Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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T&e & Crowiis at the Ntafca Stale
Fair Augmenting Eytry Day ,
The Beautiful Exhibit and Events
for To-day ,
Criminal Item * anil Orookcd
la thoCUy-Blato Personals
City Notce ,
Yciterdftjr wai the tecond day of the fair ,
and if thn Dno weather itlll holdi out , with
erery Indication that It will do BO , it assures
ono of the fined state loirs over held In Ne
braska or any Western ttato. All day long
the latga ctond of the previous day wa aug
mented by A tnnltitudo pouting into the city ,
many of whom were compelled to walk tha
itreeta until Ute nt night in search of n place
upon which to rcit their weary bodies. The
hotels nro crowded , the hallways and many of
the rojma belcR fill .d with cots , but for all
that , anyone who starts out diligently and in
time can eecuro a place tonloep at omo ono of
the miny boarding plactn in toe city at ren-
sonaUi ! priced
As IndlcHtfd yestf rday , very much wts ac
complished during the dky In coujplrtitifr ; the
many pror.nri tlonn und In placlnc in utder thn
many exhibits in tha halls This morning
finds the finhhinif work btlnp douo. Thcro
have been no Bet of men in
tha countiy harder worked thau _ lm !
managers auil thoto iti chaiRo of the varioiu
deputlm < n < B nud their nsilntonts during the
week , and the whole state is indebted to them
for their energy , indmtry , capability 'nud
couflcousnesa. Oa the fjruirda the Usitorn
nro cheaply aud well mipplkd with what ever
is utcded to Invigorate ttio Inner mau from the
dluinR balls nud lunch cuuutcrs , cf the
churcbcp , several of whom true built quits
spacious halls for tlio cutertMnmcut of their
RUHt ! > , and the W. 0. T. U. hoactiunrtcn ,
where almost anything good to cat can bo
The variom hills a-o now finished and very
much baa beau added to them , no Unit they
nro indeed a beautiful night It is impossible
to uiako mention o' ' tau exhibits in dotiilin
the various dopartrauitB. Wo cm only speak
Rtnerjlly for lick o ( space , and boMdca to be
appreciated thty uiuat bj teen. They
ere romplolo iu dutnll and reveal won
derfully the growth i , ! the Btstu
in mnterial prosp-rlty and the luxuries
and refinements of n nonor countiy. In
SRiIcultuiul hill the farmer who took up his
hcrutsHT.d but a few yetira ulnco , and
had nothing but a wugon and a epan of
inulca , peihupp , can look with 'well earned
path faction nt the Rlorloiu pr ( ducts of the
neil , which he had been told when a boy was
but great desert , Hoio nlro the business
mar , the profcetionnl man , the tnanufactu'er ,
seoi before bin oyta the true omen of his fu
ture success , for well ho knowa that tha pro-
duc'.lvbnm ( if Nabrieka is the measure of
the amount of bminess ho o u do.
In piovious laws hnu been mentlonod n
few Bptcicly notablu featured of each depart
ment. To-day we with to epeak more fully
of the cattle , horse , nwltio and poultry depart
ment ! ) , which are worthy of oil tha atten
tion that can bn given them.
The live stock display ii the fluent in point of
breed , variety aud Lumber over Reeu t cny
fair wiat of Ilia Mississippi river , Tliu in BIIU
advinedly ami iairi uo H3DM > r a execration.
Stcck tt ilia but acry f. w less than a thou
sand encircle tha north , cant arid eouth sides
of the grounds , all of which nro occupied ,
Imagine these thousand stall. ) tilled with Noir-
man and CI > 'do Uo ! stillionn , magnificent in
8izi , with rojdettra whosn flue limbs and
elcil : forma denote activity aud ttrenglh ;
beautiful and slender innro ? , many of
them with their coltgof all siz-e , und au idea
ia had of the completeness of this depart
ment , l"nrther alog ono cornea to tha cattle
hundreds and hundreds cf them < if all the
best breeds In the country , until he is
confused by the liumcmity of the
exhibit. The sheep and hog pans ara located
to thy southeast n the malu buildings , r.udare
fully on a par with the horse and cattle dis
In theea departments the leading agricul
tural counties of tha sta'o hare contributed ;
oa null , aho , quite a number of states , oven
as f AT east as New York. Djflglaj county
has a One exhibit , hath In MZO and qua'.ity , iu
ch&rgi of O. J , Ryan , superintendent , as-
siatcn by members of the bonrd of mnnagera
of the DOURIUS county society. The Ji IT.-rion
county exhibit , in charge of J. II. Nbhou and
llorace Graves , is very ci editable ,
as MBO ia that of Lancaster , in charge
of Soretary Brlove ; Cuss , { n charge
of G. W. Norton ; Clay , iu charge
II. B. Strong , of Clay Center , and his nseis1- ;
nnts , Cbeyinne under tin eupervislon of S.F.
PJeherty uud Dr. T. C Kern , D ; Kern in-
fanned your reporter that their display wita
cntluly produced from the breaking , niid this
mnktu it the more wonderful , as it will co.n-
piuo fiyorab'y with o.dor cou tied , without
dctrao'.ing from them In the least. To none
of thii-o counties had sutiictent room baan
inrniahed , and thin is the common com
plaint f om nearly all exhibitors. No
blame is to bo attached to the maniijjement
for I h M. To i y could not reasonably cont"pi-
plalu Iho itnmiiU'O nutnbir of intrics which
Lfwo bten maao and ia their endeavor to ac-
como i.ito nil thro uecaaaurily was eoina
ItUh : born should ba in ntionoJ the apiary ,
which will bo of Interest to those connected
with boa cu ture , ni iimoy fannarj arc , who
flnd it quite profitable , and ovuu wheu not
gonti into extensively , the product of a few
hives n excellent to have in tin ) larder.
In the brief mention of Jelfrrsou ciucty
notion should IIDVH Iicen maclo uf the clieplny
in cbar/3 of Mra , J , 1J. MjS > ivall , an'l duo
very latfraly to ht-r inteipnso. It IB mnda
tip cnUtoly nf woik dcno by women of that
county , aud Bpoatc * well for thtlr skill aud in-
duitry , both in varl-tty , utility and baiiii/
thn many dlfTetent iirtlc'.e ' ? ,
After the vieilor it tired of eiht-seelng In
the halls , he can watch the woudeifal m cliln-
ury , much of it in motion , xinit tba largu tent
coQtHluiiiK tbo criminal piDornmaof the battle
of Gattyebutg , oujuy the racts , and as tin
ovcning shades tu ln to full bo convaytd
qulcltly to the depot ever the U. & M by
Inn-Hug In the etub of hi ) ticket , the cost of
Mhlch WAS hut filtwjii nantc , and for fi\e ctnta
bo conveyed to any part of tha city by street
car , his day rf pltusuro aud Instruction hav
ing cost him but a small num.
rnoaiuuuE KOB TO-JUT.
