THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA Omen No. 014 ANI > ! )1C ) FATIXAM ST. NKW YOHK Omce , HOOM C3 TntnCNK BCILD- c\pry morning , except Sunday. The Only Monday mornlnj dally f ablishdl In tha state. TPHM1 BT MAIt. One Yc r . JiaO ) I Three Months . I 2 EO fit * Month . 6.00 | Ono Month . 1.00 T-ho Weekly Bee , Published every Wednesday ronrAio. Ono Year , with premium , . . , , . . , , . $ 2 CO One tear , without premium . , . . . , 125 BlxMnnthD , without premium . 7S One Month , on trial . > . 10 AH Communications relating to Ncwmnd Editorial tnattert ehould bo addressed to the EDITOR or Till Ban. ncsraras IRTTKIS. All DuslneM Letters unit Itcmlttsnces thouM be tdiirctmi to TIM Bus Puni.uiiiio COVFANT , OMAHA. OrnfliChecks rjd 1'oit ofllcoorJors to be nude | ny- Able to the order ot the company. THE BEE POBLISHING CO , , Pnji , K. KOSKWATKH , KDITOB. A. II. Fitch , Manager Dally Circulation , Omiha , Nebraska. i . THE recent oyclono In Ohio was prob ably the result of campaign oratory , which la unusually windy this season. ' Wr arc agala Informed that Kelley haa resigned. It la to bo hoped that Kelley will stay resigned , and that ho will not again aoon disturb the peace of two con tinents. WB arc glad to aeo that cur contempo raries nro endeavoring to giro thslr nub- acrlbora a good paper onoo a week , The patrons of the BEE got a good paper all the year round. TUB atatcmant of Secretary Manning that ho does not : hare tlmo to read the newspapers ahonld noi bo conslruod Into meaning that Iia doea not care what the newspapers Bay. ANOTHER attempt to have the Inter national yacht race take place will bo made to-day. The vicinity of Now York Ecoma to have become n difficult place In which to raieo the wind. Ex-SnNAion SXEWAKT'S resldencB , known na the Stewart castle , In Washington - ton , has boon loisd by the Chinese le gation. It haa alwaya baen regarded as B Chinese pazzlo by everybody except the architect. THE Congressional Record for the Bozond coiaion of the forty-eighth con- greis la now ready for distribution by the government printer , acd we suppose that this banquet of American olcquonco , fillIng - Ing throe volumes , will bo In great de mand amocg the students of oratory. KINO CHRISTIAN , of Denmark , lisa ar ranged a royal family reunion at Dan- mirk. Among the distinguished Invited gnoata are the czir and czarina , cf Una- nla , bnt hla czarahip , judging from the precautions that ere to bo taken for his personal safely , la evidently afraid that there may ho aomethlug rotten In Don- mark. PUEHDENE CLEVELAND has given the California office-seekers to understand that ho will make no more appointments In that Btale nntll the strife ceases. Thla IB n gentle hint to the factions In Nebras ka to kits ana make up. Norr lot Dr. Miller and J. Sterling Morton shako hands , and agree upon a compromise dls- irlbatlon of federal pap. HENRY WARD BEEOHER la a high license man. Ho la decidedly In favor of the insertion of a high license plank In the republican platfoim of the coming Novr York atatj convention. Mr. Beecher Is of the opinion that absolute prohibition la on absolute possibility. Now that ho has anggeoted this plank to the republicans , what will ho suggest to the democrats ? TUB death of Emory A. Storrs , of Chicago , removed ono of the moat famous lawyers of the day , as well aa ono of the moat eloqncnt orators. In criminal prac ties ho had hut few , If any , equals. In politico ho wao a stalwart republican , and hla volco was alwaya raised In behalf cf republicanism. A * a campaign orator Mr. Storrs always attracted marked at tontlon on account of hla elcquence , wit and logic. THE Eucalau czar , who la aoon to visit Denmark to attend a royal family re union , has great foari of nihilistic dyna mite , and consequently ho will bo very carefully guarded. Hla dread of nihil ism la constantly Increasing , notwith standing the assurances of hla police that nlhlllem la crnahed out. Ho is evidently ono of the unbapplett men alive. Ho sees on enemy in every bash ana every shadow , and snoh a thing ai undUtutbod tloep. tired nature's sweet restorer , la un known to htm. The adage , "Uneasy lies the head that woais a crown , " wai never more emphatic illy exemplified than In the case of the cz\r. U would toora that llfo under such clrcnmitancos is hirdly worth the living. Yet this man , and ho la but a man , haa It In hii owt powc-r not only to make himself frea and happy and peif actly at ease , but ho ii able to make millions upon millions ol down-trodden people contented , happy , and loyal subjects , and to make nihlUen a thing of the past , All this Is wlthlc hla power , but his obitluato pride wll not permit h'm ' tj make any concession to his people , whom he would rather con ilnno to rule with a rod of iron than ti eocuro rest and peace for himself. Nihl Him Is only another nsmo for the ntrug glo for human rights and libjrty. I iiover can be crushed out by tyrannlca oppression and fortocutlon , and I In cza knowing this Lai good reason to doub the assurances of his police that it ha boon stamped out. That a violent death llko that of hit fathar , It awaiting hlir : no ono ou doubt , unices ho yield ) t > th : reasonable demands that are made by th progressive pirty in Russia. BAYONET RULE IN WYOMING. The domocratlo governor of Wyoming has returned from Rook Springs to Cheyenne. Ho has thrown