Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1885, Image 1

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Wires and Dangers of Political "ImV
Preparing fir a Brilliant StasoD ,
A Mamma in Pantaloons Or atos
a Female Oommotioni
Cleveland Keeping Aloof from tlio
Fall Politioal Fight ,
Silver Warner ami Ills Altna nt tl-o
Civil Muivtoo Ooiniiilfislon
Capital Notes ,
Special Telegram to The DUE.
WABIUNOTON , Sept. 2J. Among these who
have erected or purchased houses In this city
recently are Senator Logan , Secretaries Man
ning and Whitney , Attorney-General Oar-
lard , Secrotaty Kndlott , Postmaster-Genera
ViUf , General Nelson A. Miloi , Lieutennnl
Greely , Judge Thoman , Senator I dmunds
nnd a host of others prominently knownin _
society , Vfca Prorident Ilendricks has not as
yet purchased a house , but it is raid that he
will do so this winter. Mrs , Ilendricks is
very focd of society and will , contrib
ute very larircly to the winter's pleasure ; .
Secretary liayard it a generous entertainer ,
and is happy in the assistance of his wife and
daughters Tnoy have a comfortable house
on AlassachuneU avcnus and hko to have
conopjiiv. Secretary Lnmnr does not go in
heavily for society and keeps bachelor's
house ou Vermont Avenue , Secretary
Kndicott has a handsoj-u Inuio ou
Sixteenth street near Scott Circle , and Lis
wife and daughter ere nccoinpllsbod fond
of society. Secretary Whitney has a large
and elegant letidcnco on Cnunectlcut nvenua
near the British legation lim wife la very
popular In New York society aud her appear
ance this year la looked f jrward to with a
great deal of interest. The attorney general
ta said to bo the most democratic inembar of
the tirrsi'ut ndmiuUtratlon , and does uot cira
for society , but his hojao is ever open and the
ladies of biii fa ritly nro popular entertainers
Secretary Mauling and his wife are tn occupy
a handsume residence on Dupont circle near
UUIne'i ) homo , and will no doubt ontortnin.
Mrs. Manuing la young and quiti popular
both in NHW York nnd Albany. Poktmuster
General Viias has a chtimlug wife un 1 a
spacious residence on Sixteenth street , where
no will entertain during the winter.
"OiD I wash my baby's hanls hero ,
madam ? " waa the question a i-liglitly bail , gen'
tlemau with a temiums ca this rnuming naked
of au attendant iu the ladiua' room nt the
Ponnsj Ivnsi depot. The quojtionor was
perhaps thivty ynnr.i of age , und bora In hii
aims nnuroiog child. lie wai naatly dresjod
in a dark suit nnd wore n black derby hat.
The clothing of the child gave evidence of a
mother's , care , and the munner in which tha a
baby wa held wns so feminine and lha whole
air of the pair W.B so pacullarily at v-irianco
with tbo cut of the elder unu'a clothestil tt the
attendant eximiup her questioner narrowly
while thoughts of Dr. Mary Walker were in
her mind. Shehceltatcd but a moment nud
then asked , "Aro you a womaii ? ' Not at all
disturbed by the question the other answered ,
' 'Yes , madam , I am , " Souio hiup of a sensa
tion was crea'.od in the ladies' toilet room
when the httondniit led in .the psir. There
were several lurHes pressnt and they looked
nskanco at the indvidual ia malt attire , The
latter , however , proceeded quietly to the
wash basin and laved her baby't little bunds
tnat might not to have lef : any doubt as to
her sex in the mind of a close observer.
TheU'liex , howuver , were too much perturbed
by the Derby hat and the dark unmentionables
to observe anything oleo. Finally a largo
Engliuh lady , bent on vindicating her right of
privacy from mul * Intrusion , walked up with
fire In beruyo and a nolloi/ smile of sham
Itlndneis on her lips , and asked in an inslnu.
atiug voice : "Is your wife traveling with
you , lr ! " There w s siletcafor a moment
as the other ladies stood around and smiled
approval on the champion of their rights.
Then In n quiet voicu the answer cime : 'No ,
inaaam ; I urn a wife myself ; my husband will
r meet us at Philadelphia " At this a look of
blank amazement spread over the faces of all
the ladifs present , and they closed in on the
curiously dressed female and piled her with
She was a New Yoik woman , the said , and
her husband was a southerner named Khiot.
They came hero about two and a half years
ago , tbo husband Intending to go south.
After lernalnitg some tlmo they found that
the climate waa against her , an i sbo was nt
present eu route to I'hilkdeiDhfa , hoping that
iho would have belter ho.tlth there She had
idopted her peculiar atylo of dress some years
since , finding ttint it was much moro con s
venient thau too ha ilimenti of the female
eex , She had three other neatly cU-J children ,
ranging in ago from G to 9 years. Sitting iu
the midet of the little group with the baby in
her arms , tha male clau mother presented an of
appear tee to odd that all beholders smiled
as they saw her ,
Whllo the president Is personally anxious a
thU Now York and Ohio shall go democratic
this fall , the kdmlnistratiou does not intend
to take an active part In the ainvasi in theee
state * , and thu nuilmiity for this statement Is
a member cf | lu > cabinet. "Naturally , " siid
this gtnllttiuri , ipttbkli g of the atti ujo of
tboprrsidtmt , "ha is very deilious that the
stUeof New Yurk shall endorse his official
tctiou by giving the democratic ] nominee for a
governor n good , solid inujnrity , Fur him to
interfere as between cauuidaltm btfora the a
convention would bo a vury foolish thing ,
and one ha is not a * nil likely to do. Tha
president u a better practioil politician thin
he bus breu euppuetd to bo. All ho s
ntlci hts frknds In New York to do is
to put a man in nomination ho will ba nblo s
to poll the full vote of the democratic party.
