I THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Morning , September 17 'Office No. 12 Pearl St. Delivered by carrier to any part of the city or Iwenty centa a week. H. W. TJLTON. Editor and LBBSOO. MINOR MENTION , Oocko & Morgan's for cloaks. Roller , merchant tailor , for fine goods Oocko & Morgan's for table llnon. The city council Is to moot to-night , or at least try to. The work of grading and curbing \Vlllow avenue la proteasing , prepara tory to paving. " Special ealo of hosiery at Oocko & Morgan's. Postmaator Armour has received the firat installment of the now special de livery stamps. The till in Alex Obert's saloon on upper Broadway was tapped for n Mnall amount lost evening. Olmrloa Linn , arrested for disturbing the peace , w a yesterday discharged , Tormit to wed was yesterday granted to John Hennoy and Bessie Shroedor , bath of Des Molnos. The exposition under the auspices of the Woman's Exchange , will open Mon day , October B , in the skating rink. Grand opening at the Pooplo'a store this ovonlng. Everybody la Invited. Charlie Spoor , whoso father worka at the transfer , whllo scuffling was thrown , and now suffers from a broken leg. Some additional testimony It the cem etery case , in the form of affidavits , is being got in readiness to present to Judge Gonnor. E. Todroe , who wan arrested for vagrancy who being really hold grancy , but was for Investigation about another matter , was discharged yesterday. Mrs. Mandormokors , whose husband and his partner lately disappeared from the city , leaving their credltora to mouru , has now started out to join her husband , who la said to bo In Washing ton tenitory. The giand fall opening at the Pooplo'a the grandont affair of store this ovonlng , tuoeonaon. Everybody welcome. The case of Briscoll vs. the School District has been continued until the next term of the circuit court. In this suit the plaintiff claims damages because the school board used some of his plans for a school building , without paying him for them. The remains of W. W. Smith , the brakeman on the Northwestern who wan killed near Lamolllo , passed through hero yesterday , for Red Oak , where his father lives , and where the body will bo buried. Smith leavea also a wlfo and two llttlo children , for whom the deopeat sympa thy is felt. Harknoss Bros , offer unusual bargains in ootton fl&nnols at 25 per cent below prices over offered before In the city. They are now receiving their fall and winter purchases of dreas goods , carpeta , curtains , etc. , and will bo pleased to ahow tholr friends through their well a - sorted stocks. County Superintendent Matthowa la receiving many very complimentary no tices from all parts of the county , an3 It looks as If ho was to have a pretty clear track on which to run for a second term. Ho certainly has done excellent work with the schools of the county , and has done much to further educational in terests. JohnW. Sullivan , ono of the brakes men on the dummy train , was yesterday afternoon happily joined In marriage to Miaa Delia Howe , alator of Brnca Ho wo , of this city. The young folks have many frienda who will Improve the firat oppor tunity to express tholr congratulations and well wishes. The ceremony waa performed by Rov. A. K. Bates. Attend the grand opening at the Pee ple's store this evening. The reformed gambjer , Long , who has boon talking to crowds In the streets hero for a few days past , and who has been making war on card-playing , dancing and drinking , and who has been gather ing many dimes , left yesterday for the other aldo of the river , taking with him his quartette of vocalists. They glvo an Interesting street entertainment , Ool. E. J. Abbott enjoyed the reunion at Bentrlco hugely , but took almost , and perhaps more delight In tha gathering up of some moro specimens for hU private collection. The colonel Is getting to ba a good deal of an "ologist , " and has a splendid ahowlng of specimens of geology , couohology , mlnorology , and is getting well up in all sorts