Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1885, Image 7

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_ 1
Ono of ho Bostand ] Largest dtncko in the United State
To Select From.
Ooubfe and Single Acting Power ano hand
Soclno Trlrnralui'n. Mining Mschlnoir , EelUnR , Hone , IJrata nnd Iron
t wnolossla or totsll. HALLADAYWINBMrTAS , O
lOfck and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
\ \ A.-\T. TBLLOCK , Hag. and Supt. H. W , DIASIOVD , Ant.
G. P. N. SADLEK , Ass't. Eng.
Missouri Valley JBridye and Iron "Wortti.
Uanu'aeturcis aad Balldcra ol
frflugutliOD.StCBljHiro .
Tiu.'s and CcniblnatlJU
For Hatlrcnds
Tuin T.iblo ! , Draw Srnua. Bo
Tnnioj , 1'iersauJ Bub-
Tinsloy , Sniro Tuloc
1'Icaso eondus word ot all brldyowork to let. Correspondence BDllited from engineers &nd brld
Wlmli&ve lilHcil niray their \ oiitlifnllfi > rnn < l
JJU'H'iNTniut > mult lor i.iaril.iso
WJEN of all ages , who find their POWEI
anitxltnllty , iicr * o "ami 'SKXfM blltENOTlJ weakened , i
early lubiin or HXCKSdl S. c ' occul\o u positive and Instil
CU RK , NOmitti-r ol how In.u .ainIliiK tlio case may be. or wl
Las Ulluil Iniiirc.lir n fuw wecVs nr mnntlia use or tlio cclebrati
Atliomcwnlioiitexi nsure , lnLl'.SB time , amtforLhSSmonCT tni
nny oilier iiictliixl In llio worM. We.'it b cl. , licaiUchc , KMlbSION
laEsIludu. iDCsnfkpiiltsniictauihlllnn. clnoniy tlioiidhts. (1 r o a d 1 1
druainn. < tciK-tlvu iucmirnirOTKXOfl , nts. Impediments
imrrUgp , suul in mi o'lur ' 8 > miitiini3 leudlim io CONSUJUTION i
INbANirV , .ire pioniptiy removed b > this trcatmeut , and vlRoro
nunliood nttuied.
Married Men , , orllioRGwlio intend to marn
nKMrMItUR. nt-rlict Kcxtiil Blrenftli rufnns. licahli. vlRoroiis o
Dprln < r , lone llfo and the lovonnd respeLt ot u fililinu nlfo. Wenlt mcnshould . be restored . to visor
wanhood before tnarrlapu Vroofs. ti-stlmoniiils and valuable tri.Ulse a Etainpi.
OSstab.1877. ) Address The Ctiinax [ VEedical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , W3o
v EJoTfttor to all Qoor . 1200 , 1208 & & 3 1S10 Kaiutm St.
RUEhflPlNG & . BOLTE ,
Manufacturora of Ornaments
Dormer Windowa , Wit dow Caps , Metalio Sky Lights , &e. Tin , Iron and Slate roofers ,
DIG 8. 12th St. O nnhi , Neb. Wet one in any part of the country.
s of Lwe Stock
round 011
It Ia Iho beet and chuapost food fo ? ctock of any kind. Ono pound Is cqml ti
ihroo pounds o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qako In the Fall and Winte :
Instead of running down , will tnoroaca In weight and ba In ftood marketable ) oondl
tlcn ( n the spring. D.ilrymcn , aa well no others , who cce It , cia ; testify to its mor
lie. Try It and jadgi for yomsclvou. Prlco ? 24.00 per ton. No ohargo for ssoks
IlEFKUBNOES : "t . _ _ _ l _ _ fv ( _ [ _
Morchnntfl' & I'lirmer's Bank David City , Nob. V * III 9 , M 3. IN ! G D
Ki'Moey National J5iulf , Krarony , Neb ,
Columbui Btato HanU , Oolumbua , Neb ,
WcDonald'a Uank , North Platte , Neb ,
Omaba Natinnal Bank , Oicnlm , Nob.
Will pay cti6tomoi Draft with Dill ot Lading attached , fortwo-thlrdaialuoof stock.
For full particulars about free anil cheap lands in Western Nebraska
Address T. G. PATTERSON , KcaE'stateAgent ' , North Platte , Neb.
409 and 1411 Do eSt , Aprlloitloa. Vurnlehcd on } Omalia Nelirask ;
Park Place , Omaha , Nebraska ,
I'oarJItR School for yonn ; ? ladies undAr tba direction of tba Ladle * of the 8 acred Hear )
Tha course of itudlea etiibracei all the liranclifi of n mtful and refined education.
Sl > n rcholaitio year oouimenov * on the fust Wednesday io September.
TEUMU1'Ayable In sdvanco , IncluditK board , wutliioR tuition Ia English and French ,
tutrmimntnl tnutic. uoo of hooka , per leeiiou of Smonthi , $160 ,
12XTRAS r inUnft. ] . > inwiag , German , Vocal Maio , II rp , GuiUr , Violin. For Ituihoi
oforuiation apply to the Right Rev , J . O'Oonnor , or to the Lady Superior ,
Or , the Story of a Great Miner ,
Strike ,
Trantlattd from tin Flinch.
