THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY SEPTEMBER U. 1685 , THE CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA EKNMI TIU IS .A.3 ? D DEWEY Oao of ho Bestand ] Largest Stocks in tlia United States To Select From ; NO STAIRS TO OLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR ' , Wlioharo trined niray their yoiitlifullffor and power , snlTerinKrrnm tnrrlliliJHIAINS and I , O SS KS , nlio are wcnU , inH'OTHNTniul imni for marrloue. MEN of all ages , who find tholr POWER anJvllnllty , ner o .iii.i 'SEXUA' sruEMiTll weakened , or early hablis or r.X'is3ES ( ; , cficccKo Rposltlronuci InstlnR Uu III : . NO matter or ho > r Innk.uimmiR tlio cosornay be. or who has lulluu to ciiri > iliy a row weeks or months u a of tlio celebrated MYRT.LEAIN TREATMENT AtliomcTvltlioiitcxUurc. | U1I.KSS time , and for I7K9S money than any other metliml Inttioworld.Vcalc back , licadachci KU1SS1ON8. lassitude. Ins * of spirit * nml ainl > ltlnn. Rlooiiy thougllU. (1 r a ad lul Urcatns. dclccljva memory. JMl'OTKNCK , nt ยง . Impediments to nmrrlngc , nud iiianv other eyninlonu leading to CONaUMlTION 01 INSANITY , nro nrumptly removed bytlilt treatment , aud vigorous manhood restored , Married Men , or those who intend to marry , TtEMnMIlEIl. pTfi'ct nexiMl strength means , health , Tlporons off- fiprln ? . Ions llfo andtho lovoand rcipcct nrn fallhlcillfo. . Weak tncnulioulil lie rettorcd to vuror & Bianhood tCforc marrlafro. 1'rocifx , tcntlniiinlnlH nnil valiiahlc treatise ii stump ] . tEstab.l877.AUdross The Climax Medical Co , 5O4 , St. Louis , ! Vo. ! M , HELLMAN & CO , , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH. OMAHA , WEB. SPECIAL NOTICE TO lowers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It IB ( ho best and cheapest food for clock of KBJ kind. Ono pound ID oqnal to three pounds o corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and winter Instead of running down , will Increase In freight and bo In good marketable condi tion In the spring. Dairymen , aa well aa others , who use It , can testify to Its mor Its. Try It and jadgo for yonraolvos. Price $24.00 par ton. No chnrgo for eaaka. Addroin WOODMAN LINSEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Nob. GREEN & BURKE , LIVESTOCK COMMISSION'MERCET'S UNION STOCK INFERENCES : Morchants' & Farmer's Bank David City , Neb. Kearney National Bank , Kearney. Neb. Ooliimbai State Banlf , Columbus , Neb. McDonald's 13 nk , North Platte. Neb. Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Neb. G. B. GUEKN. O. BURK Will pay cnstomors Draft with Bill of Lading attached , fortwo-thirdstalneof stock , 1885 r The St. Louis Expositi b 1o 1 a c WILL 1v 1 Wednesday , September 9 , at 7 p. m a t t v : And Continue Until October 26 10:30 ac ac , at : p. m. c tlIi Ii Iitl A MftfrniGcent Display of all classes of Machinery and Agricultural Implements. tlIt tla The most beautiful variety of Manufao'utod ' Articles aver exhibited In the Went. It ThaArt Galleries contain a 0 faction of Paintinjra by the most celebrated Artists of ItBl ItS Europe and Amnrica , which hai never baen surpassed in this country. The Music will ba rendered by the "United States Cavalry Band" and "Gllmoro'a Ool - Bltl bratod f ow York Hand. " tlh tlI ADMISSION ADULTS , 25s : CHILDREN , loo. I apodal Lw Hatts of all Traips Rumim inio Si Lite Daring the Eip'sltiop. eio : A. J. TULLOCK , Eng. and Bupt. H. W. DIAMOND , A sit. o : G. P. N. SADLKH , Aas't. Kng. Missouri Valley JBridge antl Iron WorKs , Pai aia OFFICE AND WOniCS LEAVUNWORTII , KANSAS. a aiS Manufacturers and Builders of S w Tiuit and Comblnatl.