his dome cratlo states rights ideas overboard and enlisted for this war and the nozt. Thtro is very little about his notions and utter ances that smacks of Jeffarsonlsn sim plicity. The valiant governor is as much inclined to Imperial methods , bayonet rule and gsg law as any executive wo have hoard of for many a year. At hla Instance troops are now stationed at the coal mining camps in Wyoming in largo numbers to over awn the whlto laborers. Thcso troopi have been aont there under the moat flimsy protoxt. A domocratlo congress haa expressly prohibited the use of federal troops except for the pur pose of suppressing iniurreo- tton actually in progress. The troops now at Hook Springs and at other points in Wyoming are there to-day upon the requisition of a democratic gov ernor under the pretext that they are needed to protect the United States malls in transit over the Union Pacific. So far as wo know , nobody haa molested the mall trains on the Union Pacific nor IB there any likelihood of any train not oven a gravel train or a coal train beIng - Ing obstructed. The question now arises : Is the regular army to bo used aa a polios force for a great railroad comp nj ? Not only has Governor Warren , of Wyoming , acted contrary to all demo cratic precedents in calling for troops , bnt ho haa gene out of his way to cham pion the cauio of the Union Pacific. Ho actually talks as If ho were ono of the managers of the road. Governor War ren la not at all backward in making public hla own opinions and the present and faturo Intentions of the Union Pacific railroad comany. The Cheyenne Leader , the ciliclal organ of hla excel lency , prints three columns of his views. The following extract will suffice : "What do you thick the result of Ibis affair will be ? " "Well , sir , " said the governor , "tho labor ing men have the whole matter oven yet , in in their own hands , for good or evil to them selves , I am eatufied that it is the policy of the company , at present , to concentrate all the Chinese in their employ at Reck Sprint , and to open the other mines to the white miners who bavo not been engaged in Hock Springs riots , and I believe further that It is the dceire of the company to speedily get rid of all Chinamen In its employ , and that it would have done so long ago if it could have had its work done without continual and annoying strikes and broils by the worst element of the white minors. From what I bavo gathered in my intercourse with the officials of the road I am satisfied that they would be glad to em ploy white men exclusively , bat they will not bo driven to it by the gun and fargot , and so far as the road is concerned , the government baa a lorious interest in it , not only financial ly , but for the public service , the conveyance of malls and other matter , and the full force of the army would be brought to bear , If nec essary , to protect everything which it is the government's interest er duty to protect , It wonld seem from this that General Manager Callawny who emphatically do- < nled that Governor Warren was cither controlled or Influenced by the Union Pa * clfis , or under obligations to It , must have been mistaken. Governor Warren's as sertions would load ono to the opposite conclusion. Ho certainly ads as if he were stationed In Wyoming as the guar dian of the railroad company rather than as governor of the territory and the rep resentative cf the national government. Manager Callaway , who his come to the governor's defense , may not know SB ranch.about the mysterious influence ) that brought about his appointment as somomon nearer the national capital. It h right and proper that the governor should maintain law and order In Wyoming , bnt It Is na part of his duty or baslnaas to act as an assistant manager of tto Union Pacific. The interest of the gov ernment as a creditor of the Union Pacific la In no way Involved in the mining busi ness. The government Is not Inter ested in maintaining a coal mining monopoly In Wyoming or any- hero else , The inside ring that or- ; anizjd the Wyoming mining monopoly neb entitled to the privilege of employ- ng federal troops as a police force. As well might the cattle kings of Wyoming mist upon having troops located to pro- out homesteader ! from breaking own their illegal fences. It la ast as mash unlawful and .gainst . public policy to allow mo great corporation to monopolize the ioal mines of Wyoming as It would bate to permit the cattle barons to forca cut honest cottiers from lands which are re- lervod by the government for the home- teador and pre-emptor. The civil authorities of Wyoming are competent to deal with tha murderers of Chinamen utt as they are with the murderers of white mon or of Indians. The attempt to uao the army to terroriza working people la a usurpation of power which will demand congressional Investigation and executive astlon on the put of the administration. The agile and agitated Omaha BEE brcomoa very nervous over the fact that the honorable postmaster-general bag selected leading dem ocrats in tbo various counties of thli state , by whom he can bo advised in respect to the character and fitness of men who are to serve tha people to the mails. It cannot BOO in thla entirely right and democratic method ol securing good and competent mon tor oui postofllcos anything better than a machine run by "bojsea" and "dictators" and worce than that cf