THE DAILYBEE-SATUHDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 1885 li d ngeron § < nfll dl tr"slnR complaint K riP lpctod. It tends , by Impslrinn nntrltlim , and do * riPTp 'ine lli'i tone ot iho fystcrn , to prepare the war } or Itapld Declinn QnleUfknd completely Cure * Djdiirpsla In all lt forms , llrnrllmrii , Ilclrlilnir. TnntltiKtlio ' , Ac. 1 tpnrklio * and tiurttliMtlio blood , eilmtl. itns the ppetlte , itnd Bkln the assimilation of food. Irv.J.T Ilosntitn , the honored r tor of the First Keformfid Uhnrcli. Baltimore , Md , nayiit "II Tln j used Drown'n Iron Illttera for UrtpepeU And Indirection , 1 take great pleasure In rpcom * jnendlDR it hUthlf. Alw consider It/i splendid tonlo ftmllmiK-orator.amlYery strenpthenlnc " Ounnlne has MIOTO trade mark anil crowed red lines mwranjw , Tnlir no ollirr. Marinonlyby llltl\V.N < ! lII'.MI < ) AIC < > , IIAl/lIMUHIYMn. liADirs' HAHD HOOK nreful and attrictlto. con- talnlncrlistof prlios for roclpo * . Information about coins , "to , given away by all ilealen In medicine , 01 nailed to anr i > d < lroM on ivcelr" of "jo stamp. f. or .i ( to theuubiio. REMLDVFUEE. Avictlm of youthful linprudonco causing Premature Decay , ftorvous Debility , Lost Manhood , Ac. , having tried In vain every known roraedy.has discovered afllraplorueansof self-cure , which ho will toml rnEK to his fallow-sufferers. Address. J.ll.HLE VLS. 43 Ohatkam Bt..Now York. Indigestion Cured , I suffered for moro than flvo yeara with Indlgcs- llon , fcaiccly able lo retain the tlrophet toad on nyi etomtch. Thotur nlng sonsatlon nag almcat Intolerable , and my wnolo lyetcm was deranged I was wakeful and could not bleep , and consequently moro or legs nrrvot s oil the tlmo. I decline In dish end Buffered all the usual depression attendant upon Ihlfl terrible dlecaso In a word , I was miserable. At last , falling to flnd relief In anything clso. I com menced the ueo of Swift's Bnectno. I began to Im- ptovo atonce. Thom'dlrlno tcnod up the Biom- * ch , Btrongthened the dlnratlvo organs , and soon all that burnlnp ceased , and I could retain food without difficulty. Now my health Id good , and can o t any thing In thoehaie of food , end digest It without if the BlIghtBt difficulty. I most cheerfully bear this ifI toctlmcny becausn thcro tro hundreds auffcrlntr as I I was , and lam turo can bo as readily healed , fake the prescribed doeo after citing instead of bcforo. JAMK8 MANN , No. 11 Ivy uiieet. Atbnta , Ga. , May 18,1885. DTrcatl3 on blood and ekln dlsctsoa mailed free , or F The Swift Spec ! io ) Co. , Drawer S , Atlanta , Ga W IWSSdS , M17 St. Chnr i ( s. S . , Ml. J.mils , Mo. . rcitilAftrMuii # * ' linlit lil&ll-c tt.b3i.ilt , w * ifi r * lu tbovrwit mlri > 4toljr < iv 119,1 110 tAVrct Had Us. liiem-.ll m in tb > r ilrtl-l.ila Ds.L. < u ; ULlt/ , \ < ttf tr fai.ii f I olj rr.ljeott tt 1 Ncnous ' loslrjtloi , , Ucbliily , "dfrttx ! ! I'inslcal WtE 'i88S , UcicorKi llnniol riirnal SMnur Hones , eld Sortie ant ) Ulcrr& „ „ t-.i , ; fj ttj.r ici. { lt.iimi > , u U < ' " 1 niiu pr.icl | . , B. H/Vrif . t/ , Dlhcase * .Irlslns Irum hjiKcrction , tweir , E posuc itola ; - tt t < f Uo ln < Itr. tuildt'ct'lt" UOTir ? plmiilc. rj I'jj luu.rt./etn&Itoi.t. rcnloatolb. 0"Wj ffj ( l ( . coifuil. afHa.l.ei ) , rwad > rluir MarrUea liarropnr ur unnjippy , MI u n > iEntr , ui Hj , I > | ( ( vi rarml. ) kl.ut , c .t ( > iM rr.7flrJ , 'rn li r JJrj , C 'loBt > VttarlirurdU'na , tnllarltJj. T/rlu 'ur o.uutliirti. A PooitivoWriiKen Guarantee rMrtila.llODOtilnriiri Vrllrlo neot T < rri > ti < iir. Viuipliloti. JRntllili Unrrran , fll p je > , it * . crJblac. ' > t'Ovodi e jj I a real or tam l , a32t . , CoerUUl , lllJU. U-0 tj tlolt.n l.a , n 3ir r noiuett .i , in | r conn , lae. ci. u3 teaulci ftll ibc o'jrUui , 'toi hiful or m > \ > UlUrt rait it Mow , > > ootirf.l iMvtkt u ill , J * li < i. SjrtVi . - V. IIMJ-.I.M tes Meal Institute Chartered by U nois for * the express purpose of givlnjrlmmcdlatc rchelln all chronic , urinary and prl- ' .vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , QleetandSypliilIaln all their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Uloodpromrtly relieved and permancntlycured by rcrr.c- ' - . „ - . tijirclall'rurtlce , iJemlnal tvcakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on Jhc Face , Lost Manhood , J'OjfJrc/i/riir ( .2/icro tinocxi'L-i-linentliiii , The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per- onal or by letter , sacredly confidential , Mcd- iclnet ant by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR. JAMES.No. 204WashInglon Si.Chcagoll. ! ! A Clear Skin IS only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens beautifies. An ItiRcnlotio Loiter. A youag lady , noitly married , being oblfgcd to show her husband nil the let- fora she vrrote , sent the following to A frlccd. Tco key Is ta road the first nnd then every alternate line only : I cannot bo satisfied , my dearest friend , blcit as I am In the matrimonial state , unless I pour into your friendly bosom , which has ever been in unison with mine , the various tensationi which swell with the liveliest emotion of plsasurp , my almost bunting heart. I tell you my dear husband li the moit amiable of tnon , I have now been married seven weeks , nnd Imvo ntycr found the least reason to icpcnt the day that joined m. My husband is both in person and manner free from resem bling ugly , crosp , o'd. disagreeable and jealou * ; monster , whothinks _ oy confining to secure a wife , tt Is his maxim to treat as a bosom filcnd and confidant , And not OB n plaything , ur menial slave , the woman chosen to bo his companion , Neither party , he says , should always obey Implicitly ; but each yield to the other by turns. An ancient miiden aunt near 70 , n cheerful , pleasant nnd venornblo old lady , lives in the house with us ; she is thodo- _ llght of both young nnd old ; she Is ci vil to all the colghborhood round , generous and charitable to the poor. I am convinced my husband loves nothing moro than ho dooa mo ; he