THE DAILY BEE-COUISCIL BLUFFS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 15 6. ' THlB DAILY BEE. BLUFFS Tuesday Morning , September 15 , Office No. 12 Pcttl SU Delivered by carrier to any part ol the city or twenty cents a week. II. W. TILTOK , Editor and Letsoo. UlINOR MENTION , Roller , merchant Ullor , for fine goods The work of paving It expected to-jom- menco In a few days. The Athletics doirnod the oxprcsamon's nlno.on Sunday by a acoro o'f 17 to 11. Attend the grand opening at 'tho Poo- plo's store Wednesday and Thursday evening. The supreme cotrrt Is to m'ot hero on the 21ar , and the United Elate * courts on the 28th. Grand opening at 'tho People's store Wednesday and Thursday evening. Everybody ia Invltod. Permit to wed was yesterday granted to Jacob Korth and Jonnlo Barter , both of Portsmouth , Shelby county , Iowa. The grand fall opening at the People's store promises to bo the grandest affair of the season. Everybody welcome , Everybody Is Invltod to attend the grand opening at Elsomaa , RoddaAUo.'a People's < atoro Wednesday and Thursday evening. Yesterday morning Juitloo Shnrz tied the matrimonial knot uniting Mr. F. E. Klmmo , of Ohoyenuo , to Miss Cecilia Hoogor , of Omaha. The case of Lowls , charged with as saulting Bcccroft , baa boon dismissed , and the cruel war of expressmen may now bo considered ended. The evidence waa all got In the case of FoMoholmer vs. J. T. Stewart yester day In the circuit court , and the argu ments were commenced. The police court waa unusually devoid of Items yesterday , and the judge had to look at the calendar tvlco before ho would believe that It was Monday morn- Ing. Peter Peterson , who accidentally shot himself In the ear At Avoca three weeks ago , Instead of dying , as everybody sup posed ho would , Is In a fair way to re cover. One of the great needs of the city la some systematic and thorough cleaning of the paved streets. Then when n heavy rain comes It would wash the pavement clean , Instead of covering It rrlth deep mud. Homy Ellis , who Urea about eight miles south of here , displayed at the BEE office yesterday some wonderful corn , measuring twelve to fourteen Inches to each year , and presenting a curious show ing of varieties. The Ancient Order of Hibernians have completed the general arrangements for their ball In Masonic hall on the 1st of October. They propose making It the greatest social event over given hero nndor the auspices of that society. Mason Ling , of Ft. Wayne , has ar rived hero and Is stopping at the 'Ogden house with his quartette. Ho Is a re formed gambler , and proposes to make a lively attack on sin here , giving street addresses , and having hla singers to draw the crowds. There are several cases to come up In the supreme court hero , which are of gen eral Interest , among them being two cases against the city , ono of M. Gllfeather , the other of Scofiold and Gavin. Ono prohibition caao Is on the docket , It be ing that of J. G. Lemon vs , Henry Wagner. Tom Bowman , as chairman of the democratlo county central committee , has called the county convention for the th. All other calls , such aa have been published without any signatures , but merely "by order of the county central committee , " are pronounced to bo spuri ous , and to have been got up for the purpose of misleading and causing a squabble In the camp. The alloy along aldo the city building Is In a much moro borrlblo condition than the oemotery , and there scorns to bo more death to the tqaaro Inch , than those fighting the cemetery -claim for tbat pleco of ground. The whole build ing Is filled with a stench which at times Is unbearable , and the doors have to bo closed to enable the cfliclala to stay there to transact needed buslnota. Yesterday alternoon Willie Olmatead , con of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Olmstead , entertained a large number of hla yonutr friends at his homo on Sixth avenue. The little folks were very hospitably en tertained , and a merrier lot of children never celebrated the birthday anniversary of one of their mates. The entertain " ment lasted fruin 3 o'clock until G , and ( nothing waa left undone to make the youthful guoata enjoy the hours , which wont by only too quickly to