Tweed. It pretends to believe , what it does not believe at all , that tbia plan Ii not far safer and better than three republl- cnn congressmen and two senators who have heretofore parcelled out there places m K much political barter in f xchungo for theli own return to cilice. Omaha JferaU , Wo are not in the least agitated , Nobody connected with this papsr bni cny ambition to become a fourth-cists 01 even e , lint-class poslnmtir. Wo hav < no doslro to Influence iho choice of tb < poalmaiter-goneral in the matter cf seleo tloua of his subordinate ; . Wo do not It the least envy the head boas of the Ne braska machine. Wo are , supremely in different as lo who has any patronage to bestow on the hungry and thirsty demo crats of Nebraika. Wo have not oven a scintilla of sympathy for the republicans who hold on to the offices , Wo believe that the democrats are entitled to their places and should fill them jast at soon as they can conveniently do so without serious injury to the public service. In our comments on the Nebraska machine wo have simply thrown some light upon the peculiar mothoda'whloh ore being employed - ployod in this atato in dltponalng postal patronage. If the honorable postmaster- general had selected the leading demo crats of the different counties to advlio with in regard to the fitness of candi dates there would bo no occa sion for any comment , but the honorable postmaster general has nothing whatever to do with the loading democrats of the various counties. Ho has sub-lot the entire contract to the firm of bosios , who employ inb-contractora in every county. These aub-contriotora are a good deal like the Beckwlth & Qulnn company They prefer Chinamen , who o n do their bidding and ask no qucs ttons. Thla is precisely the kind of ma chine which wo have always opposed and denounced as unropubllcin , and It scoma to us aa much undemocratic aa It waa formerly unropubllcao. Our motto has alwaya been , "Smash the Machine. " REFORM IN THE SCHOOLS. The board of. education reminds us very much of the young man who la always going to reform on the next Now Year's day. Every season wo rj prem ised radical reform in the matter of methods and teachers. Wo are always assured that the board will drop all in competent teachers and barnacles who have been foisted upon the schools be cause they Lava influential relatives. Bnt when the school year opens wo find that the board la traveling the same old rut. The barnacles somehow have re tained their hold and the promised reform has boon poatponod another year. Now it seems to us that the the board ahoold bo governed In ita conduct by business principles. If a manufacturer employs a superintendent or foreman he looks to him for the effi ciency of the workmen In his charge. If mechanics or laborers are to bo employed the foreman is not only consulted but usually given absolute power to make the selections. 1C the foreman objects to employing any subordinate ou the ground of Inefficiency , or for other reasons , the employer does not attempt to override his decision. To do BO would bo de structive of all discipline. If the manu facturer has not confidence n the judg ment of his superintendent ho hires an other man. Any other course would be suicidal In business. If discipline and parfect harmony are essential between factory hands and their foreman how much more essential is it that there should bo perfect discipline In the public schools and harmony between teachoru and the superintendent. If teachers cm say that the influence which they exert on tho'board can overrule the superintendent , all dlsclpliuo la at an end. The name might be said with ro' gard to methods. To insure efficiency the superintendent musi have absolute power In devising the methods of instruc tion and classification. If the board takes it into its own hands to override the superintendent by electing teachers whom ho does not recommend , or overrules bla recommendations as to methods , It may aa well dispense with the services of a superintendent. Wo bollovo in the one-man power In the management of the schools , as in the management cf an army , a railroad , era a newspaper. If the man at the head la incompetent ho should go. Hie func tions of the board of education ore aim ply those of corporation directors. It has general supervision and Is expected to find the means for carrying on the business of popular education. The se lection of school sites , the erection of school houses , the purchass of supplies , and the payment of teocberannd janitors are exclusively within the province of the loird , The power to elect the superintendent , lso vestt the board with general control if the whole system. Beyond that it la unsafe to go without incuriing the risk f demoralizing the aohcola by the do itrnotlou ot discipline. Wo lay this much booauao wo are anx- ons to have the schools of Omaha rank with the bsst in the laud. This can nevtr bo nntll all barnao'.oj are dispensed with , and the whole responsibility for teachers , mothods.and discipline la placed upon the of the superintendent. IT gives na great pleasure to know thai the democrats of Webster county unani mously ondoraa Mr. Prltohett for United States district attornay. This is the more gratifying because only two demo crats in that county know Mr. Prltohett personally. Ono of those 10 a Jim Laird democrat and rillroad attorney , and the other is the editor