Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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Priyilegeil Qamliliog LctcliES Snckiog
the Life Bloodoftlie Citfi Morality ,
Barefaced Oollusion Belweon them
and the Oity Officials ,
Iho Mlko MoDonuhl of Wnooln A
I'lca Mnt Banquet to a. "Worthy
Gontlomnn Short Itomi ,
Late last Saturday evening Sheriff Miller
and bis deputy , Cowberry , went Into tbe ia >
loon at No , 140 Sonth Eleventh street , and
Mr. Newberry , in an excited tone of voice ,
called upon Mangier , ono of Its managers , and
told him tbot ho was arrested for selling
liquor without a license. A Bsfe reporter ,
who had previously been Infnrmml that the
arrest would occur , asked tha sheriff what the
affair was , and received a stolid look from
that official and the simple word , "nothing. "
Tlio prisoner , Mangier , was taken to the
county court , where ho asked for a contlnu
nnce until to-day , which request the cjurt
The complaint waa instigated , no doubt ,
through n ceitatn gambling Interest In this
city , whioh has opposed the opening of the
new gambling house from the first. Some
time ago J. D. Kleusch traniferred the saloon
to GUier & Mangier , since which time the
two mon have run it. September 1 Dana
Ilydo , n wall known RDorUn ? man ot this
city , with Richard O. Hastings , alias "Dead
Eye Dick , " a former Omaha sport , and moro
lately employed by John Shcrdy , the Mlko
McDonald of Lincoln , rented the second floor
of'tha fnloon building and furnishsd it as it
gambling hell. Hyde & Hustings nponed up for
the purpose of catching the surplus funds of
countrymen and "pruye , " which privilege had
hitherto been exclusively enjoyed by Jack
Shecdy and his partners.
Ax has been already stated by the UKK , the
new house was immediately closed on the
complaint of T. V. Hatch , nn abitrnct writer ,
who undoubtedly wm instigated In his work
by the ' boss. " When the first article on the
matter , which gave the full facts , appeared in
the BEK last week , a commotion such as has
not been raised In Lincoln for years among
the sports and politicians and city officials In
terested ensued. Many Influences , pointers ,
tips , throats nnd entreaties wtrn thrown at
the BUB reporter Policeman Smith , _ who
was mentioned in the first article as having a
room in Shredy's gambling house , an l which
has long been known as the ' harem , " said
that the reporter would hnvo to dlo In cato his
name over appeared again In the columns of
this paper. Ho brought to the BKI : office a
a number of rent receipts , aome
of which were written in ink
and the balance in pencil. They
all loo'ioi wry now , and although dated from
January 1 of the present year , the Ink on
these written with ink did not appear to have
been longer than a few houra from the pen.
Plots and counterplots , pchomos and other
devices to keep the old reslme in full force
and power have been tried within the past
few days. It in stated on good authority that
a certain councilman nnd lawyer , who was at
first engaged by Uydo & Baatlng'.to fight
their caao , went over to Sheedy , and it is true
that ho was the person who wrote the war
rant which was served against Hastings when
that individual wan arrested for koeplug a
gambling house , and being a commou g tnber !
and having no residence. It will bo remem-
boroj that Hastings first caused Sheedy'a ar-
resr , and it was in retaliation thnt Hastings
was arrestod. It wai suppo.ed that Sboeily
would olio bo arrested on it govercment com
plaint for soiling liquor without a license , but
no such compKUit was made , because Hyde &
Hastings wanting to open duiing state fair
week under any condition ; , thought that a
tompirary peace had ben made between tWm
and Slioauv and the municipality.
Mnyor Burr has dectaiod that ho does not
wish tbo gambling vice to spread in Lincoln ,
Curioucly enough when this Information was
conveyed to Hyde & Hastings they were ope.a
for business , and consequently on the tame
footing with Sherdy , uulofB perbtps that in
dividual enjoys privileges under this city ad
ministration which no other blacklegs or gam
blers can seal o. Mayor Burr will reiessarily
liavtj to explain his petition in ttiis matter , for
as it now stands ha appears to be In sympathy
at least with the Sheedy gang a * against
other crooks and gamblers , It is nll ° gad in
dolonto of Sheedy that he is a "iqutroman , "
and that the reputation of Ilydo & Hastings
auffi'r in comparison _ with that place.
