Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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l.nrr strain or cold ntlflrks that weak luck
and nturljr prostrates yon.
Strengthen ! the Mmcle * ,
Hte > mllc * llio
Enrlclit * the Blood , GU ri New Vigor ,
Dn. 0 , Ii Mrrns , Fstrfinld , Town , BT !
"Drown'B Iron Dlttcr * la the txnt Iron medicine I
hare known In rnr ro rears' prftcllca. I have found
H upeclnllr benetlclnl In neTTotm or phjplcul oilman-
lion , Midin fill debilitating aliments that boar ft
hoaTily on the r-rttem Ute It freelj In my own fiunily. "
Ocnnlno bantrado mark andrnwcd red lines on
wrapper. ' 1'nkn no other. Sludo only bj-
I.Anirs' HAND BOOK useful and attractlre , con-
.Alnlnirllst nf prizes for n > clp | w. InforraMlon about
coins , oto , Rirnn nwar br nil dealer * In medicine , or
mailed Ui Any Addrens on receipt of So Rt&znp
JGjar offered to the nublio
llEMEDVliiEC. Avlctlmofjrouthfullmprudcnco
cjUBinf1'romaturo Decay , Nervous Debility , Loet a
Alanhood , tto.navlnc tried in vain every known
Tomedy.has discovered a simplemeansof aolf-cure , d
vthicb he will unnil 1 HIM ; to hia fdllow-sulfcrors. T
Indigestion Cured dicc
, ccoi
I Buffered for more than Cvo years with Indiges thIn
tion , scarcely able lo retain the simplest toad on
my * stomach. Thotmr nlng sensation was almost In
Intolerable , and my wnole lystem was deranged I Inpa
was wakeful and conld not deep , and consequently paWl
more or lesa norvots all the time. I decline In Utah WlV
and suffered all the usual depression attendant upon \V
this terrible disease In a word , I was miserable. At dc
last , falling to Hud relief In anything else. I com dcm
menced the use ot Swift's Rpoclflo. I began to Im dcWl
prove at once. The m'dldno toned up the stomach Wl
ach , strengthened the dlccetlvo organs , and soon all Wlbl
that burning ceased , and I could retain food without
difficulty. Now my health ts good , and can oat any sc
thing in thothapo of food , end digest It without fo
the Bllghost difficulty , I most cheerfully bear this
teetlraony because there are hundreds suffering as I
was , nnd lam sure can be as readily hoaled. Take
the proscribed dose after eating instead of before. 60 )
JAMBS MANN , No. 14 Ivy street ye
Atlanta , Oa. . May 13,1885.
oTroatlae on blood and skin diseases mailed free , or ca
TThe Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Ga caM
W 167S8dS , N- M
64 I
Jee !
cVr f * 3 ! S3 Sru'Z& cui bo
* -yd rt V
$ U7 St. fjlim-los St. , St. LouJs , ? ) "
rtcutarsrtili ufl * ( ll ( .Ucl ; " 0l.bsljtoa U
r. lKi. raUuatinitaa it
Vffilr PHr fctiow ac.4 eittlj nuldentvtajfi on
fJuivon > histration , Oublilty , tl.iolil onwo
Fhjslcal Weakness , Mi.rc > jrUI 4:11 : ! other Aliens
lions c ( Throat , Shir ot Oonm , Shot ) I'olsf n'nj
eld Sores and Ulccrj , fn i.-e , i tun
% iBeDI , 1 > U tattl $ * > TDtitl3 iriOClf , l ( tk'JtY
ni ascr < Trlslnu ( rornIsctctisn (
CupDCurfi or Iniluljoncc , vnh trelcos i < na of
bUQuloc eCTe tsi Dc-ocinr i.Mltlttr , d.e ei of r
ra itfvcllto irtn-.irr , ; , iml"j .l 'be lira , pV l l flwii | to
vV9xlQatolha areirtjit It - t\lB | coatuiUi nta
tread } rlul rrlf ( * liuprovsr t > t
est tucbU/oureiS , rau hle1 ( W , , actjjoutha fKT , risi ante
i rttrl ! tuTi'ar * , true In aiIi.-ii ) ( tociulUllon : O
' . to i
A Positive Written Guaranfes toDt
irirem la all enrtblt curt li Jltlun ICDI < icrj b wo
ii'Ainptileti , FniclUli or Oerruun , ell va ,
iie&tce lu male or fonil * , '
, It
Burnt J r ro tct > a < u , j > tx > r cover i , lia. Tbla Oa
all taf ejrUoi , Jjabir t or tt'
i MH t < ro > l lut u ; to U , thi
James ibiioal Institute th ire ;
( .Chartered by thtStateof IIU- dli
inoii for the express purpose nl
/ofclvinclmmcdlatc rcllciln ]
Knll chronicurinary end prl- lai
Ivate diseases. Conorrhcca ,
jQleetondSyphill ! . in all their wami
complicated forms , also all mi
diseases of the Skin end tbi
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme- en
L iliestectcdlna.i"ii'/t/l'eiirJ a c
$ Spetlul I'racHce , bcmlnal
ckneis , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on )
Ihe KaceLost ManhoodKisMi'/y ( cured. J/icro BO i
istiofxperltnentliui. The appropriate remedy In i
t > at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Mcd. ro'
iclnea cent by Mall and Express. No marks on 001
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
Ort.MMESNo.204WaslilnglonSChlcaflOll. ! ! Jy ,
A Clear Skin thi on
cu !
IS only a part of beauty } rx
but it is a part. Every lady an CO )
may have it ; at least , what frc
looks like it. Magnolia It
Balm both freshens liei i
beautifies. alv
So Bho ( Hides iicrsolf/Jwny tuo Dity
Appointed for tlio Woddlog ,
I'oltstown , Fa , , Special.
Liwroncovlllc , Chester county , just
across the county line from here , has n
sensation. Wllllan Llnko la a tlch and
good-looklng young farmer. Bis affec
tions were centered In Rnth Fuller , the
daughter ot a neighbor , pretty and vi
vacious , Llnko Is 22 years old , whllo his
prospcctlvo brldo is 19. She received
her education In a yonng ladles' seminary
In Now York City. Daring the last sea
son they attended Sunday school celebra
tions , picnics and church together. Their
engagement was openly nnnonncednmong
tholr-frlonds , and several weeks ago the
marrlago Invitations nero sent out. Their
friends looked upon the wedding as a very
good match , Yesterday afternoon was
the time sot for the wedding , at the resi
dence of the bride's parents. Some fifty
of their friends arrived by noon , and the
Rev. Drexel waa on hand to tlo the knot.
The happy bridegroom circulated among
his frlouds , smiling and receiving their
congratulations , unconscious of tbo un
happy ending of his wedding day. Be
fore the tlmo for the ceremony the girl's
mother was handed a note from her
daughter. It ran In this way :
DEAR .PARENTS Don't worry on 'my
account. I am n fo and In good hands.
