THE DAILY BEE. FIFTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1885. . 70. E The WMtc-Wingeil Clipper Tacit fins tbG SccoDi Marine Coutisl , Amorioa's ' Iqnatio Tropby Eo- mains on Native Shoroa , A BdngnifioontRaoe of Forty Miles Before a Stiff Broeza , "VIio Brltltli Sloop Snlla a Good Second end , but Is Outdone by tlio I'lucky Boston Bout. THE SBOOND UAOB. TWKNTT MILta TO BEA AND ItETOBN. SANIIT HOOK , Sept. 18. Thia ii the day ap pointed for the Purltau.Genesta rase to eoa , twenty miles to windward and return , from Scotland light ehip , It is doubtful If they will bo successful In civoricg the course with in the allotted tlmo , The wind at 0:30 was fiom the west at the rate of eleven miles an hour , with the probabilities of Its decreasing. Doth yachts are on the way to the light chip , 11 u. in , Tha preparatory pigual has just been given. The race will begin In live minutes , The wind has freshened now , blow ing fourteen miles an hour from the west. Tlia ton Is smooth. 11:07 a. m , The Goncsta crosiod the atari- Ing line at 11:0132 : , tlm Puritau at 11:05 : 30. 11:15 : n m , The wind ia increasing now , blowing fifteen milts an hour from thu north west. Tha Puritan is gaining nn the Geneat.t. At 11H5 the yachta were off Sandy Hook Iiightnbip , the positions about the E.ima as at tlio atari , the wind blowing sixteen mlles an hour from the wobt-northwodt. 11:40 a , m , The Uenesta Is leaving the Puritan somewhat now. 12:05Ganesta leads by about half a mile. At noon the wind was blowing twenty-four milea ivu hour from the west-northwest and weather fair. 12:15 p. in , The yachts h wo now covered about foutteon miloa of their outwird run and keep wall up irt with tha Genesta still in the lead , The wind is now northwest , the weath er clouJy. I2SC : p.m. Theyaehti are still in the same relative positions as at last reports. Tno Genesta turned the stake boat nt 1 : ( > D-20 , the Puritan ut 1:07-22. : 1:20 p.m. - The Purilnn has had her lop- sails down for some time. Tne reason is un known. The wiud ia blowing twenty-five mile an hour , THE STAKT was made amid whittling of tugs and nteam * erg. The Gennt cropped thn line ahead of her rival but the Puritan qnirkly recovered the ground aid gained a slight lead , The yachts started on tha attrboard tack and darted along over the course like race homes , The son was covered with white cap ) . The Puritan is to windward of the Genoa t \ . Both yachta are conttsting every inch of the xvay nnd are piling up green miesas of water nn either siilo of their sharp b nva. Every sail 'n sot and prosposts for a quick race arti grand. At 12:15 : tlio.yacht ] v/t-ro abreast The Go- nesta then bfpnn to forge uhoid. The crew i on board tha Purltau watched tha ISritUher go by with cnxioua faces. Kiva mlnutei later tlio GcnefUlu'l Incrovo'l tbo lead to three cable lengths , riho Uy well over to wind , cutting the waters rapidly and gracq- fully. 1:50 : p , m. The Puritan is now leaving the Genesta , At 1:30 : the Puritan had not eat her top-slits. The Genesta was to windward of tbe Puritan and gaining all the time At 1:38 p. m. the wiud WAS blowing thirty-six Juliet nn hour north-uorthwc ° t and cloudy. 1:51 : p. m. The weather has Eet iu thick , shutting out the yachts from view. 2:15 p. m. Both yachta are still on port tack , standing northwest. The Puritan 19 about a mlle ahead , 2:20 : p. m. The weather hai cleared. The Puritan Is a milo ahead , but It is impossible to toll which is to windward. Both yachta have gone about on starboard tack. The Puritan ahead. She has not aot her top sail yet. 2:30 : p. m , The yachts are now about ton miles east of Sandy Hook light ship. The Puritan is to windwatd and nhead , but It ia impotsible to judge the distance. The wiud is 37 miles an hour. . 2:18 : p. m. Both yachts are east of Sandy Hook liht ship. Tha Puritan la a mile to windward and ahead , THE LATEST. SANDT HOOK , Sept. 10-3:05 : p. m. The Genesta has every eall set , but for reasons un known tha Puritan fails to set her top Bills. The crew , however , appears to bo making oiToits to that end , At 3:10 : tbe yachts were on the last tack and about oven , Wind twenty-five miles an hoar. The yachts are now about two milei north east of Sandy Hook lightship. It is impossi ble to toll which IB ahead , but ttio PuriUn is to windward. 3:55 : p. in , The Puritan crossed the Gcu- eatu'u buw a little outtirfe of the bar. They nro now going toward Scotland lightship. Thn Puritan lead * by a quarter of a milo. 3:53 : p. m TtarPuutau haa only her main sail and jibs set. The Gouesta canine jib , main- fail nud top null , whhh Is all eha can lug. The Puritan ia standing up straight as a stake , SAMDV IIoOK , Sept. 10. The Puritan crested the winning Hue at 4:09 : , and. the Gunesta at 4.10:15 : , Oui > Bi yn /unorioft. . " Nfew Your , Sept. 10 , The Puritan has "beaten the Genista to-day over the forty- mile COUMO from Scotland light-hip , twenty miles to leeward aud return , 2 minutes 0 seconds actual time , cr 1 minute 38 seconds corrected tin o , Tha race wr.a eaid by the oldest yachting men to bo the best and most closely contented aver pocn In the world , The wind was moderate from tbe west northwott at the start. As the ) edits ran dead before it to tha outer mark it increased and before they ha'l sailed half the windward work rAturning , It wai blowing 1mlI a gale from tha north-northwest witti quite a lumpy sea. Tli9 Ptiiltuii housed her topmuit , but thn Genosta lugged her topsail to the iiulau. Sha was 2 minutes G teconda ahead at the oulcrmark. "Tho cup stays in Aimrlca , " Tlieso words were Kpoken by Kx-Oommodore Jnmos 1) , Smith , as thn Puntan1' main boom parsed the finish line < if Scotland light-chip today after the clore > t cor.test nvor anlhd over auy foity mils courai' , The Geueata waa beaten 1 minute , 33 lecaudu corrected time , and 2 iniuutos , 2 seconds actual time. Tha course was twenty milen to leeward aud return from 82-Hand lightship , The wiiiil b-lng west-northwest the yachu wore eent awity on an e&Ht-sauth- vaut coursn deal before the wind. In this run tbo cutter beat the t > lo | i 1 minute , 21 second ! . I'rcm thereto the liuieh thiy made but one ihort tack of a niilo , and two loux legs of nine and ten mile * , respectively , m a half gale of wind which cautaJ to n > rth-northwaH loon after the outer mark was turned. In this work the Puritan gulnod 3 minutes aud 31 seconds from pilnt to pulut. Leaving pier 3 , K.i t rivtr , ut 0 o'clock , the committee bj.U Luckeuback , lluc | ; the UIRI of thn New York , Eastern find Hey * ! Thames Yaoct clubj. 