This much he luaioid tj prominent men > ll
over the stito , but ha bat not indicated his . '
preference for auy ouo. It la expected
tbat a declaration expressing tha
party approval of tbo administration course I
will by made a pirt of tha
platform , and a | romiuent central Now Yo k
democrat has promised tlmt it will not be
omitted. As fur Uhi , tht pretiJeut eipect *
it to go demicrutic ihu f ill. lie \\m \ done all no
tliat win proper iineurl ubout all th tt he has ber
bem uiked tj do-to help lloadley. That
goutleuun has been very moder&to in hii
demand * , end IM tnoy were reasonable they
have b < uu iituatly gruuted " '
la addition to undertaking to bring the
faction * on Ilia silver question tin coi/.pro-
mine , Itaproientative Wurntr , of Oaio , pro
poses to mtkewiron tha civil tervlcaann an
mission , tn i will divide his time between that .
duty ar.d thn ilvtr question. UH Lai not
forgotten * ho K-llur c uo , and will endeavor u
tohatn K llur diiuiitcnil at the end of hU
pnibationtiry term , \Vlitu thU Is done ha
will be.iu uu thti comtniieli'ii wh'ch hotxpecta
to ba able to roor aulzo Hasajs tha pies-
eat commissiouors arrogate to thorn- o
selves all the power of the execu
tive , And by enveloping ttemiolves
iu A ckok of ercroiy make it poeeibla for
them to uiniipulitte appointments to tult
thttoselviui witLUit the lojst danger of ( hair
method becarniog known. The commissioners ,
bo tay , must go , m.d men rnu.t bo put In
their pUcfs who will treat democrats with
falrnfh * and put a proper construction upoc
tun Uw. Thi-rti \ nothing In tha law , lie at
> y , .tu precluda thi brad of A department
from drmandlng a Hit of all candidates win
h vo pasted ettefactory eiainluation , uud
selecting from tin whula number those lit
wants ,
WASUINQTON , Sept. 10. [ Associated
X'reu.--A ] defg tiou of Pueblo In
dians from the vicinity of Albn-
burjuprquo , N. M. , called on the commintlon
tr of Indian affairs to day for tha purpoio ol
protesting against their recent assenment for
taxes as citizens of the territory. These In
dians were citizens of Mexico nnd In the
treaty with Iho United Stites by which New
Mexico bccamo n part of the United States ,
the inhabitants of the ceded territory were
not to ba deprived of their rights of citizen
ship , Whllo tbeso Indians have been citi
zens of the United States during these years ,
they have been regarded as other In
dians who are uot citizens. They ,
however , are entirely independ
ent of government aid nnd occupy lands
under grants .This year , for tha first time ,
thoNow Mexican government decided to ai-
soss these Indians , thus recognizing their
status as citizens. To this the Indians object ,
ns n tix would ba a burden on them and they
prefer to live as other Indians , without exer
cising the right * of citizsnn. They will have
an interview with Secretary Lnmar on Mon
day. Onq phase of tha cSso is that If these
Indians are citizens they have n tight to vote ,
and if this ripht is exercised it will blind Into
NbW Mexican politic ] a now element of be
tween two nnd three thousand voters , Local
politicians appreciate this latter fact ,
llepresantattvo Warner hai completed the
drafe of tbo compromise- silver bill that ha In
tends to present to congress when it assem
bles. Ho says he doe ? not euro to make
public tbo provisions of the bill until he has
submitted it to persons of various shades of
opinion upon the silver qtnation andso.ured
the benefit of their suggestions. Tha Star ns-
ecrts that Mr. Warner intends to make war
upon the civil a r\lco commission and that tie
expectt to be able to bring about its reorgani
zation , Ho is credited with saying that the
present commissioners arrogate to themselves
all the powortf tlnoxECUtivenndbyenveloping
themselves in a cloak of Sfcresy that makes it
possible for thenl to manipulate appointments
to pint themselves without-the least danger of
their methods becoming known. The com
missioners , hn snys , muse go and mon mu't be
put in their places who will treat the demo
crats with.falrness and put a proper construc
tion upon the law. There Is nothing In the
law , ha "says , to preclude the head of a
department from demanding n list of nil can
didates who bavo passed a satisfactory
examination and selecting from tha whole
numberlhosofho wants.
The transfer of gold and silver cola from
the ever crowded vaults at San Francisco aud
Carson City to the sub-trojiuries in eastern
cities continues. The total amount of gold
already shipped from San Francisco Is nb mt
§ 13,400,103. The shipments from Carson City
have been almost entirely tilvor coin , Tin
first cjnslgnmant arrived hero this morning to
the amount of § ! OVOO 'a ' silver coin from
OirsonCity. The 810,000,000 dripped from
New Orleans in two naval vessels is expected
to arrive hare next weok.
The president has appointed Anthony Sco-
bergpr collector uf customs at Chicago. The
appointment was made on the 15th lust , but
tha public announce msnt withheld till to-day
Seebarger ii n prominent mcrchtnt of Chica
go , where he has bucn engaged in extensive
hardware butino-s f > r many years , Ha is n
man of wealth and high social etacdu'g and
whilst altvajs recognized as a constant I'omo-
crnt. has never boeu prominent in political
affairs ,
The last census rotuiin hnvn ? shown that
tbo cities of St. Paul und Minneapolis possess
pojulation in excess of 75,000 , those citifs
have bein raised to the firs : grada In the free
delivery f ervic , and the compensatii n of
letter carriers fixed at 8003,5800 ard $1,000
per annum , instead of SOOJ and $850 ns at
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. [ Afsocia'.ed
Prws ] Tto consecration of Ilav. Jeremiah
O'Suluvan , pastor uf St. Petal's Catholic
church of this city as bishop of the diocese of
Mobile , AU. , took placa nt that church to
day , Tha ceremony nf consecrating a bishop
usually takes place in n cathedral , but nt the
urgent request of Father O'dulhv&n tbo
bishop c-mtonted ta perform the ceremony
in the church of the b'sbop elect In presence
of his congregation , nnd therefore the same
ceremony which for more than eighteen
hundred years bns at intervals been performed
in varlo.a parts of tha world was to-day
performed for the first time at tha capital of
the nation , nnd In a little unpretentious
church on Capitol Hill.
Special Telegram to the BEE.
PLATTBMOUIH , Nab. , Sept , 19 , At the
county republican convention , held in Louis-
villn to-day , tbo following ticket was placed
n nomination : Treasurer , D , A. Campbell ;
register of deed ) , W. II. Pool ; clerk , O. D.
Clapp ; judge , Calvin Russell ; sheriff , J. C-
Eikenbary ; superintendent , Maynard Spink ;
cironor , Henry lioeckj o.mmissloncr , A. B ,
D , A. Campbell , the nominee for treasurer ,
a young man eomo 23 years of age. lror
the past few years bn has filled tha ifHce of
deputy treasurer Iho fact that bo has now
rrcelvod the nominatt > n for treasurer with
saucily auy opposition is the bait ovldenco
his recognizer ! fitness for tbo place ,
W. II , Pee ) , the nominee for register , is a
irosperous farmer of Elmwoocl' . Ho
n rino penman and is In every way fitted to
ill the position ,
0. D. Clapp , the nomlneo for clerk , is a
uccessful merchant at Klrnwoaa , in Stove
Ireek precinct , He possesses suterior quail *
isatlcns for the position to which he bai been
Onlvin ltusao'1 , having served ono term ns
county judgi very acceptably , wai honored by
rcnt'inlimtion ' by acclamation ,
J. 0 , Ulkenbarv ii likewise renominrttnd for
naioud ttrm That he has mid * an efficient
tilicer Is conceded.
