TBE DAILY BEB- THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUI bU i IT DEWEY One of he BestSand Largest Stocks in the United Stater To Select Fromj NO STATES TO CLIMB , ELEGANT EASSENQfiR ELEYATOE 1885 The St. Louis Exposition WILL 0 EN Wednesday , September 9 , at 7 p. m And Continue Until October 26 , at 10:30 p. m. A Magnificent Display of all clnssonof Machinery and Agricultural Implompnts. The most beautiful variety of Mnnufao'ured ' Articles over exhibited In the West. The Art Galleries contntu a Collection of Paintings by the most celebrated Artists o Europe and Amarica , which ha > never been surpassed in this country. The Mualo will ba rendered by the "Ualtod States Cavalry Band" and "Gllmoro's Cele brated Now York Band. " ADMISSION ADULTS , 25j ; CHILDREN , 15c. .Special . Lw Rates of all Tralas EmiPlng into St. Mis Daring ; the Expisitioii. . . . _ " " * " ' " " * * * * MI * " ' * - - - - k RUE&flPING & BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Dormer Windows , Wit dow Cap ! , Motalio Sky Lights , &e. Tin , Iron and Slate roofers. DIGS. 12th St. Omaha , Neb. Wor one in any part of the country. Park Place , OmahaNebraska , Ttoardlcg School for younp ; ladica under the direction of the Ladles of the Sacred Heart The course of _ studies embraces all the branches of a useful and refined education , Shn scholastic year commences on the first Wednesday in September. TKKMS Fay able in advance , including board , washing , tuition in English and French , nBtrnmental mu ic. use of books , per session of 5 months , S150. EXTRAS-Painting , Drawing , German , Vocal Mu.ic , Harp , Guitar , Violin. For lurther nformation apply to the Ilight llov. Jas. O'Connor , or to the Lady Superior. J. A.KBLLEB . J. H. ViCKEn FIAHOS ANB ORGANS TUHED , CLEANED AND EEPAIRED BE-VARNISHBD AND POLISHED. No. 309 North 15th Street , - Omaha , Nebraska offi UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , Passenger Elevator to all floors. 1200 , 1208 nnd 1310 FarnamSt. OMAHA NEBRASKA -A. J. TOLLOCK , Eng. and Supt. H. W. DIAIIOKD , Ant. G. P. N. SADLKH , Aes't. Eng , Missouri Valley JBridge and Iron WorJes , OFFICE AND WORKS LEAVE NWORTH , KANSAS. Humraoturcrs and Builders ot Truss and Combination BRIDGES For Railroads and Highways. Turn Tables , Draw Spans. Hoc TiiHace , Flers and Sub structures. Tinsley , Shire Tulock i. McLouth , Agent I'leaso send us word of all biUgo work to let. CorresjiocJonco salliltod from engineers and bridge oominl9sloDor8. M. HELLMAN & CO. , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR. 13TH. OMAHA , NEB. THE A. L. STRAMG COMPANY , Double and Singfo Acting Power ana hano Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Belting , Hose , Briusa and Iron at wholonalo or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILEO , OHUUOF AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corn or 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. F. GOODMAN , ale Druggi OMAHA. NEB. DKALEI13 IN Hall's Safe and Lock Com' FIEE AM ) BURQLAE PROOF ? * 1020 FARNAM STREEr , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. What It Cost the Conot ? for Jnslici Shops , Cases , Fovr Convictions. Council Bluffs Corref pondenco. Few of the tax-payers realize , and , It faot , have llttlo chance to know , what II coats to maintain the jaatico shops. The meeting of the connty board , and the filing of bills for the past quarter , gives c little Insight Into the ntnonnts whlsh the county has to pay for comparatively nothing. The BEE man wont through the accounts of Justice Fralnoy , and gathered some facts and figures w hich are strikingly illustrative of the expense ol maintaining the criminal law. Thin juitlco prcsants fee bills In eighty three criminal cases. It soome that In most of the cases there was no cause of action and the expense was wholly neodloaa. Of the cisos seventy- ono were dismissed , and only In tnolvo cases was there any witnesses sworn. This is a largo percentage of needless arrests , seven out of every eight cases being dli- mlesod or the defendant discharged , It Is well known that nny ono can qot a war rant no matter