salt them. BliU AV-niort. The undersigned will receive bids till Sqpr. 3 , for lupplylng the Institution for thuDetf and Dumb with moat , Bidders will indicate dlffcrentgradea with ratea for each. II 0. UIUMONP , o o d 1 wk Siipt. Inat. D. and D. Substantial sUUkde of tltla and tea. citato loans , J , W. and E. L. Squire , .102 Pewl atroat. : Iuim > v > n , The T. N. Br y stock of1 boots und hora will be removed to-dty to ICO Main street , two doors btlow ( ho old stand. T ! o ttnck will bo cluced buc at groitly reduced price * . r. N. UIIAV , Proprietor. B. E. BBAOII , Manager , If yon with to tnaku Itglu'uuteJy from Ten to Fifty Dollars per day , wiito to JudJ & Srnt'b , No 34 Fourth street , Council Bluff * . THE LABOBNY OASE , Further Faou AS to the Citrovr of the Parties Before Coming Here. Tho. arrest of Howard and Dost , In thli oily , for the larceny of uomo goods from Mrs. Grltnmoltnan , lus called forth too following facts from the Sioux Olty Jonraal , the pair and the woman hivlcg had rather an Intonating career there It appears that the woman has boon landlady at the Milwaukee house for some months , passing as MM. Doss. Abcut August 1 she left the bed and board of Ohrls , taking with her as ho claims , an $80 cloak , a ? CO silk drosr , of his , besides some table silver and bed- olothoi. Ohtia would hardly bo recog nized on the street wearing his § 80 cloak trad $00 silk dross , but ho wanted them all thoiamo , booauio they were his. His boarder , W. H. Howard , the big man with the blonde mnstacho that frequents the foot of Nebraska street , went before Justice Foley on the 5th Inst. and aworo to a warrant charging her with grand laioeny , In that she had stolen an $80 cloak and a $ GO silk dress from Ohrls Dosi , The warrant was Issued and given to Mr. Howard , ho saying that ho did not then know where the woman was and when ho found out ho would got an officer to sarvo It. Justice Foley says that Howard was not deputized as an officer to servo the warrant for the woman's arrest. Tbo woman's connec tion with Mr. Doss had a somewhat nn- nitul origin. She came to the hotel as a boarder. During the abaonco of her hus band In Sioux Falls , an attachment or something sprang up between the land lord and his boarder. The husband hoard about It , and omo down to Sioux City. The report at the tlmo waa that Ohrls paid the husband a fair cash prlco , ho re linquishing all right and title to the said wlfo and consenting to a divorce. After that Mr. Doss and the ex-wlfo got on well for some tlmo , but during the sum mer trouble arose , and culminated as aboro stated. Dr. Wllo , ' Eye , Far and Throit pjclalUt , Boom 5 , Eve. ott bpok. MOEE REFOBM , Tbo Attempt to Close the Haloone on The chief of police gave his orders Sat urday that no saloons should open on Sunday. A like order has boon Issued In times gone by , but has seldom been enforced - forced strictly , but this tlmo It was ac companied by a throat that all offenders should be arrested and fined. The order was not very generally observed , the front doors being pretty well shut up , but the rear doors being slightly ajar. Yesterday morning the filing of complaints against the offenders began. Informations were drawn up against Mrs. R. A. Gibson , Oliver Lower , F. 0. Ger- stonberg , Mike Nolan , Smith & Meyer , John Kramer , M. Boohing and William Lacy. Just what will be the result Is hard to toll. The mayor sayo ho will not allow the saloons to run on Sundays un less the council so directs him. Ho pro poses to throw all the responsibility onto the aldermen , and to bo ready to clear himself before the saloon men , putting the blama on the council for not telling him to lot them ran , and claiming 1 all the glory among the temperance folks for taking this stand against the saloons. If the council should advise him , on the other hand , to let the back doors be open on Sunday , ho will still retain his pose as a reform mayor as long as ho Is In the presence of the righteous , and then laugh at them as he moistens hlsjlps behind their backs. The people will not be blinded , however , to the fact that the mayor la the chief executive officer of the city , and the head of the police. Death of Mr. John Rain. Mr. John Bain , a former resident of this city , died Sunday night about 5 o'clock , at the resldenco of his son , John G. Bain , near Florence , Neb. Ho had reached the ripe aga of 84 years , and had been In 111 health about two months. Ho was recently wth | his chil dren hero , and under medical treatment , and seemed to be Improving , but soon after his return ho began to decline again , and desplto the tender care of friends and the skill of physicians , death claimed him. Mr. Bain was born in Stanhope , Durham county , England , and came hero In 1857 , and lived in this city until about ton years ago , when ho went to make hla home with the son at whose house ho died. He loaves two other sons , Robert and William , both well known d residents of this city , and two daughters , n Mrs. Bilph Simpson , and Mrj. OhaiAu Proctor. The old gentleman had many acquaintances and friends in this city , tl and the announcement of his death will f cause sorrow to many , The funeral will ba held at the residence of Mr. B. Simp son , No. CIS Washington avenue , at 2 o'clock thin afternoon. Quarrel Over a License. Yesterday Fred Gorstonberg was again on the war path. The trouble seemed to bo concerning his saloon license , It seems that the conrt recently issued an Injunction restraining Braafeld from running a saloon any longer , and Bras- Gold then sold the saloon to Gentenberg. The government license which Brasfield had taken out , still hung on the wall as as required by law , and th ! , it Is c'almeil , was so changed as to road , "Brasfotd & Oo. ' ' A ' gov- tnraont official got after the * matter , and Brasfeld fearing that he might got Involved ia trouble wanted to get possession of the license , and make ; Goratenberg ijet out a near ono for him > self. Ho Bought advlco , and ai a result ) ho got a constable to go with him , so as to protect him In case of trouble and pro ceeded to the saloon , and despite the pro tests of Garstenberg ho took down the license , and put It tn his pocket. Ger - tcnberg went off in hot haste to have nmotlilng done about It , and wanted Bratfeld arrested , and tbo constable Im peached and a great many other things lone , bat the quarrel had not ripened nto any case la court up to list evening , hough the air la thick with threitjnings ind breathings of fire. ' 'I Can't A ( Turd to Wallr. " Snoh w s the remark made by an old * iltlzon , who bad been looking ever the took of and ' ' . carriages baggie's , pbiu'.onr , ito , , now being cfftiod. at specltlly low irlcei at H. F. Hattenhauer'a factory on fourth street. When one can get auoh iis'-claas ' work , all home made , and uado on honor , and get It at such re- uarkably low prices a ; Mr , EatUnbauer U now offering , ono really cannot afford to wait , for the opportunity will soon be over , and henca the old cltlien was right In aaylng "I can't afford to walk. " Dr. Warren , ol Shtnandoab , was In the city yetterday , Co ) John Fox and wife have gene to the re union of his reeiment. 8 T Smith , of Judd & Smith , has gone to Marshalltown to attend the fair. UIsi Magglo Boulter , of Omaha , la In the city , visiting her aister , Mrs L Oocke , Dr Wade Gary qoes to Red Oak with Us liable to attend the races there this week , LO Baldwin , who la ono of the directors of the the Ktato fair association , has returned from Des Moines. Judge James has gene to Kansas to look up ' cbanocs to Invest In lands. lie will doubtlois find plenty of them. Dave Btubbs is now a father , and with an "I tell you ha's n bouncer , weighs cloven pounds , " smilas all over , Ira S Copron , the day cloik of tbo Ogden houic , left last evening on an eastern trip , 01- pecting to bo nbaont several days , B R Ball , a late partner with Frank Cook in the real cstato business , has bought out and is running a restaurant in Omaha , E L Ford , of Kanins City , travelling pas * longer agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qalncy , was in the Bluffs yesterday , Frank Bentley , bookkeeper of the First National btnk , cf Hubert ) , was greet ing Council Bluffs acquaintances yesterday. > Mrs Dr IIanehetstartad last evening to vitit friends in Illinois. Mhs Smith , her cousin , accompanied her , and will spend tbo winter in Chicago. W J Tostevin , son of county surveyor Tos- tevln , is In the city greeting bin old fiiends , Ho Is connected with a paper publhhed in Loup , Neb , Louis Blum , a prominent attorney of Chicago cage , who hat been sponllng icvoral days in this city , the gneit of Henry Friedman , left yesterday for Atlantic on prof asslonal busi ness , The City Council , A meeting of the city council waa held last evening. The stock yards company asked a reduction of their assessment from § 30,000 to $2,000. Referred. The council decided to visit Pierce street In a bodr Thursday morning and BOO about narrowing that street. 