Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OKAHA Omrs No , 0 i AST * 010 FATIXAM PT
ISM YOIMC orrioc , lloou 65 Tmn.Nts UUILU
1.SO ,
fnt > I < h"levery mnrntrir , except SundijT. Tn
cn\f \ Moaan ) nwrnlnj dilly ( .nhlnhed In the itate.
irnM riT MAH.
One Yew j'oOi ' I Throe Month * $2fO
BlxMrnlh ? 6.00 I One Month l.CO
The \Vrekly Bee , 1'ubliniml ovcry Wednesday
3 , rosTWin.
OneYcir , with prtmltim . * 2 CO
On V r , without pr.mliim . 1 Jo
BlrM ,
Ono Month , tn trla . 10
. .
Alt CoirmuTilmtlonj rcUtlng to Nctr and Editorial
rnatUrs eliuuld bo ddrej i to tliu KcirOR or Tna
tcsixras r.trr.iRx.
All DtnlneM IxstUra Rn.l Uemlllwce * fhou'd bo
vl > tto > ( ol to Tim nnr. runLiiiuvn OJUPAIV , OMAHA
) Mft4hfH.ks Miit I' Nt olllcoor or tJ lo mxdo | > y-
Mo to the on ) r of the company.
] J. IlOSUWATini , Kmton.
A. TI. Vitli , M naicr Daily Circulation ,
Dm ilia ,
has almply dunged p'accs
with Augait thla year , but it la a big
thing for the corn crop.
SMAU , rex has mido its "appearance in
in No * York. Ita provaldnca in Canada
Is likely to cauto a general oprand
throughout thla country. Vaccination
should bo urged upon everybody.
notice ] ot Jumbj ocsapy a
gro\tdolof epioa in EagHsh pipsw ,
aud the British want his akin and skele
ton. Bat they are too lto , as thesa
rollci of Jumba'd greatness will remain In
hlo ndptcd counlrr.
JEUIIY Mniu-iiY , Appointed cnstodlan
of the government building Irt Cincin
nati at $2,000 a year , has served two
terms in the Cincinnati work houso. It
would not , however , bo the proper thing
to oill him a worklngman , although ho la
n "worker. "
IT has been discovered that Honest
Bill nolman oVjjcts to the mo of night-
ahlrta. They never wear tuoh things in
hla "dnestrlct , " ho say * , and it is not
likely that ho will shock his Hoo.ier con
stituency by indulging In &ny sush
Tun Djnver toard of trido takoj
formal poeaiiGlon of ita bow chamber of
commerce building , which hai recently
boari completed ut a cost of about ? -10- ,
000. When will the Omaha bosrJ of
trade bo nb o to take poasoisl u of Ita
now building 1
TUB secretary of the tro&anry lisa ap
pointed N. B Biojntoba snporlntcnd-
ont cf the custom house at Toledo , Ohio.
Mr. Bison is a br ither'ln-law of Presi
dent Cleveland. This frees the president'
from the charge of nepotUm. It is now
in order for the prasilent to appoint nome
favored ralatlvo of DAU Manning to oflica
the killing of tha
boss sawdant srrlntllor , Tom Djtvls , o !
How York , and the cjiinqiisnl oxpojuro
of his game , the rassi's continue to work
the racket and the Backers continue tote
to olto. The police of No w York , how
ever , are now manifesting aomo llttlo dis
position to break up the swindle.
ST. JOHN has called upon President
Cleveland to urge the removal of aovoral
ropablloin postntaiters in Kansas on the
J5\ ; charge of oft'jnalvo pirtlsanahlp. Thu
offensive partisanship has not been aimed
at GlavoUnd but St. John , who oajs that
these postmasters , who happan to ba
editors , continue to publish ncindah
about him.
A DEMOCRATIC caloon-keopor who has
boon appointed postmaster at Saline , Illi
nois , campola peop'o ' to oil for thilr mall
at hla saluon. R thcr than do this they
have given a wholotalo order to the for
mer no jlmttter , o buslueaa mau , to get
thole mail for them. In this way the
distribution of the mall la really loft in
the hancb of n ropnblloan af icr all.
Now York JHuening Post taya
that the Union PaoUio lawyers hsvo
' - > made up their mine's that Orrqori law
problblta a lease of the Oregon railni-y
and navigation company propetty. Thin
conclusion seems , atya the Springfield
( Maai. ) Jtepublican , to h vo loan ar
rived at about the same tlmo of tbo dla-
covery of the determination of the North
ern Paolfio to build the Cascade branch
any way.
BELIEVINO that cloinllnoss is next to
godlinesi , a Gloversvillw ( N. Y ) preacher
patronlzad a soap dealer at the county
fair to the extent of $5 for three cikes
of noap. Do really dldu't want the uoop
BO much as ho did the $10 bill which ho
flaw the swindler wrap inside of one of
the packages. The dominie , however ,
failed to find the 810 bill , and
the story getting out ho was called to ac
count by hla congregation. Ilo made H
full confesilon and asked forgiveness.
which was granted him. The next time
that preacher wants any sosp ho will
probably patronlza his old grocery store
and take the three
regulation bjrj for n
quarter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
j ll-bird uppolnlmont from
Ohio hss boon hoard from. His name
Is Amos Luke , of Mtllertbarg , and he
has been given B place in the anrgeon-
fjeneral'a ofliao. It is chirged that Luke
served a ttrcn in the penitentiary for
breaking into a homo and etoillrg $80 ,
and also' that lie Las botn levcral tlmei
Indicted for larceny. In addition to thl ,
while ho was eohool examiner , be wae
charged by members of hla OH n party
and numbers of the s ni board nith ac
cepting money frm applicants In ei-
ohacgo for certifioatu. Such tppoint *
nients as this are becoming o nnmtronr
iha . they no longer turprlto anybody.
