Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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A ftltiili ErtiMI Promised at He-
Ma's ' Annual stale Fair.
Every Department Filled to Over
flowing ,
2Ctio Unlvrrolty nncl Its Ijund C sc
3 noVntor \V ya Convention
City Notes ,
The assurance oi Secretary Fumes that the
ttato fair now being held would bo ono of the
very best over inaugurate ! by any atato ,
eeetns to bo realized , The untiring efforts of
these in charge have produced a display which
Is * credit to the people of the state. The
ram o ( the last few days has not interfered
with the work , and although all la in com
pletion , everything will bo arranged to day.
The headquarters building Is well adapted for
the purpose for which It was erected , and into
it all of the officials moved yesterday. Agri
cultural machinery , art and floral halls ,
and Ibo various buildings are about coin-
j-'pled ' , together with a number of buildings
jfU up by private ptrtiea for their special ex
hibits , Three thousand entries on the secre
tary's book have already been received , and
Applications are still being constantly made
for space' . Captain Harry ilotchklai , with a
force of natiatanti , has erected the "Nebraska
Uartholdl , " which will attract much attention
It , la Impossible to make Individual mention
of the exhibits. Wo can only say that every
dorartment is complete , nnd notably the in a
chlnery and agricultural departments.
Probably the most notable arrival was the
exhibit of T W. Harvey , of Turlington , this
ttate , consisting of reven carluads of 1'olltd
Argus cuttle. President Hill , ol the Minne
apolis & Manitoba road , whose cattle has
been ou exhibition at Das Moinca , will also
have them hero. Each of these two gentle
men have determined to possess thu Guest
liarda of Sotch cattle in the country , and
ha\o8pont thousands of dollars In their pur
THK UNlVKiism.
The collegiito year of the state university
which commoncaii Thursday , promUca to ba
a moat successful ono. Tliu rupuUtion of Uio
school Is extended and deservedly so1 both
of which facts are clearly bxplain ibl when tt
is considered that on the faculty's rolls are
nnmoa o ! mon of national reputation in their
departments and that atudjnts from Ohio ,
Now York , Pennsylvania , Illinois , Michigan ,
Iowa and Colorado matriculated 11114 week
The present year promises to bo the most
prosperous ntd satisfactory ono in its hiitory ,
COpcrcnnt. more students hwing entered
the freshman o'ass than last year , which yotr
wai an Incrtuso of D per cent , on that of
1883 , and that it is much harder to eater now
than in cither of these years , Tbo inference
ia plain.
The policy of the iinlvereity boretofore has
been to drulu the Latin school of the univer
sity. In this respect a change has been maJc1 ,
the purpose being to have tha schools do their
proper work BO that eventually the Latin
aahoola may he discontinued , and the univer
sity will be what it shou'd ' bo simply a atato
university. This will nf course ralee tbo
standing of the high school ,
Lectures at tno Medical College will bo
commenced Monday , A largo number of unw
students have entered and most of the old
ones ara now bick , The success of this de
partment ia largely due to tbo energy and
ability of the doan , Dr. Mitchell , who baa
spared no pains to make it a succesp.
News at the atato house is decidedly Ecarco ,
nothing but routine work being done , and
nnd very little of that thia week , moat of the
olliclata having spent it at Beatrice , among
whom were Governor Dawoa , Auditor Babcock -
cock , Secretary llofrgen , Attorney General
Ijiese , General Cpbb and Land Commissioner
Bcott , together with aomo of tbo clerks
Hon. A. J. Sawyer , who haa boon in at-
touilatca upon tha water waya convention , at
SL Paulas a tJolepatobas returned homo and in
answer toaquettioii by ycur correipDndent ,
aaid that ho I bought the unanimity with
which the recommendation for a largeappro- {
prlation by conertisa for the improvement of
navigation would result in much good in in
fluencing congress in its action ,
In the case of Charloa E , Bosssr va. Babcock -
cock , which will ba romombsrod as the uni
versity case , application has been made to
Chief Justice Cobb for a writ of error to the
United States supreme court , Aa Judge Oobb
entered a dissenting opinion at the time o ! its
decision , it Is very likely the writ will ba
granted. This ia a caio of much importance ,
and involvoa the question as ti whether the
board of regents have the control of the money
arising from the leasoa and sales cf the uni
versity land * , or specific appropriation must
be made from the fund BO ariiing by the leg-
A hrga nuaibsr of people from bore have
been in attendance at the reunion nt Beatrice ,
Farragut post No. 25 going in a body.
