Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1885, Image 7

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One of he Bestjand Largest dtocka in tha United Statoi
To Select Fronu
Importers and JVIiolesale Dealers in
Cigars and Tobacco
Just Received , a full line of Meerschaum
Goods , prime cmalitv , wliicL. were spe-
oiallv selected bv our Mr.Mas Mever
iu Europe for our own trade.
o A e
Wax Meyer & Co. . Omaha , Neb
of Live Stock and Others.
It la the boat and cheapest food for ntock of soj kind. Ono pound IB oqnnl to
three pounds o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and wlntei
instead of running down , will Increase In weight and bo In good marketable condi
tion In the spring. Dairymen , aa well as others , who use It , can testify to Ita mor
Ita. Try It and jadgo for yourselves. Prlco $24.00 per ton. No charge for Backs.
MarchantB' & Farmer's Bank David City , Nob.
Kearney National Bonk. Kearney. Neb.
Columbus State Bank , Columbus , Nob.
McDonald's Bunk , North Platte. Neb.
Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Nob. . , . „ . , „
Will pay customers Dralt with Bill of Lading attached , for two third B > aluo of stock ,
Wednesday. September 9 , at 7 p. m
And Continue Until October 26 , at 10:30 p. m.
A Magnificent Display of all classes of Machinery nod Agricultural Implements.
The most beautiful variety of Manufac ured Articles ever exhibited In the West.
Tha Art Galleries contain a enaction of Paintings by the most celebrated Artists of
Enropn and America , which bai never liaen surpassed in this country.
The Mmic will b * rendered by the "United States Cavalry Band" and "Qllmora'a O'l -
brated r ew York Hand. "
Special Liw Raffs ol all Trains Rmmini in'o ' St. Linis Darin Jibe Ennitior.
A. J. TUU.OCK , Eng. and Snpt H. W. DIAMOND , Ant.
G. P. N , SADLER , Asa't. Eug.
Missouri Valley JBridye and Iron IVorJss ,
Manufaotarois and Builders cf
Wrought IIOD , Steel , Howe
Tiu'saml Ccmblnati.u
Forllallroads i
Tutn Tablai , Draw Brans. Boo
Tiuiao'i Piers and Sub
structures ,
rinsley , Shire Tulock
1. MoLouth , Agent.
{ 'lease send us word ol all bilJfe work to let Correspondence olls'.ted ttara engineers and bridge
Double and Single Acting Power ana hana
Engine Trimmings , Mining M , ohlnerr , Bolting , HOBB , Brass and Iron Hlttlnei
ht vholeaala or retail , HALLADAY WLND-MILLS , OHUUOE
aonooL DELLS.
Oorner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Wholesale Drneou
Home Seekers , Attention
For full particulars about free and cheap lands in Western Nebraska
Address T. 0. PATTEltSON , KeaEstatcAgciit , North Plane , Neb.
Or , the Story of a Great Miner'
Trantlattd from the
On an open plain , under a shitless sk ]
blnok and thick aa ink , a solitary mat
was following the main road fron
Mfttchlxnnos to Montson , a paved waj
of ton kilometres , catting atralghl
through Gelds of boots. Ho could nol
oren BOO ( ho dark ground before htm ,
and ho was Inspntlblo to the tmmonic
plain around him , except from blasts ol
of March wind , great gusts as on the sea ,
biting cold , sweeping over leagues ol
marsh and naked Gold. No shade ol
tree specked the sky ; the road nnfoldod
Itself with the regularity of a jetty amid
the darkening shadows of the night.
The man had startodfrom Marohionnon
at 2 o'clock. Ho had walked with great
strides , shivering beneath the thin lining
of his velvet vest and pantaloons. A
small bundle , tied np In a chocked hand
kerchief , annoyed him greatly , and he
rested It against his hips , sometimes on
ono aldo and sometimes on the ether , to
enable him to pnt both h ds into the
depths of his pockets atthostmo time ,
hands benumbed and deprived of blood
by the cutting cast wind. A single
thought occupied hlj mind a mechanic
without work and without home the
hope that the cold would bo lees severe
after the break For an hour and
a half ho had proceeded in this manner ,
when , two kilometres from Monts > n , ho
perceived , on the loft , some red fires ,
three brnsiors of glonlng coal burning as
If suspended In the open air. At first ,
through fear , ho hesitated , then ho could
not resist the pitiful dcslro to warm his
hands an instant ,
A steep path ran down bcforo him.
