Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1885, Image 8

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    'l H
All Elemental NalorcFiowDS Again on
the Fair ,
Rain , Mnd anil Slash Onoo Moro A
niuo 1) 7 Mt tlio Ground ;
the Colts Through Mlrc
Future Plans.
The city at night-fall Thursday , was
filled with paoplo , the skies were clear
and a starlight night net In. Cheered by
the BUOCOIB of the day jnst past and the
proml'O of great business for the follow
ing , the fair management would have re
fuged SlO.OOOforyestordsy'sgato receipts.
At three o'clock In the morning , however
over , the aipcot of Bllilrs nsinmod
another cast and from the great cicada
which rolled np from the
southeast a heavy rain brgtn
to pour. All forenoon a drizzling
ahowcr attended by a raw , chill wind prevailed
vailed adding to the dismal complexion
of everything. No visitors were on the
grounds and a forsaken air brooded over
all. Water , mud and slush hold high
control and the few who were about , pad
dled around In the mlro In the most aim-
leas and dejected manner.
The board of directors held session at
noon and reached voiy vague conclusions.
It was docldod that the remaining heats
of the four-year-old trotting , postponed
on account of darknota from Thursday
must bo run. The remainder of
the board's ' enactments were all provls-
ionary. It was also determined
that the full racing programme
would bo carried out In splto of all ob
stacles and the flight of time. The fair
K ill doubtless bo carried over Into next
week , and In that event It is understood
that the Phyllis- Joe Davis race will occur
Tuesday. No fair will , under any cir
cumstances , bo held Sunday , and no
races mado. It would cost the Omaha
association Its membership In the Nation
al Trotting Congress to thus violate , al
once , Its rules and the Sabbath.
The colt race being trotted and won by
Consul In three straight hosts , the bean
wont about among the horsemen and a
last reached conclusions. It was deter
mined that the remaining features of the
fair should bo concentrated Into to-day
and the show closed. In a following
section the schedule of the races will ap
pear. Prof. Hunt joatorday sought t (
bo released from his engagement anc
love Just night , but the managers pre
vallod upon him to remain ever and hi :
third ascension Is made at 1 o'clock to
The following races , embracing the
froa-for-all and the PhylUe-Joo Davli
race , the greatest attractions of the on-
tlro programme , will como off1 today :
2:33 : Class , Trotting Parse , S500 ; dl
vlded , § 300 to first ; $150 to second ; $50
to third.
A. 0. Black , Table Rock , Neb. , b m
Maud B.
0 , Rowley , Atlantic , o Rowley's
0. Faulkner , Minneapolis , Minn. , r m
Widow Bodott.
Wade Carey , Council Bluffs , la. , oh f.
J. 8. Bloker , Oskaloosjla. , br m This
It. W. Sinclair , St. Joe , Mo. , b m Al-
Free-for-all trotting Parse , § 1,500 ,
divided ; § 1,100 to first , § 300 to second ,
S100 to third. The regular purao
In the free-for-all is $1,000 ,
but the Omaha Commercial Men's Asso
ciation add $500 for beating 2:24. :
Following arc the entries In the free-
for-all : Bice , Dan D , Mattlo Harlo
Patsy Clinker , SHvortall , Daisy D , Lit
The race between Phyllis , with her
\ famous record of 2:16 : , and Joe Davis
2:17 : will be ono of the greatest specla
events over presented by any fair
association. Besldo the $3,000 puree
the Omaha Commercial Men's association
offered an additional $500 for the winner
provided a heat Is trotted In less than
2:19. :
It was later determined to glvo the two
mile dash , running , and the following
are the entries : Baritone , Gen. Rowell
Resumption , Bollek , Law Clark.
Peter Hopley & Co. , of Lewis , Osss
county , Iowa , took the sweepstakes , $25
foe the best Clydesdale horsa on the
grounds. The winning horse is a stallion
seventeen hands In height and weighing
1,025 pounds. Ho Is of recent Imports
tlcn , having been landed In this country
but two weeks ago.
The total expenses of the association
for the fair will reach $20,000. About
$10,000 has already been receipted , ant
with fair weather a safe balance can bo
made before the close.
Three of the 100 crazy quilts In the
competition for the phaeton have boon
selected as the best. Tbo commllteomon
will on Saturday night ahavo their heads
and draw straws for the boat of the se
lected threo.
Kail Notes.
The Union Pacific will contlnuo to run
its special trains to the fair grounds to
H. 0 , Eckonborger , general agent ol
ho Chicago & Northwestern at Portland ,
Oregon , la In the city.
A. W. Adam , cf Chicago , assistant
( general passenger agent of the Pltte-
unri ? , Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad , Is
In the city.
George O'Neill , engineer on the 137 ,
made a fast rnn from Omaha to Pacific
Junction Wednesday with twenty-two
cars of stock. In rplte of the bad tracks
along the route , over which great care
must bo exorcised whllo repairs are being
made , bo registered Into Pacific Junction
jnnt D5 minutes after ho registered out ol
Omaha making two or three stops on
The following special from Fort Scott ,
Kan. , of September 9 , bears upon the
projootfd Ksnias , Nebraska & Dakota of
line : "This evening Major A. A Harris ,
of this city. In cnuipioy with a number ol
oipltalists from Pennsylvania , Interested
in tbo building of the Kansia , Nebraska
fc DikoU railroad , from Fort Scott , via
Topeka , Lincoln , Nob. , and the Northern
PaclGo , arrived in this city co-night , and
to-morrow it la expected that our clllzsns
will aeedo to the proposition to ba made
by OjJ , Bush and party , which will guir-
tbo oammenoementof the road this
THe Situation t Itnul
The Chinamen were to goto work yes
terday at Rock Sprlngf , and as no re-
porls to the contrary were received ,
either at the Duion Ptcifio cr army hn&d-
quarter * , it la supposed no trouble arose.
The following Utter fca been received
rom A correspondent at Riwlins , Wyo.
t will bo found to contain sotno very In-
cresting facts :
KAWLINP , September B , 1885 ,
To the IMitor of The DEE.
D r Sir I nutlco in your report on the
Rock Springa riot icvcral miiatatomenU. The
correapondent who Bent tothenewapapora the
elegritphio report la in the employ of the U ,
? . company , and gives only tholr lido cf tha
cr so. One roaaon why the B. & Q. company
irefer to employ Gnlnamon la thla they
: harge them twiea as much for powder , flour ,
hams , water , house rent , etc. , than la the reg
ular price , and white men would not baim-
| )0edonln that way. Furthermore , when ft
Chinaman buys goods at any other etora than
Lhnt controlled by the contractor ? , nnd they
icar of it , ho la also charged with it on their
books. In this any citizen of Rock Springa
will bear mo out. Then again the statement
is made that miners earn S3 a day , but the
writer foreeta to mention that they only
work three or four daja a week , and the ma
jority do not average more than 850 a month
the year round , Th&t mining ia the very
hardest of work , no ono will deny. The coal
miners In Rock Springs are Knf > Isb ! , Swodoa
and Scotch , and by the votea cnat last spring
moro than four-litthi are clthsns of tbo
United States.
