Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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This medicine , combining Iron with pui
VCRctftblo tonics , quickly find complete !
( j'urrn Iyi pcisln InillgrMlnnVcnUnrn
Jnipiiroilloml.ninlnrluChills mid Foveri
nnil Neuralgia. . .
It Is an unfallirip remedy for Diseases of th
Kidney * nnil Il cr.
It Is invnliwblo for Ilscncs peculiar (
\Vomcn , and nil who lend tcdcntnry ll\cs.
Itdocs not Injure the tcetli , cnusc hcndnchc , (
produce constlpntlon oihcr Irontncdlclnrnl
Henrlches ml purifies the Wood , Btlmulati
, the appetite , aids the n lmllntlon of food , r
HOTCS Heartburn nnd Iielclilug , and strcngtl
cni the musclci nnd nerves
Tor Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , lade i
Energy , Ac. , It hns no equal.
Jtlt- The genuine hfs nbm o trndo mark nti
crosncd red lines on wrapper. Tale no othc
nnA it < ir niton * iMrum * m ntiTt > innEn
ItEMt DY1 nun Avlctlm of s outhfnl Imnrutlnnco
canBiui ; I'rcmoturo Decay , IiorvousDebility , Lost
Manhood. Ac.haTlnc tried in vain every KQOUU
r med > haadiscoverpdnBhuplomennBof eetf-cure ,
nhloh ho will nnml I IH'.l : to Ills fullow-nulJcrom.
Address , J.ll.HKliVl.a. 43 Chatham fat. .New York.
Indigestion Cured ,
I raftered fcr more than flvo joars with Indiges
tion , ccarccty able lo retain tbo simplest toad on
my ) Btcmtch. Thotur nlcg eoneatlou was almcst
Intolerable , and my wnole ij stem was duacged I
waa wakeful and could net ilecp , and consequently
moro or less envoi a all the time. I decline In fiish
and suffered all the usual depress on attendant upon
thU terrible ditca'e In a word , I waa n-lecriblo. At
l Bt , falling to find relief In anything ilao I com.
mcuccd the use of Swift's pcclBo. I begin to Improve -
provo atonco. Thom'dlclno toned up the a om-
I' ach , strengthened tbo dloestlvo organs , ml soon all
' tliat burnluf cciscJ , and I could retain food without
difficulty. Now my health Is good , and can etb any
thing In the thate of food , end digest It without
the slIpheBt difficulty. I most cboerfully boar tbla
teitlmcny because there are tundreda Buffering as I
was , and lam lure can bo as readily healed , fake
the prescribed dose after eating instead of before.
JAMKS MANN , No. 11 Ivy street.
AtUnta , Oa . May 18,1885.
QTreatlso on blood and skin dlsoisei mailed freo. or
rThoHKiltBpccUoCo. , Drawer8 , Atlanta , Oa
W 1572SdS , N-
: l 1 I 9&Eft
( ?
< U il ' lCtlt - A'-W I f CU * 1 It JttJ I
lOSltJlJcii D--liliIti
l VHaknesv . Mtrc.irl jl nnj ilutr * IW
l Tnrnat Skin nr Sonos , fl'jiidPcijure'fi ' ,
( .Id Scicts nnd Ulci" ; , , * , „ u-u-rj vu in i. * :
HIPU. . . , i i , nuii i " MJI in tij
Di ! > p3Si& nrlslTij Jrum llwit.ritlnn , Escr S ,
C potu'c ni InJuljontp y < ii a ftvJ atm or usa
e ) * | cffe- , r r. l f Jbl , 's , CIA Bl tf ' jj
Md et'eeiut lu Tiorjr , lfli.M ll o t Jc , ( ,
rel l niotl > 0fti/.y a ! < % i\ , , o afuiUi , tlllAa.a.
todirlui War/Ujn In.propjr ot iinunvtij ,
> U < LMILUJT urtJ mti lili , W iMjtalfllklia JUalt nu'
UutlM uvJi , ' l 'njtil it , < lbar. A
> 't % Cit bj u lUlsiv , M llurkj-1. Wtl' , . ? r tulliri
A PositivoViritfeh ? : Guarantos
ftlHU lll r < l. . U < f l < f.r-lDfccnt | | r < TT l. > nJ
> Mi.iililct | , En , > mu ur tlrrmiiii , nn P/.T. tin
ccibtiiB l.o > . aiiicj5B Inraa'tor r malul.jji\
i , Cn rltl'.i llloiv. < rf4 ia tlDiai-n
u , nr i latMut 10
br Lv
* .lnChartcrcdbytheStateofIlll.
" nola fop
"jtf-JiCf thcexpresiparpose
* ofEivinclmmediata reliclin
% 3v '
. . illthclr
JC * complicated forms , also nil
' diseases of the Skin nnd
Blood promptly relieved and
pcrmanentlycurctl by reme-
i uics.tcstcdlnaJ'ort/yl'ciirJ /
. . - -Jblitctiill'iattlce. faemlnal
Weakness , NIRIU LOSBCS by Dreams , Pimples on
the I'accLost Manhood , iionlttulycui etl.Xlu > e
tnoexperimenting , Tha approprlete rimedy
13 at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or ty letter , cacrcdly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or Gender. Address
DR. MMES.rjo. 204Washtnglon St.Chcasolll. !
. . . . . . .
MM LI 'I ' -'HtlCT-nTrTTyrTT ' TCT3H-CT r. r.Tn.
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty ,
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at least , what
looks like it. Magnolia
Balm both freshens anc ?
A Ciime in the Far East Follows ti
Culprit With the Noosc-Snta
Mnrfler on a Eacj Trad
tlio B njcr and Ills Stran ;
Meeting 'Witli Ilio Dcnd
Brothers A Dangling
Dcnd Body.
Denver Tribuno-Rapublioau.
On the banks ot the Ohio in Santhoi
Indiana In 1872 stood the pleasant far
homo of the Singletons. Thomas ar
George , two stalwart boy a , were the ho ]
and ptldo of the f thor nnd mother , irt
were approaching the oonGnes of a ha
old ago. The brothers were yet in the
early twenties , being the children of the
parent * ' mlddlo ago. They were frati
nnd gonoroui youths , and tholr ope
hearts and willing hands m&do thci
neighborhood favorites.
In the vicinity lived ono Van Arson ,
small farmer. This man was of socrotlvi
anllen natnro , and harth , forbidding mar
nor. Envious and snaplclons , the popi
larlty of the Singletons wts snfliclout t
make him hold against them a dead !
grudge. Tom Singleton was the pron
orrnnr of a mare that had never boo
beaten on the quarter track.
In the fall of ' 72 great was the oxclti
mcnt In the entire cuutnunlty , for. Tot
Singleton's Holer Girl had been matchc
sqaicst tlia Iv ntncliy poldltiR Bin
Grats , and the race waa to be run on th
mnrcj'a own ground. The important da ;
came at last , and the quarter track frs
literally walUd In by the crush of spcctc
rora and the sangulno and onthuslastl
Hoociera had wagurcd heavily on thol
homo product. Ono Hocalor , howovei
was en exception a dishonorable o :
coptloo , his neighbors considered an
that was Van Arson. Ho had atskoc
bin money on Blue Grass.