Then all w.ii dark. On hla right was a
high board fonca shutting In a railroad ,
while on the left 1010 a weedy slope sur
mounted by a confusion of gables , the
outlines of a village of loir and irregular
roofs. Ho took about two hundred steps.
Suddenly the fireo again came Into view
cloao to him , at onotldo of the pathwith
out his comprehending they how burned
so high In the black sky llko luminous
moons. But cloeo to the ground another
spectacle nude him pause. It wna a
heavy mass , a cluster of low buildings ,
from which rose the outlines of the chim
ney of a manufactory ; strange lights came
from the dirty windows , oateido five or
six dull lanterns were hanging from a
frame structure , the blackened timbers of
which vaguely defined the outlines of a
huge trestle-work , and from that phantomlike
tom-like appultlon , ihrondid in smoke
and darkness , a single sound was heard ,
the long , loud respiration of escaping
steam , which was not visible.
Then the young man saw It was a mlno.
Ho again became disheartened , What
good ? Ho would get no work there. In
stead of directing his ttopi toward the
building , ho finally ventured to climb the
hill on which burned the three coal fires ,
In Iron kettles , to give light and heat.
The outside workmen had been obl'gjd '
to work late ; they were still clearing
away the useless rubbish. Now ho could
hear iho puihors shoving their cars upon
the trestles , and ho distinguished flitting
shadows tipping them up near each fire.
"Good evening , " said ho , approaching
one of the kettles.
The dtivcr was standing with his back
to the fire , a llttlo old man , dreesed in a
purple wool jacket , on his head was an
old rabbit skin cap ; while his hoise , a
large fawn-colored beset , waited motion
less as stone , whllo they emptied the six
cars which he had drawn up. This work
was done by an assistant , a jolly fjllow ,
red and healthy , who hnrrlod little , press
ing upon the lever with a heavy hand.
Up there the wind was still more severe ,
a freezing wind , whoto great regular
blasts swept on llko the blows of a scythe.
"Good evening , " replied the old man.
Silence followed. The man who felt
blmeclf regarded with suspicion immedl
itely made known his name.
"I call myself Anton Linlier , I am a
machinist. Is there not some work for
mo here ? "
The fltmos throw a light upon him , ho
eras about twenty-one yoara old , very
fork , a handsome fellow , apparently
itrong notwithstanding hit slight limbs.
Reassured , the driver shook his head.
"Work for a machlnltt ? No , no. .
i . There were two hero yesterday.
Ehoro was nothing for them. "
A gust of wind cut off his words
Fhon , Etlenne demanded , pointing to
.ho dark spot where the buildings stood
tt the foot of the hill , "That is a mine ,
s It not I"
This time the old man'could not ro-
ipond. A violent fit of coughing choked
ilm. Finally ho spat , ana his spittle
eft R dark spot upon the ground.
"Yen , a mlno , the Vultnro. The on-
ranco Is cloeo by , "
Then , with outstretched arm , ho point-
id out In the darkness , the villtge , the
: onfused roofs of which the young man
ud already dlccetned. But the six cars
ere empty ; with rheumatism he fol-
Dwed them without a crack of the whip
is the great fawn colored hoiso bad
tartod oft g'in , unbidden , plodding
done between tbo rails , under a fresh
quail of wind wblsh rtfllad np his cont.
