m DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 22 , 1885. NO. 80. LUCRE'S LIBERTINE. CrafiM in Arht craNc KiogsUp , Ho f Bojlon , The Life nnd Love of a Massv ohuBGits Benefactor , The Baal Exiatenoo of n Dis tinguished Brothel Keeper , His Name anil That ot His MUtrcss KmU lm il io n OorReoiiH Seinln- arr Other Criminal MnttcrH. TUB KINGSTON HYI'OCUITK. DIATII Or AH AOSD UUBOBUINATI ! OF BATAN TUB DUAL Lira OF A DEVIL AND HIS UI9TUEBS. Special Telegram to Tlie Buz. BOSTON , Sept. 21 There died in this city , Friday , the 4.h iust , Eivtnrd S Sanboru , nn old man who has been known to the police for many ymts ai proprietor of vntlous homes of Toititution , There was butied in Kingi- ton , N II , , threoday * lUer , Mnj. KivtardS. Sanbjin , n cm iicuoug , public spirited citi- i5n , widely known iu hi ) intlvd a a'oasn lib eral patron of the causa ot edu ttion nad rc- liglcn. The stiaigo story of dual life truth fully opilies to the sime Individual. It wai revealed hy a cin'oat juit begua over the sot- thzmntof hii latgo osUtcs. The lltipn'i'in which is poudlog will doub'.lcfB develop the grcn'.ett eicn' sonin'.ion New England has h ,1 for man ) day. 1'Mwnrd ' dauburucimo of gooa Now Hamp- ehlro Block , w s birii Gj jearjgo , In Kim - ton , its witn bis lulher lulurs him. One of bis sitters , the widow uf the late Dr. Birllett , grnudsnu of Guv. Bnrt'ott ' , nna ot thu Hxutri of theD'Clarutiou of iLdepatidenc * . t-tilltc- cu ifn uuu uf the finest rttidtncca In town. iiutU Iward hud iu his ouuporitiin a streak ot grus9Ue > 8 tliut wiih his morn nilatocralia inttinctc , midu u strnuge con.b'in'.i n. Ab.ul tblity years ug > he net ins to bnvo drllberately dotcrmiiuid to litu u d uMo ex'tteuco. Iu his OKU town ho led nn upriuht life , ( supported Torioui public im , rovounut" , aud in turn had bun htu ted by hi * ielluw lonnsmcn , who u few JOIIB go feul him to represent them in the ltt'i aluu' . But , ulthougb retalulug his oitlz L hip in ICti stou , Siu'iorn tpect tuo grcuttr p irtion ot Lia lima during them three decade iu Boston. IIU ricj d iu this city has bron tbut tf n llbuitinu nud nn unscru pulous money getter , llii sbaro of the cetate tf his tatner , who dtid about twenty-live years agu , was i-iime 437.00J. In company with variuus woun n he oumminctd tttping brothels at th vceac end. Tno places were not of tLu lowest rort , ai.d Iu nmdu money quite rupidly , ilo iuireasud bin iuvettm-ntH in ntfurious hiu < ti > , and cuntirued to grow rich until he accumulated lully S-ftC.CO ) . Ilo Ji ved n moat in perjb'e i xi tuuce No one CDJ'ijol ' linviug buaiun > s dealn pi with him , for ho inaittuc ! ou rtullziiig morn for bin inouoy thnu nuy nve rlsu c .uld ( juc. So pursiutunious wai heiu his lifo In ttiii cit > that even after he tKCiino feeble he would walkn milo nud n half rather ib n piy horsa car luru. Hit Jait echun.o In Biutin * ai undenaVen about five yearn ago , wheu hi ) prop * ud to build n must ttorKCOun Iiuiuu of pn > btiiUtlon in the country. The build i\g B irscted , but before it cuu d ba devout ! to the Vila purpodo | ropotod the ownjr was t ! : u ieriou ly ill. nd ho finally \t&9 couipoll.d to Bt-ll it. Abmt aeveutcen ytara ngo Saub ru n.et. Iu ibis city , Mits Julia A , Hilton , then n pretty fiirl from Maine. Fium lh t time uutil titr death in April last ha two lived logothsr. Thfl rnca ! sincere nQdOtlou Btemod nlivays to tiitt be tween them , > ui they weie never martied. Miss liiltou wan n pirtuer In nil tha business schemes cf her paramour , u .a during tha last few yenci thn bud b ou mi tnei ot n h- > usa of ill rcputa nt N > . 2u Lyuiuu street , which San boru owned , nud where he made his homo nud finally died , rilao was u nhrendu business man ager ns hi < , and u.U'uul Ud pn party which bus jus ; bHion invtnturlrd at over $ SOOuU. Afcermakiuga tew trifling biquests , shn be queathed most of the piopony to S nbjrn Her will h s cot yet beuu probitcd and her relatives In Maint will contest it tn tno ground of undue mlin nco i n the part of S-n barn. The trial tf this tusu will brlni < out thn same itnry tbut tba content tf S i > b irn'n will will expuie. Mr Saub.in began ubjut five years ago to coutidor pUus for the < lin- petal of his wealth A will uhtch tie made at tbat time bequeutbed $10,100 to Dartmouth college , aud made his eUtora nnd three children nnd a * uu of ex-Governor Noyes of Ohio , ton in nil , his re irliury legt- teon. Gove nor Noyec , it tbould bo mid , was a ichool mite-ol Sanboru iu Nuw lUmp- eliiro Nut long alter tnrra WHS a breach in tbi ) relation ! between Sauborn und t > \ helts- at-law , cauiod by reportn b ing brunghc to him to the tff-ct that they douuunod him for his manner ut lifn iu Btstun Ho declared bo wcu'd ' strike all mi'.iition of them from his will. At the same lime bo said to frhnda he had not felt eaiitfied to l vu his propotty to Dartuiuutli.btcjiMilt wonliibemoLti mtd foru day nnd llun HI uld ba forgo ten Ho wnntid to do something fur hid own town und nttho SDina time huvo n uiHinorlal uf his no n nvuie. ' He proposed alto to Imuiortibze the ai > ma of his uiiatrurs for duiing tlie luet yerrs of his lifoho made uustciut of his it-lationa with her. Hn oven iroviloj in his will nhe tbould be bulled by bid tldo il hu or bur frlouds do- siiedituud he bar ) tncvd in the vilUgn cemetery n majnitict-nt vvliito iiuib'e mouu- mint. Iu .883Su-ibuni t'eteriniueil to found and endow au academy , wliith wuuld per- potuaio ilie memory i.l tiiuuull nud mistress. Ilo bought n line location nf tevt'ral ajrtsntmr the center if thu towu of Kiogtton uud bsilt an elegant brick and gnmtn edltico forttie purpoeo. It Is a building probably bett-r ndapted to tduoi'Knul | < urpo ts tbun any in the etate , nu'l BrchiUctiirally It is ilmfnifant struouiro within many mills Tlu budding itself uud two lUborutely arcliuH ( lutoway- ro plainly ioicribcxj "aauburu Seminary. " \ The building was liLi-lud about u yu r tt o , nnd compltttly fuiul.hed und ruarty for occu pancy. Its cuu > truulliiri wai carefully ruper- tntenteoded by both dunoia Mist Hlitju furnirhtd tha library , and In a room do.igned for It has becu pl.ced her life sire butt , drli- citoly cut iu muibe. Ic icptctuuu her ns n roio t > f beauty ) tier ftn'.urea aio clasicjl , drlloitumd