Of coureo , any ouo who is at all acquainted
with gambllucr , gamblers or gambliig hou < es
knows that they do bualnoia only to make
money , and when that can not be done they
close their places. Sheedy owns his homes ,
has , or is alleged to have , plenty of cash and
other evidences of wealth. When the ring or
other political influtnco is brought to bear
againtt his house , money is always produced
or it equivalent in alluence given.
Duilog the last spring eUctlon , when Hon.
John Fitzgerald wai placed in nomination for
mayor on the democratic ticket against Barr ,
It is understood that the ring workers went to
Sheeily'e place aiid got his active support and
cooperation In favor of iiarr as agaluat Fitz
gernld. Sheedy clso pledged , accordIng -
Ing to what it Is alleged Dr
Carter's son has said , to give n certain amount
of money for citnpii u expenses. The amount
waa utvfr piid , or at lease young Carter al-
legts not. But it is Bdld tint what SheoiJy
agieod to do In Burr's behtlf atthat _ time , tin
mayor now extends through his appointees ,
policemen eta , immunity to tiheedy and to
bim alono.
One of the email innera of this ctty ,
of whoso stock Sbeedy is said to
own Si,000 , baa been in favor of allotting no
apportion in the gtrnbliug business to
"strangers , " and otlistB , Gambling is un
cyil which can easily bj sup-
preasod if tha proper steps are taken
by the authorities , It can neyor bo sup-
prCBsnd if ono institution Ilka Slieeily's ia al
lowed lull control and power liha the Me-
Donald ring his had for the past
fifteen years la * Chicago. Joe Mackiu
And other men of that class nro
just now getting their deserts us the
rotnlt of n b'glit In the iuteieats of mor
ality and good covernment by the citizens uf
that placo. LI D col a can afford to shako oil the
shackles \vhkh uotc apparently bled It with a
vico-liko grasp , and ( how to ttio Btato at lareo
that ita name fchall be no longer tainted with
evil n suspicion of corruption ,
i'roin last wlntei'd session of tha legislature
until the pioseut tlmo i.bout $11,000 has been
won on tbo faro game In J ck Sheedy's
gambling hell alonu. According to an account
kept by Hastings when bo dealt the faro game
and received a twenty-five per cn.t iuteroU ,
tbn rmounts by the [ day from November 21 ,
1881 , to the last day of that month were as
horijiven. ; It will be seen that the gaie
uniformly won :
Nov. 21 , won $ 23 00
Nov. 27 , won IS 00
Nov. 'A Sunday , ( no game. )
Nov. 21 , won. . . . . . . . ; 917 00
Nov. 25 , lost 181 00
Nov. 21) , won 3D 10
Nov. 27 , won 211 00
Nov,2 , won B fO
Nov. 29 , won 135 00
Nov. 80 , Bunday , ( no game. )
Total winning § 1,279 00
" losing 18100
Net winning ! $1,105 00
Thu balance of the account would take too
much Hpace to give , but AS said , It aggregate )
over $11,003. During the time covered In
this enumeration many members of the legis-
latino were frequent visitors to Shoedy'a place ,
and It was during that period the bill for the
suppression of gambling in the state came up
and w&a defeated. Sbeedy and his frleudi
hailna much to Uo with the defeiitssnny of the
balance of them , and bis house was the prin
cipal r elides voui for the lobbyists for that bill
during the time It was before tha 1'giiiature.
Ha lun become a power in Lincoln such as bus
never bsforo been known in that diioatiou lu
thin city or the state of Nebraska. Mono ol
the gamblers of Omaha , oven ut thfl time cl
Mayor Chate'a and Maithul Uuthrli'd Indict
ment and the laUur'i ) conviction and iocircar-
atlon in the penitentiary , ever took BO b.ilcl i
aUnd us Sbetdy nnv does lu hu own behalf ,
aided by the tlty oUials ( , or at leant some o
It is itatcd on good authority that n nroinl
DRnt railroad rtbcial of the Union I'acluo ,
who rcbldes In Lincoln , loit some time slr.ce
$2,400 at Shoody's and the amount went int
tha bank'f treaanrr. Afterward the m n'
wlfa raised such a row that ha wa
compelled to demand Iho money b c
a < ? ain. One thouiand eight hundrid an
forty dollars wai given him. A Lincoln con
tractor also lost $1,007 , which was never re
funded. Shoedy's place should bo closed np
and right away. If it la not closed up whe
the attention of the mayor and city oflioiala I
thus called to It , it ( bows A disposition o
their part to not cany out the law. KpiO
lally is this true that now of all other time
should gambling of > 11 classes bo sappreisec
if only dnrlng the continuance of the stat
At 8:30 : o'clock Saturday evening last , i
rojponie to an invitation Issued by a commit
tee of prominent citizens , something like 20
guests assembled in the parlors of the Com
morclal hotel to meet Mr. D. E. Thompson
superintendent of the Burlington & Mlssoni
river railroad , to congratulate him upon hi
safe return from Europe ftor a pleasant ttip
during which tlmo his health WAS materially
benefitted. Altar A short season of social ch&
the party sat downto , a fine repast m&dou ;
from the following
Oysters , Stowed , Raw ,
Ilhino Wine.