of "ologf , " except possibly theology. The Council Bluff * Hunting and Fish- log club have opened their house , and got overythli.g In roadlnois for the fall uport. As it takoa money to meet ex- ponaea , a meeting of the club h to beheld hold at the Pad Go houao next Monday evening , at which time action will be taken to declare all stock forfeited on which the dues have not been paid , and the delinquents will bo bsriod from en joying the privileges of the club. It ia a matter of general congratulation that arrangements have been made by which the work on the now Episcopal church is to proceed at once , and bo car ried forward to a speudy completion us possible. Rev. Mr , Markey hss been up- , tlriug la this outcrpdao , and It Is to be hoped that not only those of his own flcoV , but the community at laiga will stand by him faithfully , for when com pleted there will bo no moro hsndtome church building to bit found anywhere In thij part of the country. It will be a credit to Council Bluffs , as well as to the members of St. Paul's tocloty. An order baa been prepared for ser vice on the Oakaloosa brlego builders , bj otdor of the city council , directing the company to remove the bridge recently built by the company on North Seventh street , deeming It an obstacle to travel and a nnlsinco. The only condition on which it Is to bo allowed to remain it by the company making the bridge sat isfactory to the county board , by whose orders it was built , and who refuse tc accept It in its present condition , claim ing it is not according to contract. Percy Moomaw , son of Phillip Moo- maw , died last ovontng at 8:30 : o'clock , after a three weeks' illnets of typhoid fa vor. Ho was 15 yoara of ago , and had boon an employe of the BEE ofilco foi some time , where ho had shown hlmsoll to bo both faithful and Intelligent. No tice of the fnnoral wall bo glvon hereaf ter. Everybody ia Invited to attend the grand opening atElsoman , Rodda & Oo'e Pooplo'a store Wednesday and Thursday , The case of Forahelmor & Co. , of Mo bile , against J. T. Stewart , of this city , has at last reached an end in the clrcull court. This was a claim for damages on a shipment of hams , sent south by Stew art , and involved about $ oGOO. The case was fought Inch by Inch , and no moro stubborn contest , or one Involving finer points , has been In the courts heroIc Ic a long time. The plaintiff was repre sented by Mr. Jacob Sims , assisted by Mr. A. T. Fllcklngor , whllo the well known firm of Snpp & Pnsoy were the attorneys for Mr. Stowart. Mr. Slina so ably and clearly handled the case , and showed himself so able to cope with such able opponents , an to call forth many ccmplitnonts from hla breth ren at the bar , and the bringing In of a verdiot for the defendant was somewhat of a aurpriao to many. The cue will doubtless not end here , but will proba bly bo carried to the upper court. As a legal contest it Is pronounced ono of the sharpest and keenest for many years. Dr. Wiles , Eye , E and Throat p eclaliat , Room 5 , Eve : ett block. The CnuciiHCB Galled. The rapubllcans of Kane township will moot in their eoveral words on Saturday , the 10th of September , 1885 , at 7:30 : p. m. for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the county convention to beheld held at Council Bluffs , Iowa , on the 24th day of September , 1885. In the First ward the caucus will moot at Wolsa & ClauEon's and elect six dele gates. In the Second ward at the city build ing and elect nine delegates. In the Third at the county auditor's ofiice and elect coven delegates , In the Fourth at the skating rink and oloot ton delegates. The delegates BO chosen will also con stitute a convention of the republicans of Kane- township , which will convene In Maaonlo hall immediately after the ad journment of the county convention , and nominate ono candidate for township treasurer and ono candidate for constable , to fill vacancy caused by death of Jack White , and ono candidate for assessor for Kane township without the