A number of Llncolu friends attended the
wedding of Mr. William Leonard and Miss
Koto litlUatiao at Nebraska City.
Tha Filzgoraldd will give an exhibition at
the fuir B-uueday next week.
Dr. ICuapp , of York , Is in the citv.
Judge Abbott , of Council lilulfi , passed
through the city yesterday 03 his way homo
from lisatrlco
N , X. Snell , Kq. , an attornnv of this city ,
was quietly married to Miss 1'iorn Frost at
tim residence of her father Thursday evening ,
George \V. Fjpp . of liartaidan , NVia , la
visiting frlenda ia tha city , KB olio Mrs. M. J ,
Cnvnnaupli , of Santa l''c , N. M.
M jrKleutch starts to-day for Qnincy ,
Tivo little glrla cf Ben Kefllor'a were in-
tultoi by two tramps last evening. The police -
lice uro on the lookout for them ,
The theft of a butt of clothes from Gus
Yogi , a hoarder at the St , Cliailes hotel , the
arrest of Jamea Sturgeon and wife an the
ohtrge of rape and aiding Hill , and three
plain drunks , make up thu criminal itcord for
The attorneys for QuIniBohanan have made
application for a writ of error to the United
State supreme court.
A. Damp Court JIoiisu.
Thcro was n load wall of complaint at
the court houEO yesterday cm account of
the dampness which pravapod the build
ing. The air was hnmid and moltturo
had settled on the Ibora and furniture to
auoh an extent that it looked ns if the
roe ! had been removed and the rain had
falhu directly into the Interior. There
hta boon no fira in the building for two
month * , acd when the cold and damp
weather 01110 on it va& found that the
grates In the hoitlng apparatus were
tonrnod oat and had to bo removed.
Offing to the newness of the building it
should have been thoroughly heated every
night until the darapuetd had been taken
out of tbo watts.
Genial Mike Lihey , the engineer at
the county building , telephoned this
morning at 2 o'clock that ho was spend
ing tbo ontlrj night in the effort to get
xip miough steam to host the structure
auflldontly to drlvo the chilly feeling that
pervades the structure away , To-day ,
no doubt , the various county oilicora will
find their ofiices comfortably warm and
I''lno ' 1'iilio'tnnn ,
A oimmunlcatlou hat been received
from the woman , whose opera ghisea
were "borrowed" by & policeman , BB
msEticmd in this paper , donylnj ? that in
her uoio to the mmhal she aald that he
was "a faithful cflher. " She thicks ho
returned them became It was a case o
"force. "
The "pnorllo policeman , " some o
whoso exploits were recently publlahet
in the BKE , has at l&tt committed a
"blander" irhich has caused him to to
antpendtd from his position. Whllo
on his boat ono night , recently ,
ho entered a saloon and took a asat.
After remaining nbout an hour in the
place , the proprietor suggested to the of-
fleer thtt It woold bo a good idea for him
to ge ont on the atroot , ai the polica
were not paid for sltllcg In taloons while
on duty. The officer took umbrage at
this remark , and tald that ho "know his
business. " The saloon keeper then or-
dotcd him ont , and olthoogh ho complied
ho threatened vengeance. The follow
ing night , It U Raid , the police
man aant a "bam" to the salooti
to r&leo a disturbance. That individual
c tiled for drinks for the entire party
present and could not pay for them ,
The Biloon-kecpor then proceeded to put
him out , bat jaat as ho reached the door
with the "bam" the policeman appeared
on the scone and placed him under arroit.