'teamed dowu the bay to Stati-u Island , taking on board thtre Mr , Louti P. Bayard of the Sewanhaka Yacht club , aud Mr. Huthhmd of the Priicills , There were alio oil bnl ex Commodore James D. Smith , ot tha New Yoik Yuchtclub/Franklin Baisfonl ( marine aitiit ) , Hvosovelt Ssbuyler , O , VanNeaGuatavn Grubu , A. Oat * Uao- field , of tha cutter IsU ; Charlta 0. Hftlgbt , of the rchooner Crutarltr ; Fleet Captain Hnbsrt Center , of the Now Yoik Yacht dnb ; Oliver King nud Hemrm Lelloy , of the Unlcti club , T. H. Long-trect , Edward I'ottaud lUv. IMr , Benjamin , The tky overhead was na clear M n boll , bu out over the New Jersey hills in the west wird fleecy white clouds were rising , Rlvin the promi-o of an increoso in force of th moderate breeze from west-northwest then blowing , There wan ono solitary spec.n'or on tbeblnifsof Fort Wadsworth as the boa passed through the narrows where there hai boon thousands on Monday to see tbo finlih o the first roco , Tbero was no tlm lost in preptratlrns to-day. Whei tbo jnilurs' boat arrived ol Sandy Hook the Goncsta nnd Puritan were both reen under weigh close up unt Scotland lightship , the starting point. A soon as Mr , M It , Schnyler , representing th Oencata un the Puritan , was put on board th latter yacht , and Fleet Chptnln Robert CenU boarded the Goncsta to do tlmlUr duty for the Putitat ) , the tug Scandinavian , in charge of Messrs. S. T. Lippincot and Mr. Oleon , was eent away tn log out a conrso cnst-soulheatt leeward nnd at 10:45 : tha committee boat anchored with tha lightship bearing south-southwest a distance of 150 fords. This formed an im aginary line through which the yachts were to pass , . At this time the steam yachts Klrctra , Stranger , Oorsan , Vision , Sentinel. Polynia and Skylark hnd gathered southwest of the boat. The stnnmera Grand Ropubhc , Tourui , Siriuf , H. T. Buyo , and the old Dominion line stotmthlp Richmond , their decks fairly black with en thusiastic spectators , lay close by with enough Hags living to supply a couple of circuses. The breeze wai freehen Ing every moment nnd the proipect of a grand race to leeward , where the yachts could carry their spinnakers , was mllicient to create tha utmost excitement. When the preparatory whistle was given nt exactly H o'clock , the Puritan lay about a quarter of a mile ojtcrn of the judge's boat headed southwest , thn spinnaker boom down to starboard , mtln thcet hauled ait , and jib shnet to windward , One minute before the starting whlstlo was blown the Genesta came tearing across tlio tug stern and the Puritan's bow on port tack , hooding parallel with tbo lino. Tnoao who were watching the inove- mentsof both were positivoshs would crosstho line bdforo the signal wa given , end breath- loesly awaited tlu result. Just then the Puritan's mam sheet was paid out Captain Crocker put her helm down and she cimu for tha lino. Bo linoly had the cutter's skipper cnlcuhtod time tlint while the starting whistle was blowing the shot across , her crow running her immense epiniiakcr aloft as the went over And breaking it out iu just 30 secondc. Away she Hew to leeward , leading the Boston sloop by 15 seconds. The latter broke out her baleen jib ns she crossed and cot her spinnaker in a minute alter. What a grand picture those twoclippprya3hts pre-on ltd ns they dashed away , with their pyramids of snow white canvass towerIng - Ing above their narrow hull * . All steam yachts kept well to leeward of tbe twin racers , and the smaller ones wcra puzzled to keep pace with them. Official thuo of the start was : Geneva Uh. 5m , ICd , , Puritan llh , Cm la. The Puritan soon began to close the Rip made at the start. She kept directly , in her antagonist' ! ) wake until nearly up with her , when sha hauled out tu eastward so that the Genesta could not keep c If and prevent her passing. At 11:35 ehe took iu her balloon jib- topsail and staysail nnd nt 11:15 : they nad passed out ahead of the Gonesta about half n length. Her spinnaker waa not drawing well at tlm time , neither was her main sail for the wind was "at main boom end. " Captain Carter , recognizing thU fact , took In his spinnaker nt 1. ! o'clock , f-ybad her main-boom , dipped her ppiunaker boom , and set sail on port eide , all iu live minutes. She immediately drew nhead of tha sloop , and in half an hour had passed her. This was surprise , but what was cominp was a greater ono. Fifteen minutes latter the cutter was a good quarter of a mile iu the lead , with her jrent white epiunakfr belaying out in a stif- ii-ning breezn. The Puritan wou.d not gybe , although their spinnaker wis not drawing and she was steadily dropping netern. Down came tbo Genesta'a club topsail at 12 50. the Puritan's coming in a moment Utcr. The cutter sot a working topsail but the sloop eet no other. Atjl p.m. the Genesta'a spinnaker boom was covered on deck and everything made enug for a long beat to windward , The large pas senger boats and bteam yachts had gathered off the outer mark and all eyea were upon the two boats as they cime bounding along. All t bought then that the Genesta was winner. Official time of the rounding was : Geneata Ib , 05m. 30o , the Puritan Ih , 7m , 3G- . The latter boat , with her main sheet hauled flat aft gybod as she rounded , and in a minute after she was close hauled on starboard tack , standing to the southward. The Puritan made a wide turn , which placed her farther to lee ward nud now commenced a grand struggle for the finish twenty rn'lcs ' to windward. Black , threatening clouda appeared in the noithwest preeaging more wind for the boats. Tbo Puritan wont about first at 1:23 : and the Genes ta n iiinuto later. O pt. Crocker thought it prudent to house the Puritan's topmast at 1:20 : , as the wind was romlng fast and heavy while an ugly sea was rising into which the yachts plunged. Three light leech lines on thePuritan'd jib were led aft and when hauled taut by Gen. Paine , much im proved the sot of the sail. Out from the northwest at 1:45 came a spiteful squall of wind , whistling through