Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1885, Image 2

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ni | JKU ! , < * , , put jiivtu epw j cuoqV nq oninn"
, „
B nuo d v in j'ii ,
tin mi * Win , u
KEMEor FiiEIi A.victim of 5 outhfnliinnruilenco
CMislnR Premature Uccny. Neryous Dobilltr , Lost
Manhood , Ac. , having tried in vain every known
romoily.liasiliscovered nRltiiiilnmcnnsof eelf-curo ,
which bo Yvitl finnil 1 ItKK tohiafullow-mifFnrors.
Address. J.lI.ULKViM.'l3Chtttbnmbt.Noir : : York.
Indigestion Cured ,
I coffered for more than Hvo roars with Indiges
tion , icarccly able lo retain the tlnpltfit foad on
tnyj Btomich. Thotur nliiR soneotlon waa nlmcst
Intolerable , and my wnolo ivstcm was doacgcd I
wu n-akoful and could not ileep , and consequently
more or Icsa DPIVOI s all the lime. I decline ID flesh
and suffered all the usual depression attendant upon
this tcrrlblo dlfca-o In a word , \\aaiclBottbIe. . At
J 6t , falllog to flnd relief In unythmp tlao. I com'
mcuccd the UBO of Snitt'a Speclflo. I brgan to Im
prove at once. The m'dlrlno toned up the stomach
ach , Btrenitthened tbo dli/f stlvo orfrars , nd soon all
that buininf ceasojl , and I could rctkln food without
difficulty. Now my health Is good , and can oat any
thing In the fchrvro of foad , end digest It without
the ellghcst difficulty. I most cheerfully boar thla
tottlmcny becaua > tncro are bundreda Buffering as I
was , and lam furo can bo os readily healed , fake
the prescribed dose after catln ; instead of before.
JAMHHMANN , No. U l\y eiieet.
Atlanta , Oa. , May 13,18S5.
oTrettlse on blooil and ekln dlsoiecu mailed froo. or
rThoSttltttipeclloCo. , Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Oe ,
W Jo728d8 ,
G17 St. fllmrli"- . , St. Jon ! = ; , 3r
i't'ilnli'KF * " * * ' * lro - oilcii Co 'et * fcri 1 et'D u rfv *
agmelln Iti9ip e uitr * t.a a * ' * VCLtum 1 '
cl Ki * < > Pif * i.tfcin in , otir rhj'liii !
r n
cr v Ocbiilty , Menial
Physical Weakness , Mercurial nnd other AKo
lions cf Throni , Sklr. or Hones , B
Old SorCS anj UlCC'S , rr& f ' '
Vic-tsi.fin Utrct B'trmlQ i fraicij.M. nf , PrirAt/ ! .
Dlst-nses Irisinu 'rum ' huisctcltori , Lxcsor ,
f.'itposu-e or InCulLcncu * A h itoiwo u rtu
( UCW. ! > B - " w ' .uti * - bin * * , en ti w" w
do i or tj u\jiUfi- Q ituitt.i
A PositivQlVriiren Guaranfos
It'retln tllCJtinlnrMu Jlf Jklu i ttnl C"n.-ylhtlf.
Vitaphlutf , Eiii.'lfii ! or Urrmun , .11 p E
2n lllviu * 1 la lolh l * i
p i * , ; pUtf * *
, cjivtycr rote * mn i > < ovtia , li It ?
WiJt <
li n , J. [ aUfcti 10 jul ,
James Msal Institute
Chartered by theStateof 1111-
nols fop thccxprcsapurpoEC
of Bivlnglmmedlate relictln
all clironlcurmaryand prl-
, vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
Gleet nndSyphills In all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rcllcvedand
permancntlycured by rcmc-
ilica1tc8tcdlnnJ''urI/lVii1J (
_ _ _ Ajiofi / ll'rarllie , Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the c.Lcst Manhood , j o5lfw/i/c / rf < I.3/iero
The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
Iclnea sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
packot'e to indicate contents or sender. Address
DRJAr.lESNo.204WashngonSI.Chlcagolll ! ! ! .
Law derailment of Drake Unlverilty , DCS Uolner ,
Iowa , Bund for Catalogue. AddrctsA. n. MoVey ,
Psanor J. a Clirk. HecroUry , cure Cola VcVey &
d rk. DoaMulue * iowi. mtulwk
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty-
but it is a part. Every lady
may have it ; at least , what
looks like it. Magnolia
Balm both freshens and
beautifies ,
Slio Didn't Otvtcli On ,
I held her tiny band in tnlno nnd claipod IK
fairy form ,
And told my tale of aident love in languap
sweet and watm ;
And when I patiicd. for want of breath , b
laieed her dimpled chin
And whispered low : "I don't catch onj plea (
ling your long oir'in. "
Soup ,
A man Just arrived in New York
Tried hard to cat soup with a fork ;
But after awhile
Ho learned that liis ttylo
Created considerable * talk ,
A triced took occasion to eUto
That he'd never get through nttha trail
When ho took up liin toup
With a cyclonic scoop.
And drank It oil out ot his plato.
[ Yorkers Suleiman ,
Gransor nnd Hlmrpcr.
Now the farmer's heat 1 1 > filled with inbljn
tion ,
And ho revels in the bright anticipation
Ot the iheckels he will win
When he brings his produce in
To the city for tbo season' * speculation ,
And the bunco-steerers' ruddy face is glowini
Since around him tforluno'a ' breeze will tool
ba blowing ,
So bis nicely baited net
Is for country gudgeons set
And he'll reap the fruit that's of the farmer'
sowing ,
f Roxtord Advocate ,
? ichus of all colors are in vogue.
Embroidered bison and ahodak lobos an
Lace ehawlp , equaro and pointed , are util
ized as drapery.
Motallio effects are more fAahlonnblo that
ever In millinery .
