Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday Morning , September 14 ,
Office No. 13 Pearl St.
Delivered by carrier lo any part ot the cltj
or twtnty cents A week.
H. W , TILTOM. Kiltot und LOHOO ,
Flower pots at Homot'e , 23 Mtln.
Roller , merchant tailor , for fine gbodi
Dick Rlckotta wonts the democrats to
n tno him for coroner.
The county board h adjourned to
- moot again on the 24th.
The "K. O. " road are building nwatoi
tank alongside of the old ono.
The old court houao la being razed
piopuratory to raising the now ono.
Membraneous croup is causing sad
tronblo frith the little folka of the city.
The conncll ia to hold n mooting tonight
for the purpcso of eoelng If they can got
a quotum.
The "R. I. " train was thirty minutes
late yesterday , caused by the washout
near 'Das Molnw.
Contractor Bosom Is building for V. D.
Stoddard the finest roildonco in Red Oak ,
the coat of which will bo about $8,000.
The ladles of the Episcopal church are
planning on giving a loan art exhibition
at an early date , for the benefit of the
building fund.
At Broadway Methodist church yes
terday there were quarterly mooting aer-
vloea Lold. Presiding Elder Smith was
hero to officiate.
A young piizo fight of n couple of
rounds took plaoo yeatorday morning In
front n ! the Oily livery stable on Main
street. No arrest ; .
N. < G. Smith , aged nbont 70 , died on
Friday last , and waa burled on Satur
day from the residence of IT. B. Smith
on south First street.
The only shipment of cattle the past
few days from the Union stock yards
waa twenty cars on Sunday to J. N. &
D. W. Soyder , Chicago.
Rev. Mr. Bates has returned from his
eastern trip and vacation , and reg
ular services were resumed at the Prca-
byterlan chuich yeateiday.
The sidewalk on the south side of
Worth street between Main and Fourth
streets , needa raiting badly. > It la Im
passable most of the tlmo on account of
H. A. Gloason baa sold his genta' fur
nishing business to Arthur Patterson ,
formerly of this city , but later of the
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company
In Omaha.
A telegram waa received Saturday from
Mra.tR. 0. Hnbbard , who ia at her old
homo In Buffalo , N. Y. , stating that her
father , William Harris , had died at the
ago of 88 yean.
The paator of the Baptist church , . Rsv.
Dr. Cooley , having boon called to New
YOTK by the death of his brother , the
pulpit was supplied yesterday byiRov.
Dr. Stone , of Omaha.
The beautiful weather of yeaterday
afternoon brought ont a largo number of
people. > Falrmonnt and Bayllsa parks
were .visited .by many and a great num
ber were ont driving.
"Chick" Florence , a street car drive ;
and who has been employed in dlffaron
atabloa .hero . for three yoara or more ,
reported to have skipped the town , fini
Ing It too difficult to moot his bllla.
A gaaolino stove In Mr . Almy'a so
end hand store , on Broadway , blared u
Saturday.morning , and promised to mak
a big burn , but tha flames wore sup
pressed boforp any special damage FBI
It Is underatoocTthat the conncll is to b
asked to tako-sama action on the romova
of Nicholson , whom the m yor bonncoi
from the fire department because NIche
Bon did not compliment the dime museum
started by tho. mayor.
These who tha vo tickets for the switch
men's ball , to > bo held in Omaha to-mor
tow evening , will bo taken over , free In
special car to bo provided for that pur
pose , leaving bore at 8 o'olcok p. m , on
returning at 2:3Un : ( the morning.
H. D. Qardin , supervisor of tha poor ,
baa prepared B room In the rear of hi
office over James , & Haverstock's stor
for the recelvlrg and keeping of ccst-o
clothing and other supplies which th <
charitably inclined may feel like bectow
ing upon the poor of i the oily.
" " The Oakland Democrat Is the name o ;
the now venture of W. L. Fetter. J
starts oat troll and .promises to be a
stayer and a grower. . Its initial numbei
ia , 3rtalnly a creditable ono , and If 1
keeps the high itandard which jit has
otarUd oat with , the Oakland people
ought not to let it drop for Jack of up
poit ,
Jacob Nowmayerh&s purchased ground
on North Second street , just lo the roar
of Bcofiald A Oivln , and has commenced
the balldiag of a largo brick barn , fcr
iho accommodation of the faraerj who
CO.TJO to hU hotel with their tewna , and
forrt boarJhig and sales stable.