Annual addrom by Hon. Orange Judd ,
hoe 5. c asa 17 } 8f 03d Piclng race , 2'JO ; ;
pnrto $250.
Ix > ' . ( > . cl ai 17j Spcel-TrottiPif race , 227 ; (
puruH , SIOJ.
Lot 7 , class -Trotting etake , etallione
owned in Nobrankn
Knights of I'ythiag drill for gold medal.
Chariot rices ,
IJleyclaracoJ-Half milo raca-T. W. Eck ,
chtmplou of Canada , and 2:50 : trotting hirse
Ono-fimtth in'b licit itos Ml ! , < . Armaindo ,
charapian 1 dy bicyclist , aud T , W. Kck ,
cbauipun cf Ojnada ,
TUB cur.
Lincoln Ii buty ted the fair Is tha one en-
pro JDe topic ntuong all clasnea The banker
elmVen lianda with tha drv-xooJs dealer , that
Routlomin congratulates ( In hotel keeper uud
then each observes with complacency that
"it la line weather for the fair. "
From an early hour trains poured
into tip city loaded dowu to the pUtform
vilh visitors , IlnteU anil boarding homes ,
aud tveti hospttablo private residences an
nlieudy Uxed to their utuioit capacity , Cot
are rprcad in hall * nf the hute g and any tort
of rtvitiDtr plac i anxiomly nought by ttran-
pern. Fim 10 o'clock ia the mormup
cjmpacies of state militia will
drums bratlng and fltgs ilyiog marched froiu
thujilopot through the principal rtreeta to tbr
fair groundi wborothecmpod preparatory tc
thtlr drill to-dty , Uattcry D , cf the rrcuUi
Btuiy , on their way back from latrice ! ti
Omahn , have ( topped ovtr hero and will givt
an rxblhlllou drill t < > day ,
Thn most untlc * bla of tha ttato troop
prauaUr wf ihe G vernora1 Gaard , undri
cotciusuil of Cuptaiu Hurry Hotcbkie * , ol thii
city , The men marched with a preciiu itti
that wuuld have done credit to Kty trccpv
audlliuruptftin hlmielf , at Ihe head cf tin
co'.uni" , w lku I s though on air no proud WM
he of hucsiuuiuBd , All cf lha sompaniot
looked wall find handled their nrmi in a eel
Bands of music pirated thn itreots , and all
sort * o ! vehicles ctrrifd all sorts of humanity
to the ground * , Hand organs ftcd street rnu-
flcisns disoourted their osr-flulitting music
Everything WAS bustle and confusion , and nil
were anxious to tee everything that was to ba
seen , Htato tflicialt are onterlnlnine friends
from all ptrls of the state , and men of lo-eer
calibre have scores ol friends , though long
absent and in distant towns and villages , who
suddenly bethought them tint they were anx
ious to renew eld acquaintance , and incident
ally visit tha fair , jou know. They are taken
In and propaly cared for , as though they were
still ou terms of intimate friendship , although
the game of the uiltora Is plain to the moat
abstract mind. They want to tea tha show at
a minimum cost ,
The crooks are active and every hour In tbo
day some evidence of their skill is brought teL
L st night before last Policeman Ward ,
while patrohng In tha vicinity of Q and
Thirteenth streets , saw two men trying to pry
open a window in the residence of a Mr , K ls-
nor Ho called out at thm , when they
quickly ran away. W rd fired one ( hot at
thm , but they escaped In the darkness
The stma night , at the B & M depot , ai a
late train was about to depart for the south , a
well-drcasod man stepped up to a Swede
woman and suddenly threw his arms around
her as if oho was his long-lost wife or daugh
ter. The woman ecreamtd and a crowd soon
gathered , but not until the man had obtained
potsesaion of the woman's pocketb ok. Po
licemen made for tbo mm and friends of the
crook attempted to get him away. For a lime
It lacked as if n big row would occur , but
finally tbo man was taken to the city jjil ,
where he gave the nama of Frank Conlou.
In the police court yesterday his case WAS
continued until In-day.
Yesterday an old mas , coming to tha fair
vithhis daughter , was salzod by n pick
pocket who gnvo his using ns G ° orge Ilen-
Jrlcka. The old man wat too quick for the
fellow and hova * token to the city jiil.
Tee police court judg fined twelve druuk-
rn men , come of tbcm visitors and others
The gambling homes were nit wldo open
last night and did a big Imsinei ? .
At the opera house Milton Nobles nnd hi )
nompauy iu "Lovo and Law" are drawing bi
luueea. To-morrow night Sol Smith Husaoli
will appear In one of his best plays ,
A number of arrests have been made of pir-
lies who were carrying fair passengers with
t payiiK the city license.
Jw Tom Hyde of the Evening Nown.
oays thatanumbpr nf persona have qunAtloticd
'iim M to whether hla paper WAS referred to
n the I3KG a > tha one In which , Tchn Sheedy
> wim Block The IEI ! ; will state for the information
mation of all interested parties that Ihe Kvon-
ing INews wa'inot tlia paper referred , t > ud BO
far as Is kniwn is not in auj manner identi-
i-d with that ttc Ion which tlu BEE nt-
: acks ,
A preacher , of an orthodox denomination , a
visitor to the f ir , wai found iu an alley on
Tenth street ycatcri'ay ' elequoutly diecnursiDg
Lo a lot of tin cans and rubbish , He was
abjriurf ncder alcoholic influences and doubt-
ess thought ho was addroiaiug bi-i cougrega-
: ion. Ho wai nrrsatcd tnd when bronght bo-
: ore the CDUtt refund to gtvo his nomo. Ho
cppcared greatly aehatned of his fall from
Tbo Merchants hose team will eiva n bill
.o-morrow ni ht at Masonic Temple , to
which all firemen and others are ccrdlul'y ' in
Whllo the chambermaid nud other help at
the Windsor hotel were busy nt work yester
day afternoon , thio\OB entered their apirt-
ments , and breaking open their trunks , stole
everything of value they could lay their hands
on. The rooms of GQver&l other parties were
; ono through and everything of value of a
nr jocal kind vvvs ttoltii. There ia no clue to
, h guilty parlies
YcetBrdny if M Trn" , a Maioe detectivp ,
nriivod in Lincoln nfter u man named Frank
Lions-ell , who wnq cap'ured here ten days ago
iy Sh T.1I Maliclt ; i > ) ii3.-ll is wintod at At
'tod , Yo.-k county , Maine , for the attempted
nurdjr of adoiuty ehcrlff of tha connly
mined. The citiccr is now thought to be dy-
oy , ncd BouseII wai taken back to Maine by
ho do'.nctivo to answer for hla crime. Shor-
ff Molick was paid a reward of $101) ) , offered
or hit capture.