Maynard Spink , of South Bond , tha nomi- ,
lee fur uiperlutendent of public instruction ,
a young man of fine attvinmonts , Ho has
men Identified with educational latareats and
In every way fitted to fill tin position to
which ho aspires ,
Henry Boeck , tin nominee for coroner , it n
fading furfalturo deu'.er and undertaker of
'Jatttmouth , nnd is well equipped to fill tba
coroner's office
That A , U. Todd should receive n nomlca- as
n for county coroner unaulinoutly , Attests
ha tatUfuolinn lie has given in the p ition
uretofore. The ticket ii recognized on every
land as exceedingly etrong , aud them can be
doubt that it will ba elected la Novem
Alter tlio u a Sklno ,
SANTA 1 < X N. M , Sept. 20-Gtn. Miles
'artcd for Liavenworth this morning after of
ending the following message to Gov | H"es :
Vfter getting all information obtainable
1 consulting with the district commander ,
have put additional troops la tbo field
nutpptd In such n way that they can go
here the minors or Indians can go , and It
will be their duty to bunt the Utter in places
hey may teek shelter. Col. Bradley agrees
with ma In the belief that with the present
Imposition of troops they will give protection
the Bottlnnents , and make this territory
xceedinely uncomfortable for any hostile In [
dian * . Mv object h to make New Mexico
untenable for Indians and restore the confi
dence ot its citizens.
t.on , Hay Seriously 11 ,
PiiTBiiURa , PA , Sept 19 Ex-First As
glstant Postmaster General Hey is lying ill a
hU home In a prostrated condition Hii
frleadi say ha Is not critically 111 , but several
whj have teen him declare to the contrary ,
Two New 1'oxfmaitcra. uf
WASHINGTON , Sept. ID The president to
appointed the following rnwtmAiteri :
Charles H. Dr ner , Oonomnoc. Wlc. ; B. D.
Meek , Kureks , III ,
Cholera Disappriog in Spain anil
Siarvaiion Following in its Palh ,
Tlio Manifesto of the Grand Old
Man of England ,
A Bloodless Rebellion Sncooeds
in Bouiuelia ,
A Union with BulRcrin Accomplished
Ilio Oholcrn nntl tlio Care
lines Foreign Notes.
Special Telegram to The BE ? .
LoNDONi Sopt. 2) ) . Dispatchoi recelvec
from Spain this evening indicate that
although the cholera is vanishing from the
Infected district * , the distress in the province
is fearful. Destitution follows death , and tni
path of tbo pestilence is marked by n broac
nWdth uf poverty , A dispatch from Jaen s vs
that the situation is BO horrible thu unless
God takes pity on tha wretched popula
tion they will entirely disappear by
deaths caused either by cholera or
starvation , Quarantine Is enforced 11 egally
by many towns , and travelers are kept fur
days in filthy huts unless they are able to pay
tribute or to foot tha distance necessary to
take them beyond the line of strmgen
measures. The bishop of Galahorr * , aftei
being nearly de d with cholera , IDS returned
to the city , aud Is now working ; in its slums
llko n saintly slaye to alleviate the sufTorings
cf the people.
LONDON , Sept. 19 [ Associated Press. ]
Gladstone's manifesto , the most dtlphic utter
nuce he ever made , has proved the moat suc
cessful pamphleteering of his lifo. The docu
ment wus secretly ie&uod to his political col
leagues as early PJS last Monday , Its tin'
perceptible effect was the pllpiblereapproach
mtnt between Mr. Joseph Chamberlain ,
Lord ilartiogton and Sir William Vernot
Harcourt , the three most powerful leaders ,
next to the ex-premier himsnlf , In the llbera !
p.rty. All three are ambitious men , ant
they bed bean pulling opart and each wai
taking n Urge following iilong. The radicals
were guiDg with Chamberlain the whig ) with
Uartlngtou , and Harcourt was tirlonvorin ? to
hold the moderates together. The liberal
party was beiiu " " < to pitcss. Tne mani-
fento put n atop to the ripping nnd di
verging triumvirate , nnd at oncn sot to
work to repl.cs the stitches , and to-day , a
week only nnviog elapsed , the liberal party
in Gieat Brita'n , at least , is n solid unit , Mr
Chamberlain may ba said to bo lha mast re
bellious leader in tha whole liberal parry ,
Before Mr Gladstonb'a utterances , Mr
Crnrnhorlatn's radical campaign tour included
Glasgow , wh re no doubt wai entertained
that he would repeat his pronounced indu
pendeuce. But the Jr spake n Glasgow
after he h' d pursue ! the matiftieto , and bi :
speech delayed the pr cticjl nbandonment ol
hia Independent radicalism and adoption ot n
policy of opportuuisa' , and so hts it been
with L < rd UartibRtou and Sir William Yer- '
non Harcourt. They have alto Indicated
complete submission to Mr. Gladstone and
have become opportunists.
Them are two explanations of these remark
jlj tubmistons. No one diubts that if .
