THE DAILYJBEE---TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER ti 1885 , OH ! MY BACK Krerr strain or cold attacks that itcak lack and nearly prottratea joa. THE BEST TONIC ( Strengthen * the Hlrnillen the Nrrvrft KnrlchctheIllnod , Glvc NcvrVigor Dn. . ) . TJ. Mnai , F ! rfi M , Iowa. rs ! 'Ilrmm'a Iron Hitters In tha lxt Iron mxdlclnn IISTO known In mr 81 rein' practice. I hare teen It tp clHj tcncnclil In nerronn nrphrMc&l nibtna tlon. und In all deliillutlnK aliment * that bear iv bfiarllj on the Bjttem.Uso It frrolr In rarcmn fimilr. Oonulno liiw trade mark and rrcwivd red lines o : wrapper. Tnkc no oilier. MadnoniTbr HROWJM CHOflCAli CO. , IIAI/TIMOItK , 3ID T < At > trft' HAND DooK-nwtnl and attractlrn , con talnlnK list of prizta ( or rpclpnn. Information atwn coin * , etc. . Riven awaf by all uoalern In medicine , emailed mailed toanrprlilnwii on rixelntnf 2n tamti. which ho will tend riliU to Ills fullow-nuirorers , tVddrem , J.lI.REKVKi ) . < 3 CUathttmSU.New York. Indigestion Cured. I Buflcrcd for more than flvo roars vrtlh Indlees- tlon , scarcely able lo retain tbo blmpltet foau on myl tom cb , Thotur DlcR sensation VM nlmcsl Intolerable , and my wnolo lystom was deiaoged I mt wakeful and could not deep , and conscqucnUv moro or less nnivot a all the time. I decline la fiesh and Buffered all the usual depression attendant upon this terrible disease , In a word , I was rrlecrille. Al last , falling to Qnd relief In anything else. I com- : monccd tha use of Swllt'a HnoclUo. I begin to Im- piove a once , Thom'dlclno tcned up the s om- ach , etrcDRthened tbo dlirestlve orgara , and socn all that burning ccasoJ , and I could retiln food without difficulty. Now my health is goo j , and can oat anything - thing In thoihato ot food , end dlgcat It without Q the Bllghest difficulty. I moat cheerfully bear this twtlmcny bocaust there are hundreds suffering as I waa , and lam lure can boas healed , -fake jtho prescribed dose after citlnj instead of before. JAMK8MANN , No. 14 Ivy street. Atlanta , 0 * . . May 18 , 18SD. Treatise on blood and ikln dlsoasei mailed free , or The StvlftSpecMoCo. , Drawers , Atlanta , Oa fm W 1678dS , H- DR. RICE , atps psWi fftr > i MifCMnr .M M Wi WiP BO tl fe eti th oi > oiP m oc ocP a i at ar fa 17 SI. ClinrU.s . St. , St. LenS * ; , > Io. BO uz > fte 1 In thi im iai IrcMMtat of CKUOK'IO ' , [ fast taic ' . . - ' . . ' . foJirDDnii t uu o'.bt.-1'Lj.kliiii 9t.L'.ill st wrlty Phpcri chovBtid a I of j rr ld Qislir4v. Ncrvoux Prostration , DoSlilly , Mcr.Jil r.n < 01 I'hvslcn ! V.'tanr.ess , Mcicdrlal and oilier Aio- ! If lions ot Throat Skin ot .1on . BI-J " - - - Ifal old Sores and Ulceri , , , , if > - < j al albe . be oi VVul APosiliveV.'riiei5 ul . : ? ; fctft * | J tTt PotibUrtiffl It lltfli.tirpatc at csoe lutuA'.eor . ccF : WIARR .AGE QUIDS t ccw tfitri , KBI ; ' > ' < > . 1 ! . > < > ! > tleiBjlUK | Usj of iftut-ry rr9 U tj itc.w , } > fti r c v tt x s. y jj uv ofDI ACtAiiTt all Ib * ru-'cii , < Uitit/3) ) or mt"Utt'rc rrtit 11 DI , f . L iwt * rrr < < 1-i u ill , uiitiui ut s.tnsti. * tt'j 2 < u Bl Blre re recl cl clK James Helical Insiitule tl Chartered by theStntcof Illi tlvl nois for thcexprcsdpurnoEc vl ofcivlnu'lmmcdlate rclfclln vlh all chronic , urinary nnd prl- , vnto diseases. Qonorrhcea , Gleet nndSyphilUln all their complicated forms , also all dUcacea of the Skin and tl Blood promptly relieved and tlQ permanentlycurcd by reme- Cl ; _ _ &jicriall'ructtce * Seminal Cldi Weakness , ht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on diai the KaccLost ManhoodI'oil/ < rc//riirf / [ < ( .37iero aiw < iiorxicr//iieiiK/ / appropriate remedy aini ii at once used in cacti case. Conaultaltjna , per ni sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med nini icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on nici package to Indicate contents or sender , Address ci cioi DR.MMES.No. 204 Washington GI.Chlcagolll. oi fo 0 IOWA COLLEGE OF LAW. tl I Law department of DrakeUnlmilty , Dos Vfclnei 01 Iowa. Bond ( or Catalogue. Address A. II. MoVcy , Dean or J , a Ctiik , Secretary , cue Cole IfoVejr & 01B dark , I > os Molnea low/ . tnio awlc Cl Clf Itdi di diP' P' ' A Clear Skin tt cal tt is only a part of beauty ; tn but it is a part. Evqry lady tfT. . may have it ; at least , what looks like it. Magnolia SIte nt Balm both freshens and to ; beautifies , oe oehi hihi WOMAN OH WITCH ? Tie WonflwfEl Feraalo Ptysician ao ยง IbB Fororc Stie Has Created , In Slio * Jjcgltlmato Practitioner or ft < Jh rlotan ? Herself and Her Oon- eort Ihclr Jjtlo Histories Tbo Popular Bxcltcmonr. Quo day in the early part of last week a crowd gathered at the corner of Four teenth and Douglas , abont an object which waa calculated In every detail to prove of attraction anywhere nnder the un. A wagon had halted at the curb and aa the brass band which occupied the top ceased Ha efforts on some stirring melody , a woman areas in the boot and n man at her aide began to address the ax- aomblage. Either ono of those Items of Itself the wagon , the band , the woman and the man would have drawn a crowd , bnt thus conjoined the spectacular aggre gation , as show paper would have It , caught the eye and arrested the attention ot every passer-by. The wogon was of the circus pageant pattern , highly ornate with gilt emblazonry and mirror panels ; It might have been the chariot of the ten thousand dollar beauty In a