All tha city bnnkn clo < o their doors every
day this week after 1 o'clock.
An old man named A , G , Hatt , from
? lattsmoutb , while [ jotting in the cars ai
h fair grounds late yesterday afternoon wus
robbd by pickpockets of ft70 in money and a
certificate of duposit for Sl'X ) . 1'r.j'mont on
ho depoEit certificate was stopped by
At the ocora house last night twelve gcn-
ilomen v/ere relieved of tboir watches , and
, hrea more were victims of p'ck-pocketa in
the vicinity of the Commercial hotel.
The county convention of the Farmers'
Alliance was held at the district court room
yesterday aftern.on. The following ticket
vtti nominated : Austin Humphrey , treasurer ;
J. H , Wilcox , county commissioner ; Prof.
Lawrence Foneler , superintendent of public
nstraction ; N. P , Ocoit , county surveyor. It
vas moved to organize in every preciuat for a
.borough . canvnta.
H O Wiley , B H Blckwoll. Charles Wiloy.
STathram Campbell , N A Baker , Kearney ; Y
II Leo , Hiitinga ; J M Slchlord , O naha ; U U
Ku9 ell , IndiHUolo ; J W Phelpa , Ouaha ; 0 A
Burketr , 0-ote ; II13 Eaton. Had Cloud ; Har
ry A Ilfl ° se , VVahoo ; U T Boyce , Ulyssei1 ;
Tohn L K nnedy , Omaha ; L J llpaly , C K
LMwell , ftlilf jrd ; A Y Hpullman , Friend ; 8
liichard'cm , Omaha ; AE W Htoue , W > hue ; J
II Youman , Shelby ; 1) ) T Cinlield , Iliaing )
WHItoth , G Ti Hoodward , BaatiiciijJK
Jordnu , Gordon ; 0 W.'Uarnell , Ujvid City.
PILES ! ! , PILES ! ! PILES ! !
A cure cure for Blind , Bleodiug , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has been diacoverod by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr. )
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A cingle
box hai cured tha worst chronic cases of 25 or
30 yoira ot.mdinfr. No ono need suffer five
minutes aftur apijlylug this wonderful sooth
ing medicine , Lotlouu aud instruments do
n.ora hurui than good , Williams' Indian
Pile Ointment absorb. ] the tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at night nftor
gutting \virin in bed ) , act ) as a poultice , gives
ustaut relief , and id prepared ouly for Piles ,
Wiluc of privute parts , and for uothisg ulna ,
Dr. Frazler's Mogio Ointment. Cures as
-by mngio. PimplesBJack , Heads or Gruba
.he Intches and Eruptions ou tbo face , leaving
Saltskm clear nnd beautiful. Alia cures Itch ,
Id , Rliutne , Bore Nipplea , Soio Lips , and
bittaate Ulcers ,
Sold by druggiita , or mailed on receipt of
cento ,
K tnllcd by Kubu k Co , nnd Schroeter &
Bocht. At wholesale by 0. F. Goodman ,
Lena Broyeak , the servant girl airested
for stealing from the Mlllard hotel , was ar-
rugncd before Justice Weiss jesterdny after
noon. As no one appeared for the prosecu
tion the girl was discharged ,
Tbo grand opening at Falk'a beer hill at
1213 Douglas street , Monday eight , was a
great tuccoee , one pleaiant feature being the
beautiful plnylog by the Musical Uciou or
chestra , tounding until late Into the night
Messrs. Ellis & Co , are dotorvlng of all suc
cess in their new venture. This overling they
will give another rare musical treat ( the Mu
sical Union orchestra iu attendance ) , The
public ii cordially milted ,
A man reported to the pollci nbaut 3
o'clock this morning that ho had been robbed
of $25 in the "Little K. O No. " lunch room
on 1'arnnn street , The robbery WAS com
mitted by a woman about - o'clock ,
Lsavo of nbjonca has been wanted Major
Samuel Brerk , assistant adjutant general ,
During ha ftVeenca of M jcr Brrck , Major
Robert IT , Hall , Twenty.second Infantry ,
acting inspector general , will perform the du-
tic' bf adjutant general of tin dopirtment.
Tfbeti I'.Llij wa lcl , wa ro her Cutorla ,
VTli n ilia wu ClillJ , the cried tot t'attoria ,
Wlieu she became Mi , sha clun ; to ( f < toria ,
Ptwi bt b J Ctllir u , tU j , o
Accnnmlaltu Business of Tro Weeis
Ttio Nomination cf Ixjary Ilrjcctca
A Protest AKatnat Closing
TweKth Street The Vln-
ilnct Matter ,
The regular mooting of the city connell -
ell was held last evening , after a two
weeks' adjournment , President Bochelln
the chair , nnd all the members present
except Furay and Bailey.
From Mayor Boyd , vetoing an Horn of
(5,000 for the payment of rent of city
cfliioa to the oonnty , as there la an un
settled account between the cily and
oonnty for gradlnz west Farnam street.
The veto waa sustained.
From Mayor Boyd , approving ordln-
ancas establishing grades of certain streets
also an ordinance authorizing the fmiyor
by contract to grant the Union Pacific
and Burlington & Missouri companies
certain tights and privileges. Placed on
From tha mayor approving the con
tract and bDnd of Joseph Archibald and
William Wilson for g'0- " Fourteenth
and Fifteenth streeta , and aUo the con-
et and bind of the Barber Asphalt com
pany to , * grade and pave Oapltol arcuno.
Placed on file.
The communication frm Iho mayor ,
which has already appeared In the BEE ,
In reference to the paving of Thirteenth
atraot , waa referred to the city attorney.
From the mayor oppolutlng Thomai
Mitchell and Jacob JJoltmiiin apoclal
, ) ollcennn. Confirmed ,
A dtod of the lot bought br Iho city
from Joseph Ball in Jacob's addition was
received and recorded.
From the marshal , notifying the coun
cil that he had suspended from the police
i rja I'e'or ' Wollsnd , Fred Fuller nnd
Setrgo Lawoiy , for drnnkonneza. Ro-
furred to police commlttco.
From the city treasurer , informing thn
c junsll that in a plat submitted to ths
CDtmcll for accopUnio there are old city
taxaa aininst Iho tract amounting to
abntv § 750. Rafetred to the cDiuinlttco
ou cradea and grading.
From the board of public works , re
porting that certain lota anthorizad to bo
illcd by ordinance woto being built on
nml bslng improved. Placed on Dto.
