THfc DAILY BEE-MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21 1885 THE DAILI BEE. Monlay Morningi Spptsmbor 21 LOOAL BEEViTiEa. The friends cf Gen. Bruno Tzchuok , con- nl at Vera Otur. , Mexico , will bo glad to Jpirn that he tiropidly recovering fro = t a so- Tcre attnik of yellow fever which has bosn ragtag at that place for several months , A woman calling herself Mrs. Donovan , and living on the bottoms , came up to police headqaAitora Saturday nnd lodgad com plaint ngainit John linker , the son ol a nolffh- bor , who hid hit her In the eye with a stone , Ed. Pyle , of Ilumboldt , one ol the loadIng - Ing turfmen in the ttatc , WM tn the city attend ing Saturday' * races with the followug horses from his largo stables : Ohas. Caffroy , Jennie Uobb , Captain 1'jle , McFarland , Annie 13 , Gallery Colt. An important mooting will bo held in the Y. M. 0. A. hall this ovoalng nt 8 o'clock , when the subject of a building for the association will bo diacnssod , No collection will bo taken up or funds solicited , Kvory body at all interested Is Invited to bo protonr , that the boat plans of work may ba dis- overed. The city Jill was the acono ol a abort but lively combat Saturday. Edgmgton , the colored nulatant , fought one round with Charley Williams , another darky , Raining a dtciiivo victory ever him. William ? , ho claim ) , wai trying to oust Llm from his posi tion by making aocrct overtures to bis em- ploysra. Joseph Lleka nnd his family of wlfo nnd two daughter * , will ba sent to Running Wa ter to-day , their passage bomg provided for by some of ths kind hcnrtod Bohemians ol this city. Liiba , with his family , arrived in Omiha Thursday after a weary tramp of throe days from Nebraska City. Ills pasaago was paid from Ihhomla to Niobrara , but by aomo mistake the railroad company sot him down nt Ntbraska City. Bo "Wonld Act Ijilco a Cowbor. OQicor florrlgan , standing on the poat- offioo corner Saturday about olght o'clock , was suddenly attracted by a violent lent disturbance a block abovo. Glanc ing In that direction ho caw a man on horeaback upsn the sidewalk trying to force his stood into HauJsoma Harry's aaloon at the corner of Dodge and Six teenth street. The animal was refrac tory and plnrgcd and bucked over the pavement tcUtoiing terror among the pudefltrhna who wera pissing. "Whoop , " yelled the horseman , plying a blacksmko whip ncro33 hU hoisa's flank , "whoop , I say , I'll have an eye- opener over that bar and I wun'i got demo. Gut In thorp you cuaaed critter cr I'll cut yon to shoo-DtrlngH , ' and ho attempted to urge forward the frightened beast , lashing its sides most cruelly with his ugly whip. But at that instant the policeman reached the nano , and tolz ng the man by the neck brought him to thu ground with a jark. The would-be terrier proved io bo commonplace peddler who gave the name of Cnarlos Call rrhon j tiled for drunken dlsordorllnois. An Interest Infj Question. The wheelmen of thla city ere t present - ont dlacuBsicg a matter which promlais at no distant day to aiaumo Important and Intores'iog shape. List week It will ba romomborodthoro was a blcyclo raoe at the fair grounds , in which a number of the membars of the Omaha Wheel club ware contestants , aho Helphrey , a professional roller skater , who la a Gtst rate bicyclist. Now the rules of the League of American Wheelmen to which all the racers belong , provide that no L. A. W. min shall en v" ter Into any sort of a bicycle contest for money or pr'zo ' with a professional , on pain of expnltlon from the league. It is claimed that the circumstance of theao members of the L. A. W. riclrg with the professional roller skater , Holphroyovon though ho bn not a prof dosloaal wheel man la enough to expel them from the league. Tno tules of the orgauizttion are very strict on this point. The local wheelmen who ongiged In the contest are in hot water , lost their action may cause trouble. The outcome ia awaited with no small interest. TlioOninh * tilglit Guards. "What hai boojtna of the Omaha Light Guards ? " was naked Saturday of a member of the organlzitlon. "Wo are getting along finely , " was the reply. "Wo are practicing every day , and are able now to make a very re spectable drill. Yes , wo drill with regu lation muskets , and thanks to Oiptaln Crop , wo shall soon bi able to mtonlsh the people of Omahi by the progroia we have made. There are now about forty- Gvo members In the organization. " The guatdj now drill in their now armnry hall In the rooms ever Williams' stare , formerly occupied by the public and board of education. Iho hall has been undergoing the renovating process of palutlrg , varnishing and kalaimlning , end prcseiitaa very handsome appearance. The floor has n'oo ' been especially pre pared for drilling and for dancing , and when not uted by the guuds Is to bo let for balls and parties. The apattmnnti formerly occupied by the board of edtti cation have been turned Into a rto'ption room for ladles , having boeu carpeted and paptred. A door haa been cut through from the ante-room into th * main rorm. The hall la certainly one of prettiest and imat perfectly appointed tn thn ci'y , and the gnurda are to ba con gratulated upon It , pruvMitwl and tlmroiiRhly indio tfd by DurrY'd Puitie MALT WniBKar. ICecoimnendHl iiy lending Phyelciaus. Sold by Uruggiita and Grocers. Ilorm ) iiiirviVaiitfJ. . A ielegram from Lncoln to the city marshal vraa received at police hosd- quattora early Sunday morning ntklng that n lookout ba kept fortwahorto thieves and atop buggy and loam which were suppoaid to bo In the city. The ru fit was stolen from Oibornn oiunty. Kanaie. lait wcrk by two yourg men named Fr d ui d Joint Kcynolda. They were traced at fir u Lincoln , where thfy irlcd ti diap > mu of the rl but failed , They then etarjcJ for Omabn , but si far nothiag hus biui sieu tf them here by the police , THE BESP WASHING COMPOUND /if tbo d y i un-oubtid'y JAMES PYLB'S PEAIILINE It cU-aueta thn < iirtlot and uu " i It pant fabric witbont Jujiiry and with 1 ttl labcr. For silo by rtceiB. ' UNRULY UTAH , Senator Maaflerson Lmi Ito Latter- Day Saints , His Vlows"Uroa , the Situation anil His Ideas , of the Iloform IIc- qnlrcd Pointed llltis- trntlona An Intrrott * Inc Intcrvlnw. Sonatot ManScrson and his wife returned turned Saturday after moio than four veoka spent In the wealorn territories. The aonalor la a member o ! the senate committee on territories , and was de tailed for this summer to the work of In opcctlng the condition of the natlon'i embryo commonwealths. Bis journeys however , accompanied by Mrs. Mandor eon , have boon pjtformed thin noaaon as much for his own diversion , nnd altogether gothor at hi ) on expense , After the In tolllgont and intatosllng account ho rendered derod of Atlzana and Now Mexico , which ho fits1 visited It TTAB known that the aenntor coald af ford most interesting points npon tn territories of the weak and northwest from which ho just returns , and which ba lag tributary lu a largo dcgroo to Onuha command in no small moasura the atton tlon of the local public. A reporter fo the Brr called upon him at the Millan hotel Saturday and during a long conversion , tn which the full Inform * tion obtained would exceed tha oipioity of a legitimate pwn Interview , many valuable uablo and deeply interesting points wcr < produced upon the great now region o ; mountain and elope. The senator lirat visited Salt Lake going thence In n ( on daya to the YoUow stone whither his duties as a member o the sub-commttteo on the National Park led him. From this wonder-land , ho went to Portland and then again in the Interest of the sub-committee on Wash Ington territory , of which ho la also t number ( thU committee reported favora > bly last year upan the admission f the tenltoiy ) ho made a tour of the sounc cities and other points of interest in the territory. Turning eastward , ho passec through Idaho , visited Shonhono Falls , and thonca returned to Salt lake , where ho made a visit of more than a week' He devoted his entlro time to the otudy of Utah and its people , and by good fortune was much assisted In this pursuit by the stirring events occurring at tlmo. "Tho people of Utah , that la tno Mor rnons , for they constitute the ontlro pop- nlitlon , with a small gentile element1 said the senator , "are virtually an nllon nationality. They hate the nations government and ohafe at the restrictions of lha country's lawn and the presence ol federal