those three leaders had been permitted to par-
seven ) in ttVit courses that the llhenil pirty
would haveb3en ] dhmombered. It was pretty
generally tuourfht that Mr. Gladstone was
tired of public Ufa nnd had decided to remain
out of it. He was implored ton consider this
determination and assume the management ol
the present campaign for bis party. Success
in thii campaign was essential to the contin
ual existence uf'the liberal party as a party
and absolutn unity was the requisite of sue
cess , Mr. Gladstone demanded submission
ai the pries of bis leadership. It u of
course possible to suppose that Chamberlain ,
Hartlneton and Harcourt consented to drop
their differences out of pure desire to accom
plish the success of their party as n whole ,
and to obtain thia result pay Mr. Gladstone to
price , but no doubt can bo entertained that
each of these three has bsen ambitious to
succeed "the grand old man" in the leader
ship. Circumstances have demonstrated tint
Lha party wdl at present accept no leader but
bim , and without him restoration to power is
impossible , thv
The supposition that Mr , Gladstone has v
consented to lead his party back to power th
and determined after i's lorlgmcnt there tore- thbe
tire permanently would afford him iho most be
reasonable explanation of the conduct of tbo 01
Lhreo unbmlativo leaders , lor , in this caie , 01It
tnoy w. . uld ba pitying for a atako Itne
worth whil9 , In this latter event , the leader neY
ship to attain would be that of a united party , Y
ad'oalvo with power , a thing immensely so
different from factional success. Many soh
.lungs go to show tbat the latter supposition ii
is the correct explanation of the turu offdirs IV
lave taken. In ono of the opening sentences
if his m&nifeato Mr Gladstone u ns the ful- Jl
owing significant statement : "It will not bees of
} os ibla for ma to repeat in tha now parlia- 1'
ncnt tbo labors of tha previous eiweloM , " 1'SE
This li everywhere accepted as a bint by SE
Gladstone that ho intends if victorious in SESt
his campaign , to confine himself to the work StCi
of forming a mlnUtry aud after remaining in Cinc
office long enough to assure tbo successful vc
working of his ra-cstab'fshed governmental vch
machinery , to retire permanently to private I h
ife. ; u
A SUCCESSFUL nieiNO , all ,
pLosiJO.v , Hopt. 10The populace of Phil- IB
i-opolis , oipital of naitern Koumolia , almost bo
o a man , rose In rebellion yesterday , eeizd la
Ii9 governor gnneral , deposed the Kovern- j
nent , and proclaimed a union with liu'paria. '
provincial government was eitublinhed , zi
L'hu revolt was so well planned tint nn con- bib
uilon or bloodshed occurred , every one baing . b
n pympatby with it except the government rewl
fQculi , Foreigners in the city wl
are perfectly safe from harm ,
I ) alto tha property of foreign
residents. Immediately after tbo organlza-
lon ol a provisional government the milltii
were sworn in , taking the oath of allegUnco
o Prinoe Alexanders ! liu'gnU. It is gcn-
irally believed in diplomatic circles that
luisU arracgid the programmi ol the rlilnir
and suggesttii the uuion wt h Bulgaria. No
definite statement can as yel be made as to 10
whtt action tha signatory powers to the treaty 10TI
Berlin will tuna respecting the matter , Ull
Eastern Houmolla was creattd by tha on- 3
Kress of lierlin In 1S7S and was given anton- 3n
omlo government , though formtily an in- V4
e ral part of the Turkish empire. Toe
Rovprcor general waa appointed by the porte
ubjict to the approval uf the treaty powers. of
PlIIlX rruis , Bept. I'J.-iTho Inturgents
n K istern Koumolia , acting under orders ot
ho proviiional Kovernmeut , have occupied all
ho ttrMegic polntj of the TurkUh frontier ,
ilown up all thu bridges which would b )
ikely to ba used by a force advancing from
"uikoy tn the relief of the depos'd gnvrrn- :
ment , and destroyed telegmp'h wires leading is
ute Turkef.
SOFIA , Snpt 19 , The Uulgaiian ; &rmy ha ind
ieen m ihiliztd and a corp DM been tent to
bo froutler ol Roumelia IVlnco Alex udrin
ias RODO to Pnilllppjlii and appointed M. ige.
itrauakv at ooinmleitlciier. StrauiVy Is now
irooldent of thu lloumeliau provisional gov
ern raent.
PJIILLIPOPOLW , Sept. 20. Prlnca Alex
has iatued a proclamation a > i-
g that , in acoordanci with tha niihes
tbo entire populace , bo assumes fovereigotv
over tha two provinces ot north aud south a ;
Bulgaria. i
HOME , 8jot. 17. During th * put twentv- teri
our bouts I hero wero''I oew canes ot cbol- (
era nnd 1C9 death reported tn Palermo , Thl
ii rt larga Increase over the ( receding twenty
four hunts ,
HOME , oept. 20. Cholera reports from
Palermo , Biolly , for the past twenty-foil
hours fh > w 233 new CMOI and 114 deaths
King Humbert hopes to visit Palermo
shortly ,
LONDON , Sent. 20 , Advices are juit re
Cflvmi hororolatlvo to the death ot Osman
Digna. They say ha was killed after n crush
lig defeat of his force of 3,000 Uadendota
by Knssala garrison nnd friendly tribes. Thi
latter , after the defeat of O < m n , sent auipli
supplies to Katsnla.
MADRID , Sept. 19. It Is reported that ii
was stated nt tbo cabinet meeting yesterday
that f the Spaniards occupied Yap and tbat the
Spaniib man of war Valiant was to replace
tbo Velaco , which has been selected to carry
stores to that station.
" > } SPAIN ronciiASiNa
MADRID. Sept. 20. Spiln will purchase
two mvn-i f-war that are being built tn Ear-
land 1 , tor the Japanese government. The thlpi
ara nearly completed ,
PARIS , Sept. 19. The cUcnlntifn o
the Petite Journal is prohibited in
Alsace-Lorraine , by tha Gorman government
PARIS , Sept. 19 H Ilway returns ihowa _
. . out docre.iao In the number of tourists this
year ns compnrod with lajt.
AT TUK ttllNEj.
SALT LAKE. Utah , Sept , 20. Mr. Bromley
assistant to President Adams , who represents
the company in the matter of the Hock
Sprint's difficulty has been in the city to-day
Interviewed by a roprtsontotivo of tbo as o-
ciated press , he was asked if the reports are
tiue. He said in hts belief the company
would turn over the road to the United States
government in event ot a general strike. U
said ha wai , of course , not authorized to
tpjak for tbo company , but had uo doubt the
statement heretofore published was sub
stantially correct , that sooner than submit to
tbo demand of the strikers that the Chinese
would to excluded from the mines and the men
guilty of murder , robbery and arson ba re-
etorod lliair pi > oill ns unpunished and almosl
unquestioned for their crimes , tl.a company
would surrender tbo management promptly to
the United States government ,
Ho was ctiVeJ what hs thought ns to
tbo outlook at Reck Sp.Ings tc-nnrrow
morning , aud cnid , ho had not at any time
believed the Knights of Labor organization
would put themselves iu so falsa n position as
to undertake to jmtify tbo oatrngea nt Kock
Springs by ft general strike. Uu had lieiit
tha testimony uf Rock Springs citizens rind
minors presented to him as a representative ol
tha company , and subjequently in letter form
to thu government dirtc > urs , und hadnotbaen
able to discover n single fan } which justified
in the remotest decree tha recent occurrences.
