Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1885, Image 6

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Friday Morning , September 11
Office No. 12 Pearl St.
DolUeredby carrier to any part oi the city
or twenty cents n week.
II , W , TII.TOX , - K 31 tor nnd Lessee.
Flower pots at Homer's , 23 Miln ,
Hotter , merchant tailor , foi fine goods
The city conncll li to meet this even
ing , or at least ; make ono ot Its trys.
A cue of doctors Instruments baa
boon found , the owner of which can find
the tame at the BEE office.
The legal contest over the chieftain-
uhlp of the fire deportment Is to como np
In the superior court to-day.
The Hebrews hold appropriate services
hero yesterday , conducted by Mr. Ham-
moraloagh , of Milwaukee.
Mrs. Mitchell , head trimmer In H.
Friedman's millinery store , has gone to
Chicago to look np the latest styles ,
Albert Kahl , the sixteen months old
child of William Kahl , of Keg Greek ,
died of lung fever on Thursday , and was
burled yesterday in Mlnoola at 2 o'clock.
Yesterday being the 10th cf the month ,
the U. P. boys were made happy by re
ceiving tholr chocks for August. The
employes on the street railway , also bo-
'ug ' Union PaolBo employes , received
tholr chocks too.
Ferguson & Son , of the Pacific , are
feeding tholr guests on juicy , tender beef
of tholr owii raising and fattening , the
product of tholr stock farm. It's a big
advantage for a hotel to have such a base
of supplies.
The Johnsons , a colored family of a
good deal of Pierce street notoriety , wore
before the court yesterday on the charges
of restating an officer , disturbing the
peace , oto. Tholr cases wont ever until
Now mattresses were being placed In
the now jail yesterday , and everything
put In readiness for the recaption of the
prisoners , who were matched over Into
the new quitters about 5 o'clock. They
numbered fifteen.
Fred Limb while collecting some bills
was set upon by a dog who lunched off
of ono of his calves. Fred now has the
permit of the city marshal to shoot the
dog on sight , and if ho can't hit him
there ho will put a bullet Into uomo other
part of his body.
Susan F. Fleshor , who has been in the
nsylnm at Ml. Pleasant , and who was
allowed to como homo for a brief vacation
about two weeks ago , has been taken BO
violently Insane , while visiting Mrs. James
Wright In this city , that it became nocea
sary yesterday to take her In charge nni
start back to the asylum with hor.
Raymond & Campbell , the well known
bridge builders , bavo just closed a con
tract to build two bridges in Henry
county to cost $27,000. Both bridges
are to ba of iron , ono to have a 250 fool
upan , and the other GO. The bridges
are to bo put lullome , near Mt , Pleasant.
An accident befell a eon of Mr. Mer
rlam , a huckster , as he proceeded along
Washington , avenno yesterday In
wagon. The boy In some way fell off ,
and down behind the horse , which klckec
him In the chest. The boy was taken to
his homo , a llttlo out of the city , and the
extent of the Injury has notbeon learned ,
but It appeared to bo sorlouj.
The following were the bids opened
yesterday for attending to the pauper
cases of the county hero for the ensuing
year , and furnishing medicine : Dr.
Cleaver , $350 ; Dr. Hanchott , $500 ; Dr.
White , $300 ; Dr. Bellinger , 8297 ; Medi
cal Association , $000. The board did not
make any award of the contract yesterday
day , the bids being laid over until this
The county board carefully Inspectoc
the new jail again yesterday , and took
pains to measure and examine every do
tall so as to bo snro that the people were
getting all they paid for. They soemoc
perfectly satisfied , and conld find no flaws
or causa for complaint. Tho' bo arc
seems to bo especially careful , and the
taxpayers cannot bnt rest easy at the
prospect of the new court house project
bolng In the hands of men who bavo
tholr confidence , and who show such de
termination to have every dollar go as
far bs possible.