At the tap of the drum the qaarto :
horaca were off. It aoon bceomo o
dent that the mare wa t j lake the hon
era and the money. Tom Sluglotonwh
was hla own rider , was already luoktaj
back nt his beaten rival , when a stioi
wts Buddonly thrown upon the track
It caught the mare on the fetlock and sh
mr.dly bounded from the track.
Singleton hold his Boat bravely , ant
boon had the startled anlmsls In the tras !
ognin , but the IOES of tlmo had beci
fatal. "Bluo GMS& " was a length ahrac
nrhon they passad the judges' stand
snd now arosa an uproar indeed. Vac
Arson had thrown the stick , end u num
ber had seen him in the act.
George Singleton made hla w&j
.hrough the proas to whtro Van Arsor
itopd , and after a few words laid bh
vhip across his shoulders. A knife
ilcamod for an Instant In Van Arsan'i
land and was burled In George Sauglo-
.en's . heart. A dczcu strong hand IT ore
in the assassin at once , and the cry ,
'HacRhiral hapg hlml" wnj heard TV at
teard from all tides.
The raca course lay along the bank of
narrow , but deep and rapid tributary
f the Ohio , and in the immediate vlcln-
ty this stream was crosaad by a high
ridge. Towards this cctifald the mnr-
orer was hustled ana pushed by the
sgor crowd. A rope was soon procured ;
no end was secured to a stout , project-
ag timber , and the other was nooaod
round the prisoner's nock. Twilight
ad now gathered ever the ccono , and
round the dark group of executioners
rcre thrown the sinister shadows of np
roachiug doith , Thera was n sudden
ush and scramble , a litilf-emothrrcd
brlek , and Van Arson's body shot darkly
ito the gathering shades below. Tflere
ras the sound of a heavy object striking
ha water , and a yell of disappointment
rom the crowd.
The faithless rope had given way and
bo miscreant had escaped. la the gloom
f tbo blackened wntora nothing could
o seen. Van Arson was there , ho w-
vor , and os ho arose to the surface ho
reed his neck of the faithless nocso aud
> t the rapid current bear him away to
ifoty. landing a ftiw hundred yards
olow the bridge , ho perceived oorao
orscs on the very bank of the .stream ,
[ astily seizing the bridle of the nearest
ne , ho threw himself Into the saddle ,
scorning conscious as ho did to that ho
s mounted on the Hooalor Girl her-
ilf. Pursuit was useless and w&s not
la 1875 there stood in ono of the glo-
ons vullcyu of the Big Horn mountains
rough ranch , and its Inmates uore the
inglotons. After hying George la bis
loody grave , the fumlly conceived a
lellko to the scenes amid which ho died ,
rid ) n a few jeaia they sold the farm
ud sought the Trestorn frontier. Here ,
hh maoy head of oattlo'and honesthey
vod a new li'o. The utmost vlgilano
as neccetmy to protect themselves aud
ictr stcck from the raids of the Indians
nd the moro villalnoui white land pi-
ites , but aisociatod with them were half
dozen families of thn same otufT oa
lemsolvcs , and tbo rill3 and revolver
ere portuatlvo epoakera.
The criminal whites were moro danger-
as than the Indian bnvcs , cud at tbo
mo upokon of the settlement had great
arjU'ercd from the robboxlos of an or-
m'zed bind of stock thieves that nude
10 adjacent mouutalna their beadquu
r.i and retreat.
Tom Singleton TTas determined to root
icm out , however , and a darlrg raid
tvo Lira his chance. Ojlllng to him
\\l \ a dczau bold and hardy fellowe , ho
d thorn on the trail. An all day's rldo
aced him within a fonr miles of thn rob-
) ra' camp and a daylight dash found
iom at breakfast. The bulk of the
ileves died among their tin cups and
atcs at the first lire , and all of tbo bal-
ice , except the ciptain , fell as they
ught shelter ,
The leader gained a thicket , but the
tizzies of rifles covering hia retreat
am uverv direction Induced him to tur-
nuer , lie was allowed to coma out ,
id then Tom Singleton beheld once
ere Ills brother's murderer , Van Arson
rr hla death warrant , &s teen as he
iow Slcgloton.
1'om'a words to his companions were
lef , and to the point , and when the
tty rode from the icene , the mountain
f > fZ3BWDDg mockingly to and fro tha
Honing corpsa of Van Araoi > , murderer
d thief.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Tiio lluruu Circle ,
If father la cross , and mother scolds ,
d aunty bts tbo blues , end the children
jl good for colblop , home la not a very
ppy place , Indigestion , dytpeptla ,
blllty , rbenuiatlsin , or liver complaint ,
11 account for all tlicsu. They eau all
bo cast out by the tun of Brown's Ire
Bitter * , tin great tonlo And strongthoue
Health brings happiness. Mrs. R oho
ter , G53 North Guy Street , Biltlmor
says , "Biown'a Iron Bitters quickly r
1 loved me of Indigestion and general di
blllty. "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Winning $17,000 on Ono fluml PI ;
tcou Hundred DollAts From
$7 2O.
Nashville American ,
1 was titling In n room la the ZJaxwo
IIOUBO wl'h GAD. K. B. Forroat seven
years befuro hla death.
"Con. Forrest , " I asked , "U has ofto
boon said that previous to the war yd
were a toiror at the poker tablo. Iloi
ranch did you over win onono hand1 ?
lie n piled : "I have phyod a fo
heavy gimca nnd many a light ono. I
Now Ojleana on ono hand 1 won 47 ,
000. "
'And what did you hold ? "
"Thrto kings and two nlnoi. "
I hayo always regretted I didn't ' as !
him what hla opponent held , but I dl
not. Ho told the following story , h !
eyoa filling with tears daring It * recital
"When my wlfd and I wont to Momphl
after the close of hontlltllos we had $7.20
not a coat moro or less. Wo spent on
entire afternoon rauaicklng an old port
folio hoping to find eomo old unoollectoi
account , or 'I. 0. U. ' which I might roa
llzo. There wasn't a thing. I oald to m ;
wife : 'llhoda , you have always bcoi
against mo and poker ; I never rhycd i
game since I first know you that you
absent face wps not a haunting icbnk
ever ono shnuldnr. Now , I have boot
Invited U ) Snecd'a ' to a dinner to-night
nnd I know there'll bo cr.tds. If you'l '
RVO mo your b'oaslng thia dice , ray dear
I feel mighty sure I can como homo i
richer in an.
"Said she 'Forroar woVe
: , got alonj
without that , 83 far ni I Lavosnovrn , one
by the Lord'j help wo'Jl ntlll go on with
out U. '
" 'Yes , ' aad I , 'bat the Lord has boor
Blov7 of late , end seema to bj glHin slow
er ; whst d'ye any to thla ono timzT She
never consented , bnt she didn'c oppose
it very atrong , and I promised I wouldn't
go over the § 7.20. It was justailex'
pcctcd. Four tables were running & {
Sneed'n , and I won enough r.t 50 cent :
ante to go in at a higher table later on.
Well , sir , I won -and I won rfgat from
the first I jast dropped the money iutc
my hat on too fbor , and when wo broke
up at daylight I put my hat on with the
money 10 It , without : counting It over
and wont home. Aa I cuiao near to my
house I caught a gllinpno from the oat-
aldo of my wlfo's white figura waiting
right where aho hod waltotl all night ,
pulo aad anxloui , and when I went In I
just took took off my hat and emptied
81,500 In her hp. I felt aorrjr for her ,
[ or oho couldn't bless that ulght'a doings ;
but , sir , It was a groa\ relief to me. "
in Nervous Disorders In fact are cured
by Samaritan Nervine.