official ! us an unholy interference and a barbaric Invasion. The spirit o sedition la to deep seated that no one can con'omphto the situation without wondering that it has not long tinco bro ken out in opnn rebellion. Outside ol Silt Like Olty the piople are environed with nn other Icflaoncoa than that of the Mormon ohuroh. They read noth ing but Iho Mormon organs , heur nothing bat . "saintly" cx rtatlona and ooa none but folio worn and praotltion orsof apolygamoua croed. Itlsnocredltlo the chutoh of Joseph Smith that Its fol- lowera are thns donsaly Ignorant. Edu cation is not a vital principle * in the Boclal and moral ethics of Mormondom , and Its devotees run more to tangled hair , spare visages and gaunt limbs than to brain ) . There must ba some legia litlon cf a most heroic and v'gorouachar- ' acter enacted to crush out tno "bydra- headed monster , " as It has so often been denounced la editorial thunders. 1 believe lievo th t the people of the United States and their representatives la congress are awikonlng to the realization of the fall enormity of the condition of affairs la Utah and that a few months will wil- nets the passage of some law through the national legislature which will attain the end so much required. "You wou'.d ' ba astonished to wltneei tbo proceedings of the federal courts and BOO how perjury and outright contempt ol court forestall the administering of jus tice. I was in ojutt the other day wnun a woman , Indisputably the second of two living wives , was on the stand , brought thcro In evidence against her husband who was on trial for polygamy. 'How many children bare you ? ' aslccd the United Statee attorney. 'Three. Aged live yean , throe years and three months , ' she replied. 'Who la the father of those children ? 'I don't know. ' 'Is not your husband the father ol of those children ? ' 'I don'c know , ' the woman replied dogfffdly. "Tno prosecutor , fully oognizint of palpable docopiioa the woman was prac ticing on a matter In wliloh she indie- putably knew the truth , appealed to the court. The judga was compelled to rule that she had answoiol too questions put to her and the case * would have to go on In the hups that the recollection of the paternity of her children would come to tbo witness , ' In another case wherein a certain White was arralugud , a M/BJ / Star key , who was beyond question tbo man's ' aecmid wlfo , was oillod to the wltnces stand. She absolutely refused to testify In any particular and WAS finally committed to the poaltoutlary for contempt of court [ hold a convocation with White and en- detvored to ioilaonco him to a proper coureoof conduct I to 111 him that It was tils duty to tavetho woman from punish mcnt. Ho htld it in his power and should bo too honorable to let any OIIP , above fill a woman , scif r for him. If Bllis Starkny was not his wl'p ' , he c'tild prevail upon hur to abaolvo homself from the ommlttal nf thu court and at once acquit himself. If on tbo other hand BOO his wlfo , was it not the btttar part nf manhood for him to stop forth and fay it , that the at least , whitavtr h's ' fate might be , should not sofler fi r htm a gulltleia penally , lie rn- ; > 'icd ' oddly that ho could not see it in tint Uiiht. "I then converted with her and found brr far mure intelligent than him , by long ) c"ds , sloth abe wia n her io lly fanatical B a Juan nf AM fihft roa < uitd to mt > : h t the was a Mormon and believed In d pri'cop'a and tuioHnga It was ihere 'urn ' her duty to prottnt Irnm persecution , ai shu dnt-med it , nil follower * of its gospel. She remained firm ir-d was seiit co the pfloi'oattary ' "I are by tbn moriiini ; ( elfgrama that iJbhop John Shirp has pleaded guilty of , ho leadliii ; charge , and rma anfleiod thu ( "position of a tmrely nominal fin1. It * ill ba interesting it obs-IVB thetHVctof jls action , ta Sharp Is one of the leading IIBII of the Mormon church , aud in my uderuent , a dip'oniit aud budurai pe- nlu , with few tqoals lu tha war. It may tet a precedent that will prove lalu- tary lo Utah , and be the firit atop of the I territory's aolf-rcdemptlon. I I have frequently been asked If the r , Edmunds lair would prove effectlvo in this great dllomma , and I have bton con strained