The tflicor WAR very much intoxlcited ,
but ho atari oil for headqaartcra iilth his
prisoner. On the nay it devclopod that
the men were membora of the same
accrot organization , and the oflioor con
cluded to release his "brother. " The
saloon-keeper , however , was not eo kind ,
BB ho reported the aiTitr to the marshal
nnd the officer wna auspondod.
Tlio Oily Poor.
Fridays are busy doys for Superintend
ent of the Poor Ploro this weather.
Oa that day of the week ho distributes
( supplies to the poor and listens to thoao
desiring aid from the county. The ap
plications are numerous nnd the articles
wanted varied. Thcro are about sixty-
ivo families now depending ou the
county for nupport , and aa they will
average about four persons to a
'imlJy , the total number of
.hoeo asaiatod is two hundred and sixty.
Nearly all of theco are from the city ,
there bslng only throe families In the
c lUtity , outside of the city limita , who
\io \ roolvlng aid. A largo portion of
: hcsa pinporB como from the bottoms.
they uro tf all nationalities. Polondcr ,
10 trover , predominate , and form one-
hlrd of this Indigent class. Saperlntend-
nt Pierce doils out to tha applicants
1 ) nr and other provisions , nnd occasion
ally furnishes a pair of shoes cr ether
vcaricg apparel to the more needy.
Vloat ot thoao whi apply are woman and
children , but ocnationally a sick or do-
cropld man is union ; ; the callers.
A Siunll Wreck.
A epocial slock train en the Union PA-
olfic collided with a regular stock train
ou the Burlington & Missouri at the
stock yards about C o'clock last evening.
The Burlingtrn & Missouri train was
oadlng at the tlnio of the collision , and
he older train was moving slowly. The
caboose was qnito badly wrecked nnd
several cars thrown from the track , but
no cno was ir jurcd.
Gen. Goo. B. McOlcllnml.
The distinguished union soldier , Gen.
ioo. B. McO.'oiland ' , came iato the city
'cstorday morning on a special Illinois
Central o&r attached to the Union Pacific
> vorland train. He was accompanied by
its family and a party of friends. Ho
ias been touring in California and other
western states , snd 'u on ills wry to the
Amusornonts ,
An andlecca as large as Boyd'a opera
10UB3 over contained , perhaps , witnessed
, ho Crat presentation of Charles Hoyt's
otest comedy extravaganza last night.
Such a production is beyond criticism and
to nearly perfect all around that mention
of the details of the piece and Its par-
'ormors are not nocesaary , The play is
ntonded to amuse , and in that U kept the
irge audlenco in a perpetual roar , varied
ly laughter pitched to shrieks , la a sufli-
: lent guarantee for Its complete success.
It Is reproduced to-night and both those
who witnessed it last evonlng and the
othara who failed to attend must.ln all
'olf respect , gtt there this 'even-
ng. It la probably the funniest show on
earth. _ _
A PeBcemaUer i'ouiulcrt.
Aibart Oopp , a farmer living about
.welvo . mlloB out of the cily , wet with an
acsldent yesterday which may liy him up
'or ' some time. Ho wan pasiing a saloon
about throa mlloa out of the city last
light , and hearing a row ho went imldu
o aeo "what waa tlia maUer. " Ho fonnd
hat a party of toughs were boating a
men who was lying1 prone upon the floor ,
mlf senseless. Ho immediately requested
hem to doslst , aa ho says , when they
limped upon kirn and beat and cut him
n n hoirible manner. Ho was brought
nto town , where his wounds wo.-odroEBod
iy Dr. Loo. Capp was sent to h'a ' home ,
aud will bo ready in the obtirao of two
or three weeks to again pose In the role
of a peacemaker.
i Card ol
The management of thoOmabafair and
exposition return thanks to the former
realdonta of Nebraska , now fiu'.t ' growers
In Oallforn'a , for the Cno collection of
fralia atnt by there , which have been a
very attractive foituro of the expcs tlon.