SuKjunr CiJAtTKBs I TO IV The ttiftti of
machinist in quoit of work A coal mlnf i
villnpe deacrUiod A job in the mines Tt
tiardihips of the minors-Snull wagoi an
little food ,
The fonr diggers atrotchod thcrnselvi
out , ono abora thn other , on each lodg
In front of the drift. Separated by tto
hanging floors which kept back the cos
each nun occupied thirteen foot of th
vtln ; and that vein was BO narrow
scarcely moro than two feet wide , tin
they scorned fUttonod out between th
roof and wall , dragging thomsolvc
along on tholr knees nnd otboirs , unabl
to turn without knocking tholr shon
dors. They vroto obliged to tnlno th
coal lying upon the a'de , the neck twisted
od , the aims raised In a slnntlng pest
( ton , striking short blows with the pick
Ztchsrlo worked noirent the gallorj
over him was Oharnl , then Lovaquo , MI
above nil Mahon. Eish , with his pick
removed the layer of nlato found lit th
vein , when they Lad finally looeonod th
stratum npon the bottom , they nude tw
vertical notches nnd then dolached th
bleu by driving a gad of Iron In the up
per part. The coal was rich , ilia bio
broke In plcoea the length of their bed
ICB. Wnon thcao pieces , kept bad
by the board , wcro n 1 heaped up , th
dlgftoro diotppenrod , sssemlug to vnl
theineclvca np In the scara than dotachotl
Mahon wnsi tlio greatest nnfferer
Where ha tolled the temperature WE
lighcr by thirty degrees , the air did no
circulate , and ut length the nnffocatloi
became moro Intolerable than the boat
Illo lamp , fastened to n stud nbovo lun
enabled him to see cloirly , but si
waruiod his hold as to bring his blood ti
fever heat. lint hia cngulah was la-
crossed by the dnrnpaoB * . From & reel
aorno feet above his itcs , cauio n contln
ual and rapid dripping , In obitlnnti
rythrn , nhriTo falling in the tame plcco
Ho throw bis head back ; the water boa
against his face , streaming down , chip
ping over him without relaxation. In i
quarter of nu hour , with perspiration ant
water combined , ha wai wet through
That moinlog a drop fell ia his eye cans-
lug him to awcor. Unwilling to lotvi
his position , ho g vo such heavy blowi
that the violent shaking o the rooki
placed hint a position clinilar to a motl
held between two leaves of a book
threatened with complete destruction.
Not a word was exchanged. No eonni
was hccrd auvo the rcgatar bio ITS of the
pick , me 111id cs though coming from a
distance. Not an osho responded an the
tounda came forth In the still air. Ercr
the eh a down were of an unknown dark-
nesn , dense with the il/ing coal duet ,
rtndorcd heavy by the gas which welghec
npon the eyelids. The lamp wlcks.undci
tholr cover of wire gauzp , threw out onlj
reddish gleamo. Nothing wag distin
guishable , the drift arose Ilka a large
chimney , level , thou oblique , where thi
coot of ten winters was heaped up , mak
ing a profound night. The dim light !
fell on spectral form : , flitting ( o and fro ,
rcvoillcg rounded hips , Knotty arms anc
heads smlrchud aa though from a brawl ,
At times pieces of detached coal were
suddenly lit up with n crystal like rdlc >
tion. Tbon darkness returned , whllo the
heavy blows still continue , counted with
the panting of weary chests nnd groans
of unoaalnccm and fatigue froxi the heavj
air and falling water.
Ztcharle , weak from a wedding party
of the night ba'foro , soon slackened his
work , under pretext of being lame , and
forgetting himcelf , he whistled softly , hit
oyea roving on the shadows. Behind the
diggers , almost ton foot cf the vein re
mained cleared , without tholr having
taken the precaution to suitaln the rock
nbove , hoedleea of the danger , and stingy
of their time.
"Hsllool" cried the youttf msm to
Anton , "givn mo some wood.1
Anton , whom Catheririo had taught to
uao his shovel , was obliged to carry up
the wood Into the drift. There was a
small amount hft there from the day be
fore. A portion , ready cut , was brought
down to them every morning.
"Hurry up now , " crlod Zioharlo , see
ing tbo novr-comcr awkwardly raising
himself np among the coal , hid arms en
cumbered with four pieces cf oak.
With his piok , ho made a notch in the
selling , and another In the wall ; and
wedged in two pieces of wood , thus
propped up the rock. In the afternoon
ather workmen took the gobbing loft at
the end of the gallery by the diggersand
filled up ilia trench tnadu in the vein
tvhero they saw the smpports , arranging
: ari3fully through the Inferior and supe
rior roads , over which tbo cirj wcro
Mahon paused , having at last detached
ib blea. Ho wiped hid pareplrlng face
npou his nleovo , nncasy ut the work of
icht > rie , behind him.
"Leave that alone , " cald ho. "Wo'll
ice to It after lunch. It'll be bolter to dig ,
f wa want tohavo our number of cars. "
"This is sinking , " responded the young
nnn. "Look , thuro'a a crack. I'm
ifrald It's giving way. "
But hfs father shrnggod his shoulders.