refiutd Ho perfect are the lima ilut tha casual obterver gets the luiprmmon tlut it ii un ideal buiil , * nl the thought thut it reprnents a inUtrti * cf n brothel is revultii g end nlu > o > t btyond ctcdeoca. In thu lull between the nialu oalrways Is a nlcho ountuiulng n slmlUr butt r I Saut-urn. Hu wa < a nimll uuu wiih unr- ow forth' nr ) , but his prey hair aod'lunj ( vhite beard glvu him a wry patriaichial wpponr- anca. Below the butt ii a tablet In'cribed : ' This lomintry was foundo-1 nt in lowed and this build n { erecttd by KJw rd StuMn Siiiboiu n token of his r gard for his oaUu town ml his apprrcUllou if tha importuned of oduo.tlon , A , L ) , 1681" Tno library wiu presented by Julia Ann Hilton. Bluca the chiracter of Sunburn nnd the tource of hit wealth hat boco'iie kn wo by bU towns' men , there ban bat n a great deal of diicueiiou over tboacccptant > of bU beuefkctioun. Denies Blie Attnuim-a to 1'olaon Ilei Hn band , NKW YORK , Sept. 20.- [ Special to Chic g < Tlmenl-WillUtu D rracb , broth r of Mis , Waud , of Mon're l , who , ccorditg' to a tton telegraphed from tbat city , wai nccuied bj her husbaud's frlen Js of tn attempt to poiioi htm , It a resident of thli city. Mr , Darracl said to-day : "The story that MM. Warn Bad from Montreal Is falie. She cum * to Ntv York iv vr ek ago u I remained a few days a tnyhou'o. " MM. Waud denies that she > t- tempted t ) pulton her husband or that the meditnted doing it , or that he his written nny woidi whlcb indicate any such pur DOS o. unicus iomo r "lonato expremons writ en to n friend can bo interpreted nRalnet her. Finally she denies that there were nny Im proper relation * between her nod young Al bert Smith. Briefly , her story Is this , ns her brother gives It : M" . Boxudry , who In the published story is said to Iwe led her nslray , wni her companion for r-ovoral weeks thll tu-nmer nt n watetlrg plaeo now Quebec , They taw on board nMl * b > nt from Montreal to Quebec , Albert Stnuh , tf Montreal , whom MM. Waud knew , nnd who was equally wed known to the Waud family nt loino , Arriving nt Quebec they parted from Smith , nnd Mrs Wnud and Mrs. Bcnudry Wfnt to thn eotsido Mono. Ueturnit g to Moutrnil , Mrs. Waud began to correspond with Albert Smith , to whom she con fided that the had hid n misunderstanding with her husband. She m y have uasd bit ter and passionate expressions concerning her husband iu hrr letttrs to Smith Mr. Wnud' relatives iu tome manner ubtatncd nnsicsston of these loiters t > youi g Smith They worked on Mrr. Wnud'a fo , propha- ylcg nil kinds of things would be fall her frightening IIT eo that she was powerlpss to not for herself , nnd tbcy sent h < ( r on to New Vurk to her brother. Mr. Waud , nt the request of his family , under went n medical examination after her depar ture , nnd no trouble that cculd ba traced to pois n wni found , In Snturdny'd Moutrpnl piprs Mr. Waud contraiicti nnd denies the stutemont that his wife attempted to poison him. M [ Ilo PncH thnClty.anil lulu lor Ilrpalrs. MILWAOKKE , Wis. , Sept. 2) ) . The Ilev. Robert Sloes , of Greonburg , Ind , , was taken to the Milnnakoo county hospital today to recover from the effects of n week's debauch iu thle city. Ton days ago ho engaged a room over n Wcet Water street saloon , saying that ho proposed to "BOO the city. " Sjou after Iio took two half-gallon jugs filled wi h whuky to hia apartments , nud he has nut pfon a fobar moment nnco. ! List night ho iras taken vrry ill , nud when the police rtr/poiided to n call they found him in nn In- Etneible condition , from which ho lint not jot fully recovered. Inliiiroom was r.lao nquiutity cf opium , nf which he IB thought to have pirtakeu fn ly during hifl itay I1 ere He is retdily identified by nurnor u reutip'.B , his half-fntn permit nn the Cu clunati , Indun- npoli * , St. Louii & Chicago rail.vay , tbo man uscript t.f several nermons end otlifr docu ments Having taken nocaro uf himjolf fur the laist two daB bia bed nud room were iu n con dition tint w a rliei/usting beyond descrip tion. When ho arrived iu the city he wns well drepfo.l , coat nrd tidy In bin nt pairnnca andc rri. d in his vali-u a quantity of c'oth- ing , which indicitod his intention of beiuir ab rtntfrninh mi fir Bomo time. He id i < bout 40 years old , wears n d-irk chin-baard , nud hat the appearance of being , what articles found upon him indicate , n wearer of the clerical g.iwn. He will ba well cirid for nt the hospital , where he wai taken this evening. The Indtnnu LSmul Swindle. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Sept 21. A new pbnso of the Indiana township bond Dwindle wai developed hero to-day. Heretofore it has been generally understood that theao warrant ? were simply fraudulent ; th t they had been ueuid in payment for goods that were novtr delivered , nnd thnt Pollard nnd Iho distiorest tiuuces shtrod in the nrocjtd-i. T-i-day K l < r Stark , c .shier uf the OiLCinnttti National bunk , rame to the city bunging $ . { ( i > ll ( wnrrunts , purporting to bi is-uwl by Krnest Ivi z truat > o of the township in which thu city is situated. Thi wnriunta Wdie lubtuittfd to thn iti'pi-ction if Mr ICi z , uho pronounced llum forgeries The war rants weieiiLdorad by It. B. Pollard , nnd were placed with thu Cincinnati b.nk as col- latoinl by 0 B. Cook , proprietor of the im- iioudcd Jei.ningi county btnk , of North Veruon Mr. Stark retained n firm of law- v < rt > in the interest of his bank , nnd v > hat fuithor steps ttill ba taken is not yet known. A Ooon It'lllnij Ivor a Orou nivlsinn. TOPXKA , Kan. , Sept. 20. [ Special to the Chicago Tnbuno ] In n quarrel hero this morning over a division of crops J. W. Jones shot nnd killed B. H , Whits. Both nro col ored men , nnd Jones haa been working White's farm ou shares. They have had con siderable controversy for a yoar. White levied un tbe crop of corn yesterday , and in trying to effect a settlement tj-day on the farm , four miles from tbe city , n dispute sroit ) with tha abava re ult. White bin b > en a member of tbatchnol biard of this ci y , has edited the Colored ! Citi > on nnd Tribuna news. papeip , and been quite prominent in local pi 1- itic ) . Junes claims he did the tlnotmg ia Bflf-dfifenso , White haTiug tbreitoued his life. Tha ihoatiDR i dune