"Turn ( bo ratcila out. "
Too general volume of bnilntss sloid-
lly inorozsea with the advanto of the sea
son , and trade movements in all the
wholesale center * ate rapottcd aa satlfio.
tory , while Iho feeling rrgatding the fa-
turo is tf the most hopeful chftrao'er. A
marked improvement la noticed In textile
llnoi , Tihlle the trade Inboots and shoes ,
groceries and general moichbutiho shows
a material Increase. It thonld bo borne
in mind , however , that the expansion of
business la noticeably greater than is us
ually wltncsiod at this tlmo of the year.
As a whole the alluntlon may bo regarded
with moro confidence than existed
a few vcolu ago. Valws
in some lines have slightly advtncid , but
oven where Ihero la no tendency to high
er figures tbcro is rnoro atcadlneeB , and
the operations of buyars are not so fre
quently roilrlolod by the fear of a fur
ther depreciation in prices. In the cot
ton markets there haa been but little
ch njo of lalo. The movement of the
now crqp haa continued qulto active , and
Is reported in excess of last your at thli
tlmo. Homo contumpllon is active , and
osporta arc larger. Print clothes
hava experienced n alight decline
cline , duo to accumulated stocks , but
tha general tnarktt for staple oolUt
goads has continued firm nnd a gocd ag
grcgato business has bscn done by mil
agoata and jobbora. The wool trade
shows unabated activity , and the up
ward tendency cf prices continues. .
Western markets are represented aa un
usuilly well cleaned up for the time cl
year , and Eomo of the western mills have
bean compelled to cock supplies on the
seaboatd. The strength and activi'y oi
the wool markota oltoit the improvec
coaaitlonand protpocta of the wooltr
goods trade. Dealrable woolen and
worsted fabrics are largo'y Bold ahead
of production , and on now order !
manufacturers in many Instincts are
getting an advance in pticsa proportioned
to the pnhancsd cost cf their raw mater-
tal. There has been a considerable
change for the hotter In the condition cl
the iron and atool industry , and the out
look in this department continues on
cooraglng. The volume of business in
plg-lron wa ] smaller last week , but thcrj
his baon no weakening of valtns. There
a fair degree of activity inmost branched
of the iron trade , and here nnd there a
slight hardening of prices is noted , but
Ihero la no general upward tendency in
valued. An improved demand for iron is
reported ut Cleveland , Youngstown ,
Sharon and other western points. The
anthracite coal trade showa little change ,
but the proiposts for an early fmprovc-
mont in business is moro favorable.
Tao week'd failures in the United
SUtoa and Canada nurubar 178 , aa against
2C3 the previous week and 1G5 the week
before. The western and Pacific states
furrJahed moro than half of the total
number of business suspensions in the
United States last week.
TUB tendency in trhaat , although flue
tuatn ! , haa been upward daring the past
week. The Philadelphia Record , in its
weekly market rcvloir , aaya in regard to
grain : "Several features of the situation
lave contributed to restrain short colling
and to invlto moro confident investment
n anticipation of bot'ter prios. Among
; hc3a may ba noted the recent decrease
n shipments to Europe from Australia
and India , ani the contlnnod snail move
ment to Interior points in thla country ,
where the receipts ere running about
Ifty per oont lighter than a year ngo ,
The small crop movement is duo largely
10 the reduced crop yield and the unrrll.
ingaoss of farmers to so joptcu rrent rates ,
} iU It is aho attribaUblo in a menturo
; o the diversion of attention ti fall oead-
ng In the west , and to the faat that in-
ierlor millers are paying batter prices for
wheat than cau b j realized at the com
mercial centres. "
TUB fourth transcontinental railroad ,
the CAnadUu PticlQo , will bo completed
[ n a few days , and will bo opened for
bininojs clear through ta Brltleh Colum
bia , Wliilo suah remarkable extension
of the railway system his been going on
throughout the North Amcrloincontlnent ,
the construe ion of railways ou the Soath
American continent haa boon pushed
with great rapidity during iho hat few
years South America will soon boast of
a transcontlnenUl line , the first Boctlon
of which extends from Ilosario on the
river Parana , In the Argentine rrpubllo ,
to Villa Maria , 120 miles. The second
ucotlon of 82 miles was built in 1873 , and
nat followed by the construction of 70
miles to Villa Mercedes in 187C. In
1880 the road waa extnndod to San
Louis , a distance of 59 miles moro ,
and in 1832 Li Paz , 70 miles
farther on , was reached. In April last
the line was extended eighty miles fur
ther , to Mendczi , from which point a
branch was built north to Son Juan , 100
mllei. Oa the weit slda of the Andes ia
a railroad 100 miles loner , from Valparaiso
to Loa Andes , leaving a gap of only 140
miles to complete the South American
transcontinental rail ray. Tao New
York Times predicts that this link will
be supplied within two yean , and Bays ,
furthermore , that "if the so called repub
lics to the northward would follow the
example sat by this confederation ( the
Argentine republic ) , the dream of Helper
might ba roallzjd. Tha ft rat yeara of the
next century might see the shining rails
of the 'Great Backbone Road * extending
from Alaska to Patagonia , From Vera
Oreiz in Mexico to Siu Juin la the gap to
bo ipanned , with a fovr hundred miles
from Mendozt south nurd to tbo Potago-
nlan plains. P rhtpi vro shall too the
'Three Amerlcai lUilway * by and by.