The Vulture was now becoming dear
o him. Anson. who had forgotten to
farm his blocd-chllled hands at the firu
fas intently studying and maklcg out
lach part of the mine , tbo tamd abed
or screening , the tower of the shafts , the
srgo room for the hoisting engine and
ho iquaro turret of Ilia machine for
training. This mlno , down in a hollow ,
nth its low biick building * , lifting Its
ihlmney like a thn atoning horn , to him
iad the horrid semblance of a ravenous
least , crouching there ready to dovoar
be world. Wbllo he was looking , bo
bought over his life of the last eight
lay * , a tramp seeking a place ; again ho
aw hlmeclf In the railway shops , slap-
ting tbo face of his chief , driven from
jllle , driven from everywhere ; Saturday
in had arrived in Marchlennes , whore
bey told him ho could get work at For-
ft ; but there was nothing , either at
forces or at Sonneville , ho had spent
lunday concealed In a ship yaidrom
rnich the tuperintondent fjaoted
ilm at 2 o'clock la the morn-
ng. Notblrg , not a son , not even
crust , hid Do obtained on the road ;
rlthout aim , not even knowing when * to
helter himself from the storms. Yes ,
t was undoubtedly a mine , Iha strange
antcrns lit up the entrance to the shaft ,
door opening suddenly enabled him to
atch a glimplo of the furnaces of the
tellers In a bright light. He now under.
ted the eicapement of steam , tint great
long respiration , pufllng without stop ,
if the breath of the monster was choke
The asalttant , rounding his biok , hi
not even lifted his cjcs to Anton , at
the latter was about to take up his Hit
bundle , which had fallen on the groum
when a fit ot coughing announced the r
turn of the driver. They saw him con
Ing slowly out of the dartcnesi , fellows
cd by the fawn-colored horio , who wi
bringing up six now filled catq.
"Are there any works in llontsonl
asked the yonth
The old man spit black , then anawere
in the wlbd :
"Ob , it's not works that are wantct
that ought to have been seen throe c
fonr years ago. Everything was proi
porous , it was Impossible to find worl
men , they had never earned so muct
* * * And then they began to fet
the pangs of hunger. Sid fact for th
country ; they discharged the people , th
shops shut np ono after the other. *
It is Is not the fault of the emperor , per
hapi , but why does ho go to fight li
America without considering that th
brutes die of cholera as well as others ? "
Then , in short senlonccs , with breatl
Interrupted , both continued to complain
Anton rfllatcd his useless journey of
week. Must ho perish from hunger
Soon the road would bo full of beggars.
"Yes , " add the old man ; "that will b
a bad ending , for it is not In accordaoc
with God's purpose to throw all Christian
Into the streets. "
"Wo don't have meat every day. "
"Still , If ono hod broad 1"
"True , if wo only have broad 1"
Their voices wore lost ; gusts of wim
catrled anay the words with a plaintlvi
"There's Mon'son ' , " rasumod th
Stiver In a loud .voice , turning tDwari
the south.
And again extending his hand , h
pointed tuwi rd eomo objects Invisible li
ilia darkness , naming them In order
Down thoio in Mention the sugar-work
if Fauvollo nro still going , but the work
jf Hoton are shut down ; there is nothlo )
but the bcilor-works of Duttllleull am
the rope manufactory of mlno cables belonging
longing to Blot z ) vrhl h are s ill tun
ilng. Then , with a sweeping gestnri
intending over half the horizon , hi
[ iolntd to the north , the mscbino shopi
} f Sannovillo had not received two
thirds of tholr usual orders ; of thi
throe blast furnaces of Forges and o :
March'onncs , only two'woro lit , and over
\i the glass-works of Gjgebola a strike
iras threatened , for they talked of a re
Juctlc n of salary.
"I know , I know , " repeated the younf
nan at each indication , "I understand. '
"Wo others have gone on np to thi
present , " added the driver. "Tho mines ,
jowovor , have decreased tholr work , loot
JEforo you at the Victoria , they hiv <
> nly two tiers t f coke ovens which art
olng. "
Ho spat and started out again bohinc
its sleepy hone , after having hitched
dm to the empty cars.