A number of search warrants and writs
were Issued by Judge Aylcsworth yester
day , and placed In the hands of officers ,
who hunted up the places whore U was
supposed that liquors were bolng aold
without a license being paid. In each
case the officers reported that they oould
find no liquor , or else the places were
closed np , When one of Council Binds
officers cannot get into a saloon , or find
( something to drink , it Is clearly proved
that either there is no saloon , or else the
barrels are dry. They are making thcr
ougn work In this line.
There were several plain drunks In the
pjlloo court yesterday , all of whom were
fined except one , named Merrlam , who
claimed that ho como to town with only
fifteen cents , and that after spending five
cants for a glass of beer , he proposed to
gamble with the rest of his capital , bnt
was ordered away from the table , and es
he did not want to go , a policeman was
called on to arrest him , and he
was charged with being drunk ,
The jailer testified that Merrlam was
not what ho would call drunk when
brought in , and Merrlam insisted that ho
conld not ooo how he could get drunk on
ono gUts of ber. The judge concluded
that the polica had put him In to save him
losing his money , and so let him go , bis
ten cent ) being handed him by the clerk ,
Move to Hftlao $100,000 to En-
courngo Snch Enterprises tn
Council Ulnflfc ,
Oonncll Binds needs moio minufictnr *
leg enterprises , and with a llttlo exertion
on the psrt of her citizens and moneyed
men could easily Increase the number.
This fact has been patent to many for a
long time , bnt each seems waiting for
aomo ono else to make a move , and what
la everybody's business la no ones. A
ichomo Is now being talked up , and prom
ises to prove a success , It being
In brief an organization with
ample capital for encouraging
and fostorln manufacturing enter
priser * hero. It Is proposed to have ono
hundred shares of $1,000 each , making a
total of $100,000 , and thia to bo Invested
In different enterprises as they thall com
mend thomsolvoa to the judgment of the
members of the organization , If , for in
stance a manufacturing enterprise wants
to locate hero , It can bo encouraged by
this organization taking a certain amount
of stock in the company , The city has
many advantages to offer as a manufac
turing point , and If besides thcsa
advantages , a man desiring to
start an ontorprlso hero conld
bo aasurod of some help and encourage
ment , snch enterprises csnld easily bo
secured hero. More than this , the more
fact tint Council BlullY own citizens
stand willing to Invest In such enter
prises would bo a clinching proof that
thoao who llvo here , and who have every
opportunity of judging of the advantages
of the city , are BO confident that It Is a
good point that they are willing to Invest
their own money , and take a part of the
risk , Instead of asking strangers
to do It all. Such n showing of
confidence in Council Bluffs would
do more than anything elao to establish
confidence In others. The plan pro
posed is to have each sbaro ot $1,000
paid In only aagood Investments are found
for It. If , after securing subscriptions
for the whole $100,000 , some ontorprlso
Is found , which Is a worth
ono , and which would locate hero , th
company wonld take § 10,000 c
the stock , then each ah are woul
bo called on for $100 , and
after another good chance presented It
self another assessment conld bo mado. .
Thus the money will not have to ba pal
In all at once , and what Is paid In la no
a mcro free-will offering , but will prov
an Investment , on which the chances nr
that fair returns will bo had. The mor
profit on the Investment is not , however ,
the main object to which those who an
working on the plan are looking forward ,
The chief purpose Is to so work as to se
cure what Council Bluffs needs so badly ,
tuoro manufacturing. Ono hundred cltl
zens In this city could easily shoulder
this enterprise , It being only a thousand
dollars [ each , and that In Installments
and $100,000 thus divided among varlon
manufacturing enterprises would call intt
this city several hundred thousand dollars
lars of manufacturing. The starters o
the enterprise are quite enthusiastic over
It , and propoao to push right along to a
Buocoasfnl completion of the organization
A Card From Win. H. Brooks ,
To the Editor of the BEE.
