Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1885, Image 8

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    ' l , ' \
ToosiUy Morning , September 22
Chief ot Police Skinner , of the Blafh , w i
Itf the city Saturday.
The pslica aay that the crooka who wen
driven out ot the city during And after thi nowawnrmlng In again.
Etlgington , the good-natured colored
asaUtant at the Jail , hm rodgnoJ bia poallloi
nod left lait night for 1'uablo , Ool.
Henry Porny , lliu young ton ot Gutta'
Pomy , who wai atmk by tha c n lait Fri
day , ii rapidly recovering from hla injuries ,
EzivID , KJdy an d Amoiia M. Dore , nci
Gattavoll. Olaen and Addie Scovoy wer
lloonicd to wed In the county court jeatcrdaj
Frank Siaher and Jacob Sishcr were ar
retted yesterday charged with bavinja ftult *
Mrs. Michael Bcllgart , All p&rtica rotido li
Uio south erd ,
A very pleasant patty gathered at th
rcildcnco ot County Clerk Benoko Bunda
evening , tha occasion bolng Iu honor of th
birthday of Mra , Bencko.
A colored mm , nano unknown , foil fron
the root of a two atory bouso on which
chimney woa being erected , at the earner o
Sixteenth and Jaakaon , yoitcrday. H
cacapod without a bruiio.
John Meyer , living about four miles ou
If , ' ot the city on the Miltary road , aworo out
" * complaint in Anderson' * cttut ycstcrda
for tha wrest ot hia employer , John Pula , wb
bad [ attacked him and beaten hit
Tha Park Arcnno Brawns dotcatoi th
IT. P. Uossrvoa Sunday by a acoro of 16 t
15 otter hjud ( ouiht ? battlo. Tha feature
$1 $ ot tha game were tba catching of Cotner am
' ' the pitching of Llndeay , tbo bitting of Con
and tbo doubto play by Ilichard ,
Misi M , 1" . Mfhnn , eo long nd fovorabl
- . luown to Oinitbft people , baa nccoptexl the pc
- Eition of cutter nud fitter In a dreai makln
film of Columbuj. Sao baa tbo wishea <
manyfrltnia aid pjttrons that aucjess inn
attend her tn bor now lump.
Several reqtmta bavoboan made that tt
EEC take nolicu of the loafers who frcquet
the north end of the federal buildinp. ,
crowd of old bums and chrcnici bare take
postceBlon of the stalra acd doorway and the
throughout tbe day they eplt tobacoo juli
over the front of tbo building , blookaJo tb
doorway niid annoy nil piesers by the :
brawling b lbo. !
Sccrotwy Wheeler , of Iha Fair aeaocii
tion , uaid tbat there wai nothing now aboi
tba crazy quilt rumpus. The awards won !
without doubt ba made according to tha fin
anntmnccmont. "Tho fair nsseci .tion has n
right to interfere , " ho aald , "with tno dociolo
of tha epEo'ul committea , nnd evuu if it did , :
would bo wise to establish tbo precodoat i
thiacsao. "
The ladloa of the Woman's Christian assi
elation eay tbat tbey need two or three etovi
for thn "Buckinnham Home , " on Twelfl
street , and would like to ask tbat the benovc
lontly Inclined remember tbo fact , and d na1
tbo came. They are nUo beginning to tbln
of how to raice thtir futl fiupp'y , and auegei
that a ton or two of good coal would bo a gro
clcua gift from eomo of tbo prosperous busmei
men of tbo city.
Ifr. Joseph Bitbirka , a watchmaker on
tower clock buildtr from Iowa City , atoppo
- In the city on bU return from Lincoln , wbei
I he had a tower clock uf hi i own manufactui
on 'exhibition , and riotived a diploma. M
Bjibarlin baa viewed tbo high echool toweran
taken meaiurtmenti , to bo prepared to bid o
a olcck for tha tower , when tbo aohool boar
gota ready to put ono m.
I'D I Ice ( Jnurt I ockct.
The following caaes were disposed c
by Judge Stenberg yesterday :
James Howard , disturbance of poac
by fighting , $10 and costs , oommltte
In default.
Edward Magrudor , dfstnrbanco c
peace , dltcharged.
Hugh Siller , potty larceny , 20 days o
bread and water.
I ) . Booth and James Moron , disturt
finco of peace , discharged.
John O'Ojcnor and James Abranu
drunk and disorderly , discharged.
John Novtck , drunk : and dleordorly
$6 nnd CDsta. John Butler $1 and coste
Charles Carrel , drunk and disorderly
$5 and cista , paid.
Jaipur Johnson , L. V Ingalla , Fran'
Tombly , B. Brodd , P t Keegnn , Fran !
Bhelan , auaplclouacharactera , disohaiged
May Lucar , fighting , $5 aud coati
committed , Anna Wtlle , tame charge
$5 aud costs , paid.
TlioVu tiior una tlio Moon.