Chicken Salad. Salmon Salad
Claret Fonet Canet.
Westphalia Ham. Boneless Turkey
Cold Chicken. Cold Tongue.
P. 0. Beef. Oelory.
Chocolate Ice Cream. Lemon Sherbet
Fancy Cakcn. Angel Cake.
French ICIssos , Vienna Holla.
Mixed Nnts , Kaisins
California Fruits ,
Tea. Cbffeo. Chocolate
After dinner the chairman of the evening
Mr. I. M , Uiymond , rapped the ammblftRO
to order , and after gracefully alluding to the
; uett , Announced the toast.
"Nebraska ; KB Continued Development
and Prosperity , " was raponded to by Chief
Justice Cobb , in a brief speech upon the
"jLlncoln ; our Sturdy and Enterprlting
3ity , " was insponded to by John Fitzgerald ,
Llo was followed by Thomas P. Kennard.
"Our Uuait ; his Health , Frusperity anc
Flapplnesf'iwas answered by John B Wiizht ,
W. L. Bllllogslby and lion Patrick Kgan , all
of whom happily expressed to Mr. Thompson
.he . appreciation nnd good wishes of his
rlends. Mr. Thompson replied with much
oding and In well chosen words.
The railroads and tlio preis were toasted
> nd eloquent answore given in each instance.
xreat credit is duo Mr. Kan for hb active
olforta to mnke the occasion an entito success.
Sneak thieves entered eovornl rooms in tha
Commercial hotel Saturday night and robbed
; uests of money and valuables amounting to
over $200.
Milton Nobles and his company open to
night nt Funko's opera house in the new play
called "Loveand _ Law , " written expressly for
Mr , Nobles.
The BKK will contain a full description of
, he fair grounds and exhibits to-morrow ,
they were crowded out to day on account of
ho length of tbo nrtlalo on tbo gamblers ,
The vltitors already crowding into the city
s the best evidence that the fair will be a
roat success.
ro the Editor of the BEE.
I too in your issue of the 9 b iiiat. ,
where you Indirectly ask the Union Pa-
Ifio railroad company why there la a dlf-
erenco of $2 50 between coal delivered
n Denver and coal delivered in Sidney ,
ivlun the difference in the haul is only
eight rolliB. Will jcu plcato alco atk the
? & M. railroad company why it ia that
hey can haul a tsn of coal from their
nines iu Colorado to Lincoln , Nob. , and
ell it for $0.75 , yet If they drop that
amo coal twenty mlloa nearer the mines ,
iz : at Crete , Nob. , they charge § 0 for it ?
? noh are tbo facts , or wera no on
Wedneeday. September 2 , ( when I In
quired at CAto ) and on Saturday , Sop-
th , ( irhon 1 inquired at Lincoln. ) If
caal wno a luxury , I wonld not complain ,
iut It Is finch D necessity that a very farni-
y In Nebraska is compelled to have It ,
lor wovld I aay anything if they sold U
n Oroto for SO 00 and at Lincoln for
13.00 , for almost any ono could afford to
; lvo { G for gocd coal in this atato. But
rhcn they undertake to ohar o within
fty cents aa ranch for soft cotl at Crete ,
3 bard coal can be nought for at Omaha ,
eay It la not only enough to make a
nan "kick , " but kick hard.A
ST. PAUL , Nob. , Sept. 10.