"My wlfo had fita for 35 years , " toys
Benry Clark , of Fairfield , Mich. "Sam-
> rlton Norvlno cured her. " Your drug-
; lst keeps it. § L 50.
Belles & Co. , of Huntinglon , had 181 cattle
it tbo yards yesterday.
Iho Voice ol the 1'ooplo.
Thn people , as a whole , eoldom make
nlatzkes , and the unanimous volca of
> raise which comes from those who have
iaed Hood's Sarsaparllln fully justifies
ho claims of tbo proprietors of ihts great
nodlclne. Indeed , these very claims are
> aeed entirely on what the people oay
lood's ojraipMilla bus done. Send to
) . I. Hood & GJ , Lowell , Mass , for
look containing otatomeata of many
Mr. MoOny bought 234 feeders to-day
rhlch ho Intends faUcninR.
L lawyer who pleads at the bar ,
3anght cold when the door was sjir ;
Bnt his troubles were brief ,
For ho soon found relief ,
? hrough the Ooogh Oaro thit'o chris
tened Rsd Star.
A Schooner Sunt.
New Yonc , Sept 17. IJaot night nn un-
nown tug boat ran Into the schooners Jlati-
am and Ediompoat at anchor off Bedloei
.land. . The schooner Kdiompost sunk immo-
Intely , carrying down tha steward , name un
nowu , and Ojpt. Jamoa Smith.
Any Sinull Boy , with a Stick ,
an kill a tiger If the tiger happens to
e found when only a little tub. So con-
umption , that deadliest and mo&t feared
f diseases , la this country , can aesurodly
o conquered and destroyed if Dr.
'itrco'a "Golden Modlcal Discovery" be
oiploycd early.
O&nsl/eI iil Drowned ,
LAVOASTJEB , Ont , Sopt. 17. Tuesday ovenS
\S \ three men started from the south thereof
akoSt. IVnnciB tor thia place la a yacht ,
he vessel \vai capsiVod lu n equal ) , but the
on succeeded in saving themselves on the
attorn of the boat. Yesterday the capsized
pat drifted into Hungary Biy with but one
' tha , the othsrH having died from the
Tects of the expoturo to which they were
fee from Oj > lniut , J.'millcs nnil 1'olaons.
tr Couglii. Bore Thrnut , JIuan > ciu-is Innui-mti ,
fold * , llruncliltli , tronp , M liuupluc Vunglv ,
.Idlunii , ( Juliifj , 1' , uJctLt
ITfclloDi 11tUThrout uJ r.unit * .
rue 8 ( cents n bottle Bold bynrnrKletmnaDtil-
B furlld unallt to tmlitce IMr dfnltr tr > tiror-.ot'v
t ! forllttm willrecelvtlica Mllett.jtptciicAartif
il t , by uniting one dollar ( >
Tiu duitirs A. onrLrri roiipwr ,
Bv. Utrutii and JUuur4Cturr ,
killlmJt. auiiui , C , 1 , ta
Ilio OrlKTlnnl nutl Only tirimlnc.
' n tl. ; il fllille UrnirtDf nortliloi Imluiloni.
lliKBitbU M UARICS. . Ai.U jpur UruL-uI.t M
hlcbeftter * * i'imil Uki quoihrr cr luvlu fl 4e ,
ktiiti > to ui r r i % rU ultra < n tttttr hrrifurn mull *
AME PAPgl . . .HiUlt ler t limit.tV . -
--111 lludUuu nuuuti , I'l.lUJ . I'M.
lilm-TH. Illiul >
t'r. nr.t > rrostiito ( iliinil flflll'.lllHinut \
lomnch UeJlriceDV tlin ilurbinti lclu < . Vn >
Irorniocuryowltlioutsurufry. Treatlmnndtca *
inonlur n en. 4.llo rrB6i > oiiileurernnlld < > iitlU.
i tn * re t , HEW VOHK. ,
\ffONEY TO LOAN-By FlnuHal K chMii
' 'I 16'8 Farnara str et , up sl l , inaku loitsc
Ml civsn of ficurl y from a 10 chattel loan
tlO.too on real cs ate Wo tunic liaos taeult i
apfllcattson long or ih rtllmoon ( motored or u
ImtiTored ro l estatp.UnJ < x ntrtcts , letter , hnlldlpi
onlfattd l rid Ftciircil notes , colbtf rain , ch ttol" , <
good eccntltyot any kind. Low ratci ; on ; tcttn
um&hk Financial ftiehatge , 1603 Farnam tt , U [
Ualrs. 813 II
Mi" ) Uiney In any amount on roil estate s
To . C H. Wayne , Uth and tarnam. 880 o-1
TO LOAt.0. . P. Wavii & Oo. Real Estal
Mostt Loan agents , ItfiS Famam St. 621 It
WONKY Toloaa on chattels , Woolley ft Hqtrlsoi
VI Room SO , Omaha National bank bonding
519 tf
\/t 9 CA8CH BROTnmiBln\o3tncnt Bsnkcts , opposlt
1V1 post office , Omaha , negotiate mortise \ < * tia °
flrtt class security at lulling rates ol Internet , Pat
tlcadoDtrlnif to borrow money a Improved city o
ountry real estate , ( or ( torn ona to the years , can b
commodated promptly. UoCague Brothers , bank
ri , opposite post office. 622-tf
ONEY TO LOAN On teal estate and chattels
D.ONEY Thomas. Bt3 II.
1 * ONKT Loaned on iMiittoI , cut tale , B. 1
LT I tloVota nought and sold. A. Fc inun,313 8 , 18th B
624 tl
Vl OSIT to loan In sumi of fSOO and upwards * i
lVJ.first class real estate sooarlty , Potter & Cohb
YflONEY LOANED at 0. f. Heed fcOo'e. Loan olBc
LTA. on furniture , pianos , horeco , wazonn , persona
property of nil kinds and all otho rsttlclos of value
Tlttcnt romcval. Over Id National IJtnk , corner l tl
ind Fr.tntm. All bntlnoaa Btiictly confidential
62(1 ( U
& uovxTll Movurlll Money to Loan Oi
Mo&KTl security by W II Crolt , room 4 , With-
aril ImHJlDg , N. E , corner 16th And Uatnc ) . Aftci
j can tf experience and a careful ttudyof the busi
ncsacf loaning money on personal property , I hiv <
at last | crfccto I n system whcrohy the publicity
usual In such cwfs Is done away wltli.indt nm now
n a position to ireet the demands of nil who bcconii
temporarily embarrassed nnd destio to ralso mono }
without delay and In a quiet minnrr. llouaekoop
MS , professional Rent lemon , mechanics nnd others it
Omaln and Councl lllufls , c u obtain advance !