with nu old army mus ket , the ball peuetrating tha etomach. After r < calving the shot White staggered toward Jones , n hen tbe In ter broke tha eunover his head. White ditd In a few momenta uud Jones gave himtelf up to tbe sheriff , FatnJ Kninlly liunk . STAUKOBD , Ky. , Sept. 21. Wdliim Ball , n prominent distiller , WAS shot and killed by his eon George , near litre. The two had been drickicg and quarreled , Young Ball wjs r.r- reHttd. IVT1BVILLE , Pn , Sept. 21. A horrible ragedy incurred last e\euln ? nt Sdver Oieek , n mining village near here. Patrick O'Neill ud wife lived with n old wjmau , U'Ni ill's unt , win in Mrs. O'Neill accused of being he instigator of frfqueat quarrel-i be- ween heriolf nnd bu band. Yetteiday ai the occntion of n camuial nn'l quurreN nt O'Nilll'j houip. Old Mrs K.ff , tha nunt , vit in bed , ncd Mrn , O'Neill tiking nclvan- age of the opportunity cevered lier hrad from her body with an nxe. Mrs. O'Neill waa Iruuk. A Jill Do'lvi-ry ' Frustrated. KANSAS CITT , Mo , , Bunt. 21 The Timoi' ST v.ul , Mo , tprclnl : GeorgeThsmp < n ind liiwurd Hindi were jailed tere last 1'riduy 'or robbery. Thin morning the sheriff die- covered they bad sawed through the bars of heir cell , formed n plot to kill him , nnd lib- er to P. P. Star , who U to be hanged next nouth for murder , and then etcape. A sot of inr larB1 tills were found sewed lulhlr cutf , aud (2 000 waa accidentally discovnrnl f > wd up Iu Trouipnoii'd underwear. HlnaV v llnt coctiiiu J n stick of dynamite Thomp son haa been identified a a uotoiious crook , Tlio Iniil * B.my tttnit. IONIA , Mich. , Sept. 20. Alaticb , wife and son , who resisted thu uflicen so sucsejafully Saturday , and finally cjuio to jiil , but refined ; o give up their nrnu , were duarmed by the cifficera during the dy Sunday , Thn otficon setm d to have been much overawad by the called prisoners. The houio , barn , atraw- ickt , und everything bjlnutjlng to tbe Aid rich family , except a uagiio , were burned U ashes last night. Tha prisoners will bo ur- r&igned this morning School Huneo Burned. Special Telegram to The BIK. COLDMUU * , Ntb. , Seit. | 21. The Pat Mur ray school houio , In tchool district No , 3 , wai burned to the ground last night. This is tin third tchoul houia burned In the iait moi tb Supposed work cf iucendiariei. They ahouh bo hang. soape of 1'iUoiior * . Steubaniilla , Ohio , Sept , 21. Twelve per BOUS , priioi erf , i cspd from the Jtfferioi county jail last night by niwiug the cell win dow bars and tnikirg a hole Urga enough d creep through. No impcrtnnt clnuacter were atnocg them. None batu been near. ; lured. RISING , Revolt Creates a Conunalion ID Varions Foreign Capitals. Earopoan Powers Opposed to th Prooaedingi The Cholera's ' Oourso in the King dom of Italy ( Socialists In Ijontlon-DlB.istTous Flood tn Hpain A Fall In European Securities , FOIIBIQN HEWS. THZ nsuMEU.v nmixa. ST. PiTEiisiinito , September 21. The Rui- sian press ii jubilant over recent events in eastern lloumelia , but teemed surprised nt the fcuddenneB' of the rUltjR and express bo- that tha i.ff. lr waa arranged at the incol- emperors at ICremsIar. JLONDON , Sait. 21 The SUndird , conr.- uientinfcn IhorieiDgin caitorn Koumelia , - "Wo believe that tha Bij-8 : cannot pjwors interested were ignorant of what was comiuR * If they were cr.tvn trouble may arise , Kn- Klanil bti nnl ? th ) faintest interest , while Austria nnd Gurmmv ara bjuad to ci-oper.itu In keeplug tha B.rlln treaty Intact , ndlc _ rein tins to be seen ho Mr it will allocl lluisia. If tin tretvy piwers are acting in conctrc the PiULLm'OLiBopt. . 21. Agent * fo nil pro-it liowd.n Minatory to tha tuuty uf Berlin sent diapa'chea to their respective govern ments npprovlnz tin movtm-mta of Fiiduy la-it. It i rumored in the various cnmulitos iu this city that the nmtussadjri nt Coustan- tluoula h yo Bticcee ltd in oisuiding tlio pnrle from sending Turkish tro 'ps to cittern Uo- melia to rigaln p S-eetion uf tha country. Prince Alexander of OaUuria , Is expu tid to nrriva here to duy. Tn-i princa i * rtCtiving cnlhujlnitlc ovations nt ovtry eUtlon ( .long tbe route from S.fi . PAniScpt 21 French diplomats hope tha ru'.bruak in II u uuli i will uuiln K gland nnd Fioncn. In via * i f the rising big nu np- pirent scheme for the pa'titinn of Turkey. Branch i ewspipars urg. ) tbitF nncu rhuuld net cautiously in dealing wiih 'he ' nutter und await n de Inrntiou f Lord Sbs mrj 'a pol icy Ei-ad Pucha. Tu'kUh iimbisstdor , h id along intirviaw with L ) Krwyii ns r.x rd- ing thu iu&urrcctiun in K is turn KoU uelU VIFNNA 8 ) pt 2 . An Inspired article in the 1'Vmdnrblatt ' atatts tb > t the uuio > intlc tondiucyof the Bulgarians nnd Rjumelitns have i epenterlly excited the Bfiicm attention of politic l circles. The powtri * , the papt-r says , continue to cherish a de-Ire to respect aud mi.intu.in the treaty uf Heilln. The action of Prince Al > xander of 15ulguiiin pi.icing himself atd bis army at tha lienduf therijiuF , constitutes n pruvo violation nf Intrrnxtinnul Inw , ft in a challenge to Tjrkey. Europe cannot , for tha benefit nf n mug o Balkan etbte , mdorso this inlracti of Iroatv rlghtd , entailing riar-jpiion . .f lllH lialnnco of power null ol tha uutiuii.il political fo'CPB of the Balkan ppninsul , m fixtd hy the B'irlin ' treaty It i premature to my it fiiitulywhat o minon a'.liou wni be inkeu by the p > * ( , bur. it Is toitniu tbat the movement will ba opt in thn narrowest poeniblw bjuudf , thn owns retaining tupreme coutrul of events in Ii" Bilkans BkltLlN S > pt2l. ThaZsltungia confident int tut ) ncnvord t.r nblo to deal with tbe i-ls. Vaiioui European ambusiadjrs ou irlmigh nro huriyiug io thiilr midta. SOFIA , Sept. 21 , Gibnel Pachn , tha de- used governor ol Km imha , ia a prisoner hero , 'be nHiional ft'ninbly baa ben tumm ntd to meet Wudnttday. IIIECIIOLHRA. BOMB , Sept. 21 llnportsfrnm Palermo re- . iriling tie progrtsi f f tbe cholera thow n die- lessiigstateuf iff airs prevailing there Thirty iiousaud panplu have fhd frum the city ; nil lups are closed ; the streets are almost do- trttd ; there is Breat scarcity of food and water , and the epidemic i * increasing with rightful rapidity. The sanitary4 oljicera nre tucked by the people every time they ttempt to disinfect the houses whore the Ueaie exists , and meet with great difficulty n carrying on the work. HOME , Sept. 29.