Wao knowt ? "
THE Pueblo Indians of New Meiioo
protect fgilnst btlng taxed as cltizics.
Under the treaty by which New Mexico
became a part of Iho United Stale * , the
nhablttnls of ( ho ceded territory were
not to ba deprived of tholr tlfihta of clll-
tenshlp. While these Indiana have been
cl'iains of the United Slalca all theio
rears they have been regarded ta other
[ ndlins who am not cit'i--nf , although
ndeptndent of government aid and co-
cupylng lands under grants. Thla year ,
for the first time , the Now Moxlcin gov
ernment decided to assess theaa Indians ,
thus recognising their status as cltlzsns.
Thty do not care to cxcrclsa tbo rights
of oltfaicahlp , but If they do they cer
tainly have the right to vote and hold
office , and in tbat event they nonld
become an impoitint faster fn New
Mexican politlci , M they can muster be
tween 2,000 and 3,000 votes.
TUG now pest master nt Angus to
the huno of Mr. Blalno , Is Lemuel B >
Fowler. This ia considered a victory for
Mr. Blalno , who was oppotcd to the ap
polntmcnt of Col. Morton , the man who
wni so active in ptomoticg the campaign
scandals of laat fall. Fowler's nppolut
mont , however , was made in accordtncc
with an understanding had between Pr < s
ident Cleveland and Mr. Morton and hi
frlcnda during a recent conference at the
executive mansion. There la bnt lltllc
doubt that President Cleveland , in his
desire not to personally offend Blalno
magnanimously induced Morton to with
draw h'n ' claims to the place , and tn duo
time t&ko coma other cilice , the accept
ancoof which could not bo conatrued Into
a thrust on the part of the president a
Mr. Blalno.
AMONG the latest political rumors Ia
ono to the effect that John P. St. Johi
ia t ) be rewarded for hla eminent aervicea
ind tbat ho can have tlmoatany cffioo ho
wants. It la laid , In this connection ,
thtt ho haa timed hla wrather eye ti-
warda Idaho nnd would willingly accej t
tha governorship cf that territory. Sr
John may possibly got the appointment
but ho wlllfiad thtt appointment is ono
tbiog , and t iat confirmation at the handa
of n republican senate , is another.
Meantimeit h intimated ho ii to ba per
mitted to iijma tha poatmatt jra for the
atato of Kansas.
THE telephone has become a , bonanza
for the lawyers .Not only haa it become
a subject of litigation regarding the
validity of pattntt , but it ia being brcu ht
into courts for other reasons. In Indlauo ,
for instance , the people ere taking vigor
ous atrpa to enforce their state law for
bidding a telephone company to chirgo
moro than § 36 a year for rent of a tele-
phono. Trtenky criminal anils have been
begun agiimt one company in Evanaville
alone. Similar action Is beirg taken in
other cltioj. The uupply of lawyers ,
however , is equal to the demand ,
Ii ia now claimed for tobacco that it Ia
an excellent preventive of cholera. It is
atated as a fact that cholera failed to at
tack a tingle ono of the 400 women em
ployed at the national tobacco factory at
Valencia , though the dlaeaeo raged in that
city , and It is recalled that tobacco
workera were also noticed to enioy ex
emption from attack during an epidemic
at Amsterdam. This ought to the
weed a great boom.
THE joints in the granite pavement
on upper Far n am street are being filled
with gr vel nnd asphalt. It may there
fore interest the people of Omaha to
know that the best paved street in Prov
idence , R. I. , Ia in good condition to-day
after five yeara wear nnd tear a pave
ment of granite blocks laid In concrete ,
the joints filled with a mixture of pea
gravel and asphalt. It cott § 3.22 per
yard. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE fight over tha collrctorshlp ol
Chicago has boon ended by the appoint
ment of Anthony F. Seeborgor , a Gor
man by blr'.h and a hardware merchant
by occupation. In bis appointment the
wlahca of Bill Morrlaon have been entire
ly Ignored by the president , Morrison
atock has consequently fallen eovural
THE prospective increase of nearly
200,000.000 bushih in the oorn crop
over the heavy yield of last year will go
'ar to cover the deficit in the wheat crop.
A continued abundance of oorn trill
greatly cumulate the export trade in
American pork , notwithstanding the ob
structive legislation of seine governments
of Europe.
TUB loading candidates for the repub
lican nomination for governor in New
York are Gen. Joseph B. Oarr , secretary
uf atito , aud Gen. William H. Soward.
THERE will bo no lask of candidates
for the ropubltoan gubernatorial nomina
tion in Now York. The woods nro foil
of 'etn.
Victorien Bardon wears his hat at the din
ner table ,
Evangelist Moody is about to move on
Urid epurt. Conn ,
Ki-Governor Torter , of Indiana , la wrltinir
a hiatory of that oUto.
Kev , Sam Jones owns a $100 meerschaum
ipe , vinli a stem tureu feet loug.