flatters mo moro than a glass ; and his Intoxication ( for so 1 tnuit call the excess of bis love ) , often makes me blush for the unworthineas of its cbjoct.and I wish I could be more de serving of the man whoio name I bear. To cay all in one word , my dear , and to crown the whole my former gallant lover Is now my indulgent husband ; my husband is returned , and I might have bad n prince without the felicity I find in him. Adieu I may you be blest as I am unable - able to with that I could bo moro hoppy , HONEY toil TUE IitlDIES. The day of flounces are no moro. 1'luehwill be very fashionable again. Wo are to have another velvet and velve teen season. Braid is again in fashion , but for cloth dresses only. Scarlet and dark navy blua ore introduced in combination costumes and carriage jackets , Polonaitcs draped in many ways will bo very pretty if m.rJa ot the new striped fabrics just brought out. _ Another season of lace is predicted , and in dicated by the tlrat importations of dresses , hats , and bonnets , The glad season of the year is almost her when loyoly women preserves pretty mud everything excepting her equanimity. An effective design for a wall pocket conventionalized yellow jotsamlno worked i : Kensington stitch on " leaf salt son o : sorgo. In this country 3,000OCO women snppo : themselves by their own efforts. Many < them also support children and worthies ! husbands. Heal ostrich feathers are mod on rounc hats. Larce hats in Louis XV. or Gains borough shapes will bo worn during thi cam in ? winter. Neither bustles nor corsets are worn i : Japan , and when a Japanese maiden sits daw in it skating rink she gets her money's wort ! every time. Girls in eearch of materials for crazy quilt are advised to apply to the railroad compan ion , because they throw away thousands ol old ties every year. Puffed shoulders are out of fashion for street dresses. The sleeve fits as closely ns a glove , and if the arm is slight a soft cotlon lining gives the required roundness. Men's vests buttoned straight down \vil not be worn with tailor jackets. Thosi jackotu are now used as outer garments , and do not form part of the teilet. During the early autumn , jacket ? , capes , frith one or several collars , and In fact a ) : < mall articles suitable for wear before thi weather becomes cold may be scon. "That the iuQuenco of the women of one generation is apparent in the men and women if the next ia a rule universally recognized. ' Hie survival of the slipper through the a o 's evidence. [ The Judge , An English vatiety paper ays that thera I i complaint among young Ihdies that skirts lampor their movements in playing tennis icd that next season they will probably be Iropped , Good gracious ! "I should think you would need a military rnatd to keep the young men away , " Bald a iitizen to the father of six marriageable laURhttrj. ' Oh , I'm a pretty good foot loldler myself. " was the cheerful reply. A lady in Logan county , Ky. , sleeps two or ; hroe days and mghti at & stretch , and then emains awake _ for a like period. She would je a pleaiant kind of a companion to sit up vith were it not that aho is 80 years old. "Oh , hubby , I've had such a dreadful accl- lent " "What Is It " " ' ? , my deal ? "I've bro- cen the hall mirror , and you know it is a eiga > f bad luck to break a mirror. " "So it ia , tuy larltofr , especially when the mirror cast $14. " -Chicago [ Newa. Comfortable and novel gossamers , provided or the coming wet seaeon , are made of doe ijlored mohair , made perfectly water-repel act. These bavo long capea and are cut in ilodo surtout hape , and long enough to cover ho entire dross beneath. A pretty French bonnet in priacosso shape , lisplayocl by an up-towu milliner , had its en- Ire uirfjco covered with deep red and orange- haded velvet , nasturtiums and wall-flower ilosaoms , which were veiled with black Brus- ols nets dotted with jt beads. Stylish black banacta are trimmed with Jark-colored plumes , or birds , p'aced among ulle , crepe , or loops of mnira riobon , Somu ound hata are enlivened by a band of Leg- lorn straw taken around the brim. Bright lowers or feathers are qulto umuited to this mrposB. Otquelicot red and a deep rich ehado of live browu ore handsomely combined in elo- 'ant ' Pariaion visiting dresses of Lyons ratln ud plush. The rlcbrst and most elaborate f these have the poppy-red Ratln waist coat ensely covered with a magnificent embroid- ry of olivo-trown beads and chenille ot a like hade. Plain round akirtc continue in favor. Somo- Itres they full perfectly straight , hko a nun'a ! res9 , ami sometimes they are raited on the ido back of the bfp , Hko Marguerite's dress n "Faust. " Skirts are also arranged In urge round plaits , with a very small puffing n the back. Black will no doubt bo more favored ( or treet costumis this season than &ny other olor. In combinations there will bd huii- Iredu of bright effects , lied , so long admired , indyrllow , that his appfored and gone out f etyle all In one season , also ( rive promise of lecoming very popular this fall and nluter. "Would any of the ladles like to have some rine ? " asked the host at a small social gath- ricg. The ltdica all lookrd at each other as f doubtful what to say , when ono bright llt- lo matron ipoko up : "Well , I should hate o say I didn't want any , " This broke the Ice , nd the heroine was applauded as the glaseea rent around. There ii a tendency among u'tra.fashionable leople to remove the bang entirely. Girls In ociety who have low , broad foreheads brush hair hair back plainly , leaving only a few tiay curls on the brow , This fancy u ttbeu ram the English aristocrats , who no longer ermit their daughters to wear curled bangs , 'Straight ' fnogea" nro still inoguo , although ot as uecomicg. A pretty girl ot Sea Girt in ultempliogto ivo another dimsel a farewell kiss at a Cir indow dipped under the wheels of tbo car nd rcarly lest her life. If the kiaseo had nly been a young man the malden'a venture- jmeueoEB could but bo applauded But to aste that amount of sweetness on another onion was limply calculated to draw upon liu kisser the fata she narrowly Heaped. A vUiticiz ihots of black faille and worsted tea his the faille nkirt covered with lacs , 'bo laca is gathered full to the brIt. Oa tha } wer part of the silk uUrt Is a lao ) i/altlag. 