1 ha city attorney reported against al lowing the salary of the chief of the fire department until his tltlo la decided. It was determined to cohtinuo the pres ent ga contract until the next regular meeting. The city engineer was Instructed to ralso the paving at the corner of Main street and Willow avenue. The clerk was Instructed to advortlsa for blda for filling My nster street , Eighth and Ninth avenues and Eighth street. Tno Y. Itf. O. A. Literary ] and social will bo held to-night I at 8 o'clock. A good tlmo may bo ex pected. l Free to all , and both ladles and gentlemen are Invltod. "How to Cook a Husband , " . Essay . Miss Ida B. Wallace Song . Messrs . Brlggs and Goobring Reading . E. T. Gilbert INTERMISSION , Reading . J. L. Bnyco Recitation in tbo Sign Language by Mrs. JIcDermid , formerly of the Deaf and Dumb Institute. Organ and violin Messrs. Bourlciua and Smith. ) Recitation . Frank Compton Reading . Win. Paulson - Mrs. Huboner , of Columbus , Ohio , Mrs W. D. Sloan , ol Nebraska City , and MM , E. Hamlln , of Omaha , are In the city , the guests os Mrs. J. J. Bliss. IOWA HE 313. There are 10,059 school children In Des Molnes. Many hogs are dying of cholera In OMB , Page and other northwest counties. A convention of the presbyteries of northwestern Iowa will bo held in. Du- buquo to-day. H' Enoa W. Butterlck , living near Algo- na , accidentally shot himself while hunt ing , dying Instantly. "Twelve freight cars and an elevator tilled with grain were burned at Inde pendence Friday night. 11 Captain M. T , Russell , of Des Molnos , fr has been elected president of the Iowa war prisoners' aisoclatlon. fa In the Cook herd of Hereford's , near Odebolt , is a full blooded calf , five faF months old , which weighs 700 pounds. F At a recent election Ottumwa voted to donate $30,000 to the Milwaukee rail road ocmpany for depot grounds , etc. A watermelon has been marketed In H Dubuque that was lerontien Inches long , of three teet In clrcamfereuoa and weighed Forty-four , pounds. bl While going to church hat Sunday Mrs. Fetor Brown , of Clarion , waa thrown from a carriage onto B boulder sod received injuries from which oho died the tame day , Miss Lillle Klmball , the young lady ffho ahot her alleged seducer , W. T , Qlles , at Bedford , laat month , and who irith her father , has boon In jail awaiting trial , was acquitted by a jury laat weok. A Gorman boy at Cedar Falls was bitten - ton by a doc tout ycara ago. Tuesday ho exhibited signs of hydrophobia , tearing bit bedding to chredg , breaking up the Furnlturo and doing such like pranks. Five men were required to hold him dur ing ono of his piroxjsms. For two months officers have been ooklog for Liwson J. Baldwin , charged lih the murder of Martha Ilotubaugb , II [ kt Birmingham , by means of abortion. Saturday night his hiding place was ascor- alned , and ho was arrested. Be waived x mnation ( , and was placed under bonds f § 2,800. Mrs. Auguit Anneberg , a DCS Molnos rotnan abuut to become a mother , Im- iglnod her home was Invaded by burglars tnd made such a racket that neighbors itmo to her sstlstance. This only In- ireated her fears , and , securing a re- olvtr , shot and teverely wounded Chas. jowls , a druggist. E REJIEU & SEARIQIIT , o 31 N , Main St. , Council Blufla Telephone No. 141. All work fint clus. fA.coa siars , T Iftorney at Law11 COUNCIL BLUFJ The New York PLUMBING CO'Y. 552 Broadway * Council Bluffs. Iowa SANITARY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERSPUB- , LIC oud PRIVATE SYSTEMS of SEWERAGE - ERAGE , WATER WORKS and VEN- TJXATION rdesign- ed and constructed. PLUMBING wort in Tall its branches. This conmanv have one of thebest assort ed stocks ot plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish" ed. I ed.Harry Harry Birkinbine Manager NEW YORK. ] PLUMBING CO'Y 55 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS Telephone No. MetcalfUers ) and 34:4 : Broadway , Council Bluffy Iowa. RETAIL DEPARTMENT ) ) ! Mens'Fall& Winter Wear [ CLOTHING ' ' Wens' and Boys' Business Suits . Hens'and Boys' Dress Suits. 