A Jlttlo daughter of Mr. S irigert , of the
firm of Swlgert & Green , waa bidly bit
ten by a dog Saturday afternoon , the dog
jumping at tbo ohlld aa she waa going
nloug tha street , end setting hU teeth iu
her face , making some npl/ wounds
The owner of ( ho dcg promptly killed
the animal ,
An laveitfgation is balog made into
tha details of the accident to the dummy
train the other night , to eeo when ? the
rciponalblllty ill mid Us. It ii predlotod
ttat thoaa who were running the englt'e ,
9 well o the train crow of the dqmmr ,
will bo laid off for thirty days U seem
to bo the result of carelessness on thi
part of bold.
The keepers of the houses of prostitu
tion have paid into the city the $2 !
monthly fine. Now the marshal , hav
Ing served notices on the girls , ozpecti
them to come np with abont $1 (
each , and unless they respond promptlj
they ore to bo arrested and locked np.
A few weeks ago , n man named Chariot
Everett , and living at Coon Rapids , came
to this city to hunt np his wayward wife ,
who had entered upon a life of shame
here. Ho found her , hot conld not got
her to return to her homo. Now she
begins to repent , and baa written him to
send her money and she will reform.
Chief Skinner ordered the saloons to
keep closed yesterday. The order came
ao unexpectedly that many did not have
tlmo to got looks and bolta for the back
doors , but thla will probably excuse them
from the fines and Imprisonments which
were threatened to bo Imposed to-day on
all who did not comply with the order.
Ohatlea Donahey , who received a cut
In 'tho head In the wreck of Friday
nfght'a dummy train , and Mr. Ferguson ,
who waa then thought to bo Injnrod In-
tarnally , are out and about. All of the
pasrongora on the train were moro or leas
badly shaken np , and most of them felt
the ofibota worse Saturday and Sunday
than'at ' the tlmo of the collision.
Ono of Weaton'a cltizana m kos period
ical trips to Council Bluffs and after
spending all his money for whisky bega
on the streets of thla ci'y. Saturday
evening ho bothered the people at the
Rock Island depot and finally tried to
work the ticket agent for a cket. The
people on lower Main street especially ,
are becoming tlrod of him and the police
shoald bo Instructed to look after his
Last evening at the Congregational
chnrch , Rev. 0. Rowland Hill , a grand
nephew of the celebrated Rowland Hill ,
of England , occupied the pulpit. Mr.
Hill la a young man , highly educated and
talented , and la on hla way to California ,
and stopping over Sunday In thla city ,
the opportunity of securing an address
from him was Improved. Ho waa listened
to with much Interest
Invitations are ont for the marriage of
Frank R. Raymond and Miss Myrtia A.
Estea , the ceremony to take place to
morrow evening In Omaha , at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mra. R. J. Mnnz ,
Mrs. Mantz being a slater of Mlsa Eitea.
Mr. Raymond la an old Council Bluffs
boy , and IB a brother of E. W. Raymond ,
a member cf the firm of Raymond &
Campbell. Ho la connected with the
Llnlnger & Metcalf company in Omaha.
The number of democrats who "at the
lollcitatlon of friends" announce them ,
lolvos aa candidates for various offices , la
ilarmlng to republicans and bothersome
; o democrats. The republicans feel that
If each of the numerous candidates Is
surrounded and urged on by a largo circle
D friends , there must ba an overwhelm-
[ ng democratic majority. The democrats ,
] n the other hand , do not know what to
3o to give each of these candldatea acme
tort of a nomination.
Harry Howard and 0. Dawes now lie
In jail on a charge of laroenoy from Mra.
Srlmmelman. They will have a hearing
Thursday. It Ia claimed that Mra.
Srlmmelman has been living with Danes
in Sioux City , and that ho had given her
many clothes and some jewelry , but that
they separated at last , and she coming
bore ho followed , determined to get the
goods back. Armed with a warrant fo
lor arrest , ho and Howard frlghtono
icr Into turning over the property , bn
irhen she recovered her nerve aho ha <
; hem arrested.
.Subatantialiabstracta of title and re
istato loans , J. W. and E. L. Squln
102 Pearl street.
If yon wish to make legitimately from
Fen to Fifty Dollars per day , wrlto t
fudd& Smith , No. 34 Fourth atree
Council Blnffij.
1 Bowing Blftohino Agent's Account
being Ovornaulod.