Frotn the board of public worka , aub-
mittlnR the contrast of Udward D Cilla-
aan for grading E'ghtaenth atroet from
Jaatellar ntraet to Martha atront. Rs-
! jrred back in the board of public works ,
with Instructions to roadvortlso for bids ,
nnd not to accept bda ! from non-real-
F/om the city physician .reporting fifty-
ivodoithaand seveuty.ono births for
, hfl month of Aueust. Filed.
From Auditor Ling , returning the bill
for imur < nco on the buildings at Han-
ecom. paik , wi h tbo opinion that it h ox-
cfsalve. lljftrred to the commlttoo with
lower to act.
From the city engineer , approving the
plat of A. S. Patrick's addition. Rs-
From the cily engineer , Bujrgestlng the
nocoslty of changing the grade of croes
streets on Dwenport , batweon Ssvon-
oonth and Twenty-aecond strjeta. R -
From the city engineer , reporting that
10 hod reduced the foroo of the engineer-
ng department two aou , and will be
able to reduce two moro by October 1st.
From the cily entinoer reporllng that
tbo county commlBtioners had agreed to
Bettlo their share of paving Wont Farnam
street. Filed.
From tha city engineer recommending
certain changes in the grade of cort&ln
) rts of Thirteenth street before paving
s commenced. Filed.
From the Omaha & Southwestern rail
road company tcooptlng the ordinanca
granting right of way with all its pro
visions. Filed.
From Eovoral clllzans reqnoiting that
.hey ba nlloned to lay plank walks on
3jugl j atreet , between Eleventh and
twelfth ntreots , instead of asphalt or
atone as ordered by the council. Ro-
From cltlzjna neking that Oamcron
street , between Saundera and State
atrcctc , bo put in a pasaable candiuoa.
From citiz3CB on Popploton avenue
petitioning for the laying of wa or p'paa '
on taid avenue from Park to Virginia
avonvea for domestic uaa and fire protec
tion. Referred.
From citizens on Popploton avenue
ictUloalng that the ordinance compelling
the laying of eldewalko on certain parts
of that etreet bo rescinded. Rsferrod.
From rcatdenta of Fourteenth and
Fifteenth streets pallttouing th&t the
jut'orioR ' on aald otreets bo of atone ,
ipon n cand bate , instead of upon a coa-
crete bise. Giaalod ,
From cltlzjns petitioning that the fines
mposed on them for cattle impounded
jj relundod. Referred.
From property owners on Twelfth
street protesting ogainst the closing of
Pffclfth street at the cr.ieoiag of the
Union Paclfia rAilroai , and notifying the
ciuncll that if the street la closed they
will oontcsi the matter in the court * .
From Claws5n"aiid2 Barker , proposing
.o properly put np itccot aigus on Ump
poi > t < , ienoea and buildings. Referred.
From citizens cilllng altentlcn to the
d condition of Irene street , and asking
'or ' Ita Improvement. Refeirod ,
From a number of citiziua requesting
; ho laying of certain crots atroatt. Ke-
[ etrfd.
By Bshm That the board of public
works ba hutrnctod to UEO their judg
ment in constructing sidewalks on the
tenth aide nf Douglas atrcot between
Eleventh and Twelfth. Adopted.
By Bohrc That the city attorney be
Instructed to prepare an ordinance with
the view of building a vUdoct acroes the
rUlroad tiacku en South Sixteenth Btreot ,
tie'ween Leavenworth and Plero.i street" ,
stid vlbiact to bo built of wood end to to
jullt within one year from the pueago 11
tba ordinance oideiing said work done ;
and that the city aHon oy alto prepare ai.
ordiuanca to open 'JVintlothttraet undir
the raiirosd troc'is eouth of Popploton
U'cnnt ) , stld underground croralng uot to
ba leas thin forty feet In width. Us-
By Bohm Tnat certain ekUw&lk reso
lutions adopted by the council ba ro-
tclndcd. Adopted.
By Diley That a bridge ba nonslrnc-
ttd acrosi North Omaha ofttk. llsfeirid.
By Dalljy That the city treauuer rt-
inlt iho penalty on the taxes duu the city
friiu aewrr ulitrlct number 21 , providing
the aa-ro bo paid before September 30
By Dilley Tlat Nichols atrost bo
graded between the tracks of tha 0 , St
P. , M. & 0. and the B & M , , ao as to
make the eamo passable for team ;
Adopted ,
Recommending that the nomination o
U. A. Leary as n member of the bnard of
pnblb works ba not confirmed. The re
port WHS lcncd ; by 0. F , Goodman and
John B Fury. Mr. Dilley moved that
the report bo amended by striking out
the word "not. " The amendment was
lost , Dalloy , Furd and Goodrich voting
for the change. The report as road was
t icn adopted.
Recommending the passage of an ord l _
nnnco approprlfttlng $1 152 04 to 0. A'
Jensen and $3.740 07 to Douglas county
In piymont tf the full amount owing by
tha city to the county. Adopted.
Recommending the passage of an ordl
nanca establishing the grade on Nevada
street , batwoon St. Mary's avenue and
L'avcnworth streets. Adopted.
Rooomtnondlog that tha bill of Airon
IIocl f cr atroet cleaning ba returned , aud
that the board of public works bo In
structed to procure an Itemized state
ment ; and alsa recommending that in
future nil bills for sweeping bo itemized.
Adopted , .
Recommend Ins that the ordinance
granting the 0. , St. P. , M. it 0 railroad
right of way on Gnco street do not puss.
Recommending that the bill of John
Peterson for § 887.50 for the removal of
; arb go bo not allowed , as they find said
i'otoruon haj repeatedly violated hla can-
tract and neglected to perform lib duties
In a thameful manner ; that bo or his
agants have blackmailed tax pay era by ra
rualng to remove thn garbagu unlrsj tb-i
money waa paid to hitu , Iu violation of
tbo city contract , and also recommending
that the city treasurer tondo ? said Potot-
san $500 as payment in full. Adopted.
Appraprlntiog money for the payment
of liabilities for tha month of August
Granting the Union P&ciBo railroad
right cf wsy tcrots South Tenth btreot ,
and that thu ordinance Uku effect from
nud utter Its pasaigp. Passed.
Appropriating § 4 003 11 for rent nnd
: o 0. A. Jeiuan for griding West
Farnaui street. Prtsaed.
LuoMing curtain additional water hy-
dranta , I'.isacd.
Ohsn i g the grade of Dodge alrcct
'rom IVc-nty-fourth etrect in Hoary
Shulton'a uddltlon to Twc-nty-alxth atroet
n Petkink' oub-dlvlelcn , nd Twcrjtj-
ifth atratt in Perkins" nub-divlslon from
Farnam to Djdgo street. Referred.