Tbo Vantar Ojllege girla &ro laid to regret
that Gun. tiherman wua not made prcuideut uf
bat iuttitution ,
INinct ) Beatrice , who ii very ploni , bad aev-
ecu'pture \ texts embroidered in the lintn
ot her biidal trciiiio.u ,
Mme , Jn41c , the eleganca of whoio toileta
ag been deicribed. in announced 113 the lady
in tut likely to not the f mblou * for tbU fall ,
Ool. Nicholas Smith , Horace Greeloy's eon-
In-law' , wbo claim * to ba the hatddgintit icau
ia Ameiion , la writing a lift ) of Uurjce Greo-
Josh Uilllrga bai been "Uylnfr for forty
y.-urs to bud nut at what tlma of life a man u
most foollth. " lie will probably get them
Watt Whitman received a present of aborie
an i ptuot m a tew days ago from \Vnltller.
ilo'n e , Mark Twain and Ohtrlea Dudley
Warut-r ,
Sir Charles Dilko derives n income of
82 > , tOJ from the Athena-urn , which be ownr ,
n1 the Gardener's Chronicle bricgi himf20-
00 o your more.
GeorgeUntlor , fnrmeily United Stairs con-
mi general to Alpxandrli , was locked tip in
Mew York , tha other day , for drackonncus , tn
lofauit of S10 fino.
Jndg < > Totirgeo wants to ho n flUte s'rn'.or
n New York , nnd his political opponents nre
rrmllitif ? him copies of hit recent Itcturo enti
tled "Give us n rent. '
Ei Mtnlttor Kciley is repotted to h vo dt-
teriiiinofl tn ecttr upon "nn tctlv * polititnl
n rerr" tn New York. Ilo will make Mow
York city hla residence.
Oliver Wendell Ilotmoii' hott'o UpnintoJft
ht .vcllow. A Kentucky editor think n U
tlngu'ar ' thftt to diAtioRulthed a t cet M
Oliver duct not paint hii houtered ,
The t > rp'ldent often remMna in hit office
while thiMiiioe band is plujlng on the Inwn ,
Hq hts beard the chin tnu io of to many
placi-huntcrs that ho dreads brats melodies.
Isnt Senator Alnmloraon Too 1'rx-
vloiu ?
KantAiCity Journal.
Senator Mnndorsou think ] moro strin
gent legislation Is required botoro the
Mormon monstrosity cm bo suppressed.
Ilo ssys Locxpcota the next cougrcsi to
onset tbo nocettary law to suppress polyg
amy speedily. Doccu't ho calculate nn
this antinn of congress too'hastily ? The
present Mormon Uw , tboEiuinnds' Uw ,
w < ] pAeoed only nf tor strenuous opposition
on < ho part of the democracy , and he
sajs it is inadequate to the occasion nm
olronnutancoa. Can it bo expected tha
a rnoro ttrlngcnt law will bo enacted by a
democratic congress and approved by a
democratic president , when wo remombe
that the proicnt law was involghot
rgiioat by Senator Vest and othii
prominent representative democrats in
Tito bpi-clnt ucllvory.
Postmaator Ooutant ycsterdty re
ceivcd the first installment oi the new
special delivery stamps. As uaud , th
department hai turned out an artist !
production. The now stamp resemble
in thipo none of those in present use
It la much larger , and broadar than It i
long. It measures an inch and a qinrto
by a inlf inah. The color la dark blue
and the device exqiiUitely wrought. A
mcBoenger boy In tbo nsutl pictorial at
titude which , however , Is seldom in rea
life assumed ; he Is running , and that nt
a good gait , apparently , while Inhlakf
luud , extended In front. Is a let or , in
tended , evidently , /or tbo first fellotv
whocimes along. Aelde from a largo
" 10 , ' , which slRnifius that the priae o
the stamp ia ten cants , the remainder o
the surface is devoted to the legends
"special pistal delivery , " "eosnrea
immediate delivery at rpeolal delivery
cilices. " According to the csntua of ' 8 (
upcn which the allotments arn mido ,
Omalo , Line > In and Nebraska City are
slono accorded n population over four
thousand and the constqn-nt advantage
of tbo special dollvoryy Mr. Coutjnt haa
already made recommendation of sorer * !
boya for messengers here. The full pro
visions of tbo now doparluro bavo been
given before and will , on Oct. 1 , wbou
thn now service begins , bo repeated for
moro thorough understanding. It Is nol
certain that tbo scheme will prove a sue
ceta , although in casea such as in tbe
evcnirg fast mall which it not delivered
until tno following morning , the stamps
will doubtless be freely nsed to secure
dellviry that night.
Dlam > nu Burglar ? .
Mr0. William Woodresiding on Georgia
avenue , awoke yoacorday morning by an
unneiiil light in her room. She started
up to find herself confronted with a glar
Ing dark lantern backed by three grim
looking men , who atoncomaio a demand
for the family jewels. Mrs. Wcod was
alone and defeutolesi , bnt with a cool
ness which rdlects great credit upcn hr
aho replied that there waa no jewelry in
the hone The burglars insisted that
aho had diamonds in her possession , and
and the leader proiontlng a pistol nt the
lady's head , commanded nor to make im
mediate delivery of the goma
Still flho plucklly maintained her self-
control under the ordoil "and roiter-
ottd that nho had no diamonds , all her
1 ivrolry being khon out of the houso.
Finding that she waa not to bo terrorized
into snrrendtrlng bor property and
taking fright at somenoho on the outeido
the burglars decamped. It was discov
ered that they had taken a gold iratch
and a few other articles of no value.