A. Snooting Burglar.
A regular fusllado about 1 o'clock this
nornlng called qoito a number of psoplo
0 the corner of Tenth and Barney
treats. The shooting proved to have
jeon done by Officec Bellamy and an oa-
aping burglar. The policeman saw n
nan , with a bundle under bis arm ,
talking in a suspicions way up Harney
troot , crouching close to tbo wall of
Stopliunson'a llvoiy otablo. The officer
turfed towards him. when the man aud-
lonly pulled a revolver and fired. Bal
amy rtturnod the Ore and closed up on
ilm. The fellow sprang behind a waigon
tauding on tbo walk and quickly fired
brtiu moro shots , and then ran up the
root. The oflioer followed closely ,
tiring as bo ran. At Eleventh strict the
nan turned and toik t ) the alley , whom
10 managed to elude his partner and
It was found , after the cxeUnmont at-
ending the shooting was over , that an
ttonipt had baen m do to rob the mono ;
irawoc of Stoplienaan'a livery atitl-1.
rho thitf hud waited until the watchman
nout up-atelrs , and then entered the
iiioo and piled open the drawer with a
hiaol. There was no money in the
Irawer at the time , anc ? nothing else was
ouohod. The thief evidently heard the
nratohman returning and jumped through
1 window , and waa atealing quietly away
when seen by the officer.
rirtyiWorUor Polyiramtats ;
SALT LAKE Cur , Sept. 13. This morning
it 1 o'clock some parties throw two two-quirt
ars full of privy vault filth mixed with sand
hrough a window of Ihs parlor of United
Stated Oommlsiionor McKay , who has heard
nest of the unlawful cohabitation oases.fJOao
> urat , spattering tbo floor and furniture and
ruining the room Two were also thrown the
ho window of United States Attorney Dick-
oson , aimed at a bed where bo slept , but
tiuck outsldo the window cuing , bursting
iver the outside walls , and if ono had struck
ilm ho might have been killed , Two wpru
hrown Into the bouse of Aesietant Attorney
Vurlan where his wife was alone with and ;
hlld , doing much damtgj. No clue iut
nucli indignation. It Is claimed to ba a pro-
oncerted movement.
A * uro cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itshlng
and Ulcerated Files hag been discovered by
Jr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
Williams' Indian I'llo Ointment. A single
)9r hat cured tha worst ohronio cases of 25 or
it ) years standing. No one need Buffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth-
rig medicine , Lotionrf and instruments da
i ore harm than good. Williams' Indian
I'ilo Ointment ubsorbi tha tumors , alloys the
intense Itching , < p rtlcularly at night after
gutting warm In bo } ) , acts a ft poultice , gives
mtniit relief , and ia prepared only for I'lles
tchlug of private parts , and for nothing else
Dr. Frazler'a Mspio Ointmont. 'Cures ns
-by magic. P mplesBlaclc Heads or'Grubs
thn lotckes and Kmntions on the face , leaving
Saltakin cloir and brautlful. Also eureu Itch ,
old , Uliume , Sore Nipple * , Bore Lips , and
Obatmtto Ulcers ,
Hold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of
60 c uts.
Retailed by Kuhn & Co , and Sobroeter i
kBecht , At wholeaale by 0 , ff. Goodman ,
Cto oflbc Onidlia Fair acd Einsilion )
Salnrflay ,
The End Under DIne Skies The
Great lUcos Bnnchccl A. Tftlk
With Momboc-Natcs
on tlio Grounds.
Under ( kioa which , granted to the on-
tlro week , would h vo boon worth $25-
000 to the BtiooUtlon , the Omthn f lr
and exhibition for 1885 entered Us last
A slid wind throughout the night had
done much to abiorb the mlro whloh the
morcllosi rain hid sproid over the city ,
roads and grounds. The track wca cer
tainly still heavy , but hard work ap
plied nil morning brought It by noon
Into- passable condition , Beginning
with the dawn , the hundreds nnd thou
sands of visitors nnd residents In th
city who had boon waiting nn oppor
tnnlty to BOO the great show began t
pour out Sixteenth atroat nnd Sherman
aremio. All the forenoon the crowds
arrived nnd with noon thalr numbers re
doubled nntll there was in the aftarnoon
in Immense throng In attendance ,
Many o ! tbo exhibitor ] manifested a do
tire to move their exhibits , but the anp >
orlntcndonts Interposed and but few took
iway tholr goods before 3 o'cloak , After
that tlrao and during the evening
and throughout tbo night and jester
day tho'active work of removing the
exhibits was pushed nnd the grounds
and buildings cleared of the numberless
attractions which have combined to make
the nhow the greatest in the hhtury of
all Nebraska.
The committee Saturday decided
o award the firat premium for the beat
crazy quilt to Mrs. Charles Wcstren of
; hls ohy. The Parker , Il bprtsan & Cb.
> haoton waa awarded by the special com-
nittoo to Mrs , John Barker.