Ha vvua cjrifidrfiit the government direc'ors
were of the panic opini m after they hoard tha
disch irged ruiucra , xnd their friends und sjm-
path 7. rd present their own views of the
ti uation. He wns asked if the company had
sbrlom apprehensions as t- > the sltmti m. Ho
far I.H he knew , ho said , he believed the
directors wera poiftc ly content to submit the
question ns if ruw ettuda. If n general
btrike ii nrdnrod up in this state of f uct , it
will go out uf the hands of the managomens
of ihe company , and become n question for
the Ai.ealuan people to dtcldp.
Thj directors of th company are trying to
'miungo in a ( f lira in such a way as to give no
jmt o mso of comp'aint ' to any of its emnloyen ,
but will nut be put in n putitlon to justify
such outrages as were perpitratoj t R > ck
Springs They will not av > id or ovnde tha
is > U9with the miners or oth ° rs of thsir em
ployes upon this quastion. A it now stands
they nro prepared to resume work in lha
mines to-morrow morning _ and offer employ
ment to nil miners who desire to go to work
wbo were not engaged In the recent
disturbance. If any organized attempt
is mud'j to obstruct them in lha paaceable
operation of their mines , they will do nil In
their paver to nvoid obstructions. When
thefind they are powerless they
will simply abdicate aud let tha government
takn hold ,
Thj government directors -E P. Alexan
der , rf Montana , and James W. Savage left
hero thia afternoon. Mr. Bromley , accom
panied by Superintendent Dickinson , returns
ll'jok Springs to await the iasus of the
order to open the mines.
Republican Delef-attn Aaicmbling at
SBrntoga ,
SARATOGA , N , Y. , Sapt. 20. Delegate ! to
tha state republican convention are arriving
very slowly to-night. There are uot more
than 300 of them tn town , No caucuses will
held bsfore to-morrow night , when It is
expected nil delegatoi will ba on the ground.
la said by the delegates now here that
never bifore in the history of New
Yirk pplitics have tha republicans been
slow in maturing their plans
that there is absolutely no ground at this
time upon which to form an opinion as to who
will ! ba nominated.
Among these known tn he candidates are
James D. Warren , r < f Buffalo , late chairman
the state commutes : Joseph W. Dr-pxnl ,
Ute ' of Drexil , Morgan & Co. ; Judge Noah
Davis , Ira Davenport , Wm , H.
Seward , Hun , Lev ! P , Morton and
Secretary of State Joseph B ,
Cnrr. There nre several others who wM
not possibly receive moro than complimentary
votes Workers of the pirty do not hesitate to say
hat there is nut yet any programm" , and that
the probabilities ara thera will bo none until
! the delegates have arrived and conferences
have been held. All tha delegates profess to
for harmony and the U3 t possible candi- A
latoi. The upper o maty ilflleg tes appear to
i relying on the Ntw York d leg tlon to
prasent a name upm which they cm harmon-
, nud city rlfllt-gatea s y tha nominee mutt
> n New Yorte city m m. It Is believed
.hat the result will ba tha selection of n man
from rhitclty , although there are many here
who think favorably of Be ward.
llnotlor Tiiwii < iip UIMK ! IVnuds ,
, Ind. . Sept , 19. Tha latest
evelopment in tha township warrant swindle
omes from Morgan county. Jacob A. Ship-
y , truMoo of Gregg township , Morgan
ounly , was placsd under arrest at an early
lour this morning under an indlctmentby tbo
rand jury charging him with issuing frand-
ilent warrants to the amount of $5,631 ! . Ship
y was held ia $3,000 botid ; , which ha was
mablo to pay and wns sent to jil. Three
varracti were issued to 11 , ii. Polhrd for
jhool eupplies , but ai a matter of fact no
uppli s whatever were furnUhed , Tha arrest
tihlplty is duo to tha exertion of Waltfr .
itauninn , of tha firm of Stanton & Coflin of
Vow York.
Burning t-'lehiH In DeKntn ,
DICKINSON , Dak. , 8 pt. 20 , Prolrie fires
iave bson ragln. ; all day. Miles of country
burned over , and numerous losses of grain
hay in stick ] are reported ) also several
liulldiugs. Funnels are not p'otected by file
jreaka. Itis impossible to estimate thorium-
. but it will aimunt to several thau'ai d
lollarH , The fira is suppo ed t ) have been
itartoJ south of bera by Indlann ,
'A Uf volution In niiafeiriola ,
WAsni GTON , Sept. 19 , IT. S. Minister
Hull telegraphs from Guatemala announcing
revolution there and stating that a state of
siege has been declared. Prominent military ai
ofilcers luva been arrested and two ci-mlnis-
will ba banished , He thought the insur-
c.lcinuy movement has bean fiuitrited ,
Devilish Wife Conspires to
Kill ftp Husband
Groiml Glass inl Small. Doses
Slowly Killing Him.
A Southern Girl Marries the
Murderer of Her Unold
O moors Capture a Family of Miclil-
Ran DcBpcialocn Strange 3to
ries awl Criminal Nuws.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
MONTREAL , Sopt. 19. Charles Wilson , who
rcfides In thl i city on Councillor street , wan
possessed of n young and beautiful wife , The
couple moved in the best society. S mo time
ngo i tbo husband becaino suddenly and unac
countably tflltctod with n very queer illness ,
He consulted a physician , who , while treating
him to the very best of his ability , was un
able to enlighten him ns to the manner in
which ho contracted the dbeaio. Young Wil
ton , however , in [ spite of the efforts of hi
medical adviser , continued to grow worse
until an astounding rove'atlon ' solved the
difficulty. It happens that Mrs. Wilson wns
enamored of Bedo Smith , a highly respected
yotintr man with whom she spent some tlmo
at Mutry b y , la company with Mrs.