The following Is the aitro-metorolog
cal forecast of the woither for the wee
beglnolg Wednenday 231 and ondin
Wednesday SO h : "Continued coo
stormy weather , with high winds an
rainannrlh , wott nd suu h frosts i
taocllons month la likely to end unao
tiled , cool , windy and rainy. An unset
tied , b < iittrc > u , autumnal woik. " I
connection with mat'ois ' astronomic * ) , !
should b bnno In mlud tbat the par'ia '
eclipse tf the mom occurs on Weduoidi
cvmlrg I he 23d 'Iho pateage of th
csrlK'a thadov over the ' * co of iho moo
Vii 1 bigln to bavliiblu hue at llo'clocL
The moon will be at the moat but threi
quartets obtcurrd ,
Every lady uioi 1'ittmCa Medicate. .
Coiupteiiin P.niritr. It Is a honeehol
tit acuro. 1 ho luar'aruo ' finds U itnpc ail'
ble to go down town wi bout fust rublti ;
It on. If the baby cries rhe got a fur tin
tiff box. If the old man comes luuu
i tlD d nr rru'erl , becautubn ineaalsdull
tic , P.ez nt'i Pnwder coola aud allay
his troub of. Thin all la gladeomo joy
lie family shnnlri h
Ilia 1 < V < ni.ii i .it.iri > HU Blclr.
It is with tbo knowledge of the regret
fnlwallfromthelooalpopnl tlcn which wll
greet iho infoinietlni' , tbtt thetemporarj
illnttn of Doctor Dill f , tie fimalupbi
iclan , Is no r < Ud. The dlttmKUlibti
lady lias over i x rlcd herself In the grea
' wcrk of cxtrscilt g tbo popular tooth IK
ministering tn public ll's ' of the fl sh He ;
wactn did in t pneint ita d zz lug pa
peantry on the tUciit yis'ficUy , nor die
the bm d | 'I y. The nutti r spirit la of.n
fined In lur clmiubtra ut tbo MUUu
Lotil a'ck ' with
u.hli ISvnti n 8ll < k ,
r an kill a tis < r 'f tre tlgtr brpppna t <
be frond ul en oil ) n lit'utuK ' So con-
tutnptlou , tlmt drddlltat ci d lurtt fixnc
of dittavce , In this o'un'rj ' , cun araurp ly
lie conqut-rtd rn'l doatnyul if D' ,
JM'rce'n 'G Jdou Mcdlc l Discovery" bi
traployed early.
Galloway's ' Order Obeyed at Roc )
Too Mines Ilc-oponed nd "Work Kc-
Burned The Ghlnoaa all In The
Strikers OTorotl Transportation
to t/flwo tlio Country ,
Resumption of work at Rock Spring ?
ID conformsnoo with Gineral Monigoi
Oflllo way's order cf Saturday , took pl o <
yesterday an quietly ns though notblni
consequential had previously hippcnod
The engineers Trent to tholr posta and thi
Ohlnamon , nndot the military guard , entered
tored the mines. The whlto mlnori will
a fen excoptlona refused to retarn t
work but are not apparently In
cllned to crcato any disturbance
It la now bellovod that affair
will reduce themsolvefl to tholr nor ma
condition without further troablu.
Miungor Cutaway yesterday con
ordora to Rook Springs that all the whlti
minors who did not with to return t <
work would bo furnished wit a pastci
over the Union Pac.fio . If they woulc
loavo. The offer , however , li to romulr
ii foroo only during this week , and thoai
doalrlng to leave utter that time will bi
obllgtd to pay their own transportation
Anonymous loiters of a threatening
oh r otur have been received during the
post week at Union Pacifio headquarters ,
Noirly all of thorn gtve warning of i
jtntrul atrlko and hlntcu atrongly t din
lud wholetalo dcstruatlcn of property
Mr. 0 ll pfoy , while exptctlng that i
Blrlka will occur , says that ho is auiplj
pripartd for any emergency. Bo hai
ccceivod letters from president Adam :
and the directors of the road endorsing
all I ho action ho baa taken and aaanrini
him of their entire and hearty support Ir
whatever ho may do tosarca keeping thi
road and mints In running Older.
The attitado which tno Knighta o
Lbor will asauino in theao promltoi one
just what the order will do , now tbat Mr
( Jallaway has reinstated the ooolloa one
renewed operations without regard to thi
white diaooutenta , are matters upui
which no ono seeum to bo ad
vised. Several meetings of the varlou
divisions of the K. of L. win lul <
here , end it Is a Qittorli g com
mentary upon ihsjr steadfast adneronc
t j their ca bs , that not ono rroid of th
prrcoedinqB escaped.
General Mauuger Oillawoy la evident
ly la no yielding humor , aud will pnsl
ahead upju the inflexible line of pollcj
defined in the , DEE'S interview o
Friday. The rioters who killoi
the coolies aud plllasjoi thul
qinr ors are out of consideration and thi
other whites to whom opportunity to re
turn was given will have to act upon th
two bltorutktivea < work or depirturo
'The idea , " Sild Mr. Oillaway , ' 'iha
I should bo asked to arbitrate this mat
t-r. I might aa well walk Into a man'
IIOUSD and toll him that I was agree
able to arbitrate the question of pos
settion between him and myself
But I do not think that any suoh demands
mands will actually bo made , nor do
think theto will bo any trouble. It 1
will known among the men thit th
Union PJC no la In better condition tlmi
ev rbif ru tu withstand a strike. M ]
judgment la that the Rock Springs me ]
if ho are the authura of their own trouble
will be left to work out on tbu aamo ludt
pondout prluolplur , tholr own redemp
tlon. "
Talks with the Knfghts , chary as the ;
are of conversing on the topic , does no
yet reveal any heated feeling agalnat thi
company and its astion ,
J. F. Hards , furmotly with the frel h
department of the B & M , now a KMV
SIB grain dealer , la In the city.