f > om $10 to $1UUO on such eocurlly as hoiacnolJ
furniture , pianos , m'hlnory , horfo , wagics ,
wnrshouio rooolpt ? , sccurort nrtcs of hand , etc. ,
without rcmiiTlug saao nom ouncrs rctldotco 01
place of business. Also on Una Watchoj and
Dlamcnda , Ono of the ad\antges I offer Is that
ny pmt ol any lo n can bo paid nt any time
whlh will reiluco tbo Interest pro rat\ and all
oans reno > cd at the original rates of Intercut
I ht\a no brokers In conn-ctlon with my otllci' ,
but poKontlly eupcrlntond al tuy loan * , I ha\e
prhato olUcoi oonnodcllth my general
otllco eo tint cuitouiorado not coma In con act with
each other , ccnsoqttoutly n aVlrg all trniiBactlons
Jtrlctly prl ate W. K. Cro't , room \Ulhnpll
btilldlrR , N. K ror. 15 h and llarniy , Gmnha tnd E2
Pcail St , Council D'uga SjOtf
ANTiu-FIr t-cltsie rl 'orgoaorcl house m k
w In tm ll t ftmtly at 23 0 St Uarj'an\e. B78tf
WANTED A Inly who the oughlj Understands
nurslrp , tlie ra a lojltlon ; releroncfs Ad-
Jrcsa L. JI , 2.23 Plercj ttroet 03l-l"p
WANTED A citl to d ) general house work. Call
at 1923 Uocgo at. D87-17p
Jill to do soner.,1 Jicusc-work , 1D1B
VI Haiuoy St 934 tf , .
WAMKn Girl at 1612 Davenpori St.
022 17p
DTT DBS : girl S W conor 10th nnd St Mary's avc.
LN f85tl
i A competent girl to di Reroral house-
wcrk in n family ol 3. Apply 410 Convrnt St.
UfAMKD ImmcdUtcly , RO d dining room pirjs.
OlrU for hotels and kitchens , prlvito famlllea
, nd boarding houses ; good wrgc > . Call and Inquire
> bout these j laces , at 1129 Faruaa : Etrcct , up stairs.
WANTED A good servant g'rl in a small family.
Applr next IK or north cf Phelps" druz otore ,
oiuor Cumlnp and Ssundtrs street 760-tf
niTASTED A ( food girl forBODcralhOTrewcrl > ; maI !
Vr family. I qulro at ollice of A C. TTCUP , east
Ide 14th moot , bee. Farnam and Douglas 70MI
ANTED Girl In small family. Mia Thoi. F.
Hall , 1541 Sherman avc. , north of Grace St.
rTAMKDA girl at 1540 Sharinan Are Mrs J
V H. Counsuan. 6.8 tf
[ JTAMBD-Ladyagents 'or "Dalsj" t Iilrt and tocl
rr Inirsuppoitcra , bhou'dcr braces B som furmi
roes shielduutibcrglDRliam Bibs , Aprsre.Sleavc !
Bents' I hp < r ? , fie. Our l.CCu agents are makln
icnat fast ; on can JOJ Adrlrei's M ith stamp , E. II
AMl' ELL &CO. , 0 South May St. , Chlcico
485-9 3'p
fANTiiD Twenty-g\o rrento work it Union Ca'
t'eCo'g Feeding Umiu , near Dllmore , Neb.
111-23 Uuion C ttle Co
TITASTBB T o good dry goodlealefmen , noneliu'
' < suoh as hive bad orpcrltnc , and c n furnUI
feroncea need apt Iy , J. 8. Bra&dci s & . SouBOO am
13 South 13th St. 110 tf
TT-ANTSD-Two } oung mon of good address. Apply al
'T ' oncoatlOlO 3 Idth etteor , to V J. Ilos .
1C3 I7p
TTAsmD ImmcdUtely , 100 men far new 1' . II
T work , 4 foreman , 4 cjoki for Savanna III , gel
igo > , ship Friday a. m AplyF , K. Irwin A , Co
12 Harnoy Ot. COS 17p
A ta'lorto ' wcrk by tie week. J. Iln'-
t , Par-llllon , Nob. 104-lp
A reTabb flctlva dry grols sileitnan , a
permanent paaltieu for the right part ) . Ca' "
O'Donahoj i Sucify'tf 033-tt
0 CO a day tillvo wiJcairalo & ; ontr. Inquire al
1 roim 4 , 1511 Farnam St. 070 18
man who on in Ko llm'of useful
LYcnng factory tndcauvaw tbo cliy , 8'8 N .Oil :
l7"A.TitD Imaiedliitdy , ono good cornlco matter
V aul one tluuor. Thco Huetto V Son , Kr moat
'b. ' 84l-17p
OPNTS Sclllrc Misiourl Bto m wns'ier , raako big
Llnuioi. J.hoilh , Scloill'u- Louli , llJ.
OCQ-deo lip
V ANTi'D A thorcu ; ! Iy expoilenctd tlioa m n to
tate ehargeof i < inio. Must furnlah u > .oxcopr >
table refcrcncea thtj charaiter end ab p. 45
o olfc- . 817-Kp
ITANTiD-htoncg/aptor. llox 025 ,
V 401 S. 18
ITAI.THD 20 joungmen to liurn tclcprafhy and
I rail read btjtlon boi.k koiplng. Aodreai "H
D. " Omaha lius'nces ' Lo Icco. 424 SOp
1/ANTiD Agcrts. Addroaa Electric Lamp and
Y CiovoCa , bt. Louis , Mo. , for o'rcu'ar , cut ' tud
ma of 10 caudle power Uaran Elvctrlo Lamp
[ 7AMKD A colored lidy from Bt. I/oula , wishes
V eewlng , wll onto to the btuie or take
ion.e vilili her , cill at 710 llih strajt. 078 17p
[ 7AMID situation as flmt-daia taker. Address
V Jlalcr , lo ! olilcc. 070 17p
h wiolisilo r retail iliu
* ttore , by n drUjr Ut of 2J ) oui eip'rhnco , beat
rofcrincct , Adiros3A.ll S21U Cailtil Ave
No. I butcher , com.otunt ; ot riiiinint' nrat
. otopand a rood emmo inihfr , wijlici employ.
nt. rti.drt.6S letter' ' K " Km oBlo ? 030.17p
ANUDpartncr In first o'asi pajlngbanl.
r nmj oirltalrrqu red , Jl.COj and jUOP ) ! / d-
ES J , 1' . D , Ilee oltof , i22
[ 7A1UD Inftrmu'ion ' ; ' / Leonard Fchmllz , who
1 \olou 1 IJodk'O.ttOmllll.betlt'bftlH ) IHh gf.
IES3 , II1 soodhlsritdrois to Otto P. T. H.Uranti ,
hi City , Dik.ho nlli leant something of Ictoiogt
ila. 877 23p
[ / ANTKD-Tocr trrearjomifu n'shedfor light
bouiikeeplrg , IT man tnd wife , Addroia II. ,
e IDo omf. D79 17p
[ 7A1.T1ID-A 7 nr 8 room liouun in derlrahle neigh-
borho-d , yiltrlu lObloiksof the Poet ottlce , ! ) )
i'lpijlng ilulriLle puty , AdJr.m bJSJ7 ,
U 8tf
> 7'ASTD Twuuiif iD4tiiU ruoiuii with irlvatc
I family , or aurua'l ' liouco nlth cunvfnlence ! )
tmlly bcatoJ. Address with full particular ) , P ,
box ii04 , lty. 6f8t
Tutri'ie ' a BO'iU aeooucl haul plmio n
a h jrie nd aagfj , Itquiie U Ei holm& Frlek
ciluo , to tei tha new IiniirovcJ Auiirlcan No ,
11 Hod'nin fc O-i ur nt tW V IflHi.
OR Rikr Lirio orw store , cpr 10.h an J Leaveu-
wcrtl ; alto 6 notes uprtalrn. 10tHOp
on HIST Oood new 4 room home'o per rrooth.