'be faille waist ii pointed back and front , nd IICCB down the bick. A deep jdt collar is twed : to tba waist. It in lined with silk , 'he tight-fitting sleeve * bu\e jstcuffj. lii- AV the { at collar which reaches in front to lei middle of tha walit , ate four rows of hlrring. The Frecch patterns for Luirdrffuirg are of itch proupuncid styles that American ladlea refer to have them modified u littla before cceptlog them , and In tome ioatancea tbo - models are so charged that they retain but little of their original character. The French are more in favor of the light , fin fly styles than the Au erto in ladles are , who appear to like boat thi to modes of haitdretsiog that are more mastive and solid looking. Cheviot is largely imported thla season and in a dlversitv of hacdsrma designs. In char- tcter it closfly retembles goods of I he same name brought out for gentlemen's wear , but the former uro lighter in texture , and inter mingled with other fabrics like chenlllo , ( Ilk , veUot , etc , , nnd nro also more diversified in coloring. These goods are first choices with many ladlps In selecting fabrics for "tailor costumer , " although the beauty and variety in woolen fabrics of every description have rarely , if tver , been equalled in the history of trade ; silks , satins , velvets , and , indeed , al < most every sort of rich dress fabrlct having glv n place to these materials for utility and street wear. Millinery for autumn and winter showa A preponderance of medium and small sizes in bonnets , There are , however , some largo shapes , one of which , the over-popular poke , has a deoi ) brim with the edge bent down. Turbans c mtlnua In favor , a modification of this style being adapted tu persons of middle ago. Gainsborough hats with slightly taper ing crowL * of medium height are revived , whllo the L'nelieh walking hats have some what winer brims than formerly. Bird's wingn. fancy feathers and birds will bo the prevailing trimming , although ostrich tips are soon on many of the Paris model bonnets , If broad-brimmed hats beoomo popular long plumes will bo worn. Metal is used sparing ly , but beads of every siza and shape are em ployed tn profusion , Darning ilor S took I UK. A bevy of fair girls they were , And all exceeding busv ; Maud sewed unon a crazy quilt , And BO did Jessie and Lizzie ; Whllo Jennie painted on a fan Some charming cherub faces. And Nell and Bell right skilfully Wove yards of pretty laces. But Peg , in wicker chair badccked With ribbons , gently rocking , Darned-f tot drawn on her little hand The too of her eillc stocking. Her dainty , black slllc stocking , Oh , such a picture ns she made , 'Iho golden sunbeams dancing Upon her head , as to and fro. She swayed with grace entrancing. Her lovely browa were slightly bent lior lips closed rather tightly ; Ono saw at once her task was not A task to thinl : of lightly , With care she drew the line thread through , The stitches interlocking , iXnil with her noodle pierced my hairt While darning that sill : stocking. That dainty , black silk stocking. ii . [ Margaret Eytiugo in Good Cheer CONN U1JIAU1X1E3. Samuel Himoil , M. P. , tha sailors friend is soon to bo mirrlod ton wealthy spinster ol Hull , England. The engagement is announced of the Rev H. Price Collier.of Hlngman , sou of the Rev Robert Laird Collier , and Mi33 Gertrude Dame of Gommonwoalth-avo , Boston. The wedding of Mr. Francis B. Hnye ? , o Lexington , and Miss Nina Katherine Hunt , niece of the artist the late William Hunt took place at SVeathersfield , Vermont , Tuesday evening. A special train carried a number ol guests from Boston. The greatest marriage of the year in Franco is to take placa at the Maceleine this month between Count Charles do la Rochefoucauld , the elder son of the Due da Blsaccla and the Princess Charlotte de la Tramoille , dnu eh- ter of the Due do Tremoilla , who Is also Due re Thomars , Fcinco de Toronto and Princa de Talmont. The wedding of Miss Mary Augusta Young daughter of Calonol F , Young , ot Honesdale , Feun. , and J. B. DIckson , son of Thomas Dlckson , late president of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company , took place in Grace church , Honesdale , on the 9th. It was an elaborate ceremony and many prominent people were present , including Galusha A , firow , Thomas Cirnoll and others , A canopy if evergreens and .hop vines was erected at the chancel. The avornge man fails to find out wherein lie the fascinations of tbo female echool teacher [ or hia sex. In Colorado a now supply of teachers is needed every year , for the reason : hat they all get married and In Connecticut .hey are reluilng to engage them unless they promise to renouoco all love making during ; heir term with the ferrule. It ought to re- lulre eomo courage to propose matrimony to a ichoolma'am , and yet it would ueem that the lumber of bravo and heroic men is continually in the increase. Down In a Maryland camp meeting , one lay last week , a Methodist clergyman mot ihe sweetheart from whom he had separated n a quarrel forty years before. A fay young lameel surprised the venerable swain in the ict of presenting a bcquat of wild flowers to iis ancient love , and In order to saye himself rom the Imputation of flirting at the age of hree scare and ten , he thereupon made offer if his hand and heart and was accepted. Chey were mairriod upon tha spot , nnd _ a levy of children and grand children , roin- orced by two teething groat-grand children , vlshed them j > y of their honeymoon , The marriage of Mr. W. W. Sherman , of few York , and Miss Brown will take place lext month Miis Brown Is the daughter ol tfrs , John Carter Brown , of Providence , who a one of the richest ladies of that city. Mlia ipauldlog and Mr. George Freeman will be narried at the residence cf Mr. ICemble "aulOipg , at Cold Spriogs-on-the-Uudeon , ind Miss Nellson and Mr. MIddleton Bor- ugh will ba married at the parish church at ? ar Rockaway also during the same month. Another October wedding will be that of Mr , iiduay Rlploy who la now known aa Mr. Sidney Ripley Dillon , In deference to the ritibes of hia grandfather , whose adopted son 10 Is , and will Inherit a great deal of bis randfather's wealth-and Mies Mary Hyde , rill be celebrated at the residence of Mr , lenry D. Hyde , at Babylon , L'ng liUnd , t is said thut tin marriage of Mr. Richard I. Hunt and Miss Pearl Oirloy will tuke lace In Germany the latter part of this lonth , and that Mr. J. F D. Lauier and lisa Bishop will be. mariled in November , Itogether n very brilliant number of w > d. ings to begin the Beaten with.