-n P"m " m P""I BRIBGES "I For ItallroaJa and Illgbwaya. oi Turn Tables , Draw Scans. Hoc ly TiuieB , Piers and Sub- hi etiuctutoa , hibl , Snire Tuloek le fa t. MoLoatb , Agent. le Please Bond tu word of all bildge wprk to let. Correspondence sollited < ( om cnzlntera and Irldeo eykc oommlBsloaois * D kc lo CO THE A. L , STKANG COMPANY , tilK Double and Smglo Acting Power ano hano oi th Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hoae , Ureaa anil Iron oil BIS'0' " HALLADAy WJKD.MILL8 , OHUUOF hi AND SCHOOL dli Oornor 10th and Parnam St. , Omaha Heb. BO tb ItHa F. GOODMAN , Hath clc th < iaOr , Oa baTt Tt ante Home Seekers , Attention babf toba bfW W ! ForfiMparticulars about free and cheap lands in Western NebraJea tobe Address T. 0. PATTERS ON > BeaEstate A gent , North to CO THE WAGON BRIDGE , floruo Qnlet Real Kstato Transactions \Vhloh Indicate Tbnt It in to bo Bnllt. The city oouDcll recently took notion remitting the city taxes en all the lots In Ferry's addition , and passed a resolution asking the county boatd to concur In tbla Action , The board did aa requested , and little public attention waa drawn to the matter , It being considered of little moment. Ferry addition U located on the rlvor buik , the water works being In this addition. Offing to floods this stretch of land has long been considered as prac tically worthlou , and most of the lots have- been sold for taxes , the amount of the sale being merely nominal. In fact on many of the lota the total taxes for several years vrero sold In n lump for ten centa a lot. It seems that the pur pose of getting this recent action taken by the council and the county board la to so clear up the record that the lota maybe bo icdcemod for a nominal sum. While many think the lota worthless , It la said that the parties interested In getting the lota redeemed on looking forward to the future , and they aoo n wagon and railway brldgo goIng - Ing over the river. This btidgo enter- piiao lisa been lying very quiet since the charter waa obtained from congress , and many hnvo conolndod that the enterprise has bcon abandoned , but Bach does not seem to bo the case. It Is known that cf hto eciuo Bhrond figurera have been quietly picking np lands on the bottoms , and this move In regard to Ferry addi tion , indlcatoi that there ia more goIng - Ing on under the sntfaco than haa been generally supposed. It la to bo hoped that such la thn cane , and the fact that a prominent Omaha man la reported to bo joined with some Council Bluffs par ties In this move in regard to red coining these lota , la a pretty good sized straw. There has been a great change In the Dontltnont of the Council Blnffa business men on the brldgo question with in the pa .t two years. Many are now anxlona to have tuch a brldgo built , and It la believed that it will hulp this city In very many waja. It has been said that the reason that the matter has to an lying dormant haa been because of the difficulty , in Iho general doprccslon and uncertainty , in telling bonds , and the difficulty of getting cap italists to invest in the enterprise. It baa also been whispered that tne alienee iraa duo to the fact that these having the enterprise In hand wont to got hold ) f a largo amount of bottom properly , luietly and cheaply , so aa to bo able to iavo a largo land syndicate , and make inongh profit on the advance and the ale of property , to help greatly In the mllding of the proposed bridge. It Is veil known that the moment It is decided hat there la to bs such a bridge , prop- rly which now haa but a nominal price fill jump right up. It looks now aa if hero waa jnst such a qnlot getting hold if land going on , and It is talked that lomo bright day , not far in the future , ho people will wako np to find that * the irldgo la going to bo built in a hurry. THEIR FIESTEEVOLT. ? ho Prisoners of the Now J nil Ilcfuso tu bo lioclccd Up , But are Forced to Bnbmlr , Aa told in the BEE the other day the irlaonois do not take kindly to their uartors In the novr county j , 1. Tholr hlcf obj ectlon la that they are not al- ) wed to atay together all day in the ex- rcloo room , bnt are kept In their sopar- to cells moat of the time , being allowed ut an honr at oich meal time for mlng- Ing In each other's nocloty. Saturday morning the first open revolt 'an mado. The prisoners had eaten iiolr breakfast and Jailer Shontz ordered icm to go into their cells , bnt they baolntoly refuged to comply. They lalinod that they conld not atand the loeo confinement , although the fact Is lit the cells are aa airy and light aa the irger room. They would not badge , as 10 great cylinder was moved aronnd , nd each cell opened for them to atop i. Sheriff Gnlttar was called In , and nperviaor A. 0. Graham appeared , > mo of the prisoners wanting to lay leir grievance before the county board , oping to got relief from the supervisors. ; was decided that the prisoners innat ibmlt to being locked In seperato cells , : at most two In a cell , and they were von their choice between staying in the corclse room and living on broad and ater or goltg to their colla. All com- > ied but one , and ho was BO boisterous id threatening that he was sentenced to bred and water diet for five daya. Yesterday morning there wai another retest , and for a tlmo It locked na if ioro would bo trouble , bat as the cells ere opened ono at a time and the Isonera cilled for , they submitted and arched in , except one , who talked very ; ly , bat as ho was loft alone In the ex- cleo room , and all the others were cafo- locked np , Jailor Shontz promptly told m that ho would oomo in there with a lly and force him to go Into his collun- is he chess to march la pence- Doi lly , and the prisoner eoelnz how nie- oibl is It was to hold out for a contoit , bl umbllngly submitted. Under the new stem any each ugly prisoner can bo pt In his cell , and the others cm be blI E ont , without the jailor going Into the I U rocin , the cylinder being tnrued from o outside , and the jailor being ont of the dch of any of the men. It la probable at they will now submit to orders with- tfurtncr controverty. Send lor One. Those -who can should call In person H. F. Hattenh&ner , at his factory , is. 2 ? to 33 Fourth street , where ho is bring for thirty daya special prices on i carriages , buggies , etc. , but those at a itanco who are thlnkicg of , buying can t ono of his catalogues , by writing for a same , and will ba furnished prices. is needless to say tlut with the estab bed reputation of this manufacturer , 3so at a distance may be asturad of at CE so fignrceand ) of as square u deal , as il ; y were hero In perton. Jlattcnhauer t3f selling no cheap Goods , but Is celling it-data work at cheap