Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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f tbo Fall Term uftheNc-
Ma state Uniyersily ,
Additons to tlio Faculty -The
State Fair ,
The Uutko BlugRlna Putty's Bxlil-
bltlnnLincoln Brevities ana
Personal Mention.
Yesterday tha fall term regularly opaned
and class work began , On account of tbo in
complete condition of the repairs on the
chapel , the students mot in the Pixladian hall.
In the eait end of the building on tha third
floor at i ) o'clock ,
All of the professors and tutors are on
hand and ready for work , with the exception
of Prosoisor Bcsioy , who is absent In Michi
gan , but who will bs on hand the first of next
week ,
The faculty has been strengthened by tbo
addition ef Dr. J. Gilbert W&lto , the new In-
ttructor In physics and astronomy , and the
new Instructor in French and Latin , Stephen
Leonard Gelsthardt , ( U. A )
Dr. White is a graduate ( B , A. ) of the
Penniylvanla utalo college , who has juet com
pleted a course in advanced physics at Cor
nell university , leading to the Ph. D , degree ,
The Cornell faculty give him the highest tes
timonials for scholarly nnd or'ginal ' work. Ho
has made- specialty of electrical engineering ,
and will bo ready for good public service In
that lino.
Tutor Gelithardt , B. A. , ji a graduate of
Yivle , whore ho was a special graduate of both
the languages ho is to leach 1 uto. ThK with
the fact that ho has been familiar with French
from childhood , nnd that in general scholar
ship bo ranked third in a class of li'J , justify
the best expectations of his work hero.
Added to this ho has had largo experience In
teaching ,
Especial attention is called to the fact that
for the first time full fac'litioa in tine aits are
offered. Miss Moora resumes her work , with
unuiual promise , in view of the recant acqui
sitions from the French art exhibit at ftow
The musical departmentreopcns under Miss
Cochran and Dr , Saxby , and is prepared to
answer tha most critical expectations ,
The new chapel will nflord most
excellent advantages for rehearsals nnd con
certs , and all will add much to the social cul
ture and enjoyment of students and citizens.
The onljr change to be made , on account of
the fair , will bo to give the students ono day
to attend.
The nineteenth annual fair of the Nebraska
state board cf cgrlculturp begins to-morrow.
The grandest preparation ! ) on record bavo
been mndo : 800 btttlls for horced and cattle ,
500 hog and sheep pens , all filled and over
flowing. Celebrated hards from Iowa , Illi
nois , Missouri nnd Kansas are hero. Three
immense halls , embracing 50,000 feet of floor ,
are crammed with agricultural , horticultural
andindu.trlal dlsployd. It is the finest ex
hibit ever collected in the west. Several im
portant speed events iu the ring are promised ,
bpiuning Monday.
11. P. Fftujltnor nnd J. E , Mile ? , mombsrs
of the committee from Norton county , Kan
sas , who have charge of the display to bo
made hero , have arrived as an advance guard ,
They report that Norton county is on the
road hero with two car loada of articles to
show the people whit that county cin do.
Tha rest of the commlttoa with ttiu display
are on the road. Among the articles to bo
put on exhibit , Mr. Faulkner informs us tint
there ii a cucumber five feet three inches
lone" , sweet corn thirteen feet high nnd field
corn with seven well developed eara to tbo
stock. Mr. Faulkner has the appoaranca of
a truthful man.
Oberlin countv , Kansas , will also come
with a cir load of stuff to put on exhibition.
Moso Qutnoy , I'd Qutncy and Kd Welsh ,
and others in tbo e&ma neighborhood In the
northwest part of the city , were arrested yes
terday afternoon nnd brought before Justice
Brown , on the charge of ansnulting a man
nomsd Sturgeon , who had figured somewhat
prominently before the police court. The
case was continued until the IBth in&t. The
parties were held in $50 bonds.