'Ah , Riving way ! It wouldn't bo the
irattlmt ; they'd get out of It nil the
aino. " Ho ended by becoming angry ,
ind tending his ton buck In front ol the
The others continued tholr work ,
javnque , lying upon his buck , wasswoMr-
ig ; a filling stoio bad cut his left
liumb , from which the blood wee flow-
ng. Ohaval , overheated , had removed
its shirt , and wai now at work naked to
ho waist. The pjreplratloi ) , added to the
Ino coal dust which blackened them , ran
n streams down their half naked bodloi
Mahon was the first to again commtiicj
ittiklng , lower down , Ills he-\d oloso to the
rock. Now the dropa falling upon hit
fsco 89 persistently seemed to plerca his
"It ain't worth while to catch them , "
td ! Catherine to Anton. "They'll al.
ways yc-Ht"
And tha obliging gi < l resumed her In-
stri ovuns ( , Each lotdod car arrived at
the top just us it net out from the drift ,
marked with a f pedal character , so that
the receiver could put it on the ncoount
jf that rectlon. Thu , they word obliged
.0 ba very careful In filling it only to
: ako the i ocd oual or It would be rejacted
it the oflico.
The young man , whoso cyo Ji d b -
: ornu habituated to thu obscurity ,
fetched her , to palld with her taint of
ihlorods ; and ho could not have told her
go , not more than twelve years to him
6 teemed , ho looked eo fiall. However ,
com her boyish liberty , the appeared
Ider , with a niiro htldncsi which
lightly orubarratsed him ; she- did not
lease him , she was too much ol a boy
tut that which netonUhed him most va
he strength of the chili ? , nervous but
skillful strength. She filled her
more quickly thin ho , lifting her she
with rapid regularity ; then ahopushed
ns far ns the Inclined plane , with n si
thrust , without Impediment , passing
CAIO under the lowest rocks. His c
frequently becoming derailed , added
his perplexity.
In truth It WAI not an easy road ,
was two hundred feet from t
drift ( o the Inclined plane ; And the rot
which the repairers had not yet enlarge
was a rneropatsigoway , whllotho unov
celling was filled with projections of co
At certain place ) , which the tilled ci
passed through , the puihor WAH obllg
to shove the car by crouching down up
his knees to keep from splitting 1
skull , whllo at other points the tlmb
wsa bent and already cracked , Th
saw It along the wnlls , split in the ml
dlo , In long thin pieces like Invall
crutches. 0ro wai uocessasy to ave
rubbing off the skin against these pr
joctlons , and owing to the heavy prcsai
from above , pieces as largo as n mat
thigh frequently Haw off , causing tl
workmen to Ho flat down , not knowli
how soon they mlnht bo crushed.
"Againl" eatd Oatbnrlno , laughlngl
Anton's car had just gone off the ral
In tbo moat difficult passage. Ho hi
not yet leernod to pmh straight , np :
thcso rails which hau bccumo twisted t
the eoft earth ; and ho swore , ho flew 1
to a passion , savagely fighting vn'h tl
wheels , which In splto of the moat n
voro efforts ho could not replace.
"Now wait , " said the young girl. " .
iron got mad it'll never 0,0 right. "
Having placed a chock under tt
wheels of her own car , aho adroitly ere ]
by him , and with a plight lifting of he
'jack ' , raited the car onto the track. J
weighed three hundred pounds. H
surprUod and ruhatnod , stammered a
: xcnso.
She was compelled to ohow him ho
.0 brace hlnuolf against the tlmbor c
mob. eida of the gallery , thus giving soil
lie an s of support. The body should I
tent , tbo arms stiff , In order to glvo tt
'all strength , to the muscles of the ahou
len and thighs In pushing. Doting or
lip ho kept behind , to oboorvo her nun
jcr of working , with bwor limbs ber
indhnndalow , shoscotntd to walk o
: our pawn , like ono of thosa dwntf bois
vho travel In tha clroua. She persplrec
joutlng for breath , crackicg in all th
oinlp , but without a murmur , with tl
ndilTcronca of habit , at If the comma
ot of nil vcaa to llvo thus bent up. H
ihocs annoyed him , ho suffered fro :
Talking wi'.h head bent down. Atlongt
his position became n torture * , ati Into !
irnblo agony , co painful that he fell o
ils kneua for an Instant to hold up h
lend nud breathe.
Thou at the Inclined piano came a not
irudgery. She taught him to load h
: ar quickly. Above and below that plan
rhlcn wan used by all the drifts from on
tory to the other , a boy was placed , th
end or above , the receiver below. Thet
ognea of twelve or thirteen years wei
ilwaya screaming and to warn them
ra * necessary to shout still loudor. The
rben there was an empty car to go n (
ho receiver gave the signal , the eende
ocsenod his break and the car ( filled b
ho pusher descended by gravity , brlnj
og the empty car up. In the gallery bi
ow the trains which the horses drew t
he foot of the shaft were formed.
"Hello , thorel" ciijd Catharine
[ own the piano , weeded the length of
mndrod yards , which roioundea like
mgo apcaklug trumpet.