The ( Utemonta of the Union Pacific offi
cial * are a tltauo of faltehooda. The people
of Wyoming do not justify the killing of these
people , yet they all think that the end justi-
tles the means. The universal opinion ia that
tha contractors should have bean made tj
sutler Instead of the Chinamen. Unless those
bad men are checked In tha evil of oppression
it will inevitably lead to the pauperization
and hopolesj degradation of our toiling
mouses. Aa yonr columns have always boon
open to bath aides of a tiueation I hope you
will insert this.
Sncil on tlio Bond.
Mllon Lindsay filed a suit In the dls
trlct court yorterday against W. T. Horn ,
Brad Slaughter and John Russell , dlrcc
tors of the Central Land & Improvement
company of Nebraska , to rscovor § 50C
on an injunction bond. The history ol
the case Is eomowhat Interesting.
In October , 188-1 , the director * of the
Central Land & Improvement company
filed an application In the Nanco county
district court for nn order of Injunction
against Lindsay who was secretary anc
treasurer of the company. The accom
panying petition set forth all sorts ol
charges against Mr. Lindsay , that ho hac
boon guilty of mismanagement cf the
fnndo of the company , had converted
thorn to his own nso bj
speculating , etc. , had sold
property to the company which It did nol
want , and bad in various ways abused
the trusts of his position. The petition
ers neb forth farther tuat Lindsay WAS Indebted
dobtod to the company and asked for a
restraining order to prevent him from
ualng any funds in bink belonging to
himself or to the company , until the
claim of the company conld bo pasecd
upDn by oomo competent authority. The
restraining order was Issued , with a clause
temporarily preventing Mr. Lindsay from
acting as the secretary of the company.
On. November 3d Judge Post , of Nanco
county , hoaid the caio and dissolved the
injunction or restraining order , thus vin
dicating Mr. Lindsay. This gentleman
now proposes to sno Mosira. Horn ,
Slaughter and Rnstell for the Indemnity
bond of § 500 which they gave at the tlmo
the first restraining order was grantsd.
District Court Dcclsirins.
In the cases of Robert Martin va. the
Union Pacific railroad company , and
Christian F. Harmann vs. same , an order
o ! removal to the United States circuit
court was granted by Judge Novlllo.
In the case of Madison Cunningham ,
a minor , vs. Elizabeth Lybroou ot al. ,
W. W. Keysor was appointed guardian
for the plaintiff , and accepted the same.
In the case of Mat F. Patrick vs. the
Omaha horeo railway company , Judge
Neville ordered that the defendant bo
required to file a moro full and specific
answer by this morning.
On motion of the plaintiff , the c o of
Edward Motsscuff vs. John T. Paulson
was dlsmlised.
In the case of John Hollenbeck vs.
Harvey Link , the defendant was allowed
to file on answer within ten days.
Skipped IVHti tbo Cash.
A young man named Orln M. Plckard
came up to the police court yesterday and
swore out a complaint tgalnst ono Ohai.
Don , for larceny. Ho said that ho had
been driving a wagon to and from the
fair yesterday and had engaged Don as a
conductor to take in the cash. Towarde
night , the conductor , who was not blessed
with on unusual amount of honesty ,
skipped out , taking with him
about § 9 In money , nearly tbo entire re
ceipts of the day. The warrant has been
issued and placed In an officer's hands
for service.
A Stiurp Gaino.
Ono of the sharpest tricks on record is
that -which enriched the pockets of a certain
tain gang of sharpers , as related at police
headquarters yesterday. Those men
would board a carryall going out tn or
coming In from the fair and would col-
loot the passengers' faros whllo the
driver was Intent on the work of forcing
his team through the maze of vehicles on
Sixteenth street. After collecting all
the faros on one conveyance , another
ouo would be boarded and the operation
repeated. The set in all cases escaped
detection , and no arrests have boon made.
Army Nutea.
Col. Hall , Inspector of posts , returned
yesterday from a ten days' eastern trip.
Advices received at army headquarters
yoiterday are to the effect that In the
competition at Fort Snolllcg jast com
pleted , for places on the division team of
12 , between teams of 12 from depart
ments of Texas , Missouri , Piatto and
Dakota , the department ot Dakota got
els men on the team , department of the
Piatto two ( Wcuksand Pendersen ) , other
departments not yet having been hoard
from. D
A. Neighborly Quarrel ,
Mrs. Klnsa , who attained some notoriety
riety a few months ago , as being accused (
the murder of her husband , John
Klusa , appeared before Judge Stonberg
yesterday and aworo ont a complaint
against Kate Chrittlan for assault and
battery. Mrs. Kluia claimed that the
had been bruised and beaten by the da
fendant without any provocation what
ever. All parties are Bohemians and
llvo on the bottoms.
Recovered tlio I'mporr.
Mr. James Morton , whosa hardware
store was broken Into the fora part ot
this week , has recovered the strong boi
containing valuable papers , taken from
the safo. The box was found by som >
children on an empty lot neir Eleventh
and Davenport , and turned ever to the
police. All the valutblo papers wen
found In the box safe and sound.
tlrandi turertU < i ai abiotnUtr for *
Tlfi TE8Tl
n f ean ten dawn on . hot itara until h ate4thti
r mot th coTer and imtll. A ch mlit wlli not bt r *
lulril to diuot Ua prei no ot ammonl * .
ns uriLtnrcwtsi ms NEVKB D M Qc notm ,
In a million honwi Cor qutrttr ot a centurj It h e
ttftfil ) the contumert' reliable t it ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
ntilronfMtlmoil < ltMil i > iiii < li tiir ia > Torliionul
Or. Price's Lupulln Yeasi Q0m
for IJzht , Ilealtby nread , Tha Beit Err Hop
Y a in tha World.
GloclcYurd Items.
It la n noteworthy fact tnat in the recent
decline In the lug product the Omnhn market
did not decline ni much aa the Chicago mark
S. It. Gwin aold 280 bond of onttlo yoater-
dny to G. F , Goad , and 205 < head nveraginR
8'Jl to John A. Tilodhano.
William Oourtnay sold Cl hoga yeaterday to
Clark Bros.
Tha Uteat hotel arrivals nro B. W. Tower
Lnramto ; P. 1 . Koborta , Weinnor , Idaho ; K
0 , Borchton , ChiciRo ; A. B Clark , Tokahma
S. H , Gwin , Mlaldolca , Idaho ; J. W. Mitch-
oil , Chicago ; L. L. Thomas , Bwootwater
Ono hundred and bead
oighty-throo avor-
nglng 1,133 were aold yeaterday at $3.60.
F , S , Keal , of Grafton , had G2 hoga nt the
yarda yesterday ,
Another train of cattle was received yeator-
day from Clay & Fisher , 323 head.
Tunnor & Banner , of Ontario , Oregon , have
259 head of cattle in the yarda.
Four hundred and thirty eight hosd , belong
ing to the Sivau Ltud & Cattle Go. , wore af
the yarda yoatorday.
II. Gilmore & SOD , of David City , baa G2
hoga and Morae , Kogora & Co. , of North
Bond , G3 hoga at the yurds ,
for atnto Fair ,
The lad lea of the First Preabyterlon church
of Lincoln , Nob. , will bo prepared to furnlal
good lodgings during the atato fair ; alao wil
furnlfh lunch on the fair groucda , Applica
tions for lodgings may bo made by letter or in
peraon to S. W. Irwin , 1200 H Btreot , Lincoln
Jloilad floil.