Jamoo H. Clark , a prominent business
man of Mattoon , 111 , , ex-postmaster there , is
doing Lincoln nnd looking It over for the firit
time. Mr. Clark , delighted with the general
appearance of Nebrntka nnd the capital city ,
has about mndo up his mind to become a
member of Lincoln' population ,
Dr. Gerth returned Wednesday from Oma-
ba where bo discovered nnd killed a horse
with plunders. The doctor snys ho noticed
hog cholera is aggravated by tbo cold , wet ,
weather , and has been Incrensed in virulence
very much during the last week or EO. The
disease Is now spread nearly ovrr the state ,
and some counties ho has heard finm tbere Is
scarcely a healthy bunch of hogs tn be found.
Tbo city ball contained a good audience
Tuesday night , enjoying a series of boxing
contests , participated in by Jack Burke , the
English coamplon , Chandler , Smith nnd Mc-
Olarney , his troupe. Severn ! boys of this
city preluded the profcsaionat exhibiting with
amusing glove encounters. Burke , a clever
pugilist , Is on bis wny to fight Cloary , in San
Francisco , giving sparring exhibitions at all
the principal cities bctwosn this point nnd the
The city authorities are putting in Btono
crossings loading from tha south side of 0
street to the south entrance of the pojtoflice ,
in place of the stone walk recently torn up.
The action of the street commissioner is high
ly commended by the residents ot the south
ai do.
Forty now students were reported in at
tendance at the ULiversity uhnpel exercises
yesterday morning , This Is not a fair repre
sentation , os a largo number are waiting un
til nfcer the state fair next week.
A force of men were eugaRed yesterday
morning hying pipe from the Ninth street gas
main to the Trvmont bouse , corner of Eighth
nnd P vtroots , This hotel , now almost com
pleted , will bn rer.dy for the lair.
Dr. G. B. JUchards , a brother of J. 11. nnd
L. O. Klclmrds , of this city , is hero cm a viiit
l with his brothers.
MUs Jennie Collier , of Log Angeles , Cali
fornia. Is iu the city , the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Richards.
T. W. Phelps. brotber-in.l.w of 0. W.
Loomis , of Superintendent McConuiff'u blfico ,
and representing the Atlantic cigar company ,
of Mujaachiuetts , was in the city during the o
E. P. Davis , manager of booths at the state
fair , says ho bai secured the original panorama
rama of the battle of Gettysburg for exhibition
here during the fair. This la eaid to be th3
finest panorama in oxittence.
Her o ,
Ono of the moat surprising forms of
horto-theft and highway robbery has de
veloped la the suburbs. An employe of
W. T. Seaman , the book dealer , residing
on the woit sldo was driving home Wed
nesday night , whonnoar the Cat holio ceme
tery , two men In a wagon drove up to
his side aud leaping out stopped hi )
hotas. They pretended to bo detirous of
effecting a trade , but the bookman wat
not in a bargaining humor that night and
requested that they let him pro
ceed. Quietly , however , Iho scamps
wont to work aud taking his horio from
the shafts transferred It to their own
harness , laughing derisively the whtlojat
their helpless victim. Mr. Seaman yesterday
torday In the nimo of his employe , ob
tuinod the Issuance of pipers from Judge
Henderson , to replevin the stolen hone ,
wherever ho may bo found. It IB said '
that this is not Iho firat tlma thla borer
blackmail has been levied on night voya-
gen about the suburbs.
Water WnrkH Improvement ,
The water works oampauy his been
cngjgod in placing In fcilr new settling
b ilni > , neir the cngino hongo , on the
ilver banks. The work TTES completed
yesterday. The water wlllbopnmped Into
ono of these bwins first , then drlran
acrosj Into the second one , and so on
through all of them , until the last ono Is
reached. By this tlmo the water neces
sarily will have attained n renmkabjo
degree of clearness , which it Is Impossible
bleto nltaln with the present facilities. "
"Onr basins combined , " said Mr. Hunt
to a reporter , "now h vo a capacity of
about ten million and n half gallons. The
city la using now about three million gallons
lens of water per day. During the
warmer noathor , when the eprlnkling
carts were running , the consumption was
as high as five millions a day , now that
the sprinkling has been stopped , thoto
has been n material dropping array. (
Three Addition * ! Victims of the Hock
t Superintendent
Clark nt the Scono.