of the Helmet , who hat been Imported by Dr. Millar and on donea anybody whom the doctor recom mends. "IKE" STEPHKNSON , the newly olostei congressman from the Ninlb Wisconsin district , lus an ambition to chlno In society at ( ha national capital dniing the coming winter. Hi cays he Is willing to don the rogalatlon swallow-tall coat and white kid gloves , but ho will bo blanked If he will atop eating pie with his Vnlfo at the line mutt bo drawn somewhere , ONE of the groatsst attractions at th Moberly ( Uo. ) fair was a man 110 yoare eld , The mmagera of tbo Omaha ex. position should have had on exhibition eoma of our uioss-backi , whoso ages arc said to bo about three hundred year ? . As relics of a past ago they would have irovod a drawing card. THE Union Pacific In not alone n Its exacting , extravagant and dis criminating ratoi for coal. The tame complaint made by people ftt Sidney , North Platte and Plum Creek Is also made on the line of the B. & M. west ol Lincoln. 'Tho fael question will bo one of the Important factors In the discussion of railroad regulation. A MISSOURUN , who lott an eye by the premature explosion of a box of fireworks during1 a domocratlo jubilation last fall over the elostton of Cleveland , has sued ho celebration committee for $20,000. The committee ought to bo able to settle ho ots3 by securing an office for the un ortunato victim of the jubilation , SXAIW JOXT1NGS. OAkd&lo wauls a fire extinguisher. Adams county fair will commence the 22d. Full orton it six years of ago , with a popu lation of 037. The Valentino signal station is now in working order. Tha German church at Western was dcdi catod Sunday. The Methodists nf Ponca have raised $2.100 to build their church , Ono farmer In Crawford county loat 82,030 worth of hoga by disease. Capitalists o ( Seward hnvo organized n stock company to atart a canning factory , A largo force of mon nro engaged In plant ing RH malna in the streets of Fremont. J. P. Ward of Ilnrlan , mourns the losa of a team of horses appropriated by thieves. The product of the Beatrice cannery this fall la expected to reach half a million cans. The now school building at Waterloo , thia oiuntv , will bo ready for occupancy on the 21st. Surveys rs of the Nebraska , Kansas & Southwestern are expected to Hod Cloud this week. Flvo patriots have announced their readi ness to take care cf the treasury of Burt county. The first through stock train from Chadron to Missouri Valley made the lun of143 rnlloa In eighteen hours. * John Johnson , n Phclpa county former , shot a hole through hla hand in an attempt to shoot a measly dog , Jj. R. Grifrgn , ono of the Union Pacific yard men at Grand Is'nnd , bad three fingers nipped off by bumpers. The ho rap thlet who had boon operating ex tensively in Holt crmnty , was chased in Dakota and overhauled. The Sarpv county fair was not a financial surce > s , owing to bad weather. The society is about $200 in the hole. The saloon men of Mllford arogerulne tem perance reformers , They contiibutod 81,000 to atart a fund ta bnlld water works. Frank Black , charged with murder commit ted in Sherman county , has been admitted to bail at Sidney In the sum of $8,000. F. Hemple baa been arrested at Chadron on the charge of embezzling $74,00 of funda en trusted to his care by parties at Junoeu , Wis. Sam Kel , a Bopn < 5 washeeman , gathered in 93,000 in the business , sold out , nud started for the flowery kingdom to enjoy his fortune. The electric bag is the fashionable waltz at Genoa. It is one of those quick , tnatchem affairs , acclereated by the appearance of the old man and the family dog. The two borsothievos who escaped from jail at St. Paul and locked In the deputy , had not been heard from at last account. They forgot to leave their address. The body of the Turner boy , who was drowned while , bathing In the Platte nt Fre mont , August 2St' was discDvcrod Thursday ' half a rnilo bolow'the bridge. Roper , tbo victim of Kimbrough'd mad ven geance , i * now In North Bend brought up from baundero county , it ia feared , to die. Klmbrough is in jail In Wahoo , Stephen Myers caught a bull-frog weighing nine and it half pcucda , at Cedar RipicU. This is believed to l the biggest warbler ever caught on the banks of the Cedar or anywhere else. Samuel B. Shafer , of Hebron , ii suffering from a complete fracture of tha right elbow , a backward dislocation of the tlbotv and frac ture ol the inner condyle. all caused by a fall trom a horse. Two delinquents jumped a board bill at the Morris house , Grand Inland. The irate land lord followed thorn to Hastings to collect the bill , and was soundly thumped by the beats and their friends. A shortage of about $1 000 hai been discov ered ia the accounts of the Cedar Rapids post- offica. A new deputy postmaster has been sworn In to take charga of the office , pending an examination of the books. The citizens of tha lively town of Central City , aroused by their recent fire , have just made a movement toward organizing a fire department. The city will vote on a S3.000 band proposition to purchase apparatus. At Fremont , Boo Witherspoon has bet $25 witb U. Oook that It will rain fourteen of the coming day a of September , beginning with the Utl ) . One of the conditions of the wager Is that hath parties ore barred from praying. Mrs , Emma Lvnn , the divorced wife of L. W. Lynn , made an ineffectual attempt at