-N. [ Y 'huts. of the Demi to the Living. Thontanda of ntorlea on thla subject are old ; all of which when thoroughly slfiod , re found to have thdr origin In dyspep- lo and norvona dreams To got rid of uoh unpleasant droauis , tone up your tomach and atronathon your nerves with trovrn's Iron Blttora. Everybody who rlea this famous tonlo finds It reliable nd ploaaint tn It * action. Mr. Aug. [ ano , of 034 Elm street , Olucinnatl , eaya , 'Brow ' u's Iron Bitters entirely cured me f dyspepsia. " P { .Only * Heart , Tempt me not with diamond rare , Though of worldly goods my share Runneth low , Give ma , though , Ere for aye and aye wo part- Give mo but a single heart. Wealth enough thou wilt impart If thou giv'bt to me the heart I desire. Twill Inspire In mine own a griteful blush , For 'Ulll fill my bob-tail flush. Ladies who value a refined complexion tatt use Pozzonk'0 Powder , A prominent cattleman Is authority for the latomeut that 13,000 head of beef cattle from arthera ranees , which bavo heretofore found market in San Fraucleco , have been sold to isturn buyers this season for ihipinont east. Vfhtn J ) 1jj KM ilci , wo ; TO ber Ciutorla , When ilie wan i Child , ho cried for Caitorta , lYbea atio became WM , iho clone to V A I'nlr ol 01 something "bitter sweet , " once tacg the poet , We read of poverty ( hit mnketh richer , And there li ' ' " 'pleasant pain" perhaps you hnow U , la scratching hard your foot whene'er it Itches. Thcro Is repulse for every ardent lover That eloquently nsketh a carets ; There Is a maiden's "no" which men discover Is nothing but another toiin of "yob , " MUSIOAL ANO DHA51AT1O. Annlo Ward Tifliny has returned from England - gland , ttTho now opera housi at St. Louis was opened lait Monday night The play which Bronson Howard is writing for Miss Helen Dauvray will ba ready by October 10. Uodwig Raabc , thn great Gorman nctrosp , haa been engaged for twenty star perform ances at the Tnalla theatre. Denman Thompson Is apparently as popu lar as over. His second week at ftioVicker'a opened with a good houso. A daughter of tha confederate Gen. Chont- ham , Miss Kilty by uama , haa made her de but upon the dramatic stage. Five dollars nnd twenty-five cents was the charge for orchestra chairs to Mary Ander son's recant performance of Rosalind at Strat- ford-on-Avon. Mllo. Nevada will bring rflth her from Italy two American pirls to appear in opera Miss Johnston , of Wadiington. and Nellie Everest , of Philadelphia. The Rosina Yokes' ' London comedy com pany und r engagement to Mr. John Stotfon for a tour of the United States left Eogland for this country on the 17th , Mr. Joseph JefTeraou ia again a father The youngest of the Jeffersona Is of the masculine culino type and is reported to bo particular ! noticeable- hia gifts. Uiu.HIco , the veteran circus clown , ia no1 in Houston , Texan , prosecuting a U.Mm fo 177,000 acres of land which ha urgca waa aa signed to him forty years ago. I JThe first production in this country of th Broadwiunura , a drama adapted and Iran lated from the French will take place at th Grand opera house , Brooklyn , on Monda next. next.Man Man do Miller ( not Muller ) , a daughter c Joaquin Miller , will pUy one uf the prlnclpu parts m her father's pjuy of " ' 19 , " whlc London McCormack will bilug out th season , The Fiflh Avcnua Theater hna boon packe every night with the performances of the Enf Hsh company in "Tho Mikudo , " and Dulf version ot tha same opera continues to incrosa its popularity evary night. Mary Anderson will open at the Star theatre tre October 13 in "The Hunchback , " and no in ' Romeo and Juliet , " ns has been reported Mr. Ernest Harvier la now exclusively en gaged to attend to her business , During the past week Mr. Stanton , direc tor of thu Metropolitan opern house , has con cluded negotiations with ilerr Standigi by cable , and that baritone will bo heard in thi coming season of German op3ra. Miss AdelaideV Moore's tour of the coun try will begin in Richmond , Vn. , October 12 wlien she will ptoduca "As You Like It , and from whence she will go to the prlucipa cities as fast as may ba expedient. Real Italian opera by real Italians has maL a decided success in Han Francisco , where bettor rendered operas can be enjoyed a' ' twenty-five cents admission than mora pretentious tontious houses have charrfod fabulous prices for witnessing. Mr. EJward E. Rice haa finally settlec with Mr , John A. Mackay to pluy tha princi pal character in "Evangeline. " Mr. Rice pays Mr. Mackiiy S3lO a We8k , which ia the largest sum in the way of salary that I have iver known to be plvou to a comedian for a production like this. John E. Owens , the actor , haa fully recov jrod from the seiious Illness that at ono time threatened to ring down the curtain on his iarthly career. Ho is still at hia country ieat near Townsend , Md. , gathering strength or his season through the south. Ho goes in n a few days to Cnurlciton. Mr. C. A Ghizz > U id extending his mana gerial sphere. He la interested in several renturea this season. Ho will manage Sal- 'iui'a tour and Mlie Emma Nevada's oncerts md next year ha will bring the great French > ctor , Coquelin , Sr , to thla country. Buchanan'd melodrama , " Alone in London , ' lad its liist production m New York last Monday night. This asneatlonul and s pes- acuhr effort was tak n round the country ast season and achieved a fair success , al hough Its scenes are all laid In London. Among the artists engaged for the np- iroachiug Wprchester festival are Mme. Fur- ch-Madl , Mies Juch , Mme. Blanche Stone- iarton. Mis ] Uattia J. Clapper , Mra. Belle Jole , Messrs. Whitney Mockridgo , Whitney , itoddard , and Bibcock , Mme , Teresa Car- end , and Mr , Leopold Lichtenberg , Eight oncerts and seven public rchersala will bo ivcn under the direction of Mr , Carl Zer- ahn. ahn.Maggie Maggie Mitchell , , with H. E , Sandford , usiness manager , will be supported by iharles Abbott , R. F. McOlannln , Jan , T. ralloway , Geo. A. Pnrkburst , Frank Doud , ' . E , Quten , Thos. McBiide. Tom Leonard , ) odaon Lomax , the Misjts Lilian Andrew * , ! liz Hudson , Minnie Galloway , Emmn Yog- ; r , Mamie Jones and Me dames E , A. Iberia and D. B. Yun Deerln. Last Monday evening waa eventfnl in Phll- dulph'a by reason uf the number of ira- ortant occurrences at the \arlous theatrea. 'he ' first of these was the formal opening of lie now Temple theatre and Egyptian Mu- su , which has been erected at very great cost y Mr. George O. Brothertnu. Tha theatre i ona of the largest in the United States , and i connection with it an establishment similar i tbe Eden luusea in New York City is to ba in , thtt whole house being accessible to the urchasera cf single tlcketa to tha theatre , > ( intnieiir. When sporting mortals dare to differ And stake their cash each on his plan , What is It makes the hope grow B Offer In every true American ? The btfllmg b/oezea which bring trouble , And from John Bull loud curves call. Can but our satisfaction double ; Wo beat you with no wind &t all. And had thu western wind proved true , Where , where , Geneata , would bi you ? IlKMGIOCH. gi The congress of the church of Eupland is to 3 held tbls year In Portsmouth on Ojtober U , id successive days , Tbe proabytory of San Francisco has now [ xm its rolls two Chineue , ono Japanese , oue felcb , one Spanish , and one French church. Be .11 are prosperous , except the Spauidh , which a present without a pastor , Rev , Dr , Newman , it is announced , will robibly become the pastor of the old Metrore illtan church , Washington , D , O. Tais was resident Grant'd church , and Dr , Newman aa pastor at tbe time of hia connection with There bat been rapid growth In the Re- irmed Episcopal obuich during the past eight iais. Ic now haa 0 bUhops , 103 presbytem id dc&cons , 7,943 coinmunloants , prosperous tmday schooh , and church property valued fe Slt2l,069. feel ; , , ol Pluoket the Protestant Episco- olgc Lord , new - gc \ \ archbishop of Dublin , publicly stated at a gcm cent convention that ha had invested in m ere than flvo hundred ruffles on opening a it lurch b > z ar at Kingston , He deuioa tliat ithi mrch rallies are an incentive to gambling. th Rev Charles K , Crawford , a Sioux Indian eacber , commltsiouer for the Presbyterian nod of Dakota , Is pastor of a charge , com- IK ised of hs ] own people , which U not only he If-cupportin ? , but latt year gave utwrly ? 700 hewi r carrying the gospel ta other tribes of lo wiwl ans. eu Mcthtdietn , it would seem , haa obtained a tha od footing ia NewlounslauU. According to a itlntlcu just published the tdherentj of th' ) bi nomination numbtr 48,013 , making a clear create of 13 , 41 during the year. The total , 'nber of cbutchi a and mlailuu stations li 63. It was only in 1878 that IhaOithollo hiar- chy woa rettorecl in Scotland , tf'er the lapjfl LIft 225 years. Bincu that date the Catholic urch has * hewn mamlloui vitality in ttta tie kingdom. It has now ODD prchblehop , ft ur bishops and 323 secular priest * . Churches ftU d chapels number 290. There ara 27 coo- nta and 107 congregational schools. No bidy of cbiiiliauB work more ijulitly or in ore tlTac'.ivcly thau the Quakers , OutsIJu of the detiom1n Ucns not many have heard of of the Filtnds'Foteigu Mitson a > socation ! , and yet perhaps there is no more tfllcient or ganization which 1ms for its object the convrr- don of the heathen , In o mneution with thla association theio good pcoplo ha\o ngenclts at work In Icdin , China nnd Madsgnrcar. Thn annual tnbicription to thin society bns rotcbcd this year the turn of $20,000 , The census of 1S81 placed the Catholic pnp- ulotion ol Lower Canada at 1,170,718. Adding the population of the diocese of Ottawa and the vlcatlato npostnlio of Pontiao , the popula tion is over 2,000,000. , The province of Tor onto , In chargoof Archbishop Lynch , h s not moro than FOO.OCO Catholics , a ftrent deal i sa than the diocese of Montreal. These 27G.COO or 250,000 have an archbishop nd five or six blihops. The province of Halifax , which comprises the three maiitimo provinces , count ) only 265,00 J Catholics , lets again than the province of Toronto. It has an archbishop nd four or five bishop } . The province of St. Boniface , which comprises Manitoba and nil the northwest , numbers 30,000 Catholics. It haa an nichbisho ] ) and throa or four bishop : , 1'EPPEUMlNr DIIOP3 , The day of the green npplo'a over , The bananu peel's ' joke i ? most done , The ice man and Ice cream discover , They're left acd the oyster's begun. A cyclone it like a waiter. It carries every thing before It. It ia not cream that ouzht to bo whipped , but the milkman , "Your language is wholly uncalled for , " as tao publisher tu.d tha taithor whoso works failed to toll. A Nevada court hold that a man who had $5 in his pocket and ins board paid for a week nibcad is a capitalist" within iho moauipp of the law. Greek is the language for poetry , French for Io\o , and Italian lor hand organ melody ; but the man with n thirt-collar that doesn't lit i * the sauio helpless being m all , Ths Shah of Pe la has written n tragedy. It will be played at Teheran , and if thu au dience does not applaud , the prlo.0 minister will know the reason why.