IlorscshooB and merry thoughts nro in hlgl
favor in jewelry ,
A Brooklyn eplmtor has a parrot that cm
whlatlo "Seo SAW. "
One Philadelphia manufacturer employs lOi
girls in making neckties ,
Ribbons with velvet and plush stripes and
with fringes are popular.
Cut steel and gray porcelain beads will be
used on gray bonnets nnd iinta ,
Serges are finer and tot tor than ever before ,
and mo highly favond by Hoglish women ,
Cream color alone and nlso in combination
with other cjlora ij the favorlto for evening
Plain black silk will ba worn and the Amer
ican groa grains cannot bo excelled by these oi
foreign manufacture.
Plaids and stripes continue in favor , stripea
being in the ascendant , They wi.l bo worn
under plain oveidroas ,
There wilt not b3 much roller eknting next
winter. The rinks nro generally being de
voted to other purposes or torn down.
At a ftshionablo dance at Nowpart unique
Rorraan favors were toy rabbits wound by ma
chinery and mads to bop across the Soar in
front of the dancers ,
Buckles , clasps , slides And hooks , in gold ,
silver , broi.zj , euamnl , pearl , amber ana jet
are used with a free hand this autumn , both
for dress and millinery purposes.
Buttercups and daisies , "pretty flowers"
though they bo , are not to bo commended as
trimming for sailor hats ) yet how many people
ple wear them all unconscious of their incon
gruity ,
The new round hats follow closely tbo styles
that prevailed during the summer ; tho.crowna
liighto exaggeration , ni.d equare or round In
ihape , the brims straight and in most casoi
very narrow.
1'luih and velvet nro to be worn during
; ho coming season. Velvets are striped , illu-
mnated , nguicd , embroidered and in cordu-
oy effects as-well as plain. Seal plush is in
treat demand.
Hairpins undoubtedly cause much of the
icuralglo headache suffered by women , says
.ho . Lancet The norvoa of the scalp are irri-
; ated by the hair being drawn tightly bick
, nd put on the strain.
Grasshoppers and ants are ilia latest fancy
or brooches , Some lace pics are simply a
ilack enamel ant carrying its egg , n single
loarl , by its antencic , The effect is singularly
ealiatic , the induatnous insect beimr just lifo
Dresemaker i'Worth says that the stories
high-priced dresses are all myths.
'You hear , " he tays , "of dresses that cost
il.EOO to $2,003. I venture to say that not
our dressmakers in Paris ever inado any at
uch prices. "
A girl in northern Indiana was out berry-
ng , when a rattlesnake struck at her and
aught his fangs in her dreas. Her lover , who
? ho bad always wanted to die , made a skip
or home , and she dragged tbo reptile half a
nile before a traveler came to her relief ,
Progreailvo euchre at the summer hotels has
oyeloped the fact that "fashionable" and
'nice" ' lady and gentlemen players cheat at
ardr , so as to win the often expensive prizjs
waided Ono of these days it will be a re-
roach to be called a "fashionable" man or
roman ,
A capote has a crown of steel not. The
rim is covered with a black velvet puffing.
iround the crown is a band of velvet oin-
roidered with steel beads , while o ma of
lack velvet loops placed upright In front
iniplotes the trimming. The strings are of
olvot ribbon ,
This is to bo a "checkered" season In the
tatter ot woolloa fabrics , judging by tbo end-
ies lines and grains of plaided and blocked
atterns which ttrow the counters and adorn
10 shop windows of "exclusive" importers ,
ho are euro to secure the loading novelties
> r their patrons ,
Misery A girl with n now placa and no
lace to go. [ Marathon Independent. More
lisery A. girl without a new drrsa and some
lace to go.- [ Merchant Traveller. Addi-
onal misery A eirl with a now dross and
) ino place to go and no "fttllci" to gq with
er , [ Loulivillo CourierJournal. .
Heavy woolen canvas goods In Gne or largo
leahos , comes plain , in Btripou , forming plaids
> r under skirts and trimmings , or plain , with
ots and geometrical figures raised upon the
luvns surface. These goods are trimmed
' 1th woolen laces , and will ba woin during
is autumn bentath dressy vUitos and other
: ioit wraps ,
Fitraro jackets are made sleeveless , with a
nail epaulet , under which are worn sleeves
3 match the skirt , These sleeves are attached
) au underbodlce , and if the jicVet be open ,
veat of the dreas mateiial forma the front of
lie bodice. If tbo bodlco of tbo droaj worn
e Intact , the jacket la slipped on without it ]
cccmpauylng underbodice ,
Some of the matoriala for autumn and win.
; r wear ihow the roughest effects. Many of
10 goods nro so elinzgy that it Is doubtful
hether they will prove acceptable to persons
f quiet taste , Tbo preference for tailor-mado
ressei is an Indication that soft woollen fab-
Ci will gain the ascendency , In Parts there
i a decided tendency In favor of tmooth-
iced materials , and the Kngltih raodeal show
preponderance of aoft-finlah and diagonal
loth ,
Of course , on such a bright mornicg she
auldn't retlat calling around to tee how
lany of her friends had returned from vaa-
ou , "Why , Cicely , dear , " the exclaimed.
no you , too , havu returnee ? " "Ye-es , I I
-that U , I ha\ea't boon away" "But you
BVO a bsautiful tan on your complexion. "
Ob , yes. That coat me 25 cents , whllo a va >
itiou would have cost $125 , I'll have a new
leak this fall , and you'll have to fix up your
Id one. " It wat cool enough to put the
leaks on Immediately. [ Hartford Pott ,
There are some very pretty bema dresses
> r young ladies' wear , made of dark cashmere.