Oral-class only rail road show parade. The band was a clique of Toutenlo foreigner ! In Oolostlal attire , who conspired to knock a thun- dorouR harmony out of current aira , military qulckatops , and suoh like ap proved themes for brass music. The woman upon whom attention was cen tered was n remarkable figure. Dressed In flowing robes of blue aitin , trimmed with tinsel lace , and bespangled with gilt and gems , wrought in the moat grot- etquo designs , It was evident she was mstqncradlng the typo of Chinese vos - meats. Her features observed , however , a mold too plainly Caucasian , for the de ception of her dresi to succeed. Betides , on the tummlt of an elegant colffaro sat a dazzling tiara of gold and precious atones. She might have been thus a European princess and as the stood calmly awaiting the oloso of her spokoman'a oration , her gocd tempered countenance beaming benignly npon the upturned faces , ahe inspired an Irmlstablo admiration. The orator who in the most broken of alien o accents struggled with the English of a formal announcementwas a good looking , fair complected gentleman of modest every day attire , who vigorously atroked tlb bis lull blonde beard us ho went stumb b ling through his . Ho smiled piece. an ex hi cuse for his bad speech and declared an hict offer of 810 per day to any man who , tt ct * Kh a good knowledge of French and ttvi English , would take his place and interpret viw w pret the remarks of the lady at his tt ildo. The burden of his oratory was to ttP" the effect that the lady wonld perform P"P' iental and and P' surgical operations , gratis P'til without pain , npon any ono who wonld tilbe tscend to the seat on the ysgon and that she would sell for fifty P enta an oil which waa the Bovorelgn PCwi jacasoa for all ills of the flesh. Ho con * wi slndod 1 with an invitation tj all sufferers 0 como forward. After some delay , a dcwl 0Q nan pushed forward through tbo crowd wl nd Indicating a uncomfortable tooth et vhioh i be wanted removed , the gay lady , fa ettlng the band in motion by a signal , Isha rent ( Into bis mouth with a curious pair ha f 1 forcps and with a suddenness and case th narkodby fo no effort , produced the trouble- , amo molar , amid the cheers of the crowd ind the satisfied smirks of the relieved hami atlent. The lee thus broken paved the mi ray for a succession of bad tootb inva- tb Ida , and with a rattling rsp'dlty , sur CO prising in the extreme , the little lady Pu ranked them out. As each subject do- th icsnded to the ground after the opera- isl ion bo was pleased to declare that ho bad al iolt no pain. For that day and the ono im lucceodlng , the mystic doctreis had inNi .hrocgs of men about her and the sale Ni f her oil began to assume wholesale pro ofbr portions. < This unguent she applied at br various Intervals upon a diversity of all- an nonts , each titno with pronounced sue- icas. She rubbed it npon the llmbj of a pr laraljtlc and ho walked awa ; ; she took Ptwe llttlo Italian boy who had a bent and we illftoned : log and had been lame for years then md ono brief application of the wondor- on ul ointment cent him homo at a blltho- lomo trot ; she cut tumors from heads , toi aceo and necks and healed them In- lei Untly with her patent medicine ; eho qn iporntod upon the oars of tbo deaf and tri fgiled them forthwith with a jubilant Di ilr from her brass band ; she wonld oil ov .ho stomach o ! a child and socnro the th )8ueGcal ! ends of a perfect vormlfago. sb tfo troablos failed of. euro at her hands pi md alt this while her services were with- onTl mt charge and performed painlosil/ , Tl ? IVithin two daB the nowa of her miroa- Bi ilocs achievements bad spread abroad dc md entered every homo In the city , ha oanty ntcl adjoining territory , The on populsco < were seized with a faroro , and de women and children joined the throngs fn men. Incredible , marvelous , supernatural even natural , eho and her drug became. The itnngost stories of her art gained cur en rency end the wildest theories of bcr ofwl haracttr and powers were expounded. wl She was a witch , sorceress , a female oc MeeMah , she attained her ends through po the practice of black art , she WES heW this and she was that , all In the most W ( plalonary strain. She was lifted by the pa bord < to domi-dolty , her rcboa bocarno tbo th panoply of super-royalty and the jowolcd th tlafa upon her head was the oronot of lei the station conceded tn her , "Tho go ; 3ieenof Medicine. " Evorybcdy bi- amo interested in her , doctors , and " leutists , alopaths , homeopaths , eclectics foAl md ovoiy school of Eacnlapean science Alm ivero represented in the throngs which no now blcckaded tbo streets where she ge ; niido a stand , The doctors and dentists gem jirno to criticize and obt&ln he Dcculor demonstration of the strange per ce formances wblch were reported to them , ceLi Otber hard-hoidtd men high in station as vc hey frequently were , stood in the deliri vcC ! ous crowd waohlng * the onslaught for oi purchase of the woman's medicine and vc the operations she performed upon the BC rowdlng applicants. They saw her BCm ank tbo teeth , whack out a won in an m Instant , throw money Into the crowd , wi display infant skeletons while her inter of preter laboriously translated au anatomi oo lecture. They beard the band crashing ooFi through high-keyed mdodlof , yet stood drmi .hero umHooted by the intenio excite- mi nent