Declaring the necessity o ! changing
ha graso of Thirteenth street from
Uarcy to William utroots , and Maaon ,
Pacific , Pierce and William streola from
Twelfth to Eonitsonth atrects , end pro
viding for the nppainttnent of appraisers
o determine the damages. Paoaed.
Eatabllahlnf ! the grade of the alley bj-
trfoen Twenty-fifth and Tiventy-alxth
iitroets and Farnam and Harnoy atreota.
Duolarlng the necesaity of npproprlat
ng ccitaln piivata property by ttio city
ur the purpcmo of opening Howard
troet frcm Falrvievi ttract to Oharlea
atroot to a uniform wlath of olx y-fivo
oet , and providing for the appointment
it asseeeo.-s to determine the dimagej.
Lovjlng a ppeclal tax on all lots in
> vrlng district No. 4G to cover tha cost of
mvtog Farnam street from Eighth to
! ? inth atreet. Pasted.
Levying a special tax and assessment
on lots to cover the cost of. curbing and
guttering Howard Btreot from Eighth to
S'inth ctroats. Pasacd.
Lovylng n special tnx end assessment
on certain lots to cover the oat of curb-
eg and guttering Twelfth attest from
Io ward to Jackson street ; .
Levying a special tax and aatossmont
on certain lots to cover tha cost of cnrb-
og and guttering Sixteenth atroat from
? arnam to DjcgUe. Paaaed.
Lavylcg a special tax and assessment
on certain lota to cover the cost of paving
St. Mary's avenue. Paasoi.
Eitabllshlng the grade of Nevada
street from Sc. Mtry's avenue to Laaven-
worth street. Pitted.
U II Shaw , of Indlanola , IB at the I'azton ,
S McDowall , of Bsatrice , ia a MIHard
II U Windham , Plattamouth , ia at the
W G Hasting , of Wilber , Neb. , h a P -
an guest.
0 A Gardner , of Hastings , Ii stopping at
ho Mdlard ,
J H Ruderadorf , of Clarkson , ia stopping at
ho Millard ,
W T Ransdoll , of Columbuf , la stoppinR at
ha Paxtou.
G II Da Golycr , of Cincinnati , spent yca-
erday ia the city ,
GjorRe Colhoff , of Plna Rlnga agancy , Da
kota , Id at the Pdxton ,
Joe Blum , tf Broken Bow , Is in the city ,
stopping at tha Paxton.
R WBirber nnd wife , of Watorloa , Neb , ,
are guests nt tha Paxton ,
L Samuel , publisher of the West Shore , of
I'ortlaud , Oregon , U In the city , stopping at
the Millard.
Mr Jacob Bolivar , father-in-law of Mr Wm
F Uarte , has gone to OMngoburjf , S 0 , to
pant the winter.
Gee M Peolr , Columbm ; Obai I < Parka ,
CMlfjhton ; A O Cium , W D Hill , Beatrice ,
are at Iho Arcade ,
II 8 Colby , ShsltoDj H Smith , North Bond ;
WMoMullen , Lyons ; KH Balding , Kearney ;
0 W Prleatly , Oakdale ; 0 M Weilf , Apple-
tonS ; OSchurr , Tabla Hock , are at the C n.
At the Metropolitan ; J L McUao and wife ,
BrownvIIU ; H P Bill , W W Ladd , Albion ;
kin M Martin and child , Mies G Nice , Stan-
tt.n ; W J boater , Taylor ; A Perkins , Clinton ;
Ijnnia K Uoach , O Ainswjrth. 15Ur ; ID
Kvsup , Button ; K B Jirown , Haatlngai John
A Chapman , Jamts O'O.nnor , Fred Miller ,
iraud Island ; J llziUth Storroth , Laacaetor ,
I'a.jS Ptehl , Cincinnati , Ohio , 0 Uice , Glen-
woud , Iowa ; M J Kctn , Denver ; Gaorgo S
Kurd , Kookulr ; E Martin , Vail , Iowa ; Wil-
lan McFarland , Walnut ; J A Petcrsoa and
vif' , Idaho Spriogi ; 0 Moult in , Vail , lowaj
Joiepher Bjlltr , Walnut , Iova ,
In accordance wuu : ti order iieued First
Lieutenant Guy Howard , Twelfth infantry ,
aide-de-camp , it relieved from dnty an aide-
de-camp tj the department commander at
.heso hcadquartore , to taka cflict Ojtober
lit next , and will then proceed to jcln his
conijiany at IVit Niagara , N , Y.
BcrR'ars attempted to enter the residence
of Councilman F. K. 11 alley joiterday morn-
: u ? about 3 u'clocV by c'lrobing over a chad
kltheu , The iioltu of their entrance , how
ever , j.ttrsc'ed attention , and Harry Conor-
man , a ytUDg man In the houre , icaie-J them
off by fit lux three ihaU ,
How K 'Frisco Liady Trfed to Elop
but Itllited Hur Liovor tu
Ou hi dolootlvos h va jast closed np
a oaio which is decidedly Interesting
and savors strongly of the mysterious and
Bonsntlon l.
On hit Tuesday morning , a lady richly
dresiod , handsome , and apparently about
28 years of age , stopped ofTthoB. it
train from Danror. Sbo went to the
Pflxton hotel where aho registered nndcr
an aBsnmod nnoio. She remained hero
several days , and about the lust of the
weak applied to the Omaha dotoHlvo
agency on Fourteenth street for aid ,
lor story was to the olToot that she
married wonnn , coming from San
ranoisoo , and that her name wat Mrs.
loirgato. Whllo In the city of the
jloldan Oato , she mot several months
ago a travelling man , Morris
3axtcr by name , who represented a In-go
wholesale clothing honso of lloaton. Too
, wo were introduced by Mra. Hovgato's
Brother , who was a friend of Baxter's ,
laying become acquainted with Llm
vhllo the two were ojllogo fiiiuda at
Jnrvard. Mrs. Howgato , to cu1 ; a long
story story thoit , fell In love with the
dashing commercial man , and when
afflicting aroturnof the Bontlmeu.tho pro-
losod nu olopanu'iitjsbo at once assented ,
lira , llowgnto'a husband being called
avay to Oakland for two or three days ,
she easily found n chanc3 to lotvo the
city without being detected. It was
agreed between the two that Baxter > vas
tu cimo io Omaha ono day ahead
of Mrs Iloirgato nnd await her arrival
icrc. Accordingly ho arrived hero last
Monday morning , and on Tuesday morn-
ng went down to the U. P. overland
riln ffjiu thn west to nuot Mrs. IIow
ita , she having ogrocd to como from
5an Francisco by way of Denver , and
rom that city to Om&ha via thij Union
1'iclfio. She failed to put In
an appcaranc ? , however. Do
t > t oncj intdo up his mind that
tfra. U. was "playing off" that her
ccuroga h d failed her nt the last mo-
nont , Accordingly ho took the first
rain for the oust , not , hovovor , before
eiwlng word that ho Intended to go dl-
ect to Buffalo , Now York. Mrs. How
; ntp in the moantlmo hid como from
Fri o by way of Ogden to Denver and
; hence to Oaisln over the B. & M.