I'vo changed my mind and concluded not
to got married to-day. Toll Will to boar
up bravely. I will always bo his firm
and true friend , but moro than that nev
er. Good-by. With love and klesos. "
The girl's bridal dress was found In
her toilet-room. The guests quietly de
parted , and Miss Fuller's parents say
they don't bollovo aho has eloped , but Is
with cue of her old schoolmates untlllho
matter blows ovor. Llnko says that the
Is nnworthy of any man's love , and that
ho would not marry her. It Is thought
that at the last moment MIts Fuller ob
jected to being a farmer's wife.
"O Ivor'Bit'1m Again ! "
In the early days of Methodism in
Scotland , a certain congregation , whoto
there was but ono rich man , desired to
build a now chapel. A church meeting
was hold. The old rich Scotchman roeo
and said : "Brethren , wo dlnna need anew
now chapel ; I'll ' glvo 5 for repairs. "
Jnst then a bit of plastering falling
from the calling hit him on the head.
Looking up and seeing how bad It was
ho said : "Brethren , It's worse then I
thoucht ; I'll made It 50 pun' . "
"Oh , Lord , " exclaimed a devoted
brother on a back roat , "hit ' 1m ogolnl"
There are many human tabernacles
which are in sore need of radical build
ing ever , but wo putter and fuss and rn-
palr In spots without satisfactory reeults.
Lt Is only when wo are personally
klarmed at the real danger that woactln-
lependently , and do the right thing ,
Chen it is that wo most keenly rpgret
lecanto wo did not eoonor nso our judg-
nont , follow the advlco born of the cx-
lerlence and jump away from our perils.
Thousands of persons who will read
his paragraph are In abjoot misery to-
lay , when they might be in a satisfactory
ondltlon. They are weak , lifeless , full
if odd aches and pains , and every year
hey know they are getting worse , oven
hough thebest doctors sro patching them
i spots. The origin of these aches and
ains is the kidneys and liver , and If they
ronld build these all over now with
Earner's Safe Cure , as millions have '
ono , and ceaao Investing their money in
ilserably unuuccesjful patchwork , they
ronld bo well and happy , and wonld
lets the day weon the Lard "hit 'em , "
nd indicated the common sense comae ;
r them to pursue. [ London Press.
Lonorgnn & Burke , of American Falls , had
)1 bead of stock at tbo South Omaha yards
BBterday. L , C. Baldwin , Fine Bluffs , 101
xttle ; Chamberlain & D. , Fine Bluffs , 260
ittle ; Bllna & Bllsa , 78 hogs ; M. Kellnor.
adlBou , 187 hogs ; GroashauB & B. . Sutton ,
hog ? ; A. D. Seira , 72 hogs ; J. P , Fruyn ,
heyenne , 21 horsea.
The most stubborn and dlstressinS
ises of dyspepsia yield to the regulating
nd toning influences of Hood's Sarsa- 10 .
arllla. Try It.
Clark i Bros , , of South Omaha , shipped 702 [
Qgs to Chicago yesterday ,
There is n good demand for feeders at the
maha stock yards and prices are above the
hlcBgo market , which makoa it quite an ob-
ct for stock men to ship to Omaha , na they
ive the extra freight and shrinkage and get
utter prices.
It is foolish to suppose that coughs
aso when warm weather comes. Oiten
summer cold is woibo than ono in wln-
tr. So that a purely vegetable remedy
ko Red Star Cough Care is necessary In
10 household at all times.
The emigrants are taking up the range to
ich an extent In southwestern Nebraska that "
10 cattlemen are preparing to move their
How to Snvo Money ,
id wo might also siy time and pain as
ell , in our advlco to good housekeepers
id ladies generally. The great neoecsl-
existing always to have a perfectly
fo 1'omody convenient for the relief
id prompt cure of the ailments peculiar bo
women functional Irregularity , con- powe
ant pains , and all the symptoms attond-
it upon utorlno disorders Induces us
recommend strongly and unqualifiedly toLc
' " " Lc
Plerco'a "Favorite
r. Preocrlptlon" od
oman's best friend. It will aavo money ,
Raising Bwuclo Turnips ,
It took me several years , writes F. D.
artls in the Country Gentleman , to get-
to best of the tnrnip fly. For years
icy destroyed the Swedes , and at last
gave it np. List year , by accident , I
iund that rank growing potato vines
ere distasteful to the potato beetles , and
iat they did not disturb them. The
Iscovery gave mo a hint about the tur-
ip fly , and , acting on it. a large patch of
nd irom which the olovor had been out
as plowed and covered with barnyard
auuro. The manure was so scattered
iat every Inch of the ground was cov-
od. Rows were then marked out with
corn marker , three foot apart , and the
ttoms cleaned ont with a garden rake , \
that tbo teed drill conld work on and
the fresh earth. The bottoms of these
ivrs was the only plaoo where , the earth
inld be seen. Although the weather Prl
the seed came prompt- rr a.
as very dry , up yet :
and such a growth I never saw before.
Hh'er the flies oculd not keep up with
turnips , or they did not Hire the odor
fasto of the leaves , and they did not
istnrb them. In a couple ot weeks the
iltlvator was run between the rows and
manure , and whore it wai covered
id lodged on them brushed off. The
iltlvator did ell of the work required ,
tcepttho thinning out. The liberal
iat of manura kept the ground moUt
id etrvod as a mulch to keep weeds
om growing. The yield was Immense ,
never raised a crop of roots with so llt-
labor , and there can be no doubt that ,
Ith such culture , a crop ol swedes will
ways pay. When tbo rows were
ilnned the turnips taken out were
read between them , nnd served as ad-
ditlonal mulch. This crop of swedes was
not put In until the middle of July , and
still moro than half of them was abont as
largo as n four quart measure. They
were as solid as roots conld bo , and I
found them excellent food for the hogs
when sliced and fed raw. They also
helped to get the cows and young ani
mals through the winter. It Is best to
put In plenty of seed , for it Is easier to
pull ont extra platti than to put In now
ones. I p'ant the common swede , which
Is the old-.lmo name for rutabagas.
NEUVINF. shall have become the standard
medicine i f the civilized world , as it is
already of America , all ailments arising
from the blood will bo universally re
garded as transient evils. SI. 00.
8. U , Gwlnn , ot Albion , Idaho , the old-
timer , rtturned from Omaha Sunday , and
Monday i roceoded to his home. lie received
a slight ir jury In slipping from a corral fence
while in Omaha , N. W. Llvo Stock Journal ,
DIAIlIUlCCa. , worst cases reloived and
Recommended by leading Physicians. Sold
by Druggists and Grocers.
The Niivo-McCord Cattle company recently
Eold some of their Texas beeves at 930 per
head. ,
The Fnvorlto Washing Compound o
the day is unquestionably JAMKS PYLE'S
PEARLING. It dispenses with the necosis
ty for beating or rubbing the clothes , and
does not Injure the fabric ,
. . . ' , with a population of only n hal
million , feeds and fattens 0,000,000 cattle and
nOGOOGO ehoopi the Argentine Kepubllc ,
over 80,000 000 cattle and 100,00.1,000 sheep
inoro sheep than there Is in any other country
ID the world ; and soon there will be more
cattle , as they are increasing at the rate of 25
per cent.
a. Good Night lor Anything ,
George ( In the moonlight ) I was at
the base ball g&mo this afternoon , Clara ,
and I bet
Clara ( reproachfully ) Oh , George , can
you speak of base ball on n night like
this ] Rather lot us turn our thoughts
from earthly things to the perfect beauty
of the sky above. How wonderful Is
George I was only going to ssy that I
bet oysters on the game and won.