to cxprc a i my doubts about It. Something of a moro vigorous nature la dcminded , and Senator floar'a bill foi which I had the ploaauro of voting laal aoeaton la nearer to the point. The Utah question ia In ray judgment Ilia moit Important of all mattora which now press for consideration. " Nobrnnkn Fonooa. Ever alnco the president's memorable order commanding the removal of foncoa and the roturnof vaat oncloaurea to the open public donuln , the first o o of enforced forced obedlenco has boon awaited with much interest. It wai natural enough , then , that the first question put to Mar shal Blorbowor Saturday on his ra- tnrn from the western part of the atato WBB , "Have yon boon out on fouco bnsl- noia ? " "No , " said Iho marahal , "my mission waa altogether an uninteresting ono and upon mattera of no public Importance. Tno truth of the oato ia that I do not bo- llovo wo will have any trouble with the cattle men on the fence score. Slnoo the president's strong manifesto waa ut tered the trotpasBors have gene quietly to work , aa far aa I can loatn , removing fenois of their own free will. While Colorado has on hand a number of prose cutlona , not a single camplalnt haa been made In Nebraska. However , I have ra- calved no lustructlonn in the premises and have had no occasion to communicate with District Attorney Lambortaon , aa 1 would In the event of trouble. Ghoyouno and Sioux counties wore at ono time largely fenced in but those are bolng rap idly removed by the partlea themselves , and from present evidence I am Inclluet to disbelieve the sensational stories ol outrages against the public hud lawa al leged to have occurred In the past. The cattlemen of Nebraska are law-abiding gentlemen and no difficulty can bo ex- psotoil. " The SpeuUl Mellvorjr. Although aovoral cities in the Union have received tholr first Installment of apodal delivery stamps , the Omaha post- office has not yet been so favoroJ. Post master Ooutant haa ordered them but dooa not expect their receipt until some tlmo next week. ' I observe in the telegraphic columns thla morning , " Bald Mr , Ooutant to a re porter Saturday , "that the department has made provisions in a llttlo mattar which , by coincidence , was discusaod and ad judged as advisable , In my office evening. Ita effect ia to decelerate the operations cf the system of whlnh sposd Is primarily the firat principle. The new order prov.dos that In pra- pirlug packages cf mail for any point , that if there ara five or moro apodal delivery l ° tterj , a ( separate bundle shall bo made of them. In cates whom there are loss of these lattcra , they shall ba placid on the outside of the regular ular package , DO aa to bo readily observed and rocdlvo prompt attention. Taoro is onaldorabla interest manifested in the outcome of the new departure , but pre dictions are against It. The postal authorities themselves confess a doubt ol its Sadden Dcatli. Ohnro3 ! F. Gravoman died very oud- denly at 10 o'clock Friday night In St. Joaeph'a hoipltal. He has been alck since Thursday , the 10th , bat was thought to ba out of danger. Friday morning , however , ho took a audden turn for the woroe , and suffering a vlo- lant fever loat his reason. While in this condition ho was seized with the Idea that some ono waa trying to murder him , and throw himself violently down-stairs , In an attempt to escape. The Injuries thns received undoubted ly hastened his death. Mr. Gravoman was a well known birbor of thla city , and before taking sick waa employed in the shop of Ohrla Willo , on loner Farnam street. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock yesterday from the undertaking rooma of Ohaa. Rlowo. Hound Tticm Over. Judge Seldon rendered decision , Satur day , In the Bomonrhat celebrated Mul- hall-Shlnrock peace warrant caao. It may be renomberod that the Mulhall family consisting of William the father , Miry the mother and llitsea Mary and Agnes , and Harry and Frank , wore ar rested nn charges preferred by Fred. T. Shinrook. The phln- tlff alleges in his petition that the defendants wera continually ai- Baultiog and abnalng him and hia family , a. . ? much BO in fact that at times ho and his wlfo wera In loir of tholr lives. Judge Seldon concluded