'hkh have for tnmmirg three or four rows of
onted lace Icsrrticn tut in on the ikitt above
13 horn , at ( quit dutaccca , but not extending
bovo the knees. In other instances , the late
i let in longitudinally , sometimes golog
11 around the aklrt and eometlmea only iu-
rted down thu outiio front. Ooo drees of
lomb cibhmere , trimmed with lace insertion
> match , was made bright by atrlpa of ccque-
cot or poppy * llk pltcocl beneath the lace
ind . Another , rf oh vo green , wan liinilar'y '
eated , and the 1'oJora vest , wholly of ilia
nollen lace , wat llucrt tasldu with the gay
.lorod allk ,
Some of the elegant fancy woolen fatrici
rought out rcceutly are as expecsive at silk
r latin goods of tine quality , and are far
tore popular for stieet ueir than either of
leee maUrjal * , if we except , perhaps , the
dark , dur&blo turahi. The new
for tnttunce , are thown with exceedingly rlc
brocha figares , small , but magnificently col
ored , over plain , rich , darkly-dyed ground :
The broclio do ign > , although showing n mlrj
cling of Persian colors , nro always In peifet
harmony with the prevailing tbada of tl
goods tbey decorate , reminding one of Hi
autumn fi llage , a trifle snbdued from Its fin
Tlvld brilliancy o ! coloring , against the back
ground of a dull , dark September sky. Thei
rich figures are not woven in clusters , bt
detached and iprinkled at quite wide into ;
vala orer the solt , handsomely finished fabrici
The largeit rain knocks tha biggest picnic
Speaking ot batter The poor ya have al
way * wl h you.
When the trunk line railroads era not play
log policy they are playing pool.
' 'Now lay in your coal , " says the economist
Thanks. A good bed within the house i
"Goo-1 graciout , " said the hen , when sh
discovered the porcelain egg in hor.neit , "
thtll bo A bricklayer next , "
When n Massachusetts postmaster get ft lei
tex addressed to somebody , "K pan , " ho o
once chucks It into the mall bag for Cap
The colored debating society In a Gnorgl
town h it been discussing the question"Whtcl
Are the Moro Useful to Society , Lawyers o
Buzzards ? "
The fact that when nn elephant his th
chills five gallons of rum and \vlil ky are prc
scribed , leads ouo to suspect that the olephan
Is a native of Kentucky.
11 What are the hat tooth that come ? " askoc
a Lynn teicher of her class in pbyaiology
"Falao tooth , mum , " replied a boy who hai
just wakodup on the back seat.
Some scientific men have a theory that tin
the size of the earth is diminishing. If this i
so it is probally in order that Jay Gould cat
get It more easily Into bis packet.
Neither bustles nor coroota are worn it
Japan , end when a Japanese maiden sltsdowt
in a skating rink she gets her money's worll
every time. [ Burlington Fioa Press.
The inhabitants of Bjrmah worthip icloli
made of brass. At sight of a brass band the ;
fall on their knees and ask cold death to taki
them away. [ Now Orleans Picayune.
There are thirteen widows living on oni
ttrcot about 500 yards long in Amoiicua , Ga
The city authorities propose to put up a' '
each end of the street a sign : "Dangerous
Pasting.-Somcrvillo [ Journal ,
"Conductor , ' said a norvoui pasaongeroi
nn east bound tra'n , "will you bo so kind aa
to tell that man from Kansai that his whist-
line it annoying to the other paaseugert ? "
"How do you know the man is from Kunsat ? "
"Thunder and blixen , what a question 1 Can' !
you sou that ho is whistling 'Little ' Brown
Jug ? '
A tourist piaaing through a village observe J
the following on a board : ' 'Horaos taken in
to graas. Long tails , $1 50 ; short tails , $1. "
The owner of tlio land bting asked the reason
in the difference of price , replied : "You see ,
ma'am ' the tails brush the fiieo
, long c < tn away ;
the short ones are so tormented by them they
can hardly eat at all 1"
"Juit my dangsd luck'1' ' growled n papacn-
ger on a train down in Ohio , "I beiievo I am
tbo uulucklost man on earth , anyway. Noth
ing goea right with me , and I am about dis
couraged. " "What's the matter now ? " "Well ,
yon ceo , I have been the post mis tur down at
tin corners for nigh on twelve years. My
first I named Ulysses Grant Snydcr , the second
end Butherford Hayes Snyder , the third
James Garfield Snyder , and last week wo took
my fourth boy to church and had him chris
tened Grover Cleveland Snyder. I paid the
editor of our country paper $5 to put in a
long article ubout it and get a copy or two
marked to send on to Washington , " "But
where does the bad luck coma in ? " "Why ,
the next day after 1 mailed thosa papers I got
in official letter from tha department. It
.vaa my discharge , and now they've got a
nensly democrat in my place. "
BOWEh COMPtiAlNTS cured and pro
Recommended by leading Physicians. Sold
> y Druggists and Grocers.
TlioVIilttltrB hamont.
Ha mourns the happy days of youth ,
Now gone frroyer hence ,
When ha ould eit and whittle sticks
Upon a picket fence.
But now , nlasl he cannot thin
His lelaura hours employ ,
For fate , in sbapo of wire and barbs ,
Hath rendered null that joy.
- [ Boston Gazatto.
Shakespeare * as ' 'not for an ego , bat
or all time. " Thla may bo Bald of St
'scobs OH. So long ns the world hots
bore will be rheumatic pains , and it wll
; ure thorn.
Louis A. Morgenstern and Kachol Isaacs ,
oth comic opera singers , were lately married
i San Prancisco.
Archibald Forbes , the English war corres-
ondont , is soon to marry a daughter of Qi < ar
ermasttr General Meigs.
Mlns Louise Matthews , sitter of Brander
lattbaws , the author , is engaged to ba mar-
lee to Pierre Barlow , son of b. L. M , Barlow
E New York.
A bride in Dover , an Ohio township , was
> overo mo during Urn marrlago ceremony ro-
jntly that sha fainted upon its conclusion ,
nd has unco been very ill.
Miss Davis of Worchoner , Masa. , was late-
j martied to the Duke Alfied Joseph da
roaie , a descendant of the Comte de Broaae ,
ho fought with Joan of Arc.
Miss Lily Stauly tha second daughter of
rigadier General Dimi Stanley , command-
ig tha Department of Taxas , la announced tea
a engaged to bo mirrind to Lieutenant David
, Rumbaub , of tba Third artillery , who is
itacliqd to the light batScry stationed at Saa
intonio ,
Conductor David R Ambrose of Greens-
arg , Pa , was married to Mies Nancy A Ma
ine of Allegheny , while tunning his trip on
10 Sewickly branch of the Southwest road ,
, ov , L. U Dieffenbacher , a passenger , per-
irming the ceremony and the conductor
ring on with the collection of faros immedi-
; ely afterward.
A most extraordinary wadding occurred In
ierco county , Georgia , William Harrell ,
od 42 , a well to do farmer , married Bailie
ilion , aged 10 yean nnd six months. The
irl's father is a ferryman for Major Spence
id gave his consent to the match. The
tuple went to Maon on their wedding tour
id will return homo next week and begin
imaekceping ,
A man livine at Nor walk , Wh. , 81 years of
; e , was recently married to a young woman
[ 20 , and tha boys collected for the purpose
: serenading the couple , who reiided nith
10 bride's mother , The groom was BO deaf
iat he did not hear the boys , but the mother ,
i-law did , and ordered them to leave. They
Bcllnod. whereupon aha procured a shotgun
id fired into the crowd severely wounding
10 of tha boys , tha charge taking effect in
Is groin. The old lady a ys that aha prayed
eforo she shot ,
A Cleveland dispatch says ; A strange
icident connected with a recent wedding has
iat come to light One evening last week a
tughter of George Morgan , was.married to a
nung farmer cf Dover township , The mar-
age took plao at the bride d parents on
ayne avenue. During tao ceremony the
[ jdo appeared dazed and replied malancholly
i the questions of the minintor. After the
ord hud been spoken that united the couple
r lifo , tha young husband tiled to lead hii
ride away , but behro those present realized
iat cnvthlng ws wrong ( he fainted and fell
i the floor. Her face was badly cut nnd
rulaed by the fall and tha thock to her netv-
is > ystem was to great that she baa been
iiiously ill ever since ,
trb n Halij wn ilci , ire ; T6 her Cutorla ,
VTLen slia WM , Child , sbo cried for CostorU ,
Whea she became alias , she clan ; to ( > < torik ,
BHwu slioliKlCuUdtea , sa
Ilotnc ) A nln ,
The maiden walks the vtrand no more
Knjoylng the ocean bieczs ,
Where tha tiny wavelets kisi the shore ,
And tha land is allvo with fleas.
No more In A suit of blue or drab
She into the water goes ;
She fears no more the voracious crab
That sought to devour her toes.
She is done for the while with seaside hops ,
Those innocent dissipations ;
Sha has turned her back en dudes and fops ,
And given up beach flirtations.
The maiden is back from her eumncoring
To homo nnd its dear delights ,
Back to the garden gata to swing
With her beau tbtoufh the autumn nighU
[ Boston Courier ,
Buck , tha Inventor of the Waterbury watch
has built an engine so small that , with boiler
governor and pump , it would stand on a goh
dollar ,
The town of Grafton , Vn. , boasts of i
young lady 15 years old who weighs 351
pounds. When onljr 11 years old aho weighoi
ever 200 pounds and has been rapidly galnlnj
over since that time.
There Is n natural bridge between th
boundary line of Arizona and Now Mrxico
twenty miles north of the Atlantic and 1'acifi
railroad , which surpasses in every way th
famous ono in Virginia ,
A piece of ambar weighing eight none da ii
at piesout being exhibited in the Marl
rnutcum , at Dantilc , for which the owner ha
refused 31,600. It is probably the largest
ploco in the world without blemish.
The i.licroecspo tliows that mold is a fores
of beau'.iful treot , with the branches , loaves
and fruit ; that buttetllles are fully feathered
that linlrs are hollow tubes , and the surface ol
our bodies is covered with scales like n flab ,
( ( The Buffalo sunflower , fourteen feet fivi
inches high , with thirty-four blossoms ant
buds , is beaten by ono m the garden of Dr ,
Sabluo , of Brooklinc , which la nearly as higt
and has 48 blossoms together with many buds ,
iioaton Journal.
Starfish have appeared on the oyeter ground
about Norvvnlk , Conn , , in great numbers , and
the owners of deep-water beds in that locality
are greatly alarmed for tha tuturo of tbo crop ,
Ono cultivator took 100 bushels of these de
sttuctivo pests from his grcucds in a r.lnglc
day recently.
'Acurious physiological fact la noticed by
a writer on the latu 1'rnccj-Chinoso wur tn
Tonquln , mmely , that tbo bodies of the slain
Chinese , unlike those of the French soldiers ,
"did not deojmpoeo , but merely became dis
colored , and like mummic ? , " while , with the
exception of the eyes , carrion birds left them
untouched. It is suggested that opium smok
ing might have been the cause of the phe
The fishes collected from great depths upon
the famous Challenger expedition two or
three thousand fathoms posaois bones and
ligaments of great scftcees , and muscles
loot ely connected. This is a provision to allow
of tbo permeation ot their tissues by the water ,
Einco otherwise at the great depth where tlioy
live the pressure of the water , which shivers
Bolid glass to powder , would ciuah their
Ulcves are rot the fruit of tlio tree , but the
undeveloped flower , thu stem being the calyx
and the head thu unblown corolla , The
strength lies in the flower alone , altbousb the
Kreen twiga are reported to ba ground up and
us 3d as au adulterant , The clove tree grows
from thirty to forty feet bight and is preen the
year lound , It is found in the Molucca
Islands , in Sumatra , in Straight's settlements ,
in Zanzibar , Kennion Islands , and Cayenne ,
Tlio poorest comes from Zanzibar.
Mexico has another live volcano , if all ac
counts are true. The curiosity has appeared
at a place called "Las Iguanas , " half n day's
march from Tlaliscoyam , in the state of Vera
Cruz , nnd about an hour and a half's walk
from Mlstequll'a. ' A tiny crater ha ? opened ,
whoso breathing hole Is only three feet wide.
On neariug the hole a subterranean noise is
heard. On certain occasions the noise in
creases in yolumo , and louder toward the
mouth of the crater comes the tread of some
invisible power which thrqwa up earth and
water and clouds of sulphurious vapor high in
the air. All the ground for a long distance
round this baby volcano baa lif tad perceptibly ,
and tbo earth now vomiting is forming a hill
round the crater , wbile a small lake has al
ready accumulated near by , made up of the
waters thrown upward. The favorite amuse
ment cf these who do not fear it Is to throw
n 1m branches and twigs in. Thosa remain
inaido for a while , but soon hurled bun-
Irodi of feet distant ever the fields.
It was customary in England tp applaud th
iroackers iu the pulpit two hundred jean
'go. '
'go.It is estimated that sixty-eight churches In
Paris possess works of art va'ued at $1 ,
The Catholic cathedral at Dobuquo n be
ng thoroughly renovated and repaired to the
xtent of many thousand dollars.
At Northfield Mr. Moody baa been buying
ilg wagons to ba need on Sundays for carry-
ag to and from church the people who live af
> distance aid could not , otherwise attend ,
Sunday , while Kev. Mr. Clark was preach-
OK at East Haven , Conn. , a dove ( Uw down
nd alighted on the bible before him , after head
ad read : ' 'I saw tbo spirit desctnding from
bovo like n dove. "
Tha disinclination for the Jewish ministryt
ys a Hebrew weekly , is duo to the simple
tot that this is a commercial ope , and that it
ocs not pay , in the common meaning of the
ord , to become a minister.
'iho CoDgregationalist make ? the statement
'on ' good authority , " that to far an can bo rc-
icmberod no y DUCK man born and bred in tha
ino Congregational churches in Hartford ,
! onn , has within the last fourteen years bo-
ome it minister.
An AKOC ! ArU < nin B Clergyman ,
Pho has proaohod thfl goeptl for 40
earn , haa been crcatly tllllcted with kld-
ey troubles , nil ciaa la Biiob nn obsti-
aio ono and hla ago la eo groit that ho
irmot hope for absolute cuio ; but ho
rltos from Kiohlond , that he nan used
ireo botlloi of Brown's Iron Bitters , and
ids , "I have felt moro roHof than from
nythlng I Iwvo over used " Ho desires
a additional supply of this great family
lediclno in order to make farther ttial.
Lawrence Barrett has an invitation to de-
per tbo next address before the faculty and
udenta of Harvard college.
Lnona Call ii the name of a young lady who
giving great satisfaction aa ft professor of
reek In tha Iowa university ,
In the rural school districts of Georgia , three
onths constitute the echool year , and it ro
nres the moat rigid eoanomy to keep tha
lioola running even upon this economical
It In astonishing what intereat tha colored
> puatlon ! ara taking in chools. There are
mo little fellows who pass through Hines-
Ho every day who walk six miles to school
id six iniloabick. fHlaea\lloGa. ! ( ) Gazette.
The following H a verbatim copy of a notice
istnd recently by a school district committee
Voluntown , Conn. "I Herfl-by Notify the
; gal voters of Cliool District of the
nul meeting will held at the Chool House
i to Chuso and Klect Obool ofliseri and
her business that comes at tba meeting , "
The ladles have made their influence felt In
practical way In school diitrict e'ectloni in
ver l places in New York. At West Falls ,
IbyJlev , Caroline A. Baeaett , pwtor of
e Free baptist chuich , they defeated a
opoeltion to tell the dlatrict library at auc-
3C , and another to divert tha library money
rniahed by tbo state from the use preacribed
r law. At West Chester n Oitholio school
ustea was elected over a Protestant compe
er by the votes of five Iilsh women who
no brought to tha polls juit before the eleo-
an closed ,
"From 1859 to 1880 , I had rheuma-
soj ; at ono tlmu could not wald a step
i lour months. How entirely well ;
ired by Hunt's Remedy.
S1EPBKN 0. MABUN , Providence.
Tbonsmds of caeca of kidney dltouet
iva bjco oared by Hun'/a Rainedy , J
ever fa hi.
Girls tx > olr Very Much Ijtkn Ttiol
Ilrothora LJundled up In A
lUrbcr'a Apron ,
Clii'cngo Mail.
"Is thftt a boyl" asked a Mall ropotto
of a bwbor In a shop under tbo Likesla
building. The object of the question
was a onootb , youthful f&co. The rent o
the form in a bsrbor'a chair was COD. '
coaled nndor a ehoct , and a ionaorla
attls t WAB at work on the head.
"No , It's a girl , " was the answer , nni
the seokcr of Information turned hla faci
toward the young lady at Iho risk of be
Ing out with the razor. She obaervot
tbo movomot and blushed with the eon
iclousnoss of her novel position.
"That IB the third wo lure had hen
to-day to have their hair cropped , " con
tinned the barber , as ho added mor <
"This ono next you had hair thai
reached to her waist.1
"Do yon avroop U up and throw It oul
with the men's hair } "
"Ob , not They take It homo and use
for switches or soil It to hair dealers ,
It Is a little moro tronblo to cut a latly'f
than a man's hair , became there la BC
much moro of it , but no don't chtrgc
them anything extra , though they do al
Bomo places. "
When she tripped down from the
chair her back hair was clipped short ,
but her bings foil over her forehead In
tact. Ono of her waiting companions
then took the chair.
"Doca It not grtovo you to part with
anch beautiful troEaes ? " atkod the re
porter ot the fair rhvo of faehion.
"Yea , It does glvo mo a slight pang ;
but , you know , ono might aa well bo out
of the world as oat of fashion , " aho aaid
cs Bho picked up her hat.