Olora ( returning to earth ) Oh ,
George , what anight it is for oystersl
Tha most southerly town in the world In
habited by civilized man is Junta Arenas ,
Patagonia. It baa about six hundred inhabi
tants. It is winter there all the year round ,
for the latitude corresponds with that of Lab
rador , or the tip end of Greenland.
A Wyoming territory "glee club" has
lynched six men for how stealing this year ,
BO far , without interfering with its musical
A Cockroach. Hno 300 Xocth.
This seems a great many , but wo must
remember that the cockroach eats a little
of everything ho picks up , and has need
of a tremendous digestive apparatus. Our
digestive apparatus is altogether different.
First wo chew our food with the tooth ,
then send it to the stomach to be dis
posed of. If the stomach Is not in per
fect working order take Brown's Iron
Bitters and make it do its work properly.
Mrs. Sophia Torbort , Georgetown , Del. , g I
mys : "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for *
iyspepsla ; it greatly improved my dlgos-
RBdncIng Tlmo and Distance ,
"You can talk all you please about big
'oats In railroading , " said a western con-
luctor , "but I guess we can beat 'em all.
Dnr track men have benn engaged for
lometlmo In straightening ont the track
tnd shortening curves. Oar superin-
endent is a hustler , I want yon to know ,
md the other day ho determined to ro-
luco the distance betweenSmithvillo and
Union five miles. He did it , and In one
lay , too. "
"Inone daj ? "
"Yes , sir , In one day. It isn't every
road that can afford improvements of that
magnitude. But our line is making
noney now , and the superintendent said
ITO had used thatlong tricklongenough. "
"Buthow did ho manage to do the job
quick ? Must have taken several
.honsand men. "
"Ob , no ; ono man did the whole thing ,
t took him abont ton minutes. You see ,
vhon our road was first built traffic was
igbt and profits doubtful. So the dls- "
anco between stations was put down Son /
ho tlmo cards at from one to five miles
greater than it actually was. Of course
ill passengers wore charged three cents a
nile according to the echednlo distance.
ur directors declared many a dividend
m the strength of those extra miles. " str
TThsn Ilauy WM tick , wa gave her Cutorlo , '
"When § herr u & Child , she , cried for Castorl ,
Wlien she became Ulss , she clone to < ? jtoria , '
BTban ihe had Children , ib. gave UwC-CMtods j rv
The ealo of about 20,000 pounds of whale- vcMj
one In the New Bedford market nt § 2.10 n Mj
ound has created a "oneation. The last ealea MjV
at $3 25 .
era per pound. wit
"When I wni younR"enid a boosifal dame
Lord UoughtoD , "half the younc ; men in
iondon at feet , " " ?
wore my "Really Chirop-
dlets , eh1 ? was the rejoinder.
v\ \
D , I
rrre from Opiates Absolutely , JJmctlci anil I'alsonf. V
pr Couglia , Sere Thront , lIoarncneM , ' V
Coldn. IlrontlilUa , Croup , Wliooplue
Aelliruu , Qulnajr , 1'iitni In Chut , anlothu
ulToctloni cftlieThroat aDJLtinjr * .
rice no cents a bottle Bold byDmcclitsanilDeal-
a.tit tits unalili lo induct their ilmler to profnpllp v V
it for them ulll receive lisa boMcst.jprtti cAarvw stre
i-A 5'J tttuUng one dollar to
I HE ruiitLU A.iooEiEit rnansr ,
019 Owccrl ttntl Al uuractumri
. aarjUnJ , C , f. ta
Yrrinntur' Tecllne > from u. v + rr-mf , V
tiimtVowei ilieasc otttiu Hldm < r .llud !
tier , and 1'rnHinlu ( iliiuil CUKIJII wlllinni VI
itoimioh Medicine * by the Marstcm llolua. Va. Tl
rfpoccieiCureHl lilioutBUrKery.'lreatlsaandteif I
ttinonlHlklrrn. All correspondence conrldentlU.
HI } VAootI4tr > > r At. NCIM VDRK.
I b TO tt rx > Mm reuedr Jgr the abor dUoait , bi Ita _
xu triouiunl ofc ae .l tbe wur.t kind Hud or loaf I >
taodlnitiaTOl > eu cured. IuJe il , .oatronglaDirraUa : _ L
taltil > irlcacrtlmt I will ien.11'o ' UUITLLS fllUB , wn te ,
llli UABI 1 T1IE ITISKoa itila dlatt
toe tter VAI > * *
f O aiMrvaa. . . *
Uaur lUtferor Olvaeipretaand ;
jUm UU. t. A. BLOlfuM. lit fearlSt. , M w To * I O
\TONBY TO LOAN- The Omaha Financial Kx-
> fl ehante , 1603 Farnun ttr ct , up stal.g , makes
loans on all clatses of security from a < 10 chattel loan
to 110,000 on real wlato * o make leans 11 suit all
appllcarits on long or * h rl time on Improved or un
improved rel estateland oontr > cts , leiso * , buildings
onleased land , secured notes , collatirals , chattels , or
good eecurltj of any kind. Ixiw rates ; e > 3termi. .
( > mah Financial Bicharjge , 1603 Farnam ti , up-
italrs. 813 II
To txAH Ui'ney In any amount on real estate sn
curlty. 0. V. afaync , 16th and Faraam. SJO-o-16
TO WAS.O. . F. DMlsfc Co , Real Estate
and Loan agents , 1609 Fasnam SI. 621-tt
VIONKY To loan on chattels , Woolley k Ilarileon ,
TJL lloom 20 , Omaha National bank building
619 tf
a.c CAODR BBOTURRSInvestment Rinkers , opposite
irl post office. Omaha , negotiate mortgige loans on
Orit-class tecurlty at rulllng rates of Interest , Par
ties desiring to borrow money en Improved city or
auntry real estate , for from one to five years , oan be
commodated promptly. UoCague Brothers , bank-
rs , oppesltt post office. 622-tf
fONKY TO LOAN On real estate and chattel )
I D. L. Thomas. BJ3 if.