-Tbe king has cent n dis- atch io Palermo expressing great sympathy or the suffering people. Ills majaatylao ant $10,0(0 ( io be dUtributud among them , nrl places his villa at tbe disposal cf tbe u Her era. During thn past twenty-four i urs there bavn bjen 182 new cases uud 123 oitlia from cholera reported in Pularmo. ItoilK , Sept , 1S r n jW ease * of cholera nd three deaths wore repotted In Parnu uring the past tweuty-fnur huura. and at tovl no two nov oftecs nud one death , GIDBALTEK , Sapt. 21. There were thtrty- nvcn new ca-ea of chnlnra nnd f urtern ealha repotted in the Spanish lines here e-tirday. RosiK , Sept. 21. The cholera IB pprcadirg n Sici v and the tituatim IH beooming tori- ius Every town is cordoned , CjtllictJ bo woen the populace ard military am cou- inuilly recurring , nud m my p rsonn have jeen wounded. A large military force is to )0 ) dlspauh.'d to the idau I to re toio order. t OCULISTS IN LONDON. LONDON , Sept. 21. An immunsa cocialiit nrtiilug was held yeiterriny nt the Limn inusfl. The C'uwl prevented many nttniupta of the policn to nrr < j t the tpeakeis , but the orncoru finally fucceeded io nrresting Ma'-.nn , ecretaiy of the cociillatio II HU , and seven protnt'iB. S vnrnl desperate aUemptn were made by thn mob to rescue tbe prianncrs from ho policH l.u. erH Kept b oi by tbo free vuo if tha poHo'tneij' * o'uhi. The prisoners were idaybr. u ht b-f irn thu mvgUtrate nnd intd uud iiuprl ou d fur n shore period. DlSASTllOUa VLOQDU. MADEID , Spt. 21 Dlmstrous rainn occurred in the soutbentcrn part of pun duiin ? the p st twin'y.four louia. The ruin d Kcenriexi in torn n a , tn1 'oon thorivtrs uveill iwed their backoausuu mmencn do liucliiin of properly end lost of iinny Hvef , huuaep.trtoaau deal aximaUbeing cirned nut to to * by tbn ramng flood , which tretchea for miles uruunl the tity. A FALL IN HTJOKS. LONDON , Sept. 21 Tim wai n heavy fall to-day in international tecmitlo-i. ciuetxl by oveuta the pait f wdxya in R umelia. Tim average full iu TurkUh iharoi waa fn m 2 to D per cent ; in Krjuch , 3 per caut ; ( enter , 1 per cent , and in Itueaiuua , 1 per cent. AN XARTHQ ABB IN ITALY. KOMK , Sept 21. Repeated thrcks of cartN quake were frit in Buueveuto to-day , cau inp panic among tha InliablianU , man > of whom flad from the town. A laiga portion of the popular u oimplng cnt in anticipation ot further shocks. TIIOUI1LK IN ALBANIA , : . Sept. 21 , Anarchy pre- In Mbjuu Tutkiih troops and a body rf Albani u have bad an engagement con Priirend. Kive battaliooa of Turkish troop have buen dispatched to the tcene of tin trouble , CHINA UA83INQ TBOOrS. PAH is , Sept 21-AUimlrg reports wen received heie to-day , to ibu efltct tbat Chlni U mauinit a large force uf tioopa upon thi 'routier. IN THU lUNna or URIOANJJH. SALONIOA , Sept il. liri/andu have cap tured tha/Aichblkhop of Vurla * hi ) oiece an auuthar lady. Toey demand i'3OtO fur th rAUtoin cf tbo pilsoner * . Tlio Oauudikii Suourc * * . MOMBKAL , Can. , Sept ' - " . . Twentyelgh idiathj ( torn imatl-poz here Saturday , anc jrty-ono ycslcrd y , mnking A total for Uie week coded last night of 210. HALIFAX N. S. Sopt. 21 , The reported ice of minll-pox at Wttllncs haibjr , Cumber- and cnintv , hits coused contiderabio ecare mong the residents. A idler , who was ndo'l Ilioto by nn American veisel , nftcr- wnid became ill. and the doctoia pronounced 10 disease ( mall-pax. MoNniFAL , Qua. , Sept. 21. Tha number t small-pox caaos in St Henri it IccroiGlng , L lar o parconlnto of the poplo met on the treats of the village are freshly p ckmnrked , nd nothing is done to cluck the disease , i lntotno doftth of some persona Iu the AUtnd ( if tin city who warn not vaccinated nd thoreajvpry ot otheisi win have been in- o ilated , many unbelievers ia this m llud ot Oghtiog the dlspaie rj submitting 1 htmiolve * to the operation. Ma disense has mido lt < appoiranco nt Ibor- ill in thin pnivinca. At n meeting of the : 'lfzns of St. ifosipH parish It wasftattd that 10 number of tmall-pox cafes in that plnce ud rpread to nu nlarmlng extent The ronch people , it wna eaid , were catolees j'.ut tha matter , nnd there wai danger of n till further incieno of thn disease , Ab'FAHlS. nAciNo ron THE IUNNKTT cur. SANDT HOOK , Sept. 21At2 p , in. nothing wna teen uf the yachts Geneeti aud Dauutlesi which hro touompatein wca from SanJy ( took light r-hlp around Brooton's rent light th'p ULC ! return. Tne wind 1- light from the toutti > H"t , the weather pat tly cloudy nnd there ia n mndirato so * Gnu louary atuim ttgnals wire dujl | tyed thin morning nud indications arn nf northensterly winiln und ram , When uenr Sandy Hook IfRhtnhlp tbi afteinoon , tow lluia were cast ( ' ( I end the yuchts mudenail and prepared for a long trip. 1'bn Lucltenbich gave n preparatory siim M-I:40 : p m , , having placed lift elf in pa-iMin n little to suuthwidt cf the lightship , Thu Diunllefs wa ? under main and foresail , fore- tty Bill , j b , flyluK j b nud main o'ub top sail whit.li covered tier main pnff toptall. Thu Genest * carried a main < nil , forestnv suil , jib fljlng gib , nud club top'nil. At 5i : 0 the slgu * ! ti etitt wa qiteu. The nere then sjutbwent i f tha commitUe The Oeiiestn'u limu cf criming the linn wan 5:13 and the D.mntlesa fi:2 : < 'Chtu the f rmer WM Imadictppod 3 minute > ud the latter 13 minutes. The Uauntleis haj Bel her j b , tup'&il , nnd main topmast Rtvysall. The Utfncatn did not utt any m ire Riil.lut s"unnftercrc8 ing tbo hue ihecrus e > d thu Dauntle"s nnd lug in loivicgher. Tne yiiehis were heading eastward The wind wai vSry light from south south west nnd t' ' o weather clenr. with a lung swell on thu ccJin. At n:30 the Geuestu WAS nbjnt n mila uhoad. Wh n durknPis set in the Geneatn wai observed to be nearly two mlltw ah-ad of I bo Uuuntleas. Tn l.uckunu.ich had left them and was heading for hump , li-nvnig UM ( ) a < mi Kiujr to kaitp the yachts compiny. Tntir progress was nut very f us S t ilia wind na t-till vary Ittfht. The ttH't In tlu yuobt rnca for the Bren- jri'd Rtef chadtnge cup was mndo thia uf ( t r- non. An Auioricnn nnd an Aujtriau birk , hich clauied thin morning , wme not uble to ork off th-i shore , thn wind hiving Hon uwn , They wore core to the li h'ubip und ere tha only vo'fth in light , exseut tbo ilot boat which dnni station duty. The tug King ( Joes duty KB u committed bo t , The cup n a magnificent trophy , valued nt 250 It w kn offered hy Conimi > dore iimea Goidnn Bennett m 1872 , and is op-n n bo loiiteeted fur by yachts of M nations ' ' 'ha di-.t nca is from Sandy II ink 1'ghtnhip ' round Urcntnn'a reef lightship off Niwpurt iirbur nnd -inrn , nwiut KOJ mllei It was ist won Ju'y ' 27. 