Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Priday Morning , September 18
flico No. 12 Pcail St.
Delivered by carrier to any putt ol the cily
or twenty cents ft week ,
II. W. TlLTON. Klltor and Lessee.
Roller , morohant tailor , for fiuo gooda
The polled court was dovold of drunks
and disorderlies jostorday.
Deputy Marshal Batoa boa secured a
fine pacer and expects next eason to fill
his pookots by going through the circuit.
Contractor Murphy has thrown up his
contr ct for the carpenter work of the
BOTT Episcopal church , and the work has
been given to Herman & Brown.
Cars of Invitation nro out , announcing
the rnnrrlago of Mica Katlo Ktraoht to
Mr. n. W. Oowduroy , of Milwaukee , the
orent to Uko place hero on the 23i.
Prof. MoNaughton , auporlntondont of
the pabllo schools , Is preparing to build
him a comfortable residence on Third
avenue , west of Judge James' property.
The funeral cf Percy Moomaw will beheld
held thla afternoon at 3 o'clock ' at Broad
way Methodist church , the services to bo
conducted by Rov. A. K. Bates , pastor of
the Presbyterian church.
The Y. M. 0. A. la making arrange-
monta to sscuro the McGlbbony family
for a concert bore , and promlioi to gtvo
the public ono of the most enjoyable
musical treats had hero In a long time.
The regular meeting of Fidelity Coun
cil , No. 100 R A. , will bo hold at the
office of Flloklngor Bros. , In Bono's
block , this ovonlng , their own hall hav
ing been let for other purposes to-night.
Joe , the Italian , who has had such a
rough and tumble tlmo In getting settled
In business In this city , has at last got a
permanent location In , the little store re
cently occupied by Estonian , on Broad
way , and will open up there his otock of
0. If. Obllngor appeared before Jnstlco
Sohnrz yesterday with blood in hla eye ,
aud charged James O'Brien with having
broken in upon his fami'y felicity by
cuamorlng Mra. ObllnRcr. A warrant
was lasued by which O'Btlon la to bo
brought Into court to explain.
The fi.-o chieftainship Is s'.lll ' remaining
quiet. It waa supposed thut the conttst
would ba opened up In the superior court
early In this week , but there are no more
symptoms of the fray than on the first
day of the woek. Eicli seema to be
nervous about opening up the fight.
In the mayor's dlnio museum not a
performance passes without some drive
at the city attorney. The attorney ought
to know by this tlmo that bo will never
bo lot alone until he gives hla official
opinion In favor of the city paying to the
mayor those justice f < iea in the poll tax
Henry Telnkoln , who la said to bo one
of tbo men who lately caused the Texas
cattle to bo brought Into thla country
and the Texas f ever to bo scattered about
was arrested yesterday and brought be
fore the superior court. A hearing was
postponed until the wltncstea from the
country could bo brought in. Ho has
eent for bondsmen also , and in the mean
time lies in jail.
D. A. Benedict has secured the general -
oral agency of the Davenport ladder
company , and will make headquarters
over Bnshuoll'd store , with entrance on
Pearl street. These laddera have the
reputation of being the beat In the mar
ket , and Mr. Benedict Is prepared to
furnish thorn in all varieties and quanti
ties. They are made of Spruce
plank , the beat material to be had for
this purpose.
There have boon some difficulties In re
moving the old Episcopal church , the
most annoying of which , perhaps , waa
the breaking of some of the tackling just
when the building was on the Main street
car track. The building bavin ; ; to
stand there until the repairs could bo
made , the street cara could not run ,
thereby caualng come Inconvenience , but
the building la now ont of the way and
ravel is resumed on that street ,
All the hurreh about the saloons to bo
closed up light on Sundays seoma to have
ended In talk and the publishing of proc
lamations. The throat of fining offenders
waa carried out so far as to file several
Informations , but only ono baa been ar
rested , and that case wi > s adjourned till
next week , with a good prospect of being
dropped quietly , while in the other cases
not a warrant has been served. There
seems to bo a good many of these bin ft
plays lately.