t A ONKT Loaned on chattels , cat rate , K. R
a lUoketi Donght and told. A. Fcrman.SIS S , 18th Si
Vf ONIT to loan In semi ot (200 and opwardb en
ltlflret-ol 83 real estate security. Potter ft Cobb ,
SllnFarnamst. A25-tf
V/TONEY / LOANKD at 0. F. Rood ACo'i Loin office
LTJL on furniture , pianos , horses , watront , personal
property of all kinds and all otho rartlclog of value ,
llhcut removal. Over 1st National Bankcorner 18th
ted Farnam. All business strictly confidential
Moxirrl uoixrll MONxrlll Money to Loan On
chattel security by W. R Croft , room 4 , Wlth-
ccll luiUlnp , N. K. corner 16th and llarnoy. After
years of experience and a careful study of the busi
ness ef loaning money on personal property , I have
at last perfected a system whereby the publicity
usual In such oases b done away wlth , nd [ am now
na position to meet the demands of all who become
temporarily embarrassed nnd desire to raise money
without delay and In a quiet manner. Housekeep
ers , professional gent lomcn , mechanics and others in
Omatn nod Council Blum , can obtain advances
from $10 to gl.OOO on such security as honsenold
furniture , pianos , machinery , horse * , wigcns ,
warehouse receipts , secured notes of hand , etc. ,
without rcmo\li > K game from owners residence or
place at business. Also on One Watches and
Diamonds , One of the advantages I offer Is that
ny part of any lotu can bo paid at any time
which will reduce the Interest pro rata and all
oaug rcnovcd at the original ratoa of Interest.
t have no brokers In connection vtlth my olllce ,
but personally superintend ol my loans , I have
private offices connected with my general
offlco so tint customers do not come In con'act with
each other , cOLsermcutly making all transactions
strictly private. W. 11. Croft , roam 4 , Wlthnell
building , N. E cor. 16th and llarnoy , Omaha and 82
Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. SJO-tf
WANTED-Situation In n pritnto family , by an
AnKrlcau girl , to ilopener 1 liouscuo k In
quite at 710 South Fourteenth street. 237-21"
W A-ttKD A good gill for house work. Inquire
1316 Dodge St. 274-21'p
W A girl for general house work. Apply
Sherman avo. 3d doir north of Grace st. 2SO-tf
WAVTFD 12 good glrla for general homo woric ;
gocd gill for hotels and boardlnhouioi ; good
wages. Cell 1120 Farnam s'rcet. 270-tf
TTT'AXIID Kitchen girl at 1011 Dodge street.
w'AUTBD Gtod girl for genera ] house work , 113 S I
17th street , between Dcuglas and Dodge.
262 S3p
TTTA-tTBD A tirl to do general h use work In
TT small family. Reference icquired. Apply 621
loueh IDth street 222-22
7"AMHD A wemanti dosrenoral house work
good eook preferred , 1818 Webster. 225-tf
WANTED Middle-aged Itdy to board and take
charge of two chldrcn , boy and gill , tgid
and C years ; state terms. Address J. M. C. , Occl-
lentil Hotel. 224 23p
WAfiED Immediately , a good girl for general [
bouse work. Call at once at 811 south 24th St.
CstwogCB paid to good girl. 218-78
ntTANTKD Two or thros enterprising young men
TT to travel for afnt-clis9 house. Best ot refer-
ncos required. Addrcai P. a IJox 458 , o ty. ! i02tf
WANTKD First class drets maker ; one who can [
come well recommended ; good wages will bo
Mi to the right one Call and inquire ut nice at
120 Farnam ttreEt , up stairs. ISO tf
nrANTED 4 giile at Slaven house , sjuih lotl
W ANTED Girl to do general hcuse-work , 1610
Harnoy St. 031 tf S
rroE8B girl S W corner 19th and St Miry'a ore. pr
IN 185 tl
'ANTXD A girl at ISiO Sherman Avo. Mrs. J J
M. Connaman. 610 tf
D Lady agents tor "Daisy" fcklrt and Gtock >
TT ingsupporterd. Shoulder braces , Bosom forms ,
T093 ehield9Uubber gingham , Bibs , Aprsos.SIoaves. j
nfwts' Diapers , Ac. Our 1,000 agents are making .
lonev fast ; 10 oan you Address with stamp , E. n.
AMPIiELL & CO. , 0 South May St. , Chicago.
485-s 3p J
r IB good men. Inquire of J. K. Stout ,
FT Louisville , Neb , 1 > . 0. box 181. 270-tf
"T7A1TBD A porter In Faxton Barber ebop.
/V 2GS-22p
TlTANran A good barber immediately , No. 810 8.
rV IBth street. 259-23p
TP'ANTiiD-acoJ canrasssra for portrait work In
FT Omaha and Council Bluda. 1519 Farnam
reet. 22123
"ST smait boy at Ileyn's Photograph
rT Gallery. Oosd chance to learn trade 281tt
OHMS Belling Missouri steam washer , make big
X money. J. Worth , Hclo Mfg. St. Loulj , Ho. F
006-deo 14p
TTANTED A llrst-clafs ta'eamon lo dryeordj , no-
'T flons etc. Must speak Oerniin. Apcllcations F 1
Ith references , S. II. Iee ! > olllof. 216 22
XfAMBD 30 teamsters for Ghaelronlrcetrantpor. F 1
'V tation , skip Friday morning. Apply F. K.
vin & Co. , 1012 Barney Bt. 287-Mp F
TTArBD Ono coed reliable man to cinvass and strc
'V sell BOCiij. Call 421 South loth Bt. J12 ! 3p
fVAiMms wANiKn-Coat maker and pants makers ;
wlllpay $7 t 912 lor coaU , tZ to $3 for pants and F 1
ists. . 1 workmen wanted at once W D.
ers , Cltrnlda , Iowa. 204-23p
iNjKD tian and Mile want nicely fuiiiUbcd [
room and Inard with pilvate family for the F
nter. Andrcss W. Frederick , caie of Bee. 101-23p
TTANTBD Services of a bright intelligent man ol i
rV good address J II , P. ) . box 883. 119 22p F
X7MNTID-A sober and steady meat and paltry
V cookBOi ! > d weges paid to the tight man. Ap- F '
at 1618 Dodges' . 187-27 mei
7ANTKD Twenty-gvo men to work at Union Cat-
t'eCo's ' Feedlog Bain * , near Ollmore , Nee
111.23 U/don CHtlo Co.
man who cm mike hlmso'f useful 1.F
LYoruig and caniaij the city , 8C8 N iBth
& 8S tf .F
rANTKD-Stenograpber. Uox025 , Omalm.
Gla. 2o -r M
j j oung men to le rn telcgripby
VANmn road stUlon book kwping. Address "fl.
D , " Omaha Huilneea Colleye. 424 SOp
- . Address Electric Lamp and
V Stove Co. , St. Louis , Uo. , for circular , cut and FF
nns of 10 candle power Marnh Klectrlo Lamp F
fTAHMD-Positloo by an exporlooccd nuree. Ad-
dresi 2i29 Pierce street. Inferences , L. H. i
tTAMKD Siluai oiu by two experienced > oung .
in n , one in a grocery store and one In a dry
jd i tore , ( peak German and Kngllsb. Good rci
mces. Addresa J. 13 , Kea ollloc. 249 23p
tTAJJTBD-A pMltlou by an oiperlencod nurse with
good roleruicee. Addrcs * L B T. . 810 N.lSit. V
eet. 2 i P . F
AKOIa. poiition to take charro of bake
.hop. AdJreaa'Baker ' , " Uee olllco 216-82p _
_ _ '
ITAVTin-To buy a fresh milch cow. Imiulro Ed- 'F
holm&Erickson. V89 SS
lTAMBu-OctolierUt.aIOtaom home one on
or n ar Et. M iry's ave. pre ferrtd Oal 1 or a 1-
J , L. llrandeU J. Sou , 601 and 618 south 18th t.