the ehrouds of tbe boats , lathing tlio green waves into foim and sending the spray in sheets high over the yachts to windward Those on the email tugs were drenched with the heavy etas that boarded them. Everyone thought .ho cuttor'ii topsail must come lu , Dowu the vent , keeling over as she felt tbo forca of the rquall , till her lee rail was lo t to tijiht n a smother of glittering foam ; over yet till .ho water was waehing up tj her ikyh'ehts amidships , and there , was n limit. CapUin Carter held to her course then abjut north by east ono quarter east , for the wind had hauled to norCh-northnost , and < ko eofintd to rpring through choppy BOSS , which were topped with seething white cap ? , as far to win Iward as the eye could retch , The Puritan wm making excellent weather of it at this time aud wai steadily "eating tip" through tlm Genesta1 * leo. * > Tust baforu she tacked at:17 : uhe was n full half mile on the Guneata'n Ice bjw. Instead of taoklng when elie could have crossed the Geuesta'a bows she kept on , thereby the com mittee nay , loeirg much valuable ( irnunc1. The Geneeta wont about at 2:18. : The stretch to westward proved to bu the last ono , s Iha wind favored tha yachts , to they wore able to fetch a finish. When Capt , Crocker found ho couM easily fetch tha lightship he'atartqJtha bloop'o sheets audgavo her a "goad full. " Sha wiu then about half a milo cu the Englishman'n weather quar. t r , who iileo had his main eheet started a trilV , but was "pointing" very high. At 3:35 : the Puritan kept broud off , and cume "bollicit" down for the GeuteU'd weather , evidently Intending to blanket i er , Ojptaiu Carter , teeing this , put the cut- tor's helm down uidUetly nud shot the Genesta into the wind across his ilvul'a * tern and took a windward poeiilon himself , al though he lost fully three minuU'S by the operation , Thoio was n "lulling"match for a few momenta until the Puritan got far enough ahead , Ttfjolclnjj in Now Yotlt. Nsw YOIIK , Sept. 10. There was proat re joicing at tha rooms of tbo Now York Yacht club to-night , each mf tnbcr as he entered not feuliog satiified until ho had shaken every other members band and asked him vvlmi he thought ot the victory. The geLoral cxprcs tlcu wai that ( he Rogllsh boat bat been fairly beaten with H wind out sea that gave her nil the advant ages the looked fnr , end that wore i not for tha miserable w y iu which the Purl- tan was sailed the could have enclly beaten the Gtmcttn by at least ten minutes more tlun the corrected time. Tbe Pacific Yacht clul rent a congratulatory trlegrmu tn thu New York Yacht club fruov San Francisco , cignad by thtir commodore. OvJuce. Tha cuptain , owners aud otherg o ( the I'uritaa'a p plo Id , to-night for Boston , The Genoata's people take defeat in good part. ' It has been decided by Uu club that thence nco forlhecommoJoro's cup will Uke place on ho 10th inst. Thu race for the B rent ill's ree challenge cup will ho on the 'Jl t mat , , ant h * > t for the Capo May challenge cup on tb 23d inst , XIio Noxvq in CHICAQO , Sept , 10 The caiociatod pres ccelved a bulletin announcing the victory o ho Puritan nt 3:11 : p. m. Chicago time , o -o minutes after thn victorious sloop croseec ho winning line , The most extraordinary ntcrett IIM ] Icon displayed In the outcome f to-day's race In this city , in view of the net that the despatches indicated Itwasblow ng "preat guns" off Sandy Hook , which wa upposcd to favor the English yacht , nni hero WA great cheering iu front of the news laper bullettna when the result was an nounced. The nftvaoon papers all prlntoi xtra editions announcing the progress of the ace. OENEIAU FUUEIUN NEWS. TUB CASirAIONOf CltAMIIKnr.AtN. oNiioy , Sept. -Chamberlain , in a pccch at GUpgow took the giound that it was f national Importanca tint tha earning pirll- mentary elections should roiorvo iu n itiatine majority numeiically strong enough to put own Pornoll. Speak ing on the subject o ! hurch disestablishment ha said ho was o p * csed to stnto interference with , or aid to , re gion. In this , ho wai lib-rnliouist , ( Great becriup. ) He WAS in favor of freeing tha hurch in England , Scotland and Wales from tate control. Hefeiring to the Irish question a raid ho still adhered to the idaa of a nn- council in Dublin , P.iruell askoil nioro ut would doubtless take le s. The speaker avorcd a unlou of the EogllBli democracy nnd 10 Irish people which would protect nil jainet class opprecelun. THE OHOLKHA arjllSIDlNO , MARSKIILES , Sept. 10 In the tweuty-four curs eiidiug ut midnight Tuesday , no deaths rum cholera were reported nt thu Pharo hos- ital. TltEjOIIOLGRA. HO.MK , Sept. 10. During tha pist 21 houra ine new ca os of cho'.cr.k nnd thrpo deaths rom the disease wcra reported in Palermo , ight now CIEOS and so\en deaths In Parmi , ad nn9 new case and ono death iu Rrggio- ell Emilin. A 8 GNIF10ANT HONOR. LONDON , Sept. 10 The czar of llussia con- erred decorations of a high order upon the ovprnor of St. llonia , fatuous fnr thu n VJru nti'German measures adopted by him in the t ltlc provinces. EXPELLED rnOJt RUSSIA. WARSAW , Sept. 10. Tha expulsion of Au - riaus has commenced , A Inrgo fatory dia- nuesed iu German employes , replacing them ithiuuslans expelled fr m Prussia. THE CAIIOLINK3 ( JUEiTION. LONDON , Sept. 1C.It Is Htated thit KQ * land does not intend lo support Germany in er claim respecting thn sovereignty of the Jarolimi islands , but cffsia to mtdltato with 'fain for the BFttlomout of the question. A WOfFFISH FAILUBK. LONDON , Sept 10 It is now certain that 10 inisdon of Wo ) it , Britioh envoy 0 Turkey , ii a failure , for it i ) autumn eel : mt the Anglo Turkish joint occupation of } . -ypt has been abandoned , and thu porto rill consider the expirlirmco ot nonrhng n ommiasioner to accompany Wolff to E > ; ypt , t is generally bollavtd that the sulian's jasnn for uoc nccadiiig to the terms offered by VclCf is that ha feared Russia would fo-get er promise respecting the treaty of Berlin in 10 event of an Auglu-Turkish alliance. ANOTHER RUSSIAN SCARE. ST. PKTKIISBUBO , Sopt. 10. The Russian dmiralty ordered two fust ciuisars to be uilt nt Copenhagen , The pollca of St , Pe- ersburg have been ordered tn renew measures f increased strategy introduced during the prkeit days of nihilism. THE GUERRILLAS OF ANAM. PARIS , Sept. 10. Tonquln advices state nut the Black Flag * are preparing for active uorrilla wf r on French troops , and will soon epinuggreesivo operations unless terms are made with them , LOST AT as A. ZZZ1 LONDON , Sept. 1C. The Norwegian bark Logaland , Cant. Hanson , capsized while on a oyngo from Parrsboro , Nova Scotia , to Uon- ray. The second mate , Seamen Uendricbon nd Nicolsou and a boy were rescued from a aft. They were in a greatly exhausted con- ition. The captain and ether members of he crow perished. Mexico' * National Anniversary. Ctiv oi' MEXICO , Sept. 10 , Tils celebration 1 Mexican independence was begun last voning by special services at the national loatro , President Dmz presiding. A bril- ant assemblage ) of military ofllcars , foreign niulsters and the elite of the city were present 'o-day there was a grand proce-aion of in- autry , artillery , cavalry aud civic societies , O.OCO perEons being in lino. Iha city is eautlfully decorated , American residents din- laying their national colors blended with ) oto of Mexico Gen. Grant' * portrait and loee tf Gong. Juarez and Hidalgo ro prominently di'pUyed Thn city is [ ilendidly decorated to-niKht. Cougreea as. emblea to-night , and railway representative ! unfldently expect thut the preiident in his lessige will coinnioiul resumption in whulo r pirt of suspended snbsidios. Northers provull at Vera Cruz , and yellow aver la abating. OciincrutH. BALTIMCIIIT , MdSept. li ( The democratic tate convention met hero 1 3-day , nil coun- les being fully represented. Frame Turner nd Spencer Joncu woie unanimously nom- nated for comptroller tnd clerk of tbo court of appealsteepectivoly. H'sclutions were adopted ndorsing the administration of Preiident leveland and re..Ulirnln7 tha pUtform of tha atiuual convention nf 18S4. They oppoto the working of the civil ssrvlca system aud do- mud a reform to that fcubordluato positions ball not bo filled by poraous opposed to the appointing power , Do itldrcu'Ti'lnl. BiBMAncK , D. T. , Sapt. 10 , The prosecu- lon in the Marquis Do Morea murJer trial csted iti caio this morning , owing to the ab- fuca of several witnesses , MtClung , the firnt vhuesa for thu defense , on the stand , testified .a to the general lawiotiini'pa of O'Oounell , 'inuoffan uud Lulf ey , how they n da throuuh "jtHIo Miisouri fehootmg through knot boles f houRcs , hoi en in tents , etc. That no matter wbukillid Luff-oy , it was only a question ( f who was killed first , It lonkd now in if the ury would azree oa a verdict without leaving heir teats. Ilia He n Movorr d Ircim HU DoJy. CiiATTiNOOBA , Tenn. , Sopt. 10. A horrible crime wag brought to light near Cook creek att night. The body of Samuel Oxle , n very vealthr farmer , was found in a ravine horri- jly mutilated the head being nearly severed 'rom ' thu body. Two white women were ar rested on tha charge of having murdered him latenso excitement prevails. An Unprovoked tun .ult I'rnvra CHICAGO , Sept. 1G.--A man named Stevens , 7 ? yoara old , di'd at tba county hospital to day from Iha elfecta of a clubbing received n the bunds of a man Hue ) weeks ago , who 1. now in tlm city bridewell The wife and son declare that the tusault wai entirely unpro voiced , occurring on the sidewalk in hunt o Stevens' home , Dr. Hareiltou Wurrou , Pcyalcim am Surgeon , 703 N. 10 h atreot , near W b Bter , Dy aud. night caU proiaplly o ! "toiidf d to. AWlOfJG THE MIMEBS Meiers of the American luslilnle Have Gone or Bean Seat to Halifax , Talking of Oxyds , Aluminum , Sil icon and Ooruudrtnu. look Springs Minors Ooiifor with the Company Officials. Xhc Miners Malco A Request Trou bles of Dusky Dlnintiiul Dtg- in oilier PJftcco. I ho American Institute of Alining HALIFAX , N. S , , Sept. 10. A formal ro- option to the members of tlio American In- tituto of Mining Kuglneorj took place in the eglilativo council chnmbor ot thu provincial uildlug this morning. J. 12 Baylies , presl- ent of the association , occupied the chair. 2x-Governor Sir Adam G. Archibald deliv- rod an addres a of welcome lu the nnmo of id people of Novn Scotia. lie was followrd > y Mayor Mackiutoeh , who welcomed the leitora in behalf of the citj. Sir Adam tVclt nt Boulo leuftth on thu history of the miner * 1 developments of the province , and nferrcd brufl > to the present extent of the tul , Iron and gold products. Baylies replied to thn address of wcloomo n a short speech. In thu course of his re marks ha bid particular stress on the value if thu coking coal of tlio province , which , ho md been turprisod t ? loam , was to be found u largo quantities , Ilia product , ho says. wai in tnu.h demand iu thu iron regions of 'enusjlvanln and Ohio , mid ho brliuvml the most rudont protectionist In the United tntej would cot have the slightest bjection to allowing coking coal from Nova cotia to eater that o uutry duty free. PrOii- out Baylies txprcsbed the opinion that * free ado lather tlun protection was nn aid to in development of the mineral resources of country. The remainder of the morning cession wai akoa up with the reading of papers on arioDBclentllio eut/jpcta. Tne following is nn abstract of a pippr on- tied ' 'An Electric il Furnace for Jf educing > sfrnctoiv Ores , " road by 1'rof. T. Sterry [ ant , ol Montreal. The application of elec rluty to the extraction of metals haa hitherto eon chiefly confined to elo.truids of dissolved r ( used c impounds of these by various nethods. Tha pwer of electric oarrenta to lonerato intensa heat in their pissago through osisting metals has , however , lo g been mown , imd the late W. biertena lereby succeeded iu melting considerable umtities of steel. It was , however , re- erved to Messrs. Eugene H. Cowles and Alfred Cowloiof Cleveland , Ohio , tp take a ew step in rnetallinpic art by making heat ma produced tbe menus of reducing tn the ireseuce of carbon the oxyda not only of Ikaliuo install but of magnesium , manganese ) , luminnm , silicon , and iro'i , with nn owe vhich permits the production of the elc- rnentH and their alloya with copper and other letnla on a commerci.l ica'e in uu apparatm oviEcd mid now employed by Messrs. Coivleu. A column of fragments of well calcined anrcoal , ao prepared and arranged as to pre- ent requisite electrical retis'nuco. is Im- jodded horizontally iu finely pulverized char- oal , and covered