city of Coun cil Bluffa. E. J. ABBOTT , Firat ward , J. 0. RHODAISECK , Second ward. B. W. HIQIIT , Third ward. ' WALTER I. SMITH , Fourth ward. Substantial abstracts of tltlo and rea estate loans , J. W. and E. L. Squire , 102 Pearl street. Cruelty to Animals. Considerable excitement and Indigna tion has been caused among those in the vicinity of the oil tanks and : railway tracks In the southern part of the city by the ubnio of a cow , which was belug driven Into the city to bo butchered. The cow was sulky and stubborn , and laid down several times , and all sorts of devices were nsed to make her get up and move on. The whip and rope were used freely , a team tried to drag her along , and finally some ono nUrted a fire of papers to scorch her Into action. The cow wai yesterday afternoon in such a condition that she could hardly have moved If she wanted to , and she bore ovldenoo of having been most brutally used. Oomplilnt was filed ogatnat the young nun who drove her into the city , aud against the mm who had bought her , but there was no evidence that they had in any way misused the animal , and that whatever cruelty was shown was by out siders , who sought to help the driver got her along. Grand null Great. The People's store la at Its best now , the grand opening having begun yester day , and to continue to-day. The estab lishment is really three great stoioa in ono , and ia one of the largest and best stocked in the West , Elsuman , Rodda & Co. have prepared themselves to sup ply the people of a largo sweep of coun try with dry goods and other needfuls , and their stock is so largo and varied that It is impossible to give In brlof space any Idea of Its extant or variety. Everybody is invited to drop In.and BOB for themselves , and no one can look through the establishment with out cheerfully admitting that It la ono of which Council Bluffs should feel proud. The special arrangements , displays and adornmtnta for the opening are in good tasty and oxclte the admiration of the crowdt which are thronging the various departments , Blio Hnd ilio Wrong Boole , Detroit Free Fteaa. "I'd llko , you know I'd like to draw $10 , " ahe aatd , as she pushed her book into the lavings bank window. "Certain ly , " "Would It that Is " "Oh , It won't bust the bank , " said the Onahlor. "Then I'll I guofs I'll draw It. " He picked up tbo book and was absorbed for two or tbreo mlnutee. He finally banded - od it bick with a smllo and aha uttered a llttlo stream aa sto received it. It waa a pocket dairy and he had opened It at : "July 13 , Fred called as usual this even ing , but went away without proposing. I muat give him a bint , " "Yon made a mistake , " suggested the Oaihler. "Yea ah yon know ! " she stammered , and clutching the book ahe made a rush for the door and never came back. If you wl h to muko legitimately from Ten to Fifty DolUra per day , write to Judd & Smith , No. 34 Fourth street , Council Bluffs LAW BREED3 LAW , A Ijaw Firm Sued For Filing roll- tton Alleged to bo iilbelous , Some ttmo ago a very bitter fight wan hnd in the courts between 0. R. Scott the attorney , and Mrs , Richardson , who had rented his farm. Flicklnger Broi were the attorneys for Mrs , Richardson and there was considerable bad blood ehown and hot words , The contest has taken a now ahoot , ono of the witnesses In the case , Charles Corning , having commenced moncod through Ool. Scott as hla attorney a anlt in the district court , claiming damages of Fllckinger Bros. , the nmonni being loft blank , the petition setting forth that Fllckiugor Bros , made the following written statements , by which , it Is claimed , Oornlng is practically charged with committing psrjnry , which charge Is malicious : " 1'hftt en or about the 19th day of September , 1884 , the defendant , ( meanIng - Ing 0. R. Scott , ) without probable oauio , and by false and audacious swearing , and by procuring the false and malicious swearing of his employes , ( moaning the said plaintiff , Charles Oornlnp ) accusing her ( a