tn bind the outirdfamllr nvor to the district court lu theeurn of $100each. Bond bolng funilsh- w ) , all worojroloased. The munbersof tha Shlnrock family were also bound ever to thu district courS ai witnesses lu the Bum of $ lOOoich. A finuvoiilr of 1/oyal li , In a drawer of an old and uunaod desk in the or thllo Smith building , the fol lowing note n at found : To my Ortdltnrc Ida possible that some day yon may run aoroia th's. ' Tha only ililnj ; I wish to express to yon la u > y hearifdU ayoipathy In your dittrnta. L. L. SMITH , Tbo note la written on a pliioe of scrap , piper and la Indisputably from the band of LiyalL. Oouiparla in of the writing l h hla eignituro todoonuionta In thu Brada'roet ' agency and ulaawho/o confirms it aa hia own Hie tlornn Ttilevow. Shtr ff Miller isined Siturday cards of reward for the arrest of M udel Marks and Barney Mirkr , who on Sunday wok t lo a b/y burao hltcbfd lo a spring wagon , brlunglng to A , Gldm n , Trio old man Is dnronbed as ehort , with alub- Hy griy whlblctra , poorly dreaaed ; whlln bo } dung man , 22 < r 23 yearn old , is nf dirk complrxlun , with small drk tide whUkiufi. Goldman ( flora § 25 for toe eturn of thn tom , an 1 Douglui county i 1 p y $50 for the capture and convia- ( an of thu tbloves. ' i I'olluu Courc Doekot , ' Judge S-.Hubert's woik Saturday wai abort , tbo following cases belig cit- > otod of. May Wallace , drunk and disorderly , 5 aud oostr , comraitled In default ; James Hogan and Gao. FJyun , drunk nd disorderly , ten daya on bread and James Btroi a and Frank Smith , sus picion. ! character * , dhclargcd , THE SECRET ORDERS. Notes Froi the Varions Lotos of th City , A Now Division of tlio TJnlformci Hank , K , ct P. Other Mnttora ol J Secret sccloly matters In thla city ar at present rather dull. The lodges tbli jurisdiction are enjoying a prospcron steady growth , but are contemplating n great or important movements. Moat o the lodges arc putting out no branches but simply "building up" by taking In members ono by ono. The Masons have nothing to tall about , barring their now building , irhic has already boon described In the secra socloty columns of the DEB , It Is goln up rapidly and promises to bo a beauty Oovort Lodge , A F. & M , . took in ai a now member last week , Jamoa W Bodwcll. rVTUIAN POINTS. Myrtle lodge K. of P. hold an inter ottlng meeting last week but iranaacte no business of Importance , besides takln in four now member ; . The meeting of Nebraska Lodge No 1 K. of P , Wednesday evening was par ticularly interesting this week. Suprom Representative J. J. Monell was present and his prosoccj greatly enlivened the session. Arrangements wore made it buy now paraphernalia , something which It must bo coufetsed , the lodge stands in mod of. Another Important move token In th mooting contemplates the formation of a new division of the uniformed rank , K of P. , to be under the espionage of No braeka lodge. It was decided to hold i meeting next Monday night to take the the first necessary stopu to the formation of the now division , Mott of the members bers of Nebraska Lodge No. 1 , have ob talned their withdrawal cards fron Myrtle Division Uniformed Rank , nm will join the new divielon. "What has become of the scheme t put up a Pythian bu'lding In this cltyb ; stock subscription ? " was tsked of a prom incnt Kulght Saturday. "I am afriid that yon will hear noth ing moro of that for some time , " was tbe reply. "Tho plan was pushed for tuc- ceasnt first , but lately i'o projectors seem to have given it up Yes , It must bo ad mitted that the Pythian order In this city IB very ( strong. The lodges , however , di not euem to "pull together" as well a they might. Thou again the mombcr are , for the most part , ot the younger anc poorer class of business men , who can hardly afford to subscribe as handsumel ; to any such echemo as their wealthle brethren of the Masonic order. ' ' It i hardly probable that anything will bi done toward the erection of the bulldinj for two or three yeara. Supreme Rapreeentatlvo J. J. Lionel has returned from a vacation trip tn the oast. OTHER MATTERS F/iondship lodge K. & Lof H. ha proposed tj Primrose lodge to cfleet consolidation. It Is believed that the In tereats