sro Mailos WASIKIJ If Leuaid buuiuitr wno live F ( (
ij.tween llth an ! 12th ,
on Doduo street greets
tddreBSto Otto I' T. L &B
aMa , la 1683. will ( end bU
nil , Lead Clti , D.k. lie will learn somettlogof &BF (
ercittohlin. lll' ' F
i . Solocnou Ceitn wtuld Fan
like tie address of her hU'bacd azed ta years '
left Ouaha about Jinj ls . Any Inf' imatlon 10-
raiog him , will te thankfully resel\U. Address Cur
uaha Foot office. 213 24p
TJ rint of pnrch 9 NehratKi report !
w ami other litbooks. Addre-M A , hl office ,
t ill S3
WAMID Homo In refined family lja"jnr > p
l dy , hlthitt references given and le nlrul
Slate term * . Ai ilre-flt. P. II. " Bee oUcc. _ S09 28
WiNTKB A fiiiriol nV r flit city > t io on hl
price State trice , torinj and location. ArfJrci *
" 1. N. 0 " Dee offlco. 208 tf
\17AiTitD Wtmlil like one TOuriz lady to rtnmacd
T > board ftt 1718 Ca > tt. 13l-2p
WittSD Some motherly old l Jr to board or
adopt a heathy Infant girl , ( Ilelllmato.d ) -
dro > Urs. It. I/ . Stanley , P. O. box 820 , fit ) . 112
WANIKD & partner In k first c'usi raying bnsl ,
ness ; capital required , < lf > OJ and f 2,000. A4-
A0et 3. D. 1) . Bee oHlce. B38.S2
Vl7AmD ) Information ; it Leonard Bchmltz , wheT
T Ilvol on Uodgo et Omthabet llth and 15th Str.
In 18S3 , will rend bit iddrcti to Otto I' . T. U.Orantz.
Lead City , D k. , he will learn something of Interest
to him. 077-29p
WAt > tnr > To traao n fona second band piano .or
a hone and buruy. Inquire at Edholm& Erlck-
On. 993-11
JAMir.U Kvery ay in oeea o eewmg ma.
' chine , lo eee the new Improved Amirlean No.
. R. Flodman fc On. aeentu S20 N l tb. RSOtf
FOR RRtT Cheap , n very ncit cottaso 6 rooms ,
a hundred Net front with shade trees and
thtubbcrv : alto barn two blocks from Rt Mary'a a\e.
Apply to Ch&s. If. DorjftlaX1403 Farnam St.
FOR RX.NT A. cottage on 23d ( trcct between Chica
go atid Can Sts. 7 rooms , cltv water nnd sewer
connection ? , $30 a month. Apply to Mrn.J. W ,
Bavago , 410 north SSd tt. 270-f8p
FOR nmiT 0 room houio corner Lca\cnwortb and
15th streets 325 per month Itamlln & Brown ,
811 couth lltl ) et. 272 20
FOR MABE around on 23il street south of Rt ,
Mirj' a\c. Inquire at 700 south 10thit. 203 23p
Foimrivr Cotlngo of throi rooms 234 and Claik.
Inquire at south-cist orncr IQtli and Jackson.
o LIUSH A small farm tuitnblo for ir.arl.ct iard-
tnlng and fiult mlslng , p rttT Improvtd. A
practical m n onlj' noldippy. Addrcai 0. K. Hoy-
noldi , Omaht , Neb. 2St (
FOR RUNT Tire stores on St. Mary's are. (25 per
month , each. One ilcslrtble for meat market.
For rent T o now bouses 312 and 814 pi > r month ,
rc'i'tcthcly , locations desirable. J. K. llllev & Co , ,
! 1& Bouth 13th til. 240 tf
F I on RIM-Cheap , one & room brick cottafro ntth
modern Imdrouments , Ur o yard , Oth and HI' k-
ory Bt . Imiuire on prcmlfoa. il-20p
TT CR RXNTTh" first of November , the residence of
JL' F. A. Sjtnelder , o.rnor of Sovootepnth and Cap
ltd ave Private eaUofhous.hold grods. 105 lEp
F I OR BUST Two new houses , ono of 10 rooms , all
modern Improvements , the other 8 rooms ; also
itoro room on St. Mtrj's nvosuitable for meat mir
kct , fruit stoic or small grocery. II. 0. Clark , 1312
UougUg 6t , lor-21
FOR RXXT Two small stores ( now ) , with living
rooirs In tcoond story , well adapted for any
buMncR.i ; situated on 10th St. , near Dodge ; rent
moderate. 2002p
Tj OR RK\T Storojro room for merchandise In car
X ? load or Mnallor lots , Icken Hlcnsaen & C. , < J11
indOlS JcnosSt. 16226
FOR REST A ssven room oottasjo with barn ; good /
location. A. Saucd rs & Co , 1404 Farnam St. ,
3pp. PAMon. 171-11 P
FOR RKNT House 11 rooms $15 per minth ; will
rent part. O. K. anompson , 8. W. corner llth
itidllarne ) . 120-lf
/OR urM Homo vvitn 10 roorrs , uio icrn Improve
t1OR ; good locality on ftivct car line , 15 reln-
ites n alk from P. O. Icqulro at It. M. Genius , 14C8 :
louglap. 156 tf
F I OR RENT Good now 4 room house , $10 per month.
Nonr elrcct car. J. E. Hi cy & Co , 215 S ISth St.
FORRK.NT New koueo , cist front , porch , cistern
well and nut hnisos ; desirable location : $14 cor
onts. J. E. RlleyJt Co. , 216816th St. lOOtt
FOK RK\T The house and liirn on corner 20th and
Fierce St. Inquire at BoUon Dry Ooo'1 store , S.
Oth St. 004-lf
pOR RKVT Cottage , largo lot , barn for 4 her o5. W
L' II. Orocu , over 1st Nat 1 Dank. 809 tf
Tloa np\T 6 room cottage corner Poppleton and [
V Storldan St. 81D. C. E. JIaync , B. W. corner \L \
5th and Farnam. 714 tl
T'OttBBsr Cottage Brooms , bouse 10 rooms. J.
U Phlpp i Roe. Seward and Campbell. 037-tf
rjORRRM A cottage of four rooms wita city and
H clitorn vator , 813 Sauth 19th St , between
cavemvorth and Martha. 447-tf
tRMSiiKD rooms fo ( rent , choicest loca'lon In the [
city ; two blocks Iroui street cars. Young men J
referred. Address P. u. be x 5(9. 278-lSp rrni
' Four suits of two room ) each , unfur-
niahed lor bouse kcej inp , water on same H
ear IClh elroet and Capitol avo. J.W.Marshall , frt
itfl Forinm. 2SO 24
tRKISIIED rooms for rent , south-east corner Web
ster arjd2 th ttrette. 2CO-24p
Aon REM Large front roirn. with elegant furnl-
ture S3 per moLth. iOM Ilarney street 7
227-23p J
7IOR REIT A nicely furnlihcd front room for one or
two gentlemen , 2319 St Mary's avo. 219-tf
710K Rmi Pleasant furnished room ] 707CiesBt. r
? OR RENT Nice furnished room 2203 Dodgo.