Afcer their departure , the courageous
lady lost Iho fortitude which had nnr-
talued her throughout tbo critlctl mo
menta and called In several neighbors to
asj'st ' In guarding the homo for the ro
mslndor of the night.
Street Gar
"Joominy crickets , look at that ! "
A street car , with all brakes net , was
flying down the short grade of Tenth
street between tbe two railroad tracks ,
and a box car whfch had just been load
ing at Paxioa & Gilhgher's warehouse
was being utovod out asrasi the street.
The street car reached the intersection
first and aped over the tracks with tin
wheels fixed bnt eliding upon the rails
like tlolgh runners uud the homes pushed
to a dead run. It was a close shave for
bhe crowded occupants , nnd tbo second
band clothier , sunning himself at hla
Front door , had Involuntarily appealed to
the reporter then passing , to witneis the
"Why , suah things occur every day , "
continued the dealer In cast-off raiment.
"I atand hero at my door and aoa tlmo
and again the narrowest escapes from
wholvtato slsoghter. Yon tea tbo car Is
boo heavy for tbo steep grade nd th
brakes are of no terrlce. That wilt have
; o bo remedied or some day a crowded
car will Lit a train and kill a diaeu or
moro people. "
A very sad and sudden death occurred
roatorday at the resldenco of Dr. 0.
3. Pul , on Twenty-third and Cumlng
streets. His mother , Mra. Eojellno
foul , waa sitting at the breakfast table ,
apparently in ordinary health , when sud
denly , groaning slightly , she fell over.
When taken from the floor aho was nn
consolous and in a few moments life w s
ex loot The caueo was undoubtedly apoplexy
plexy , from which Mrs. P < tnl had for
ijoio tlino been tufferlng , &ho wte GO
? atn old , Tbo remans will bo shipped
; o Cooperatorrn , .Now York , for Inter
I ) 11 van Off ,
Toppan , the notorious , was running
ill gambling maohluo at nasiall'd park
Sunday , fleecing the w ry at the rate
sixty an hour. Shi riff Miller went out
acd informed him tbat hu would either
have to "git" or submit toarreot. Tappan
concluded that he would prefer the for-
ner alternative aud left the park , doubt-
ess to seek other fields of libor. <
Lalest Giflfl ? Whirl cf Bean Town's '
Upp P TiD.
The Closing of Ilio SOBfion nt. Nuntne-
kct Qov. Ijonjint Homo nnd Iniho
Ball lloom 1'ho FootUo Crze ,
Special Correspondence of The BKE.
Sept. 10. A cool , rainy day la not voiy
di slrnblo any whew when people are off
for R , tutnmer vacation nnd ploasnro , and
especially down hero by the oca is Bttch a
day unwelcome. Mon got croia and sot
as though ovetono oannectad with the
hotel WAS risponslblo for the weather
and they scowl at the landlord , snap &
the bell jumper * , go outtido and rnak
faces at the tky , and Laving thne gotto
rid of a good deal of bllo and 111 nature
join a circle uf Indies huddled around
cherry , cracking Irg fire In a great b !
old-fashioned fire-plica In the cffico nn
help to make an Interesting plotnro to
philosophical leokoi-on. The Indlor
with their pretty morning drotses anc
bright fancy work , more nothings to fil
up tlmo , ate witty and uparklln
In tlcis conversation aud seem dlOic |
to make the best of tbo day nnd j > ln ii
attacking the crass msn with a oonun
drum. Conundrums nro the fuihlon her
all hava the dlaoaso. Tno Hnrvar
student , with hat ou , c garotte In hi
mouth , stands with his biok to the fir
and looks who end utterly forgetful
the faot that thsro Is anoth r hormn being
ing in tbo world but hlmaolf. "Ilo ma
htwo boon taught books , bat ho certain ) ;
has yet to learn common Dolltonta ; , " ru
marks n lady who dooa not llvo In "bsan
town " And wo have abe the woman
triih the di'g attachment by the airing
an u $ lyshi > { ! gyujiscrarlo ) 11 .tlo whelp , win
makes all tlso but the woman mlaorabl
a beaitly thing I DORO ate good enough
in tbolr place , but heaven defend u
from a dot ; with a long firing attached t
a aolotim locking woman nt a faehlonabl
hotel on a ojld rainy day !
Some of the miat oonragsona ladloi
bravo the s'.orm and take a plnngo lnt
the mad so * waves , waieh are high ant
s rong on a day llko this , but the bead
Is BO shallow oud thorn is very llttlo dan
ger of b'lng washed oat to sea , nud there
is j illy fun tUiaillng with the bio&kjrn ,
wlih admiring loiktrj on ready to g < > to
the rescue if need be. There Is nothing
very handsome nbjut so * ba-hfng In tbi
wind and rain only a test of skill anc
courage , and ilia reaction will bclghtet
the eyes and paint iho cheika In a way to
rival the artlsi'a brush The Boston gitl
Is very aelf tdllaut aud daring , you know ,
but 1 shuuld like to BOO her matched
with a western girl taming a cow bay cr
catching a wild horao.
was Gov. Long , at our hop , the last for
the season , aud a most brilliant enter
tainment , exceeding anything of the kind
seen at summer resorts. UnuaUy thtco
common hops are dry and ODJ tyubla only
to children , who take tbo fljor and keep
it. Now auti then a big cnuple go whirl
ing aroand like fcaihtrj la the breize.