The republican frlonda of Postmaster
Armour are getting enthusiastic over the
mention of his name as candidate for
ah01 ill. His popularity and his acknowl
edged ability will make him a strong can
didate , and many predict that If ho Is
nominated ho will carry tbo county with
a hurrah , ( Sheriff Gulttar Is nlto it can
didate for reelection , and ho too would
ba very certain of carrying the county by
a good , big majority , but aomo frlonda of
both think Armour the most available
Mrs. Mary 0 , Walker some tlmo ago
rented a place to T. 0. Jackson , tbo
leaio providing th&t ha shoul tsko cer
tain care of the crchard aud premlus ,
and inako certain div's'oti ' of the pro
duce. She claims that ho has not kept
tbo conditions of the lease , aud brought
A iult before Jutttoo Schurz to have him
ejected from the premises , A jury was
called , and after being out some tlmo ,
and being evenly divided In opinion , had
io bo discharged , not being Mo to agree.
The OEEO of Klnney v . Kno < filer , from
Mills onnty , was heard by Judge Con
nor hero on Wednesday , and ho has ren
dered his decision In favor of the plain
tiff. It Is claimed that Knoefflor has a
boy who Is an Invalid , and that the
father , who keeps house by himself , with
out the aid of womanly tenderness and
care , has misused and neglected the boy ,
until aomo of the neighbors took the
child out of sympathy , acd the father In
sisting on the poa&ostlon , n case was
brought to show that ho was not n 'fit
custodian for the boy.
Mra. Kato Coy no seems to bo having a
hard time In getting her tenant , J. E.
Motcalfc , ont of the building now occu
pied by him as a saloon adjoining the
Ogden houao. A abort tlmo ago she
commenced action before Justice Sphnrz ,
but failed on account of some defect in
thp notice served by her on Motcalfo.
Then she commenced again , and the case
has been heard by a jury , and they de
cided against her , holding that she must
give Motcalfo thirty days notice. Now
the alternative Is preoontod of serving a
thirty day notice , and walling for that
time to pans , or take an appeal , which
may take still longer.
Two persons were suspected with hav
ing something to do with topping the
till In Alex Obcrt'a saloon on Wednes
day evening. Ono waa outside in a bug
gy while the other went Into the saloon
to got a drink. A warrant waa sworn
out for their arrest , and Officer Horton
late in the ovonlng found them near the
dummy depot , and as ho waa proceeding
up Broadway with them , ono of them
wanted to atop Into Mary Whlto'a for a
minute , and while the officer and the
other were standing outsldo waiting for
hla return ho enoakod out of the rear
door and made good hla escape. The fol
low who was loft In custody was , of
conrsc , the ono who was least wanted ,
there not being enough ovidenca to war
rant his being held.
In the circuit court yesterday the case
of T. N. Bray v . A. . Flicklngor was
being heard. This la a replevin suit , the
property In controversy being the stock
of boots and shoes which were laat sum
mer in charge of R. I. Skllos , who waa
running the business In his own name ,
but who was , according to Bray's claim ,
only hla agent , Bray claiming ownership
of the stock. Skilea , It will DO remem
bered by many , got Into trouble , finan
cially and morally , and In helping him
out Mr. FHcklngor , as his attorney , ad
vanced some money and performed aomo
services , In satisfaction for which ho tool
a mortgage on the stock , and when Sklle
waa arrested and sent to the penitentiary
forforgery In some other matters , tb
stook waa seized on the mortgage , an
then replevlned by Bray. Thla case wa
brought to ooo If the mortgage would
Dr. Wiles , Eye , Jf-tt and Throa
poclalist , Room 5 , Eve ett block.