Pool Commissioner Geo. H. Daniels , I
In the city.
0 E. Perkins , president of the Bur
Kngtou syttem , Is In the city. In com
oauy v-ith Mr. Holdredge ho called npoi
General Manager CUlUway , of the Unloi
Pacific , ytBterday , and \a ktd upon toplci
of mutual interest to both roads In Ne
The Bolt Line company began gradlni
yesterday. A large number of shovel
wcra purchased In the city for construe
t on purposes ,
Somoibint ; about tlie Fair.
"How will the fair aesocUtion com
outtlia year ; badly In debt ? ' * was askci
of S > orttary Wheeler yesterday.
"Wo can lurdly toll yet , " IIP replied
"as wo have not figured up our accounts
Wo shall bo able to toll batter In ;
day or two. However , I think wo ar
behind about § 4,500. The profits fron
Saturday's races amounted to somothtnj
lllio $1,500. Next year , -with gooi
weather , wo shall hive a msgnlficon
fair. Of course , the fair this year wa
something of an izperlment , and wehori
bavd limned a great many pMnts wh'ol
will assist us nn. year. "
Tha directors of the fair have on fee
A uchiimo which will still further clca' '
them of the Indebtedness. Ir ia to hold
a fall racing mooting here In the Us
week of October. 1 he plan ia not full ]
developid yet , but In all probtblllty II
will ho carried out. Prtald-nt Garman
ill leave la A few d y for ChUago , aud
W'll unde&vor to tccura some of tha bail
horcoa to oomo out here at the conolusloc
of Iho races la th t ol'y. It la tSna hi
that with a little effort a gind fuld al
field of hones otn bo seoured. Thfi
nco accomplished , t * > o directors believe
thoBUocaio ( the oh < > ni attured.
Roller lutp otlon ,
To Ilia Kd tor of the BBS.
There are now about ono hundred and
ninrty-tivo steam bol'ora ' In mo In Omaha ,
About fifteen of tboie are Impacted al
rrguhr intervals by agents of eastern
boiler inspection and Inantance com-
pftiilea. The remaining ono hundred and
eighty , I feel tafa In saying , ara seldom
if evnr inspected by a cimpstont bollei
Inspector. This has no reference what
ever to locomotive boilers , as they are
periodically overhaul ! d and repaired.
Afany of the boilers havn come under my
peraoral observation while torvlng a > pri
vate corporation of thti city , and In many
csec-a I . .bar . v.i that the u bjllnrs urd In
cbartto of men who ore not mechanic * ,
men who do not understand th-
first principle of the power tf
nt'atn , men to whrm the Ur
governing * hi generuiim and nan o' '
tc m la wholly nnVno n , mnn tn whom
( ho knowledge of the ttrogth nf the
metal to iiklulug the vapor which the >
urn mil g fa MI entire blank. In other
ca'ti , Lowever , there are men ompl y d
who are thorough mohanlc , men who
understand all that la neoetsary to m&ki
them competent cnglnecrc , but they , a8i _
rule , hard no facll tte ffur teiting thoii
boilers. They must wait for weak potnti
to develop themselves under the eolaa
working presort , which la attended wltl
great danger to Ufa and property. Then
arc however ozcoptiona to this ml ? , nhlli
the former clais of men do not glvi
this matter a tlnglo thought on acconn
of their having little or no knowledge ol
the uio of steam. There Is not ono o
those boilers tbat should not bo tub-
joctod to A hydrostatic teat of at IOA >
thirty five per cent moro th&n the stean
pressure required.
Should our honorable body , the oil ]
ciunoll , see fit tn appoint an In pnatorfo :
thla work who will subject a 1 boltora In
spooled to the above tint , I voaturj t <
aaythat at least twenty-fuo vcr cent o
them will bo found unsafe an 3 In need o
rrpilra. It Is to bo hoped that our olt ;
ojunoll will glvo this matter Bom
atlonlbn , as the appointment o
tuch an < fficer will not nccctearlly croat
an additional rxpsnso to the city , as hi
could easily bo paid out of the foes aba'goi
for itspcoilon , and I bollovo there arc bn
few owners of bollcra that would no
cheerfully pay double the amonnt tha
would bo charged for the mcro ( atlsfac
tlon of knowing the condition of the !