prices , Troubles ot Hliow People , rho stranded minstrel troupe known at rpenter'a Minstrels baforo the ) rited , are ttlll having a hard time of it. ley tried to get up a tuhacilptlon list d obtain money enough to got out ol rm but they failed as they are all ablt died men und folks thought they had liter look for work. They showed Us iek on upper Broadway and are Rcioi tiylt again this week but luck aaemttc > axalnat them. The manager , 0rpon r , got out of the city btforo his baggigi uld b9 B ipied , and telefitaphed , hck. to the hotel proprietor , to ask hla compk- njr to keep together and ho would try and help thorn oat , but they hnvo little If AD ; fftUn In their oldmanBgor , claiming ho hat doaelvod them over elnco they engaged with him In the caat. The New York PLUMBING CO'Y. 552 Broadwav ? Council Bluffs , Iowa SANITARY HYDRAULIC55 NGINEERSPUB- LCau ttCFA TE SYSTEMS of SEWERAGE - ERAG-E , WATER WORKS and VEN TILATION Tdesign- ed and coustructedt PLUMBING work in all its branches , This conrnanv have one of thebest assort ed stocks oi plumb ing goods in the west. Estimates furnish" ed. ed.Harry Harry Birldnbine > Manager PLUMBING CO'Y 55 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS Felewhone No. 27. 142 and 344 Broadway , Council Bluffy Jowa. IETA1L DEPARTMENT Mens'Fall& Winter Wear GLOTHINO tfens' and Boys' Business Suits Hens' and Boys' Dresa Suits. Ihildrens' every day & Dresa Suits. ) vercoats for Men , Boys and Chil dren. lerchant Tailor Suits. ilerchaiit Tailor Overcoats , ferclianfc Tailor Trowcera. 'qual ' to the best , to order , .t half the pr ca at mens' Suits and Overcoats ean metis' Suits and Ovtrcoats. at meus' Trowsers. S nmlsss Shirts and Drawers in eotchwools , medicated Scarlet * , ctra heavy Balbri'rrguis. fancy col- ed Wools and tiiixed qualities om 25o each to 84.50. Dunlnn nud Stetson's Hats for ill of 1885. W iirnisliing Ooods Gloves , Neckwear , Su-pendera , audkerchief * , Collara nnd Cuil's , I first c.nss qualities and jeasona- e pric38. Please call and look at our stock. cl an olan anOi fletcalf Brothers , Eetail Department" , t2 and 341 Broadway. Council Bluffij. B JfACOS I onrrwrir tiTtt 1 < i l. Eice M. D. T I or other tumors remove ] without the Jj knlla or drawing ol Uood. RONIC DISEASESof " * * a w * * * vcr thirty jcarjntictlca expeilence. Cfflee Cutioet , ounotle. UluOa TVi Ot st 01 IUEl El ElBe Be BeAi Did you Sup / j . * 4' . * i' ' A y/t IK < V * > l. > k * ' < T < J v iv ' esc Mustang Liniment only good : > r horses ? It is for Inflararaa- MI ! on of all ilcs'j. X Office & Pufiev- BACKERS Council Bluffs , Iowa , Established , - H03 OFFICER A. B. EGBERTS , Forimrly of Now York. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING , Catting nnd Fitting Eitabllihraent 54 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. JT. L. JUaBEVOISS. no. GOT Broadway Council Blnffa. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. n ( ollowtnif are the time * of the arrival and de > urtnie ot trains by central standard time , at the local dopoto. Xralnileare transfer depot t a mlu dies earlier and arilrs ton minutes later. cmatao and KOBimiaMiiitf , ' B.-25 A w Mall and Kiprcsi flu'O p x 12 : 0 r M Accommodation < : (0 p u 6SO : r M [ Kxprcei pos ; A M CmtUOO AMD aOCK I8L1XD. 8SS : A U Mill and Exprcsa 0:63 : r u 7:16 : A M Accommodation 6:45 : p u 6:30 : r M Exprcts | BOO : A 11 CBtoaw , KILWADMI AKO IT. TADL. 0:20 : A 11 Mall and Exprcsa 8:60 : r M 6:25 : p > i Express 0:05 : A M CCIOAQOi BBBUJtOrOH AKD IjniXCT. B'45 A M Ifall and Eiproea 7:10 : p M 9:30 : p M Accommodation S:00 : p M 5:45 : I u Exprcus 6:50 : A M WAjion , Et. LOUIS Am > pAoine. 5:15 p u Ixxal St. Loula Exprcsa Local 8:00 : PM Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : p 11 KAHf Aa cirr , n. JDI AND CODKOIL BLUTTI. 10:10 : A u Mall and Express 7:26 : p M 8:05 : p u Express 8 : 5 A u lioox OUT AND PACITIC. 7:10 : A M Mall for Sioux City 8:60 : P 11 7EO p u Express for St Paul 0:25 A M OMON PACIFIC. 11:00 : A u Denver Express 4:36 : p H 1:05 : P M Lincoln Pots Om & R V 2:35 : p u 7:6B P M Overland .Express 8:80 : A u DOUBT rruiivs TO OUAUA. Leave Council Bluffs 8:65 : 7:65 : 9:50 : 10:80 ll : < 0 a. m. 1:30 2:80 8:80 : 1:28 : 6:26 : 8:26 : 11:16 : p. m. Leave Omaha 8:25 : 7:25 : e:60 : 10 ltis : . m. 12:60 : see : See : tco 4:55 : 6:66. : In Council Bluffs ha > lng ind nil modern Improvements , call balls , fire alarm bells , etc. , is the CKESTON HOUSE Nos. 215 , 217 and 219 , Main Street. MAX anHN , - - - PROPRIETOR rhorough Instruction on the Piano aud Organ , loiceCultufeandTbiy Persons desirous of recsiving in struct ion in the above will please : all on or address PHOF. O. B. LIPPERT. Mo 520 , First Avo. , Council Bluffs. f. J. BWANSON. 0. E. SWANSOH SW-A/N'SOU' / M.USIG 00 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 3ianos & Organs Jold on Monthly Payments All kinds of repairing on Musical Inettu- lents a Specialty , Kiel Sale Stables , orscoand Mul soomtantly on hand.for ealo at it. tall or ID carload 1 , ts. All Stock Warranted aa Represented , hclomlo and rota 1 dralcrs In eralnand BaleiUay. I'rlcca rcaaonalle. H ti3factlon guaranteed. SCHLUTEll BOLEY or. 5th Av. nnd 4th St. , Council Bluffe. OMAHA PANOYTKAM DYINS AND 3. T 1'aul'rn , Prop'lotor. ' Gentleirons'Clothing ant-d , dyed and rdpa'red. Lidlos' Dressua cleaned d dyed , oii'l Plumes dje-t and curled. All kind Fancy living and Cleaning dona on tbort notice d Bitfs'a-tlon guaranteed. 1212 Uouglaa ttreet , jaha , Neb. o , Plattsmotith , Nob. Broa-'M of thoroughbred and high grade iereio d and Jersey Cattle , Aud PDTOO and Jersey Red Bwma. CHICAGO , im ia ot EE SHOET LZHE And BEST &OTJTE. FllOM OilAHA TO THE EAST. ' 0 TRAINS DAILY BKTCVEKN OMAHA AND Icago. MlnnaapolU. 2Iilwaakee Paul , Oedur llapldi , Davenport uton , Bubuquo , Kookford , > ck Island , Ifreeport Janesrille , ; ln , Maditon , La Oroue. II lolt. Winona , id nil other Important pointa But , North. euitandBoutboaat. IckotoCEoa at HOI Varnam utrect ( In Paxtoa Ho , und at Union Padflo Depot , 'ullmanBleeporaaud tre Itncot Dining Cara In i W rld are run on tnemaln lln iol the Giuouc .vriuiii & ST. I'XUL Jl'rand e\ fry attention U vild II nauengcn by cniuteoui ctnploj ot ot thooom ; > acjr , It , MILLIII , General MunnRfr. I. F. TUCKEU , Ati't ' Gcn'JManager , ( V. Y , Ii. OABPEKIKB , Genl Pau. & Ticket ; ent. liico. 1 { . IIcii-fOEU , Aut. Gen ) , Pat , end cket Agent , Hannfictnrer of Trun/is , Satchels fiunplo Casas , tie. Trunka > Repaired Ko. H rrl 6L , on > f Ftnt Artnn * . samaoouo tint tit iitB | co3 yai mm E.C. SMITH , General Agent UY , Life Ins , Co Auett , - - tOO.000.000 Burpliu , " IOOOCO.Q No. BOO Broadway. Up Stairs. J/fc. FOHMAN , OtoiniNa , Oint' * Farnlthlni Qaefi , CATS , CATS , Boots , Shooa , otc No. IM Broadway , Oppoalto the Ogden Home A. J. : eal Estate Dealer , MO , SOS nasi ATX , . * laH , Tona. Ed. Wright STENOGRAPHER Type-Writer ) fflc No. BIS Uynitcr Bi. EVERYBODY'S STORE. iry GooJj , Groceries , now , Feed , etc. , AI.WATI AT Tin .owost Market Price , n. tt liUi td lllntl ATI. , Commonly known H EVERYBODY'S STORE. Qrundy & Go. , Ml Dmn Store , F//IB Cigars , Toilet Artlolea , Eto. renriptloiu Bftc No. U lain St. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Thit ycm eta nlj on. EOBIT tt loirtii CO. , Xo. reulCt. Mandemakcrs & Van , ARCHITECTS , 150 BtJILDEES JT . 101 Cjpit Btciirij. TAYLOR & CALEF , Panoy and Btapl * 0-ROOERIES , Dirt list U tbi City , fa. SK Broidvaj , Instil Bluft Union Iron Worts , Braiava > Ca , Props. AH kinds ol OMilogf. Oration 0 Roofing ran- l&n a ipedalty. Prompt Attention Glrtn Btpalra. Shops Cor.Sd st fcUthAT. H. S. WEST , ) E N TIST , b.12 Pearl Et , Oier Be office , irtkalir AttitUsi Qlii tg th Pmsttitlon e ( the JTituril Teeti. C. L. NEUNAS , IEAT MARKET. All kinds of resh and Salt Meats , rour-rnr. tto. 799 Main Street. ip ipI I CO Op Annum LKI-KOVITS , } . 104 BIAIN 6T AllUndiof rho cheapest store and ) Unt Block of Frulti. cm Fn La lit Ho. to rear ! SteMt. 1 KctateIniarcrioe and Lon AgenU , IT K00.003 1 * Loan OB Tper o nt REMER & SEAKIGET , N. Main St. , Council Bluff * Telephone No , 111. All work finit olaea. AT- Mrs. D. / . Benedfci's , Ko. 337 Eraailuft/ , Council Bluffj. AIR GOODS HAIR GOODS Of kinds Of every stijle f f/ci / lo order , ready made. Aid GOODS. HAIR GOODS , "do 33/ / , 33Broadwaf , NEUBAYER'S HOTEL Vn.SCIllOXrcUnr. lita 11,00 till.U in U ] Tint Oliu BIT la ecnuotfni OppottU OpJen ITcmra. A , P.Hanohott.M.D . , Physician & Burgeon , Council niufli. ) fflc No 12 1'ml Street IIoUM:10iol2 : .inand 2 to 4 p.m. RESIDENCE : Ko. 1M 4th itroct , houn , before 9 . in. and ncr 7 p. m. Telephone Ko. 10. JOHN J , KURTZ , HKEHII Meat Market. Cer. Mils nl Ctsrr Dli. D. GOLD3TEIN , PAWN & LOAN OFJIOE 223 Broad tray. GREAT BARGAINS In Unredeemed Good ; WATCHES , raWIUT , CLOTHING , Slunlcal Innlrtimenti , SirelTcri , QUEI , eto , J. L. HATEKIN , raeis' Conmlssloi Stoic , IIEALUK IK Oioctrlti nd ftorlilcai. slti , CeafectUniry , Clgtri iti Tct : cc. 'OULTRT ' A SrCCJALTT. 019 S. Main St. , Illicit market price paid for farm produce. r. j. BLISS , ALL TITB Latest Styles of illinery I Notions , 'o. 328 Broadway. C ( Dr. W , L. Capell , jclal nttontlon clrcn to 77onea end Eljtatei. NSDLTATION FBEB. Office In Dohinj' ' era Ilaaie. B CAGO UEiT HiBKET , JOnit KTIU , Fro ; . : sh and Salt Moat , EOLOattA BAD3AQ3 , rd , Dried Beef , otc. No. C25 IfMn Street , 931 0. cf St. Realstate tanrue * iiEi Etpirwitli , , oooofAiutr ; No ISO Main BU P , 0. MttLEB , Wall Pater ail Djcoraite r lttiCli ! Tinlilut , Ko. 11 Pearl 8L. I COUNCIL BLUFFS , tJ I New and Booond Handt FURNITUR ' ilDTCs anil BonsetioH Oooiu At Lowwt Prloe j Ohoapeit Btur ID Tovsii Ko. Ml Droadway , i Council IHnfli , Joint 1 lurgeon and Physician ro " | , ? , . . . , . X ) Broadway , Cp-etaln csldtnov eS7.6th Aventw dor. TU > St r . WOODBURY A SOU. DENTISTS , Xir. Pearl BL A 1st Ark , OouieU Bloffi. lew JJ. KOBETICH , e Bcot and Sioa Eater , > oncll BlafTli , Iowa. ffi -i T. N. BKAT , oots and Shoea- AT row nucra. . OnttU Bltffi , ZA. BTOEAOn , Doh&ny'i Old Hall. istiBB of lie Peace. OPJFJOB ovaa AMEiuoAn "Waves , \ Switches. Mtc * HAIE GOODS , flttir Dressing And Cutting. HAIE GOODS , Bnnrjs Cut Pamprilour , Lan tfy or other styles , Hair Coeds MRS. 0 , L. GILLETTE , 29 Main S ( . Council Bluila.