D. 0. Olark , general tuporlntondcnt o
, ho coal department of the Union Ptclfic ,
las gene to Hack Springs , Wyoming ,
where the antl-Ohlncso riot occurred.
Mo will investigate all the circumstances
of the case , and make arrangements for
rebuilding the honacs destroyed during
ho riot. Everything was reported quiet
at llock Springs yesterday , and the Ohi-
no3o are at work in the mines.
Four more bodies of Ohlnamon hare
joen dlscovetod In the ruins , and under
; ho protection of the military vigorous
search Is being made for others.
Qenoral Manager Oallaway said lh\t
10 regretted some attempt wan bciog
made to justify the acts committed. Ho
did not proDoso making any further
oplloj this time to the ntatcmout rcgard-
ng his company and its management ,
moro than to say that the assertion that
Governor Warren is , or has been , in any
way Indebted to the Union Pacific rail
way Is entirely and maliciously falsn.
1'EUSONAJU Fowler , the cow-boy sheriff of Chey
enne county , is In tbo city.
Mrs. A. L , Strang nnd children returned
yesterday from an eastern visit ,
John Sebastian , general western passenger
ogcnt of Rock Inland , with headquarters at
Can ins City , is in the city ,
Charlo3 W. Adams , assistant general pas
senger agent of the Pittsburgh , Ft. Wayne & ,
Dhicago railroad , with headquarters at Chicago
cage , is In the city.
B Simouds , nn English mining export , who
ins been in this country examining mines ,
eft for New York yesterday and will sail for
3aghnd next week ,
Lieut , Brainerd , of Grocloy expedition
fame passed through the city yesterday on
lis way to Fremont where his brother resides.
The lieutenant has sick-leave and is spending
lia leisure visiting among friends.
Gua Limborl who wai snt to jai
Bomo two months ago , to : nearly killing
a Chinimun , was released yesterday from
"There la ono thing my confinement
has done for me. " ho remarked to Judge
Stonberg yoatarday , "it has cnrod mo of
thojplnm habit. I shall never use the
Lutuburt , during the first foir days of
confinement waa fad several grains of
ipinm , but gradually his dosa was dimin-
shod to zjro. During the lest month of
ila confinement he managed to get along
without using the drag at all.
A Narrow Escape.
Charles Sherman , a carpenter working
on the now buildings at Ilor'a distillery ,
mot with an accident , Wednesday , -which
came very near costing him his life. At
about five o'clock while working on a
building 30 foot above the gronnd , ho
lost his balance and fell. Falling about
twelve feet , ho struck a plank , and
turned over , dropping 18 feet farther. He
landed on a bMler saatainfng frightful
Injuries to his right shoulder and right
hip. His physician thinks that ho will
recover , though ho certainly dad a nar
row esoipo from death.
Those interested in crlcKct will bo dis
appointed to learn that there will bo "no
match" on Saturday next at Lincoln , it
having been found Impracticable to play
on that day. The Lincoln cricketers are
anxious , novortholois , to measure their
strength against Omaha at any other time.
A "Falthlnl" Ofllcor.
Ono of the special officers recently
placed on the police force has already
started out In a little "crooked work. "
The other evening it is said , while on
bis beat , ho vlaltod a lady of easy vlrluo
at her room , On the table there was a
pa'r of opera glasses , and when ho loft
the room the officer slipped them into
his pcckot. The lady mleaed the glasses
and reported tbo matter to Marshal
Oummings , who interviewed the officer
on the snbjojt. The now "cop" said bo
had only meant to borrow the qlnsaes ,
and intended lo return them. Lut
night ho presented the marshal with a
note from the above mentioned lady ac
knowledging their receipt and urging
him not to discharge the pollcamnn , as
olid could recommend him as a falthfal
Pell Prom B Htroot C r.
E. R. Overall , a letter carrier , was
thrown from n street oar at the corner of
the federal building last evening about 7
o'clock and received savore Injuries ,
His head was badly cut and he snflerad a
number of bruises aud contusions. He
will probably bo laid up for some time ,
The force of workmen have commenced to
move the old frame structure on Fifteenth
and Farnam streets preparatory to the erec
lion of the Barker buildinp. which Is to bo
five stories In height ,
A ure euro for Blind , Weeding , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr.