suicide at Burlington , Wednesday. She die- charged a pistol directly in tha region of her heart , but the ball was defected by n corset steel , Fivn roen _ and two boys' started out from Fulla City with a cargo of whisky bait tor a fiahinK excursion. Bill Moore stuck to tne bill till his atomich revolted and death came to hia relief , lie did not know the biitwas loaded , ES.SergeantL. D. Brainard , of the famous Grecley Arctio expedition , and who haa bean nearer the north pole than any other living person , is visiting hia frlenda at their country lomo in Saunddrs county , n few miles from Fremont. A test well waa sunk by tha waterworks commutes of Fmnont last week , and an abundant tupply of soft water was struck at a depth ot forty-tivQ feet. George Morgan , of Chicago , waa awarded the contract to draft ilany and specifications , to be completed in ourtoen days. Two glib-lounged evangelists who have jeoa lecturing the people of Humboldt on their wickedness , were' dosed with decayed eggs on a street csmer by unknown parties , The fljffron etrlped evargels shed their cloth ng and departed in frcsUecoi garments for other cllini.8 , Fred Lyon ol Lyman , crossed tbo Missouri ind plunveJ into tha fatcinating beer holes < Sioux City. After several stimulating rounds tie brought up la a coon dive with a muscular tomato behind the bar Hero the picnic ended , F/ed stroked the beer jerker'd kinks tha w/oug way , and waa promptly lampooned with nn ice pick , a faucet and a tongue on wheel * . Ho ran for the other shore , The Plattemoutb Journal fathers thla an cient chestnut : "A German went Into a res taurant at Ojnalia tlio other dtty , and a he took hla ssat an Irish waiter came up and bowed polittly. "Wie KI hit ! " eaid the Gar. man a ) < o boning politely. "Wheat cake ? , ' shouted the waiter rnutatdrg the salutation fit an order , "Neln , neiii ? " said the Gmnan. 'NineI" said the waiter. "You'll us lucky if you got three. " f , ( Abram Wooi ) , hailing from tha state ol Torn Headrloku Is laid up at McOook with two tevera knife stabs in tha Vicinity of tha heart. Woods'staterrimts are contradictory , nod th < doctors think ha attempted eulclde. Ono of the statements elicited from him was that be was itrdllogj&long tha bank of the rivtr. a.bout a half a mlle east of town , when , ju t utter dark , ho wa attacked by t o men , who bUbbocl and robbed him , There were comlgned to and received in Urtn4 Inland over the Union I'tcifln during the month of August , in car load lot * , 022 cars uf Irdght , ol which nuiouut 390 caia were strictly commucial freight , and during tlit same period nf time there were shipped iron Grind Iiland , 211 care of freight In car Irad lota , of which amount 18G earn were of tbe atrlctly rxiinrnetcial claia. Besides tbis there were 1(3 ( out of c l received , These figure * ' i Mn "lyi do not Icclnde traffic on the Burlington & Mis sonri , which amounts to contiderAole. Tha managers of the Sarpy county fair nra making extensive preparation * for tha anna' exhibit to bo held at PflpilHon on thft 23d 24th and 25th of this month. Last season tin rain spoiled A tpleudld exhibit nttl rendered financial tucccsa Impossible. Thla year every effort will be made to recover lost ground and make an exhibition worthy of sonerous pat ronage. Senator Vnn Wyck will deliver an address the first d y of the fair. A mysterious nnd fatal shooting affair cither accidental or suicidal , occurred at tin Dsloit aettlemxnt in Antolona county re cently , Frank Hart , a man of 22. was fount dead near his father's house , with a bullet through his heart. It Is not abrolntely certain whether his death waa the result of an acci dent or a case of suicide. The latter thocr/ baa nothing to support it except the apparent difficulty of the injury being received In the manner or part of the body in which it w < from tha accidental dtschargo of the gun. To have boon an accident the deceased must have slipped and tha gun struck eomothtng severa feet away , ai it wonld hava been almost Im possible for the gun to have baon discharged while lu his hands nnd have the ball strike immediately over the heart nnd go straight In Mrs. Solly Mallory , a lady 102 yoara old and the owner of n herm stead in Brown county , waa in Fremont loot week. Tim Til- bnnosays she waa born March 15,1763 , a Washington , Obenhlro county , N. U. She waa married In 1820 to Banajou Mallory , who riled In 1653 ot the ago of a llttlo over 03 years. Her husband nag much older than herself am waa an orderly on Gen. Washington's sUfl in tha revolutionary war. Ho also eorvcx In the war of 1812 , commanding n corps o Canadian volunteers. Mrs. Mallory la thu the widow of a hero In two wars who f ough his last fight seventy-tbroo years ngo , Unti two yeara ego rha drew n revolutionary ron- slon of $3 per month , but in thn winter o 1883-84 the attention of Senator Van Wyck wni called to her case nnd ho nt once made an elcquent plea in the United States sonnto to have an Increased pension granted , which hn been done , nnd she now draws $30 per month from the bounty of Undo Sam , Mrs , Mal lory has never been sick in her life , walks with comparative ease , is only n trifle hud o lioirlng and can readily thread a needle with out her gla < aca. She came to Nebraska In 1870 with her adopted son , Mr. Squires , to "grow up with the country. " A. Ffrst-Ulnas Fnrco. Blair Republican. The