certain Jane Richardson ) of violat ing sbld injunction , caused a war * rant to bo Issued for the arrest for contempt from this court , and plaintiffs peraon to bo attached by the sheriff of this county. That by reason of said fnlso swearing and affidavits , and -procuring of the said false swearing and affidavits of his employe ( moaning thereby the plaintiff , Charles Corning , ) defendant ( moaning 0. R , Scott ) pro cured the arrest of plaintiffs peraon at dlTorout ( times subsequent to said dato. "That on or about the Gth day of May , 1885 , the defendant , by falao and malicious swearing of himself and his employes ( meaning thereby the plaintiff , Charles Oornlng ) procured a writ of ejectment from the superior court of Council Bluffs , la. , whereby plaintiff was ejected from the premises. " The above quotation * ) are supposed to bo from a petition filed by Flickering Bros. , in a suit for damages lately com menced by Mrs. Richardson against C. R. Scott , growing out of the pension ejectment suit. The filing ot such a pe tition In the clerk's oflico by Fllcklngnr Broa. is tbo alleged canso of this suit for libel , it being claimed that the state ments concerning Scott and Corning are nntruo and maliciously mado. BURNINGBOXOAES , Moro Bxclf incut Going to the Fire Tliaii at the Fire. The alarm of fire was caused yesterday nftornoon by the burning of two box-cnra on the Rock Island track. Ono of the cars had a llttlo coal in It , and the other tad boon used for oil , but waa empty. Both cars were badly scorched , the roof of ono balng all burned off. The CSUJQ of the blaza Is unknown. When No. 1 loft the house to go to the fire the horae of the Whlto Sewing Machine company , standing near by , was frightened into a run , and it wan a nock and nook race down Broadway between the fire team and the runway , but someone ono sprang out into the street , and bravo- p stopped the runaway , and no special dsmago was done. On the turn from Broadway Into Main street , there was a narrow cacapo from a collision between the hook and Udder truck uud No. 1'a cart. The team of the latter apparently lacked the handling of the old driver , Charlie Nlcholoon , who waa lately re moved from service because he told a sarcastic and funny story about the mayor's dlmo museum. Ximo FJiCB. Thirty days go by very quickly , EO If yon have any Idea of purchasing a car riage , buggy , or anything elsa In tha line you should take prompt ad vantage of the prices now being offered by F. Hat- tenhanor at his factory In this city. Ho will sell regardless of the cost of manu facture , and as ho has an established reputation of making the best goods in the west , and as there is a large and varied stock from which to select , this mattes the greatest opportunity for pur chasers over presented here. PERSONAL. Mr. Ponleon , tbo paving contractor , ia here , ready to complete tbo details of his contract with the city and commence work. 8 , R. Brown , of Omaha , was greeting some of hia old friends here yesterday. Ho first came to Oouncll Bluffs in the winter of ' 51 , and Bays ho was eleven days and nights com ing from Mount Pleasant hero. Ho was among tha firat to start a store In Omaha , and baa many interesting stories to narrate cf the early days , II.VWKEYE HAPPENINGS. The schools of Dtvonport opened with an enrollment of 3,813. William MoMahon , a resident of Soott county , died on the 7th , at the advnuced age of 103. Matter J. P. Hobba , of Keokuk , cap tured the West Point cadotabip for the Burlington district. A German woman atDubuqne returned her marriage llcento to the county clerk saying that she had changed her mi ad. Mr. and Mra. Socrates Stevens cele brated their golden wedding at Fort Dodge last Sunday , They received nu merous fine presents. Mat L OPT Metcalf , of Center Grove , Dnbuquo county , ell through a railroad bridge at that place Saturday , sustaining severe Injuries. A portion of the scalp waa torn from hla head. The district court for Dnbuquo county , which opens this