of tbo order can bo just aa we ] subserved iatho oxlstonca of ono stroo lodge , as of two lodges ot but ordlnar strength. Committees will bo appalntei to discuss the nutter. The Kulghto of the varloni lodges ar > preparing to turn out in fu 1 numbers a the ollvor wedding anniversuy of Oapt Oeo. H. and Mrs. Urager , which occurs Tueedjy evening Something AUoat the Frop rations Iho Toola Drawing Jjossona Commoncerl Other Notes. Prof , Bnmann , the now teacher of man ual training. Is busied at present prepar ing for active operations , which will be gin as soon as a'l ' ( ho no&esaary carpenters tools can be procured from the east. Are porter visited Sanrday the room in thobase mont of the High School building , which Is being fitted for the manual training work. The room ii situated ia a llgh and airy part of the building , bolng wol provided with windows and ventilating apparatus. Instza it ia about 40x40 The long work tables range around the aide of the room , being divided Into twenty benches , each with three drawers. Tao aocommodatlona are intended for about GO pupllf , to ba divided Into three oldtasB , each wood-worker to have hia own drawer , with oepirate tools. These daises will receive lualrnclion , of course , * dfffdrtnt hours cf the day , being gradcc acsardlng to the ability and natural skill of tbo sch-larr. At first , aa already In dicated , nothing tir. pl ln woodwork will bo attempted. In dua time , with thn growth of the FTStem , It ia hoped to add other mote diflhult of manual training. Tno mallets and planes are already at hand , sixty In number , and the aawa nnd other neovtBuy two's ' nlll bo diliv'irrd In a few dojB. In the meantime Frof Bumann la engaged in giving hia scholars leaaona on tbo elementary principles of drawing , When all atricgmonta nowlu progress ara o mplote , hu will atart out witn thorough equipment for doing good work. The following programme fcr the day's ope tuns will probably bo carried out : 0-10:30 : Shop 10:31-12 : Stijp 12-12:80 : Heocta 12,31-1:15 : Drawing lifi-2 . . . . .Drawing a 3:30 : Sh'i | 3:30-5 : Bhoji Boliovlug that cleanllnoia la a goja lesion to luculoito in conrjootlon irith the minual Iraliiini ; work , P < of Bumanu hat fitted up lu the luitmicit bull a lot of waih benchts , thu regular nnd thorough nee of which will 03 InsUtad npoa. Etch b y will bj required to furnish his own bialn , eoap atiu towbl , and to keep the in In hit aepirate dr * > rer. "The pl y' the thing , Wherein I'll rouili tha coascieno of the And equally true Is It that Dr. Pioros'a "PJoaa nt PurgMlvoPcllols'1 ( honrlglrjal Little Liver Pill * ) are Iho mout cfTecttnl tnuonB ihnt cau bu ustd to reac'i ' the aa t of dltraio , olutusing tha biwtli and sys tem , end atsis < liig nature in hur iciaper itlvo wurk. By Ttinr Woiued a Warrant , Mr . Patrick Dilly , and a friend AV1I- bm Fi'zpattick , teed up bef jra Jndg ) 3tcnberg Stturday , and plead olo- luantly lot tbe lisnanoa of a warrant tgalnat onu J. J Oavanaagh. Their ei Je sf the itory waa that 0 vanaugh shot a ere Is the mrm who hog neb nlrendy mndo n pnrchnso nt the great saving banV for mankind , or where is he who has not his own interest at heart at least to I enough say , want to bo economical cuouuh to not ba extravigatit in spending my earnings and not got full value. This man in Omnlm ? If so , lob him coma forward and dare ho do richt , wiMi the justice lie owe ? him- sfJErxs &SS8X& & . . stadlriTO ! ; " Hiis Hh l ° " = To to blessed-money he will Isco plainly where I - „ „ say A. oui 1114. i j ivuuiu L. made my mist ako. It is said man can In in ° 3 m duced to do almost qnv thing for money , if tbero is found enough nt stake. Why wil'lraan the"n not stme to econo in m lug dealings. Certainly nno hundred psr cent will prove nu for \ Bealize that 1 saved is $1 made. Tour turn now at saving awaits at the Paviu you < r Bank 06 man 1' * * - - selections in c.othiag . at tlJ &SK , made a thorough msp'cbion of those most elegint Menlmut Tailor Misfit nnd Uncailel gai meats , to be sold nt less than tbe cost of making , equal to nay , surpus&ed by noun , AT THE OHLY MISFIT 3 1119 EAEMAM STEEET , i I Opea Evenings Until 9 O'Clock. dog belonging to Patrick Dally , when , yesterday , the