- [ the Alta-Call- fornla , A woman is said to be at the bottom of evoiy quarrel , There are 500 Carolines at the bottom of tbe row between Spain end Ger many. May tbo beat man win. [ Chicago Herald , Mean men are often heard of , but few can equal the man near Boston , who , according to an exchange , recently swallowed n 55 gold piece and refused to give up niort than $4,60 to the atouiach pump. Customer "Hava you some good irr ported cigar * ? " New Clerk "Not just now , but wo chall have in about f.n hour , The printer around the earner is at wurk ou the labels now. " [ Chicago News. There have boon various answcra to the conundrum : Why is a sh p called she ? Wo think the propar answer is : Uocauso nho it handsomest when she ia well-rigged. Wives should cut this out and show It to their hua- band * . "Now then , " said a busy lawyer to ono of a number of waiting clients , "You nro next , " "I'm what " "Next. " "No sir. ? . you don't , " paid the client , moving toward the door , "I didn't cjino in hnro to got shaved. " A recant shipment of GO.OSO pounds of Lim- burner cheseo from Monroe , Wis. , caused a jtampode from tha wharf of that city that re sulted in the death of one person < rad the probably fatal wounding of several others. The occurrence has paralyzed the industry in that vicinity. When you pick up a newspaper irjd read that "tho awtul holocaust leaped with lurid lands to lick the emblazoned clouds that : aught the irradlant glare and hurled it into ; ho abysmal upacea beyond the paling stars , " > ou just bet a cool thousand , without , rending another line , that a cow barn , worth ? 31C > , waa burned in Larkins'a Corners [ Bur- Jette. KDUOAl'IONAI ; . Mr. Lawrence Barrett's Human ! College iddresB , to wnich wa allu led last week , will > 3 delivered next March while Mr. Barrett s acting at ono of the Boston tbeitera. Oiwtild Ottendorfer , of New York , haa 10- urned from his native town , Zwittau , in Aus- ria. to which place he ha ? just given § 100,000 or the erection of n building to bo used as n > oor Inusa acd orphan asylum. Some yeara RO bu built a school house there ct a coat of 20,000. Professor Homer B. Spragne , late of tbe lila' Latin high echool In Boston , and well : aown as the author of numerous manuals of ilstoiio and Eeg ish literature , has accepted be presidency of tha Mills female sbminary , cross the bay from San Francisco , which fill * be rame function for the coast : u Yassar col- ? ge does for tbe east. All told there are oloro to ono thousand pn- > lls in the Chicago Kindergarten schonlt , and ny ordinary m thods uf computing influences iust utterly fail when one attempts to show h t o power they exert upon the puoiU dl- ectly , and unon the homos if luch in many iaea they may be called - from whence the upila come , indirectly. The idea should not 3 entertained that m any way tbe kinder- arten is antagonistic or even jealous of tbo rimmon school. The termer should never ba Hatred to in the least take tha place of the itter , OQO should supplement the ether , 36 common school taking up tna work wharo bo kintergarten loaves ic and carrying itfor- rurd to tbe grand results that are possible mler n splendid common tchool system. [ Inter Ocean. If all tha supgestions made about popular lucrttiou are adapted the daily onmculum [ tbo public echool of 1009 will ba nbcui as illows : One rUur tor/ing , ono hour washing ud ironing , cno hour cooking' , ono hour table itticg and other branches of housekeeping , no hour muiie , ono hour dancing , cno hcu dinting , one hour modeling and eculpt me labour reading , one hour writing , ono hour ntbmntlc , one hour bookkeeping , ono hour idustrinl education , ono hour civil govern- ent ; ona hour each ou geography , ulgebrs , igouometry , Latin , Greek , French , Gt-rwua , Jtany , astronomy , tariff nnd free trade , trtningand the weather. If thn scholar ot ) OD bus any time to spare probably HOIIIU eu- mslait will suggest the fttudy of uleotricity , rial navigation aad thu nebular hypothesis , out crowd the children , [ Norwicti ( Uonn , ) ulluttu , 1MIMKT1KS. A religious weekly t lln "how lo keep from ilug to rloop in church. " Ouo way ia tu tit iar the choir. A prize-fighter win killed in Texas Sunday * i view of tba result * , it u hard tu cdll Una isocration of the Sabbath , A goo j deacon In Ohio wittily Rays that ab- nt members are Ilka mud on a wagon wheel ; ey add weight , but neither strengthen nor : auty. The Boston Transcript tella rf a man who turned a Bible which he took from a Sauih- n soldier during tha war , Ho was from ilcago , and of course bad no use for it. Mme , Adam's organ , Li N'ouvo'lo lUvue , Us us , in sppaklnK o ! tbo troueeeau cf tbe iucess Beatrice , "that tha young Princess , 10 ia wry ploui , has had several veriea of e Bible ernorolderf d on her linen , " "What becomoa of men who deceive their .low-meu ? " aiUod a Sunday school teacher 1 her claia "They lose the confidence of 1A od people " was the prompt answer , "Very A > > U , indeed , Wow , what becomes of the won - 11. ) ; n who do the same thing ! " The question fvl imi ed tbo clats for a minute , and then a CD : tie girl piper ) out : "They usually catcbea 111 a man for a husband , mum. " Mr. Downi , a notorious Boston clergyman , doing all he can to make himself more noto- ui. Toe other night , at a prayer meeting , AiiI surprised the uudionce by shouting , "i I sb I wai a torn cat an old torn cat ! " Teen , Jit I led , ho continued : "No , perhaps not for a reason you think , ncr as the public would f , because I want to scratch and tight and . < > , biu ra > iUf no tbat I wbiild always keep good vvica , " No Remedy ia purely vegotableand SO ! made exprtatly fur all dlioiaBJ of the NO d . ° Cy 0 Extraordinary succsen everywhere. A re cure for till kidney ditoatea h Hunt's . f 'w smedy.'w , For rarly loss of physic * ! powrr A re care U found hi Hunt's Remedy. .vet falU. A rocnnt rmtbquaka In Ff r > c affected onlj the chalk