Now Anton understood the whole
icuntry. The shades of night wore still
loep , but the old man had so filled them
vitn great forbodlngs , that the yonth no-
ionsious'y ' felt himself , particularly at
hat hour , within the limitless unknown.
iYfts not that a cry of hunger which fol-
owed the March wind through that
iaked country ! The winds wore enraged ,
hey seemed to boar the death of work ,
nd a famine which should destroy many
leople. And with his wandering eyes ho
ndoavored to pierce the darkness , dis-
roised by the desire and yet the fear of
Ight. Everything is annihilated in the
mknown obecnrlty of night ; ho could
mly perceive , ! r the distance , the blast
urnaccs and COKO fires. Those with
owa ot a hundred chimneys , tot abllqae-
r , traced by the ascent of rnddly flames ;
rhllo two towers more to the left burned
ip all blue in the open air like g'ant
orchea. It had the sidnces of Incendear-
am , no lights of atari shone forth from
he threatening sky , only those noctur-
il fires belonging to a country of coal
, nd iron.
"You are perhaps from Belgium , " re
amed the driver , having returned be-
tlnd Anton.
Tnls time ho had only brought three
art. They could easily ba emptied ; an
ccldont had happened at the hoisting
ago , a screw-nut broke , stopping the
fork for a quarter of an hour. At the
oot of the hill , a silence had fallen , the
rnshora were no longer shaking the
restloa with tholr constant pushing.
) ae only hoard coming from Ilia mine
ho distant sound of a hammer atiikitg
ipon iron.
"No I from the couth "
, am , roapond-
d the young man.
The assistant , after having emptied
bo carts , seated himself upon the ground ,
lad of the accident , maintaining his
ante nnspcUbillty. Ho had simply
alscd his large dull oycs to the driver
s If annoyed by all his talk , The
itter , in fact , spoke very little usually.
t was necessary that the faca of a
tranger pleased him , and that ho should
0 found in ono of those longings for
onfidence which sometimes make old
eoplo talk aloud oven to themeolves.
"As for mo , " said he , "I'm from
lontBon ; I'm called Bonnoraort. "
"Is that a surnamaV atkod Anton ,
The old man laughed in a disagreeable
lanner and pointed to the Vulture.
"Yos , ycf ; they have taken mo three
mcs from Inside onjo with all my
tin scotched ; another tlmo with the
irth np In my throat , tbo third
Ith my stomach filled with
ater HBO a frog. * * * Then
ben they saw I couldn't bo killed , they
died mo 'Bonnemort , ' for fun. "
Hla gaiety loionbled , and hla disagree-
ble laugh brought on a terrible fit of
joshing. The fire kettle now fully lit
p his great head with its strange look-
ig whllo hair , and his unanimated face
1 a livid hue , covered with bluish spots ,
[ a was abort , with an enormous neck ,
10 calves of hla logs and his heels bare ,
ith long arms and hands which reached
own to hla knoet ; as for the rest , like
is horse which remained motionless upon
s feet without appealing to feel the
'Ind ' , ho seemed ot ( tone , ho acted as
lough ho had no suspicion of the cold
r tno gusts of wind whlatlicg in hla
irs. When ho coughed , his throat was
ickod in a terrible manner ; he spat at
10 foot of the kettle , and tno ground
as blackened.
Anton looked at him , and then at the
round which he stained in that
tanner. *
"Havo yon worked In tbo mine a long
tno ) " eald ho
Bonnnmort threw np both arms
"Along time , uhl > u l I wam't eight
ours old when I went right down Into
10 Valturo , and I'm forty.elght now.
, ckcm A llttlo I've been everything In
lore , digger first , then boxer , ai I had
lu strength to succeed in oioh kind ot
ork in rotation , then heaver for
Ighteen yrais. Finally , on account of
ty cursed limbs , they mtt mo above
round , as outside workman , until they
anted me to go to the bottom , for the
octor said I'd go there to stay. Then ,
( ler I had five- years of tb.t , they raado
10 a drlvtr , 'Well , It's all right , forty
years of a mlno with thlrtv-fivo spent i
the bottom. "
While ho TMS spoiklng some pieces <
burning coal , which meanwhile hud falle
from tko kettle , lllnmlncd his sallow fc
with a reddening reflection.