3hildrens' every day & Dress Suits. vercoats for Men , Boys and Chil- _ dren. . , - " " Merchant Tailor Suits Her chant Tailor Overcoats , UNDERWEAR ilerchnnt Tailor Troweers. Uqual to the best , to order , Lt half the pr ce rat mens1 Suits and Overcoats ean ' roens' Suits and Overcoats. T rat mens1 Trowsers. 1 I Snamless Shirts and Drawers in Scotch wools , medicated Scarlets , xtra heavy Balbriggans. fancy col- red Wools and mixed qualities \ torn 25e each to 84.50. Dunlao nnd Stetson's Hats for all of 1885. ' St Furnishing Goods cc Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders , fandkerchiefa , Collars and Ctiffa , N f. first class qualities and leasona- le pricas. Uletcalf Brothers , f Retail Department , 4:2 : and 844 Broadway , Council Blufia HairGoods . .Am . ZX J. Mrs. D. A. Benedict's , Ko. 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , AIR GOODS HAIR GOODS Of all kinds Of every style taiie ( o order. ready made. FAIR GOODS. HAIR GOODS. lie No 33/ / wt , 33Broadway , Oo Office & Pusev , BANKERS Council Bluffs , Iowa. CE Established - 1865 r noa opricxn u.w , UPDHE 1. SUHUBZ. astice oft Peace. ornoB OTKB AUDUOAV ixruui . IOV7A.Vo 3UNGJ& B1UFFB. IOV7A. SPECIAL NOTICES KOTIOK. 8p dal a rtrtlnmen no ai Lot ! round , To Loan , Tot Sal * , To IUa Wants , Board. la ; , to. , will b Inserted la this eoltmm al the low rat * ol TEN CENTS FKR LINK lot th * Ont InMrtlOD ted nnt OKKT8 rxn LINK lot each rabMquent In * tertlon. L re Jr rtlMtnenU al 001 offls * . Mo , IS Peat I itrott ntar Broadway WAHTB. WisrtD-Thrte or font apprentice ! at Uis. Koberts * diessmakloR eiUULthmtot , No. Si Pearl St. St.RENT RENT \ new seven room house , inquire ai BisOfflce. FOR BALI-Houses lotiandhnd. A. J. Stephenson - son , 6C3 First Avenue , Council BlnffJ . fen nrrr A six room house , ten mtnntei walk Jj from builntiB , city water , well and clitorn. For rent cheap. FOB HKST-NO. 1EO Harrison trreot , three rooms. McMAHOK k Co. I Poail street FOB SAW , FOtt HKNT OH BXOHANOE. NO. 63 For sale or rent , on Tory liberal terms. The Coun-ll Blufls Taper Mill , complete , with the largo boarding house and Hire * acres of ground , No. SO Alm | Inesnipropertyln Cherokee , Cherokee . ceuntT. Iowa , will tiado for .western lanflf. Valae about $1,000. / No. 89 A bciutltnl homo In the town of Hauling , Mills county , Iowa , for Nebriika land. Value , (3.100. i t o. 41 A ( feed buslncsi property and also a good I residence rropertv In the town of Chcnvo. JtoUin county , 111. , low down tr cish or will eichango for western lands. > o 179 A tplendld farm , well Improved , 040acres In Dickinson county , Iowa , joining the town of Spirit Lake. Price , tor a shot t tlmo ; $35 per acre. No. 184 to 137 Are four Improved ( arms In Phillips county Kansat , oaon with a small Incumbranoo. ThecqultMnlil be exchanged for unlncumbored lid land In Nebraska. No. 183-480 acroo In Holt county , Neb..partly tmprori d , at a big bargain , n ants to exchange for merchandise. No. 6-Aflne two itory brick ristdenco , me of tbe best locations In Council HluOs , lil trade for zood unlncumbercd KansuorNobragkalands. Value 115100. No 65 aud 11 Are two other beautiful hcmci In Council BlutTi , which cash payment will buy at a brr.ialri. No. 68-A baautlful submbin location In Iowa Cltv. Iowa , will exchange for western lands. Value (5,003. The above are only a few of our special targalns. If you'Ae get anything to trade for tell , or want to sell anr real estate or merchandise , write us We hav * several good stocks of Roods to trade for lands. SWAN & WALKER , Council Bluds , Iowa. jr. L. UnBEVOIfiB. Union Met Ami , Ho. 607 Bro&dwa ? Council Bloffa. Railway I Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tie following are the times ol the arrival and de parture of trains by central standard time , at tbe local depots. Trains leave tranafor depot ton mln ate ! earlier and airlvo ton mlnatos later. DirAUT. ABBOT. raoiooand HOBIUHHTIIB. 