boilers. Itupoctfully ,
U. J. BBU , M. E.
A Neighborhood How ,
Mr. William Mulhull writes a long letter
tor to the BEE detailing Ms troubles li
and out of court with the Shlnrock fam
ily. The subject being of limited Inter
cst , only tbo substance of the letter cai
bo glvon. The principal caneo of th
trouble tppenra to bo tbo removal of th
Mulhall houao to the flido of bis lot ad
joining tha .Shlnrock mansion. Tholat
ter family then began a series of pott ;
persecutions , and on the 31st of Jul ;
had Mr. Mullull , trlfo nnd childrei
arrested on the charge of assault
Ing him with brick bah
The caao waa tried before Justlco Bart
lett and Mr. Mulhall and family wer
discharged , no evidence being prcdiicoi
to sustain the charge. Shlnrock had t
pay the costs and resolved en ravorge
A series of now and old charges wer
trumped up and the Mulh'ill family wer
( g lu cilled Into court , this time btf r
Juatlco Seldou. Mr Mulhall e yi th
"alunn of North Omaha , were raked an
scraped together , both white and bite !
to swear against mo. " The nnfoitunat
family were overwhelmed by the p-otocu
tlon and a cloud of witnesses. Tlio cour
Insisted that Mulhall thoutd advance $ i
for ocats , the c'natablo ctlUd upon fo
his fees , and the whole proeudings hai
the apucarnnco of a conspiracy to tnk
every dollar ho hnd. The result of th
trial wf.s that Mulball end h < s fumil
were binnd over to the dittrijt court
Besides this , Mro Shlnrock has entire i
civil suit ogainsi Mrs. Malhall f r $10 ,
COO damages for sUndeiiug bor by myln
that she burned ber own conahtd ,
Mr. Mulholl claims ihit nui'her ' htm
self nor bis family have said or don
aught to the Shltnrocks , yok. the lattc
piater him In ovary conceivable way , i
an i flirt to pick a row. His ohlldre
h&vo bjru beitou at their own gate , tl
cans have been rattled around hla prem
isoi , hi ) aide walk has been takau up , hi
patea torn down , his cow bsnten fa- -
drivnn nwftjr end his chickens killed. Ye
am'd ' 11 thin chaoa of neighborly regard
Mr Mulhall and his family have main
tiinod the compo nre of martyrs.
In couoluslon Mr. Mullif 11 urgea voter
to wipe out the cost inillfl and put hoi
est , intelligent and reliable men in th
justice courts.
Ho Kcinomljcrort tlioLioan.
Mason Long , the loformod gamble :
who has been prcach'ng ' In this city wa
called upon at the CanGold honao yestoi
day by William Sodorstrom , a prom !
nent member of tbo local eportlcg fro
ternlty. Mr. S. wai troll acqa&inte
with Maaon Long in doy3 long gene bj
"Ihero is one thlog I want t ) remln
you of , Mason , " said Soderatrom. "D
you remember that the last tlmo yo
were In Omaha , I loaned yon $5t Yu
were 'broken * at the tlmo but tald yo
wool 1 repay the money out of your hti
winnings. "
Mr. LOFR thought a moment and the
ling out a § 5 note , remarked thtt ho re
membervd the clrcnmitinco parfcctlj
"And this Isn't the firat of my old debt
that I bavo paid clcco I became an ovur
gellst , " ho murmured , "I honestly be
1 eve that the money I have paid sine
beginning to lead a Christian life In sail. .
faction of the debts of my gambling c ;
rcor would amonnt to tens of thousand
of doiltra "
, _ _
K , of Ij , B Ol in Council BluiTa.
On the occasion of the grand ball c
Local Aa-orahy 1008 , K. of L. , at 0 un
ell Bluffs , Wednesday evening , Sopt. 28
the Knight i o ! Ltbor in Oinaha hav
completed all neoassary arrangements t
make a grand turn out. Having ou o
tbo A. 0. B. bind , they will leave her
In a special iriln conaiatlng of fnu
coachoi , and will 1 > mot on the otbv
side by Assembly 1G68 with band and u
a rted to the hull , whcra nil po sib <
efforts have been made to make the otoa
slon one of I ho ninat enjoyable f-'aa o c >
the aenson. The train will leave th
Union Paolfio depot at 8:30 : und return
at 3 a m. next mnrnlrg
Tha furn for round trip will bo 20 conle
Tloketa will bo for nato at U. P. dupe
Weduetday evening for all who have no
yet secured the m enl wlahlng to go.
A. Glut )
The Omaha Rowing asiooUtlon wll
hold a club regatta , for members only 01
Tuesday afternoon , October G , the race
to atart at 3 o'clock.
The following programme hoa been ar
range J , tu joct 10 usual modlfica'ioni ' :
Single eculls ,
Double aonllwlth caxsw&ln.
Fiur-oared ahella.
Haudloip botffeoQ air-oared birgo ant
f uir-oirod aboil.
Eatrlea mutt ba aant to T ) . If. Whoelei
jf , necr tary , and will cloao Friday ,
The iiu | > le and double scull races will
ro oni-htlf mlln and return , Tha four
ntrad and htudiuap will ba a tlirju-qtm-
ter mill atraluht away Tno pleasure
b i t Water Witoh will ba birred from
the races. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OnnS"lu rj Bull.
Only one suit w&a oommenped in the
district court yealtrday. 8 Kalis , the
ailoof this oily , la sued by NlUmi
Br a & B rgn , on an account of § 542 34.