owner of the rcur- murdered cinlno threatened to whip him that ho draw a revolver and threatened to kill any one who dard to touch him , "Ho u "d eooio very cffinelvo langUBgi > : Judge , " cald Fi'zpatiiok ' , "and wo wan him arrested. " Judge Stonberg ordered thorn to bring Dally lute police court and have him swear out the complaint against the dag - killer. It is understood that Oavanaugh claims to have carried the revolver in self-dtfanae , thinking that Dally and his friends would do him Injury. A Shameful Wholesale Swindle. There are about novonly men in thla city and In Council BlofTi who wonlc lynch a certain Mr. Walker If they thonlc find him. The object of their unanimous wrath ia a gentleman who came hero from Oheyenno representing himself as senior member of the contracting firm of Walker & Bowers , with a contract for seven miles of construction npon the ex tension of the 0.13. & Q out of Savannah , 111. Ho was anxious In the extreme to employ a largo number of men for tbla work , and opened an office In the saloon at No. Gil North Sixteenth etroet. By dint of extensive soliciting ho secured about aavonty men receiving from each ono 82 50 for transportation oxpenaea. Ho told the whole number to bo at the Douncll Bluffj transfer yesterday morn ing and the men posted ever thore. Train ; lmo catno and no contractor. The day raised and with it another scheduled rain hour , but no contractor. The vie. iuiized crowd was suddenly struck with the Idea that it hai boa vlotlm id , and anuproulous indignation moating wai hold on thn spot. Many of them returned to Omaha Saturday , but argo numbers bad not enough money t' > ; et out of Council BlufTj. Utoclc Yard lIon.B. Bollea & Co. . of Ontario , had C58 cattle ot ho yards ou Saturday. The train was in haruo < > f F. K Pearl , who went to Ontario or that purpose nbout two weeka ego , Mr , 3 )11B is i-xpic'ed to arrive here to-day. Tha oinpacy hat from two to three thousand head noru to ibip this Brason , Mr. Green , of the firm cf Green & TUirlr , ia xprcted to return to-day from Oatailo , Ore ou , The PowrW Rv ! r Cattle company , of Pine 3luuV , had 285 cattle at the yaidi ou Satur- 'y. Clark Bro bought over 5CO hoga on Sat- rdoy. F Kropf , of Schuyler , was in Saturday nth another load of birr * . 8 , H. Ulaok. of Kearney , lad 121 eheopat in ynrda on Saturday. D P. UuntBrand J. M. Gardner , of York , per re iaterel ut thn liitil ou Haturdav , also . II , Bmltb , Columbui ) Will Ojurinl , Cluvo- , Otilii .lohnKw euty &nd Can Demmon , J , W. Abderton , Silver City , la , t : DT Da Db ' Tfli n H 1'J fu ilcl , ire SSTO her Cutortv T 0 Wlien alie wu Child , aho cried tor Caatorl * , When lie tccimo Ul > < , ehe citing to V itorifc , tl obrnwlta Hupreino Court , O , Cozloe v > , Melvln D. Hatch , and Mooio & Oczloe , vi. N , Ilerrun , Bhedff , Krrora ( rum G ge c only. Motion over- luled , Opinion per Curi-im , 1 Under the constlluilon of 1675 a arty may , aa aright , bavo a came re- lovrideitoer by appeal or an error in ho court of latt retort , mil the leglih- uri has noanthnrliy to Impoie a paucity , f C per cent upon tuo ifii'msnce cf tbu udgmcnt. Absolute. v Thti powder never varies. A marvel ol etrcnth and wholccnmcuepn. Moio oconornlo 1 than tno or- dl-ary kinds , ard onnot la eold In compoiltlon with thn multltu e of low lest , short weight and phoaohnt * puwileie. Sell only tn caca.lloyal Powder Co. , 1' ' 0 Wall St. , N. Y. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " C A U T B < N. " Water polluted with sewage is foison" New York Times , July 20,1885. "ThepurityofAPOLLjyARIS offers the best security against the dangers which are common io most cf the ordinary drinking waters" London Medical Record , Of all Croctrs , Draff/tit , . .tMin. . ll'at. Dfaltrt. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. A FINE LINE OF WOODBBIDGE BROS , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. BAIBUEB4IERICAH PACKET COMPANY , Direct Line for England , and Germany , Iho tmmahlpfl ol thli wc'l knowtv line ar * I ITOU , lu wttir-tlght compartment * ) , and relined lined wttb ererv roquUUo to uiiko the puv > th tale and agreeable They carry the Undo Utei aud Kuropoan malls , and Icno Now Tor 'ausdtyi and Satnidayt lor 1'ljmoutU tLNDON : ) incrboo/.ll'AIUS and HAUBUKF ) Itaten , Klnt OakIaOMtoo ntcerage to rum Hamburg tlO. O U JUOIIAUU * : CO. , en- ral raon.Kent , 01 iTOadwa } , New York ajij /uhlnvtun and La Lolle atrect ) , Ublcago or llanry mdt Mirk Hanson , F. K. Uobici , llany 1 * . Doul hirouewl/ SPRING UEiilCUS. OVfcH 400,000 oaf. U < USE. y-rreM3iai ? > . ' - ' w.r' ' i'nutra : Illillua Vctilrln iniidc. lildM < ear ' iv.Ti hirliiL-n Ifliullu'll and ti rteua ix illiut . D uutlhurt-anr. K aaUy i'i' ntlupliil lu rnu li cuuiilry rondn nnd lrouiivcuoltiiH. . i'iirui'liiri'd undkolilbr ul lluliUiT * aud Utulern- S. H. Platlsmotith , Keb. Brco11 of thoroughbred and high gradic Herej'o ' t ! and Jersey Cattle , Atirl nnrnnnjid .Trrncv Rwmn Seventeen jcara Experience. Header ol Dlsewos ol Ucn and Women. Edootrl Magnetic ) nd Herballet Phyel-lan Now located 1210 tlousfha 8t Omaha , Nob. , np-etalra. A correct dlairnoaU given without any explanation from the patlcn I Consul1 otlon ( reo at ollioo. / Treat the Following Diseases. Citarrh nl the Hoail. Dlsfaacs ol the Eye and Bw. IJeart Dls a-o , Uvor CoujpUli t , Kidney Co n- plilnt , Nervous Dobilltv , Mental Dcprcealon , Losiof Manhood , KlaboUe , IJrlght'e IJUeiwe , St Vltuo Itanco , Ubeuiuat'sni ' , IVralysi. , Hhllo Bwelltn Scrofula , Kover SorDS. Cancers and Tumors remote 3d without the knlfo , or the drawing of a drop of Wood. Woman , with her de'litate ' orani | > , Hostoro.l to Ileilth , Dropsy Cured W tbciut T.pplng , H peel 1 1 AJ/ontlon / Clvin to Private and Venereal Uhooaaiof All Kinds , Tipe WornalteraoTcd n two or three yeara or No Pay , Uemmorrholda or Piles Cured qr 10 CharKCK Made. 'Thoto who are afflicted will ( ave Ufa and u. reds ol dollar ) by calling on ur uilnic on. a. w. PANQLK , Dr. I'anKle'sCelebrstel IJerbil llomedle , aonni'lenc" Solicit i . PROPOSALS. Sea'cil pr-pra * ) ! will lie received by the city of 3r n1 1-lti d. Neb. , ni.lll 9 . . 'clodf a in. , Oct 6tb , 1885 , fur the f uinlelilnK , o-cctln i ind o injjkt nf ol u fVitiin nf v/itof wor .K Invm a ca , a city nf onn ii.ll- llon Kullona | or daj lor the oliy ct Qiond I. Hud , Nib. Nib.Raid Raid rydttm t b furnla'-ed and hullUn accordance Ith ] .l me and tpeclil ui I > na la tt o till : o cf the City ( J.'crk ' of OranJ luiaud Ntb. Kteh pr" ] > < flil mu-t bj italo sspcrito en tbo fol lowing it utivfz : let KurMail.iif and bil din ; , engine and boiler houti and b no < f t > r. n" . Kuril bill ir nnd bill.lmff . o'aml ' pipe , 3rJ. Furnlaiili u a \ < \ lottln ; up nucblaery , boiler and connecting Ui | * iN. | 4'h. KiiniUoiiu ari'll iyng | cut I'on rlpo miln > , Sol ! , UjdiantMlttiictp. AI HJjf irfiiriiltliliic uaiiUyln p'pv , mil ktiVi ecparatuly atoiibts rcr ' trn for ea , < li otllio uirteiciit aziacf4. 0 , 8 nnd 10 Imii i > lpH. Mil. for lurnl-hliif and putllnir down welli. Thuoontr ct pihi olailil S } t in of at-r workt comjileto no' In i-xceed tlia iuin ottblity-lour tboua- uinl.lUr (3l ( (00. ( ) TheUliyOj lull retenos Iho right tirfj'ct uy rr all bH , or any n < rt ol bid' . All bMi wl I liu rc- fjul o1 tontitooxtlljltij , tun kind o'uuUilil to lit tunilHbcd I'/op mljehjnld binclclreisal t < > the City C'orkol Grand faland , Neb , and mirkcd "jnopuaili lit water worm. " Hf ordsrcf IlioCliy O > aiciol | Q/acd lilaid.Kcii. , thla 12lhiloy tf Hcpttinbir A. 1 > . II. K , uiirrutv , Juii.i L. UKANB , City oork. : Hjor. iop-18-moMUt MEDICAL AND SURGICAL , FOIl TUB 7REUTai.lT V ill , GiinoNiG AND SURGICAL DISEASES. The loreect Moclloal 'nstltnto Wool of A r'dluuloolppl filvor. 'lltr room * for tha oeoomoilillon of patlentj 7h 'l.yileltn mil t-urcoon 1,1 chniro vt Iho In.illute h > .kd Milfoil L' r4' of unccoiurul practtw , un.I li aided / awUtanti of nre riixritoc * aa ; - UilUU la f.rlr > urlou ( Inurlm-ntt. WKinroaCiicrvuttu'i JKIorralllti anil Kriret , ni'fil. 'loMVoxm , I'll" , lul.ion. C.nftrl , C.utrh , trrocLl. 11 , Inlmliillon. KUdriclir , l' i l ) li. lrpll | iy , ( J . rnr.aklu.nd Uiw , , ! 111. . . . . . Writ , for > otli lo < Jb/coir ipon < l < iic .orl > er > oiiftll ; fmcliie | ceD < bjmftllor esproii without latriti to Uco-iUut.or.euJ.r , idt i lll > ltln u > OMiUMKUItiU i D HUKQICAL JKHTITU- * . IbBUMt<tttOtOlpl'ArKSl , . OiJAEi , > ?