THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 21 , 1885. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY. COHUISS10.S , ETC. BRANCH & CO. , Wholes'e Fruits.Produoe.Oysters . 1121 Farnim fiU , Omaha. Apples Our own packing PI alt & Co's. Tiger Brand Ojitert. Butter , Kfft , Game , Poultry , Foutocit. JOHN P. FLACK , - General Commission Merchant , i } * I Produce , ProiUlons , Fruits , Flour id Feed. 105 a 14th SU , inahaNeb. , jHTConnlfrnments olldt d. Hctiirni mule prompt y. LOUId HKLLElij Jobber & Commission Merchant Cheese , Sausages , Fruits , Butchers' Tools and Sup plies 111C Jones St. , umaha , I-eb. IIOR3T & RtDDKLL , General Commission Merchants , BFICIALTIU llutter , KCRS , Foreign and Domcitlo Frulta. 1128.14thSt..mahaNcb. lclcphoneNo.305. D. A. 11URLEY7 " Commission and Jobbing , Buttir. EIRS and Produce. A full line of Stoi enaic. ConilKnmcnts SollcllcJ. Mil liolgo St. , Omaha. E. MORONY , General Commission Merchant Buttcr.Kgpi , Cliccso and Country t'nxlueo generally , 3'JS. 12th St. , Omabi , cb. MoSUANK & S01IROEDER , Buyers of Buiter and Eggs , Kefrlgcratorand Tacking Itousc,14th & tcn\unworth Uta.on U. P. IU It. 'J'rack , Omaha , ( tob. i tabllahed 1870. " ROBERT PURVIS , General Commission , 211 8. Kill SU , Omaha , Neb. Specialties Duller , Kegs , Poultry and Uamo. 1'BYOKE BROS. Commission Merchants , Fruits , Produ'eand Pro > lilns. Omaha , Neb. A. P. SCIlACK , Wholesale Commission Merchant Fruit , Secda and Produce. No. 2133. lllli Street Omaha , Nubra ka. TBOXELL & WILLIAMS , Storage and Commission Mcht's , Fruits , Hour , App'es , Stoneware , Cider , Vinegar , dross Seeds , Uuite' , Kggt , 813 and 316 douth 18th street , Omaha , Nebraska. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants Poultry , Duller , Game , Frulti , Ktc. Z023 S. 14lh St. Omaha , Nuhroska , OUAt , LIME , TC. JEFF w. IJEDFOKD , Coal , Coke , Lime and Stone , Office , 213 8.14th St. , Omaha , Neb. Yards , Oth and Da\cnport , St. , COUTANT & SQUIRE3 , Dealers in Hard and Soft Coal Ilcat varieties. OIHco , 813 S 13th St. Tclcpliouo No H9J , Omaha , Neb. QUO. C. TOWLK , Prca. Oio.l'ATsnso.v.ScciTrcag NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Sliiupers of Go l and Coke , SU 3. I3th St. Omaha , Neb. J. H. IIlILtlFIlT , T. A. Proprietor. Jlanogcr. Nebraska coal & lime Comnany OMAHA , MnUASKA. : Offlco , 217 S. 13th St. Telephone 40. OBO. F. LADAOII , Pro ? . O. r. OOODMAS , V-Prcs. J. A.SUSDRRLAVD , Sec. & Treas. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co , Jobbers of hard and solt coil , 200 S. 13th St,0maha , Nebraska OMAHA COAL AND PRODUCE CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Excluslvs dealer * In Boulder , Colorado Coal , 217 SouthUth Strict , WIN 8 and LIQUORS. FRANK DELLONE 4 ; CO. , Dealers in Liquors and Cigars , 1 SOiand 1201 Douglas St. , Omaha , heb. actorlcs-Nos. 4 rJidSOJ , ad DM. N. V. GEO. W. DUNCAN , Successor to MoVAtuiu & DUNCAN , Importers and wholesale Dealers in Wines , Liquors and Cigars 214 and ! 10 S. Uth St. , Omaha , Neb. R. R. GROTTB , Wines an Liquors , Western Agent Jos. Schllti Droning Co. 713 a Olh Slrcet , Omaha. HENRY HORNBKRGER , Wholesale Wines , liquors , Cigars 1321 Douiflaa St. , Omaha , Neb. ILER & Co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Manors. Sole Maiuifaclurers of Kennedy's Kast India lllttcrs. 1112 Hariivy St. , Omaha , Neh. L. P. LARSON & CO , Wholesale Dealer in Whiskies , And Cigars , and Clcn'1 Agents for the I'hlllp UcsU' C'cUhratcd HUwnukeo I'ocr , Omaha , Nuh . IRON PIPE , ETC. 17 COWING & CO. Hydraulic&Mechan'l ' Engineers. Jobbers In Iron l'li > o , Iron Fittlnga , Iro/i / and Draea goodi. Knglnecra auiiplliid , 11 til and Dotlgo 318. , Omaka , Neb. A. L , STRAN3 COMPANY , Pimins , Pipe , and Engines. SUam , Water , Hallway and Jlllllng Su | < i > llcij , cU. 020,012 , U4 Faniam St. , imiaha , Acb , OIIUROHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplied. Headquarters for Mast Fee t Uo' . Uoodi. Jill Farnam HUOmaha , AeU lUROVTARE. W. J. BROATOH , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Springs , Wagon Stock , Harduood Lumber , etc 1200 and Ull Hartley fit. , Omaha , Neb. EDNEY & GIBBON Wholesale Iron , Steel , Wagon And Carrl'gi Wood Stock , Heavy liar J wan , Etc , , 1317 and lilt Lc ven oith at , Omaha , Neb. IIIMKBAUGII & TAYLOR. Builders' Hardware , Mechanic * looN , and UuOalo Scales. 1K5 Doug- lit bt Omaha , Neb. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , TUiwjre , Bhfct Iron , Etc. Agents fir Uowe Bo.lea anJMUuil 1'oxder Co. Omiha , Nib. MILTON ROGElia"&ToNsi Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Uintltn , Grittx , Ur * < ui Ooidj. 1SJ1 aud 1323 Far- utin Btrwt. RECTOR & WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , triou SUcl Nail * . Cor. loth and Hamey Stect maha , Nib OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTORY. NOTIONS , ETC. J. L. BRANDB1S &SON. Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Goods , Notions , 0 nt ' Fnrnl hlnj Oowli , Oo di from New York. Trade Sale * iHtlj ; COS and 03 South 18th St. , Omaha. 0. S. GOODRIOII & CO. , French and German Fancy Goods ' and Stationers' Sundries. 1415 Farnam 6U , Cmaha , Heb. J , T. Robinson Notion Comnany 403 and 40 ! S. 10th St. , Cmaha , Neb. Wholesala dealers In Nollonn and QenU' Furolihtof Goods. LUMBER , ETO , LOUI3 BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bub , Doors , etc. Yards Cor 7th and Douglas , Cor Olh anil touglas. BOUN MANUFACTURING CO , , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Finish. Just opened N. R Cor. 8th and I/earenwrorth Sis. , Omaha , Neb. CHICAGO LUMBER COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , 811 a 11th St. , Omiha , Neb. F. Coltxilier , Manager. 0. N. DIEIZ , Lumber , ISth and California Street , Omaha. Neb. FRED W , GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Cor. Oth and Doughs St. , Omaha , Ntb. GEO. A. HOA.GLAND , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber. Omaha , Nebraska. G. F. LYMA.N , Dealer in Sash , Doors. Blinds. Mouldings , Building Paper , Etc. South 13th Street , Omaha , Neb. Nebraska Lumber Co , , Ell South Ninth Street , Onmhi , Nebraska. OMAHA LUMBER CO , , Dealers In all kinds ot Building Material at Wholesale 18th street and U. P. R. K. Track , Omaha , Neb. GERMAN D. WYATT , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , SOthand IzurdSL , Omaha , Nebraska , J. A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale LumbenLath.Shineles Building Papers , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , 1'lckets , 1'ostd , limo , I'lastcr , Hair , Cement. Ninth and Jones , Omaha , Neb. GROCERIES , ALLEN BROS. Wholesale Grocers , 1110 and 1112 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. B. B , CHAPMAN & CO. Wholesale FancyGrocers , Cigars. Tobacco and Smokers AttUIcs , 1217 Uoward St. MEYER & RAAPKE , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Sclccs , Cigars and Tobiccos , 1817 end 1810 Douglai SU , Omaha , Nebraska. MoCORD , BRADY & COMPANY , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th and Farnam Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries & Provisions Nos. 705 , 707 , 703 and 711 S. 10th St , Omaha Neb. FLOOR , ETC , i . j. Prejton. ' Oou. WM. PRESTON & CO. Wholesale Flour , 508 , 610 and C12 Tierce St. , maha , Neb. L. A. STEWART & CO , , Wholesale Flour Dealers , And manufacturers of Illuminating and Lubricating OIU BRUNO TZ30HUOK.JT , Agent for J. 0. Hoffmayr & Co. , Manf rs Highest Grades of Flour Vj Rollers and Hungarian Process. Warehouse 1211 Jones Street , Cmaha , Neb. AQRICULTUR > L IMPLEMENTS. LININGER & METOALF CO. W1IOLISALB Dealers in Agricnl'1 Implements Office Cor. flth ana l"aciflc Sis. , Omaha , Nob. PARLIN , ORENDOUFF & MARTIN. Wholesale Dealer ! In Agricultural Implements , Wagons and Du < ltte , Omaha , Neb. DRY OOOD3. J. J. BUOWN & CO. , Wholesale Dry Goods & Notions 1823 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. L. GINSBERG & CO. Wboleialo Dealer ! la Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Linens , La eg , Kmbroldcry and White goodl , 1020 Douglti St. , Omaha , Neb LEATHER , HIDES , ETC. L. 0. HUNTING TON & SON. Dealers in Hides , Wool , Tallow , lilt Jackson Street , Omaha , Neb. aLOMAN BROS , , Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery and Shoo findings , IIMos , Wool Furs , Pelta , Qreue , Tallow , etc. Orutlin , Ntb , HARNESS , ETO , \VELTY & LANDROOK , Utnufacturers and Jobbers ol Harness Saddles , , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Oorali , DlanketiandRobet. Uil I'arnara Street Ouiiaa , Nai. FUBNITUIIB. DEWEY & SfONK , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture FanumSL , Omaha , Neb , FISH , E.TO. IOKEN , SIEMS3EN & CO. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers ol Foreign Fi h , NJ . Oil anl PIS Joneg Itrett and U F. Track , Omaha , Neb. Wagons ana Carriages , ff EmBLIBUED 1853. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HW and Uu Dod St. , Oinaba , NeU Boots and Shoes. W. V , MOUSE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots nnd Shoes- lilt Fimam Street , OmahaNe\ > . Manufactory JEWELKV. KDHOLM k EHIOKSON , Wholesale Jewelers , DeAlerilu Silrer'nr.DUm.nd' , WUcho * . Clock i , Jew ter 'T.vl and Haterl l , etc. IJUudlOJ , 16tb Bt. , Cor. Dixl/f , Omaha , Nib OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY. ENGINES. BROWNKLL & CO , Ditleri la The Baker Automatic Engines , Btallorary and portable rtsloo" , Do lofsard Sheet Ironwork.Vagon , MiK le , Imple ments , Pumps , Kto. , mt-lilS L rcn iorlh SU , Otn.ha , Neb. W. 0. TivrLiTO * , Manager. Drugs Etc H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY , Wholesale Druggists , Job era of Paint" , Oils * Mow Claw , clc.,1114 Har- ncy SU , Omaha , Nob. O. F. GOODMAN. Wholesale Druggist , An Dealer In Paints , Oils and Window Olats Omaha , Nebraska. MILLINKHY , I. OBBRFKLDER , Importer ! and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , l'13atd 121ft Hnrnoytit. , Omaha , Ntb , LIVE STOCK. Bridge Stock Yards , Omaha , ' KoYardigoClurircd. Close lo U. P. Urlilite. SpocUl acrommciUUon and a COCK ) market lot UORS. ri C. loor-ltn , Manager , Ofllco OOP 'filth Eth St , GRKCN & BURKE , Live Stock Commission Anil Forwarding Affentfl , Union Stock Yanli , South dm 1m , Neb. Ilcircsciilcil | at Cblcajo by Kccnan k Hancock , and J. J , tlunlor & Co. Tclcnbono 8 ? . W , F. BROWN & CO. , Commission Dealers in Live Stock OIHco Kicbango DuIIilln ; , Union Stock Ynnls.Soulli Omaha , tick UrJcrsfor feeders and lock ottlo promptly filled , at lowest market price. Tclcnbono bo. 003. MALLORY , SON & CO. , KstablUbcd , 1802. Live Stock Commission , Union Stock Yenta , Clilcago , 111. nnd Onmba , Neb rniik CliltltnJcn , ManagerOmalu BranrJi. Tclo- phone No. 283. W , L. PATRICK & CO. , Livestock Commission Merclfts Addrcsiall conjmunlcollola to us at Uolon Sleek Yards , South Omalu. Adanco i mide on Stcolt. Union Stock Yards Comoany , OF OilAlIA , Limited. John F. Uojd , Supcrinlendcnt. SAFES & LOCKS. P. BOYER & CO. , Agents for Halls.Sate & LockCo's Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Vaulls and Jail orl ( . 102J 1'aniaiu St. , < inalia , Neb Pork Packing. " " ' JAM"ES"E. 'BO YD , Pork Packer and Shipper , Omaha , Nebraska. HARRIS & FISHER. Packers and Provision Dealers , Onijo Union SI rke6 , 1517 0 rtfo t. PiOfln U. P. R. It. TtaCk , ) unh > , NJX Tdlcph No 107 Crocks- " W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for tbo Manufacturers and Importer I Crockery , Glassware ; Lamps , Clihnnc } s , etc. < Ullco 317 S. 13th St. ,0ma Nebraska. CoQ03 and Apices , OIARKE BROl. & CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills Importers arid Jobbers of Teas , Coffee and Spices. Manufacturers of faking 1'owder , Hmorinjr Ex tracts , L undry Flue , Ink , Etc. 14'4-lfl Harnoy St. , umaha , jvcbrosko. CARPETS , S , A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlnga , Curtain Goods , etc. , 1423 Tarnain Street , Omaha , t > cb. MUSICAL INSTROJIKNTS. EDHOLM & BRICKS ON , Dealers in Musical Instruments St ii ay IManoj , Wiber , l.'ocVcr , llalnoi and BrigicK PJan a , Ptckard Urga-r , Chase Organs. 101 aud 10S , Ulli rt. , O > r. Dodge , Umahi , Net , . OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , OVERALLS OANFIELD MF'G. ' CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans rants , Shirts , Etc. 1102 and 1101 Uouglu St. Omaha , Neb. OILS , ETO CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Dealers in Oils , Oaaollao Mica Axle Qiewe , etc A. II. Bishop.Uana . { or Omiia < Neb RON AND NA1W. OMAHA NAIL M'F'U ' CO. , Cut Nails and Strikes , Fire Nails a bpeciilly. Omalu , Nebraska. Omaha Iron Works Comiiany , Mirmfactur. n and Dealers in Machinery and Oagttrjga , Htcam Ko 'ncs ' , Boilers , Arrhltectural Iron Work , Iron'UilJxia. Mining an I Sill Machinery. Olfico anl rVorkB , Uuto. Pacillo U. It 17th nd 18th Hta , WEARNE & BUO. Foundry Works Corner Fourteen h aim Jackion bt , Omih , Neb , prepiroil to clj til bl da o > Iron anl li.osa Cadtlngs. On eta by mall roailve prompt ittcntlon. A < 83,0. C Iljniilater'a HocLla Qiate Ujrs , maautaiturea by Wcarno & lire. WHITE LEAD. OMAHA WHITE LEAD COMPAFY , Corroder and Orlndera of Perfectly Pure White Lead , OmOm , \ b. Ixj\l Carter , I rest. ; 0. W. Moid , VIce 1'rut ; II. Vt. Vatcj , ec. andTrcas. SOAP. p. J. QUEALIY : , Soap Manufacturer , Office and ( actor > , Near I'j-vJor Maja Ine , Omaha , BOOKBINDINQ , ETC. RKES PRINTING (30. , Printers , Book Binders , And Blank Iloik Minufitturero. Nos. ICO and 108 Bouth Uth St. , Onulii , Neb , OICAttS and TOBACCO. " "MAX MEVER" * co.7 Jobbers of Clears , Tobaccos , Ounaoiid Ammunition 216 to SJS 8. llth SU 1020 to IOH Karnoin Bt , , Omaha , Neb. tSf INTKK-OCEAN CIQAU KAOTOKy VfKAC k KRITSOHEU , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And uholeulo dctlera In Lual Tob.ccoB. No , J03 ami 110 N. Htl St. . Omaha. N ( b. O.MUUAOK9 GRATTON k DRUMMOND , Manufacturers of Fine Carriages , 1315 and 1SU lUrnty Rt. , Omtba , Neb. Solo agent ! InNebriiialorJcn 'CeUbratid Sp'lt Bha'tBu' . klei. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , MATTRESSES. E. M , Mattress Company , Manuf ctmlnirMaUrcs < cs , Bedding , Feather Pillows Cots , etc. ItOOand 121 3 Douglas St. , t ln haNeb. PAPER BOXES. J. L. WILKIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxe * . ICO8. I4th St , , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall solicit cd mil will roccUoiirompt altciitlor. W , J. WELSHANS & CO. Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , M nuf turcr olV. . J , Wtlshans tt Oo' QCICK Bill NO nucKwniuT FLOUR , and propnolors Or&aha City Mtll < , ooroer 8th nd FarniraSts. , Ornab * , Nob. CORNICES. Eagle Cornice Works. JOHN EPENETER , Proprietor. Manufacturer of GaU&nlzcd Iron , Cornice , Window capamlSkjllKhts Wholesale Agents for Western lonaand Nebraska fortlio Ionian Varwr Sto\e , 923 Dodge , ami 101 and 103 North lutb U , Omaha , Neb. RUEMPING & BOLTK. M nurvturers of Ornimon 1 Galvanized Iron Cornices. Dormer Wine OJTJ , Finals , Windowrapj.M.tililoSkr-llghta kc. , T.n , Iron and S'ntJ xool > n , 310 south lth St , Work iluno In any part ol thoO.ntnUv , Oamba , Neb DOOI13 , A. ROSENBERY , Manufacturer and Dealer In Doors , Sash , Blinds , Mouldings , Stair Rails , Noweli , IH'uitors. Scroll Work , &o Estimates ChoorluUy Furn'ihed ' , SUIr Work A Spec- Wty. Telephone- . 92. 15th and lUrcySts. , Oma ha. Met. HARVSSTKUS , WM. DEEMING & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer nf the Peering Harvesting Goods , Binders , Recpers and Mowers Wrlto to Wm. IT , Loilmrr , Oen'l Agent , Omaha , for. pilco and terms , Telephone BIO Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDREEN , Manufacturer ot Fire and Burglar Proof Sifcs , Vault Doors , Jail \Vork , Shutters and Wlro Work. Cor 14th and Jackson Sts. , Oni ha , Neb. Opening and repair ing safes and gcncr 1 job work promptly ilonc. BUTIGH TUIli. J. SEYMOUR , Manufacturing of Butter Tubs , HO b , 3 ° c ; (0 Ib. , 302 , * 5 Ib. , ! < c ; iO Ib ,22c ; 10U Ib , firkin ) 000 ISth and Pierre St , O.imha Ntb. FINANCE AND COM1V1 RCE. FINANCI ilj. NKW YORK , Sept. 19. MONEY Easy at 1@1 } per cent. , PBIME PAPER 4@5 per cent. EXCHANGE BILLS-Quiet and unchanged atSl.S2. } , demand $4 84i. GOVKBNMKNTS- Quiet and steady STOCKS The market has been dull and strong. The opening quotations were gener ally i to J psr cent higher than they closed last evening , and there were further fractional advances in the early dealings , followed by reaction in the forenoon , in which the early f alns , and in coma cases a little moro , were lost , and then there was a dull and strong market , which continued throughout the af ternoon. The rales wera about the eam < 3 ni yesterday and the course of pricja was also similar. Juat at the close there was a break BO.that the final prices are a little above the beet of the day in many instances , but the market closed steady at galas of J to J per cent , with three or four exceptions , which are materially bigher. Rumors publiehed respect ing the alleged action of the povoinment in taking atepa to put a stop to tbo payment of the subsidy which the Pacific Mail has EO long received from the Pacific railroads In consideration of its maintaining tariff rates , caused the stock to sell up 3 Per cont. Coin- paring prices this evening with those of a week ago , nearly everything is higher , STOCKS ON WALL 8TBKET , 3V c nt bonds. 1C31 ChL t Northwestern 072 U. S. 4i'a Ilsj preform' m } Itewt's I'.SJ f > uw York Central. . . , 1)7 ) 4 Pat.lflo 6's ot ' 05. . . . 128 Oregon Transcouti. . 211 Central Pacific 3i I'acille Mail 47J Chiumo& Alton 13i P. , D. & E 15 preferred 160 i'ullman Palace Car. . Ubl Chi. , Bur. & Qulncy. 1891 Hock Island 120 Del. , Lac &toc3 . . . . 1CU SU Louis & ; San F . . . 17 ] I > cmer < ! t K. Grande. 1VJ preferred S'2k tile &Sv fou' . . 80J preferred 3d p.cferred 113 Illinois Central 131 SUP. & Omaha 31 $ I.B.V 14 pritarrcd 03 Kansas & Texas. . . . , 2tJ Texas 1'aclQc . 10J LakeShore . 71 1 Union 1'aclfle . CO 4 Liiula. & Noah . 48 Wabwh , t. L , & ! . . VJ llklilK'tm Central. . . . 85J preferred . 14 Missouri Tactile . DS'.Wcstcrn Union . * B9l Northern I'acfdc. . . . i:2Oll.&xi : . „ . faU preferred . 47 J | ExDIv PUOUUOE CllIOAQO. OniOAao , 111. , Bent. ] ! ) . Flour rirm and unchanged ; , wheat Hour , $4.oO@5.25 ; southern , $ -l,6J ( 5.00 ; Wleconam and Hioh igan , solt epn g wheat , 83.50@-l.iO ; Blln nesota bakers' , $3.oO@4.6U ; patents , 83.76 ® 4. 10 ; low grades , $2.0Uff3.00. Wheat Stronger uud higher , moro active ; advanced l@l&c over opuulng , receded go , ruled stronger , und closed IJo over vestordny ; 8l82o | | , cash ; 81i'c81 - , doptdmber ; 823 r S-'Jc , Octoberi B-lifeSlJc , Novumber ; No. 2 red , SOjo. Corn Fairly ictlvo and lower ; prices declined ifego , and closed i@gc under jester- day ; 43&ug42 { | , ! , for caih uud Sentombar ; 4lJ@H.'j. OaoMr ; 39c. November , Outu Dull and e&ty ; declined Jfgfjc ; more nctivc : 25Vai2 t ! , casn ; 251 26io , September ; 25S254o. Gctuuer ; 28J@28jc , May. Rje i'lrm atSUJu. Barley-Quiet at 7l@72.- , Timothy Quiet at ubiut io better ; prime , 81 75 1 70 FlaxBeea ilo better ; No. 1 , 51 21 ® 1 wig * Pork Active and firmer ; advancing ® 21Jc , eaied tlf 10@12io , and closed atecly ; S8 J7i@0 (0 , September and October ; $8 80 © ( uB s i , November. Lara Quiet aud about unchanged ; SO 22J © 025 , cash , Sej.tember and OctuUar ; 80 12J U 16 , November. Bulk Meats-Shoulders , $3 7B@4 00 ; ihort clear , G 10@U 1C ; thort rlbi , ? 5 77JS6 0. Wnuky-Nomloally 31 10. Butter Fairly ao-.ivo and weak ; good to fancy creamery , 17(252 ( 0 ! good to choice dairy , 3 170. Cheese Firm ; choice full cream cheddarj , c ; light skim , ClfeCJc ; young Americas , Egg * Good demand and firm at 10@10o. Hides Steady and unchunged ; heuvy green salted , fully cured , 8c ; light , 8Jo ; damaged , Gc ; dry raltod , llfellio ; calf eklua , 3I2o ( Talljw fateady nnd unchanged ; No , 1 , 60. itctk-lptl , UDtpts. JTlont , bbl . „ . 