Deputy Marshal Sklnnor , of Sioux
Olty , was In the city yesterday looking
up a man named John Hsnoy , who is
charged with selling liquor without
licence. Hanoy , however , In sarno way
got wlndcf tha chnno , and hit the town.
Skinner , therefore , was compelled to 10
turn without his man.
Absolutely Pure.
"A tareful examination of tht
cholera epidemic in Spain p > eves that
the disease has followed the streams
of the country in which the germs of
the disease had fallen , and from
which water for drink is taken by
Ihe inhabitants of villages and cities , "
New York Tlmea , July 20,1885 , ,
"Thefin ity ofAPOLLINARIS
offers the lest security against the
clangers which are common to most
of the ordinary drinking waters"
London Medical Becord ,
O/all Grfctn , Drtifsittt , itMtn. . Wat. Dtattrs.
Direct Line for England , Fjranc
and Germany.
Tha imouhlpa of thli well known Una ar all
el Iron , lo witer-tlght compartments , and are fai {
I shod with every requisite to mike the patxig apt
both ufa and agreeable. They carry the Unite
FUtei and European malls , and leave New Yor
Thnadayjand Saturdays ( or Plymouth ( LONDON
CbcrboaIPARI8 anJlIAMDUUF ) i
lUtes , Flrit CitlnfOO-)100 Steerage to nnd
rom Hamburg 810. Q U IUOUARD& CO. , Gen
eral Pasa. Agent , 61 uroadway , New York and
Washington and La Leila streets , Chicago or Henry
Oundt Mirk Hanson , F. E. Mooic ? , Harry P. Deul
maba ; Oronrwlr &Scboone'er Country , \
OVER 400,000 frrm , IN USE.
, /
* ' . ouuiiii u lit rouuli con n I ry roarU niij
Uliodrlvi . . .liitu ; . . .luiuilin lurrdnnd oldbj lf
II Ifllllll.u ' ' ' " .i.l lionli.r * , ll
S , iVl Vf
Afaronu prcicrlntloa cf a noird p cUll l ( oowre-
) nruKclitioafllllt. Addrcn
DR , WARD it CO. ,
Found In Ton nnd CotToo
The Empire milli , of Novr York , have
opened a store In this city , at 1403
Douglm St , In Oltrk Bros , it Oo.'a old
stand , for thopurpoaaof Introduclngtholr
now brands of ten and coffee , which nro
put np In Boat can ; , ccfToo , can nnd
contents abont three pounds. Ton , o n
and contents abont l pound * . As nn ex
tra Inducement to purchasers this
company will put Into each package of
coflbo and tea a sonvonlr or prceent.rnn
alng In nmount from 10 cents to CO dollars
lars , consisting of nicklo , ellvor and solid
jold watches , genuine diamonds In solid
gold setting ) , and other jewelry. This
company have adopted this expensive
method so as to thoroughly advertise
their goods In Omaha and vicinity.
But nftor 30 days this cholco ton ana
: ofTeo will bo sold wholly on tholr merits
by tholr ngonts In Omrha at
the tnino ptlco , eamo quality
and enmo quint Ity , but without
the aonvcnlro , the tea and ccflfeo being
worth at a fair rolnll valno moro than the
prlco naked , without any regard to the
souvenirs , which are put Into the pack
ages for thirty daju only to advorllao and
Introduce these goods. This company Is
an old established ono. It has already
appointed over fifty agents In the various
cities , none of whom are now tolling
ouvonlra with their goads , bat ouch
agent has n largo and rapidly growing
trndo , as the superior quality of tholr tei
and coffee becomes known. Prlco $ i
tingle packsgo , six package s $5 , thirteen
packages $10 , twenty-seven packngos $20
Send In your orders bymall , accompnnlec
by cash , post-office order , nd they wll
bo forwaided to any part of the Unltoi
States or Canada ? . Address Empire
Mills To * Oo. , 1403 Douglas street
Omaha , Nob. Below will bo found :
'partial Hat of purchasers finding valuable
uablo articles In their cans cf tea ant
coffee' D. H. Goodrich , anperlntondon
Omaha water work ) , diamond stud
Frank Schmidt , Union PaclGo U. R
shops , Bsrtholdl statue ; R. W. Ohildrcs
West 18th st. , ladles' gold hunting can
watch ; Catharine Slater , C17 S. 14th at. ,
diamond stud ; Walter Wakemanenle man
Farnam st. , § 50gold ; John N. Flynn
bookkeeper , atom winding watch ; Oharlo
B. Wastreii , Grand Union Tea Co. , 1411
Douglas street , diamond stud ; Mich !
W. Miller , blacksmith , lady's three ston
diamond lace pin ; Mrs. Wendell Benson
2516 Doughs et , Bartholdi statute ; G
R. Ohildo , 010 Saundsrs 0t. , stem wind
ing watch ; Hits Lillian Swonton , cnlcs
lady , $35 , currancy ; Peter Wlmberly
laborer , gents' gold n. 0. stem wlndlnj
watch ; 0. II. Woolby , cor. Oolfax ant
Lo&venworth eta , , lawyer , atom
winding watch ; OarltonV. . Stod
dard , carpota and oil cloth dealer
Chicago , $40 gold ; Mrs L. Homan. 1121
Douglas at , Statue of Liberty ; D. S
Moore , cor. of 16th & Davenport st ,
stem winding watch ; Sarah L. Macon
dressmaker , gentloinan'c gold H. 0
stem winding watch ; Philip Grauy
blacksmith , 41C North 8th at.
stem winding watch ; John W
Morao , machinist , n. 0 coin sllve
watch ; Mrs , Rlchcnmsouth 0 hat. , Rolt
ring ; Alias Alvanota Wilson , 1021 S 20tt
st. , Sta uo of Liberty ; MM. Frank Wool
Icy , 820 S. 21st at. , diamond rinj ; John
J. Wileon , laborer , S. Oth St. , § 35 In
cnrrendy ; Mrs. Jenny Hyland , South
IGch st. , gold ring ; F. E. Moynard , doa
and dumb Institute , diamond stud ; Jame
L. Hopkins ' , farmer , solitaire diamond
ring ; Mrs.H , Clement , 1129 N ; 19th st
Mrs. John Campbell , 1703 , Dodge st.
Bartholdi Statue of Liberty ; M. L
Mitchell , Denver Col. , ladles 3stonodla
mend lace pin ; Miss Anne Saundero , 42 (
Convent st , . silver eervlcf ; Mrs E. E
Hnntley , merchant , Sioux Olty , stem
winding watch ; Mrs 0. C. Schaffer , 210C
Farnam at. , Bartholdi Statue of Liberty
Henry W. Taylor , commercial traveler
Chicago ; $35 in currency ; .Mrs A. Mc-
Kensey , 2301 Dodge st. , diamond ring
Mra 0. W. OanBeld , 1020 S llth
ring ; W. S. Jardlne , Omaha TranaferCo.
1012 N 10th st. , stem winding watch
Abner Kohr , butcher , 1415 ( Douglas st.
Bartholdl Statue of Liberty ; Wm G.Gra
ham , farmer , ladles 3 stone diamondrlng
John T. Meccharo , llvo stock doaler.stem
winding watch ; Mlsa Laura F. Woods
housekeeper , gents' ' gold hunting case
atom wlndlng'watch.