Ilittmii ia kuuwu Ja lb grea
regulator of tha digvttlvn oivana all over the
wi rid. Hare It in your hooai. A k your
procer or drugeUt fi r the uemiine article , maa <
ufacturod by lr , J , O , li. Blegurt t Som.
A Onrlous Brnrioli of JIlBdloniy
" \Vork In thla City Fnota of
Intcrcsr ,
Some two or three months ago a little
body of Ohlnceo lanndrymcn appeared at
the rooms of the Women's Christian tt-
soclatlon on Tirelflh street and asked fcr
Instruction in the English language.
The ladles of the fnatiution of courto
consented to take them as scholars. The
Mongolians have boon studying earnestly
slnco that tlmo and tholr progress Is
sc mothlng astonishing.
A reporter for the BEE , thinking to
learn something In connection
with this very interesting snbjoit ,
cillod upon the ladles of the mission last
night. "Yes , " svld ono of thorn , "wo
feel very much onconmged over the re
sults of our libar. Yon have no Idea
how readily the Chinamen learn. It Is
astonlthing. Ono reason , I suppose , is
b2c mo they are so willing and eager. They
learn much moro readily than American
coholars of similar ages. Oar pupils
range from 18 to 45 , there bolng now
seven or eight of them. Yes , the older
onoi oinnot be taught a * roidlly as the
younger cncs , but this Is to bo oxpectod. "
Slnoa the tlmo tint the work of teach
ing thoOhlnamin was commenced the
results accomplished hnvo been truly
wonderful. All of them have learned the
lottos of the alphabet out of special
Atnuiiian-Ohlneso primers provided , and
moat of them can spell the slrup'or words
qulto readily. They learn by moans of
cjmpatlion of the American words vtith
the queer Oh nese character tyinbulj
which mtko up their written lat guage.
S > mo of thorn are unublo to read In the-lr
own tongue and In this case they do not
learn the Eddish language very readily.
On the other hind If a Celestial la able to
toid csrrictly tno printed characters cf
his own tongue , be can easily learn to
road In Eugliab. It h found that ho
lear s everything by rdtc aa for In-
s'auca ' in committing to memory the lot-
tore of the tlph&bjt. If the teachers
happen to OB\ him to repeat the letters
of tha alphabet , ono after another , bo
oin easily do it after eufliolout n'udj ; but
It la a long tlmo before ho can name the
letters in ary eider chrscn by the teacher.
Another brunch cf Inatruc'lon ' which
the ladles are imparting to the Chinamen
is fn teaching them to etng. The Mon
golians are ( jroatly fiacinttod by "Amol-
icin a'n'te ' , " and loam very rcudlly to
frame the words of tbtlr broken E iijllah
to the o-rrnct molndy. They can now
sicg a grrat many of the easier got pel
a UK * . Ono of their ospiclal f , vontt:3 : la
"Tolleo mo the cl' , ol' atol y. "
"It it oatooiihing to aao now poll'o our
ChltiCB3 pupi's ' nro , " eald one cf the
teachers. "They make the moat pro
found obeisance whou coming In , and
ehsko bands several timoa before sitting
down to ihiir leaaona. They pay thom
m > at c ) urteoan attention all the tlmu that
wo aio Instructing tSrm , and when they
losvo ther repunt tto process of heud-
ehaklng and profound bowing. "
The liidlts oay that EOIUO of tha Chi
na mm thoiv the greatest dealro to adapt
theuiiolvcB to the clvllizttlon of thla
country. Mcst of them have adopted
entirely the A merle in style of drcBf.
Ocio or tw > hjva oven gene eo far as to
cut off tholr queucr , although knowing
full well tbat tlili notion li ngitnat the
religion of their country Dud that it will
forever debar thorn frcm returning to
Uhlnn and mingling with tholr fellow
Dlscucsinc Fluna and SpcciflcatlonB
fur tlio Elevcinh htroct Via
A consultation was hold at the of
fice of the city onglnosr at the
court house yesterday afternoon In
reference to the proposed vladuota , the
one especially dlicuseei being the via
duct on Eleventh street. The gentlemen
present were City Engineer Boeewater ,
Chief Engineer Srntad , of tbo Union
Pacific , Mcsirr. Culvert and Weeks , of
the Burlington & Mlatour ) , and Council
man Goodman. Tue gentlemen tilktd
over mattcra pertaining toor gineErina and
spooificutions to be adopted tor the Elev
enth street viaduct. Ic wai agreed that
iho roadway should bj twenty feet in
width , with sidewalks six faat wide , with
a ratling on ttie ou-sldo The wtk is to
bo built eight inohea above Mid ro d ay
and separated by cnrbing. Tao rond.Tny
Is to be paved vrlth wooden block ] , thd
exact nature of which was not decided
on. Too approaches at tT.oh end will ha
of masonry , wlili stairways lending
to the top of the brldgo , The
viaduct Is to extend from Jackson street
t ] tbo ullry aouth of Mar y street , and
wll range in height frjin twoniy to
thirty-eeycn feet above the qruund.