by a lojer of the isamo material coartely braktn , the wbolo heltig jlaced In n lot of firebrick , cworo3 with per orated tila and opened at tfci ends to admit f two cirlon rlectroids an Inch and a hulf in laraeter. Through these n current from a yuamo electric machine of thirty ho e power i now made to traverse the central cores of lie carbon , whereby auch a temperature ia nt nca produced that the platinandium may be nstantly melted therein and the m st re- rattory oxyda already named are not only used and volatilized , but reduced to their lemental mate with formations of carbonic ixyd gas. If alumina iu the form of gracu- ut ( id corundruin Is mingled with the arbon In the electric pith the luminum is rapidly liberated , being n part carried off yvith the oecapmg gas nd in part condensed in the upper layf r of harcoal. In thia way are obtained contider- ble masses of nearly pure fused aluminum nd others of a crystalino compound oi metal with carbon. When , however , n portion of ranulatod copper Is placed with the cor- ndrum an alloy of two metals la obtained , which is probably formed in nn overlying tratum , but nt the close of the operation H found in fused masses below. In this way here is got , after the current has passed fern , n hour anil a ha'f ' through a furnace , from our to five pounds of un alloy cintalning 12 o 1C per cent of aluminum and five from ran. On mbatituting this alloy for copper in lie second operation a compound with over 0 per cent is obtained. Already a mall experimental plant with n thirty lorso power dynamo is producing daily oy r vo pounds of aluminum in the form of a rich nd brittle alloy , which by suitablfl ivdditloun f copper is converted Into dillerent grades of luminum bronze. Tno remarkable qualities f thoae are ao wnll known that it Is only : ioir great coat hithert' ) which hw prevented : nir more general ueo In artr. Thof are now Ifered for sale in Cleveland on a basis of 90 pound for contained cluminnm. Tlio Trnnblo nt iloclc EVANBION , W. T. , Sept. -Kagagocl In nvettigating the recent dlsttubanoa among tie miners at Rock Springs and circumstances tteudlug the massacre of Chino'O minois , Ir. leaao II Bromley , asaii.tant of 1'reeiJcnt VJauis of the Union Paclfia railroad , was caterdny mot by a committee of citizsna rom Rock Bptlnga , of whom several were niner ? , and a lengthy dhcutslon ol lid ultuatiim ensued , The committee cclinod to np'y ' to any quos- ion referring to the killing of the China- nno , but unfolded n lunjo bundle of grievances vherAin mojt of the promlntnt cautea of dtn- ati'ifactlon amocg thn whites WAH alloeed to o fuvoritUm fhowu the Chineto in the ap- lointmrnt of rooms , etc , Oao miner com ) lalned that hn had been oaiigncd n pit which lad been abandoned by Uhinuio mlmrii and n which ho could not m ko a decant living. Otiieia camplninod of bad troat- ent at the hands of thn liaises , who used ( also weights in weighing owl. A a number of thn Chinese teoilled that far rom deaiting the whites at the minea to go , , liuy were cwliditnt that fully 5DO of their lumber wiiru willing to leava nt once. After hu di&cusuon the ( Mininittao i miners waited on Mr , ( . 'lark , gentrul euperiotendent of the coal f-parttmnt , with ft propositi n hut i4iiniuers tlisch&rfred on ncccunt of tlui liituib&ntoor other cause bo reinstated itntl tha Chiursflcxc'udcd ' from tbo mluei , Mr , ; iark promptly declined to thus surrender tliH fcituatlon to the mlnen , Questioned as to what the company would lu in cuee a general strike should bo ordered , Mr liromluy paid ho did not know , but tlmt f ho was in a position to direct , he wouhl limply turn the rotd over to tlis Ucltoi : States govornraent , which hau n large pecuni ary iutcrdit in It , and let the government boV tlu the trouble in ita own way. SInro nis > tlutl3il Minors , ST. Louiti , Mo. , Sept , 1C. llepoiti frcva Colliuavllle , III , , a fewmileu eist of lioro tr that much diteouteut ha > sgaln broken ou amen { tlu co l miners iu that \lcitity. number of wen at thu mines i > f Bouk Urod , u t ii city , aivl at two or throa otho ; Pll mar by v refined to work to-day and male daimuit for an jncreaao cf half u cent pt > bmh.t/1 [ or digging , which WAD nut acceded to aiu a tueetlcg ot dolrgatea f rum all mine in llolluville dUtriot will bo Luld i.t Ku > t St Sto he men will ba ventilated and some action jo determined upon , Strikers Itcturnrd to Work. CLEVZLAND , Ohio , September 1C.-One houiacd cotl intncra in Akrou district , who truck lait Friday , hold n meeting to-day am ecidcd to go to work to-morrow at a reduct ion , Tlm will receive 05 cents PT ton , which ia the prlca recently accepted by the miners of Mastillon district. NEWS. BDE1KO THE KX-COMMlSSlOtmt. WASHINGTON , Sept. 10. First Comptroller ) urham has forwarded a trantcrlpt of the ao- ount < of GeorgoB , Loring , late coromUslone f agriculture , to the solicitor of Iho treasury r institution of suit for the recovery of About 20,000 of government funds alleged to have icon illegally expended by Mr , Lorltig in the archflse of seed , &o , for the department ol griculturo. The poatmsstor general appointed the fol- owmg fourth clisa postmasters tndaj : llllnois-Clmpin , F. P. McKInney ; Mnr- syvllle , Thomai Grouse : Fowler , John D. traub ; Moutul Station , Goorga W. Kbey. Iowa .KIWortli , John L , Digoruess ; Olation , S. W , MIddlccoff. . Till ! SPIRITS TO BE 1IKL1) . The pecrttiry of the treasury to-d y in- rucloJ the cillotor of customs at Newport 'uws , Yit , tn recoho from the collector of uternal revemn n cargo of npirita shipped rom llariodsburg , Ky , by J , IS , Thompson ud lutendo ) for export from Now York o Bremen , nnd to hold it In custody until otified that the collector of interim ! ruveuuo at the. Eighth district of Kentucky hns ro- oived a baud from the distiller to cover the outo from NowporS News to Now York , he poods may then ba shipped. 