W r ilrtut c r. J. K. I ley 4.Co. , 21b tl IJthbi.
SB REST New bouie , cut front , prctcVteru ,
KG land out b un > ; dtilraVU kotlon ; (14 cor b
-tB. J , E. Kill } 40r.Sl6.8ietu8t. lOOtf J o ;
R Atcrcnaert | I te Just writ of t
and Dum Insttutt ; coed htnsoand tUb'oitt
acres la frtilf. J , A , Llillo , 18C8 W h ter. Bi -
Irun RUM Ahoiua f8oitr InsrooJ ropil' , :
' a.ri < < Sicr ) , Afp'y on ttctuljoa ortoJ.
West , icsand 110 K. llth fctric' , 974- :
F I OR RS\T Seven room cotUpo with cojar , tbs
well nnd shtarn , 8)3 d Slit St , 920. 051-
BilcV h uiolO rooTgwIth futnice a
1 rnotfcro ImprorementJ , two door fitm
Maty'i ate. , oa 2 th St. Atply ta Mrs.M , CUrksi
RIVT A do Iraulehouic , all mfderii Imprni
FOR ; rent reasonable. Apply 710 N IPth tt.
FOR KENT A houia near the dtpok. Inquire
addr < ns,4 Convent SI. 953 Iff
Toan NT-2no > plrlooilturoi of 6 roomf , ol
A1 water &cto , I > r ( o yardltiT per month , at 0
and Hickory St. Fnqulre on premlecs D1S lOii
R m-cT House ol i room ? , UH Jackscn itrtc
TTtonnKxr-SrcomhouioonUarnerind 12nd
JC rent ( S.V. . Malcultn , N. Y. dry good itor
, 9J3-1I
on RXNT ITio hcuss ami b rn on corner Mth at
_ ' Pltrce Si. Inquire at Boston Dry Uoo4 ttore , i
10th St. BC -
TYVR ) Rivr Two now homes G rooms etch ! ! d an
J ? JSdttrtet , ncarltason. Henry Vets 886-lf
nitxr Store 311 N IMh elrcct.
F I OR REVT Cottage , larco lot , bain for 4 her es. 1
II. Urecn , ever 1st Nat 1 llanK 03 tf
FORRRVT 6 room oottogs corner 1'orpliton an
SloikUn St. W. C.K. llijuo , ti. Vf. corni
IMh and Fainam. 711 tl
Foa RITT Cotta a 6 rocm , house 10 roomi ,
Thlppl Boo. Sowaicl and Campbell. 837-tf
ORsnvT AoottaRoor four rooms wun city an
cl torn water , 818 Snith 18th 81 , betwoe ;
nrthv 417It
COUMS irpjt KB.IN'1' .
IpORnB T Twiunfurnlshoil roatrs $10 , S V co
' JZJaiiJ Ijiavenwoit'lMs. COIBpj
1-utnl'bol icoma for light hcu < el < oer
FOR BRIT Twoflnolvieroim'ln now Inu'o , fui
nlihod or uufurn'shcd ' wlllinnd without bo ird.71
ioutltUthSt. 70i21p
' . Rxxr hand < 0tiily ftirnhliol frciii roan
1 HK oil. 17lh ma Uuw.rd&t3 , upjtalra. 102-19p
FOR RUNT Hy Mra raouir.a furnished kitchen an
dliltiB room for hou'e Kcoplrc , also led ln ,
ocm , r/.1 ! oorth IHlh bt. E0t-18p
FOR RKxr TWJ to ly und elrgintlf ftirnlsh" !
ronu CO I noitli 17th St OCU-IO. )
Nlcjly furuljhodffcnt ron , ? 8 S03
t ? Uarnej. _ COM'p
If OR HIT Fu nl hod rooms at E10 I'loaffttit Sb
S. * hail Jock iroiu Bt.ostlly 003-22p
FOR itSNT Karrlshed room Inquire N K oornc
2ith ar d Ucdgo at. OCttl
M > RRKM FJeztntlv lu nlshid toome . ettcb am
B cniulto , otl7l8laEBEt 050 tf
FoBiir > r Twin'crty furnltned rtotns on St.
cars. Inquire ai21 Jo1go. OiC-2Sp
B oa RENT 1 urnished frcnt room , 17U C.llfornls
IT'UBMsnFD rooms with boirJ.lSH Cas3S > .
D C23 19p
GOB nE.\T Tu ulshcjl room 106 north IBtb.
2 025 21p
ijlOR UKNT - * atgofurnlsbod cait and a'uth fronl
1 ? rnoui , asi ! twurconsconncctoj , south biywtj
awna of bath room ; good board near by ,630 flees
ut St. 020 17p
70R IIRXT Furn'sbU front room , b > y window ,
. brick house with or without board , 633 N ITth.
70R RENT A sulto of n'coly furnishoJ fronl
loonu for t\\j ccntlauieu , ] 7H Jakeoc
reel near corner o ! 17th St. Hefeenccs rcq ilrid ,
jioi UKNTrioisini rjoms and board for teachers ,
. Adaroto fouaJ , it thla offlco. 680 17p
T OK UKSTFiunlaheil rooms for 1 ght houio-keop
? lex. In Bicmcr'n bloci , c.'r 8th and lloaard.
yoR Risr Klco farnlahcd rcom 52,0 Dodto. (
- 670 18p
TOR RHNT Furnli > h''d fr lit rooimcdera Imprcro.
? uients fl\umlnu us w k Ircra P. v. Will rent
ycung men. J d jrcss lock box SCS. 10 tf
jloi KENT -Furn'shcd ' room , 1309 Capitol avs.
I 85M ° p
POR RFNT Nlcoly furnished front room to gcntlo-
' nuu ocly , at S W corner 20th and Uoutlis St.
r OR BENT Kewlyluiiiehcd roona for Koallemcn ,
gas ndbitb ; 22f" Dodga. 81118
i'oRRKNT-Furrlshtdor unfumi3ued room 1810
Farnam 8 roct 83Ct (
I OB KJNTNicely furnlehcd rooma 1017 Chicago tt.
' 825 tf
pm RRMT-TWO nlotly furjjlshcd rooms 1BIR Dodzo
Itoom with toard , 181S Capitol avr.
_ _ _ _
'OR RENT O'o ntg * untutnlihcd frort room with
alcme , ard ono eimlo room Modern Irnprove-
inta on 20Ui , nojr bt. Mat yen P. 7tf
I OR BNT Nicely furnlfhod rooms 3 W corner
19th and S' . llarj's a\e. 747-
1 OR RENT Hnri omely furnished room ? , Bine o or
double with boi c' , 1718 DjdK'f. 0 > 6 tf
'OR ' PBNT-IarJO will furnl'hod room with lire
bith&a , euitttla for Zgm'lemen , en St. Oar ,
, near west Itdoioacas given and re-
rod. 0. E. JIajno&Co. 05 tf
T T reo 9roofjlcealn Nebraska Na'lontl
li nl. BuUdlog Itiqulru at binlc. 480-30
on. RE.NT Uandaome furul'hoi rooma 1818 Po'
OR KENT Two rooms adjoining nlth bonnl ; froct
room foutli-oist , 1011 mbator Kt B58 tf
OR RRTI 1 wtll fnrnl"licd room tor 1 pcntlomon
160) Farncm ttrtot , ojip > ilto Uoiq Ho cl. I pply
room 1 , or at nasscrman li Durnott. 818 ' 8th tit.