Your "Old Stager" Is wleo. Beyond
what is written in yonr Issue of the 8th.
I am not a candidate for any office. My
friends are not looking out for any place
for mo. I expect to leave Iowa on the
ICtb , to bo absent till December.
Yours Truly , WM. AI. BUOOKS.
Tabor , la. , Sept. 10.
A. Veteran Fireman Discharged for
Telling " \Vh t lie Thought
of the Mnyor.
The announcement that Charlie Nichol
son , the veteranOrornnnhad boon thrown
out of his position as driver of No. 1 ,
caused no llttlo talk yesterday. Nichol
son Is a first clats fireman , and baa only
had ono fault , and that he has bravely
fought and snccoitfally for aomo time ,
and has always been ready and eager for
duty. Hence there were many surmises
as to what had caused him to be laid off.
The solution of the mystery Is said to bo
that the fireman has a tongue which ho
unoa freely to express what Is on the In
side. Whoa ho found that the mayor's
llttlo paper bad opened war not only on
aomo of his friends , bat had attacked the
reputation of defenceless women and In
nocent children , Nicholson's blood boiled ,
and ho declared that the mayor's paper
would ba llko thn Irishman's polecat , If
let alone It wonld soon dlo as the result
of Its own foolishness , and from
over-exertion. This vraa said
In the presence of "Left
Handed Joe , " who Immediately proceed
ed to Inform the editor mayor , who
promptly caused the fireman to bo thrown
iff the force. Such Is the current ex
planation , but the mayor says through
bis organ , that Nicholson had too much
booze , and adds significantly that "he
talked too much with his month. " This
Is the mayor's Idea of free speech.
Not in Paying Qunntltiov ,
When the east end of the county nude
such an efiort to got a term of court and
a deputy clerk established at Avoca , there
were roseate plctnrlngs of the amount of
business which would bo done there , but
the report of the clerk for the past five
months does not shoir that it Is a paying
Investment for the county so far. It
needs developing badly. From the first
} f April to the first of Junp the following
iroro the receipts of the clerk :
3o ts oollecttd $ G3 00
Marriage licenses , , , 8 00
Dltlzen jmpora 3
Total 874 25
During the months of June , July and
August the following were the rccelpta.
3oiU collected 853 60
Licenies , c 00
Dihzen papers StB
Total § 5076
Thli niakoj the total receipts for the
Ivo months , § 134. The ta'ary of the
ilrrk alone , to say nothing of other 01-
joiis.'s during this time , was $250.
A Heavy Transfer ,
E. P. Oalilwcll , who was lately prao-
Icing law hero , and who baa now located
u Washington territory , has been In the
Ity for 5 fo w days , and the purpose of
ils mission has now become known. He
its just sold his farm In Monona county ,
cgether with lands In Shelby county ,
o Mr. H. L. Votaw , the whole oonuld
ration reaching the snug little turn of
:3i,000. : The farm thus transferred con-
tits of 1,037 acres , and there is B
largo amount of stock and
many Improvements. Mr. Votaw
has been living In ' "Washington territory
for a year and a half past , but formerly
was a resident of this state , Salem being
his homo. Ho Intends to move back to
Iowa and take possession of his farm , and
It Is not unlikely ho will make this city
his residence , and look after his Inter ca'fl '
from this as headquarters , Mr. Caldwell
will In a few days leave for the east , and
after visiting Now York , will return to
hla now homo In Washington territory.
A Musical Choir.
Last evening ai the residence of J. J.
Lulzf No. 50G Sixth street , Profs. Lip-
fort and Zerkowsky nnd tholr pnplla gave a
muslcalo to a largo company of friends.
The pupils showed fine progress , and
tholr parents and friends were much
The following Is the
QuI vive , duet . Oanz
Mlises Grace Spooncrnnd Francis Smith ,
La Fontaine . Lysberg
Mies Ida Lutz ,
Violin concerto On. 1C . Do Ucriot
Prof , 1) . Xerkowsky.