whether there Is any thing to the causa of complaint or not. Irresponsible parties get mad over some trifle , or want to force some ono to pay a bill , and they dash into a justice oflica and file an information. Before the day of trial , cither their temper has cooled or the matter has been Bottled , and the case is dropped while the connty Is called on to pay clghtdollars [ up. The sovonty-ono cases In which there was no conviction cost the connty a total of $530 GO , or an average of $7 GO each. Thla Includes the jaatico foes and the Feon of the officer. The twelve cases in which there was notno decision reached wera of a varied character , some being for the purpose of having a glnndorcd liorao shot , nome for recovering aomo itolen trinket , and only cno or two bound over to the grand jury. Pos sibly there woio two or three out of the whole lot in which there was Bomo violation of the criminal law of such importance as to warrant the officers if the law in invoking its power to pun ish the offender , and If out of the whole batch there , are finally two or three of fenders punished for anything moro than i technical offense , it will bo ( surprising. Those twelve cases cost the connty § 218.40 , and the total costs for the jlghty-threo cases amounted to $758. For actual convictions of real criminal ? , mpposlcg there are out of the wboln batch two or three , will amount to § 250 or more apioco. Justice Hendricks has filed a bill which shows about the eamo state of facts only on a smaller scale. Ho had fourlnen cases , and not a single conviction. The cost of these casts amounted to $08 Host of them were brought to him by changes of venue , being started elte- vrhero , and while ho may not bo resnon- clble for any undne exponsa , yet it Hint- rates that the system as practiced by the ustlces is an expensive ono , aud real violations of the criminal law are few in comparison with the foolish cises on which the county la throwing away its money. The accounts of N. Shurz show that In ils court there wore fifty-Qvecasesand that hlrtj-fivo were discharged or dismissed , and there were twenty cases which ro- snlted in conviction , or in binding over iO the district conrt , or in some such dls- ) oaltion. The total cost in those thirty- ivo cases , for jtntlce , constable , and wit nesses , was $538 22. In this conrt thoio s a bett'r showing for the money called or than in any of the others. All the bills bo whittled down so far as possible , but the trouble is that the present law permits of abuses to arlco , and the jast and unjust bills are alike carried through to a payment , and those who present thorn are obliged to stand hobiuntofthe fault-finding. It is nrged by those who have been in losltlon to watch thoao bills from joar o year , that the next legislature should hango the law , that in cities and largo pirns the justices cm be paid a salary ixed by the county board , and then there rill bo less temptation to allow cises to > B brought and costs put upon the conn- y without cause. The justice can do < t ; reat deal to cither increase or diminish hceo coats , for by entertaining cases vhioh have no ahadow of a foundation , ther costs besides those of the justice's ro made , each officer and wltnoBs having fee bill to swell the amount of the whole. PERSONAL. W. A. Gould , of St. Paul , Neb , , is in the Ity. Charles A. Crocker , of Stlllwater , Mich. , was in the city yesterday. A. J. Snyder and hia family leave to-day or a wcek'd visit to Nebraska , 1 > . M. Hobbs and family left last evening or n visit to fiienda in 1'ooria , 111. W. Twlnno Cross , brother of Dr. Cross , rrlve3 here yesterday from Baltimore. Mrs. A. Hnynea , of Ohio , is visiting in the .ty , the guest of Mrs. Harry liar worth. Kev. Dr. Oooley , pastor of the Baptist burch , bos been called away by the death of its brother. F. L. BpanoRle , treasurer of the Western mpleinent company of Hod Cloud , Neb. , was n the city yesterday , Hon. Thomas S. Wright , of Des Moine , wan in the city yesterday , having some cases .0 . look after in the circuit coutt , N , M. Ilubbard , jr. , eon of Judge Hub- > ard , of Cedar