica and Bethel to bo supplied by J G Day
Lincoln O F Orcifihton
" South .T Marsh
Mead To be supplied by J M Wlllii
M t PJeusatit J A Nichol
Palmyra E J Win
Plott-mouth W B
Raymond To ba supplied by D Y Blacl
R < ca FA C.iniphel
Union G Shennan
Valparaiso CM lladditwaj
\Vuboo J Til inert
Woveily " ' To bo supplied by C 8 Ca'.han
ipingWntor W HVucc
.TV Stewart , P E P O. Nebraska Cit ,
Auburn F M Esterbrool
Hroivnvillo Hiram Bard
Brock J WSwan
Crab Orchard W H libbitt
Elk Creek O L Smltl
Full Humboldt j | * City RG JSIIal Adam ly
Nebraska City R Pearsoi
Nstnaha City , to be supplied ( D B Lake
Pawnee City Ct ( E J O'Neill
PawneoCity , T OH Hobb
Per D F Rnrlabsugl of
Rule DC Phillip
Molla .TM Richmond
Sterling W K Lootbourrow
iyracuso. to ho supplied.G ( < > o S Al xinder'
Table Hock Peter Van Flee
Talmadga JV Royso A
Tijcumjoh Aea Sieath
rose DiaiBicr.
LFBrittPE " PO , York .
Aurora G H Wehn
Aurora circait To ba nupplicd
Bell wood J D M Buskner >
BraJabaw A J Marsh bo
Garrison , to be supplied by D M Bucknrr
Germantown , , to b3 Eupplie.1 by J E Mitchell
Hampton , to ba supplied by D S Davia
Marquette EL Wella
Milford : O E Rowe
" " " " " " " " " ' " RowoP'UI
ci . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . P'UI '
To be supplied Hot
Reward G M 5lorey
Shelby ! G3 Miner wbi
Stromnburg t , C Lerat n the
- ese H M CampbDll
Utlca . AM Ogbom
Valley To ba supplied by J Alibury note
J Mailley moa
West Blua G A. _ _ . . . . .
Yor nee
HT Davis
York circuit J H Carmlchanl Ing
Edward Thompson , preaMent ; William Io
Pack ! , juofceaorj F W Ware , financial agent ; '
Allc B rtley , assistant financial sgant , Ne
braska Oonfurocco college , uaembora of York
quarterly conferonco. as
J H Worley , missionary in China ; W Vf but
Oredalo and F G Boylan , miasionarleo in
Mnntann misMon. hns
E F Marcellus nnd E R Fulkeraon left ho
without appointment in order to attend ono
cur schools.
Complaint ia made that General Vilaa has Far
"ConkllDp-Biieer. " day
Sjnator EvnrtB doesn't mo long seutencaa
wbon ho declines a candidacy ,
Secretary Manning bellnvca that "aocft an-
turnoth away wrath. " to
Senator Vest recently abet nn raglo very aud
much rceemblicc Iho ono dn the trade dollar. cauld
Jay Gould faya bo loves the laboring man. Is
, yes ! Juit the Kama M a wolf lovea
Did thn prcsUlint not \\p \ only ice-water for
lovnroor Ht , John dunug their recent con- n
abulatlon ? fill
Ex-Attorney General B.-nwator it on '
homo from Europe with a shipload of
brio-a-bia : .
Senator Palmer , of Mlohlt-nn , hni built
abin on his grounda at Detroit , which ho
Prcaident Cleveland haa not cut very macy Elcl
Witormelons for tha hungry place-hunters
) bis return to the capital.
Secretary Manning haa leaiod n homo In
Washington opposite the Blaine manvion.
haa ahvavs been diametrically uppaued to oems
Plumed Knight.
Rostvcll P. Flower hag blossomed out M tn n I
at a country f ir , bat Jia wuely ro- worl
frvro trlilnx the grangers what bo ierj
' ( know abiut farming. ey
President Cleveland ia fond of walking , a la
Iimust with that the multitude of ofue- (
eektra that hang around the cipital wou'd '
mulato hia estmpio while the wMklngJa
, It
People who Imagine that the clerks at f
aibinRttm are dying to go home nnd vote do
know thorn , Tuny art ) a great deal more er.