The boys must have Iain down fc
hera was no reaponeo. At each stor
ho wheeling was arrested. A shrl
, itllah voice cillod out :
"Yon can bat thU 1) Monqnotto'
AUH. "
Mocking laughs broke out.
"Who's that ? " said Anton to Gather
no.She told him It was llltlo Lydic
rho knew as much and wheeled her ci
s well as any woman , In aplto of he
.oll-llko arms.
Bat suddenly the voioa cf the eendo
raa heard , giving the order to ttarl
Without doubt an ovorscor was pitsln
hovo. The rolling was resumed at th
Ino flooro , the only sound heard wa
be regular calh of the boya , nnd th
antinga of the pushers who were ai
Ivicg at the plane , utterly is
And , at each trip , Anton again notlcei
io closeness at the bottom of the drift
: io dull , broken thud of the picks , th
rcat , heavy eighs of the dlgert
bstluately bent on tholr work. Tnes
early nude mcu wcro completely coveroi
1th a bhck mnd. Thsn ha wus obligee
) vcslst aiahon , vrho was lnullng BWO ;
10 plank to allow the coal to tilde dowi
pou the track. Zacharlo and Lwaqui
ore In a rage at the vein , which , the ;
ild , had become dirty , rendering thol
ork valueless. On aval turned aroum
i ftbiuo Anton , whose presonoa cxsspcr
ted him.
"Yon'ro a fine one ; you haven't thi
: rungth of BgUll Ah ! can you ( ill ytu
irt ? Well , tnoro's nothing like belui
ivlng of one's army. Good haavens !
m willing to Icso ton sous If yon make
70 for us. "
The young man refrained from reply ,
ip , only too happy at having found thli
illey-thvo work , willing to accept tht
tntal treatment of both workman anc
, 'erneer. But ho could work no more
la feet wcro bleeding , his limbs racket ]
1th terrible cramps , his bjdy as 1
rested in a vies. Happily , It was 1C
clock , nnd the workmen decided tc
Mahon had n watch which ho did no1
'on consult. At the bottom of that
arlecs night ho was paver mistaken at
i time ; he could toll it within flvo mln <
: ce : All resumed their shifts and vesta ,
hen dcscondiug from the drift thej
oached down , their elbows at tilth
des , sitting on tholr licels , a position cc
ibitual to inlneis that they took It even
hen out of the mine , without oeting
10 need of oven n atone to ait upon ,
&d each one having taken out a sand ,
lob , gravely bit Into the thick slice ,
tling slip a few words upon the work
' the morning. OaUiarlno , who bed re
alned standing , at hot julncu Anton ,
ho , a uhott distance c if , lud strotchec
Imself out across some ratU , bis bad
; alnat tbo wood , whcrj It was loti
mp ,
"Why don't ' you oat 1 ? " she asked
1th mouth full and sacdwloh la hei
Then eho remembered Anton wander
ig about In the dirkucss , without a soi
a momtlof bread.
"Won't yon sbara with me ? '
And when ho refused , ( ( wearing ho wai
) t hungry , his vcicu trembling wit )
10 cravlugs ot his atomash , she tulc
lyly :
"Ah ! so you'to disgnstedl But , hole
11 IVo only b'.t into that tide ; I'll give
an tbo other part. "
She hnd already broken the dices It
ro. The young man took hia half , con
oiling himself , ao na not to dovcnr it it
10 mouthful ; and he placed his hnndi
pin bis hips , BH that oho could not roi
irn tromblo. With her tranquil clr of t
rely comrade the bad thrown heml
) wu beside him , flit oa her atomach
her chin In ono hand , slowly eating fr <
the other. Their lamps between tht
lit them up ,
Catherine regarded him n moment
allonco. She began to think him * ban
romp , with his flno features and hia
mustache ; she smiled.
"So you're a machinist , and they *
sent you awsy from yonr shops Why
"Because 1 slapped my boss. "
She was ntnazod ; her inherited Ideas
subordination and patslve obedience w
"I must own up I was drank , " co
tinned he , "and when I drink It mak
mo crazy , why , I'd oat myself and over
bcdy else. I can't lake two little glats
without wanting to fight. And I w
slok for two d jn. "
"You musn't drink , " said h ? , soi
"Ahl don't bo afraid I know myself
And bo shook his head , he had
hatred of rum , the hatred of the la
child of a race of drunkardswhoso natui
suffered nil tint burning thirst produce
by nloohol , knowing that the least drc
was for him , a poison.
"It's of mother that '
on account my I'
nnnoyod at having been put out In tl
street , " said In after having swallowed
mouthful. "My mother Is not well of
and every once In a whllo I Bond her
hundred sous. "
"Wlinro Is your mother ? "
"In Paris. She's a waah-iroman , I
the rue do la Gontto d'Or. "
He was silent. When ho thought <
these things hia black eyes gleamed wit
sharp pain , ns ho brooded over injury re
oolvod. For an Instant , his looks woj
lost in the depths of the mlno'u shadow ;
nnd In that dnrknow , under the welgl :
nnd conlinomont of the earth above , h
again saw his childhood , hia mother , stt
pretty and healthy , cant < ff by his fathe
and then taken back again , after bavin
bean msrrlod to auother , living botwec
the two men who ruined her , nnd , t
last , ended with thorn In the gnttor , I
rrino and filth. Ho recalled the ntroel
some details oamo back to him , the dirt
llnon In the mlddlo of the ship , oem
drnnkem men who gathered at the lions
and the boxing which alnmt broke hi
oars "Now , resumed ho , In n low voijo , ' '
shall not bo able to gtvo her much out c
thirty sous. * * * She will dlo li
raleory , that's certain. "
Ho shrugged his ahonldors In despair
then agiin bit into his sandwich.