Beandry , lately n widow , who had also foncd
a lover In the person of a well known alder
man. Affairs were progrtsaiog swimmingly
until Mr. Smith , father of Bede , becoming
alarmed ut tbo extravaganca of his eon , con
ceived thu happy idea of opsmng his ttuok ,
when to hia surprise hn came across n number
of letters from Mrs. Willton , m which she
frequently stated she was slowly doing away
will ! Willstm , her husband , by admtuitterlriR
to him doses of ground glass. Tills was n
horribla aiecuvery for him , nod not daring to
approach Willsou he wont to the latter "H
brothpr-in-lnw , a well known contractor , and
confided to him the letters. The latter lost no
time in calling uj.on his brother-in-law , who
already had the nppe rinco of n man In the
lust stages of consumption , and revealed to
him thu secret of his illness Wilson could
not bo p'rsuaded upon , however , to mistrust
the affictiotn of bis wife , but whan the letters
were produced , and ho recognized her hand
writing and read the endearing terms in which
eho addressed young Smith , together with her
Jcicrtptions of how hn was progressing with
tier work of blow murder , ho garo tn and
Ina'lvdecided ' to leave Ins wife in the hands
of his brother-in-law to do with rn ho thought
itet. The guilty and inhuman wife , hearing
icr murderous plans had been discovered and
ler hutbind knew all , decided to never again
lee hd tco and hurriedly left the city , thero-
jy avoiding prosecution.She Is now In Boston ,
Btnppiog under an a turned name at one of
; ha principal hotels.
Special Telegram to The BIE.
COLUMBUS , S. 0. , Sept 10 At the recent
; erm of court for Chesterfield csunty Jamea
Eluntar , a fine-looking and wall-to-do youjg
vchlto farmer , was Tried and convicted of
manslaughter for killing Geo. W. Evans , a
neighbor , and stmtoncod to four years at hard
abor In ths penitentiary , The homicide oc
curred about a year ago , Iluntor and Evans
were apparently on good terms with each
other just previous to the fatal encounter , On
hat day , however , in consequence of an in
sulting remark made by Hunter In speaking
of Evans' wife , the latter knocked
lim down and punished him. While
Scons was leaving the scene , wita
its mother's arm around him , Hunter
an up to him and discharged the contents of
lis'piitollnto his body causing almost in
fant death. The killing was witnessed by
Mies Dora EVADB , a pretty girl of 18 year/ ,
iicco of the murdered man and affianced
jrldo of his murderer. Not for ono instant
during nil his trouble did the love of Mlsa
Dora for her promised husband waver. Night
lefore lost , some time after Sheriff King oud
lis household had retired far the night , they
were nruused by land knocking on the outer
door of the jail. The iheiilf dressed , went
ou ; and to his astonishment found bis
visitor was Miss Djra Evans , who
lid lied from her homo twenty
live miles distant and ridden unattended
hiongh a drenching rain for the purpote , as
hn bo dly announced , of marrying her lover
if fore he went to tin penitentiary. Sheriff
Cing furnished Minn Evans a comfortable \
oam for tbo nlrht , Early next morning a
lergytnaa was summoned , and In the jail hall A
18 o'clock the interesting ceremony was per rr
ormed in the presence of fifty rpectuiora u
ourt officers , lawyers and Jur > men. A sub-
Untlul breakfast followed , after which the
owly nnrried couple exchanged affectionate 01ti
vdieus , The bndo returned to thu home of titt
ter parents and the pronm , handcuffed by the ttk
uard , wo taken on boitrd a train and started
if on his journey to tbo penitentiary in this irui
LODGED IN JAlfc ifdi
IONIA , Mich , , Sept. 20 , Abnsr Aldnch , a Si
man of about 45 years of ago , with his wife
nd two children , ono of them a young man of
bout 20 , live on a farm about eight miles
ortheatt of this city and ono mile east ol
Collins itatlon on the Detroit , Lansing &
Northern railroad , The family has baon for
oars the terror of ths neighborhood where
icy reside. AHrkh has been arrested
at nsiault and thrfats against lifo time out of no
umber , and never without ciuse. Some
me tinea judgment was obtained against
lim In a justice's court at Portland , but
i nflicer thera would attempt colleo'.ion , BO
; waj brought to thU clly uud given to Con.
; ible Perry Chapman , wuh warding to t ko
lelp with him and look out for tiirn elf. ci
lie took with him Gun. Bradley and W. cipi
Ainsley , of this city , nnd went oat there joj- pim
.irday afternoon , They found Aldnch and piSi
lis 2U-yoar old ton loading wlnat Into some Si
lags. Chapman stepped up to the wagon id
vhero Aldrich was and raid ha was an officer ihui
nd hid an execution. Aldrich caught up tn ui
xe laying la the wagon and ruiied it to strike
when Chapman covered him with his revolver
nd at ita muzzle compelled him to leuva the
wagon and , still covtirlng him , told the men
a seize him , but before they could do BO the oc .
oung man got a rifle and opened on ChapJt
nan , and the woman was coining with au ill
xe Young Aldrich firoi at Chapman but K
missed him. and he turned and ( hot at young be
A'dricb , who securing a repeating online , n :
uened fire from the howe Bradley fell
t the third shot but was helped away by
Aluiley. Cli n mm was nniojured but finding
nintelf alone retreated. Atusley wai but
lightly Injured but Bradley Is in a precnri of
ui condition. His tight nrmwaj nmputatal lug
ate In the afternoon , and ha I * doing AS well ec
could be expected , re
A warrant w i istuad for tlio Aldiicbi. two reK
men and wcmau'nud a eharlif and fuur officers ui
went out t ? servo it , After holding uidi
ihe ullicera utl lour notird wltti iltlei they tin-
ally yielded and nt midnight were lodged i
jail , They still kept their guns nnd mor
trouble was expected , The homo whcro th
Aldrich's live Is boarded up and the wall
pierced for rids shooting on the plsn of n fr..n
iur fort , and Is nearly as strong. The fnmll
nro aimed with repeating lilies nnd they h > v
for years kept off the officers after the plan o
A Modern Kuoch Ardon.
TOLEDO , Sept. 19. The Commercial Tclo-
grAtn this morning published a slagu'a '
story which m substance is that thirteen
years ago Thomas Hubbjll. n farmer living In
this county , was supposed to hnvo died an :
wns burled , A few years ago hts friends re-
ccivod n letter bearing tbo signature of th
dtnl man , saving that ho WAsnlive and woult
visit them In a short time. Recently n letter
of the enaio character WAS received. This
caused nn examination of the
to bo inndo nnd the casket was founc „
to ba emoty. The explanation of the mys
tery is slid to bo that the grave
was robbed and the body tent
to a mndical collrgo In Michigan , and that il
was discovered that the man was uot dead
but , hU mind bring affected by disease , ho
was utmblo to give nny information concernIng -
Ing his friends and was placed In an n yluin ,
where ho eubsoiuently recovered. A brother
of the resurrected parly has gone to Michigan
to investigate the matter. Widow Hubbell
was married again seven years ago. The c.vo
Ims excited great interest in the locality of his
former home.
The Blade this 'afternoon gives details o !
interviews with relatives of Thomas Hubbell.