which prevailed about them and ifont away with a judgment formed. in Fhey acknowledged nor the queen of inEi ibarleians , acouted tbo ( berry of sorcery bo md denied tbo virluoof her medicament. sh She WAI indulging In voo-doo Incantations Oil nwo and attract the ignorant , who cr jertaluly compote the great majority of CO ier patients and audiences. She did nut when she pulled tooth bnt the trass band drowned whatever expression of pain the subject might make and when the tooth was cut , an application of her soothing oil relieved what llttlo pain might follow and the sufferer was thus absolutely peisuaded that ho bad felt no pain. As for the removal of wens , that was merely a trivial operation which a boy with a j tok knife could perform. They acknowledged some few virtues to her ; oil but refused it a place otnott ; officlc nal remedial agents. It was doubtless a powerful local airaithollo and soda'.lvo and temporarily efficacious in some CMOS , but what might it not provo roactlonallv ? It might result In intonslfylna the diat trqss It had just relieved. There was nothing mysterious about its Ingredients , It bad doubtless boon analyzed frequently - ly and its component parts were known. There was nowhere on the surface of the glebe a plant of such superior medical properties , ] as clalmid for this drug that conid have I boenso far lost to the notice of science nnd unknown in matorla modioa. Those were and are the arguments which without question appeal to Intelligence. But the mob will not reason and the mysterious dcctress piled her public trade with tn activity that brought her receipts Into the hundreds , approximating a thousand dally. There could ba no possible dan ger In the nso of her atrange compound , for didn't the man with her swallow pints of it ivory day , and didn't ' she deliberately cut her fin- gen and heal the wound in the twinkling of on ojo. It waa not harm ful , at least , and maybe , Lord only knows , it might bring relief to a life of painful mlsary. So they went in droves , jostling , struggling for points of vaubgo and gaining It once , staid there all day. It is ono of the strangest sights of mod ern tltnos , hero in this prac tical , Incredulous western conn- try , to see an army of men , women and children following a painted wagon through the streets and swarming for hours abont a strange woman with a gaudy dross ministering in a mysterious way to tbo physical troubles of hundreds , with hundreds moro clamoring for her attention. On Saturday ovonlng when her first week closed there was no reaching a station within fifty fcot of the wagon , and women on the outcklrts of the crowd wept because they could not approach nearer. On closing for the evening she announced that her street sales and performances weald con- tlnno this week , and that she would on Wednesday open an office somewhere in A miVATE AUDIENCE. } The appeals to this office from Innnm- erable sources for a notice of the woman : and a fair relation of her character and operations , as judgment dictated , per suaded the editor to push nome investi fo gations. Accordingly Sunday evening few gjtl 'the French reporter" was detailed from m the staff to call npon the lady. all The doctrtss and her male companion fo have chambers in the Mlllard hotel. The bouse has been so besieged with appli P' cants for private audiences with the lady , th that she had given strict ordoro that no thwl riaitora should be permitted to call. It tn ivas thus with extreme reluctance that tnwi tne olerk yielded a favor even to the all Dress " and consented to send up the re fat porter's card. The clerk waa profuse in ce Sis ' assurances that no admission would yli e'grauted and It was with no little sur- to irlso that he greeted the bell boy's re- an ort that the limb of the BEE wonld be ex rolcomo. ab The gentleman companion of the thBi loctrets greeted the reporter at the door Bi rlth a courtesy as piofcundaa high court sa itlqnetto might demand. Paul Daflos wi his name and the great lady , his wife , bu Josephine Daflos. A visitor who may Sb lave previously entertained some feara ah hat ho was braving the torrora of an witch's don , extemporized anNt flthln the hotel rooms , Is tal lappily relieved In fact. The gentlo- BOlme nanand his wondeiful wife doff at homo me heir garb of mystery and appear as meWi ommonplaoe civilized perioruges , bat so yol lolito and pleasant. The last doubt of um ho strange doctrena' oarlhlinesB will van- umWl sh wnon it becomes known that she has baby , a pretty pink llttlo darling , the Wl mage of lia mamma and the ruler of an me ntensaly French and nery patient nurse. pn 7ot only is Madame Doflos tbo parent en this Infant prodigy , for such It mint fee , bnt i ho has two boys , yonng men who BU re , however , not with her. ex The madame was fatigued and with blc rofoeo apologies begged and was granted op opbll rlvllege to retlro. . Monsieur Duflou bll rt\a amply capable , shoaald , cf giving all bllI bo information desired and if not , a call I the morrow wonld bo welcome. ell era 1 The two gentlennn thus left tote-a- off ote , proceeded to the enjoyment of a pla engthy "conveizitlono" on the dead nlet and with the freedom of old rlcnds. Who would imagine that BI. < aflos' pile and placid countenance had d ) ver flushed beneath powder stains In dbul ho energy of combat , nnd that uader his bat blrt ho carries a soldier's proudest tro- Jac iby