4 LOUIS. THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 1885. LINCOLN. Tic Fonrlh Successful Day of Nebras ka's ' Big State Fair , An Extensive and Eomarkable Display of Oattle , xumcnso Atlondanco as Shown by Itallroftti Tlclcot Sftlca DIty No\v of a Day , AT THE CAPITA ! * . „ THE STATE FAIR. ' Thursday , the fourth day of tha atato fair , was ushered In by cloudy weather and a alight rain , hardly , sufficient , how ever ; to lay the dust. By 9 o'clock tha nun cam o ont and by noon the heat was rather moro than comfortable. The grounda comuunccd to fill early In the day. and bands of mnslo in the fltanda played , the people walked about and orotyono sotmcd happy. Tbo principal place of attraction , particularly to fr- morB , waa the cattle atalla , and the ex hibits certainly trcro a credit to any slate In the union , let alone Nebraska , Hohtolns , Durhams , Devonshlrea and Jerseys were all \voll represented , and any comparison M to their respective excellence would bo unjutt. Smooth coats carefully curried , iat bicks and aides , hnely polished horns woru prominent features in nil the stalls , oven among those cattle which were de nominated fat stock. In the show ring during the morning stalllono uud heavy draft horses wora exhibited , classed and awarded their ribbons. During the early afternoon the cittlo were ehown , and aa they lumbered olnmsily around the ring many exclamations of nmuso- ment were expressed that such fat animals could walk at all. They did , however - over , nnd before they were led away ta their quarters upon the horns of many oi , them ilutterod bright blue , and red ribbons bens emblematic cf their victory over loss pure blooded animals. During the day the various halls , buildings , amuse ment booths , and refreshment stands were filled with vluitors , all delighted with everything they taw. Orange Judd , the well known etock journalist , and authority on all mattora appertaining to farm management , addressed a largo audience composed of f armors anxious to got what points they could to bolter , if possible , the conduct of tnolf farms and the sJ breeding of stock , The speaker talked generally of the ro- cesalty of care in all things , and endeav ored to show that by frugality and patience , any man owning 1GO acres of land could become a king over his own domln'on. ' The state troops were on the parade grounds again yesterday and went through a number ot well executed evolutions. Art hall and Its Immediate vicinity was much frequented , and the many line exhibits drew forth extrava gant expressions of approval , Among many others there was none moro novel than that of tbo MIDLAND ELECTRIC COMPANY of Omahn. In the northwest corner of the building just at the entrance the eyes of visitors were struck with , - .curious looking whlto knoba S ' something like the haudles to an old-fashioned bureau. They found letters which spelled out cave the name * of tbu company Itself. The knobs were nothing moro than those nsud to carry ' the wires of cluctrlo appsra'us of nny kind and were but n small portion of the exhibit. Hotel , house and burglar alarm enunclators , hotel call and lire alarm cases , made up in the most beautiful fash ion , were placed In a manner to dlsfliy their uio. Models of doors and windows with the burglar alarm attachment ara used to show the working of the device. As the window was raised or the door opened a bell commenced ringing sharp ly and continuous enough to frighten almost any bad character ont of his wits. The exhibit included a number ( f other apparatus used for experiment ! , tele graph communication end othtr things. The Midland'company took tbo first prize at Omaha for thii kind of nunufac- turo , and it will probably do so hero. The company haa already ostabllahid a large business , and a number of its hotel call-boarda are nlroidy nacd in Lincoln and other towns In the state. Just northoait of the art hall and in a tasty looking private exhibition building MK. UENllY FCIIKMAN , of Fremont , Neb. , has an exhibit , if it may eo bo oilled , of the manner in which ho manufactures overalls aud like gar- moats , Mr. Fuhrman is ono of the sub- atautUl mon of Fiomont , and , for that matter , the state. For years ho haa carried on a wholojalo and retail dry goods houao well known throughout the eastern end western portions of Nebraska. Ills enorpy and enterprise have boon the mean * which have mada him a rhh man. Something llko a year ago Mr. Fuhrai&n decided to start n overall factory in con nection with hla wholesale business , and be put lu the necessary machinery to no- couiplish this end. From the start the venture was a success , and at present the capacity of the factory Is taxed tp its utmost to supply a demand which reaches out over the west. Besides overalls Mr. Fuhrman alto mskes jsan pints , shirts , fnll duck suits and several other articles of apparel which are used by farmers , minors , and stock- men. The exhibit at the fair grounds , while no evidence of what the factory at Fremont is , affords instruction and satis faction to those who are Interested in the growth and improvement of our wonder- lul young state. Mr. F. W. Hlpko , foreman of the factory , has charge ot the working people here. This gentleman has na extensive oxparlonoe In eastern cltlcr , and betides this Lo Is an ngreu- able gentlemen , with whom it is a pleas ure to meet , Visitors at tbo fair should not fill to oill