Open from 7 B. m. till 9 p. m.
Seventeen years Experience.
Reader ol Diseasea o ( Men and Women. Eclcctrl c I
Magnetic and Herbalist Phyelclan. Now located a
1210 DouijUa St Oinabo , Neb , up etalrs.
A correct dlasnosld given wlihout any oiplanatlon
from tbe patient. Consultation free at office. j
/ Treat the Following Diseases
Catarrh o ( the Head. Diseases of tbe Eye and
Ear. Heart Disease , Liver Complaint , Kidney Com
' , Nervous Debllltv , Mental Depression. w > 8JO
G'amt . Dlabetea , Brlght'a Dlaeofie , Bt Vltuo
Dance , Ilheumat'am ' , IVraljelj , White SwellliKi
Bcrolula , Fever Sorea. Cancera and Tuniora remove
ed without the knife , or the drawing of a drop o
blo d , Woman , with her delicate organs , Hcetorcd tb
Health , Dropsy Cured W'thout Tspplnff , Specla
Attention Given ts I'rlrato and Venereal Dl/ioases / o (
all Klnda , Tape Worma llemovod n two or three
noura or No Pay , Uemuiorrholds or PUos Cored 01
' '
Thoao'wh'o are affllctol will aavo Ufa and hun
dreda ol dollar , by colling
All adv trttsementi lit the tpectat column * \ml
charged at the rate of JO centt per line or tht
firtt itutrtion , and 7 eentl } tr line for each ubie-
quent insertion : JVo advertisement v > ( U te inierted
leu than 25 tend for the fint Hint.
; < EY TO MAD The Omar a Fioincial Exthanzo
Mo 1B8 Faroam Btr'ct , up jtal i , makes lonflon
cla-floact eecurlty ( rom a IO chattel lean to
10/00 oa real estate Wo make Icais to tult all
llcaita on long or ih rtllmoon Impiovedor un-
imcroved icKl' oonlricts , leisei , bulldlogn
onleastd Und'recured uotes , collattrale , chutcla , or
good seciiilt ) o ( any kind. Liw iatei : eisy teinw ,
maha Fiuanclal Kxchatge , 1603 Farnam it , up-
ftalrs , ° ' " * and
. -a. F. Davls& Co. Heal Kstate
MoiKrrounK.a. , 1605 Fainim St. 681-U
\/r / ONEV To loan on chattola , Woolley A Harrison ,
VI Kama to , Omaha National bank building
610 tf
MeCAOUB BKOTUEBB.Invcttmcnt Binkcra , opposite
post ottlco. Omaha , negotiate mortgige leant on
class tecurlty at rolling rates ol Interest , Par
dedrlng to borrow money on Improved city or
ountry real oitate , for ( romono to Bv e > f are , can be
coromrxlated promptly. IfoCague BiotbeiB , bank.
op | ) llte jx t ffloe. 62i-tl
/fONKYTOLOAN-On real esuto and chatteli ber
D. L. Thomas. 6Z3 tl.
ONEV Loaned on ohattell , cut rati , K. R (
VlUokcUDoajhtandiold. A. FoiinAn.SUS.lSth 81
6S4 tf
OHirtolotn Icnumi of 1200 and upward * on
firtt-clau real etttte eoarlty. f otter 4 Oobb , ,
r'arnam tt. Ii2i tf
ONKt LOANED at a r. Ileod A UO'B. Loau offict \T
on furniture , pianos , hone * , wagona , penonal
property of all kinds and all otbt mtlclea of volut ,
llhoat rmrval. Over lit Natloott Bank.oorner Ittb
111 ImalneM itricllr oODSdantlal
MOXST ! tttMSTll uotKTlIt Honey to Loan On
chktttl Mcutltr by W. It Croft , room I , With-
ntll building , N. K. corner Itth and tlatntr. Alter
e ra of experience and Acateful rtudyof the bum-
ie ? ol leanlntf money on psraonal property , I have
it last poifectod tj-itom whereby the publicity
o u l Inauchoiwali Jon away lthandl am now
n a position to txccttbe demand ) of ill who become
< rn | > orarllv erabarriased and deslia to ralae money
without delay ard In n quiet dinner. Jlonsekctp.
art , proleaidonal gent l men , mechanics and others In
Inuta and Comic 1 DtuD' , can obtain advance !
rom (10 to 81,000 on tncn tccutlty M hojitnoli
urnHuro , | < Uno , mahtaerjr , hnrio * , wagora ,
warthouso receipts , eecme4 nates ol hand , etc. ,
without rcmoTloe same from owncrt roMJonco or
bco cf bwlocts. Also on Una Wntchoi and
) hmcml § , Ona ot the adtanUgoa I oiler la that
ny part of any lotn cnn ba paid at any tlmo
which will reduce the Interest pro rat and all
oma rcnared at the original ratca ot Interest ,
have no broken In connection with ray olBce ,
iut portontlly eupcrlnteml al my loans , I hart
irlvato office connected with my general
ifllco fo tint customers do not como In contact with
each other , consequently waking all transactions
trlctly prlvata. W. K. Croft , room t , Wlthnell
building , N. K , cor. 15th and lUrnoy , Omaha and B !
Pcnll St. , Council BlulTi. EJO tl
W AMKD A slrl ( cr etneial hoiiiovorlc In a email
family. Aply | at 1814 Webitcr 813-lSp
D Two R.od glrli at 00 S 12th itrcct. _
WANTID Agoolateady German clrl , oil } ore
who can cook , wish and lion nooil opply. Mra
Wakcly , 007 noitli IDIh St. 826-11
aim , WANTID-AZO"iliell ( Uo touao ItcfploK Kill
wanted at Ml * . IHis , 0:4 Park a\o. 813 U
W AMRD-OIrl 1C12 Daxnport SU
W -Oood cltl ( or Kenetnl hum wotk bj Mra.
llaynoi , 21S3 Wobttir St. 853 Up
WAVTKD ImmcdUttly , ( fa il dlnlnft room Rlila.
OliU ( or hotels and kltohens , private lamlll a
and boarding houses ; Rood w gc . Call nJ Inquire
about tbcao t laces , at 1120 Faruam street , up ttalra.
W IANTUD Immediately , flrtt cl > 83 co < k ( or the
west ; uugca ? GO Call 1120 Faroam St. 01 > 10
Blsh wisher at Emmtt house.
WANTED A Rood aoivant K'I ! In a email ( orally ,
Applv next dror notth o ( rhelpa'dniff store
coiner Cumin ; ; and Blunders etrcct. 780-tt
TTT'ASTKD A gooi tutso glil evil at 1009 Farnim
WASTun A good girl forcDoralhoutowoikcmall ; ;
( aiilly. 1 qultont olDce of A C. Troup , cast
eldo 14th itrcct , bet. Farnam and Douglas. "OMt
WA.STBD A good girl fir gencial house woik. Ap-
pl > 2318 St. Mary'a a\c. 7241 (
TAHTRD Aflnt ctasi cooktt Dr. Coflmsn's , head
of St Mary's < uc. 780 lip
WASTED0impotent glil ( or general house work ;
must ba gocd washer and Ircnor , 812 south 17tl
alroct , 723 lip
WA\rto A gl l to do g'neral housovvork , ono
nlioh rot atrnld to work la a small family of
3. Apply 440Content St. OiOtf
7"ANTi < D Qlrl In smi.ll family. Mis. Tbo ? . F ,
Uoll , 1541 Sncrman aye. , north ot Rraco St.