"Thor told me to rot , " continued he
"Me 1 couldn't do that. If they thial
mo so foolish , I'll keep on two year
'jnger ' until my sixteenth year , to go
the pension of n Kindred and sixty ions
[ f 1 should wish them good-day to-day
they would Immediately giro mo a hnn
drod and fifty. They're sly , the rogues
* * * Moreover , I'm sound apsri
'torn my logs. You BOO , It' * tbo watei
which has entered beneath the aVIn ot
icoonnt of being soaked in the mlno ,
Borne days I can't move n foot wlthoul
A coughing ipelt igatn Interrupted
"And that Is what makes yon cough ? '
aid Anton.
But ho shook his bond violently. Then
when ho conld speak :
"No , no. I caught cold some monthi
igo. I never nsod to congh , but now 1
an't got rid of It. * * * The strange
bins Is that I plt It's strange. * *
His throat again filled up and ho spat
"Da you splltblood ? " demanded Anton
at last daring to question htm.
Slowly Bonnemort wiped off his mouth
with the biok cf his hand.
"It's coal. * * * I have enough
In my carcass to warm mo the rest cf my
days. And 1'va not pat my foot down
below for Gvo yens. I had that on
hand , suto. Bihl It keeps. "
There was sllenoa , the neighboring
hammer boat Its regular blows In the
mlnos , the wind passed on with Ita wall
like the cry of hunger and weariness
coming from the depths of the night.
Before the fUmes which looked wild , the
old man continued in a lower voiceturn
ing over In hla mind the days gone by.
Ah ! certainly It was not yesterday that
ho hod struck the vein 1 His family had
worked for the company of the MoLtson
mlnos slnco the start ; and that dated far
back ; it had been then already a hun
dred and six yeaip. His grandfather ,
William Mahon , a boy of thirteen years
then , had found the rich coal at Requll-
lart , the first mlno of the company , an
old abandoned mine to-day , down near
the sugar-mill of Fauvello. All the
country know him , to provo which
the vein discovered was called the
voln William , the first name uf his
grandfather. Ho had not known him , a
largo man , they say , very strong , who
died of old ago at sixty years. Then his
father , Nicolas Mahon , called the lied ,
when lois than forty years of age , was
barned In the Vulture that they wore
sinking at that time ; a cave In complete
ly crushed him , the rocks drank his blood
and swallowed up his bones , Two of his
uncles and his thrco brothers , later on ,
had lo t their lives there. Ho , Vlncenl
Mabon , wbo of all of them was loft a lit
tle better preserved , except the crooked
legs , pa od for a rogno. What matter ,
however , ho worked. They said that ol
the father and his tone , llko they would
have said anything else. His nonf , Alt-
saints-day Mahon haa died , and his llttlo
sons , and all his people who were working
In front of him , in thosjmo gallery. Ono
hundred and five years of digging down ,
the children after the old men , for the
same master ; well , many of the basses
conld not have told so good A story.
"Still , when one can eat ! " murmured
Anton again.
"That'a what I say ; whllo ono has
bread to eat ono can live. "
Bounomont became silent , his eyes
turned toward the alley , where some
light a shone out ono by one. Fonr
o'clock eounded by the clock of Mansion ,
the cold became greater.
"And Is your company rich1' ? asked
The old man lifted hla shoulders , then
lot them drsp , as though overwhelmed by
the thought of money.
"Ah , JOB ; ah I jes. * * * Not as
rich , perhaps as Its neighbor the com
pany of Aczln. But millions and mil
lions all the same. They can'c count
any longer. * * * Nineteen mlnos ,
of which thirteen are worked , the Vul
ture , Victor , Orevscconr , Mlron , Saint-
Thomai , Madeleine , Oantel and still
othcn , and six which are worn out , ft 1th
air Bhaftflliko | Kequi lirr. * * * Ten
thousand workmen , grants which extend
over slxtj-seven communes , an output of
Qvp thousand tons per day , a railroad
uniting all the mines , and some shops
and buildings. * * * Ah 1 yes ; ah !
ires , they have money ! '
A rolling of cars upon the way , made
the great fawn-colored horto prick up hlo
jars. The csgo had been repaired be
low , and the crushers had resumed their
work. While he harnessed iha beast to
redescend , the driver added noftly ,
jptakine to himself :
"You mustn't lot yourself talk so
nucb , deuced Idlcnessl * * * If M.