The Singer towing machine company
mslnesa hero la aaid to have got into
athor mixed and tangled shape , owln
o tbo Idiosyncrasies of the manager , J
L. Powers , who cinia hero last January
rom Minneapolis to toke charge of th
Jouncll Bluffs oflico. Ho had been Icn
ngaged In this line of fanslnea ; , and ha
icon looked on aa perfectly reliable , am
are to the company good and snfliclon
onda to eoora them agilns
MS , During his residence hero b
as been qaito active in church and tern
e ran co work , and everything seemed t <
o going along well with him until a HtU
ver two months ago , when It waa whii-
erod about that ho waa showing atrangi
[ consistencies for a temperance man.
ad began to show signs that ho had b len
uro than luokina on tbo cup. Homo of
iese actions were accounted for by him-
: lf and his Irlends by the claim that bead
ad been aunstruck , and was still suffer
IK from omo of the tfcctr. About
ireo weeka ago he waa acting strangely ,
id dttcharged an employe of the oiiioo ,
ho bed been doing moat of hla work
bile he was letting the builnisa oaro
T Itself. The omployo felt that an In
latloa had been done , and stated the
ota in a letter to the main cilice.
The company at once sent hero a
locial agent , Mr. 0. J. Dunne , who has
ion looiiog into matters , and finds tbo
itlnesa in such a tangle that he can
irdly determine yet how mnoh of a
ort go there ia , bat ia tatlsfied that
ere Is one. Another special agent , Mr.
, M. Baker , has now coine on ti help
m In getting matters straightened
i. In the meantime Mr. Powers is
eplog jjulte clotoly at homa , and
under the ore of a physician , although
le to walk about , and take a little ex-
: lao. He Ii said to act strangely , tnd
a other night ho ws picked up by the
llco and bald for aafo keeping nntll
no cf the family could como for him. i
When he thus wanders from homo hi
seems determined to drink , and despite
all watching and oaro it aeema hard t <
keep him under sufficiently strict restrain !
to bolter hla condition very rapidly II
scorns a sad wreck at the beat , and causci
no little surprise among these who ban
known him.
Fall and winter clothing to order.
Norono & Lindatrom. 205 Main street ,
Dr. Wiles , Eye , B\r and Throal
pjclalist , Room 5 , Eve , ett block.
A Winner.
Joe Klnlz , who trarola for Gronowof
& Shoongen , la cororlng himself all ovoi
with glory , and Is winning tome big prlzoi
as a special salesman. A short time
ago ho waa awarded an elegant watch foi
having aold the most of a particnlai
brand of ping tobacco , the watch being
the gift of the manufacturers. A short
time ago ho received word that the
first prize for the man selling
the most of a certain kind
of yeast , had been awarded to him by
the manufacturers , it being a sollUIro
diamond stud , valued at $85. A few
days after thus being notified the diamond
mend catno , and Joe donned It with
pride , and boasted of its purity and
brilliancy , nntll ho discovered that the
other boys had put np a job on him , and
had sent him a little paste. _ But the real
diamond came at laat , and it la a beauty
indeed , Now hla ambition ia dl-
reeled to making a tobacco man
ufacturer sick of an offer to
giro a cent a pound for all which can bo
sold of a certain brand. Last week ho
charged the manufacturer $21 , and this
was but a starter. This la hla last month
on the road , and ho ia then planning to
engage In other business. The manufac
turers who are so generous in offering
prizes to stimulate salesmen , will soon
hare to look ont for some now recipient.
Removed ,
The T. N. Bray stock ol boota and
shoes will bo removed ; > I > to IOC
Main street , tnro w the old
stand. The atook will ) nt nl
greatly reduced price' .
T. N.Bu , r
B. E. BEACH , Manager.
HOTIOE. Special Tertloemen tuo Lot !
round , To Loan , Tot Bale , To Kan Wants , EoirJ-
In ; , etc. , will be Inserted In tUa column * t the tow
r to ol TEN CENTS PEE 1INE for the flnl Insertion
ind FIVE CENTS PER LIKE lei uoh labseqneni In
sertion. Lcavcadvertlaomenti it oaroOofl , Ro. 1 !
Foail etroot near Broadway
Three or ( our apprentices at UIB.
WiNUD ' dtcssmaklog ottaLllghment , No. Si
Pearl St.
RENT \ now Boven-ioom house , enquire at
BXB Offlco.
BALI Houses lota and lind. A. J. Stephen-
FOR eon , 60S First Avenue , Council Biuffa ,
A six room house , ten mlnntcs walk
from business , city water , well end clatorn. For
tent cheap.
FOK ItBM No. 180 Harrison street , three roomt.
Mcllino.v b Co.
t Foul street
. 53 For aale or rent , on very liberal terms.
Tbo Coun-ll Bluffs Paper Mill , complete , with
the larpc bonding house and three acres of ground.