870 25p T "
TloR RUST Nicely furnished front rcoru o gen 1 , for
man only , at S K corner 20th and Doudas St. prc
Itoom with board , 1013 Capitol avp.
Finished rooms at 510 PIea ant St ,
half Llock Irom Street Ity 005-22p F 1
. . . RUM Furnished room. Inquire N E corner !
2ith aoQ Dodge St. OBI tf ;
port nKNi Elemntlv furnished rooms , single and
en suite , t 1718 Cues St. 050 tf
pen KEVT-Two n'ccly furnltned rcoms on 81 bit
cars. Inquire 2227 Dodge. OiC-23p cos
> OR HUNT A suite of nicely furnished front Far
loonn for two gentlemen , 1711 Jackson
cot near corner of 17th St. Iteforcncos rcriulrtd.
POBRKSTFurnished rooms for 1'ght ' homo-keep
Ing , In Bccmer'd bloo > , cor 8th uud Honard. 1
871tf Cnl
51oi )
lea RE\T Furnished or unfurnished room , 1810
street , 83CU F
i AD
DR KB.ST Nicely furnished rooms 1017 Chicago et. f
825 tf via :
port BENT Ono argr unfurn ebcd fro > t room with
aloovu , and one sjiulo room. Modern Improve-
intu on 20lli , nutr fat , H ryue , 7t5-tf
10R KENT Nicely furnished rooms S W corner
Ifith and St. Mary's ave. 747'
OR B VT Handsomely furnlihed rooms , slntr e or F
double with board , 1718 Dadge. 0)1 ! tf Sou
> R BB.VT Three flue ofrlccs In Nebraska Na'looal F
Dank Building. Inquire at bank. 480-30 for *
the i
Handsome furoUboirooms 18IB Dorlge.
403 sept2f
'OR RUST Two rooms adjoining with board ; front L
room couth-east , 1014 Webster St HS8 tf and
OR REST 1 wtll furnished room for 2 gentlemen
1603 Farnam btreet , oppcwlto Ooot Hold. Apply
roomloral Wassermaiifc Burnett. 21813thSt.
p '
.OR BUST 2 pleasant soxrth trout rooms B. W , Hilt t ,
corner Ifllh aud Davenport. llltla
Up 6
VR ) RINT Handtowelir tarnished rooms 1704 Cap. 6Tl
Itol avo. W2-tf
> R REST Two nicely tnrnlsned rooms , NW cor.
21st and St. Mary's Avo. 40Ctf ureaa
lOOHH With board.detlrablnfoi eunuucr. Urci :
Liit Qt. Charles Ilotoi. 010-lf
OB BKS r I. r-fe front room on flntt floor with 01 lief.
without hoard ; Inquire > t 1001 farcam ahil
on HAi.3 A housouuo lot on Ssunders etitct , eooiFi
81,600. , woith double the money CunLlngham Fi
Jtconan. 84-22 witli
OE SALK Atrj 1 and oino ncre Int in * tet Oma easy
ha , best oittlun. Price- , ? 3XJO. Alum 1(07
m. 265-23
'ORSII.B Hplecdld retldeace property near the
Sacred Heart Academy , low juice , e iy tcrmt. f
Milugham 4. Urconu , 234 r. 0.
' nVMil.R-Afewlf.Unuf I'jrktre. Trleo * XO ,
X1 cn ) lexmr.nlllbt ftlIte > Hln ft fewd > jCnn
nlngruni ft Tlrrurian 1511 Ptjfc * . nfit r , o. t flgl
Fen SAIII Mujrolflfemt hou onnil lot with eommn
dtom hrn cm California street te r IStr * , eoith
front , $5.M .
Fet il Fu'I ' Jot fcstel r > o llory S room hciwo on
California , locUloaT.rr tics ruble. $ JCO. J , K
IUI y & Co. , 2,6 eonlh Uih stiett. 2Z3-U
IpORSAin AlotonTlrjInlaave : price ) ? 3JOcili or
1 $ ? 8J mcnUily pa ) moot * . W e direct apectai at-
trntltn tothlibirgtln. Lunnlnglum tt Krennnn ,
Ifill Dodge SS1-U
$ { 6 COO ti li-ft i by an ot > tern p&rrjr on nrl-rlapfl
cltv property In tumi to rail , Inquire fl S , 1th-
rn n , lloSt'Aintm. 291 If
Iron 8ALK-No 181 ttfuuo onil lot on 8 WA > it
' utrect , r oar 12 < i ! 1 ICOilSS ; mw huiss , ( room * ;
wtll Inijirovul ! ji'lre , 81,00&0t : coeJ t"rm ,
No IM Halt acre In Ulio tiMitlon , $100.
No 1.TJ ! 2 lull In Flaronre In on b elf.
NolSi toncrea in city limit" , ) i Klorcnco. $ W
llamlln A Brown , 11 tenth 11th lire tt. 2i3-20
"T7OR HAI.X At BRren reduction , foiindij , machine
JL aid blockftnltn ( hop with every mmnicnce for
curylng on a flra'-cUat Inulnoce.encrjthlng in tfooil
limning order ; work llcnty , no competition ; popu
lation 0000 , price 83,000 , Inquire box tit , Uoattlce
Neb. S4018
] 7OR8Ai.K 2 houses anil burn on full lot on north
JL1 ICtb street ; price SI O'O. Herein a run chance
tolmcs ! . Cuimuglmui A Uretiuao , 1511 Hedge.
535 22
'Jj10RHAtn An otcirant liniso nnd two lot ) , tarn Ac
L In R good location near direct our , will be ( old
lor $3,600. C ll at oncoand tea till bargain Cun
ningham > l Ilronnan , 1611 Dodge. 20J-2J
F I OR SAW Now ho" e , 7 rooms , cast front , full
lot , next to allev , on HjiinJcr rtreot ; lot
alone worth nrtrlv til th t Is asked for It , ? 2,000.
J. E. llllfv V Co. , 216 outli IFth utrect. SSJtf
FOlt BALK jRRiars- head regittoml Jersey
cattle , alp're ! winners , at l-alt xalue. Apply
at orco to Jno. W. ttntt , uuitKld Hitol , Omaha.
SE8 Zip
FOR 8 ttiB Itcgans fltlj , corner lot smalt house ,
Jl.HOO , SWnn'n n-cl | .ood litmeo nnd .oj excel
lent Ucvtlcn , $1,0)0. ACDO ) , 1DU7 Faroaui. S62 ZJ
FOR SAIS There are etlll as good loa ! In Plilnvlow
as any In north Ouiaho. Ihoy tro oil line uf
Kelt ron < l and can bob .m , lit on rasy terms at from
S400ttiSJOO. Call and too these lots. Ain'n , 1607
Farnam. 267-2 }
F J'ORPAtE * .5fio ncroa line unimprc\od land noir
Hldnov , $3 76 per acre ; $1 05 per acre ci h. In ) ,
anco B nnmul h < nt * , 0 per cdtit luton. t ; a bargalj.