at the building and look it over. Anyone who has ever met Mr. Fnbrmau will bear ont the BEF. in tbo assertion that ho li n man who under takes a thing only to make it a IUCCOBB , and for that reason this ovoraU factory will beo'jrno one of the leading manufac tories of the ntato. THE CITY iK mm v. Hunry Klllwan , a poor man from Illl noi' , while crowing the track near the B. & M. depot yontoiday morning , was run over by the cars. Ills left lex and hip were tenlbly crushed nd brnUod end internal irjurlcs were aho sustained. Thu man wai tuken to tbo hocpltal where ho waa rollevdd s much as possible , bul the dec tors ray there no hope of his re' covt-ry la entertained. .It Is s id that on Wedntsdoy the B. & ' ' M. nllroad nold 8 COO tickets to the fail from various points on its lines. Then was a report slio yesterday that n than Bind people In Nomaha county , who do- elrod a visit to the fair , were unable ti aocnio railroad accommodation ! on sc onnt of the Immense traffic of the road. A man named Jock Uammlngo , cra- > loycd at the water works ai a fitter , was arrested yesterday by the United Stales minorities for passing counterfeit money. Upon examination It was found that ho was not guilty of the tffanso charged , although culpable In another seme. Ho ; ive Brown , a tnloon-koepor , a $100 illtsouti war certificate , long alnco worth- oas , in payment of a $20 liquor bill 10 owed to Brown. The saloon-keeper otnrnod Cammings 9 80 In good money and did not discover hla mlutako for ionic time aftarwards , when ho caused .ho man's arrest The charge failed and 10 will bo arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses. Tha major Issued n bombastic procla mation on small dodgers , ordering that eaterday bo called Lincoln day fct the air and that ttllbnalnesshousosonghtoloBQ n doflbronoo to his withes. An anxious oaroh through the city failed to reveal ny closed doors , The merchants were 11 very busy raking in largo amounts of money , which Is their proper right and > rivllogo , A female , good looking and attractive , with great chock withall , yesterday ponod up a wheel of fortune on O street ircctly under the shadow of the polloa loadquartors. She commenced to toll In ho usual nay , that "this gentleman Islet lot a gimbllug device , but only a way I lave to aoll goods worth ten times the money I ask for a ohanca to win a diamond mend ring or $100 in cash , " when a pedal police swooped down on her In a mshfnl and diffident manner. She rlod to cajole him and ho nearly sue- iumbed when she said that slo had a cento from His Honor , the mayor , but nottur policeman arrived on the epot nd in a abort time the wheel of fortune 3d its fkir but fickle manipulator betook icmselves oil. J. M. Burks , the hardware merchant , ornsr of Tenth and Q streets , was obbcd yesterday afternoon. Two well rested strangers entered the atoro and me called for aomo article which was copt In the basement. Only one cleric was In the store at the time and ho went Etor the goods. When ho returned ho omul that the owh drawer had been ; akcn , together with Ha contents , $56 In money and two or three checks. The obbera easily escaped. The uuul number of pickpockets and thor crooks got in their work yesterday s usual on unsuspecting people. The MCJB yesterday afternoon resulted aa follows : In the freo-for-all Clinker - - pacing Patsy , ioatrlco , first ; Walter Hall , Council ilulLi , scond ; Charles E , third ; Walter llppa , Cedar Kiplds , la. , fourth. In tha 2:20 : trotting race Mattle B ret , Wade Hampton second , Spotted am third , Tramp O'Loary fourth. In the running race Belle K , of Tuka- mah , won. The Casa ciunty exhibit won the first irlzo for the beat county enow. Iiut Us liavo Poaoc. The gentleman and hla wife , the tire principals referred to as residing on Capl- ol avenue in the article la yesterday's 3EE , headed "MalMcui Mates , " called t this office last avonh.g. They claim hat the statements made were greatly xaggoraled , sa no violence waa used by ho gentleman towards his wife , and the onndatlon for the ntory waa the result of no of thoao trifling incidents of married ife which are constantly occurring even n the beat regulated of families. Peace now rolftcs in the household and the silken ords of love bind husband rnd wife as losely together as during the honey moon. Got the Grip ? . A young man named T. S. Fleming , ately arrived from Kansis City , waaar- osttd yeaierday by Officer Green for the arcony of two valises from Frank Mahar. Homing was found conuoalcd in the 'Llttlo E. 0. No. " restaurant and the valises recovered. Ho was taken to loUceheadquirteraand locked up , no was Iso Mahar , who was detained as a wit- nets against him. Soutli Omaha , MIso Ida Warren , who haa been vititmg he past week with Mia. J" . Gilleepie , has re- urned to her home in Shenandoab , la , Mr * . Wm. Stewart came up to Omaha the ther day , and while watching the woman lector on the streets was struck and severely ojarod by a horse. A number of new buildings are being rcctoJ. Mr. Hullivan'd house IB nearing completion and will be the finest residence In the town , United BtatCH Court , Juogo Dandy's crder fixing the tlmo or reconvening court haa not yet boon ocolved. Ono of the member a of the > ar siys that the judge remarked to him hat Oor , 25 would probibly bo tbo date , At all oronta there wilt bj little done , and the term Is considered virtually at an end. Tney Would