Ariuvo tno tracks there vclll bo tnonty
foe * , of o'oar ' space. Tbo width of there
ro diray will bo Bulliok'n to allow the
laying of a Uoublj uteel c r track , giving
p'oaiy ' of room for teams o paes. Toe
cattiuate fur tbo o na'ni t' ' < i of this vh-
dnct was placed nt $ G5 (00 ( , bat It la
bought that tha nniira U JIIBO , accord-
lug to tbo plans mw cnn inpla'od , will
ba iuslde of 800,000 Th vladuo ; will
b * about 1 SUU icet-a qu rer : of a mile
iu lougth ,
Cniit. Pus Mn TullH Smiiotlitiig A lioiit
lfH i iV hlilnKtun 'xcr-
rltory Oili > r FOIH ,
0pt. 0. li. Rusiln returned 8 dry or
two s'nca ' from Washington \tti \ tory
where hohaa beeu on a jtnnt of amoral
wetks darAlim. He Is looking litU. und
hearty and his trip has evidently grmtly
Improved his htalth.
"I bavo been rpandirg several weeks
ia the territory , " said 0pt. Huttin to a
lbo ' 'ona ti .
yotterday , proepicliag ur.
Waihlngton ten itory it a majnlbc ; > ! nt
country , end It Is opening up lurprleing-
) y last. At Spokane Falla there Iu a
thriving little city of 3,000 inhabitant * ,
which Is gro Ing rapidly. It nlr < an'y
a waterworks and negotlntloiu ore now
on foot for a ayttem of ulcotrio lighting
[ t la tbo llveit st little town iu th te-rl-
tory wuH U dmnx a ir at deal ( < f biibi-
n 3. In f ot I bollovo ilmro In murobcatlo
and activity iu S ikanu F.lli in pi-opor-
t-iu 11 * rz > , than laP ir'.laod , Of.ij-ou , or
WalU W 1U , tu which cities uvorytljog
a dull at prrsdnt
"Qjlng through a belt of timber
country , I struck tbo tro ; t mining
Is Ihoi mnn , tlo 1M not i la ptnhne at tto
already groab snvrng bnnk for mankind , or who i. ho
\ (
TwW ( ! BSd-mon r ho will say isco pniny | , where l mnd . fc , j .
S " ° 3t " 5S ; . 'r m ° noy , ij tl-ere - is found enough ntst-ike. Why wi Knu the u not
n eCOn ° Jt'1Ze llls deah L
Mm ' s' totniulV nw hundred p cent will provo uduSmen
'll,080 , ? ? fc Mer hnn * T-ilor Misfit nnd Uncalled
d only ltB' to be 8old at' 3 fcbau the cosb o mukiiig , equal to any , surpus cd by uoiw ,
1119 FAEFAM B . 1119/i /
Open Evenings Until & O'Clock.
which haa just boon dltcoverod. Thii
brlt extei dj from OhewalJab , elx'y mllct
coith of Spokane Fall , to n'm mt ttK
linn of the BtliiibDomlnionf. Of coursi * ,
we can't ttll yathowthiy oregcingtoturt
out , but from p'etent appparauceo , the
mints [ .lone the 1 no ere bouud to bscomt
valuib o ones There are really no ml e ;
openad up yet. They ara oaly'prot-
pec s ' At Ocewallah there wo i-ovoral
very fine 'prospects' which promleo tt
dovdlop roa ulficjntly. Tiou ; ig .In , at
the Colvlllo mlnttig riglon , abour. ninety
miles north of Spokauo Falls , there nro
eovoril moro very fine oponinga. They
are km n us the Old Djmlnlou 'proa-
prcts. ' Theie w < ro only discovered in
April lasr , but have air ady turned out
well. The fast of the matter lathe owners
are poor men , with llUln meant.nd they
have not had money onongh to enable
them to sink regular mining shafts. Tht-y
have been compelled to do'coyottlng , '
gatherlnc up in thla way what little cold
they cnuld. 'Coyotliag' ia a aUns ; mlnlt g
phraae , derived from tbo habits of the
coyote in burrowing lightly Into the noil.
Whan a man only goes 'hlrty or forty
feet into thn grauud , instead of eloklng a
djup shaft , ho Is said tj ba 'eoyottlnp. ' I
bava no doubt but that as soon aa theao
proaprcts In tbo Colvlllo ifg' ' n are thor
oughly worked they will > iold heavily.
Already ono carload of tbo nro haa been
tent to the tmel'ing works hero and It
yieldoi about $8,000 worth of gold.
Another valuabln quarts load hes been
discovered near F rt Colville , afowmllea
from the old Dominion tnlnoa , which la
pinning out nnusially well Anoir tou-
ctamp mil1 has been bought for tbat loul ,
to bo used in "ppiratlng the gold from
thoquirtz Yts , tbo ere ia found to beef
of the finest quality. Oa tbo whole , on-
eldoring that thooo mining proapeota
bava boon but reiont'y ' dUcovored , tha ra
glen la opening rapidly and with unueuil
"Waahlngton territory has other rr-
sources to depend upon th n her mlnoral
wt-olih , " conoludod Cipt Rittin , "The
whole northern portion of tha state is
covered with furoata , fura's'ilng lliubar
as good In qutlliy ua that of the MioV-
gan and Wiacousm foroits. Matty of the
western ship rnanufioturero now rely
upon those furrsts far most rif their mait
limber Tlmro is conaldorablo cattle
gtazlacf douu In the territory , to" . The
country west of Spikano aad northwest
of Wu iiiia la ficvotoi almost entirely to
ttook-gconing. "
A iini .l liiHiluot.