0,000 8.000 Wheat , bnsheli . 10 , < X 31,000 Oorn , bruheli . 188,000 163,000 Utti , bushel . 103,000 108,000 Rye , bushels . 0.000 1,000 Buler , buihel . 6J.OOO 18,000 NCW TOUK FBOOnOK , Niw YOBE , Sept. 19. - Wheat-Higher , doting firm ; re eljita , 128,000 bn ; exports , 10 000 buj ungraded red , Bo < 'J3lo ; No. 2 red , Die in elevator ; November doting at OG c Corn-Spot quiet , options dull ; reoeiptr. 202.CO ) bur eiporti , 149.000 bus oneraded , 1840s ( ; No 3 , 4'Jc ; No. 2 , 48491o in 9'nvator , 49j@50j Uat ; Jforeuber cloning at lOJa , O U Le s ctive ; rrceipti , 135/00 hu ; siporU , 71,000 bu ; mliei weitern , 27 < gS2e ; irhite western , 30@41c. Petroleum - Steady ; nutted closed at Wf o Eggs Firmer and fair inquiry ; receipts 2 CCO packtger , Pork- Quiet \cry8toadjj family men Bard Dull ; wentprn stenm , spot , SG.40@ G42J ; November , $ G.4l@G.42. Butter Dull and easy ; wtutero , 8222jc. Cheese Firm : demand light , OIBUIMRAl ) , OlNOlNKATI , O. , Sept. ' 10. Firm and In good demand ; No. 3 rod , Olc. Corn Moderate demand and easier ; No , 2 mixed , 4G@4Glc. Oats Firm and in good demand ; No , 2 mixed , 27o. Kye Fiim ; No. 2 , GOo Barley Knsior ; extra No. 3 fall , 8" ( § 8Cc. Pork-Dull and held higher at $9.20. Lard Nominal at ? G 10. Wbiiky Nominal ; no high winos offered basis for finlthed goods Is $1 OG. MILWAOKI * . WlB. , Sopt. ID. Wheat- Firm ; cash , 82c ; October , S2jc ; November , 3a.OornDull Oorn-Dull ; No 2 , 45c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 25c Rye Strong ; No. 1 , OGJc. Barley Nomtnftl. Provisions Higher ; inesn pnrk , cash and Octobsr , ? 9.tC ; November , $8 85 , MINNEAPOLIS , HlNNEAPOLIB , Minnl8apt , 19. Wheat- Strong and activp , generally hieher ) No , 1 liard , 8GJo , cash ; 8Gc , October ; 874o , Nuvem ber ; No. 1 nortlicin , 82c , cash and October ] 83io , November ; 85Jc , December : No. northern , 78 c , caaht 78c,0ctober ; 80c , No vember , Flour -Firm and h'gher ; patents , $4.90 © 5 23 : talcs for round lota , $5 10 ; baker ; , $3 90 f 4.10. Receipts Wheat , 01.000 bu. Shipments-Wheat , 10,000 bu , flour , 11,000 Libia , ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , Rio. Sept. 19. Wheat The committee having in char go the investi gation of the condition of wheat in Union ele vators made and posted a report that ( her Found wheat In 110 bins in good condition and in elevou blna wenvily , Thi latter contains about -11)0,000 ) bushel * , and will bo removed to ; uat outlro confidence may be reutorod. The 3urry Is over. Wheat Moderately active and generally ilghor. closing la over ypsterday ; SOg'JOc ' , cash ; 90jo. October ; 93gc , Novemb'r. Corn Very slow but steady ; -llio , Sop- member ; S3c , year. Oits-Slow but steady ; 2 @ 24Hc , caeh ; no options Bold , Rye -Firm and higher nt CBc. Whisky-Steady at 81.08.S Butter Unchanged , KANSAS cur. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 19. Wheat IUjjher ; cash , 7Gc ; October , 76J01 November , 78J@78go. Corn Strnngtr ; cash 31 } bid , 31o asked ; year , 25Jo bid , 26J3 asked. Oats Nominal ; 23 IG bid. LIVERPOOL. LiVKnrooL , Sept. 19 Wheat Dull ; new Xo. 2 winter , 7s ; new No. 2 spring , Ga lid. Corn Dull , except for npot , which was steady ntli 7Jd ; September , 4a 7d ; October and November , 4s GJ. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 19. Wheat Closed easier ; Nn , 2 rod , cash and October , S'Je. ' Corn- Quiet and steady ; No. 2 , cash and October , 45o. Onta Steoay ; No. 2 , cash , 271 < s. IjlVJB STOCK OIIICAGO. CHIOAOO , Sept. 19. The Drovers' Joarnal report * : Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; quiet and un changed ; shipping M steers , $4 50@G 00 ; B o kers and feeders fairly active and steady at 82 7S@3 78 ; cows , bulls and mixed , SI 7d 0 ; Texans , § 2 70 3 35 ; western rangers , f Hoga R-celpts , 8,000 ; active and 5@10o oner ; rough and inixfl ) , $3 G0@3 90 ; ptik- ng and shipping , $3 9j&4 SO ; ekips , $3 00 ® 3 GO. Sheep Receipts. G'O ; fairly nctive and teady ; natives , S2 00@3 75 ; westerna. S2 75 & 3 2 ; TexanF , $1 7552)2 ) 50 ; lambs , $4 25 , > 3r 10J Iba , BT. LOUIS. ST. Louis , Mo , Sept. 19.- Cattle Re ceipts , 20U ; ehipmente , 1,500 ; the usual Satur- [ ay's small supply made n very slow market and only email local retail trade dene. Sheep Receipts , none ; shipments , 400 ; no upply and no market KANSAS cm. EAHBAB CUT , Mo , Sept. 19. 