Rcundsrain Whslon and Officer Cor- mlck yesterday arrested Gao.and Frank Fisher and Bruno E.'hmcyor , a trio of ongha who were fighting In the bottoms. Officer Horrigan at noon yesterday cr ested Joe Wright , a negro , for assault og his wf ! a. Joa says that ho only lapped his nlfa. A. Gain Commercial Celebration. LocmviLti/Ky. , 8ept17. | The celebration f the sale of the one hand iBdtliout ; and hogs lend of tobacco in Louisville this year has been grani auccess in every respect , i\nd tha city o-day witnessed tha grandoit induitrlal and iommorcial para-Jo over held In tha south. joumllle has ahvnya baoa a metropolitan to- lacco market , bat never befora had eo Urge a B le , repreeentiDK as it does over $12,000,000. rhounh vat loin commercial Intereets were epreiected , tha tobacco Intoiestwaa given he pott of honor , and their display occupied hreeout of a prcccstinn of eight miles , A OurntnK Oil Train , POTTSVILLK , Ta. , Sfpt , 17. Two sections ) f the woit bound freight train on the Phila delphia & Reading railroad collided to-day near Samarend Junction. The second section waa composed of loaded oil tanks , which wore fired and burst by concussion. Tha end of a tank waa thrown SOO yards. The iron bone from another was wrapped three times arnunc a tree 100 yards aw y. The burning oil rarj along the tracts , Igniting f.nJ destroyint ; tle and warping the ralla for racro tbau a inila Losi ? 50.000. Garllelil'H BdonHinont. CU\KLAND. OMo , Sept. 17. Plana for th GarBeld monument are now cornpletar } , anc tha ar iltect U lu Cleveland. The committe will open hldi Ur balldlcg the tuanumen September 80 , The finest and largo it stock of nd lowest pr'cis ' at Tirrtll & Cook's 1300 FarntmSt. If yon buy lumoer anywhere wlthou first getting Hcag'.and'a prices , you w ! ! one icouoy , HOOPS ON THE HIGHWAY. . Houbor Onpturad In "Women's Clothes , Lend cries for help in the vicinity ol Fourteenth and Harnoy strcota about 11 'clock last night attracted the attention f Officer Jaraen O'Boylo , who was aland- ng on the opera homo corner. Ho Im mediately ran In the direction of the ouud and found nn old man lying on bo ground who Bald ho had boon robbed. The officer B W the form of a woman running np Hatnoy troot and garo chaso. Between Six- oenth and Seventeenth streets the fugl- Lvo disappeared in the roar of eomo of the buildings , but was followed by the Qiccr and captured back of the rosldenco f E.V. . Nash. When bronght into the ght the discovery was made that the obbor was not a woman , but a man In emalo attire. When captured ho was In ho act of divesting hitmolf of the fuss , eathors and furbelows in which ho iad boon masquerading , and had partially ucoacdod. lie was marched to police teadquartors , and , completely dives ted f all the womanly top gory , ho was roo- galzad as a brother of the notorious alored proitltuto known as "Johnnie Bull. " The old man whom ho had robbad put nan appearance and said that the wo man-man had snatched hla pocktt book , ontalnlng $188 , and ran. The officers , 10Tfover , failed to find It when searching 10 prisoner , tut succeeded in making ilm toll what ho had done with it. Ho aid that ho had thrown it In the bane- ment stairs of the Withnell bulldlog as 10 ran past , and subsequent nearoh at the ) hca Indicated was rewarded by the find- ng of the pocket bsok with the money mtonclicd. The prisoner was then ockod np. Ho gnvo his name as "Doo Wood * , " and the charge entered up-m 10 rrglster was highway robbery. Ho ppearud dafiant and eald ho was willing o take the consequences of his crlmo. The man who was robbed is William rant , a farmer , of Columbus , Nebraska , lo la over 80 years of ORO and is on his way to his homo In Columbus from a tripe o Ireland. Ho arrived In the city yes- ; erdny morning and concluded to romaln ver until to-day to see aomo friends. Ho id not find thorn , however , and Intona- d to atop over night at a hotel. Last vening ho took a walk on the street for ho purpose of amoklng his plpa before otlring , and becoming weary sat down at 30 corner of Fourteenth and Harnoy treola. While sitting there the woman as ho supposed ) catno and eat down > aeldi him and began to talk. lo talked with her for a err mlnutoa , when she suddenly snatched lis pocketbook and ran. Ho followed ler as fast as ho could , calling for help , ut finally stumbled and fell. The old man was locked up In a cell for the night 3 a witness agslmt the Sblorod high wayman. "Woods , " as the man gave bis name , i&d on 5 fall woman's pntfit , including orsets , skirts and a wig. Underneath he dross ha wore a pair cf pants and on undershirt. A blue dross , a black acket and a jaunty hat gave him ivory appearance of a colored ady out to make a mash , ut when relieved of all hla finery ho roeontod a very common ovory-day aa- „ > ect. He had evidently taken consider- , blo palna with his toilet , and iras relnc- ant to have the harmony of his appear * anco destroyed by the officers. They considered , however that pants and an undershirt w BB good enough for a high way robber , and the moro delicate ap- larol were removed and placed in a heap in the floor , none of the men at the 11 seeming to know the proper way In which to haug It up. Ssmobody will irobably claim the clothing this morning. AN INHUMAN FATHEK , a Son Idiotic by tbo Use ot n Black Sinks Wlilp. Yesterday some of Iho mon employed it tbo government corral reported tc Fudge Stenbnrg ono of the