W F. Paine , S'd ' icy , NLI ! 2C6-20p
K Host fcrpl tslniiarkot. rorth-ncst or
A1 fnuthwc't. Tals o'ana ' of pr > ueity H an excel
lent invcaluiint and pcrfscll ) Ba'e. Ames , 1107
Farnam 263-22
FOR BALK Tolot < onnc3inor , two 1,1 icks from
Farnntn , > oth for Sl60 , pOHllivel ) cheap J. K.
llilor t. Cj , 215 s mth 13th street. 237-tt
T OR S4LR A. btrbor sboj In I'hrop , N b The
J.1 onlj flioji In a iood o..uilv : ic.t town. Kolsona
for selling , falllog health. Addrej" , M. W. Trotter ,
Pierce , Nobiatliu , 1 6 Sip
FOR BALK S&tmdxrs ttroit , \ room house , brn , 1
1 t , mice 81SCO
rarkpUo- , small houco , 1-2 aoio , prl'o * 1S50.
An ot , 1607 Farnam. 210 23
F'OR BALK Some \cry oiolce lets noor l' k ovo.
nut" Hacsoo n 1'ark , most I'oslrtbla for building
pr-es ! ran's'o from $ SW t > $1,500. Come and see the
lots. Amoc , 1607 Farnam. 261-I3
"IOPR.NMKTIANDS Cho'co tracts still vicatit In
OT Chojinno Com ! ) . For Intormttlon. address W
Paine , Sidney , Neb. 200-2Bp
IjlOH 8\LK On ColKOJt M , lot 4II\140 , MJllSO 0
' roouiH near tt. ctr ilco (2,5CO cash. J.V. . Mar-
hall , 15CO > arnam St. 102-tl
II ORSLK On Park cbmplcto 7 room
' house , water , c. La'ga lot. | > rio $9000 ; will
lve > ery long tloioand t l $2,100 tj ? 3t03 dovin.
fnls la a bargain. Ames , 1507 Furnnm. 248-24
FOR BALK Full lotl routh front ; very desirable
property , on rtd cir line Thin Is very cheap
it SIICO j. E. Ill ley & . Co , 215 south 13th strict.
FOR SAUt Lots at $425 to $550 , best for thomoney
Bate , sure Im cstmenr , scnool i , storei , street cm
onvenlent for u e. Call and look this desirable lo-
atbn over. Amur , 1517 Farnam 25324
FOR BALK Lot on Faruim fiOxl87 , 31,400cr \ do-
slmblofor le'idenc' . This will bo in the mar-
rt onlr a few da } a as It la cho p J. E. Ullev & Co ,
15 south )3th ) street. 30 tt
7'ORH ' LK 25 qr. peotioni in Madison Cu , more or
lots Improved , at piioan rarglng from S3 to $16
rr atrc , auordlugto location.
S520 acroaia Nincocountj , $4to $ ' 5 * per aero
11SOacres In Oreoly count } , SSper acre.
040 ictiB In Me rick couatv , JS U per acre.
Iie < lde9 the aboio no h\vo Urgn tracts of land In
thtr counties for sale , llinlm & Brown , 311 South
1th street 2U SO
FORBALX Park a\e , 2 story house , Slots 100 ft.
front , $1,500. Ame > , 150' Faanim. 25C-3
TlOR SILK Pull corner Int three blocks from st eet
cars ; Ii3 utllul and ilghtlv locati > n ; $550 cat h ,
rSaoflon time. This Is poiltltelr a bargain. J E.
llcy it Co ,216 south 13th strict. 23 ! tf
7OR BALK (252) ( ) a special bargain Cottaco tt\c B.B.
rooms , cU'cts , cemented cellar , Urg1 * barn , nice B.
t y blocks south of St. Marv'a avo. oo south ave. . cif
I.6CO ; terrr g $250 pen n and 330 per month. C. E. cifi
ayae , 15th and Fatnam. 039 22
fort. BILKChtap , aflno lot In Ilanscom place. Address -
dress N. P. F. , Bee office. 15 tf
< OR BALK IIousoi and ots on monthly payments.
D. I. Hajdcn , Saundjrs , bcUeon Lfckoand Wil DE
TTKh'xve for rale lota on Vlnton , Onmlngs , Georgia '
V a\c. . f.f a\enoilh and o1hr streets. Farnam
reet buslnrsi property. J. K. lilley & . Co , , 215 south
th street. 239 tf
< OR BALK Cheap , 6 room cottage and lot , oaiy
terine ; sltuiti-d at No , (117 ( N. 17th 8 * . , bet. Calfl
rnla and vvtbjter ; thoroughly repaired and 1m-
ovod. Inquire of owner on promleea E31tt
OR BALK 6 room h" so largo lot , go"d b rn , on 11
soutn 12tb street , SJ.60J. Ames , J507 Fan am.
fOR BALK Full lot with new houio , 4 rooms , B
pantry , cslUr , cistern , poroh In front , blinds ;
is than three blocVs from red car line ; lrapro\o.
Hts worth o\cr 30 , ill for $ l,2to. RtBypny-
nts 1 hid la nlso a birfVji. J. K. Hlloy i.Co. ,
njutli IStli tticct. i'Sltl
fORSaLK At a bargain , ahoutarf 9 roonu , ever ?
room heated bj furnace HI t and cold water , 8 1
th , lot 1311110 near htad 8r. llarj'a n\cnuo. Houio
it : $1 000 ; lot It worth 92,510 It sold at oaoe , will
ke $1,030 for the placu 0 , E. Miyno , 16th and 8 ]
ruftm. 777-tt
illNB Improved farms , will trade for impro\cdclto
properly. W. II. drocn , over lot National Bank
8 1
POR H'AI.K A t a barga'ii ' , lot with 2 nouses , 3 and 7
roou. , well , cittern , barn , tie , 261 a and llarnoy , 0 2
ilmj-irovoil property taken as part pay. Wm. L. 8 1
nroe , 6tn and Doiigla" . 09 HI
IOR SALJIA two tit iv 22xfll frame building eult-
able or a etoro near 10th and Furoam iitrcot.
iply at this cilllii" , 017-tf 83
OR HAL OR Rp.xi-Good bate In llrut-classtown n
South We'tprn part of State. Apply to K P. Da- 64
Novelty Iron Works , lith St. 7PMt
OR SALU Two lota la 1'clham Place , one block
IrcDiHtrcotcar track. Inquire 218 B 13th St.