Mr. S. B. Bennett , with tha firm of
Dtvld Oirrlok it Co. , Mtrkoi otreot ,
Pmbiiolp'iia , Pi. , a a'oa that an a euro
forepr lns , galls and other allmouta of
bor-ito , he keeps no hlng iu hla etiib'os
but St. Jaoobi Oil , The anlmils appro-
its soothing
KccovrrliiK B olno Gooilf ,
Yesterday the polloa made two arrotta
which promise to load to interesting de
velopment ) ,
Oflicor Dufi Green Sunday received a
"pointer" from a man , whoso came need
not bo pubtiahoj , that tbo Casino
rcataurant of Billy \YllUrd , on Farnam
street between Eleventh and Twelfth ,
waa a fence for the receipt
of stolen goods , and that a
largo amount of filched prop-
irty would ba found , If the proiniica
wi > ro carefully searched , YeatorJay upon
iho strength of tliii Information he awtire
out a cirapUlat for thu arreat of WilUrd
and his miitrees , Lo'tlo Comei wbo
run the rettturant Tin premlieii were
alto s-arched und a lot of tolnn prop'tty
w.s reuovurod inoHHm foardoz-in small
alv | rspioaa , nllvur forkr , platrd knives ,
allvur ojko bufebt , oiatnr and pickle dlth ,
cluv , , cjrt < iJies ; , a clock of cuds and tun
patr of Indian' noaa. The o r.ra w ro
of the brands ' Vdco'Ui' "Diidy,1
lUckot , " 'Loet Will , " end " Jnnil0
Cao property was found hld'Jeii In thi
tmiernont ocsupioi by Wi.brd for his reo
Willa l and Lott'o ' Corn's Immodiatolj
' 'ftfBsecl up" and udmittod that thagooci
* r at.le'u. They arc now in jill.
Wilhwd govo tha uataoa of tin
boyo who had stolen tht
property , and acting upon Iha
information , Officers ( men end Mar
tyn arruatud ytsterday tbrco
iom yiunx thieves , G.o Willlatnp ,
Smith atd Pdt Doyland , ia Uurrj'a divt
on Tenth a reut.
The pllo3 bclievo that the Oiolno
resUuraut ha bo n operated merely as a
blind , aod ihtttbo plsca has been quiet
ly run ha a frnc < for iho rucolpt of stoltn
goods Lottio Cornea has been more tlun
once mlxud up iu criminal operdtlimu&nd
w llbaretnooiberod ttahnving been the mis-
ttoss i f Johnny MuOJolUn , vshimaho ba-
tri.yod to the pillco lost winter , aa the
principal iu the Dukes hardware rtbbory.
Willard Is hlmaulf o o of the "toughs , "
end bdorn uo aavory roputation.
lit blllraici ) Men ,
Yon nro allowed a tree iriatjor thirty dayi of
the uee of Dr. DyefB Oulubruttd Vo uio Belt
with Electric Sunpensory Apphnncei , for the
Bpeody relief aud permanent euro of Nervous
Debility , loan of Vitality and Manhood , and
nil kindred troubles. Also for mauy other dis
eases Cumpluto reaturatum to health , vteor
and manhood No rick n > incurred. Illustra
ted pamphlet witb full inforrnutlon , term * , etc.
mall.d trte by addressing Voltalo Belt Co. ,
Maruboll , Mich
ncatcu H lf to Doatii.
The Pontag fanu'y on the sonth sldo
lira pgaln the central fi eras In a public
cti'rsgo They hud aomo qaairel aboutu
hay-rack with a man named Phelps , who
Ilvca ue r Hascill's ' pjirk , and Sunday ,
whllo pretending a peaceful Intention tu
arblir&tu ( he difTordnco , they invelgloi
Phiilpn into tbotr houao and Btt upon
him viiih o'ubs and cudgels. Tniy
knocked him down and boat him until
lit wai iuBiLsiblo. Ho naa then thrown
out ot the door and oftzr a ilmo revived
mouyh to crawl avray a diatmco until
friends fouud him and took him homo.
Tttu n sidoiitH of the snu'h aide txprees
heir iudUnutlon ogalnst the Pontags in
DO tuouaurtid terms , The authorities ,
p. rliaps , should lnveulix to this alfilr ,
"M.h in not a murdnr merely by the narrow -
row j t mrg u Phulpa la suQeriog intensely -
tensely y.B'rrday
ftfIt fo
L" Sfi
te * * ss
r& jp
i fe
li litZii * < v w ? & 3p ftiSJ IS tf
Thb no Jei uever tarlt * A ma'vrl of > t entU
and to' melon. Muietcon nile 1 thnt'oM
ill iiry klvtt < , aid ciunol le toll It cjinpc liliii
with thoiuultilu oollow le t , nhort wcl lu aid
| h > tJpovr.leia , btU only In CitiilCT * ! iiillci'
„ ! < \\ftllfct. , > , Y.