nxioua to ttay v/hete they are and draw their ai
alariei. acL
Jumbo' * bide , weighing 1,000 pound ) , will
to hang on the tenon at Washington for
fmncrats to look at. Tlfy don't ten many Ju
epubllcan palta drying In tbo nun. Chicago
leraltl. erday
Congressman Morrison if represented as ' 'reli '
'ambling through Illiooit in tearch of bi < fao F
repreientatlve , Mr. Springer , Io
he will rxttnl the ollve-br.uch and man
to heal tha breach now exlttiog be-
tboaa two eminent prairie utata poll-
ho i
New nnliaiiif ; for tlio Y , HI , O. A. FJan
There trta an Intereitlng mootlcg hold cam
y night In tbo Y. M. 0. A. hall , to ami
lecuia tha new building which the atao- man
contemplatoi erec'.ln ' ; In tbo near one > i
. The Cist npeooh trai made by inpp'Ied arards
. 0. 0 Howard. Ho alluded to the piled
of the association , allowing th&t It 10mo
worthy of a hotno of Ita oirn. Ho outt
i of the bulldlDgi
.it in other phois , and T ut II
Ihn young mon went to work to donny-
, VA , "V Cl ' ncci/mplUh If. Gonrr l
Stcrt' ( fff Joplln then cxpraasod Mr.
nimtbao'u'h * rigrola that ho waa oun-
ptlloi to beV k baour , but that Lo sent hl
ntinrtnce lhl ho was In hoirlfolt sympa
thy with the m ivement. Mr. Joplln
also i mon.'lnnoJ to."no of Iho means that
wonld bo nioii ItV raising money , cno of
which Trris that Ifci , * aaarcUtlou wonld
teen hold nnsrtloaa exhibition. Mr.
Fleming expelled Mj wish i\ \ ? help thla
movement all that litfttm'J , stn ( aid he
believed much rronld ba ftcov > mpliv bed by
mlng all the methods strjgtatcd. Dr ,
DdUlao followed , and said that thfsti"118' ' "
tcr wonld take turd work , but thai the
mony was In Omaha and when tbo ] pi > v
plo tfero aufllclcntly aroused on the anS
ject It could bo obtained. Ho was feSsat
lowed by Mr. Strcat , Mr. G. R. Bonder-V'I1/1
eon and Dr. Pannll , allot whom tho-URht !
that with the light effort a building could
aoon bo secured for the Omaha'
Y. M. 0. A.
The 1 Young Men's Ohrlellan Associa
tion : hai bom ono of the Institutions of
Omaha for neatly twenty years , and by
its work bat shown tint It la wortbj the
support of tbo community. Those who
have been moat Interested have of ton had
Rreat difficulties to overcome and have
mot with many discouragements , bat i
they luvo worked hard through them all ,
gaining strength by each now trial. The
association baa been making steady pro
gress and think thnt the time has now
ccma whouit thauld have a homo of Its
o n. To this end tbo young m n have
been cgltating the eubject of a building. '
In ma iy of the cltlra o the United
States ( ho Y. M. 0. A's , now hare hand- I
eomo bnlldinr/0 , well arranged and
adapted to the work , and Omaha , with
liar prcat enterprises should nor. bo back
ward in tbia lino.
It was determined to meet ngnlniQ tvro
wccka to farther discuss the rnattor.
A Couple of Ijooal Concsrna Wherein
AfTAtra On Not EJoom to
Harinunlzc ,
A row botwcon partners aoems to bara
occurred in the fir a of Joalyu & Sickott , icr
merchandico brokers , at luGO Firnnm
street. H. H. Joalyn end F. J. Sckott
opened bualnors hero about two months
ego , coming from Daiaud , Ilia. lu the
mo&ntlme Mr. Joilyn , who is In etraight-
cncd clrcuuntaDces and hard up
as ho hlms&lf coufoaaea , has
returned to Durand. From that
point he writes on open letter declaring
that hodoaa not wiah to ba longer iden
tified with the Omaha concern of which
ho IQ senior member. Ba avers that be
cm no longer endorse Mr Sackett's
course of pncidnro and advises the
public if they deairo to bo informed on
S.'d buiincsa methods to wrlto to the
Minnesota lumber company , and Polo ,
Ogle county , 111. Ho concludes his writIng -
Ing by asserting tbat the firm will short
dissolve. Mr. Sackott. Is In Omaha
and seems to bo carrying on n business
satisfactory to bnth himself nnd sustom
Tflo Tifft , Weller & Co. dry good *
agency , which cconploa tbo second story
the Oman building , at the corner of
Thirteenth and Donplne , ia also figuring
peculiarly. Motars. Bjrnoy &
blaster * , the agents , Monday sold
tholr camples to J , L. Brandefs & Son.
tolegrsni to Tefft , Wellor & 0o. brought
the reply yeateiday that M ECM. 13.
cud M. are not nnthnrizid to ditpoio of
.ho samples. The concern's local attor NJ
Is donbtfesa by this time advised of
omo cours3 of action to purauo in the
remlnes , but aa that gentleman cau nut
found the result ia unknown.