Out our hop wab delightful to the old aid
young alike , nnd It was hero I eaw the
, , Dostcn dip" In Its perfection. You
nay hive seen this kind of dance print d
'or bi h of forj , bat you have j ever
teen it danced till you aeo it perturuitcl
3y a native born Bostfnfaa. Ho grabs
i B girl firmly witn one arm
about her water , aa though so
much of heaven was within
lU grncp and nb.ut to allp away from
) im and c ° asrinc her hand with an Iron
grip he strikes out fur lime and music as
in old Indian , lasso In hand , makts for a
leot doer ovtr the plains. I held try
ateath watching a coup'o dipping around
; h& room till I wes filled with terror lest
Bomo'hing ' vrou d happen tu ilia rautio or
ojuplo cr somebody. A tmaabup was
inevitable ; they dipped too much I
Oar Iton of the evening opened the
Jillwith a charming little lady
Mts. Bordello , wife of
ho president of tbo Nantaeket
Beach company. Those who have hoard
Gov , Long spi-uk on the rostrum , at din
ner , or in the halls of congress , know how
tlcqaently bo can talk , aud ho can danca
| usc aa rl > qaently as he can talk , it not n
litlu moio eo , and he dooj look killing
.it evening drees. We , In Waehlngton ,
wore so accuatomoi to Boeing htm around
congress in a bob-short light suit , that
wo did not know how dlvluely haudnonio
10 could look In a "atntllofv-iall. " Ilo Is
very gractful in movoutcnt , and hi *
speeches to the ladlua are very prutty and
apt , showing that hu is not only a diplo
mat In politics , but can talk to half
d z n preity girla at once without caus-
ng jiiulousy rare talett , It will be
remembered GLveruor Long la a widower
and conaequeuily a decided target fur
Bright gl.uces aud sweet saiilf s. IJjaton
aua all of Mutsjchusttti IH justly proui
if their gifted Htntojmnn andiully balltvo
; bttttoistbo greatest orator and moot
ajcooiilifllud speaker In curjgens , and
will keep him tharo jtut as long as ho
mar wlih to stiy , and after ho guts the
ung of the shool house Invilo him to the
seat In the loaatu that is being trimmed
or him. lie fans a delightful summer
tome at Ulnghain , a snort drive froiu
tfintaskrt , utd , one of the many "oldta"
owns in the stitc. " Tnero are o vernl
of thoio towns hero , Vut I btllevo fllng-
ttm ban the "oldest church In the coun-
ry. " Norfolk uleo has one , no wo will
; iv < nioKham the honor U craves nnd
: all it tie oldest towi > . It lee e so , and
a v ry interesting , bo idea balug the
lomu tf ex-Govoinar Ljnpr , although
wu did not give the bell a pull aa we
Wire Invited ta do. Governor Long's
iomn looked v > ry attractive np on ttio
> luff fnm the barb r. I am told that ho
s vi ry nt-lithb irly and Informal
uch u oztondlug invl'a'ion ' to
lit nolnhbora 10 n boiled cnrntd btf-f
linnet bettor known to the Yankees as
i ' 'b led dinner" oampceoi of coined
> rf , Sikk pork , cabbie , turnips , beets
i < d potatoes , and quite as famous as
> aked beans. Tno x < nkees alone knotr
tow to gee up this dinner , and Do > ton's
eloquent Bia'einun pi HOB liiiustlf as
muon np n a "Vankeo bllod dinner" as
seonb ry Biyftrd prides himself upon
cnooiuc how to cook terrapin to nerfec-
ton. Etoiy maa to bis tHste , arid it Is a
rid a intuiestiog to knjw how onr
; r < ! ftt orators and slutettuen live whrn
hey are at hcino , and I s < uru you iht
3jv. Long shines at home r > 8 well as in
tlo ha h of o ingresi , and ho la not too
o'd to d nce witn dlt'nifitd elfRanc. .
ThtBtf cool dflja are Urtiwlng people bacl
to thecttlev. By the 15th the R ckland
will be closed for tlo season , aud It is
wi h heartfelt ngrot we siy geol l > ye to
iloaeant acquaiutvncet ina'le , hupiluu
hat wo may rupet i > gla next cummer.
Jould I have toy wiihee grtt'.titd Ishuuld
omaln longer fur the early autumn o ys
/ the tea nhoro to me BIO delightful
In their crispnetp. But U Is tao fashion
to go to the mountains in September.Cow.
Bis Skin anfl Skclcttn to lie Prtstrve
-Cnmalion of the ficmaics ,
The Skeletons nf Jittnbo nndVlbor
to bo Placet ! In the National
A New York Herald special of the
17th from St , Thomas , Ontnrlo , r ys :
Proffaior Henry A. Waid , proprietor of
Word's ' Natural Solonca Establishment In
Uoohcstor , N. T. , arrived Inthoolty ,
aooiimpanled by Mump. William J ,
Ctltcbley and 0. E. Akeley , tsiidormlit .
Uo c me on initruojlonsfrom Mr. P. T.