TX7AMED A girl at 1610 Sherman Avo. Mrs. .
V r M. Cocnsaan. 616 tf
W ANTiD-airl 807 north 20th.
W Two first cUsj Uundrcesca to go to
Sinta Fee , Saw Mexico. Applv at tto Cczzens
WANTED-Ladyogcnta for"Dalsy"tkhtand0tock.
IngsuppoiteM , SbouMcr braces , Basom fjrme ,
Dress shlcldj.itubber gingham Bibs , Aprsca.Slcaves.
Inlints' l/iattrs / , fie. Our 1,000 agents are maklni
mcno Iiat ; BO can yoa. Address w ith Btimp , B. U.
CAMPBELL & CO. , 0 South Ma } St. , Chicago.
133-a 3"p
WANTF.n Immediately , ono good cornlco malor
aul one tloner. Thco , Huettc i. Son , Fr moat
Kcb. 81H7p
TT7"AM1ED [ Six rxrcilenuil thooclcrl.p ; also a ladv
V cashier. Call Monday morning boSwoeri 8 ami
! ) , at 321 couth Ulh St. 810-12p
WAMBD-A thoroughly expcilcnccd time man to
take charge of eioie. Must ( urnlsh utexcept-
lonab o references tat } character and ab litv. P. 45
Bco oltcj. 817.17p
WAKTID Expciliied i crlal book canvaaicra.eilh
or ladles cr ntnt.cmen. Address P. O. tex COS
city. 816-12
A TllD-SIx good carpenters. Apflf at 16th ,
W between F raam & . llftaey. 805-I4p
1T7AMED Several oxpo'ienced t lo > men to handle
W onee ( tb best hiusehcld aitlelcaever Inven
ted Just patented. Addicsj John Wagner , Jr. , Gris
weld , Iowa. 8 0 18
WAMHD-In a it tall dry goods Btoro In Oacabaan
experienced f lesm n who spcabatho Scandi
navian lansu g. Apermacen r ° 3"I''n ' to the right
party. Address with references , K. 3 , Bee ollico
i OI tf
WANTED Man lo run b nd-jaw , J'c ' saw and
duping machine , alan ( no wood turner.
Ncno but * thorough mecbanio need apply. I'LAMNO
HILL , llltcentb and Maicy atroets. 757-11
\TTAhTBD 8ervlc ao ( a bright , Intell'goLt ' mine (
W good aidiesa "J. TT , " I' . 0. box 308. 727-llp
JAM-RD-Azentafor "Picturesque Washington ; "
ulair or commission. C. K. Cooper , Omaha.
r ANTED Stenographer. Box 025 , Oman a.
W 4C1-S. 28
20oungmen to leirn telegraphy nd
WANTKD sUtlon book keeping. Address "H.
D. D. " Omaha liuslneea College. 424 SOp
TT7AKTID Agents. Address Electric Lamp and
W Stove Co. , St. Louis , Uo. , ( or circular , cut and
terms ol 60 candle power Marsh Electrlo Lamp
SITUATION WANTED By n German lady 2j jcsrs cf
agi > from good lam Iv to help In light house keep
ing InEnglUn ( amlly t > bain tbo language. No wages
AddrcfB ' Annie 0. , Bee olHco. 874-12p
/ Young lad } wishes to glvn plino or organ lessons
sons lu return ( or board or room. Address M.
J. , ore cf Bee office. 816-I2p
WANTED Poiltlcn In store or o'Jloo by gentleman
otexpcilcnco Oool references given Noob-
I'ctlous to golnglnto the country. AuurtBjS. Q D.
C21 Oth avenue , Council Bluffr , Iowa 8321''p
WAMEP-A \ ttlddlaagod lady dcslrej a hcuio ?
keepers situ tlon , releronrcs gtvua , Omiha
EmploiBoat office , 217 N. 16th Si. * IIB O , W.
Moirljon. 782-12p
r 7AM n-f Ituatlon as book nojner or o shler by
W joung lady. Beercnces ( uinhhod , 1724 Doug
las alMct. 705 "P
ANTED A situation on a farns by a young man Cc
W } and wife. Adiliew B. A. , thla eillloo E03-12p
D-A position as eetond girl or In a ixall
WANT by ayntnK gill , Adareia 1317 10th Bt. Df
A situitloQ In a reeneetablo luslncfe
WiNriD oa cleik or salotlady. llest ol reerences
given K desired. Address 1213 Leavcnworlh Bt. .
707. Mn ° .
Ity >
Apcaltlvn osmicblnJst , Adntess * C. c
Beoofllce. 717-13
A position aa coachman : understand
WANTED handling hoiuej. Audrets "O. F.
" Bee omc ( . 7J6-13
- tinner wanta a ste dy situation ,
country pre'encd. Address tloner , care thli
ollloo. C97-l p 659
WANTiu-Newlavc'a Shcrtband Inillluto , icoin
10 and 11 , Aillai ton black , will Lo open day
nltjbt on and alter Monday , Sept 14 (01
dmeelon ! cdtudenti ; 10J woida per mlnuto within lorn
wo montts giuinn'eed. ' Send or rail ( or ca a-
gue. Oilglcal teetluionlala on file ( jr Inijxctloa
814 lip
A putner la a diet clasa pailng builceas
WANTID rtnutied $ lUOaiid , CCO. AdlicesJ ,
B.D.Ue otBco. J7B-t ( erty
ITTAMro Torentsm llbouie or 2rooma aUout In
W Bept 20lh 2 rr 8 blocks ( rom Paxton hotel. 0r
AddioiaV. 2 , Be offloe. 7.3-llp
To buy in Omaha , a nine to Uclrn tloi.
WANTED frame dwelling. Modern Improve 8
ments : L'ocd locitbn. Addreta , glvlcg ttriel , num eny
, nilee and tcrm to H I" , Officer , real estate and aio
mrancenrent , 6.0 Broadway , Council Blufl * . and the
riKTiD-Twounloin'ahed ' rooma with private Tin
. family , or asrunll bouee * lth contrnlcaccr ; makei
xntrally located , AdJresi with ( all pirtlcular * . I' .
boi 801 , city. " " '
TlT/MiB To trade o go-xl aecond band piano foi
a h jrt and buggj. Itiiulie at Blbolm & Krlck I1 T7
ajllfclfiTBIJ P ay 10 uwa o . * , "Ti cott
, chine , to tea { ho now Improved AnJilcan ho. ako
, E. riodmtD k Co. of eoti KO K 10th. 65W1 Fan
I TJOR km A new 1 ! room houu and barn , N&
\ JC 814 8 18th ttrtet. Motto k Brunner , SJ'-lCp
F'OR KNT A lulto c ( n'cely ' InrntKnol ( rent
I com i lor two ilntle poutlamcn , )7IO J : k on
ircet , next door to ( lie licit t rlvato bosiillnr hou a
n the city. Inqutio on Ida premise ; . 83 ! tf
FR RHVT Very dc l'able nlna room cottage on
11ico St. IWl&McOinJIIsli.
For lalo ( locd homo and large lot , excellent
nelihboihood , easy tetmt,83,160. Loll ,1 IfcCanciIlih
8iO-l !
OR RJtNT Cottage , largo lot , batn ( or 4 hor-on. W
It. Qr en , over IstNatl llank. ( S09 t (
FOR sim Pc r house at S120 HarcovSt , , ts II.
MaloblcD , at N. V. Dry Gaodl itoro. Bit ! 11
T 5 room hou e on54thand rieree St Ap-
pl ; to BogRi & Hill , opp. I'axton , 7DJ-lDp
FOR KisT-OotUgo ul 0 rooms 2403 Cms St , Inquire
text door. 78M2j >
Fa UEST-lIousoo ( 4 rooma , 1413 Jackson nlr cct
7C911l >
foanrNT Futnlshed houieof eight rvnu with
1 ample , closet room , del ghttully locUedjcomen
lent to sttcct cu . llefeioncea rcnulr'd. Address
U. 11. V.,13cootnco. 7J4 lip
RKST-OOCK ! houss with Inrnlturo forn'owllh
Fort ( our blocka of I * . 0. Address A. IL Iteo oitlco.
FOR RK\T Oattigo 0 room * , ctoicti and pantry , all
cornciiloDccs. Fine kcatlon near rtroct
cats , $ JO ] > fr inrntli until May Itt next. K A.
Northup , U &M. freight Auditors offlto. 7C8 ISp
'OR RIVT Near SO. car , 7 room buutr. good well ,
cl.tcrn , ? lfl | > cr month Inquire cf 0. K. Tliomp'
ton. & W , coiner llth and Itaruoy St. 235-tl
F OR HRNT-6 room cottafTit corner Ponpletoa anil
Sec i Man St. $1 $ . C E. Majnc , ti. W. corner
15th and Parnam. 7111 (
F Cottsgo flroomi , bouee 10 rooms. J.
l'hl'pl Roe. Howard and Campbell. 037-tl
T A cottaRoot four rooms nun city and
F cl torn oator. 818 South 19th Si , bctnoen
Loncinvoith and Martha. 417-tt
F > OR nn\r Choloo biloft roildecco , 10 room' , ( ur-
nacoauj all modern Improvomanta. Iniulro at
United Sato : National D ink. 335tf
F I OR RKSI The hcuso and him on corner 29th and
Plerco St. Inquire at llojton Dry ( lee * store , 9.
10th St. S2J-K
FoRnnvr Furtlihcdcr unluinlstied room , 1619
Farnamalrcct. SSttt
I > pleasant pnit of city nicely lurnl hcd rooms nlth
or ulthout board , 714 north 18thSt , 8SG 13
FotiUKST 11 ( 'anlly fuinl-hoJ frort rooms , I Ingle
or In eults ; Odd fellow s , 14th and Dodge
827-14p Mia. Kendall.
" | jV > n HISTNicely ( urnlehed rooma 1817 Chicago > t.
1 } 826 t (
Fen J HUNT-Two nlcily iunlihcil rooms 16iH Dodge
St. 8212lp
T70R BENT Two Ibr3. Inquire at 12C7 Farnam t.
-I 700-lSi )
FR r.KVT A hindsomclr ( urnlshod front room S
K. comer 17th strict aad at. Mary'a a\o. , up-
etalra. 793-1L' , )
FOR BK.NT An elegant room ulth board 13 0 Dodge
tticet , lower door 783 i2p
FORRENT Koomwlth toaid , 1613Caritol avc.
RE > T Suit ol rooma with hoard , 1724 Douglas
FOR . 704-llp
FOR Rr Ono laigiunfumlihcd fro't room nith
alco\o , ruil cnoeinilo riom Modern Improic-
tnenta on SOIh , nor Ut. Marj aa > p. 7 6 tl
TTOR HFM Twoflnolvtfernum' ' In new hnu'o , ( UP
r rlshod or nnurn'8hcd ( ' lthcutboud,710
South Hth Bt. 78 iep
BENT Mccly ( urnUhod rooms S W coiner
19thfiudSt. Maij'sa\c. 747-
. nitNT Fuinlflud rooms wl h boatd at 2222
72J 14p
OR REST Nice ( urtil hed ( rent room tot tw
men. Apply to 1017 Ilarnej St. 721-14
Fore BENT Furnlabld ( rent room , b\y lndow ,
brick house wither without board , OJ3 N. 17th.
TTlori. RFM 1 urnisnod room 1010 ls\cni > ort
RKST-FloiBink rooms acd board ( or teachers.
Foa founditthlsolllco. 0 0 ISp
TTTORHBTT Front l ) y windo
J new ( umltbed ; all con\CLlcncie , 1(115 ( i atltol aio
170RRBVT IHndnomcly ( urnlihed roomj , alne o or
K double with boi-d , 1718 Dadffp. 835 t (
T OR RUNT Largo furnished ( rent room with smull-
J ? erioo-n connected , 710 ncith 19th St 701-18p
nnvr-Lar. o will lurnUhcd room with flro
bath &a,8UiUlU ( or 2 gentlemen , on St. Cur ,
line , near west Farnam. Uelctotcos ghca and re
quired. C. K. Ma ] no & . Co. 605 tf
T7IOR RB\T Three flne olllcoa In Nebraska NaMonal
Jl1 Bank Building. Inquire at bank. 480-30
EE.M Handsome ( urnkhei rooms 1818 Porfgo.
FOR 403 8cpt27
F OR KT.ST Two rooma adjoining with board ; ( rent
room south-east , 1911 Webator St SM-tJ
FOR RKNT 1 wtlliurnlihcd room ( or 2 gentlemen
160J Farnam street , oppoflto Oooa Hotel. Apply
at room i. oral Washerman & Burnett. 218 18th BL
T70R RKKT 2 pleasant south ( rent rooma B. W.
Jt ? corner IDIh and Davenport. 700.U
TTOR RIXT Handaomely ( urntsbod rooms 1704 Oip.
P Itolave. o82-
TJVnRETr ) Two nicely ( nrnlaned rooma , NW cor.
I1 2l t and St. Mary 'a Avo. 4BC t (
ROOMS With boarddoilrable for eummtr. Apply
at at. Chailoi Hctel. 810-tl
TTOR RE.YT Largo ( rent room on Hrst door with o
JD without board : inquire at 1C01 ftrnim St
li > oii BAtK 2 hoaiegen laigelot In good locatlcn ;
I/ rented at (30 a mont h , w 11 to aola cheap , Cun
ningham & mention , 1511 Dodge at. 8SO-11
FOB s.UB-A nhi3 roim house , large lot , barn &c , < n , one block from K Car. 1'rlco
3COO , very easy tenm. Cunnligham& Htcnuan.
buy a etoreiml SO ( ect of ground leased
t 825 a month eighteen ] cr cent onyour mcney.
CuiiDlnghtm & Ilrcnnan. 13111
FORHiLK-At a btrgaln , a house atd 2 lota , eauv
terms. Owner leaving I ho city , 0 , F. Davla &
Co. 742-11
FOR sun-Two acreaof ground with Ivigo homo
and barn , on Loivdiiwortk street , 1 Lioohi west
city limits ; $ ' , ) CP , very easy terms. C. K , Uayne.