745 tf
OR RENT 2 ploanant smith front rooms H. W ,
corner 19.h and Davenport. 7CWtt
OR B.KNT Haud30o-clv farntiLed rooms 1704 C p
ltd a re. t82-tf
on KBVT Tno nicely ( nrnunart rooms , KW cor
ZlBt ud Bt. Mm'b A\o. 10tl (
COM3 > 71th boMi.d ! tlrBW6f'i Kummct. Apv
at Rl. Clinks IIotcL 010-tl
OS R NT Ijreo front room on flrtt floor with or
without boaril ; Inquire ot 1031 Jtrmuu
UR 6 LB-(2M ( ) a tpecUI Lar Oii , Cattaire flio
rootLS , cU'tts cenuot d cilUr , Ittx bun , n ce
1 block snout hot St. llart'a a p , co south avr ,
COt rnst250powuaLd MOpermoutb C.
uu , Idtii and Faintio. 889 22
DK SiL tot 51x140 III woit Omaiu : hou > a of 0
-ocd 101 m , with lialaitiy | end many cliatg ,
trrujf cclhr.KO d birn.vooj water , pnte. $ lee
i ; this la a baif ! . J. W MarttMl , 1508 Ftrnatn
A Cfafltl
5R SALE Ore no e of tround , ncnlli1 R'.t to
fruli.t'ood Uriro house lu flno kcitttu , luvtly
! o Irco' , etv.111 Lu uillata eanl < c ? If tahcu
: . J , W. Marshall , 16COFam mSt. 03HI
R 84LOr ex ban < o for OmUt propoity , 217
? ciOj ot la'il on tlu Jlcpubll an Jlhor MltlJu
i'ei of A apahoej lull iu'lJ ' rlr r froatigi ; will
> iry rrannnibltf. at d ( rr tlicu-ost p rt on lui L-
) J.\V 11 lUlull , 1503 fuiuaji Btreet , 0 8.1
D-Ufa rjlhb'o parry.gcntltmaiand wife ;
wUn to rur.t n nc t iott > go or Liiuji IIvo to
ima with bull room , h'ph Jjutlon , la Ilia vl In
if t > Iar > > ave anJ Ibih bt. Kent not to a > -
t' Addrt6B"A. L.1T.1218 UeoUIOA 7S2 tf
mriLE Woit of the city Iraltj anil south of
'ua.lun tlr et le the new addlll ol West , -utii
Idraautt Ml eidi 60xli5 or 59x133 intt.
i lot hta auipu frontage tiu both fctrict n1 alAI
AIol \ thtiu Ud well , with iiocl'tnt dr huj ,
liogridlnKiicof irv latnt fl'Bt Un ilajg till
crly waiitftiiud , 13cf tie clut4 < re fcold , and
inUioit hit I ) ut'rictlto irovitj li rtp'oly lo-
ilug Them lots tru nlu ! ! < > > t fro n 4200 to tJOO
-rcmarXably ih p ml oa the ( ohowlik' vay
it : flUcirhaod btance i pr month uatil
, h'oiuch terms a thtto ou iu < h projeity can
ound In tna dty , Callatcnxt for talj jr > > i > city
KAIK Cpol' Inorn loati and lot rctr (
an' ' H r om I'J k tx o or.t Iwvtlrn , p
barn , clitcrn An. l'rcjJ30JO , Aa < - > , lM7 K m
Iron Pu.s-Acrs loti lii vi , to wnlch y ,
ft 'outlon l9o p < ot iy | niltjl I'rlM $ i2i
acrn. 11 f rojou n i.iilo to huvihc l * hsre. en oa
ook at IJtl.hton mo , B 7 F-irn tS\ \
Umne am ot on tnontrljr tajati
D. 1. IHjdcn , Suui.d.r'.bctuco.i l , ko tM ( V la In filRlittm , lo which jt
attention Is vptolallgrlnvitsl. 1'tlce HIS I
cff. I'tfotn ( uuicddg 11 luy olfo hcri , corro
Icok at Rr ghton Aao , 1607 tarnnrr. 68311
roR SALE i heap , 0 room co'ttuo and let , r
tennj ; tltilUtU alMo , C17 N. 17th B . , but. Ui
fornla and Wtb ttr ; ttorruuhly repaired and n
proved. Inquire of owner ou proinUes. Ssitl
If on. SAtn-Uj J. k.'Hl iy a to , sis a. IStn St
$7fOO-Hiuio tnd lot , rraznlflaeut rctlJocco rrc
erty , cornr.
97,6(0 'i wo Mor" lionne notrly now i'anlllul IAX
In ot mat , location ancng tbe Oncit In Uuuha , on h
Car line.
( l,4rO-MiRiitfl ent in'Jcncolot on Farna-nSl.
(1,200 taruauiBtnot , south fruit , tlKhlly loc
$ ' 50-Tots Id J. r,1lloy | > Ok\hom , will ( oil i
jaaytcrmi and bill 1 for Heritable t rtlo . Iho
ate iinatiK the finest rrsldcncti IHs south of thn It
and aio within n block of tlu itrcct car line Whi
the lOlh Street VUduol Is liulll , tboy ill bo a nftci
minute walk liom Uthand Frn m St
S : > 00 to $1,0 0 Lo's on Oum'ngs ' and Dart itrett
Th > i-xteiif Inn of trio Street cat line to those K
makes thorn v r > desirable prnpcrtr.
n ha > edtlraUalot < lnetor > quitter of Iho clt'
611 tf J. F , Hll.y n Qu , sis touth nth at. "
FOJ SAMS > ire Kts In B'lshton , tn which voc
atlrntloii Is opicUlly la > ltvl. Pr co 8'SO a
acre. Iodroudcc'de to buy eliowhcrc , comoao
ook at Ur'stton. AIMS , 1CU7 t'Arnwn 883 17
IjVK SALH At A birgaTti , aTTomuofu'ruttni , tver
I1 room hcattd bj furnace U t and cold witc
h th , li t flltUO ni r hrnd St. Mary'ncnuo. . Hou <
cott ) ( ) lot 1 worth * iC 0 If sold at onn , l
tnVa , OjO for the ) lace 0. U Slijnc , ' 6th nn
Parnmi. _ 777-tf
IjlORSAt , ! - cro l > ! i < In llil hlch } or
JJ alien Ion la mpffbllj \ \ ted 1'rro ( lln n
aero , lletoroou.1oJcl i tj bay ilsjwhero , coma nn
look at UiU > t u t mar , I u ? Fatiiam 18J-17
Fisu Imirovfd t\mi , will trade for improved ell
p ropinj. VI. H Green , over 1st N.tloiml lUnl
iroRM Aire lots In DiUhton t whl hnu
AA ittcntloti Is e'pcLlul j Invi ej. 1'rlco ? J5 a
ocrf. Urfirujuuilo lde tohiv ulrovvhtir , ( . uoan
looka llruht u. raes , 1(07 ( t anua. 83317
OtiSAlK i-t u lir t u , 1 a nllh 2 nouain , .1 and
root , B , Hull , cWorn , him , lo , 2Ct i md lUrnoj
T'nhiii rr\9jrniitv | | tLkun M pirt ray. \ > 'm. 1
loiune , Qtn aiid IViiigln. _ 03 tf
FORS ILK -A two t re ? 2x8 1 frame building suit
nbli rra ftoro nuvr 10th rud tar.uv-n Btrcn !