railway coaimleslonora or state pleasure excursion , consisting of Messrs Gern , Oowdry and Bnschow , made a visit to Blair , ostensibly to enquire into the circumstances of the late collision and ac cidents , but really with no very doQnlto object except to wear oat time and dr pay. The ccmts will attend to nuch on Investigation much moro effectually than nny such commUslon. If the gentlemen composing that "Punch and luiy Shotr" wonld snmmon some of the leading merchants and shippers of this connty to meet them in a comparison acd dltcusalon of freight rateo , wo could promise thorn Items of interest , not rare , bat interesting enough to stir the feel- In ? ] of such galvanized monopolists as Editor Gero and his associates In glory and clover. But wo understand per fectly well that "discriminations" are not the kind of grist to bring to that mill. What his that accident to do with pro moling the cquitiblo relations of onr railroads to their patrons ? Haa any ono neon anything as yet to convince them that tint commits'.on la not a firot-clata farcfc ? Genornl Mortovr 1 hanks His SUIT. General Morrow , U , S A. , who ccm manded the camp of ex-todiers ! and sail ors at Beatrice , paEEed through Omaha Saturday , on his way back to Foit Sid ney. To 'a reporter of THE BBK the g n cral expreetcd himself as greatly delight' ' ed with tbo cnthrjBlas'io and soldierly v y In which the old soldiers conducted theiESjlvee , and he praised the people of Bratslcs for their bcepitality and liberal ity. The general waa warm in hla ex pression of admiration of Major Rowlos , of L'gtt Battery , D , Fifth ArtLUry. The major , as General Morropr expressed t , is EH arc'cnt grand army man , and a thorough ooldfcr. His uutlrlog endeav ors , by drill of his splendid battery , did moro than anything else to make the Be- itrica reunion a great succors. General Morrow desired THE BER through its col umns , tn give expression of his thanks to Dr. W. M. Stone , of Wahoo , for hla Zialoua and Intelligent support ; , and ta Captains Alice , Burmoatcr and Jones , of Dmaha , and to Major Boyle , Captain Ep- tein and Lieutenant Dunnon , of tha army , for actlvo and Intelligent co-opera- Ion. The general intends issuing a gen eral order to the Grand Army of .Nebras ka expressing his thanks by name to the lontlemoti who rendered him sarvices at Jeatrlco , Slio Stole a Watch. Sidia MoBrldo , the notorlom , Ii again onfi cod in tbo city jail , this time on the barge of storing a watch from Henry Wilson , who was her convivial com- i&uton. Sadlo wai arrested Saturday light for being drunk and disorderly. She wanted to bo released , and offered to iut up a watch as security for herappoar- inco this morning , The jailor took the Witch , bat failed to lot ner go , Liter Wilcon complained to the police that ho lad brcri robbed of his watch , and rccng nized Sicis : as the ono who took it and also identified the watch. The charge- against the woman was changed to lar ceny , and she will have a hearing before Judge S ooberg this morning. Sadlo MoBrldo has not spent a u'ght ont of jail now in some tirno. She was released from the county prison Situr Jay morning , where she had bson serving a oa dnyb' sonttiijo only to bs oonfmod rgiia nt night. Previous to her Itut sen tence she hid served three short tormj in [ ill consecutively , being released in the morning aiid arrested again before the next day. Wilson , the man who was robbot ) , is a blacksmith In the Union Pacific shops , and has a wife and ohll- dren. He h s boon on u protracted spree , and spent two nights In j ill last wouk. Ho Will Recover. A telegram has been receive 1 at Union Pacific headquarters from Mrs. Galnet , of Vioa Villa , Oal. , wife of the old man who bai snakes in his boots , and Is now lying at Bt. Josrph's ho pltal suffering the consequences of having jamped from a Union Pacific p senger train when it was running at the rate ol forty miles an hour. Mrs. Gulnot says that she hes no money and no moans ol getting any to comu after or send for lur busbind. She asks to bo notified of hit condition , and would also like to have the railroad company send him borne Guioet was much better yesterday , and the physician attending him thinks that ho v ill recover , Licensed to Wed , Jadgo MoCul'ouh ' , of the county ooart boused the following marriage licenses daring the past week ; rtBfntnn IL DaksnonS3 ; SadU D-iviX 35. William Gibson , 30 ; Aunlo Ca sirly. 1 ! ? . Conrad W JIackman , 27s Llsetta J Piper , 22 Chas II Buck , 21 ; Lf ono Surby. 20. Andrew A Polln , f8 , Emma A Larson , 23. .Edward b' Trapp , 2l ( Anuin Mtz , 21. .Tamed Capper , SO ; Nancy K UOMOD , IS Jfeimm tJcok , 2i ! Catlieilna 1'ieper , 17. John V Hansel 23j Annie .rernen , 21. Gotfrled WeMphulen , 22 ; May PJowbeek , 20 Alf B Slater. SO ; Gertrude Rice , 18 , .fchn W McGee , 21 ; Margaret Carey , 20. Jmeph Wavrln , 25 ; blanchn llor18. . Joseph Koubic , 27) ) Maria Vjerwva , 23. , ARMY MATTIES , The nillltftty Encampment t FJno TVyomlnR The Ulllo Com oat. OAMP 0. 