Bennebeau kuow her much time hid
icon spent. "
Anton deep In thought , was looking
> ut Into the night. Ho inquired :
' 'Then the mlno belongs to M. Hcnne-
) eau ? '
"No , " explained the old man , "M.
EJennobeau is only Iha overseer. He Is
laid like us. "
With a getturo the young man stared
nto the boundlcEH depths of the nlcht.
"Whoso is it , then ? "
Bat Bonnomort remained an instant
uffocated by a now fit of coughing of
uch violence that he conld not get his
jreath. At last when he had spat and
vipcd tbo black matter from bis lips ho
aid , In the wind which was increasing :
"What to whom does It belong ? Wo
[ on'tknow. To tomebidy. " And with
its hand ho pointed Into tbo darkness
agilely to an unknown and remote place ,
ntiablted by thoto people for whom the
ilahans had dug the vein for mura tban
century. His voice had tikon a sort of
elisions fear ; it was ts if ho had spoken
f an Inaccessible tabernaolo , whcro was
lidded the unknown God who gave them
heir portion without knowing him.
"But If , at least , ono had broad In
uflioloncjl" repeated Anton for the
hlrd time without apparent change.
"Yes , indeed ! If ono always had bread ,
bat would bo good. "
The horsa had started , the driver dla-
ppeared in hla turn , with the loitering
top of an iavAlld. Tbo assistant bad
lot budged ; drawn np in n ball , with his
bin thrust betwen hla knees , hla great
lullojca were fixed upon vacancy.
When ho had taVon up his handle
taton still loitered. He fait the wind
ret zing his back , whlla In front ho was
mining before tSo huge firo. Perhaps ,
ill the tame , It wou'd ' no wise for him to
nqulre at the wnrkr ; tbo old rain could
im know ; fjen he bectmo resigned , he
vould accept any work. Where could he
; o , and what would become of him In
, bat country famishing from the stoppage
) f woik ; mutt he lay hla oarcua behind
i wall llko a lott dcg ? But be hesitated
lirough fear of the Vulture , In the
aldat of that level plain shrouded by a
light 83 thick. At every blast the wind
teemed itronger , rta if it blew from a con-
itinUy enlarging horizon , Not one peep
of day whllentd thU dead sky , the high
chimneys alone fLimocI out , and the co o
fires reddened the darkness without ro <
vjallng the unknown. And tko Vulture
at the bottom of the hollow with Its lol-
tlemrnt of wrntchod cvcalnros , wis still
more darkly hidden , breathing a deeper
and longer breath , troubled with its pain-
'ul digestion oi human flesh.
H JQLjLjLOl r * w i
Pamngei Klorator to all floors , 1200 , 1203 and 1X10 FarnAotSt. "
1301 AND 1303 FABNAM STREET , COR. 33TH.
Take all in all.
Take all the Kidneys and Liver
Take all the Blood purifiers.
Toke all the Rheumatic remedies ,
Take all the Dy popsla and indigestion
tion cures.
Take all the Aguo.Fovor , and billion
specifics ,
Take all the Brain and Nerve fore
revives ,
Take all the Great health restorer !
In short , take all the best qualities o
all iheeo and tno best
Qualities of all the host modiolnoa 1
the world and you will find that Ho |
Blttera have the beat cnratlvo quail
tlos and powers of all concentrated li
And that they will euro when any o
all of these , slnglo or o jmblnad. Fall II
A thorough trial will glvo poaltlvi
proof of this.
Hardened Liver.
Five youra ago 1 broke down with kid
aoy and liver comiltln | land rheumatism
Since then 1 have been unable to bi
ibout at all. My liver broimo hard llki
creed ; my limbs wore puffed up and filloc
irith water.
All the boot physicians agreed thai
lothing conld euro mo. I resolved t <
; ry Hop Bitten : I have used seven bet
: los ; the hardness has all gone from m ]
ivcr , the swelling from my limbs and I
ias worked a miracle in my case ; other
wise I would have been now in my grave
.1. W. MOUKY.