Rapids , arrived in the city esteiday to look After acme legal business lere. lere.Prof. Prof. C. B , Llpfert left yesterday for Ores- on , JIo will return to-morrow morning In mo to take bis accustomed p'aco at the oran - an in the Episcopal church. n , II. Van Brunt and J , J. Vanderveer went to Lincoln yesterday to look after Van : runt & Oo'a eihiblt at the Lincoln fair , 'hey return this evening to epend Sunday at touie , Richard Hnrwoilh , brother of Harry Har- worth , vinteii this city some time ago , and Yus so impressed with the many advantages f the city that after returning east end taki ng unto himself a wife , he has returned cow with her , and intend ! taking up his retldenco lere , Not * Dry Joke , The mayor in ono of his editorial ar- nmcnts in favor of the "pop" ordinance vidently Intended to say that "the aa- oou men have Indirectly conformed to bo state law , that la a law , to wit , the Ity charter. " Tna typos of his paper got t set up , "a lnw to wet the city charier. " 7ot far out tf the way , after all. A FAULT AMIR , BY nuan CONWAY , Auttor of " ( TalltdJacX" and "Dark Dayi CltAtTKH XXXV CONTINUED. After lids she wont lo Undo Herbert nud something ot tlio snmo scene was gouo through. The Tnlberta then ro-arrnngixl their necktlos ta much M to sny that al though sucli impulsive ombrncos inlRht bo Allowed once in avny they wore not to boa gonoml rule. The Talbert.i then rearranged their neckties "But I don't understand , " paid Horace. "Whlltnkor raid Mr. and Mrs. "Oh , yeV said Frank. "Uoatilco nnd I tvoio man-led tonio tiino ago. Married iu Munich. JF.no city , Horace you know it on coursp. AV o only cnino back from our wedding trip n fo\v days ago. You nro the first wo have scan. Wo thought perhaps you would have put us up for a couple ot da vs. " This request put the Tnlborts on their mottle ns bests. Hospitality overruled everything. Their house \\ai at the young people's hprvico "o long as thaj' wished the longer the better. " 15utliy did Beatrice run awnyr1 nskod Ilorac' , "Ay , \\hyi" baidFraukcarclossly. "That's thoquosti'iu. " "It could net have boon to avoid you , " said Herbert. "Sho says not. But ono ij uovor sura about such things. " "You arc afraid you would have to give up the boy , " said Hornco to his niece. She hesitated. "Yes , I feared ho viould bo taken fiom me , " slu taal. Horace looked triumphantly at Herbert. His theory had been the righc ono after nil. Then they wenb oil lo see that a room ires Kot ready for their uucxpocted guosts. While the Tnlbarts vero so engaged tboir guests walked < lo\vn to tha village nnd fouud Syhnuus Jtordlo. Sylvanns positively spfJ.-kled when ha heai'd tno news. It freotl hla consclenco from a shadow which had for months bosn lying upon it the shadow of the " Cat and Compasses. " Ho took n hand of oacU ot bis friends. "Sorry for ono thing 01113-0110. That I didu't join tbsse han-K Would have given worlds anything gone to Munich ou pur pose. I needn't tall either of you why I wished to do it. " The last words were spoken with gcnuino fooling. Mr. and ilra. Carruthew pressoJ the curate's hands anil thanked him for hia good wtsho.1. When theyloCt him Sylvanus called for his tricycle and propelled himself ten miles out and ton miles homo again. Ho did so , bo told himself , to keep his wind up to sarmon mark. Ho was uuwilliug to con fess that the need for such violent bodily esercisa was biought about by the sight of Beatrice as n bride. That night nt Hazlewood House the table was as tastefully laid , the nnpery ns smooth nnd spotless , the glass as lu trous , the wines as unimpeachable- crockery aa perfect as over. Frank did nearly all the talking. Ho spoke of his future plans , of the life ho mid Beatrice maant to lead , as coolly as It all her frioiUs hal baca at her wedding. Beatrice said very littla. She was timply , quietly happy. Horace thought the young couple behaved very well. As ho remarked toHorbart afterward , "Thoro were none of those embarrassing little familiarities which t.o often make the company of a bride and bridegroom well , undesirable. " Beatrice loft the men and strolled through