They plnco no credence in the story that let
ters have been received from him or that ho
is alive , They stated that ho died of pneu
monia and tlmt four days elapsed before
burial. Tbo grave was opened aud the re
main not found , but , with this exception , the
etory is founded en no basis ol facts ,
Tlio Brno lioltoil OlitncBO Bodloa
Shipped to tlio Floworj Kingdom.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sapt. 19. The bodies ol
the dead Chinamen which were discovered
Few days ego In a cellar on Pacific street ,
whllo undergoing n process of preparation for
iho shipment of their bones to China , were
removed to-day from the morgue b ? the Chi
nese vice consul and transferred to the steam-
r City of Pekin-which sailed this afternoon
: or Hang Kong. Vica Consul O n Yang , nt
the CDroner'd request , inspected eomo of the
remains and expressed surprise nt the condlr
lion In which they were fuiind , Ho signed
Iho following document ; , which were left on
file at the morgue i
SAN FRANCISCO , Sapt. -R'caived from
Dr. C , U. O'Donnnll. coroner , tht ) bodies nnd
bones of dectased Chinamen in hii possession
nt the morgue , which b idics and bones were
uot interred , nnd alee those bones which were
not hermetically sealed. It is hereby agreed
UDon the return of the bodies and bones now
in possession of thn coroner in tha publb
morgue to the vice consul of tha Chinojo gov
crnment that the lavin the future ba etrietly
complied with , nnd , furthermore , that no
blame is attached to the notion of the coroner
in tbo premises , I have hoard that tha law
was violated by the Chinese in th i matter and
ah uld the llko occur i giin , I agree to give up
; ho pa'patratorj of the deed. I am sitipfietl
hat the bodies and bones of the Chinese in
ha morgue wore not interred.1C
Vies Consul , 917 Clay street , S n Francisco.
A FnkrilcssWIioancla G sliotl Throat.
EVANSVILLE , Ind , , Sept. 19. Areporter ol
ho Courier brings from Henderson , Ky , , this
evening the details of a murder committed
hero a low days ago. A man by the name ol
Wm. T. Organ was killed by Thomaa Curtis.
Jurtls had boon working for Organ on a farm
and hia familiarity with Organ's wlfo led Or-
; aa to order Curtis to keep off his place. On
Churfdnv Curtis cillei to see Organ's wife
and tli , > Jiu ' < n3d saw him coming When
about twuity utrps from tin house , Urgan dis
charged line barrel of hia fhotgun at him and
missed him. Afterward Organ went bask to
ho hou'o at the request of Curtis' son and
lecame involved in a quarrel which resulted
n Curtis cutting Organ's throat from ear to
car. Curtis was arrested.
Hnnglng an Obnoxious Neighbor.
HOLLKSTEH , Cal. , Sept. 13. Dr. A. W.
? oners , an old and respected citizen of this
ection , was found hanging to a tree dead , on
ho Baar Valley road , yeaterday. Foreomo
imo ho has had much troubla with L neigh-
> ors , thay aciurlog him of pohouing their
tack which had trespaieed on hia ground ,
Last week an incendiary fire destroyed con-
Iderable property belonging to John T ,
Hewitt , ono of Powers' neighbor ? , and the
utter was suspected of the act , Ic It stated
hat on Sunday last some of the residents bold
> secret meeting and determined upon hie
lealh , The sheriff and coroner have gone to
he ecene of the hanging. The entire cnm <
uiunltv is Intensely excited ever the affair.
) r. Powers was a native of Vermont , a
vidowor 70 years of ago , and is said to have a
irother in Chicago who Is a millionaire.
Murdered Turlr Father ,
INDIASAPOUB , Sopt. 23. Tha Journal's
\Iariun , Ind , , special reports the killing of
Andrew Coringir , a farmer residing eight
miles from that place , last night. This morn
ing a seventeen-year-old son ascribes the act
hi * brother IM , agatl nineteen , tin latter
and Ui mother state tbat neighbors attacked
tha huuQ with a flew of driving them from
thn neighbirboad nnd , that the uld man was
killed whlln restating. Tiu sons and wife ro-
maintd In b d after the arilval of the ollicera
and during the progress of the inquest man
ifested no intcrcft , A verdict ot parricide
was returned. The two sons were placed un
der arrest and tbo mother will ba arrestad to
night ,
ItcnnoUlB Biiuiul 'over t > r the PlnU-
Btnu Double Oluraor ,
Special Telegram to tha ISec.
SIDNET , Neb. , Sept. 20. The preliminary
examination of James lljnnolds , for the mur
der of tha Pinlcetoas , waa held this afternoon
before Judge Bbuman , District Attorney
Sinclair waa on thd ground to prosecute ,
Rennolda waived examination , pleaded nit
guilty and wai bound over to the dlttrlct
court. The court house was crowdfld with
citizens ready to support the law , Theio is
doubt in the miodt of all that lie fa the
guilty piwty. Last night Sheriff Oirly took
EeuLolda to TV d.opole , eighteen miles east ,
fear of mob viulei ca. All is peaceful now ,
An Unprovoked Murder ,
PJTTSBUBO , P * , Sept. 20. The Commer
cial Gazstte , Daw on , Pa. , epecialsaya : Last
night about 10 o'clock Janus Stewart , wolfh-
mnster of the Pittsburg , McKecsport & .
Suu hioKheney railroad , shot and ulmoit in
stantly kilttd Cjoper Porcey , an engineer ou
tame road. The dted appears to 1)3 au
unprovoked ono. Stewart it arrested ,
Wouldn't l' y His Faro ,
CALIFORNIA , Pi , Sept , 20 , A deck hand
. the steamer Jama * 6 , Blalno attacked
John Kiln with a bluJgaon Ust evening , la-
Rioting injuries tint will likely provo fatal.
K-iiu refused to pay hii fare , cUWug that
had already paid. The deck band , whoao
name la unknown , has not been arrettod ,
I'robibly Aimoalily Buttled ,
Hi , PADL , Minn. , Sept , 20. The committee-
telegraph operators reported to a full meet-
tha new policy of the Western Union to
employ extra operates for extra time , with a
recommendation tbat the tame be received in
good faith and acted on accordingly , It is
underitood tbat extra operator ) will be on
duty to-morrow ,
of toe Times Point to an in
creased Fdilnro Score ) for 1885 ,
A Lively Doming Season in Mow
York for Eoal Estate ,
The Pennsylvania the Power that
Oan End Eats Cutting ,
Xho Stock Slurtcl rim Poor Fiat
Olovolnrul Iu Mnkln/ : With tlic Now
York Custom House ,
H'ccial Telf gram to The BEE.