0 ttlo Receipts , 2 000 ; shipment ? , 2,000 ; market steady for good ; exportersS5.25@5.40 ; com mon to choice shipping , 8-i.5d@5 21) ) ; etcetera and feeders , $3 lC@4 SO ; cows , S2.25@3 25. Hogs Kecelpts 2,600 , shipmontu , 1,300 ; choice Co higher ; others steady ; good to choice. S1.00@4.17j ; common to medium , S3 GO@S 95. Sheep Receipts , 200 ; shipments , 150 ; com mon to good muttons , $1.60@3,00. OMAHA. LIVE STOCK. UNION STOCK YABDS , S. OMAHA , 1 Saturday Evening , September 19. j Considerable stock changed hands to-day , -hough the market was comparatively dull. Tao receipts of range cattle were very fair. The hog market was about 5c lower than the day beforo. Skips nnd cholera hogs are al most unsaleable at any price. There is very Ittle demand for sheep. EKCEIPT3. BANQE Of PI1IOE3 fOli HOOS , Thn extreme range of prices for common rough , good mixed und choice light hogs for seven days , is thown below : Data. Common Good Choice Rough. Mixed l.lelit. Saturday , , 53 GO'fflK GO $3 ( 7U > tC3 oU Monday. . . 3 60@3 CO 8 053 70 3 70@3 80 Tujaday. . . 3 40@3 50 3 f > 5@3 CO 3 Gu@3 70 Wednesd'i 3 ' 10g3 CO 3 D5@a GO 3 C @ 3 75 Thursday , . -10'flJS 4 3 Cfi@3 76 Friday. ; . . 3 4 @ 3 45 3 C5a3 ( 70 Saturday , , 3 45@3 50 3 5fi&3 G5 DKST1KATION OC BniPJIlNTS , Showing tha number of cattle , hogs and sheep shipped from South Omaha during the past twenty-four hours , and their points of destination : CATTLE No. R't. Dost. 231 RI Chlwgo IIOQ8. No. R't. ' Dost. 107 N W Chicago ItSritlBKNTATIVE BALKS. BKirS. No. Av. Pr. 15 140 8285 _ _ MOVEMENTS OP UVK BTOOK. The following la a tU'.ement of the move- The past week's Irnde hw been very iatt - aotory M n tulo lo the wholesalers , bul Iho ocal product ) and commission markets hare > een very dull , Eggs Imvo rnrgod steady nt S : , n few talcs being made at IZlc , The mnrkot hag been overrun the whole inek with print ; chickens , ntul committlon houses have lad hard work to dispose of thorn ; farmers mvo for the most part boon able to supply the ocal ratallers direct. Th ° ro in n little moro lemand for potatoes nt 30@40o per bit , but twill bo some tlmo before the demmd will make itself felt. Sweet potatoes nro pelll t 2c to 2Jo per Ib , nnd not much demand rom commiialon houses. The grain market has been quiet nil the week , the ruling price or corn bus boon 33o in car load lota , while ingle wagon loads hnvo been sold on the treet ns high ns 40s , The continued warm waathor has prorontod uy great nmount of prairie chickens being old. A great mnny of those received nro In oor condition nnd untnlenblo. If hunters will save their atrmmnition till cooler weather eta in , It will bo n great deal more profitable or them , There is no demand for any grade f butter excepting good table butter , nnd nil iferior nnd lot ? grades RO to tbo packers nt n ery low figure. Larpo quantities of the but- er received last week was ot n very inferior rade. Too canning season is in its glory , nd fruit has found ready eala. Several cars f California fruit wore sold during the week , mostly poaches , Apples nro coming in quito lentifully , and of yory good quality. The jobbers' trade the past week has been ery good In Omaha. There Is an upward endency in sugars ns usual nt this time $ f ao year. Dry goods nro tending upward and rices nro growing stronger. Without doubt irices have touched bottom an-1 dealers feel onCdent. A great many factories that hnvo icon idle during the summer have started up ndertha belief that there would bo nn in- reaeed demand for cotton and woolen goods. The Chicago grain market has been nctive urlcg tha p t six days eo far as speculations u wheat nro concerned and prices had nn up ward tendency , partially in sympathy with ; ronger markets onat nnd abroad. The re- oipts of grain however , both nt Chicago nnd .her principal receiving point ] wore on the ecrease , nnd the Chicago visible upply statement showed quito n decrease , 'ho movement of country produce contlnur , uite vnthfactory , Receipts of poaches from lichigan were larger nnd prices ruled lower , nit for most of the leading staples , such ns mttcr , cheese , eggs , hides , wool , hay and jrooin coin , fully Monday's quotations were itamable. . Thi hop trade was again reported cry quiet , and potatoes were rather slow , as 10 demand was almost entirely local. Sweet > otatocs continue In large supply and wore uotably dull. Vegetables nre In fair request , nd the supply of nil kinds is ample. Poultry as in moderately nctive demand , but the ; ama market was dull , mast of the receipts > ttng out of condltio n. OMAHWBOMSSAIjE MARKETS. Saturday Evening , Sept. 19. Oencrnl Markets. EGOS The market rrmalns nt 132. quiet. BurrKB Whenfreeh will brlntr about 12 ® 5c. Fair to good will cell nt 10@l2c , while nfetlor grades nil ! go at 5@7c ; creamery 20 ® 2o. 2o.CHEESE CHEESE- Full cream choddarp , 0@9 c ; full ream flats , two In hoop , 10.c ; full cream Toung Americas , four in hoop llic ; Swiss , lOlCc : brick , ll@12cj Llmbur er , 9c. CALIFORNIA FRUIT Peorn Winter Nellie , teurre , Die ) , Lawrence , E. Beurro , Vicar , nd other varieties , per box , S2.75@300. 