"Oh , my head fccli SD funny ! " aho ex
claimed when aho tried to fit It on.
Torlc AIIU vorkcrs.
At thla Beaaon of the year farmers are
generally cxortisedovor the prlco likely
to rule for pork and other hog produc s.
The Drovcra1 Journal of Chicago ought
to bo at least f&ir authority and its opin
ion la entitled to eomo consideration. In
HE Issue cf Augnat 27 it sijn :
Lately the prices for provisions have
ruled lower than they have been at any
time sluco 18 ? ! ) . For come months the
ccncral tendency of the market baa
been downward , and at thla Eoason of
the year packets and others naturally an
ticipate a further reduction toward the
beginning of the regular winter pack ng
Beaton. Theio are exceptions to all rulea
but aa a general thlrg there la a sharp
decline in the prices for hogs from the
summer rates before the nominal open
ing of tba winter season. There ore not
a few who are of the opinion that thla
your will prove an exception and that
from this tlino forth the npa will prob
ably exceed the doyrno In the course of
prices. At beat It is all only guess work
but there are certain peculiar condition
In the trade at present which di
not usually appear. In the fire
place the supplies have beoi
ovor-ostimatod , and , ns a result , th
packers have been making a strong figh
all the year against vrbaa they have callci
unreasonably high pr'ceo. ' At no tlm
during the paat six months have price
boon qulto as low OB the packets calcula
ted they would bo. There Is a very pop
tilar notion to the effect that buyer * , thi
manufacturers and the middle men , or
ooutiunally fighting agalnat high prices
Of course tbo principles of trade dcmanc
that the teller must Bell as dear aa pocc !
bio , and iho buyer muat buy as caoap a
! ui can , but there are some queer freaki
ia all trades but especially lu the pack
ng and bundling of meats. Ao over )
Jim knovrs , speculation Is ono of the very
argest elements , in the pork trade CB
pcclally , nnd while it Is generally sup
pOBod that packers are Invariably bean
n the hog market , there are excoptlona
.Imce when the packers , some of the in
luontlal and leading ones , seem almoal
tnxlous to "put the market npon them
iclvis" la other words there are times
vlion It ia to their interest to raise the prlco
) f hogs for the sake of influencing tha
irovLslon market , In vrh'ch they may
mppen to ba more directly interested.
But each exceptions are only Incidental ta
ha general course of the market. The
ondltians , hoirovor , which accompany
tlgh prices for hogs are very much moro
ctlafactory to tbo packers than when
ulces for the raw material are very low.
t Is true that moro capita ! la required to
. .indie etock at hih , ; prices than atock at
avr prices , bat the profits ara always
ugcr in Hush times , when prlcen are
ilgb , than when prices are weak and de-
rcescd from any cause. Ic is said that
ho country is full of young hoga and corn
ad that the supply i ) llublo at almost
ny time to exceed the demand. But let
; bo remembered that th a position has
eon hold by the pickers and others for
tie pait five years. Each year the cry
as been just wait till next year and there
' 111 bo two hoga for every pl&oa to put
no. The only satisfactory feature of
it as predictions Is that tiny have been
i tbo "future teuao. " The prddlctlon
as probably boui ttoreotyped. "Next
n-.ou" the packers are expecting to cut
n Immense crop of hoga at low
tlcof. They may do it. But
no of the most oxloueivo packing
itablishmonta la reported not to have
at "a pound of moat In the collars In a
ionth" on account of high prices. It is
well- known fact that nearly , If not all ,
' the raw material recently worked up
a gene into immediate consumption ,
a a rule the Ohlcaxo cuttcia fiavu been
attlrjj ; mott on the counter * , ana figures
tow tbai'bntchers of caitern cities have
jon taking more than half the arrival of
} gs hero during the nummer. The
ockfl of product ore therefore law , and
10 packers will all probably fool disposed
i go into the basinets at u lively rate
bun prices are so they cm.
This leads some people to think fall
id winter prices are likely to advance
ther than recede. At the same time ,
om a speculative point of view , if thu
ickera have no product on hand which
ey want to eell at high prlcer , they will
i In ijno trim to bear prices for hogs ,
lore is only ono thing for sensible hog
leers to do , and that ia to prodnce hoga
good as possible and bo prepared to
asonablo profits even at low rates ,
rly maturity , good quality , "quick re-
riu and small prolus , " are points to
: epln mind.
What Imported i4 our rruunccr ,
A Plttibarj correspondent of the New
otk Buti draws a dark picture of the
ndltlon cf labor of tbo mining districts
Peniuylvanfa , In a state unaurpaeiod
r tbo variety and richness of ltd rc-
nrcea , laboring men ara living In
ublld poverty and In many inatances
o toarcely able to keep tbemielvea and
milloi from atarv&tion. Flow It ii
mslblo for a man to support himself and
mlly on fourteen dollars per month few
n determine , but the beav paid Iron
leers In Pennsylvania earn only thla
m , whllo the beat paid coal inlnera re-
celro thirty-five dollar * , n llltlo mor
than ono dolUr per day. The provallln
rate of wages In the Iron mines , not de
dnatiug the number of d ys In whlc
tlttra Is no work , In seven ! ;
ceutfl per diy , and the orrespondon
says that "the amount of tnone ;
whloh each Individual his for food
clothing , mcdlclno and all necessaries
counting three adults lo a family , n mm
his wife , nnd two children , ranges fton
10 cents to 84 cents a day , " The com-
panics charge $5 per month for their ten
omonls , and It happens In nuny case
that n nun with n monthly Income of 81 (
pays away half that sum for sholtjr. I
la charged that all sorts of exactions an
practiced on the minors' , In the anthra
cite region mining in paid for by the day
so many car loads being required for i
day's work. The minor Is Good for act r
tain percentage of slate In n car , and i
the amount of elate Is In excess of thi
coal ho is discharged. In the bitnmlnoni
regions the coal mined Is paid for by thi
buehal of ecvcnty-tlx ponuds , Tbo lav
of the atato requires that the minor :
shall have a check-weigher , tc
bo paid at their own expense , bnl
in many Instances the law Is evaded ,
and the miners Insist that the wolghlnp
boss employed by the proprietors choatc
them in weight , Miners only receive
piy for the coal which does not pass
through the screen , whllo the oirners sell
all that Is sent to the eurfaco , The dis
covery and use of natural gaa has had
EOmowhat to do with the deprtsilon oi
mining , but the chlof cause of the piti
ful poverty and dlstrots which prevails
throughout the Pennsylvania mining re
gion la the Importation of foreign labor.