Buffalo , October 1 , 1881.
Poverty and Suffcrinq.
"I WM dripped ilowi wl'h debt , poverty and euf-
crlocfor jeirs , c&uiedby a elck fa mil v and larxe
AUt fordoa'.tritr ,
I wii ojcnplaulV discouraged , until ono yaar mo ,
iv the alvlco of my pastur , 1 commenced u lng Hop
ilturs , and In one mouth o wore all well , and none
> ' ui have stun aglck diytlnce , and I want t'J say t <
> ll poor iron , you can kooo your families well a ycai
rlth ilop Dltteri ( or losathin ono djctor'a vltlt will
lost. I know It.
A. WorklnRman ,
Prosecute the Swindlers ! 11
If when you call for Hop Blttera ( see
iluster of Hops on the white label ) ttjo drae <
flat hands out any stuff called 0. D. Warnor'i '
icrman Hop , Bitters or with other "Hop1
inme , refuse it aud thun that druggist as you
-ould a viper : and it ho haa taken your mono ]
'or the staff , Indict him for tbo fraud and BUI
ilm for dampgoa for the swindle , aud wo wil
award you lioorallv for thoocnvistion.
OK JlRBcuiir on. ANT in
It will cure all Diseases [ causec
! y Derangement of the Liver , Kid-
ley or stomach
H you rod dull , drowsy , debHltatid , have ficiiien |
oidacho , trouth taitca bully , poor oppetUo m
DDguoc to ] , you aio iuffoilng from torp'd liver ,
r "Mill iusnc 9 , " and uothlng will r.uro you t <
pfecllly and poimiucntly aj uimmoa'a User Ilcgu-
> tor. . _
At nny tlmn yen feel your tyttem neidi
loinilnjr , toiiliu , reuulitlni ? wltnout violent pu > [ -
ig , or cumulating wftnout Intoxicating , tal.o
Simmoii's Liver Eegulatoi
.T. H. 55EILIN & CO. , Philadelphia , Pa.
Buoc63ra to John Q. Ja'obs.
Kjm / , mg mm
M tbo cU ittnil 1417 Fainam ttreit Order ) M
uoHoltod and promptly attondrd to. Uclc
bonu No. 225.
Thls nvaluibla epcclflo rcadUy m'rf pormtncntl
ires kit ktudaol Aetbn > , 'fbo inostnustlnata nJ
ICR standing cases ileld promptly to 11,1 wonderful
ulnx proiiertlos. H la keown tbrouKbout tbo world
> r Itu unrivaled efficacy , > - <
J L. CALUWELU city T.lncolu , Nob. ; mite ) , Jan
,1831. r 56 using I1' , lUlr's Astlimt euro , foi
ore tban ODD ) oarmwlro has been outlrtly wtll ,
not uveo a symptem ol tbo dlioasobo * applied ,
WIUJAM BKNNCTT , Rlchland , lowawrltcsNo ,
1. 18SS Ihirobeon alttlctoa with Hay Kever aud
ttbtna slnco 1863. I followed your illrcctlous and
n happy to i y thit I never tlept better In iny Hla.
am glad that I Km amoni ; the mauy who can speak
> ( kvorabty ol your remedial.
A taluarilo 64 pige trratloo containing elmllarpiool
om tvery Btato In the U. 8 , Canala and Oreal
rltaln ; will bo mailed upon application.
ny druiglst not b ? lnn It In stock will procared
Manger . IUvr.rU I Culmbaoher . , .Bavnl
llsoer . . . Bohemian Ktlacr . . . . . .Uromeu
adwelter . fit. I iuli I Anbauter . Dt. Load
cut' . Milwaukee Bchllti1Ientr.Ull * uke
rug1 ! . . . Omaha i Alt , l'ort r , DomeitloanJ
IthUt Wines.
3DMATJREB , 121 3 Farnain St
Did * you 3up
/R , , .4 -II - . . „ . .