"Won't you have a drink ? " nikoe
CithcrluL' , who WJB holding her pull t
her lips. "Ohl It's coffee ; that'l do yoi
no harm. You'll choke without some
thing to wnih down the broad. "
But ho refuted. It was bad enougl
for him to have taken half of her broad
However , eho instated in a good-uaturci
way , saying :
"Well , I'll drink hoforo you , if you'r
nopollto. * * * Only it would b
mean to refuse any longer. "
She tendered him her pail , knocllnj
down before htm , lit up by the yeltoi
mya of the two lamps. Why had h
thought horugl ) ? Now + hat she wa
black , her face cavored with coal dust , i
him oho seamed to have a singular charm
In the half gloom , thn teeth In her larg
mouth were of a dazzling whiteness , he :
eyes grow larger , shining wltb. a groenlsl
reflection , like the eyes of n cat. A mas
of auburn hair which had otcaped fron
the pall delighted him , and ho laughoi
quietly. She no longer appeared si
yonnBf , she was at least fourteen.
"To please yon , " said ho , drinking ant
returning the pail.
She again drank , then forced him ti
take another swallow ; and that pall gc
lug from ono to the other amused them
Suddenly he'nskod himself If ho ough
not to Hcizj her in hia arras and kiss ho
upon the lips. She had fnll lips of pal
rose color , heightened by the coal , whlcl
tempted him with an increasing passion
bet no dared not , ho iras abashed befon
hor. InLUllo ho had only bad the lowes
kind of glrle , ignorantftuch as ono wonli
expect to mate with a workman.
"You're about fourteen , are you not ?
ho asked , after going back to his bread
She was surprised and somewhat an
ey"How much ? Four ! eon 1 Why , I'n
sixteen ! Ii's true , I'm not very largo
The girls here don't grow much. "
Ho continued to question her ; eh <
apoico of everything without boldness 01
8Uara ° . Though she was not Ignorant o
anything pertaining to man and woman
ho Instinctively perceived die was of vlr
ijln purity. When ho upokoof Mouqnetto
to embarrass her , she related some dread
Fnl stories her quiet voice becoming ani
mated. Ah ! that ono had done som :
loir bio things ! And when ho asked hei
if she had not a lover , aho answered pl y <
Fully that aho did not whh to annoy he :
mother , but that -would come some day
Her clothing , wet with perspiratit-n ,
: aiued her to shiver tllghtly. She
ihrngpod her shoulders in n resigned
nannur ao though ready to do anything ,
"They don't lack loven when they live
ill together , do they ? "
"No indeed. "
"Then that don't hurt any ono. Tuej
iDedn't toll the priest. "
"Ohl thn priest , I don't care for him
But there's ' the bhck man. "
"What black man ? '
" 111o old minor who comes back in the
nine ) and wrings the necks of the bad
jlrlB. "
Ho looked at her , fearing she was rank-
tig L'amo of him.
"Do you bollevo that nontonto , dou'i
'On ' know anything ? ' '
"Of courseI hnow how to road nnd
rrlto. That's very useful in our house ,
or in my father's and mothor'u tlrao
hey didn't learn Mich things. "
She was certainly very uloo. When
ho finished her sl'cacf broad he wtuld
ako her la hia arras and kiss ber on her
arge rosy llpa. It was a timid rceolu-
lou , a thought of violence , which mndo
lira slightly uncomfortable. Thojo
toys' clothes on that girlish form made
ilin feel nciossy. Ho swallowed his last
nouthful , and again drinking from the
in pall ho ga.vo It to her to empty. Now
he moment to act had oomu. Ho TTOS
lyly glancing toward the miners below
lira , when a obaclow darkened the
; nlery. )
For some ilmo Chuval bad been watch-
ng thorn from a distance ; then assuring
ilmsolf that Mahon was not looking bo
amu forward , and seizing Gatharlno by
.he . shoulders , ho turned back her bead
0 cover her mouth with a bratal kiss ,
ranqnllly aflectlng not to have seen
Vnton. In that klsa there was a taking
lossoeslon a sort of jealous decision.
Bat the young girl was disgusted.
J'Leave mo alone , will you ! "
Ho held up her ) > ? ad , looklcg straight
nto her oyoa. His red mustache and
) R id partially oovmd I is black fnoo ,
vhllo his big unee aloud out like the beak
if an eagle. At lust ho looaoutd her ,
.nd went cif without a word ,
Anton was seized with a chill. It wai
tnpld to liuvo waited. Ilei could not
wbtsco her now , or she wonld believe
hat ho wished to treat her like that
> ther. At hst In his hurt vanity he fell
1 ri'frl despair.