1872 by the Ilimbler in 9 hnurc , to mini" , tO tica , Bud tbe tnniei acht buecettfuily defended it opten bar 21 fthit yetr iu-il hour25 mins j 32 ttcj The third raca wns .July 29 , I'70 when thn 'dler nu tcio-tho f t time of S2 h-nts , 18 niim , 1C earn. The Id'er ' being ruhsequantly old to tro tn C .icaco. the cup rever ou tu the * ? &w York Yacht olub , nnd the present it the uuitb contest for it. THE TURF. NEW YORK , Sept 21 To-d > y cloned the ensou nt Sh-ep-head liny trnck. Thi run icg wni iu the nuin npiritlesi. In the bird race n good deal of dltsntf-fac.iou was naifeated in giving the rau tu Toin Martin. ' . wus the p ipnlar opinion that it was a dead ead or Lnog Knit won the raca. Flret iTor nil nl- race ngts , non-winning - owanco-Bevon-oiehthaufanille : Decoy iuok won , Pontiao second , Sam Brown , thlid. Time , ] : Vfl2. Tnroo-quartera of n mile For two-ypar- d : Inspector B won , Bifgonet tecjnd , Scut- lh LUBB third. T.mo. 1:17. Mile nnd one-eigbih Fur three-year-olds nd upwardp ; Tom Martin won , Horjg Knit econ i , Swifth third. Time , 1:68. Mile and threp-vrar- thiea-eightbi For - - ) dr : G'poufiold won , Unreet eecoud , Punka bird. Time,2:28J. : Mile and u qmrter For throe-ycar-olds nd upward * : Freelaud won , Sovoreiga Put econd , Ten Strike third. T.me , 2:12i. : Mile aud an eighth Longvieiv won by n neck , I'arolo and danta Claua dead heat fur eoond place. Tune , 2OOJ : IIASU BALL Y > BTKRDAT. At Brooklyn * Oiuciuna'i 3 , Brooklyn 6. At PhiladelphiAthletic il Louisville C , At Huff ilo Buff ilo.0 , New Yurk 10 At Bluomiogtm , III. Bjaton 1 , Trovidono Exhibition game , TUETniQOEU , NEW YORK , Sept. 21. The Hilton trophy , wor.h $3 110 i , was t'l-day uliot for at Orued- noie by three teams uf twelve men each tlu Jtiited btataj regular army tram nnd the New Yurk ad PhlUdeUhm state toami The shooting was at 200 , f > 00 nnd CJO ynrdx , even shots utfoach dUtnue , ttaudlcg ut first tinge nud optjonnl nttiiudo- others. Tin fgulars won iih 997 nut of n pnnaihle liiO ( loiuta ; the N w Yurn uta H team 9G3 , and tlie 'enueylvania state team U17 poiut < . llolinnn'd Sluuiuar ItotieH , WABHINQTON , D. 0 , , Sept. 19-A story on jiigjf&airau Holman , the great damojrat ibjfctor aud eonomiit , his fullowtd him > ck to Wabhloglon from a military post on he frontier. Ace maiod itlon * were eoirco nl Mr , Helm in doubUd up with a > army liijer. ' Batter blow out that light , c ptuiu , > b dr ws th mofqultoee , " saiil ha cougrtsd- mau who Imd dlrrubed to his shirt , and waa evidently hueltutinR nlnut the next etop. The c.ip'ain was bu y with his owu prrpaia'ions for bid uud did not at on the BugKeulUni , turn ti < htmuw thoa , ure form of Mr Hoi mm in puns na'uralibm ditupuen lug be neath l ha tho-iU. "L t moliua jcu n night uhlrt , " Buidtbe ofihnr , thlukluu that t&e con- itroit-uun bad mi.lnid that arUclo of his ward robe und was emuanu' d for wait of It , ' 'Thank you , ciptalr- ; but nivor mind , " rrt- piled Mr. Ilolmuu but wo never wear such ih.ng * iu my dueatrlot. " Couhinu lou Sioux FALLS , D k.Sopt. 21. The threat ened troubles lu tha constitutional convention were adjusted by the adoption of n tubitituta tor Oampbill'd bid of rlgntr , which declared all political power Inherent iu the peopln , All ( rte government * being founded on their authority , they have tha right to niter thti forms of g iverument , nud dnclarei the state of D kou nu lustiparabla part uf the uuion , and th * federal constitution the lupremn law ol tbe Uud. Smallpox In New Ycirir. New Youn , Sept. 2l.-Sho health officen ar muku'Bt erery i llort to discover the souici nf the sudden outbrink of itiiullp ix iu i Griud strent tenement hou > e uud tem it before fore It gains headway. Saturday night i child wa taken tick with the disease , bloci tbsu two more pitlenU ill with the h va been lemovmi to ( In h Tvto uf m Kind. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2l.-Soeielary Kndi cott ruturoed to Washington last night and 1 t his deik to-day The prtslduut t'v-da ; appilntf.d ( Ii9 folljHlcg pottumiterr : Oli\o T. l ) le , Moutlcjlio , Indlan . vica W. J Huff , iiMM-nded ; John F. ' Ootttcll , For Scott , Kaniu. GATHERING HOSTS , Replilicaiis ( f Ihc Empire Stale As- for Their ConTenti-in , No Oertaintp as to the Nomine o for Governor , Supposed that Cornell Holds the Balance of Power , Protinblo I'UnkR ot ll'O FInlform \VnBliiiiRton Nolcs-Nolo Irani tbo Itallro nds. N13WYOUK 1'OLIiICS. nSLtQATKH QATIIKIUNO ron TUB ESFUDL10AN BTATE CONVHST10X-T1IK CANDIDATES AND HIE OCII.001C. SAnATOOA N. Y. , Sept 21.-DeIontna ( td the republican etftto conveution nr-i arrivirp iu large uumbars to-day. There saema ns y c to be uo concentration ujon nny ono cindi- datti. There have been alnut twenty-hve intutB uiutitioucd tor lli3 lirct pUce on the tiokut , the iiust proiLtnent ot whom nrn Alonzo 1 ! . Cornell , Cornelius N. lilies , Iin W. Dur-nport , J. W , Drcxel. .loieph . Tnrr , Livi P Morton , James D W rren , Willlun K. Sowurd nud Jnmos Wadawirth. Now York county Is said to ho d tha key to the biiuatlon , nnd thu city delegate ] nr < j li < rd nt worktrjtagto harmon ! .4 upon n ouididato. A quiet movement 18 on foot , it is paid , to in tie Col. Fred Grant the nominee far secre tary of state. Delegates fairly awnrn.ed into tiwn on tlo olVrnouit trainv.indocenoa about the h-itols to light arrf dtcidtdly utiimntud. At I bin hour (11 ( p , in ) thcro li no changa in the situation fiuin tluc indie titi'1 uarly iu the day , except tint Cornelius W. BlUa nud Levi Murtou linve t kcu the leivt. leaviog Cornell n Rood third , Whiln thla is n tact , It is very ncpirent that Cornell blocka the way to reauhiug on nmi- cililf ) nrrntigtment without cjusdierabln diili ulty , nn 1 uuleta ho cnu he gotten rid of by tha