The donora were H. n. Visecher , W. H
Scott , M. G. HoKoon and Newcastle
fruit company and George J. Turton. The
colloslion included qrapcsof eit varieties ,
peers of several kinds , oraucer , lemons ,
ilmos , pomegranate * , tamarinds , poaches ,
plums , app'.oi , tigs and ( lalnoas ,
To Mr. J T , Allan , tosratary of the
etato horticultural aaclety , through whoeo
efforts this fruit wrs necurad and ex
hibited , they acknowledge obligations.
JOSEPH GAUNEAU , Ju , Pu'sldcnt.
DANIEL H , WJIKELKH , Secretary.
Ttioy Ownotl Vluloua Jo s.
Judge Stanborg itsued , yosteidiy ,
warrant for iho arrest of a nun owning
a vicious doc which hai bitten the child
cf John Frost , Eleventh and Hickory
A warrant wai aldoliBnoJyoiter5ay , for
the crrcdt of n man named Hauaeu , tbc
owner of a dog whih bit the child of
Mrs. Diunon , a few days ago.
.To-l j'ij DUtrloc Court.
To-day will bo the Ust regular motion
day of the Juno term in the dlstrfcl
onrt. Judco Wakcley and Judge NB-
vlllo will both bo present , and a iiunibir
of Important decisions will be announced.
The grand eltctrio light cirnlral , which
was to bate occurred last evening , WM post
poned on account of tbo weather to foaia time
to bo announced htrenCter.
A Mysterious Letter Received by Cor
oner Drtxcl ,
YoUordny OoronerDttxsl racolvod the
following somewhat my a tor Ions letter :
OsiAIIA , September 9 , 1883.
Mn. DnEXKt.-De rSir-My : p ronta live
ten miles north of Gibbon , in Buffalo county ,
itata of Nebriubn. I want you to ihtp my
body there. Will find money In the bank to
pay rxpensoi. I had to leave my situation on
thenccount to mabo vactncy for the friends
of U. D. Davis nnd J W. Austin. I am
iorry to Bay that Mr. Davit cannot find good
enough men In the city of Omalmto do his
work. Therefore ha must send to the city of
Detroit to got his bull-headed clotks , auea aa
he wants. May their 1U en bo long and happy
tthllo mine ia short and ( ad. Friend ) I have
many ; enemies I have none , but my trials and
troubles ore to many to aland It nny longer.
I bid my friends farewell ,
Inquiry at the Union Pacific hindquar
ters dovolopca that there was auoh a per
son as Oharloa Baohman in the em
ploy of the company , nnd that ho re
signed his position ( or was discharged )
ibont two weeks ago. It wsa claimed by
ili employers that ho WB detected In
trying to "force R baltnoo , " and bolcg
itublo to oflbr any satisfactory cxplaua-
Llon , was "requested to resign " On the
other hand , Mr. Bachman and his friends
claimed at the time that this was merely
a pretense to force him out in order to
make room for a favorite.
A reporter was detailed to look
up Mr. Bichman , in order to clour
up the mystery , If possible. Ho
wont down to the formnr residence of the
poung unn , on South Fourteenth
itroot , bat wna nnablo to learn any
thing about hla whereabouts. Cbromr
Drcxel was of the opinion thattholettcris
all a hoax , gotten vp as a novel kind of
practical j ike. The writing fa poor , un-
loubtodly that of an untutored person
tt does not correspond at all with that of
Bachman , and If ho did indite the letter
tie must have endeavored to dbgnloo his
Slnco writing the above Mr. Biohman
laa materialized , and dcnouncca the let
ter i\3 a forgery , lie stated ton BUR ro-
lorter l&st evening that ho had hid no in-
ontiou of committing sulcido nnd cinld
not Imagine who wrotn the letter ta Cor
oner Drcxel. He Intended , ho ( aid , to
sift the matter to the bottom , and in caao
; ho party wai found ho would projecnto
I1 in. Ho admitted that ho had been die-
charged by the Union Pacific officials ,
jut said tint the statement that it was on
account of making a "forced balance" wan
entirely erronoon ? . The forced balance
nrntloned was ordered made by Mr.