Uarnum , his otdors being to akin Jumbo ,
mount h'm and send hint to Tuft College1 ,
Maesachuiotts. The skeleton ho was tu
toud to the Smithsonian institution at
Woshlngtcn. Acting upcn these in-
stroctions the profiteer and assistants
Irnmodlatcly upon their arrival
commenced the tack ot measuring
the unloml , which occnptod a couple of
hours. At 1 o'clock Professor Ward ,
with his two nuisttntaand a oprps of city
butcher ; , stood around thu departed
Jumbo to tfcko ( IT Lij skin and dissect
oat hla bonus. The dead monster drew
crowds to the last and there wore hun
dreds on the gronnda to take a farontll
view. It wa sttppooed that the exhibi
tion would bo free , bnt this was not the
C'BO. Some on'erprlslug Individual hid
a cured the privilege of collecting au ad-
niltslon fen. Po.i omen wcro placed at
naitablo pi inti to keep out the crowd ex
cept at the tiold gate , where admlttanc
wa gained by puylug Qvo eonis.
Juubo ttlil lay on the side uf the ban ]
In an admirable position to bj advautgg
oously skinned. Two of hia log * were s
placed that they held him on the incline
The taxidermist ! and butchers cits down
the back and took off ha > f ths akin
Then they dltjjlntod tlo two logii ivhic
held htm to the bank , a'ter ' which ht
was rolled over without d.uianltyand tha
psrt of the task wts accomplished. Th
work of dicAoctlng the hugo bouoa wa
moro difficult , and it required ntrot of th
Inxuiai yet Prof. Ward to dovlaa mom
tu handle the immense limbs and masse
of muscle.
Whllo this was bolng accomplished , lu
accordance with the order of tbo lualth
inspector , about four cirds of wood w.
procured and tbo funeral pyre built
Tno body uf the great Jumbo wag
soon hid on this and slowly reduced to
ashes No other ores , t nro , itnican or
brnto , over before had Bach a well-at-
tended funeral In this town , and no other
will ba remembered so long. After the
cremation Is completed , the ashea will bi
gathered and placed in uu urn.
A Washington special of the 18th sayr
Mr F. W. True , the curator of the sue
tlon of mammals at the National Mus
eum , told a reporter to-day that Jumbo
canto to the museum through au arrange
ment made with Mr. Barnum something
over a year ago. Thou Jumbo'u will was
undo fur him , and hli skin end bones
nrcro btqaoathod to d Institutions
Mr. True was given thu choice
: > f the flkeloton or tbo skin , and
jhosa the skeleton. Of course ,
Jumbo's early demise wns not
ioroicen attbatdsy. There was a prob
ability of his livlntr 100 yean or moi
Jumbo waa In the ilaeh of yuuth , btiug
July about 30 jcara of age. Ho CMCIO
nio iho possession nf tha London Zo-
) log'cil aocittj in 18GO. They obtained
iltu Iroru the Jardlii des Piantes , Pdtlt ,
by ischangc. Ho was then young und
iomparattvely email. Hu remuiuoct at tbo
London Zoological Garden until ho was
DUI chased by Mr. Barnaul , three
i earn sgo. If it had cot been
'or the niortgigo which the National
Musuutn bad upon hla bonce , it in
.bought that there would have been a
; rei\t atrngglo for the poacossion of the
ktlatoi ) , BS the skeleton of a male
\frlcan elrphaiituf euch size is onticmod
k great prlz , not only lu u popular sons ) ,
) bt Bo'entllically. ' It Is not known at
lie muienm whtthur the bones iroro m-
arua auy in the collision with a freight
r ln or not. If any of the bones lire
rActurod they on be repilrcd.
Mr. Lucas , tbo osteoloftlst , who will
lave charge of the work of mounting the
ikrle-on , remarked to-day that ho would
nnch rather have to repair the frac'urcd
jor.tB cf an elephant than of & dog or
miillor ouimil Mr Lucas stld tha1 It
> ill probably be a year before Jumbo's
koleton will t&ko its place in the muse
im. After the bones uro received they
vill ba put to soak , and it will require
isveral mouths before tbo prco.'sa of nui-
ler.itton and b'eac'iln. ' ' are complete ,
lild weather is not favorable ta th pri-
: ca . Anolhor hugo ilephnni'd nkol-
jton is now undergoing these
irccojies , Thla is iho Bkoloton
if Barnum'd Aslitio elephant , Albert ,
vhlch v.n.3 bhot aud killed in New
[ Urnpahlru hat July , uflor it bad kill
m of ita ftttond nta When it wes do-
ildod to kill the ilonhant , the oflluiala of
, ho uiuieum were notlUcd. They * tnt an
jipcdltion to the spot and secured tbo
> iLta. As these bones luvo had the ad-
rantago of soaking In rraroi weather they
vlll soon be roia'y for articulation , and
rill probably tnako their appearance in
.he inusuain this winter. Jumbo and
Vlbort , t ro miles of distinot enecios , will
nako a very valuable pair.
Mm Gllfcntlter i'ura an End to lila
ExUtcnoo liy H nKl" Iltm-
B6ll Details
Eirly yesterday John J. Ollfeather
Ivtng at 123G South Thirteenth street ,
ommlttod suicide by hanging himself.
For some tiina past Gllfouthor , who
i a young man 28 or 29 yeara of ngr ,
us b.-ua complaining of rhoumatlttu.
lo iiua been rather despondent , but , al-
hou h ho wns eevoral times heard to say
hat "Life WAS not worth living , " nothing
ras thought of his remark ) . Sunday night
u ro'nrned to rest about 8:30. : Along
bout 11 o'cbok he was hf > ar4 to got up
nd go out. Hia wife noticed i ; ut the
into , bnt thought notbiag of tint mutter ,
nd went to eltep again. Abont 4
'clock tbia morning , honvover , tin again
woke , and finding tbat htr hutbkiid nai
till aw y , btoamo uhrined. She urcse ,
rtsied herilf und tttrted out
u search for the mltslng man. In or ra
iny with a young mtn , Mike I3ouk l ,
rho llvea in thu stute houto , ahe went
nt Into the backyard where treoVa were
iioovered leading to the outhruu * .
lerti Ollfokthcr WAI dlecovered in a art-
U g posture on the bench , The wife
ilkd him by tume. Ilioivlrg no an-
wer , obe rteut In and discovered to her
.rror , that her husband was dead , Mrs.