To Mra. F. M. Ribortson of Platts-
nonth was given tbo Edholm & Erlckson
liver sot f jr finest specimen of hand
It was firtt thoaght by the directors
Viday that the fair would bo contin
ued over into this week and the general
opinion prevailed that in inch an uvont
ho Phyllis and Joe DA vis race would bo
rotted Tuoiday. Bat later in the day
ho colt raca being trotted and won by
Consul In throe straight heats , the board
wont about among the horsemen and at
* st reached conclusions. The horsemen
wore found to bo unfavorable to a contin
ence of thsir engagements hera as the
bo greater number had entries eho-
rhoro. The prossaro brought to boar
> y the demands for speed classps
n the fairs at St. Jo'e , Lincoln
nd Kiisis City next week necessitates
xpedltlon of affairs here. It was deter-
uinod that tha remaining features of the
air should be concentrated into Saturday ,
nd the show closed. In a following
cctlon the schednlo of the races will ap-
o Th following racss , embracing the
oa-for-all nnd the Pbyllle-Joo Davis
> co , the greatest attractions of the eu
ro programme , came off Saturday :
2:33 : Ulaes , Trotting Parae , § 500 ; dl-
Ided , § 300 to first ; $150 to second ; $50
o thin ) .
A. 0. Black , Table Rook , Neb. , b m
Viand B.
0. R-jwley , Atlantic , B Rowley's
[ littler.
0. Faulkner , Minneapolis , Minn. , r m
Widow Bedott.
Wade Carey , Council Bluffs , la. , ch g
J. 8. Bioker , Ofikaloo3ila. , br mThis-
L. W. Sinclair , St. Joe , Mo. , b m Al-
Freo-for-nll trotting Purae , $1,500 ,
ivldod ; § 1,100 to first , $300 to second ,
5100 to third. The regular pnwe
n the frop-for-all is $1,000 ,
> nt the Omaha Commercial Men's Asio-
latlon add $500 for beating 2:24. :
Following wore the entries in the froe-
or-all : Bice , Din D , Mattlo Harlo ,
Pdtoy Clinker , Silvortall , Dilsy D , Lit-
! o Em.
It was liter determlned to give the two
mile dish , running , and the folio wine ;
were the entries : Baritone. Gen. Rowell ,
Resumption , Ballok , LJW Clark.
Such a field of horses and ouch an cx-
itblclou of animal speeding never before
i Nebraska entertained 12,000 people
uring an afternoon. The programme
was long and to ensure its completion an
tart was made at noon.
Following Is a brief synopsis of the
aces , beplnning nito the 2:33 : class trot :
Summary Trotting , 2:33 : class , six
ntrloe , five starters , pane $500 , divided.
'hlatledown ' 1 1 1
imshlno 4 2 2
. ' '
.onloy't Rittler
Vidow Bedott 2 4 dlst.
laudB 5 5dist.
Time , 2:10 , 2:35 : * , 2:35J. :
Summary Running , two-mile dash ,
va entries , three starters , purse $500 ,
arltono , 1
ielleK 2
ten. llowott 3
Time , 3:47i. :
Summary Special rjoo , mile haste ,
wo entries and otarteiB , purao $3,000 ,
oe Davis . . . . . .2
Time , 2:20. : 221J ; , 2:21i : , 2j23i.
Phyllis WAS the favorite In this race ,
> nt a prevalent fear that the affair was of
hlppodromlng ch tractor shut off much
peculation Ic wan a passable exhibition
f tlno trotting , but the Omiha dammar-
Ul Meu'd association saved lt 8500.
Free for all pacing , nursa $000divided ,
300 to first , $180 to second , $00 to
bird :
John Wa-Je'a b m Daisy D 3 1101
t \V Biuolttlr'a ff g SllverUll t 3103
Gen ( liimo'a b m Ltttla Iln 2 2322
K W Bell's bKDan D 4 4214
Time , 2:24 : , 2.20 , 2:21 : , 2201 { , 2:20J. :
Tills rica merits Bouiejjcotnaient of a
'cry uncomplimentary nature , Same-
baby Is grlevlously at fault bat whera
ho blame is located li a matter of dlf-
erlng opinion. Betvvoeh counter changes
fdiivere , evident attempts to ( jockey ,
load heat judgements without nwpir nt
eat on anil a complication of crookednesr ,
bo entire rtco was about uf ecandaloualy
conducted on It wai exoltlrg , The
ttriitlou is analzd in
heae differing lights : The
udges honestly thwarted au attempt of
Sllvort all's owner nod driver to throw
he race to Daisy D. , the properly also of
8 nclair , or that the judges were influ
enced by heavy backers of Silvertail to
wreck the race as soon as it became ap
parent the favorite could cot win , The
former theory ii mora generally to be
Following wera the entries in the
bicycle race : Thomas P. Blncktnore ,
Pony Rudullot , F. 0. Cowlcg , T. H.