'enches-Pcr box , 81.50@1.76. Plums Per ox , § 1.25@1.75. Prunes Per box , 81.25 ® .76. .76.WILD WILD PtTJMS Vf ry choice wild plums are n the market at tO@75c per 4 bush , Basket , OIIANOKH Ooly B few oranges are in mar- cet which am selling at § 7.60. LEMONS New Messina and Palermo lemon re In liberal supply and of good quality. Quotable $0.50 to $7.10. PEACHES-The sales o ! California peaches IIH patt few rlays have been heavy. POULTRY Sales of spring chickens wo'e made to-day at 51.70@2 CO. O d chickens 275&300. Ducks are slow Bale at $225 ® 275GAME GAME continuance of warm weather ia > interfered greatly with the handling of ; ame , So long as the weather continues w.rrn irices will be uncertain. Prairie chickens , which are arriving In excess of demand , quot- ble nt S1.75@225snlpe : , 75c@S1.00 ; mal- nrd ducks , gl.7o@2 00 ; teal ducks , 91.25 ® .CO. .CO.GRAVES GRAVES In very light receipts. Homo ; rown and choice Missoun and Iowa Concords : eet with ready gale nt EC. PjtoviBlOfiS-Ltud , 40 Ib cans per Ib , 7joj ried beet bams , l'JJcdried ; beef , regular,10J | < - ( orned beef , per bbl,80 00 ; mess pork , rcrbol , 1300 , bam , 10i@ll ; breakfnit bacon , UJc lear tide bacon , be ; dry salted eidei , 7io' loulders , Go , POTATOES Late potatoes ate not coming in n fast and ttr > demand is a little stronger at 9@10o per buBhp ) , Report ) from some BOC- ons ludlcatn a shortage in the crop , ONIONS -There Is veiy little demand for nions nt proieur. They are quotable at 30 © Ooper bu hel , SWKIT POTATOES In moderata supply nnd air demand and illfihtly higher prices. Choice argo quotable nt 2J@3o per Ib , UKANM There 11 no clean stock offered ; It would bring about SI GOS1 20 per buthel , nd dirty ones are drawing nt 75@8Jc. GuAlN-Uorn , 83c ; new oats , 2Jc : old oats , Oj wheat , No. 2 U5c ; rye , 3S@40o OtSTKHH-Standards , 35o ; nuleots,40cIextra ; elects , 45c. PAINTH IK OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. ill white lead , St. Louis , pare , 6 75 [ Maneil as rcon , 1 to 6 Ib cant , 20o ) French rlno ) reen aeal , 12cj French zlno , red seal , llo , Trench rlno , In varnish asst. , 20o ; French tin ; , Jo ) vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod , 3oj rose pink , Ho ; Venetian , rod , Cookson's , { o ; Venetian , red , American , IJcj red load , Joj chrome yellow , genuine , We ; chrome yol- ow , K. , 12o : ochre rochelle , Scj ochre , French Eo ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter mineral , ic ; Lohigh brown , 2Jc | Bpanleh brown , 2o | 'ilnce's mineral 3o , Bi'iuiia-Colcffno Hpirits 188 proof , 110 ; o. 1U1 proof , 112 ; Bplrits , second quality , 01 proof , 111) ) do , 188 proof , 109. Alcobnl 1K8 poof alcohol , 210 pnr win allon. Whidkios Redistilled wfciikies , 1 00 WlWlj gin blended , 150 ( 300) ) Ken- icky bourbons 2 00(5)0 ( ) 00) ) Kentucky and 'enosylvanla ryes , 2 000 60 , Golden sheaf , ouibon and Rye whiskies from $1 60g9.00 , ( randies Imported , 5 00@8 CO ; domettio , 60fe8 00. Gins Imported. 4 0660 OU | Mo- lupjtlc. 1 60(163 ( 00. Rumi Imported , 4 60 ® 00NowKngland ; , 2 00(5)4 ( 00 ; domestic , 1 CO @ 300. Champagnei Imported , per case , 8 ou 84 DO ) American , pcrcaso , 10 W10 00. VAENIBIIEB Barrels , per gallont jrnrnlture , xtra , 91 10 ; furniture. No , 1 , 81 ; coach , ox r * , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 1 75 ] Japan , 70o ; aapbaltum. extra , BCc. lellao (3 60 } hard oil finish 8160. DHTOB AND CIIEUIOALH - Acid , carbolic , 41c. : id , tartarlo , fi.r c ; b.Iiatn copaiba , per Ib , Oc ; bark , njunfrat , per Ib , IZc ; calomel , per b , OOc : cluchonidia , per cztic ; cliloro- orm , per Ib , OSes Dovers powder * , | > er Ib 125 ; epsom taltv , per Ib , Sic ; glyceiino pure , per Ib , Kc ; lead aceUto , per Ib , 20o ; oil castor Nn. I , per g l , ? lui oil caitor pure. pargM , $1 GO ; oil , olive , per CCA ) . 914) ) : oil origauum , ftOc ; opium , $4 00 ; mitnlno , P. A W. . and It. & 8 , per or , 85cj pota slam , lodilo , per lb$325 ; falicln , penz 40 ; sul phate moTphlnf , per or , 53 25 ; sulphur , pot Ib ta ; strychnine , pr oz , $1 0) . FINK cci-llard to Boat , 70c ; Charm of the Wo t , COct Fount .In , 70oj Golden Thread , G7o ; Favorite , COc ; Buds , 50c ; Rocky Moun tain , COot Fancy , 45o ; Daisy , 40c. Ptco TOBACCO Climax , 44o t > or Ib , ; Horse shoe , 4Cc : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our Hope , 50c ; Piper Heidslck , GOcj Punch , 40o. HsAvr IlAnnwAnc Iron , rntos , 2 10j plow steel , tpccinl cast,4ci crucible ( iloal , Go ; CMt tools do , 12@18c ; wagon pokci > , per net 8176@300 ; hubi. , per sot , 8125 ; telloes sawtd dry , SI 40 ; tocgacr , 9ach , Tf > c ; nxlop , pach , 7Gc | squnra nuts pot ! b,7@llc ; collcbain , porlb , ( ! ® 12ct malablele , } ; iron wodgcf , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow eth 4c ; spring steel , 7@8ct Burdtu'f hone > hoc , $4 10 ; liurdons mule shoe * , $510. Uarbed Wire-In car lots , SI 00 per 100 Ibn. Iron Nails Hates , 10 to GO ; ? 