week , baa the largest docket known for ton years. There are 111 now caaea , Including fifty-eight liq uor aud elxtofu criminal oasog. A Daven port cistern builder , who was refused pay for a job , inductd hia employ er to descend to the depths and examine the work. Aa soon aa the employer reached the bottom the workman pulled up the ladder and Kept the bj s below the eniface until he cashed up for the job. Tbo prisoners la the Ida county jail , at Ida , made an attempt to escape TnurscUy night , but Abe Wilson , night- watchman , thw&rted thulr plans , A cold chisel , caw , knlfo aud a largo block of wood , used as a hammer , were found in the cells of the prisoners. All the rivets in the lock except kg one had been removed , A thoroughbred boll , the Jersey Lily , of Sioux Ulty , took after Pouiidmostir Hill , of that city , and pinioned him up against a building , and occasionally Hole- ling his ribs with Its horns until intend- blllty shut out Iho bloody tceno which followed. The police rallied aud res cued Hall by shooting the vlotqus boas fall of holes and then cutting its throat The animal waa worth $300. Friday afternoon , ncnr Olflord , on the Iowa Central railroad , a water-spoil washed out a culvert , leaving the rail Intact , ao the break could not bo aeon b ; an engineer until ho was right upon It Freight train No. 47 wont through the break , the engine being turned half way around and lying across the track , the cars bolng stacked up behind It. The on glneor and fireman escaped serious In jury , but Pat Kangley , who waa riding on the tender , wan instantly killed , The great arching elms on the wes side of Main street , Davenport , the prldo of the residents , and a grateful shelter In the torrid daya of summer , have boon ruthlessly cut to make way for modern Improvements. They woto planted In 1840 Ia forty-five yenra they had grown to a diameter of two and n half to thrca feet , to a height of tixty to seventy foot while tholr branches interlocked with branches of elms on the east tide of the street , giving pleasant shade in anmtnor as well as beautiful appearance to the stroot. PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! A flnro euro for Blind. Blooding , Itching and Ulcerated 1'ilen has been discovered bj Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single box baa curoiHho worst chronio cases ot 25 or SO years standing ; . No one need suffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do inpro barm than good , Williams' Indian 1'ilo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allaya the intense Itching , ( particularly at night alter getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , gives ttstaot relief , nnd is prepared only for Piles , tchlng of private parts , and for nothing else , H1UN DISI5/VSE3.OUUEI ) Dr. Fr.izlor's Magic Ointment , Ouroa ns by magic. PimplostBIack Heads or IGrubs the latches and Eruptions on the face , leaving 3nltskin clear and beautiful. Also curca Itch , Id , Ulmmo , Sore Nipples , Sore Lips , and bstinate Ulcers , Bold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of cents , Retailed by Kuhn & Co. , and Sclirootcr & Qccht At wbnlesnlo by O. F. Goodman , 34:2 and 344 Broadway , Council Blufls , Iowa , RETAIL DEPARTMENT Mens'FaM Winter "Wear ifens' and Boys' Business Suits Meus'and Boys' Dress Suits. Jhildreus' every day & Dress Suits. Overcoats for Men , Boys and Chil dren. Merchant Tailor Suits , Merchant Tailor Orercoats , Merchant Tailor Trowsers. Equal to the best , to order , At half the pr C9 Fat mens' Suits jvnd Overcoats Lean niens' Suits and Overcoats. Fat mens' Trowsers. fipamless Shirts aiid Drawers in Scotch wools , medicated Scarlets , extra heavy Balbrigerans. fancy col- red Wools , and niixed qualities from 25c each to 84-.50. Dunlao nnd Stetson's Hats for fall of 1885. Furnishing Goods Glovps , Neckwear , Suspenders , Handkerchiefs , Collars and Cuffs , of first class qualities and reasona ble prices. Metcalf Brothers , Retail Department , 342 and 344 Broadwaj' , Council Bluffs j. L. He. SOT BroidwoT Conaoll BlxSo. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Hi * following are the limes ot thv Arrival lad de jurtnro of Irtlcg by central stan ird time , it the local depots. Tr lna leave trtnafoi depot tin rain ate > nitlloi and aulve ten mlnuto.liter. . DwiRT , i&nnn , tiaoAQO tad No&Tirtn > * nr ; 0:25 : A II Mall and Eipront CM r H 12:40 : r u Accommodation 4tO : r M fi:30 : r > i lExpieen 0:05 : A M CUKUdOAHP COCK IIU..15D , 9:25 : A II Mall and Exprcsa * M r u 7:16 : A U Accommodation 6:46 : p H 5:30 : t u r.iprcte I Cco : A M CIIKUDO , WUWIEBH ADD ft. rAUl. 9:20 : A u lull and Express 6:60 : r u 5:25 : r u Ksprcse 9:05 : A u nncAao , BO annum * tm > nuixcr , 9-15 A u Mall and KxiiroM MO p H ) :80 : T it fcommodatiou : "Jrx 6:15 : r H Ezpreim : ! > a A u jir F , BT , Lorjia HID rAnmo , 2:15 : r u trooal St. Louis Express Local 8:00 : F u Traneler " " Transfer ? ' 0 r H Aims CJTI , ST , lot ASH oonnoiL slum , 10:10 : A u Mall and Express 7v , r H 8:05 : r u Express 8 : A u noux cm AB rAcmc. 7:50 : A M Mall lor Sioux City 8Mi r _ . 7:80 : t N Ex ) rs lor St rul 8S6 : A M UNION rACirio , 11:00 : A u Denver Kxpress < :8f : r H 1:05 r M Lincoln Pats flm & n V ! :86 r u 7:56 : r Overload Kxpress 8:80 : A H DUUMr TBAU > 8 TO OUADA. Leave Oouncll Wnfls - 8:65-7:6B-BSO : : : 10fO- : J1MO . m. 1:80-2:80-8:80 : : : : Z8 8SB : 0. 6 11SI5 p , m. Leave Om h < :25 : 7:25 : e:60 ' 0 liilS a. m 12:60 : 8:0o : See : 4no : 1:65 : 6 : " JACOB SIMS , at La COUNCIL 13LU B WOLYON ! &HEALY , btutn & Aliiuroe Klo. , Clilrajto. BAND CATALOGUE ( or l i , 140 f r . 8 < W ojr i tnp t'oiopolu. } ( * ulu. rfp-lml * . SuoJi , Piuui M.jor' , Blifli 4 IliU , Sundry 1U 4 OultiU , Lt , Mt < rUll , ftlto Ikcludrt JniUU' MvQ [ bicicUcifor Ami4teurll ail4 , tad ui cUUl.l Ui > < * uuiU. SPECIAL NOTICES MOTievt Spools ! vertwm ! n sue M ix FonniJ , To to n , To ? B l , To K n W nli , Bo id larete.WlIl bo looorled In hlj column M lh to t U of TKN CKKT8 MR ttNK tor Ih * flrrt InMttlC ked nVK CKNTS TEH LINE (01 eaoh tabtoqaeot In Btrtlon. LtavcAjvottltftqinli it oai oOo , Ho , l I'eatl street near Brotdvrir TO RENT \ now seton room house. Knqulro a BitR Offlc . FOR BALK-Houses lott ini ) hnd. A. 3 , Stephen eon , 603 Flr t A\enus , Council I ) ufti . Eon n vr A six room house , ten mlnntes w l from business , city w Ur , weU and cistern. Fo rout CDORp. FOR IlBM-No. 180 Ilitilion ilrret , three roomi McltAItON * CO. 4 1'oall stltet KOR SAfcS , FOR UKNT OR EXCHANGE. N ° % 3 For Blla .T " " ' on T * r H > w l * o n The CouiiMltjufl8F | r < > r Mill , complete , with the largo bo rdlnt ( homo and Ihieo acres o ! ground. No. ? 0 Abu | < ineM.iiroperty In Cherokee , Cherokee oountv. Iowa , will Undo for wietetn lanar. Value about $ ICCO. No. 80 A bcMillfal homo In the town of Hostlnjrs llllli OJtinty , lowft , for Nebruka land. Value , W.SOO , Mo. 41 A Rocrt business property anil also a ROO > residence tiroptrt ? In the town of Chcnvo. JloLoin county , 111. , low don ntjrcjBh or will oicliauiro for western lauds. > 'o ITS A splendid farm , well Improved , ( KOacrog In Dickinson county , Ion a , joining the town of Splrl Lako. Price , lornchoittlino$35 ; per aero. No. 184 to 137 Are four Improved farms In fhllllpa county Kansas c oi with a small Incumhranoa Thocqultas wlil ho exchanged for Unlncumberct wild land In Nebraska. No. 183 480 acroc In Ilolt county , Nob/ , partly Improved , at a big bargain. Wants to exchange fo rncroh ndlse. No. C4A One two story hrlok rtelJcneo , one o llo best locations In Council JlluDs , wM trade fo zood unlncumhercd KansworNcbraslialands. Value { 15100. No 66 nuil 11 Are two other beautiful homos In Council BluUs , which cash pajmont will buy atn brrnaln. No. 69 A Iwautlful suhuihin location In Iowa Cltv , to a , will exchange for western lands. Value $5,000. The aboro are only n few of our special bargains. If you'Aogrtan > thlnRto tradofor sell , or want to > ell any ro l estate or merchandise , write ui Wo havb'sovcnl