The companies ha\o picked the region
with cheap laborers from abroad , Poles ,
Hungarians and Bulgarians swarming
through the coal mines. Owing to this
the labor supply far uxcods the demand ,
and , DO a result , thocsinda have no work
while othoro h&vo obtained employment
f com fifty to ono hundred days tine last
January. The Imported laborers rarely
become skilled minerr , and the correspondent
pendent nays that they are content to re
main laborers , and crnsider a dollar a
week a good Income. It is this which la
eating the lifo out of of our in-
dnitrioi , nud everywhere cheapening
the pice of American labcr. An over
stocked labor market begets a desperate
Etrngglo for bread , and ra'lier than starve
men will submit to almost any exaction.
Thla is the way it will continue to work
so long as the cheap labor of Europe Js
brought ever to glut the labor market.
How to prevent this Is the question. Au
eastern cotemporary dlecaseod this mat
ter a few pays ago and proponed the im
position of such a per capita tax on for-
ulgu laborers ai would deter them from
Doming to the United States. The labor
: laso : ! of tbls country feel the pressure
D tlili continuous immigration and are
urging an extra session of congress to so-
: uro some measures of relief. Unlota
something is done there will bo tronblo
In the future , and that of n serious na-
: uro. All things olnt la that direction ,
ind it Is a question whether congress haa
lot ni much right to shut out the pan-
lerlzed laborers of Europe as to exclude
ho Ohlnes ? . If the ono act IB couatlli
.Iona ! the other would most certainly b
If you suffer from looseness of the bowel
ViiKfitur . Olttcrs will surely oure you
3ewaru of counterfeits and ask your proco
ir druggist for the genuine article , prepare
> y Dr. J. G. B. Slegert & Sons.
The South Sea Islanders ate learning
wear in English and play poker.
A funeral Is a tiresome preacher's oppor
unity , luru him on to a largo ongregation
nd lie will make the mourners wish that thi
'arty ' bad never died ,
A Wipconain church picnic has been post
oned five times this season on account o :
aln and yet tha Idea has not occurred to thi
ommitteo to fool the weather authorities by
ppomting the picnic for n certain date ant
Ben holding it on the day befora. [ Norrla
jwn Herald ,
A London journal , quoting statistics to
ack It up , presents as u moral paradox the
latement that the moat poorly paid working
iris in the metropolis are those engaged in
10 worm of aowiug and binding Bibles. It
ddsthat "for every heathou abroad who can
e nduced t J uao tha sacred volume for any <
ling eho than gun wadding a dozen of thoa
Iris are driven to perdition at homo ,
A church at Carroll , Iowa , has been par
tioned cfl a corner of the auditorium and
irnished It with cradles and rocking chairs
ir the convenience of mothers who are unable
r unwilling to leave their Infanta at homo , A
.ranger who attended the church last Sun-
ay left with the Impression that half a dozen
cotch baplpesa iu au adjoining room were
laying a match for the championship of the
Tbo evangelist Sim JeD 3 says , "I have
leu some members of the church who said
icy were starving and I thought it was n
iod Idea. And I'va seen some preachers
> arly starving , and I remember a preacher
ho despised tha way people had of puttfng
I punched olckola t him , He said it was
andalous. I said , 'You ntodn't complain.
m'vo got the idrop on them , you put off
inched sermons on them , That's about
en. "
\Vhrn V < Elrjinrm Green bowed his head to
ad the responses uf the Litany lut Sunday
i was very drowsy Indeed , and he had related -
lated "Lord bavo mercy upjn us miaerablo
liners" but three tlmoa when bo fell fast
leep His wife nudged him with her para-
1 without success. When the minister
ached , "And now. pnventcentlily , my 1)0-
vcd brethern , " Vestryman Green awoke ,
.d being umomclous of the lapse of time ,
jpondedina sonoiloui and fervent voice :
jjul have mercy upon us miaorableainnera. "
In many localities Hood's Baraaparllla
lu such general demand that It Ia the
cognized family medicine. People
! to that "tho whole neighborhood is
king it , " oto. Particularly Is this trno
Lowell , Masi. , where it is mtdo , and
uro moro of Hood's Sarsaparllla la sold
an of any ether sartsparilla or blood
rifior. It Is the great remedy for do *
llty , scrofula , dyspepsia , bllllousnoss ,
any dlaoase canted by impure state
low condition of the blood. Qlvo It a
for Women ,
itte&rT. ( ) Miner.
"There Is a good demand for help , and
peclally for young girls , " said the
tnager of ono of the Montana employ-
mt agenolo0 , and ho ccmplacently
Istcd his handsome brunette mus
: ho. "Cooks , " chambermaids , and
liter girls are In especial dmnand ; they
ullly command 810 to ? 21.00 per week ,
th board , Female cooks are scarce at
nn $50 to $00 per month. Clmmber-
uds readily eecuro ? 10 per month , and
, ller girls from $35 to 850 of courae ,
rinding board. Wo have moro orders
thla line than wo can fill. "
"For economy and comfort , wo ute
nod's Sarraparllla. " writes an IntelH-
at Bulfolo , N. Y , , lady. 100 Dotes
10 Dollar.
aton girl ,
Qawge , I BOO tbo papers say that small-
t wuu brought to iiobton by n kits.