a battle scar. 1'ot such la the case , n the credit of the gentleman's word. 1 ho reporter saw the cicatrice in mon- Snt icnr'o sldo where , in the battle of Nult , lam luring the of ' 70-71 Prussian Cat Tf ar - , a mie tad thrust his bayonet and etmnltano- pen nsly perlshod from a shot In the breast , Ubi lellvcrod by his intended victim. Aside Bet rom this , the gentleman has traveled U. vorywhoro , and supported by most on- U.M M/ [ / aging conversational powers , ho ntertaicB immensely with a narration nrai Hei his experiences , BB well as these cf his by flfo , Of hi ? own ff Us Immediately cnnectcd with himself and wife , her J lowers and method * , ho manifested no but iceltancy in epoabiog , and the reporter sh ! ras not compelled In any instates to beg lardon for dlrectnets It la well to tay hat if these ptople practice any deceit ces hey do so with a cloverntai which Is at pet utl east an etsrnal tribute to their In- onulty , 1 SOME UISTOUY. 420 ! 'My wife and I have been acquainted In i am years , from childhood , I should say , Although of no original kin , iho bore to the recognized relationship of cousin ermin. To trace our biographies wo V6I ascot i autt first revert to the history of our leallngoll. In tto of cot early part this all entury , my grandfather , Oharlomigne Juflos , physician and sailor , made a oy go to Farther India or Indo- I Jhlna a ) it U called. When ashore 302 ) me pay his attention was attracted to a 302J 'ender of a peculiar oil for which there on corned to ba among the people a good dc * Bos nand. He learned of Iti powers and at a J , , : ucderato snm and upon promlio that be ler , vonld notdlto'oio the secret on that aide the globe obtained the recipe for its lompounding. Upon his rotnrn to On franco he mannfao tired a atock of the inter , and taking the streets in thn same nanner as his descendants now In Omaha , Tent through the varioui cltiea tf Europe acetlng with immense tuccets. Thu family was related to our own ioth by blood at d In business and they bared the profita of the wonderful mtdt- ilne. Inter , ray father tuoeetded to tny \ irandfather , and with a younger Enatl ontlnued the buslnes * aa it had bum tarted. "My wife wai born ( u Rome ; the la forty i years of ago. In early Ufa ebo ahowod a prrdellotion for medicine and was i sent to Paris , where , after a thorough course in various leading colleges , she was granted a diploma from the Academy of Medicine , Liter she obtatntd like credentials from Turin , Milan and vari ous other cities. " Mr. Daflos hero exhibited a scrapbook - book t filled with diploma * , pastporls and credentials for both himself and wife , fiom f numerous cities throughout Europe , as well aa n diploma in bis own name from the Pennsylvania ( Mlego of Den tistry , Philadelphia , which ho obtained In t 1870 on a previous visit to Amotica , Thera is no doubt that both are amply backed with documents to istabllsh their ieglt i micy. "In Parts Miss Jcaopblno met and married V.ctor Enanlt and at once joined our party in our travels. After several years during which she had gained a proficiency that made her the most deslr- able operator amongst us , she lost her husband by death , Some few years fol lowing , in 1078 , I paid her suit and gaining her hand , wo were married , Since then wo hare journeyed together over the entire clvlllzjd globa. " Hero ho displayed photographs taken In various cities , in which their wagon and themselves appear surrounded by an immense multitude. At the same tlmo ho produced a largo number of tes timonials ajknowlodglng from various charitable institutions the receipt at his wife's hands of thousands of dollars of gratulttca. "My wife has baon favored with royal pa'ronago. She once performed a dental operation upon Leopold , the king * of Be'glum , and at another tlmo was Invited to the court of the third Napoleon atSt.Olond , when largo numbers of the Imperial suite had nl'nnnts ' treated by her. Wo certainly mike money fast , out give to the poor a liberal percentage of our prifits. Yes , wo are rich. Wo have a largo pharmioy on the Boulevard do Sevastopol at Paris , another ono at Brus- eo's , and branch housed through the en tire French provinces. " METHODS , The conversation continued and Mr. Daflos touching upon the- methods of his wife's operations , conversed as freely as before. "We attempt no mystification , al though wo make something of a showbnt that is for the legitimate purpcas of ad- rerlialng. The wagon , the bind and my ' nlfo's stranqo costumes are to attract at tention. Tnn surg'cil ' operations the performs are through sk H on the bisla f the usual medical and surgical educa tion. The credit of our ready method of ooth pulling belongs to our inatrnmonta irhlch are patented in our family. " Ho hare showed Iho reporter several 'creeps which worked with a spring clasp , n vhlch ! firmly seized the tooth , while a P nere sidewardswranch of the handle , S ilmllar to taat of a cork-ecrow , per- it ormed the extraction. It "Why , a child could use It after short Itm Itw irac'ice. ' Oar oil which we sell , has all m ho virtues wo claim for it , and will cure re rhatevor will yield to earthly JiU reatmont. Wo don't pretend to lay that Jiw re will eradicate all diseases or remove w 11 InGrmitier ; some ore naturally beyond tlOB mman recovery , but ninety-nine per OBH ent of every malady will H leid before our drug. It la ridiculous fr accuse ns of the practice of witchcraft tl nd animal magnetism. No such things hini xlst and all nature moves under inexor- ni blo physical laws. As to our charities , is hey cannot bo such if wo boast of them. Jut if yon proea your question , I will ay ; thai they are born partly of my rlim rifo'a goodness of heart and tha m aalnota advantage which results to us. tlim ihohasabuggyaudwhennot puthostroet tliJc bo i p ys calls where her help is requested Jc nd ministers to the suffering she finds , th ' rover , under any circumstances , does she do ike payment for cervices ; cur only th jurco of revenue is ia the sale of our re ' ledlclncs , Yes , wo open an office here hifir rehi Wednesday. I have not found a location fir et , but anywhere will bo aatisfaotory an ad we cm readily obtain a house. " of oo The Xorribio Drain ofl rhlch scrofula has upon tbo system of iust bo arrested , and the blood must bo co urlfiod : , or serious consequences will coJ' > isue. : For purifying and vitalizing ef- do icts Hood'a Smaparilla baa been found In iperior ] to any other preparation. It pa tpols | every trice of impurity from the of lood , and bestows now life and vigor athe pan every function of the body , en- he ling it to entirely overcome disease. toi tic Ribart Larlngton brought two oars of feed SOi on Saturday which ho uhlppad to Conn- BU Bluff * . A. F Brainardbjunht 410 haul feeders which will ba shipped to tha earne ace. sp Yankee Dooillo. re The ] fourth of Juljr la a day which la SB ar to the heart of every true American , COI not moro so than the day when ho up boon cared of rheumatism by St. ou icobe Oil. cai The latest hotel arrivals nrn ; T , Powers , ret itton ; F. D. TroUtll , nd J. L. Fiibe , Oort- heM nd ; J. B. Adims , Gibon ; E. 0 , Smith , M luncil Oluffj , Iowa ; J , B , Frrdvce. Lara- ; K , 0. Green , Cboyenno ; Thomas H. Oar * "j inter , Wvnming territory ; G. L Glenn , beyenne ; W. H. Weeks. Lincoln ; 0. M. pn etson , Ogden ; II. E. Giles , Rock Creek ; J , cbi Brandon and K. ii , Thompson , Cheyenne. tlo [ pa Alj nirX prevented and IhorooRhly car adioited by DUFFY'S I'DRE MALT WHISKS.Y. as ecornmended by leading Physicians , Sold Druggists and Grocers. up tig [ John A. McShano has purchased another shi inch of feeders , 800 in number , which he has wh ' lipped | to bis farm in Watblngton county , tbi no The combination , proportion and pro- tbi its la preparing lioua's Sorsspirilla ate ve acullor to this mcdlclno and unknown to he thers. ho sla The Silver brother * , o ( Sutton , bough IJi 0head oedero on Saturday , They nto the I habit of feeding from one to two thous- note every season. to rti PczzDtil'o Complexion Powder la unl- at"t ars&lly known end ovcry where esteemed "t ' the only Ponder that will Improve the toi jmp'oxion , eradicate tan , frecklee , and tal ikia dlsoiBco. Use no other. Itml ml Clay & I'leher were at the yards again on de it rti ay with 2)0 cattle , and Jobosoa & Ban In' Oitttla. _ b i < i John Wiggins had MH hogs in the market iHi Saturday ; J , B , Adam * , GS hogs ; A. U rel nan. 74 h < > g < ; Virgin & Nrlsnn , 143 hove ; pn M , JtOVey , G ) bog ) bills tt Bins , Hchuy- tit i CD hogt. cri ind & Ojttlu Co. bava 200 cat- inl eattba yatdj , und D. S , Hwn , Hock th reek , 05 cattle. to towe we ll l llib ib ibWf Wf ' Waal Bby WM tlok , no gv her Clitoris , on MTion iho WM * Child , aba cried for Cootorl * , \TLea she became Utu , abe clone to V Vt a ahi had CliUdrea , * U gt/f tku.-Ca torii de us te u THE TENNESSEE TAILOR , A Lonfl Monttici Patriot Who Gnlleil Tie ReppWicaos of ( He Noplh , The Career of Amiy John ) on Daring and After ttie "War A DliKraoolul Hcono In the Son toATilt with General Grant. Written for The BIB. When Andrew Johnson was uttering his fnlmlnatlona ogalnst Jeff. D vls , Rob ert Toombi , Mason , Slldoll , Benjamin , and StoroDi , In ISGOand ' 01 , and tolling thorn to tholr faces , in the senate , that If ho had the power ho would hang them it they attempted to make good tholr throats to dissolve the nnlon , the wtltor was led to look npon htm aa ono of the boldest and purest of patriots , ono of the most up right of mon , a Tory John Hampdon in defense of the right , and no honor was. too great to bo conferred npon him. All through that session , there was no ono among the republican nonators who equaled him. in hurling defiance at the loaders of the conspiracy to overthrow the government. Ho mot scorn with soarri , and denounced thorn In tholr hearing as traitors and told them that they deserved - served the bailor. After the adjourn ment of the sentte at that session , In passing through Virginia to his homo in Tennesioe , Johnson was throit- cncd with personal violence , and eovcral times his life was in danger. The writer then looked upon him as a martyr to liberty and the union. All through , the war , ho was consistent and unchanging in his hostility to troa- son. His patriotic oonrjo followed under the meat trying dlfticaltles , and , appa rently , with auch unswerving devotion , won the loyal people of the north , and , In order to show tholr appreciation of such supposed patriotism , led them in 1804 to throw ovotboard Vioe-Prosldcnt Uamlin , who had always proved faithful and Irae , and to substltnto In bis stead , Andrew Johnson , for that portion of thoal ticket with Lincoln In 1861 ? Hii olocH tlon was followed by a sceuo in the sontt ate , on the day of the Inauguration , which m will never ba forgotten by these who ti nor a present , VVhuu tbo hour arrived tiBC for.tho vice-president elect to bo inaugurated BCfa m urated , he appeared in the senate cham fa ber , rod in the face , hta countenance fall deeply flushed and heated , and his man Jc ner excited and swaggering , all of which tb signs , those who knew him best well sin tb nnduratood. They know a aoeno was ponding. The vice-president was drank. at Some mon under the ioflaoaco of liquor , SI vc Is well known , boeouio exceedingly hi ingly good-naturod simple and , , silly , fo while other ? , under Its influence , are made quarrelsome , became- maddened , a . ready for a fight on the smallest pretext. fan Johnson belonged to the latter class. Under the ioflaenco of liquor his reason . In this condition ho was gone. appeared In there to take the oath for the second high- sti 3ot oflho In the American government. ov Ele took the oath , and then , standing in 80 Front of the presiding officer's desk , by we the ! aldo of the aecretary of the eenato , twin IB began a tttado , the like of which waa in never before heard in the Eonnto ; and It sincerely to bo trustee ) , never will ba igaln. His specoh wai a aeries cf Inco- thi lorent utterance ; , coarse Invectives , fa- thief rlouj dunuuciatlons of aristocracy and of nonarchlal governments , and a most 111- oh Imed of what ho called his portrayal de- $3 nocracy. Ho surpassed the demagogue , Tobn Wllkes , In his ribald speeches to pu GDI 'he lowest rabbles of the cities of Lon- lon and Manchester In the litter part cf ho last century. Ool. Forney , the tes- 'etary , pulled his coat-tail , and asked ilm , in an undertone , to atop , bat it only the ired him np the WOIBO. Too president pui md cabinet , the members of both houses tor congress , the judges of the supreme Sle the iourc , the diplomatic corps , tho. higher ifficers of the army and navy , the elite Washington and from the country omposed the audience. All wore shocked y tbo exhibition made by the vice presiwa lent. Lincoln , who had bean detained nls Iho president room signing bills tor lasted at the last moment his the congress , which had expired lee 112 o'clock , entered the chamber while his was in tbo midat of the harangue , and the ook his seat facing tbo audience. A gen- pot leman who witnessed the eceno wrote aer eon after that ho could never forgot the de nrprised and mortified expression of his col ace ' at that moment , ' Senators held wa own their heads in very shame. Tha cor > pooch was a cross insult to the foreign hat cnresentatlvea ] , and to their government , ing well as an Insult to the people of this one ountry. Denunciations were heaped to' i pan the vlco president , fast and furl , bet usly. Leading democrats and ropubllIng ans freely threatened Impeachment , dot rpeclolly the former , though they were LSI Bady to overlook his Indiscretion when ma joined the democracy and became their got Itaa < to i In loss than six weeks Lincoln had clol Joined the majority , * ' and Johnson was pic resident cf ttio United States. The mi barge was tnida aoonafter the aetajelnathu on of the former , that tbo latter was a In arty : to It , and the charge has beou rebut antly revived. That must bo sot down out a calumny , without any foundation am pen which to rest. A thorough , inveamti galion at the time , and afterwaids , coa boned it to be a meat cruel slander. Of 'batevor ho might have been guilty , blood of the slain Lincoln did woi ot stain nil garments. Hoontorodnpon ioji presidency with dlro threatening of bea engeancu : against the southern leaders , wes like unto the Aposllo Paul when wai breathing out threatening * and Nei laughter Bgiloat the early thiialianp , \ seemed to fool , "vengeance is mine , ' pra low , If ho did not actually glvoutturonco the the declaration. Most people will bo ) tidily recognize the wordr , so familiar rcsj the time , so oft repeated by Johnson , qua 'treason mutt bo made odious and tr l- con OIB must ba punished. " This way his str < lk on all occasions , and to all person * . oil seemed to be ono fixed purpose in his fliri ilnd. Not long alter ho became Proii- ecu out , bo sent /or Gen. Grant , and had an tbo ntorvlovr ' with him , at which he divulged con s intentions nnd plans to thu latter , anc said it was his purpose to bring tha wh ebel loaders , both civil and military , to she inniibtuont ; "yes , " said he , "I mean to dai Dg them ; troitnn la the bhckest cf up < riujt'B , and rau t be made odlou , " He is a afcrmed tbo general In that interview fllr bat it wa * hla purpose to use 1hfl army on aid In their arrest. Grant , as all the unl rorld knows , was ono of tha bust of bet tencr . He listened to Johnson with tha bat calmness and composure which hei raa BO characterUtlo of blur , till the 'resident declared his Intention tn mploy the army for the purpcm stated. iVhen ho uttered tbeso woidi , as near ai ttsi bey can be romeinbered , as Grant him- in i elf afterwards stati d , ha eald ; "Mr.Preil- 001 lent , tbo army cannot , and will net , be ] ' tied for any auch purpose. I proposed I ' . ernis of surrender to Qua. Lie and the I ha' my of northern Virgin ! * , which teim I.N were accepted by them. The- same ternn were given to , and accepted by , the other Oonfodera'o ' force ? . I gave thorn my parole , my word of honor , tha1 If they surrendered .n good fstth , returned to thtir hoiEOi and lived ai law abiding cit izens , they should bo free from harm. And now 1 lay to you , that my position may not bo misunderstood , that I will stand between every Oonfodeiato officer and soldier who his lived np to the terms cf that parole and harm , if It coals mo my life. The honor of the nation la involved in this matter , for the government sanc tioned the terms of the parolo. My own honor la Involved In it. To do what you propose wonld bring everlasting disgrace upon this nation In the oyoi of the whole civilized world. And I furthermore say to you that I will not obey any otdora of this nature , and the army will not olthor. " Johnson , bold and defiant as ho was , wai abashed ; ho had met his master , hough In a subordinate. Tha Interview terminated. Ho suppressed his feelings , for ho did not dare to have a btotk with Grant , and ho dreaded to have the sub ject and the dlionislon In that interview rcaoh the public , and he did not dare to attempt to place Grant undir arrest for insubordination , for ho forest * that the whole country , the south IB well as the north , would sustain him ( Grant ) on the question of tbo parolr. Ho kept ailent touching what transpired In that Inter view , at which no other person was pres ent , and 10 did Grant , at tbo time , hut made the nature of It known to a few f fiends tfterwarJ. SODQO months passed , when lo , thnro was a change. The broathinga-out of threatoninga and nlaughtor against south ern rebels censed to Issue from the White tfottto , There were no more announce ments of a purpose to haog them , No moro declarations that "treason must bo made odious ; " bnt a now rong was hoard toiesuafrom the inmr sanctum of the executive mansion at Washington , and was wafted to southland ; It was as mild and ooolng as the ti ndor notes ot tbo in fant dovo. Instead of being hung , In stead of being compelled to take back seats in the work of reconstruction , the rebels voro Invited to the very fore front in that buslnoso , and the Union men wore consigned to the back teats. Iho president requested Grant to bo prcicnt fr al a cabinet mooting. In that Interview , tine o ! the former stated that ha detired to bring ati . about a better sUto of feeling between an ttm south and tbo north , to restore har 23 tilt mony between the section ! , and ho de- 23Fr lired Gen. Grant to make a tour of the Fr frc louth , converse with tbo people , and lite Hike a report. Grant atsured him that thi 10 would cheerfully sustain and asiist i ilm ! In carrying out such & policy. But ( in Johnson had not given an intimation at cla'J bat tlmo that It waa his purpose to over- for brow the reconstruction net * of congress , bcr md declare congress an lllojal and re Scli volutionary body. And it was that as- uar itiranco of supporr , wblch Johnson and miJt lii cabinet accused him of violating , and H. ormcd the groundwork of their charge of in irevwlcationonddupllclty. Evartswasnot liiu oxj member i of the cabinet at that tlmo ri lut cam a In afterwards and joined in the troi , Ua rarfaro against him. When Grant discovered that it was the ntcntlon of Johnson to defeat the recon- traction measures of congress and to iverthrow that body , ho told him , John- on ! , that ho wonld not support him bnt ronld oppose him. The Interview be- weon them on this subject will ba given my next. A COUUECTION. In my letter on Cheyenne county lands here was an error as to the prices of land hero. It should have read : Tin lands which I h va bton writing were pur- based ; last epring at an average pilco of per acre , and aimi'ar lands are being nrchanod now at an advance of from 75 ants to $2 per acre. JOHN M. THAYEH. GUAND ISLAND , Sept. 12. i AnRnstura Blttera are endorsed by all hading physicians and chimists for their urlty and wholesomenoss. Be were of coun- rfeits and ask your grocer and druggist for genuine article , prepared by Dr. J. G. B logert & Sous. iimar and the Tailor Congressman , rom a Washington Letter. Secretary Lamar's dreamy , abstracted 'ays , and Ills Indifference to dress , fur- Ished many jokea for his brother sena- A ra while ho was ono of them. Ho likes by cents to bo loose and comfortable , so T lose that ho can turn around and ahutg and shoulders inslda of them , and button and lorn up with a Jaw book In his breast ookot. Ho waa sitting in his Boat In the B. mate ono d y , lounging down in the V.I spins ] of his coat somewhere , with the cifioa illar riding np over his oars , when ho a , aa joined by Leopold Morse , a Boston day Dgrcitman of Hebrew descent , whe atnsBsed a preat fortune in the cloth- bneinota. Mr. Morse seemed norv- about Domethlcg whllo ho ait talking the great MIealsslppian. and when sth roBB to finish the conversation stand- DKP ; , Mr. Morse's twitching riogeis and- jnly laid hold of Iho front of Senator snmc'a coat. Instinct had been too 11 ach for him , and holding the franlo to- iihcr , ho shook Mr. Lamar far back In- the 1 coat and held the great laps of ft 10 oth out beforu him. "It Is a very good ceo of cloth , " ho said , giving the line itorlal a profotslonal caress between a turnb and finger , "bnt thoroii too much It 00 this I coat. Toke a llttlo off hero , " the astonished Misilsalppian allpped 9 10 of thognap of the Boston tailortud b (0 lerted his senatorial dignity bttforo tbo tn could finish telling where else the iat did not fit. The only Complexion Powder In the nrld that Is without vu'gtrity , without 8 1C jury to the user , and without donbt a lautlflor , is Pozzoni'o. 8 If Tlio 8tr < oi Flirt. ewark American. 