Ho Mentis BuclncBS ,
The public has been fooled so much by
advertisements of "colling at cost , " o
"closing oat , " that It is hard to convlnci
them always. Those that know H. F ,
Hattenhauer , and nearly everybody In
this part of the country known him , or
knows of htm , need ID assurance tha
when ho Bays ho will cell for thirty daya
at special prices , he mcaua just what h
says. Those who have any Idea of buy
Ing a buggy , carriage , or any other vohi
do , will therefore Interview him , and go
his prices , and look at hla Block. His
factory la at Noa. 27 to 33 Fourth street
Send for catalogue.
nbstantlal abstracts of tltlo and roa
estate loans , J , W. and E. L. Squire ,
102 Pearl street.
High School to University.
Profeeaor MoNaughton , the superin
tendent of the city schools , has completec
irrangements by which all graduates o
the Oonncll Bluffs high school may entei
; ho freshman year In the state university
without any examination , the cortlGcat
if the board hero being sufficient. This
makes the high school hero practically
preparatory to the university , and under
this arrangement there la no necessity for
the young men to go away from homo to
school before they are prepared to enter
upon their college course proper. The
recognition of the grade of the Oouncl
Bluffs high school , and the thoroughness
} f tbo work done hoto , must ba gratify
Ing to all concerned In the educations
interests of the city , and It fa to bo hopec
that It will have the tendency to Increase
the number of the young gentlemen In
the higher olassoa of the ccuool , there
baying boon too few In the years gene
past who have taken advantage of the ful
: ourso hero protontod.
If yon wish to make legitimately from
Fen to Fifty Dollars per day , wilto to
rudd & Smith , No. 04 Fourth street ,
Donndl BInffa
Tlio Ciuieiisi'B Galled ,
The republicans of Kane township wll
jieet ia their several wards on Saturday ,
; ho 19th of September , 1885 , at 7:30 : p ,
B. for tbo purpose of electing delegates
: o attend the county convention to bo
jeld at Couucll Bluff * , Iowa , on the 24th
ley of September , 1885 ,
In the First ward the caucus will moot
it Weles & Olanton's and elect six dele
In tbo Second ward at the city build-
n and elect nine delegate ? .
lu the Third at the coucty auditor's
> fBce and elect eovcu delegates ,
In the Fourth at the old republican
bcac'qusrteiB under the Citizens' bauk.
The delegate ! to chosen will alee con
: tltnto a convention of the republicans of
[ v no townihlp , which will couveno In
\Iasonlo \ hall Immediately after the ad
ournment of the county convention , and
loulnato cno candidate for township
rcABuror nud ono candidate for couttable ,
o fill vacancy canted by death of J ok
Vhlto , and ono candidate for aasostor for
Cane township without the city of Oouc-
II Bluff * .
E. J. Aiiiiorr. First ward.
J , 0. IlaoDiiitc'ic , Second ward.
B. W. UIQUT , Thud ward ,
WALTKU I. SMITH , Fourth ward.
Bids Wanted ,
The undersigned will receive bids till
apt , 23 , for supplying the Institution for
lie Deaf and Dumb with meat. Bidders
111 indicate different grades with rates for
icli. II. 0 , HAMMOND ,
o o d 1 wk Sept. Inst. D , and D.
Tliroo O flca Started Against Him ,
Owing to His Relations to
Mm. Grlmmclmnn.
The casss of Howard and Dots , who
were arrested for being concerned In the
taking of some goods from Mra. Grim-
melman , were to have conio up before
Judge Aylesworth yesterday , but to ao-
comodato aomo of the attorneys in the
matter , the catos were continued until
Saturday. The affair la getting into
court under enough different forma , it
aoema , to insure the bringing out finally
of all the facts. Besides the charge of
larceny brought against the two men ,
Mrs. Qrlmmolman has commenced In the
district court a suit for damages for the
unlawful retention of the goods , making
Doss the defendant.
Yesterday Mr. Qrlmmolman filed an
Information charging Doss with having
been unduly Intimate with Mra. Grim-
melman , and Dosa waa arrested on this.
It has been claimed that Dosa gave Mrs.