Merriam , J. W. Folliffo ana O. II.
Gordon , all members of the Omaha
Bicycle club. Blackmoro won the first
heat , Merriam second. The second and
third hcata were won by Morriam.
Best limo , 3:58. :
As n recognition of the handsome ex
hibit from tbo Pacific coast , whloh the
Br.fc mentioned before , the following
resolutions wore adopted :
Mrs. John S. Brlggs , for the fifth sue-
ooisiro year merits the praises
whloh tact , energy and devoted persever
ance merit. To her judgment and skill ,
the harmonious execution of many of the
moat Important plans connected with the
great show are duo.
Victor Rosownter has boon awarded
the A. Polack prlza for the beat artiol
on education.
It is n prevalent opinion among th
liquor vendors and manipulators of gamb
ling devices upon the ground that the rat
was a prompt and practical nnanror to th
prayers of the W. 0. T. U. Whan th
unregencralo ccnfcsa a belief in the efii
cacy of prayer , the season is rlpo for a
One of the pleasant features of th
fair was tbo appeariuoahoro of the tplen
did brass band of Parlia and Orotdorf ,
of Canton , 111. This bind was brought
hero at the exponco of the firm , the cos
being something over $500. The organ
teuton is one of the most noted In the
atato of Illinois , nnd ata conteatln Chicago
some tlmo ago carried off the first priz
over thirty other binds. It has bean
selected to had the Veiled Prophets' '
Dirado during the great carnival week in
St. Louis.
The balloon fell into Cut Off lake
about a half a rnllo from the ground and
Prof , Hunt was forced to swim nihoro.
The Japanese daylight fire works were
irondorful and superb.
1'uglllBtlo 1'oints.
GAUTSSTON , Tex. , Sept. 13. The News' '
Dallas special says : The much expected prize
isht between McGregor , known as "The St.
FOB Kid , " of Fort Worth , and Wm. Black ,
iltcs Hois , alias McGraw , of California , Cairo
iff to day at a point twenty-two miles below
Jajlas , on the Trunk railway. At 4 o'clock n
rain of ton coaches left the depot crowded
Jith sporting men from Ft. Worth and neigh-
iflrincr towns. After five hotly contested
"The Kid" knocked Black
ciunds. out and
ras awarded the fight.
NKW YOHK Sept. 12. Dominlck McCaf-
rey , of Pitteburg , is hora and says he Is
nxtom to take Sullivan's place In the battle
nth Ryan. lie declares bis belief that he
an knock Ryan out in three rounds. Gejrgo
Bister , of the minstrel cpmpany which en-
aged Sullivan to do Uatuo business , will on
londay post a forfeit to back Sullivan
gi-inst any man in the world for from $10,000
3 $20,003 at the cloeo of the seanon , and
tiers to back McCaffrey againtt Ryan for
5GALVKSTON , Tex. , Sept. 12 The News
> allas special says : An excursion train of
sven coaches will leave in the morning for the
: eno of the coming fight between McGregor ,
f Fort Worth , and McGrath , of San Fran-
isco. Five thousand dollars is etak'd on the
: sult. If the authorities of Kaufman
aunty interpose tbo train will move on nnlil
pot is reached here there will be nooffi-
al irteiferoncp.
PORTLAND , Ore. , Sept. 12. A. prize fight
jr $500 a side , between Dave Campbell and
im Reilly. botb ot Portland , the beet rough
ad tumble fighters hi the state , took place
lirty miles below tbo city Jibis moiniog. A
rge crowd was present Cuiipbell won in
rarCeen rounds , knocking , Reilly inecnsiblr.
'ampbell ' waa nut scratched. *
Tlio VftOiHH Bocnliiiea.
SANDV HOOK , Sept. 12 , 10 n. m , The
reatheris cloudy , wind west , bio WIDE ; five
illua per hour. Iho GenesU and Furitsn
re passing out to the Btartlcp point. The
ignal service cificor predicts very light , gen-
rally southerly winds.