C A U T E 0 1ST.
"Jf the inhabitants of great cities
could see the filth that is concealed in
the water which they use , and trace
etery drop and particle to its source ,
disgust and nausea would be sufficient
protection. "
New York Tunes , July 20,1885 ,
" The purity of APOLLINARIS
offers the best sicurity against tke
dangers which are common to most
of the ordinary Milking waters. '
London Ucdlcal Record.
O/ttlt Crteert , Drufgtttt , < L Mm. I fat. Dtattrt.
Seventeen } enrs Kxpt-nonco.
K.ndirul Uls'j n ol Him an1 V/omuii. soi
giiatlu nd llcrbili't Chysl Ian Now located
1210 tliiutl ; > a H Omaha. Neb , up stairs.
A oorru-t illacncMH Klvm ul bout any explanation
It mthopaUeui Consul Ulan frea &t ollico.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Citarrhnf the Head. Dlu.nsca of tl-o K > o un-1
1'ir. Heart Din a-c , Llvor Con phi t , Kldnoy Oom-
G'lint , Ncrf : ui Pthllitv , Mon'U Uuiiruualun , L' 1 ol
anhood , DUIioieo , Drliflifa Uiitnio , fct Vltua
Dmioo. Ktcuinotfl ii , I'.ralytlVhlto \ Bwelllogi
Scrnlubfevi \ Smoa. ( ) ricera and 'Iiituura renoro
ed wl'hnut ' the kiilfu. or the ol a tlroj ) o (
blood , YVoin n , with nor do t.a'e organ * , Rcatoralto
Health , Uropay Ouic'd W thnut T.ppli S , ' . Bjuxlll
At'intlou Clv-in t > I'thalo nuil Voaiiteil Uleowgiof
/ 11 Kinds , Ti > e or B llemcvtd n two or tbrca
yeara or No I'ay Ilomaoriholdj or I'Uea Cured erne
no Ch rsca Made ,
r Ihoeo whoaie atlllrto.1 will pare ll'e and n >
reda n ( dollars by culling on ur using
Dr. PanglVeCclebrnUl lletkvl Itemodlo
leo mlenoM Holloiti , _
Rea'ednr pnstlinlll ho rtrulvid by the city of
Or n < 1 M i d , Ndi , ui III 9 .Moo * am , Oct Mb.
1C85 , f.r thnfu'iitshlig. e tclliu Mido uipltl ngotft
yt > mol witorwor a ca aclty ul OMB itll-
llon uallons tor daj io < Iho ol y cf Q.and I land ,
rttb.B id pya'.in t b fun < l4vedan.lhDll . < lnaoocrilanc
ltbhnuaml [ iipe lili iiing la tto iflla of tto City
Ui'crk ol Grand Imauil Nib
i p-sl urn t bj uac ) entbe fol-
m * > 'z ' :
lit Cur In n < a and hi I dlnf engluo and boutr
nd b BO-ltiw r
Hum aid g KII I lj'illnC | ' ( s'and ' blpr.
BrJ. Furnleltl K a " ' 'Oltln ; UP imojbiry , boiler
nac . | ( " II * .
4'h. KornUtilii/ninlliylnif out I'on rlpo miln ,
fl el li , Hjd antn.O.t .et % fl ilJil tilur. l.luoir .
nyinf n'p i B * ' ' > ' * ' ' ' | 'nr 'olv
trn ftr e iii ot llu cldjitct * zm if i , 6 , 8 aid 10
ftp' ' .
6ii. | fn fiuul 1 1 ( fanl put'lasc ' iln n woU.
'Ihncmtr ctp ho'nilJ B > nt m uf Hat r work )
cnmilele uo < tu rxojuj tbjtuuioftbltty.iour tbou -
luu rmtrt itho rylit tir
nr all I Ilr , or an i inrtnollild . Mlbmwil
qul olH t tewllljUjj | , tbollud o mitailil tu Iu
IVPp iil < tb > uld b aiidrewoJ to Ibo ( Ity CttirV o !
Hy frd riMh Cl.y Onircijnf a od Iili .lKob. ,
tllj liibilty tl fc'eiit. rnijir A. I > .
It. * . ULirroao , Jout Ii. MIAMI ,
City c.efk. JI yor.
ecp 18-mor-lOt
Noticel Noticvl Notice-
To all who a < o ilUotwjl or ntllfutul , no nutter ho *
lon the ittabdlnK ; o mo And to bvalod , Fenmule iil -
aat rh ro iiKiicliuu t re failed to giro I1W ,
a spxoUlty ; coino imv , ooiov a'l ' AU I lo liealod by h
UajiielloKoaltr , tbtonl ) ture hram | fiorn ttuydlt-
< iu . Kcr oxanilua'lon , ur ctm K i are It , for eaob
t jbitnvji.t , or vit'Utl nw $ t ; tcrnu rtrlctly cuh.
P. BOYER & CO. ,
Pafes , Vault > , Time
Locks and Jail orlr ,
1020 Far-iinm St , Onuha , Neb-