Vhen she reached hero she was without
nonoy and at once set aboit to hunt np
ipr paramour. Of courao she filled to find
iim , and Dually * telegraphed
10310 for money to ro-
urn to Trlaca. Falllnc to got any
nawor , however , aho placed her case in
ha hand a of dttectlvcs , who located
taxtor in BufTtlp , and informed him
.hat Mra. Howgato was waiting for him
cro , being entirely without means. Bo
eclined , hojfcver , to ratura , bat sent a
: elcgrapnio order for $75 , tolling Mrj.H.
0 go bok to 'Frisco. Tuesday oven-
ng she laft , intanding , as she said , to
euirn , IE i oailblo , to homo and & Ufa of
virtue. She bitterly denounces Baxtar
la having betrayed her and cays that sao
1 now sitlflOod that hla offjr of elopement -
mont TTES made simply for the purpose
of ruining' and then deserting her.
The eovoral gentlemen constituting the
Ofornment msmbora of the Union PA-
Ific left last night npon their annual trip
ver the road. MeeBrs * Frederick Oonr-
ert , of New York , and Franklin McVey ,
f Chicago , are excapted from the num-
> or , and the party cnnlsts of Gen. K
' . Alexander , of Georgia , Marcus A.
Isnna , of Cleveland and Hon. J. W.
Savage , of Omaha. They will occupy
ho directors' apoalal or and will bo ac-
ompanied by an cfliolal representative of
ho company. They go to Ogden and re-
nrn , consuming about ten days en
The barlr , W. W. Crape , arrived nt
San Francisco Saturday ovcnlng having
nado the voyig ) , tailing , in the oxcol-
ent time of twunty-nino daja frcm Yo-
cahama. She is freighted Tflch taA and
arrlca a cargo c f 100 cars , all of which
vlll nbortly fly pisb Ooiaha eastward
lonnd as hniTtcU cf era have done
inco the oitabllthmeut of the Ujllfornla
'as1 ; Freight line last spring. (
T. ) Indicate tha wide-spread notice
which the rapid transit of tlio line ii ro-
colving , the iillowinp ; Is reprinted fi-tin
thn PlilUdclphl.i . Telegram :
The extraordinary time made from Port-
tud , Oregon , to Chicago , via the Oregon
Jhsrt Line , Union I'.idbc , and Chicigo and
urtliTVCBtcrn , viz , six days , six hourc , and
orty minutes , with twenty cara of wool , c in-
igued to Juetica , Batemi.n &Coofthia
Ity , has , it is stntod , never bjon fquu'lcd ' ,
et it it but a faw hours faster than tha recu-
ar fast fielght f.cliedules of the Union I'A-
Ifia. The wool arrived in Philadelphia fran
Chicago , via Blue Line , September 1th , mule
eg the entire time In transit but a fraction
ver ten days , which ia the beat lima on rec-
rd over made by freight , from Iho Pacific
east to Philadelphia.
F B Odborn , contracting agent of the Mil
waukee , h Mt rna ton days trip to the
ortb. Mr. W. M Wosds of the Union Pa-
ilia telegraph doptrtment , is temporarily dla-
horgirg Mr. Ojboru'd duties ,
Th3 Belt Line company cent out ytntorday
iiorniiu another corps of engineers to push
an work of lortatlrg ,
General Freight Agent Thomas Miller , of
he Burlington & Missouri returned thla morn-
rip ; from at , Paul ,
The race between Itoss and La Page at
lascall'd park yesterday was won by the for
mer , five heats being necessary to decide tbo
ontest , It is > aid that Hess will ba challenged
> y some "unknown" for a long dlitanca raca
or 3500 A eldo.
In the county court yrsterday two suits
were commenced by James Iu , Phelps , one
giinst John Bpoorl for $577.20 , claimed to bo
ua on a promieory note , cud ono against
John Luw for § 32.S'J for rent.
Major Guy V. Henry , Oth civalry , In-
pector of rlflo practice , will perform the du-
iei of judge advocate of the department dur-
ug the absence of Lieutenant Colonel II , B
Uurnham , deputy judge advocate general , on
Honu'lly [ Hliur at Tliem.
Two young men Earned Dick Grind in
and Patrick Ibylan vrero rrrebtod about
1 o'clock last night by Oflicor Cormlck
whllo they were crawling out of tbo ex
cavation at the old conrt houeo tlio
3fQlcer Cormlck was acting an jailor at
loidqtmteH , when 1m hoard a nhot fued
n tbti nlley bask of Fartmm eiriut , bo-
, waen FlftoebtU and Slxteentb. He r n
n the direction of the shot and ; av tha
jonafi men ronnlnu ; through tbo old
soutt house lot. The oflioer reached
Fatcum aticot jait ia tlnio to intercept
the menasiheyoinorgodon tho8trdotatd
conducted them to pellco headqutriort
A ohlso and punch wcie found on them
which they claim they hod bo n ns'ng ' tt
open n beer keg with. It Ii the op nloi
of the oflhets that the young men were
trj Jog to enter aoma atoro and were dis
covered and a shot fitod nt them. Who
did the firing , however , Is not kcovn ,
but If it was nu attempted burglary ll
will undoubtedly bo reported this morn-
A PflflseriKcr Trmii Derailed.
LKXINOTOJJ , Ky. Sapt. Ifi. A passenger
train on the Kentucky Central railroad , when
going at forty miles per hour u nr hero this
afternoon , Ifft the track and fell down an
embankment , The cnnlneor and fireuun
wort ) burled under thn wreck. M ny ptsson-
? rs were Injured , The mines and extent ol
.ho injuries have not yet been ascertained ,
Uo Carrlrn I1U Trunk In Ono llAtiil , n
Violin la Another , nnd n Hull
of Blanket * In tlio Third ,
Butte ( M. T. ) Inter Mountain.