most brutal cases of cruelty to children that has been mown In this city. H.Hemingaen.a tailor , Ives in the vicinity of the corral in a ent. Ho his a wife and a eon , a lul about BO von years old. The woman ho s now living with is his second wlf. ' , and he boy balng a son of bio first wife , haa 105 been a fjtvorlto with her. louilngscn , it is said , at the natlgation of his wife , has maltreated the > oy ia the most brutal manner. For a oiig tlmo ho has continued to bjat and pound him at every opportunity , and ro- lently ho purchased a black-snake whip. This whip ho has used freely on the boy , lealiug such terrific blows a ] to cut deep nto the akin. S3 inhuman has boon thu riatmant that the buy ia on the verge of dlooy. D&y before yesterday Homing- en brought ont the boy and the whip lu ho presence of the mon working at the corral and proceeded to must un mercifully boat the lad. Finally the mon nterfered , and compelled the in- lumaa brute lo desist. Loud threats were made at the tlmo of taking aum- mary vengeance on thu unnatural father. Some suggeoted that he bo rotten-egged , ithors tint ho bo tarred and feathered nd driven out of town , and still others went so far a to hint at lynching. Bet. .or jadgrnent , however , prevailed , and t WHS decided to have the man arreetod. A complaint was sworn ont and a war rant issued charging Htmingaen with as- ault and battery. The warrant waa jUctd in the hands of Officer Oormlck , who succeeded In capturing his man after about three hours of patient waiting fat ils return from work. The prisoner was taken to police headquarters and locked np for the bight. Buth the man at the corral and tbo boy will appear against lim this morning. GKNERAIi JtfOHKlGW NEWS , V1S3 L8 QUAIUNTJNED , LONDON , Sept. 17. SilUbury notified the English ship ownera that he cannot Interfers with forego etatea ta obtain for Haglleb voa- exemption from quarantine reguhtlone. ia making a triumphant toui ol .Scotland , ' Ho delivers nddre.'sej ate\crj stoppicp ; place where addrosjea ace preaectuo to bun , and IH greeted nith thn sreitest en- th'.inUum acd thaert ) , often aa ' 'Kngland'a fu- line premier. " OK Till A L I'OIl JIUnDKIt. TUB HAODK. Bspt. 17.The tilal of Jeanni Lorette , the Biusaela gitl who , on March li lint , Eliot and killed Japanese Consul Saku- ratla , In Rotttrdam , WKB eommecced born to day , The defense urfied the i le ; * of taiacity tnd aiked ftr a pnatpiement : of tha case fci tUree months. The court refuted tbo rcquti and the tiial proceeded. Tha prltotier luiut ed when the revolver with which eha had the her lover waa producai by tha court. _ T1JE OUOLEIU , _ _ _ PAHIS , Sept , 17. Twenty cas's cf cholen wore reportid In 1'aiii during the ratt tire days. The nnthcrlttca claim tha dlioaea is aporadlc and not Aslntlc chelcrn , SlADnil ) , Sf pt , 17. There wfre 88 new cases ol cholera and 337 dcathi reported throughout Spain yctterdny. TOULON' , Sept. 17. Two deaths from chol era reported here last week. HOME , Sept. 17. During the past twenty- Tour hours there were eighteen donthi from cholera in 1'nlerino , and twenty cow caiea and tlz dratha in Parma. HOME , Sept , 17 , Thirty-sir new cases ot cholera have been reported In Palmera during the past twenty-lour hourq. TIinSE 1IUNDBE1) M1KKRS KMTOMDED. LONDOK , Sept. 17. Adispatch just received From Derby itntea that a aeriout accident oc curred at Uakwell colliery , at lolkatono , The mouth of the shaft has beou blocked and 310 miners emlombcd , Efforts aie bMnc made : o rescue them and they will probably be saved. SOCIALISM EfCCESSrCU BKBLIK , Sept. 17. Elections to the , Saxon andtag resulted in an inoroaso ot socialistic representation. BBMAItKABLK , IF inCR , LONDON , Sept. 17. The press nsiociation urnishes lengthy nccoanta of an allDged dis covery whereby telephonic communication acroea the Atlantic is made possible. The Inventor - vontor of the new instrument , it ( a Bald , la a utivo of Texas , and haa uo tciontlGo roputa- Ion , lie employs an instrument of enormous > ower. It ia also alleged that a certain com- > any ha ) acquired the tola right o use the instrument , and that > well-known millionaire has given the nvontor , whoso means are oxaauitcd , carlo > lanche to perfect the Invention , which will coat EOOOOU , The now instrument , It Ia as- erted , has boon successfully experimented with in the gulf of Mexico , The atory lacks ciuntlGo data and has the appoaranca of being a houx , NO FEAR OP HOSTILITIES. BERLIN , Sopt. 17. It Is reported that 'rlnco Bismarck bus Informed the bundesrath hat he has no fears that the differences with > pain will result in ho > tlllties. HANK SUSPENDED. CorKKHAdKN , Sept. 17. TheBankof Vardo > aa eutpeuded , in consequence of the loaa of ; a entire capital through fraud , Ono ol the ircctora of tlm bank is the Imgeat defnultor. svtral of the bank olBciala have been rrested , "jilns liiphaiu1' and iho American Hebrew. In the second chapter of "Tho RIse of Ilm Lsphain , " as published in the Ocn- , ury for Novcuibtr , 1881 , occurred the allowing : There was something that Mrs , Lapham specially bubmitted to her husband when they ; ot home ; the asked him If it were true , and : it made any differeuca , "It makes a diifer- nca in the prlco of nroperty , " replied tha col- nel promptly. "Bat as long as wo don't van t to cell , it don't matter. , ' "Why , Silas Lspham , euld his wife , "do ou mean to tell ma that thla houao id worth OBS than wo gave for it ? " "It'u worth a good deal less. You see they lava got In and pretty thick , too it's no use : en > lEg it. And whtn thev Ret in they Bend own tbo price of proparty. Of course , there ain't any sense in it. I think U la all clumn oolishness. It'd cruel , and folVa ought to be ashamsd. But there it is. Vo folks tell hat the Sivior himself was one , and the welve apostles , nnd all the prophets , I dent | : now but Adam wna gucsa he waa and it lon't make n bit ot difference. _ They aend [ own the price of real ostate. Pricea begin to hade when the first one geta in , " Mr. luapham thought the fasta over a few noinenta. "Well , what do wo care , BO long is we'ro comfortable in our home ? And hey 're just as nice and as good neighbors aa can be. . . . " "A Mr. LUIengaTton has bought the Gordon house aerosB the equare , " sha said , houghtfully , "Well , I'm agreeable.I suppose he's Rot ho money to pay for it. " "Oh , yes , they've all got money , " sighed ra. Itapham , The following corrcspondenca between ono of the edltora of the American Hebrew and Mr. "VY * D. Ho wells requlios no further explanation : NEW YOKK , July 12 , 1SS3. Djor Sr-As ! : "The Riae of Silas Lsphatn" .s about eppruacbing completion and will , I jrosume , Bojn nppear in book form , I beg to : all to your notice a elur ( In chapter II ) upon a number of your readers and admiters o alur as unmerited by the Jtwish people ns it is unworthy of the author. It is not nlone upon tha Ignorant and uncultured ot the Jowa thatycu rtflect , for neither "the Saviour him self , " nor the twelve apostles , nor the proph ets , nor even Adam , were , so far as the rec ords Dhow , of that class which depreciated the value of property when they ' 'got In , " The introduction of the lines in question cannot even bo excused on the ground that it serves a literary purpose , for no such end is accomplished. Too sentiment ia violently dragged in for no other afcertalnablo reason than to pander to a prejudica against which nil eduQ.tud ( and colored Jews must battle. The literary leaders of a country have so great a power in fomenting or in reprceaintr popular prejudice that I ruako bold to hopethnt in thn permanent form In which "Silas Lapham" will no doubt Boon appear , these objectiona ble linea will bo omitted. I have the houor to be , sir , Very respectfully yours , To W. D. Howells , Esq. OLD OnoiiAiiD , WE , July 17 , 1835. My Do r Sir : I thimk you fur your frank anil manly letter. 1 supposed that I was willing in r ? proba tion of the prejudice of which you justly com- pUIn , hut my irony eeemi to have fallen ehott jf the mark EO far short that you are not the lirst Hebrnw to accute rr.e ol "pandorirg" to tha btupid and cruel feeling against your race and religion. I will not nsk you to lead again , lu the light of this statement , the pos- mge of my fctory which you refer to , for I luvu itlrjady struck it nut of my book and it will not reappear. In that passaHe I merely recognize , t < > rubuko it , the existence of a feei ng which civilized men should bo ashamed of. But perhaps it Is bettor not to recoguizo all the facts. Perbapi , also , you owe mo an npology for making un unjust accusation. Ileavo that ; o you , Very truly yours , W. D. HOWELLH. "To " n r. NMV YOIIK , 19 July , 1885. My Dear -Certainly , in view of your kind note of 19tn ln t. , I do owe you an apol ogy , Still , in justification of my own stupid ity In miesiog the point of your irony , I may tay that Silas's adminion that ' 'they" ' do depreciate - preciate the price of property wheu they get in a fact concerning the financial accuracy of which I have some doubts seemed to ma rather aa an endowment than a rebuke of what yon truly call tha "dtupid and cruel fool- Dg"a2aiust ui , , I am glad indeed to have your assurance that tha piDsapo will not appear In the book ; and still more ploa-ed to know that thoauthor whom I have so much admired ia not to be counted among the number unfortunately too largo of .law batera in America , Vtry truly yours , To Mr. W. D Hwelols , OldOrcbard , Mo. PKItaO \ AIj. Chailea P Fogg , of Schujler , [ s at the Mil- arJ. ; jirard Btuvttt , of Fremont , WAS In the city yesterday. J E West and wife , of Effing , Are eueita al theMillariJ. H Lewi ; , wife and pirty , of Geneva , nre guesta atthoPaxton. J G Pollock anl H 11 D Holmes , of Beatrice - rico , are at tha Millard , TF McDonald , of D ight , Nebraska , ii stopping at tha I'axton , IIM Whitney and sister , of O'Nadl , are guests at the Mllbrd- H D Jonei , of Hul Cloud , U iq the city dtopptuof at tha Paxton. N D SAcford an4 Mi a Mary K Snnfotd , ol Avoca , are at th Paxton , Uvorge H Ilamtuoad , ol the Ilammom Packing ompaiy , crrivel in tha city las evincf ! Iroia Detroit. OAIjIFOIlNIA. PIONEBUS. Ilio Forly-Nlnors nil Tholr Tnlcn o ( ItnrtUIilp nnd Ailvonturcs , "Wo Onllfornlacs never lire of talking about tbo eventful days of ' 40 , when the great gold fever spread over the state , " said an old business man. ono of the or iginal Argonauia , to a San FrancitoD cor respondent the othtr day. "There was something In th&t life that man taking put in it novcr forgets , I wna ono who had the 'gold fever' at that time and 'roughed It' with hundredn of othcra in the exciting hunt for the glittering metal. As a result everything about ' 40 bojonica of particular Interoit to us. " The speaker had in his hand the account of n visit just made to the lo cality whore gold was first discovered In the state. The region fs the "divide" between the north end mlddlo forks of the Amer'can river. It Is an area of not more than ten mlles tquaro , yet in it is mot with every form ot gold-bearing de posit found lu the ettUo , and within Its limits have occurred some of the most romantic incidents and tragic events con nected with the mining history of Cali fornia's pioneer days. Ono of the meat interesting spots Is Todd'a valley , whclh belongs to the portion of the divide known as Forest hill. The writer was ono of the gold-ssoken who visited the locality In ' 40 , and had a personal ac quaintance with the characters ho rpeiks of. Ho says : "Long will the packer and othora , who In ' 40 traveled up and down thla divide , have roiBOQ to ramcmbor Todd'a valley , not for the reason that any special good luok or dlro calamity there happened to them , but because tnis rrtuj the only place where a whlto woman anl frolicking chil dren , and dcgs , and cits , and cows could bo cucn , and n equaro meal obtained nt Lhob day. These were comforts all made possible , and EO brought within the reach : f the ' 49er , by Jim Williams , who , In : ho summer of ' 48 , leaving S.vntn Cruz and taking with him his family aud do mestic animals , repaired to thla valley nnd there put up a stockade cabin , whoio nan r.nd boast were afterward cutertntnod n royal style. Jim Williams was a Mis ocutian by birth , but , having killed a man in h's ' native atato found It oxpedlon * to emigrate. This ho did , irst going to Indian Territory and later coming to California. In this killing ho waa not altogether tn blame , but enough to blumo to render farther residence in ils own home uncomfortable ; hoaco his remuvnl. But in coming away Williams waa not the man to IOE.VO hh family ba- ! iind. Ho gathered them up , oven to hla mother-in-law aud his wife's two eiatcrs , very comely maidens , and bronght them ou : Into the wilderness with him. His cabin being the only place in the whole country wluro a Christian meal conld bo hud , few going up or down the ridge ever pnasod without calling. The r.salt was th t Willlama made mcnsy , so much eo that the next year he sold ont Iho place to ono Dr. Todd. " The writer paid a visit io several of the historic epota In this vicinity. Referring to tnorn ho says : "L'oited on the mid dle fork near its junction with the main river , is Murderer's Bar. Oa this six young mon from Oregon were killed by the Indians in Msy 1840. Further np on the south fork , near Kelsoy's dig ging ? , ono of Kolacy'n brothers was In like manner killed tbo same year. By roasm of thesa and other murders com mitted by the Indiana , n party wont ont from Sutler's mill , and having corralod a lot of the Bavp.gos , brought them in to the mill , where , after a serf of trUlsoma dozen or moro were shot. Near hire , a lit. la further south , Is the scene of the famous old mill , where gold waa first dis covered in California , There is alee the town of Greenwood , in Gtocnr/ood's valley , both earned after old Jim Green wood , about the beat specimen of o mountaineer and trapper that ever wore a buckskin hunting ehirt and moccasins. la the upring of ' 1810 Greenwood wes living with his family , which consisted mainly of numerous horses , a retinue of dogs and sivoral boys at the old mill , where he waa a noted character both becausj of his striking personal appoaranca and the largo quan tities of whisky ho was capable ot con suming without any visible effect. He had Kfi his homo in Mlssciul when a youth and bad spent his whole after life In the service of the various far compa nies , hunting and trapping in the Kocky mountains , having alao served as a guard to some of the expedition ! cent ont by the general gonornmont to explore tha regions of the great northwest. Though over 70 years ot ago when living at the mill , ho got about with the cglllty > f youth , and could still handle his rifU with unening precision. His boys by hlalnOhu wlfo , a Crow wtiuan , wera handaamo , " bright llttlo follows. The town of Greonwocd has shared the faio common to so many of the early settle ments In the mining roglone. " A number of the graves of men who died in ' 40 in that region ware visited by ho writer. "A little balow Tcdd'd val ey , " ho writes , "Is Jack Growy's grave. ? oor fellow , ha cauio of a rich family oaiowbtiro In the cost , wao highly edu cated , of gantlomanty eddresi and good appearance ; but bo died poor nnd aline , starved to death in bin cabin hard by the middle fork , where wo found his remains and interred them as wall as wo could , mtllng np a rude cross on the spot. 3ut neither tha grave uor ths cabin is hero any moro. They occupied fatal ground ground that containing gold , las ticca been washed cff , rnd with it oil tlnra was left to mark the last resting place and perpetuate the memory of the infortunata young man. That hi * rrlenda ever learned anything of hla file is not at all probable , aa all wo could glean about him or ; oum was the above scanty informa tion , gathered from a drunken companion - ion that wo aftorwnrd came acrots , auc who had deserted him In his extremity. Further np the middle fork , but on the s&mo aide , under a toweling ploo tree that overlooks the canyon , Is the Riave of Roaowoll Partridge , who died near that spot In the fall of ' 40 , under circum stances of the ra > st sid and pnthuUo klud. Bnt why recall others of those mourufal rcminljocnoEU , ta continue which to the end would ba but to write another Book of Limentitlnns , so many are they and BO tad their recital. Never In time YIH .they all be chronicled never will tho' world know how many perlebed , 6no way and another , during thogn pioneer times , ncr over will tli waiting "lisa &t home learn what has bo ojmo of the lest , lilve Btoulc Item * , A great many feeders are changing hand at the South Ouiiiha yard ) . A Urge proper tinn of tin in will betaken into Iowa and fed during tha winter. Among those Imvluf ttock nt the yard ) yesteidt-v were tbe follow wit : d. T. Ward , H'elnir ' , 70 bogs ) Bllsu A Hliir , 81 bogai H , L'ininor , Humphrey , 7 hngsi M McHtide , Ueuion , C8 hogsjj.lt yan 0'Kelll,42 cattle. A prominent cattleman Is authority fcr tb ttatement that 13,000 head of beef cattle trot northern laoeee , which have heretofore foun a market in Ban Fraaclico , have been soldfc eastern buyers tbla eeaion for shipment tast It it estimated that tbota era In Arizen 300,000 head of cattle and room for l.OOO.COi more. The soil la very fertile , nnd all that I wanting ia water , which is being supplied to i wtUin extent through irrigation. Govcrno Tritli1 , in his recent lepjrt , rays ; "Should nl the grazing land In thu territory ba mad ( ivailablo In thla way It is o tim ted thai here would beamph pasturage for C,000,00 ( cattlo. " In conversation with a gentleman connrctec' with Ucckwlth , Qtiinn & Oo.'s ranch , a UBI eporter gained tome very iotcteitiDg fact ! egarding this great cattle firm and thcli method ) , Their main ranch is located in western Wyoming , on Bear river. Tha com' mny has ths control of a rnngo west of the Iver sixteen by twenty miles , and about the amo extent of country on the east , It is ca- Itna ed that this orna will support during ha summer months , at least fifteen thouiand icad of cattle. During the wmtcr the stock s bronght down Into the valley of tlio river , where they nro well caredfor , Itishorethatwe ind the most to Intorcit us. The river val- ey at this point Is between four nnd five miles In width. Tha company's cncloiuroi mlirace ( an area of eleven miles north and outli by four miles east at d west ; through the enter of thN llowi Iho Bear tver. When lie present proprietors bought the land ( even oara ago , it was the next thing to a desert , md a portion ol It waa covered with mgo rush. The first thing they did waa to bring m Irilgatlug ditch Intothobanch lands and rauiforin the sago brti h district into tilled and , which now produce * thousands ot tons f timothy and alfalfa , boeidcntcropa of ( mall train. The next move after the bench huila wera provided for wsa to build a dam so as to alee the water in Boar river to a point high nough to flood the bottom lands. This waa ccomnliihad only after tbe nutlny of thoun- iiula of dollara , but the result morn than paid or the outlay. Tnken altogether It' Is ono cf > est equipped ranchoa in the country , nnd the ompany IB prepared to turn t IF some fine beef Utlo. The company is rapidly introducing .horoughbru'l . stock j they have a thousand : OWB nnd heifers that are three-fourths short- icrn , aii'l the best thoroughbred inkles. An i rule It U not considered advisable to put loroughb'rtd stock on the range , but in thla : aao it ia different , as the ntcck\vill ; h&vo the ) Mt of p.vituro during the summer and an bundancu of good hay In the winter. A. Small Flro , F/ro / wns discavored about 11:30 : kst vonlng in a homo at the corner of Sixth nd Pacific ntroo's ' , oivncd by John Nor- mnn , a Swede The locsruollvo whlstlos n the Union Pacific yards oonnded the arm , and the fire dopirtmcnt wai ulckly on hind nnd supprcatud the mea. The fire orlglnitcd In a wood- icd on tlio north oldo tf the house , and a oupposcd to liavo been Incendiary. , sorrmn conducted a boarding home , and ourtocii cf his boerders were nslcop in ho houss at ( ho time. They all oecsped , lowover , without injury , nnd succeeded n removing all the household goods &nd holr private tffecs. The damage to the louse was not oxtonslvo , the roof baing artUlly burned off and tbo building loodod with water. The loaa la covered. y IntuMnco , They Hail 11 molars' Toole. Jam OB Hogen acd Georga Flynn , tire ; onga-looking characters , were run in Utt light by Officer Kennedy ta vacrantr. They wro found on sixteenth Etreet , iosr Bolln A CO.'B grocery ntore , acting n B Misplctoua manner. When arrested no of them throw something into tbo troot , which could not be found by the ( licer ab iho tlma. Liter a search WAS made , nnd n tool used by burglira to pen doors ai found and taken to head- unrterj. Thu charge cgilnst the men rill probably be ctiangv > a this morning torn vtgriticy to something moro norioua. The Fulicoincu'a Bnll. A mootlcg of the Omaha policemen was held at the police court laat evening o complete arrangements fcr their grand > all on Thursday , September 24. It waa cportod that over 1,300 tickets had been old by the different members of the arco , and OfQcara Matzi and Moysten rcre appointed a cimmlttoo to sell lokets on Farunm street. From present ndleatlona It would seem that trio ball vlll bo ouo of the biggest BUCCOBSCB evei mown In Omaha. Tlio Corn ; rop. CINCINNATI , Sept 18 The Prlco Curronl aya it reports indicate the cjrn crop will ae- rogato 1,090,000,000 , bushels , an Increase ol early 11 par cent over laat year. From tha 12th to tbe 11 .h inst the date ol noet of tbo returns from corn growing dis ricts throughout the entire country , ab o tireo fourths of the crop In the twelve westorr tatea which produce 77 per cant of the entire rep was out of danger from frost ; tm to fif' sen days more will rentier tba remaining per ion aafo. After the 25th of September , with : IR present favorable weather , tne danger lint will be crossed. The AV > atuor. WASHINGTON , Sept. 17. UpperMisslssipp alloy Fair neither , variable winds , becom ng eoutherly , Btationary temperature. Missouri valley Slightly warmer ; south- rly winds , fair weather , loner barometer. Tlio Canadian Epleltiinlc , TORONTO , Bopt 17. Another case of smal iox was reported hers to-da } ; one also al 'ort Hope. I'rank Clarlc waa arrested by OUicoi Vhalon last evening on a charge of passim juateifeit money , Contldcrjblo of tin queer" was found on his person when eenrchoc t headquarters. Ho wai locked up aud wil ppear before Judge Stcnbcrg for oxumicatioi bit morning. Officer Crawford arrested a man numoc Villlam Hill last evening for attempting t < lisa Confederate money on a Tentn atrnet aa- eon lioepor , lie was taken to hoadqimten nd looked up , PILISH PILES ! ! PILESII A HUB cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching ind Ulcerated Piles has been discoverud by ) r. Williams , ( an ludiaa remedy ) , called lr , lYilliauis' Indian Pile Ointment. A single jor haa cured the worst cbronio cases of 25 01 SO yeara standing. No one need Buffer five ulnutes after applying thia wonderful sooth- ng medicine. Lotion * and instruments dc more harm than good. Williams' Icdiac . 'ilo Ointment abaorb * tha tumora , allays th ( ntunsa Itching , ( particularly at night altoi putting warm in bed ) , acU as a poultice , glvei intant relief , and ia prepirod only for 1'llea ichlng of private inrta , and for uothlng eilae SKIN UIBK/VKI tt OUUKI ) Dr. Frnzler'a Magio Ointment , Curea ai by m glc. I'iroplea.Blaok Heads or .Grub : ho lotcbea aud Eruptions on the face , leavio | Saltskin clour nnd beautiful. Alao curea Itch Id , Tlhutne , Sore Nipples , Bora Lipa , am batmuto Ulcers , Hold by druggist ) , or mailed on receipt o ceitts , Ittitalled by Kuhu & Co , and SchroeUr i Becht , At wbolepulo by O. V. Goodman , Men's fine Dsrei , Uutton , Lao or Cor grniB hoo9 31 G5 at the grand forced nt , ] 321 S. 15th St. AUCTION. Saturday. Sept 10 ot 10 a. m. at 0 > ol : wtrorooinr , 1315 Dodge at. a lurgo lot c fine furniture coiulettug of Parlor an Bedroom acts , dtrputi , etover , & ) , Met ba acid to pay ohnrge-s W. B GitiNa , Auctioneer. ' Button Shotu , 953 at 321 15th St. | M Ic. ) namiltou Warren , Physician an Saraern , 703 N. 10ch ttieat , nvaj Wul stor. Day and night caUi prjo-ptly a tended to. ' .CANDEE Rubber BOOTS vrmt DOUBLE .THICK BALL , rdlnary llubbtr Hoots ilwajrg wear ont flnton ho tall. ThorAXDl'.n loots are iloMtt thick > n tbo ball , and lvo ] WEAR. Mosttfoncmical Knbbrr "toot In the market. jHts longer than any ther boot and the ItlCElfO HIGHER. 'all and cx < mlno the goods. FOR SALE BY * rou SAM : IJY T Dougl nsStroot , _ _ _ A PERFECT SHOE LADICB , ofS & CHILDnCN. Oun rnoouciioNG REPRESENT THC PEHPCCTION or SHOE-MAKING. IN THEM CVEnY OBJECTION rOUND IN nEADV-MADC CHOC3 IS nEMOVED. THE SUCCESS AT ONCt ATTAINED BY OUP GOODS WHCREVEH INTRODUCED 18 OWING TO THC FACTTHATTHCY nC CLOVEriTTINC , ELEGANT IN STYLE AND HNISH , OF THC FINEST MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP , AND MODERATE IN PRICE. THE HORRORS or DRCAKINC-IN ARC AVOIDED : THEY ARC COMFORTABLE rnoMTHE VERY FIRST. WE MAKE IB SIZES ! IN 14 WIDTHS' AND O SHAPES OF TOES AND HEELS. or cttr c on the & T. COUSINS , V YORK. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses ? It is for inflamma tion of all iicsh. Tina UNIUVA D SOOTIIIBN KBMRDT is. WABBAKTEO NOT TO COX- TAIV A B1SOLK I'iRTICtR or MBHCUKT on AiiY m- JURIOUa UIKKBAL tUB- 8IANCB , | LnT IS rnHKLT VKQHTAULK. It will cure all Diseases fcnused y Derangement o the Liver , Kid ney or stomach II you fed dull , drowsy , debilitated , liavo frequent oidacne , mouth tmtcs bully , poor appetite and ouguc coito ) , you are iuffuilns from torpid liter , r "hilllnisneie , " and nothln ? will oura you eo pccdily and forminently MBlmmou's Utor Ilegu- ator. At any tlmn y u fcol jour Byetem utixU . . IDR , tonlnf , refiilUlnK wltnout violent purfc- ag , or stimulating without Intoxicating , take Simmoij's Liver Regulator I'REPAHED DY J. H. Z12ILIN & CO. , Thilndelphia , Po. L. OARLICnH r. n. BiHLIGHS&JOHSSON 516 H , 16th St. , Omaha , Neb [ j pei cout Interest Allowed OH time .deposits nvc3tment Securitioa , Mortgage Loans .NecoHate-i on City Property Rnrl Imnrovoil Fftrma. First National Bank United States Depository , OMAHA , NKB. OAi'iTAt , . 8500,000.00 100.000.CO } Cou.\T/.E , 1'reiident. JOHN A , CHEIOIITON , Vice President , F , II , DAVIS , Cashier , W. II. MKCQUILII , Aia't Cashier "MK I 181 J Cor. IBtU DCl DoutjlriH 8i * . ! apital IStocfe , - - - Liability of Stockholder , Fiye Per CentDtosFaii ! ( LOANS MADE ON REAL tfi * 'J fAUKS B. UOXD . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .fiMldcnl IT. A. PAXTOH , . . , . / , v k'jfmui L. U. BKNHCIT , . , . . , . . . . . . xuasglug IHrdCtO ! OUN K. WILIIUK . , . G&nblei UAfl. J-UAJJOIEJOM , XU01.L. KWUAU. J.V OANNKTT , UtZAiEVKU. OKNBY i-UNCt n i , . mania , [ i Imeiia Buraiii AMD UEGIDEKOE , 1617 Dodge St , - Omaha NO , Hi , J-