formitinna of the intlh' * surface ntid wm neither heard nor felt by men n ! work in tha cn l mines bancnth , A peculiar b'nck piper of Slam nnd Bur- mnb , rando from tliu birSs of c-rtnlu trr > c , ii used veiy much s nro states InKuropanml America , The wntins upon U miy bo rubbed out by nppllonllon of bfltcl loattw , juit a elate writing it oruscd by means ( if n uponge. Miss Ollvo Wnldron , of Welfcko , ! ' . , has n blackbird that elio fn-iul in the woods , nnd cared for until It was able to llr , xvhen she re lease. ) it , but It would not dt < 8i < rt her. It flics of ! ia the woods and comrs at her call of Dick , It Rooa to roost with the hen * in the hnocnnp. The homo cat knows that tt bolongi the fam ily , and pay no attention tu it. A French chemi t lifts mrxlo the alarming discovery that , by Ihn troatmmit cf corpses to baths of certain motiils in solution , the body van bo mailo morn parcnnlal than l > r s , and that hptt-atcr ( a realistic age will bo able tu do without the statue of n great mnu , beoiusa it o n set up the gr nt man Llimelf , solidified Into gold , Bih-or , copper or ether mital , In the camp of a Now York rcirimont was a pot crow belonging to Uonrv Duval. This crow hixd but one leg. It in fud in tbo pres ence f other crows that look with wonder at its fearlessness. They evidently supposed l s losi of n log nccoutitocl for the cure It received , for ono ay , when it wan tvhUtlad for to eomo to iti dinner , n crow stopped from n crowd of visiting crown , hopped on one l g to the sol dier , eat heartily , ami hopped twenty foot away. Thrn it let down Its other leg , which Jiad been hidden under ita wing , and thin ilew away. A night blooming ccrciM in Roxbttry plnyod a curiom caper on Monday morning. Tha vine had thirteen b.uld , which on Sunday gave indications of unfolding tht'ir hidden bimutiea during the night. Tiny were vviituhiid with intenao axiipctonov owing to their number , but from ilia cold or eomo other cautn they did not open at ttw custom uy hour , nnd th'o watch WAS reluctantly abandoned. After the sun had iiitu , howevbr , the astonishment of the family cua bo en-lly Inm mod whnu the dlscorory was mtdo tint tin of the thirteen bads hud berftiu ta uufuld. nad ore an hour thllr magnlfiaanca was ilNplaycd to mauy ad miring ojos. They held tholr vigor nnd beauty fur Into tha day. Why auflor the torturen of bllltounncea when Hood's KoMspatllltt will eivo turo relief ? Sold by nil droggtatf. 100 Doata Ono Dollar. A many f fdor nra clnnging handa at the Sitith Omnha ynrda. A lor o proportion tion of them will bo taken into loiva nnd fud during the winter. Among thnso having etock at tha yarda yesterday wcro the follow- ic : O. T. Word , Jl'slna70 ' hfga ; Bliss A- Bites , 81 hogat 11. Lmmer , Humphrey , 70 hogsi M. McUride , ISemon , CS hogu ; J.Hyan , O'Neill , 42 cattle. Any Sin all 13i > y , with a Stick , con 1.111 a tlz r If the tiger happens to bo found vbcn ot-ly a llitlo tub. So con- tumptiou , that neodMcat and most foirod of dijoa ° csin , thla country , osn ocaarotlly bo oonqtiorod ontl deatri ycd if Dr. Picr.-o'fl "Goldon Medics ! Dlecovery" bo employed early. It ia patimated that lhara nro in Arizona 300,000 hnad of cattle and room for l.OOO.tOO more. The soil Is very f < rtilfi , and all that ia wonting is water , which u biiag supplied to a cortnin txtont through irrigation. Governor fiitle , in hia recent repirt , nayp ; "Should all Llio grazing land in thti territory ba made available in this way It ia estimated that there would ba ampla pasturage for 5.00D.OOO : attle. " Norvons Unlillltatra Men , You nro allowed a jrcc trial jor thirty days of the use of Dr. Dje's Cblebrat-d Voleaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility , loea of Vitality and Manhood , nnd all kindred troubles. Also for many other dis- 3asfa. Completn restoration to health , vigor ind manhood. No ritk is incurred. Illustra ted pamphlet with full information , terms , etc. malltd trf e by addressing Voltaic Bolt Co. , Marshall , Mich. Ito Ianirveit n Ciat. BLOOMiriGTOSf , 111. , Elmer Jones , n farm land cf Weaton , this county , was lided in nil for an attempted assault upon two girls , laughters of hi * employer , nged ten and six ears. Thi citizenn were about to tar and ctuher h in , when a conetabla Interfered and ojcued him. PILES' ' I PILES ! ! PILES ! ! A euro cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching , nJ Ulcerated Piles boa been dincuvored by 3r. William * , ( no Indian reiaody ) , called Dr. Vtllitttns' Indian Pile Ointment. A sinulo lor hn ? cured the worst chronic oases of 2. ) or 0 years ctiiudin ? . ] NTj on 3 nued suffer five ilnutea after applying this wonderful eooth- ag mcdicino. L'jtiuni and inatrumonto do ; ipro harm than flood. Williams' ludinn 'ilo Ointment absorb ? tha tumors , allays the atonsn Itching , ( particularly at night after etting warm in bed ) , acts ni npoultlco , Rivou .atant relief , and it praparod only for Piles , : hing of private pirts. and for nothing else. MvlN UlblOAhl'w-s CUKKI ) Dr. ITrazier'R Mupia Ointment , Oarna as -by miigic. FimiiuaBlack , Heads or IGrubs no lotches and Eruutiona < m the face , leaving alUUin clear and beautiful. Also cures itch , Id , Khume , Sore Nipploo , Sere Lips , and bstmdto Ulcurs Hold hy druggUts , or mailed on receipt of cent * . Itetailed by Kuhn & Co , axil Schroeter & iccht. At wholesale by O. F. ( Joodmau , MrdalH for T OTTAWA , 8cpt IS Imperial Eilver raedola re to bd conferred oa troops recently nognRed L the siipproiBion c.f tlm northwput rebullion , THE BEST THltoQ OUT FOB hashing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Gold Water. VXH I.ABOB , Tiw and BOAT AMAIIVOLT , and glroi ilrernaliiatlgfactlon , No family rich or poor nhoalJ without It Sold by all Kroocrn. H wiR of Imitations troll de- rue I to nilfclo.vd. 1'iiRLiKi Is the ONI.I SAFI lube ting comxjunj | noJ always heart the ibuvo fjiii- land namenl JAMES I'VLK NKW to' ph N . muK or VALUYaiRRT Ann COHDIUO 1 ° " 80S fwth itrool , LcvwV3 Ktrtnta ii > dHiiy -i | | , whh tfce U of iruardUn 11 lilti , obttlntr.i 1 mjoiie ( fUncxi la the oaft nil piiBsnl , ud ot Ion uln condition ! In Ui futnit , lluU od iharl Oft ! .Jo to o/dur FuJeY uilnliot oa irn > ratii. . < 4 Ma en GRADE OKDINANOU NO. 7. tre ordinance citilllihlrgtto trade of JO li ttrrnt roai Ur co tiOtt tw Klin street la the city cf Own- in ( ( ordained by the City Counttl of the city of Itnahat lea , ] , Iho gradonf IDth itrcotfromQiaraHt'OCt Kim ttreit In II o cltj ot Oiiiiha , U li r < bj ojtitj. led at the foilowlri ; devatlout.the giado lilnj lorm etrtl hc llr u bctiieta tte pulum k | cciBuc1 , f Icvdtlon of I le\ allot ol 1l 1 K.curb. W cuib. l itb curbo ( dweit. 