the garden. Horace and Herbert then filled their classes , and in a courtlv way wished Frank every happiness. "Not , " said Horace ace , "that - = vo can honestly say wo approva of your having txsan marriol in this clandoa- tine way. But you may , of coursa , have bad good reasons for it. " "Wo had good loasons , " said Frank "Wo think , however , wo liavo a right to osk for an explanation of Beatrice's strange conduct her ( light and concealment. " "Certainly , " said Herbert , "most cortain- ly. " So Frank tel 1 them all. As ho had the command of language and fpoko in earnest toius , as ho had the skill to inako certain Bhndouslook lighter , und to bringoiitstrong points in hU rlii'iit's favor most strongly ; ns ho could hpoalc cf what she had ondmotl , and BO invoke pity ns well ns uiorcy , Baatrico could scarcely have found a Letter udvo- cato. cato.But But Horncj I Herbertl A line of notes of exclamation would not properly express their Mirprbe. With eyes fUel on the spsaker tho/ listened like persons under a spell. Even wlnn Frank had * aid his say they continued to gaza at him. Horace was the llrst to spjak. "Is this true ! " ho gasped. "Every word of it poorgirll" said Fiank "Thon , " said Horace , with his no appeal manner , "wo can never lorgho her uover see her again. Never 1" Ho glanced nt Herbert , ns if expecting the usual echo. But it dldmtcoiiu. Frank rose "Very noli ; then there's nothing moro to bo said , I'll ' go and tell mv wife to put her things on. Which is the bast Blacktown liotoH" This was a staggering shot. It was a : ruel shot , Carruthcns was right when ho aild it would take a great deal to make the I'nlberts turn-oven a dog n ay. "Chvous a fowmimitoJ to talk it O'er , " said Herbert. "Lot us leave you hero for awhile. " "No. I'll go into the garden. I can't ; ivo you moro than twenty inlnuto * , because : nest of our things are unpacked , aud it is jrowing late. " Before ho left thorn ho spoka again ; this Jrno with all hh former earnestness. "Horace , Herbert , " ho fnid , turning from jnoto the other. "In talking this over , ro- nomljor , that if you cannot iorglvo her wo nust bo btrangoitt horoufcor. By costing her jflj'ougivo tha world a right to say what itchoises. Ilumomuor , also , she is my wife tlmtshj lovtw you that ilu is oveu now 311 thorns of buspouso uwaltmg your do- : l3lon. " With this ho loft thorn , wont into tha gar- leu , und , out of bight of the houses , walked rt-itli hlo arm around Beatrice and bade her ao of good cheer. Betoro the twenty minutes had expired , rhlttakor cnino to inform them that Mr. falbert ilcslroJ him to v\y that tea was waiting in tlii ) dniwing-room. Frank iinilod , drew Jscitrico'd trembling unit ivithlu his 'wn auii led her iiuloow. As ,0011 as Whltiakor had withdrawn after bunding round thj tea Horace ko. Ho nuabtaudiu , } up , his cup In bis Jinud , nnd prolong your stiw till to-morrow week wo might ask a few friends to meet you at din ner. The invitation will bj a short ono , but Lmdcr tha circumituueoi will 110 doubt ba cxcusod. " CarruUwrs turned away to ludo n smile. Yet ho felt that , comidariug who tlu bpuaker was , no words couU liava boon bet tur , more juJiclotuly or juoro cliojon io express the fact that Hofaco nni Herbert had dccidoJ to forgive the culprit and not only to say no moro about her nils deeds , but , nlsj , if liecossary , show th world that they took her part. It was i triumph. No moro was iaiii j but Beatrice could no refrain from letting a few tears of gratltudi bedew Horaco'.s immaculate shirt front , 01 from sitting for a little while with Horbert'i hand In hers. Sir Malngay bad , of course , to bo told all This was n painful task , as tolling Sir Main cay meant telling Lndy Clausou. Her lady Miip had her revenge br being nblo to saj tbo girl bad , after all , "dono something dU graceful , " but as she thinks a croat doa' ' about the boner of lior Imsbanu's family she will not proclaim the correctness o : her ostiiuato ot Beatrice's character. And others will have to bo told. Th < Oakbury people will bear n great deal They will shako their beads nud gossip. But fortunately , or unfortunately , Mr. nud lire. Cnrruthors' future lifo will nol bo spout nmoug these families of position , BO such gossip will matter little to them. They will llvo in the great world of Lon don , and Frauk Carruthors may or mav not become n famous man. At nny rate he will bo a happy ono. And Beatrice ! Beatrice will make n clrclo of f riouds. No secret will bo nindo o the facts that she has been tw ice nmrrlcj , nnd that little Harry is her child by her first husband. And if some day it BhouM b whispered in that circle that for some rea sons only known to herself she passed for years ns a siiiRlo woman when sno was a wife wlmt will it matter 1 Bettor that than passing as n wife when a woman is single. The world Is like a cat , pleasant and snoot when nibbed the right way. Frank and Beatrice nro rich the trustees raised no question on account of the first marriage they nro hospltnblo. kind-hearted , closer , young and good-looking , and Frank soctna likely to rise to eminence. In such cases trionds are very good nature 1 nud trouble themselves very llttlo about idle roporti Indeed , all who care to inquire Into Mrs. Cnrrutliprs' history may know nil there is to bo known. No neb all. Not the means by which happiness uas brought within their grasp. That is known only to n wild-eyed , whlte- faced woman whosa gaunt features grow every day more gaunt , who , day by day , sinks into a nnro hopeless state. Only she , this victim to the dreariest religious creed the world hai yet invented doubly dreary because it is illogical nnd unnnsweinblo only she knows how Beatrice's freedom was bought , how her happiness was asurod. Aud she will soon dlo and go to her np pointed place. But sbo will die and at no sign , THE E1TO. Nervous Debilitated Men , You are allowed a jrce trial jor thirty days of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the speedy relief and permanent euro of Nervous Debility , loss of Vitality nnd Manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health , vigor and manhood. No risk is incurred. Illustra ted pamphlet with full information , terms , etc. mailed free by addressing Voltaic Bolt Co. , Marshall , Mich Atroag the operas to ba produced at the Thalia theater. Now York , oarlv in the regu lar cowon , which begjns about October , 1 , are Czlbulkn's Pfinqeten im Floronz and Strauss' "Git-sy Baron. " I'uzzoni. No narno la batter and moro pleasantly and widely known than that of Mr. J.A , PozzDnl. For many yoata ho has made himself famous by the elegant potfames and complexion powder that bear hla name , the latter having found Its way to the bollea of Paris , Germany and Lone don. Everybody admires beauty In la dies. Nothing will do more to produce or enhance it than a nao of Mr. PozzDnl' preparations. CTBP5.VBCT VSKfKf n'T'ji ' J"i 1 - ' -"TPCTf1' ' " Lr'-mgf5JBBPITfTW [ tST CAPITAL PIUZE 875,000 TEJ Tickets Only 86. Shares in Proportiot Louisiana State Lottery Oompam "We do hereby certify that we supervise the a < rangeinentifor all the Monthly and Semi-Annuo QDrainnne of the Lcuisiana State LetterCompam and in person matiage and control the Drawingi themselves , and that the same are conducted w A honesty , fairness and in good faith , toward all far ties , and we authorize the company to uie thit cer tificate , with fac-nmiltt of our lignaturet attache * in itt advertisement. , OOMMIS3IONER3. in rporatcd In 1803 tat 25 years by the legislature [ or Klucatlonal and Charltublo purposes with t r-iplul of $1,000,000 to which a roserra ( antlol ovti (550 ( 000 hag elnco been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franohlti trasm&de apart of the present state oonstltatloi dopted December 2d. A. D. 187D. Tha only lottery ever voted on and endorsed bj the people of any etato , It never Bctloa or pooiponos. Its Rrind elnjle number drnwlnga take placi monthly. A SFLENniD OI'POninNITT TOjW'N AIOBTUN * 10th Grand DrawingClass K..intho Aoadomt rf Music. New Orleans , Tuosdny , Oct. 13tb 1835 , 185th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each. Frac tions , in Fifths in Proportion. Liar or rnuiiai 1 CAPITAL PRIZE I75.0CI 1 do do S6,00t 1 da do _ . lO.tOt 2PRIZK3 OF 0,000 12,010 6 do 2.COO 10,001 10 do 1,000 10,001 20 do 500 10OOC IM do 200 XO.OW BOO do 100 QCO ( COO do 50 S5.00C 1000 do M SI II.OCI Ari'BOItllATlON rSIZHS. 