2 G5. Shot-Shot , $1 CO ; buckshot , $1.P5 ; orion- ; al powder , kcgc , $3 50@4 00 : do , half kegs 52 00 ; do , Luartertgr , $1 M ; blwllcp , ieg , 83 35 ; fuio , per 100 foot , COo. Load- Bar , $1 G5 , OILS 110 carbon , per pulton , lie ; 1BO hoad- Ight , cer gallon , lJa ( : 17Co headlight , per gallon , IGo ; 150 ° water white , 16c ; llniccd , aw , per gallon , 41c ; linscod boiled , per pal- on , 4le ! lard , winter str'd , per cMlon , DCc ; o. 1 , r > 3o ! No. 2 , 48c ; castor XXX , per galen - on , 51 f 0 ; No 3. ? l 40 ; sweet , ppr gallon , $1 00 ; sperm W. B. , per gallon. $100 ; unh W. B , , per pulton , G5c ; ne t foot extra , uor rallon , ? 0c ; No , 1 , die ; lubricttlng , ziro , IMF callon , 30c ; ummt > r , 1A : ; golden innchlno , No. 1 , per pullon , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; sperm , sig nal , per pallon , UOci turpentine , per gallon , 47c ; uapthn 7-io , per gallon , Ib. Dnt PAINTS White leaa 801 French XIno , .2o ; Paris wniting , 2c ; whiting gilders , 1 < | f biting oom'l , lie ) lampblack , Germantown , 2c ; lampblack , ordinary , lOo ; Prussian blao. C5c ; nutramarlno , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8o > uicbor burnt , is ; umber , raw , 4o ; sienna , burnt c ; ilonna , raw , 4c : Paris green , gcnuinn. JCc ; ? aris greencommon,20o : chrome green , N. Y. Oc | chromo green , K , , 13o ; vermilllon , Kug- noiln .3t , lbc | raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib ianj , lOo ; rnw and burnt Sienna lOo ; vandyho /rown , 13o ; refined lampblack , 12ct coach ilock and Ivory black , IGo ; drop black , ICci Prussian blno , 40c : nltramnrlna blue , 18oi ohromo green , L. M & D , , IGct blind and hutt > U tpoen , L. M , & D , , 16o ; Paris grneo , 8oj In Jinn red , 15o ; Venetian red , So ; Tus can red , 32c ; American vermillion , L. & P. Ooi yellow ochre , Oc ; L , M , , O. & I ) . 0. , ISoj ellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent dryer , So ; graining colors , light oak , dark oo > , walnut , chestnut and ash. lee Fluh. LAKE FISH(1885 ( Catch. ) MAOKEREl.-(188fi ( Catch. ) PICKLED SALMON-IMP'D HERRING ( I8S5 Catch. ) BLOOD BED CALIFORNIA SALMON. bs. ibs. Iba. Iba. Ibs. bits. " 00 100 90 50 40 1400 $7 50 SG80 S3.80 83.10 90 CODFISH Now Englith summer cured whole cod , Gc ; 2 Ib bricks , guaranteed , G7c. SMOKED FISH Halibut , new , 12&c ; new caled herrlngv , 25o SUNIMUES Dqmettio Holla d herrings , tegs , 45o ; Russian tardinea , burringa , 45o ; nchoviea in glass , Ole Bull brand , per doc. , 3 50 ; anchovies in j kegs , Ole Bull brand , > er doz. , $4.00 ; spiced Hamburg herrings , kins and heads off , per pall , $1,25 , Dry Lrambor. DIMENSIONS AND IIMDSBS. BOAllDH. No. 1 boards , 12 , 14 nnd 16 ft . 51725 No. 2 boarda , 12 , 14 and 16 f t . ' . . . 1C 25 No , Sboarda , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 13 25 No. 4 boards , 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 1126 BID1NO , st Com. , 12 , 14 and 10 foot . rS2 00 d Com. . 14 and 16 feet . VO 00 d Com. , 14 andlG feet . 15 00 Fence , 14 and 16 feet . 1100 IBNOINO. No. 1 , 4 & 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough . .818 00 Jo , 1 , 4 & 6 inch , IG f eot , rough . 18 00 No. 2 , 4 k G Inch , 12 and 14 foot , rough. 15 00 No. 2 , 4 & 6 inch , 16 feet , rough . 10 00 BHir LAP , No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch. . 818 00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch . 1C 00 No.l , 0. G . 1850 CEILINQ. st Com , finch , Norway . . . . . . 10 M dOom , | inch , Norway . 14 DO FINISHING. st , 2d and 3d Clear , 1 | Inch , s , 2s . $50 50 st , 2d , and 3d Clear. 1J and 2 inch , s. Ua 60 CO B Select , 1J. U ana 2 inch , a. 2s . 80 50 st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 . 45 60 A Select , 1 inch , B. 2s . 40 60 U Select , 1 Inch , s. 2s . , SO POSTS , Vhlle Cedar , 6 inch , balvea . 13 Vhlte Cedar , l > \ Inch , halves . 11 a Vhite Cedar , 8 inches , quarters . Do White Cedar , 4 Inch , round . . . . . He TLOOUINQ , st Com , Glnoh , white pina . , .838 0 * d Com , 0 inch , white iIuo ; . 8502 d Com. G Inch , white pine. . . , , . . , „ . , 29 07 Jol. Fence G Inch , white pine . 20 Of at and 3d Clear yellow pmo , 4-6 inch. 24 BTOOK DOABDfl , HATTINB , WKLLTDDINO , riOKKTH. 0. a. Bats , 3 Inch . 9 0. G. Bat2J Inch . 75 inch Bats , B , la. . . , . , , < O Inch well tubing , D. & M , , . . , . 22 60 inch well tubing , Bov . 22 60 Pickets ; U , & H. Flat , 822 00 ; D & II , Square . U 00 BHINOLW AND LATH , 6 Inch , Clear . , , . . , , . , . . , . A * Standard . 2 inch , Clear. . . . . . . . . . I io I. . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . , . . . . * . , . . . . ! Coal , Anthracite rgg , 88.00 ; anthracite nut , 88.25 : uthraclte range , 98 25 ; Iowa , $3 25Vul - ut Block , $325 , Illlnoia , $1,60 ; IndUni , lock , 85.75 ; Fort Scott , $1.26 ; lUch mil. 376 v , r , JOUNBON , iow , UAVKm r , J' BOIIDTLKU. W. P. Johnson & Go , , Oommisfion Merchants 218 La Sallo B'.rtet , Chlesgo. llecclveis of grain * nd teeda. Future * lought and lold. Special atteutlou to J c Keprceented by EDWARD BAHTON , Lincoln.