Yesterday nfttraoon us the Garrison
rahi stopped at Stuart a must clngulnr
'ookitig tntn wns teen descending the
itopj of the smoking oar upon the side
'aclng tbo llttlo town. Too nun wai
npptiontly about 35 jean of ao , atood
ivo foot ton inches in height , ws power
fully ballt nnd would probibly weigh
Bomowlicro near ISO pounds. Do hadoii
a well worn drab colored bueinrsi suit ,
hoary shcos , a light colored slouah hit ,
and sported n full baard of a reddish
cast. Deep tot d&rk blue cyos , n promi
nent iiuto till chin , tquaro jura nd a
head covered with olosuly crjppod br jwu
hair Eurmountcd nnusually head
ahouldorr , Ihnkod by a pilrof it ! muocu-
Ur amis ; n onu ojulil find In a crowd of
a then land moil. Bus the most olugular
thing abaut the nnn (9 ( tlio appearance of
n third arm , which , ntariiag ont from
botirccn the lower polntu of "tho ehoulrJcr
bladoj , rx'onds outward at least throa
feet from the body. Tha srin IB ol oxtri-
ordinary sizi Bnda'rjugth , hus nu eaey
working elbow , ana. tnds with n hand of
unaaual proportions , pr < .vl < Ud with i\
thumb nud four linger ? . When not iu
use U Ia oirrioil ovr : ihn right ohoaldcr ,
the hand resting over the pit of the
Jumping from lha lower step to Iho
praucd with the unto and grace ot n well
trained mhkto , the aluguhr looking
atrsngcr wont to the bagtjngo cw , from
whence the b'jggagoruMter flnt shovnd
out a hugo trunk , weighing at least 150
pounds , thoa a well-nllud valise , nnd
lastly , a hugo roll of blankets and fuia
Taking the trunk by
the valbo In the right , nutl the blaiikjls
ia the loft hind , this freak of nature
made hla way to the uoaraat siloon across
tbo atrcot. Of coarto lin was the observed
of nil iho abssrvcK , nr.d many troro the
remarks and Bpsculatious Indulged Iu
concor.Tin hia sin ubr physical ttcuo-
It was hera thit oifinfonnint ono of
the moat reputable citizms of Bu'tc
saw him aad inturvlowod him. Wo glvo
the aabatanoo of the Interflow ai It wai
received by our reporter The a'rancor
said his numo vita OrlolF Kimauf ki , und
that La WSB born of pi or but rfspsc'ablu
patents on the banks of the Yukon river ,
In Alaaka , 1,000 talha obovj ltd 'mouth.
Ho received common school edncatlon
n his natlva village. Whan ho arrived
at man's ostao he bai a deslro to see
more of the world. A short iltno ago
Mr. Kamtntkl became acquainted -with
Mr. Ge . R Tingle , who reproiented ono
of the Yellowstone counties in ( he list.
loglelatlvo BSjembly of Montana , bat who
ia now ono of the oasl commlsiloners at
Sltka , recently appo'ntod ' by the preci-
dent. Ho thow d letters of introduction
wrlten by Mr. Tingle to several promi
nent Hontanana , bnt ho had concluded
not to U88 thorn When he loft Aliaka
it w s hla intention to travel eomawhat
extensively ia the Lulled States , Ho
landed nt Portland a littln over two weeks
ago , bnt he had bson in iho country loug
enough to find out that the people wore
consumed with a deulro for gold for
itches and he hid changed his mind concerning -
corning his future movement : , and wat
cow going back to Alaska by way cf Sin
Francisco t ) wcrk up a otampodo for tha
gold fields of the Yukon.
While ho was talking to our informant
Mr. Kununskl retted hla natural hands
upon ( ithcr knee , and vrlth hia back arm
over hij shonldrr
Our informant , noting tha oaio and
deztaiity with which ho handled the odd
meinbar , ventured to Icqulro if it over
llaoimmodod him in any way.
"Ob , no , " said the gentleman. "On
the oontraty , 1 find it Is a ( treat con-
vcnlonco Jn ' .ho first plaje , it ia the
Blrongoat limb I hivu. When I am eating -
ing I use n f n in my exira J'and and /
keep the llics fr.m my focd. I oia cany
two hiiikfcta of water and at the came
time mop tha swi'Bt frtm niy brow or !
blow ray none. I cm drive elx horses
andatUio earan ttmo hang on Iho tout be
hind. I USD that nrm aad hand in a
the u mud dilfeiont wujs , air. "
"Aro tliri'o-armed mon common In
your countr/ / " Inquired the liatoner.
"They ere not uncommon.sir , " replied
Komajhl , "I know n gfoat many on
the upper Yukon with three armn , among
them suvoral f unities. The extra hand
cornea In Rood pily with the ladles ,
especially in combiug arid drtealcg their
back hair , and in buttoning their dress
and ether things , A lady with thruu
arms is very much sought after by lha
Yukon beans , and 1li-y can generally
have their pick among tbo woalthidat
dudes of thu land , Tlio extra arm und
hand are very Inndy abut a houie. A
lady pofSeelug tboa caa uook a nioftl of
vlatu&iB and ast the table at the mine '
time. She can nwaep the Ibor and carry
the baby tuo without Inonnvenienco. She
can do numberless othtr things tint two-
handed ludiea cannot do. But beware
how you fiFind ono of them. That back
hand then becomes a terrible weapon of
destruction. I once taw thrco boat-jicks ,
a poker and a broom thrown , at a man ut
once , I wouldn't part with mythitd trm ,
bnt I would never marry a woman with
one. "
Bo Mud llnik t tic ro.
Cincinnati Merchant Traveler.
A man who looked llko ho might ba a
stockholder walked into ( lie oflico of
President Ingolls of ( Iu "Big Four" the
other day , u'jd , after eajlry ' 'good morn'
ing. " he remarked idqoirlngly ;
"D ni your railroad over glvo BIIJ
pafset ? "
' No , tif , " rei4lad the President
promutly ; ' it isiiies in pastes whatever. "
"Never passta tmytblui' , olil"
1 Nflvtr , tir. "
' 'I thought rnsybo It di'J. I hoard eo
uptoirii. "
"You didl"
uYe , 1 did. I heard it pasted a divi
dend lait wrek , "
Mr. lugalls took r. header into a pllo cf
papm on his deik , and thu man elghoa
hearlly and vrcn * < cat like * tillow candle
ia a draft.
1 Knjwoml
At ( ho mldcnco of the bride's tfs'or ' ,
M w , U , J , Msnlz , corner of Sixth and
Pla 3 streets , latt evening , Mias Myrlla
A. L'atcs , formerly of Controlla , III. ,
wai unltod In mnniago to Mr. Frank II ,
lUjnrjitd , of tain ciiy , Hav. Oharloa W.