Williams'Indiun Pile Ointment. A aingle
box haa cured the worst chronic cates of 25 or
SOyoara standing. No ona need suffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine. Lotions and instruments do
ttpra harm than good. Williams' Indian
L'llo Ointment absorb ! the tumors , allays the
intenea Itching , ( particularly at night alter
getting warm in bed ) , act ) as a poultice , gives
nstant relief , and is prepared only for Piles ,
'tchlng of private parts , and for nothing else.
Dr. Irazier'sMagio Ointment. Curei aa
-by magic. Pimples.BIack Ueadt or Gruba
the lotchei and liruptions on the face , leaving
SalUkln clear and beautiful. Aho cures Itch ,
old , Uhuine , Sore Nipples , Sore Lip , and
Obatm ta UJcerg.
Bold by druggl U , or mailed on receipt of ,
CO cent * .
„ Retailed bjKuhn ; ; & Co. , and Sehroeter &
Becht. At wholesale by 0 , F. Goodmsn ,
Everything In Ksndlncss ttir Btll-
lli nt l'rado This Evcninc A
niR Proceailon ,
The Elcotrto Catnlvnl committee met
last ovenlng at llio office o ! G. W.
Shrlvcr and completed oil the details for
this evening's parade. The procession
will utart frcm Jefferson equiro in the
following order at 8 p , in. sharp :
1 Plattoon of Police.
2 Union I'AcIfic Band.
3-OmaliA Wheel Club.
fi-Motber Hubiard Brigade , ( with bolts )
C Cavalrymen.
7-Oraaba Cab Co.
8 Colored Brigade with Excelsior Band ,
9 Street Sprinkling Regiment ,
10 Flro Department headed by Fourth In
fantry Hand.
11 Merchants' Brigade ,
12-GIlmcro'a Band.
13 Paving Brigade.
1-J-A. 0. H. Band.
1C Pedestrian * .
The Mother liubbard brlgado of South
Omaha , will form on Tenth and Ilarnoy , at
7:30 : p. m. sharp and headed by the A. U , II ,
bane ] , will march and take position on
Fifteenth street cast of Jefferson cquaro.
The Merchants'brigade will take positL. . „
the east side cf Sixteenth , north of JefTorton
Tha cavalrymen will form around Jefferson
square headed by the Veiled Prophota and
Mother liubbard brigade.
The colored brigade will form at Twelfth
nnd Dodge and msrch on Thirteenth street to
DABS , up Oass to fifteenth. When the line
is formed the foot men will fall in the roar of
A. 0. II , band , Tha different orgam'zttions
will form 3 nbovo and tha line will bo as
follows ;
South on Sixteenth lo Dodqo , east on
Dcdgo to Fourteenth , noutli on Fourteenth to
Douglas , east on Douglas to Eleventh , south
on Eleventh to ITarnuin , west on 1'iunum to
Fifteenth , north on Fifteenth to Douglas ,
west on Douglas to Sixteenth , north on Six
teenth to Cumlng , west en Ginning to Twenty-
third , countermarch on Gaming to Sixteenth ,
aouth on Sixteenth to AfTeroon square ,
where tha parade will disband to ba immedi
ately followed by a concert by thelUnlon Pa
cific band
The south brigade will meet at 7:30 : sharp
at Ilaruoy and Tenth.
An Aged Wnmlcror liases Her "Way
nnd is Cared far by tlio Polloo.