ISthomlF.rnim , 7.8 IS
WANTBD-Br a rolhb'o party.gcntKman and wife ;
' wish to rent a neat roltige or bius * live lo
rooms > with bath room , h'gh lucatlon , la the vlrln
) ol fit Mart B ave amt 18th tit. Kent not to 01-
edf45. Addreis "A. U M. ' 1218 Bee ofto. 7 i K
W ANTED Situation os salesman In general lloro
or grocery , In Nebraska. Addioin "iiilesmtn ' r
700 lip
FOR BAIE Lame house 10 rooma , lot ] 92ilSlarge
b u , bovutlful p'au 50,6UC ;
per month. This 1'ioi.trty la only ( our blocks
rom Pane ave , fitiuot cai Hue , O K , Uavoo. 16'h
Farnam. 77816
ifou BALK UOUBOI aun o t on nontbly ra > ncnta
V , 1. llajdcn , BauodJrj.botwooa tke and Wll
avee. SSI-tt
FOR siLi Cheap , 6 room cotttita and lot , eoey
tarmijeituatitUtNo , 1,1 N. 17th S' . , bet. Calf ,
la and Webiter ; tbori Ufhly ropalreU and 1m- I
pioyed. Uqulio of owner on picmteeu. 83Hf ( ' In
417 !
HALa-Dy J. K , lll'ey ' & Co , 216 H. 13ta St _
? 7COO House snd lot , rragnlflMnt reel eoce Prop
, corner.
tl , BtO Two ttorv houae neirly new.b-autlful lawn
ccrccr , location among the flncet In Onub > , on bt. 11
Sl.lfO-lfjgnlflient lea'denoo lot on Farna-n St. Co. woj
II.SlO-nraauiitrett.Buuib . ( rent , tUhlly loci- Ixavy
> 60-Lotsln J K. ' Okaboma will eell
- , Blley'a , , on toJ
Urmi and I jiM ( or cieslrabla partlei. Iheie
ntnonif theditbt roilJfnco 1 Al nouth o ( tbe Ity , toJO
aio within a block ol tht street Lar line WI en O
10th tilicct VlUuot Is built , they will ba a flIUeu \J
rnloute walkliom ItthonJ r rnim U. odoi
sOO to * i,0i LB'S on Cum'nga and Ilirtltrocti. rarrel
txlenslcin of the Street car 1 n to those \At \ Omaha
them v ryde lrabl proptity.
Wei have dtilriWoloti In eneiv qmterof the city.
611 U J. K-lUleyH Co.,216 south ISthBt. X
OR i > Li-At a birgatn , a bouiecl 9 roam , everv
room heated by furnace Hot and cold wittr ,
, lot eiil40 near bead St. Mary'i avenue. Home
V4 000 ; lot U worth 8/,5 U. II Bold at oaof , will No
l , 00 for tht jlue. C. E. JIl > nf , Itthi an !
am. 77I-U
T7o j BALR nesldence on California itrcet , 8 room *
I1 i4t osisi-t3ooa
Homo and lot on l th trli-tt2IOi. (
Homo and batn , with lot76 Ui , for { S.OJO.
LotlnParlee'a add , { I.I CO.
Lot in Shlnn'o 1st add , f.5SO
I/ct In tereial additions to the city.
I tida on very eatv tttmi In cittern Nehiaska , ! > , COres
ros Knniaa tohool landa al ( i CO an ncto. 11,80 | > et
ie Jown and li lanxonSO ycata tlrao at t pet
cent ,
Cholco Imds In raatcrn Nebraska at $10 to f 16 ret
icio , Haalln A. Ilronn.Jll 8. llth bt. 639 It
F Store311 N 1Mb ttrect
F N r htiul ot St. M rv' vo. L IKO lot
houio 0 roonnj lurnftoo , cr tc.i , hot nd cold
Vath ; erer ) thine complete , t.1,090 " ' > ' term * r * . F.
Uk } ne X Co. , 16th nd Ftrnkin. 18J-U
FINK lmproic < l ffirm * , will trade ( or improved clto
property. W. H. Green , over Itt National lUnk
297-tt _ _ _
F'OR At bar k'n ' , lot with X houtc * , 3 tint T
roouBwol ] , cUtorn , barn , Ac. , ifith and lUrnor ,
Untm ) < ro\9 < lpra | < ettT taken a part pay. Wra. L.
Homes , Old And DonRlM OSJ-tt
FOR KAU-A two ettrv S2 B ) frame Imlldlngult -
olilo or & etoro ueai lotb and Far cam street.
Apply at thla offloj. 947-tf
ITloa BALI OR R tT Oool hoto In Hrnt-alaMtown n
IJ South Wei torn iiart ol State. Apply to E P. D.-v-
tl ) , Novelty Iron Works , llth St. 7B1-U
FoR'san A'carrlngo team matched and li
Ilimcltonlan breed. t ItomansLUery llarn
M ) Up
7URMTURK torpalent a tacrtflce , tempt to assort-
L" incut ( or small hnusn ; must be a lid InimcdUtclv.
J. A. Warner , Dee olllco. 7t3 12p
FOR R Clc\c'nml li > stallion , "Dcrli.v Boy , "
2\ian oil , ( rom llio olilcst and moil noted pnto
wlnnlnirfamli } In Cunidt. Took Hrtt prlzo nt Toron
to oxliihlllon , ? Sl Can lie scon -tntcfftlr Lincoln.
The head llcrif nU , liitlitdlnif Z bull cnlvcj liv
Conqueror , a i > on o ( Ionl Wlllon ; luiiortc | < l ami
ountd IP.V UnUrlo KxpcrlincnUl Farm.
( R liotul of high grndc , Miort horn licifcrs , 0 to30
montlii old , lirtil to Hereford liull. 'Ilio nlpovo slock.
Imvonll IKJ n brought ( rom CanaOi tlnco tccK t ,
nnil . nro nITcrcd at low price * ) ( or ca li , or tlmo H 111 l > o
phcti ulth gootl Kocnrii ) , also carload Sand 3 Mar
old , j ( colors Correspondence solicited. Addrc&t J. Cl.
llallullbon , Neb. 705-1 !
IpoRBALR-Chcap , ( u'lsot ' Amorlffin Cfcloracdles
1 calf bound In goo ! order. Inquire at 117 N. 10th
St. 7.11Ep (
onBAtr Drl'lnc or wo < k horse ; aiih or tlmo
given W. It. Crolt , room I , Wlthncll building.
FGH SALE Boarding IIOIHO ( urnlturo cheap ( or
cub , In Fremont AfilondlJo per unit } ( or
an } person dcslili to go In tin buelncsj already
cstibllthed. Kent low. MSB. B. B. Itiv.vcLPS , Flo
mont , Neb. HO 14
F I OR HILB-A lullca' drlvlug horse wi 1 booocn at
Kill ncr'aatoro any torncon. QiorroViloox
B4J If
roR BAlii Tire lot ! In I'olhim I loco , ono blade
( cm Btr < ot car track. Inquire 213 S 13th St.