Watts , foreman of the desk , and ho only
complied with orders In rnaklcg It. Ho
attributed his discharge to a desire to fill
tit place with favorites of the managers.
it was his opinion that the letter was
written by some ono wno wished to in-
nro DAVIS ,
The "Hag Baby"company ia at the Millard.
MIB , J' . M. Stenberg and children nro
viaiting In Chicago ,
Mr. Harry Iligley , of Blair , gave TUB BEE
a pleasant call yesterday.
Deputy United States Marshal Showalter ,
of Fremont , ia in the city.
Mr. A. McGil' , ono of Grelghton'a popular
msiness men , ia In the Uty ,
John Frcnzer will leave thh morning for
Chicago to stay about ono month ,
C. M. IXiy , of Dea Molncf , la in the city
visiting hie brother , George M. Day.
J" . W. Moreo and family left 3 o terday for
few York on an extended pleasure trip ,
Datectivo William Plattner was n passenger
on the Northwestern for Chicago yesterday.
lion. James Clark , of Tekamah , is visiting
his brother , Fred L. Clark , 1510 Casa street.
Mr. T. U. Thillips and children returned
yesterday from an extended visit In Helena ,
ilontana ,
Mrs , D , J. Moore , of Grand Island , la vis-
tint : in Omaha , and la the guest of Mrs , A.
J. F. Hotch , president of the Bank of Plain-
view , Flainvlow , Neb , , made a plcatant call
at the BEE offica.
Thomas Tjwlea , chief clerk of the house of
epresentatlves , Harry Smith , journal clerk ,
and Ferris Fluch , bill clerk , arrived In the
cily yesterday from the west , where they have
lien enjoying a two mouths' pleasure trip.
Stnto Arrivals ,
At the Paxtoii : Alex Altechuler , Alns-
worth } Guy U Wilbur , Hartlngtonj A C
Olson and chllren , r/oinout ; J W Phelps ,
Neligh ; W E Ktitb , Noith Platte ; E I Holt ,
Seward ; J B Shaffer , North Platte ; James T
Anderson , W Wall , W II Alexander , K N
Grsneil , Albion ; I D Weir , North Platta ; H
N Sherrell , Nebraska City.
At the Mlllard : 1C 1 ] Valentino , West
Point ; 0 II Mullin , Blair ; 0 P Mendersen ,
Grand Island ; S 0 Fowler , Sidney ; 0 0 CHI-
on , Wahoo ; 8 B Chapman and wifa , Aurora
GeorgeBethard , who giined considerable
notoriety at the time of Garueld'a njsassina-
ion , and who wai recently before the United
States court here for tending obicano matter
hrough the mailr , was arrested yesterday aiid
s confined in tba city jail on a charge of
'drunk nnd disorderly. " lie was formerly a
minister und wall known temperance lee-
Jcha Kran , anolddecraplt man , reported
at palica headquarters yesterday that Ji9 bad
> ern sent hero from Creston , Iowa , to procaro
quartets at one of the hospitals hero. Ho said
hat bo had bson l&jured In an accident near
Dreston , and had no money to procure treat *
raent. Ho will probably bo sent lo the St.
Jo.eph'i ) hospital.
The 11 o'clock dummy last night collided
with an engine on ono of the switches on the
Council Bluffs side of the river , resulting In
slight duTUfja to the engines , No ono w s
PILES ! ! PILES ! ! PILES ! ! !
A sure cure for Blind , lllosdinp , Itching
and Ulcerated I'lles has been discuverod by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called lr ,
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
box has cured the worst chronio cases of 23 or
SO years standing. No ono need Buffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do
rtioro harm than good. Williams1 Indian
L'lle Ointment absorb ) the tumors , allays the
intense itching , ( particularly at night alter
Retting warm in bed ) , act * as a poultice , gives
nstant relief , and is prepared only for riles ,
tLhlog o ! private parts , and for nothing else ,
Dr , Frazler'a Magio Ointment. Cures as
by magic. I'lmple BlacU Heads or Grubs
the lotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
Saltskm clear and brautlful , Also cures itch ,
old , Hhume , Sera Nipples , Sore Lips , ntid
Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggijtn , or mailed on receipt of
60 cents.