Thou Art eo Near . Hicliard
Mlsa Grace Spoonor.
Rlgoletlo . Lii
Prof. 0.13. Llpfert.
Romance . Goltorman
Prof. B. Xerkowiky.
Martha . S.Smitl
Miss Francis Smith ,
Matinee of Birds . . . . . , . ,
Miss Mtnnio Miller ,
Norma . Joe !
1'rof. 0. 13. Uptott.
Pall and winter clothing to order ,
Norono & Landstrom , 205 Main street
Substantial abstracts of title and re
estate loans , J. W. and E. L. Squire
102 Pearl street.
J F Barnard , J It Hardy and E J Sward
prominent officials ot the St. Jo road , wore i
the city yestorday.
Workers with metals generating oloc
trlclty escaped the cholera of ' 49. Thci
use onr olcotrlo belts. Jndd & Smith
Oouncll Bluffs. Agents wanted.
IVImt Will the Taxes Do ?
The county board has fixed the follow
Ing as the tax levy :
State 2 50 mills ,
County 0 CO
Bridges 2 25
Schools 1 00
Insane 75
Poor , with improvements 1 25
Court house and jail bonds 75
The levy for this city will thus stand :
School 17 25 rnillf ,
Stttennd county 14 50
City 23JT5
Total 60 50 mills.
Dr. Wiles , Eye , Eir and Throa
pocialist , Room 5 , Everett bpck.
The T. N. Bray stock ol boots am
shoes will bo removed to-day to 10 (
Main street , two doors below the ol'
stand. The stock will bo closed out a
greatly reduced prices.
T. N. BSAY , Proprietor ,
B. K. BEACH. Manas er.
329 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Sold on Monthly Payments
All kinds of repairing on Musical Inatru
menta a Specialty.
Waves , \
vitches. Etc.
S7iamjooing ,
Jlair Dressing
And Cutting ,
Bangs Cut Pamprdour , Langtry or
other styles.
Hair Goods
20 Main St. Council Bluffs.
Kiel Sale Stables ,
Horses iiid Muhscomtnclly on hand , for ealo at re
tall or In citlimil late.
All Stock Warranted as Represented ,
\Yholoinlc and retail dealers In train and Baled Hay.
Trices reasonable. S tulactlon gimaDtecd.
Oor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
In Council Bluffs bavlug
And all modern Improvements , call bells , Gre
alnrw bells , etc. , is the
Nos. 215 , 217 and 210 , Main Street.
No 34 N. Main St. , Council Bluffa
Telephone No , 141.
All work first claas.
B , Bice M , B.
1ATJPPPO or other tumors removal without the
JuNUDUUj knlloor dn tngof Mood.
Over thirty year * rractica eip il nc . Cfflco
< S" Cbtteet , ounolla. Ulufla
NOTIOK. SpecUl t rertlssmcn na M Lost
fonnd , To I/Oftn , for B l , To Ken Wants , BoardIng -
Ing , eto. , will be lntert < l In thli eolnmn kl lh low
r ! of TEN CENTS PER LINK for the flrtl Inwrtlon
nd H7E CENTS TEB LINK ( or caeh tnbseqnenl In
sertion. te&roAclrtrttstmsnli | cur oQet , Mo , 12
POM I etrott ctkr Broadwar
O RENT \ new seven room donna. Inquire at
Bus Offlcs.
K SALB The leme nod furniture of the Aracil-
can home Apply kl Amortcko house , Main
slreit and Ninth avenue.
FOR SAM Houses , lot ) and UnJ. A. J. Stephen *
on , COS First Avenue , Council Blurts .
FORM.YT- slv room house , ten tnlnntcs walk
( rom bustooid , city water , well an J cittern. For
rent cheap.
FOR HUM No. ISO Harrison street , three rooms.