"Yiao , I nivrtlcod that "
Long Vftoaum ol s'lenco ' ,
"Oiwge , have you been oxposol to
; all pox , "
"Oh , tiolhing ; only I thouRht I'd tell
a 1'vo been
nhoumatism , neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache.
HoroTlit-onl , . ' tT < tlliic .N | > ri\iti" > , Ilriilit ' .
llimi , Nrulil * . t'rn t line * .
lit , OTIIF1I IIOnitT l\ms .AMI JllWS.
lrujjl.n.n.l lv l r evr rrirlm * . KmOuli lotllt.
Direction * In H Mtixuncfs *
Tim ciiAiti.r.9 A. vo < ir.iiit : co.
A.TVOtLUtACOJ dlllBolT , d. , C.ft , A.
A Standard Mealcnl Work l r Youtiir and
Middle Aged Men , only $1 by mail ,
* postpaid ,
H Great Medical H on Manhood ,
Kthmu'cil YttAlltv , Ncnoiw nml riiulcil Debility-
ciimt lire ccllno InMm , Krtur * of Vniitli , ind lie
tolil miseries resulting from Imlhcrctlon ml ox
ten. A hook for c\crj nun , \nutiff , mldillo aged
old. U contains 185 jircficrlptlons for nil ncuto
ihrnnlcd ! < cnsc , each ono vl lilch U Imixlun-
So found lillie nutliortlioia c ) > crlenco for
} enrs Is mull a < t prnlial Ij never licfnro fell to tlio
of nnj phulchn 81 OpiKes , bound In beautiful
cnch muslin , cniliosicd cn\cr * , lull gilt , irimran-
, i cil to lie n tlturork In c\crj fen = -tncilianlcnl
! tcrarj > tul profc8 < lonal tnvi an ) other work In
'Ids c tintn for $2. Ml , or tlio monov will bo refunded
In o\crj Instinct ) 1'rlco unh Si bnnll , postpaid.
Illustrated s nil Jo COc. huiil mm. Hold medal
fuinnlcil tlio author bj tlio National MoiltcM Asso
diUlori , to tlio otlloers nl wlilcli lie refers.
1 ho Science of Life should l > o roiil litlio jotinc
for Instruction nn4 1 > \ the nllllctcil for relief. It will
licnofll all London i.ancot ,
Tlicro 1 * no member of socleU to whom The
Scloticout Ufa will not bo useful , whether > outh ,
iinrtnt , u.rdlan , Instructor or dcrujman. Argo-
Address the Peibndv Mcillral Institute , or Pr. W.
II. 1'arKur , No j rulltimh ulritt , Itoston , SIosl , who
ma > bo consulted on nil dl-casci rciiilrintr | nklll nnd
oxjcilcne. Chronic mid obstinate tll-c.KsUmt
ha\obntntdthoHklllff illoth-
cr pbHklaii , Rcjioilnltj Mich
Iruttcd snrccsfulh without an In- nuivci'T
Inno ) nf failure Mlnllnn Ilili ni > er III" nljl
Veterinary Specifics
CuroDiscMOJOf -
Horses , Cattle , Sheep
In nso for over 20 years by FnrmorS
Stockbreeders , Horse It. It. , io.
Used by U. S. Covorntnont.
Mounted on Rollers & Book Mailed Free.
Hunuihrcvi'MeJ. Co. , 109 I'ullon St. , N. V ,
Humphreys' Homeopathic
r iT'
Infl uso30 ynars. ThoonlTsucCPi'ifal medj for
Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness ,
ivnd Prostration from over-work or other causot
If I per vial or 5 rlalnnnd lares vial powder , for f & .
nOLODY DltvnnisTBor Rent iinblnai < ] on receipt of
price AddrcM.Ilumlilliey ' Iliiiiiuuiiiitlita
iloUlcliiuCo. . 1UU VuUtmbt.nuivYorjK.
Council iiuffs
end Chicago.
The on lo take for DCS Uolnoa. Marshall
wn , Cedar Raplda , Cllatoa , Dixie , Cnleago , MU
ukoo and all poln ta oael. To the poopla of No
askaColorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Ne\ada >
tegon , Waehlogton and CalUornla It offers superior
lantagee not poailWo by any other line.
Among a few of the numerous polrjta of Dnperlor-
! enjojod by the patrons of this road between
naha and Chicago , art ) Ita twotrilna a day of DAT
) AO1K3 [ which are the finest that human att and
[ tenuity can create ; He PALACE UI.Kr.l'lNO UAItH
ilch are models of comfort and elegance ; Ita PAR
) K DKAVVINQ KOOU OARS , imgurpaaeod by any
d Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAU3
o equal of nhleh cannot bo found elsewhere.
At Council Bluffe the trains of the Union PaclBu
' . connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca
& Nortbweatern Ily In Chlrago the trains of this
10 make cloeo connection with these of all oastoin
For Detroit , Cnlumbno , Indlar apolls , Cincinnati ,
icara K ils , Buffalo , I'llUburtr , luronto , Montreal
iston , Now York , Philadelphia , Ilaltlmoro , Wash-
( ton and all points In luo Hast , aelc the ticket
ent for tickets \ la tbo
pen wfeb the beet accommodatlcns All tick
onts sell tlckolata this Hue ,
JeaoralMnnazcr , Qca , Vina. AKent.
Qon 1J1J FajrnamSt , Omaha , Neb *
lancer , Bavaria I Culmbacber Bavaria
auor. . , , . . . Ilolieiulaii I Kalacr _ . . . .llroinon
dwelaei , . . . , St. Louis I Anhauser Rt.Ixroli
it'a . . . .Mllwaukoe I Bchlltc I' laner.Mllwaukeo
UK'S Omaha i Alt , Porter , Domontloand
Ithla * T/lnoo.
MAURER , 1213 Farnam St
ron WOKO , Miti ; . cii
Ltolor tur .V < i int vn th t Ssltt ,