About 0 o'clock last evening Oflicor
Ourry walked Into the psllco station with
an aged lady leaning heavily on his arm ,
as if aho were greatly exhausted. The
officer pulled out a choir and the lady
sink into It with a groan. She looked
thin and t > ale end eccmcd hardly able to
sit up. She as droissd In plain black
and carried on her arm a small basket and
a hand tag. The officer had found her
at the corner of TvYonty-acoor.dandCum-
Iic straots wandering around in an un
certain manner. Y/hen addressed uho
said that her name vras Mrs. YAH Riflcn ,
and that she had lost her way. She had
been around the locality ail day , walking
back and forth. She stated that she
wanted to find her eon , who lived near
Twentieth and Pierce streets , but had
been unable to do eo. Mr. Ourry In
formed her that she was a long distance
out of her way , the place nho wished to
find being in the southern part of the
city. Tuo lady appeared to be dazed and
rather uncertain what to do , so the offi
cer took her in charge and
kindly asilstod her to the police
station. The officer , realising that the
lady could go no farther , offered to send
for a cab and convey her to the homo of
her son. She objected to this , ho waver ,
as ehe had no monay to pay for a convey
ance , and would not allow the officer to
pay for it.
Mrs. Von Rafldn did not uaem to fully
a zj her altuation , bat kept up a con
stant moaning , bewailing the loss of a
son who , she cald , had taken care of her
nntll roontly , when ho died. The
officers finally concluded that it would bo
best to reinovo her to the rooms of the
Woman's Ctniatlan Aid association for
the night , and she was assisted to the
place. She was immediately taken care
of , and her son will bo Informed of her
whereabouts this morning.
A packed honsa witnessed for the half-
dozenth tlmo In Omaha the prezcntatlon
o ! "Tho PLcunlx , " the closing prodno-
tlon of Milton Nobles' three nights en
gagement This great sensation's ! play ,
the production of Nobles' gonins and the
great vehicle of his talentr , loses with
ago none of its attractiveness which has
lifted itn master spirit to fauio and for
tune. Not a word of fault Is to bo laid
against this perfect drama cither in itself
or in its prcsuntatlon of last night. In
this Instance ' the opera house management
slmra's largely tha credit and approval.
To the energy of the managers ana the
skill of Mr. Booth , the Boyd atajjo car
penter , "tho great fire scene" was
given with a realism Trhlch Mr.
Nobles acknowledges Is seldom atltlncd
In tbo cities of his travels. One hat
word lot Milton Nobles hnng to
"Phoenix" for at least once whenever ho
stands more than n night the great driina
trill boar witnessing lime end again.
To-night nnd to-morrow evening ,
Ohorlos Hoyt'fl latest creation , "A Rag
Baby , " holds the boards if the home
stands the roaring strain which will be
put upon It. If there is one marry spirit
or relief-stoking * , dyspeptic in Ihli wide
city who mleses thesa performances , he
had hotter totiro to ancient English hli-
tory and "never smllo again. "
The Pavorlto Washing Compound of the
cleanses fabrics without injury , and without
the laborious scrubbing necessary with ordi
nary eoap. For sale by grocer * .
State Arr.vula.
The state people still continue to pour
Into the city. Following ere some of the
litest :
At tbo Canfield : John A Branson and
wife , Oakland ; Charles M Coy and wife , Oa-
C9ola ; Lewis Bey , S H U-ise , Norfolk ; James
A Pike , Ouster ; L15 Humphrey , Odcoola ; O.
M Jackson , A Arnold , North Bend ; D II
Garrey , KearneyMS ; Hughes , West Point ;
Samuel WarrtoV , W D Gros , Blair ; J Wil-
Hamson , F Kengor , Wlaner ; W W Fin cb ,
Central City ; Frank Binlth , Louisville ; M
McSwInoy , Dawsonj P t Mcare , Lincoln : J
K Dunley , St Paul ; Theo Bebee , Oaceola ; Sam
Marty , Orelghton ; A H Khodes , T kamah ; A
H Bird ; Fallerton ; Thomaj Place , JV Simp.
SOD , Scbuylor j II Silver , Button ; B F Yonkers -
ers , MK Steinbeck , Genoa } J W Boggs ,
Blair ,
At the Miilard : L K Plumb and wifa
Oralgi D J MclCelvey , Schuyler ; H O Halns-
wood and wife , North Band ; W II B Stoat ,
LInolnJ ; O Cause , I B Chase , Fairmonnt ;
D A Lord , D T Maityn , OolumbuBj Goo W
MoKco , Syracusa ; J R McKce , Palmyra ;
Webster , Lincoln ; Mra Pratt and daughter ,
Summer Hill ; C F Bawm n , Raymond ; C
W KIncoly and -wife Aihland ; Thos Graham ,
Sewnrd ; M J Graham , Grand Island ; HA
Vail nnd wife , Stonton ; George Qrancs , Mrs
W Dillon , Norfolk ; A 3 Bleyer , Central
City ; ICiillo Langer and ( later , West Polnl ;
0 A Brodle , Plnm Crook ; John T Marshall ,
E Scamon , Weoptnp Water ; Wm A Fairchild -
child , Aurora ; James Slander , i : II lloltz-
hautcn , Louisville ; W I ) Past and family ,
BradshawjB F Griffin , Tekamah ; A E Slater
and wife , Bower ; C S Lctton , Lincoln ; D
M Semblln , Arapahoe ; II P Faulkner , Gto
Tuttle Plnm Creek ; G II Bothwcll , Strome.
burg ; G E Mansion , F M Pearson , Lincoln ,
At the Paxton ; D 0 Oavanaugh , G B
Spoico , Columbus ; George K Clioncy , Crolgh
ton ; J A yhitmore , Falls City ; W N Car
penter , D T Cornell , O L DaGroff , A Walt ,
K G Day. Sjracu o > G II Daniel ? , Thos
Ooohran , Lincoln ; J W Dowse , Fremont ;
Mrs L F Helton , Miss U M Casteller , F U
Clandge , Blair ; .Herman Gcncke , L U Kent ,
J J Brown and wife , Mrs J Lymin , Orleans ;
W Wahl and family , Albion ; K D Gould , 13
M La Grange , 0 F Bake , FulIertonjOM
Newall , Cedar Rapid * ; II U Dorsey , S H
SornborRcr , Charles Peiky , Wahoo ; U F
Kuwait , Hastings ; II W Sherwood , lied
Dlottd ; OP Condlt , Mood ; D McLennon , WA-
hoe ; G E Uubbell , Dr J A Inks , Shelby ; A
A Sweet , Hastings ; W F CtitchBeld , P M
llmorr , Fullerton ; U F Cody , Nebraska
ity , lit I Brown , Fullerton , O II Cornell ,
\lti \ Vf Q IliflRins. Valentino ; John Corlino ,
Ft. Nlobrara ; Dr Elmond , North Bend ; Mies
Allio Chamber ; , Niobrara ; 0 W Pool , Tocum-
eh ! G H Jowett , G Ewing and wlfo , Sidney ;
F. M. Htratton and wife , Wahoo ; 0 L Hart ,
Central City ; S H Jones , Wahoo } C L
Wood , North Platte ; H J Lfo , Fremont ; K
W Bell , G F Hnrt , Tccumseh.
Tired , Languid , Dull.
Exactly expresses the condition of thous
ands of people at this ceaion. The de
pressive effects of warm weather and the
weak condition of the body , can only be
corrected by the use of a reliable tonic
and blood pnrlGer Ilka Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla. Why euffer longer when a remedy
Is so C'.OBO ' at hand ? Taku Hood's Sana-
J partita now. It will give you nntold
wealth P In health , strength and energy.
liaclKlr > C forBtftto Fair.
The Indies of tha Firet Presbyterian church
of Lincoln , Neb , will bo prepared to furnish
; oed lodgings during the state f ilr ; nho will
'urul'h lunch on the fair grounds , Applica
tions for lodgings may bo made by letter or in
ier on to S. W , Irnin , 1200 H struct , Lincoln ,
A Sensible Alan
Would use Kemp's Balsam for tha Throat nnd
Lungs. It is curing more caeca of Coughs.
3oldj , Asthma , Bronchiti * , Croup , and all
Throat and Lnug Troubles , than any other
mditlco. The proprietor has authorl/od
3ehroter & Conrad , druggists , No 211 Jfif-
; eenth street , to refund your money , if , after
, akmg three-fourtlu of a bottle , relief is not
obtained. Price CO cents and $1 , Trial sUe
rcc _ _ _
Confidence Men
A man rushed into Rogers' drug store
on Douglas street last evening , and asked
hat Esomo ono telephone immediately for
a policeman , as two confidence men were
after him and were trying to "do him
up , " A telephone message was accord-
ngly sent , and & policeman responded ,
out was unable to Bad the rascals.