Savidgo tyin ? the nuptial knot. The
grooai Is iM pl ycd in the ifliso of Lhi-
ingor it M-jto lf Co , the jobber * In ag
ricultural k'p'omonts ' , and la highly cs >
tromtd , boll' by his eroployois nnd co >
wotkew. Th btldo ii a ohirmlnc young
lady , po < fteftih fj & larqo c'rolo of ftiouds ,
which was evidenced by the largo num
ber of young lau'lcs present and the nil-
morons and clt 'ftnt glfis from la-ly
friends. At the c. o of the iroprrailva
marrlapn ceramnny ixho guests jurtook of
n mignlflcont collatlt t ) , and the rom la-
dor of tha evening wai1 occupied with var
ious amusements ipproprlato to the
* tu' > t * thootiTur nd intoll , A cliomut wli \ not
ditict Ui pmtnco ol AlumunU.
> rCr jr' JrX' ' 11' ' ' { *
rra iHitiurcixass HIB NEVE DEK-T
In amllllon hornet for n quarter ol a c < ntuo It tW
.OC-.S the connuntoii' nil iLla tcit ,
_ _
DP , Price's ' Special FlaToring Extracts , I
Tlio & < rrjrrfitnoitltllceai ! anrt UktircICitArLnown.u * ] '
Or. Prfco'a Liijtiullii Voast Oems
Tor Ltfibt , lle lthy llrr d. The Doit Dry llcp
Yautlo the World.
The lorcost Mocllcal inatttuto Wo3t of
Mississippi RIvor.
rooms for tlio nccoinodfttlon of patlentj Th
\ Rlclnn and burgeon t.i charge ol ttiu Inntltuta tiai
a f-ixtccn 3 cars' ot buccossful piactlcr , nml Is nlde < l
by assistants of rare cxporltnco oa ept'dalUU ia
. .
WHIT rort CiRCULAiion Deformities and Ertcei. Di"4 -
rsof Mttpf , I'llPH , Itimors , Concern , Ctarrli , P-oaehl *
ili , Inhalation , ElfCtrlclty , raruljFls , Kpllepej , JCldac/
B'o. Rnr.Skln and Iliooil nlsea es Write for
on r uvATK , farrcUL nnd XKTnc3 Plneaspi , Hem In 3.
Weakness , 8pomatorrhtpR. Syphilis , ( lleet , Htrlcture , VQJ ! .
eoceloandnll d'jeme * ofthe UrlnHry and Suiunl erR n *
3 > c t routed by cor reipondence.orJVri'ionally ConflJtntlfel.
Uudlclncs IOD < by mflllor ezprpns wlilu'ut marks to tadi *
cftto contents nr nrndor. Adr s all letters to
Tf1 Stri tfllrH3rotOir ! * 'AryyO * i4 i J'
Savcntenn years Experienco.
Header of Lileeneci ol Iftn aiH Women. Elootrl
Ungnotlo nj Ilcrli'iHft I'hyel 'Ian Now located
1210 noiuUs St Omaha , hub. , tip etelrs.
A correct ( HairnosM ( riven whliout any oxpliinatlon
rom tbo patient Con Bull si Ion ( rue at oflioo.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh ( if the Head. Dlsrneca of the Eye and
Ear. Heart Dlsca'O , Liver Con plali t , Kidney Com
plaint , NcnousDobllllv , Mental Depression , Lnaiol
ilanliood , Diiibctts , DrlKhfs Ulatixo , bt Vltuo
Dance , llhcumat'sni , I'.ralyiU , VMilto Hwtlllni ?
J-rofnla , Fo\cr Ucrea. OancorM end lumors rcmovo
o.lttllliout the knife , or the drawing of a drop ot
jlond , Woman , with nur < Iu train uian , Itostored to
Health , Ihqisy Cured W thont T rplng , SpccUl
A'ttntlon Given to I'rlvato and Voatreal Dlscisotof
/ll Hliitle , Tue W < ras Ilrmoicd n Iwo cir three
ye ara or No I'ay , UOUIL orrbolda ur I'lloa Cured erne
no Charco ) Made ,
Tli OBO uhoaro nll'.lctcd nlll f&vo II'o and liun-
irodB of dolltrxby ca.Uii onor unlug
DO. . G , h. I'ANJLB ,
A St ntnr ) 1 Medical Work for Younf ; on J
Mi.ldlo A god Dim , only § 1 by rrmll ,
A Greit Medical V/ofl / on Manhood
d Vitality , Vcrvoiu and l'h\iri | | rebiluy
I'rcuintru edlno In JI n , Krroranf Youth , tnd tbo
into'it ' niUcritH icsultlni ; from lndIncTttlon ml ex.
w . A luokfor ocrj man , unnj , ' , mld < llo aged
anl old. It conUlnu I'D | ir ( . crfptliiiH fur all aciito
ml clironlcillKensca , eaili onv of ulilth In Invaliia-
ilo. tin found bj tlio autliur wlioKo o | H.rlinio for
3 yovsls mull prol > alily nerer licforo fell to tlio
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IMi country fnr $2.61 , or tbo innnuv will bo refunded
In cury limtaiKo. 1'rlco only i by mull , lu.stinKI. .
Illiittr ted > mplo lUtc , Hunil now. Hold niuihl
auardrd Iho author by tbo National llcdlcal A wo-
tlatlon , to tlic ofllcrm of wlilih bo rcfem.
'JlieHdcmeuf Mfo kliuuld bo roil by Ibo MIUIIL'
for InstruUlon ami by tbo aflllctud for relief. H M 111
benetlt --London Lanci t.
'I here U no member ol Bidet v to nhoni Tbo
Rclenco of Life will nut bo ustful , Hbttber joutb ,
Darcnt.k'umllaii , Instructor or tler juianArgo -
mill.AdilrcRstbo reabrxly Medical Instltuto , or Dr. W.
II. I'arker , rvn 4 Millnntb ulruct , Hoxton , Mann , ulm
limy bocotwiltul on all rt quiring nklll anil
exjirlerie. ( 'hroiilo and ulutlnalo illw tumtliat
ha\ulatll.d tlio hlll'f II cth- ,
tr plij'bUUni , n KKi | Ully. 'Uib
tro.tuJmucinliilU nitboiit an In- rmr I'ci.1 ! K
Iwiiuof ( illuru. Mlntlun tltUcimxr.
D'rnct ' Line for England , IVauctv
nud floriminy.
Tn Mi knnnr. U3 , % ,
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tilihu-J with cvtry iirfj'i ' mtlii tbo | I N > I < I {
bitJtufa wd kKriKikble. Itiuj utiiy ti < i/u'lu
m J Karop'jun d , k'ld Nc * V ) r
for I'Kuou'li '
Hret C VliJil luiHtciraKi ) to a.
from immburB 810. U II llil'UAKD * CO. , eu-
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unat M&rkUuiboo. y , Uuriy 1' , I'tut '