good stocks of Koods to trade for lands SWAN & WALKER , Council BluUa , Iowa. CapetSCapets [ , [ ! Our buyer writes from New York that he has purchased the Largest and Choicest Line of -AND- Ever Shown in this citv , These goods are now arriving dailv and we respectfully invite everybody to call and see them. Oil Cloths , OF ALL KINDS. Window Shades , Cornice Poles , Etc. , Etc. AT" POPULAR PRICES. Council Bloffs Carpet Co 405 Broadway. The New York PLUMBING CO'Y. 55S Broadway * Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY ENGINEERSPUB- LIC and PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEWERAGE - ERAGE , WATER WORKS and VEN TILATION 'design ed and constructed ! PLUMBING work in Tall its branches. This conroanv have one of the best assort ed stocks ot plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish" ed. ed.Harry Harry Birkinbine * Manager NEW YORK , PLUMBING CO'Y 55 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUITS No , 37. ' GUM , GUM , GUM , ubber Boots , Shoes and Arties i - : - OIL - : o IMMENSE STOCK. Eastern Prices Duplicated , Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Z. T , LINDSEY & CO , Warehouse nnd salesroom , 41 N Main st , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Oflieo 412 Broadway DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS. ? I31UU8 ? ei8 S loanoi , opposite ) ' Pyed poatuflico ani' KoBmnhad. , Lues Curtains neatly clonnedj 29 Main street , Council F. B PAT TON. Manager. W. P. AYLSWOiRTH Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame boat ored uu Little Giant trucks , the best in the world. W. P. AYLSWOIITH. 1010 Ninth Street , Council 1 iU B WHOLESALE DEALER IN Employ no traveling agents , thus saving their oxpenees to customers. ARentfor Para Rubber Company , Wtito for prices. 413 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la 200 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each , i , Cheap Cook Stoves and General Ilousa Furnishing Goods , including Now an-1 Second Hand Furniture. V ; C08 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUITS. 'Waves , \ Frizzss , Stvitclies. Etc HAIR : GOODS , Shampooing , Hair Dressing Ami Cutting , HAIR GOODS , Bangs Cut Pamprdour , Langtry or other styles. MRS. 0. L. GILLETTE , 29 Main St. Oouncll Blutfs. REIIEH & SEAIHOHT , No 31 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs Telephone No. 141. All work tint class. thorough Instruction on the Piano and Organ , foiceColtoreandTtiEoif Persons desirous of receiving in struction in the abuvo will please call on or address PKOK. 0. 13. LIPFKJIT , ] \o 020 , ITiret Avo- , Council Bluffs. N. J. SWANBOH , 0. B. SWANSON 8WANSON MITSIO CO , , 320 Broadway , Council Bluff * . Pianos 4 Organs Sold on Monthly Payments All kinds of repairing on Musical Instru ments a Specialty. I. Rice 3VID. AITflPDfl or other tumors remote * without the iflHutlUOjIinlfeor drawing o ! blood. HRON1CDISEASES , * " > kl""a 8p Oinr thirty j ears pr ctlc eiptilence. CScu fyCutieot , ounolU. DluCa culUoiCfio AT- Mrs. D. A. Benedicts , No. 337 Eroadwftj , Council Bluffs. HAIR GOODS HAIR GOODS Of all kinds Of every style made ( o order. ready made. HAIR GOODS. HAIR GOODS. o , 33/ / Broadway , Office & . Pusev. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established , 1865' H03 omcKn M.W , IIFCHB m , O7J1OT OYBH AHS510AB r , ui OWLY HOTEL In Council Blufla baring SSOFE , , i And all modern Improvement * , cr.ll bells , do alarm bolls , etc. , in tha CRESTON HOUSED Nna. 21C , 217 nnd 21 ! ) , Main Street. MAX W UN , - PIlOPRIKTOBl Kiel Sale Stables , Ictatiiud Mul BOonetaMly rn hand , for ulo it r ( * tail or In onload 1 t . , All Block Warrunto'j as Represented , Vto ! lo and rota 1 Uialcrala I'lulnond lUlul Utj , I'rltua rtii6tla. . KttiJactloii pimaKttod. BCllLVTjeit A HOLEY Oor. Oth Av , nnd 4th St. , Council llluflj , MJtS.A.B.ltOJifiJtTS , irn Founulytl New York IRST CUSS ORESSMItt CuttloR nd Killing IMablltliment J Ko. 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffa