' THE DAJLYBEE WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 1G 1335 At thl . NBMon nnnrlr every one nwdfl t tif e r ornfl poil of tonic. 111ON fntorslnloalrmrrtcvorr jiliy clclan's proscription for thotonho need , building up. THE BEST TONIC. irn . T.nMltmle , 7jnr't ' cf ) inrrnr , iVr. , It HAS. Ml Km/AI / , , and H thn onlv Iron modjdnelbat Isnnt liijnrloiio. It KnrlcliCR tlio Jllonil. ImlportilOB tlio rSrMcii Hc.ilorrsAplH-llti-.AIimDlRCStlon It does not Maelcrn or Injnro lha teeth , canso hold ache or produce conetlpatlon oihtTlrmiiinlMneiao On. n. It. UlNKl.rT , n leading physician ot Bprlngfiejd , O. , r- Drown's Iron Bittern Is a thoronshly peed rnpdl- elno I n o It In nj practice , nnd find Its action q nil other form * t > f Iron In wenknexn. nr a low condition of the rtfftem , Hrown'n Iron Hitter * h tinjallr a poslllTO neccaElty It Is all that la claimed for It. " o Centime IIM trademark and rrofned roil lines on wrapper. Tnlto nn ollirr. Sladoonljhy UllfNVN < lir.Mlt'AI , < < ( > . , IIAI.TI.1IOIIMI ) . IiArim' HAKD BooK-UMfnl and attrertlTO , con- talnlnx list of pri7p for nclpni. Information aliont coins. Mo , Riven nw y lif all il < - lorn In innllclno , or tnMlod to nv n Mn * m on rooMtit nl 2 < j ptamp. llKMLDVl'UCt ; . Avlctlmof jouthltillranrudenco Binu Frcmaturo Decay , Nervous Debility , Ijos Alanhood , Ac. , having tric-d innln every Known re med ) , has distovn roil nRiiiiplo me nns of self-cure , which ho will f.'n.l l'Rii : : to bis fsllow-sufferore. Indigestion Cured. I suffered far more than flvo years with Indiges tion , scarcely r > blo lo retain tbo blropltst toad on my ) Btcmtch. Thohur nlog Bcnsatlon was almcst imclcrt-ble , and my ubole tystom was doacgcd I was wakeful and could not tleep , and consequently more or lesi Don ot Hull the time. I decline In flesh and suffered all Iho usual depression attendant upon thlt terrible cllica-o In a word.Iwasiulsortblo. At lost. falllLgtoflnd rellif In anything tlao. I com- meuced the use of Swllt's Kpccldo. I begin to Im prove at once. The mrdirjne tcncd up the e om- ach , strengthened the dl i etlvo organs , and soon all that burning ceaaoi' , and I could retain food without dlBlculty. Now my health la good , and can oat any thing In the thare of food , end digest It without the Blithest difficulty. I most cheerfully baar this tdtlmcny bocauaa there are hundreds suflering as I was , and lam Ftiro can bens rcad'Iy ' healed. Take the prescribed dose after citing instead of before. JAMi-H MAN.-V , No. 14 Ivy street Atlinta , Oa. , Hay 13,1885. oTreatlso on blood and skin diseases mailed free , or rThoSwift pecHoCo. , Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Ua W 157 23d 8 , N [ 617 SI. C liiOfD'T ' jradh ' tc iiti-ltu * b * & u.- l -i - t r > ri > > Ji pi 1 UL. " . & lMsv.fci.au . 11 / ' t , i * . i 'f * * .sou , ' * > nf " * * ' J > ' ' ' -a" , Ovbuitt MrsSa i j otltir A&M lions of Ttrnal JL I ! ] * nUcn .1 Old Sore5 and JlCSPrfc , OJ i'M * ' lilltlj ( r.uitf > M ' ! * ! / Pfl/t.7 Uist&scs rifiinu Iruni I uiUrrctlin , VxefrlA , . , rcnvl iricc M.urr4 ? ( proyer or nutyjjy , * JCtK&r.il 'r Un fl l\u\l I * Sft | HF. Mt * J\ | * > 0t t ttV tki ivl * L/4yv. r t > * iirt * ( UiDflu.sUt. . ' * / ? if. tiiirt , < d A Positive Vriir flirt * li ft'lcu-itU "a r * If 41 1 ttesuni rTerjvrliue. PtfinpUleti , .QiiKtUti ex t/fl > * mtiu , di jutg ? * , 1. vrttnutf torti < ] vA ue la , , Mor fonjUf.t. ) > ; > Sirlilta. Ii.uu , IB f lota ial tilt Ua * ! a , u jj'icrr 'lfl < J'u tv > tt ! ! , PACUlAt ll l > 0 CUrlBUI dcl'bl/Ul lf ill * ' /"tt i-t-yut tel l t7 w i Chartered by IheStattofllll- inols fop the cxpic&d purpoee * of giving imincdlote rchclln Kail chronic , urinary and prl- ivate diseases. Gonorrhoea , tQleet andSyplnllsin ell their 'complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Uloodpromptly relieved and permanentlycured byrcmc- . dies.tcatcdinu/'VituYrnn tf > jierttill'riiftlf < ' - Seminal Wcokneai , rfight Losses by Dreams , I'lmples on Ihe Face , Lost Manhood , Jiosltlvelyciirt'il , 2 lie re ( ttiorfi > crl > : trntlnih The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Concultatljns , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , filed. Iclnes Kent by Mall and Uxprecs. No marks on i pacltace to Indicate contents cr sender. Address ' DR.JAMES.rJO. 204lVESiinrjton ! GI.ChlcarjOlll. ; A Clear Skin ' is only a part of beauty , but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. PERUVIAN POLITICS. ThoUpn and Downn na Illn ( rfttcd in the Career of I'lcioln. AVho Una Boon Four TlincB Unnlsticcl , Tlio cablegrams from South America announce that tbo government of Peru has lamed a decree ordering ex-Dictator Plerola to leave the country wltnln fort- eight honre , aud to remain nway nntll the present political crisis U over. Tnls Is the fourth tlmo that the ablest nnd tnoet popultr political leader In Porn bus been banished. Ho obeyed the order prompt ! ) ' . Probably ho did as ho haa done before called upon the president who banished him to [ > ivo hit potuonnl aaauranco that the order would bo loyally obeyed. Snpposo President Olorolsnd ahonld banjth Mr. itlalno or Gen. Sbtrman ; nnd yet Peru Is a repub lic , with B constitution framed on the model of our own. Pit rota Is a eon-ln-law of the ill-starred Em peror Iturbldo of Mexico , whoso daughter ho mot wtito a student In Paris , and la the undo by marriage of the handtomo young sprig of royalty who bai been a student at Georgetown university. His llfn hss been a romantic ono , and illustrates the npa end downs of South American politics. Piorola pore was a famous scientist and litorateur , Woo the intlmato friend and co-worker of Von HnmboHt , Sit Humphrey Dvy , Dr. Von Tscheudl , the Austrian phllosophrr , and other men of that ago. Ho was for a long tlmo a professor of nttural ( sciences at the university of Madrid , and returned to Peru , hla native country , to puratio his icqulrloa into the tradition of the Incao , and to establish a university at Arequlpa , the second city lu Peru. Ho waa the Peruvian minister of finance for several years. Plorolo the younger was educated lu Europe. Ho Is ono of the MOST ACCOMl'LISIIEl ) AND ABLE MEN In South America. Ho commenced life as an edltor.and in 18G4 btcaoco tha man ager of El Tienopo , the orgin of Presi dent Pi set , who was overthrown by a revolutionary army under Gen. Prado. The latter banished the young nndardcnt editor until ho was hlmatlf overthrown. Then Picrola returned to Peru and became came mluUtcr of finance under President Balto , being the rnliog cpltit of the ad ministration and inaugurating the vast oyctotn of publlo Improvements under Harry Mo'gs ' , the California fugitive. Pfrdo again led a successful revolution in 1878 , and Piorola waa biniihed a second end timo. When the war broke oat with . Ohlll ho rolnrn d to Peru and tendered his alloglanco and his oword to the man who had driven him into oxila. His oer- vlccn were accepted , and ho booaino the commander of a regiment , then general of a division. in DJ- comber , 1879 , President Prude deserted his post and secretly Qed from the country , leaving a proch- tnatlou on his desk which authorized the pica president to ezorciaa the duties of the office "until ho had returned from he transaction , of aomo very urgent and mportant business which demanded his Dreoonco abroad. " Tbe army of Obili lad been successful In savoral bottles and vas marching upon the cipltal ot Pern. Cho Peruvian army had been practically leatroyod , the ports were blockaded , the reasury was empty aud President Prado led from the reeulte of hla blundering mbeclllty. He has never returned , and s understood to be In Europe. There ras a mere gleam of hope for Pern left , tnd the people called on Pierola to be- omp tliolr loader. A convention of eading men was quietly called and the lower of military and political chief , rhich la the polite way of saying dictator , ras conferred upon Plorch. Ho had NO MONEY OR AMMUNITION , nd only the frightened remnants of a lemorallzad army ; but ho made tbo best ight ho could , and compelled the Chilian rmy to stop the carnlv l of dorostatlon b had began. When Pern was con- uerod the Chilian government would tot recogn'za Plerola as dictator in the ibssnoo of Prado , and caused hla banish , aeut for the third tlm ? . Piorolawent o Franco agaia , and remained In exile mtil last May , when ho was sent for by ho bmlnoas man of Lima , who ondow- rcd to secure a eu-ponsion of hostilities iBtwcon Oaoertis and Igloniaj , the leadorn . f the rival factious of Porn , and pl&ca Vorola In power , In order to rojtoro peace o the country and revive its piralyzart tado and Industry. .All able-bodied ion are In ono army or the other. The lantatlona are producing nothing , and ho entire population are llvlug on tie pawn shopi. Plerola returned re- ictautly , aud has refused to inako oy doraonstrotlon. But Oacoroa Is pproacbing Lima with his army of lonntalncers Mid it was decided th : t hen ho got near enough to ocupy tha ttoiitlon of the garrison of the capltil lore waa to bo a popuUr uprising n the ty and Pierola would bo procUlmod die- o r again. This was an understanding stwoen Oacores andTlerola's frloods , hlch would sosuro poico when the Jgle- 43 government was ovotthioim. But il coup d'etat was nlpptd la the bud y Iglesals , who haa banished Piorol * . ad the next LOWS from Pot a will bo that n acercs has attacked Lima , and a bloody , esporata fight will take pUce In that acient and beautiful city. Oaoercs now mtrols fonr-fif tbs of the republic , nearly II but Lima tind Callao , and Igleslim caa- iotgo out to Gght him because It require > 11 the army ho can rnlso to keep down Jturroction In the capital. "With Intent to Ueoolve , " Malarial GAS Is tbo most deceitful hlng on earth. It hai no odor , and on do not percelva its presence , until tt IB taken hold cf yon. Fight Its m&l&rl- ins Inlluenco with Brown's Iron Bittern , icd you will corqucr. This great medi > ino Klves vigor by oniichlng the blood nd toning the system no SB to catt aaUrln cut. Mr , John Denllngor , Lan- Astor , Pa , stys , "I used Brorvn'a Iron Miters for malaria and general debility , nd it has done mo great good , " AStoiy About Chicago , ilinnenpohs Journal , " "I have alffajs heard Chicago spoken if aa the toughest city In America , " sa'd ' returned tourist from tbo wicked city , 'but I always thought the people were onerons and warm-hearted , anyway. 1 /as there last Friday end went to tbe irind opera house bax oflioa to buy a Ickot. 1 was walling nt tha window rhon somebody behind ma with a voice iko n saw file yelled ; "If yoti'ra polng ; D bo all day there yon'd batter gi > omebody oho a chance" "I sjld meekly : 'Vfel' ' , now here , 'm In no hurrr , and if you'ro in such a usb , go ahead , ' and I stepped aiiiu and ud vo Lira my ptac * . "Pretty soon I looked dorn on the oor and c * r my Kruff urqaiiulnnca hnl roppud a ? 50 bill while ho waa Jisylug r his ticket. I picked Hup and daihod at Into the street after him. When I jusht him and told him what I had nina ho turned an mo like a tip or. Give mo tint , ' ho roared , and snatched It out ot n y hand and tklpped away , nnd I well , T went back to my room In the hottl to got a good , quiet chance to kick myaell. Evcrj l > odj' Air-Brako. "Yes , sh , " said Undo Each , " 1'se watched It forty years an1 KB as I sez ; Da fuat of May an * Christmas day of do aamo year alien comes on do sania week day. " Further conversation proved Uncle Zach a most Incredulous person. Ghana- Ing to mention Dr. Oarvnr'a feat of breaking glun balls with a rifle , ho said : "I herrd 'bout dfttshootln'andknowod right off U wasn't equar' ; dat waa a Yan kee ' trick , boas' she's yon born. " "What was the trick ? " "Dar wnz loadstone put Into do glass balls , an' llkowlsu onto do ballots ; so when dp bullet fly onton do gan , It an' do ball JOB drawcd tcrgcddor , which , In course , brokos do Rlaat data do ttiek. " Liter , Undo Zach observed a rope rnnulng along the sldo of tbo car. 11 DOB.what's dat line for ? " "To 'pply the air brake In case of ac cident. " Then wo had farther to Pi- plain how the force of the brake was ob tained , to which Uncle Zach responded : "Look a hero boss , yon aholy don't 'spool mtjto b'leovo ' dat foolishness ? Why , do blggciT harricino whatever blowod couldn't atop dls train , runnln * forty mile a hour. An' you think 1 gwluo to b'lcovo a little pipe full of wind under do kyars on do 11 No , sah-ioel" There are a great many Uuolo Zicha who judge everything simply by appear , unces. The air-brako does not seotn to be n very powerful thing , but power and iiflicloncy are not nocoeaaclly equivalent bo blgneiH and pretense. Phillip Btora , E-q , who resides at the United States hotel , Now York city , and li oagogod In raising subscriptions for the Now York World Bwtholdt pedental fund , was once upbraided by a dlfltln- goiihod relative who was a physician , for commending in Midi onthualaatlc terms , a remedy that cured him of blight's disease eight years ago Ho sild : "Sir , has the medical profession with nil Its power and experience of thousands of years anything that can euro this terrible disorder ? " No , no ; that Is trcu1 , there ia no mistake abont it bnt that Warner's safe cure la really n wonderfully effective preparation. ' That is "alr-brako" th'at remedy an - oyory man can npp'y ' and this fact explains why it hra saved BO many hundreds of thtu- iands of llvoa. Copyrighted. Used by [ jarmlaalon of American Kural Homo. Mr. Spooner , representing N. n. Warren , ) f Chicago , was at the yards yesterday. Any Small Bjy , wltb a Stick , on kill a tiger If the tiger happens to DH found when only a little cub. So con- lutnptlon , that deadliest and most foirod ) f diseases , in this country , cm assuredly je conquered and destroyed if Dr. Picroo's "Golden Medical Discovery" bo imploycd early. P. M. Ilaibin , of Arapihoe , has 120 sheep 1 A the yards.j . _ . j Mi " " The "Favorite Proscription" of Dr. 1 Pierce euros "female wenkneaa" and kin- [ red nfTjcliona. By druggists. Hanbb & B , Kock Creek , had 131 cattle at he yar.da yesterdays Kangeford & Palmer , 18 cattle ; L. Voorhees , Pine Bluffs , 241 cot- IB ; Frontier Cattle company , Cheyenne , 155 attlo. 3retiflcritl ( > ii at tlie Fate of John Oamoroa and J. Q , Morrison. Messrs , John Cameron and J. Q. Morrison 70re the lucky 011018 of one-fifth of ticket J'o. 48Qji m The Louisiana State Lottery rb.ich drew the 825,000 prize in the Drawing | f July i4 This does nway with the reason- 3g of thcso crying fraud , because those gen- lemen are too well known to admit of a bought that they would lend themselves as artioo to deceive tbe public. The fact If , hey hold the ticket and it has been promptly ashed and our good friends wear broad . miles because of their good luck. Wichita r 'alls ( Tei. ) Herald , F. Kropp , of Schuylor , had another load of r epa nt the yards yesterday , and SI. McBride , t Benton , 57 hogs. r Tha play's the thing , /heroin I'll reach the conscience of the king , " Gi .nd equally true la it that Dr. Plerco'a PJcaeant Purgative Pollota" ( the original ilttle Liver Pille ) ara the most elFoctuul icons that can bo nasd to reach the seat t disease , cleansing the bowcla and oye- im , and assisting nature In her icouper- tlve work. By drueelata. V Co Durbin cattle company , Cheyenne , had 82 jrses nt the yurda jcatorday. worst cases relieved an. jc : ued by DHFFY'B PDBB MALT WHISKKT ecnminpnded by leaning Physicians. Sold V f Druggista and Grocers. . 101 The following parties were registered at the yesterday. Luke Voorheee , A. Gll- V irist , John U. Durbin , Ed. Ordwny and W. tevonnon , Cheyenne ; A. L. Spearman , prinRfuld ; J. L. Kitter , North Bend , VEHTIQO HYSTEHICS , CONVULSIONS LL Nervous Dlaordera In fact are cured iy Samaritan Nervine. "My wife lud fits for 35 yearn , " eays A lenry Olwk , of Falrfield , Mich. "Sam- fit rltan Ncrvlno cured her. " Your drag- fitV 1st keeps It. § 100. V : There ore to be two additional general ores in South Omaha soon , Ono building ia A ady to receive stock and the other li being ushed forward rapidly. V Inn Dei DeiV ted 1 wo : V | V I ) . - * i' -yassaa liwntittrl'iyassaa "rce fi'om Opiates , iin < tlis n > nl Ji'ulaaM \ \ PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE > vf VCUK\W \ , ! * ere Tlirout , H nrtincftH ( Inflofnojir olJ . llroiicliltl * , < 'ruui > , IVhourilni ; C'uuirLe A. tliiun , Qulunj , I'uliuiu tlmt , tndcUiu if ilo ! i ( rti Tliroiit nd Lunch rici nofcntJBfiottlo SoMbTDrureiftsunlCeti ; s lirUf * unable to Ir.iliitcllielrdwltr to tiroinptli M : f , jj itiutina one dollar ta Oil flit CIllllLli , A. VOUFtrn ( OII'IM , 1 OilA mn mnV V [ CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. Tlio Original nu < I ( inly Oi'imliio. A tlwayi KrlUbl * IWnvreor uurtlilr * * Imttalloot L lii'Mn ' nitbld tu LADIES. \ > U tuur VruucM M OlHi " 4 lilihrl < r'.i riillli | 'aul lak * i PT or lu ' 4B < o IIUUIM ) ut r r i ru jiima In Irtttr Ij rittirn mull NAME V uio tnoa * ui ] orcaie t > ltUe * worU kfu'iluiido'f font taodlugharv PwoncurrJ liuIvfil.vQiitrdiivl * toTfalib UlU me rr tn t I i I nemlTVVO liOTn.Kd 1-UKB TV CTtfrr < Jl ? npr * i i'ii ) 1 * ( I * ddr tt. * Uii. T. A. dLUCL U. 2111'mUt. , > vr Yor * SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. M16C3 Farn m ttr'ct , Financial Excbansre ot cicurltv up-Bt li , makes loats on Ml clM , u Swta 'rom * * ' ° ch&ttcl lt"1 ' ° ? 10,100 < " > ' Wo make Kate to lull all apfllca'tson longorth-rttlmson Imntovcd or unImproved - Improved ic l ettate,1and ex ntncts , lose * , bulldlrpr * onlPated lint ! Kcured notei , collat-ral , chttols , or gooJ security of ary kind. I/iw tatos : oil ; term * , imaha Financial Eiehaigc , 1603 Fatnam it. , Up- italrs. 813 tl ! . -O. P. Davis 4 , Oo. Keal Estate MOKKTTOUM , 1605 ffttnlm SI. 6S1-II ONEY To loan on chattels , Woolley A Harrison , M Hoom SO , Omaha National bank bnlldlni CI9II \t CAOUN rmoTii stnvc tmcnt Bankers , oppoolto IV1 post olBoo , Umaha , nrgotlite mortgage loans on Bnt class tecurlty at rullln.it rates of Interest , Parties - ties detlrlnK to borrow money on Improved city or untry real estate , for from one to Dv years , on be oommodated promptly. MoCague Brothers , hank- rs , opposite V01' ' offlc * . 622-tl ONF.Y TO LOAN On teal enUto and chattels \T O. L. Thomas. 623 II. i/iONKY toaned on chattels , cat rate , R. R i > .l tickets conght and sold. A. rorman.SIB S , ISth Bt f4tf \ifoxirtoloanlnRums of ? 200 and npnardu * > n lYlant-clasa real estate security. Potter ft Oobb , SlUFarnamst. M5-tf VfONET LOANED at 0. F. Reed AC'o'd. Loin oiUco iVJL on furniture , plncs , horsog , wagons , personal property of all kinds and all othe rartlclos ol value , ! lhout remrral. Over 1st National BankcornerlEtu ted Farnam. All btulncfla iirlotly confldontlal S.TOMITI MO ntll MOsnTlll Money tn Lonn On 1V1 chattel socurlty by W. K Croft , room 4 , Wlth- ofll buUJInfc , N. K , corner Uth and llarnoy. After j-cara of experience and a ciicful study of the bust- ness nl lonnlnKrconcy on personal property , I hnvc it last puifected H sjstcm nhcretiy the publicity > i ual In such cases Is Jono away withand ! am now nit portion to trocttho demands o ! all whe become leuiporarllv cmnnrrnssol and donlio to ralsa money without delay acd in a quiet manner. llouRekccp. eis , professional cent lemon , mechanics and others in Omaia and Councl Ulufli" , can obtain advances from $10 to { 1,000 on such security as liouBcnolJ furniture , plinos , miiUnsry , horeo , waginB , warehouse receipts , eecuroii nrtcs of hand , etc. , without rornovlni ; astro from ownon ) re'ldocce or place af business. Also on One Watches and Diamonds , Ono ot tbo adttntngos 1 offer la that ny part of any loin can bo ptld at any time which will reduce the Interest pro rata and all 00119 renewed ai the original ratra of Interest. t have no brokers lu connection nlth my oirice , but personally Eupcrlntor.il al my lonns , I h\rn private olllcoa conuc.'tcd with my Ronor > l olHcotothUcustomersdonot csmnln con'act with each other , consequently iraklni ; all tranKactlous strictly prUato.V. . K. Croit , room 4 , Wlthncll building , tf. K cor. Uth anj Harnoy , Omaha and 82 Pcuiil St , Council Bluff * . SJO tf WANTRD FEMALE HELP. vv ; A .Tin A gnocKIrl forncneral lou'ework Ap ply at 2IOS ChiciKO tt OJltl WAMHD--AKO.il pi I tnr Kencril luuioKork , must ktiort how to cook. 0. S. ErlcVsai , 2115 Da\enport St. Di10 7"AM1D-A glil to do general fcotisuaorl808 S. hlEttcoiithat. 965-lap ITAMRD Gill to do general hiuac-ttork , 1510 V Hamey St. 034 tl , W . Girl at 1612 Da\enporS St. 022 17p gltl 8 W corner 13th nnd St Miry's me. NURSS 185 tt rt7A\TSD A first c'osse lured woman cooK ; best cf uforenrcarcqulreil ; wages § SO per month. Iddrcus , i\nns : House , O'jNtill , Mb S3MO [ W AXTSD A competent girl to d ) general homo- wone In a family of 8. Apply < 13 Convrnt St. 803-tf t7ANTiiD A gltl In small ( uilly. Call 817 South T 17th at. W AMID A. Udy cashier with some experience In book kopln . Write Billing salory expected , idiiress A. , Fost offlco. 851-14 W AN1BD A glil to do cocklcg 419 N. 16th St. ou- posito Jclfcrsin Equare. 857-lSp Two good girl * to do house work at 108 corner llth and Podgo 8r. 8l7-tf : od girls at 100 S llth etroct. W ANTRD Immediately , KOI d dining room girls. t UlrUfor hotels and kitchens , prlvito fiiulllea nd boardin ; housesRood ; wego ! . Call end Inqulio bout thctta i-Uces , at 112 } Faruju : btrcet , uj sulrs. SOu-if I nt7AvraD-Dish wnshor at Emmet housn. M 783-18p S7 ANTED A good Bf-nant g'rl In a cmill family. V Atplv next di or north of I'hclps' drug stors , rnor Cuming and Sauuderc street. 7SO-tf TITiNTED-A geol girl lonzoDeralhou-owoik ; niaU rV family. I quliu at cilice of A C. Trctio , uast . lie 14th meet , bet. Faroktn and Douglas. 70Mf .IfANTEU-OIrl in email family. Mrs. The . P. T 1U11,1541 Sherman ave. , north ot Oraco S3. 680 tf TtTMNTiiD AglilatlHOShoruJia Ave. Mrs. J . V M. Couneman. 6B.tf x ; ASISD-Lady agents for "Daisy" tklrt and 8tock I V In < supi > oiter , Sbou'der liraoos , B isom I irrns , to i ro 8shkldUUDljcrglBKhani Bibs , AprSDS.SIeavos. toT ilants'tiaptrs , ic. Cur 1,000 ojtents are rnaklnt ; T one * fast : in can jou. Address with stamp , E. II. iJIPBKLL &CO. , 0 South May St. , CfiloiK" 483-s 3'p .1 WANTED HALE HELP. I - A RO ) firm lund. ApjWfttroom 15. VA-irno ' naui et. , oppo. 1'axkon llotol. OiT P I n'O ir three goo-1 Industilnn IIJJB abonf 11 yo rd oW. Apply to W J Wilehana i. , Cty Mills. 05i-17 t S'ANTi'n At Iho I'mtoii hot'I , a cooil Oiraan > boytole rn the Inker's trade ; not o\or 18 jtaru " a-s ofago nod mintspo.k HugUli. 034-10 ITAMKD Immediately , 100 wen for new H. H. V \\oik , 4 loreman , 4 ojoki for Kavann * Ill.ood ( ; .go' , eMptbliwtok ap Iy F. E. Irwm & Co , 12 Uanioy tsf. 867-lOji ' -Tiiloi or tiiloio.ii , SOJ B. llth fit. tl.S7-15p J. Collen. I ( ' ILKBh wAsrKD A jounzrean o' good udJresi , w a Bo mlsh bc.t ol rcftrcnooa j eectlnB habit J d lib Illy. ateBradst.cct 10 COO 16 ANTHB-Flr.t-tlaeBtllrtiinlera rrd girls to V kn-n at lIurrirtOBB , 107 a. llth St. 0 1C , s rraq who 0111 m < ko llni'o'f useful L In khlitfactory ndcam&iitbocl < ) , ' 8 Nir SS9 tl 1m , Imiiedlitily , 0118 good cornice inaVer au Y a-d one tinner. 'Ihoo. Huetto & Son. Fr mout , b. 8U7p - HiBlourl stoim wts'jer ' , mnl(0 big inoiior. J. Ixoth , Slid Jll' . bt. Ioul ) , Jto. 600-deo 14p 1 l7AMrD-A thorou lly eipeilfnccd flies man to Y take charge olMoro. Muet furnish uuoxccpt. mb'ortfer nccat tjcli racterandsblitv. 1' . 45 ooHcs. 81M7 | ) F ii-Sevoral epo ienrcd tr.le.men to btntile \7ASr of tha best hi ustbrld wliolm ever Invmi- at Ju-t iiateutta. Addicai John \Vngner , Jr. , Orla , Id , lorfa. 8 0 10 TANllD-In a rtUll ( ry fc'iods store In Oa aba.an V iipoilouccdmlesrainwho epeakBlho Bcandl- vlin lani'tUK. A jerinarent i ojlil n to Ilia right rt ) . Acdins with iefeicuci.ii , K. 3 , Bee ollluu 781 tf v ITAMKD-liteaoirrapbor , Uox625 , Omaha. irANTHD-S ! } oungmtn to Itxrn tclcr rhy mi'l B > V rail road Btitlou botk kef plus. Addresi " 1C D. " Omalu Uutlnces t oilei'c. 424 JOp - . Address Electric Lamp and VAMSD-Agents. Htove Co. , 6t. Loul ) , Mo. , for circular , cut md ins cf iQ candle power Uaub Klectrlo Limp U'8toct-16p ' SITUATIONS WANTED. F ' I'omtlou in wlulisilo ir reii.ll drlij Lai store , by a dniifflct of 2J joar e > pfiijnio , b t refertnter. AdoraasA. a 22U Caplt.l Ave. LaiF 9te-17p F . I butcher , competent nl running meat on ' nbopand af old 8aiina < o linker , Mlinej cmplo } . I'll nt , ACdieu loiter ' K. " Utu oUloi. 030-np / ANTED A poultloi lo work forboird , loqu're ' t V Boetou Latud'y , Iu7 torth 13th bt. k'.il-lflp tinner yantu A eteidy tltuatlrn , FBI coui.tr ) rreluiicJ. Addicts tli-iur , caiu Hill oe , B07-10p - . illBUliLLANKOUB WANTS. for o A 7 * "r 3 room lie sa In dctlrahl l.ojho-d , Mlttln lOblUkkuolthe t'fkt omce.hj npitplJlDB ( Ictlrille imtj. 4il KS * tiix 397 , 0tf tTAXTHJ 1156-dand room In p'l"8 ' lamlylor F ' > lidy and child , llajt cl icfciciic . Add USthtt. DU-U'n ' { 147 In Orfah , to tike nhM la tlio betu liui ciazy quilt to lw rtfflid od at otly one drllir A chance , now on exhibition at the filr store , 14 4 raintm. 012 Up MAN , wllij nn < Ilttle child rants room and botrd ttlthp'lvate f.mlly an lner ! ; manaaij put lime. Commenca abe it mon'li ' , nlth ta ira o M- rangemtnt wtllt lu city , answer ftt oner. Ilcrbcit , taro Dee office. BM-l5p \XrANTitD lKount < inl bta round \Mth TT family , or n m ll homo lth convrmence't centrally Ijcatod , Address with lull ptrllculart , P. 0 , box 804 , city. 568lt VI7AMito TutrMea KO-UI tecouil hand pttno r.r TT a lurso td boggy. Ir-qulro at Dlliolm& Rrlck- ion. C S-tl W AN 1 Itu ftVeiy uj m IM-OII o MMIIIK ma. chine , to eoo the new Improved Atrmlean No , K. FlMman ft On cpfinM ! 20 V 1Mb 83CU FOH AUNT UOUSKa AND LOTS. FOR nn\T Pfvon ronm cotti co with collar , tl "ols well and littltn , 8J3 8 Silt 8t , HO. 051-Slp A 7 room c'tlA t on str'etcur line. A. F8RRRKT Biuudors & Co. , 1401 Painam St opp. Paxton. 943-16 Dilft h mo 10 ronrs with lurn c and FORRixr raoJcrn Improrcment' , two door ficm St. M tj' Mo. , 03 MttiSt. Acply to Mrs , M , Uatktoi , 033-1 Fi I OR BKMT A doilrablo house , all modern Improve ment 1 ) ; rent reasonable. Apply 710 N lOtu it. 93MBp F on iiiir A home near the depot. Inqtilro or addreis , 4H Convent St. 958 Kp H'oft HKVT-A row coitane on Georgia ave , bet. I op | leton and Mount t' ( Riant an. Kny at Mr , llonclls , Arply to Mrs. SUncnion , No. 1017 Oksi airort. 92Mf F Ion RUNT A 3 rooti rottage , 2522 Calllornli St. Inoulrocnprcaiiirs & 2UI I7\ORR \ ! iT 2 nocbriok citUgoiot 6 rminp , oltv 1 water & elo , lare > ard < $ 7 parwcnlli , at flth and Illckoiy St. Inquire on tircmleos 013 10p Fc In : RIM Home ol 4 roomp , 1112 Jaikscn ntrrct. 007-ieji Jpon uiiM-3rcomliou'oonllornsy "nl " ' 2" < 1 St. 1 rent S3.V. \ . iTalchtoa , N. Y , dry nooct Etoro. 9JS-tf fTou RP.VT Ncwliouso4 rmiiH Uth and Clark JL ; J12.t0 per u.onth Enquire 1318 Fatnaui St 8S1-1G FOR nnvr Iho house nn-l him en corner Iflih arid I'letcj S luqulro at llo.'ton Dry ( lee storJ , S. 10th bt. DC 1-1 1 Toni.w hon fl n rooms oscli 1U and F 13d ttreet , ucar Mason. Henry Vos9 SiD-ISp 17011 HKST Good InuBC lth furniture forpa'o ' nith 1 ? In lour blocks cf P. O. Address A , II. lee ! oiDcc. i [ OR UE > r SloroSll N 15th ctrcct. F C.11-17P j'OK BMNT A now 12 room hrusj and larn , No. . 814 S 18th Ktrcet. M ireo A , Uruunur. 83Ifp IT'oii np\T Cottage , lotco lit , batn for 4 hor-es. W X1 II. Oreen , or lat Nut 1 Uaas 809 tf R71CR RKST 5 room hou o en 24th and Plerco St Aji- ply to llcigfjs A- Hill , opp. 1'uxti.n. 703-lOji TT'OR B ST Sear S. ' . car , 7 room huuir. coo'l well , X1 cUtcrn , $16 per month luqnlro of 0. K. Thoinp- Lou. S W. cointr llth and Han.oy St. 225-tf FonuKNT-5 rrmi colt [ fi ) corner PoppUton and Sioildari Sf. $1B. C. K. Uajne , a.V. . comer I5lh and Farnam. 714-tf 7 > OK KEST Coit& e 6 roctnc , honsnlO room' J. F I'hlppi P.oe. Sewnrd nd Campbell 637.tt FVjRtiuT Acotturout fourrojiiM wnn city and cl torn Afctor , 818 Suth 10th St , between icaunwoHhand Uartht. 447-tf KUOMB JFUH KUJNT. RM Eleirintlv fii'iiltrud rooms , elide d on suite , at 1718 Cats St. 050 tf J FOR M\T 7wncey ) furulthed rtoms on St. , carl. Inqnlro 2211 uojgo. 01C-8p roa RUNT I'lirnlshcdficnt room , 1713 C lifornla 9i.ri IPp pDBkisiiFD rooms with boird.lSll Cass S' . I70R BENT Fu nlibcii room IOC north 18tb. 0 025 21p I.IORRBNT - Targo furnished east and siuHi front ? room ; alsi twoioo 18 cornectoJ , south b y win. onr , Uu of bath room ; good hoard uuur hy,550 Tlcas- Lt St. D' 0-17p BBXT FurnlshlJ front room , bxy lndon- , ? brick liousu wltbor without board , 013 X. 17th. 748-17p T'OR RKST A suite cf n'colj fiirn'shol ' front ) com i for two ccntliuien , 171L . 'aclinou rett near corner ol 17th St , Ut.'eicnccs rci'ilrt.d. | 83tl T'oinasrPloiBini nanifl atdbuard lor tcocberj , Addrj-ts follod.it Ihlsulllco OLO 17p T'OR ' RUNT Furn'sbcd ' rooms for Ight houio-'scop ' J ing. In Bee jotr's blooi , cur StU uud Hou ard. 67111 foy. RENT Nica lurnlohcd rcoml2 0 Dodge. tit ' 870-18 ? r j"OR riRNT Vurnl h d front rooTincdorn Improvoto meuls flvo mlnu cs w * kirom I * , o.Vllircut ] 0i jcuu < men.djreiis lock box 308. 849-tf Tton KKM Furnished room , 1209 Capitol avo. : 851 l ° p ? OR RENT Nicely furnished front rrom to gcntlo- 1 nun utily , at S W corner 20th and Douvl s St. ToRkKM ' Newly turn shed rcoma for KenUex.cn , 8a3indhith22i7DotJgB. ; 84118 unfuinishcd room. 1610 Farn-ims roet 8WI -Nicely furnished rooms 1317 LUogo tt. S25-11 , jVa ur.NT-Trto Llocly ( uruidLcil ruon-.8 18 ! I Ucdte St. 821 24p I TlOBERM Hoom with toaid , 1013 Car lol : avr. At 021-17p 5 i TlOR RB > T Ono Uigf unfuiniilied lro"t room with aloovo , ai d onubliule r'oui. MoJtrn liuprove- 5f : nts en 20' li , noir bt. Moiy ui.\c. 7 D tf ' 'OR n. > T Two flneh'gorooini' In now hfuie , fur- f i.I.liu.i or uuturn'Bhtd with at d xlthcutlio d,710 lutllllth&t. 76HSp Vi * i ftori I.KNT Nicely furtil hoa roomj"B W corn s r fi 10th and S' . llaij's a > o. 747 1UI T Himliiomely furnl < h > d rouui ) , tliiL' o or iluullo with bon ( , 1718 D'dgf. 0 5-tf roil RKM lar o will furnl bed room nlth flra bath to.sulUlUfor agtmlercon , < n bt. Car , e , nfjr wiHt t'truam , lafeieuca ghen and le- Irod. C. . llijno It Co. CUJ tf BM Tree * QroolPccsIn Nebraska Na'lootl liank llulIdlDK Inqulru at biuk. 480-30 fOR EK.M JIandsome lurul.-hoj rooma i8ie To 'PC ' 403 B0pt2f i'OR FEAT Two rofins adjoining with board ; front F roum boutb-oiet , 1011 kVtbstorSt W3-11 am on RX\T 1 will Inrnlclied room lor 2 goutlerrcn amF 160) Kurnim btri'ct , O | Kilo Go' ' Ho el. Pl'ly F tMUi 1 , or at linbaerman & Ui.ruott. SIS I3lli bt. for 745 tf the bul < OR r.iUNT 2 pieman * sruth front rooms S. W. Doi corner 19ih ard Iaon ! port. 70f.tf lore BUNT HaudBOttelf furnistcd looms 1701 0p- * * r iwonlcily fnrDlbnod rooms , KW co. 2Ut tll'J Bt. llirv'a Avo. 46Ctf OOM3 WUh rxiirild V Ltt bt. Cluilea Uot I. BlO-tl lot 13t ! 'OR KHNT TAIKO front room on IIret Iloor wltb or without bu r J ; Inqulra it 1991 Anum St. r ' SALiJ HOUSKS LOTS. la. 'ore BiLB-Cuul 7 riiom house and lot near rats an,1 , lUntcum Pa k. txco.ltiit locutlcn , good rn , lUUru&c. I'rlcof OW. AireslW7 Fmuiu. D8I-17 tiull ion nan -Nnv two btorvhouicbath room , crate * Lot ; mauKli , ceonritudcolar , rorunr lot , cast trout Lottl slteet tar line ; tlrrtntlo3 ( lioj , 8 i > um In house. tln Ice J5T ) l | outi h.ll cash. Arnin , H07 Farnaui. Let ; 00/10 n lukriALK-S utbwiat bt II unouiu t'ur , uu b > lt Lot ; roin.lo Kin Mtlriae ; e 1 loca'eJ trltct draln- rrail-ly ; t-ecruiiij , ' nlmMt ; lots at ? 2Wlo 83i ) . ad i. U payuituti , bilatnu lutif lime. Auift , 15W mam , 80)-I6 ) ; OKHAL Two hmioi and lot , rented at 830 a in In ; o'oliuvk ffOinH' > rt ctr Will be H" ) ) ! r , , * - " C'uniilo.'liauiA. Bretnin , 1511 l'o 'ge. ' . 03515 IK t ILK llrmts and l , ti , at til ptlc- ; la all " ° - ' ; locutlom inJlosu't n Lti olcuitcin ti Ttiin * y. Uillaui fcto wilt wo luiu. Ai"oj , 157 niioj bt. SJJ-IB | -i 'UKtiH-A lull In uu 1 aven.ic'ri ' fit. , HIJ cb.ap , ( nl a roit bar/iin , A sausdirt i. Co , 51 a. 11 rarcatn * Stuppo , l'J > to-i 91E-.9 Tpomat-tcMonlinrtgl .BSjlBOlrt JO It alley i will 10 only 16) ft frOTi Cumlnif St. , < ar line , cm bs hdught tt ? 900 civch 1-3 'o ri , balance ice ; l time tSp9tront Ihniirorlh Inustatljn. Ame , 15C7 fnnnmSL (40 | C P I OR ml.Or FAtnamttrtit ntarlOthSt , fe t Ija.t forfl.tO ) , Katytoruu. Arres 1S07 K i- | i > OK SALK stock lUiuraof iroc ! y Maio J7 liwcm.ifa'tichul o ntt In ctlior uu Incts. No , 607 South Tenth Uriel. ? . Tiroscrcsof ( jrotiml with hrgo hoim anj bvn , on lonenwortkitroet , 4 Miok wrst of city llmltijf,8co , very cosy terms. 0. II. ll jne. Uth ami Ptriiun. yn if , TToRRAtB Southwest of Hinscom i' rk , ob l f real , letIn iltl'cs ; , well loratcil ; tMrlcct dritln. BffD ! nj I Iy boomliin'uMlc ' ! lot * at $2 n ta $ UX > ; unall ctsh iujmcntg , bkhncolong Iliuc. Atnes.iMT Farnim. SOUS WANTin-By a rc-l ) l > o imrty.ijcntltniin ami wile ; wish to rent to\t roUjpo or hutltt Hra to R rooms with bath room , li'pli l.iostlon , la the Urln Ityot Rt Marv's av an.l IKihiit. Kent not to 01- eoed f IB. Addrets "A. Ij. 11. ' 121J U < o office. 782 tl FOR s us An e'cgnit 0 loom house and lot 64x140 ln FooJloca-lon , bmi.io . , PtlceJJ.BOO. t nn- nlrgbsm & Itrcnnsn. 557-15i [ T ORfALii-Wotof tha cltyllralti nml south ol CiimlnR strict Is the new addition ol West Cum II-R. HtreneU let ? o rh 50x165 or 05x133 lett. Kach lot his rtvnpe IrontaKoon both street ( ml nl- l r. Al , of them He well , with excellent dralnnjp , tiiilnoprMllnsncc3FS ry lathaflttlen da\s thli projorty asottered , 13 of the elots nne sold , and the InturcUlntlli attractho property li rtpldlr In creasing Thefo lots are etllln ? nt from $200 to 8300 -remarkably cha i > u J on tbeollmvlrt' / oatiy t rmsi ? 10cash nnd bnance $ S pr rnonth until laid. No Mich terms as those on inch property can bo found In the city. Call nl 011:0 for tbli | rnjierty en UCCAUUE , opp postolllco , iclo Kent. oit SAtn-tot 1'Atriek'n a Lot Marlon pl ro , 1550. M \roit cnl 81,010 llou-o well built , tiTolotn in fine or tor on 1'ark . , a birgaln at ? 1,500. Aiuo * , 1107 Fsrnam. 04310 17 > onnAtK crul.t lnlljda 1'aik Mid Oote IMC llttitc , $150 to 8175 tcr lot. Small paunenls , lonj ? time. AUIO Hi7 Parnuu. SO ! ) 15 IOR SALHcroriopitf ! ! no r tbo city , cr will A1 trade for city lot * . Cunningham & Ilrennan , 1S11 Dodgo. FOR SAI.K Larjo hou o 10 n oins , lot 132il32lU ! o b tu , boiutlful plac J0,5utorrns00dcwii ( ; iid Sr > 3 per month. This irm.irtj- . i < only four WocKs IroDi Tarn \c , street car llco. C. E. ila e. IDth rarnam. 773 15 tPOKHALK -HuuiO'atm otsun incntlly . . _ , . _ I ) . I. Da } den , SautHU'rr , bctncoa L knandil Usages. 35I-tt For. SM.K crolo's H I'rlgliton , vo which jour attciitloilsu < pochllylnvir d. 1'rlco * 12 : > nn c p. } ' < formouiccido to buj elsewhere , eon.o and Icokat Brghton. Aaui , 1507 fernam. 