0. HOWAUD , PINK Wyo. , Sept. 2. The ptogra'mme orlgl nallr dollgnatod for this week was i light ly disarranged by the stormy weather o ; Monday , bat othorwlso proceeded In the order Isld down , Whllo the white cm vas tents remained to designate the cam ] the battalion has marched oat each da ] equipped with their arms , their shelto tents and their haversacks , containing a meal , to execute the evolutions for the day , all of which have been meat satle faotorlly executed nnd presented a vor ; pleating sight to wltnots , There ha been no break in the peace and harmony of the camp , and even the coir boys have roa trained their rostlvo spirit and though they generally come nroncc to vlorr the parades , have made no hoi til demonstrations. The soldiers vitit their fr lends of the "Gormanta , " who dispenses beer nud lunch , bnt the hilarity of lili viands lends not to the guard houao , one the prim sentry has no prisoner to divide his attention from thogrtz'ng ' mnler. Wo expect the paymaster soon to re plenish onr pockets , which are voiy scantily supplied at present with tbo requisite inducements to make our "Get rcnuia" fiiend pasi the foaming beer over the counter and quench the thlrs Induced by six or eight hours absence on drill. The weather i very cold at nigh nud being limited for fuel , as soon alter dusk as our fires go oil- * , the soldier hleo himself to his tent and wrapping his mar tlal coat and hi ) fovr blankets arounc him , lies down to such slumber as lirtc nature and the old allows. With dif ferent tents and a few camp stoves wo might have been moro comfortable oven in the coldest or wettest weathor. Nex week wo shall conclude the balance ol onr autumn manoeuvres and then march back to our respeottvo posts for winter quarters unless rcqulroi to guard the "Heathen Ghnoi ! > " or Interview the marauding Indians. , HOWAUD , THE HIFLE CONTEST. Col. Henry , inspector of the rlb ! practice , has returned from Fort Snclllng. Ho lo satisfied with the work done by the Platte team , considering the fact the mon had to shoot on ground unknown to them , and from a change of climate , nufforod much from cold. Last year the Dakota toim , which now only ranks the Platto. failed at Fort Lavenworth to get a slngln man In the team , Lieut. Goodin , Seventh infantry , won the Robertson medil , given at Fort Snolllng , and ranch coveted on account of its great bauty. Sergt. Mayo , of the Seventh Infantry , won the Kansas City Times' medal , and Sergts. Weeks nnd Pedorjon , of tbo Fifth and Seventh infantry , the U. S. medals. So the team ara content , and feel that if Dakota came hero matters wonld bo reversed. "While at Chicago Col. Henry called on Gen. Schofiold , and ImpreiEod him with the Importance of having a range at Ohlcigo , where all the teams from the different departments could come and compete on equal terms. The following is thototal rorjlt of four days' shooting : Pvt Ehoenfrled , 18ih inft , dept of Mo. . . . 532 Sgt Stevena , 7tb inf : , dept of Platte . 521 LtSagD , 6th inft , dept of IJnk . 592 LS Hundforth , 5th Inft , dept of Date . 405 Sgt Pedersen , 7th iuf t , dapt of Plaits . 195 Sgt Crawford. 19 h Inf t , dept of T8raa..49L Pvt Ceorpr * . 25th inf t , dept of Dik . 180 Lt Ball , 7th cav. dept of Dak . 482 Dt Avery , 3i inft , dapt of Dak . 48) Sgt Morriaon , Gth cav , dept of Ma . ,479 S.t . King , 20th inft , dept of Dk . 474 Lt Terry , 0h : inft , dapt of Platte . 474 SfrtWee , bth Inft dept of Platta . 473 Corp Preston , 25ih inlt , dept of Mo . 472 Sgt Marti , 3J inft , dept of Dik . 4GI Sgt Smlon , Gh cav , depto ! Mo . 463 jt Goodin , 7th inf f , dept of Platte , . 400 Sgt Z jbel , 3d Inft , dept of Dak . 455 Pvt rooaey , 5th inft , dept of Dik . 41 > 3 Bgt. Clyde , 7th cav , doptof Dak. . 452 ARMV NOTES. Gan. Howard and his party are expected iinro about to-morrow morning. Msjor and Mrs. Miles have returned rom Fort Saelllng and are at Col. lonry's. A Fine Display. Mr. B. M. Taylor , a gentleman si op ting at the Oozzans home has with him a ino collection of corn , oats , alfalfa , etc. , grown near Starling , Col. Ho came lero intending to make aa exhibition at he fair , bat belnj unable to make necoa : ary arrangements will go ts the Lincoln ir. fThe corn which ho has oolsciod at ran- lorn from hla field Ii eight feat high , well proportioned and heavily laden with are. It was grown on land about five miles from Sterling and without the aid of irrigation. The oat ] are ling and leavy-boarlng , and como from a crop > h'ldli > n sixty bashols to tha acre this , oo , without Irngatlon. Mr. Taylor's specimens of alfelta nro very fine , and although grown of third crop , in bat twenty-four days , are three or four feet In height , Thla Mr. Taylor SB js furnishca as good n focd for cattle and homes aa Iny , and Is a's ' } a fattening cubatncco for hogs. It grows much moro readily than ha ; and costs a trifle moro Thu land on whiih theao crops wcro ; rovra without irr'gitton ' Is tittntod near Sterling , and Is of the richest character possible. Tbero are about 50,000 acres most of it government land ) which are ) elng rapidly1 taken up. Of course this ; raot is provided with irrigation ditches , ant last year the rainfall wns so plentiful ; hat they lay in disuse. Mr , Taylor Is very enthusiastic over ihia section of Col orado , nud thinks that It Is the ' 'finest country on earth.1 A Great Affair , Capt , J , S. Wood -was at his post oF duly Saturday having returned from the Beatrice Grand Army reunion. With all other * who luvo returned , ho reports the rei nlon % great scosess , the grandest gaihprli of Mar veterans over held in > la ( | ti.i. He thluke , ho rover , that the reUi.Ioi ought to have been held ut a poiut inrther north , a miny of thu vet erans of the