9 Approximation Prlios of J760 0,7M 0 do do (00 _ _ . . . . . , CM 0 do do SCO 2,251 ICS7 Prlcoe , lumonnllng to _ . { 2C5co ; < Appllc tlon for rates to dabs shonld be madeonl } 10 tiioolDoo of tha Company In New Orleans/ For further Information write dearly giving fall uldresi. POSTAL NOTES , Express Money Orders , 01 ! few York Ezcbange In ordinary letter , Curronoj Kzpress ( all sums of 85 and upward ! at oni ex ? cnsc ) addressed , U. A. DAUPHIN ) r II. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La. 607 Heventh 81. , Washington D. O. Uake P. 0. Uonoy Orders payable and addinti Xegliteied Letters to NEW OELSANS NATIONAL BANK Haw Orleanr , La. OB LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK , New Orleans , La. , STATE NATIONAL BANK.New New Orleans , La. , OERUANIA NATIONAL DANK , New Orleans , La Wavett , [ Fvizzss , SwitcJics. JDtc. HAIR GOODS. § 7 * anijtooiny , Hair Dressing And Cutting , HAIE GOODS. Bangs Cut Pamprdour , Lnngtry or other styles. styles.oods MRS. 0. L. GILLEITE , 29 Main St , Oiunsil Blulfi. Take all in all. Take all the Kidneys and Liver Modlcln Tnko nil the Blood purifiers. Take nil the Ilhoumntlo remedies , Take all the Dy pspsln nnd indiges tion cures. Take all the Aguo.Fover , and billions specifics , Take all the Brain and Nerve force revives , Take all the Great health restorers. In short , tnko all the best qualities of all these and tno best Qualities of nil the best modlolnos In the world nnd you will find that Hop Bitters have the boat ouratlvo quail- tioi and powers of all concentrated In them. them.And And that they will euro when nny or nil of these , single or oomblnod. Failll A thorough trial will glvo positive proof of this. Hardened Liver. Five yoara ago I broke down with kid. noy and liver cotaphlnt and rheumatism , Since then 1 have boon unable to bo about nt nil. My liver beoimo hard like wood ; my limbs were puffed up nnd filled with water. All the best physicians agreed that lothing could euro mo. I resolved to ; iy liop Blttera : I have nsed seven bot- .lea ; the hardness has all gene from my Ivor , the swelling from my limbs nnd It ins worked a miracle In ray ease ; other wise I would have boon now In my grave. J. W. MOUBV. Buffalo , October 1 , 1881. Poverty and Suffering. debt , ponrryandeuf- forlnKlorjeits , camojby a sick fatullp nJ largo bills fur docterlDL' . I wr i eomplotiIt dlsccmrajrod , until 010 year azo , nvtlionlxlco ol my pastor , I commtnoedualiiK Uou Hitters , and In ono month wo wcto all neil , and none ol Ul ha\o ston aelck diyelnco , anil I want tn say to all posr tnon , you cm leeo your fareillcs well a year with Hop lllttord for loss thin ono dactor'a visit will ocst. I uuow It. Prosecute the Swindlers ! ! ! It when you call ( or Hop Bitters ( BOO cluster of Hops on the white Inbol ) tun druggist - gist hands out nny atuff called 0 , D. Warners Gorman Hop liHtera or with other "Hop" name , refuse it nnd shun that druggist KB you would n viper ; and it ho has taken your money for tlio stuff , indict him for the fraud nud BUC him for damages foe the swindle , nnd wo wil reward you libornllv for the ocnvhtlou. The "Exposition Univorselle do Part Ouli nairo" awarded the highest honora to Anjjoa tur * Hitters as the most ellicacious stimu Innt to excite the appetite and to keep th diRostivo organs in good ordor. Ask for th ponulno article , manufactured only by Dr. J G * 13. Sioijort Sous , aud beware of imita ons. 1iol4 world , cur * . Jljiirpt. . JjlitrW. , Ittrr knd. Ape. . &nl ill CUczdmof Ibl Dletitiri Orgtni. A few drop * InparLK d/JIrlaui Havre Cd t Elui offb.mpMTie , in < S to 11 laiQfflfr dilnlu Trf II , UL ! b. Kr > crcoont.rftltt. A.li your crour or dropjUl for Uu > ( ' . r. FRED. W. CRAY , f SUCCESSOR TO ) FOSTER < 0 Git AY. LUM WHITE WNE , YELLOW PINK , OALI FOIINIA RTOWOOD AB1I , OAK , BLACK WALNUT , 81'ANISH OEDAH. Bear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Comcnt , Iowa nml Mtcliican Plna- tor , Hftlr , Etc. Etc. Cot : Otlt 4fe Douglas St "CHICH ESTER'S ENGLISH. " The Original ami Only Ociuilno. ff f * ftn/i > tivtii IlrlUhlt * . IVwm f uorthlr * * ImllAllont. IndtiiinlAMe Ifl LADIES * Al * your llniffittat r > 1 " < -hlchr trf' nnBlMiTlmilt . oowiirr or tntioi > < a. ( * umt > . ) to in r r t imlcuUT. in Irtlrr 1 > r tfliirn malL . rMrhr.Irr flirmlrnl ' NAME PAPER. - UlllilMHiH'-iiiNuMnrn. I'l.lln. ! . . . 