No. 20 Albu > laeoeproD ) rty In Cherokee , Cherokee
county , Iowa , will tiade ( or western lande. Taluo
ibout gl.OGO.
T o. 89 A bolutlfnl home In the town ot Hastings ,
Ullla county , Iowa , tor Nobnekft land. Taluo , $3,600.
Mo , 41 & good business property and also a good
residence property In the town ol Chcnvo , MoLean
county , nl. , low down for cish or will exchange for
western lands.
Vo. 179 A splendid farm , well Improved , 010 acres
In Dickinson county , Iowa , jolnloir tbo town of Spirit
L ko. Price , for a short tlmo ; $35 per acre.
No. 181 to 187 Are four Improved forma In Phillips
oounty. Kanaan , caca with a small Incumbraoov.
The oqultaa will be exchanged for unlncumbered
wildlandtn Nebraska.
No , ! S3 480 acreo In Holt oounty , Neb. , partly
Improved , at a big bargain. Wants to exchange far
No , 64-A fine two etory bilck rieldenco , one of
tbe beet locations In Council muffs , will trade for
rood unlncumbered Kansas or Neb/aska lands. Value
$15 100.
No 65 aud 11 Are two other beautiful homes In
Council Bluffs , which cash payment will buy at o
No. C9 A baautlful suburban location In Iowa
City , Iowa , will exchange for western lands. Value
The above are only & few of our special bargain ) .
If you'AOgr tony thingto trade [ or sell , or want to
tell any real estate or merrhandlio , wrlto us We
hav leveral good etoclts of Broods to trade for lands.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CarpetSiCarpets !
Our buyer writes from New
York that he has purchased the
Largest and Choicest Line of
iver Shown in this city. These
[ oods are now arriving daily and
/e / lesnectfully invite everybody
o nail and see them.
Cloths ,
Linoleums ,
Vmciiow Shades ,
Cornice Poles ,
Etc , , Etc.
405 Broadwav.
Exclusive Robber House MM * ,
Rubber Boots.Shoes and Arties
v OIL - : -
IB o o $ !
Eastern Prices Duplicated.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Warehouse and salesroom , 41 N Main at , Council Blufft , Iowa.
Office 412 Broadway
- -
ers ,
We shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , a large in
voice of COTTON FLANNELS at 25 per cent below the
prices heretofore asked ,
10 dozen Blankets at $1,25 to $2.worthirom $2 to $3.
These goods wera bought at Auction Sales and will not
be duplicated. Parties will do well to- secure them while
theyc an ,
Our new stock of
PLAIDS , Etc. ,
Are unusually attractive and never so cheap as now of
fered ,
New Carpets
Are received and our stocJt is ivell assortedfor
the early fall trade.
Bugs , Door Mats , Etc , , Etc.
Harkness Bros. ,
Brick buildings o ! any kind raised or moved and , Batlefaotion guaranteed. Frame bom
eyed on Little Giant trucks , the best In tbe world
1010 Ninth'street , Council lilnQs
j. m , PHILLIPS ,
Boots & Shoes
Employ no tr ? eHDrsgenU ( , thus , envlnff their expenses , to customers ,
Agent for Para llubber Company Write for prices
113 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired. Ladlea * Dreaies ( Jlsaned and Dyed
Ithout ripping Flumes Cleaned , or Colored any Shade , to Sample. Hllke , Velvets and
CB8 Cleaned , Dyed and Hetiniihed. Lice Curtains neatly cleaned ) 20 Main otreet , Coun-
la" " ° " " '
F. B. tana. Hamger.
00 Heating Stoves from $3 to $10 Each.
Che pUook Stores and General Hon e Purnuhlog Uoodt , inoludlng Now and Second
nd I'm.niture.
347 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
ISH to announce to their patrons and the
public in general , that they have received
their fall and winter supply of Dry Goods ,
and extend a cordial invitation to all interested to
call and inspect the same.
Always having done exactly as they have adver-
tisedto do in the pastthey feel confident thatthey
will receive a large share of patronage in the fu.
ture and have in consequence , put in a large
stock of goods.
Theduildingoccupied by this dry goods estab
lishment has been remodeled in the rear , giving
them much betterfacilitiesforshowingand hand
ling goods , and on the first floor alone they have
added thirty feet more of shelf room.
The low prices at which this firm have been
selling their goods has gained for them a reputa-
i on which is by no means small , and they assure
h e public that they will continue to give low
prices and full valuefor every cent received.
They have inaugurated the "one price to all sys
tem" by marking all goods in plain figures , and a
child can buy as cheap as a grown person.
Colored Dress Goods.