KetalUd by Kuhn & Co , and Schroetvr &
Becht , At wholesale by 0 , F , Goodman ,
Hit Bout with taoUftiTrcy , Ho BBJB
All ,
The fricnda of John L. Sullivan think
ho ia in earnest when ho soys ho is ready
to fight filcOtflroy in private , and that ho
111 bet him $5,000 to $3,000 that ha
will knock him ont in four rounds.
Sullivan Is now at bin homo In Boston
looking none the worse for his Cincinnati
battle. Ho told a friend upon his arrival
that It waa no fight at all , that MoOaf-
'roy did not aland up to him a single
round ,
"I had McCaffrey knocked out in the
, hlrd round , " said John , "but the referee
waa too scared of the crowd to giro mo
the fight then. "
Sullivan will begin training atSciluitc ,
Mate. , at once for bU fight with Paddy
Ryan. Tom Delay and James McOohcn
will look after hla interests.
Local sporta who get the "tip" will bo
nblo to witness a "mill" with hard gloves
a about ten days between John W.
Gallon , a champlonamatour heavyweight
of Flatbush , and Alf Powers , of Williams-
> urg. The former is eighteen years old ,
lands 5 foct 11 hches high and tips tun
otilo at 185 pounds. Powers is 5 feat 9
nchcs high , weighs 1C5 pounds and is
light years older than his opponent.
Mike Donovan and Mike Gloary nro their
manager ? .
Pete McCoy nnd La Blanche , the
tlarino , nro to fight five rounds with
mall gloves for a § 500 purse and goto
nonoy. LJ Blanche la training at Mystic
Park , Boston. Tno fight will come off
within ten ilayc.
Sporting man of the Smoky City have
ireparod a grand reception for McCaffrey ,
rho is expected to arrive there to-day.
Task Beck and James Wht , two local
uglllaloof Plttsburg , hammered each
other for a pcrso of § 200 on the Porrya-
vlllo Road early yesterday morning. It
was a regular old-tiipo prlzi fight , ; wit
nessed by 150 people. Wirt was knocked
ont lu the thirty-fourth round.
John Stuwt , of No. 1L > 2 Attorney
ntreet , challenges Mike Williams , of
Sou h Brooklyn , to box him in Now
York with or without glovce , to a finish ,
for a gold or ailvor medal , whllo ' 'Dick"
Callahnn , a Fourth Ward olnggur , end
Thomaa Murphy , of No. 287 Thud ave
nue , accept the respective challenges of
E. Sturgcs , of the Fourth Ward and
Billy Burns , ofj the Cranston's Hotel ,
West Point.
How Some FoIKR Buy Buttor.
iurltngton , ( Del. ) News.
An old woman a few days pgo ap-
iroachr.d a stand on which was displayed
ovcrol largo tuba of butter. She took a
nickel from her purao and making a scoop
hrongh the butter , tested what she gath-
red on the coin. After which the fol-
owing conversation took p'.icc :
"Is that fresh bnttoi ? "
"You , ma'am. "
"Oountrj ? "
"No , ma'am ; tub. "
"What's It worth ? '
Twenty-five cents per pound. "
"Havo jou anything better1
"Yes , ma'am ; here you arc thirty
snta. "
Tasting It , and shaking hor.hosd doubt-
ally , oho oaid : f . / .
"Have you any other kind ? "
"Yeu , ma'am ; here Is aomo for fifteen
onts per pound. " tr
"Give mo a quarter of apound please ? "
aid the woman. The dealer recovered
ufliciontly to comply with the demand.
Soaton Globe.
Ho slept days and made up berths all
night. Tru'y , ho began to make up
lartha at Jersey City , and when ho got
hrough about daylight , It was titno to
icgln to nnmako them again. All night
could hear him opening and shutting
ho berths like a concertina. He sang
ofily to himself all night long :
You must camp a little while in the wilder
And then we'll all go home.