North Platte rrglon failed to put In nn appouauco on ccgount of the dlstsnco of the puint of gathering. The pr'gremmcB carried out fram day to day were cmthuslaitloklly received. Dirrtug the sudden death nf ono of the comrades in his tent Wtdooiday night , nothing bappecod to mar tlo pleasure of the occasion , NntBHltulnti Knportcd , DEB MOINIH , la , , Beit. 12. Wildly oxas- gerated report * have been sent out concerning tbq financial mult ol ttu rectnt xhibitlou uf the Iowa state fair , It is officially nn- nnuccsd that the nrgrpgato teJeipta were $2U01'JlGhlchwlilcuinuvrrynear plying lUtttx enie . All award * of premium * will ba p ld In full. Tbo society u very ttrong tininclftily , having a Kowl-f'.ml ' pest egg in tbe Tlio Sllror Kins , Chichgo Herald. The story ot John W. Maokop'a baying the Nenr York Herald , or rather , a > the original liar tnld , "taking it for debt , " has boon appropriately srjtjolchod. That wns perhaps the silliest cauntd of the season. Right hero it ought to be said that there Is moro nonsense written about John Mnckoy than perhaps nny other rich man in America. Mott cf the twad * die about his wealth Is the veriest ro mance. Ho ii In troth very rlob , richer than almost any American who , without thonld ofsoch ndvantigos as may oomo from pttro chance , can over hope to be come , bnt the fashion thot many have of ranking Maokoy with the Monte Otlstcs of the earth is nbiurd. There nro scores of men in America richer than Mackoy , nnd who hawo their wealth better In vested and moro In hand. The great bonanzi firm reached the climax of Its golden romance in 1876 Their stocks in the bonanz mines were then worth per haps $100,000,000. The mines In which they had n controlling Interest were payIng - Ing $2,000,000 n month , but thla wont gradually down , and wont rapidly. That firm , as n firm , never realized moro than $300,000 a month profit , This was enough to glvo romance to the silver cave , nnd U It hid hold out In treasure It would no doubt have made Maokey , Flood , Fair and O'Brien the richest people on the oarth's surface Bat It did not hold out. O'Brien died In 1878 , while theio stocks nero yet pay I tic ; dividends , nnd while their market value was yet away up. His stocks were disposed of at mar ket r to , yet his whole cstata nettled up bat § 9,000,000. Every bonanzk interest tumbled after that. Its stocks , stamp mills , wood and water Interests nnd all went to the dogs. Maokoy , It Is well known , had twlco what his other part- nara had. Therefore , if ho had died in pKco of O'Brien , at the tlmo tha latter did , his cstato would have coma to $20- 000,000 or thoreobou'o. ' That was the very climax of bonanzi wealth. Mr. Mackoy never was richer than § 20,000- 000 on paper. Ho his been kuown as the poorest investor of any of the bonan zi firm. Ho never yet undo sr Invest ment , except In government or state bonds , which yielded a dollir of income. All his rpeculativo Investments have como to naught. Ho gives away v > ut sums , squanders other vast sums , nnd wo all know what Mrs. Mnkoy accom plishes in the way of expenditure. Ono day , In front of the Nevada bank. In Siri Francisco , Mr. Mickey road in a paper hauiod to him an abuird statement thvt Mra. Mackoy had oddred to bup the Are do Trlompho , In Parl , for 2,000,000 francs. "You m y oay , " said John W. , in his broad North of Ireland accent , "that Mri. Mackoy Is no fool and neither is John Mackoy. That is a dom Ho sor. An' you may say , mon , that if John Mackey was fool enough to pay for that arch or any other arch , begad , ser , ho bo don't know where In h the money's oomln from. They've bled mo , ser , llko a lot of wolvcR. They say Mrs. Mackey has spent a half-million a year In Europe. It's a dom lie , sor. She lives llko a lady , and I want her to do so , bntbogad , $50,000 a year pays all her exponsBBballa and all , for a whola year. Tno said the other day she spent $50.000 on a single ball to Grevy or somebody Gad knows who ho Is but that Is a He , sor. She don't spend $50,000 in a whole year In Paris. Say that , will you , sot ? " Mr. Mackoy was sincere in tbis. Mrs. tfackey Is not near the spendthrift that a nambar of romance writers try to make lor out. Yet John's ova admission that ler expenditures wera $50,000 a year , or hereabouts , is enough to make worker B ; rowl and people of am til means to weop. Fifty thousand a year to Idle away I Just for a woman and a woman's irldel A woman , daughter i f a barber a barber in Djtvnlovillo , Oil. , In 1850 , now "Col.'M. H HungjrforJ , of the 3oulovard dos Mileaharbes the knleht- y father-in-law of the great''American Hldas , " as tha French love ti oa'l ' Hackoy. After all. it Is a stupendous oko. And tie Prlno ) T.-lfiunar of : taly , who married tin youngoit of the barber's daughter * , and tha Prlnca Oal- onna , heir of thogroates ; hoaso of lUly , who married Maokey's stop-daughter tier father' was a pier llttlo druggist In a mining camp In Nevada City. Could any rough or vigorous romance ever find sach sxpretp.Icn ? A enefai Western 719 South Dtu Et.OmLb , Gorretromle a NEBIEL&SKA t'ATD UP CAPITAL 8250 OC > UKPIiUS MAY1,1605 . - orriacaa : II. W. 7ATKJ , A. K. TODZALIH , President Vloo President , WV.MOBSB , JHO.B.COLUNB , Lxwia 8 , Ruu W , H. B , Hughes , Gusbior , BANKING omoi : Tlic Iron Banlc , OOB , 12th AND FABNAM STS , A General Banking Busi ness Transacted ,