1'rrmium" TtrrKnn fronirrroMorcxrMv % l.ont POM P ; ilsr f of the H lilm-y * . Illiul. ctrr. nnil TrnHtnto liluiul rim HO vltlinnt ( ilnmnrli MMlrinei ti.vtho Mnrptoti Holm. Vn rlroccincumiwiihoutsnrKPry. TrfntlH < nndtr > timnnlnlMrrr. AllmrntspoiiiipniPFnnMilPiitlaU XAESTON REMEDY CO. . or DR. II. TRESKOW , . * - - n * A PINE LINE OP AT WOODBEIDG-E BROS , , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Notice ! Noticel Notice THE MAGNETIC HEALER , To all who nro dlsotsod or adUctcil , no mutter how eng the standing ; como ami bo hc.ilcj , Ke m Io dls. iso8Uicro medicines lm\o failed to glvo relief , specialty ; como one , como oil and bo licnlod by tha lagnotlQ healer , the only euro escape from any dla- a3c. For examination , our cha'go * are { I , for each roatmont , or \ Ultatlona 82 ; terms ntrlctly cash. J. H. PAGBLAH , North St&ta St. , ono ratio west of Fitr Grounds A FAMILY BLESSING. Nolhltgaddsmcro to the security of lllo , ot hap- ilnoss and of hcaUh , than a tafo mid rclUV.e family inoJIcme. Simmon's Lhor Regulator htHwon for it elf the appellation ot "thofa > orlto homo tcmcily- t la adapt'd to a largo proiioitlon of the cnicrccn- lea Hch occur la domcitlo lllc. If tlio ( lilld 1ms the oil - , It is a euro , sit a and p leasant remedy. If the thcr laoxhauatcd , oternorkcd dotllttktcd , It nlll cttoro hla falling Ftrccgth. lttho lfo eudcrs Irora \npcpsla , low Elilt9 , hca'acho , It will gito ivllof. f any member of tha txrally hai eaten anything urJ of illicstlon asmalldo'o of the Regulator nlll eon establish n good digestion. It ghee refreshing toep even In cas s uhcra narcollca have fn'led. It (9 ( no lest prc\entho modldno , ocd safe to begin 1th , no mailer what the attack ; and In Mtmtt ovtrj- aso wl 1 Honl relief and cUtct a epccdy cure nlth ut tha old cf other modlctno No crrcr to foitrod In dmlntstcrlnt ; ; loltjurf from exposure after tnkfnir ochacgc if clloj riqulrcd ; no change ol hib'ts , no c loct of Jutlca or lots of time , tilmracn'd t.Ucr ttculatcr Isuntirilr xezctaVonnd Is tbo purest nd ninily medicines compounded , Prepared br J. II. EIL.1N fcCO. , 1'hlladolijhlB , Fa. , sclo proprietors. H. T , CLARK DRUG COMPANY , Largest Z2 > ru0 % Paint ? Oil and Glass Mouse U in the West. Eslimates Given on Plate Glass Furnished , Street Omaha Web JHLurney , - - , For full particulars aboitt free and cheap lands in Western Nebraska- Address T. C. PATTERSON , Seal Estate Agent , North Plattc , Neb. GREEN & BURKED LIVESTOCK COMMISSION'HEBCHTB STQCM. JTABJD8. MorchantB1 & Ftirmer'a KEFEUKNOKS Hank David : City , Nob. Omaha , Neb. Kearuey National Bank , Kearney. Neb. Columlmi State Bank , Columbus , Neb. McDonald's Bank , North Tlatte. Nob. Omaha National Bank , Oomha. Neb. G. B. GREEN. O. liURK Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two thirds * aluo of stock. -ESTABLISHED , 1865 - Sinporters and B Wholesale Dealers in Just Received , a full lime of Meerschaum Goods , prime aualitv , wliicli were spe cially selected bv our Mr .Mas Mever in Europe for our own trade. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF 3LIST. Meyer & Co OtntiJia , Neb BPKOIAL NOTIOK TO 0-rowers of Live Stock and Others. WB OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO It Is Ihu boat nnd cheapest fond for stock cf any kind. One pound ii uqutl to three pounds o corn. Stock fed -with Oround Oil Gnko In tbo Fall Mid Wlntet Instead ol rnnnlng down , will In&eue In weight and bo In good marketable oondl * tlon In tbe spring. Dairymen , M well * a others , who ute It , can tcntlfy to its tuoe Ita , Try it and jadgo { or youreelven , Prlco ? 24.00 per ton. No charge for sscka. Addreu WOODMAN LINliKKD OIL V/OBKS , Oraabi. , Keb.