friends nf the oihtr two gont'emeu ' tboy will havti Imd work in carrjing out their wiehni. It Is ii'irteratoood that Cornell holds a milieu-lit nuuibe' of votes Iu the New York d'l git ion to ciiib-Hra'B Bliss and Morton , uud it U probable that this nuy ueccsjitito Ui-i untulng of n new man. SAUATOQA , Sept -MitmaiiT The Ki. t > s rjuuty ( Brooklyn ) dulu mioa hold conference to-night nnd npuoiuted u cjinmit- tee to confer wiih New Ymk cuuuty delo- in'ii ! with n view to eelec log n ctrnlidn o upnri whom bith delfg.ttionu cmd unite. Thu state cnmml' ' too to-nigat lield n inoilUg aud drcl < < nd to rcrommcnd the a lccUou of Senator Wurreti Miller for temporary ch ilr- uinn NEW YOKE , Sept 21. Th * Tribune's Sru- tozn special on tha forthoomiug republican convention will say : Stver.il p-riuiu hive been preparing pUnka for tha ijlitfo-ni , and .n tlfott will i < e made to Imvo it concisx , und > t Iho 8 m3 tima ombrncs tha iem-a upon rhich the party will appeal to tlm voters. lenator Miller propose < < n puleiilou phnk 'hich will accept the revised tat lit nt si.tllii g ho tniiif question until a Lew CC-IIRUI Is uken , und Uxprecating nny further nrjit4llon < the q > ieetio i until tra le U better nnd the figfri uf Irtborers higher. Oarpoml Tanner ill propo'e a civil Burvlcj plunk which will clare that war veterans should have priority n certification utter piling nn cxaminv.iou. eparato rcBohitionH will cbarga violation of h prliiciplrs of civil service ref jrm by re- en" uppomtmonta in the New York cuitom louaonnd in other ways. Auother plank will bo proposed docUriog n favor cf thn Btoppnga of the cninage of eil- f > r dollars. O.hr pUnl ; < will drclaru in f.wor f mun'c'pjl nud li'sialatite reform aid will lem nd ttutt the colored vocera of the eouth d given the right to uist thuir ball its and to nve them fairly counted , If the convention hould lust beyond one day , as now seems robiblu , tba platform will b3 reported to- orrow. WASaiNGlOX NEWS. A CHAKOE IN MAIL SERVICE. WABHINOTON , Sept. 21. Tha postmaster cneral bai ordered that the exchange of mils between the postofBcia of Benson , Arizona , and Nogale' , Mexico , bs disc mtin- , ed , and that all Mexican nulla heretofore orwarded via Benson , ArUiua , bo sent via oijalo' , Arizjuo , to be Included in the ox- hnnge between that office and Nogalea , ieiico. TENDHnED AK OFFICE. The offlca of chief of postoffiee inspection as hfou tendered by the pHtinastec-ieneral n William A West , of MixsUrippi. Mr. iVcflt is n proiporuus farmer living near Ox- orJ , Mlas , an i bai cngnged tucceesfull" in norcnitilo pursuits in dt. Louu and NdW Jrloans , md hw been pretident of n bank In ) xford. Air. West was at tha department to ur , und has the tender under consideration. TUB BKOBETAnV CONVAUHCINO. Sacrotnry Lnmar , who has been confined to ils bc'U'e ' for the laftt fenr days with n tovoro ittnck ol Ii llneiiz i , U reporto 1 as being some * .vhat . better to-night. Ilii pbyelcins , while ntertuiniug no upprebention uf loiious re- ults , haveurgid tha lecru.ary not to Icavo d boujo for several daj s. ItEADV FOIl TIIEIII HHOFB. TliolCveniiu Star exprssies tin belief that ho civil Fervlcacommiiiaiou will be reorganized leforo lone aud cow men a , pointed through- > ut. Indiana ID already in the field with n anHi jute for Mr. K tou'u place in the person if Prof , .lamed II , Smart , public inttructor uf he state. Auionfj ill" llallrnnda , BT PAUL. Mit n. , Sept 21 , News received rom Montana injailroad circles this evening ay the Union 1'acHc'd Utah Northern nar- ovf gauge branch in tbo territory is chacgire' lie g u o of bridgoa. It ii believed here the cmiruuy ii ptepaiinx to make the hue tundnni gauge Iu anticipation of the North- rn 1'uclfio building a broad gauge to Butte ; ity. Onvn.ANn , Ohio , Sept. 21.-Judgment for nearly 53t 00,000 was rendered by Judge Holhluy in the cnmmoa pleas aniirt to day against the New York. Chlctgo & St Louis railway company. The claim against tro compiny wui prttienttd In the rlnpa uf three O'cnovlt not > 8 , tha largrst of which , for (2 -0,010 , was executed Dfcamhtr 1 , 1881 , rn W , II , Viinderbllt , prmidimti'f ' the road , Tha next largekt note , for 3373,010 , was made payable to tha Lake Shine & Mlclilga Huulbern railroad compiny. Ths third note was for 8/50,000 and was drawu In favor nf II. 13. Hulllnr , bearluB data March 24 , 8 5. Seine time a < o the Union truit company of ew York , sake J the courts lura to compel the Nickil I'Jate to settle for n large equip ment of Mling Htoak purchased < if them. To day the Nickel Plate made answer to that suit , claiming that the road was not legally organ zed originally , and that the contract nltb the Tiu > t company is therefore void. . The roai wutits lh.9 rolling stock eold and tht pioceedd divided pro rta among all tin crtdllorv , MoNTltKiL , Oat , Sept. 2L The OanaJlai Picitlo kuthorltlek have for somu time entri citined sutplclous that they were l > aiug victln Izid by thiir civil enpintera and cjutractor in thu rtc.ion north uf Lake Sujxrior Abau a month go oil payments to contructjr were stopped. and rtmetsuruinuu of the different stclloni ordered ii Viu juit batn oomplot'd , and it uhovv. tliB''by ' blunder or Irtud the oompauy ' j paid ( u its contrac.on hundred * nf thous n ( ! r dollar * iu excrri of the amount of wor tlcne One conlracUir alina his , bee inme than ? ! OOOvO too wuc ! nd nnolber tCO.OOO. The fuU amount ne- grrgAtes half A million dollars. DMectlvpi hnvp ditcovrrod thit engineers who were rt- ceiVlnp Halation of 81CO n month were wealth ) landed proprietor * nnd were engaged in ox- tenMvo bnilcllnp purtuits , tome uf thorn biicp woith from { 30,030 to 510,000 , which bad bemi nccinmUttd in n wondetlully tbort time. It Ij ftnttd that criminal ncd civil proceedings will be instituted. Many nf the oontrnctori' Implicated have retained leading counsel tu defend them , who will p'oad that tbo re. m ; 6iireinont5 nre iucoirtct , PirTsiiuna , I'ft , Sept. 21. A largo number of I'eui ltnniA rallroml olUcinl ) will stnrt emt to-morrow on their annual tour of In- epoction. ' It Is itnnoroJ In railroad circles that nn im portant mooting of railroad men will bo held In New York to-morrow to consid r the sale of the Suiiib I'ltnnnylvnnta. Vandorbit , it it understood , will bo present. OI > J > ctliiK u T < uilT Hoiluollon. NEW OBLEANS , Sept. 21. Tha produce ex change hiM adopted n resolution to tha effect that they learn with nitonishmont nnd nlnrm that the collector of the port ot New Yoik has rccommendc d the t ccrctary nf the treasury to permit the introduction nf broken rico nt 2) per cent ad vuorcm duty , nnd also tiu 'ollowingi Kssolvod , That ns re prmntatlves of pro ducers nf nnd dealers Iu domtjslio riuo in thp tate of Lmlsinut , we protect ngaluet such ovsnion of thoixls ing t rdl laws , Kei lived , That wo decUro broken ncn , n mp rted , to bo purn unm.miifaoturdd > ict * j otectul byn fpecifia rate of duty. Thu whole nf thu fxrtigu tioj imported cuiilil hi- lastly binken In p > uuding to clean it , if it in iilmtttrd almost freu of duty. Hnhjd , That we respectfully tuga the secretary of the treasury to protect thu pro dn3 r nd rover ua * of thfl government fiom Bticii n constructinu of I'Xlstiug laws , Thu tugar ex-h ngo hat II'BO ' adopted n seiiej of ludolutuius t' < * h'i H niDncniral tlltct. t'r.'liailnt : toUDloml tliu OtiiiiiiilHsion. NEW Youit , Sspt21. . A Washington special says : The resignation of Chairman Uormin B. Kiton of the civil serviaa cmi- ml'i-lon was sent In before Majir Ilinckley , of New York , brought action in the United Slates circuit court to test the constitution ality nf the civil service Kw , nnd there ia good reason tu believe that he will withdraw it un-ll the nc inn has been tried. The president has repre sented to him that his resignation at the present juncture would be interpreted HS u iQ'rqut and a run of weukn ps , nnd mtrfhe ii llueucu thfl reau't ' of the trial. The pnei- deut hns promi'ui to the civil cervica reform Hftpncutlou that the constitutionality if tlin law sbal' bs stoutly dafenlod , Hiid the object of Mr. Eaton's visit t ) Wellington nt ttiU time in tu prcpiro u dofeusn in thn action which Ii t'i b ) Drought bjforo Judge Wullaso ia Now York oa Friday. Tlio Tf > mp rniiC3 OiHCiisvloii Enrtnd NASUVILLV , TKNN , Sept. 20.- [ Special to Chicago Tiibme , ] Joseph Page thot nnd futilly woundoi William Hamlott on Wharf avenue thii eveningIlamlett , who la 52 yosra old nud the proprietor of a ( mill store , wai talking to eomo children about the evil effects of drinking whisky , nnd in the o > ur < > a nf his remarks m'd ' no man who wni uddictod to the use of liquor o mid prop : rly a'.tend to bu > iue > ? . P g > * i who has lung b.'en sullerlng from con urnptinn and uilug BiimulnntB tut re for , told Ilinilett ho wa-i u ar , lluuloti Itft tha Children nnd walked u6 into the s reot , being followed by Pag * ) . In repea o J what hii had * ad. ! The latter mmediatelv ftruck PagH , whorirow n revolver ; id noiit a 32-ca bm ball into Iliuilett's tldei he bill p sed from ope Hide to the oh | r , erfnrJttijg the luujs nn'l liver. Tl'i'i'ilett fell nd Pag i ran away. OSijjis went in pursuit ud cjpturoj bun n1 ; 9 'u'oo1c tt-ni ht. . In Fii > nuinl Tiuublo. IlAKBlsnUKO , Vu , Sopt. 21.- The Shenan- ojh I'on company , nt Milnof , ia this county , us defaulted ou tha payment of eomo of ita idobtoduesf , nnd n bl 1 was filed iu the circuit onrt of the United States to-day asking fern n itjanjtlon and recuivcr. The partlei to lis action are the Seventh National bank , Tulon Trust , Safe Deposit uud Innuruncci ximpany. Eighth Nnnounl b nk , nnd John liluo * , til ot PniladilpbU The liabilUlea of 13 oompuny nro ubuut S900.00D. S500 0(10 ( of vhlch is first mortgage bonds. Tin reinuln'ler s a flinting ladebttdness , An li-junction uud eceiver nro asked for by oiedltun reprtseat- tig the ibatinu debt. Onnftl b WlLKtHDAUBE , Pn , Sapt 21. An outbreak mi Iar to that of the Plymouth fever has made its appearance ia Nauttcoko for the past 'ow day. It u reported late this evening that everul families are strlcVen down with the Isease. Tnu in ijority of cai s are situ ited , pen n hill uoar town which has always been onei'lerel thn braUtiie t pare of the place. L'he ppidtiniia Is said to ba caused by thu uie f well wntor pointed ia eomu unknown mitn- Mil ii ClnHlnn Down , lETaoir , Mich , Sept. 21 , Specials from ifeuomlneo report that all lullh on the Mich igan Hide of the line have been clrsed by the wnors on account of the ten hour law , which s just KIILO Into ifl ct. At firt It was de- iiul to iiavn the men sign contracts waiving luir tight to rnup tha benefit ol tha now law , ut thu opposition WHS such tbut Ilia mill wners finally shut down to await develop - iitints , Ac Mauut a 1,001 mou rre out of mplojmeut becauie they ref mod tu accept a iroportinnatu reduuilou ol pay with the hanged hours. Work Hetuuibil t Itouk s JJllUH. ClIKYKNNlf , Wyo , , Sjpt. 21. Work woi ObUiced lit Hojk Springs ooal mines thi < moroing. All Chinamen went to work , ulsi ill white mechanic * , tniiineerB , blacksmith * iremen andoirpentrrjirmploye'l iu Ihoininen Th white coal mlnrrs wno dtchuod to worl wire paid oil. Every thing ii quiet , ntidm more trouble is antilpited. A IViuler lAiilc. ltcuallr < ] , Now Yorlc Sun. "You would ba ustonlshod to hear an- eto th queer people who soraoiirues coaii oourihco , " 6 td tliu Iceeptr of u von tioin Oa ttiain utroot struet restaurant "Thu other day a man cmiu iu dutiiif ho afternoon mid sti < * j ' 1 was hero Ii ho mnriilnf , ' nnd gut f JUT eiuill aaasi er a bowl of coiTite , two rolls cf brtmd. a pn ,1 butter end two pataloef all for II ( .outs.1 I thought hs bad rtllsbwi irha no gave him and had OIIIIB back to tr ; ( t again , BO I said : 'Ourtaiuly , air , niu wo cm let you have tfc ttni things foe tto eame nm ll ptlci every day In the yuar , Sauduys nut ex oop'od. ' Thank , yon very , taucb , re piled the ma ? } 'bat that la not extrtl ; whtt Iwont. . Fid IB , I drank tbo oouV and nt/j all the bresd and butter am both the piUtoeo , and I uui hod thro s&ugi' ; bat thu fourth tausjgu I coul not. tickle , I w eatlsCied. Uat now da you know , I'm hungry egtln. I luy a kind of hankering after that Bantam < < rn I oiu'i inugiau what W B Uio uiatli too tha' , I oonld uot eat it ih j BO I'vo just ati-pjitd iu to ei tf the cook o mldu't hunt H up and I rau luvu nnnthor cbaucu at It. U' pa fi r , you know , uad you we ti't k'su nu thing. ' That'it the kind of cmfjmcrs i got , and we oau'c ' ahvaja o'jli o them , " THE RISEJVKD FALL Prices in Chicago1 ; ! Marl FlnclDilmi Fiercely fllgli M Lw , Oattlo Figure o Undo 'go No Ke- maikablo Hogs as Low as At Aiiy Time for Ssvon Yoarsi Wheat n. Goad Ariloto nt Barter Closing Uljjhor Tlmn Bftttiriin ] Other Ainrkau , CinCtGO nlVIS STOCK. CATTLE. Special Tolegrmn to the USE. CHICAGO , Sept. 21. Trade oponoil rntlior quiet. 