15 plecea Smyrna Alpaca , half wcol , 102
worth 15o ,
20 pea Pacific Brocades , 12Jc worth 18e.
18 pea Atlantic Ca8hmerea"double width ,
sold anywhere at 25c , we auk only ICJj
22 pcs Serges , staple colors , all double
widths , 20o worth 25c.
00 pea Drop Do Almas , Gorstor cloth ,
Satin Berbers , Melanges , Diagonal
cloths , ell colors , 25o worth 35c.
15 pea Berlin Suitings , all wool,40 Inches
wide , 50o worth 75c.
15 pcs French Diigonals and , Coventry
Snltlugs , BOo worth 75s.
12 pea Oashmoresfine India dyedall pure
wool , In nil the loading colon , GOo
worth 85o.
15 pcs Ladlos'Oloth.all wool,75s worth $1
20 pcs Mysotla Cloth , all woo ) , 40 Inches
wide , 75s worth $1.
18 pea G 4 Plaid Sackings , , all wool ,
worth $1.25.
22 pea 6-4 Trycota , In all the desirable
colons. SI worth $1.25.
Thla honeo la headvuattera for Silk.
They have made special efforts to secure
11st numbers in Black Silks.
4j'pcs Black Groa Grain GOo worth 75o.
i bench Black Gros Grain , GOo worth 80o.
20onoh Hlack Gros Grain , $1. This Silk
122.1 Cheney Bros' make and would be
Bio nsldered good value at $1.40.
2ok Groa Grain , satin finish , $140 ;
Bwill compare Kith any $1 75 silk In the
The stock of Silks being so extensive ,
a Impossible to quote all prlcoa , unffico
1m to "say that Blaok Gros Grains are
arkod at $1 50 , $1 GO , $1.75 and $2.00.
Satin Ehidime at $1.10 , $1 20 and $1 35
lack Jersey Silk at $1 30 to $2. A full
| no of all party colors in Brocades and
dlaln to match , both in Satin and Surah.
100 pea Fine Unbleached Cotton,5o worth
120 pcs fine and howy Unbleached Cot
ton , best make * , 7i 3 worth 9o.
30 pcs Bleached Muslin , 5o worth Ge.
CO pcs Lonsdalo finish Muslin , bleached
7Aa worth lOo.
A large assortment of New
Ginghams & New Pjinls
Black Drees Goods
Their Black Dresa Goods department
IB replete with the most desirable fabrics
that can be procured. They offer
10 pcs Black Cashmere , all wool , -10 Inches -
ches wide at 50c , worth and sold elsewhere - {
where at C2c. '
8 pcs Blaok Cashmere , of very fine count ,
05a worth 85o.
8 pa No 700 Black Caahmoro , 7oc po
yard , actually worth 953.
G pcs Black Cashmere that are worth
$1.10 , wo show and sell for 90 < j.
15 pos Black Cashmere $1 worth $1.25.
5 pea Black Drp Da Alma , all woo40 /
inches wide , $1 wotth $1 40.
5 pcs Black Silk Warp Henrietta cloth.
$1 worth $1 35.
* *
5 pos Blaok French Diagonal , all wool,40 r
Inches wide , BOj worth 75o.
Black Myaatla clotha , Hemo Spuna , etc. ,
etc An assortment of MOURNING
GOODS are always carried by thiahonaa.
Velvets and Velveteans
A complete line of Velvets and Vel-
voteonn , in brocades and plain , ranging
in prlco from 60a to $2.50 per yard , that
would be cheap if 25 per cent were ad
In ibis line this house have made ape.
clal efforts and now quote Mena * hoary
gray Undershirts at 40u worth COc.
MODS' Scotch mixed and whtto Underwear -
wear , 50o.
Mena' fine whlto merino Underwear 76a
worth $1 ,
Hens' fine all wool otmols hair Under *
wear $1 25 worth $1.75.
Ladies' merino Underwear , 32 dozen
anils , 50o worth 75o.
Ladles' silk finish merino Underwear , 75a
worth $1
Ladies' fine cochineal aarlot Underwear.
$1 worth $1 50.
The stock of Hosiery in this homo this
icaaon ia larger than over , and at prices
which cannot fail to sell the goods A full ,
ind cunploto line of Ohlldrens' , Lidloa * X
and Mona' Hose , In cotton , wool , Halo
and Bilk.
Of this House is still one of the Special
ties , and parties at a distance , desir
ing to patronize this house ,
TVilljftndtJiejftfui of CocJfe teflforyan ever rea
dy to deal as jf airly att if they were alrte to
call in person on the f/rcat dry yoods
firm of
347 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,