Grlmmclmon the dresses and jewelry
in controversy in consideration of her
serving pa hla wife pro torn , and that
they having some disagreement leading
to a Reparation , ho came horu with How
ard , and nrmcd with a warrant for her
arroat on a ohargo of stealing the goods
from him , scared the woman Into giving
them up rather than to go to jail and
have a public exposure. Dosa now baa
throe caaca to defend , and how many
more there are coming only the attor
neys can toll.
W 3 Hancock is confined to hia homo by
some trouble with hla eyes ,
Mica Ida Casndy IB visiting her friend , Miss
Maggie Hnrvoy , In Logan ,
Mr B L Squires is taking nn eaatotn trip ,
combining buuncsa and pleasure.
Gen Howard , of Umnha , was hero yester
day , being a witness in tbo Bray-Fhckingor
case in the circuit court.
To the delight of his many friends ns well
as to his own.Col J W Chapman hna no far re
covered as to bo able to ride cut a little ,
Mrs Nelllo Cole , of Gage county , Nebraska ,
is In the city visiting her half-brother , 0 Wes
ley , whom eho Ima not seen for neatly thirty
Miis Ssrnh Hecdley , of Belolt , Wisconsin ,
who has been in thla city the past month or t o ,
the guest of Mr nnd Mrs J A Gotham , loft
yesterday for homo.
Sick of His Males ,
A span of mules were loft otaudin
near the Northwestern depot all of Wed
neaday night , with no ono to care fo ;
them , and they atill being there yesterday
day forenoon , the hunt was made for th
owner , and an information filed chargln
him with cruelty to anlmala. It appenrc
that a man named Wakohonao had bar
gained for the mules , and afte :
getting possession cf them thought h
had been badly swindled. Ho took
the mules to the man of whom ho had
got them , and es ho refused to take them
back , ho tied them In the street , and
abandoned them. When hunted up by
the officer , and Informed tint ho could
not leave stock to thus snffer , ho con
eluded to take the mules and care fo
thos until they had been eaten up In i
civil law Butt against the mm who bad
sold him the mulea. The charge of
cruelty was dropped on hla pajing th
costs simply.
liiut Night's Council.
The c'ty council laat night discussed
the question of reducing the taxes on th >
Union elevator , but deferred action unti
this evening when It will bo made th
special order of business.
The city engineer was Inatruoted to re
survey the line of Pierce street between
Union and Stntsman street , there being
a dispute about the width of the street.
A rosolntion was passed granting to
John H. Atkinson the exclusive prlvlleg
of renting pleasure boats on Spoon laki
for five years , providing that ho shal
spend $2,000 within two years In 1m
proving the grounds and making & sum
mer resort.
Adjourned till to-night.
lie New York
552 Broadwav *
Council Bluffs , Iowa
TILATION ttesign-
ed and constructed.
in "all its branches.
This comnanv have
one of thebest assort
ed stocks ot plumb
ing goods in the west.
Estimates furnish"
Harry Birkinbine *
Felet > hone No.
842 nnd 844 Brondwny , Council
Bluffy Iowa.
Mena'Pallfe ' Winter Wear
Mens1 nnd Hoys' Business Suits
Mens'nnd Boys' Dress Suits.
Childrens' every dny & Dress Suits ,
Overconts for Men , Boys and Chil
Morchnut Tailor Suits
Merchnut Tailor Overcoats ,
Merchant Tailor Trovrsera.
Equul to the best , to order ,
At half the pr ce
Fat mens' Suits and Overcoats
Lean wens' Suits nnd Overcoats.
Fat mens' Trowsers.
Stainless Shirts and Drawers in
Scotch wools , medicated Scarlets ,
extra heavy Balhriggans , fancy col
ored Wools , and mixed qualities
from 25c each to 84.50.
Dimno ! nnd Stetson's Hats for
fall of 1885.
furnishing Goods
Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders ,
Handkerchiefs , Collars and Gulfs ,
of first class qualities and reasona
ble pricss.
Metcalf Brothers
Retail Department ,
842 and 844 Broadway , Counci
All styles of Laddera constantly in stock ,
made from spruce pine plank , The
very beet , .