8 ileamen , who had uaofnl nrnl goo < } unlives , which were scnrce , made nn effort to- get iiore money , nnd occasionally a lucky ouo eucceedoi ) , but iu ngoicralwny there wa llttlo or no change. Tex nee nnd Northwestern raugera were in butter demand , nud told 'fully ns stroi g as hat wo Ic , Lw grade native stuck remains dull nnd conttnu s to cell nt low piicee. Stockrra nnd fotdora iu light pply , nud Htttu or no don mil. There wcto but n four country buyers present , nnd the few transactions recorded wuro on speculativa account. Shipping stem 1350 to I'OI Ibi. $30f ) 6.00. 12',0 t. . 1350 IbJ. , $10196 40 ; 050 * to 12 0 Ib3 , S3 ! ) > a4 8) . Thr.iu.ili UVxm oUtla stronger ; DM ) to 1051 ) bi , S3 2'\ 0) ; 760 to 000 Ibs. , S. 80@y 30 ; GOO iu 7U Ibfl , S2 C0@ 3,00 Western r.uiii-ra firmer ; natives nod half-breed * , 53 C05 iO : cow * , ? 200@360 ; wintered Teiauu , S3 2Ci-l 06 Sals * 40 Montana. 1 122 11 , S-l 5" ; 302 Mont'ina Tixini , 11)10 I'M , < Jt < 5 , U ! ) O ilora- ( l < > , 1,17 ! ) llx , S4.DO 34 Uulorndu Toman , f'JHhH $ > 6'3IUhiilf-br ' ; ed < 1,110Ibi. 8-1 CO ; SUO Wyoming Teaiw , 1070 Ibs , $3.tO ; 403- Montana , 1,265 Ibo. ยง 5 to. HOGH. There wnj n sharp down drop of 515)1."o ) , nnd only a moderate demand nt thftt. Tha drop wn : on nil gradea from but to poorest , Pricojnregralunlly weakening nd nro now down to nearly 'l\a lo.v r-angj of thu miialh of September iu 1378 nud 187' ) . I ! mrd of trads BLecttlatore me selling hug products fir Janu ary delivery on the \ua\t \ \ of ubout S3 2 > ns the pnoi for hog * In November nod Ueceniber in the Chicago imitket , mikii K tbo price in the ciuatty uliom as low ai at any time for the pnit auv < = n years T < > day rou < h und o imtnon Bold nt S3 5 ) 37' , Mr tJ good packlcg sorla ut S3 Oj@l 10 , iiud thu baat mark-t v\n \ nro cloaely a-s , r od hetvy nt 54 15 ; 4 21. Pac't- ' iu , ? nud thippii'g ' 23) to 33) 1" . . SSSj'SJiaJ : light woigh'a 130 c.i 170 IbJ , Si 2d@l 49 ; 180 to 210 Ibj , $3 5tgS4 ) ( 10. TUG Oil VIS Mil ! It HI1. WIIBAT. Special Telegram to The BEC. CHICAGO , Sopt. 21. The market developed lift ) und strength to day. The moving cause is iHUirult to dl'cover , but it wan declared that millers ii the northwest wire coonUntly advancing their bulc for wheat , nnd that n full udvuuos of Cj. hd occurred durln * the just week. It was a,1 jo statyd tbat n bitter demand had boon deVelopid in the Eogllih market lor American ll.mr , and there wai the piomlso of rather laig < ) decreaao in the vlalhle supply uf grain The niirkot opaucd with heavv ufferiiigr , nndor which prices fell back to S3j fur November or gs from the opening. Krom this point tha dainand be aa tn nnpiuve , aud t litre was n sharp ndvau'O to 85JJJ uuild oonti ! > > rnbo ! excltemont. Tharo wan a reaatljn to BJJ followed by a rally to &HJJ3 , which was tlii highest piint of the day. T ia market then fluctuated withia n narrow ruugn , and closed on thu regular board Io higher than Saturday , CORN. Corn was weak ut tbo oponlnar nnd li'Ofimo more so an the cession advanced. Receipts wore suili iently frto to bring oat liberal oniurrf , While there wan llttlo if uny ruppnrt to the market , warm weather prevailing throughout the northwest calmed the fears ot fioit for tha time bolrjg. Th'3 decline , followed by a partial recovery , was go. OTHKR tlABKETH , Oita were very quiet and prices shaded off a , fraction. Provitinns ruled quiet and firm , prlceaehow- lughttlecjango. Thn Wopkly Or'Alii Bfaitoiiinnt , CHICAGO , Sept 21. Tbo following figures , taktn from un Lfliiiial statement of the board' uf trade to b ) posted on 'ChauKO to-morrow , , chow the am'iuut uf graiu iu sight in tbo Uiil'R'l ' HtatiiH uud Cauiida Saturday , Sjpi > < rn. bar 10 , aud the amount of liicreana nud de- cre.isu ever th ) proceeding week : Wheat . 43,830,214 03 ) ,021l Oorn . ! , : Wi78 * 9J7 740- Oiti . 4.1(9,1/7 ( CO.fCO K > o . 41 , ( r92 ' 4,71'C. , ' rl.iy . 181U3J , 42li87 Tnti mouut of grain in utora in Chicago elevators at the name tlmu war. "Wh-nt . 12,831,055- Corn . , . 483 711 O ts . 41,431 Hyo . 14S4I8. U Iey . 17,379 The AVoilcly Hvvlbwot nrldsli LONDON , Sept. 21 , Tlia M rlc Lane IE- pieta , in its review of the Uritiih praia trade during the punt week , B > B ; lirokon wentber with occaai Bid rains during iho week , Itavo tended to dtl.ty liurvrit. Halen of Knqliah \vh. < "t during the wniOc were 7J,4 ) < 1 quirteru ut31 < 10d , * Kttlu t7 > , l3G ut i3tlUd diulog tliu corresponding week la t ycur. Vnroign wh-iut U null , Thai If coitt market haaloat Its activity and Imi toned duwn. The first of Aicerlom red wintvr whe t arrived during thu week , and was told at S2i 10d. Five cargocd of wtunt f.rr'iI ( , nix weiu sold , live withdrawn nad fiiur rfmainu'l , iacluding uuuof Ojlifoinluu. At tO'day'd inark t theru w ru lur u atlivtiries uf wisac. Tde weather was clear ana t'ju fcim wa > < ahmli PI , much to the ditappoiuttuent of trade l''lour ' wa dull ; prices cloeud vt SI ) . Oor , bran aud peis were steady. UaU dul\ mil Uurluy In better iuj'ilry , _ Jlulii DiUry AUirknr. Oi Bopt 21Toaluto. . Ocan'd : VA gin , 111. , nml : Snthobjurd if trade to. day buttar * vtul ( , and dtcliued Jo over luat weok'a prictn. lUgulur tale * , 12GCO puunda at 22ic. Checati quiet uud dull 100 buns iC@te. . Tim y t. WiBiHKGiW , Sopt. 21. For tba upper d Mu'Uslppn Goner a ly f.ir weather , except 0 lojal iu uj ui extrtiuu uoithcin ptiitio3boith > A * e ifrly ulud aud luwur tciupuratwc , with cool wuvu and hlvher biromoter Fu ; tbw MlKouri Vullbj : Centrally fair weathw , nortbwwilf-rly wludi bectuuh'g varl- ' ' , fcigher biruuibter ftud I ltl\iwul wave. a , ICin. , Sept. 2L An Incendiary fire this uiorniug desttuyod the Uiga 'e ucrl otorea of S. A. Drown & Co , , aud Ilytlugtr & Itosentlial. The builitluKJ were owttd by 1'aul Kiiber and U. Traxt. Total lots oti mitod ever $100Xi'j ( ) ip ursuca