08TMASTKU3 Ari'OINTED VAH10US KVKNTS ABOUT WAHH1KOTON , WASHINGTON , 9opt 10. The president ap- nlnted the following postmasters to-day : dward II. Thayer , Clinton , lown , vicoChni. oil , reaijincd0liar.f's ; W. Miller , Ohico , Oal , , ce Jnmo4 M Ormsuy , 8u > pendod upon re- ortof inspector-i who found hia account short the amount of S2.COO. Secretary Manning has finally kancrl the ouso of Otis liigelow , at the corner of Kigh- jonth and I' utrects , and will occupy it oa > oti n > Mra , Manning returns to the city , [ r Bi oluw wns a few ycarj ago a clerk In 10 ceneua tllico. By strict nttontion to the anklng business , he la now in n position to uild houn'8 good enough for cabinet llicera , Secretary Whitney has not ikon n city hou e. llu U spendh several thousand dollars In tting up the Means place on the Tenally- ) wn road , recently bought by him and will > oml the nutumn thoie. Mri. Whitney will robably be debarred from going much 'in duty by the rtcant death of her brother. Attorney General Garland haa pu'chuaed a esldonca at thu corner of Ithodo Island nve- no and Fuurteenth street , and all the mem- era ol tbo cabinet , except Mr. Lr.mar , may aw be said tn be provulod for as to n home in IQ District of Columbia , Two months' trial of the superintondoncy : the Hi t Sprites reservation BO pleased on. Ch.iTl.s W. Field that ho aonda word tat bo will not bo a candidate for doorkeeper the hnueo. This leaves Iho contest to I Donebon , of Ttnntsseo , John Trainer New York , and Gen. Colt , of Connecticut hu AIIs ourIanB , who have quite a foothold i the office of the doorkeeper , are iu eym- athy with Donaldson r > ish Committioner Balrd informs Congress * an Glover that there ia every prospect of a ufficient supply of carp this seaiun to incot 1 reasunablo ren.uiren.ents , He desire ? to ave app'tcatioua ' on tile by the middle of Oc- > ber , ud thb ponds will ba drawn and the dia- ibutlon will commence as Boon ufter that ate aa pisslhlo. Blank applications will bo uruished to those who wish to etoci ponds or ultabla streams. hroo Expart Swimmers Ilroivnert , CharlcE J. Young and Arthur Whealor and idward Sumner ( urtis , with four compan- ms , went sailing on Aeon lake noarHingmau [ aja , , Sunday last. Tne breeze was stiff and hreoof the pasty became frightened nnd skod to put ashore which was done. As soon a the boat had moved out from the protec- 011 of the bluffs the W4V63 began to dash rainst it and a fourth member of the party ecama nervous and asked to ba landed. Ilii equett was complied with , The boat for a 11 rd time was headed toward the center of 10 lake , the throe men above named being s only occupants , When 200 yards from the lore a ihw struck her and the was capsized , hu occupanta were thrown into the water , hey wore supposed to he good swimmers , at , for some nnaicounuble reason , all tank ter a ( hurt Btrugple , Mr Irving Beol , a oar resident , saw the accident , and ruabmg 3 the ehoru jumped into n boat nd rowed fast twward the upturned oat , but before covering half IB distance thn men had disappeared. After ng-conliuued efforts Curtis' bjdy was recov- red , but none of the others have been found , iTouni : was SO years old , and loaves a widow ud one child flo was foreman in a boot actory at West Soltuatu , nndvta highly ro- icctud , Whoalfr waa 24 vers old ami un- arried , while Curtis was ii ( , and marrloJ to Vheelet'd enter. C'irtia and Wheeler were enibrs of Bowl's bjtnd , of South Abingdon , nd during the pift nummer were momhora cf 10 band on the excursion stunmcr Kmpiro tatu. Jlrt Votornrm ami Their ttruis In An nual Uoiuilon. GHAND ] lAnia , Mich , , Sept * 10. The So- ety of the Army of the Cumberland began s seventeenth annual reunion hero to-day , .bout COO members of the society are in at- ondano" , among them most of the office , . ncluding Goaeral Sheridan , president ; Gen- ! ral Cist , tecrctary ; General Fullerton , trea- uterj General Muzzy , orator of to-night ; eneralfl Morgan , Pupa , Bmiett , Colonel b > cmiiker , Gineral Innos , O. Ij Fox. Gen- ral Cutchoiin GonerftMIenry Sioue , General 'mrco nnd General Svayn , At the meeting tit inornliii , ' the ojuimlttoea on ominalion , ulllcerii , oration , memories , place t holding next meeting , eta , , were appointed , i movrineut looking to perpetuation of the ociety through a luusiiion of the sons of vet * rans began , and wi.libo reported by a com- alttec. The Sons of Veterans of tbo United States re holding their fourth national encampment ere , about 600 Iron ? , Thu ciuip IB known u OJtujf Grant. Noarjy every ututo and tor- itory in tha union la reprnienled , Quito a number nf vbUransi of ttm Mexican M are holdiug tli'ir ftunual reunion hero. j'irge Uelegatioun , nearly 1,003 ia nit , of tkii iriiul Army of th , ) Itjjiuhllo ara in the city , t [ Camp Grant. GrAutiUpidj , la piofma'y lecorutHd iu honor of ill' ' ) renmon , The vcather U wipot'o , and thousands of visitiira are in tha city. Thia iifeulnGuvrnor Alger will -lu3inu the Army of thu Cumberland nnd ether voturani tu Michigan General Shprulau will respond , uud General Rluizy will dbliver a formal oratloru A grand ban- m'jt will und the reunion to morrow night. An Immense crowd pothered at Power' * opera houto to-ntght to attend the Cumber * nd army rfuulou exercises. Gen. 11. A. Alger , at ( .vvrrnor , delivered an udiural address of weicoinj on b balf of thrj rtt tha dose of his address , Gm. Sherldon , ou b liull of the society , letpouded , Uu wildly chetrud , A Motlier'H Ire ) ( Hiil not. TOBONTO , Oat , Sept. 15. [ Special to Chicago cage Times , ] A drunken mother armed hcr- telf with a knUe here thli morning -.bout 8 o'clock , and. prepared to cDmini'c a terrible tragedy hf ntttinptiuR to cut the th.-oati of her ttitoa children , about 8 , 0 and S years old. The woman 1 : MlS. Aiiey , an j iha live * her hwbund in Erown'a lane , rntlior di'rti > - utablo part of the city. Tin terrible nf- fair WA first diicoT-rcd by ft resident of the pUca who happened to bo pawing the house , and , looking through the tinblimiM window of the chiWrtn's ileoi irg apaitmttt , noticed .Mrs. Airey nnd the little onis lying un the bed covered with blood. Tin sight thU mot his gaze almrwt pir- aljzed him Mis. Ahoy was Ijing across the foot of Ilia bed , her clothing b ep ttcrcd with hloojvhllo the boys ptesontcd n eltkcn ing sight. Alfred , the cldott , about S years of Ago , was monuing terribly , with his tight band ritcaied Mgaluit his nick , concealing n cut that ex- tundrd nhnoRt from car to oar. In the middle of thu bud the baby , about 23 mouths old , rtclintd , ntiny rivulet of blood pouring from n cut iu till throat. On the other ttdo of the bed tin feconil eldest con wan found. The pil'ow