"Why hkvu you lloo ? " la'd ' ho la o Ion
iclco , 'That's yonr lover. "
"No , I awoitr to yon , " crlod an
' 'There's nothing batwoon na , Som
tlmea no wants io fool. Besides ht
nnly b on hero six months , team Pjs-d
Oahls. "
Both hod rlrrn , about to begin woi
egiln , When she mw him SD cold , sh
was ohsgrlnjd. Without doubt , st
thought him handsomer than the jothor
she would luvo preferred him , 11
thought of n reooncllldli .11 arose in hi
mind , and when the young man , stl
angry , WM examining hia lump which wi
burning with a palo , blue flame , sbo trie
to attract hia attention.
"Come on , 'Til show yon something ,
murmured she good-antnrctlly.
When she had led him to the end c
the drift she showed him a oravloo In th
coal. A slight bubbling arose from I
and a little noise like the whistling of
"Pnt yonr hand there- ; you can fc <
the wind. It's Crc-damo. "
Ho was surprised. Was that the tor
rlblo firo-di mp which made every thin
cxplodb ? She laughed , saying thor
was a good deal of It that day , and tha
was the reason the lamps burned so blue
"When will yon fools stop you
tongues ? " cried the angry wise o
Catherine nnd Anton hastened to rafil
tholr earn , and push them to the Incline
plane , Ibclr backs bunt , crawling nude
the uneven celling of the track. Fron
the second trip , the prcaplr.ttlon soako
them nnd tholr bents cracked auow.
In the drlfc the work of the ellcger
w s resumed. The-y often cut short thol
lunch so AS not to chill themselves , nm
tholr sandwiches , eaten thus far from th
sun , with speechless voracity , filled thol
stomscbfi aa If with load. Stretched ou
upon their sides , they dug ttlll harder
having only one Qxod idea , that of com
plotlng n great day's work. Everythlui
olio disappeared In the struggle fo
Rain so rudely ojntoatoJ. The ;
coated to feel thn v.otec dripping upoi
their limbj , tha cramps from the forcei
ftttltudo , always the sumo , the blackne-s
of the night whuto they withered Ilk
plants burled In n cavo. lu proportion
as the dty advanced , the nlr became mori
vitiated Jrom the saicko e , the lamps , thi
Impure broitln and the gas from the fire
dump , weighing down thu eyelids llki
cobwubs. Alt thla combined was Buffi
cslent to destroy the effect of uny pura nlr
Eich onw , burled ia his moloaolu undo :
Lao cafih , with eoaicoly n breath In hli
noary bady , otlll tolled on.
"Tho play's Iho thing ,
Whureln I'll reash the coascienco of tbo
And equally true Is It that Dr. TiercaV
"PJoasant Purgative Polio t a" ( tho'orlglin' : '
Little Ltvor Pille ) are the moot cfl'dctual
means that can bo used to reach , the sell
of disease , cleansing tha bowel. ) and cya <
torn , and assisting nature in her tocnper
tivo work. By orugglats.
Fall Soleutioa ol S cd Corn.
There his boon serious loss to farmers
n tha groit car A-C rowing rrgiins of the
United Stitea , in at least three of the
ant four years , from difficulty in socnrlnp
; oed sued corn. Much of tbis loss might
liavo been prevented by wiser attonUoc
Io the stilcctlon and c&ro ( f the corn do
slgnsd for coed.
The early fall Is the best time in which
to make this selection , beciuso corn then
selected can bo BO kept an to insure Ut
dtality when usad for seed , and also bo-
: anse selection tit this time better
enables the farmer to improve his corn
oy the choice of that which poesetsars the
jreatett number of good qualitios. Tclale
jf many varieties on the university farms ,
'com different pacts ot Illinois and othoe
states , have shown mo that very many
localities have varieties of great merit ;
often better adapted to tholr soil and
ill mate then wonld bo nlmcst any variety
brought from other regions.
Any variety mfy bo Improved by con
tinued careful Detection of eccd. Aay
variety will deteriorate if saod ba care
lessly or unwisely selected. Selection ol
seed from the bin , especially if this be
lone In the spring , only gives opportnn-
ly for the selection of satlsfaatoiy oa .
Selection In the field , in tno early au-
: umn , gives opportunity to dutormino
; ho comparative enrllncss of the chosen
mrs , and the character of the stalks on
vhlch they were produced. And In both
, hoeo respects grjat diifHrencos will bo
'onnd in corn of the came variety , oven
Then growing lu the came hill.
Thc-ra is no necessity that corn designed
'or ' need should fully rapture on the stalk.
3tpsrlraoiit9 have shown apparent strong
itallty In kernels which wcro shriveled
ip from the ears having boun pluskod
eng before maturity. 1 would not ad-
Iso tbis In practice , but there can bo no
ibjection to plucking seed corn Eome
rouka bcfora It would do to put in the
izlb. The CBsentlali in Irsatment of
ho corn ooem to bo that bath kernels
.nd coba shi-ll baconio pretty thoroughly
Iry before there la tovoro freezing. Flio
icnt may bo usorl to tecuro thi ? , but Is
mml y not eeocutlnl. The old plan
if tricing np tbo oais , pair
y pair , by the husk ? , and hanging them
ip in u dry , warm rqom , will attaobt cjr-
aioly give good results. I like batter
ho lun of the cork-icrovr wlro , put in
ho bott of each our and clipped over a
crtlcal who
In ordlnsry seasons there is no dlfihulty
u getting send that will grotr from nny
oad crib So I do not nrgo the early
oloetlon chiefly on this ground. Main-
ilnJni ; the standard of exoellonco already
alned , or a til I fnrthor improving a vft-
lety , la the chief advantage.
lollrgo of Agriculture , Uul\iiisl > y of
Illinois , Champaign , III.