ESftl Dl
10 Cl
OE RALH Or would tra lo or a good horse and
hugey ; 80 acres In Gosper county. Apply rn 218 1111
ithlSth Street. 639tf 230
Boiler and engine , 20horsepower boiler 080
> nd engine , In good running order ; want to sell ,
the reason that they are not largo enough for and
new machinery which we will put into our now and
lldlog onHaruey St Clarke liroa. & Co. , 1403 andTr
uglasSt. t37tl
'LWATB on band at k bargain. No 1 eecond hand Ar ;
onrrlage phaeton and elde bar buggies ; at 1409 805 ]
11411 Dodge St. 658-t !
'uu HALK Guaranteed real rdtato.moilgage ncte * ,
luniog cUlit per ctnt Interest in amounts to
, loraulaBt jar and > ccuicd Inter eat Callcrad-
Ouiaba Financial Exchango,1503 Farnam street
etahe. 27618
have nllnqu'shmtntaon Hcvoralrbn'ratrteclalms 1 21
near elduoy , which can ba bad at rooionaUe IU- 15
W , r. Piloo , Hdimy , Nib , 2,7 SBji 8-21
tnto lota to tra lo for lmpriv il uroer > y , will
assume inortk'agei or jiay d tltifit-.ii In ca > h
ties wlshitg to tndo , better call at ouoj W , II.
en , over 1 t Nut'l li nk. 171 tt Til
IBI and description fif itealKttate left with me , 23th ,
will receive | n > u > pt attention Dud advirtlilug
Flrittlaeioltv properly s. JlUtoJ. J W , Mar-
II , roil ii.'ate ' If 08 Carntm. S72 If
IIAYB lew thouitrilacres ol wild and In Chey- No.
unocoui tv , a very I iw price if takin
n. Gocdlaid. J , W. Marbhall , 15i6 Farnam.
97021 ! 81
loaBALK-Vtry UioicuUrms t.i murt ol the loun- C83
tl < ct eiutoni Ntbriska ; I h > vu arr > ni ; inetti
real c Ute nun by which 1 can supply all cus-
aer llhwi-ll ( improved farmiat iiood ra'.m and
yteimi ; IruinMu fu'iiUhro * lands la larire lotl 41
labt fur slock ra'diue. J. W. lliiuoall , WO Far 0 < 4i
nslruit * 4iW7 !
IDBSAI , ! A grot ) paying bbtlmui employing bnl
llttla capiul lor oakh Cor parttfiUliM a ldrtsj Tr
. MO-tt tun i
TjV > R * * w Fln etoek and feeding farm of BSD acre *
X' sixteen n.loi from Omaha utcck yards ; well
ternlpped for srat'ng ami feeding cattle , well watered
and plenty of eoo t hiy land. re > r prlw and descrip
tion , address 0. JL llarrlion , Springfield , Neb . - \
77ocl3 l\ lF \
Tun be located Uktry In Omaha , Hill he > gild LJ
chetp Addrcuo. , be offl re. 510 SCp $ * '
\X imriiiM Tailors wnnllojr. t > Iniv a veil estab-
l l Ibbcil tailoring home la H Ortt-c'aM location In
Omaha , will find n bargain by addressing T llor , Deer
office. OsO-o-15
mo rnTsi -l > i > . | rln ) ( t m n n ehaugeln bnsl-
JL noip , k pnytlcian In one of thotost toffns In the
state , with a practice ) worth (3IOJ var , o | with
S rrom htu ocellar , eistcrn , etc. . aod an ofMci well
stocked wlthmt Heine nd fixtures ; wMJ eM til ( or
l,70d ; 700donn. itmMndcron eisyterx . ddtt a
I'ujsldin , Eeoofflf. 081-H
Rtx > y and board 5p r week ; very bwt locatle > a ,
1811 Davenport tit. 103-ottlSp
1J 0 ! At-Se > e thoto combiaed llue-kot and Hand
Kitchen Lamra for > t > cents at UooJy'eChink
Ekore , Cor , 10 h and Davenport. 189-JJ
ktt. WARD , Wlthnell WocL , 16th and Ilarney.
noarirAt. , open for trxi acommodailon o
CUNTRAL . iJitrgloal operations of all kinds slilr-
fully perfortncd. Diseases of women a rpeclalt ) ; la
tlirs In confinement run tcro luv abtoluto prhaoy
and the best ot attention Corroipendcnco solicited ,
AilJtcci Dr. J , M. Snetnam : corner IHh and Farnam
or Dr. J. B. Italph , corner 13th and Faniain. Tele
phone 638. 434-tf
Tim tv. c. MXTCtxR Rto\o Kopilr Co. , Ill South
14th St , between Dodge nnd ] > oulan. )
Q.7K HA Hl'W'AllD w"l l > o pail for the r
fu5l / VIU Him ot a Plomoml Shirt Mini , lost
at the ralrOroumN , ti22l ! ) IO.IKU st. 3IS-'a
'HUM ! it's shot th md Institute , mi Uidgo st. ,
Omaha , open ua } and night for ndm'Mlnn ' uf
itudonts. 117.4p
LADirs \\intot coo t doiiBtlo hclo can bo sup
plied by oiling on the OniMa Kmplotment
olDci , 217 N. 16th St. , un-sUlrs. Mrs. J. W. Morrl.
ionprorrletBr. R74-tf
IBITT \aulH , andfw spooliolo uodln ii odorloi
way by F. a. AbU , f. O. box 378 3i6 oot-ISp
on binjo gl\oa by Q K
1 book , at 1119 Capitol ITO.
'o operation , or useless Iruesea Dr. M. M. Moore ,
243 WabMh nvo. , Chicago , ecnd Ktamp' or
circular at Cnrzenn Howe , Omahn , otery OJ ilays.
At the old etand HIT Farnam etrett. Orders by
ilcgraph solicited and promptly attended to. Tulo.
hone No. 25.
The Orl rlntil niicl Only ( Jciuilric.
tfo nnt. altvavfl ItrtiKhlc lion arc ot wart hit * Imitation ! .
Intlttcniable t < i LADIES. A Uoiir llruinrtut M
' ChlcIicdtcrV r nclUh"niil lakr ntolhrr rr iaclanete ,
( * tanipHto ) ua for 1 irtlctiHrs in letter liy rchtrn mall.
Railway Time Table
All trains arrive at and depart from Omnhfe'
Central Standard time.
Trains of the C. , St. P. , M. & O. , arnvo at
id depart from their depot , corner of 14th
id Webster streets ; trains on the B. &U.O.
& Q , and K. O , St. J. & C , B , from the
& M. depot ; all others from the Union Pa-
Bo depot.
a , dally ; b , except Saturday ; c , except Sun
ly ; d , except Monday.
T AI\S Leave Omaha at 0 26 , 7 25 , 8 CO ,
0,1115 a m , 12 60 , 2 0) , 3 00 , 4 OP , 4 5,6 55 , and
Op m. On Sundays the 7 25 and 10 00 a m , nod
anil 4 00 p m train ) donot run ,
eave Council jilufldfUroadway depot ) at fl 65,7 I
10 31,11 40 a m , ; 131 , 2 30 , 8 80,4 29 , 5 IB , 6 <
1145pm. On Sundays the 7 65 aod 10 80 a m
2 35 and 4 23 p in trains will not run.
matter Trains-Loire Omaha at 8 IE , 8 63 a m. j
5,2 20 , 4 20 , 00 , and 7 00 p m dilly.
rlvo at 015 and 1115a in. , 120 , 343,739 and
tnd from Chicago via Tripartite Alliance.
me Tiblo of Passenger Trains between Omaha
Union Stock Yards. lu elfoct , Wedneaday , Aug.
rain No. 19 , tU'lr Except Sunday , other train
cUUr ,