A Thltf Nabbed.
Early yesterday morning William
PJum was arrested In the "Oaoha L'quor
Honso" on Siztoocth and Capitol avenue ,
while : probably In the act of burglarizing
Plum is a colored thief of oomo locaj AGM
notoriety. Ho hns for the patt few
months been working for the establish Be
ment. Lut week ho left the piece , soy- 1885 Or'nc
tbat ho would roturi In a few dajs ystim
has not been aeon since , until t ) or 4 lion .
o'clock yotterdty , when ho waa found .ieb.SilJ
fumbling about in the saloon. Ho gave nlth
tzcuio that ho hid come back to work , Clerk E
this ttory looks rather fishy. For owing
seine time past , Connors , the proprietor , 1st
been annoyed by pit'.y tbofts which 10U90 SniJ
thinks were committed by Pium. Sri.
Tliicven In Trouble ,
"Billy "Willard , " the Jaino proprietor aud frn >
the "Little K. 0. No" ics'aurant ' on no > >
Farnara nlrcet , who wns orfcato3 Mon 7ho
with his mlstrccs Lottie & : "a1'
Oomoi , for tn >
receiving stolen goodr , was taken before Tall Tlie
Stenberg yesterday. * Ho plead guilty qilliO'- lurnla
the cbargo of receiving stolen Roods , IVnp
dram !
sentence has been withheld. It lorts.
not be provou tbat Lottlo Comes tlllj Ilv
In any nay Impllcitcd , and she w&a re-
leRced. As for the three boyj , who wcra City
irreatcd for ttoallug Iho properly found
Willard's pcsaeeaion , ihcy are still In
Pat Bojlnn la to bo ajnt to the
'tform echool. It la understood that To
Vacy will bo hold on a charge of robbing longU
3ushman's store. caseiv
a spool
Yesterday the ellverwaro found in Uagne [
Vlllard's patsoraion identified ease ,
was es ba- troitra
nnglng to tbo firm of Weinort & Mullen ,
Elghtoenth and Cumlnp street ,
The SioK DoiitrosH.
Madame Doflos Ia still confined to her
In tbo Millardhotol sniferlng from Jirect
attack of illness brought on by over
. Her htubaud , howevor.bas taken Iho
plcos on Iho wagon and packs fl r- [ lion
elrott near Fourteenth with crowds libod o h
largo as hit wifa nsuvlly attrasta , tites
Out or Dan or. natei
fa thooght thit Jobn Howard , son oni tl
Gene a Howard , Ia now oat of dan- '
fJo Is still quite 111 , ho rover , and
ja.t been euthrlng from a torero at-
vf pleurl'r. B
A Mlxicl Up CAIIO.
Judge Bartlett roodcrtd decision yei-
In tbo replev/n / cult of Clurlot
'relsaman n , John FJacnlgtn , a civil tuil
some Intercut. It'aaoms that Prelts-
undertook to work sotno land fu
Hannlgan , tor a oprlaln percentage of
profit ) . Prelasraiu was to furnlch
tbe teed and do all the woik , whlh
ITJannlgm was to supply all tools and r <
o' ' horses. In punuanca of tbii A
Dtnrict FJsnnigrn turned over to Prelef
a team of liorsos , Io a few hour
of the hones uavo nut. FJAncigoi for
' another nag , Nut loni ; after lion
that "jjltyedout. " Fl nnU n tav
third horsa , a bay ruara. Fu
myatirloca roaion tha inara gkv
too , and trhen FUnnlgau took her off
another hcr/o. P/oi ! m n cMrna that the
Urmaof the contract
wtro thit ho
to have n team of hortca nupplled , and
neitortoavcr p3(8IOSon ( | ( ) f thl b
or ono bet or adaptud teA
A Positive Cure for Every JForm of
Skin and Jilood Dkcasct , from
JPimjitet to Scrofula.
Jj , , .
nuiul B , Kkln Tatiurcs , Luttbaomo
sat ' ' veiy poJlo ofIt.hln/r / , Mlr ,
/ , . .
'i ' * 'itk " , ' aij " " 'P ' , "Itn leu of , foti In.