Three men ware arrested last night ,
who are evidently crooks , charged with
oelng suspicious characters. They cave
their n&mcs as William Kane , Will King
and John Wllllsmo.
becomes clofltly understood that Dr.
Richmond's Samaritan Norvino is not
only a epcclfico for Epilepsy , Nervaua
Diseases , Liver and Kidney dlteaso ,
Scrofula , and a hcst of other disorders ,
but aha for inebriety , thousands will
rise up and call the diccovorer blessed.
The county commissioners sent out no
tices yesterday asking for scaled bids for coal
for the court house. Bids will be received
until September 1C.
Vnnllln.T.etnnn.Ornnirc , r tc , , flavor CaCuC *
Crcir.i > , l'mlillni.rrt'v.ti > delicately mid lint *
urallyiiXUc fruit l"i nm uhlcli tlieynrauiiide.
rnipinto at TH
Price Balcing Powder Co. ,
ClllGCCO , III. Ot. Loulo , MO.
Dr.Prlco's Qraani Raking Powdar
Dr. Price's Lnpulin Ycnst Gems ,
licit Dry Ito [ . Ycnit
ran THE TiiutanT or iu.
The largest Medical fontlttito West ot
Mlaaloalppl River.
Fifty roomi tcr the acromodatlon of rtlenti. Tin
rliyilcun and burgeon in charicu of the Initltuta hu
had lit n year * ' of kUcceMful practice , nd Ii allied
by osjttRtanU oC rare experience a * fpeclAluU ID
tiiplr varlouv departments.
WKITB rOKCiRCULiKoa Ueformltlci and Bracei ,
MofWojliH , ni , Turaori , Ocetrt , Calinli , VroncM
ill , Inhalation. Klirlrlcltr , faraljili ! Ui > He [ > 7 , Uduc/
ir.Sktn and Ulood lll.iiiri W rite for
ca I'Kivjir , SMClii. and J.KKTOCI plueaiei , ttuiloi
vt e ikmii , Bnerrjitorrbim , SjphlUi , Oleet , Htrictute , Varl
eocMl * aod all dUiatr * of tht Urloarj and 6 zual orxaoj
C i , treated b/correipoDdtoeecr ) ' rioo llj. IXinOdcutlal.
U > dlclt i o bjinallor ( ipreii without marki to InOl
CkUconteat' > or > Ddir , Idrtii alllctteri to
> t
, *
It so that you are intending to buy yourself a
new suit or an overcoat ; if you can find one
to please you in style , price and quality. If so
don'tfail to embrace the opportunity afford
ed you at the Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1119
Earnam Street.
Are all of the most prevoiling styles in cut
and fabrics that the woolen 'mills of America
or Europe place before the public for inspec
tion. There is no question but that
be pleased if they are blessed with a lit
tle faith and wish to wear clothing of charac
ter , cut in proper shape , trimmed with silks ,
atines serges and Italljan cloths. The Misfit
Parlors have found no mistaken idea of the
For they pronounce the Parlors the savings
bank for mankind by patronizing them for
their clothing , as they save from 50 to 100
per cent on every purchase and get the best
purest and cleanest made , as every'garment is
made by a merchant tailor.
Made them expressly for-their customers plac
ing all of his reputation at stake in turning
out the proper garment. Inconsequence of
these garments having
Called for and left upon his hands , he will
readily sacrifice not alone his profits , but to
dispose of them he will sell them for less tban
his first cost. The Misfit Parlors make this a
business by giving it their whole attention.
They employ agents who are assigned to spe c
cial territories throughout the United States
to buy up these garments from the merchant
ship per orders to the Misfit Par
lors , and it is reasonable to say , when these
garments , from so many different merchant
tailors , are found in one stock , that the equal
ections , of elegant and durable clothing
is found nowhere outside of where your at
tention is now directed.
1119 FARNAM STREET , 1119 ,
Or eii Evenings Until 9 O'Clook.