JIcSUliov * Co.
41'oatl street.
NO. 53 For Bale or rent , on very liberal terms.
The Coun-ll Bluffs Paper Hill , complete , with
the large boarding house find three acres ot ground.
No. SB Abu | < lncBeprOpeit'ln | Cherokee , Cherokee
oeuntr. Iowa , fl111 trade ( or western Unas. Value
No. 89 A bciulKnl homo In the town ot Hastings ,
Mills count ) , Iowa , ( or Nebnska land. Value , 3,600.
no. 41 A ( toed business property and also a good
residence property In the town o ( Chcnvo. ItoCoan
county , 111. , low down lit cash or will oicbange lor
western lands.
> o. 170 A splendid ( arm , wtll lnpro\cd , OlOacroa
In Dickinson county , Ion ft , joining the town olfplrlt
Lake. Price , for aehott time ; $39 per aero.
No. 164 to 137 Are ( our Improved farms In Phillips
county , Kansw , cica with & email Incumbranoe.
The cqultas will bo exchanged ( or unlncumbcrod
wild land In Nebraska.
No 183-480 acroe In Holt county , Nob. , parti
Improved , at a big bargain. Hants to exchange fo'
No. 64 A fine tno story bilek rtslJcnco , one o
tto best locations In Council llluffs , n 111 trade lei
zood utilncumbercj Kansas or Nebraska lands , Vklui
No 66 ftHil 11 Are two other beautiful heroes li
Council Bluffs , which cash pnjrnent will buy nt
No. 6fl A b ° &uttlul mburbin looallon In Ion ;
City , low a , will exchange ( or western lands. Valu
The above nro only a ( ew of our epcclal bargains
If jou'AOKrt anjthlng to trade ( or sell , ornantti
cell any rosl estate or merchandise , write us Wt
have semtlgood stocks o ( eooda to trade for lauds
Council Blufls , Iowa.
j. L.
81 ieit
Xfo. 607 Broadirw Ooanoll Bluff *
The following urt the times ot Iho arrival ml de
iirtnreof trilns by contra ! standard tlcie , it the
local dcpoto. Trains leave trmsfor depot lea rain
Dtoj earlier and arrive ton rnluutoa later.
unoieo and KORnrwuraiur.
0:25 : A H Hall and Expriag 0:50 : r u
12:40 : r H Accommodation 4:10 : r H
5:30 : p 11 [ Express 8.05 A u
9:25 : A It Wall and Exprosa B.63 r M
7:16 : A M Accommodation 5:45 : r M
6:30 : P M Kxprcta 10.00 A M
0.20 A M Mall and Exprosa fl.50 r M
6:26 : P M Express 0.05 A M
CHKUUO , tuEUsarox xtro qvnoT.
0'45 A H Mall and Express 7:10 : F H
0 30 P M Accommodation 2:00 : p M
6:15 : p M Express 8:50 : A u
2:15 : P M Local St. Louis Express Local
8.00 p M Transfer " " Transfer 8.ZO p H
liuou cm , BT. 10 * Am > council ttum.
10 10 A H Mall and Express 7:25 : p H
8.05 F U Express S.26 A 11
tioax crrr AND FACING.
7:20 : A u Mall for Sioux City 0:50 : P H
7SO : r u Exprosa for St Paul 8.25 A H
11:00 : A U Denver Express 4:35 : p u
1:05 : F H Lincoln Fats Om & R T 2.35 F M
7:55 P H Overland Express 8.80 A M
Leave Council JSIufla 6.65 7:55 : 0.20 10:80 :
11:40 : a. m. 1:30 2.30-8.80 4.28 5:25 : 8.25
11:15 p. m. Leave Omahs 8.25 7:28 6:50 : 10
li:15 : a. m. 12:50-2.03 : 800 4:00 : 4:55 : 5.55 ,
Office & IPusev.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established - 1865
CarpetSiCafpets !