under him was deeply stained in soy- em ! places with largo patches of blood , while the mitttrcea was saturated with blood that had streamed from n danger * oiu wound on the right tide of the neck. The children ware removed to nn adjoining houio and a doctor tummonod. An examina tion of the wouuila showed that the oldest and youngest ones had only received slight exter nal injury , while the kuifo had penetrated the jugular vein of Harry , partially severing it. The ganlng wound was stitched , and the chil dren wore shortly afterward takan to the general hospital iu ananihulanco. A pollca- man took charga of the murderous mother. In the incantlmu she had also drawn the In- stiument with which she had inflicted wounds on the litllo ones across her own thront , only succeeding- , however , lu raising : ho flesh , Then , to increase the ghastly sur- ruuudiugs of the an ful crime1 , she plunged her hand into Iho blood ( f her victims and drew it over her nok. She is nippo ed to to insane. ftUot husband ia a laid-working , icsprctablo laboier. Tha fam ily cairQ ; out from England in April last. Mr , Aircyeaya his wife Inn boon drinking hoav- ly of late , and ho thinks her frequent pota- .lons have umettlcd her brain , Iteceutlyho iaj noticed that she boa grown very despond ent , her malady aoenung to lu- : teaeo since eha received n letter rom the old country intorniinglierof n legacy > f ill 200 which n deceased relative has willed o her. This morning ho found it necessary o remonstrate with her before lenviug home or work. Although the condition of the ihildren Is very dangerous the doctors have lopea of their rocovey. AUnotuliiK IOWA Fair. Special Telegram to The BEB. HED OAK , lown , Sept. JO. The fair nt Red ) . .k ia now in prcgr S3 with the largest dia- > lay of stork and agricultural products oxer _ gotten ( together in the western part of the state. Over 2JO head of blooded cattle nro in the sheds and 100 head nf fine hogs. Over fifty jpiccl borsea nro entered in the race * , and the f astost time and the most exciting : events ever held on tbo track nro expected. : Every race ia full with from five ftT eight entries. The fair will cootiuuo over Thursday and Friday , aud large crowds from surrounding towna nru expected , OurlUfjCorii Kortilcr. From the American Agriculturalist. When well oared corn fodder thnt has boon properly gro sin la quito equal in valao to avoMgo luy. To accuro the fall nutritlvti value of corn fuddor , it chould be grown in rows enffiolently wide apart to admit un abuadaaca of light and air. Light end ulr are both nccottary for the full development of the plant , aud the production of fitarab , cugar nnd other nutritions couatituonta < > { the ttr.Ik aud leaf , The palo , yoliow loaves aud atalki , thnt result frcca broadcait eot/- Ing , , &ro of Httb value , unil whon. dried bocomu Imroh , bri'tlo ' aud fasloloas , so that a horao or cow rejects auch food with diid&lu , nnksa ctarved into citing ii. But the dork grtau , neil grovrn fodder Ic aweet , tender , aud us wo Imvo said , is equal to hay for winter feeding. To eave the fodder la ( ha beat condition , Itahonld bo cat before frott tag touched it , or the tassel hss dried. It it has baen grown for grain the time to cut It l ! la when the kernel ia glazed , hut ia yet toft enough to ho Impressed by the thumb : nttll. When the crop has boon grown for fodder alouo vro cut it before iho ' blossom Las qalto faded , and when the ears upon it are. half groKii. To cnro a luxuriant crop of fcdder , wolphlng , whllo Ktoen , twenty tonw per acre , Is not an easy matter , uuloia ono gooa the right way about it. The olalks should bo cut closd to the surface of the ground , ao a * to leave no stubble in the way of fitting the ground at ouco for a crop of ryo. For this purpona , wo find tbo old-fr.chlonod corn hook , made of a pleca of an old acytho , at tached to n ahort , ntont handle to bo the beat mid o&alcat tool. A itout brush hook , at the oud of a haudlo four feet long , ia also an excellent iiuploinont for cutting by hand. But a reaper may bo lued , If it ia draff n dligonally acroso the rowa , und the laud has baon cultivated on Iho lovol. But \yhatever way , the crop Is cut , it should bo on the ground far twenty-four hours , to bccomo thoroughly wilted. It ia then bound la nr-iall ahoaves , nolahing aboat twenty-five pounds , which is a conven ient way to UHO It for feeding , ncd theeo ahoivja are aot up In shooko , and pro- tfctod from the rain , In thin way the fodder will euro poifoctly well without molding , nnd preserves Ita cnlor nnd awootncBS , until It la randy to bo , taken , when the best vty to dispose of It ia o atacls it in open bsrrioks. AVliRt G nlto Doiiu onu , Etcyclo. ] "com. Iho Hartford Times. After the races Canary o ma on the I rack , wdlant In a mBtoon velvet jacket t md lavender tight * . Ho showed anne oudeiful things that may ba done with bisyolo. Before ha got through wltli .la exhibition no * no would bavo bee : : vupiised If hH htd thrown aeido thi vhosl and riudun ivround ou the jr whore It ntid beenk JIlo best fonts rero ; Riding with Bmall wheel rff I [ round. Backing whh small wheel off | round , Sivii'ghiK lu imaU cliclo on thn tig wheel only. Fusing backward nnd Iding fovward. Stuudlng up on saddle. 55niug on aandlo , the in ? cbino being ,1111 , , aud balanced. Machine up eidi iown , mouut the big wheel , tcn tlu .mull . ono over into place and itart oif .iBmr.vIng thu tunsll nhoBl , rldotho hrg uo backward or forward. Lay , bandl bar on the Kround , mouut the bljj whoul reich over and get the bir , and start oil' D o ( UJ.