Purest and stronccat Naturnt Fnilt navom.
Vanilla , l-rmon , OranRO , Almond , Hose , etc. ,
flavor M delicately anil natural ! ? us tbo fruit.
cnioioo. ST. iotns.
Gllfoathor , too tick at heart to pursue
Investigation any further , wont Into to
homo , tuppoelng that her husband ! . " 1
died n tiatnrtl doUb. Coroner Dm I
waa at once notified nnd ntrlvod at i t
place about savon o'clock yostordsy
morning. Ho found every ondrnoo that
Gllfoathcr had oinntmUteS 'suicide. A
handkerchief waa tied abont hla nook ,
which wai ctUched to another
handkerchief connecting with two
nalla driven in iho boards behind.
The unforiunato m n had evidently
fixoi thn nnoen so tht It would slip
easily , adjnelod it to Lit Jtck and then
thrown hta whole wolght forirard , ro
tlut strangulation quickly followa'd. Ho
was cut dovrti , and no nioulily ai poeslblo
n jnry wai hupnnnolled. Thalr verdict
wss to Iho effect "thtt cakl J. J. Gil-
feather cimo to Ma death by hanging
hfuuolf by tha neck'ln H wn'or closet In
thn back yaul ( f the promisoa of No.
1220 South Tnijtoeuth ulrrct , until ho
was dead , cauio for doing BO unknown ( o
thn jary "
The only cauco to baaitl nol is tlut of
deepnndoncy on account cf hla ailment.
The dccecBid wan a bUchamlth by trade ,
but UT Eouto tinu piat h\d ; boiit working
lu the yard of the Chicago Lumber cam-
puny. Ho loivea n wtf nnd ono child.
The fuuoral is announced to take place
to-dsy. _
Tom who haa boon
talephono man of t.'io ' j tl for tl.o
[ Mat few months vrill bo found on street
duty now. His place will bo filled
by Officer Bra3y , who h snff.'ring from a
sprained ankle &ud is unable to go out
on a boat at present.
Captain Sullivan Informed a reporter
pestrrday thar Monday nlcht ; only
: ljbt ; police were doingdu'y. Four of the
: orco nro under aentonco of suspension
aid two are sick.
An Iiihuiimn Dnrcl ,
Sorao wretch entered tha Jardlno ex-
irois company's a tables on ibe north eldo
Sunday eight ecd fiendishly mutilated ono
of the horses. The poor baaat was
thortly afterward dlscororod vrith ita
load cut in a atralght Hue running down
: ho face from a point between the oars
; o the none. Tbo animal bled profusely
and required prom ( i aurglcal aid. The
ahumun vandal nho purpetr&tad this
lieco of wattm cruelty ought to bo
drawn and quirtorcd.
A. nil > ialiiK Buy , V
Marshal Oammings yesterday rccolvod n
etter from Chief of Polioo R. H. Thomp-
on , of Dei Molnoi , ask tap ; the Oaiaha
tolica to bo on the lookout for a young
ad named Timothy Llnnane , who rc-
C'ntly ran away from hla homo in the
orca metropolis Ltnuane la 13 years of
rgo , has ligUt hiir and eyes , aud wore
dark clothed and n oht'okered shirt. Chief
Paninpaon request th t if found the boy
> o 1 ickad up , and that iho fact of ths
oepturo bo ut once telegraphed to Des
A EllflnlKlit Brtwl.
A email riot occurred Sunday in front
of the disorderly house kept by Fannie
Hamilton , at the corner of Ninth e-treot
and Capltil av nuo. 13111 Nogcnt ,
oafor In tbat quarter , had whipped two
of the inmates and nil three were carry-
ng on a running fight out In the streets ,
when thu proprutreis lounded a police
whistle , nnd Nugent took iu hU luols.
) oo of the we men iiuataiued painful
calp Injuiiea.
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
SAVis l/iton , TIM and Bo r AMiimuLT , and give *
anlrers&liiatldf&ctlQn , No Jtmtlj rich or | x > or ehonld
be H Itbout It.
Sold by all RIOOOM. Ill win * of Imitations well de-
llKna I to rnUloiJ. PIIRMMK U the OSLT H.T * Uba
uvluit compound and alKayu beara tlio at > are i > m-
brlanJ namonl
PAID Ul1 OaPITAt . 1250,000.00
HUBPLUH , May 1 1885 . 25,000.00
uiuuoroits ,
I. W. YATM , Pres'dfn' ' .
A. K. TxrzALlK , Vice t'fflUtnt.
W , V Mi lisa ,
JoinCou.ixn ,
Lxnu H. lltEP ,
W , 11. H. HMIIU , CMbler
ouioi : '
The iron Bank.
Cor 12th unit l'.rmm btr tf.
L Oener&l Uanklug DuilntM Tr nuictti.
Did you ;
ii/ . . > i - &
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses ? It is for
lion of all llcsh.
L , \