0:25 : A II Mall and Eipross 0:50 : r M 12:10 : r if Accommodation 4tO : p n 6:80 : P M lExproas 8:05 : A M CfflOAOO AMD tOCS ISLAKP. :25 : A M Uall and Express 0:68 : r M rlS : A M Accommodation 6:45 : p u 5:80 : T u Expreea [ 8:00 : A II CmOAQO , XILWAUKII AMD ST. FADI. 1:20 : A 11 Mall and Express 0:60 : P M 5:25 : P it Expreaa 0:05 : A M CHICAGO , BURUSOKm AND qUIXtT. :45 : A H Uall and Eiprosa 7:10 : p u : SO r uccommoJatlon 2:00 p M ; 45 r u Expreua 8:60 : A M BAIASn , RT. LOOTS AMD PACIFIC. ! :15 : P U Local St. Louis Expreaa Local 8:00 : PM Transfer " TranaJer 8:20 : PM KAK8A1 OITT , ST. ; OI ACT ) COUSOIL 11CT7S. 0:10 : A u Hal ] and Express 7:25 : p M 8:05 : p x Express 0:25 : A H SIODX crrr AKD PACITIC. :20 : A M Mall ( or Sioux City 8:50 : r II :80 : r 11 Exproaa ( or St Paul 8:26 : A II UKIOM PACIFIO , .1:00 : A II Denver Express 4:85 : p 11 1:05 : P M Lincoln Fata Om & R V 2:26 : p n 7:55 F Overland Biprcsa 8:80 : A II DUK1IT TBAINB TO OH1UA. Leave Council Blufls 0:65 : 7:55 8:30 : 10:50 : 1:40 : a. m. 1:80-2:80-8:80 : : : < :28 : 6:25 : 6:25 : .1:16 : p. m. Leave Omaha 0:26 : 7:25 : o:60 : 10 i:15 : a. m. 12:60-2:00 : : 8:00 : 4 : j 4:66 : 6:66. : ONLY HOTEL In Council Bluffs having Ind all modern Improvements , call bells , fire alarm belle , etc. , ia the DBESTOK HOUSE Nos. 216 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. HAX &nHN , - . PROPRIETOR fliorough Instruction on the Piano autl Organ , 1 foice Culture andieoiy 'ersons desirous of receiving in- tr net ion in the above will please all on or address PROF. O. B. LIPFERT. Ho. 620 , First Avo. , Council Bluffs. . , J. BWANBON. 0. B. SWANSON SWATON MUSIC 00 , , 329 Broadway , Council BluiTi. ] ianos& Organs lold on Monthly Payments All kinds of repairing on Musical Inatin- isnts a Specialty , Kiel Sale Stables , cms and JIul eon tarly | on baud , for sale at re- Ull orlncuload lt . All Stock Warranted is Represented , bolertlo and rota'l ' dialers la Binlnaml B lol D y. I'rlcei reasonable. Sttufactlon guiraoUcd. SCI1LVTER A BOLKY or. 6th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs , B. Eice M. D. or other tumori remove ! without th I knife or drawing ol blood. BHONICIISEASES : ) , "Uktod - " ' 4 Dvor thirty je r _ pr ctlc eipttUnc * . Office Caticst , ounollu. Ulufli ciultioi Cfra 4Ht MRS A. E. ROBERTS , ! Formerly of New York RSI CLASS DRESSMAKING Ht Cuttles and Fitting EttablliLtnrnt . 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , -AT- Herkness Brothers , We shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , a large in voice of COTTON FLANNELS at 25 per cent below the prices heretofore f si e d , 10 dozen Blankets at 1,25 to $2 , worthirom $2 to $3. These goods wera bought at Auction Sales and will' not be duplicated. Parties will do well to secure them while they Our new stock of SILKS , TRICOTS , DRESS FLANNELS , PLAIDS , Etc , , usually attractive and never so cheap as now of fered , New Carpets Are received and our stochis tvell assorted for the early jfall trade. OFFIGE MATTING ; GIALTY. Rugs , Door Mats , Etc , , Etc , DALIAT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , GUM , GUM , GUM ir House Rubber BootsSlioes and Artie . - Aim ] v U1L v 0 IMMENSE STOCK. lastern Prices Duplicated. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , Warehouse nnd salesroom , 41 N Main st , Council BluflV , Iowa , Office 412 Broadway W. P. A.TLSWOKTH HOUSE MOVER AND RAISER. . Brick buildlnpa of any kind raised or moved and . BMIefaction guaranteed. ITramo botu o , d on Little Giant trucks , tbe beat In the world. . p ' AYLSWORTH. 1010 Ninth'Stroot , Council Blufli j. m. PHILLIPS , WIIOLESALK DBALKR IN Boots & Shoes Employ no traveling * gentg , thus , rnving Iheir cxpeotes , to cuitomen , Agent ( or J'ara Uubber Company Wiitu for prictu rl3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la 00 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each. Cheap Cook . Stoves and General House Furnulilog ( Joodi , Including New and Bscond and Furniture. Bv M. DROHLICH , ; C08 BKOAIMVAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS ,