Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1885, Image 8

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Monday Morning , September 14.
Max I/tor , the Oammtnps street saloon
'feeeper , Is tha happy daddy of Ihirwen
pound girl , which arrived Sunday morning at
1 o'clock.
Neat and tasty Invitallous have boon is
sued for the celebration of the silver wedding
o ! Mr. and Mrs. Goo. H. Grifror , on the 22d
of thle month.
The report that Klias Glah and George
Medlook are contemplating a mill with soft
gloves , Marquis of Queensbnry rnles , is de
nounced by both gentlemen as unqualifiedly
lalso ,
Ktl. Williamson , a young man from
OJnda , 111. , Is In the city j ll on a charge of
flssauit and battory. The charge is preferred
'by Officer Fuller , who was recently suspended
i from the force ,
II , 0. Warner , a gentleman from Mis-
sourt Valley , was artostod Satordny
for intoxication , Ho spent most of the time
'howling ' and gnashing his tooth , nnd asking
for morphine.
James-Kills & Oo. will hold D grand open ,
ing at tbolr now saloon in the Arcade hotel
building on Douglas street this ( Monday ]
evening , when fico lunch and the celebrated
Franz Falk Milwaukee beer will predominate.
All lovers of a grand good time are allowed to
bo present ,
Judge Anderson married on Saturday
night Miss Blanche1 Honza and James Morln
at the rosidcnoa of the bride's father on south
1 Thirteenth street. The ceremony was at-
.tondcd by a numbsr of the friends and rela
tives of both parties , and WAS followed by a
banquet and reception.
Mayor Boyd has sent o communication to
the city council announcing that ho has signed
the contract and bond of Jnmea Fox for pav-
.ing South -Thirteenth street. Ho also reo-
ommend'tbat tbo manner of letting paving
contrasts bo changed so as to allow moro
competition for doing the work.
Miss Helena Wagner entertained a largo
audience at the Stadt theatre Thursday
night with a series of elocutionary readings.
The lady Is possessed of a rare docfroo of
talent , and her readings were , it Is scarcely
necessary to remark , greatly enjoyed by her
auditors. It Is to be hoped that she may bo
able to appear here ajaln at an early day ,
Two farmers wore raliovod of their cash
by pickpockets Saturday evening in the crowd
f around the wagon ot the French doctress ,
One of the victims was Ole Johnson , of Swa-
burg'Dodge county , and his loss amounted to
* S30. The other sufferer was E. Youngman ,
* r0fValley Station , who was relieved of § 11 In
cash , all the money ho had. The police are
on the lookout for the pickpockets.
A Uady Robbed on the Street Ono of
a Gang of Tfiloves Captured.
Mra , Meyer , -wife of H. J. Meyer , a
ealoon keeper on Thirteenth street had a
gold watch ( Hatched from her pocket
whllo walking on the street the ether
evening. The thief was a young boy ,
but'ho ran BO quickly that the lady did
not have a chance to eco his face BO tha %
aha conld tocognlze him.
Saturday night , however , Officer Bloom
was informed by the keeper of a disrepu
table place that a young lad staying at
her IIUUSD had stolen aomo money from
her , and that ho also had a gold
watch which did not belong
to him , She aaid the boy was a member
of a band of thloven , and that arrangements
had bean made for him , In company mth
a man belonging to the gang , to do eome
' < job" that evening at-10 o'clock. Bloom
was Informed where the two were to
'meet' , and arrived on the spot jnat as
they wore starting ont. Ho Informed
them that they were wanted , and waa
.about . to arrest theta.trhen they both ran.
The officer gave chase to the man nnd
succeeded In capturing him and took
him to police headquarters , There he was
searched , bnt no stolen property
was found on hla person. Ho gave his
inamo aa John Copclend and when entered -
terod on the register a charge of being a
auspicious character was placed ogalnst
him. Ho will have an examination this
The police hare been on the lookout
for the boy who escaped , bnt have failed
HO far to find him. The keeper of the dis
reputable homo above referred to told an
officer thai-Saturday night ho rnabed Into
her lionso and ran Into the back yard.
43be la of the opinion that ho bad the
watch In bia poteotslon at the tlrro , and
either dropped it into the water closet or
hid It in the yard. The boy has not ro-
tnrned to the houio since Saturday night ,
tmt ho is probably in the city and the
police have hopes of oipturlng him.
Ho "W 111 Swear Off.
Among the prisoners arraigned'for ' In
toxication before Judge Stenberg Sat
urday was 'George Bothaid. Ho will
bo remembered as having figured here a
uhort tlmo ago as defendant < ln a federal
prosecution for mailing obi con o letters ,
Ho Is a well known character In Nebras
ka , having years ago gained some distinc
tion aa a lawyer and temperance lecturer.
Jndgo Hawos who happened to be In the
court room when Bethard waa arraigned ,
xnada a abort speech in defense of the
-man , and Jndgo Stenberg concluded to
arolea o him. "I don't know but that I
ought to send you to the county jsil to
get aomo of the whisky out of you , " ho
remarked , "however I ahall lot you go
this time , provided you ioavo town. "
"I have made np my mind to one
thing , judge , " remarked Bethard , "and
that is that I have taken my last drop of
whisky. I shall never drink any moro. "
Attempted Highway Robbery ,
John Schrador , a cattle drover in the
employ of S R. Gwlo , a well known
.ranchman of Idaho , was held up by two
men yesterday afternoon abont 3 o'clock
In tbo vicinity of the Burlington & HlE
court freight depot. Ono of the men
, lilt Schrador In the iiesd and then hold
i'lra nhllo the second man went through
Jbin pockets. In the struggle Sohradcr'a
clort-ues were torn , but the thieves did
Kottucceed in getting any valuables.
Two or three people witnessed tbo affair
from a distance , and ran and loiormed
an officer , bnt before he arrived tbo men
disappeared. Ono of them , however ,
was caught .Nnd taken to police head
quarters , ho was confined , lie
gave his name as Sain Clrcura. Scbrader
i also locked op as a witnetn.
iGun Cluh Miuot.
Tla : Omaha fan club will hold its bl-
monthly abcot At Athletic paik tomorrow
row afternoon. T ] . a match will olio bo
etiot ciTbetween Lu.o nna Prmeleefor
filO a lido at fiftem live blrda each ,
Cotter , Finger , Smith jnd Straniberger
vill moot a mhtch for $100 at ten lire
taoh ,
A St. Ix > nls Alnn nobbed In a Uack In
Omfclia The JlobUors Oanghr.
W. B. Arohor , representing a largo
St. Louis tobacoojiouso , oirlvod In the
city last Tnosday , and regUtored at the
P xton. Ho did not acorn in a mood lor
bnoiiiBflB , bnt was rather on pleainro bent.
Ltn therefore cjist aside ftll thoughts of
trade , and commenced to "do the town"
for all ho trai worth. Ho opened the
ball by imbibing freely of hnid liqaor ,
and then started out oil a round of the
various sporting houses , At thcso places
ho changed his drlnts , indulging freely
In wlno , and treating ovorjbody in a
lavish manner. In ono house nlono ho
managed to rnn np a bill of $80 , and
although his money had nearly
disappeared , his credit sill
romalnod good. Toward the latter par
of the week ho arrived at the honso kept
by Bordia Mann , but In such a hilarious
condition that ho concluded to remain
and spend the balance of bin epato tlmo.
Ho was , in fact , entirely "broke up , "
and was treated by Mrs. Mann moro as a
patient than as a customer. Ho continued
to feel the cflecto of his heavy poUtlonn
nntll yesterday morning , when ho
Boomed to have oomo to his former self.
Ho therefore left the place with the in *
tontlon , ho said , of returning to the Paxton -
ton and resuming business. Temptation ,
however , besot bis path. Ho yielded to
the aodnotlvo siren , and by noon was in
a gloriously happy condition.
During the day ho met two convivial
companions , who accompanied him in his
rounds of debauchery. Thcso "friends"
were Torn O'Brien , a hack-driver In the
city , and James Manning. * They pro
posed thab a hack bo hired and the party
take a dtivo. In thin Archer acquiesced ,
and a hack was procured , By Archer'a
orders , they were first driven to Mrs.
Mann's , where they made a short stay.
Before leaving , the hostess called Archer
aside and odvlsod him to leave his watch ,
a valuable ono , and a diamond pin with
her for safe keeping. Archer , however ,
refused to do so , saying ho was man
enough to take care of himself , After an
abaenco of about two hours , ho returned
to Mrs. Mann's alone , very much Intoxl-
oatod. It was noticed that ho was minus
hlavn'xh ' , pin , and a heavy geld ring ,
which ho had when ho loft the
honso. On being questioned
as to what had become of
them , Archer said that they had been
lost. Mrs. Mann immediately suspected
that he had been robbed by his com
panions in the hack , and she ordered a
colored man in her employ to Inform the
police. The man started for police
hoadqnaitars , but on his way he Ban-
Manning driving off In a hack. Ho con
cluded to keep watch of him , and , hiring
a cab , followed in the roar of the hack.
Manning drove directly to the Burlington
& Missouri depot , where ho alighted and
boarded the pitsongor train which was
about to leave. As soon as the darkey
san the man on the train ho ran for a
polioaman. Ho found Officers Bloom and
Jaspotaon a short distance away , and
they accompanied him and arrested -
rested Manning just as the
train was leaving the station.
The officers convoyed their prisoner to
police headquarters , where he was locked
np. On his person was found Archer's
diamond pin and ring and § 20 In money.
Ho was wearing the ring on his finger ,
and when ordered to take It off ho turned
pale and trembled. Engraved on the
inside of the ring wera the words :
"Mother to Will ; W. B. Archor. "
Tom O'Brien , the other "friend" of
Archer's , 'was ' fonnd later In the evening
in an intoxicated condition and was ar
rested. When taken to police headquar
ters he acknowledged having been in
the hack with the robbed man and that
he had been given the watch by Man
ning. He did not have the watcb with
him , but said ho had loft it atMcOlellan'a
saloon on Eleventh street. Captain Sul
livan visited the aaloon and asked for
the watch , but McOlellan donled having
it. When he ( aw the officer meant bus
iness , however , he turned ovar the
Archer , the victim , was sent for and
identified both the men and property.
He was very much delighted at the pros
pect of having his goods returned to him ,
and thanked the officers for their suc
cessful efforts.
James Manning , the leader in commit
ting the crlmo , Is probably one of the
greatest crooks in the country. On bis
person were fonnd documents which show
posltl ely that ho is a confidence man of
the most dangerous type. He has , how
ever , got himself Into a scrape this tlmo
which will undoubtedly keep him from
defrauding the public for quite a while ,
Two Oonfldenco Men ,
Hairy Hale , a notorious crook , was ar
rested by the police Saturday as a auspi
cious character and confined In the city
jail. The arrest was made at the iuslanco
of Detective Valentine , of the Union Pa
cing , who informed the officers that Halo
wan a dangerous confidence man , and had
been operating on the trains recently
with considerable success. He made a
plsy last week , which was quite lucrative ,
by working the "check "
game" on a pass
enger. He was arrested , bnt the prose
cution could not provo anything on ac
count of the absence of his victim , and
ho was released. Detective Valentine ,
however , followed him to watch his
operations , and pointed him out to the
police hero. Halo was released Saturday
evening on $100 bonds for appearance
this morning , Henry Hornbcrger becom
ing his surety.
Jerry Torrlll , the confidence man who
was sentenced to pay a fine of $20 last
week and was committed in default , was
released yostordty , omo of his crook
friends having raised enough money to
pay the balance of his fine.
A SncccBBfnl Flcnlo ,
The plcnlo of the Union Pacific band
and the Omaha Athletic aesoolatlon was
held at Hasoall'a park yesterday after
noon. There was a large crowd fn at
tendance anil everything patscd off pleas
antly. The games and contests were in
teresting and were clcsaly contested.
Ross won the Jong race , Bloom the
policemen's race , and Uai'rey Whueler
the 100 yards championship. The Union
PftdQo band furnished excellent mutlc
for the occasion , and everybody seemed
to be pleased and happy.
Turned Ills JjontTrlclc.
William A. Hall , well known about
town , died very suddenly at Morriaou'a
gambling rooms about 11:30 : Saturday
night , flo had , a fan- minutes before
his death , been playing cards , and was
sitting at the table watching the game
when ho fell from his chair to the floor.
Ho was picked up in aa unconscious
condition and tsken to Spa ford's drug
store , bnt died before medical aid could
retch him. The body was iaken to '
Drexel & Maul's undertaking roc'ms and
the coroner summoned , No trqneat ,
however , will be held , as death was un.
dpnbtedly oinsed by apoplexy. Hall was
formerly o bartender at the Oczzni , but T
has recently been out of employment.
Ho has two brothers In the city , ono em *
ployed by Tootle , Maul & Co. , and the
other as a clerk in Wyman's news stora.
His father , who resides In Boston , was
telegraphed to and has replied , asking
that the body bo shipped to htm for In *
This powder never varies. A marvel > of sttcnlh
and wholesomonets. Moro ooonomlcil than the or
dinary kinds , and cannot bo Bold In competition
with the multltino of low test , short weight anil
phoiphats powders. Sell only in ) al BaY ng
Powder CQ..1C9 Wall St. , N. Y. _
" Water foliated with sewage is
j oson"
Now York Times , July 20,1885.
offers Ihc best security against the
dangers which are common to most
cf the ordinary drinking waters"
London Medical Record ,
Of all Grocers , Drug isti , .t Min. Wai. Deaftrt.
OVER 400,000 a * iN USE.
Iinslcst IllilltlK VeMrlinmdc. . Hides is . ,
nttionoper8uiia i o. Tha SiirlniiM Icnnthcnana
Bhurtcn accordincto the weluht they cany. Equally
jycM mlrtiirt-il to roiwli country ronils nrid
Ono dri vrnurcitjin. .UiimifnrMircd mill Hold by
nil louillii r ' 'i ' I-tjT' * irii 4lii- ' nnil ItF-iilf-rM'
Found In Tea and Coffee
The Empire mills , of New York , have
opened a store In this city , at 1403
Doughs St. , In Clark Bros. & Go.'e old
otand , for thepurposoof Introducing tholr
now brands of tea and coffee , which are
put np in noit cana , coffee , can and
contents about three pounds. Tea , oan
and contents about li ponndo. As an ex
tra nducoment to purchasers this
company will put into each package of
coffe o and tea a souvenir or
nlng In amount from 10 cents tp 50 dollars
lars , consisting of nickle , silver and solid
gold watches , genuine diamonds in solid
gold settings , and other jewelry. This
company have adopted this expensive
method so aa to thoroughly advortlsa
their goods In Omaha and vicinity.
But after 30 days this choice tea ana
coffee will bo sold wholly on their merits
by tholr agents In Omrha at
the same price , same quality
and same quint Ity , but without
the souvenirs , the tea and coffee being
worth at a fair retail value moro than the
price asked , without any regard to the
souvenirs , which are pnt into the pack
ages for thirty days only to advertise and
Introduce these gooda. This company la
an old established one. It has already
appointed over fifty agents In the various
cities , none of whom are now tolling
ouvenlrs with their goods , bat 0101 *
agent has a largo and rapidly growing
trade , as the superior quality of tholr te
and coffee becomes known. Prlco § 1
ilngle package , six packages $5 , thirteen
lack ages $10 , twenty-seven packages $20.
3and In your orders by mail , accompanied
by cash , pist-office order , and tboy will
ba forwarded to any part of the United
States or Oanadas. Address Empire
Mills To * Oo. , 1403 Douglas street ,
Omaha , Nob. Balow will ba found a
partial list of purchasers finding val
uable articles In their cans of tea and
coffee : D. H. Goodrich , superintendent
Omaha water work * , diamond stud ;
Frank Schmidt , Union Pacific K. R
shops , B rtholdl statue ; R. W. Ohildres ,
West 18th at , ladles' gold hunting care
WAteb ; Catharine Slater , 017 S. 14'h at , ,
diamond atnd ; Walter WakemanBaltBtnan )
Fftrnam t. , $50gold ; John N. Flynn ,
bookkeeper , siom winding watch ; Obarlos 0
B , Waatren , Grand Union Tea Co. , 1411
T > ouglas street , diamond stud ; Mlchlo
W. Miller , blackwnlth , lady's throe atone
diamond laoo pin ; Mrs. Wendell Benson ,
2510 Douglas et , Bartholdi statute ; G.
B. Chllds , 040 Sounders et. , stem wind-
log watch ; Mlts Lillian Swentou , mica-
lady , $35 , currency ; Peter Wimberly ,
laborer , gents' gold fl. 0. stem winding
watch ; 0. R. Woolby , cor. Oolfax and
Losven worth eta. , lawyer , stem
winding watch ; Carlton W. Stod- ted
dard , carpets and oil cloth dealer.
Chicago , $40 gold ; Mra L. Hcmsu. 1121
Douglas at , Statue of Liberty ; D. S
Moore , cor. of 15th & Davenport st. ,
stem winding watch ; S ah L. M&oon ,
dressmaker , gentleman's gold H. C
stem winding watch ; PhlHp Qrady ,
blacksmith , 410 North 8h | St. ,
stem winding watch ; John W.
Horse , machinist , H. 0 coin silver D.
watch ; Mrs. Rtchonru , south 9 h st. , gold
ring ; Miss Alvanota Wilson , 1021 S 20th .
st , , Statue of Liberty ; Mra. Frank Wool , te
fy , 820 S. 21st st. , diamond rln ? ; John
J. Wilton , laborer , S. 9th St. , 35 | n
cnrrondy ; Mrs. Jenny Hyland , Sooth
lOihst. , gold ring ; F. E. Maynard , deaf
and dumb Institute , diamond stud ; James
L. Hopkins , farmer , solltairo diamond Acl
rlngjMrs.H , Clement , 1129 N'19th st.
Mrs. John Campbell , 1703 , Dodge st. :
Bartholdi Statue of Llbsrty ; M. L , 091
Mitchell , Denver Col. , ladles 3 atonodla.
mend lace pin ; Mlts Anna Sanndew , 420
Convent st , . silver Bervlcf ; MrsE E IllK J
Huntley , merchant , Slonr City , utem Ad
winding watch ; Mrs 0. 0. Soheff/r 2100
Farnam at. , Bartholdi Statue of Liberty- IV A
nifi"7 WA0Talor conj erclal traveler , ; . ,
Chicago ; $35 in currency ; Mrs A. Mb-
Kenaey , 2301 DodKo at. , dUmocd ring ; V
Mr * ° S Tanfi Id. W20 B llth at.Rofd
t'nA8 S ' , n uj8rdlne' Oni ha TwnaferCo. ,
1012 N
10th at. , stem winding watch ;
Abner Kohr , butcher , 1416 DouaUs st rr
Bartholdi Statue of Liberty ; Wm G Gra' Moi
* ? ' mrm/r' Jd'M,3 ' * d raondrlng ; TfT
John r. Mtocbam , nro Btock dealerBkem , IT
winding watch ; Ml s L nra F. Woods ,
honeekeeppr , gouts' gold hunting cano
atom winding watch.
Open frutu 7 a. m. till 0 p. ID.
TONXT TO MAS The Omit a Flotnclol Exchange
l )5j3 Farnam ( tr'ct , up-sl l' > , makes lout son
oil cla > 8 s of security frcm a (10 chattel loan to
eiO.tOOon real cs'ata * > o make Ua > .8ti > suit all
apillc&tts on long or ih'rt time on Imniovcd or unImproved -
Improved rc l oonincts , leases , hulldlDrn (
on leased Und secured notes , collat rals , cluttcls , or
good sectulty of any klndj Low latot ; oisy tetm > .
timaha financial Kichfttgo , 1603 Farnam tt. , up-
Italrs. 8 < 3tf
Mosur TO WAN , -0. P. Da\ls& Co. Keal Estate
and Loan agents , 1605 Fajnira St. 621-11
V | ONKIT To loan on cbattcb , Woolley & Harrison ,
VI Koom SO , Omaha National bank bnlldlng .
610 tf
\t g CAOUII BBOTiiiiBgtnvotmcnt Binkcrs , opposite
Itlpost offlco , Omaha , negotiate mortgtga lions on
flrst-class tecurlty at rulllng rates of Interest , Par
ties deilrlng to borrow money on Improved city or
ountry real estate , for from one to five years , oan tie
commodated promptly. UoCaguo Brothers , bank-
rs , opposite post offlco. 622-tl
i/T / ONEYTOLOAN-Oa real eetata and chattels
iVI D. U Thomas. 623 tf.
s.-jONEY Loaned on nhattels , cut rals , R. H
rfi tickets nought and sold. A. Forman.SIS S. 13th Di
VTORir to loan In mimj of (200 and upwards xn
lTJLfirst-cta s real estate sooarlty. Potter ft Oabb ,
MlSFarnam Bt. F)2S-tf )
VTONET LOANED at 0. T. need & Go's. Loan office
iVJL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all otho rtrtlclos of value ,
iltbout romrval. Over 1st National Btnk.oorncr 13th
ted Farnarn. All buglncss alrlotly confldontlal620tf
MONKT ! uo.tRTll uONitrlll Money to Loan On
chattel security byV. . K Croft , room 4 , Wlth-
nell buMJIcg , N. E. corner 16th and Uarney. After
years of experience and a careful study of the busi
ness ef loaning money on personal property , I have
at last perfected a 8 J atom whcrnhv the publicity
usual In such oases Is Jono away withand ! am now
n a position to meet the demands of all who become
temporarily embarrassed and dcslio to raise money
without delay and In ft quiet manner. House keep
ers , professional gent lomcn , mechanics and others In
Omar a and Counol BluCft , can obtain advances
f.'om $10 to 81,000 on euch eecurlty as housenoll
furniture , pianos , machinery , horao" , wagons ,
warehouse receipts , secured notes of hand , etc. ,
without removing same from owners residence or
place of business. Also on Ono Watches and
Diamonds , One of the advantages I odor Is that
ny part of any loan can bo paid at any tlmo
which will reduce the Interest pro rata and all
ocna rcnorcd at the original rates of Interest.
I bare no brokers In connection with my offlciv
but personally superintend al my loans , t have
private offices connected with my general
offlco BO thit customers do not come In contact with
each other , consequently making all transactions
strictly private. W. K. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell
building , N. E. cor. 16th and Ilornoy , Omaha and 82
Pcail St. , Council Bluffs. gO-tf
'ANTRD A young gill to do houicnork at 21D
Capital Avo. E65-12p
WAKTBD Mldllo nzod Goimin girl tint under-
itindssewing * nd homo work. Steady place
and air wages to right patty , 1703 St llor > 'd avo.
W AMID T/auudry Rlrland chambormatd at Com
mercial hotel , cor. ith ) nd Lcruenworth St.
WANTED A lady cashier with some cxperienco In
booK korplni. . Write stiting silery expected.
Addrcsi A. , Post ofllco. 851-11
W AN1KD A gill to ilo o > oklDg 410 N. loth St. ov-
poslte JeUcrsin Square. E57-10p
WASTKD Olrli it onoo will sowing rnorhlncs at
EM. . II"lio Uattrcsi Co.,12CO and 1203 Doug-
lea tt , tecoad floor. 8.0-Mp
TTT ANTED Two peed girh to do house wcrk at ICC
Ti corner llth and Dodge St. 817-tl
7ANTED A clil for eene'al housework in a ernal
family. Apply at 18H Webncr 8l3-12p
TTT'Asr ED Two Rfod girls at 100 S llth street ,
WANTED A pol steady Oeramn K'rl. ' orly nco
who can cwk , W B I and Iron ncad apply. Mrs
EWakcly , 007 noith IBIh at. 826-11
/ 1 mi , WANTSD-A RondiclhUc bousa keeping glil
OT wanted at Mrs. II > 8 , 021 I'ark avc. 813-11
WANTED Immediately , co d dlnlnif room girls.
GUN for hotola and kitahona , private Uuiilieg
and boarding houses ; good wigcf. Call and Inquire
about these places , at 112 ] Farnam street , up stalra.
ANIHD Dish washer at Emmet house.
W house.783lflp
WANTED A good servant g'rl In smill family.
Apple next dror north of Phelpa' drug store ,
corner Cumlng and Saundtrs street , 780-tf
W ANTED A gooi nurse girl cill at 1909 Farntm
at. Tco-ii
VX7ANTED A geol girl for general hou'oworkmall ;
VV faiiiily. I quire at cilice of A. C. Troup , east
side 14th jcreet , bee. Farnatn and Douglas. 70f
VXTAHTKD Aflrit c'asi cook it Dr. Coffmnn's , head
VV o tit Mary'e avo. 730 lip
WANTBDAgltl to i..o general houeowork. ono
who Is not afraid to work in a , small family of
8. Apply tlB Convent St. OJO-tf
W 'ANTED Olrl In small family. lira. Thoi. F.
Hall , 1611 Sherman ave. , north of Grace Si.
W ANTED A girl at 1610 Shsrman Avo. Mrs. J ,
M. : Coansaan.
rmsD-airl 807 north 20th.
80S tf
WANTED -Lady agents for "Dai y"lHrt and Stock.
IngsuppoiteM , Shoulder braoes , Bisom farms ,
Dress BhlddiitUGberglngbam Bibs , Aprscs.Sleavcs.
Infants' Liners , Ac. Our 1,000 igonu are making
nione , task ; locan you. Address with stamp , K. II.
. , 0 South May St. , Cmtuga
WANTED Immedlattly , one good cornice maker
ntd one tinner. Thoo. Huetto & Sou , Fremont ,
Neb. Sll-17p
WANIED Six pxrorlenccdthoeclerks ; also a lady
cathier. Call Monday morning beiwoan 8 and
, at 321 south 16th St. 810-lSp
A thorouglly experienced ihoa man to
tate charge of etoro. iluatfurnlth uucxoept-
lonablo references i a tj character and ah litv. P. 15
WANTID ExpeTlncd > orfal book ciniasscrscith
er ladles or gtnt.emen. Addrees P. O , cox 030
clly. 816-ia
'ANTID Six good orpenters. Apjl' at 16th ,
W between Furatm & Haroty. 806-llp
SBieral expo lencod ( slenncn to handle
WANTID of thu beit h' ' usehcld articles ever Inven
ju t pal en ltd. Addicsi John Wagner , Jr. , OrU-
weld , Iowa. 8 0-16
In a reUll dry goods store In
WANTED Silegnun who ppcakellio Scandi
navian lau uig. A 1'iTumcni ' pojlil-n to the right
pariy. Acdiess with referencet , K. S , Bee olllce ,
781 ti
ANTBD-Stenographcr. Box 625 , Omaha.
- " younj mtn to b.rn Ulefraphy nd F
WAMKD-2" Bt lion bock k plntf. Addicsi "It.
D , " Omaha Inu'neta ' i.ollego , 121 SOp
ANlnD'Agerta. Address Electric Lamp and J
W ata\eCo.,8t. Lout ) , Uo.for circular , cut § nd JI
terms cf CO candle power Uareh Electrto Lamp
lkBtc'ct-18p I
- sllui Ion by a icidy sileeman and
WANTID-A , la bard are or furnlluie huelnois- p
UldreM Itc fereLce , Bl o olfko. 673-1 Ip
U'slujcnt , tlaco to work far table F
WANTED ' : ' rrefenoflitatlafactory re-
I9mtnen-l < tion9. Addrcei Student , 1505 Farnim. Ine
878-12P qu |
SITUATION wiKTBD-Ry a German l&djr 2 ( } C ra of
ag' from Rood i mll v tnhelp In light liouaa-ktop-
laEuglUn family lvl am tbeUnguagr. Nowagen
uldrcfn annlo O. , IJee office , 8 ! < -lp
Vouru lad ) wishta toglvupuno or oriran Its- * '
eons lu return tor boird or ro-Jtn. Addrisa U ,
care tf Bea otflo . 8182 ?
07ANTjD-ro'ltln [ In store or olicu > y genileman
ofexrerlence Oool referenda given Noob-
ctlous to L'oluK'nti ' tbo country , Aaurcai P. Q. D , I1
9tO aunue , Council tlutfi , Iowa B32 ] 2p I
ri/AMiD-A ! uHdljiged ladf doilrei houto-
ietiwraltUitlon , relorences gneo. Om h
mployauat Offlcc , S17N. KthSS. Ui . 0. W. ?
orrlion. 78Mfp
KTIP-A posltlou ai rn cblDt t. AdjreMoT 7 <
llMOfflt't l * ' ' "
WAKTSD-Situation aa book e > per or oihler by
jonng lady , nefercnecs fnrnl.hed . , 1721 Doug-
'Mitrett. '
WANTJB A lltoatlon on a fara hy a joun < r m n
and wife. Aildron R A. , thle cffle * . f03-lfjt
WAKTiD-A position aa eosond plrl or In smalt
family by a ytuag girl. Adams 1817 19lh St.
W'Axnn-ABltaitlon In rHrocuble bniioeTs
i ' , ? ' McIcikpr le l cy. ] Beit of ref renew
given If desired. Addrtsi 1213 Letvcnworth St.
U/AKiitD-A position M coachman ; under t nd
' " * thoroughly handling horsei. Addrc "O , F.
a" Boo ofBc . 7IC.JS
AFIrBt-class tinner want" te dy iltuMInn ,
country preferred. Address tlcner , cwto thli
. 697-iep
WANTRO One or twonnlurnhhed rooms In nil-
.t 7 t " 'Idenco for ( reotleraan nd w fo. Loc .
tlon within two or thre blocks of Iflth and Daren-
port streets , Address Bee clllc . 870 14
WANT D-Newlove's Shorthand Innltuto , room
10 and It , A-Ilai ton bleck , will bo open day
and night on and after Monday , Sept. 14 for
aamlcalon of ttudents ; 103woiOs ixrmliuto within
two moutra guaranteed. Send or call for oata-
1 RUO. Original testimonials on Oto tur Inspection.
814 14p
WANTUD A pMtmr In n flrst-cUsspajinpbuilness
capital required. $ i,6COacil$2CCO. AdJrotsJ.
D. D. , Hco office , 779-tt
WANTItD To boy In Urniha , a nine to twclv
roomed frame dwelling. Modern Improve
ments ; good location. Address , gUloff stttot , num
ber , prlio anrl term ) to H. P. Olllcor , real estate and
insurancoagcnt , 6.0 Broadway , Council Bluff * .
WAKTKD-Twonnfnin ! hed rooms with private
family , or a small house with convenience * ;
centrally located. Address With full pullculart , V.
0. box 804 , city. 658tf
W'ANTED-To trade a good second hand lor
a lioroo knd buggy. Inquire at Edholm& Erlck-
son. 883-tf
WAnitu avcr > uy m noea o * MWing ina <
chine , to gee the now Improved American No ,
. K. Hodman * Co. Mrrnta 220 K Iflth. 830kf
t Two new homes 6 rooms eich 22d and
SSd itrcet , near Mason , llonry Yots. 835-18p
Fen nitST-Oood house with furniture forpalowlth
In four blocks of P. 0. Address A. B. Boo offlco.
FR nr.NH HOUSJ 3 rooaif , clothes press , r ntry
and cellar , 1181 Sherman avo. 854-lip
ron nsxr Store 311 K 15th street.
TOER .vr A now 12 room houss and barn , No.
-17 814 8 18th street , itoreo & Bruuner. 83ICp
Fen BINT Very do ° l'ablo nine room cottage on
HtrceSt. Hell & McOindllsb.
For tale Oocd houio and largo lot , excellent
nel hboihoodj easy terms , $3,160. tcl , \IcCinalijh. .
FOR RK.NT Cottage , largo lot , bam for 4 bor es. W
II. Qreen , over 1st Nat 1 Bans' . "soVtf'
FOR Kf.xr 5 room houoonS4thand Fierce St. Ap
ply to Boggs & Hill , opp. Poxtui. 703-10 ] )
TiVjR BRNT-Cbttago of 0 rooms 2403 Cajs Si. Inquire
X ? Ecit door. 781-12p
FOB BUNT Furnished homo of eight rooms with
ample , closet room , del ghttully locUcd ; conven
ient to street cm. llcfeicnccs rcnuind. Address
it. H. V. , Bee offlco. 774-lfp
FR BExr-CbttceeO room * , clouts nnd pantry , all
comcnleccrs. Floe Ircitloa near itrcet
catsZOpi > rincntn until May 1st next , E A.
Northup , B. &M. frelgdt Auditors offlco. 7C8 13p
Tj > OR RUNT Near St. car , 7 room huuie. ( rood well ,
J ? elite , 910 per month Inqnlro cf 0. K. Thomp
son. S. W. comer llth and Harnoy St. 235-tf
FORRKXT 6 ron-n cottaga corner Popplotoa acd
Siorldan SF. $15. C. E. Maync , a.V. . coiner
15lh and Karnani. 714-tf
TTtoaRBOT Cottage 0 rooms , houeo 10 rooms. J.
J ? Phlppi Hoe. Seward and Campbell. 037-tf
F OR BENT A cottage of four roornfi wnn city and
cl torn water , 818 South 10th St , between
Lcivcmvoith and Martht. 447-tf
F IOR nmn The hcuse an 1 him on corner 291h and
Pierce St. Inquire at Boston Dry Uoo1 store , S.
10th St. 322-tf
TTloi HKNT-PIosinJ rooms acd board for teachcra.
JD AddrjtB foundat this office. 6BO-17p
Fn asNr Two furnished room ? fixed tt r house
keeping No. 270 30th , bit Farnam and Douglas.
TJ'OR RENT Furnished rooms for 1 ght houic-ltcop
JU log , In Bcemer's Moor , cor 8th and nonard.
T ? OR RK.xr Nice furnished room 22C9 Dodge.
ron EKXT Suit o ! rooms with loard , 1721 Douglas
! 791-13p
C'on RENT A suite of nicely furnished front
J1 room i for two pontleincn. 1711 Jackson
street , next door to the beet t rlvato boirdlne house
In the city. Inqulio on tbo premises. 83-tf
BINT Furnljhed front roorr , modern Improvements -
ments flve mlnu es w k Irom P. O. Will rent
to young men. jl doress lock box 80S. 840-tf
TTlD oi RSHT Furnished room , 1303 Capitol avo.
D 851-lgp
FOR HINT Nicely furnished front rcom to gentle-
man only , at S W corner 20th and Douilie St.
tlemen , 701 8.18th it. 815-llp
"Clou RUNT Newly lurn'sbed ' rooms for goallcmen ,
Jj gas and hath ; 22i7 Dodge. 8U18
F IoKRBNT-Furchhcdor unfumisbed room. 1819
Farnam a' reel. 830tf
[ N ploisuit pan ot city nicely furnl bed rooms wither
or without biard , 711 north loth St , 83002
FOR RENT 11 Randy futnlthed fror t rooms , f logic
or In suits ; Odd fellows block , llth and Dodge.
827-Hp - Mrs. Kendall ,
[ JB > KENT -Nicely furnlehed rooms 1017 Chicago et.
I ? 825-tl
OR RENT-Tiro nictly furnished rooms Iflifl Dodze
FOR RRNT-Two fl3ra. Inquire at 1207 Furnatn Et. 1
709-lSp A
FOR RKNT A Inndsomelv furnUhad frontroom S
K. coiner 17th street aid ( it. Mary's avo. , up- X1
etalra. 78i-12p
FOR BENT An elegant loom with board 19 0 Dodge -
street , lower door 781-12p
FOR RENT lloom with toaid , 1813 Carltol avr , Hi
FOR RUNT One Iaig unfurnhbcd Iro'.t room with F
aloove , and nna blnjle rjom , Modern Imprave- 1st
monts on 20lh , near fat. Uary Ba\9 , 7t6 tf
F OR BEST Two fine I 'g8 room" In now Itnuie , fur-
LlEhed or unfurnished wlthacd without boird,710
South llth St. 76M8p
BENT Nicely furulehad rooms S vv comer
FOR and St. Mary's a e. 717-
RENT Fumlilied roams with board at 2222 { I
DiucnpoilH ; , 780-Kp
RENT Nice furnlohed front room for two gen <
men. Apply to 1617 Ilameyht. 721-11 I1
IOR RENT Furnlsbld front room , My window ,
bilck houio wltbor without board , 603 N. 17th. L' |
BENT i urnUlioa room 1010 Liavcnporf
7 < 0-14p I
REST Front bay window roams eulto or ( Ingle
FOR luinlihed ; all convcUenc.f , 1616 i aritol ave to
> -3p ] liaiI
FOR KENT H nd omely furnished roomj , slni : e or
double with bovt , 1718 Ddgf. 86-lt
> oa RKNT Largefurnlihed front room ultb imtllliai
criooai conLCcted , 710 north IDIhbt. 701-lBp nd
RENT larje well furalthed room with fire did
FOR &o.sult tiefw 2gentlemen , on St. Car ,
, near west Farnam , hefercLCOi given and rc-
Ulred. O. K. Maine k Co , 805-tf F [
70R BUNT Throe tee offloes tn Nebraska Na'lonal
'Bink Building , Inquire al bink. 180-80
. '
OK BUM Handoome furalehea rooms 1810 [ > o < * ie. any
t03 tept2f
OB KT Two rooms adjoining with board ; front moiF
room eouth-eiut , 1011 WcUtor lit Bi8-tf 7
rrVjB HINT 1 wtll furnlibod room for I gentleipeu
160) Farnam ttreet , oi > j > otlt8 Oooi Ho'el. Apply '
room 1 , or at Waaatraan & Burnett. 218 lth bt. SOU !
745 tf
7VK KIXT S pleaunt iouth front rooms 8. W , Fi
corner 19th and Davenport. fort
the i
ox BEST Qaodtomelf faroUbed rooms 17M Cap bull :
nv > R RHTT-TWO nicely furnished rooms , NW cor.
T 2U ahd St. Mart' Ave. U1
T > OOVta Wllh boird.dMlrabl * for rammer. Appl
tiat Et. Chatlti note ) . eio-tf
F > on RWT Largo front room on first floor with or
without board ; Inquire at Ipoi farnam StMM
MM !
Ifo * 8 tx Southwest of Hinsoom I'ark , on h-H
J ? rod , lots In Uclrcst ; we.l loca'odperfect ; drain
age ; rapiuly becculi g vtlutblc ; lot * at $200 to $3M ;
small cosh payments , balance long timf. Amo , 1507
Fatnam. efll-16
troOwltbuya store and 0 foot lot , leisrdat
$21 a month ; 18 per cent on yout m cey. Cun
ningham & Brcnnan , 1511 Dodge. 894-1 !
YJ < OR SAU Semi tpo ttl buRiloi In houses aud
JL ? lots ; eeo our list. Cjntilngham&BrenQnn , 1611
budge street , next postoinco. 889-12
FORBM.K \tabtrfraln , a house and 2 lots , easy
terms. Oivnor leaving the city. O. P. Davis &
Co. 742-14 Tffoacrcaof ground with Urge house
and barn , on loivtnvrortk street , i tlooki vest
of city limits ; $ ' ,9CO , very easy terms. 0. K. Kaynr.
16th and F rnim. 7 ? < Mfi
F OR sAtn-2 houccs on ono lot , rent for (3) a
1 month ; $2,900. Cunningham & , Ilrcnnan. 86812
I/OR BALK Southwest of Hinsoom 1'ark , o" bolt
X1 road , lots In Altlrtsa , well located ; perfect dialn
ago ; raplcly becoming > aluablc ; lots at (2 otoStoO ;
tmtll otsb ptjments , biUnco long tlmo. Amcsl6t7
Failmm. bOMD
\\7ANTtn Urnrolhboparty.Rcnttimanand ! wife ;
TT wish to rent n neat cottigo or houss flve to
8 rooms with bath roam , h'gli ' Ijcatlon , In the vlcln
Ity of fit Mart's ave and 18th Ut. Kent not to ei-
ceod $46. Addrecs "A. L. It. " 1213 U < e ofllo.
iron BAtB Or trade for city property , ten acrcstof
JL' land near the city limits ; prlolJ50. Cinnm-
ham ti Bremian , 1611 DoJgc. 806-12
F Ion SAtit llou > o aid lot on California street ;
price $2,000 ; easy terms. Cunningham A ; llrcnmn
1511 Dod o. 883 12 Woit of the city limits and south of
CumlnR strict Is the now addltliu of West Cum-
leg. Ilereaio44 lots eich 60x165 or 60x133 led.
Each lathes amp'o frontage on both street nl al
ley. All o' them lie well , with excellent dr lnan ,
nntl no ruling nccjf sir ? Inthaflstton dnja thli
proicrty nasolleied , 13ot the elots n re sold , nnl
the Interest In this nttractlto property 11 rap'illy In
creasing These lots ara scllln ; at from $200 to $30)
each remarkably chj p ind on the folir.wlrg oa y
fVms : $10 cash nnd balance Si P'r month until
paid. No uch terms as thcso on iiiih property can
bo found In the city. Collar once for this property
on McCAnt'B , opp postofflec , sclo tgont. 83 'tf '
IlORHAlK AcrolnHin Hyde 1'aik aim ( Jote Bil-
ll > Lto , $160 to 8176 i or lot. Small payments ,
long time. Aiucj. 1517 Farnam. S09-15
TT' Larao house 10 rooms , lot 132il32largo
F1 bitn , boutlful p ! c $0,600 ; termsEOOdcwa and
? 58 per month. This property In only four blocks
troji Park aic. street car line , 0. E. Slav no. l&th
Farnam. 77815
F'on 81LR Acre lots In Brighton , to which your
attention Is especially lailUil. Price $225 an
aero. B f ru you dooldo to buy rliovrhero , come and
ook at UiUhton. Ames , 15.7 Farnam 803-17
l/OR BALM Houeoi and ots on monthly payments.
. ' D. I. llajdon , Eaund.'re , betwcoa Like and Wll
Us avca. S51-tD
FOR sax A birgaln on Nfo'ioUs s'rsot , two
Kous : > on ono lot , rented ntlO a month ; lil bo
sold cheap , ( 'jnn'njhata A Bryant n. 8S7-I2
FOB SAI.K Aero lo'B in nrlghton , to whloh jour
attention's especially invited. Price 1225 an
acie. Refornou tccido to buy oltowherr , come and
Icok at Br ghton. Arccj , 1607 Darnam. 863-17
FOR HAT.B f'henp , 6 room cotUiro and lot , oa > y
terintisltuatidatNo , 617 N. 17th St. . bet. Caul
fornla end Wtbjter ; thorcughly rppalrol and Im
proved. Itqulto of owner on premises. SGItf
lon SAW Acfo lots In Ilyi'o Potk , ani Goto Br.l-
l1 llante , $160 to $176 per lot ; tmill pnynicn'H , 1 ILI ;
time. A-oot , 16i7 Farnam. HIO-6
FOB LALU Cholco r sldcnco lots un and near I'ark
o\cnuo and Qacscom Park. ThU U a UIOFt de-
Flrablo -atbn 1 for hocuu' . Prices fOiO to $1,260.
Am .n , 16 7 farnim. 85H-15
T OR BALB-By J. E. Kllcy & Co. , 216 S. 13th St
? 7tOO House end lot , magnlflocnt rctlJcnco prop
erty , corner.
J7,6CO Two etorv house ccirIynowhrauMful lawn
in corner , location anicng the Dnett In Om.ha , on St.
8I.4CO Uignlflccnt residence lot on Farna-n St.
81,200 Paruam street , south front , tightly loci-
8750 Lots in J. E. Blley'e , Okahoma , will sell on
easy terms and bjild for desirable parties. The > o
are among the finest residence lists south of the Ity.
and 010 within a block of thi etroot car line. When
the ICth Street VUduot is built , they will be a fifteen
ml auto walk from loth and Farnam fits.
8500 to $1,000 LO'B on Cuni'nga and B t ttreets.
Tha extension of the Street car line to these lots
makes them vfrydesirable property.
We have desirable lot i In every quarter of the city. J. B. Itlky A Go , , 215 south 13th Ht.
F ox SALE Aero luts In Bilghton , to which 3 oar
attention Is especially luvitcd. Prlco $ ! 25 an
acra. Before r u decide to buy elsewhere , como and
look at Brighton. Ames , 1607 Farnam 893-17
I7IOR BALB-At a bargain , a house of 9 raonn , ererv
-T room heated by f urnaco. Hot and cold water ,
bith , lot 61X140 mar head St. Mary's avenue , Houio
cost ttl.OOO ; lot Is worth $2,5CO. If sold at oooe , will
take 81,600 for the place. 0. E. Hayne , 16th anJ
Farnam. 777-tf
FOB BALE Ai-ro lors In Ujdel' rk and Cote Brll-
Ilanto , $ UO to $176 per let ; smill payments.lonj :
tliue. Ames , 1E07 Farnam. 88015
BALI Notr head of St Mart'a avo. Lugo lot
house 9 rooms ; furnace , gntcs , hot and cold
tath ; everything complete , (5,000 easy terms. O. B.
Maj no & Co. , 16th and Farnam. 18J-tf
BALK Aero lots in Brlthton , to which your
FOR Is especially invited. Price ? 22n an
acre. Bforo you decldj to buy tleswhere , oorro nnd !
look at Brighton. Ames , 1(07 ( Farnam. E8J-17
FISH Improved farms , will trade for improved cite
1 property. W. " . Qreen , over lot National Bank i
Fen BAH Acre lots in Brighton to whlfh your
attention it especially Invi ed. Prlco $326 an
acrr , Uefore you decide to Iny elsewhere , cm onnd
look al BrUhUn , Ames , 1607 Farnam. 893-17 ot
OR SALB At a bargk'n , lot with t ! nouses , 3 and 7
roou.s , well , cittern , barn , &o. , ! 0th and llarnoy.
Unimproved property taken ts put pay , Wm. L.
Monroe. Btb and Douglas. 030-tf
170rt BAIB Best lole In Nnith Omiha.clree . to cars ,
f Echool and rhurcho ) , f 46 to (550 per lot on easy
pajments. Uorxe and ice thii property. Are w , 1607 to
iMuam. 602-15 /
17 ° IB flALB-A two story 22i8) frame building eult-
able i or a etoro near 10th and farnam street.
Apply at this oOlot. 017-tf
T7OR * BALE Best lots in North Omaha , c'ose to cnrr , i
school and churches , $425 to $869 i er lot on eH
payments. Como an 1 see this property. Aine ,1Su7
Fannm 8H'M5
BALI OR RMT-Oood hate In llrst-olasstown n
FOR Western part of State. Apply to K P. Da-
, Novelty Iron Works , llth St 794-tf
FOR HALE IfhcuscB and I ti are what you winr ,
ca.I anil Bee us. Our Iht ooropilsesUo Itrgcit
of detirablo phce ] over tffereJ. Ames , 1607 Fur-
Dam. 8'8-16 '
* * * t * * r nr * * il * * * r * * * * + * V * * * * * * * * * > * * * * * > * -f *
IORBII.E A. geol kind buggy horao , > ul : bto for
lady. Will bo solJ cheap. Amtr , 16'j7Faroan > ,
Tien BALK A carriage team matchrd and ll\el ]
Haiieltonlan breed , at Homans Livery tJarn ,
lAoTsii.K-Ono good Singer eowldf machine , cheap I
, at 118 N. litUSt. ' 870 Up |
7vsNiTUBg for ml at a s lflo > , ooiuplcto a'eort
ment for email housn ; must bo sola immodlateiv
LdJresa Mrs. J , A. Warner , llae olllca. 783-12p
FOR BALK CJeye'ond Iny stallion , "Derby Boy , '
'J years oM , from the olilcut and moat noted prlu
tinning family In Canxlo. Took flint jirlzo atTuron
oxl.lliHloii . , 881. Uanbo Keen atKatofalr Miicchl
fltohcod Hereford , Intludlnir 2 I'Ull calves by Url
'onqiicror : , a son uf Lord Ulllon ; linportetl ani flit
Miii-il by UnKrin I xpcriincntal Farm ,
IS head of high grade , hliott horn hclfcra , 20 to 30
lontlm old , lircd tu Hereford bull , 'Ilio t\io\e \ Block Bon
aiualllHii brought from C'anoila slnco Dec last Kn
are offered at low iiricm for cosli , or lime will IK
en with good security : olno car load 2 and 3 jeur
feeders Corrcipondciico eollcittJ. Addrcnu J , ( J ,
lall.l.lbboil , Keb. 705.12
TloRBtLB-Cheap , fq'lset ' American Orclofaedlcs 8
calf bound la gtul order. luouira at 117 N. IBlb
7(3p (
TiQH SALB Boarding houie furniture rheip for
cub , In Kruno it A t | leiidld Otpor unity for ,
person dtslrlrg to go In Ih ) bualncBi-oJrcady
itibllihed. Iteutlov , ilts. H. B. IttTkOloi , Fie
, Neb. iMI-ll
you tALi T o lots In 1'elhitn Hac , ono block e' ' '
frcmBtretoar track. Inquire 818 B 18th St.
BSttl ih
a till
7CBSAL1 Or would tra-le or a good horte and Thul
bugry : 80 acrei la Qouucr oouuty. Apply to 216 Ubcr
lUtblSihS'reet. ' MStl Harem
jVBALi ) Boiler and engine , SOboraepower bollei ral I
nd engine , In good running order ; want to soil .
the reason that they are not largo enough for Ouni
DOW machinery which we will put Into our new ( Jbai
JldlnjonUwoey SI. OUrko Brot. A Ca , 1103
A IWAYS on hud at bargain. No 1 second hand
fjL oarrlagn phtoton and tide b r boggles ; t 1109
nd 1 il 1 Dod 61. ttS-tt
TMIK following icflal l-arffiina are offered by ( I.
atoO-gus , oripotlle Post nfflto
Two louth liont lots on Hamilton st. cich..t 800
Trolot in Charlettt. tach KO
icnlh frontlet M Slitnn > 2 ! acU , , 70Q
Lot 6. bloc * W , Hhtnn't 8d add , on Reward ,
three and a. hilt bools ! from oar lint , easy
monthly raymcnti , cheap at e&o
Let 12 , In b'ock 4 , Shlno's ttt add , very dcol-
rahlf , noulh front , aid cheap at 1,110
Lot 4 , block 10 , ahlnn's 1st add , on llami ton
st. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Tire ol the finest lots In the city , at the corner
of Html ton and Kin ; , being ; 6 and 0 , In
Mock U , will bo ( iM together at the very
Lot 6 , ihck V. fchlnn'fl td add , on Seward ,
baigalnat. . . . , , 700
tot 8,11 nek W , HMnn' add 703
Lot I , block W , Shlnn'i 3d add , east frontage ,
on alloy , JCQ
Lot 2 , block W , fthtnn't id addsouth and < ast
fronttgo on Steward 800
I70R MciiAsoR-Atplendldfarm In NemMia CJun-
11 ty , ( or house and lot u Omaha. 0. F. Davla &
Co. 71Q.H
WKht\aiiomo good Improved fstmi which w
will trade lor Oniaht city uropptty. Cunning-
hun k Btonnan , 1611 Dodge next 1 > . 0. 8J3-U
OJ4,600 Two story bouie of 7 roomj , gsod turn and
V cellar , 1 block from street car line.
$1,800 S > ior | house on E ghtccnth street , on c r
lln- , peed yard.
? 3,000 1 story homo on ISIli sttctt , on ctr Una
01 t liont. Choice.
$1,500 Meat inirkct on ICthttreet , 8 wagons ,
orfo and luisUcs" b 'g ln
Txits sold on moiithly pajnifn'H. '
Lon't forgittho place. U. f. fevs ? , corner IMli
' ledge , Williams Illock. CDS 14
TJVmiULK At Omnha Land A coney , J\u. UlSTa
A ? nam Ht. Paultcn & Co.
Agojd paying inlcoii , now flxturo > , cheap rent ,
will be toll low , owner Ueslrlrg to change Luilneie.
Do not ( ill to Investigate , there Is money In It ,
T < ot 8SxSCO , 3 til and CalllcrnU , well located with
8 room houtc , $1,350 on very easy terras , a very do-
Blrcbla property
Lit 33x14 } on Pleasint street , 7 room new houoc ,
bain , ncllcl'ttn , ctlinr oto , (350) .
Lot 30x140 Lukes add. , 4 room house cto. $1,500.
Choice lot In Ilunthoinoadd. , 6 room cottage ;
$1,700 , at o y terms.
148x132 , 13 h street outaldo ct'y llmtlf , 3 room
h01190 with litucroont , stable , well nnd clstora2,830
o oan bo divided lrto tingle lot' .
20 loct fronl on 13th , near 1'lcrjo , 8 ream * , new
house and Kitchen , co'Ur , well , cittern , $2,610.
For sale or rent 1 acre with gold house. itorohall
flcnty of stable room , near city Hi I is. Inquire (01 (
For sale Lot 60x100 on 10th , cut ( rent , noir St.
Mary's are. , with 10 room now houie with modern
ImrjToremcnts 83,000.
Lota In all the principal additions nf Omaha , and
a largo atsortmcnt o' Imfroved ( arms uml 60.000
aorea o ( Improve. ! lands In central and western Neb ,
at low figure ) . Paulicn&Co. 09211
rpo BxciussOE Choice firm tan's In FurnasCo. ,
JL Neb. , to exchange for a clean stock of general
merchandise or hardware. Call on or aJrirc < is Henry
Chambo'lln , Arapnhoe , Neb. OIO-H
FOR BAM Flno stock and feeding farm of f5J aertfl
sixteen rollo ) from Omaha Block yards ; well
( qulpcodjr graz 111 ; ami feeding cattle , well watered
and plenty o' geol lny land. For prlcoiui'l ' doserlp-
tton , address G. M Harrison , Springfield , Kcb
077 oct 2
FR BALI A good paving bustneai employing but
little capital ( or caih. For particulars addrosa
I1. O. Box 857 , Omaha. Nob. 610-tf
1j0tt , ECUAoilHalt intsr S5 In thu babi t'et
boat un thu lll'sourl river for house neil lot
Omaha. 0. F. Uavla & Co. 741-14
FORSALB \ bakery confection ) ry , lei cream and
O'ster parlor centrally 1 icatoJ , coinpletj with
mannficturlrg ( ocilitloi , doing a coo I bu'tncu ; sitU -
( U lory reieoi for ttlline. Inquire J. J JIulIcr , 117
south 14th. Will Eell halt Intvroit to right man.
100M and board S-5 per week ; very beet Ircatlon ,
L 1814 Davenport St. 17ccpt 18p
Losr * smo 3th iro'a ' hunting cuso watub , I'hlli-
ilclpMi uinnutictuic. Ten dollars ruwinl will
ho paid U lolt at ilax Meer & Bros. KO-i&p
FODND-A round tilp ticket on the B & M road.
Owner can hare tbo eamo at th's oQlco t > y pa ;
Ins 'or ' this notice. 42-12
LOST 2 lady clotka and a lap tob Luckel'il up In
shlnl str p ( from Liberty ave to Park nvp. )
The finder will ho suitable rewarded by notHvlnr this
olBco. 701-12p
DB. WARD , Witbnell Block , 15th And Hartley. 611-U
/ lBNTHALiiosnrAr , , open lorthoaceimmoJation o
ltno sick. Surgical operations of all kinds skil
fully performed Diseases of women a specialty ; la *
dice In conflnemcnt can hero hive absolute privacy
and tbo best of attention Correspondent Foilcltod.
Address Dr. J M. dnttnam : corner 15th and Firrum
or Dr. J. 0. lialph , corner 13th and Farnim. Tclo-
phona 638. 434-tt
/S.ATB City titbve iopair works , corner 18th an
VJTWebster bil Vfo repair , polieh and set up store
768 lip
TIIR W. 0. MRTZNBB StOVB 1'optlr Co. , Ill SOUtll
14tn St , between Dodge and Douglas.
boio hauasomu hanging lamps at
JL (3 at llooJy'fl China Store , oor 10th and Daven-
partstreete. 877-11
PEIUONAL Any Information of Patrick Hopklng
\\hofulloHtbelralnatPolnt of Rocks , on the
Centnl Paoiflj rallroid on the 20th of June , will bo
thankfully received hy his brother , Jas Hopkins , No
ir , Tchama , 8tn Francisco , Oil. 037-lSp
" '
OST A Poll Parrot Peturn to 1119 Oo'igi
JLitreet , up Htalrj. Liberal reward. E83-U )
L ADI KB In waotot geol donestlo beln oan be sup
plied by oiling on the Omina Kmploymeat
onlot , 217 N. 16th St. , up-stalri. Uts , J. W. Moiri-
ecu , proprietor , 871-tf
REWJHU will ba paid for Inlormxtliij icallng to
Qiidlnirof whore bauts of n 18 ymr ) nr "ho
wai fccnnl of last from the vjoinlty of OortUn I , Qi(0
Co. lUd on a wbltd hit and grnv pants , rHber
heavy aot for hU ago. II hsunpocd that ho gars un
der an a 4iimed ninu , cither ilvnry or Auton Direct
John Ro3lcky , Ojmhu , Neb , 710-llp
VMAIU BANITAET oo. Privy vaults , RlnkH auil oeai
\J poi Id cli antd any Hole of day In an entire !
Ddorlesa way with iny Improved pump auJ p > t'en '
barrel appiratun. A. EVANS , omco 1 1 3 Dod < a St
Dmaria. Nebraska. Dll-iapt-Hj
on banjo given by O Is
book , at 1118 Capitol - > ye. tfin.
No operation , or usalcss trusses Dr , M. 11. Moore ,
213 Waliieh ave. , Chicago , send tarnp' or
ilreukr ar Oortana Hume. Omaha , otnry 8 D il ys.
danger Bavaria I Cuimbacher Haiarl *
llencr Ilobomlan Kalter . . . . .iircmen
1)011 B8TIO.
uJwcl3cr. . . . , Bl. Louis I Anhanser RJ. Louis
out's Milwaukee | Schllti-IMuier.UllHaiikea
rug's Omaha i Ala , Porter , Domeatloand
Itblit Wlnos.
JDMATJRER. . 1213 Tarnani St
iroot Line for 2ngiurid , Fmuco
end Germany.
iicimeblps of tbli well known Una art
lion , In water-tight compartment ! , and ar a
ibod with every requisite to mike the paimr
ufe aud ogr i blo , Thsy carry tbo Unllo
< and European milli , and leiva New Yor
utdariand Baturdivi for Plymouth ( LONDON
erbonar.lPAUia ardllAMBUrtK )
totoB , firit C WuW3IOO Stccraga to aa
Hamburg 810. O II HIOOAUDi CO. , enn
P * - Agent , 81 Lroadway , New York uti
.thlngtuQ and L 111 o gtreetn , Chicago or Henry
Mark Hanson , K , K. Moore ? , lurry J' . Denl
; cnewlf &Bchoon 'or . .Country.
A Heavy Htorin.
. /