Applj attlilnotllO ) . 017-lf
.IOR am OR R l T Gouit hotu lu tlr--iii
Ij South \ \ o'tein turt of ijtati. . Ai i li to K 1 > . Ua
ls , Novolly Iron WorUs , llth SS 7W-tf
? OR BAI.E-A Ono pup pMnto- ;
1 VIctor'M parlc on 21 h it , 2 b'ocki south of St
arj'a AVO , Sdfloor. us 19p
r Tvoloto trj 1'ollntn Vhco , "no bloc ]
f run strict car track. Inquire 218 3 IStn St.
TJ ORHALB Or would trnlo or a Rjixl horse an !
JP bugcy ; SO acres In QuBuer coULtv . Applv to 21 !
South 18th S root. 538tf
"JTlORSALS lltller nud tntlno , 20 hurao power belle
JL1 > ndcnnlne , In peed running order ; want to eo )
for the reason tbit thpj aio not lar < e riiout ; ' ! foi
the no * machtncrj which o will put Into our nov
bulluhtgonIIarni.ySi. C.urxe Bros. & Co. , 140 !
Doutfn ft fi37tl
ALWAVU un hai il at a buruulu , Ko I ocond bane
o'rrlajo phaeton aud mdo bar bUKsrlee : ( tt 14CS
andlill Dodzoflt. 68-tt
rHAvr. for oxilcn < o for Omaha pn party , three
anil ere half BCO lonx of flrc p'azlng lands In Lin
coln county. Neb J.V. . ilarihdl 1610 Furn&m St.
Lisr anddoecilftlon of lioalEetate leftwlth mo ,
villlrtcelvo [ rojipt attention end advtrllsng
Irer. Unt-clsssc'tv ' propertj s 1 cltcj. J W. ilnr.
ihall , rcj | is'ato UOO Farnam. _ 072 tf
\ E a few ( housm 1 acres ot wild lind In Chov-
oonecourtv , Nib , at a very 1 iiv price if taken
icon Oocd laLd J.V. . Uurahall , 15i8 Faru&m
THE ollo ing 8fO"lal bargviiH are oflcred by
if cO , pue , oppoblto 1'oat "Rko
rnnrontn iiont locaoi llnnilltanet cich..5 800
L' o Iot4tn Charles at each . flfO
iiuhf ontlfn u Shi'H'HSl adl . 700
X > t6. blocV , Shlnti'e EJ n1d , on Foward ,
three aud a hsit b'oois from car line Ciy
monthly i ajucnt ) . chpap at . f50
, ct 12 , In h nek 4 , Shmti's Ut add , TCry dck-
rablr , euuth Irour , end cheap ai . ] ,2TO
.ot 4 , block 10 , chine's 1st add , on iiaml ton
Bt . . 1,250
? wo ill tt'otl/iost lots In trio city , at thccorn-r
of Hiai ton and Kin ? , lielni ; 6 and 0 , in
Hcckl1 , v > ill boicld together at the very
lo.vllpU'0 f . 8.COO
.ot 5 , V. Hi nr.'d Ed add , on gen ard , a
ba'gahiat . 700
ot 3 , 1 1 > ck W , Hhiun'd i.dd . 703
, ot 1 , block W , Shlnn'B 3d aJJ , oist frouttge ,
on alley . 7CO
iot 2 , block W , r-htui/a til adJ.soutb nod cast
frontcgaou Sun ard . 800
[ Tlou JI.n- Very cholco Urma In most ot the conn-
Jtlisolo stern Xebrisko ; I hive
Ith real estate min by which I cm supply all cua-
j with wdl Improved farms at icood raUs aud
x ytorm ; I nan tin famlthio lands in large lotl
ilfab'ofor stock ra chop. J. W. llaieaall , 11(6 Far.
nuelreit 971tf
SALUVour ntloatlon la requested to our li
7OR kou es and lots n ell parts of town , and
uious prlcee. Am B 1507 1-arnam St 893 IS
TlOKBAt/i A gonl pav'ii ' { baslnasi enilojm'bu |
J ll'tli capital for Cfw"h. ITor particulars a'ldros
, 0 HOT rr,7 , Omalu , Neb 640-tf
7OR SALR Fine stock and feeding farm of ' 63 acrr
tlitcrn rrlei from Omaht Stock yards ; vvcl
[ ulpi nl for graz m ; and rrodlns ; cattlu , will watered
nl plontj o Rom hvv land , for pii tnl dea'rlp-
) ii , address U II IhriljOii , Eprlngtlild , Neb
577 oil 2
i"ORH i.ii-AJ,030atk ( < f prcicr 1 mciclianJIso
'all ' noiv Mid In K'oi thip" . 7hl < l , a giud chance
r n mai "ho wants to it rt In LIHIUCMAdd'u
ik box S3I , Ijjw e , ( UIH Co , lona. 1C7-13
P Stosk IK uros ol c'ocory store , Dno'l '
1 Ing alUchoJ. 0iiir In ollio ; Lijjilais" . No 607
4th Itth St. 037-lTp
rufllANT Tailors wanlin- > buv a "ill o't l > -
1 llslicil tailoring house In a ll'tl-c ais lonVIon li :
aohs , will ( InJ ft barrfttlri by BddKssIng Tailor , lien
Ice UtO-o-15
to rilTBicuNB Do'Irlntf t > nn'i. < a change In luifil-
ro f , a phyihiim In ouo of tholnbt towno In the
tv , wlthaprto Ice wirth 3tOja year , al t w th
lonih \ \ > oc lar , cii'ern , etc..aud in olllui well
o cl wl hi'iiiiclne nU flxturre , vill mil ill for
70i- ? 700"oii lemalcderon o sy lerae 'itdiisj
jtkl > i , I'coolll . Oj | . l
OR BALK Ono 11 Ilio bo t located meat maiktt.
It Hiilio o ! OYattja , 1316 Farnau. 023-lSp
FOR BUB A lukcry incoJ ( licatlon Address
I. U. keo C lllo. 014-10p
IT'ANTri ) Hi aid nd nloilv furrl < hd ( room In prl-
I T to fimliy bv a itenllutnan an I lfi K fur-
: eiil n. AddrunO I' B , lito off 1,3. 035 tl
IOOM rrd hoard V5pir weul : ; very Ixvt Incation ,
j 1814 Invonrortrn. 17J-rcpt Hp
on l'i clct buck with mm of monej , r oir V4th
( nj lirdfo I In ur will id rewarJul b > letuni.