E36t (
FOR BAM Or would trade or a good horse and
butrpj ; 80 acres hi Qoaper county. Apply to 218
South 13th S' root. 633(1 (
FOR SAtB Boiler and onelne , SO horsepower boiler
nil engine , In good running order ; want to eell
( or tbo reason that they are not largo enougU ( or
the now machinery which wo will put Into our now
building ouHarnoy St. Clark o Broo. & Oo , 1403
DougUwSt. 63711
LnATS on band at a bargain , No 1 second hand
XJL carriage phaeton and Bide bar buggies ; at 1109
and 1411 nodeo St. 888-tf
Fan i\CIH\OE fplendld ( arm In Keraihi Coun
ty , ( or liouso and lot n Omaha O. F. D-uls.t
Co 740 It
Wi. rmosomo good Improved ( arma which wo
w'll trsdeor 'tmnln city prop'tty. CUii'Ing-
htm & Drcniian , 15il Doilgo next 1 > O. 833 U
$4ECO To Etorj house of 7 rcorm , gooJlura and
cclUr , 1 b'cek ttom a'rcctcarlino
Bl.'iOO 2 torj hjuaoon E ghtceiith street , on car
linn , goodjard
81,000 1 s'orr ' house en lElh Btrcet , on cr line
cest fiont ofe.
81,000 Mrat nurket en Uth itrect , 3vno r ,
oreo n1 bu l os ba gihi
Loti eold on monthly ] ra ) men's.
Lon'r forgitlhoplaco IT. .F. Foire , corner IStli
i edge , U ill.aujs Block. C93 14
F RH\LE At Omaha Tand Agency , No. 1513 Fa
nam St. Pauhcn i. Co.
Agosd paying lalron , now flxturo' , cheap rent ,
will bflroU'ow ' , owner rtcslrlip ; to charga uuluc-s.
Do nit fill to Investigate , tlitro la IDOIHJ In lr.
Hot 81x3(0 , 3 th and CalHcruta , well Ijca'rd wllb
Broom haute , 91,350 on very ea y terms , a voiy ie-
alreMn proper ! }
L-t S3xl43 on Fleaaint atreet , 7 room new hous" ,
batn , well cUtcn , c 1 ar eta . $310) .
Lot 30x140 Lakes add , 4 ru > ai hou = o etc. $1,500
Choice tot In IJunthoino add , 6 room cottajc ;
§ 1,700 , at easy term" .
118x13) ) , 13 h turret oufsldo cl'y limits , 3 room
house with basemoct , e'ablo , well and clBtero$2,8)3
o o n bo divided li tndnglD lot" .
25 ( eet ( rent on 13th , near Plerse , 3 roomc , new
homo and kltctcn , co Itr , well , clatcrn , $2KO.
For Bale or rant 1 aero with god bouse , itoro.hall1
plenty ot stable room , near city Hi Its. Inquire ( or
For Bale Lot 6Px00 on 10th , out ( rent , near St.
Mary'aavo. , with In room new homo with modern
imnroremonta $3CO ? .
Lota In all the principal additions of Omaha , and
a large assortment of Improved farms und 60.COO
aerea of Improved landa In ceatral and western Neb.
at low flzurea. Pauhen & Co 88211
oixcilANQE Chol-o firm Ian a In Furnas Co. ,
. Neb. , to exchange fora , c'ean ' stock o ( general
merchandise or hardware. Cill on or address Ucnry
Chambe'lln , Arapahoe , Nob. 816-11
I/OR BALI Fine etoak and ( ceding ( arm ol SD5 aorf B
I1 elxtern mloi ( rom Omaha Stock yards ; well
f qutpued for graz ng and feeding cattle , well watered
and plenty o' ' gooi hiy land , for prloo and deacr'p- '
tlon , address Q. M IlarrUon , Springfield , Neb
T7IOR BALI A good paring buelnosi employing hot I
i ; little capital ( or own. For particulars oddn caa
1 > . 0. Box 67Omaha , Neb. 640-U
.H llilt Inur. H In tha bebt ferr
boat on the lll'sourl river ( ur hcuso and lot
Omaha O. F. Davis & Co. 711-11
FORHALK A bakery coDeetloniry , lot cream ind
o.ster parlor centrally I > cated , compliti with
manudcturli g ( tclhtioi , doing a good Imiincv ; sat-
ra tory reason foreellinir. Inquire J. J Mullcr , lir
BOUth lUb. Will eell 1ml , Inteiett to right man.
> oovi and hoard 5per week ; very brct location ,
L 18U Davenport til. 17rt-f ept 18p
FOUMI A rounl tilp ticket on tbo II k IT road.
Owner can have Iho tame At th'a ' oOlco l'.v ' pay.
ng for this notice. 812-12
FOUM > A line il"g with colnr acd clulu on , at
iioitb-wcat cor , Ifltb and Uaicn. B07-ll | >
LOST Z laly clovM and a lap lob Luckel'il up In
a ah > l strap ( ( rom Liberty ave to Park OVT. )
The flndcr will boeultabld rewarded by cotlivlurthla
olflco. 7tl-2p ]
D a. WAUD , WHhnull Llook , 16th and Hatncy. .
BMBL iiosrirAi. . open f > r the ace immortal Ion o
tbos'clt Huiglcal opcr.tbns of all kinds skll-
nlly | i-ifonncil liiatauosol wonon fc specialty ; la-
dica In coiilnemrntran tcro hue abromte privacy
the hint o ( uttontlon Correiiendei | ) orollcltod.
Addicai Dr J M Hnttnam : corner 16th and j-'jinatn
Dr J H. Ualph , cornir 13ih and Karnim. Ttlo-
ihone 633. 134-K
_ _
GAiRLltyftovo icpalr woikH , corner 10th ant
\\ebitcrttj Worqulrpol bhaudectii ( > itHi.i ( ,
76o lip
C'IIK w. c. URTZMIR Store Keptlr Co. , lllSonth
lUn St , between Dolfo and
OERSONL-ny mtoraulf il tf I'.irick Hopkiix ,
win fell nfl me'rain at Point of HocVf , tin Iho
lintr > l Patlllirallroid on th020th < > ( Juno , vvlllba
'htiikiiiyiec ( | < l od by his brother , Jaa Hojillnu.No.
, 'Ulumi , Bin Francisco , U 1 6)7 I8)i
Rrw HO will bt raid ' ° ' Informttini ; ItvHny lo
lludluif nf wlioroibouu of HII 18 yair bor 'ha
hcaid of last ( rom Iho vlomlty ol UorllanjGtio
Had on a wblti hit and guv pania , rtbcr
Bet ( ° r hi * tge. Il li Buppov il that ho go * * un.
au auumed nuiif.tlthtr Henry or Auton Dlrlct
John Jto lck > , Oa-ab , Neb 7(0-llp (
/"VMAIUS1MHRV ( . Vrlvy vaulta , flukaand
p' * lick an id any time of day In an eutUely
odorlena nay with ray Improved pump anJ iiklten
appimtm. A. KVANd , olllca 1W8 Dodga B t
, jltbiaa la. tm-npt.llo
on banjo given l > y Q E Oellen
buck , at Hid Capitol we. lao-tt
optiatlon , or uaolesa trui ei Dr. M. U. ilooie ,
243 Wabub avr. , Chicago , tend ktatjjp or
circular at Cousin House , Omana , cveiy 60 Uayi.