NEW YOUK , Sept. 20. The Now York real
estnto market is quiet , and the country's fail
ure score for a week Is down , I wrote you
Homo mon hs ago that the two things to watch
in trying to rend current l.m.ln s cigna was
the wcek'y failure acoro ns reported by the
commercial agencie * nnd the prlco uf Now
York rcul estnto. You will recill tbat the
rule la for au increasing number of mercantile
failures from week , to week dutlng thn lost
quarter of the year. The autumn of 1S'8 was
no exception , iho total number of failures
for 1608 was larger than for any other yaar pro
ceeding the pnii'o ' of 1873 , nnd yet tbo number
reported declined rnpidly from week to week
during tha last quirter of 1878 , September ,
1879 , brought n burst of activity tad high
prices. Now , the chances nro ( unless the de
cline from thia en to the cud uf the year ii
very marked ) that the score of 1883 will
ha by considerable the largest sinto
the low necrology of 1879-80. During tbo
last two months lha
numbar of faiiureu re
ported to New York has on the average been
tailing [ off about 10 per cent below the saino
weeks of last year. The all important point
Is | that these who watch should uj t.blo to de
termine t when thing * bocaina normal , Before
1SS1 ) the country hud only quarterly failure
reports. Should it not ba possible for lha
astute man of businosa to determine in ad
vance within six months the da'.o of the next
> hf > upminnl activity.
It is of exceeding Interest to mon about '
; own in Now York , who with ono or two
mndrod i thousand dollars In the bank , are
simply awaiting the turn in the tide. They
ack the nerve to speculate ou the bear side of
< t situation , nnd chances are , I fear , that when
.ney are prepared to buy it will bo to late ,
i'ho harvest will have bsen gathered. The
only solution ia for ovaiy man to become his
owu Veunor , and then RUCBU.
As stated the New York realty market Is
quiet , or if you please , expectant. A trained
otjservcr among my friends and ono who
rarely fttils me predicts n hip dip In Norr
York renl estate during I860. The fall trade
movement has been sufficiently full to pull
down the Neiv York banlt reserve sorao § 17-
OOO.OCO since August 1.
Tha stock market was irregular all the
week , but cloeed with an upward tendency on
reports of several melons to ba cut next \veolr ,
Bull pools were native , the bu > ers of several
new ones hiving maJo their appearance , and
every effort is nude to give cuch un appear-
nnco to things ns will draw the public in ,
Developments In the trunk line situation all
go to show that itssjlution lies in the attitude
of tha Pennsylvania. When it gets its
share of the compacts carried out it
will join with the Vanderbllt interest
a trying to make chart work of tbo rate cut-
: ers und disorganizes. It wants two things.
Jno of these is peaceable possession of the
3-JUtU Pennsylvania and Beech Creek proper
, ies , The other l to have the Baltimore &
Ohio kept out of Now York except over the
Pennsylvania's own line ; . This is what Van-
derbilc will have to effect before he can claim
bis reward in harmony and higher rates. Ho
is doing his best , and there seems a good proc >
pect that the ends of the allied powers will
DO effected through subordination to the Penn
sylvania or the Reading railroad The latter
ii a corporate wreck , but it ia the key of tbo
the situation.
lljbert Garrett comes homo from Kuropo on
Monday , and thf trunk line presidents' meet
ing is called for Tuesday. The street is afraid
of nliltle surprise , nod that in n great measure
explains why the bnlls ara on tup. The sur
prise may be the other way , and bruin may
have his innings next week.
The Cleveland administration is making a
poor fist with the New York custom homo.
Kortign commtsi-ion bouses have now , throuah
their ugents , full control of the appraisers de
partment. They endeavor to run i ut of busi
ness the new import hou ea nnd thus obtain
control ugain of American business through
the older importing houses , who bad been In
the habit of doing business on n larger scale
ol profits , and wore less scrutinizing as to thn
cast of the goods Importer * , ara excluded and
are given over without the right of defense
or attorneys to the tender mercies of rival
Importers. What makes the proceedlnra In
some of the cases-prominently in embroid
eries the moro reprehensible is that they
seem to be the outcome of n jealousy between
rival importers , who find tbumiolvos run out
of trade by newoimers , who produce- their
goods In a more direct way than tha older
houses , who were lii the habit of buying
through the instrumentality of foreign commission -
mission houees ,
Probably liio I''irnt ' of Its Kind ,
DETROIT , Mich. , Sopt. 19. About oniyear
ago the Pacific express company was robbed
at Peru , Ind , , nu express messenger being
gagod and valuables taken. A reward of
51 COO was dfered for tbo arrest and convic
tion of the robbers , Detective Pat O'Neil , of
thia city , was employed un tha case nnd sua-
cjeded in bringing to punishment tha perpe
trators , I ) . W. Dounoer , "LHtla Al , " nnd
Bert Lswis , nn rxurexa messenger , The
payment of the reward having benn refused ,
O. V , Conejy to-day brings suit fur Datectivo
O'Neil egdinst the Pucifio express company
for 82,010 damages , being thu reward with
Interest and ixpencns. The suit Is a novel
ouo , being probably the first of its kind ,
Causes its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confused , nnd depressed In mind , very irrlta-
llo , languid , and drowsy. It Is a disease
which does not get well of Itself. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw oft the causes and tone up the diges
tive organs till they perform their duties
willingly. Hood's Sarsapaillla has proven
Just the required remedy In hundreds of cases.
" I have taken Hood's Barsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from which I have suflcrcd two years
I tried many other medicines , but none proved
BO satisfactory as Hood's Barsaparllla. "
TIIOMAB COOK , Brujh UlcctrJo Light Co , ,
Kcw York City.
Sick Headache
"I'or the past two years I have been
afflicted with severe headaches and dyrpcp-
bh. I was Induced to try Hood's Barsapa
rllla , aud have found croat relief. I cheerfully -
fully recommend it to till. " MIIB. K. V.
AKNAIILE , New Haven , Conn. tj
lira , Mary C. Smith , Cambrldgcport , Maw. ,
was a sufferer from dyspepsia aud sick head
ache , Bho took Hood's fiarsaparllla and
found It the best remedy bho over used.
Hood's Sarsaparilta ,
Bold by all druggUts. 1 i six for (6. Jfad
paly by C. I. H001 > & CO. , Ixiwcll , Ifasi. (
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