It to Mrr. Djrcn Heed , iUh ! and IKd.'e , 108
OBT * . o riftcaUcf < ! cp ilioiOmthi hahonat
( b nv , airountluK to } ISOO Liberal ienl wdl
ptidbyl a/uitho lacno nOon Ilow rilu < r
tnadqmriurp , orrnir ICth a id r amain 10/.10 ; >
f UK HIUI.KI-A rniniouoduui b juk vjiifaliiiuit
I Miablj ) npr > ard in icoiuiiJuui'thlcli Bro
itilue tiany < ne b u thooini rwill clvalcri
I re aid and iinqiifUlocB niul lor return if
iob } Atnericaii Ixpto uO n ( i , , lu ! ,
tilopuCo , tb. If. S MANVIU.V D 9 Dp
IB. WARP , \ \ Ithnell Llock , Ifitn idTia.- . , .
i , open tit tiu ucuuiui > u lo.i i
tte B ck buit'lral o | uMiiii of all LlndH tbll-
yptrforuicd l < ia < ate of uonen a tpecUltyi la.
iluronlniimcnt tan I ere Imu anoluti n/ivaov
thobtst of kttentlon CorroKeaden o'oilolied ,
liUMl ) ' J M Hwttnam : corner 16th nud Farium
lr J n. Ualihcorner 13.Q and F rn > m Til
ne 536. 434 tf
( in w , c. iiiiz-tnu Stow Mjpilr Co. , Ill South
14t'i Bl.o'Miun \ . Dodo aud Uoiiglai.
Ittlibt. , 10 h.vo juiir tloves
blind and tit up. BM9
lu w i tcl nu ) I doimilj h 1o cau Lo sup-
til id by elite on Iho vui" ft l-uuioyuect
a , 217 N. loth at , U .tUUd. M : , J. W. Moirl
, prof rioter , 874-K
, snJ iys poolict aneJn ! n olorl l
way by F. U , Abel , e , 0. boxflig. D 5 oct-13p
TNsrROcrion on banjo flvtn by O K
1 h ek. tj 1Ja Capitol ITO _ _
No rpcrntlon , or usclcMtruwo Dr. V. > f. Moore ,
{ 43 Wabuh vn. , Chicago , lend tamp Ol
clretiltr at Onmnii ltou e , Omaha , every CJ day *
I'AmUr OAPITAL . ? 2nooo.OO
HcnrLUl , May 1 , 1885 . 2" ,000.00
II. W. TiTsi ,
A. K. Tiinitiv , Vice Preld lit ,
W. V 110RM.
Join s. COM.IXS ,
Iswls S. ItliD ,
W. H. P. HMIIIU , Cashier
The Iron Bank.
Cor 12th and 1'irnam 8tr < ct .
A General Datiklne Builtitw Transacted.
Tha on to taLe for Dn llolnm , Virjhtll
town , Oedar IlaplJs , UllntJi , llxl , Ohlcijo , WH
nnukeo ami all polnta omt Tu th ) pjonlo of No
lira kaColorado , Wjomlnif. Utah Ihho , l wd
Oregon , Washington and Oiii/ornla / It oSati juptlor
advautaRu not possible by any other Huo.
Among a fovv of the numerous < i'lots of mperlor.
Ity cujoied by the patrouj of thla road botnpon
Omaha and Chlaa o , are Itz tvv.iti j | IB a day ol DAY
COAOHKi ! nhlchnro IhediunjS thit butnau art aud
InRenultj can create ; Ha PAUAOK Sl EKl'INO OAU3
which nro models nf comfork and elesanoo , Its I'AH
IOIIIH\W1NO UOO\I < IHS , unsiin ai-cd by any
nd its widely p-lebrated PAtilTlAL DlNl OCAUa
ho equal ot whUh cannot bo found olsjwhcro.
M Council Uluffs tha trains ol the Union I'tolUc
Ry. connect lu Union Ue ; otvtlth thojo ol the Chloa
po Si Northwoitorn Hv In Cblr go tlie truni of this
line make close coLnecttoa wl'.h thoio of nil eastern
For Detroit , Columbus , Indlinapolla , anclanall.
Nliiara ; Kaibj , Iluffalo , I'lltsburu , 'loronto , Montreal
Boston , New York , Philadelphia , DAlllmcrn , Wash-
.ngtouaud all points lu the Ei't , a .k tbs tlckot
agent for tlckcta via the
II von wlau tbo beet tcoominoJitlon ] All tick
agents sell tlckeiaU tbla lino.
M. nuoinrr. a s HAIR ,
Gcuoi IiJ&u xer. on. Vim. Aijonl.
Gen 141S FarnamSt , Omah
D rect Line for Biigiand , Frauce
and Germany.
Tha ti4tuiihlpa ol th ! well known line in
it iron , In water tight oompartmontu , and re a
ilshcd wiih orcrr rsqulslta to make tbo pumaig
nlhetfo and agrceablo They carry the Unite
Utos and Kuropcin icill ? , and leave Now Yor
CMiedayaand Saturdiru for 1'lj mouth ( LONDON
; nerbougPAUI3 ( arc ! IIAlIBUttF )
Uatc9 , First CabiD $ 0-loO Stecrago to
rom Hamburg S10. G li HIOnAUI ) & CO , co
ral PASS. Agent , 01 l > ro-idway , New York anJ
Vaehlnfit'in and La Lelle streets , Chicago or tlcnry
indt Mirk Ilaneon , F. K. Moore , Hurry P. Doul
Iharouewlr 01 i Ccirtiv.
Woticel Notice !
To all who are dlsoneod or afHfctod , no matter bow
eng the standing , como and bo healed , Fetmale dls *
aaeg where medicines lave failed to glvo relief ,
i specialty ; como one , como nil and be healed by tbo
lagnetlo healer , the only sure escape from any dU >
aae. For exanilnatlou , our cha ( re ( are $1. for oacb
roatmtnt , or vlcltutlona J2 ; terms Ktrlctly cash.
de-troys the gcrmi ot can
ANTIZTUOTIO will doi troy a'l olrr and keep the
ir cl your ulcoplnt rooms cool arid fresh.
ANTIZTUOTIC U wlthiuk color or odor , and II
irmloas to clotliluj- flesh. It In Inraltublu In the
ck room.
If persons wll u Atizvmollo In the water In
iilsh they' ' will nnd great relief It eoft-
s the water , aud does iot dry tto flcBU like am-
Does the olr In jourhou'o erocll musty or Itn-
ite ! Are jou anne ) cd 1 h theiworof cooMinrTDo
u want to stop It ! Antzym'tlj tpilnkled about
U frcuhoa and purify 1C unry time.
Either' Antizmotic Solution
; all's Safes , Vault- , Time
Locks and Jail Work.
)20 Farnnm St , Omaha , Nob-
infer . Uavuria ICutinbicbcr . Uartrla
ncr , , . . . , . lolioml ) n I Kal ir . . . . . llremsn
wulbcr . El , Louts I Anrnuscr . . . . .St.Loali
l'i . UUwiukco I achlltr. 1' Itnor Utlvtaukee
'd. . , . OmslL. | Alt , IorUr , Domrntloand
.VIiiou ,
) MAPBEB. 1213 Farnam St
nil Ingnrau : Co. , LocOou ,
attu. . . . . . t5,8 < ltin
"Jif , Y , Atiuts 3,00 ilOj > /
4 lallil , Auntt , , . . , , . . , . . , , . ] fljWO i \
r.l Fir * , MfUi I lohla./iuu . . . .Vi.Wu & " '
llaii ] ] > * Hio cull u $ > eU , . , 1,110,00017