No 9 Pearl St , - - Council Bluff *
Over Bushnell'd Book Store.
Ho. 607 Bzoadwa ? Council Blofo ,
The following ro the llmoi ol tha krilrtl nd do
cirtare of trains by aontril standard tlqit , at the
local depots. Train B loiye trtnifer depot tin mlu
otii culler and arriva Un mlnnUa Utir.
aincioo tnd RORimnnnan ,
0-25 A M 1IM1 anil Expreu 6:50 : r H
12:10 : T x Accomtnod tlon < : tO r u
6SO : r u Express 8.06 A H
0:26 : A x Utll anil Express 8:63 : r u
7:15 A ii Accommodation 5:16 r M
6JO : p M Expreu B.C9 A H
8:20 : A M llall and Kzpreu dSO r u
5:25 : r X Exproat 85 A M
CBicioo , lURUxarox AKB UMOT.
0:10 : A u Uftll and Express 7:10 : r it
6:45 : r u Exproyj 8.05 A M
VAJAan , BT. LOUII AKB rAoino.
! ; 15 r M Local St. Lonli Express Local
8.00 PM Transfer " " Tr DBei/S:20r ( : u
10:10 : A H Uall and Express 7:26 r K
8.05 r II Express BZE : A H
7:10 A M Hall for Blouz City 0:50 r it
7:66 : r M Express for St Paul 0:26 : A II
11:16 : A II Confer Express 46 : ' r u
1:80 : r M Lincoln Pats Om ft R V 5:55 : r M
8:05 : r u Overland Expresa 76 ; [ A U
Levra Council liluffa 7:05 : 8.08 9.80 10:30 :
11:40 : a. m , 1SO : 2:80-8:80 : : 4:28 : 56 : 8.25
11:45 : p. m. Leave Omaha 0.35 7:85 : o:60 : 10
li16 ; a. m. 12:50 : X.OO 8.CO iluti 4:1.5 : . 8:5t
and 11:10 : p. in.
Kf. SOEUR2 ,
fine flf thn Pogpf ?
UuO ul lllu luOuOv
ornca oven A.UEIIIO.UI
"nmrnjjr. tu.TTVtrs row A
Office $ L SPusev.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established , - 1865
Kiel Sale Stables.
Icricsand Iful-aoonitarllym hindfor taloat re-
tall or lu carload 1 U.
AH Stock Warranted as Represented.
Vholorale ami retail dialers la grain and Dale 1 liar ,
1'ilcud iciiouallu Satisfaction ( ruuatiticd.
lot. 5th AT. and 4th St. , Council Bluffa.
Formerly of New Vork
Cutting and Fitting KeUblietiment
fo , 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
HOTICK. EpeoUl a verlUtmm IF a o Loll
round , To Loan , Fet Sale , To Rot. Wants , Doaid.
tag , tto. , will bs Inserted In this eolamn at Ibi low
rale ol TKN CENTS TKH LINK for tht flnt Inmtlon
ad TIVE CKNT8 PER LINK foi each robeeqa n In-
jerllon. Leatoad rtlwmtnti at 001 om , Ho. IS
Peat ! etrott mar Broadway
Ken SAtr.-A well established atloon and baardlng
L' hcuto. Either builoeis separate , or the two.
naiy terms. Good basinets and food location In
Council Bluffe , Addrejf , 8. D. I ) office , Council
TO KENT \ now sorea-room house. Enquire al
F OR ( ALR-Houses , lots and linJ. A. J. Stephenson -
son , 60S Rret Avenue , Council Bmffs .
| 7 < oii RurrA sii room houfo , ten mlnnles walk
JL' from business , city water , well and cistern. For
rent cheap.
FOR HIM-No. 180 Harrison street , three rooms.
McMAttoN 4 Co.
4 1'oail stteei.
NO. 63 Fcr s le or rent , on very Iberal terms.
The Conn-II Bluffs Taper Mill , complete , with
the largo boarding house nnd t hiee ncres ot ground.