> looM
r\ K . we '
iios'Hrobrated hr rullour *
rj Solvent , the now J0o ) |
< l PudleInttraillr , nd
01111 ? ' Si ° ' ' Cur < > <
et ( > W ' " Hkln irolt.l1'1 . ! . , oiternally. ' ruticor * Boipw
I WMIH llctcil with Kfiem * on th SalrF ce.R
MdNe ) r , "hloh lha Drrcjl I ol our rfrn-
etllur , pr , nt. uncfcl onool the w til ooi ttiat hud
conutndcrt l notlo < i. lie ulr.sp.l rre to try your
Cutltura non > > ' i ftEdaltcr flfc d > js' usj , my icolp
anil p ) rl of ra'aoi ' ncra oititch cuiel , nJ I hop *
Inttif'hcrwoA tohnram ; c s , i tclc.vid the other
Dirt olmy Uco * iirtd. HGHUtx niMDi : ,
OK. tlh St , Now Yoik.
I liMobcon tflllrted 'l"c ' l' t Mmh trllria Skla
ili'cipclliodoMoracillJV | IK t im. Mr fici wts oar-
end with F cabs aid or > ' . and tao Ichln * add burn-
liiBncrflBlmntt unbcnril'lo " > ! g vuut'cura
I'crai o ! eo Mg\tlr \ rtoam\ nerd d.mnrlml , | tj Kvo |
th-m B trial , n n < the utl uri nnd Ciiiloifo Soap
txtfrnftlly , nmfll'd'hcni 1 1 toin ll/f , r lour months
call roy.olf cuu J In c'nUmlo 'or which I imko Ibt
puUIC8t toj.cnt. MR CT..Mtl . HthD&HIJK ,
, Dro d Uroolr , Conn.
Cull'uraliomrd'esaro Sold o.vcr wbtrc. Prleer
Cutlcuro , rccj Kmolvfnt , HI.06 ' Knap , S6o.o Pro >
purtiit by tbo romxr DRDO AXD I'IIKMICII , Co , , Uao-
tan. MaM.
sr.s'i ) Fen nnw TJ cups SKHT DISBISCS. '
0 1 P& rr'3' ' Dlackheiuld , Skin I'lomUilicB ouJ
* _ fy' ll"mnTauso Cfallcnra Sum.
" "
' "CRICK INTIIN Ul 1C , , , Hcl. . 1 1 mt ( l , u am , , '
tlioo'lucr BI d nil ) p | ialii , ilwuuatlc , cou A\t\o \ \ , acd
tciula | ii ln , rnd c < o-v uxl "n 1 pUn
and -chono > lhcdardrxpill tlrith won.
rrlty bj trao * , < rKinalrel , .
BDctd. gn Id ti u > julii and
nil > u tua'lnn , thCu'iourft r.nsJer.
V tranud the jt tfo tun i/il / ft ant ox-
lirnal round O , IIK | vjs'tynip'rlor t < all nth'r 'n '
> . At UiugliUt , 20o ; tire tit 31.0 ; , iiullol
Pollrr Dpnir nnrt Cliotnlrnl rro. Ttrwfsm
Manual of all Diseases ,
1)7 f. n fa PII it mrs , M. D.
Mnilod Froo.
IST OF rnE-cir.u , DOS. I'MCB.
! to.c"r " inn , Inllnmmnllona. . . .3S
Worms , AVorin ' 'evcr , Worm Cello . 2(4 (
Cr > IllC Colic , orToolhlnprof InfanU. .Sfi
lllnrrlicnof Ohildrounr Adults . 'J. %
DiBCiilcry , Orlpin ? , Ililious Colio . 2(4 (
Cholera itlortins , Votnltlus . 2J4
1'ouclK , OeM , JlronchllK . 2S
. \onrnlnln , Toothncho. V&ccarho. . . 2/4 /
HcadaelicH , biclc llcauacho. Vertigo. . .25
Dyspepsia , lIlllnuiNtonmcli .25 MO.
HnnpreneJ or 1'nlnful lf rloiI3
Whiten , too Prnfusol'erlodj
Croup. Couch , Uifflcult. Jirenllilns. . . .
hnlt itlicuin , J > ipcla . jruption : . .
llheunintlsni , Jllu-iimaUol'nlns
l' < nori'"l A Kin' . Chills , ilaloria
I'lles , JilindorJlliHsdinir
( 'nlnrrli , Influrnrn , Cold in the Head.
\VUoopliiz 'onciVlolcntOouBhs. ! . .