> esc Mustang Liniment only good
or horses ? It is for iiflamnw *
Ion of all ilcab ,
Ill North , ' lh
inbiB & st
Chicago. Minneapolis , Milwnukeo
St. Paul , Oodnr Ibpldg , Dnvoaporfe
Clinton , Dubuque , 1 lock ford ,
Hoclc Island , Frccport Jiuieavillot
Klglu , 3\Iadiaon , La Oroiso ,
Bolott. Winona ,
And oil ether Important points Kast , North *
onat and Southeast.
TTcXotoffloontllOl Farnara stroat ( In Taitan Ho
U1) ) , nd at Union I'aclflo Depot.
1'ullirnn Bloopers anil tbo Flnosb Dining ; Cars In
Tin World arc run on t no main lines of the Crnoioo
JIiWAUHKnA Sr. rxCLlt'Tanii every attention Is rulil
to paaaengcrs byrmiitoous cmrlojw ot thooompuif.
K Mlt.l.KH , Ucnornl ManoKer.
J. F. TucKKit , Ass't Gren'l Alttnairor.
A. V. II , CAiU'KXiEn , GenlPAie. .t Ticket
GEO. K. IlEAPFOni ) , Afiat. Gonl , lttB ,
Ticket Afient.
ouncil Bluffs
Tbo on to take (31 Da Uotnoi , SUrehall
town , Cedar Rapldj , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , Mil
waukea and all points oait. To the people ol No
iraska , Colorado , Wyomlnff , Utah , IJatio , Nevada
Oregon , Washington and California It offers superior
advantages not possible by any ether line.
Among a few ol the numerous points ol superior
ity cnjoi ed by tha patrons ol this rood between
Omaha and Chicago , are Its two tulns a day ol DAT
COACHES which are thoflncat that human ait andi
Ingenuity can create ; Ita PALACE SLEEPING OARS
which are models ol comfort and eleRanoo ; Ita PAR
LOU DRAWING ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any
nd its widely oolobratod PAI.ATIAL DININQ OAKS
bo equal ol which cannot bo lound elsawhoro.
At Council Bluflo the trains of the Union Fuclfla
Ry. connect In Union Dopotwlth tboaa ol the Ohio *
ro & NorthweeUra Ry In Chicago the trams ol thl
line make oloea connection with thoea ol all eastern
ForDeiroIl , Colnmbns , Indlanapolll , Cincinnati.
Rhgara Fails , Buffalo , I'llteburg , Toronto , Wontreat
Bosion , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , W lh-
mgton and all points In the Exit , oak tbo ticket
agent lor tickets via the
It von wtah the best accommodation * . All tick
agents tell tickets via this line.
ILIIUanlTT. R. 8. HAIR ,
Oenoralllanager. Qen. P/es. Agent
Oen 111S Farnam 8t. Omaha ,
Bear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement
Portland Cement , Iowa nnd ufichifran PM-
tor. Hair , Etc. Etc.
Cor. OtJi & DoiitpMfi St
NoticeNotice !
To all who are dUeiMd or afltfcted , no matter bow
long the standing ; oomo tud ba healed , ynamale dla.
eojes Hhrro -iildiiC8 hare ( ailed to give relief.
a ppooluJtyJ ooiuo one , come all and bo healed by tbo
Uagnetlohtaltr , the only aureencape dom auyJIo-
oaie. ( Tor examination , our cba got aretl. tor each
.restmont . or vultatlnnn 82 ; terms "trlctlv n b
P. BOY22R & , CO. 'I.
' Time I1
Hall's Safes , Vaults ,
Locks and Jai Work.
1020 Farnam St. Omalin.
C.T J'uul'cn , Proplttnr.
ol ancd , dje < l ind r. ] red. Iadu ' Ursjiua Uoauo
n > l'Hl'ltimnrtju'l l od curled. All kiml
Ol I'MDy.ntfatiJ Clo.i-li'itdi'noc'n ( flojt , i0t,0 |
ana iatu > aotl > a nutr DUcil , im DoutU * utrcet ,
0 , H , AT WOOD ,
PlattBinoulh , Kob.
Brco' o of tborongbbied nd high grwlc
Herelo d and Jersey Oattlo , .
And Datoo ocd Jertcy lied Bcrtoe ,