80317 B You can buy lots In I'lilntlew , joining L city llmita at 8400 on ory easy jirymont ! ; those lots hrry nlcily on level giojud aadfcroBtuo to mike jumonoj The Dolt line will oilurcialiia U thlJEo tlon niidnow isihollaio to buj. Ames. 157 Kuril im. 041-18 TT'ouBAMi t-luap , 5 room colu and lot , oa > y J ? tcnut ; filtuatul atNo , t7 ! N. 17th S bet. Calll 'ornia aud Wtbiter ; ttonu hly ropalroJ and lin- iroiui ) . Inqulro ol owner on picoileca S3Ut Ifos. fAm Acio loin in Hyde Park , and Cote Hnl- 1' Imnte , 8160 to 8175 per lot ; tmall fa ) ments , 1 jug ime , Anibe , 15C7 I'nrnam. btO-16 FOR MLK Cho'co nelilcnco h < tg nn and near Park tucoiiu and Unnscom Park. This la a moet dc- irablo lj-aljn | for homod. I'r.ccs Sfljo tol,2CO. Vines , 151,7 i'arnim. 859-15 Fonstut now 0 room house and lull lot , l > irn ( to , 0119 block from otraoc ctr , "III bo Bo'il at a I acr flco. CUEiiln lum Si . < lironma , 1611 DoilRO. 03D-15 BALB lj ) J. K. lllicy & ( .0. , 210 a. 13th St S7.CCO IIouso end lot , rragnlflocnt rtslJcnco prop. ny , cornir. ? 7,5tO Two etor" bouse roirlynow.b'autlluIUwn i corner , location atniug the Onctt In Omaha , ou bt. I Urllne. I 81,4CO-tIagnlfl ont residence lot on Tarnan St. I 81,200 tardam street , suuth Ircnt , clghtly loci-1 lo . S'BO Lots In J. F. Bllay's , Okahoma , nil ! sell on nsy tcrnii and bilM for c < cslrablo parties. Tho'o ' ro moLC l ho finest residence l < is south of tbo llj. nd aio within block of thi street tar lino. WheT , , lie ICth Street VUduot Is built , they will bo a Hlteeu Ul itnuto walk nom 16th and Farnim Sta. ? : CO to 1,030 Lins ou Cum'nga and Hart ttrctts h i nxlonH'n ' of the Ktroct car Una to tlioso lots likes lliem vik > dcslrablo property. Wu have dttlrablelot ) In eory qjiitorof thoclty , f.ll tt J. H. Itllcy a Co. , 216 couth IStb at. TOHSVI.K AcraULi In Bil hton , to which jour 1 atlrntl ills especially li\ltfd. 1'rlco ? ! 26 an ro. Delcri ) ; uOccldu to buy eliewlnrc , come and ok at Urlgnloa. Aine > , 1507 FnrnKin 803-17 i OR H LK ftt a lurgaiu , tthuusoul 0 rotim , e\erv ? room heated by furnace. Hot and cold water , tl ) , lot CUHO mor lund St. Mary's avenue. Ilouio B. ist < f4 OOD ; lot IB worth 3A5CO. II eold at once , will B.B. ke 4,000 for tbe place. C. E. llajnc , 15th and B.oil 777-tf oil ' T < O BALE Anrolots In Hjdof/irk nnd Cote Brll- llante. Sl'O ' tn J17B | er lot ; fcunll pjjmerts.loiij ; jio AmCH , 1107 Farnain. 88015 da jiona.fLNcro lots In B'i/nton , to which jour attention is egptrlally liniud. Irice S)22n ) an rn. B'lore joudco'd ) to buj-elsswhore , comound ok at Bilxl ton. A mop , 107 Farnam. (03-17 DE T'lis improved farmo , will trade for improved clto properry. W. II Green , o\or let National Batik 297-tf 11 . 'OR Hii.n Acre lots In lliluhiou t'Whl-hjuur attention 19 o | ecl&l'y Iml cJ. 1'rlco 8225 on if. Dtforo you docldo to hiy cltiewhoro , c m oand n. Ames , 1607 Faruani. 833-17 r OR BALK At a bargain , lot with 'JDOUHOI , 3 and 7 roau.fi , wo'l ' , clctern , harn , bo. , 0th ind llarnoy , iimpro\ pro , ecty tukcii M pat pay. Wm. L. inioo , Btl ar.d Douglas. 033 tt II POR BAL.U Mcst Jo's in r"iirh Oni6liacl * HU to ears , echoi 1 und e hurcho , f 456 to ? 550 i cr lot on e y liid.ta. Ucnjo and tie thij poverty. A.J"f , 1607 mam E82-15 ri-A tnnstrrv 22x8 } frame building suit able or a store cear 19th end i'uruara street. ply at thld olllofl. 947-1 f nR SALK Ht t lotn in North Uimlia , c'osi to car' , schod mi I ehurchea , ? 425 to $559 i or lot on > sv j..unts. Come an I ece thU property , /mos,15J7 main 802-15 Tea HU , on im > T(1 ( i)0l hoto in lir c-oIaoHtOivn n South Western ptrt cf State. Apply to I ! 1' . Da- , Novelty Iron Workd , 14th HL 7B1-H "OR84LK If hcuses andl tl ore what > cu unit , cnl audeeoua. Our ll-tcornpiissstto Uryott Uf detifabla ikcuj ever tlferuJ. Ames. Jf > 07 I'.r- 8'8-15 0 ! orts i.K * goal kind bugpy horBo , ful'ibla for Udy. Will LoeoU chcau , Amcr , 15U7 Firiaii. f8U15 'ot H LK-Ontap , fu 1 eot Anierl an Clyiloraedlis Wt buand In gcoj order. Inquire at M7 N. lOtb 713 Up OKBAi.H-Twu lotJi In 1'elhira Place , -mo block IrrmHCHctcar track. Inquire 218 U 13tn tit. Or would trale or a good horse and D ba/i-j ; SO acres la Gunner county. Apply to E18 Ithl3ch8 < rc t. 63311 10 i > 111 Bailer r-nd onutnu , 'JUIioisupower holler 230 > nd engine , In good running order ; want to soil the reason ll'at ' they are not lark'e fncu U for no * machinery which HO will put Into nur re 030 ( inlliriieyat. Clarke llri.o. k Oo. , HCJ " ' " < "d " baud at tt hugiln. No 1 ooujml hand Ti LLWAYH o phtetun and side bar buggies ; at 1409 12 SI 141 ] lindve Hi. fiJS-lf SIAr 80i KKAL KSTATB. IUH BAUIU ) will buy tlu IB IDIIU ehmont of a 16)acre to u c'alm nil ) 3 miles fn m Long 1'ino , own Co. , ) Vih. , or willcxohinvH fur a houie and In smell Nub. tiMi. Addrets.Mr * , A , iy. ' . 1I1N. Toe b St , Onuha , Nob. 911-iep " SAI.B Forl'-W ) you 0111 bur to of tbo Ion ii lOuaro lots li Uanrcotu Place east front 217 op. Terrcb $ IQDJ o.uh balance to bUlt.'Am-d , /rurnainSt. 606-10 _ 18 Inn ( ol.'o liit ( sreilal bargnns are odored b > 4 2 Mu'JkgUit , oppufltu 1'OJt > ( U u 15 oiouta front Iocs 04 Hamilton fct. ciob.,3 801 fl-2 olntun Charlixic eaih . rfO bfioiitlui nxhnti' | 21od4 . 700 & , bloeW , Hblnu't d aid , on HowarJ , Tl broo and a lull b'oolH from car l.no may and monthly payment ! , choip at . f60 12 , In U.oik 4 , bhlnr.'g lit add , very ( fin i able , south front , and cheap at . 1,2'0 4 , block 10 , flilnn'B 1st odd , on U ami. ton . . . . . . . . 1.JJO noUt tli.ost lots In ttucity , at tbucnrnrr f llttiit ton and Kln , brlag 6 ard 0 , 111 lock I' ' , will bo nU toyttlnret the very lljute I . , . 3.0CO 6 , .1 ik Y. L-hiiiL'i ) Id ftJd , on Ecwarti , a El a-salniit . , . . 700 El4B 18 , llJoUV.rthini.'iiadd . 70 OS3 ] , bjoclc VV , hhlnn a 3J udd , uist Iroucage , n alley . 7CO } , block W , Milnn'a 3d ud 4 , south au J < b > t nta e on aewartl 41 WI-M ( 41b ( /K Htm An special tartftln , now 7 loom ootUge null built , cu Ibthit. , bet-uvn Ixa < tn vor' ' oa , a < t front oil ; tl&'j ) oa MT re con Ti Awe ) , HW Karavn Bt. tOl-JU f70R iu.s-TToiv.i ( tn J lot Oenrelo Ar * F t front ccnt rl < nttoOttr' . li iR Innt S1SOO , In rrit r'acr , bou 9 tad half aciel tUflSS , Amwi , 1KJ7 Fin am SI. SJO-1S IroRSAtx-Votir Mentlpnlsrrquc t 'l Jo our lilt of kou cs and lots 'n Ml imti nl town , rtnd at M > nom prlccn. Anus 1807 F rn m St , 693-18 FORAAtii A peed p rln { biulnfrf * cm laying bnl llttli cviplul Inr own. For particular * " V. 0. H" 8S7 , Omaha , Neb l/ORSAtK'Ueu Intti fir the m.nij In nottn JL Omaha , ronilccloAt to err , ihur.hts , ocloflt. CUrfudon , | or lot 85 P. Atllngtotip.r btlllS Atno' , 15)7 ) Farn m St. 8.12 IB IJ > OR SALH Tine ( took ami foodlng Iftim ot If , ) acnft 1 lxtcfii n I ot from Om h atctk yr.rd ; well fqulrpe.1 fjr erst nc ami ficJIni , ' cattle , vrc41 vrntcred and plenty o' Rout htj Und. fvT prloorin'l ileitrlp- tion , addrew U M lUrrljcn , Sprlnjflclil , Kdi 677 ret 0 , tlatRoim l c , ra i front 171 Ic. t iff | | ; iiirroutidi'd by uood lnllllni < , (1600 each r > n payment of > 100 down , balanne on your own time. Amc ) 16C7 Farcam ilk 891-19 liUSLNKSS OUANOE3. T70R mt.K-A store mid 31 foot let , leMo J t $25 * 1 month. Price leoj ftf this bargain. Cun ningham & Bionnan , 1611 L'odje. BSD 16 Fen SALt Ono f the bo t locatM meat tnmktt. Inquire ot ( ) . WMtan , 1310 Fnrnam , 028-lSpH "I ORjsALt A lukcry In gcoj legation , Aildreti I , U. UeeCllloo. Oli-IPp FoRSits A complete boinllni : luii'c.outnt con- slttlnir f > f cooking ranjo. bo.lor , nto lloatlng itovoa h ° di and beildl-K anil cvorjthing nocilij for the buBlnej j w II le n 11 rerlow. . Inqulra ot KJ- w idlNo-p& Co. , 113 N 10th Kt. rCS-15 BOAIIDING. TlooM ril board (5 per cck ; > cry tifft location , J1814 natcnpirtHi. 17"cpt 19p LOiJT AND FOUND. JUST on RTOLKS A mimorandum Innk ontnlnlmr. Jxaluablj jinpars and m niurandutn , which ere of non' o tnaiij ona but the o iurwill Rl\oTen DclhtH ro-ardand nnquotlonnnskid lor return cf FOina by Anuricvi txpro ( ' n t . , | o llnrnott , AutclopoCo , J cl > . U. S IUNVILLK O.l ! 1,1 \ smojthqoVl hunt'ni ' wstcS ' ' LOST ; eve , 1'h'la- ililphla manufuctutc. Ten dollars rtw-rd will bo pal 1 tf lelt at Max Mojer.V IlniH 80-lCp D B. MAUD , \ \ ithncil block , ISth aud Ml-tf . . inn f irtha acoimmor'aMon o \J the s cU. SuiBlcal opir tbns of all kinds skll- lully pprfdfiucd Ins 'aeoacf woa.cn a cpcclilty ; la. htsln ronlnuracnt lan tcro IIMO kbicliila prl\isy tnd thcbtBtuf nttontlnn C'orroit ondcn o nilcltoj dJic-n 1) ) . J Jt sntt'ivnLornc'f Uth and IVrmm ir L'r J. 0. lial hooniir 13 li iid tttrmin. Tclo : hcne ESB. _ 434 tf STnVK RKI'AIUS. T IK . c. MHiZMiR Stole I epilr Co. , Ill South 14tt > St , be'.uoon Dorijn nn , I Ioiiilai. for crM wtaihrr , enn w ird toKdnards & 0113 JN. ] 0th St. , to luxe your fto > 3 aru' cet up 897-19 LADIUS In n art of irool doncsllo hclooanbo sup plied by c.lllrg on the Oimia Kmplojnunt ilticj , 217 N. 10th at , up-ettlni Mia , J.V Moirl. on , proprloter , 874-tf tBHY \aiUf , and resjponliclcnrollnnn Oilorleil way by F. O. Abel , I' . O. box3M. Ol5.oct-13p on bunjo tlven ; by O B Uoll berk , at Ilia C pltol ivo iSO-t' RUPTURK OURED. _ " 0 operation , or useless trusses Dr. M. II. Maore , \ S4J V.'Abieh a\e. , Chicago , eend htamp or Ircular at Cczuns House , Omaha , o\ery 01 days. QMAUA TANCYTEAM DYING ANT ) C. T Paulipn , Proprietor , ( ent.'eii'cnti' ( .Joining Irancd , djcd end r * pa red. Indies' Dresses cleono " 1 iljcd , ninl I'JiiiniH il c.l nnd curled. All kind ? a , cy D } Ing and Cleaning done < * n short notlru id uitle'actiou ' guaranteed. 1212 l > ouglaa street niaha , Nth. FSailwav Time Table Y All trnins arrfvo nt and depart from Omaba C Central Stiiidarcl tltno. Trains of the C. , St. P. , M. & O , , arrive nt id depart from their depot , corner of 14th id Webster B treats ; trains on tbe B , & MC. & Q , and 1C 0 , St , J. & C. B. from the & M , depot ; all others from the Union Pu- fia depot , n , dally ; b , except Saturday ; c , except Suu iy ; d , except Monday. WESTWARD. SPAIIT AltUIVK. u. r M. Union Pacific A u , u.SOa 82Ca i'teuiilu Ji.liil ) * . SOa Pemor Eiprcw. , U. A Rop. VI iSCa . . tJallanrt Kx\ \ O.A M. In Mjll nud riipreK. 0 OOa ooa SOUrilWARD. Missouri Pacific OCa 800p OOl DCOp , . . .NUb Eipitet K.C tu. j.a.u. B lOa Tllb 7 OUd KJ. 7 W\ \ Jvii ! Council lllnaV1 ! ! 7tOd Routo. . . . .lit.LouU Krrro-i 3 10i KASTWARD ( fl. ftn. & St. f ICc 7 35e 4 01 1) 4Sd O. St.-i. G. Fnclltc 1ft ' l > r.y kiv' < w 7 35 < i ' 4 EOb . .NlKlil fiat JtM ' i'fio . . , , Acccinmaiixttio _ _ . & 45& C , A K-W. 15c . . . .liny Kzyi 7 BC 4 201) " ; fil T.i ' 0 4M O S. A' O. 6 31 ToiClilciKOvu rutitn'tri j ana 7 65a IDa - .covuo. uinat U 15a 7 UOa NOKTHWAKD. u. st. ff. ra. & o. a .Bloax City Kijiruss. . . 5 30 : fi 40. ) aLkad ! Aocomimid.tlnQ town Dlv. 8.C.AP. t. 1'aul li.\y KxproM , 6 5Ca St. Paul Slum Exprett OMAHA. imiDQK TRAINS. U.MMT TRAISS ttavo Ornaba at 6 25 , 7 2S , 8 M , 0,11 15 a in , 1250 , 2 0) , 300 , 4 0) ) , 465,665 , and 0 p tn. Ou KunJnyJ tliu 7 25 and 10 00 a in , lud land 4 00 p m train * il jnot run. ca > rouni.ll il.iIllroailay ! ( ( depot ) at 0 51,7 C5 , . } , 11 40am , ; 13) ) , 233 , 3SO , 4 2 * , 8 26 , 0 11 45j ) tn. On fu day9 the 7 55 nd 10 3J a m S 35 and 4 23 p m trains will not run. rauiftr Tfjlnd-I.ojvj Omaha at B 15 , 8 53 a in. ; 5 , 2 20 , 4 20 , fl 03 , and 7 CO p in Uilly , rhoata Hind II 15 m. , I a ) , 313,735 and pro , SUNDAY TJIAINS uid from C'lilctgo via Tripartite Al'lance. a TOOK YAllWd TJIAINH , moTib'o ' of I'lflsorincr Trains lieUeen Oiaba Unl'inHtock yards. In ctlcU , Wednesday , Au . , IS8S riln No , 1' , dally K c pt Surdaj : Train Ko. 44 y extent ilotdty Otlurtnluj