CirncrnI lirlilllty.PlcclailWciilinou .oil
Kidney Illirnne ' 5 ! !
Ner\un * lichlllty . .1 .OH
HrlnnrvWrnlHipmi.WiittlnKlled. . . . JJI
. - . . of . ' . . .
| ll.i'- " ilui Ili-nrt. l'aliitjllou..l | .UU
Bold by PniKizifita. or ftont pwtpiiid on receipt nf
price. nL3irnui\a'ULDHiM.r(0. ; , Jui > Kuiionbu."i.I.
PAID UP CAPITAL . 8250,000.00
SOBPI.UB , May 1 , 18S5 . 25,000.0ft
W. YATRS , Prcsldf nt.
A K. TUIIZUIV , Vice Treild'nt.
Ln'iris S. Kr.iD ,
W. 11. d. lliouiu , Ciahlor
orrici :
Iron iBank.
Cor. 12th and I'/irnam Btrtoti.
General Ranking Duilntsi Tranfacltd.
a nposilj will ho reoolyiU br the city of
d , Nob. , until -'c\ot't \ -m. , Oct 5th ,
, far 1 the ( urnlehlng , o'cctln ; tnd o inplet ng ol &
t o ( witor worntihivlnta c mdty nlono mll-
gallons per day for the ohy of a.aiid Iil d ,
Stic rystem ti r furnished anil liullk In acoordanca
i ) Un9 aud epecliloallons In tie cfQo of tbo Cltr
of Oran4 Island Nil ) .
oh rropssal must bo iraJe iocrtto en the fol-
it ins viz :
Kumlshlncand litl'dln ? engine and bollsr
and b > 83 cf tow r.
! . , Furn'sMrK and building itand plpr.
I. Kurnlshlrf , ' and letting up tnactilacry , boiler
connecting up wi ) ] < .
KiiruUtnnz omlbjlngcint I'nn rlr ° railnt ,
h , II > diant9Git' etc. / ! > IJdaf Jrlur..linnK )
aylrjif ii'po , s ili fti'.o sepaulelv a rom tt rer
rnt.rn > eh ofluo ulOoicnt tlztniH , 0 , Sand 10
. Xnr furnl MrpanJ putdnf dnwn well } .
cwtrict pih'of sild Bja ! rn of wat-r worki
cmjilote nnt tn ciceud tliaintnolthlity.loui tboua-
niilU8(3I.COt' ( ] [ ( . )
Tliet.lty ( Jotncll rcsones the r'flit trojrctiny
LU , , or any uirtaol bid * . Allbldt wl I bsre-
liilio'ltostitaoirlljltlj , the hind o'unto,111 to bi
eila should bo addrected to Ibo Ot ; Clerk of
ramlltaaNtb . " ! , and marked "iirofoail fjrwttor
order i < f thoClly C.OCtJlnf Ornrd IfUtd.Nok ,
12lljd j if Stpumbir A. D.
II K. uirrru D , Juu.x L. lleiNS ,
Clerk. Myor.
tep < I8-rcor-10t
Yolicet Notice ! Notice
all who ara dleo eec ] or afflfcttd , no matter bow
tbo standing ; oorue and be bealed , 1'enmtlo dli-
aseawhcro raiulclun bava failed to Eire relief ,
specialty ; oomo one , ooine all and He healed by tbo
agnetlo bealer , the only dire esrape from any dl > >
For examination , i < ur cna BOI aretl. for aob
roitraoLt , or visitations tt' tormi hUlotly cub ,
Line for England , Franca
nnd Germany.
oietraihlpo of thli well known Hoe n
, In witer-tlgbl oompaitmentii , and ro
with ovtry rvqutclto to m ke the yuwtr
cafe and agreeable , They carry thu Unit *
and European intllti , and letye N w Vo
nusdaygand Satnldirg for Plymoulh ( I.ONDOW
, Flriit OibluWo100 Steertja to
Homburir tlO. O li ItlOilADUJi CO. , co
1'ur , Agent , 01 uroaduay , Nun York uui
'tshincton and La Lello street * , cblrozo or Unary
Uuk llaueon , F. K. Uooim , H.ny P. Veal
huronowlf trtnlir.
, E , ATWOOB/ "
PJattfiinouih , Neb.
Eree'uol thoroughbred and high grHda
lerolo d and Jersey Cattle ,
IK ! .T rnAv Tlwl Kwinft.
( Did you Sup
> * ' ' ' > wJ i f
pose Mustang Liniment only good
horses ? It is for taflamouv.
of all licsh.