Our buyer writes from New
York that he has purchased the
Largest and Choicest Line of
Ever Shown in this pity , These
; oods are now arriving daily and
ve resoectfully invite everybody
: o call and see them.
Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings *
Window Shades ,
Cornice Poles ,
Etc , , Etc.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co
405 Broadwav.
. A. Ii. ROBERTS ,
Formirlycf New York.
Cutting and Fitting E tabllihinent
fo. 34 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
8-A2 nnd 344 : Broadway , Council
IBlufiV , lown ,
Mens'Fail& ' Winter Wear
Wens' nnd Roys' Business Suits
Mens'nnd Boys' Dress Suits.
Childrons' every day & Dress Suits.
Overcoats for Men , Boys and Chil
Merchant Tailor Suits.
Merchant Tailor Overcoats ,
Merchant Tailor TrowEers ,
Equal to the best , to order ,
At half the pr ce
Pat mous' Suits and Overcoats
Lean rnons' Suits and Overcoats.
Fat meus' Trowsers.
Saanilcss Shirts and Drawers in
Scotch -wools , medicated Scarlets
extra heavy Balbriggans. fancy col
( red Wools , and mixed qualitie
from 25c each to 84.50.
Dunlnp nnd Stetson's Hats i'6
fall of 1885.
urnishing Goods
Gloves , Neckwear , Suspenders
Handkerchief : ? , Collars and Cuffs
of first class qualities and lease
ble prices.
Please call and look at our stock
Metcalf Brothers ,
Retail Department ,
842 and 344 Broadway , Coimci
The New York
55S JBroadwav ;
Council Bluffs , Iowa
ed and constructed.
in all its branches
This conraanv have
one of the best assort
ed stocks ot plumb
ing goods in the west.
Estimates furnish"
Marry Birkinbine *
Tele-ohone No.
Mrs. D. A. Benedict's ' ,
Vo. 337 I ) road nay , Council Blufli ,
Of all kinds Of every stifle
nade to order. ready made.
No 33/ /
, 33Broadway ,
ifiorney - Law
darkness Brothers ,
We shall offer at CASH SALE , until sold , a large in
voice of COTTON FLANNELS at 25 per cent below the
prices heretofore asked ,
10 dozen Blankets at $1,25 to $2. worth Irom $2 to $3.
These goods wera bought at Auction Sales and will not
bo duplicated. Parties will do well to secure them while
t heycan ,
Our new stock of
PLAIDS , Etc , ,
Are unusually attractive and never so cheap as now of
fered ,
Are received ind our stoch is ivelJ uvsortedjor
the cat'ly fall trade.
Bugs , Door Mats , Etc , , Etc ,
ouse. .
ubber BootsShoes and Arties
lubber and Oil Clothing ,
Eastern Prices Duplicated.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
Z , T , LINDSAY & CO. ,
Warehouse and salesroom , -il N Main bfr , Council B.ufft , Iowa ,
Office 412 Broadway
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction frunrnntood , Frame boa
cvrd on Little Glnnt trucks , the best In the world.
1010 Ninth'streetl Council Blufls
oots & Shoes
Employ no traveling agents , thus saving their expenses to customers.
Agen t for Para Kubber Company , Write for prices
i3 ! Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
Gentlemen's Clothing Cleaned , Dyed and Repaired. Ladles' Dresies Claaned and Dyed
rlthout ripping Plumes Cleaned , or Colored any Bhado , to Bomple. Silks , Velvets and
, ac s Cleaned , Dyed and KoQninhod. Lice Curtains neatly clcanedj 29 Main street , Coun-
" " 'u'r" ' ' opli08lta I)06to"ie9'
I)06to"ie9'F. . B. PATTON. Manager.
JOOH&ating Stoves from $3 to $10 Eachj j
Chosp Cook Stores and General House ruroibhlngUaodt , including Now and Second
[ and Furniture ,