NHW Orleniih' ' Kccond Slio-.r ,
NEW OBLKAKH , Sept. 17. Tli9 dirrotor geu-
ral of the North , Central and South Ainell-
an Kxuoiitinn btitoa that the building' ,
roundl1. etc. , are now ready for thn receptlnu
f exhibits , aud oxlnbitora uru re'iueated ' to
irivard articles at unce.
li'or washing clntning , ana BI laundry
nd clranslnt ? porpoeea , JAMES P > LE'S
'EATILINE ' is n fAVorlto compound. It
OIB not injure the fabric * ) , and saves a
reat deal of labor. Sold by grocers.
Tha Standard Cattle Co. hid MO cattle on
19 market yobtonloyj Swan Land f.nil Cattle
lo. , OS5 cattle ; Barrutl & Philips' , 2UO cattle ,
'EVFJIl" , lending plivMcisni recommend
ictided bv luudicg riij-B'.claus. fc'olJ by liug- )
letsnnd Grocerg ,
V , D. Trtckell n wnll-knnwn uliipper of
'ortlaud ' , had anottiur luail of liogs ou the
iailet j'Chtorday.
Wh n Uftljy waa lck , vro J TO her Cutorls ,
Wben ( lie iru Child , > he cried /or Castorta ,
Wlitn ebo l > ecu < ie llltn , the clunj to V jtorta ,
Drawn at Havana , Cuba ,
Every 10 to H Days.
TVVft * In Til h , Wholoi t5 , FrMtloa * mo rat * .
8uljcet tinomaMptilAtliD , not con'rcllcd bj the
I'M lie .In Into'int. It h tlio f 'rost thing In the n -
tiiro of ctiivnio 1 1
. , llro J.
v. N Y oily , OTTKMa & CO. , 19 Mfttn Street ,
Ktnits City , Mo.
il Icfttuio tt Hlilg ' I'ood , In
tUctlon taothir , l lt < neutrkl nctlon upon tb bow.
o B For tM < reuwn. It Is rpeolnlly mltptod to thoio
no < on ( ! icn liwilttciiMf tBfOier\iicnt \ lUinem-
\ > tt lildpe'8 Ko'xl Is an rl J n J ttltd | < rti > r > t'oDf
Invlm btcnln * fet tlilrcy yean In HntrKnd nn
Aino'lc.v Him rufcoJy s fo tJ noutUhliiK diet
fortllcondltl iif.
Dance , Attofiol-
Oplum !
Scrofula ,
Jhil , Ugly Blood
Diseases , Dyspep
' sia , Nervousness , ]
ITcatlache , ,
i Uhonntntliiin , ]
Wlio carci for tlio dnclors' oncrrilirn tlili
liifnlllblo loiuody Is tit linnrt ? Tlio mulcted
\\lllilnil It to l > o u constitutional spccHlc. and
n fountain ot vitality ; tmllj ; < ) r , n > ref vslilnpf
mill ovhlllmtliiK us n cool , Kttslitnir siirinjj ot
\\nlcrtotlio tinrclicd ami raiiitliiK traveler In
thottc'wt. To Uccllno ttiKliiKiiMircMvnipdy
\\lirn sick Is to court sulTri inland liultpdciitli.
freely unau uro
The Dr. S. A , rICII0\DMJiimE ! ! CO. , SI. Josopli , MX
Sold liy nil Druci-lNt * .
$1.10 per bottle , or four bottles for ? 5.wx
Forals v
a. JStttnoaru Medical Work lor Young nntl
Middle Aged Men , only $1 by mall ,
postpaid ,
g'cd Vitality , Ncnous and Plijstcil Debility
. 'roniMro cclino In M n , Knors ot Vontli , § ml tbo
into'd miseries resulting from indiscretion nnd ex-
: sscf. Aluoktor miry man , jounfr , mlddlo a od
icd old. It contains ISO prescriptions for all acute
nd chronlcdiscascn , cadi ono of vlilcli Is Inxalua
ile. So found by tlio author whose oxicrlcnco ] for
3 jovs'Hsuch ' ns probably ne er before fell to tlio
nt of anj pin skliii 3 0 pipes , b mid in beautiful
'rnich mmlin , embossed cuvcrs , full gilt , Kiiaran-
i ol tobo atlnerork In ctcry BCIIHO mechanical
ItoTMynnd professional tnan any otbcr work In
hli countrj for § 2.60 , or the mono ? will IHJ refunded
n oxi rj Instance. 1'rico only SI by mall , postpiid.
lltistr ted s tuple ( ! ) < . Send now. Oold medal
.uardcd the author h } the National Medical AB90-
iitlnn. to the oltlccrs ofhlch be refers.
Tlio Science of Life nhould be roul by tbo > ouni ;
or instruction and br the alllictcd for relief. It ill
icnellt all. London Lancet ,
'llioro li no member of society to whom Tbo
'Jcnco ' of Llfo Mill not bo useful , whether youth ,
> arcntgutrdian , instructor or tlcr jmtui. Argo-
Address the rcalmdy ilcdical Institute , or Dr. W.
1.1'arkcr , No. 4 Rullllnch street , lioston , Mass. , who
nay bo consulted on all diseases re ulrln skill nnd
xjerlcnc. Ohronla and obstbiato lUsuiBcstliat
laic bafllcd the BUM rf ill othTfYAlV
r plijhlclans , a upeclalty , Such Jill W If
reitedsueccstnlly nitbout an inniiivcr'I El
anco of failure. Jllntion this pawr. ' * * ISl'jliI }
Manual of all Diseases.
iir. . iimnirtma , jt. i ) .
Mailed Free.
UST OF rnraoiPAi , nos. CUUL . I'jucn.
roiers.Conccbtion , Inllammiitlona. . . .3.1
\Vorins , Worm I'l-ver , Worm Cello " *
Ori Ini Colic , orToolhinKof Infants.
Illnrrbcaof Children AdulU. .
DiHcnlerV. Grlplnff. liilious Oolio. . . .
cholcra : l\forbn , Voraltlns &
( 'oncliH , Cold , llronchitl * . :
I f lirnlRln. Toothncho , Kaccacho. . . . . . . .v
llcndaclicg biclclIcadacUo , VcrtleotS !
lV ) | iepsla. liillnuHtStomnch 2K
MiPlireusi'ilorl'nllllnl Periods . Ma
\Vllilra , too I'rotiii-ol'crloda .
Urniin , CoiiRh , Ditllcult Jjrf > athlnir. . . . Mil
Halt Itliciini , J'tTElpclnf , I rupttous.Jft'
ItlicnmnlUiil. llucimmtio I'nlns . Mli
Fp > cr nd AUIIO. Chills , Malaria . ( HI
I'P | | , Jllluil or UlcodliiK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fttl
Cnlnrrll. Infill nrn , Oold In the Heed , .nil
\Vliooplnz : oiiBli , Violent CoiiBlia. . . .fill
lirncrnl DctjllllvA ticaUVcalinou .nil
Kidney JIlH.-um- . . . . Oil
NVFuii lU-Wllly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . ! ! ! !
UrliinryWiMih . s.WotthiBltal. . . . .B I
lllwi'H lit ( lui lirni t. I'ulpltntlon .l.UU
Sold liy nnicclfN. or nont postpaid on receipt of
, rico. lJtjirilUh.VB'JIlllHlM.'tll.lUUlulluHl. > .V.
Plnfctsttiouth , Nob.
Brecr ir tf thoroughbred and high grade
leroio ( i and Jersey Cattle ,
And Dnrnn nnd Jnmnv liwl Kminn.
I karo a pobltli oroinoily fur llio above dlicuMo ; by lu
i e 1hnuia.nlsof cnm'iitjt tha % vur t klnil und of fins
taodluKliavutuencurcil , 1 n.lriMl.xntriiiicI" iMTfiltii
uUiemciiry.tlintlui 1 .1-11.1 TWO norn.hd ' I'KKI ,
' -
< ilioiixprek6 li l 1 * l > .hiMr 11
HIOl'lTM ' 1 IP rlBt N * Tm *
tVO THA.IN3 DAILY BKTWEEN OifAHA AND , Mlnncopollo , Tililwaukoa
t. Paul , Cedar Kapldu , l > veuport
llnton , Dubuqun , Itooktord ,
lock Island , Frceport
Igln , Iia Or OHIO ,
.uiuiv. : WinCim ,
jjd btl otlior Iinp'jrtiut polntH Hntt , North *
east mid 8outiiRQ t.
Ticket omcodt HOI K rnam etrett ( In PuTton JIo
il ) . md kt Union FacICo IKf't.
[ > ullir > utilce | rd&ud tic r'lneel Dining Can In
ba WorM r-re run un tnomnln Unit of tbo CUICABO
ILWAUK H & Ot , 1'AGl.ll'Tand o\try ttontion iHpclJ
> rmseivrn * liyc"uiiinui omplnjor ol tboconif.uoy.
H. Mii.LVH , ( Jinorjil Miinoacr ,
J. Y Ti'CKxn , Af 't Gen'JSI tiacr. (
A. V , 11. OAUi'HNrisB , Geni Puai. k TicUet
.pant . ,
OKO I ! . Iti.-AKKOliD , Asst , Ucnl , 1'ass , n
O. T Vaul'rn , ridp litijr. ( > uiiiu.vik' CTotiuntf
1'tncd , dfd rial ripn rul , I.uilitt' Uieuvs tlmia
Ld djid , aii'riuuii ) ij ) l end curkd. All kind
ucy Ilr'acd ( tluulni tfonu un thoit nvtltu
rd o.tla'a lion ( uarxUttU , K1S Doufltn tttuti