10 : JO a. m. As the Gonesta neared the
look the littla sloop Vixen drew up , lapped
bo Genesta'a stern ncd stopped alone In a
tately fashion until eho left the Genosta
storn. The Genesta then set the club top-
ailc , but kept astern of the little flyer.
Both yachts were becaloud off Scotland
Ightsbip Mo sign of bthrtiog , The wind Is
ery light from tbesontheast.
12:15 : p. m The yachts are still becalmed.
'he present indications are that tbo race will
.ot come oS to-day.
1:15 p. m , Wind veering to the south , yery
Ight ; no prospect ot a race , {
LATER The race is off for to day.
NKW YORK , Sent. 12 The turitan and
ienoata did not even start to-day in their
utaide race. They were at tha stalling point !
t 11 o'clock , but there was not a breath of
rind till 1:30. : when the cjmmitteo announced
ts intention of starting ; soon. After 2 o'clock
i m , , when tlieio was a good brcezi from the
outkweat , Sir Richard itatton objected to
tarting. Mr. Wtibb said he understood that
bey were not to stait after 11 o'clock , as they
ould not finish in the dark. The 1'urltan a
leople u'eo obj-cteJ for the snmo reasons.
? he raca was postponed till Tuesday. On
r1o iday the yachts will sail over the New
fork yiicht club course ( inside ) .
NEW YORK , Sept. 13. Indications arc not
ranting that therq will bo another largo
r.nvd to attend the meeting of the yachtu
i-morrow. Tin race will bo ovir the club
ourao , thirty-eight miles , to-morrow. The
tart will be at 10:30 : sharp ,
VanllInI. < Miiiiiruiiue , etc. ,
IrciinKtl'iiUillimixtrc , , ! ! * drllcnlclynuil ual.
rally a * ( he fruit frumulilcU tlieyureiunile ,
Price Oaking Powder Co. ,
Jhlcaao , III. et , Loulo , Mo
Dr. Price's Groam Raking Powtlor
) r. Price's Lupulin Ycnst Goma
Hot Dry IIu | > Ycnat
tJolton. SlttiaOLJJIWr tn .Amortmi iJirfijtl
auul U < ialK < IolppUUUU\VOUr > -UalB Uac .
. lt > 71 BluiUnu U t rat. Tbonxi I&uratOaa fci
Vol au4 lnitmm < iilil Jlasia. Juj > and Oncac. Tank -
k > , nm Aita , Orm4M7 , Ulcrmtan. rnaxtt. Omua ,
and UaOlu lAnruc * * . < tuii Unactiu. Or aOc ,
a * * . Tuttlosuttta U > l'U > * r4 ud ream , < > U l sn
FiUlT jrint . > i I. . 1cja . f ,
1119 THI88PACB 1119
1119 Farnam Street ,
Too buisy engaged in furnishing bargains ia
these elegant Merchant Tailor Misfit and Un
called for Clothing Garments , to fill in an
add , If you need an Overcoat , Suit or Fan-
taloons , you are invited to call nnd save your
self from CO to 100 per cent. "Your inter
est , our ban ; fit. "
1119 Farnam Street ,
Open this evening until 10:30. :
The largest Medical institute West of
Mississippi River.
? lfty rooms for the nccomodatlon of pntlentj Th
Physician unit burgeon In chareo of the Institute h i
lau sixteen years' of successful practice. ana Is alaoa
jy assistants or rare cxperlcnco iu peclalUU In
ifiplr Tarlom dcpartmsntn.
WRITE roRCiRCaLiKon Deformttles and Braces , niaffis
isorWouEK , nio , Tumori , Cancers , Cttarrb , Droncbl
Is , Inhalation , Kl'otrlcUy , r ral ; li , Epllepej , Kldne/
; e. Enr.Skln and Clood DlBeanes. Write Tor
in PIUVITK , Srrcui , and NI.KVOCS Dlieaiei , bemlnj
Teakneea , anornntorrhcra , Byphllla , Oloot , Stricture , Vafl.
iftcele and all d'jeases ofthe Urinary nnd Sexual organs
> tes treated b/col respondecco.or I'ersonnlly tonfldentlal.
Jedlclnessent by raauor express without rnarka to ludl <
latocontent'j or sender. Adr s all letters to
C'JjStroetoGccrcroiP' &ri = ia CM"i ' "
a. F. LYMAN ,
Dealer in
nds , No 1 Moulding' , DulIrtlrB'P ' per , ia ,
1001 SOUTH 13TH
Seventeen years Experience.