And pliyod his oirn accompaniment on
When In repose ho wai generally ailoop
with a whisk broom in ono hand and the
ther hand extended with the palm up ,
waiting for a dividend to bo declared.
Ho generally slept with hfs mouth
pen , BO that you could read hla Inmost
.honghta , and when I complained to him
bout the way roy bunk felt ho said ho
was sony , nnd wanted to know which
ell 1 was In. BILL NYE.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Allen sold th&
'Fulle ton Mill" , " at 1'ullerten , Nth , yestor-
ay in satisfaction of the claim of the North-
vestern National bank oga'nst W , T. Homo
tal ,
John McGee and Matrgie Carey were
iven a licence to bo wed , in the county court
'estorday. '
ITio Greatest jgedieal Triumph of the Ago
, or ofni > pclltc , Ilowelicoatlvp , I'ulnlr.
liio licuilvlfi n dull cnintlonln the
ftacU pnrt , 1'nln under Iliu uboulilcr.
Ulttilo , Fullncsii nfter cntlnz , wltU idli-
lucllnntlon to cicrtlou of body nr rnln > l
trrltnliilltr of lumper.ow iplrlti , with
nfccllnaot luivlnirnc'ul'ictcd Boruodutri
VVoirlneiiii , Uly lue-n , t'lutlcrlnir BI the
tlciirt , Duti * before tUo cyan , Huaducbi
over Hie rlirlit eye , Ilc llc83neia > irllb
Btful drenme , Jllclily colored Urine , aud
TOTT'S ' I'lLr.s are especially ndapVca
to aiich cases , ono dona effects BUCII 6
They Increane ( lie Aniictlte.Bpil cause ttic
body to TuUo nit Vle li.thu tlJ nj tcra I.
iiourlslicil.oml bytntlrToiilo Action . on
tboJ > ljeitlveOrKunfilI Kiilnrttaolaiire
. 1'ri-e U5c.1 BJiirray Kt..lV.y
UKAT IlAin or WUISKEIIS olianijed to u
awssr IJLACIC by a stiiRlu application o !
tUls lrB. It Imparts o iiutuiuf color , actt
Instantaneously , bold by Druggists , 01
ess on receipt of 01.
Murray St. . How Vortt
Did you Sup
t } . Ij. IVt < | l .
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses ? It is for inflamraa *
lion of all llcs'a ' ,
It so that you arc intending to buy yourself a
new suit or an overcoat ; if you can find one
to please you in style , price and quality. If so
don't fail to embrace the opportunity afford
ed you at the Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119
Earnani Street.
Are all of the most prevoiling styles in cut
and fabrics that the woolen mills of America
or Europe place before the public for inspec
tion. There is no question but that
will be pleased if they are blessed with a lit
tle faith and wish to wear clothing of charac-
er , cut in proper shape , trimmed with silks ,
atines serges and Italljan cloths. The Misfit
Parlors have found no mistaken idea of the
For they pronounce the Parlors the savings
bank for mankind by patronizing them for
their clothing , as they save from 50 to 100
per cent on every purchase and get the best
purest and cleanest made , as everv garment is
made by a merchant tailor.
Made them expressly for their customers plac
ing all of his reputation at stake in turning
out the proper garment. Inconsequence of
these garments having
Called for and left upon his hands , he will
readily sacrifice not alone his profits , but to
dispose of them he'will sell them for less than
his first cost. The Misfit Parlors make this a
business by giving it their whole attention.
They employ agents who are assigned to spe
cial territories throughout the United States
to buy up these garments from the merchant
tailor to ship per orders to the Misfit Par
lors , and i is reasonable to say , when these
garments , from so many different merchant
tailors , are found in one stock , that the equal
in selections , of elegant and durable clothing
is found nowhere outside of where your at
tention is now directed. < .
1 f
i \
1119 FAENAM STREET , 1119 ,
„ „ Ox > ea Evenings Until 9 O'Clock.