-ccded on the third tiiul and uhoered. Then ho removed the hnudlo bar , leav log only the big wheel n.Moh ho rode Next ho removed the 1 adlo from th bl wherl , and , tnountlng , propolltd I with his hands , Next hu stood upright baud * in the air , and rode ibe when Then ho brought cut o common wage wheil , placed his ieet on the hnbo eitlur tldo aud propelled it with his haudr. Uo cloccd by bylcg the wheel Hit en tboroand { , BUtldonly pullicg It upr'gat ' , tprlufilug cu tnd tiding awty This Crofl bans money en Diamonds and Fine wotclito. Room 4 , WHhnail block. . THE sTOKETS. Pfimc FiBisliEii Corc-Feil Sclliog Read ily and iu Fmall Stookor aud Feeder Stuff at Pro" viously Low Prices . Lieht Escoipts Mnko a Slightly Better Hog Marketi Tlio Wheat Matkot Strong nn < l Clot- itiK nt mi Artvanoo Over "X'CH- torclnj Otlicr Motltcto. O1HO.1GO JjU'Il 8TOOK , CATTLE. Special Telcgrata to the Bur. Cinoxao , Sspt. 16. There was larpcr per cent of natives along the fresh arrivals than for any day for n fortnight \x\it \ , jet really prime llnlihod corn fed uMives wore not plentiful , nnd sold fur a * equally lilrji figaroi aa for any time , nnd auch may a ain bo quoted around about $5 74 to SG 00. The grunt bulk of native stock were good uiclul steen that were soiling around about 85 00 tn $5 GO , with common aud medium nt S3 70 to 31 30. Cows , ImlU and ether coareo natuo stock sold nt $ l50to3&0 woru not in ni heavy iupply as unial , nud caanuig sorts word held a ehndo higher , enllmg nt from 82 00 to S3 .10. Northwestern Tex ins ( old nt S3 00 toSS3i > 0 ; grass fed rantrcrs $3 05 to $4 50 , nnd corn fed rangers ? l i5 to $4 S3. Stockt-rd nud foeilora rein tin dull nt previously low jinccn noted. Stcok calvcn aru in fair eupply nnd scaling at § 10 08 to 913 60 per head 1,33(1 , ( to 1 DUO Ibs , S0.20 ; 1,200 lo 1,350 Ihs , § 1 OOS,510 ; 9oO to 1 SCO lb , ? 3.00@185. Through Texrta cattle , BtmngKri 'J.iOto 1.050 Ibs , $3 00@3 50 : 7fiO to COO Ibs , S2.75@3 20 ; GOO to700dw , 5J 50 ,3,1 > . Wchtorn raugorB , eto.idy ; nnUvcH nud half-breudf , S3 D0 > 5.00. Sa'ca-MO ' Colorado Texme , 1,0 7'b5.10 ' ; 359 Dakota * , 1209 Ibs , Si 01 ; . 2(1 ( Wjomiut-s , 1,178 Ibi , § 4 3 i , 221 Colorado Toxaus , l,0it > lb , SS 30 ; llilNebraskans , 1,147 Ibs , $3.85 , HOGS. Trading at the opening WHB rather slow nnd prices ruled weak. The impreBxicu nt the start was that thu ruu would bn hotvy nnd that eventually pr'cjxmuat QO lower , but late traina were nearly nil cattle , m > that the run proved only m-jdcrato , and as n cjnseqnanoa Ute Haloa were rn.hor liit'liur llmu ot thu clusu yesterday Ilou h ncl common sold around about S ; ! OO'tf 1.10 , and good packing ; eorts nt S11D@12D , with heavy nt Sl.30@lt.40. Tacking und atrippiug , 25J tj 330 lb , S4.00 4 30 ; li ht weights , KJ ! to 17U Iba , 51.20CS ) 4.-C5 ; IbO to 210 IDs , $3.501 2J. J GK.X1.M PIT. \\IIKAT. Special Telegram to the BUB. CHIOAGO , Sopt. 1C. The wheat market was weak at the opening t3-day , bu developed strength as the eeaslon ftdvoncad , , aud closed with a strong bull tone prevailing. The market wan raided early in thu day by eomo of the big bears , but after pr coa had fallen oil le from last nlght'ii closing it was fauna thit very little wheat was an sale , ? , ud the c ( Forts of "shorts ta cover cauwd on immediate nnd eharp advancu of J.ia from the lowest point , the market clo < iri ut the highest prices oi the day current Tlura was more outside buying , and several prominent local bulls were noticeable , owing to tbo aon- fldenco in which they made lar e purchases. It was cited that rocttipts of both winter aud spring wheat were tilt smallest of the piuscnt crop year , while shipments exceeded the aggregate of receipts. Oablea quoted firm foreign market' , aud it wim o timittuil that the amount of wheat afloat for Europe would show a very considerable Tbeso facts appeared to encourage bull traderi , and their belief in tha advnuciug market appeared to bacomo stronger. It vita also lumored that the Minneapolis Millera' a'sociatlon had ad vanced tbo price 10o a bushel. The market closed Jo higher than yesterday , OTUED MAltlCLId. There was veiy little animation in trading in corn , and prices showed little change ex- ccdc Sejitember , which declined jjc. liuceipta were not large , but the shipping demand ap peared to be lighter , which canted a general feeling of easiness. Tha o..t market was no- glcctud and prices fhowcd very little change , r/ovleions mlod very _ quiet. Aft r un easy day in pork , prices rallied a trilla and closed steady. 3POKT1NO AFFAIRS. / THE OAK. LAKH MAIIANACOOJC , Me. , Sept. 16 , At the regatta hero to day tbo ruca for profoutional double sculls was won by llanlan nnd Lee , Homncr and 1'dtorsou second , McKay und ilamm third. Timu for tbreo mites , 10:02 : , I1AHK At Tlaltirnoro Baltimore. 9 ; Oincinnntl , 10. At Philadelphia Athlotica , 0 , Si , Louis , 1C. At Chicago Chicago 10 , Boston 4 , At Now York Mstmp 'litan ' 5 , i'ittebure it. At Detroit Dfttrolt ( J , New Yoik 2. At Brooklyn Brooklyn S , Loulivllli 0 , AtBulTilu-BulIalo 3 , 1'nila-Jolphii 7. At Si. honis Ht. Ljum 0 , IVnvldeuca 4 , niojt rou A liia PUIIBK. O&CVEL&Kl ) , Ohio , Sept. 1C. rhalla.s nad iiktp will trot hera for u pursu a' . 52,000 ctuber 23 , A lawyer Kmif-lily 1'lirnuliod. ST. Locio , Sept. 10. A BunVor Hill pecial taya : ' Tlia bail feeling can ting for a eng time between linn A. N V OUDJ , ' , ex- aiembor of the lu iehturo , nnd Dr. B. F. liule a retired meichant and c/.pltn'lst. of lis city , WHS renewed in u rec ut lawsuit ere , in whlcJi Young lupresentq J the plain- ilf , nnd Halo wa u witm-im for the dense , Tno opiwttunity oifered was favorable one , atd before Iha court ould Intcrfero hot woid pissed. The If.ilr culmiimUd to-day by Charles - , iale , ton of the doctor , ooa'/routtaR ' / Young ! s ha wai comiuK down tu'.vn and with u - ] ruvn lot'oh'Dr UcmnnJed. > n retcuction and -f aliifautlun , Youog draw h'in plstnlbut IIulo t ia'J the ilroj uu him aul fiinnpblleil him to , , 'j' ' luow diinu hU weaiM > n , tliaxi advancing , J : truck Yoiup : tdrnb'.n bl * w with bin list in -J | lioeyuuud forcud him ! , < > ii treat to a door V > ard to the mu lc of u rr uid which Halo in- * duitiiotuly i-lud The end In i ot yet , and m hravo ftiUB i.rd cntcruiaid th t tha outcome ( J will bo a rurloiij 0110. " - ( , Br t. -Indications for UioupperMin .li U.i'i > l valley : Generally fair ) J weather , fcoutlicilyviuUs , bccomicg \ atiub'e , higUor folloKB' ' ! by loiror teuitieruture , and a cool wavu in lb > norllvrn portion. Mlsiouil valley ; Ci > dor northerly winds. Oruolivd lo a Stint * . UJTHIoiy KH , Ia , , Supt. 1G-A epecl.l to tha Stuti H sibter ( run Oulfai , Ia , , myc : William ruigb , a n.lncr , was ciunbid by full- IngHUti ; in tQu Pitteburr ( mine jeEterJuy nnd dud frrm VJU iwjurles tu-ilay. Ho was thirty years vf retard married. iu U l1roari , . . 1'AL'tMinn , , Sept. 10-Tho Joint wea * te-.u clasullication cSmmlttee to-day refuted to rfrant the rjuwt ol Cl'icugo and St.