No. 0 Abu ( Incs iiroixrty In Cherokee , Cherokco
ocuntir. Io , will tiade lor western landf. Value
about $1,010.
No. HO A boiutlful homo In the town of tlmllncs ,
Mills county , town , for Ncbnska land. Value , (3,1,00.
o. 41 \ gocd business ] > rf petty and a'so a cooj
rtsldenco propcrtj In the tonnot Chcnvo. MoLoan
county , 111. , low down for cish or will exchange for
western lands.
ho 179 A tjilcndld farm , well Improved , 810acres
In Dickinson county , Io a , jolnlns tlio town ofPptrlt
Lake. Price , for a chott time , $35 per aero
No. 181 to 187 Are four Implored farrce In Phillips
county , Kansa * , caoi with a Email Incutnbrnno.
The equltij will bo exchanged for unlncumbcrcd
Mild land In Nebraska.
No. 1 3 480 acroo In Holt county , Nob. , partly
lmpro\data big bargain. M ants to exchange tor
No. { 4-Aflne two story brick risldcnco , ocool
tVobeet locations In Council lllutfs , l 1 trade for
zood unlncumborcd Kansai or Nebraska lands. Value
No CS aud H Are two other beautiful hcmcs In
Council Bluffs , which cash pajment will buy at a
No. 68 A baautllul tubmlnn location In Iowa
Cltv , Iowa , will exchange for western lands. Value
The above are only a few of our special bargains.
If you'AORCt mjthlnp to trade lor sell , or w&ntto
toll any real estate or mcrrhandlee , wrlto u Wo
har so\ oral good stocks of creeds to trade for lands ,
Council BluBs , Iowa.
Mrs. D. A. Benedict's ,
Ko. 537 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Of all kinds Of every style
made to order. ready made.
Ho , 137 Broadway ,
In Council Bluffs ha\lnj
And nil mo-Jcrn improvements , call bolls , tire
alarm belle , etc. , ia the
Noa. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street.
'Waves , J
Sivitches. Etc.
Shampooing ,
Hair Dressing
And Cutting ,
Bangs Cut Pamprdour , Langtry or
other styles.
29 Main St. Council Bluff ) .
N"o 8t N. Main St. , Council Bluffa
Telephone No. 141.
All work fimt class.
thorough Instruction on the
Piano aud Organ ,
Persons desirous of recaiving in-
itruction in the abuvo yrill please
: all on or address
No , 020 , First Avo- , Council BluITd ,
329 Broadway , Council Bluffi.
Pianos & Organs
Sold on Monthly Payments
All kinds of repairing on Musical Initru-
lenta a Specialty ,
II. Rice M. D.
or other lumois remove ] without tbs
I knlte or drawing ot blood.
Ovrr thirty } ears practlca txpeilcnce. COai
tarCatreet , ounntle. tlulls
- - -
We shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , a large in
voice o COTTON FLANNELS at 25 per cent below the
prices heretofore Esfced ,
10 dozen Blankets at 1-.25 to $2. worthtrom $2 to $3.
These goods wera bought at Auction Sales and will not
be duplicated. Parties will do well to secure them while
here ,
Our new stock of
PLAIDS , Etc , ,
Are unusually attractive and never so cheap as now of
fered ,
Are received and our stocltis well assorted for
the early /all trade.
Rugs , Boor Mats , Etc , , Etc.
* ubber Boots , Shoes and Arties
: - OIL - :
lastem Prices Duplicated ,
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Z , T , LINDSEY & CO ,
Warehouse and salesroom , ll N Main at , Council Bluffa , Iowa ,
Office 412 Broadway
Brick building of any kind rained or moved nnd satisfaction guaranteed , Frame bent
ored oa Little Giant trucln , the beat In the world ,
1010 Ninth Btroct , Council lilufli
oots hoes
Employ no traveling agents , thus tnvlnff their cxponics to customers ,
Agent lor Para Itubbor Company , Wnto for prices ,
1-I3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each.
Obcap Cook Btovei and General Homo Furnishing tioodi , including New and Second
[ and Furniture ,