6MS 005 Hhcaiti ol Hutucebt. fl'.O 07.0 u. rtaturlxil Hiiruco m. ' 7 , B7 8 ithcarbif l.iktut. 093 O.3 itticiubol L\ke t. UJ.'i U > .6 itti turb ot him B' . 77.0 7K.O ( C. 2. T l < orcllnirco Bhail tiVl ) effect Atid be la 3i frrm rnd li r Hi | a H9gu. 'Hated ' Kci t. ! d , lbS5. 4. asoiwiiKu , City ( lerl , fii. V. UiciiKL , Viet O U Coii.uil. cvit tiih , 1S16 JASIM H. JTf ) , Motor. A ( . Rheumatism Neuralgia , , Sciatica , Lumbajo. Backache , Headache , Toothache. Horn Tin-out , Swell lnt.-ii.Spr/ilno.tIriiliii- * . Iu til , Nc-atilu. 1'roi till lr , A"'nTMtit iiontl.T i'ti\s . Mt nl ! ) , ! , r , e , rwlierc. mr r > uU Uilll * . IHrtctloujIn 11 I tiitiift " . THK CIIAIILCS A. VOdlil.CH CO. (9n , . w , to A. TPOIUU A COJ lHHUorr. ad. . C. 1 A. PENNYROYAL PUS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH " The Orljjlnnl tititl Only iJotitiliir iftfs unftlft VN ItMUbtf llFtrcf > rmirthl ( Imlut * ft , nll'M-nnaMB lo LAHICS. Auk U'ur tlrnitirUl tnmp ) to tn fir latlkuUM In tttttr fir return m ulL iAME PAFJEfl-lhWi tr Chrmlrnl ' Vrt-niiitur' DceJJui ) from errors or exrMsrx .nntl'owPi ilspa esottlip UlilnrrH. Itlnd- tier , uncl PrnMinln Jliiii < l ' ' ( IRliMltliotit Htomnt'li MeJlclti 9 tiv tlin Mniftim llolni. Vn- rlcop iiicnrtii without urRory.Trentlie nnd tw AlUtirrrapoiuloticoroiilldcntli'U ny COM or nt H. TltESKOW , Mothers * Tlicro aio upon the si In cf oory human being child and ntlu't alike , 2,300.000 po cs Through thctopoioi In tha form of Insocslb'a rurjrlratlon , Is oxp'Ilod inoro thin ono-quartur ot the nourishment taken Into the sjstoni The Importune * of keeping open these doieplrit on valvca upon a ob.ld's body , Is second only t > that of promptly illgtslln ? the food culcQ. It naj to open the ) ores of Ill's skin and to a'slmlUto the food trial Dr. 1'llihor foimulated CM- ( orlx tuoaobj e'9 , coaitlpaticn , fivers and erup tions which aroto custantatntirp Infantlandchil dren , and nl Ich I til ono-thlrd of all ch'ldron ' before they ro fivey rjolJ , artso prlncl ( lly frcm thcso twocicci. It Is attendant upon tin ceo of Cattorh In rcgulatng the stomachs and loncli a td Keeping open the pores ol the ekln , that CastorU acquired Its vvrrlh nldo reputation. With p'cctyof Wktor for the bcdrura lirfortho luagi and CaUorla to assimilate the food , there need Ija no unaccounted for elclmoas among children. Caa torja h a vegetable p.-eEcrlptlon without morphliiB or other naicutlo property. Ihlrtyjcira extensive HBO haagircn It a history never altalnoJ by another midlclno. aafi Manual cf all Diseases , iij r. iimrnnMs , ji. u. r.icuiAUOUMJ IN CLOTH uncl GOLD Mailed Free. CIST or rruNCUMi , KOS. i men. evere , Concostion , Intlammntlona. . . Worms , Worm Tevcr. Worm Cello 21V C'rilnsCollc.or'Ioelhinjrof Infants. 2S Dlnrrlicnof Childroncr Adults lili lljurntcryGriping. Bilious Couo 2i ! Cholera nlorliiu , vomiting 25 C'oticlifl. Cold , Uronchltli .2A Scurnlnln'Joothncbo. I'Aceadio. . . . . * S2ft Headaches , blclc Headache , Vertigo. . .25 r iciiHln. UlHountitomncli. . ' Hiiniiremcd orPnlnTuI IVrlola \Vlillt'g , tooI'rofuBol'criods Croup. Cousli , UirHcuIb llrrntlilnc. . . . hnlt Ithruiii , J'rjrBipclon , Kruptlona. . ? 5" Jlheumiitlo I'alna Itlicliinnllsin , * ! ' < > er ind Acne. Chills , Molula . nu IMIcH.lilindorllleodini ; .an Cntnrrli , luflunnra , Cold In tha Head. .an \ \ hooplns ( 'oiiKll , Violent Oaacbs. . .no ( Jrnrral Dclilllty.Wi oicallVcakneEj i .0(1 IClilnuy EHnrftRO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .no VTVUIII Itclilllty IIrlnnryAVi-nliHP , WoMlnBlleil. . . .9(1 DUi-nBpf * nf inu Heart. 1'ulpitation i.oo B EC8 FBGS. Sold by DniKcist * . nr pnt postpaid on n o"lpt of , HCO 11LH1 IIUKIS'IILUIUMUO. , lUUtullouhl. .N.V. Plattsmouth , Nob. Brco'ci of thoroughbred and high grade lerelo d and Jersey Cattle , Arrt TVnron nd Jorsnv TUd Pwmn & HEAfLY , ninnron StH. , IMllllul jo'J Ilirlt BAND CATALOGUE far 116 , 140 pvci. 00 nt.rn7lnifl efliittrumtitU , Suit * , Ctt I ; I'oinponi. lr > uletj , Tin I nin | > f. Sun li , Drum Minor * . blafTinnl 11 AU , b.mJry Ihn 1 Outlili , M Url U , ftUo turludei ln.lrii tiu , Knrc for Atiiitiur 1 ttult. An t fiC.I ' lufiirnilitiLt [ bi.D'l uiuii milt * 1 fi TJlSIBICTOF COltMBH , WntHrtOn | , 1010 SCth Rt. rilK KIUH ' A toardlng and day echo" ! for mnplullfp. Delltfht'u ly tlicm'i'il on ( Jeer olown eiKi ta. Lario K'ou dt ; BUJ crlor BCliolan-.lo ad , nUge > . MISH KAIILB. A PINE LINE OP WOODBBIDG-E BROS , , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. DREXEL & MAUL , fiuowenarn to John O , Ja'ols. AND EMBALMERS. \t the ell ittnd H17 Kanum itreit. Or Jen by egraph eollclted and promptly attended to , Tile. oue Ho , US. iticel fotceNotice THK MAONKTIC HEALER , 'o ' all who are dlnetitd or ixlIKrted , ua mtttor how g the ettndlngi ooino and bu bualed , Fetmale dl . cdwlifro intaiclncu bare UlUd to glvo relief , wolalty ; oirue one , come all and to healed by tha inetlonealir , thu only turo etoapo from auydli. e. for elimination , our chive * are II. for eaob ktmect , or vlsltatloDU (2 ; termg ntrlctly tub , IATIONALBANK OMAHA , NKBHA8KA. 'AID UP OAI-ITAD . ? 2Wono.OO , , May 1 , 1885 . 25,000.00 ( V , A. K. lui utn , Vice I'ic.lJ nt. W. V. M HUB. JcllS i COLLINiI , j.tH3. I' , i \ \ . U. C , llruiiKi , U.ihlcr liiNKIKI olMCKi Tiie Iron Cur )2ch ) end tUrium btr on leneil IlAikhiK Uutln