HeaderolDtseatoi of Hen ftnl Women. Eoloolrlc
Uagnetloand 1/crbnUst 1'hysHnn. Now lacatoJa
1210 Dounlaa St Ornoba , Neb. , up etalrs.
\ correct ilUcnoelj given without any explanation
Ircm the patient. Consultation free at oOico.
/ Treat the Following Diseases.
Catarrh cf the Head. Discuses ot the Eje and
Ear , lleait Disease , Luer CotLpUli t , Kidney Com
plaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depreeekin , LosscI
Manhood , Dlabclia , Blight's Dlatwe , bt Vltue
Uanoe , Ubeuaiat'sin , I'.raljll ? , Mhlto Bwelllngi
Bcrotula , Fever Sores. Cancers and Tumors remove
edultbnutthe knife , or the drawing ot ft drop ol
blood. Woman , with her delicate orcaa * , Restored to
Health. Dropsy Cured W thout Lpplrip , Special
Attention On en to Private and Venereal Diseases ol
til Kinds , Tape Worms Itcmoved n two or three
nours or No Pay , Ilcmmorrbolds or Files Cared 01
No Charges Made.
'JhoBowhooro afflicted will 6a\o life dad hnn.
dreds of dollars by colling on or using
Nothing add ! mora to the security of life , ol hap
piness and ot health , than ft ( ale tnd ulUVo ( tally
meJlclcc. Elmmon'BtUer HeguUtor has won for U
jolt tteapptllatlon ol "thofavorlto home remedy,1'
It Is adaptid to a largo proportion of the emergen
cies \aich occur In dcmobtlc life. II the child lias tbn
DolK > , It Is a lure , eafi and r leasint remedy. If the
Utbcr laoxbaustcd , overworked dolllltatoJ , It ft ill
rcitore his falling strength. It the \\lfo sutlers Irom
dvepcpsla , loweplrlts , heajache , It will giro toilet.
Ilcny memlnr of the family hai taten nnythlny
hard otJl.cstlOii a small doiool tha Uejulator will
soon o.tallUi 6 good digestion. If'glvcs lelrcihlcg
slojp ocn In cists vthera Darcatlos ItSyo failed. It U
the test preventive n-.oJIdnc , mA a' to begin
wli h , no matter bat tha attack ; and ( n almwt e\ try
caj-j vlll tflord relict and tflcct a speedy cure vltb
outtbduld c-l ttbcr modlclno No crrcr to fenodln
Mlmln'tUrlDg ; lulcjury from ejposuro aflortakfng
nochatgo tf dlei required ; DO cluuKO Of bkblts , uo
nexlert of Jut'esorlcu * cf tint' , tilmmcn's Uvti
UtuUUrliunMolr vefctaVeapUlstboi.urcbt and
ly medicines compounded. Frcpared b > J , II ,
uN tOO.VliUduUhl ) , ra. , Bila prorrletors.
DcbllllT 'w * MuuUood * and Ue T
Aaiorii prtialptioa of a noted uptciallii
Hied. ) rvuvKliUean/lllt. Address
ftP * Vt
iUb *
Pisssngcr Elevator to all floors , 1206,1208 and 1310 Farnam St.
* afe and Lock Com'
Enabe and Eehr Bros ,
Shoninger and Clough and Warren
Instruments Beated , Exchanged & Sold
on Easy Monthly Payments ,
Before Btivino * EloowliGro Our
Stock an < l Prices
Corner Jilflt and JTarnamStreets.
Slanufacturora of Ornamental
Dormer Windows , Wit dow Cops , JTetalio Sky Lights , &o. Tin , Iron and Slnta roofers.
D1C B. 12th St , Omaha , Nob. War ono in any put ol the country.
Park Race , Omaha , Nebraska.
Boarillr-K School for younp ; ladies under the direction of tha ladles uf the Sic red IIoiut
The courbo of etudlts embraces all tbo Ur nches of a useful ami refined odusition ,
8hn Bcholastio year oommeuccs on the first Wednesday in September.
TKKMSPayable lu ndvanco , Including board , waehing , tintiou In Kugjiah nnd 1'rjncb ,
nstruinnntal inu ic. usj uf books , per section of B months , 81DO ,
KXTHAB-raintinR.Drawiiiff , German. Vocal Muio , Hurp , Gultn-r , Violin , lfot lurthe *
cforuiatiou apply bo tUo Itifrbt Hov. Jas. O'Connor , or to tlio Lady Superior ,
No. 309J North 15th Street , ' - - - - Omaha , Nebraska