8 U Whatever idea the young girls who aottoe street flirting may entertain of 0 Zf olr seemingly innocent pastime , it may 8 1C set i down as a certainty that when a spectablo young man desire * the eo- lalntanco of ono who may some day bo- C4 mo his wife , ho does not go out on tbo reot and seek her acquaintance through 040 flirtation. Bnt , on the other band , the , , u the street , no matter how iano- ut uad fair her intentions may be , li lust pereon ho would seek as his life's irnpinion. Ho deilrca purity , without Dtr ' above suspicion. The young lady 10 CO ) ongigos In this kind of pastlmo 11 10 lould bear In mind that she not only en- tngeta her reputation and leaves a stain ion her good name , but that her mme 980 , byword atnon ? those with whom she and 1 1 and i a rte , to ba bandied about in the saloons , TH the street corners , and in low-down , 1285 ihely placus In tbo city , fastening on An otherwise fair name a Etlgma or stain 8 Oil will follow her years after rhs BOOS folly and attempts to mend her J * . im "From 1660 to 1880 , I had thrums- Ton ; at ono tlmo could not w ld a step C , tour months. Now entirely well ; ired by Hunt's Remedy. STEPliBN G. MA.8UN , Providence. aIB Thousands of cases of kidney diseases IB ave b/cu cared by Hunt's. Remedy lever fa'lr. Rheumatism Neuralgia , , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Heartache , Toothache. Bore Tlirt.nlNITlllnr , ( prnln , lrrnl < . llurn. , NcatiU , a-'r t llllc , K * tl > "turn nonii-T riiss n Attirs. j Drutjl.i , , na lv > .l ri i f rTwIif r . Ftftj 0.0u a tout * . IMrfv-tlontlbll MUKUftcri. TItn CIIAUIX8 A. VO KIElt CO. . BalUi..f .lld..C.B.A. 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlio OrlKlnnl unit Only ( Irnnliic. f " ? * " * * lL"'r i ptc * " " > f " " 1r"llr" Irell H > - "Ohlchrtrri nncll li" nl U * . qo utlifr or fnilo. * 4o. riumt | > ta a. fi < r inmlcuUri In Ittlir t < r rrltirn malL HME PACE.r } . . , .riilrht-itrr fhrmlrnl r L 1'rrmnlur' TlccIIno f Lout riiwr ; Jljfanci of tlio Klilnoyn. IllntU nor , unit 1'rnMntc'hlnnil Olllt Kl > vlllinnt htomnrli Mpalrln i hy tlio Mnrstnn lloluv Vn- rlrnrtun cunt ] wit liDiitsurnprr. Trcntlicnmltc- tlmonini trpr , Allrorrciponiicni-oronililontlat. X4HB1 ON REMEDY CO. er DR. II. THESKOYT , If ' > - - . Xk . .a . WBW XStandnrd Modlcal Work for Ycuncnnd Middle Aged Men , only $1 by mail , postpaid , KNOW THYSELF , H Greit Medica1 Worhn M tiootl , Ezxtuilcd i Vitality , Nrrumi nnil J'lnslcil Dehlliir 'reruMro ccllno In M n , Krrnnnl Voiith , ind thv mtold ml crlcs rcsultltip from Indlncrctlon and ex- eno . A l > tx > kforeNcr.v man , yonng , ml.Ullo . aged .tut i old. It contains I1G ] iro8crlilliiii | fur nil acute nd chronicillscnscB , rnch ono nj wlilch li Intalua- ilc. So found by the author ho o o > | > crlcice ! for yovs U such as jirolialily never before fell to tlio 6uf nnyiili\8lci.iii S Ojngc , biiiid < In beautiful 'ro ch muslin , embossed cuTcrs , full gilt , fruarsu- col to bo a liner work ill every cn o incclianlcal toraryaiid professional timn any other work In hh country for JiCB , or the inonov will bo refunded ov < rylii8tinco. ! 1'rlco only $1 by mall , postpaid. llustr ted s inplo COc Kcml now. Cold medal warded the author by the National Medical Asao- iation , to the ofllrcrs of which he rcfcn. 'Jlio Sclcuco of Ufa should be rani by the young r Inntructlon and bv the alllicttj for relief. U will cnoflt nil. London Lancet. There In no member of society to whom Th cicnceof Mfo will not bo useful , whether youth , arcntiruirdian , Instructor or cicrgjman. Argo- tut. Address the Peabodv Medical Instltuto , or lr. ) W. Parker , No. I RullHnch street , Hoiton , MOM , who iay bo consulted on all diseases requiring 'kill and } orlcnc. Chronic and obstinate disc.oca that MO baffled the skill rf .11 olli- - l.VV phjelclans , * potlaltj- . Much lliivlf otcdHiicccHfullv without an Inrriiivci r V aeo of failure. Mliitlon this paper. illlaliLK . tt * ld , frrrt tnj * end ilX w rurc t Art . rtft Ioir rl.viJllcll.iufMot ! irlui cffbimptnt , mnt t ll intnxrr drift , t , 'Jry ( t , MI A ivm rcouQt'rriUi. AtVytsf | r r r or dniireln for Ui ikl J Dvf tlaii ty Dill i J. O. H. UEGKia'i CON * . ( J. W. WUPPEHMAMflr eOLB AOEST * r. tailwav Time Table All trains nrrfvo nt nnd depart from Omaha. Central ( Standard tlmo. Iraina of the 0. , St. E , M. & , O. , nrnvo at depart from their depot , corner of 14th Webster street/ / " ; trains on tbo B. & M.C. & Q , and 1C O , St. J. & C. B , from the & M. depot ; all others from the Union Fa- depot. ually ; b , txcept Saturday ; c , except Sim ; ; d , except Monday. WK9T\VAIID. PAUT ARItlVE. OMAHA BIUDGK TIIAINS. 'l/wur 'I'Hilsi Leave Omiba al 6 ( S , 7 25 , 8 10 , , 1116 in , 1 ! 60 , 2 0).B 00 , i 0 } , < 65. 553 , and Opm. On Sunday ! tbo 7 25 an J 10 CO a in , and land 400pm tralniilj not run , eavd ruuotll jlluO llroilwaJsji3tft ) fl Sl,7 (5 ,10 3) ) , 11 a mJ , 1 31 , S 8) , S 80 , 4 - , 6 24 , 0 11 45i | u. On HuuJ y trig 7 65 aid 10 30 a m 35 anil 1 23 p m trtlni will not f un. iinttm Trains- Loire Omaha at 8 IS , 8 63 a m. j , 2 20 , 4 20 , 8 0 } , and 7 00 p m dill/ . rrltoatD audlll5a IB. , 1 3J , 315,725 anil SUNDAY 1UUINB and /ruin CUIcik'O via Trl ) rtlt ) MONTIL s _ < J _ " " "so" u 18 8-V4 l-i 11 19